Astrology Details

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The chart is designed in such a way to find out the 10 most important
number of agreements (Out of the forty kind of agreements existing or
Dasavida Poruthams) between a girls star and the Boys star.
In this chart the girls star and the janma rasi (moon signs) is given. The
first column of the chart contains the name of the star of the Boy which
may be any of the 27 stars. In the second column the moonsign or
janma rasi of the boy is given. From the third column to the 12th
column there are 10 kinds of agreements based on the girls star and the
boys star are given and they are categorised as Good (G) Average
meaning absence of Dosham (A) Bad (B) or Absent (-)
For the sake of easy understanding Good agreements are given One
Point (1) Average Half (1/2) Point and Bad Agreements Nil (0) Point. If
the total number of points on the above basis is seven (7) or more than
seven it is rated as Very Good in the Last Column (14) of the chart. If
the number of column is above 5 (five) and 7 below (seven) it is rated
as Good, and if the number of Points is 5 (five) it is rated as Average
and if the number of Points are below 5 (five) it is rated as Bad.
DINA PORUTHAM - Column three of the Chart.
If the boys star happens to be the Anujanma nakshatra and Trijanma
nakshatra of the Girls the Agreement is rated as Bad (B) in Dina
Poruthams, regarding the identical Janma Nakshatras of Girls and Boys.
The views expressed by the majority of the astrologers are followed in
the chart. Further the 3, 5, 7 stars of the boys from the janma,
anujanma, and trijanma nakshatras of the girls are also classified as
Bad (B) in the Chart even through certain quarters (padams) of the
stars are to be completely avoided. If the star of the Boy is 27th from
the Girl and if this stars belong to different Moon Signs there is no Dina
Poruthams, if these stars belong to the same Moon signs there is Dina
(Column 4 to 10 of the Chart) have been also considered in the Chart.
While Considering your YONI Poruthams the enemity between the
animals represented by the stars of the couples has been taken into
account before rating the agreement as good, average and bad. Such
reference is reflected by our Matchmaker
Regarding Rasi Porutham the Girls born in ODD signs like Medam,
Mithunam, Chingam, Tulam, Dhanu and Kumbham can be matched
moderately with Boys born in the sixth signs from the above janma rasi
of the girls and they are rated as (A) average in the Chart. If Mithuna is
the janmarasi of the Girl the Rasi Porutham under column 9 between
these Girls and Boys born with their janma rasis (moonsigns) as
Vrischika is rated as Average in the Charts.
The generally followed rule that if Ganam of the Groom and the Bride be
of Deva and Asura Ganams alliances between them is very Bad this is
being strictly followed in the charts even though some Astrologers are of
the opinion that the alliance between boys born in Asura Gana and Girls
born in Deva Gana are possible.The adverse effects of Asura Gana will
diminish if the asterism of the Girl Bride at birth be beyond the 14th
from the asterism of the groom.
Since all the six stars belonging to 'Ooru Rajju' (Thigh) namely Bharani,
Pooyam, Pooram, Anizham, Pooradam, Utharathadhi, and the three
stars belonging to 'Siro Rajju' namely Makayiram, Chithira, Avittom,
have mutual Madhyama Rajju Doshas the agreements between the
couples belonging to anyone of these nine stars are classified as Bad.
Rajju Poruthams between couples belonging to any of the stars coming
under 'Khanda Rajju' (Rohini, Attam, Tiruvonam, Tiruvathira, Chothi and
Chathayam is also classified as Bad. If the stars of the couples are in
the same category of Aroha or Avaroha Rajju in the pada and Nabi
Rajjus they are rated as bad. If one of their stars is in the ascending
order and the other in the descending order in the case of the two
Rajjus the agreement is rated as average. The three stars Makayiram,
Chithira, Avittam coming under the category of 'Siro Rajju' are mutually
bad and rajju poruthams between couples born in any of these three
stars are shown as bad.
boys lagna (ascendant) and the girls lagna are in samasapthama
positions it will cause physical attraction. If the janma rasis moon signs
are like this it is said to create mutual affinity between the couples. This
is based on the principle that when the minds are united differences will
not exist All samasapthamas are good except Chingam (Leo) and
Kumba (Aquarius).this is based on the fact that Sun adn Saturn are
mutual enemies. Makara (Capricorn) and Karkada (Cancer) are also not

Horoscope Matching - A detailed

Kalathra Dosham, Rahu Ketu Dosham and Kuja Dosham, Chevvai
Dosham known as Mangal Dosham (Mangalik)

Girl's Star (Dinam)

If the girl's star is Mrigasheersham, Makam, Swathi, Anusham and
Uthirattathi then you need not look into other details and can immediately
select her. These stars are considered to be exceptionally good and so do not
require matching of horoscope from other angles. But one MUST check for
Kuja Dosham known as Chevvai dosham or Mangalik or Manglik . This
is the only condition laid down to chose among the above five Nakshatram
known as nakshatra or constellations .

Rajju (Topmost prioritygiven for this by every Caste. )

Matching of Rajju is most important. Star of girl should not be the same or
10th or 19th of boys star. Some same stars are however exceptions viz.
Thiruvathirai, Makam, Mrigaseersham, Swathi, Anusham & Uthirattathi.
Excepting the six stars listed herein, for other stars if Rajju match is not
found. then the alliance should be dropped at the first place. NO SAME
RAJJU horoscopes should be matched with the exception to the six stars
listed. This is the most vital and important match that one should and must
consider, irrespective of Caste. creed or religion

Count from girl's star up to your star and divide the figure by nine. If the
reminder is 2,4,6,8 then matching is good. If it is 5 it is tolerable. But if the
reminder is 1, 3, 7 then there is no matching.

Rasi (Moon sign)

Your Rasi should be at least 6 counts from that of the girl. The Lord of your
Rasi should be friendly one to the Girls Rasi and not an enemy sign to the
girl's Rasi.

Yoni (Physical compatibility)

Ganam Or
Representing Star
Birth Star Bird Tree
Aswini /
Male Horse Rajali Etti Divine
Asvini /Aswinee
Barani / Bharani Male Elephant Crow Nelli Human
Karthigai /
Female goat Peocock Athi Demon
Rohini He Serpent Owl Nawal Human
Mrigashersham /
Female Pelican Hen Karungali Divine
Thiruvadharai /
Male Dog Sparrow Shengali Human
Punarpusam /
Female Cat Swan Moongil Divine
Pusam / Pushya Female Goat Water Crow Arasu Divine
Ayilyam /
Female Cat Keech Keech Punnai Demon
Magam /
Rat He Eagle Al Demon
Puram /Pooram Female Cat She Eagle Palasu Human
Uthiram /Uthra
Buffalos Woodpecker Ithi Human
Hastham /
Cow Buffalo Vulture Athi Divine
Chtithirai /
Tiger Chilwandu Vilwam Demon
Swathi / Svathi Cow Buffalo Bee Marutham Divine
Visakam /
Tigress Stork Kadukkai Demon
Anusham /
Deer Vanambadi Magiyam Divine
Kettai /Jyeshta Deer Chakkaravagam Parai Demon
Moolam /Mulam Female Dog Shembothu Demon
Monkey Kavuthari Vanchi Human
Uthiradam Mongoose Valiyan Pala Human
Thiruvonam /
Monkey Pelican Erukku Divine
Lioness Vandu Valli Demon
Sadhayam Dead Black
Female Horse Kadambu Demon
/Sathayam Crow
Lion Ullan Thema Human
Cow Kottan Vembu Human
Revathi /Revati Cow Elephant Valluru Iluppai Divine

The second column in the Table gives the name of animal associated with
the star. This is an indication of compatibility for male/female Yoni of the
star. Thus if matching and not that of enemies star, then the couples should
enjoy their sexual life to the fullest satisfaction and it makes them more
bonded to each other. The Yoni of girl and boy should be of different one in
star/animal. Further the animals associated with girl's star should not be that
of an enemy star of that of boy's star such as Cow-Tiger, Elephant- Lion,
Horse-Buffalo, Serpent-Mongoose, Monkey-Goat, Cat-Rat, Deer-Dog etc.
It is easy one can just find the enemy to one another.

Ganam ( Qualities of Person)

The fifth column in the Table gives the ganam associated with a star. Boy
and girl should belong to the same ganam. If boy belongs to 'Angel' ganam,
the girl can be of 'Human being' ganam. There will be agreement if boy
belongs to 'demon' ganam and girl to 'Human being' ganam'. If the ganam of
both boy and girl belong to 'Demon' then the star of boy should be above
14th of girl's star.

Mahaendram : The agreement is good if the count from girl's star to boy's
star is 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25.

Vasiyam (Attraction to each other)

Agreement of Rasi for vasiyam known as attraction to each other are given
in following Table.

Rasi Or Moon sign of girl orThese signs are attracted Rasi of girl or
boy boy
Mesham Simham, Vrichikam
Vrishabam Katakam, Thulam
Mithunam Kanni
Katakam Vrichikam, Dhanus
Simham Thulam
Kanni Mithunam
Thulam Makaram, Kanni
Vrichikam Katakam
Dhanus Meenam
Makaram Mesham, Kumbam
Kumbam Mesham
Meenam Makaram

Stars which are Veddai to each other are given below
Ashvini - Kettai
Barani - Anusham
Karthigai - Vishakam
Rohini - Swathi
Thiruvadharai - Thiruvonam
Punarpusam - Uthiradam
Pusam - Puradam
Ayilyam - Moolam
Magam - Revathi
Pooram - Uthirattadhi
Uthiram - Poorattadhi
Hastham - Sadhayam
Mrigasheersham - Chithirai - Avittam. The boy's star should not be Vedai to
girl's star and vice versa


There are 3 Nadis viz. Parshva Nadi, Madya Nadi, Samana Nadi .The stars
belonging to the three Nadis are given below.
Parshva Nadi - Ashvini, Thiruvadharai, Punarpusam, Uthiram, Hastham,
Kettai, Moolam, Sadayam, Poorattadhi
Madya Nadi - Barani, Mrigasheersam, Poosam, Pooram, Chithirai,
Anusham, Pooradam, Avittam, Uthirattadhi
Samana Nadi - Rohini, Ayilyam, Magam, Swathi, Vishakha, Uthiradam,
Thiruvonam, Revathi.
The girl and boy should not belong to the same Nadi.
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1. Kalathra Dosha

Mangalya Dosha or Death of Husband Affliction to or death of wife and

planetary positions averting widowhood for girls
Strong malefic in the 8th house in the female horoscope. Is stated to
cause early widow hood. If this malefic who is in the 8th house in a
female horoscopes is owner of the 7th house. Then widowhood should
not be predicted.
When there is a malefic in the 8th house if the 2nd or 4th house is
occupied by strong benefic like Jupiter the wife will predecease the
husband since 8th house will be aspects by jupiter even if there are
malefics in the 7th house and the 8th house in the horoscope of the girl
if there is a strong and powerful benefic in her 9th house she will have
both good marital life and prosperous children.
If the 6th lord and 8th lord. Combine and occupy the 7th house in a
female horoscope if moon with no digit strength occupies 7th house as
lord of the 6th which will happen only if lagna is Kumbha, if mars and
Jupiter occupy 7th or if Saturn is alone in the 7th or if Saturn is alone in
the 7th house aspected by 8th lord she will become a widow.
If Saturn is in the 8th house aspected by strong malefic in a female
horoscope she may not get married. Unless there are other favorable
factors the horoscope.
If in a male horoscope weak moon is in the 5th house, from lagna and if
lagna, seventh and twelfth houses are occupied by other malefics he will
neither have wife nor children.

If in a male horoscope,

Saturn is in the 7th in Pisces, or meenam, and if Sun is in the lagna he

will lose his wife This can happen only if lagna is in Virgo or Kanni.
Jupiter is in the 7th in Virgo or Kanni and there are malefics in the 4th
house from lagna, the wife will meet with an early death.
Sun and Venus are conjoined in the 5th, 7th, and 9th house from
Lagna, the wife will have deformity of limbs.
Sun and Rahu or Kethu are in the 7th House he will loose all his wealth
either through the bad character of his wife or sickly wife.
If moon and Saturn are in the 7th he will not have progeny. It is also
likely that he may not get married.
If lord of the 8th is in the seventh, he will lose his wife very early.
If Mars and Saturn are in the seventh in Cancer, he will get a good and
beautiful wife. This can happen only if the lagna is Makara or Capricorn.
The lord of the seventh house when placed in the sixth, eighth or
twelfth from lagna or ascendant but not in his swaksheta (own sign) or
exaltation sign ucha will afflict his wifes health.
If Venus or shukran is joined with a malefic planet the persons wife will
undergo serious afflictions even to the extent of affecting her longevity
the result will be the same if Venus or shukran occupies her debilitation
sign neecha rasi or an enemy sign or asthagatha combustion
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2. Multiple Marriages

When the strong moon and Venus shukran are joined together the
native marries more than once if Venus or shukran is strong in
horoscope fully aspects the seventh house the native marries more than
once the native will marry more than once when the lords of the 2nd
and 12th houses from lagna or ascendant occupy the third house aspect
by either Jupiter or lord of the ninth house.
The above mentioned results will happen when the lords of the 7th and
11th houses being strong occupy the fifth or the ninth house the same
results will happen when lords of the 7th and 11th houses combine in
the same sign or aspect each other. If Saturn as lord of the 7th house is
joined with a malefic planet the above mentioned result will happen.
If the 7th house from lagna or ascendant is occupied by a number of
strong planets aspect by the lord of the 7th house as it is stated that as
many marriages occur as the number of strong planets in the 7th
house.If number of planets possessing good strength occupy the 8th
house. The results mentioned in the above point will happen.
3. Impotency in boys horoscope

Moon, Saturn or Mars situated in even signs and Sun and Mercury in
odd signs aspect each other.

Saturn and Venus occupy the 8th or the 10th house from the ascendant
devoid of benefics aspects.

Saturn is in the 6th or 12th house in a watery sign respectively aspect

by mars or when Saturn occupies the sixth or the eight house from

Saturn occupying his debilitated sign in the 76th or 12th house this is
possible if lagna is in Scorpio or Taurus.
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4. Preventing pregnancy in males horoscope

Sun occupies the lagna or lagna and Saturn is placed in the 7th house.

Sun and Saturn are placed in the 7th house and Jupiter aspects the
10th house

if the 4th or 6th house is occupied by Mars and Saturn jointly.

Lord of sixth house and Saturn occupy the 6th house and moon is
placed in the 7th house

5. Childlessness
If the lord of lagna and Mercury occupy the 4th, 7th, and 10th house

Mars is placed in the lagna Saturn in the 8th house and sun in the fifth

if the fifth, eighth and twelfth houses are occupied by malefics

if Venus occupies the 7th house, Moon the 10th house and malefic
planets occupy the fourth house

if malefics unaspected by benefics occupy the 8th house from moon

if the 7th house is occupied by Venus and mercury 4th house by

malefics and Jupiter in the 5th house

Moon occupies the fifth house and malefics occupy the lagna and the
seventh and the twelfth house he will neither have wife nor children.
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6. Preventing birth of male child

Rahu in the fifth house either in the sign owned by Mars or aspectED by
Mars Saturn in the fifth house aspect by moon and the lord of fifth
House is associated with Rahu

Jupiter in combination with Rahu or kethu lord of fifth house is weak and
powerless and the lord of lagna is combined with Mars.

Jupiter is associated with mars rahu occupies the lagna and lord of 5th
is placed inthe sixth the eighth or twelfth house

Lord of lagna and fifth house is powerless and weak. and all malefic
planets occupy the fifth house with jupiter and mercury

Lord of lagna is associated with Rahu Lord of 5th house is combined

with Mars and putra karka Jupiter is aspected by rahu or kethu.

Jupiter is in Leo or Simha, lord of fifth is associated with sun and a

melefic planet occupies the lagna and the fifth house.

