Generator Repair Steps
Generator Repair Steps
Generator Repair Steps
Tools needed: Torx T-15 • 7/16" wrench or ratchet/socket • 1/2" wrench or ratchet/socket • 10 mm
wrench or rachet/socket 3/8" wrench or ratchet/socket • Needle Nose Pliers • Phillips Screwdriver •
Rubber mallet Piece of 2 x 4 wood 12" to 14" long • Fluke 77 or 87 VOM( volt ohm meter) NOTE: If
not using a Fluke 77 or 87VOM the readings described in these steps may differ.
Installation for the New Gen Head Assembly
A- Removal of the old style Gen-Head
Step 1 - Remove the end cover off the gen head Step 4 - Before remove the bearing support, slides a
using a T-20 Torx wrench. 2x4 between the engine and the frame to
support the weight while working on the
gen head.
1 April 2003
Step 6 - Remove the rotor bolt. Step 7 - Remove the rotor.
Step 1 - Install the new style End Drive Adapter with Step 3 - Install rotor.
the over bolt design
Step 4 - Install rotor thru bolt (install short threaded
Step 2 - Install washer, lock washer and bolt using a end of rotor thru bolt in engine shaft until
9/16 socket. The four bolts generators will threads run out), washer and nut, using a ½
be torqued at 204-264 in lbs. socket. Torqued at 120-144 in lbs
April 2003 2
Step 5 - Install stator Step 8 - The ground lug removed from the old bear-
ing support needs to be attached to the
threaded hole in the center of the lower left
tab. With a ½ in wrench torqued the ground
lug at 96-120 in lbs.
Step 6 - Install bearing support. Larger tabs on the lug
new style bearing support should be locat-
ed at the bottom. The over bolts should be
torqued at 60-70 in lbs. Using a deep well
3/8 socket 3/8's drive.
Step 9 - Reconnect the wires. 2 pink wires to the
capacitor. Connect the remaining wires by
color. Install the end cover.
3 April 2003
C- Installation of the new style Gen-Head For 4000kw - 8000kw
An adapter kit is required to install the new gen head on this size generator
Step 1 - Install the new style End Drive Adapter with Step 4 - Install rotor thru bolt (install short threaded
the over bolt design end of rotor thru bolt in engine shaft until
threads run out), washer and nut, using a ½
overbolt socket. Torqued at 120-144 in lbs
A bolts
B bolts
April 2003 4
Step 6 - Before installing the bearing support. Step 8 - Reconnect the wires. 2 pink wires to the
Remove the vibration isolators off of the old capacitor. Connect the remaining wires by
style bearing support. Install them in the color. Install the end cover.
threaded holes in front of the two lower
tabs. Install the bracket to the lower sup-
port bar on the frame and torqued at 90-
120 in lbs.
bracket lug
5 April 2003
1. To make any engine repairs, contact engine manufacturer.
2. Check for proper oil level in engine.
3. Start engine.
4. Use tachometer to check engine speed @ 3750 RPM, without a load, 3600 RPM with a load.
Set if necessary.
5. Use frequency meter to check for proper frequency:
60 to 62.5 Hz.
6. Use VOM (volt/ohm meter) to check genhead for output.
1. If no output, rev engine to full throttle for no more than 3 seconds. This will usually re-
excite the genhead if it has lost its residual magnetism.
2. If still no output, shut engine off.
3. Remove end cover screws and end cover from genhead. Remove capacitor leads from capacitor.
NOTE: On the GHC6510 and H650CS remove the two pink capacitor leads from the wire harness
not the capacitor. Attach one capacitor lead to one pole of a 6-volt battery (lantern battery) and strike
the other capacitor lead across the other pole of the battery so as to cause an arc. Reattach capaci-
tor leads to capacitor. Reassemble end cover. Restart engine to check for output.
4. If still no output, shut engine off.
(if generator will not re-excite)
1. Remove end cover screws and end cover
from genhead. NOTE: The capacitor on the
GHC6510 and H650CS is located in the panel
assembly, see To Remove Panel Assembly for
this unit and proceed.
a. Remove capacitor leads.
b. Connect VOM to capacitor and watch for
low ohms reading that slowly progresses
to an open circuit. Open circuit from be-
ginning indicates bad capacitor.
