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35L Application Packet Desktop Guide - 20100722

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Counterintelligence Agent Applicant
Packet Processing

1. References:

a. DA Pamphlet 600-8, Military Personnel, Management and

Administrative Procedures, dated 1 August 1986.

b. DA Pamphlet 611-21, Military Occupational Classification and

Structure, dated 14 December 2009.

c. Army Regulation 611-1, Military Occupational Classification and

Structure, dated 30 September 1997.

d. Army Regulation 601-210, Active and Reserve Components Enlistment

Program, 7 June 2007.

e. Army Regulation 614-200, Enlisted Assignments and Utilization

Management, 27 June 2007.

f. Army Regulation 135-382, Regular Component Military Intelligence

Units and Personnel, 19 October 1992.

g. Army Regulation 140-111, United States Army Reserve Reenlistment

Program, 9 May 2007.

h. Army Regulation 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness, 29 May 2007.

i. Army Regulation 220-1, Unit Status Reporting, 19 December 2006.

j. Army Regulation 380-67, Personnel Security Program, 9 September


k. Army Regulation 600-8-10, Leaves and Passes, 15 February 2006.

l. Army Regulation 600-8-101, Personnel Processing (In/Out - Soldier

Readiness, Mobilization, and Deployment Processing), 18 July 2003.

m. Army Regulation 601-210, Active and Reserve Components

Enlistment Program, 7 June 2007.

n. Army Regulation 614-30, Overseas Service, 11 April 2007.

o. DoD Guidance on Protecting Personally Identifiable Information, 18

August 2006



2. Applicability: This desk top guide applies to the following individuals:

a. Active Component (AC) applicants, supporting units, and the MI

Branch Counterintelligence Adjudication Team.

b. United States Army Reservists, Troop Program Unit (TPU) members

and Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA) applicants, supporting units, and
the Force Protection Branch, Counterintelligence Adjudication Team.

c. Army National Guard (NG) applicants, supporting units, and the

National Guard Bureau Army Operations Intelligence and Security Branch (NGB-
ARO-I), Counterintelligence Adjudicator.

3. Purpose: To standardize the submission, review and quality checks for

suitability/acceptance determination of 35L – Counterintelligence Agent applicant
packets. All Regular Army applicant packets will be reviewed by HRC, Military
Intelligence Branch Counterintelligence Adjudication Team. All USAR TPU and
IMA applicant packets will be reviewed by the Force Protection Branch,
Counterintelligence Adjudication Team. All prior service ARNG applicant packets
will be reviewed by NGB-ARO-I Counterintelligence Adjudicator.

4. Required Actions: DA Pamphlet 600-8, procedure 3-33 covers personnel

selection interview and classification requirements for military intelligence
applicants, specifically in the Counterintelligence field. Although this pamphlet
continues to be the ruling authority for the process, it is not current with specific

a. The following actions will be completed by the applicant’s unit:

(1) Determine if the applicant meets the prerequisite for 35L MOS
reclassification in accordance with AR 611-21. See Tab 1 for additional

(a) If an applicant does not meet one or more of the

minimum prerequisites IAW AR 600-8, procedure 3-33 and DA PAM 611-21,
Chap 10-306, a waiver must be requested. It is the responsibility of the applicant
to request the waiver to OCMI. See Tab 2 for additional guidance.

(2) Assist the applicant in the preparation of a DA Form 4187,

ensuring information and routing are correct. See Tab 3 (AC) and Tab 4
(USAR/ARNG) for additional guidance.



(3) IAW DA PAM 611-21 verify that the Soldier will be at least 21
years of age at the time of graduation from the Counterintelligence Special Agent
Course (CISAC). This is required for accreditation as a CI agent. Additionally
insure that the Soldier is a SPC eligible for promotion to the rank of SGT.

(4) Applicant must obtain a memorandum from the unit’s security

manager to include in the application packet. Unit security manager must
complete a local records check to ensure no derogatory information is in the
military personnel, Provost Marshal, intelligence or medical records. Tab 5 for
additional guidance. Applicant must provide a copy of the below mentioned
documents with the application packet:

(a) Memorandum of local records check

(b) Personnel security questionnaire (SF86, e-QIP or


(5) Applicant must obtain a memorandum of recommendation from

the commander to include in the application packet. See Tab 6 for additional

(6) Applicant must provide a copy of the below mentioned

applicable documents pertaining to their component with the application packet:

(a) Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) – AD

(b) Personal Qualification Record (PQR) – ARNG

(c) DA Form 2A, B, C - copy signed/certified – USAR

(d) DA Form 2-1 - copy signed/certified – ARNG/USAR

(7) Applicant must obtain an official photo not less than three-
quarters length in Class A uniform and civilian business attire, within 90 days of
packet submission. Deployed applicants can submit a photo in ACU’s. All
photos must be in color.

(8) Applicant must provide a copy of the below mentioned

applicable documents pertaining to your component with the application packet:

(a) DA Form 705, APFT Scorecard (record) within the last

30 days and a DA Form 5500 or 5501 Body Fat Content Worksheet if
applicable - AD

(b) PHA, MEDPROS within one year of packet submission –




(c) USAREC Form 1242 tattoo screening, within 90 days of

packet submission – All

(d) SF 600, or memorandum from medical authority

documenting normal color vision – All

(e) DA Form 3349, Physical Profile if applicable – All

(9) IAW AR 600-8, the unit will make arrangements with the
nearest counterintelligence office or other appropriate or active duty MI unit, for
an interview of the applicant by a CI Agent. TDY funds and transportation to the
interview site may be required and funded by the unit. The unit will provide the
applicant packet to the CI interviewing agent at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled interview time. See Tab 7 for additional guidance.

(10) If an interview by an active duty Special Agent is not feasible

within 90 days, a waiver must be requested from the Counterintelligence
Adjudication Team to allow the interview by an Army Reserve or National Guard
Special Agent not from the same unit as the applicant. The interviewing Agent
cannot be in the applicant’s chain of command and there can be no pre-existing
relationship between the interviewer and the applicant. If these conditions
cannot be met a waiver may be requested through the adjudicating authority.
(ARNG/USAR only)

(11) MOS 35L is closed for reclassification for the ranks of SFC,
MSG and SGM, except for those Soldiers within CMF 35. A request for a waiver
may be submitted to OCMI through the appropriate channels. See Tab 2 for
additional guidance.

