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1. Purpose
A. To provide the person who has not worked the Steps with motivation and assistance in
"working the Steps".
B. To provide those who have worked the Steps with an opportunity and motivation to do it
again and to share your experience.

2. Plan
A. Teams of no more than 12 to 14 persons will be formed (8 to 10 are preferred). The make-
up of each team will be approximately 3 to 4 members who have worked the Steps in the
manner described in the Big Book and 8 to 10 members who have never worked the
Steps in this manner, but who are willing to try.
B. It is suggested that the teams not be coed because of the problems, which could be
encountered in working the Fourth Step.
C. Each team will select its own meeting place and meeting time, preferably at a time which
does not conflict with the regularly scheduled evening AA meetings (Team meetings are
not a substitute for AA meetings).
D. After the initial planning meeting, no additions will be made to the team. If someone has a
slip or is not living up to their commitment to the team, the other members of the team
must decide if they want to allow the individual to continue with the team.
E. When the team has completed the Steps, it will disband. The estimated time to complete
the Steps is 15-20 weeks.

3. Meeting Format
A. There is no formal meeting format and each group is free to select its own. Most groups
rotate the chairmanship from week to week and simply discuss the assigned material and
share their experience in applying it to their life.
B. Each member is expected to have read and studied those portions of the Big Book and
"12 and 12" which relate to the Steps under consideration and completed his or her
assignment prior to the scheduled Step Study Meeting.
C. The function of the team will be to apply the principles of each Step in their lives and share
their experience in a discussion of each Step.
D. It is suggested that each member of the team obtain a study notebook to record his or her
notes, assignments, Fourth Step, etc. (Spiral Bound 8 ½ X 11 notebooks work well.)

4. Completion
A. As the team completes the Step Study, new teams should be formed to help newcomers
and others who want to participate. A nucleus of experienced members (3-4) should
accept new members on a first-come first-served basis.

PG. 1
The following is a suggested assignment sheet and outline for use by the Step Study Team. The
time given for any particular study can be extended or shortened as each team chooses. It is
suggested that, before the study is completed, each team member will have read the entire text of
the book, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (through Pg. 164 at minimum).

Initial Meeting
Meet and discuss the outline regarding the Purpose, Plan, Meeting Format and Completion of the
Step Study Team. Exchange telephone numbers and addresses, select a meeting place. It is
important that the commitment section of this outline be carefully reviewed and that each member
of the team thoroughly understand that he or she is committing to do the Steps, all of the Steps. It
should be understood that everyone will probably have one or more absences, and perfect
attendance is not absolutely required. It is most helpful that everyone be present as much as
possible and that communication develops between the team members so that they know how the
other team members are progressing and how they are feeling about the team study.

Þ Commit to stay with the team until all members have completed the Steps.
Þ Commit to do the Steps according to the Big Book as augmented by the Twelve Steps and
Twelve Traditions (including on the knees Third step with others, a Fourth and Fifth Step and
all the rest).
Þ Commit to making telephone or personal contact with one or more members of the team during
each week the Steps are being taken and sharing your problems or experience with the
assignment that week.
Þ Commit to attend the meetings except on rare and extremely unusual circumstances. Each
member really needs to be present each week. If a member cannot be present, another
member should be called and advised of the problem so that the team will not delay the
Þ Those persons who have not done the Steps will be asked to commit to do them at least once
more with another team.

Initial Meeting Assignment:

· Read the Preface, Forward of the First Edition, Second Edition and Third Edition prior to this
meeting. Note that the Forward to the Third Edition states: "To show other alcoholics precisely
how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book".
· Compare this language with the language on Pg. 29 at the end of Chapter Two where it is
stated: "Further on, clear-cut directions are given showing how we recovered." This is the task
this team is about to undertake.

PG. 2

ASSIGNMENT: Read and be prepared to discuss the Doctors Opinion.

The Doctor's Opinion:

Were you aware that your illness affected both your mind and your body? Do you believe or can
you accept the concept of an allergic reaction to alcohol? What is an allergy? Do you agree with
the concept of hospitalization? Have you ever experienced the phenomena of "craving" (Pg.
XXVI)? Did you like the effect of alcohol? Did you reach the point where you could not
differentiate the "true from the false"? Did your alcoholic life seem normal? The doctor seems to
say that a "psychic change" must occur. What is a psychic change? Can you accept the fact that
alcoholism "has never been, by any treatment with which we are familiar, permanently
eradicated"? These and other questions will occur to the group, and each should be discussed in
some depth.


