Agent ID 328534 Agent Name Sachin Garg Office ADL18 PAN No. AERPG6026K
Date Contracted 30-MAY-09 Payment Mode Direct Credit Segment Platinum Segment Effective Date 01-JUL-10
Bank Name AXIS Bank Ltd A/C # 909010033151664
Policy No. Plan Mode Effective Benefit Comp Desc Reason Premium Rate% Gross TDS TDS Net Amount
Insured Date Split Type Amt Rate% Amt
740758420 URPCUP Monthly 07-Jul-2009 100% Comm RYC 2,000.00 2% 40.00 10% 4.00 36.00
Insured: Rakesh Sharma Total: 2,000.00 36.00
740758453 UNMPE Yearly 16-Jul-2009 100% Comm RYC 50,000.00 3% 1,500.00 10% 150.00 1,350.00
Insured: Mohit Kumar Total: 50,000.00 1,350.00
740841218 URPCUP Quarterly 30-Jun-2009 100% Comm RYC 6,000.00 2% 120.00 10% 12.00 108.00
Insured: Pankaj Goel Total: 6,000.00 108.00
740914585 URPCUP Half Yearly 22-Jun-2009 100% Comm RYC 25,000.00 2% 500.00 10% 50.00 450.00
Insured: Shekhar . Total: 25,000.00 450.00
748440278 ULXPE5 Quarterly 12-Jul-2009 100% Comm RYC 12,500.00 2% 250.00 10% 25.00 225.00
Insured: Rajesh Kumar Total: 12,500.00 225.00
762227858 USLPE Half Yearly 20-Dec-2009 100% Comm FYC 10,000.00 17% 1,700.00 10% 170.00 1,530.00
Insured: Vinod . Total: 10,000.00 1,530.00
COR = Correction, NTU = Not taken up, 6LH = Commission withheld on own life (till 6 lives are covered), MISC =Miscellaneous
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