HR / Payroll Cycle: ATG 383 - Spring 2002
HR / Payroll Cycle: ATG 383 - Spring 2002
HR / Payroll Cycle: ATG 383 - Spring 2002
• Revenue Cycle
• Hiring unqualified
• Violation of employment
• Inappropriate incentive
Threats the Payroll System Can Address
• Unauthorized changes to
payroll master file
• Inaccurate time data
– What if employee X clocks in
for employee Y?
Threats the Payroll System Can Address
• Loss or unauthorized
disclosure of data
Outsourcing Payroll Processing
• Many companies use
an outside service
bureau for payroll
– Benefits?
– Risks?
Accounting for Human Resources
Example of HRM System
Core HRM System
• Biographical data
Name, address, employee id.
Service history.
• Establishment (Position) Data
Position title.
Position occupancy
Recruitment Module
Administer advertising of vacant positions
Generate advices to applicants
Archive unsuccessful applicant records
Administer EEO incident claims
Competency Management
Assemble and analyze corporate training needs
Identify corporate and individuals' skills deficits
Match competencies to position, project, and
workforce requirements
Identify training strategies which impact on
employee performance
Performance Appraisal
Administer employee performance plans and
Ensure that performance appraisals and plans are
conducted on schedule
Record performance assessments and decisions
concerning employee performance
Record employee comments concerning their
performance assessments