(12) MOS 35L is closed for reclassification to Soldiers who have

been deemed permanently nondeployable IAW AR 614-30, AR 40-501, AR 220-
1 and AR 600-8-101. Soldiers must meet the minimum criteria for retainability
stated in AR 600-60, paragraph 4-2(b) and be fully deployable to all locations and

(13) Complete the MOS 35L Applicant Review/Checklist. Ensure

all required documentation is correct and included in the packet. See Tab 8 for
additional guidance. This is the final step before the applicant packet is turned
over to the CI interviewing agent.



b. Interviewing Agent:

(1) The interviewing agent must be a credentialed U.S. Army

Special Agent. A credentialed CI Special Agent is defined as any 35L who has
completed the CI Special Agent Course (or 97B Course), not on probationary
status, and is currently serving as a CI Special Agent as their primary MOS
without regard to their assignment (strategic or tactical). This includes 351L CI
Techs (Warrant Officer), 35E (Counterintelligence Commissioned Officers), and
series 0132 (DAC/MICECP) civilian CI Special Agents.  Special Agents are not
required to be assigned to a Field Office on investigative status in order to
process an applicant and submit applications to HRC.  

(2) The interviewing agent will review the packet, if the packet is not
complete as required by this guide and DA Pam 600-8, procedure 3-33, the
packet will be immediately returned to the unit POC without action.

(3) The interviewing agent will insure the following actions occur:

(a) Insure the applicant signs the contingency statement

and places his/her initials at the beginning and end of the statement. See Tab 9
for additional guidance. Applicant will be provided with a copy of the contingency

(b) Oversees the writing of the Motivational Composition.

See Tab 10 for additional guidance.

(c) Oversees the writing of the Biographical Composition.

See Tab 11 for additional guidance.

(d) Insure the applicant signs the Orientation Statement

(interviewing agent will sign as the witness). See Tab 12 for additional guidance.

(e) Insure the applicant signs the Privacy Act Advisement.

See Tab 13 for additional guidance.

(f) Conduct a thorough interview with the applicant.

See Tab 14 for additional guidance.

(g) Complete a comprehensive Statement of Interview

(SOI). See Tab 15 for an example.

(h) SOI recommendation statement. When writing a

recommendation the agent must be clear and decisive. Ambiguous or vague
recommendations provide an unclear picture to the adjudication team.



(4) Interviewing agent will disregard DA Pam 600-8, Procedures 3-

33-2A 11.e. and 3-33-2B 5. Do not forward a copy of the packet to FORSCOM.

(5) Interviewing agent will insure the following actions occur in

regards to the applicant’s packet disposition:

(a) Do not retain a copy of the applicant’s packet. Retaining

a copy of your notes or the SOI for a period not to exceed six months is
(b) Do not release the packet to the applicant for shipment
to the adjudication team.

(c) Do not return the packet to the applicant or the unit after
the interview has been conducted.

c. Special Agent in Charge (SAC):

(1) SAC will review the entire packet for accuracy and

(2) The SAC will provide a final approval/disapproval

recommendation statement. See Tab 16 for additional guidance.

(3) If the interviewing agent is not an active duty agent with a Field
Office, another USAR/ARNG agent, senior to the interviewer, will execute the
SAC endorsement.

(4) SAC/Interviewing agent will send the completed packet via

USPS, DHL, UPS, or FEDEX. SAC/Interviewing agent will provide a tracking
number to the appropriate POC via email. Digital transmissions are acceptable
with prior coordination with the adjudicating authority. Digital transmissions must
be in compliance with the Department of Defense (DoD) Guidance on Protecting
Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

d. Counterintelligence Adjudication Team (CAT).

(1) The CAT will verify the timeliness of the packet and insure the
interview with the agent was conducted within 90 days from the date of the
packet. Failure to conduct the interview within 90 days will require a waiver
granted by the Force Protection Branch, CAT.

(2) Verify the Interviewing Agent’s status and association to


(3) The CAT will process the applicant’s packet in the order they
are received.



(4) The CAT has 45 days from date of receipt to provide final

5. POCs:

Active Component:

Email completed packets to knox.hrc.epmd35lrecl@conus.army.mil

Mail completed CI Packets to:
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1600 Spearhead Division Avenue
Fort Knox, Ky 40121

Army Reserve

Phone contacts: Toll Free 800-323-0793

Commercial (314) 592-0255 Extension 2
DSN 892-0255 Extension 2
Fax Numbers Commercial (314) 592-0259.
Mail completed CI Packets to:
1 Reserve Way
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200

National Guard Bureau

Commercial (703) 601-7640 or DSN 329-764

Mail completed CI Packet to
ATTN: Adjudication
111 South George Mason Drive
Arlington, VA 22204-1382.



Tab 1

Example of Initial Screening Checklist

(Unit Letterhead)

(Date of Letter)


SUBJECT: Initial Screening Checklist

1. When an individual expresses an interest in the 35L MOS, this checklist will
be completed in order to be able to determine if the individual meets the
minimum requirements in accordance with MOS reclassification/classification

a. Name: __________________________________________
(Last, First, Middle)
b. Rank: _________________________________

c. High School Graduate: Yes ____ (Yr Grad) ____ No _____

d. Ever a member of the Peace Corps, or received a Fulbright

Scholarship: Yes _____ No _____

e. Record of Conviction by Court-Martial: Yes _____ No _____

f. Minimum Score of 105 on ST: Yes _____ No _____

g. Conviction by a civil court for any offense other than minor traffic

Yes _____ No _____

h. DLAB of 89 or higher: Yes _____ No _____ (not mandatory)

i. Free of objectionable accents or speech impediments:

Yes _____ No _____

j. Normal color vision: Yes _____ No _____

k. Citizen of the United States: Yes _____ No _____



Tab 1 (Continued)

Example of Initial Screening Checklist

l. Immediate family members United States citizens:

Yes _____ No _____

m. Immediate family members of soldier and spouse reside(s) in

countries of special concern (IAW AR 381-12):
Yes _____ No _____

n. Soldier or spouse possesses a commercial or vested interest in a

country of special concern (IAW AR 381-12): Yes _____ No _____

o. Physical profile of at least 222221: Yes _____ No _____

p. Have a minimum of 16 months remaining in service upon completion

of school, or willing to extend or reenlist: Yes _____ No _____
Current ETS: ___________

q. Is currently over 21 or will be at least 21 years old upon completion of

35L school: Yes _____ No _____

r. Holds a Top Secret Clearance with SCI eligibility:

Yes _____ No _____

(If not, acceptance is contingent upon favorable completion of background

s. Holds current civilian driver’s license: Yes _____ No _____

(State and Number) _____________________________

t. Has passed a record APFT within the last 30 days:

Yes_____ No_____

u. In compliance with AR 600-9: Yes_____ No_____

2. The person as stated in paragraph 1a above has been advised of the


a. Temporary restrictions may be placed on foreign travel both during

and after term of service, due to the nature of training and



Tab 1 (Continued)

Example of Initial Screening Checklist

b. The 35L course is held at Fort Huachuca, AZ. If accepted the

applicant will attend training TDY en route to their gaining unit. Assignments for
applicants upon successful completion of training are based on the needs of the
Army and are non-negotiable.