Read and be prepared to discuss Chapter One, Bill's Story. Buy your notebook and begin to note
your own reaction to the matters set forth in the doctor's opinion. In summary, begin to write "how
was I powerless over alcohol." It is equally important to write any reservation you may have that
you are, in fact, powerless over alcohol.

Chapter One, Bill's Story. Did you ever ask, "Was I crazy?' (Pg. 5) Did you ever feel the remorse,
horror and hopelessness of the next morning? (Pg. 6) Did your mind ever race uncontrollable?
(Pg. 6) Did you ever seek oblivion? (Pg. 6) Did you feel lonely? (Pg. 8) Did you feel fear? (Pg. 8)
What was your reaction to religion, the church and God? (Pg. 10) Note what happened to Bill's
prejudice against "their God" when he began to apply his own concept of God (Pg. 12). Did you
know that "nothing more was required of me to make my beginning" that willingness or a
willingness to believe? Doesn't Bill essentially take the first through the Eleventh Step at this time?
(Pg. 13) Notice how Bill was instructed to find God's will and pray (Pg. 13). Has your common
sense become "uncommon sense" in this manner? (Pg. 13) Bill really takes the Twelfth Step on
Pg. 14, doesn't he? The program worked in all of Bill's affairs (Pg. 15). The foregoing are simply
samples of questions that may occur or points that may be raised. What was of particular
significance to you in this chapter? What did you find that you could not agree with or which you
could not accept?

PG. 3

Read and be prepared to discuss Chapter Two, There Is a Solution. Continue to write how you
are powerless over alcohol and begin to consider what you can truly "manage" in your life. As
thoughts occur to you about whether you can or cannot manage life and in particular your life,
write down your thoughts in your notebook.

Chapter Two, There Is a Solution: Again, having read this chapter, what parts of the chapter can
you apply to your life? What is your reaction to the membership of Alcoholics Anonymous? Did
your alcoholism "engulf all whose lives touched the sufferer's" (Pg. 18)? What was their reaction?
Do you see how you can reach another alcoholic (Pg. 18)? Note on Pg. 20 the book answers the
question, "What do I have to do?" Have you been asked the questions on Pg. 20 by yourself or by
other people? What were the answers? From your examination of yourself in the past weeks and
your reading of this chapter are you a "real alcoholic"? (Pg. 21) If not, why not? Discuss this with
your team. Did you have control over alcohol, did you do absurd and incredible and tragic things
while drinking, were you a Jekyll and Hyde? These questions and observations on Pg. 21 may
help you in answering the questions you have been writing about, having to do with your
powerlessness over alcohol. Why did we drink the way that we did? (Pg. 22) Why do we take that
one drink? Why can't we stay on the water wagon? What has become of the common sense and
the will power that he still sometimes displays with respect to other matters? Did you ask yourself
these questions? Had you lost the power of choice described on Pg. 24? Have you ever said,
"What's the use anyhow" (or something similar)? There is a solution (Pg. 25). The great fact is just
this, and nothing less: That we have had deep and effective spiritual experiences. Read and
understand Appendix II and the rest of this paragraph because it is an outstanding summary of
what happens in the program. Our alternative to the solution is to "go on blotting out the
consciousness of our intolerable situation as best we could or to accept spiritual help" (Pg. 25).
Note that Appendix II is referred to again on Pg. 27.


Read and be prepared to discuss Chapter Three, More About Alcoholism.

Chapter Three, More About Alcoholism: Did you have the "great obsession" (Pg. 30)? Did you
know that was an illusion? Did you try to control your drinking, and can you diagnose yourself?
(Pg. 31) Has your writing in your book listed those things you attempted to do to control your use
of alcohol and your failures? Do you have a reservation of any kind or any lurking notion that you
will some day be immune to alcohol? (Pg. 33) Can you identify with the mental states that
precede a relapse into drinking, and do you understand that these mental states are the crux of
the problem (Pg. 35)? Do you understand why an actual or potential alcoholic will be absolutely
unable to stop drinking on the basis of self-knowledge? (Pg. 39) Note the doctor's reaction to
alcoholism on Pg. 43. Also note the solution at the bottom of Pg. 43.