Sun is positioned in the 8th house saturn in the fifth house and the lord
of the 5th house is joined with rahu or kethu is in as lord of 5th house
occupies either the 5th or 9th house hemmed in between malefics and
aspected by malefic

Moon as lord of 5th house is either debiliated or hemmed in between

malefics and malefic planets occupy the 4th or 5th house

Lord of lagna is in debilitiation Moon is conjoined with a malefic and lord

of 5th house occupies the sixth with or twelth house moon as lord of the
house is associated with mars saturn and rahu. Mars as lord of 4th
house is aspected or associated with saturn and rahu and the sun and
moon jointly occupy the lagna

if the 4th lord occupies the eight house lord of lagna and fifth house
occupy the sixth house and lord s of sith and tenth housess cccupy the

Jupiter Mars and Rahu occupy the 6th, 8th and 12th houses and the
Moon and Saturn together occupy the fifth house.

Sun occupies the lagna and mars is situated in the 6th house

Jupiter occupies the fifth house and a malefic planet is placed in the 5th
house from jupiter

Lord of lagna ascendant is placed in an enemy sign and is aspected by

Mercury and Moon and Sun occupies the second or the sixth house

Lord of navamsa sign occupied by the lord of 5th house is either

conjoined with a malefic or in astangathata combustion

Jupitor as lord of fifth house is weak and is associated with malefic


Jupiter associated with malefic planet occupies the 5th or 9th house

if lord of lagna is situatied in a sign owned by Mars and lord of fifth

house occupies the sixth

if sun occupies virgo the lagna and mars is placed in the fifth house
Saturn and Moon are situated jointly in the 11th house

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7. Loose morals in men

Venus and Mercury occupy any one of the houses, the 10th, 7th and the
8th the native will have loose morals

Mars and Venus occupy the 10th and 7th houses.

Venus occupies the 10th houses from Moon and saturn the 10th from

Lord of 6th House occupies the 6th, 8th and 12th

Lord of 6th House occupies the 6th, 8th and 12th

Lord of the 7th, 2nd and 10th Houses in the 10th

Lord of 7th house associated with Rahu or Kethu and aspected by a


If Venus occupies a sign owned by Saturn or Mars and aspected

respectively by Mars or Saturn

If the lord of the 7th house occupies the 1st or the 7th

Lord of the 7th house in the 12th or 2nd.

If Venus occupies the 7th house in the varga of Saturn or Mars or

aspected by Saturn or Mars

sun is situated in the 7th from Lagna

Lords of first and sixth house conjoined with malefics

if the waning moon be associated with a malefic in the 7th house.

lord of the 7th house is associated with a malefic

Moon Mars and Satrun are situated jointly

Mercury in the 7th house other than that owned by him or his exaltaion

Venus and lod of 7th house occupy a sign owned by mars extremely
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8. Indications of love marriages

Lords of the fifth house and lagna are associated in the sma ehouse

When both lords of lagna and the fifth house aspect each other

if the lord of the lagna and fifth house are in parivartana mutual
exhancge of houses.

5th house asp[ected or occupied by a strong planet Moon Mars and


Malefic planet situated in the 9th house 9th house denotes custom
usage and family tradition.

It is said that if mars venus have exchanged their relative positions in

the horoscope of a coupdleor occupy each others navamsa the love
marriage will prove to be successful one.

9. Late Marriages

Mars is in the Fifth House - indicates delay in marriage but love


Gemini, Virgo, Leo happen to be in the 7th House and its occupied by

If the lord of the 7th house is a Malefic and occupies Gemini, Cancer,
Virgo, or Pisces

Mars or Saturn in opposition to the 7th

Sun combined with Venus occupies Gemini, Leo, Virgo. (The girl will
hate marriage)

Saturn and Mars are in the 7th House - indicates marriage with a
elderly(aged) person.
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10. Planetary combination for widowhood

Lord of the 7th and 8th join and occupy the 8th aspected by malefic

If the 7th house is occupied by Rahu Lord of the 7th is conjoined with
sun and has the aspect of lord of 8th.

Lord of 7th com bines with saturn and is expected by Mars Moon and
Rahu in the 8th House.

If Kuja or Mars is in the 8th House in combination with the lord of the
8th and the ascendant or lagna falls in an evil Navamsa.

Rahu in combination with saturn and Mars occupies the 7th and 8th

lord of 7th and 8th join together and occupy the 12thhouse from
ascendant and 7th house is aspected by malefics.

If mars and saturn are situated in the 7th and 8th house and if lord of
7th is weak and unfavourable
if the 7thg house and its lord lie between two or more malefics with no
benefic aspects or conjunctions.

Mars occupies the 7th house and is aspected by a malefic planet.

7th or 8th House from either the lagna or moon position is occupied by
more than two malefics.

Rahu joined with a malefic and occupying the sign ruled by mars is
placed in the eight or the twelfth house.

Lord of the 6th and 8th house are placed in the sixth or the 12th house
and are aspected by malefics

When the 8th house is occupied by a malefic and the woman will
become a widow and the widow hood will occupy during the dasa of the
planet owning the navqamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th.

lord of the 8th occupies the 7th house and the lord of the 7th is
aspected by a malefic early widowhood will result

Rahu in combination with mars and saturn and occupying the 7th or 8th

7th house uis hemmed in between malefics in the 6ht and 8th house

Beneficial planetary positions in girls horoscopes

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11. Vishkanya Dosham in Girls (Girls who must be avoided as

matrimonial partners).

Any girl born in the combination Saturday, Ayilyam and Dwithiya thithi,
Any girl born in the combination Sunday, Chathayam and Dwadasi (12th

A girl born on Tuesday, in vishakam nakshatram and Saptam thithi.

If a benefic as well as a malefic planet occupy the Lagna, and two

malefics are in the sixth house. The girl born is Vishakanya.

If the girl is born when the Sun is in the fifth house, Saturn is in Lagna
and Mars occupies the Ninth she is a vishakanya.

If the lunar day is seventh falling on Tuesday and Chatayam ruling or if

the lunar day is the 12th falling on Sunday ruled by Kartika, the girl
becomes a vishakanya.

These doshas will be nullified if the lord of the seventh house or a

powerful benefic is positioned in the seventh house.

12. Planetary combination for Chastity, Loose Morals,

Prostitution and Adultery in a Female Horscope.

If the lagna Ascendant of Moon falls in Aries(Mesha) or Scorpio (vrchika)

and Kuja Trimsamsa falls the girl will become a prostitute before her

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Trimsamsa means 1/30th of a sign or one degree. Each sign as our
readers know contains 30 degrees. In off signs like Ar9ies, Gemini, Leo,
Libra, Saggittarius, Aquarius the trimsamsas are distributed as follows:

Mars(kuja) 5 Degrees
Saturn (sani) 5 Degrees
Jupiter(Guru) 8 Degrees
Mercury(Bhudha) 7 degrees
Venus(Shukran) 5 Degrees

Total 30 degrees.

The first five degrees are governed by Mars, the next five degrees by
Saturn, the next eight degrees by Jupiter, the next seven degrees by
Mercury, and the last five degrees byVenus.

In case of even signs like Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and
Pisces this is reversed as under

Venus(Shukran) 5 Degrees

Mercury(Bhudha) 7 Degrees

Jupitor(Guru) 8 Degrees

Saturn(Sani) 5 Degrees

Mars (Kuja) 5 Degrees

Sun and Moon have no Lordships in Trimsamsas.

If the girls Ascendant(Lagna) or( Janma rasi) Moon position falls in Aries
or Scorpio and is in the Trimsamsa of Venus she will become

If she is bron in Trimsamsa of Mercury(Bhudha) whe will be a very

cunning woman and will cover her evil action by clever measures.
If hse is born in Shani trimsamsa she will becoime a servant and may
have evil and sinful temptations to commit adultery.

If she is born with her ascendant and janma rasi Moons position in Virgo
or gemini and mars trimsasma rises at the time the woman will become
cunning and unchaste

if venus trimsamsa rises she will become a whore

If saturn trimsamsa rises she will become impotent.

If the brith sign or moon sign happens to be taurus or libra and if

trimsamsa of Mars rises she will have a bad character.

If the trimsamsa of saturn rises she will marry another after her first

If the moon or ascendant falls in cancer and the trimsamsa of mars

arises she will commit adultery

if the trimsamsa of venus rises she will become imm,oral

if the trimsamsa of saturn rises she will kill her husband

if the moon or lagna falls in leo and the trimsamsa of mars arises shw
eill have masculine qualities very talkative and unreliable.

If the trimsamsa of venus arises she will commit adultery

if the trimsamsa of mercury rises she will become masculine in actions

and behaviour

if the trimsamsa of saturn rises she will be immoral and flout all family

If ascendant or moon falls in saggitarius or pisces and if the trimsamsa

of mars arises she becomes a good lady.

If trimsamsa of Venus arises she will become adulterous,

If trimsamsa of saturn arises her sexual instincts will be too low to

satisfy her husbands

If Moon or Ascendant falls in Capricorn or Aquarius and the trimsamsa

of mars rises she will become a servant.

if the trimsamsa of venus aries she will be childless barren

if the trisamsa of mercury rises she will become a wicked woman

If trisamsa of saturn rises she will have connection with low class men.

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If full moon well associated mercury, jupitor and venus occupy Lagna or
ascendandt in a female horoscope she will have all material prosperities

If lagna is oocupied either by moon mercury and venus or by mercury

jupiter and venus she will have excellent character will be learned and

if mercury jupiter and venus occupy the lagna she will be skilful in arts
happy and attractive

if mercury and moon are in the ascendant or lagna she will behappy and
blessed with children

if jupiter occupies her ascndant or lagna she will be very wealthy and
will have sons and grandchildren

if ascendant happens to be femini mithusn or virgo kanni and mooon

and venus are there whe will be fond of happiness and willnbe

if a female is born in an even sign and if powerful jupiter mercury or

venus joins moon in any other sign shw eill be hightly religious
philosophical and famous

venus in the 01th powerfully situated will bring her a partner of very
high status

girls born in taurus cancer virho and capricon are fortunate if moon
jupiter and venus are well, placed

if in a grils hosroscope lord of 10th is in the 7th she will have a

fortunate partner holding high position inlife coupled with happiness

if both lagna and mooon be in even signs like taurus cancer viro scorio
capricon pisces the wonam born will be truly feminine in character and if
lagna and moon receive aspects of benefic plnets she will be virutous
and possess excellent qualities

if mercury anf moon be in the ascendant or lagna the woman concerned

will be skilled in all the arts and will be endowed with good qalities and
be happy

if mercury anf venus occupy the ascndant the famale born will be
beaufiful loved by her husband and will be skilled in the arts

if three benfics occupy the lagna the female born will be endowed with
all kinds of happiness and good gualities

when mercurymars jupiter and venus ar3e strong and the lagna is an
even sign the woman will be well versed in scriptiures and will posses
many virtuous qualities.

If the brith falls in Guru trimsamsa she will be virtous modest and

if mercury trimsamsa rises the woman will possess many excellent


if the trisamsa of jupitor rises she will become a loving wife.

if the trimsamsa of jupiter rises she will have admirable qualitites and
will be loyal and faithful to her husband.

if trimsamsa of of jupitor rises whe will be blessed with all good qualities

if the trimsamsa of mercury rises she will become proficient in arts ans

If the trimsamsa of jupitor rises she will be noble generious and virtuous

If the trimsamsa of mercury rises she will be learned skillful and chaste.

If trimsamsa of venus rises whe will become a good and learned


If jupitor trimsamsa rises the girl will become virtuous graceful loving
and affectionate towards her husband.

if trimsamsa of mercury rises she will b3ecome a clever girl with artistic

2-7. Nature due to Lordships of Grahas. Benefics, owning Kendras, will not
give benefic effects, while malefics, owning Kendras, will not remain

This particular aspect of lordship goes by the name of Kendradhipatya dosa. The
term suggests the evil arising by the virtue of lordship of a Kendra.

Maharishi Parashara says that, benefic owing Kendra loses it beneficence while
malefic loses its malfeasance owning Kendras. However it is not said that
Benefics become malefics and malefics, benefics. There is a subtle difference
between them, a benefic after losing its beneficence becomes a neutral planet
only and so does a malefic.

The Lord of a Kona will give auspicious results. The Lord of Lagna is
especially auspicious, as Lagna is a Kendra, as well as a Kona. Putr and
Dharma Bhava are specially for wealth, while Yuvati and Karma Bhava are
especially for happiness.

The Kendras, 1st, 4th, 7th and 10 are the houses of happiness whereas the
Konas, 1st, 5th and 9th are the houses of wealth. Lagna being a Kendra and a
Kona are especially auspicious.

Any Grah, owning Sahaj, Ari, or Labh Bhava, will give evil effects.

The lords of 3rd, 6th and 11th are inauspicious. They combinedly go by the name
of Trisdhadaaya. The terms Trishadaaya is derived from tri+shad+aaya, which
literally means 3rd, 6th and 11th.

The effects, due to the Lords of Vyaya and Randhr Bhava, will depend on
their association.

8th and 12th lord are neutral. They beget their nature based on their other
lordship or association. For example for Gemini Lagna, Saturn being the 8th and
9th lord becomes auspicious for the native.

In each group the significance will be in the ascending order.

This says that among the Kendra, 10th is the strongest one, among the Konas,
9th is the strongest one and among the trishadayas, 11th is the strongest one.

Randhr’s Lord is not auspicious, as he owns the 12th from Dharma Bhava.
If the Lord of Randhra Bhava simultaneously owns Sahaj, Yuvati, or Labh
Bhava, he will prove specifically harmful, while his simultaneous
ownership of a Kona will bestow auspicious effects.

Even though 8th house is neutral it is not auspicious as it signifies loss (12th) of
dharma (9th). If the 8th lord simultaneously owns the trishadayas, it shall be
extremely inauspicious. However if it owns the Konas, it shall be auspicious.

If a Kendra or Kona lord simultaneously lord over the 8th house, it will not
contribute to Rajayoga (Kendra & Kona lord association). Hence 8th lord can be
termed as Yoga-breaker. Thus whenever there is any association of the 8th lord
in any yoga, it gets broken or nullified.

The Graha, owning a predominant Bhava, will stall the effects, due to
another, owning a less significant Bhava and will give his own results.

If a planet owns two bhavas, it will give effect of the predominate one while
stalling the effect of the other less significant one. This is based on natural
strength of bhava which is

Natural strength of houses has been mentioned in books like Laghu Parasari.
The quadrants, in the rising order of 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th are stronger than the
Trishadayas in the order 3rd, 6th and 11th. The Trishadayas are stronger than
the trine 5th and 9th houses. The 2nd and 12th houses have no strength of their
own and depend on the other house lordship of their owner. The eighth house is
always evil and is never stronger than the ascendant. Thus on the basis of
lordship the planets can be placed in the following ascending order of natural
strength (influence) in the chart: 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 8th, 1st, 4th,
7th & 10th house lord.

Thus a planet owning both 8th and 9th shall give more effects of 8th than 9th
since naturally 8th is stronger than 9th.

Randhr’s lordship of Sūrya and Candr is not evil.

Sun and Moon do not suffer the blemish of 8th lordship. Among all the nine
planets, Sun and Moon are the only luminaries are the sattvik planets and hence
they do not suffer due to the lordship of the 8th house.

8-10. Natural Benefics and Malefics. Guru and Śukr are benefics, while
Candr is mediocre in benefice and Budh is neutral (a benefic, when
associated with a benefic and a malefic, when related to a malefic). Malefics
are Sūrya, Śani and Mangal. Full Candr, Budh, Guru and Śukr are stronger
in the ascending order. Weak Candr, Sūrya, Śani and Mangal are stronger
(in malefic disposition) in the ascending order. In revealing maleficence,
due to rulership of Kendras, Candr, Budh, Guru and Śukr are significant in
the ascending order.

Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics, Moon is middling while Mercury neutral.
Sun, Saturn and Mars are the natural malefics.

Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are stronger in that order for beneficence,
whereas weak Moon, Sun, Saturn and Mars are stronger in ascending order for

Thus the sequence of planet arranged in the increasing order of beneficence is

Mars, Saturn, Sun, Weak Moon, Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Thus
Mars is the most malefic and Venus is the most benefic in the scheme of
Kendradhipatya Dosha.
11-12. Lordships of Kendras and Konas. If there be an exchange between a
Lord of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona, or, if a Lord of a Kendra is yuti with
a Lord of a Kona in a Kendra, or in a Kona, or, if a Lord of a Kona is in a
Kendra, or vice versa, or, if there happens to be a full Drishti between a
Lord of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona, they cause a Yoga. One born in
such Yoga will become a king and be famous.

For rajayoga, various kinds of associations between Kendra and Kona lords are
narrated here, they are:

1. Conjunction between lord of Kendra or Kona

2. Exchange (lord of Kona in Kendra and lord of Kendra in Kona)
3. If Kendra lord is in Kona or Kona lord is in Kendra.
4. Mutual aspect between lords of kendra and kona

13. If one and the same Graha gets the lordships of a Kona, as well as a
Kendra and is placed in a Kendra, or in a Kona, it will prove specially a
Yoga Karaka.

If a Kona lord also happens to be Kendra lord and placed in a Kendra or Kona,
becomes a special yogakaraka (bestower of yoga). A yogakaraka needs to be
placed in a Kendra or Kona to become specifically a strong yoga karaka,
bestowing affluence.

Tradition teaches that the placement of a yogakaraka in the house it is a karaka

of gives auspicious results. Thus Yogakaraka Saturn is placed in the 12th house
for Taurus Lagna becomes extremely auspicious, even if it is debilitated.

14. Lordship of Kendra. It has been said, that a malefic, owning a Kendra,
will become auspicious, which is true, only when it simultaneously Lords
over a Kona and not by merely owning a Kendra.

It has been mentioned earlier that natural malefics owning Kendra can bestow
auspicious results, however this is possible only of it simultaneously owns a
Kona and its mere lordship of a kendra does not make it auspicious.

This sloka is often misinterpreted. Many take Malefics as auspicious just by their
virtue of owning kendra, however Maharishi Parashara makes it clear that such
malefic should simultaneously lord over a Kona.

15. If the Lords of a Kendra or a Kona own simultaneously an evil Bhava,

he does not cause a Raja Yoga by mere relations stipulated (as per Ch. 34,
Slokas 11 and 12).
For a rajayoga to form, the lord of the Kendra or the Kona should not
simultaneously rule a trishadaya.

16. Rahu and Ketu give predominantly the effects, as due to their yuti with
a Bhava Lord, or, as due to the Bhava they occupy.

Nodes give their results based on their conjunctions or their placements (is there
are no conjunctions).

17. If Rahu and/or Ketu are in Kendra, receiving a Drishti from, or in

association with the Lord of a Kona, or of a Kendra, it will become Yoga

Nodes become yogakarakas if

1. They are placed in Kendra and aspected by a lord of Kona.

2. They are associated with lord of a Kendra or a Kona.

18. O Maharishi Parashara, please narrate, according to the Rāśis rising, as

to which Graha is a Yoga Karaka and which is inauspicious.

19-22. Grahas and Mesh Lagna. O Brahmin, listen to these with examples.
Even though Mangal is the Lord of Randhr Bhava, he will be helpful to
auspicious Grahas. Śani, Budh and Śukr are malefics. Auspicious are Guru
and Sūrya. The mere Yuti of Śani with Guru will not produce auspicious
effects (although they own a Kona and a Kendra). If Guru is at the disposal
of a malefic, he will surely give inauspicious results. Śukr is a direct
(independent) killer. Śani etc. will also inflict death, if associated with an
adverse Graha (Śukr).

Here Maharishi Parashara starts narrating about the Yogakarakas and marakas
for each lagna. They are as follows:

Aries Lagna:

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of the 5th house and hence a auspicious planet
2. Moon: Moon is the lord of kendra, hence suffers with Kendradhipatya
dosa. However based on whether Moon is benefic or malefic based on its
paksha bala, we would know if Moon is really suffering from
Kendradhipatya dosa.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of lagna and the 8th house. Since 8th lordship is
neutral, it be a auspicious planets for the lagna. However due to 8th
lordship it will not participate in any rajayogas.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 3rd and 6th house and being the lord of 2
trishadaya, it is a first rate malefic.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 9th and the 12th house. Since 12th house is a
neutral house, it is a auspicious planet, being the lord of a Kona.
6. Venus: Venus being the lord of two maraka sthanas 2nd and 7th lord
becomes a primary maraka, an independent killer.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 10th and 11th house. Being the lord of a
Kendra and a malefic, it would have been a auspicious planet (to some
extent) however due to its lordship over 11th house a trishadaya, it is
neutral to the lagna. Being the lord of a trishadaya it will not participate in
any rajayoga. Thus its association with the Jupiter the 9th and 12th lord,
shall not bestow the benefits of Dharma Karmadhipati yoga on the native.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. A Sun-Moon combination confers rajayoga

2. Venus is a maraka
3. Jupiter becomes a maraka if he occupies Capricorn
4. A Jupiter-Saturn association doesn’t confer a rajayoga
5. An Aries native will have fear of diseases (especially smallpox), weapons
and injuries
6. If Mars conjoins Mercury, death by brain disease occurs in his dasa and
7. This is the only lagna where it’s great if the 2nd lord is in the 12th; this isn’t
the case with any other lagnas
8. A Mars-Venus combination can be both favourable and fatal
9. Mars, when conjoined with Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, becomes a
10. If the above combination occurs in Gemini, there isn’t any yoga
11. If Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cancer, he becomes a yogakaraka
12. Mars will prove a benefic during his dasa if he’s in Leo
13. Jupiter in Aquarius won’t automatically give good results in his dasa
14. A Mercury-Mars combination in Virgo gives the native skin diseases,
eruptions and wounds
15. The native will possess self-earned wealth if Mars and Venus are in Libra
16. Mars, if in conjunction with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, will confer some
17. There’s a special yoga produced when Mars, Sun and Jupiter are in
Sagittarius, with Venus and Saturn in Libra
18. Venus confers a rajayoga if he’s in lagna with the Sun and unaspected by
19. Sun will become a yogakaraka when aspected by Jupiter; the same can’t
be said for Venus when she’s aspected by Jupiter
20. A Sun-Mercury-Venus combination in Aquarius is a fortunate combination,
with all three conferring riches during their dasas and bhuktis
21. When Sun is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, the native enjoys a rajayoga
22. A Sun-Jupiter-Venus combination in Capricorn helps the native enjoy dips
in holy rivers like the Ganga

23-24. Grahas and Vrishabh Lagna. Guru, Śukr and Candr are malefics.
Śani and Sūrya are auspicious. Śani will cause Rajayoga. Budh is
somewhat inauspicious. The Guru group (Guru, Candr and Śukr) and
Mangal will inflict death.

Taurus Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 4th house is auspicious, due to shedding off its
maleficence owning a Kendra.
2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 3rd, a trishadaya, hence an inauspicious planet
for the lagna.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 7th and 12th house. Since 12th lordship is neutral
and 7th is a marakasthana, it becomes a maraka, a death inflictor.
However due to lordship over a Kendra, it is also a auspicious planet.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the 2nd and 5th lord. 2nd lordship is neutral; hence
mercury is auspicious being the lord of the 5th house. However being the
2nd lord, it still retains its sting of maraka.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the 8th and 11th lord; both are inauspicious lordship,
hence for this lagna this planet is inauspicious.
6. Venus: Venus is the Lagna and the 6th lord. 6th lordship shall make the
planet inauspicious; in addition, the due to the lordship of Lagna, a
Kendra, it suffers from Kendradhipatya dosa. Hence it is inauspicious for
the lagna.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 9th and 10th house and hence a yoga karaka.
Since it is the primary karaka for the 8th and 12th, its placement in these
houses shall bring out the rajayoga. In addition to this its association with
other Kendra or Kona lord shall also cause rajayoga, however the other
planet should not suffer due to lordship of 3rd, 6th, 11th and 8th.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. Neither is Saturn a yogakaraka, nor do Sun and Mercury confer any

fortunes if they’re in lagna
2. If there’s a Mars-Jupiter combination in Capricorn or Rahu is in Aquarius,
the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga
3. Moon is capable of producing a yoga when posited in Leo and aspected
by either Jupiter or Mercury
4. Mars, when in 7th, is a benefic. If Sun and Jupiter are conjoined in Pisces,
long life is indicated
5. A Jupiter-Mercury association causes dhana yoga
6. The above dhana yoga is destroyed if either planet is aspected by Mars
7. There will be debts during Mercury’s dasa if there’s an association
between Mars, Jupiter and Mercury
8. Jupiter’s dasa will give mixed results whereas Mars’ dasa gives wealth. If
Mercury is in a quadrant, the native is blessed with happiness during its
9. If Mercury and Venus are in lagna and Jupiter is in Scorpio, Mercury dasa
will be fortunate
10. If Mars and Venus are in lagna, and Jupiter is in Capricorn, both Mercury’s
and Jupiter’s dasas will be fortunate
11. If Saturn, Mercury and Mars are in Capricorn, and Rahu in Pisces, the
native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the dasas of Mars
and Rahu
12. If Moon and Venus are in Libra, with Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter
dasa will cause a dhana yoga
13. Lots of wealth are indicated in the Venus dasa
14. Moon in lagna isn’t very auspicious, and will afflict other dhana yogas
present in the chart
15. The native becomes very fortunate if Moon is in the lagna of any sign
other than Taurus

25-26. Grahas and Mithuna Lagna. Mangal, Guru and Sūrya are malefics,
while Śukr is the only auspicious Graha. The Yuti of Guru with Śani is
similar to that for Mesh Lagna. Candr is the prime killer, but it is dependant
on her association.

Gemini Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the 3rd lord and is inauspicious.

2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 2nd house and hence a maraka. However it is
not an independent killer, like Venus for Aries Lagna; it is dependent on
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 6th and 11th house and is extremely
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lagna as well as the 4th lord and hence suffers
from Kendradhipatya dosa. It is not inauspicious; the most can be said for
this planet is that it shall be neutral.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 7th and 10th house and being a first rate
benefic owning a Kendra, it becomes inauspicious for the lagna. However,
he is relinquished from the dosa, if it forms yoga with Kona lord Venus.
6. Venus: Venus is the 5th and 12th lord. 12th being a neutral lordship,
lordship of 5th shall make Venus auspicious for this Lagna.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the 8th and 9th lord. Even though it is auspicious due to
the lordship of 9th house and 8th being neutral, it will not cause any raja
yoga by its association with a kendra lord, since it co-lords 8th house.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. The placement of Sun and Mercury in Leo proves fortunate in Mercury’s

2. A Venus-Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer results in wealth during the
Venus dasa
3. There will be mixed results during Saturn dasa if Mars is in Cancer, with
Moon and Saturn in Capricorn
4. With the above planetary placement, Mars confers wealth during his dasa
5. If Mars and Saturn are in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, the native’s
prosperity and wealth get mostly destroyed during the dasas of Mars and
6. Despite being the lord of 2nd, Moon isn’t a maraka
7. When Saturn is in Aquarius and there’s a Mars-Moon conjunction in Aries,
a powerful dhana yoga results
8. If Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers
like the Ganga during the dasas of Jupiter and Saturn
9. When Mercury is in Aries, misunderstandings with elder brother are

27-28. Grahas and Kark Lagna. Śukr and Budh are malefics, Mangal, Guru
and Candr are auspicious. Mangal is capable of conferring a full-fledged
rajayoga and giving auspicious effects. Śani and Sūrya are killers and give
effects, according to their associations.

Cancer Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of the 2nd house, which being a neutral house shall
make Sun, a neutral for this Lagna. However, being the lord of the 2nd
house, it is also a maraka. Since it is not a full maraka, not owing the 7th
house, it shall give results based on association.
2. Moon: Moon is the lagna lord, hence is auspicious.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 5th and 10th and is a yogakaraka. It is capable of
giving full fledged rajayoga if it’s conjoined with other kendra lord or kona
lord or placed in a kendra or kona. Placement in one of its own houses
shall also give good rajayoga.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 3rd and 12th house. Being the lord of 3rd
house it is inauspicious; while 12th is neutral.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 6th and 9th house and hence a neutral planet.
It will not give rise to rajayoga by associating with any kendra lord.
6. Venus: Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th lord. It is suffering from
Kendradhipatya dosa and is the owner of a trishadaya too, which makes it
an inauspicious planet for this lagna.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 7th and 8th house, hence a maraka. 8th
lordship of Saturn is neutral, whereas 7th lordship makes him a maraka.
Since it is not a full maraka, not owing the 2nd house, it shall give results
based on association.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. While Mercury proves fruitful, Jupiter doesn’t cause any yoga

2. Mars is a yogakaraka, and even more so if posited in either of his own
3. Venus can also be a benefic, but only if he’s posited either in Leo or
4. If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Leo, with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, the
native will become wealthy and fortunate
5. If Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio, Mercury confers fortune during its
6. If Mercury, Venus and Moon are in Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in
Aries, the result is a maha rajayoga and will definitely make the native a
7. If Sun and Mars are in Aries, the native will always be wealthy. Death
results during the Jupiter dasa.
8. If Mercury and Venus are in Gemini, Venus dasa will prove fortunate.
9. A Jupiter-Moon conjunction in lagna will make the native famous and
10. When Moon is in lagna, rajayogas are produced when either Mars is in
Capricorn, Saturn is in Libra, or Sun is in Aries.
11. When there’s a combination of Sun and Mercury in lagna, Venus in Libra,
and Moon-Mars-Jupiter in Taurus, the native becomes bankrupt during the
Sun dasa, while other dasas will be good.
12. If Mercury and Jupiter are in Taurus, and Saturn and Rahu are in Scorpio,
the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa.

29-30. Grahas and Simh Lagn. Budh, Śukr and Śani are malefics.
Auspicious effects will be given by Mangal, Guru and Sūrya. Guru’s Yuti
with Śukr (though, respectively, Kona and Kendra Lords) will not produce
auspicious results. Śani and Candr are killers, who will give effects,
according to their associations.

Leo Lagna
1. Sun: Sun is the lagna lord, hence is auspicious.
2. Moon: Moon is the 12th lord, hence is neutral for the Lagna.
3. Mars: Mars is the 3rd and 10th lord, an inauspicious as well as auspicious
bhava, making it a neutral planet.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the 2nd as well as 11th house. 2nd lordship is neutral
whereas 11th lordship is inauspicious making Mercury an inauspicious
planet. In addition it is a maraka, being the lord of 2nd house; however
such results are given based on association.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the 5th and 8th lord hence an auspicious planet.
However due to its ownership of 8th house, it is incapable of giving
6. Venus: Venus is the 4th and 10th lord and is a yogakaraka. Thus it is
capable of giving yoga with right association and placement.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 6th and 7th house, which makes it
inauspicious. Even though, it owns a kendra, it should have shed its
maleficence however, due to its ownership of 6th, it is unable to do it.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. Sun-Mercury-Mars or Sun-Jupiter-Mercury conjunctions indicate wealth,

whereas only a Sun-Mercury combination indicates moderate fortunes.
2. A Jupiter-Venus combine causes destruction of other yogas.
3. Venus can’t produce yoga. However, he becomes a benefic when in Libra
but a malefic when in Taurus.
4. If there’s a Sun-Mercury-Mars conjunction in lagna, the Mercury dasa
brings in much wealth.
5. The Saturn dasa will be fortunate if there’s a Saturn-Mars combination in

31-32. Grahas and Kanya Lagn. Mangal, Guru and Candr are malefics, while
Budh and Śukr are auspicious. Śukr’s Yuti with Budh will produce Yog.
Śukr is a killer as well. Sūrya’s role will depend on his association.

Virgo Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 12th house, hence neutral.

