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Vdi Server Sizing and Scaling: Vmware Infrastructure 3

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VMware Infrastructure 3

VDI Server Sizing

and Scaling
VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is a PC management solution for enterprise desktop
administrators. VDI is a server-based computing offering that provides desktop environments as
an enterprise hosted service. VDI allows administrators to maintain and manage all user
applications, data, and environments in the centrally located data center. VDI provides a true,
isolated PC environment while sharing underlying hardware resources. VDI allows
administrators to provide PC environments with all the benefits of virtualization — central
management, hardware consolidation, and resource flexibility.
This white paper describes the testing methodology, results, and analysis and sizing guidelines
for setting up Virtual Desktop Infrastructure using VMware Infrastructure 3. It covers the
following topics:
• Understanding Virtual Desktop Infrastructure on page 1
• Server Capacity Overview on page 3
• Test Environment on page 3
• Performance Results on page 7
• Summary of Results on page 17
• Setting Up the Tests on page 18
• References on page 19

Understanding Virtual Desktop

A thin-client architecture enabled through VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure provides a
new way to address enterprise desktop problems such as security, manageability, reliability, and
uniformity of working environments.
VDI makes it possible to build a thin-client infrastructure that optimizes usability, manageability,
total cost of ownership, and flexibility. Complete desktop environments can run in virtual
machines on datacenter servers and can be accessed by end users from any PC or thin client on
the corporate network. This solution provides IT with centralized control over desktop
computing resources and their data as well as the ability to consolidate virtual machines and

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

optimize resource utilization across the datacenter. Users gain the flexibility of being able to
access their complete desktop environment from any location from any client.

Outsourced Company VMware


VMware Backup Storage

ESX Server

VMware Virtual Infrastructure

(Host IT Data Center)
Desktop Clients
running remote
display software

VDI is built on VMware Infrastructure. In its most basic implementation, enterprise desktops are
hosted on VMware Infrastructure and users connect to them using a remote protocol such as
RDP. Other protocols such as VNC or third-party applications such as Radmin, GraphOn, and
pcAnywhere can be used for remote access, as well.

VDI Benefits
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure offers the following key benefits:
• Desktop environments are isolated.
• Data is secure in the data center.
• All applications work in a virtual machine.
• Normal management tools work in a virtual machine.
• Images are managed centrally.
• Hardware can be consolidated.
• Desktops are always on and always connected.
• Users have access to their desktops from anywhere.

Going Beyond the Basics

An enterprise-class deployment requires customers to leverage additional features of the
VMware Infrastructure 3 suite such as Dynamic Resource Scheduling and High Availability
Services. The enterprise-level load balancing provided by Dynamic Resource Scheduling will be
of particular interest.
And for many customers it will be particularly important to use a partner product or the
VirtualCenter SDK to create a VDI portal that can manage user access and user sessions.
VMware has teamed up with leading technology vendors and service providers in the VDI
Alliance to offer comprehensive solutions for VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
deployments. These partners span a range of technologies, including servers, thin terminals,
user management, application provisioning, and related software. More information is available
on the VMware Web site. For a link, see References on page 19.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Server Capacity Overview

The actual number of desktops that a specific configuration of servers can support varies
depending on such hardware characteristics as the processor type, the amount of memory
installed, the storage configuration, the network configuration, the remote protocol used, and
the demands of individual users (typing speed, applications used, frequency of access, and so
forth). We ran experiments to study two such workloads with clients using the RDP protocol for
remote display. We ran the experiments multiple times and the same capacity results were seen.
The details are described in Light Worker Workload on page 18 and Heavy Worker Workload on
page 19. Unless otherwise stated, all ESX Server and guest operating system parameters were
left at their default settings. The number of desktops that can be comfortably supported on ESX
Server 3.0 running on an HP ProLiant DL 385 G1 server with two dual-core 2.2GHz Opteron
processors under our test loads is shown in Table 1.

Workload Number of Desktops Desktop Activation Desktop Configuration

Light worker 42 Resume from suspended Windows XP SP2 256MB
state guest
Heavy worker 26 Resume from suspended Windows XP SP2 384MB
state guest

Table 1

Test Environment
The key components of the test environment are shown in figure 1 and listed below.