3. If all of the above requirements have not been met, the individual will be
advised of any deficiencies in their qualifications or of waivers required for
continued processing.

(Applicant’s Unit Commander)



Tab 2

Counterintelligence Applicant Waiver Process

1. It is the applicant's responsibility to request and receive a waiver to complete the

CI application packet. If a waiver is not granted, the application process will be

2. If an applicant does not meet one or more minimum pre-requisites IAW AR 600-
8, procedure 3-33 and DA PAM 611-21, Chap 10-306, a waiver must be
requested. The waiver must be requested on a DA Form 4187 by the applicant.
The DA Form 4187 along with all supporting documentation such as ASVAB
score sheets, medical profiles and information pertaining to foreign immediate
family members will be sent via email to the Office of the Chief, Military
Intelligence (OCMI). 

3. The email address to forward all waiver requests is:  ocmi@conus.army.mil. In the
subject line of the waiver request, the applicant must type 35L application waiver
request along with their rank and name i.e. (35L application waiver request- SGT
John Doe).

4. Upon receipt of the request, the 35L Life Cycle Manager will adjudicate the
waiver and notify the applicant of the results via email. If the waiver is
approved, a waiver memorandum will be attached to the email. This
memorandum (waiver) must be included in the applicant’s packet prior to
scheduling an interview with a CI Special Agent. 

5. CI interviewers must ensure that each applicant meets all prerequisites IAW AR
600-8, procedure 3-33 and DA PAM 611-21, Chap 10-306. If an applicant does
not meet the requirements, an approved waiver must accompany each prerequisite
not met. If the application packet does not contain the necessary waiver(s), the
interviewer will return the packet and inform the applicant to reschedule the
interview upon receipt of approved waiver(s).

6. Additional questions pertaining to waivers or the waiver process will be directed

to the Office of the Chief, Military Intelligence (OCMI) via telephone or

7. Soldier/Units assigned to the Military Intelligence Readiness Command (MIRC)

will forward waiver requests to OCMI through the MIRC.

8. ARNG Soldiers will forward waiver requests to the NGB-ARO-I.     





Tab 3

Active Duty Example

Request for Personnel Action (DA Form 4187)



Tab 4

National Guard/Reserve Component Example

Request for Personnel Action (DA Form 4187)



Tab 5

Local Security Check Memorandum Example

(Security Manager’s Letterhead)

Office Symbol Date


SUBJECT: Local Security Checks

1. This is to certify that a local records check has been completed on (Doe,
John, SSG, xxx-xx-xxxx) as of 14 Aug 2009.

2. This check revealed the following potentially derogatory information:

(a) 23 May 2009 – SSG Doe was cited for driving while intoxicated at the
main gate of Fort Huachuca, AZ.

3. Questions pertaining to the above information can be answered by contacting

(Name of Security Specialist, Security Manager, etc.) at (phone number).

(Signature block of Security Manager)



Tab 6

Example of Immediate Commander’s Recommendation

(Unit/Command Letterhead)

Office Symbol Date

MEMORANDUM FOR (As listed on the “To address” of the DA Form 4187)

SUBJECT: Military Intelligence Career Program – Counterintelligence Applicant

1. (In Commander’s words, recommendation of individual to enter the 35L

controlled MOS in the Military Intelligence Branch.

2. (In Commander’s words, why recommending.)

(Signature block of Commander)



Tab 7

CI Field Office Points of Contact

Installation Counterintelligence Field Office P.O.C.’s/Tactical Unit CI P.O.C.’s

1st Arm Div (Wiesbaden, Germany) DSN: 337-4076 FAX: 4040

1st Cav Div (Ft Hood, TX) Commercial: (254) 553-2695 DSN 663 FAX 9220 (FAX DSN 737)

1st Inf Div (Ft Riley, KS) Commercial: (785) 239-6322 DSN 856 FAX 3598

1st IO Bn (Ft Belvoir, VA) Commercial: (703) 428-4789 DSN 328 FAX 4926

1st SF Group (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 967-8716 DSN 357 FAX 8923

1/25 SBCT (Ft Wainwright, AK) Commercial: (907) 353-9179 DSN 353 FAX 9392

1st TSC (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 430-6627 DSN 318 FAX 2410

2nd Inf Div (Camp Red Cloud, Korea) DSN (315) 732-7600

2nd SCR (Vilseck, Germany) DSN: (315) 476-5098 FAX NONE

3rd Inf Div (Ft. Stewart, GA) Commercial: (912) 767-4492 DSN (812) 870-4492 FAX 6730

3rd SF Group (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 432-8660 DSN 239 FAX 7112 (Call First)

4th Inf Div (Ft. Carson, CO) Commercial: (719) 503-0288 DSN 532 FAX

4/2 BCT (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 967-3656 DSN 357 FAX None

5th SF Group (Ft Campbell, KY) Commercial: (270) 412-4671 DSN 635 FAX 5631

5/2 SBCT (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 966-9387 DSN 357 FAX (253) 967-3072

7th SF Group (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 432-7011 DSN 239 FAX 8547

10th Mtn Div (L) (Ft Drum, NY) Commercial: (315) 772-6474 DSN 772 FAX 0784

10th SF Group (Ft Carson, CO) Commercial: (719) 524-1816 DSN 883 FAX 1842

21st STB (Kaiserslautern, Germany) Commercial: (011-49-631-7899) DSN (314) FAX 7557

25th ID(L) (Schofield Barracks, HI) Commercial: (808) 655-4496 DSN 455 FAX

34th ID (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 967-4029 DSN 357 FAX 9081

66th MI Bde (Wiesbaden, Germany) DSN 314-337-7335 FAX 3379

75th Rangers (Ft Benning, GA) Commercial: (706) 545-6357 DSN 835 FAX 626-2762

80th TASS (Ft Devens, MA) Commercial: (978) 796-2683 FAX 2909

82d Abn Div (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 432-3436 DSN 239 FAX 0628

101st Abn Div (AASLT) (Ft Campbell, KY) Commercial: (270) 798-0631 DSN 635 FAX 0180

109th MI Bn (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 967-6686 DSN 357 FAX 6878

160th SOAR (Ft Campbell, KY) Commercial: (270) 798-1774 DSN 635 FAX 1657

173rd ABCT (Caserma Ederly, Vicenza, Italy) Commercial (011) 39 0444 71 6505 DSN 634

201st BfSB (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 966-2010 DSN 357 FAX 2440

205th MI Bn (Ft Shafter, HI) Commercial: (808) 438-4307 DSN 315 FAX 6991





Tab 7 (Continued)

CI Field Office Points of Contact

209th MI Co (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 967-6314 DSN 357 FAX None

