The document provides the color names, RGB values, and hexadecimal codes for various colors. It includes colors like snow, ghost white, white smoke, gainsboro, floral white, and over 100 others. The colors are grouped by hue and shade with lighter versions listed as "Color1" and darker shades listed as "Color4".
The document provides the color names, RGB values, and hexadecimal codes for various colors. It includes colors like snow, ghost white, white smoke, gainsboro, floral white, and over 100 others. The colors are grouped by hue and shade with lighter versions listed as "Color1" and darker shades listed as "Color4".
Original Description:
Tabela muito útil com diversas cores - e o correspondente em hexadecimal
The document provides the color names, RGB values, and hexadecimal codes for various colors. It includes colors like snow, ghost white, white smoke, gainsboro, floral white, and over 100 others. The colors are grouped by hue and shade with lighter versions listed as "Color1" and darker shades listed as "Color4".
The document provides the color names, RGB values, and hexadecimal codes for various colors. It includes colors like snow, ghost white, white smoke, gainsboro, floral white, and over 100 others. The colors are grouped by hue and shade with lighter versions listed as "Color1" and darker shades listed as "Color4".