ESX Server Web server

clients applications

guest operating
guest operating
guest operating

25 client
Network switch

ESX Server
running desktops

25 client
Figure 1 — Test environment

Server Running Desktops

Server Hardware
• HP ProLiant DL385 G1
• Processor (two-way, dual core): AMD Opteron 2.2GHz
• Memory: 16GB

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

• Networking: 2 Broadcom dual-port gigabit Ethernet adapters

• Storage: 2 Ultra 320 SCSI (2 × 146GB disks, 15,000 rpm) configured as RAID 0

Server Software and Configuration

• ESX Server 3.0, Build 27701
• Service console memory: 384MB
• All virtual machines and service console connected to the same virtual switch uplinked to
a physical Ethernet adapter

Desktop Virtual Machine Configurations

• CPU: Single virtual CPU
• Memory: 256MB (light worker case); 384MB (heavy worker case)
• Connectivity: vmxnet
• Virtual disk: 2GB with BusLogic SCSI controller
• Guest operating system: Windows XP Professional with SP2
• VMware Tools installed
• Guest operating system configured to go into standby mode after 10 minutes of inactivity

Web Server
• Dell PowerEdge 350, 851MHz Intel Celeron Processor, 768MB memory

• Dell PowerEdge 350, 851MHz Intel Celeron Processor, 512MB memory

Servers Running Clients

Server hardware
• 2 HP ProLiant DL385 G1
• Processor (two-way, single core): AMD Opteron 2.6GHz
• Memory: 8GB
• Storage: 2 Ultra 320 SCSI drives (2 × 73GB disks, 15,000 rpm) configured as RAID 0

Server Software and Configuration

• ESX Server 2.5.3, Build 22699
• Service console memory: 384MB

Client Virtual Machine Configurations

• Guest operating system: Windows XP Professional with SP2
• Virtual disk: 4GB with BusLogic SCSI controller
• Memory: 256MB
Note: Timing numbers reported within a virtual machine can be inaccurate, especially when
the processor is overcommitted. Although the clients run the benchmark workloads, the timing
(DU time) used in this benchmark is measured from the controller machine. Further, timing was
carefully monitored during the experiments to ensure that time was kept accurately during the
course of these experiments. For a discussion of timing issues in virtual machines, see the paper
Timekeeping in VMware Virtual Machines. For a link, see References on page 19.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

• 100 Mbps network connection between clients and servers
• Remote protocol: RDP

Workload Design
Terminal Server scripts are used to generate load on the desktops from the remote clients. The
scripts use the tbscript.exe interpreter available as a part of robokit (Windows Server 2003
Resource Kit) from the Microsoft Web site. For details, see References on page 19. Two different
user scenarios are tested in accordance with Gartner Group recommendations (heavy worker
and light worker), though these workloads provide only a rough approximation of the
workloads generated by actual users doing real work. The applications, features, and data sets in
the scenarios are representative but limited. In addition, the activity is sustained at a steady pace
over a period of one or two hours, with no long breaks and a repetitive set of actions using the
same functions and data sets. The workloads are described in Heavy Worker Workload on
page 19 and Light Worker Workload on page 18.
To capture a realistic customer scenario, each client connects to a single desktop. This is
important in a benchmark environment because if a physical system hosts more than one client,
the network traffic characterization will be different from that of a real customer situation. The
clients run the benchmark on the desktops in a timely fashion, managed by the controller
program to inject more users to generate more load on the server. The controller uses the open
source STAF interface to start the workload from each client against a single virtual machine. For
details on the STAF interface, see References on page 19.
Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of the benchmark behavior. The controller for the
benchmark uses the VirtualCenter SDK to activate the desktop.
Total CPU Utilization

Virtual Machine 1 Workload

Virtual Machine 2 Workload
Virtual Machine 3 Activation

Virtual Machine 1 Workload

Virtual Machine 2 Activation

Virtual Machine 1 Activation

Figure 2 — Benchmark behavior
The benchmark activates the virtual machines one at a time. After the first virtual machine is
resumed from suspended state, the controller program waits for two minutes before starting
the load script from the first client. As seen in the graph, the CPU utilization climbs due to the
resume operation. That climb is followed by a short idling phase, during which CPU utilization
dips slightly. This is followed by the benchmark phase, which causes CPU utilization to climb
again. Another desktop is added to the system, and the second client is used to run the
workload against the newly added desktop. The workload is run in a loop in each virtual

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

machine. Therefore the cumulative CPU Utilization in the system increases with the addition of
new desktops. This process continues until the benchmark terminates.
The desktops are kept in suspended state at the Windows logon screen to avoid complete reset
operations, which consume considerably more CPU resources and add more burstiness in the
workload behavior. The desktops are not powered on before the test cycle begins because
idling virtual machines consume CPU resources. Consequently, the results of such a test would
not provide an accurate analysis of the change in end user behavior with addition of more
desktops in the system.