2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 11th house, hence inauspicious.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses. Here 3rd lordship is
inauspicious, while 8th lordship is neutral, making it a inauspicious planet
for the lagna.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of Lagna as well as 10th. 10th lordship is
neutral whereas Lagna lordship makes it auspicious planet for this lagna.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the 4th as well as 7th lord, both suffering due to
Kendradhipatya dosa, hence mildly inauspicious. However while joins with
a Kona lord, it shall become yogakaraka and shed it mild maleficence.
6. Venus: Venus is the 2nd as well as 9th lord, hence auspicious for the
Lagna. Its association with Mercury can cause powerful Dharma-
karmadhipatya yoga. Its association with Jupiter can also cause raja yoga,
though of lesser order.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the 5th and 6th lord, hence shall be neutral. Due to
lordship of 6th house, it is incapable of causing rajayoga due to
association with Kendra lords, Mercury or Jupiter.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. A Sun-Moon-Venus association will bring in lots of wealth during the Sun

2. The native loses wealth during the Venus dasa. Mixed results can be
expected during the Moon dasa
3. When Moon and Venus are in Pisces, with Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in
Aries, during the Jupiter and Venus dasas, the native will have multiple
wives, who will all be alive. Virgo natives possess women of high rank
4. A Jupiter-Venus combine in Sagittarius produces fortunes during their
dasas and bhuktis
5. If Saturn is in Cancer, its dasa will be fruitful

33-34. Grahas and Tula Lagna. Guru, Sūrya and Mangal are malefics.
Auspicious are Śani and Budh. Candr and Budh will cause Rajayoga.
Mangal is a killer. Guru and other malefics will also acquire a disposition to
inflict death. Śukr is neutral.

Libra Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 11th house, hence inauspicious.

2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 10th house, hence capable of giving rajayoga.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 2nd as well as 7th house, hence becomes the
primary maraka and inauspicious.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 9th and 12th house, hence auspicious.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 3rd and 6th house and is extremely
inauspicious for this lagna.
6. Venus: Venus is the lord of Lagna as well as 8th. Due to the blemish of
8th house, it is incapable of participate in any rajayogas. However,
nevertheless it is a auspicious planet, since its 8th lordship is neutral,
whereas lagna lordship is auspicious.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 4th and 5th house and is a yogakaraka.
Based on its placement and association, the yoga shall fructify. It can
associate with Moon or Mercury to give rajayoga. Even its placement in
the 12th or 8th house shall give yoga too, since it is the karaka for these

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. Saturn is a yogakaraka. Though lord of 3rd and 6th, Jupiter is also

capable of producing yogas
2. Mars doesn’t become a maraca, although it lords the 2nd and 7th houses
3. If Jupiter and Venus are associated or are aspected by Saturn and Mars,
during the Jupiter or Venus dasas and bhuktis, the native suffers from skin
infections and wounds
4. If Sun and Mercury are in Virgo and aspected by Saturn, the father will be
5. If Mars is in association with Sun, Saturn and Mercury, it produces
immense good
6. If Sun, Mercury and Saturn are combined with either Moon or Mars, a
rajayoga is produced
7. If there’s a Sun-Venus-Mercury combination in lagna, the native gets very
fortunate and wealthy
8. If in lagna there are Mercury, Saturn and Venus, or the Moon and Mars in
Aries, the Mercury dasa will prove fruitful
9. The presence of Mars and Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in
Gemini creates a rajayoga
10. If Moon is in lagna with Jupiter either in Virgo or Pisces, the Saturn dasa
brings in wealth and fortune
11. Venus becomes a maraca if he’s in the ascendant
12. If the Saturn is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, a rajayoga results
13. If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius, and Rahu is in
Cancer, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu

35-36. Grahas and Vrischik Lagn. Śukr, Budh and Śani are malefics. Guru
and Candr are auspicious. Sūrya, as well as Candr are yogakarakas.
Mangal is neutral. Śukr and other malefics acquire the quality of causing

Scorpio Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 10th house, hence is mildly auspicious. It is

capable of causing yoga since it doesn’t lord over 3rd, 6th, 11th or 8th.
2. Moon: Moon is the lord of the 9th house, hence is auspicious.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of Lagna as well as the 6th house, thus making it
neutral. It is incapable of involving in any rajayoga too.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 8th and 11th house, hence inauspicious.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter lords over 2nd and the 5th house, hence is auspicious.
However it still is a maraka, which is more dependent on its association.
6. Venus: Venus is the lord of 7th and 12th house, hence is a maraka,
stronger than Jupiter. It can inflict death based on its association.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of 3rd and 4th house, an inauspicious house and
another neutral house, thus making it an inauspicious planet for this lagna.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. An association of Jupiter and Mercury brings in wealth

2. If Jupiter is in Capricorn, the native will be charitable
3. If Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Taurus, the Mercury dasa confers lots of
fame and power
4. When Jupiter and Mercury are in Pisces with Moon in Virgo, the native will
be fortunate
5. If there’s a Jupiter-Moon-Ketu combine in Cancer, the Ketu dasa will be
ordinary but the Jupiter dasa excellent

37-38. Grahas and Dhanu Lagna. Only Śukr is inauspicious. Mangal and
Sūrya are auspicious. Sūrya and Budh are capable of conferring Yoga.
Śani is a killer, Guru is neutral. Śukr acquires killing powers.

Sagittarius Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 9th house, hence is auspicious.

2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 8th house. Since Moon does not suffer from
blemish of 8th lordship, it is neutral.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 5th and 12th house, hence auspicious.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 7th and 10th house, both Kendra. Since
Mercury suffer with Kendradhipatya dosa only to a small extent, Mercury
is neutral for this lagna. However it can participate in the rajayoga.
Association with Sun, the 9th lord can cause a first rate rajayoga.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of the lagna as well as the 4th house. Due to 4th
lordship it suffers from Kendradhipatya dosa, however its lagna lordship is
auspicious, thus making it a neutral planet.
6. Venus: Venus is the 6th as well as 11th lord, thus a first rate inauspicious
planet for this lagna.
7. Saturn: Saturn is 2nd and 3rd lord, hence inauspicious. It is a maraka too,
being the lord of 2nd house.
Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. Saturn, when in Aries, confers prosperity during its dasa

2. This is the only ascendant for which Saturn in 11th confers a yoga
3. If Sun and Venus are in Leo with Saturn in Aquarius, the Saturn dasa will
bring in wealth

39-40. Grahas and Makar Lagna. Mangal, Guru and Candr are malefics,
Śukr and Budh are auspicious. Śani will not be a killer on his own. Mangal
and other malefics will inflict death. Sūrya is neutral. Only Śukr is capable
of causing a superior Yoga.

Capricorn Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 8th house, hence is neutral. Sun does not suffer
the blemish of 8th lordship. Hence it would not break any rajayoga due to
its association.
2. Moon: Moon the lord of 7th, hence is a maraka.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 4th and 11th house. 4th lordship is neutral, while
11th lordship makes Mars an inauspicious planet.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 6th and 9th houses. Since it owns an
inauspicious as well as an auspicious house, it is a neutral planet. It is not
clear, why Maharishi Parashara calls it a auspicious planet.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the lord of 3rd as well as 12th lord. Being the lord of an
inauspicious as well as a neutral house, it is an inauspicious planet for this
6. Venus: Venus is the lord of 5th as well as 10th house, hence a
7. Saturn: Saturn is the lord of Lagna as well as the 2nd house. However
since Lagna lord always protects the native, it shall not be a maraka on its
own. However whichever planets it associates with can becomes maraka.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. If Mercury is in Leo with Jupiter in lagna and aspected by Venus, long life
is conferred, but with poverty
2. Venus in in Taurus is good; if in Libra, though, he may not prove so
3. If Venus and Mercury are in lagna with Moon in Taurus aspected by
Jupiter, the native is certain to become an emperor. This is called a
maharaja yoga
4. If Jupiter is in lagna with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, brothers will give the
native riches during the Jupiter dasa
5. When Sun, Moon and Mercury are in lagna, with Mars and Venus in
Sagittarius, the native will be replete with wealth
6. A Saturn-Mercury combination in Virgo confers fortune. Rahu becomes a
yogakaraka if he’s with Jupiter in Sagittarius
7. The presence of Moon in Cancer and Mars in lagna causes a rajayoga

41-42. Grahas and Kumbh Lagn. Guru, Candr and Mangal are malefics,
while Śukr and Śani are auspicious. Śukr is the only Grah, that causes Raj
Yog. Guru, Sūrya and Mangal are killers. Budh gives meddling effects.

Aquarius Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 7th house, hence is a maraka.

2. Moon: Moon is the lord of the 6th house, hence is inauspicious.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 3rd as well as 10th house. 10th lordship of Mars
is neutral whereas 3rd lordship is inauspicious making it an inauspicious
planet for the lagna.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 5th as well as 8th house. Due to 8th
lordship, even though, it is a auspicious planet for the lagna, it will cause
any raja yoga due to association with kendra lord.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the 2nd as well as 11th lord. 11th lordship makes it an
inauspicious planet. In addition due to lordship of 2nd house, it becomes a
maraka too.
6. Venus: Venus is the lord of 4th and 9th house, hence is auspicious and a
yogakaraka too.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the Lagna lord as well as 12th lord. 12th lordship being
neutral, Saturn becomes an auspicious planet for this lagna.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. For both Aquarius and Leo ascendant natives, the mere association of the
9th and 10th lords doesn’t confer any rajayoga
2. If Venus and Rahu are in lagna with Sun in Scorpio, yoga will be caused in
the dasas of Rahu and Jupiter
3. If Sun and Mars are in Virgo, the native suffers during their dasas. The
Mercury dasa will be better
4. Jupiter in lagna with Saturn in Pisces will see mixed results during the
Jupiter dasa and an ordinary time during the Saturn dasa
5. If Saturn and Venus are in Sagittarius, the Venus dasa proves fortunate
6. A Sun-Mercury-Jupiter combine in Aries is good, especially during the Sun
dasa when the native enjoys power
43-44. Grahas and Meen Bhava. Śani, Śukr, Sūrya and Budh are malefics.
Mangal and Candr are auspicious. Mangal and Guru will cause a Yoga.
Though Mangal is a killer, he will not kill the native (independently). Śani
and Budh are killers.

Pisces Lagna

1. Sun: Sun is the lord of 6th house, hence inauspicious.

2. Moon: Moon is the lord of 5th house, hence an auspicious planet.
3. Mars: Mars is the lord of 2nd as well as 9th lord. 2nd lordship is neutral
and 9th is auspicious, hence Mars is auspicious for this lagna. Being the
2nd lord it is a maraka too.
4. Mercury: Mercury is the lord of 7th and 10th. Since suffers from
Kendradhipatya dosa only mildly, it is a mild malefic. Being the lord of 7th,
it is a maraka too, however it shall give the results with association.
5. Jupiter: Jupiter is the Lagna as well as 10th lord. 10th lordship of Jupiter is
neutral, hence being the lagna lord it is auspicious for this lagna.
6. Venus: Venus is the 3rd and 8th lord. 8th lordship is neutral whereas 3rd
is inauspicious, hence Venus is inauspicious.
7. Saturn: Saturn is the 11th and 12th lord. 12th lordship is neutral whereas
11th is inauspicious, making Saturn an inauspicious planet for this lagna.
Maharishi Parashara additionally says that Saturn is a Maraka too.

Bhavartha Ratnakara says:

1. While Venus in 12th produces benefic results for all other ascendants, this
isn’t the case for either Pisces or Aquarius
2. Saturn in Aquarius is good. However, if Moon is in Aquarius, the native
suffers poverty (though there’s an alleviation of this in Jupiter dasa, Moon
3. Jupiter in Cancer will bestow more daughters than sons
4. If Moon is in Aries and Mars in Cancer, Moon’s dasa brings wealth
5. If Moon and Mars are in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Venus in Libra and
Saturn in Scorpio, the native will be highly fortunate
6. A Moon-Mercury-Mars combine in Capricorn is an indicator of wealth and
7. If Saturn and Moon are in lagna, Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Leo,
predict fortune for the native
8. If Mercury, Jupiter, Moon and Mars are in lagna, the dasas of these
planets bring in immense fame, power and prosperity
9. Jupiter posited in Sagittarius certainly causes a rajayoga
10. If Moon is in Taurus, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Jupiter
in Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn, there’ll be much
fortune to the native. Even if one or two of these combinations are absent,
there’ll still the full effects of a rajayoga

Nakshatra Gender Animal
As(h)vini Male Horse Buffalo
Bharani Male Elephant Lion
Krittika Female Sheep Monkey
Rohini Male Serpent Mongoose
Mrgas(h)iras(ha) Female Serpent Tiger, Dog
Ardra Male Dog Dog, Rat
Punarvasu Female Cat Monkey
Pus(h)ya Male Goat Dog, Rat
As(h)les(h)a Male Cat Dog, Rat
Magha Male Rat Cat
Purva Phalguni Female Rat Cat
Uttara Phalguni Male Bull Tiger
Hasta Female Buffalo Horse
C(h)itra Male Tiger Cow
Svati or Swati Male Buffalo Horse
Vis(h)akha Female Tiger Cow
Anuradha Female Deer Tiger, Dog
Jyes(h)tha Male Deer Tiger, Dog
Mula Female Dog Tiger, Deer
Purvas(h)adha Male Monkey Dog, Goat
Uttarasadha Female Mongoose Serpent
S(h)ravana Female Monkey Dog, Goat
Dhanis(h)t(h)a Female Lion Elephant
S(h)atabhisaj Female Horse Buffalo
Purvabhadrapada Male Lion Elephant
Uttarabhadrapada Female Cow Tiger
Revati Female Elephant Lion

Dasha (astrology)
A Dasha (Sanskrit दशा daśā) is a planetary period in Jyotisha, the classical system of
astrology in India. Dashas provide a system to judge the effects of the planets throughout
a person's life, by indicating how the planets distribute their effects throughout a lifetime.
Each dasha is controlled by one planet, and the quality and relative benevolence of each
period is determined by the condition and position of that planet in the natal chart.

There are nine planets or grahas which may rule dashas: the seven classical planets
known to the ancients, plus the north node Rahu and south node Ketu of the Moon.

There are at least 43 different dasha systems, but the most important and widely used of
these is the method called Vimshottari Dashas. Examples of other dashas include the
Yogini Dasha, the Kalchakra Dasha, the Ashtotri Dasha and the Jaimini Dasha.

Vimshottari Dasha
Vimshottari Dasha is a 120 year long cycle of planetary positions based on the position
of the Moon in one of the 27 divisions, or lunar mansions, called nakshatras. In this
system, each planet is assigned a different mahadasha or major period, ranging from six
to twenty years. For example, the mahadasha of Shukra (Venus), lasts twenty years and is
believed to bring wealth, good fortune and luxury to the person who has it well
positioned in their horoscope.

Each of the seven planets and the two lunar nodes (making the nine navagraha) has its
own period or mahadasha in the cycle. Each graha is the lord (or ruler) of three of the
twenty seven nakshatras (3 x 9), which, together with the position of the moon, determine
how the system operates. The order and times of the mahadashas are shown in the
following table:

Graha Mahadasha Lord of nakshatras

Ketu (south node) 7 Years Ashwini Magha Mula

Venus 20 Years Bharani Purva Phalguni Purva Ashadha

Sun 6 Years Krittika Uttara Phalguni Uttara Ashadha

Moon 10 Years Rohini Hasta Shravana

Mars 7 Years Mrigashirsha Chitra Dhanishtha

Rahu (north node) 18 Years Ardra Swati Shatabhishak

Jupiter 16 Years Punarvasu Vishakha Purva Bhadra

Saturn 19 Years Pushya Anuradha Uttara Bhadra

Mercury 17 Years Ashlesha Jyestha Revati

[edit] Position of the moon

For each individual the order of the mahadashas depends upon the placement of the moon
in the nakshatras. The nakshatra in which the moon is occupant at birth determines the
first mahadasha of the person's life, depending on which of the graha is its lord. For
example, if the moon is in Punarvasu at birth, the Vimshottari cycle for that person will
begin with the mahadasha of Jupiter, the lord of Punarvasu.

However, the exact position of the moon in the nakshatra also determines the proportion
of the first mahadasha that there is to run. In other words, if the moon is 1/4 of the way
through the nakshatra Punarvasu, then 1/4 of the time is taken from the first mahadasha,
giving only 12 years (3/4) left for the Jupiter period to run. The person would thus come
under the influence of the next mahadasha (Saturn) at only 12 years old, despite the
Jupiter mahadasha normally lasting 16 years.

