Unnormalized Database of Library

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Unnormalized database of library:


Id student Name Number of books Section Id book

Library staff

id lib Name Department

Books and journals

Id book Name Author Publication


id member Id book Name Department

Vendor of books

Id vendor Id book Company name Publication Telephone no.

Issue books

Id student Date of issue Date of return Fine


Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in the database. There are two aims
of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data and ensuring that the database design
does not suffer from any update, delete, and insert anomalies.

First normal form

In this form all the multi valued attributes are removed.


Id student Name Number of books Section Id book

In this table none of attributes are multi valued. All the attributes have only single values.

Library staff

id lib Name Department

In this table also all the attributes are single valued.

Books and journals

Id book Name Author Publication

Here also all the attributes will be single valued.


id member Id book Name Department

All the attributes have only single values here. No commas will be involved in any of the

Vendor of books
Id vendor Id book Company name Publication Telephone no.

In this table telephone numbers can be multi valued as one vendor can have more than one
phone number. Hence separate table has to constructed so as to remove the redundant data
tables from the database.
Id vendor Id books Company Publication
Id vendor Telephone no. name

Second normal form:

The data tables are already in second form as all the non key attributes are fully functional on
the primary keys.

Third normal form

This database is in third normal form as there is no transitive dependency. All the non key
attributes are only dependent on the key attributes.


Name: Harsha Babry

Enrl no.: 09BS0000851

Section: F

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