Determining the Termination Point

The first client is treated as a canary client. The canary client runs the complete script —
generating heavy or light load, depending on the workload of the current test. The time it takes
the canary client to run the complete script without failures is called a desktop unit (DU) and is
used in determining when to terminate the benchmark.
The controller program observes the DU time for each iteration of the workload by the canary
client and determines whether the benchmark should be continued based on the termination
criteria. If the time taken for the iteration is more than 10 percent above that required for the
previous iteration — or if any portion of the script fails as a result of predefined timeouts — the
server is considered to have reached its maximum capacity. That point marks the benchmark
Note: Since the termination occurs as a result of the addition of the last desktop, the maximum
number of supported desktops for a particular configuration is the number of desktops running
at the termination point minus one.
In order to determine the server profile under load, we collected statistics even after the
benchmark termination point. We collected the server statistics using the ESXTOP utility
available on ESX Server at one-minute intervals.

Interpreting the Results

Since VMware does not provide the remote protocol and the latencies will vary based on the
protocol used and the physical distance between the clients and the desktops (LAN or WAN
deployment), we do not monitor the latencies for specific GUI operations during the workload.
We show the time taken to complete the DU, giving results that are helpful for capacity planning
purposes. The results capture high level performance characteristics by measuring the change
in latencies of the complete iterations (in minutes) but do not provide a qualitative analysis of
remote performance for specific GUI operations.
Any interpretation of the results and analyses presented in this paper must take into account the
nature of the test workload. Workloads that involve different applications, different data sets, and
different activity patterns will yield different results. Thus, the results shown here are only
suggestive and do not indicate the best or worst performance that may be seen in a real-world
deployment of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Performance Results
The descriptions and charts below summarize the results for the light and heavy workloads used
in the tests.

Light Worker Workload

The light worker workload is a representation of a data entry worker. It uses components of
Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel, in a
robotic fashion. The workload details are described in Light Worker Workload on page 18

Figure 3— Light worker CPU load profile

Figure 3 shows the CPU load on the system as the number of desktops running on the ESX
Server host increases. The CPU load on the system increases linearly until the termination point,
which marks the conservative maximum acceptable load on the system. One of the clients
failed because the latencies for some GUI operations exceeded the predefined timeouts after
resuming the 43rd desktop. Following the benchmark methodology, the number of desktops
supported in this configuration is therefore 42.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Figure 4 — Light worker memory load profile

Figure 4 shows the memory load profile on the host system. The vertical axis shows the
percentage of total memory that has been used by the system.
The points showing MemExpected %Used represent the sum of the total amount of memory
needed by the running virtual machines, cumulative virtualization memory overhead, memory
used by the service console, and memory used by the ESX Server kernel. The points showing
MemTotal %Used, in contrast, represent the aggregate amount of memory actually used by the
system, including all the elements listed above.
The difference between the MemTotal %Used and the MemExpected %Used points in figure 4 is
due to page sharing optimization in ESX Server.
In the above graph, the average virtualization memory overhead used for each guest is 30MB, as
observed in the data collected using ESXTOP. The memory overhead indicates the current
memory overhead and not the reserved memory overheads for the virtual machine. Overhead
memory includes space reserved for the virtual machine frame buffer and various virtualization
data structures. Overhead memory depends on the number of virtual CPUs, on the configured
memory for the guest operating system, and on whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit guest
operating system.
For additional details about memory resource management, see Resource Management Guide:
ESX Server 3.0 and VirtualCenter 2.0 , page 121 (Understanding Memory Overhead). See
References on page 19 for a link.
As seen in the graph, there is enough memory in the system to support more guests, but the
benchmark terminates before the system is CPU- or memory-saturated. Generally for remote
access workloads, due to the bursty nature of desktop applications, the latencies for operations
increase drastically after the CPU load on the system is 80 to 90 percent. It is therefore
recommended to keep 80 percent CPU utilization as the upper bound for maximum capacity
The benefits of page sharing are conspicuous only after the number of running desktops
reaches a certain level. The difference between the percentage of memory expected to be used