250th MI Bn (San Rafael, CA) Commercial: (562) 594-1863 FAX 1877

300th MI Bde (UTARNG, Draper, UT) Commercial: (801) 432-4801 DSN 766 FAX 4771

301st MI Bn (RC) (Phoenix, AZ) Commercial: (480) 949-4656 FAX 423-3527

B Co, 301st MI Bn (USAR, Shafter Flats, HI) Commercial: (808) 438-1600 DSN FAX 1925

308th MI Bn (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 677-4526 DSN 622 FAX 2822

A Co, 308th MI Bn (APG, MD) Commercial: (410) 278-3600 DSN 298 FAX 9040

B Co, 308th MI Bn (Redstone Arsenal, AL) Commercial: (256) 955-7649 DSN 645 FAX 876-8749

C Co, 308th MI Bn (Ft Leavenworth, KS) Commercial: (913) 684-7879 DSN 552 FAX 7867

310th MI Bn (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 677-5202 DSN 622 FAX 4736

319th MI Bn (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 396-3322 DSN 236 FAX 3849

321st MI BN (Austin, TX) Commercial (214) 342-9293 Fax (214) 341-1523

323rd MI Bn (USAR, Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 833-6626 DSN 733 FAX 301-833-6640

368th MI Bn (USAR, Oakland, CA) Commercial: (510) 587-4639 FAX (510) 238-8611

377th MI BN (Jacksonville, FL) Commercial : (904) 766 – 3911 FAX (904) 765-4442

441st MI Bn (Prov) (Cp Zama, Japan) DSN 263-3402 FAX 3063

470th MI Gp (Ft Sam Houston, TX) Commercial: (210) 295-9513 DSN 421 FAX 6582

501st MI Bde (Sabingo Compound, Korea) DSN 723-8214 FAX 3558

502nd MI Bn (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 967-3018 DSN 347 FAX 8678

504th BfSB (Ft Hood, TX) Commercial: (254) 288-1612 DSN 738 FAX 1981

513th MI Bde (Ft Gordon, GA) Commercial: (706) 791-1015 DSN 780 FAX 1751

519th MI Bn (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 396-6566 DSN 236 FAX 907-1691

524th MI Bn (Sabingo Compound, Korea) DSN 723-4507 FAX None

525th BfSB (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 396-8040 DSN 236 FAX 4647

650th MI Gp (SHAPE, Belgium) DSN 366-6476 FAX 3252

704th MI Bde (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (240) 373-1825 DSN 685 FAX 1812

902d MI Gp (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 677-2614 DSN 622 FAX 2628

AFSC (Hanover, MD) Commercial: (301) 833-9567 DSN 733 FAX 9610

AG2X, (Ft Belvoir, VA) Commercial: (703) 706-1865 DSN 235 FAX 2904

AOA (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 833-8079 DSN 733 FAX 8124

AOSD (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 677-4943 DSN 622 FAX 2879

ARNORTH (Ft Sam Houston, TX) Commercial: (210) 221-9060 DSN 471 FAX 0355


AROA (Cp Bullis, TX) Commercial: (210) 295-7692 DSN 421 FAX 7530



Tab 7 (Continued)

CI Field Office Points of Contact

ASG-KU (Camp Arifjan, Kuwait) DSN (318) 430-2319 FAX 2321

ASG-QA (Camp As-Sayliyah, Qatar) DSN 318-432-2321 FAX DSN 318-432-8408

CENTCOM, J2 (MacDill AFB, FL) Commercial: (813) 827-0711 DSN 651 FAX

EUCOM (Stuttgart, Germany) DSN (314) 430-8924 FAX 7708

FCA, HQ (Ft Meade, MD) Commercial: (301) 677-2874 DSN 622 FAX 4193

HT JCOE (Ft Huachuca, AZ) Commercial: (520) 533-4073 DSN 821 FAX 4364

I CORPS, G2 (Ft Lewis, WA) Commercial: (253) 966-5411 DSN 347 FAX 0243

III CORPS, G2 (Ft Hood, TX) Commercial: (254) 287-3659 DSN 737 FAX (254) 287-2970

JCITA (Elkridge, MD) Commercial: (301) 677-0714 DSN FAX 0929

JSOC, J2 (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 243-0264 DSN 383 FAX 4227

JTFN, J2 (Ft Bliss, TX) Commercial: (915) 313-7704 DSN 666 FAX 7673

SCD (Alexandria, VA) Commercial: (703) 664-5000 FAX 5019

SETAF, G2 (Vicenza, Italy) DSN (314) 634-5136 FAX 8903

SOCCENT, J2 (MacDill AFB, FL) Commercial: (813) 828-5865 DSN 968 FAX 3183

SOCEUR, J2 (Patch Barracks, Germany) Commercial: 49-0711680-4728 DSN 430-4728 FAX 4727

SOCOM, J2 (MacDill AFB, FL) Commercial: (813) 826-6497 DSN 299 FAX 1787

SOCPAC, DIR SOJ2 (CP HM Smith, HI) Commercial: (808) 477-0008 DSN FAX 5298

SOCSO, J2 (Homestead ARB, FL) Commercial: (305) 224-6237 DSN 791 FAX 6236

SOUTHCOM, J2 (Miami, FL) Commercial: (305) 437-2908 DSN 567 FAX

USAREUR, G2 (Heidelberg, Germany) DSN 370-3798 FAX 8409

USARPAC, G2 (Ft Shafter, HI) Commercial: (808) 438-0996 DSN FAX 2566

USARSO (Ft Sam Houston, TX) Commercial: (210) 295-6805 DSN 421 FAX 6784

USASFC(A), G2 (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 432-6889 DSN 239 FAX DSN: 236-3379

USASOC (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 432-7254 DSN 239 FAX 6632

VMID (Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy) DSN (314) 634-7259 FAX 8028

XVIII AB Corps, G2 (Ft Bragg, NC) Commercial: (910) 396-6965 DSN 236 FAX 4723

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Field Office: (410) 278-3600 DSN 298 FAX 9040

Atlanta, GA Field Office Commercial: (404) 464-2036 DSN 367 FAX 3255

Detroit, MI Field Office Commercial: 586-282-7504 DSN 786 FAX 7706

Fort Benning Field Office Commercial: (706) 545-2828 DSN 835 FAX 2873

Fort Bliss Field Office Commercial: (915) 568-4604 DSN 978 FAX 2881
Tab 7 (Continued)



