Bob Teal MagnaPulsion US4024421

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United States Patent 191 Teal an 4,024,421 45) May 17, 197 [54] MAGNETICALLY OPERABLE ENGINE OR POWER PLANT [76] Inventor: Benjiman R. Teal, 611 Marion St. NW., Madison, Fla. 32340 [22] Filed: Mar. 24, 1976 [21] Appl. No.: 669,900 [52] US. CL... 310/24; 310/34; 310/35 {51} Int CL nnn snnen HORK 7106 [58] Field of Search 310/23, 24, 34, 35, 310/32 (561 References Cited UNITED STATES PATENTS 568,947 10/1896 Hicks .. 310/24 131,614 3/1915 Radtke 310124 13471002 7/1920 Baule 310/24 1'886,040 11/1932 Moodyman 310124 21056,719 10/1936 Geinaw 310135 x 2,639,544 5/1953 Coffin 310/35 X 3,688,136 8/1972 Salverdo 310/24 3,832,608 9/1974 Mills 310135 x Primary Examiner—Donovan F. Duggan Attorney, Agent, or Firm—J. Wesley Everett (57) ABSTRACT ‘A magnetically operable engine or power plant em- bodying a rotary crankshaft having two or more offset cranks which, by means of respective connecting rods pivoted thereto, and also to the sliding cores or arma- tures of electromagnets, are actuated to apply torque to the crankshaft for driving purposes. Electrical current is supplied to the magnet windings by fixed distributor switches which are successively operated by one or ‘more cams effectively mounted on the crankshaft, the switches receiving pulses of current in timed relation- ship and in such a manner that torque is continuously to the crankshaft. 2 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures 4,024,421 Sheet 1 of 2 U.S. Patent May 17, 1977 zi f { SETS HTT Us U.S. Patent 40. May 17, 1977 Sheet 2 of 2 4,024,421 FIG. & 28 4 104 1-104 36: 1 MAGNETICALLY OPERABLE ENGINE OR POWER PLANT ‘The present invention relates to a magnetically oper- able engine or power plant which, in a general way, functions in the manner of an internal combustion engine in that it employs a rotary crankshaft having offset cranks which derive their motion from power driven reciprocating members. Unlike a conventional ‘combustion engine, the reciprocating members, instead ‘of being motivated by the explosion of combustible ‘gases in a combustion chamber, are caused to recipro- ‘cate by magnetic attraction, such members being in the form of cores or armatures which are associated with electromagnets, there being at least one magnet for each crank, Motivating current impulses are succes- sively supplied to the various magnets by distributor means embodying respective normally open circuit making and breaking devices which are successively closed by one or more cams that rotate with the cam- shaft. The basic principle involved in thus applying torque to the crankshaft may appropriately be referred ipulsion” (a coined word) and such term may be employed where appropriate throughout this, specification. ‘The present magnetically operable engine or power plant is capable of being used as a power source in connection with a wheeled automotive vehicle of either the passenger-carrying type or as a toy automobile. Its, also capable of being used as a fixedly mounted power plant for driving adjacent machinery of various sorts, but, irrespective of the particular use to which the invention may be put, the essential features thereof are at all times preserved, ‘The provision of an engine which is extremely simple in its construction and which therefore may be manu- factured at a low cost; one which is comprised of a minimum number of parts, particularly moving parts, and which therefore is unlikely to get out of order; one which is rugged and durable and which therefore will withstand rough usage; one which is smooth and silent in its operation; one which is capable of ease of assem- bly and disassembly for purposes of inspection of parts, replacement or repair thereof, and one which other- wise is well adapted to perform the services required of itare further desirable features which have been borne in mind in the production and development of the pre- sent invention. ‘The provision of an engine or power plant such as has briefly been outlined above, and possessing the stated advantages, constitutes the principal object of the in- vention. Numerous other objects and advantages of the invention, not at this time enumerated, will become readily apparent as the nature of the invention is better understood In the accompanying two sheets of drawings forming a part of this specification, one illustrative embodiment ‘of the invention has been’ shown. In these drawings: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a magnetically opera- ble power plant or engine embodying the principles of the present invention, portions of the framework or chassis being broken away in the interests of clarity; FIG. 2 is a sectional view taken substantially on the vertical plane indicated by the line 2—2 of FIG. 1 and in the direction of the arrows; FIG, 3 is an end elevational view taken in the direc- tion of the arrows associated with the line 3—3 of FIG. 20 2s 30 35 40 45 55 6 6s 4,024,421 2 2; FIG, 4 is an end elevational view taken in the direc- tion of the arrows associated with the line 4—4 of FIG. 2% FIG. 5 is an enlarged detail sectional view taken through one of the electromagnets and its associated connecting rod and crank which are employed in con- nection with the invention; and FIG. 6 is an electric circuit diagram of the power plant or engine. Referring now to the drawings in detail, and in partic- ular to FIGS. 1 and 2, a power plant or engine con- structed according to the invention is designated in its entirety by the reference numeral 10 and it embodies in its general organization a chassis or framework 12 which serves to rotatably support an elongated crank- shaft 14 on