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

and the actual percentage of total memory used in the system increases with the number of
active desktops, which indicates the rise in page sharing gains as more desktops are added.
The page sharing benefit seen in figure 4 can be attributed to the fact that all the desktops are
Windows XP virtual machines. The results cannot be generalized to a mix of guest operating
systems. The page sharing benefits also depend on the kinds of applications used by the guests.
Further benefits from sharing zero pages will be reduced if the guests run many applications
and therefore use all the allocated physical memory.

Figure 5— Light worker disk I/O load profile

Figure 5 shows the disk I/O profile during the workload. The spikes seen in the graph indicate
the operations to resume a virtual machine from suspended state. The other disk reads and
writes can be attributed to the office applications running inside the guests, such as reading and
writing Excel sheets and writing a Word document to disk. The disk I/O and network I/O
behavior are mostly reflections of the kinds of activity going on in the guest once the guest is
powered on.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Figure 6— Light worker network I/O load profile

Figure 6 shows the network I/O behavior during the workload. The light worker workload
consists of visiting some Web pages with graphics, and therefore the network I/O profile shows
a good load of receive and transmit traffic from the ESX Server host. The majority of receive
traffic is Web pages requested by the guests. The transmit traffic increases mostly because of the
screen updates going to the RDP clients connected to the desktops running on the ESX Server.
Note: The traffic shown above is the total traffic going out on the wire from the ESX Server
host. It includes the bidirectional traffic to the clients and the bidirectional traffic to the Web
server. The traffic will vary based on the remote protocol used and the optimizations in the
remote protocol for different connection speeds.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Figure 7 — Light worker canary client profile

Figure 7 shows the canary client profile. The time taken for each DU remains the same despite
the increasing CPU load on the system. As shown in the figure, the DU time stays flat with some
variation per iteration, which suggests that even with the increasing CPU load in the system, the
ESX Server scheduler is fair to the canary guest and to the other guests. The benchmark
terminated because a script on one of the clients failed to run to completion, not because of an
increase in DU time.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Light Worker Workload with Cold Reset

For the results shown in the preceding graphs, the benchmark script activates the desktop for a
user by resuming it from suspended state. The desktops are suspended at the Windows log-on
Another way of activating the desktop for a remote user is to use the power-on operation that
corresponds to a cold reset for a physical machine.

Figure 8 — Light worker cold-reset activation CPU load profile

Figure 8 shows the CPU load profile for a case using a cold reset. Compared to resuming from
suspended state, the power-on operation is more CPU intensive. As a result, the CPU utilization
of every desktop is very high for a brief period, shown by the spikes and dips in the graph. This
situation is highlighted to demonstrate the fact that different desktop activation schemes may
result in different behavior. One of the clients failed after powering on the 41st desktop,
therefore this configuration supports 40 desktops. The other characteristics — such as memory
load, disk I/O, and network I/O behavior— remain the same and are not shown here.
As seen in the graph, desktop activation policy also affects the capacity of the system. Therefore,
consider keeping virtual machines in suspended state or in standby mode if all users activate
their desktops in a short period of time. For details on standby mode, see Heavy Worker
Workload with ESX Server 3.0 ACPI S1 Feature on page 16.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Heavy Worker Workload

The heavy worker workload is a representation of a knowledge worker. It uses components of
Microsoft Office, including Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel, in a
robotic fashion. The workload details are described in Heavy Worker Workload on page 19.

