Actor Network Theory

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Actor Network Theory

The Actor Network theory derives from the work primarily maid by of Bruno Latour, Michel
Callon, and John Law. ANT is a conceptual frame for exploring collective sociotechnical processes,
whose spokespersons have paid particular attention to science and technologic activity. In our case
neither social nor technology are privileged.1
Why should we use ANT ? It is a good analytical strategy which is good for studying things thar are
happening, network of stabilization and to study things that we don’t really know yet that are hard
to grasp. The future of Cord blood registering is yet unknown and there are no 100% proofs that
shows the feasibility of the method to cure diseases.
Actor Network Theory forces us to consider both human and non human actors and to focus on
their actions, rather than the beliefs, values or customs of those involved in curricular change.
Actors are both human and non-human stakeholders who pursue interests which may encourage or
constrain technology (Monteiro and Hanseth, 1996; Walsham, 1997). I could name, patients,
researchers, doctors, companies/owners, stem cells, government, internet, discussion boards, public
opinion, opinion leaders, universities etc. to be actors in this analysis.
These many actors then make up a network aligned to the same technology, and in our case the
technology is the innovative solution to future stem cell cure to diseases. The alignment is achieved
through translation where sometimes innovation might happen. Translating involves showing how
an actor’s non-aligned interests may become aligned in the future. Skills, clinical trials, legislations,
governance and research may all be part of the process of alignment. The fate of the innovation is
therefore in the hands of the next link in the translation chain. The network made by the actors is
therefore a creation of reality. Within the network there are as well actants that could be connected
to each other. Actants enter into networked associations, which then define them. Actants are
considered to have no prior substance or essence, and it is first via the network which they associate
that actants derive their nature. And after that, actants ( WHAT THE HELL IS THE ACTANT
HERE ?????) develop just as the network.
To build an actor network model you need to identify the link of the stakeholders. The actor
network will contain both strong and weak connections; for example strong connections between
the coming mother and her doctor telling her about the solution; but weak connection, between the
coming mother and the criticism she will read about the cord blood banking in the newspaper. The
strength of the connections will influence the enrolment strategies. This will have a big influence on
Session 4,
strategies to align the actor network with the desirable outcome of future disease cure with help of
stem cells. Alignment might involve simplifying the actor network since the more complex the
actor network is the more difficult it is to align (Monteiro and Hanseth, 1996)
It is as well important to identify irreversibility. To what extent do we understand the technology,
patients, governmental decisions etc. Once something is established it might be hard to go back and
change. This requires an understanding of event that has led to the current patients, processes,
technologies and future. Questions need to be asked about past events, the history of stem cell ,
political actions (legislations, possible future insurance policy) and public understanding. These
elements will have significant effects on network acceptance.
Once we have identified actions. The ACT analysis will lead to list of activities designed to
promote the alignment of the actor network. Marketing of the solution via doctors, design of
platform for future mothers, developing strategies enrolling actors, chaning the technology to
promote social acceptance (standardization) and replacing black boxes by more transparent
technology. In the future, the configurations become black boxes, where the project is completed
and the solution will be used by more countries.
The purpose of this Actor Network process is to develop implementation plan to ensure that both
the social acceptance and the technical part is accompanied together.

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