You Need To Work
You Need To Work
You Need To Work
Practicing can be like studying for a class. Some don·t study at all. Some
put in the time, but because they aren·t organized, they don·t learn as
much as they could. The key is to work with a clear purpose in mind to
accomplish your goals.If you don·t approach your practice time with a
good idea about what you want to accomplish, chances are you will be
spinning your wheels when you practice.
The most important aspect of practicing takes place in your mind before
you ever play a note. You must know what you want to accomplish
before you begin. If you don·t have a good idea about what you want to
get done before you play, you will be unfocused and unproductive during
your practice session.
2. If there are many areas that require work, break the large area
above into 8 measure or 4 measure segments«the size doesn·t
matter.|n this step, the most important thing is to fix problems
from step 1, whether you fix one problem or several. It is better to
set smaller goals and achieve them than to overwhelm yourself
with too much to do! So, go back to these areas you have
bracketed and work on them very slowly until you can play them
well. Then you are ready to take that passage a bit faster.
Continually increase your tempo until you have arrived at the
performance tempo. You are now ready to tackle the next difficult
spot, working it very slowly and gradually making it faster.
If you can·t master a certain problem, ask an expert like your band
director or a clarinet teacher for advice. Often, they can give you
the piece of information you need to keep going further (like a
different fingering).
This simple model can be applied to most issues in which you are
Begin your practice session with a goal in mind, such as, ´My goal is to
play measures 1-16 excellently.µ Make sure that all of your work is a
function of your goal for that practice session.