Figure 9 — Heavy worker CPU load profile

Figure 9 shows the CPU load on the system as the number of desktops running on the ESX
Server host increases. The CPU load on the system increases linearly until the termination point,
which marks the conservative maximum acceptable load on the system. The termination criteria
are met after the 27th desktop is powered on. One of the clients failed because the latencies for
some GUI operations exceeded the predefined timeouts after resuming the 27th desktop,
therefore this configuration supports 26 desktops.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Figure 10 — Heavy worker memory load profile

Figure 10 shows the memory profile during the workload. The graph shows the actual memory
percentage use reported by ESX Server.
The points showing MemExpected %Used represent the sum of the total amount of memory
needed by the running virtual machines, cumulative virtualization memory overhead, memory
used by the service console, and memory used by the ESX Server kernel. The points showing
MemTotal %Used, in contrast, represent the aggregate amount of memory actually used by the
system, including all the elements listed above.
The difference between the MemTotal %Used and the MemExpected %Used points in figure 10
is due to page sharing optimization in ESX Server.
In the above graph, the average virtualization memory overhead used for each guest is 35MB, as
observed in the data collected using ESXTOP. During the heavy worker workload, as in the light
workload case, the benefits of page sharing are conspicuous only after the number of running
desktops reaches a certain level.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Figure 11 — Heavy worker disk I/O profile

Figure 12 — Heavy worker network I/O profile

Figures 11 and 12 show the disk I/O and network I/O behavior of the host system during the
workload. As mentioned before, the disk and network I/O profiles are dependent on the guest
activity and therefore will vary with users’ activity. In this case, the guest workload runs through
a PowerPoint presentation, then loads and saves an Excel sheet, so there is some disk activity. In
figure 6, the disk read spikes indicate the operations that resume desktops from the suspended
state. Similarly, since the workload streams a PowerPoint presentation across the network, the
network throughput is more aggressive than it would be if driven by the expected work pattern
of an average user. In the test load, network transmit activity totally dominates the network

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

traffic. In this graph, the network receive throughput can be attributed to incoming RDP

Figure 13 — Heavy worker canary client profile

Figure 13 shows the time the canary client takes to run each desktop unit. The canary client
completes the batch of operations that constitutes the heavy worker workload and runs in a
loop. As seen in the case of the light worker workload, the DU time stays flat with little variation
from iteration to the next. The benchmark terminated because a script on one of the clients
failed to run to completion, not because of an increase in DU time.

Heavy Worker Workload with ESX Server 3.0 ACPI S1 Feature

For the results shown in the preceding graphs, the benchmark script activates the desktop for a
user by resuming it from suspended state. The desktops are suspended at the Windows log-on
Another way of of activating the virtual machines is to power on approximately the number of
desktop virtual machines you estimate the host can support, with the virtual machines
configured to go into standby mode after a certain fixed interval. ESX Server 3.0 introduces new
power management options to determine how the virtual machine responds when the guest
operating system is placed on standby. In this case the Windows XP desktops are configured to
Wake on LAN for virtual machine traffic on the default virtual machine network. When any
network traffic arrives for a virtual machine, it seamlessly wakes up from standby mode.
In this case we powered on 28 desktops and waited for approximately 15 minutes before
starting the benchmark on the virtual machines. This allowed enough time for the virtual
machines to go into standby mode. The effect is shown in the early phase of figure 14.
The controller program waits for three minutes between the time it starts the workload against
one client and the time it starts the workload on the next client. The figure shows the increase in
CPU utilization due to the increase in the load from the clients.
As seen in the previous case, the termination criteria are met after the 27th desktop is powered
on. One of the clients failed because the latencies for some GUI operations exceeded the

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

predefined timeouts after resuming the 27th desktop, therefore this configuration supports 26

Figure 14 — Heavy worker CPU load profile using ACPI features

This illustrates the fact that keeping the virtual machines in standby mode using the Wake on
LAN option is another useful activation scheme for desktop hosting. Compared to the resume
from suspended state or cold reset option, this activation scheme offers very fast activation (on
the order of a few seconds) as it is based on the Wake on LAN feature. The end user does not
have to wait for the desktop to resume in such a deployment scheme.
Details of how to configure the virtual machines for power management are described in Basic
System Administration: ESX Server 3.0 and VirtualCenter 2.0, p. 150. See References on page 19 for a

Summary of Results
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure provides a new approach to host desktops on servers using
VMware Infrastructure. It provides complete isolation between different desktops running on
the ESX Server along with the always-available remote access functionality.
This paper illustrates the methodology you can use when determining the server capacity
needed for a VDI deployment.
We looked into two different workloads for capacity planning guidelines. For a light worker
workload an HP DL 385 G1 server could support 42 Windows XP virtual machines. For a heavy
worker workload the same server supported 26 Windows XP virtual machines.
The results are conservative, however, with a server considered to be at capacity when the client
fails either due to a 10 percent increase in the canary time observed for the workload or when a
client script fails due to predefined timeouts.
In assessing your own server needs, keep this conservative approach in mind — along with
differences between the artificial test workloads and the actual workloads generated by your
real-world users. Use this analysis and your own testing to determine the server capacity needed
to support the number of desktops you plan to deploy, taking peak workloads into account and

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

leaving appropriate room for growth. The best test is with your own workload, since the
consolidation ratio depends on load, as this study has shown.