CI Field Office Points of Contact

Fort Bragg Field Office Commercial: (910) 396-5519 DSN 236 FAX 5125

Fort Campbell Field Office Commercial: (270) 798-0951 DSN 635 FAX 7337

Fort Drum Field Office Commercial: (315) 774-2548 DSN 772 FAX 0432

Fort Knox Field Office Commercial: (757) 878-4811 (ext 234) DSN 775 FAX 4251

Fort Gordon Field Office Commercial: (706) 791-9409 DSN 780 FAX 9411

Fort Hood Field Office Commercial: (254) 287-2507 DSN 737 FAX 8495

Fort Huachuca Field Office Commercial: (520) 533-2214 DSN 821 FAX 2213

Fort Jackson Field Office Commercial: (803) 751-7852 DSN 464 FAX 2343

Fort Leavenworth Field Office Commercial: (913) 684-7880 DSN 552 FAX 7877

Fort Leonard Wood Field Office Commercial: (573) 596-0085 DSN 581 FAX 0599

Fort Lewis Field Office Commercial: (253) 966-2592 DSN 357 FAX 2406

Fort Meade Field Office Commercial: (301) 677-2199 DSN 734 FAX 3686

Fort Monmouth Field Office Commercial: (732) 532-4173 DSN 992 FAX 4158

Fort Monroe Field Office Commercial: (757) 788-2467 DSN 680 FAX 4059

Fort Polk Field Office Commercial: (337) 531-6847 DSN 963 FAX 0125

Fort Riley Field Office Commercial: (785) 239-2268 DSN 856 FAX 2872

Fort Huachuca Field Office Commercial: (520) 533-2214 DSN 821 FAX 2213

Fort Sill Field Office Commercial: (580) 442-3726 DSN 639 FAX 7519

Hunter Army Airfield Field Office Commercial: (912) 315-5010 DSN 729 FAX 3401

Los Angeles Field Office Commercial: (562) 795-1316 DSN 972 FAX 1313

Miami Field Office Commercial: (305) 224-6976 DSN 791 FAX 7901

Monterey Field Office Commercial: (831) 242-7739 DSN 878 FAX 4729

National Capital Region Field Office Commercial: (703) 805-3008 DSN 655 FAX 4050

New England Field Office Commercial: (978) 796-3283 DSN 256 FAX 3349

Picatinny Field Office Commercial: (973) 724-5446 DSN 880 FAX 3517

Redstone Field Office Commercial: (256) 313-5186 DSN 897 FAX 7622

Rock Island Field Office Commercial: (309) 782-5042 DSN 793 FAX 5044

Rocky Mountain Field Office Commercial: (719) 526-4815 DSN 691 FAX 2780

San Antonio Field Office Commercial: (210) 295-6418 DSN 421 FAX 7541

St Louis Field Office Commercial: (314) 232-6106 DSN NONE FAX 1277

Tampa Field Office Commercial: (813) 828-6721 DSN 968 FAX 1948

White Sands Field Office Commercial: (575) 678-5021 DSN 258 FAX 5023



Tab 8

MOS 35L Applicant Review Checklist



Tab 9

Contingency Statement Example

1. Applicant will initial the beginning and end of this statement and then sign it.

Contingency Statement


“I understand that final acceptance for duties as a Counterintelligence Special

Agent is contingent upon a favorable special background investigation, including an
evaluation of my personal characteristics and potential capabilities, and successful
completion of a prescribed course of instruction. I also understand that the type of
training within the Counterintelligence Special Agent field that I receive is at the
discretion of the Department of the Army.”

(Signature of Applicant)



Tab 10

Motivational Composition Instructions

1. General Instructions:
a. This is to determine how well you are capable of reasoning and expressing
yourself in writing and to determine your working knowledge of English grammar and
punctuation. Content, construction, clarity, conciseness, completeness, spelling, and
maturity of thought expression are principal areas of interest.
b. Applicants are provided the following material to complete the required

A black ballpoint pen

Bond Paper
Sharpened pencil

2. Specific Instructions:
a. Write your last name and date at the top right hand corner of each sheet of paper
that is used for your composition. Number each page at the bottom center.
b. As you finish the composition sign your name and print your full name, rank, and
service number.
c. Time Limit: 10 minutes. You will be timed by the interviewer.

4. Specific Instructions: Write a one paragraph composition stating why you are
applying for Counterintelligence Special Agent duties. Complete the composition in
pencil at this time.



Tab 11

Biographical Composition Instructions

1. This is to determine how well you are capable of reasoning and expressing yourself in
writing and to determine your working knowledge of English grammar and punctuation.
Content, construction, clarity, conciseness, completeness, spelling, and maturity of your
thought expression are principal areas of interest.

2. Applicants are provided the following material to complete the required composition:

Computer – (Computer will be turned on, Microsoft Word will be open and
preformatted to the following, Times New Roman font, 12 pitch, 1” margins top, bottom,
left and right, double spaced, spell check turned on.)
Black ballpoint pen

3. General Instructions:
a. Time Limit: 45 minutes. You will be timed/monitored by the interviewer. The
recommended minimum length for this composition is 4-5 pages.
b. After the time limit has expired you will print your composition and sign your name
and print your full name, rank, and service number at the end of the last page.
c. Handwrite your last name and date at the top right hand corner of each sheet of
paper that is used for your composition. Number each page at the bottom.

4. Specific Instructions: Write a biographical composition in as many paragraphs as

necessary to cover the following facets of your life:
a. Describe your family background and other influences during your maturation.
(1) The level of formal education attained.
(2) Major fields of study.
(3) Overall academic standing in high school and college.
(4) How the education was financed.
(5) In which course did you receive your best and worst grades and the reasons
(6) If formal education has not been completed, the reasons for leaving and
intentions regarding completion.
b. Major fields in which you have been employed (i.e., sales, office work, farming,
laborer, etc.) to include:
(1) A brief description of duties performed.
(2) Length of time engaged in each field.
(3) Whether part-time, full-time, or summer employment.
(4) Highest degree or responsibility assumed.
(5) Reasons for termination of employment.
c. Describe the major incidents in your life which have affected your personality,
character or your outlook on life in general.
d. Describe your major interests in life and what has been done to develop them.



Tab 12

Orientation Statement Example

Orientation Statement

1. I acknowledge that the following requirements for assignment to and retention for
Sensitive Compartmented information duties have been explained to me:

a. If my application is approved for controlled intelligence MOS duties, I understand

that I may be required to enlist, reenlist, or adjust my period of service as required under
appropriate Army Regulations.
b. I understand that I must meet the minimum established academic standards for the
course of instruction for which I am selected in order to be retained in MI duties.
Further, I understand that it I fail to complete the course of instruction for any reason, I
will be required to complete my term of service. I understand that after I satisfactorily
complete the school training, I will be assigned in accordance with the needs of the
Army. I acknowledge that no promises have been made to me as to area of neither
assignment nor the exact type of duties to be performed.
c. I also understand that Joint Travel Regulations prohibit the transportation of my
spouse/family members and shipment of household goods at Government expense to
school courses of less than 20 weeks duration.
d. I understand that MI personnel who marry (by religious or civil ceremony or under
the common law) any person not a United States citizen by birth or a naturalized citizen
will become ineligible automatically for continued duty in controlled intelligence MOS
unless granted a waiver by the Commanding General, USAMILPERCEN, HQDA.

