MI0024 Software Engineering Feb 10

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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester III

MI0024 – Software Engineering -2 Credits

Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)

Note: Each Question carries 10 marks.

1. What is software? What are the applications of software?

2. Explain decomposition techniques
3. a. Write a short note an project scheduling & tracking
b. How do you define a task set for the software project?
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester III
MI0024 – Software Engineering -2 Credits

Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)

Note: Each Question carries 10 marks.

1. a. Write a short note on software reliability

b. What are the guideline recorded for formal technical revive in review report
2. Explain SCM process & SCM standards
3. Explain analysis concepts & principles in brief

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