PG. 4

Read and be prepared to discuss Chapter Four, We Agnostics. By now you should have
completed writing most of your memories about why you are powerless over alcohol and why your
life is unmanageable. If you are having difficulty with these problems, discuss this with the team
members or your sponsor.

Chapter Four, We Agnostics: Do you accept the fact that you have only two alternatives if you are
an alcoholic? An alcoholic death or to live a life on a spiritual basis. (Pg. 44) Have you lacked
power to manage life (Pg. 45)? Note that the "main object of this book is to enable you to find a
Power greater than yourself which will solve your problem." Have you had honest doubts and
prejudices about God? (Pg. 45) What has been your reaction to the word "God", what will He look
like, what will it be like when you find Him, and where did you get these ideas? Had you
abandoned the idea of God entirely? (Pg. 45) Are you willing to lay aside your previous beliefs or
prejudice and express even a willingness to believe in a Power greater than yourself? What is you
concept of God? (Pg. 46) Do you now believe or are you even willing to believe that there is a
Power greater than yourself? (Pg. 47) Do you recognize that when you can say "yes" to this
question that you are "on your way"? (Pg. 47) Note that the book once again refers you to
Appendix II at this point. What is it that Appendix II says that is indispensable? Have you been
open-minded or have you been obstinate, sensitive and unreasonably prejudiced about
discussions about God? (Pg. 48) What reservations do you have when you have read this
chapter? Have you been biased and unreasonably prejudiced about the realm of the spirit? (Pg.
51) Did your ideas work, will the God idea work? (Pg. 52) ARE YOU REALLY READY TO
TO BE?" (Pg. 53) Do you believe that "when we drew near to Him, He disclosed Himself to us!"
(Pg. 57) Remember what it said on Pg. 28? If what we have learned and felt and seen means
anything at all, it means that all of us, whatever our race, creed, or color are children of a living
Creator with whom we may form a relationship upon simple and understandable terms as soon as
we are willing and honest enough to try.

PG. 5
WEEK NO. 6:__________________________________________________________________

Read and be prepared to discuss Chapter Five, How It Works. Write what you can believe about a
Power greater than yourself. On another Pg. write what you cannot believe about God. As you go
forward from this point, it is those things which you believe or which fit into your conception of God
which you will be using and you can be comforted in knowing that "our own conception, however
inadequate, was sufficient to make the approach and to effect a contact with Him." (Pg 46)

Chapter Five, How It Works: Discuss the materials contained in this chapter from Pg. 58 to Pg. 63
(i.e., through the part which concludes Step Three). Do you question whether you are capable of
being honest with yourself? (If you do, you're not.) Note the state of mind you're asked to have
when you start the Steps, honesty, fearlessness, thoroughness, and a willingness to go to any
length. What do half measures avail us? Are you convinced that a life run on self-will can hardly be
a success? (Pg. 60) Can you see the effects of self-centeredness in your life? How have you been
self-centered? List examples in your workbook and discuss them with the group. Did you know
that you could not reduce self-centeredness much by wishing or trying on your own power? (Pg.
62) Are you willing to make the decisions set forth at the bottom of Pg. 62? Note the promises that
follow the taking of Step Three as described at the top of Pg. 63. Are you willing to take this Step?
Many groups at this point commit one to the other that they are going to take this Step and recite
the prayer that is set forth on Pg. 63 together.

WEEK NO. 7:__________________________________________________________________

Continue to list places where you can see that you are self-centered in your workbook Begin the
Fourth Step using the Fourth Step Guide. Do Instructions 1 and 2 of the Fourth Step Guide.

Discuss the work you have done on Instruction 1 through 2 of the Fourth Step Guide.


Do instructions 3, 4 and 5 of the Fourth Step Guide.

Discuss the work you have made on Instructions 3, 4 and 5 of the Fourth Step Guide and any
problems you are having.


Do instruction 6 and complete any work you have not completed on Instruction 1 through 6 for the
next week.

Discuss the work you have done on Instructions 1 through 6 of the Fourth Step Guide and any
problems that you are having. The group should assist anyone in taking the inventory that is
having difficulty and this may include spending some time with them during the week.