2. I have been informed and understand that actual assignment to, and retention in,
controlled intelligence duties of any individual, including enlistees for such training and
duties, will depend on the following:
a. Favorable results of special background investigation initiated and controlled by the
Chief, Military Intelligence, US Army, to include an evaluation of my personal
characteristics and potential capabilities.
b. Successful completion of prescribed course of instruction.
c. Good moral character.
d. Integrity of a degree commensurate with the recognized high standards for
intelligence duties as required by the nature of intelligence operations.
e. Satisfactory performance of assigned intelligence duties.
f. Continuance of eligibility for assignment in accordance with prerequisites listed in
Chapter 7, AR 614-200 or 614-103.

3. I have been further advised and understand that

a. Failure to meet and adhere to any of the above requirements will result in my
reassignment from controlled intelligence MOS duties. If reassignment is necessary, I
will not be given further choice of assignment, but will reclassified and reassigned in
accordance with the needs of the Army and required to complete the term of service.



Tab 12 (Continued)

Orientation Statement Instructions

b. Final determination or retention for MI duties will be made through HRC-STL,

ATTN: ARPC-PLF and forwarded to appropriate action office. Enlistment and
subsequent assignment to Fort Huachuca, AZ, in itself should not be construed as
assurance of acceptance for intelligence MOS duties.

4. I have been informed that the intelligence course is taught at the US Army Intelligence
Center and School, Fort Huachuca, AZ.

5. I have read and understand the above information.

Witness: Applicant:

…..(Interviewer, US Army Representative)….. ……(Signature)…..

…..(Unit)….. ……(Printed Name)…..
…..(Date)….. ……(Address)…….



Tab 13

Privacy Act Advisement Statement Example

Privacy Act Advisement

The authority for requesting the information during this interview is contained
in Title 10, United States Code, Section 3012, and Executive Orders 9397, 10450
and 12065. The requested information will be used for making personnel
security determination for membership in the Armed Forces of the United States
and/or access to classified information, and for making personnel management
decisions. The routine uses are for the determination of the scope and coverage
of a personnel security investigation, assuring the completeness of
investigations, and providing evaluators and adjudicators with basic personal
history information relevant to security and suitability determinations. The
information may be disclosed to other Federal agencies that are also charged
with making the foregoing determinations and to administrative, law enforcement
or investigative personnel responsible for matters that arise during these

Completion of this interview is voluntary. However, failure on your part to

furnish all or part of the information requested may result in reassignment to non-
sensitive duties or denial of access to classified information. At your request, a
copy of this Privacy Act Advisement will be provided to you for your retention.

Witness: Applicant:

….(Signature)….. …..(Signature)…..
…..(Printed Name)….. …..(Printed Name)…..
…..(Date)….. …..(Date)…..



Tab 14

Questioning Guide


1. Family background of soldier.

2. Personal or marital problems which may limit worldwide utilization in intelligence
3. Linguistic ability and how acquired.
4. Fully Explore potentially derogatory information listed on the personnel security
5. Financial responsibility, debts and income.
6. Association with the opposite sex.
7. Course of study, technical training, or other skills or hobbies which enhance the
soldier’s potential for intelligence duties.
8. Knowledge and interest in political and world affairs.
9. ROTC experience to include responsible positions held and reasons for leaving.
10. Soldier’s reasons and basic motivation for applying for intelligence duties and the
training desired (specific course).
11. Whether he possesses a valid driver’s license.
12. Any other subject deemed essential by the interviewer to properly evaluate the
soldier and to complete the statement of interview.
13. Conduct interview in such manner as to provide a basis for properly estimating
personality traits prescribed in paragraphs (1) and (2), below, and appraising the soldier
in order to determine other qualifications set forth in paragraphs (3), (4), and (5), below:
(1) Motivation and reasons for applying for MOS 35L, poise, mental alertness,
sincerity, ability to think quickly, ability of oral expression, personality, and maturity.
(2) The qualities and attitudes listed below are desirable and particularly sought
by MI:
a. Neatness (clean shaven, shoes polished, brass polished, clothing clean
and pressed, hair combed and neat and clean fingernails).
b. Posture (erect shoulder, back, etc.).
c. Stature and physique
d. Physiognomy (unscarred, unmarked, no outstanding characteristics to
the extent the soldier could be readily identified or cause him to stand out in a
e. Demeanor (straightforward, looks directly at the interviewer when
speaking, calm, poised, at ease, self-confident, courteous, respectful, pleasing (not
servile), animated, interested, voice quality (well modulated), no unpleasant
qualities or unusual characteristics which may cause easy identification or undue
notice to the extent that it would be detrimental to the soldier’s MI duties).
(3) Educational requirements.
a. Attended accredited schools or received proper tutoring or self-
instruction comparable to formal education requirements.



Tab 14 (Continued)

Questioning Guide

b. Received passing grades in most subjects, especially in English, history,

and political science courses.
c. Worked toward definite goal.
d. Intends to use his education to further career.
e. Expresses intention of completing or improving his education.
f. Has retained a fair amount of what he learned in school.
g. Has ability to write correctly, using good grammar and spelling.
h. Speaks English correctly.
(4) Development.
a. Current events (well informed on current events, interested in national
affairs, possesses ability to reason and form conclusions relative to world affairs).
b. Personal (has common sense, is quick to grasp a situation and quick to
change his thoughts to new trends or changes in situation under discussions).
(5) Moral. (Has definite ideas of right and wrong in personal and public life; has
religious or moral ideals; has sense of personal responsibility; has religious and
racial tolerance).
14. An advisement of the soldier’s rights concerning self-incriminating statements under
Article 31, UCMJ, or the 5th Amendment to the constitution, as appropriate, will not be
administered at the beginning of the interview. If at any time during the course of the
interview, the Soldier furnishes information which is self-incriminating, the interviewer
will immediately stop the interview and administer a rights warning. The interviewer
will then proceed with the interview only if the soldier voluntarily waives his rights by
executing DA Form 3881.
15. Interviews will not be conducted under oath unless a rights warning has been
administered and the applicant has waived his rights.


1. At no time will the individual be informed of the interviewer’s recommendations

nor will any promise be made concerning acceptance of the applicant or future
2. Close the interview by checking to see if the soldier has any further questions; if
none, advise the soldier that his application will be forwarded to HQDA for final
3. Formulate your recommendation based on all information developed during the
processing cycle to include the soldier’s composition.