(if generator will not re-excite and capacitor is
1. If the capacitor checks okay, check for open
circuits in stator.
2. To check for open circuits in stator,
attach VOM to the following leads:
A. Black- Orange
B. Red- Green
C. Pink capacitor lead- Pink capacitor
Open circuit indicates bad stator.
April 2003 6
3. If open circuits are not found and there is
still a problem, check for circuits grounded
in stator. Attach VOM between:
A. Black- Stator laminations *
B. Red- Stator laminations*
C. Pink capacitor leads- Stator lamina-
No reading indicates good stator. No read-
ing will be indicated on meter as OL.
(if generator will not re-excite and Stator is OK)
7 April 2003
TO CHECK ROTOR (if generator will not
re-excite and Stator is OK) (cont'd)
2. If rotor test indicates no open circuit but
double resistance, replace rotor.
3. If open circuits are found, check for short to
laminations. Remove 1/4"-20 nut above 1/4"
female connector and remove from diode
bracket. Attach VOM to female tab and to
rotor laminations*. If reading can be made
then replace rotor.
* Varnish on the laminations must be
scraped off to make contact with the
metal surface for correct readings.
1. If all checks okay, then check diode(s).
a. Remove diode from diode bracket.
b. Attach a new AA battery from positive
side to diode in the direction indicate by
an arrow on the diode.
c. Attach VOM to diode for current.
d. If using a Fluke 77 or 87 VOM set to
symbol and listen for a beep from the
If not using a Fluke 77 or 87 you should
get a reading of 1.5. Turn the battery
around and you should read 0.7 to 0.9.
Any other readings indicates a bad diode.
GS-0082 GS-0081
Used on single and dual diode rotors Used on dual diode rotors in conjuntion with GS-0082
*This symbol is present on all diodes used on DeVilbiss Generators. The arrow indicates the direction of
current flow through the diode. If the arrow points toward the diode bracket, this diode is the GS-0081. If the
arrow points toward the soldered junction, this diode is the GS-0082.
Flow of Electricity
April 2003 8
Effective 12-01-02, Highlighted models indicate new generator head design. Verify model number when looking for values.
9 April 2003
April 2003 10
1. Unhook wire harness from solenoid.
2. Loosen nut on end of solenoid. DO NOT re-
3. Solenoid will now slide from bracket.
4. Connect VOM (volt/ohm meter) to solenoid
leads. Set VOM (volt/ohm meter) to read
wire harness
11 April 2003
(if solenoid is no longer magnetic)
1. Turn the generator off and allow it to cool
before checking stator.
2. To check stator for resistance remove the end
cover. See To Remove End Cover in the
Disassembly section.
3. Attach the VOM (volt/ohm meter) to the two
white leads on the stator. Set VOM (volt/ohm
meter) to read OHMS, the reading should be
.05 OHMS, if no reading the stator is bad.
4. Attach the VOM (volt/ohm meter) to one white
lead on the stator and the stator laminations.
Set VOM (volt/ohm meter) to read OHMS, no
reading indicates a bad stator.
NOTE: If stator is bad, replace and recheck
solenoid for magnetism. If the solenoid is not
magnetized and the stator is good then replace
the circuit board.
April 2003 12
6. The VOM (volt/ohm meter) should read 60
7. Thread the front nut onto the solenoid until
the VOM (volt/ohm meter) reads 45 Hertz.
8. Using wrenches tighten the back nut tight
against bracket while holding the front nut in
place. MAKE SURE reading remains at 45
Hertz when tightened.
9. Turn the idle control switch to the OFF posi-
tion and the VOM (volt/ohm meter) will return
to 60 Hertz.
1. Reconnect solenoid leads to the wire harness.
(GHC6510 & H650CS)
1. Using a 10 mm socket remove the heatshield.
13 April 2003
1. Connect the VOM (volt/ohm meter) to the
120-volt GFCI outlet.
April 2003 14
(GHC6510 & H650CS)
1. Remove the Panel Assembly. See To Remove
Panel Assembly in the Disassembly Proce-
dures section of this manual.
2. Disconnect circuit board from wire harness
and replace with new.
3. Reassemble in reverse order. NOTE: When
reassembling, attach capacitor and bracket,
circuit board, and plug before attaching the
front panel to back panel.
15 April 2003