[edit] The mahadashas

Each of the mahadashas will have an effect on the individual's life by highlighting the
effects of the planet concerned for its duration, both in terms of its general nature, and by
the exact nature of the planet's placement in the person's horoscope (eg. easy or difficult).
Thus the exact effect of each mahadasha can vary greatly from person to person. In
general terms, however, the effects of each mahadasha can be described as follows:
• Ketu (7 Years)

In this period life will give the person only what is needed and will take away everything
that is not. Also, any success during this dasha usually ends when the dasha itself does.
When Ketu is strong it indicates sudden bursts of energy, discretion, liberation,
universality, idealism, psychic ability, compassion, spirituality and self sacrifice. The
effects of Ketu can be harsh and cruel when taking things away - generally it tends to
strip away materialism and force a more spiritual perspective and a simpler existence. If
Ketu is weakly placed it indicates possible health problems such as wounds, injuries,
diseases of the spine and nervous system, ulcers, inflammations, fevers, intestinal
diseases, low blood pressure, mental instability and skin diseases.

• Venus (20 Years)

This is a time when the person seeks worldly happiness, and themes of marriage, love
and children are prominent. Wealth, prosperity, luxury, beauty and sensual pleasures are
indicated and psychic ability is increased. Success in all these areas depends on how well
Venus is placed in the individual horoscope - a badly placed Venus can bring
unhappiness to these areas instead. During this mahadasha friendliness and relations with
others are important, and charm, care and courtesy to others and towards the person
concerned will be centre stage. If Venus is weakly placed then health problems could
include venereal diseases, diabetes, anemia, kidney and bladderstones, weakness of
sexual organs and impotence, paralysis, and asthma.

• Sun (6 Years)

This is a time when the urge to be true to him or herself burns more strongly than usual in
the individual, and greater energy will be put into the search for the person's real identity.
It may be a crisis of confidence which spurs the need to seek inner truth, and purge the
self of false influences. Education, spirituality, politics, medicine, business, high office in
government and all forms of public success and acclaim are prominent. Astrologically,
the sun is the planet of strength and power which can bring success if the person's true
nature is expressed and they follow their own path, but this period can also force the
person to make sacrifices and separate from those who do not support them in achieving
that goal. If the sun is badly placed in the horoscope there may be an inability to project
confidence and charisma. Weak placing of the sun can lead to health problems such as
weak eyesight, headaches, erratic blood circulation, blood pressure, bone fractures and
cancer, fevers, dental problems and weak immune system.

• Moon (10 Years)

This is the period when the person seeks connection to others through marriage, family
and parenthood, which will all be themes of this time. Also indicated are starting a
business, buying a home, and otherwise staking a claim in the world - in other words,
themes of nurturing, security and putting down roots. It also indicates increased
sensitivity, receptivity, imagination, good memory and the development of sound habits.
If the moon is weakly placed in the horoscope it may mean that connections to family and
children are absent, with feelings of exclusion from 'normal' family life. It is also a time
when memories of childhood and upbringing are revisited and old issues faced, perhaps
through seeing the evolution of the person's own family. In extreme cases this period may
also see episodes of mental illness and instability. Other health problems include sleep
disorders, lung problems, mouth problems, digestive complaints, neurological disorders,
enlargement of spleen and frequent coughs and colds.

• Mars (7 Years)

This is a time to pursue goals with energy and passion, and a sense of energy and
excitement is present. Courage, a thirst for action and physical strength will be increased.
There is a desire in the person to better themselves during this time, and sports and
competitions are prominent. Buying a home may also feature during this time as Mars
rules property issues in Vedic astrology. If Mars is weakly placed in the horoscope, there
may be a lack of courage, strength, inability to improve the life circumstances, and a lack
of help and comfort from family. This may bring complacency and stagnation, or else
power struggles and arguments with others. Possible health problems include
inflammations, wounds, burns, accidents, liver complaints, skin rashes, and cancer in
muscular parts of body when in close conjunction with Rahu.

• Rahu (18 Years)

This period brings to the fore the degree of material attachment the person possesses and
compels them to develop the qualities that are most lacking in the person's life. This often
happens at an unconscious level and can put the person in mysterious and unforeseen
circumstances. However, this mahadasha can bring enormous success as it brings focus
and determination to the process, but it can also leave the person feeling out of control
and chaotic, as things are accumulated and experienced without a proper sense of wisdom
and understanding. Occupations indicated include diplomatic jobs, jobs requiring
manipulation of facts, computing, engineering, pilots, and dealing with poison and drugs.
When Rahu is weak it indicates health problems with diseases of phlegm, intestines, skin,
nervous system, ulcer, blood pressure, mental disturbances and cancer.

• Jupiter (16 Years)

This is a period that always teaches something to the individual and it usually brings
honor and recognition. It is a period of faith, hope and optimism when personal growth
and a greater sense of fulfillment occurs, including marriage and children. It is a good
period for opportunities for growth, and teachers and guides will play a useful role. There
is a greater sense of morality, ethics and conscience in this mahadasha. Top political,
business and administrative positions are indicated, such as bankers, presidents/kings,
and lawyers. If Jupiter is weak however, there may also be unrealistic, over-optimistic,
arrogant attitudes, and a misplaced sense of entitlement. There may be bad teachers and
guides who lead the person astray. If Jupiter is difficultly placed then good health and
wealth may be withheld, forcing a deeper fulfillment. Such health problems could include
lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other
liver complaints, asthma, and diabetes. During this period the person may also meet
people, or experience some random event that will change their life for the better.

• Saturn (19 Years)

This is a period when the person faces their limitations, and becomes aware of the
possibility of their own mortality. Detachment from worldy concerns, spirituality,
concentration, dutifulness, honesty, sincerity and constancy will be emphasised. Ill
health, death of loved ones and/or the fear of those things will occur. The more attached
the person is to material things and pleasures the more difficult the Saturn mahadasha
will be. But great success is also possible as Saturn gives responsibility, ambition,
practicality and perseverance. Hospitals, old people, legacies and inheritance, wills and
money matters will be prominent. This period can bring pressure and suffering in order
for the person to face reality and have compassion for others and spiritual growth. If
Saturn is weakly placed then health problems could include chronic and painful diseases,
cancer, skin diseases, paralysis, arthritis, gout, emaciation, indigestion, dyspepsia,
insanity, impotence in men, asthma, retention of urine and intestinal obstruction.

• Mercury (17 Years)

This mahadasha is a time of learning, curiosity, experimentation and the pursuit of the
person's own interests. But sometimes this can be excessive. This mahadasha is a time
when the person's career and worldly life could succeed hugely, or else fail totally. Either
the person devises an effective and clever plan which allows them to ascend to greater
heights, or they become overwhelmed by the many tasks and details of life, leading to
mental escapism, indecisiveness, lethargy and fantasy. The position of Mercury in the
person's horoscope will show how they go about things - will they say the right things,
talk to the right people, get the details right - or not. At its best Mercury allows the person
to see all possibilities at once, assess them accurately and discriminate between them.
Qualities of good communication, intelligence, rationality, wit, shrewdness, judgment,
dexterity and flexibility will also be emphasised if Mercury is well placed. If Mercury is
badly placed then health problems could include psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous
breakdown, skin diseases, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma, dyspepsia.

[edit] Bhukti

Each mahadasha is also subdivided into planetary periods called Bhukti, which run in the
same order as the mahadashas, and with the same proportional length. For example, the
first bhukti of Ketu is Ketu/Ketu, the second is Ketu/Venus, the third Ketu/Sun and so on.
It is believed that this subdivision allows a much more detailed examination of the
influence of each mahadasha, and a much clearer indication of what events are expected
to occur and when.

The last bhukti of each mahadasha is considered to be a preparatory time for the major
shift which the next mahadasha will bring. Thus, the last bhukti of the Sun mahadasha is
Sun/Venus, which prepares for the coming Moon mahadasha by emphasising
relationships and family matters. Similarly, the last bhukti of Jupiter is Jupiter/Rahu
which prepares the mind for the practical and realistic Saturn mahadasha by reattaching it
to stress and worldly concerns.

The following combinations may be considered for unsuccessful and unfortunate marriages :

1. Generally Venus is said to be Karaka for wife for males and Guru is considered as Karaka for
husband for females. The placements of these in 6th, 8th, 12th and in debilation signs and
malefic aspects to these will attribute to miseries in married life.
2. Venus in the boy’s horoscope should be elated to Mars in girl’s for receprovcative
3. The 10th lord in the girl’s horoscope should not be strong than that of the 10th lord in the
boy’s chart.
4. Sun and Saturn should not be related mutually in both the chart.
5. Lagna and 7th lord should not be disposed in 6/8th Bhavas.
6. Malefic in 2, 4, 7, 8 & 12th generally bring about unsuccessful marriage in either of the
7. If mars is placed in the above places, it is called Kuja dosha. In male’s horoscope it is called
Kalathra Dosha and in females charts it is Mangalya dosha. As such dosha Samya (equality)
should be judged well, if such dosha prevails in the charts, viz. the same quantum of Kuja
dosha either as is or remedied by benefic aspects etc., should be equally present in both the
8. Venus, 1st and 7th lord should be well disposed for successful marriage.
9. 7th lord in Kanya or Virgo, the debilation sign of Venus will create problems in married life for
males and presence of Jupiter in Makara or Capricorn for females will create problems in
married life.
10. If 7th lord is in 6th may bring about 2 marriages. If Karaka Venus is afflicted, impotency and
sickness can be expected.
11. If Venus is well disposed but 7th lord is afflicted in a female chart, her husband may suffer
from piles or some other illness.
12. 7th Lord in 8th with affliction causes early death of a partner.
13. If Lagna Lord is debilated along with 7th Lord both of them placed either jointly or singularly
in 6th, 8th or 12th Bhavas, there will be no marriages.
14. Malefic in 5th, 8th and 12th from Venus who is himself hemmed between malefics, then the
wife will die soon after marriage.
15. Malefics in 7th from Venus makes the married life unhappy.
16. Venus in 7th being Karka for a male chart may ruin the married life according to the dicum
‘Karako Bhavanaha’, especially Venus in 7th for Taurus Lagna causes death of wife for a male
17. 7th and 5th lords either combined or in exchange may cause denial of marriage or child.
18. Moon, Saturn combinations in both the charts results in negative marriage.
19. Sun and Rahu in 7th results in loss of money through women in a male chart.
20. Mercury in 7th results in loss of money through women in a male chart.
21. Mercury in 7th in Taurus, Jupiter in 7th in Makara, Saturn and Mars in 7th in Pisces causes
danger to married partner.
22. Mars and Sun conjunction in any of the Bhava’s in a lady’s chart may cause her to become
widow early.
23. Malefic in 2nd and 7th in male chart causes death of wife.
24. 1st or 7th if occupied by Moon in depression with Rahu, the wife will go astray.
25. In a male chart, if 7th is owned by Mars and the 7th lord from navamsa lagna be weak, he
rejects the wife.
26. If lagna is owned by Mars & the 7th lord in navansa is weak the wife will be a servantmaed or
will elope somebody and later rejected by her husband.
27. 7th occupied as malefic in female charts makes her widow.
28. Saturn in 7th in a malefic sign, makes the female widow.
29. Malefic planet in malefic sign in 8th aspected by another malefic bring widowhood for women.
30. Benefics in 2nd and 8th in a female chart, she dies earlier.
31. 7th and 8th lords in 8th, Rahu in 7th and when 7th lord is with Sun is aspected by 8th lord or
Rahu in 7th or 8th with Saturn bring about widowhood (female).
32. 7th lord in 5th causes kalathara dosha or Putra dosha. 8th lord in the 7th produces the same.
Weak Moon in 5th, malefic in 1st, 7th and 12th causes Kalathara dosha.
33. If Venus is in Vargas of Saturn and Mars, the males are after other women.
34. For ladies Barthru dosha should be judged from 7th and 8th houses.
35. 7th Bhava Madhya or 7th lord in Vargas of Mars and Saturn in Male’s chart wife becomes
36. If 7th lord joins malefic planets or he is in Kroorakshetri Amsa or Karaka and the Lord in
Neechamsa the wife will not be chaste.
37. When 7th lord joins malefic planet or he is in Kroorasheki Amsa or Karaka and the Lord in
Neechamsa the wife will not be chaste.
38. Sun in 7th makes the wife barren.
39. Saturn in 7th in male’s chart gives a wife with hunchback.
40. In a female chart, if the Lagna lord is weak with malefic in the 7th and 7th lord is also with
malefic’s makes the husband a saddist.
41. Malefics’s in the 7th and weak Moon in the 5th in a male chart, he becomes henpecked. Rahu
in 4th also produces the same results.
42. In a female chart, Sun, Mars combination in 7th for Libra Lagna with strong Venus, she
becomes saddist for her husband and may be divorced within a year of married life.
43. In a male chart, Rahu in 2nd is not good for wife.
44. If Moon is in 8th, the wife will be old looking.
45. If Moon or Saturn are in 7th, husband and wife both seek others for Sex.
46. Mars in 7th for men gives wife with defective limbs.
47. In female chart, Rahu in 7th brings about separation from her husband.
48. Rahu in 8th in female chart, will make her with a defective sex organ with a result there will
be no sex gratification for her husband.
49. In a female chart, a weak Mars in 7th and with strong Lagna lord makes her addicted to other
man and she will not be abiding or submissive to the husband.
50. Saturn in 7th in a female chart either gives an old looking husband or delayed marriage or an
old looking husband with much age difference older than her.
51. In a female chart, the prolific beauty of the body shape should be predicted from Lagna,
comforts through 7th, children through 9th houses and widowhood should be predicted
through 8th house.
52. If both malefic and benefices are in 7th house in a female chart, either she is forsaken by her
husband or she gets separated from him or her own and eventually, she may marry for the
second time.
53. If Sun and Moon are in the 7th in male chart, the wife goes to other men with the knowledge
of her husband.
54. Ladies born in Dwithiya thithi with Ashlesha, Sathabisha or Krithika in week days of Sun Mars
or Saturn such women are called born with Visha Kanya Yoga. The husband get afflicted with
sickness due to her relationship.
55. Generally marriages are not successful for people born in lagnas as mixed signs, more so for
Mithuna and Dhanur Laganas. Venus in 5th makes the native fall in love and Venus in 9th
makes the other party to fall in love with native.
56. Rahu connected anyway with 7th Bhava, Lord or more so in the 7th results in unconventional
love marriage the other party is being born in low rank or speaking other languages than the
native, or belonging to other caste.
57. Love marriages without aspect of Jupiter for 7th Bhava, 7th lord, Karaka Venus, etc. and with
malefic aspects with these, results in failures.
58. The phrase regarding love marriage is termed as falling in love naturally indicates a dint of
negativity in love marriages. It is to be noted that it is not termed as to raise in love.
Generally arranged marriages with good judgement of matching the charts results in success.
59. Both in love and arranged marriages, of course fate plays a greater part in the disguise of
planet’s behavior, in the charts.

60. In matching much consideration given for synastry of stars rather than judgement of both the
horoscopes. In synastry of starts it is enough that Dinam, Ganam, Rajju and Yoni agree well.
Out of these Rajju and Yoni is more important. Rajju indicates vibrational pressure points in
the bodies of both parites which repels with negative force if they are same Rajju. However, if
Rajjus are in Aroohna and Avaroohana in the charts they agree. Sirro Rajju and Kanta Rajju
should not be matched at any rate. Yoni matching indicates sex gratification. If the Yoni of
the male belongs to a stronger animal than that of the female, naturally the female will be
made to be submissive. In this situation aggressive yonis can be matched giving more
considerations to 7th Bhavas of both the charts.

Jupiter : Effects and Remedies

Jupiter is a fiery, noble, benevolent, masculine, expansive, optimistic, positive and
dignified planet. higher attributes of the mind and soul, generosity, joy, jubilation and
joviality along with high reasoning ability and the power of right judgments are all
governed by Jupiter.