Tab 15

Statement of Interview Example

(Unit Letterhead)

Office Symbol Date

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, HRC-Alexandria, ATTN: HRC-EPB-M (35L), 2461 Eisenhower

Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22331-0400

SUBJECT: Statement of Interviews

1. On 9 April 2009, Jonathan Clarence Doe, SGT, XXX-XX-XXXX, 205th Military Intelligence Battalion,
500th Military Intelligence Brigade, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii (HI), 96857, with residence at 374 Elm
Street Unit B, Honolulu, HI 95822, an applicant for Career Management Field (CMF) 35, MOS 35L,
Counterintelligence Agent, was interviewed.

2. The following is submitted:

a. DOB: 4 May 1978

b. POB: Lafayette, Indiana
c. Citizenship: U.S.
d. Gender: Male
e. Height: 72 inches
f. Weight: 200 pounds
g. Build: Large
h. Physical Profile: 112111
i. Color Vision: Normal
j. GT/ST Score: 121/116
k. BASD: 4 August 1999
l. DLAB: N/A
m. Language: None
n. SSI/PMOS: 11B
o. ETS: 28 June 2011
p. DEROS: 09 October 2010
q. Driver’s License: Indiana – 12345678
r. Peace Corp: NO
s. Record APFT Date/Score: 12 Mar 2009/247
t. In Compliance With AR 600-9: Yes
u. Years of Formal Education: 16 (Bachelor’s Degree)
v. AKO email Address: jonathan.c.doe4@us.army.mil

3. The results of the interview with SGT Doe are as follows:

a. Background:

(1) All of SGT Doe’s family members are U.S. Citizens. SGT Doe’s father, Donny Gene
Doe, born 12 November 1957 in Fort Scott, Kansas; residing at 2230 Jones Street, Joplin, MO 64804; and
is employed at Safeway Bakeries. SGT Doe’s mother, Raye Lynn Doe (Smith), born 14 September 1959 in
Dallas, Texas; resides at the same address and is a homemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Doe have been married since



Tab 15 (Continued)

Office Symbol Date

August 1976. SGT Doe maintains a good relationship with His parents, speaking with them at least once a
week telephonically.

(2) SGT Doe has one half-sister, Amanda Jo Doe, born 6 May 1975 in Fort Scott,
Kansas; resides at 504 South 3rd Street, Lafayette, IN 47909; and is employed at Sears Tire Center.
Amanda Doe’s mother, Kathryn Lynn Doe (Donner), is a school teacher and resides in Lafayette, IN.
Kathryn was married to SGT Doe’s father in 1973 and divorced in 1975. SGT Doe maintains a good
relationship with His sister and maintains bi-weekly contact telephonically.

(3) SGT Doe met Stacy Marie Doe (Collins) while assigned to Fort Benning, GA and
they married on 13 June 2003. Stacy Marie Doe, born 12 October 1976 is Columbus, GA is a homemaker.
They have a son, Jacob Ryan Doe, born 11 November 2004, at Fort Benning, GA. In April 2007, Stacy
Marie Doe separated from SGT Doe and moved in with her mother residing in Atlanta, GA. The reason for
the separation was that she did not desire to be an Army wife anymore. Additionally SGT Doe stated they
are on good terms. Stacy Marie Doe maintained custody of their son during the school year, and SGT Doe
had extended visitation during the summer and holidays. SGT Doe stated there is no set visitation schedule
and that He spends as much time as He can with His son, depending on training schedules and

(4) Stacy Marie Doe (Collins) is the daughter of Mark Trenton Collins, born 12 August
1954, in Columbus, GA; residing at 35 Mercantile Way, Columbus, GA 31904 and is employed by Jordan
Electric. Her mother is Amy Lynn Collins (Woodside), born 6 September 1955 in Columbus, GA; residing
at 12 East Sycamore, Fortson, GA 31801. Her parents were divorced in 1991. Stacy Marie Doe maintains
contact with both her parents two or three times a week telephonically and by quarterly visits each year.

(5) Stacy Marie Doe (Collins) has no siblings.

(6) Personal or marital problems which could limit worldwide utilization in intelligence
duties: SGT Doe understands the potential strains and responsibilities inherent in the counterintelligence
field and stated his relationship with his spouse would not affect his ability to attend the necessary schools
or interfere with his duties as a counterintelligence agent.

(7) SGT Doe has no hindrance in associating or working with the opposite sex.

(8) SGT Doe has no foreign relatives or connections.

(9) SGT Doe provided His financial information to determine His financial situation.
The information he provided is as follow:

(a) SGT Doe utilizes the following accounts to maintain his residence.

Account Type: Rent

Monthly Payment: $850.00
Status: Current

Account Type: Utility (Water)

Monthly Payment: $75.00
Status: Current



Tab 15 (Continued)

Office Symbol Date

Account Type: Utility (Electricity)

Monthly Payment: $95.00
Status: Current

Account Type: Utility (Gas)

Monthly Payment: $50.00
Status: Current

(b) SGT Doe utilizes the following secured credit accounts.

Account Type: Auto Loan

Balance: $15,500.00
Monthly Payment: $350.00
Status: Current

(c) SGT Doe utilizes the following unsecured credit accounts.

Account Type: Credit Card

Credit Limit: $6,500.00
Balance: $4,500.00
Monthly Payment: $110.00
Status: Current

Account Type: Credit Card

Credit Limit: $10,000.00
Balance: $5,300.00
Monthly Payment: $165.00
Status: Current, was 30 days late (March 2009)

(d) SGT Doe utilizes the following miscellaneous accounts.

Account Type: Automobile Insurance

Monthly Payment: $125.00
Status: Current

Account Type: Mobile Phone

Monthly Payment: $119.00
Status: Current

(e) SGT Doe stated he was late on one credit card in March 2009, due to losing
the bill when He moved into a new apartment.

(f) SGT Doe exhibits sound financial planning and responsibility, with no
history bankruptcy or excessive delinquency in paying His bills. SGT Doe has no additional income
outside of His military pay. SGT Doe stated that He will be selling His vehicle and purchasing a new one
in the next three months. SGT Doe stated that he is not financially responsible for His wife’s accounts. He
did state, however, that He is financially responsible for His son and pays $400.00 a month in child



Tab 15 (Continued)

Office Symbol Date

b. Educational Background:

(1) SGT Doe attended Klondike Elementary School for Kindergarten and first grade in
W. Lafayette, In; Miller Elementary School for second grade in Lafayette, IN; Washington Elementary
School for third through fifth grades in Lafayette, IN; Tecumseh Middle School for sixth through eighth
grades in Lafayette, IN; Jefferson High School for ninth through eleventh grades in Lafayette, IN; and
Central Catholic High School for twelfth grade in Lafayette, IN, graduating in 1999.