PG. 6
WEEK NO. 10:

Do Instructions 7, 8 and 9 of the Fourth Step Guide.

Discuss the work you have done on Instructions 7, 8 & 9, discuss any problems you are having.

WEEK NO. 11:

Do Instructions 10 and 11 of the Fourth Step Guide.

Discuss the work you have done on Instructions 10 and 11.

WEEK NO. 12:

Find someone to take a Fifth Step with and make a specific date for this Fifth Step. Read and be
prepared to discuss Chapter Six, Into Action.

Chapter Six, Into Action: Discuss Pg. 72 through Pg. 75. Has everyone had a good experience
with this Step? Are there reservations about doing the Fifth Step and, if so, what are they? Have
you skimped on the program to this point? Take your Fifth Step.

WEEK NO. 13:

Read Chapters Six and Seven in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

Chapters Six and Seven in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions: Discuss these chapters
along the lines you have previously discussed the earlier chapters in the Big Book. Particularly,
you should attempt to itemize and list those defects of character which you have which you
recognize stand in the way of your usefulness to your fellows. Which defects of character do you
have which do not stand in the way of your usefulness to your fellows? Discuss willingness and
humility and what they mean in context with these Steps.

PG. 7
WEEK NO. 14:

Read and be prepared to discuss the Chapters Eight and Nine in the Twelve Steps and Twelve

Chapter Six, Into Action & Chapters Eight and Nine in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions:
Do you have misgivings about these Steps? (Pg. 76) Do you feel different about going to some of
these people? What is your real purpose (Pg. 77)? Is timing important in this Step? Can you
approach the people on your Eighth Step list in a helpful and forgiving spirit? (Pg. 77) (see Pg.s
66-67). Do you recognize that nothing worth while can be accomplished until you clean your side
of the street? (Pg. 78) Is it important that you be praised for your Ninth Step efforts? Do you
understand the importance of losing your fear of creditors? (Pg. 78) Have you discussed any
criminal offenses you may have committed and which may still be open with your sponsor? If not,
you certainly should do so. (See Pg. 79). Do you understand how your Ninth Step may harm other
people? (See Pg. 79) Have you studied your domestic troubles and the harm that may have been
caused in these areas? Do you understand the importance of not creating further harm by creating
further jealousy and resentment in a "tell all" session? (Pg. 81) What does the author mean when
he says that the spiritual life is not a theory, we have to live it? (Pg. 83) Do you see that in making
the Ninth Step you should be sensible, tactful, considerate and humble without being servile or
scraping? (Pg. 83) Are you experiencing the promises set forth on Pg. 83 and 84?

PG. 8
WEEK NO. 15:

Note at this point the book assumes that you made a list of people you had harmed when you did
your Fourth Step inventory. If this has not been done, you should certainly make such a list at this

Chapter Six, Into Action (Continued): What are the specific instructions outlined for the taking of
Step Ten? What do we watch for? Note that "by this time sanity will have returned, we will seldom
be interested in liquor." (Pg. 84) Is this the sanity referred to in Step Two? What is the proper use
of will power? (Pg. 85) What is the suggestion for taking the Eleventh Step on a daily basis? What
do you watch for? Do you practice this Step on a daily basis? Do you follow the procedure outlined
on Pg.s 86 and 87 regarding your daily morning meditations and the way you proceed through the
day? Has your attitude about a Power greater than yourself changed since you studied the
chapter, "To the Agnostics"? Do you believe "It Works, It Really Does"?

WEEK NO. 16:

Read and be prepared to discuss Chapter Seven, Working with Others.

Chapter Seven, Working with Others: What are the step-by-step requirements for a Twelfth
Step? Have you ever tried this? Share your experience with the group. In cases where the
alcoholic has not responded, have you worked with his family? Did you offer them your way of life,
and what results did you have in this situation? Do you believe that you should "burn the idea into
the consciousness of every man that he can get well regardless of anyone? The only condition is
that he trust in God and clean house." Is this the basis of the statement that this is a "selfish
program"? Is it really a selfish program in the true sense of those words? Chapter Eight, To the
Wives, Chapter Nine, The Family Afterward, Chapter Ten, To Employers, and Chapter Eleven, A
Vision for You, are all chapters designed to teach you how to practice these principles in all your
affairs. These chapters contain many spiritual truths which apply to all of us and should be read.
Your group may decide whether or not you wish to discuss one or more of these chapters to
conclude your Step study. A reading of the last portion of the book on Pg. 164 is a fitting way to
end your Step study team. Haven't you really had the benefit of a contact with those who wrote
this book? Don't you know now where you should really rely?


