Bank of America Robo-Signer List!

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8k 8829 Pg 28593 Pg: 178 AAT (el paeeaggar Page: 1 oF 4 0a/Br2010 02:50 Ft WO Bk: 54429 Pg a4t O CERTIFICATE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY F#0"' 1 ot Socarero 1260 Pu OF BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, MANAGER OF BAC GP, LLC ‘The undersigned, duly appointed end ating Assistant Seoretary of Bank of Americ ‘ational Assocation, »satonal banking association (he “Bagk") the Manager of BAC GPs LUC, a Nevada limited liability company (the “Company”), the general parser of BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP formerly known as Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, « Tess Timited partnership (ihe “Batnership”) does hereby certify on behalf of thy Bank that attached hereto as UAtachment| isa tue and coret copy of resus duly adopt by the Manager of he Company as of August 7, 2009 (he “Resputons), andthe Resolutions have notin any WAY secramenied, modified, revoked or rescinded and have bees in full foes and effect sine ther adoption to and including the date hereof and are now in full foes and ees Pumuant to the Resolutions, the titles held by “Authorized Officers” of the Company (Assistant Secretary and above) consist of te following: Chief Executive OF=r Presidemt, Senior Vie President, Vice President, Asistant Viee President and Arsistant Seereiays | further ceri that each ofthe following individual fa duly eleted or appointed quai? and setingofficgr ofthe Company holding the title indicted next fo his or er respective nes and cach such officer i designated as an “Authorized Officer” pursuant tothe ResoTuons: Name Title ‘Mark Acosta ‘Senior Vice President Carrie Erbe. Senior Vice President Catherine M. Gorlewski ‘Senior Vice President Jeanette Grodsky ‘Senior Vice President See MHaumesser Senior Vice President Cynthia A. Mech Senior Viee President Brandon Sciumbsto Senior Vive President John S, Smith Senior Vie President iH Kin David P. Sunlin Senior Viee President ee Bb Aili 2x: 905:89 Cert UTeN82 Micall Bachman ‘Vice President oe, CBT Ceara Lance Bell Vice President ‘Donald R. Clark Vice President Kimberly Dawson ‘Vice President Renoe Hertzler Vice President Lancia Herzog Vice President Lens bastee Vice President Northeast Abstract Comp 150 California Str-o Newton, MA (2456 HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. (VY P.O, BOX 610389 NEWTON HIGHLANDS, MA 02461-0389 UI Eléb- UF7-&3 Bi: 54429 Pa: 32565 pg: 475 Mary Kist Vice President Michael Prindle Vice President Rhoena Rice Vice President Sheri Solum Vice President Melissa Viveros Vice President Rhonda Weston Vice President Ail Wosmake Vice President Ted Cassell Assistant Vice President Aaron Formby ‘Assistant Vice President »Serena Harman Assistant Vice President Gregory Higeons ‘Assistant Vice President Michele Holtz Assistant Vice President Kaneisha Hunley Assistant Vice President Holly M. Jarmusz Assistant Vice President Deborah A. Jurek Barbara Komiserof Bridget Lett “Assistant Viee President Cody Mahon ‘Assistant Vice President Chery! Mallory ‘Assistant Vice President ‘Susan MeCaughan “Assistant Vice President ‘Timothy E, Moran “Assistant Vice President Roxanne Nowicki Assistant Vice President Frances Pecoraro ‘Assistant Vice President David M, Perez Assistant Vice President Laura M. Pirritano Assistant Vice President Tania Ramos ‘Assistant Vice President Robert Rybarezyk “Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice President ‘Teresa Skinner ‘Assistant Vice President ‘TiaQuanda Turner ‘Assistant Vice President Sandra Williams Assistant Vice President Ashley Barraza ‘Assistant Secretary Destiny Bentley Assistant Secretary ‘Tyira Ganison Assistant Secretary Benjamin Hillis Assistant Secretary Julia Myra Assistant Seeretary Gregory J. Price Assistant Secretary Dosna Powell “Assistant Secretary Kathy Repka Assistant Secretary Gail Stein ‘Assistant Secretary Vicki Lynn Vasquez Assistant Secretary Lisa Wiekser Assistant Secretary Rachelle Wickware “Assistant Secretary ‘Angelica B. Williams Assistant Secretary Diane Young Assistant Secretary - Bk: 54429 Pg: : ‘ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of the Bank on this 2nd day of March, 2010. BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Manager of BAC GP, LLC, General Partner of BAC Home Loans Servicing, Lp » Deng tuadgaon) {SEAL] ‘Name: Devra Lindgren 1 Title: Assistant Secretary Bk . ae je aSe63 Pg: 177 ATTACHMENT! RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE MANAGER OF BAC GP, LLC August 7, 2009 RECONVEVANCE AUTHORITY, WHEREAS, the Company is the General Partner of BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, a Texas limited partnership (the “Partnership NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all officers of the Company with the title of Assistant Secretary and above (the “Authorized Officers") are, and each of them acting alone hereby is, authorized, directed and empowered in the name of the Company on behalf of the Partnership to execute seconveyance documents, acts opeoams ‘deeds in lieu of foreclosure, grant deeds, deeds of trust, including foreclosure deeds, releases of liens, escrow instruments contracts for purchase and sale of the Partnership's REO properties, rants of easements and any and all related documents and instruments Purporting to affect an interest or the transfer of an interest in realestate inthe fame of the Company on bebalf of the Partnership, RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Authorized Officers shall have the suthority to take any and all actions which are required or necessary in otder for the Partnership to perform its obligations under any contract, agreement oF ‘commitment the Partnership has with any third party to service mortgage Toans, including but not limited to the execution of grant deeds, deeds of trust, jncluding foreclosure deeds, releases of liens, reconveyance documents, escrow instruments, contracts for purchase and sale of REO properties, grants of ‘easements and any snd all related documents and instruments purporting t0 ‘fect an interest or the transfer of an interest in real estate in the name of amy such thied party; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Manager hereby ratifies, approves and confirms all lawful actions taken on behalf of the Partnership or a third party by the Authorized Officers in connection with the transactions contemplated by the foregoing resolutions, ATTEST: WORG, Antony J. Vigo, Regia Bk: 64429 Pg: 345 WORCESTER, SS, A true copy of record of WORCESTER DISTRICT REGISTRY OF DEEDS Book YS5C3 Page 174 - Iq Attest: Register APR 8 02019 FOREGOING DOCUMENT 01533954 Sounhern tiddlesex LAND COURT REGISTRY DISTRICT RECEIVED FOR REGISTRATION nt Jon 0742910 ab 412624 Docusent Feet 75.00 eee Total: $450.00 oven of; CERT U 18186 @K O0083 PG BS uso NOTED OW

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