Veni Creator Spiritus and Traslation

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Searching a better translation of this quite famous hymn:

Veni, Creator Spiritus, Come, creator spirit,

mentes tuorum visita. visit the hearts of your people.

Imple superna gratia Fill with supernal grace

quae tu creasti pectora. the hearts you have made.

Qui diceris Paraclitus, You who are the comforter,

Altissimi donum Dei, gift of the highest God,

fons vivus, ignis, caritas, living fount, fire, love,

et spiritalis unctio. and balm for the spirit:

Tu septiformis munere, bestow the sevenfold gifts,

digitus paternae dexterae, you finger of the hand of God [Father]

tu rite promissum Patris, fulfill the Father’s promise,

sermone ditans guttura. enriching us with holy speech.

Accende lumen sensibus, Kindle light in our senses,

infunde amorem cordibus, pour love into our hearts,

infirma nostri corporis, strengthen our weak bodies

virtute firmans perpeti. with abiding courage.

Hostem repellas longius, You drive the foe far off,

pacemque dones protinus, and grant lasting peace;

ductore sic te praevio, thus with you leading us,

vitemus omne noxium. may we avoid all harm.

Per te sciamus da Patrem, Through you may we know

noscamus atque Filium, the Father, and the Son as well,

teque utriusque Spiritum and in you, the Spirit, with them both,

credamus omni tempore. may we have faith forever.

Deo Patri sit gloria, Show us, father, most loving,

et Filio qui a mortuis him who is one with you,

surrexit, ac Paraclito reigning with the spirit comforter

in saeculorum saecula. Amen through every age.

Translation: Susan Hellauer

The last strophe is quite different of the original. A literal translation may be like that:

Be glory To the Father,

ant to the San, who from the dead

Raised, and to the Advocate,

for ever and ever. Amen.

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