which there is mounted a relatively massive flywheel 16 in the medial region thereof. A pair of pulleys 18 on opposite sides of the flywheel 16 have associated therewith respective drive belts 20 which may extend to a suitable transmission (not shown) in the case of a wheeled automative vehicle, or to the input drive element in the case of a stationary equip- ment which is to be driven by the power plant. ‘The framework 12 is comprised of an upper rectan- gular frame having longitudinal frame members 22 and 24 and transverse frame members 26 and 28, and a lower rectangular frame having longitudinal frame members 30 and 32 and transverse frame members 34 and 36. The framework 12 further includes a pair of intermediate posts 40 and front and rear vertical inter- mediate posts 42 and 44 respectively. A series of longi- tudinal struts 46 and transverse struts 48 extend vari- ously between the posts 38, 40, 42, and 44 and estab- lish an intermediate rectangular frame a slight distance above the lower rectangular frame 30, 32, 34 and 36. ‘A pair of bearing assemblies $0 are supported upon transverse support bars 52 and 54 and serve to rotat- ably support the crankshaft 14, Such crankshaft is pro- vided with crank arms 56 and $8 on opposite sides of the flywheel 16 and with offset cranks 60 and 62. The ccrank 62 is connected by means of connecting rods 64 and 66 to respective electromagnets MI and M2 which are fixedly mounted on the framework 12, while the crank arm 60 is similarly connected by connecting rods {68 and 70 to respective electromagnets M3 and MA, all in a manner that will be made clear presently. ‘The various electromagnets M1, M2, M3 and Md, together with their associated connecting rods 64, 66, 68 and 70 are substantially identical and therefore a description of one of them will suffice for them all Accordingly, the magnet M1 (see also FIG. 5) embod: ies a magnet casing or shell 72 within which there i disposed a magnet winding 74, An armature or core 76 is slidably disposed within the casing 72 and is pivotally connected as indicated at 78 to the associated connect ig rod 64. The remaining magnets M2, M3 and Mé are similarly connected to their associated connecting rods ‘The magnet MI is mounted in a vertical position upon an upper shelf member 80 while the magnet M2 is mounted in a slightly inclined position upon a lower shelf member 82. As best shown in FIGS. 1, 2 and 3, the magnet M2 is seated upon a wedge-shaped base plate or block 84 which serves to misalign the axis of the magnet M2 from the axis of the magnet MI by a small angle for a purpose that will be made clear pres- ently, The magnet M3 is mounted in a horizontal posi- tion by means of a support member 86 while the mag- net Md is similarly mounted in a substantially horizon- 3 tal position by means of a support member 88, the axis of the magnet Md being slightly misaligned with respect to the axis of the magnet M3 likewise for a purpose that will be set forth subsequently. Referring now to FIGS. 2, 3 and 4, one end of the flywheel! 16 carries a cam 90 which is designed for successive engagements with a pair of substantially diametrically opposed microswitches $1 and $2 which are carried at the ends of a pair of horizontal support- ing bars 94 and 96 respectively. Similarly, the other end of the flywheel 16 carries a cam 92 which is designed for successive engagement with a pair of substantially horizontally opposed microswitches $3 and $4 which are cartied at the ends of a pair of horizontal support- ing bars 98 and 100 respectively. As will become more readily apparent when the operation of the herein de scribed magnetically operable engine or power plant is set forth in connection with the circuit diagram of FIG. 6, the arrangement of the various cams and micro. switches is such that upon rotation of the crankshaft 14 and flywheel 16, the contacts associated with the mi- croswitches S1, $3, S2 and S4 will become individually closed, successively and in the order named, Considering mow the operation of the herein de- scribed magnetically operable engine or power plant 10, and with reference to FIG. 6, it will be assumed that initially the position of the crankshaft 14 is such that, as shown in FIG. 3, energization of the magnet M1 will swing the crank 62 upwardly at such time as the cam 90 engages the microswitch SI. Closure of the C1 contacts associated with the switch SI will establish a circuit leading from the negative side of the battery B, through the master switch MS, through leads 11, 13, magnet MI, leads 15, 17, contacts C1 of the switch SI, and leads 19, 21, 23 and 25, back to the positive side of the battery B. Energization of the magnet MI will draw the core or armature 76 (FIG. $) into the shell 72 and thus place the connecting rod 64 under tension so as to pull the crank 62 upwardly, thereby placing the crankshaft under torque for motivating purposes. ‘At approximately 90° n the engine cycle, the cam 90 will engage the switch $3 and closure of the contacts 3 thereof will establish a circuit from the master switch MS through lead 27, magnet M3, leads 29, 31, C3 contacts of the switch $3, and leads 33, 35 back to the battery B, thus applying torque to the crankshaft 14 by placing the connecting rod 68 under tension. ‘At approximately 180° in the engine cycle, the cam 90 will engage the switch S2 and closure of the C2 contacts thereof will establish a circuit from the master switch MS through leads 11, 37, magnet M2, leads 39, 41, contacts C2 of the switch S2, and leads 43, 23, 25 back to the battery B, thus applying torque to the crankshaft 14 by placing the connecting rod 66 under tension. ‘At approximately 270° in the engine