Setting Up the Tests

This paper presents the results of tests using the hardware configurations and workloads
described below.

Hardware Configuration for Server Running Desktops

One HP ProLiant DL385 G1. Two 2.2GHz AMD Opteron dual-core processors, 16GB RAM, 2 Ultra
320 SCSI drives (2 × 146GB disks, 15,000 rpm)

Hardware Configuration for Servers Running Clients

Two HP ProLiant DL385 G1. Two 2.6GHz AMD Opteron single-core processors, 8GB RAM, 2 Ultra
320 SCSI drives (2 × 73GB disks, 15,000 rpm)

VMware Product Use and Virtual Machine Configuration

• VMware product: ESX Server 3.0, build 27701 (in server running desktops)
• VMware product: ESX Server 2.5.3, build 22699 (in servers running clients)
• Virtual Ethernet adapter: vmxnet
• Disk: SCSI, BusLogic
• Floppy: No
• CD-ROM: No
• USB: No
• Sound: No
• VMware Tools installed: Yes
• Local or remote VMware Console: No
• Guest operating system: Windows XP SP2
• Network connection between the desktops and clients: 100Mbps

Light Worker Workload

The light worker workload is designed to simulate data entry workers.
Data entry workers input data into computer systems
Example jobs include transcription, typing, order entry, clerical work, and manufacturing.

Steps in the Light Worker Workload

1. Connect to a Windows XP virtual machine and log on.
2. Do the following in a loop:
a. Start Internet Explorer. Load a Web page with heavy graphics. Close Internet Explorer.
b. Start Word. Type a small document. Close Word.
c. Start Excel. Open an Excel sheet. Close Excel.
d. Start Internet Explorer. Load a Web page with heavy graphics. Close Internet Explorer.

VDI Server Sizing and Scaling

Heavy Worker Workload

The heavy worker workload is designed to simulate knowledge workers.
Knowledge workers are defined as workers who gather, add value to, and communicate
information in a decision support process. Cost of downtime is variable but highly visible. These
resources are driven by projects and ad hoc needs towards flexible tasks. These workers make
their own decisions on what to work on and how to accomplish their tasks.
Example jobs include marketing, project management, sales, desktop publishing, decision
support, data mining, financial analysis, executive and supervisory management, design, and

Steps in the Heavy Worker Workload

1. Connect to a Windows XP virtual machine and log on.
2. Do the following in a loop:
a. Start PowerPoint. Load a massive presentation and browse the slides. Close PowerPoint.
b. Start Internet Explorer. Browse three different Web pages. Close Internet Explorer.
c. Start Command Prompt. Do a directory listing.
d. Start PowerPoint. Load a massive presentation and browse the slides. Close PowerPoint.
e. Start Excel. Open an Excel sheet. Close Excel.
f. Start PowerPoint. Load a massive presentation and browse the slides. Close PowerPoint.
g. Start Word. Type a small document. Close Word.

Basic System Administration: ESX Server 3.0 and VirtualCenter 2.0.
Microsoft Windows 2003 Resource Kit Tools (rktools.exe)
Resource Management Guide: ESX Server 3.0 and VirtualCenter 2.0
Timekeeping in VMware Virtual Machines
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Alliances

VMware, Inc. 3145 Porter Drive Palo Alto, CA 94304 www.vmware.com

Copyright © 1998-2006 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,397,242, 6,496,847,
6,704,925, 6,711,672, 6,725,289, 6,735,601, 6,785,886, 6,789,156, 6,795,966, 6,880,022 6,961,941, 6,961,806 and 6,944,699;
patents pending. VMware, the VMware “boxes” logo and design, Virtual SMP and VMotion are registered trademarks or
trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks and names mentioned
herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Revision 20060825 Item: VI-ENG-Q306-261


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