Nigeria Vision 2020 Program Plan
Nigeria Vision 2020 Program Plan
Nigeria Vision 2020 Program Plan
Program Plan
April 2009
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. GOVERNANCE................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3. APPROACH ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5. APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................................. 23
The Vision 2020 Program Plan is a comprehensive guide for achieving the objectives of the
Vision 2020 program. It is a key communication tool that drives program planning and provides
the starting position for detailed program mobilization.
This document is a living document and may be updated in the course of the project following
approved change requests.
The intent of Nigeria’s Vision 2020 program is to position Nigeria to become one of the top 20
economies in the world by 2020.
The National Planning Commission and the Vision 2020 Secretariat have been mandated by
the Federal Executive Council (FEC) to produce the Vision 2020 Plan for launching by the
President in October 1 2009.
The Government and the institutional organs have already taken concrete steps towards the
development of the Vision 2020 plan such as:
Provision for the developmental efforts in the 2009 Budget
Development of sectoral strategies for the Vision by some Ministries, Departments and
Agencies (MDAs)
− CBN Financial Sector Strategy 2020
− FIRS 2020 Strategy
− Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS)
Constitution and Inauguration of the Business Support Group (BSG) intended to
engender private sector support for the Vision 2020 process by the National Steering
1.3. Objectives
The key objectives of the Vision 2020 program are to:
1. Stimulate Nigeria’s economic growth and launch the country onto a path of sustained and
rapid socio-economic development
2. Place Nigeria in the bracket of top 20 largest economies of the world by the year 2020
This section provides details of the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders in the
Vision 2020 program. It provides the terms of reference of the various committees/ groups that
will be involved in the visioning process, and other information necessary to understand the
framework of the Vision 2020 program. Six (6) major organs exist in the Vision 2020
framework. These include:
An overview of the Vision 2020 Program Governance Structure is provided in the schematic
Basic Responsibilities
The National Council on Vision 2020 (NCV2020) is the apex of the operational and institutional
arrangement for Nigeria’s V2020.
The responsibility of the NCV 2020 is to provide leadership and direction to galvanize the
nation. The process is a bottom up strategic planning process which will ensure ownership by
all stakeholders.
Terms of Reference
2. To approve the core national priorities to guide the bottom-up visioning process;
3. To ensure the quality of the V2020 plan document, appropriateness of targets and
practicality of strategies;
4. To review progress of work and give further direction to ensure the attainment of the
5. To ensure that all stakeholders are actively involved in the visioning process;
6. To approve a framework for mobilizing resources from private sector and other
stakeholders for the development of Nigeria’s Vision 2020 plan;
7. To approve a comprehensive planning framework that will enable the annual budgets
and medium term harmonized development plans to be in accordance with the
aspiration of NV2020; and
8. To issue any other directives that the Council may consider desirable to bring about the
accomplishment of its tasks.
Chaired by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the NCV2020 will be composed of
the Vice President of Nigeria, The Senate President, Speaker of the House of
Representatives, Executive Governors of Lagos, Imo, Delta, Kwara and Kaduna States,
several Ministers, the CBN governor and other dignitaries. A detailed composition of the
NCV2020 is provided in Appendix I.
The National Council on Vision 2020 will convene according to an internally set meeting
Basic Responsibilities
The National Steering Committee (NSC) on Vision 2020 is the engine room of the visioning
The NSC is responsible for developing the V2020 Implementation Guidelines and Monitoring
and Evaluation (M&E) strategy and for ensuring a bottom-up approach by which all key
Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as well as State, Local Government Areas
(LGAs) etc are encouraged to prepare and implement their “component of the V2020” in line
with the national priorities. The NSC is also responsible for developing a template for preparing
the V2020 strategic plan and periodic Communication on Progress (COP), and will collate
same to prepare the annual performance report for the National Council.
