Clinical Chemistry 1 - Notes NPN
Clinical Chemistry 1 - Notes NPN
Clinical Chemistry 1 - Notes NPN
NPN compounds Approx. plasma conc. (of blood NPN; in %) Analytical Approaches:
Specimen Requirement:
Purposes of the reagent:
1. Specimen: serum, plasma, urine
1. used to absorb, therefore separate the creatinine from the other chromogens 2. Fasting not required
2. a trapping agent which removes reactive impurities before the alkaline picrate sol’n is added 3. Serum/plasma is preferred over whole blood
4. Hemolyzed sample should be avoided esp. when using Jaffe method
Oxalic acid 5. Bilirubin, elevated amounts in icteric serum samples causes low creatinine result in the
Kinetic Jaffe and enzymatic methods
Added to PFF which results to the formation of creatinine oxalate which is then absorbed 6. Lipemic samples falsely low results in kinetic jaffe
and held by Lloyd’s reagent in the acid sol’n 7. Fresh specimens are recommended as creatinine and creatine are labile, stable when frozen
Color of “true” creatinine is less resistant to acidification than color of pseudocreatinine and ph of specimen should be maintained at ph7 during storage to minimize conversion
substances 8. Separation of serum and cells is required
9. Levels of alphaketo acids at levels that maybe found in diabetic patients will give falsely high
Advantages of the use of Lloyd’s reagent: values
10. Ascorbate, pyruvate, acetone and glucose will also form a color in the presence of the
1. Kinetic Jaffe method by Romeo reagent – significant (+) error in Jaffe method using PFF
Principle: 11. Drugs: methyldopa, cefoxitin, dopamine – false high
Serum/plasma + alkaline picrate ------> rate of change in A is measured bet 2 time points Antibiotics: cephalosporin – false high with Jaffe’s reaction
Advantages: inexpensive, rapid and easy to do
Disadvantages: still subject to interferences by acids and cephalosporins Clinical Significance:
Bilirubin and hemoglobin give A(-) bias probably due to their destruction A. High creatinine levels
in strong base used 1. Renal diseases (decrease renal blood flow)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Shock
3. Congestive heart failure
2. Indirect Analytical Approaches 4. Muscular dystrophies
2.1 Enzymatic spectrophotometric 5. Decreased urine excretion
B. Low creatinine levels
2.1.1 creatinine + H2O creatininase
---------------> creatine Not associated with any disease
creatinase Due to drug interference
Creatine + H2O -------------> sarcosine + urea
Reference values: 2.3 enzymatic UV-spectrophotometric assay
Male: 0.6-1.2mg/dl (53-106 umol/L) u.a. + 2H2O <-------------> allantoin + CO2 + H2O2
Female: 0.5-1.0mg/dl (44-99 umol/L)
*urinary excretion depends upon: purine, metabolism, renal function acetaldehyde is oxidized to acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase and the simultaneous
*purine rich foods: legumes, visceral organs, sweet breads, shellfish reduction of NADP+ to NADPH, the increase in A is proportional to the u.a. concentration
(initial A is lower than the 2nd reading) @340nm
u.a. has a maximum absorption peak at 285-293nm while allantoin and H2O2 has no
96.8% of uric acid in blood plasma is present as sodium urate or monosodium urate, relatively absorption at this wavelength
insoluble the disappearance of u.a. is indicated by the decrease in light A and is proportional to the u.a.
UA level above 6.4mg/dl, the plasma is saturated, urate crystals may form and be deposited in the initially present in the sample
Or deposited in the gut as UA stones
Not a primary evaluation test for kidney function but serves as a confirmatory check on creatinine Specifications:
and BUN analyses
1. diet
Analytical Assays: 2. specimen: serum/heparinized plasma and urine, potassium oxalate can’t be used since it
combines with phosphotungstate promoting turbidity
3. gross lipemia/grossly turbid sample: erroneously high result
1. Caraway method 4. refrigerate serum sample to avoid bacterial contamination
Direct redox method 5. fluoride and thymol are added as preservatives
Based on the alkalinizing agents such as Na cyanide, Na carbonate 6. elevated bilirubin (3mg/dk) erroneously low results with the enzymatic assay due to
destruction of peroxidase
Principle: 7. ascorbate (vit. C) usually causes low results due to competition of ascorbate with
u.a. (serum) + phosphotungstic acid <----------->
NaCN (blue) tungsten + allantoin + CO 2 chromogen as a hydrogen donor in the reaction
*competition is eliminated by including K ferricyanide and ascorbic acid oxidase in the
reagent to oxidize ascorbate. This occurs in the uricase/H2O2 coupled reaction.
u.a. is oxidized by phosphotungstic acid to allantoin in the presence of sodium carbonate 8. Hemolysis releases nonspecific reducing substance such as ergothionine, glutathione,
phosphotungstic acid – reduced to tungsten by u.a.; color developer and oxidizing agent tyrosine, ascorbic acid and glucose, which, like u.a., reduce phosphotungstic acid
sodium carbonate – provides the alkaline (buffer) medium necessary for adequate color
development Reference values:
2. Coupled Enzymatic Assay
2.1 Blaunch and Koch Method Male: 3.5-7.2mg/dl
An enzymatic method Female: 2.6-6.0mg/dl
Utilizes the uricase enzyme
Enzymatic-colorimetric analysis
Aka uricase method *SI unit in mmol/L
A coupled enzymatic reduction assay
Principle: Causes of increased plasma uric acid:
u.a uricase
--------> allantoin + CO2 + H2O2 1. Increased dietary intake
2. Increased urate production: gout, treatment of myeloproliferative disease with cytotoxic
H2O2 + o-aminobenzenoic acid + MBTH ------> blue chromogen (w/ an A at 520nm) drugs
3. Decreased excretion: lactic acidosis, toxemia of pregnancy, glycogen storage disease type 1 B
*MBTH – 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (glucose-6-phosphate deficiency), drug therapy, poisons (lead, alcohol), renal disease
4. Catabolic pathway enzyme defects: Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
2.2 Coupled Enzymatic-Spectrophotometric Assay
H2O2 + 3,5 DCHBS + 4-aminophenazone ------------------> red dye complex
1. O-aminobenzoic acid
2. MBTH – produces color with absorbance in the visible region