Find some new members of Alcoholics Anonymous who need this program and do another Step
Study with them.

PG. 9
Many readers find the instructions for Step Four contained in the book,
Alcoholics Anonymous, confusing and complex. This guide is written to
reflect the experience of certain members of the fellowship of Alcoholics
Anonymous in analyzing these instructions and their experience in taking
this Step in accordance with the instructions given in this book. Those
who have taken this Step in the manner suggested in the Big Book,
including the inventory, the analysis, and the study and prayer suggested
by the Book have found it to be an exciting and rewarding experience.
This experience is available to anyone who will complete each of the
following Steps to the best of his ability in the order in which they are
given. Perfection is not required, but a good effort involving honesty,
open-mindedness and willingness is essential. Do not skip any instruction
and complete each instruction before proceeding to the next.

Read the following and understand what we are doing.

The Time and Purposes of Step Four

Perhaps the greatest promise by the program of Alcoholics Anonymous is
that God, as you understand him, will do for you what you cannot do for
yourself. This promise carries with it the obvious condition that you
must do what you can.
When you have made the decision required by Step Three, the Big Book
warns us "though our decision was a vital and crucial step, it could have
little permanent effect unless at once followed by a strenuous effort to
face, and be rid of, the things in ourselves which have been blocking us
(from God), so we had to get down to causes and conditions. Therefore, we
started upon a personal inventory."
The specific instructions for taking this Step are contained from Pg. 64
to Pg. 71 of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous. These instructions should be
read carefully at this point.

What Do We Seek?
The inventory is described as a "fact-finding and fact-facing process."
We are said to be seeking the truth about ourselves and to honestly take
stock of our lives. We are to search out the flaws in our makeup which
caused our failure. Throughout the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, it is
stated that self, selfishness and self-centeredness were the root of our
troubles. Being convinced that self, manifested in various ways, was what
had defeated us, we considered its common manifestations. These common
manifestations are grouped in three categories, resentment, fear and sex
relationships. Each of these common manifestations is treated separately
in the inventory.

Make a list of the people, institutions and principles you resent.

Resentments — The Number One Offender

From these thoughts or mental attitudes "stem all forms of spiritual
disease." We are instructed to list all people, institutions or
principles with whom we were angry or had resentments. What is a
resentment? Webster's Dictionary defines "resentment" as "indignation or
ill-will felt as a result of a real or imagined offense." Webster's then
refers the reader to the word "anger" and gives other examples of this
PG. 10
thought or feeling, which include rage, fury, ire, wrath, resentment and
indignation. These words denote varying degrees of displeasure from
anger, - strong, intense and explosive - to the longer lasting resentment
- ill-will and suppressed anger generated by a sense of being wronged or
being wrong. In summary and broadly defined, we are dealing with a
negative or unpleasant thought or feeling caused or generated by the real
or imagined act or failure to act of a person, institution, or principle.

Persons, institutions or principles may need some explanation.

• You are a "person" and your action or failure to act may very well
cause you to think or feel bad (generally, this resentment of
ourselves is called "guilt").
• Institutions are any group of people, authorities, companies,
governmental agencies, or other organizations.
• A principle is a basic truth or law. Many of these basic truths or
laws have and do offend us, for example:
1. Alcoholism is an incurable, progressive disease.
2. As you give, you receive, (each of us suffers the consequences of
his own action, there is no free lunch).
3. When you are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is
something wrong with you.
4. A life lived without self-examination is not worth living.