Jupiter rules educational interests, law, religion, philosophy, banking, economics and
indicates the extent of one's love and longing for religion, scriptures, elders and
preceptors. He is also a signification of wealth, progress, philosophic nature, good
conduct, health and children.

Jupiter represents `Thursday' and the yellow colour. He is regarded as 'Karaka' for
2nd, 5th and 9th houses. The sun, mars and moon are his friends, where as Mercury
and Venus are enemies to him. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn adopt neutrality to him. He
stands exalted in the 4th house and the 10th house is the house of his debilitation.

Jupiter provides good results if placed in houses 1, 5, 8, 9 and 12, but 6th, 7th and
the 10th are the bad houses for him. Jupiter gives bad results when Venus or
Mercury get placed in the 10th house of a horoscope. However, jupiter never gives
bad results if placed alone in any house. A malefic jupiter affects the ketu (son) very
adversely. Jupiter offers malefic results if he is placed with Saturn, Rahu or ketu in a

Jupiter in 1st House

Jupiter in the Ist house makes the native necessarily rich, even if he is deprived of
learning and education. He will be healthy and never afraid of enemies. He will rise
every 8th year of his life through his own efforts and with the help of friends in the
government. If the 7th house is not occupied by any planet success and prosperity
will come after the marriage of the native. Marriage or construction of a house with
one's own earnings in the 24th or 27th year would prove inauspicious for the
longevity of the father's life. Jupiter in Ist house along with the Saturn in the 9th
house causes health problems for the native. Jupiter in the Ist house and Rahu in the
8th causes the death of the native's father because of heart attack or asthma.


1. Offer the things of

mercury, Venus and Saturn to the
religious places.
2. Serving cows and helping untouchables.
3. If Saturn is placed in the 5th house, don't build a house.
4. If Saturn is placed in the 9th house, don't buy machinery
associated with Saturn.
5. If Saturn is in 11th or 12th house, avoid use wine, meat
and eggs strictly.
6. Ward-off the evil effects of mercury by putting on silver in
the nose.

Jupiter in 2nd House

The results of this house are affected by Jupiter and Venus as if they are together in
this house, though Venus may be placed anywhere in the chart. Venus and Jupiter
are inimical to each other. Hence both will affect each other adversely.
Consequently, if the native engages himself in the trade of gold or jewelery, then the
things of Venus like wife, wealth and property will get destroyed.

As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will continue gaining honour
and wealth despite the fact that his wife and her family may be suffering because of
ill health and other problems. The native is admired by females and inherits the
property of his father. He may be benefited by lottery or property of a person having
no issues, if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are auspicious and Saturn is not placed in
the 10th.


1. Charity and donations will ensure prosperity.

2. Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn
placed in the 10th.
3. Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your

Jupiter in 3rd House

The jupiter in the 3rd house makes the native learned and rich, who receives
continuous income from the government all through his life. Saturn in the 9th makes
the native live long, whereas if saturn is placed in the 2nd the native becomes
extremely clever and crafty. However saturn is the 4th indicates that the native will
be robbed of money and wealth by his friends. If jupiter is accompanied by inimical
planets in the 3rd the native is destroyed and becomes a liability on his closer ones.

1. Worship of Goddess Durga and offering sweets and fruits

to small girls and obtaining their blessing by touching their
feet. Avoid sycophants.

Jupiter in 4th House

The 4th house belongs to Moon, a friend of Jupiter, who stands exalted in this house.
Hence Jupiter here gives very good results and provides the native the powers of
deciding the fate and fortune of others. He will possess money, wealth and large
properties along with honour and favours from the government. In times of crisis the
native will receive divine help. As he grows old his prosperity and money will
increase. How so ever if he has built a temple at home jupiter will not give the above
mentioned results and the native will have to face poverty and disturbed married life.


1. The native should not keep a temple in his house.

2. He should serve his elders.
3. He should offer milk to snake.
4. He should never bare his body before anyone.

Jupiter in 5th House

This house belongs to jupiter and sun. Native's prosperity will increase after the birth
of his son. In fact, more sons a native has, the more prosperous he will become. 5th
house is the own house of surya and in this house surya, Ketu and Brihaspati will
give mixed results. However if Mercury, Venus and Rahu is in 2nd, 9th, 11th or 12th
houses then jupiter sun and ketu will give bad results. If the native is honest and
laborious then jupiter will give good results.


1. Do not accept any donations or gifts.

2. Offers your services to priests and sadhus.

Jupiter in 6th House

6th house belongs to Mercury and Ketu also has its effect on this house. so this
house will give combined effects of Mercury, Jupiter and ketu. If jupiter is benefic the
native will be of pious nature. He will get everything in life without asking. Donations
and offerings in the name of elders will prove beneficial. If Jupiter is in 6th and Ketu
is benefic then native will become selfish. However, if Ketu is malefic in 6th house
and mercury is also malefic the native will be unlucky upto 34 years of age. Here
Jupiter causes asthma to the native's father


1. Offer things connected with Jupiter in a temple.

2. Feed the cocks.
3. Offer clothes to the priest.
Jupiter in 7th House
7th house belongs to Venus, so it will give mixed results. The native will have rise in
luck after marriage and native will be involved in religious works. The good result of
the house will depend upon position of moon. The native will never be a debtor and
will have good children. And if the sun is also in 1st house the native will be a good
astrologer and lover of comforts.

However if jupiter is malefic in 7th house and saturn is in the 9th the native will
become a thief. If mercury is in the 9th then his married life will be full of probelms.
If jupiter is malefic native will never get support from brothers and will be deprived
of favours from the government. jupiter in 7th house causes differences with the
father. If so one should never donate clothes to anyone, otherwise one will certainly
get reduced to extreme poverty.


1. Offer worship to lord shiva.

2. One should not keep idols of god in ones house.
3. Keep gold tied in a yellow cloth always with you.
4. One should stay away from yellow clad sadhus and faqirs.

Jupiter in 8th House

Jupiter does not give good results in this house, but one will get all the worldly
comforts. In the time of distress, one will get help from god. Being religious will
increase native's luck. As long as the native is wearing gold he will not be unhappy
or ill. If there is Mercury, Venus or Rahu in 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th and 12th house,
native's father will be ill and native himself will face loss of prestige.


1. Offer things connected with Rahu, like wheat, barley,

coconut into running water.
2. Plant a pipal tree in a cremation ground.
3. Offer ghee and potatoes and camphor in temple.

Jupiter in 9th House

9th house is especially influenced by jupiter. so the native will be famous, rich and
will be born in a rich family. The native will be true to his words and will have long
life and have good children. In case jupiter is malefic the native will have none of
these qualities and will be atheistic. If the native has any planet inimical to Jupiter in
the 1st, 5th and 4th house then jupiter will give bad results.


1. One should go to temple everyday

2. Abstain from drinking alcohol.
3. Offer rice to running water.

Jupiter in 10th House

This house belongs to saturn. So the native will have to imbibe the qualities of
Saturn only then he will be happy. the native should be cunning and sly. only then
the can enjoy the good results of jupiter. If sun is in the 4th house jupiter will give
very good results. Venus and Mars in the 4th house ensure multi-marriages for the
native. if friendly planets are placed in the 2nd, 4th and 6th houses, jupiter provides
highly beneficial results in matters of money and wealth. A malefic jupiter in the 10th
makes the native sad and impoverished. He is deprived of ancestral properties, wife
and children.


1. Clean your nose before beginning any work.

2. Throw copper coins in the running water of a river for 43
3. Offer almonds to religious places.
4. A temple with idols must not be established within the
5. Put tilak of saffron on the forehead.

Jupiter in 11th House

Jupiter in this house affects the things and relatives of his enemies Mercury, Venus
and Rahu very adversely. Consequently, the wife of the native will remain miserable.
Similarly, sisters, daughters and father's sisters will also remain unhappy. The native
will be a debtor even if mercury is well placed. The native will be comfortable only as
long as his father lives with him in a joint family along with brothers, sisters and


1. Always keep gold on your body.

2. Put on a copper bangle.
3. Watering a pipal tree would prove beneficial.

Jupiter in 12th House

The 12th house would provide the combined influences of Jupiter and Rahu, who are
inimical to each other. If the native observes good conduct, wishes good for all and
observes religious practices he will become happy and enjoy a comfortable sleep at
night. He would become wealthy and powerful. Abstaining from evil acts of Saturn
will make the business of machinery, motor, trucks and cars highly beneficial to him.


1. Avoid furnishing false evidence in any matter.

2. Render services to sadhus, pipal gurus and pipal tree.
3. Place water and Saunf on the head side of your bed
during nights.

The Benefic and Malefic planets are categorized as per list below.
Aries: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Taurus: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
Gemini: Rahu and Ketu.
Cancer: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
Leo: The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.
Virgo: Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu.
Libra: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Scorpio: Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu.
Sagittarius: The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.
Capricorn: The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
Aquarius: The Moon, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Pisces: The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.


Aries: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Taurus: The Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn.
Gemini: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Cancer: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus.
Leo: The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Virgo: The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Libra: The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Scorpio: The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
Sagittarius: The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Capricorn: The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
Aquarius: The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Pisces: The Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter.

Mentioned below are few such Astrological combination that trouble the native very strongly and he suffers
in different ways:

1. When Rahu and Moon are conjunct in Lagna in the natal horoscope, the native is always troubled
by his misconception. He always feels as if somebody can give him losses in different ways or
otherwise he is always depressed, stressed and mentally unrest.
2. When Lagna is Aries, Scorpio, Cancer or the Sagittarius sign and Mars & Jupiter are conjunct in
Lagna, whereas Rahu is placed in the fifth house conjunct with Mars and Mercury or the fifth Rahu
is aspected by the planet Mars or ercury or Rahu is in the fifth house without any conjunction, then
the son of the native suffers unavoidable troubles or the native himself is dragged in a criminal case
or undergoes heavy pains.
3. When in Kaalsarp Yog Rahu is conjunct with Venus also, the native is having child trouble i.e. not
having children, his children trouble him, or his children face troubles.
4. When Lagna and the Lagna lord both are afflicted besides having Kaalsarp Yog the native remains
physically unfit as also mentally disturbed.
5. When no any planet exists in the preceding and the succeeding house of the natal Moon besides
having Kaalsarp Yog or no planet exists in kendras from Lagna or the natal Moon, the native is
mainly having financial crisis i.e. his financial state is very miserable.
6. When Jupiter is conjunct with Rahu the native has to face misfortune in many ways.
7. When either of the luminaries i.e. the Sun or the Moon is conjunct with Rahu the native suffers
unfavourable situations. He is physically unfit and suffers financial problems.
8. When Rahu is conjunct with Shani or ‘Naandi Yog’ is present in the horoscope the native has to
face adverse effects over his health and children. His suffer hurdles in job or profession.
9. When Rahu is conjunct with the planet Mercury or say ‘Jaddatar Yog’ is present in the horoscope, it
increases his economical & social problems. It affects his financial status adversely.
10. When eighth Rahu is aspect by either of the malefic planet i.e. Sun, Mars or Shani, it gives delay in
11. When Shani is posted in the fourth house and Rahu in twelfth house of the natal horoscope, the
native is a big fraud and cunning person. He can get into big trouble due to such nature.
12. When Moon and Rahu are conjunct in Lagna and either Mars or Shani is posted in the fifth, ninth or
the twelfth house of the natal horoscope, the native does not enjoy mental health or we can say he
is mentally upset. He has to be troubled by ‘Pret-Pishach’ hurdle.
13. When ‘Navmansha’ lord of the tenth house is conjunct with the Mars, Rahu, or Shani, the native is
prone to fire threat. He must be warned against it.
14. When Navamansha lord of the tenth lord is conjunct with Rahu or Ketu the native has to undergo
death like pains.
15. When Rahu and Mars are placed sixth-eighth to each other or Rahu is aspected by the planet
Mars, the situation of the native worsens.
16. When Lagna sign is Aries, Taurus or Cancer and Rahu is placed in the first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh, eighth, eleventh or the twelfth house the native enjoys the comforts of woman, children,
health, wealth and property all at a time.
17. When Rahu is posted in the sixth house and Jupiter in Lagna Jupiter in Lagna or the quadrant, the
native lives a happy and prosperous life.
18. When Moon and Rahu together lie in quadrants (1,4,7,10 th houses) or trines (5/9 house), the
native enjoys all comforts and prosperity.
19. When Venus is placed in the second or the twelfth house, the native attains favorable results.
20. When Sun and Mercury are conjunct together and Mercury is not combust, the native attains
favourable results.
21. When Lagna and the Lagna lord, the Sun and the Moon all four are strong or strongly placed in the
natal horoscope i.e. in an auspicious house as also aspected by the auspicious planets the adverse
effects or the unfavourable results of Kaalsarp Yog are nullified.
22. When Mars is strongly placed in the tenth house and is not aspected by the lord of any malefic
house or by any malefic planet, the unfavourable effects of Kaalsarp Yog are not attained.
23. When Venus is placed in ‘Malavaya Yog’ i.e. the planet Venus lies in either of the four quadrants in
its exalted or own sign and is not conjunct with or aspected by an inauspicious planet the adverse
effects of kaal sarp are not attained or it gives only average malefic results.
24. When planet Saturn is in ‘Shash’ Yog i.e. Shani is placed in either quadrants in its exalted or his
own sign without having the aspect or conjunction of any malefic planet or the lord of inauspicious
house, the unfavourable results of the Kaalsarp Yog are not visible. It reduces down the adverse
results of Kaalsarp Yog.
25. When Moon-Mars conjunction exists in quadrants in own sign or their exaltation signs and this
conjunction is neither aspected by or conjunct with any malefic planet, then all the troubles caused
by Kaalsarp Yog are turned down.
26. When Rahu is placed in non-visible houses i.e. first to sixth and other planets are in visible houses
i.e. the remaining six houses then this Kaalsarp Yog is said to be prosperity giving.
27. When Rahu is placed in the sixth house and Jupiter is in Lagna or the tenth house, the native
enjoys wealthy position in life. He is not having any financial problems.

All the above combinationshave been discussed with a view to make a common person to understand the
unfavourable/adverse effects of Kaalsarp Yog. In fact, Kaalsarp Yog does not necessarily grants
unfavourable results to all the natives. Any decision (final prediction) can be made only after having
analysed the position, aspect and the conjunction of various planets and the constellations in the twelve
houses and the signs.

Many natives having Kaalsarp Yog have reached to the heights of name and fame, despite having passed
through various troubles and hurdles. Among them all Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru- the first prime minister of
Independent India can be highlighted. Late Shri Morarji Desai ex prime minister as also Late Shri Chandra
Shekhar singh are also among one of them. All the above three have reached to the post of prime minister
in spite of having ‘Kaalsarp Yog’ present in their natal horoscope.

So, you should not lose heart under any circumstances. One should go on making efforts to progress and
step up for his all-round progress. He must owe to his duties righteously. In case, the results of the Kaalsarp
Yog are visible to be destructible, even the remedial measures can be performed for the same to be
nullified. In our great ancient classical books, i.e. epics many such remedies have been mentioned.
Performing such rituals and performances mentioned in the epics, one can get rid of the adverse affects of
the adversely placed planets in the natal horoscope. Thus, the remedies for ‘Grihbadha’ or ‘Pret-badha’ can
also be made and making such, penance life can be made much easier and comfortable.

It is simply an astrological analysis. I once again wish to remind you people that all the malefic and the
benefice results attained by us are the results of our own misdeeds and the good deeds of our own. So, do
not blame the planets for the same rather improve upon your Karmas (Present Actions). I hereby place a
trinity formula, which may be adopted by each human being. It is an unfailing one and grants instant results
The formation of Kalsarpa Yog in a horoscope in-between 4th and 10th house consists of
Rahu in the fourth house and Ketu in the tenth house. The remaining planets are situated
in between the fourth and tenth house. Such a native never attains peace, never obtains
any happiness. Mother may have to face troubles. Native does not acquire vehicle and if
even acquired may have to face some trouble or the other due to vehicle, loss of respect,
humiliation, embarrassment in job or hurdles in acquiring a job, obstacles & loss in
business, loss of wealth and difficulty in gaining education. Rahu in 4th house results in
the gain of paternal wealth but may not receive the happiness of a house and may have to
stay in a rented house. In detail, the natives never enjoy the happiness of the things
related to fourth & tenth house.