(2) SGT Doe maintained a B/C average while in High School, with math being His most
difficult subject. He favored history most because he found the subject matter easier to understand.

(3) SGT Doe has taken approximately six credit hours of college courses online via Ivy
Technical College, Indianapolis, IN.

(4) SGT Doe has not completed any military correspondence courses.

(5) SGT Doe intends to pursue His education through eArmyU online. He did not
specify a degree plan, or a timeline for attending courses.

c. Employment Background: In 1998, SGT Doe worked for Marsh Supermarkets His junior year
of high school. He left after only four months due to conflicting schedules with the baseball team. During
his senior year in 1999, He worked for North Side Music, a piano restoration company for six months. He
left work to join the Army in August after graduation.

d. Military Service Background: SGT Doe entered the Army 4 August 1999 as an 11B,
Infantryman (Airborne) attending Basic Training/AIT at Fort Benning, GA, assigned to 1st BN, 19th
Infantry, D Company. He completed His training 19 November 1999 and His first duty assignment was
with C Company, 1st BN, 29th Infantry at Fort Benning, GA. He was assigned as a Bradley drive and
gunner. In October 2002, SGT Doe applied for a recruiting position, was accepted and attended Army
Recruiting School (ARC), with A company EX40R, at Fort Jackson, SC. In December 2002, He was
assigned to the Crawfordsville Recruiting Station, Crawfordsville, IN. He returned to His prior unit in
January 2004. In April/May 2005, SGT Doe was DA selected to become an Army Recruiter and again
attended ARC at Fort Jackson, SC. In July 2005, He was assigned to the Indianapolis Recruiting Station,
Indianapolis, IN, as an Army Recruiter, and currently maintains this position.

e. Loyalty, Integrity, Discretion, Morals and Character (LIDMAC):

(1) SGT Doe has never traveled outside of the United States other than on official U.S.
Government orders.

(2) SGT Doe has no affiliation with foreign businesses or organizations.

(3) SGT Doe has never abused over the counter or prescription medications. SGT Doe
experimented with marijuana approximately 10 times while in high school. This was His only experience
with illegal substances, and He has no desire or intention to use illegal substances again.

(4) SGT Doe has never received an Article 15 or any punishment under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice.



Tab 15 (Continued)

Office Symbol Date

(5) SGT Doe is a social drinker. He drinks approximately six to twelve beers once a
month socially. This is usually at His residence with friends, or at a friend’s residence. He has never been
arrested, charged or convicted of a DUI/DWI. He has no outstanding tickets or citations of any kind.

(6) SGT Doe appeared completely loyal to the U.S. and its form of government. He
seemed mature and of sound moral character. He has not been involved in any incident that would reflect
adversely on His suitability for sensitive assignments as a Counterintelligence Special Agent.

f. Other Information:

(1) SGT Doe has never seen a psychologist or psychiatrist.

(2) SGT Doe was professional in appearance and demeanor. He was dressed
professionally in ACUs upon arrival. SGT Doe arrived 15 minutes early for His scheduled time of 1300
hours. He was acquainted with current affairs and able to formulate opinions about various topics of

(3) SGT Doe had no mannerisms or characteristics which might cause undue notice or
recognition. SGT Doe has two tattoos; a black dragon on His right calf; and a black dragon with green
wings on His left shoulder. SGT Doe likes dragons and thought they would make good tattoos. Neither or
his tattoos are offensive racially nor sexually explicit. They are not apparent in casual business attire.

(4) SGT Doe expressed Himself reasonably well verbally. His writing ability was clear
and he managed to convey His message.

(5) SGT Doe wrote three pages in the allotted 45 minute time for His biographical essay
and covered most of the areas requested. SGT Doe struggled while typing and barely had time to complete
his essay.

(6) SGT Doe’s moral attitude is good. He has strong values.

(7) SGT Doe’s goals are to better Himself through personal education and professional
development, in both the military and for future civilian opportunities. He stated He intends to get
promoted to E7, but did not have a plan to assist Himself in that goal. SGT Doe stated that currently He
has no time to pursue education due to the demanding hours of an Army Recruiter and family, however
education is something that He wants to pursue.

4. Motivation: SGT Doe wishes to serve as a Counterintelligence Agent in order to better serve the
military. SGT Doe is looking for a challenge and does not wish to serve as an Army Recruiter because He
does not like the long hours required. SGT Doe stated that if not accepted into the counterintelligence
field, He is most likely to exit the military at the end of His enlistment. SGT Doe willingly admits that He
is applying because he wants a new job, and is not applying for a job as a counterintelligence agent in the
best interests of the Army.

5. Waivers: SGT Doe does not require any waivers.



Tab 15 (Continued)

Office Symbol Date

6. Recommendation: SGT Doe is not an excellent candidate for duty as a 35L Counterintelligence Agent.
Although He provided the proper paperwork, information gaps in His financial and personal background
raised concerns when He was told exactly what was needed for His final interview. He was willing to
discuss the issues indentified in His packet, but inconsistencies were identified regarding His marriage and
personal finances. SGT Doe stated that His wife no longer wished to be associated with the Army, and
would not provide any further information concerning her, which led to the belief that He was being
deceptive. Upon reviewing His Army career, SGT Doe had stable assignments with no deployments. If
SGT Doe is accepted as a CI Agent, he will be required to travel on routine TDYs from a few days to up to
six months at a time, as well as deployments and be required to work long hours in support of the mission.
His lack of attention to detail and unwillingness to discuss, in depth, issues concerning His marriage and
personal finances raise concerns in regards to His integrity and motivation for submitting His packet.
Additionally SGT Doe made no effort to contact this office to inquire about the status of His application
while the undersigned was TDY for a month, yet He was told He could contact any agent in the office
during my absence. Upon reviewing His packet I do not recommend SGT Doe be accepted to CMF 35,
MOS 35L, Counterintelligence Agent.

(Signature block)



Tab 16

Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Endorsement Example

(Letter of Transmittal)
(Unit Heading)
(Field or Resident Office)

(Office Symbol) (Date)

SUBJECT: Application for Counterintelligence Special Agent Duties

TO: Commander HRC

(final destination of packet for approval)

1. I have reviewed the attached application pertaining to …(Applicant’s Name,

SSN)… and concur/nonconcur in the recommendation of the interviewer (or in
the event of nonconcurrence add reason why).

(Omit above paragraph if the FO Cdr or RO SAIC does the interview or

endorsement waiver is requested. The following would be appropriate:
“Forwarded herewith is the attached application pertaining to …..(Applicant’s
Name, SSN)….Memo will include the following statement: “Request waiver of
second interviewing/review agent.”

2. Upon acceptance (nonacceptance), the following unit is to be notified:

Name and Address of Parent Unit


Enclosure listing



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