With the foregoing instructions in mind, a list should be prepared of the

people, institutions or principles which have or do cause you to have a
resentment, as defined above. Certain points should be remembered:
• If you can remember the resentment, you should list it, even though you
think you are "over it." Go back through your life "nothing counts but
thoroughness and honesty."
• A review of family albums, school annuals and the like may help you be
thorough. Some people write a short autobiography of their life to
assist them in their memory.
• Do not concern yourself with whether you should or should not have the
feeling, just make the list and nothing more at this point.
• Throughout the taking of Ste
• p Four and at times thereafter, you will recall other people,
institutions and principles which have caused these negative thoughts
and feelings. You can add to this list at any time, but do not spend
too much time worrying about how complete the list is. Simply do the
best you can over a reasonable period of time (perhaps a week).

When you have completed your Grudge List and not before, each resentment
must be analyzed. Step Four will mean very little unless you come to
understand each resentment and learn from it. The following procedure has
proven helpful in this understanding and analysis:
Purchase a spiral notebook and open it so that you have a blank Pg. on
either side of the wire spiral. With a ruler or straight-edge, divide
each of these Pg.s vertically so that when both Pg.s are divided, you
have a total of four columns. Turn the Pg. and repeat this process until
you have divided several Pg.s in this manner. The drawing attached hereto
as Exhibit A may help you understand this instruction.

The columns on each Pg. should be labeled as follows:

PG. 11
Column 1: "Name"
Column 2: "Cause"
Column 3: "Affect"
Column 4: should be left blank for the time being.

One at a time you must take each resentment from your Grudge List and
enter it into column 1, then complete 2 and 3 as described below.
Complete the analysis of each resentment before taking the next name from
the Grudge List. The following is a step by step description of this
1. Take the first name from your "Grudge List" and write it in column 1
on the first Pg..
2. In Column 2, write a few words which describe each and every event or
circumstance you can recall which causes you to resent the person
named in Column 1. This is a very important part of the analysis, we
learn from specific events, not general complaints (for example, we
learn little from the complaint that "he was always lying" but we
learn much from a specific "he told me he wasn't married.")
3. Opposite each of the events you have listed in Column 2, write the
reason the event or circumstance bothered you. Specifically ask
• Did it affect my self-esteem (the way I think of myself or want
others to think of me)?
• Did it affect my pocketbook?
• Did it affect my ambition (what I wanted or needed)?
• Was one of my personal relationships affected or threatened?
• If the effects described in Paragraphs "a" through "d" above do not
accurately describe the effect the event had upon you, write a
few words to explain how you felt and how you were affected.



When Columns 1-3 have been completed for each resentment, take little
time to look back over them. Read and study the Big Book from the
paragraph that begins at the bottom of Pg. 65 through the second
paragraph on Pg. 67. Ask yourself these questions about each resentment
and each event causing it and write a brief paragraph reflecting your

1. Having determined who was at fault, did I go further in my study of

this event?
2. Did I try to retaliate, fight back or run? What was the result? Did
it help?
3. Is it clear to you that a life which includes one of these
resentments leads only to futility and unhappiness? Has the
resentment ever benefited you in any way, or have you squandered
hours thinking about the resentment? Do you realize and understand
that these thoughts separate you from the "sunlight of the Spirit"
(God)? Do you know that these thoughts will lead you to the insanity
of the first drink, and with us, to drink is to die?
4. Do you understand that through our thoughts and reactions to
people, places and things, the world and its people dominate us? Do
you understand that until we progress beyond the point of simply
PG. 12
stop blaming ourselves or others, there can be no growth or
5. Can you forgive?
6. Do you recognize that other people have the same problem with life
that you have had and many of them are spiritually sick?
7. Honestly pray the Fourth Step prayer: "God, help me show
_____________, the same tolerance, pity and patience that I would
cheerfully grant a sick friend. _____________________is a sick man,
how can I be helpful to him? Save me from being angry. Thy will be
8. From this point forward we try to avoid retaliation or argument.

As noted earlier, it is a spiritual axiom that when I am disturbed, no

matter what the cause, there is something the matter with me. Now that
you have listed and understood the resentment and how it affected you,
having stopped blaming or "putting out of your mind the wrongs others
have done," you can now look for your own actions or reactions. In the
past we went no further than to declare that someone was "wrong." Isn't
it true that we "acted" or "reacted" during each event or circumstance?
Didn't we become angry? Depressed? Filled with self-pity, envy, jealousy,
etc.? Didn't this affect our lives and the lives of those close to us?