The NSC is chaired by the Minister and Deputy Chairman of the National Planning
Commission (NPC) and its secretariat is domiciled at the NPC. The Secretary to the NSC is
closely assisted by three Deputy Secretaries. In order to allow for inclusiveness, the private
sector is actively involved in the process. In this regard, the Director General of NESG has
been engaged to serve as one of the Deputy Secretaries
Terms of Reference
1. To develop methodology and guidelines for all MDAs, private sector and other
stakeholders to facilitate a systematic bottom-up development of vision 2020;
2. To propose a comprehensive plan for the country that will enable it to achieve the goal
of becoming one of the top 20 economies by 2020;
3. To propose appropriate goals, targets and strategies for achieving the socio-economic
4. To identify and recommend overall national goals and priorities for the approval of the
National Council;
5. To guide and assist all States of the Federation and MDAs to develop their own
components of V2020 in accordance with the guidelines and national priorities
approved by the NV2020;
6. To arrange nation-wide dissemination of programs to pave way for widest buy-in by all
9. To examine the linkages between the various development plans, medium term plan
and annual budget;
11. To commission indepth research for studies on national priority sectors with a view to
providing evidence based development strategy;
12. To undertake any other assignments that might be directed by the National Council on
Vision 2020; and
13. To make any other recommendations that the committee may deem necessary.
Headed by the Hon. Minister, National Planning Commission, the NSC shall consist of about
70 persons with membership drawn from the Public and Private Sectors, including other
national institutions. A detailed composition of the NSC is provided in Appendix II.
The National Steering Committee will convene according to their internally set schedule for the
preparation of the Vision 2020 document.
2.3. Project Steering Committee
Basic Responsibilities
The PSC is created to provide executive steer to the Vision 2020 Program and foster a
compact working relationship between the various working groups and committees.
Terms of Reference
1. To provide strategic oversight of the Vision 2020 Program during the development of
the Vision 2020 report;
2. To provide advice and guidance to the National Steering Committee and the National
Technical Working Groups on key priorities in relation to the Vision 2020 report;
3. To receive and approve briefings and regular progress reports from the NTWGs and
Stakeholder Development Committees;
7. Support communication and engagement with other key stakeholders and development
partners; and
The Project Steering Committee will be chaired by the Honorable Minister, National Planning
and will comprise the following members: Chairman BSG; Secretary to NPC; Director of
Planning, NPC; 3 members of the BSG Secretariat; and the Coordinating Consultants
The Project Steering Committee will convene on the 3rd week of every month throughout the
duration of this program or as deemed necessary by the Chairman.
2.4. National Technical Working Groups
Basic Responsibilities
The National Technical Working Groups [NTWGs] will provide technical support to the National
Steering Committee. The report of the NTWGs will serve as input to the work of National
Steering Committee [NSC] and the stakeholder visioning groups.
Terms of Reference
1. Develop background papers on technical economic related issues for the use of the
National Steering Committee and the Stakeholder Visioning Groups;
3. Defining proposed policy targets, objectives and priorities for sectoral/thematic areas;
4. Prepare the guidelines and template for the communication on progress [COP];
5. Work closely with and also assist the stakeholder groups in preparing their V2020
documents and COPs;
8. Undertake any other assignment that may be designated by the National Steering
The NTWG will comprise 15-20 experts for each thematic area drawn from both the public and
private sector with expertise and passion for the area. To further facilitate private sector
participation each NTWG team will include 2 members of the BSG. Selection of NTWG
members will be drawn from a shortlist with the Vision 2020 Secretariat.
Each thematic area will be led by a Thematic Lead and coordinated by a Thematic Coordinator
both nominated by the NPC. The NTWGS will be assisted by consultants where necessary to
undertake specific studies or research work to provide the data necessary for the working
groups report.
The National Technical Working Groups will convene twice a month until September 30th 2009
when the final NTWG report will be submitted.
2.5. Business Support Group
Basic Responsibilities
The Business Support Group (BSG) is an initiative of the Secretariat of the National Steering
Committee of Vision 2020, intended to engender Private Sector support for the NV2020. The
BSG will have the benefit and opportunity to contribute to the development of visionary policies
and ideas, in particular sectors that will propel Nigeria to achieving the NV2020 goals.
