Local Area Networks

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local area networks.

The proliferation of WiFi devices is a success story in

standards development and represents a market that generates over $750 million
per quarter in sales worldwide (Infonetics Research). Most computer systems,
particularly laptops, are shipped with WiFi-compliant hardware and
software as a standard feature. For example, even the least expensive laptop
available at Wal-Mart is WiFi equipped. Further, the equipment necessary to
set up your own WAN—with existing computers and existing Internet service—
can be obtained for less than $100.
A number of organizations have chosen to make WiFi access freely available
to any who would wish to connect. Dartmouth College offers free WiFi
over its entire campus; Panera Bread and many CompUSA stores throughout
the nation offer free WiFi access; Bradley International Airport in Connecticut
and Ft. Lauderdale Airport in Florida provides free WiFi access.WiFi is a technology
that is far from being in use only by the technologically advanced early
adopters, and it is now clearly mainstream in its adoption and use.

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