Complete Column 4 as follows:
1. At the top of the fourth column on each Pg., insert the words "my
faults or mistakes."
2. For each person, institution or principle and for each event, ask
A. Where have I been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking, and frightened?
B. Where was I to blame?
C. "How did I act or react?" and "How did this affect me and those
close to me?"
3. Write down your faults as revealed by the above questions in the
fourth column opposite each person, institution or principle and each
4. When you have concluded all of the instructions with respect to
resentments, and not before, proceed to "fear."

List your fears.

Fear — "Touches every aspect of our lives."

Webster's Dictionary defines "fear" as a feeling of alarm or disquiet
caused by the expectation of danger, pain, disaster or the like (being
found out, being known for what you know or think you are). It is said
that the driving force in the life of most alcoholics is the self-
centered fear that we will lose something we have or that we will not get
something we think we need or want.

Read from the third paragraph appearing on Pg. 67 of the Big Book through
the first three full paragraphs on Pg. 68. On a Pg. following the section
on resentments, write a short description of each fear that you have
experienced. Remember, under the topic "Resentments" you have already
asked yourself about the impact of fear on your resentments. We now
complete the list of times, places and circumstances which evoke this
feeling (i.e., snakes, bugs, heights, women, men, etc.).

PG. 13
Having listed each of the fears, we should write a short analysis of
these fears in our effort to understand them. It is said that each of
these fears sets in motion chains of circumstances which brought about or
caused us misfortunes. Can you cite examples where this occurred? Why do
you have each fear? Was it because self-reliance failed? Were you about
to be harmed in some way by something you could not control or avoid? Can
you run away from fear? How did I act or react to fear? Did my fear
affect others? What should we now rely upon, if not ourselves?

When our fears have been listed and the above questions answered, the
book Alcoholics Anonymous, gives us the solution to fear in the second
and third paragraphs appearing on Pg. 68. We are also given a short
prayer in which we ask "Him to remove our fears and direct our attention
to what He would have us to be." This solution and prayer should be
directed toward each of your fears.
List those persons who are important in your life and any other person
affected by your drinking or self-centeredness. Following fears in your
inventory book, you should list the names of the persons to be studied.
These should include both sexual and other relationships, including
family, business, friends, etc.

This section of the inventory is covered in the book, Alcoholics
Anonymous, from the last paragraph commencing on Pg. 68 through the end
of Chapter 5. This material should be read at this point.

This portion of the inventory begins by clearly discussing sexual

relationships. However, in the last sentence of the last paragraph ending
on Pg. 70, it states "we have listed the people we have hurt by our
conduct and are willing to straighten out the past if we can." This
sentence indicates a broader view of our relationships is important, and
it is therefore suggested that we review our relationship with each of
the important people in our lives, as well as all sexual relationships.

PG. 14
Write a brief paragraph about each relationship. With respect to each
person named on your list of relationships, write a short paragraph which
answers the following questions, remember to deal with specific events.
1. Was I selfish in this relationship?
2. Was I dishonest in this relationship?
3. Was I inconsiderate in this relationship?
4. Whom did I hurt?
5. Did I arouse jealousy?
6. Did I arouse suspicion?
7. Did I arouse bitterness?
8. Was I at fault?
9. What should I have done?

Through study and prayer, we seek to shape sane and sound ideals for our
future sex life and our relationships. Whatever our ideals turn out to
be, we must be willing to grow toward them. We must be willing to make
amends for past wrongs, providing we do not bring about still more harm
in so doing. In prayer and meditation we ask God what we should do about
each specific matter, and we are told the right answer will come if we
want it. On Pg. 70 in the first paragraph, we are given instructions on
how to proceed toward our new ideal. In summary, we are told to "pray for
the right ideal, for guidance in each questionable situation, for sanity,
and for strength to do the right thing." In these troublesome areas we
are told to throw ourselves into helping others.
Read from the third paragraph appearing on Pg. 67 of the Big Book through
the first three full paragraphs on Pg. 68.

Read the last two paragraphs of Chapter 5. It is also helpful to read
Chapter 4 of the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions at this point.
Have you left anything out of your inventory? Have you failed to list any
event or subject the memory of which causes you to be uncomfortable? If
so, you should write it down now.


Read Pg.s 72 through the first full paragraph on Pg. 75, take Step 5.

PG. 15
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PG. 16

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