Terms of Reference
The plan is to have a 440 man team comprising dynamic and visionary Business Leaders and
Entrepreneurs of repute and distinction. The BSG will be supported by a secretariat that will
provide administrative and other support to the BSG as the partner to their core function.
The Business Support Group will convene according to set timelines for key events in their
2.6. Vision 2020 Stakeholder Development Committees (SDC)
Basic Responsibilities
The Vision 2020 is a bottom up strategic plan. Thus, the relevant stakeholder groups will
prepare their V2020 documents based on the guidelines approved by the National Council on
V2020 in line with the national goals and priorities.
1. State Governments;
2. MDAs;
The V2020 development committees shall serve as forums where consensus will be built on
issues. The Committees shall also be responsible for preparing sectoral inputs for the V2020
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the various stakeholder V2020 development committees shall be
as follows:
1. Examine background papers on V2020 thematic areas received from the NTWGs;
4. Generate sectoral and other related inputs for the NV2020 Plan;
6. Undertake any other assignment that might be assigned by the National Steering
While the MDAs and other Stakeholder Development Committees are expected to provide
information that will feed into the NV2020 Plan, the State Development Committees will
generate information that will feed into the State V2020 documents using the Federal
Stakeholder Development Committees will establish their own governance structures,
including membership and meeting forums. They will however work to deadlines and
milestones communicated by the Program Management Office.
The Stakeholder Development Committees will convene according to an internally agreed and
set meeting schedule.
Outside of the institutional governance framework, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) will be
consulted from time to time to provide expert input into particular thematic areas. Subject
Matter Experts will include but not be limited to:
Experts from multi-lateral agencies
Nigerians publicly and widely renowned as experts in particular fields who may not have
had the time to serve as NTWGS
Experts from countries which we have chosen to benchmark Nigeria against
The Vision 2020 program involves two workstreams working concurrently over a period
of 7 months as shown in the figure below.
Detailed workplans will be used to guide the day-to-day activities of various working
groups in the course of the Vision 2020 program. Specifically, two levels of workplans
have been developed. These are:
a. Integrated Workplan: This workplan integrates the activities of key stakeholders of the
Vision 2020 planning initiative (vision 2020 secretariat, NSC, PSC, NTWGs, SDCs,
BSGs and consultants). The integrated workplan itemize activities along the two
workstreams defined in section 3.1 above ( ‘Vision 2020 Strategic Plan’ & ‘Program
Coordination Support’ workstreams)
b. Thematic Group Workplans: Each thematic group has a detailed workplan tailored to
reflect specific activities per thematic group.
See Appendix III for the integrated and thematic area work plans.
3.3. Thematic Areas for National Technical Working Groups (NTWGs)
Agreed thematic areas for the NTWGs have been grouped under key sectors for coordination
and reporting purposes as follows:
9. Agriculture & Food Security
10. Finance (inc. Banking, Commerce, Financial Services, Insurance, Capital Market
11. Manufacturing & Agro-Allied
12. Energy (inc. Power, Oil & Gas (Downstream) & Oil & Gas (Upstream))
13. Solid Minerals Development
3.4. Expected Outcomes
Activity Outcomes/ Deliverables Due Date
3.5. Vision 2020 Program Deliverable Templates
3.5.2. Indicative outline for final vision 2020 document
Samples of templates for other thematic area reports and Vision 2020 program deliverables
are provided in Appendix IV.
Set up Program Management Office within National Planning Commission (by 1st April)
Continue and finalize work as stated in harmonized workplan (from 1st April to 30th October)
S/N Member
S/N Member
Appendix II: Composition of the National Steering Committee
S/N Member
9. Permanent Secretary
Federal Ministry of Finance
S/N Member
S/N Member
S/N Member
Appendix III: Integrated and Thematic Area Workplans
Appendix IV: Sample Program Templates