Kalsarpa Yog results in various obstructions in a person’s life till 42 years of age.
Sometimes it may effect the person even after the specified period.

In detail, a person effected with Kalsarpa Yog undergoes physical problems throughout
the life. The person never gets any relief from his/her troubles. There are always hurdles
in acquiring education. The education that the native receives has no benefits in life. The
person always has to face worries, opposition from relatives, is deprived from the
happiness of children or spouse and loses energy in disputes, legal matters & quarrels.
The person may also face imprisonment, betrayal from friends and trouble due to evil
spirits. The person is under huge debts & the children’s marriage may be delayed or
maybe deprived of children. A family member may forsake the house and there may be
no news of that person for many years. A member of the family may drown or may face
some accidental death. The person becomes bankrupted in business.

1. Wear a Kalsarpa ring, which is snake shaped & made of silver. This ring can be
obtained from any renowned astrologer. This should be worn on Wednesday, in the small
finger. Donate dry coconut, mustard etc on that day and chant the mantra of Rahu &

2. Worship Lord Ganesha and before sunrise offer a pair of snakes made of silver on a
Shivling. This should be done through a renowned astrologer.

3. Offer water daily on a Shivling after chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivah.

4. Give a silver brick of 20gms to daughter at her marriage. This remedy is for a happy
married life.

5. Donate fresh radish.

6. Drop coals equal to your weight in a flowing river on Wednesday.

7. Donate some black dal & some money to a beggar early in the morning.

8. Keep some grains under your pillow at night & feed them to birds early in the

9. Put a silver swastik on the main entrance of the house.

10. Have your food in the kitchen.

11. Drop a coconut in the sea.

12. Donate gold, black grains, blue coloured clothes.

13. Wear gomed.

14. Drop a coconut & a coin in the flowing water daily for 43 days.

15. Observe fast on Nag Panchami and worship Kalsarpa Yog.

16. Keep a Kalsarpa Tantra & worship it daily.

17. Keep peacock feathers in the house.

18. Float a pair of snakes in flowing river on your birthday every year, equal to your age.

19. Take the blessings of your parents daily.

20. Buy a pair of snakes on the 5th day of Shukalpaksh or Nag Panchami, feed them with
milk and free them after worship.

21. Keep a pair of snakes made of silver in a bronze vessel full of milk on the 5th day of
Shukalpaksh or Nag Panchami & float the vessel in flowing water.


Horoscope Matching before marriage is most popular tradition. Let’s understand how this
matching is done and what are the advantages of matching.

Longevity:- First judge longevity from strength of 8th house. If the ascendant and its lord
are strong and also if the lord of the 8th house does not posses more strength than it, there
will be good longevity. Strong benefics posited in quadrants indicate longevity. When
there is no longevity in either chart, the horoscopes should not be matched even through
they are in sympathy with each other on other accounts.

2. Strength of the 7th & 8th: Venus:- For a good and a happy married life, 7th house, 7th
lord and Venus should all be strong. Affliction of the 7th house in the horoscope of a
male indicates disease or death of his wife, while the affliction of the 8th house in the
horoscope of a female indicates the death of her husband. In case of female, if there is an
exchange of 7th and 8th lord, aspected by or associated with a malefic or if lords of 7th
and 8th lords, aspected by or associated with a malefic or if lords of 7th and 8th are in 6th
or 12th along with a malefic or get aspect of a malefic, it may cause widowhood. In such
cases she should be married to a male who has got good longevity. Venus should not be
hemmed between malefics or associated with them. If Mars and Venus are in the 7th, the
male or female concerned will be highly sexed and such a person should be mated to one
who has similar instincts and not to one who has Mercury or Jupiter in the 7th.

3. Sama-Sandhi:- There should be at least 6 months difference between the couple to

avoid dasa-Sandhi (i.e. the time when dasa/bhukti of same planets start). If boy and girl
have same dasa, boy’s dasa should precede girl’s dasa, otherwise there is poverty, misery
or even separation. Samadasa places a heavy premium on the lives of the couple. If both
charts promise long life, health and happiness to both, samadasa can be dispensed with
Boy should precede girl if both have same dasa.

4. Bala-balika dosha:- Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Kethu in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and
12th from lagna Moon, Venus, contribute to this dosha. Find out total dosha bala in the
charts of boy and girl. The number of doshas in boy’s horoscope should be more than
those in girl’s chart.

5. Boy’s lagna 7th from girl’s lagna-strong physical attraction.

Boy’s rasi 7th from girl’s rasi-strong mental attraction
Boy’s Sun sign 7th from Girl’s Sun sign-great spiritual/soul’s attraction.

6. KOOTAS i.e., Gunas (covers all aspects of married life): more than 18-suitable for
marriage-the more the better: below 16 not suitable: 17-20 is medium: 21-31 is excellent:
31-36 is most excellent but clash of egos. Kootas are considered from janama nakshatra,
or janama sign i.e., where the Moon falls in natal chart.

1. Varna (1-guna)-shows ego development of partners. Signs 4,8,12 are Brahmins, 1,5,9
are Kshatrya, 2,6,10 are Vaishya, 3,7,11 are Shudra. The grade of Varna is in descending
order. Girl of a higher Varna should not be matched to a lower Varna boy. This dosha
shortens grooms life. This dosha gets cancelled if Rasi lord of man is of higher Varna
than the girl. Jupiter and Venus are Brahmins. Sun and Mars are Kshatrya, Moon is
Vaishya, Mercury and Saturn are Shudra.

2. Vashya (2-guna)-shows love and longing and mutual attraction between the couple and
its intensity. It shows amenability between the couple. Vashya signs of each rashi are 1-
5,8: 2-4,7: 3-6: 4-8,9: 5-7: 6-3,12: 7-6,10: 8-4: 9-12: 10-1,11: 11-1: 12-12. E.g. for Aries
rashi Leo and Scorpio are the vashya rashis: for Taurus, Cancer and Libra are the vashya
rashis and so on.
3. Tara also known as deena Koota also (-guna). This compatibility shows longevity and
health of the couple. First Tara is known as janam, second Sampata, third Vipata, fourth
Kshema, fifth pratyak, sixth Sadhaka, seventh Vedha, eighth Maitra and ninth Atimaitra.

Taras 1,3,5,7 are inauspicious: 2,4,6,8,9 are auspicious. (In North India 1 is also
considered auspicious but not in South India).

Count from boy’s janam nakshatra to that of the girl and divide by 9. Likewise count
from the girl’s nakshatra to that of the boy and divide by 9. If remainder is 0,2,4,6,8 – it is

If both get excellent, assign 3 gunas: both bad, 0 guna: if one is excellent and one is bad,
1½ gunas.

Note: a. If both have same nakshatra-Moon’s longitude in boy should be more, b. 27th
nakshatra of both, if same, be rejected if in different signs, c. 10,19 and 22nd nakshatras
be avoided, d. In South India boys nakshatra beyond 9th from that of the girl is
considered desirable.

4. Yoni (4-guna). It shows sexual and biological compitability, mutual love and sex
inclinations. Every nakshatra has characteristics of an animal. The basis is similarity and
adjustability of mental habits and attitudes of such animals. It indicates sexual joy,
mutual attraction and love.

5. Graha – maitri (Rasyasdhipati) (5-gunas): It shows progrny prospects, mental qualities

and affection for each other. For graham-maitri gunas see chart.

Note: a. If no graham maitri exists, look to the navamsa lords of Moon in both the charts.
If they are natural friends, graham maitri osha cancels.
b. Reject if janama rashis are 2/12c. If rasi of either falls at the end of signs 4,8 or 12-
reject it.

6. Gana-maitri (6-guna) It shows the nature of the native and gives compatibility of
tempermant, and mutual daily behavoiur, for happy events and prosperity.

Devaguna means dignity, goodness, piety, charitability, Deva nakshatras are Ashwini,
Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Hasta, Swati, Pushya, Anuradha, Shravna and Revati.

Manushya Guna means combinations of good and bad qualities. Manushya Nakshatras
are Bharani, Aridira, Rohini, all Uttras and Poorvas.

Rakshasa means contempt, meanness, selfishness, hatred, mischief, Rakshas Nakshatras

are Chitra, Aslesha, Makha, Moola, Visakha, Satabhisha, Dhanishta, Krittika and
Match deva with deva, manushya with manushya, rakshasa with rakshasa, rakshasa-boy
with deva or manushya girl, manushya or rakshasa boy with deva girl and manushya girl
with deva boy. Avoid rakshasa girl with deva or manushya boy. Marriage between
prohibited Ganas brings quarrels, disharmony, separation, divorce etc. for gunas see the
above chart.

Note: This dosa can be ignored if boy’s nakshatra is more than 12 nakshatras away from
that of the girl or if Moon signs of both are same or are 7th from each other (excepting
Leo-Aquarius: Cancer-Capricorn) or lords of their rasi’s are friends.

7. Rasi also known as Bhakoota (7-gunas): Shows growth of family, family welfare,
economic condition.

i. According to Sh. Prasana Mong, rasi of boy, as counted from that of girl, if nd, means
evil, even death; if 12th, good longevity of the couple; if 3rd, misery and sorrow; if 11th,
happiness; if 4th, great poverty, if 10th, great wealth; if 5th, unhappiness or loss of issue;
9th, enjoyment and prosperity; if 6th, separation or loss of children; if 8th, progeny
prospers and if 7th, healthy couple, agreement and happiness. However, evils attributed
get cancelled if lords of the rasis are same or natural friends.

ii. As per Muhurta Chintamani, if rasis are 6/8, it mans death; if 5/9, affects progeny; 2/12
brings poverty. 4/10, 3/11 and same rasis are auspicious and the best.

iii. As per Jyoti Prakasham, as followed in South,

a. girls rasis in 2,3,4,5 and 6th from boy are inauspicious.
b. rasis of girl in 8,9,10,11 and 12th from boy are auspicious.
c. 7/7 is best except Leo-Aquarius and Cancer-Capricorn.
d. same rasi is always good.
e. 3/11; 4/10 position cancel dosha relating to enmity of lords of rasis.
f. friendship of lords of rasis cancels rasi dosha of 2/12, 6/8 and 5/9.

8. Nadi (8-guna) signifies pulse or nervous energy indicating physiological or hereditary

factors. The couple should not have the same windy, bilious or phlegmatic constitution.
Nadi relates to health, longevity and happiness of issues. Nadi dosha is serious and same
nadi be avoided. There are 3 nadis known as Adi (vata-windy), Madhya (pitta-bilious)
and antya (sleshma-phlegmatic). The middle one i.e Madhya must be avoided at all costs
as it leads to death of one partner. The nakshatras in various nadis.

Misconceptions and blind beliefs in Astrology

It is highly unfortunate that in the land where Vedic astrology was born, most people, even
a lot of astrologers, have a lot of misconceptions and blind beliefs about several basic facts
of astrology. An astrologer propagates a wrong theory and a dozen people believe it . They
tell a dozen more and soon it becomes an accepted norm! Misconceptions about Mangal
dosha, Rakshasa Gana, Kalasarpa dosha and Sadesati have a lot of far reaching effects in
our society full of superstitions, especially in marriage matters.

Click on each item below to learn what the Shastras of astrology really say about them and
how the ignorant or "matlabi" pundits take people for a ride by inducing a fear psychosis!

Mangal/Kuja dosha Rakshasa Gana Sadesati Kalasarpa dosha

Mangala/Kuja Dosha:

One of the biggest misconceptions and fears in the Hindu society with respect to marriage
is the presence of Mangala Dosha or Kuja Dosha in the chart of a boy or a girl. I have seen
a countless number of good matches being rejected by people just because the boy or the
girl has Mangala Dosha present in the chart.

Even the various Shastras of astrology differ as to in which houses it is present, what the
exceptions are and what the effects and remedies are. According to some authorities Mars
is placed in the 1,2,4,7,8,12, from lagna causes Kuja Dosha. Some authorities omit the 1st
house and some others omit the 2nd house.

Some astrologers thump the table and quote Parashara and Varahamihira to prove their
point. To start with most of the astrologers only have a very hazy idea of the sastras. On
top of that, let me tell you that the existing shastras and their translations are not very pure!
Take for example the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra of Rishi Parashara. In chapter 2
verse 5-7 we have the following: "Rama is the incarnation of the Sun, Krishna of the moon,
Narasimha that of Mars, Buddha that of Mercury, Vamana that of Jupiter, Parashurama
that of Venus, Koorma that of Saturn, Varaha that of Rahu and Matsya that of Ketu".
Sounds great. However, according to astrology Parashara was the father of Vedavyasa
who wrote the Mahabharata. According to our calculations the Mahabharata period
was 2500 BC to 3200 BC., or around 1200BC. according to the western historians.
Buddha belonged to the much later and fairly authentically recorded period. He died
in 544BC. Then how did Parashara say that Buddha is the Avatara of Mercury more
than a millennium before? If he were forecasting then he would have clearly stated
that "Buddha avatara will be born". Obviously some of the people who wrote the
shastras added a few things of their own!

Rishi Parashara, in his Brihat Parasara Horasastra, chapter 81, verse 47 said the
following: "If Mars is placed in the Lagna, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th houses, without any
aspect or conjunction of the benefic planets, the husband of such a woman will
certainly have an early death." So it is clear that if Mars has the aspect or association
of a benefic, there is no dosha. It must be noted that in the very next verse, verse 48,
he gave the other important exception as follows: "The yoga in which a woman takes birth
and becomes a widow, if a male takes birth, he also becomes a widower. If a woman with
the widowhood yoga marries a man with similar yoga, such yoga will be cancelled."
So the 2nd exception given by him is that this feared dosha is cancelled if both the girl and
the boy have mangal dosha.

However by and large the majority of the astrologers include the 2nd house also in the
mangala dosha and accept the 6 houses. As there are 12 houses in a horoscope and as
Mars in 6 houses causes Mangala Dosha, it simply means that 50% of the people born
have Kuja Dosha of some level. Hence it goes without saying that this Mangala Dosha is
not something which will ruin a person, because it is not the intention of God to condemn
half of mankind.

The prevalent misconceptions are that, if a person has Martian affliction it will either ruin
the marriage or will cause one's death or the death of the partner. Especially if a girl has
Kuja or Mangala Dosha, called "Mangali", she is looked upon as a devil by the mother-in-
law. Nothing can be farther than the truth. First let us examine what the Kuja Dosha is all
about and how it affects marriage.

The planet Mars symbolizes courage, aggression, vitality, confidence, fighting spirit and
warrior qualities. If Mars is placed in any of these 6 houses, it gives aggressive tendencies
to either the person or the spouse. In certain cases if Mars is malefic to the native, it also
gives danger to life, provided that other bad combinations are also present. These two are
the main negative qualities. Hence the first reason for the "Dosha Complex" is that - in the
olden days the ideal wife was regarded as one who is meek, obedient and submissive.
Hence a girl with the so called Martian afflictions, who is likely to have courage and fighting
spirit, was considered by our MCP society as a girl with "Dosha". The second possible
reason for the "Dosha Complex" is that during the war torn middle ages when a lot of the
sastras were written, a "Martian person", who is normally well built, courageous,
aggressive and has fighting qualities, was a prime candidate to be recruited by the king for
his army and hence the chances of his death or serious injury were quite strong. In the
present changed circumstances it is foolishness of the highest order to be scared simply
because one has Mangal Dosha.

