Some specifications that are to be kept in mind while
preparing Report
1. Report shall be computer typed (English- British, Font -Times New Roman, Size-
12 point) and printed on A4 size paper. The headings should be of the size 14
point and Bold in Times New Roman. The paragraph line spacing should be of
1.5 spacing.
2. The Report shall be spiral bound with cover page in white color indicating the
name of the candidate, degree (specifying the branch) ,roll no, session , year of
submission, name of the University including college name shall be printed in
black on the cover [PDF File]
3. The report shall be typed on one side only with single/double space with a margin
3.5 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the top, and 1.25 cm on the right and at bottom.
4. While preparing report follow the sequence as per PDF file enclosed vizz.. the
title page should be given first then the Certificate by the candidate and the
supervisor(s) in sequence, followed by an abstract of the report .This should be
followed by the acknowledgment, list of figures/list of tables,
notations/nomenclature, and then contents with page numbers.
5. References and Bibliography should be included in report.
7. The diagrams should be printed on a light/white background; Tabular matter
should be clearly arranged. Decimal point may be indicated by full stop (.)The
caption for Figure must be given at the BOTTOM of the Fig. and Caption for the
Table must be given at the TOP of the Table.
8. The graphs should be combined for the same parameters for proper comparison.
Single graph should be avoided as far as possible.
9. Conclusions must not exceed more than two pages.
10. The report must consist of following chapters
Chapter 1- Introduction to organization
Chapter 2- Project Review
Chapter 3- Project work
(It can span in two to three sub chapters)
Chapter 4- Results and Discussion
Chapter 5-Conclusions and future scope
Appendix (if any)
11.The report is to be submitted to the department.
12. The report should be at least of 50-60 pages.