cycle, the cam 92 will engage the switch $4 and closure of the contacts C4 thereof will establish a circuit from the master switch MS, through lead 47, magnet Md, lead 49, C4 contacts of the switch $4, and leads 51, 43, 23, 25 back to the battery B, thus placing the connecting rod 70 under tension and applying torque to the crankshaft 14. ‘The eycle is repetitious. ‘As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, a control panel 102 is. associated with a container or box 104 for the battery B and such panel may be provided with the aforemen- tioned master switch MS and an indicator 106 which may disclose the amperage of current flowing from the 20 25 30 35 45 50 3s 60 65 4,024,421 4 battery B. Four push button switches PBI, PB2, PB3 and PB4 may also be provided on the control panel 102 and, as shown in FIG. 6, such push button switches are arranged so that they operate upon closure thereof to establish shunts across the respective microswitches S1, $2, $3 and S4 so that an initial momentary closure of a selected push button switch on a trial and error basis may cause torque to be applied to one or the other cranks 60 or 62 for initial application of torque to the crankshaft 14 in the event that neither crank is in a favorable position for engine starting at the time that the master switch MS is intially closed It is to be noted at this point that although the cams 90 and 92 are disclosed in FIG. 2 as being disposed at approximately 180° from each other on the flywheel 16, such cams appear in FIG. 6 as being 90° apart. It should be understood however that the disclosure of FIG. 6 is purely schematic and is intended to illustrate only the sequence of operation of the four switches $1, ‘82, S3 and S4 under the control of the cams 90 and 92 and that the front and rear end faces 16F and 16R shown in FIG. 6 rotate in the same direction since they do not represent front and rear end faces in the sense that they are illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4. In other words, FIG. 6 is predicated solely upon the sequence of microswitch operation and does not represent a true positioning of parts such as is disclosed in FIGS. 1 to 4 inclusive. It is also to be noted that by reason of the slight axial misalignment of the magnets MI and M2, and of the magnets M3 and M4, continuous crankshaft movement is effected since at no time will the engine or power plant 10 attain a position of dead-center where Closure of the master switch crankshaft 14, The invention is not to be limited to the exact rangement of parts shown in the accompanying draw- ings or described in this specification as various changes in the details of construction may be resorted to without departing from the spirit of the invention. For example, the precise placement of the various cams 90 and 92 and microswitches S1, $2, S3 and S4 on the flywheel 16 and framework 12 may be varied if desired as regards their angular relationship with respect to one another, the only criteria being the attainment of se- quential operation of the switches in such a manner that torque is applied to the crankshaft 14 at all times by at least one of the four connecting rods. Further- more, if desired a greater or lesser number of electro- ‘magnets suitably mounted on the framework 12, to- gether with a commensurate modification of the nature of the crankshaft 14, may be resorted to if deemed appropriate. Therefore, only insofar as the invention has particularly been pointed out in the accompanying claims is the same to be limited. Tclaim: 1. A magnetically operated power plant comprising a ‘work frame, an axially extended crank shaft rotatably mounted on said frame, a pair of spaced bearings one ‘on each side of the frame for supporting a crank shaft, a fly wheel mounted on the crank shaft between the said spaced bearings, a crank arm fixed to each end of the crank shaft adjacent the said bearings and substan- tially 180° apart and on the opposite side of the bear- ings from the fly wheel, a pair of spaced hollow electro- magnets positioned substantially diametrically opposite each other at each side ofthe frame and in substantially ‘the same plane with the crank arm and perpendicular to the axis of the crank shaft, an armature for each electro-magnet adapted to, slide within each of the 5 hollow electro-magnets, a connecting rod for each armature having one end pivotally connected to the armature and the opposite end connected to one of the crank arms, an electric current for timely energizing the electro-magnets when the armature is substantially adjacent one end of the electro-magnet, a timing means ‘comprising a micro-switch for each’ electro-magnet fixedly mounted on said frame work, each switch in- cluding a pair of normally open contacts and disposed in series relation with said electro-magnet, said switch ‘being disposed in circumferential spaced ‘relationship about the crank shaft, means carried at each end of the fly.wheel for closing each of the said switches progres- 20 2s 30 3s 45 so 3s Cy 65 4,024,421 6 sively on alternate sides of the frame to the respective electro-magnets in the direction of the operated crank shaft substantially at the time the solenoid is at one end of the electro-magnet, the electro-magnets of each pair having their axes slightly inclined at an angle to each other whereby the associated crank arms are mini- mized 2. A magnetically operated power plant as set forth in claim 1 wherein there is provided a push button switch for each electro-magnet and is effective upon depres sion thereof to shunt the contacts of its associated switch for moving the said crank shaft off center.

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