However, Mangala Dosha is not something that can be ignored. It does cause marital
discord. Before marriage it is very essential to match horoscopes for Kuja Dosha. If a
person has Kuja Dosha in the horoscope the spouse must also have Kuja Dosha. This way
the Dosha is cancelled. Otherwise both should be without any Dosha. Various "authorities
and experts" have given a lot of exceptions and cancellations for the Dosha. They are so
many that almost everything is cancelled! The truth is that in majority of the cases the so
called exceptions and cancellations do not work.
P.S.Iyer's tips: In 1991 the late Sri P.S.Iyer, one of the acknowledged giants of Indian
astrology and an authority on the marriage aspects, gave a discourse to several budding
aspirants of astrology in Mr. K.N.Rao's house and I was one of the fortunate ones to attend
it. He was quite clear in stating that Mangala dosha is present in 6 houses. This Kuja
Dosha or Mangala Dosha must be examined from the Moon, Venus and Saturn also. He
even gave the details of the percentage of Mangala dosha in each house. In 8th house the
dosha is full, in lagna 1/2, in 7th 1/4, in 4th 1/8 and in 12th and 2nd houses 1/16. As per
the exceptions and cancellations, he was very specific about the following:

No dosha if mars is in its its own house or exaltation house. No dosha if aspected by a

If a strong benefic is placed in the 9th house then the dosha of Mars in the 7th and 8th is

However he also advised that apart from the Mars, the planets Saturn, Sun and Rahu also
cause similar dosha! From the point of view of causing dosha, if Mars causes 100% dosha,
Saturn causes 75% dosha, Sun causes 50% dosha and rahu causes 25% dosha. These
doshas must also be evaluated similarly!

As per the koota matching his advise was to give more importance to dina, gana, rasi, yoni
and rajju and less to the others. So much so for the nadi dosha fear!

The matching of horoscopes and especially the extent of Mangala Dosha is the job of an
experienced astrologer and must be done after carefully analyzing both the horoscopes.

The second major misconception while matching horoscopes of marriage is

Rakshasagana. Once again this becomes a highly objectionable thing in case of a girl.

While matching horoscopes for a marriage under the Koota matching system, the birth
stars in which the Moon is placed at the time of birth, called Janma Nakshatra, in which the
bride and bridegroom are born, are analyzed and matched for various compatibility factors.
One of them is the Ganas of the nakshatra. All the 27 Nakshatras come under 3 groups.
They are Deva Gana, Manushyagana and Rakshasagana. If both bride and bridegroom
are born in the same Gana then the matching is supposed to be the best. So the best
combination is Deva-Deva, Manushya - Manushya and Rakshasa-Rakshasa. In the Gana
matching this combination gets 4 out of 4 points. The next best is between Deva-
Manushya and Manushya-Rakshasa. This gets a score of 2 out of 4 points. The last and
worst combination is Deva-Rakshasa which gets a score of 0 out of 4 points. This is as per
the detailed South Indian Dasha Koota matching system. In the North Indian Ashtakoota
Matching system the Gana matching is allotted 6 points and you get either 6, 3 or 0.
Unfortunately too much importance is given to this Gana matching because of two
reasons. Firstly as in case of Mangala Dosha, the person born under Rakshasagana has
more confident and aggressive tendencies and hence this becomes a major taboo for a
girl. Secondly a good Gana matching enhances prosperity. However, what the average
public and even a lot of astrologers fail to take into account is the fact that, out of the total
35 point Koota matching, the Gana matching carries only 3 points. What is even more
important is the fact that out of the 9 planets we are only taking into account the Ganas of
the stars in which the Moon is placed at birth and totally ignoring the Ganas of the stars in
which the balanced 8 planets are placed.

Hence it is foolhardy to attach too much importance to Gana dosha.


One of the most terrible periods, according to the believers in astrology, is the dreaded 7-
1/2 years of Saturn transit called "Sadesati" in North India and "Elinatishani" in South
India. When the transiting Saturn transits the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from one's Rasi,
i.e., where one's Moon is placed in the birth chart, it is called Sadesati. ( Saturn takes 30
years to make one round of the zodiac hence 2-1/2 years in each sign multiplied by 3 = 7-
1/2 years).

While it is true that during this 7-1/2 years Saturn transit period people do experience
some tensions and troubles, it is nothing to be scared about. On an average every man
has to go through at least 2 sadesatis during his life time. The results of the sadesati
transit vary considerably from person to person depending on the planetary configurations
in one's birth chart. Even while giving some troubles and tensions, it does not deny you
success. For example when Mrs. Indira Gandhi became a Cabinet Minister for Information
and Broadcasting in 1964, she was going through her Sadesati! In January 1966 when she
became Prime Minister she was still going through her Sadesati!! There are thousands of
people who not only got away scot-free during sadesati, but actually prospered during it.

All kinds of dreadful results are forecast by the astrologers to scare the people and apart
from living under fear, people spend a lot of money quite unnecessarily on all kinds of
remedies. Actually the pundits love Saturn, Mangal, Rahu and Ketu, the fearsome four
names in Indian astrology, as they have given more money to them by way of remedies
than the benefic like jupiter or sun!

There are plenty of remedies for sadesati, the most effective being the daily reciting of
Hanuman Chalisa or the Dasaratha Shani stotra.

Saturn, which according to Hindu mythology is the son of Sun God, is an excellent planet.
No other planet can give what Saturn can. In fact having a well placed saturn in ones chart
is one of the best things to hope for! When Mrs. Indira Gandhi re-elected PM, she was
going through the mahadasa of Saturn. When Amitab Bacchan was at his peak, he was
also going through Saturn mahadasa. Unfortunately people and the pundits ignore the
positive side of Saturn and project it only as an evil planet.

Kalasarpa dosha: This is another highly feared combination. You will be surprised to
know that the ancient classics of astrology have not even mentioned it! Yet it has become
one of the most feared doshas, because Kal means death and Sarpa means snake. When
all planets are to one side of Rahu and Ketu Kalasarpa Dosha is supposed to be caused.
This is considered a very bad yoga which gives rise to misfortunes and is supposed to be
a major obstruction to ones progress. This dosha is said to be severe when all planets are
within the arc from Rahu to Ketu in their natural motion direction.

There are supposed to be 12 types of Kalasarpa doshas, based on the placement of rahu
from the lagna to the 12th house. These 12 have been named after 12 fearful sounding
snakes: Anant, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhapal, Padma, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karkataka,
Shankhanaad, Patak, Vishakata and Sheshanag. It is not known who cooked up this
nonsense, but rest assured that it is none of the Rishis from Parashara to Varahamihira.
Obviously some new 20th century "Rishis" of Delhi and U.P!!

The latest astro-stunt by the "Pundits" is the introduction of "partial kalasarpa dosha". The
basics parameters of this are undefined, so anyone may have it!! A lot of unscrupulous
astrologers are scaring people about this dosha and extracting money for the so called
remedies. The remedy of course depends and varies according to the financial status of
the innocent man!

From practical point of view this is not found to be a hindrance to progress. I have the
horoscopes of a lot of people who have this so called dosha and are doing quite well in life.
One of the most notable exceptions is the horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru, the late prime
minister of India. If someone can rise to that level with kalasarpa yoga, then its not a bad
one really!!

Divisional Charts

“In the deep there is a greater deep, in the heights a greater height. Sooner shall
man arrive at the border of infinity than at the fullness of his own being. For that
being is infinity, is God.” Says Sri Aurobindo. Likewise in the deep of astrology,
the divisional charts reveal new perspective in the prediction of events and future.
Divisional charts are sixteen in number — Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Chaturamsa, Saptamsa,
Navamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Vimsamsa, Chaturvimsamsa, Saptavimsamsa,
Trimsamsa, Kavedamsa, Akshavedmsa and Sashtiamsa.

Each divisional chart identifies a specific nature of the chart as given below


Physique Ascendant (Rasi)

Wealth Hora

Happiness from siblings Drekkana

Fortunes Chaturamsa

Issues (children) Saptamsa

Spouse Navamsa

Power and positions Dasamsa

Parents Dwadasamsa

Good and bad results of conveyances Shodasamsa

Worship Vimsamsa

Learning Chaturvimsamsa

Strength and weakness Saptvimsamsa

Evil effects Trimsamsa

Auspicious and inauspicious effects Kavdamsa

All indications Akshvedamsa and Shastiamsa

Acquisition of wealth, property and finance are studied through the Hora chart. When male
planets occupy the Sun’s Hora wealth is acquired with hard work and indicates high position.
When female planets occupy the Moon’s Hora, it is beneficial. Female planets in the Sun’ Hora
and male planets in the Moon’s Hora may not help. Planets should correspond to the 2nd house,
2nd lord from Ascendant and Moonsign fro m the Rasi chart.
Hora lord Sun is in Sun’s Hora while Moon is in Moon’s Hora. Female planet Rahu is in Moon’s
Hora with Moon. Eunuch planets Saturn and Ketu act according to their occupation and
conjunction. They are with Moon in Moon’s Hora and enhance Moon’s Hora. The second house
lord , Saturn is with Moon in Moon’s Hora.

Kalyanavarma describes certain qualities on the basis of Drekkana, the main concept being the
co-borns and their equations and reciprocity between them.
Before analyzing the Drekkana chart, we have to consider the Rasi chart, of 3rd 5th 7th 9th and
11th houses. 11th house stands for elder brother/sister while 3rd house represents younger born.
When there are more younger brothers, we have to see 3rd to 3rd house ( 5Th house ) and 3rd to
5th house (7th house) and so on. For elder brothers, we have to see 11th to 11th house ( 9th house)
and so on. In this chart 3rd,5th,7th, 9th and 11th houses are occupied by planets. She had an elder
sister, 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers. In the D3 (Drekkana), 3rd, 5th, 7th ,9th and 11th
houses are occupied by planets. Ascendant lord Jupiter is hemmed by Sun and waning Moon and
conjoined with Rahu and aspected by Ketu. She had no help from the siblings and lived under the
mercy of her in-laws.
Houses, vehicles, deposits, investments and property will have to be judged from Chaturamsa.
Before analyzing the Chaturmsa, we have to see the 4th house and 4th lord of Rasi chart. Also in
the Chaturamsa

In Chart 3, 4th lord, kendra lord, is posited in trikona. 4th house is aspected by Sun, Moon and
Mars. Sun and Moon are the lords of kendra and kona caused the enhancement of 4th house. In
Chaturamsa, 4th lord Sun is in his own house, ascendant occupied by exalted Moon. Mars being
debilitated, denied a vehicle. But Sun in the 4th assured assets, a house and other properties.
Saptamsa represents children. Before analyzing we have to see the 5th house and 5th lord in the
Rasi chart.

In Chart 4, in Rasi, 5th lord with 7th lord and 10th lord (conjoining the kendra and kona) in
respect of 5th house, confers children. In Saptamsa, Ascendant lord Mars is in his own house and
5th lord with 10th lord and 4th lord, which enhanced the property of Saptamsa and she is blessed
with 4 children. Ascendant lord Mars and 5th lord Sun are in 4/10 position, which indicates
reciprocity with children till now.
Navamsa stands for the spouse. The strength of planets in the Rasi is complemented by the
planets in the Navamsa. We have to consider the 7th house and 7th lord in Rasi also.

In Chart 5, Ascendant lord and 7th lord are in 2/12 position. Badhaka lord Mars, which also
causes Kuja dosha, is in 8th from Ascendant, 7th lord and 7th from Ascendant lord and at
Badhaka house from Venus. This gives certain clues for the difficulty in marriage affairs. In
Navamsa, Ascendant is occupied with Rahu and aspected by Ketu. Ascendant lord Mercury is with
Mandi. Mars is in the 2nd house and 7th lord is with 6th lord. These configurations denied
marriage to the native.
In Chart 6 the Ascendant lord is with 7th lord Moon in 2/12 position, but under retrogression in
the Rasi. When Venus is in 2nd ,6th ,8th or 12th position with Ascendant, unconventional
marriage is indicated. Venus is in 8th Place. Three planets are in 7th from Ascendant lord. In
Navamsa the Ascendant lord is with Mandi with Venus. Venus being the lord of the house caused
him dual marriage. When Venus is in his own navamsa, duel spouses are indicated.

Dasamsa gives clue to the way of livelihood, power and authority. We have to see 10th house and
10th lord from Ascendant and the Moon sign also.
Chart 7 belongs to a person who climbed the ladder of success very high in a span of 25 years. He
is now the CEO of his company, having multiple projects in his hands. Conjunction of 7th lord
and 9th lord in a trikona house and 10th lord, Mars aspecting 2nd shows that his income lies with
his karma lord. 2nd lord aspects 2nd house. In Dasamsa, 5th lord and 9th lord in samasaptama
assures power and authority. 10th lord of Rasi, Mars is well placed in 10th in the Dasamsa. 9th
lord and 10th lord from Moon sign well placed in another trikona (5th).

From Dwadasamsa, we get information about parents. The 4th, 9th and 10th housesfrom Rasi are
to be considered too.
In Chart 8, in Rasi, 10th lord Is exalted along with 4th lord. 9th lord is with exalted 10th lord fr
andom Moon sign and gives clue to the betterment of parents. In the Dwadasamsa, Ascendant
lord, other wise 8th lord Mars with longevity lord Saturn is in 8th. 9th lord Jupiter is in his own
amsa and 4th lord is with another longevity lord, 3rd lord Mercury. We can infer the betterment
of both father and mother, both of whom are living well and comfortably.

Accidents can be predicted from the Shodasamsa. Comfort and discomfort from the vehicles are
found from this chart. We also have to consider 4th lord, 4th house and position of Mars with
Chart 9 is of a lady met who met with a road accident and had her shoulder affected. 4th lord
Jupiter is in retrogression. 6th lord Saturn is in the 4th house. Mars aspects 4th lord and the 4th
house in Rasi chart. In Shodasamsa, Mandi is in Ascendant, 4th house is blemished with Rahu
and Ketu. 4th lord Venus in Ascendant with Mandi and maraka lord Saturn. Moon is aspected by
the Mars. 12th lord Mercury is in 4th house. The accident occurred in Moon Dasa and Mercury

Vimsamsa indicates spiritual and philosophical improvement of an individual.

Chart 10 is of Sri Aurobindo, ant example of great spiritual and philosophical growth. Ketu is 12th
from Moon is an indication of this in Rasi chart. Also exalted Jupiter in Ascendant made him lead
masses in the spiritual path. Combination of 5th lord and 9th lord in the Ascendant gave him
much spiritual strength. From Moon sign 4th lord and 5th lord conjoining is also a
complementary point. Arudha Pada of 12th house lies in Libra, and Ketu in the second from him
made Sri Aurobindo a saint. From Vimsamsa, though Ascendant lord is debilitated, it is nullified
by Jupiter, the dispositor of Mercury in Ascendant kendra. Chamara Yoga is present with benefics
in 7th, 9th and 10th houses.

Saravali details the placement of Trimsamsa with particular reference to women in its 46th
chapter. Brihat Jataka tells us that when Mars is in his own trimsamsa, the native will have wife,
strength, ornaments, generosity, personal attraction and an enterprising spirit. When Saturn is in
his own trimsamsa, the person becomes sickly, loses his wife, possesses double heart, is
sorrowful, possessed of houses, clothes, servants, etc. and will be unclean. When Jupiter is in his
own trimsamsa, the person will have wealth, happiness, intelligence, attraction, respect, health,
hope and enjoyment. When Mercury is in his own trimsamsa, he gives the man intelligence,
education, poetic ability, eloquence, skill in arts, philosophic acumen, enterprise and much
respect.When Venus is in his own trimsamsa, the man will be blessed with many sons, much
happiness, health, popularity, wealth, beauty, vindictiveness, handsome body and enjoyment with
many women. When Sun and Moon are in the trimsamsa of Mars, etc., the person will be warlike
and slothful, cruel and killing, virtuous and wealthy, happy and learned, handsome and popular

Arishta and misfortune can be found by Trimsamsa.

Chart 11 has Ascendant and Ascendant lord (also 8th lord) caught in papakartari yoga. In
Trimsamsa Ascendant is occupied by 7th lord. Ascendant lord is in 12th house. Born with Rahu
Dasa, Venus Bukthi, Rahu in 6th in Rasi and 8th in Trimsamsa, Venus in the marakasthana in
Trimsamsa, he had a major surgery of spinal cord soon after birth. This caused him a permanent
disability. Venus with Moon and Mars in Trimsamsa caused trouble in his kidney.

Khavedamsa, Akshvedamsa and Shashitamsa charts indicate general favorable or unfavorable


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