Hvca DW 172
Hvca DW 172
Hvca DW 172
Newmans House
EX14 4RT
Total £3,192.00
This quotation is valid for 30 days, after which prices may be subject to manufacturer’s increases.
Space Catering Equipment Limited, Barnwood Point, Corinium Avenue, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3HX
Tel: 01452 383000 Fax: 01452 380800 Email: [email protected] Website: www.spacecatering.co.uk
Registered address: 12 Christchurch Road, Cheltenham GL50 2PL Registered Number: 3983548 VAT No. 729
0434 37
Space Catering Equipment Ltd
Client Responsibilities
Provide written instructions on any variations to the original order.
Completion of all high level works, ceilings/lighting, wall and floor finishes prior to installation of the equipment.
Suitably constructed walls to accept wall mounted equipment. All stud partition walls should incorporate plywood
All building works to facilitate the installation.
All services to be installed in accordance with the Space Catering Equipment current services drawing, which will
generally be within one metre of the connection point on the equipment. All services must be tested and
commissioned and available permanently live prior to installation of the equipment.
Ventilation systems where provided by others must be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with
HVCA Standard for Kitchen Ventilation Systems DW/172.
Interlocking of the gas supply with the ventilation system in accordance with BS6173:2001 and CORGI gas
Protection to wall and floor finishes.
Protect and secure the kitchen areas from other trades and accept responsibility for equipment delivered and
signed for.
Skips/refuse areas to accept packaging removed from equipment.
Electrical earth bonding and PAT testing.
Water chlorination.
Space Catering Equipment Limited, Barnwood Point, Corinium Avenue, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3HX
Tel: 01452 383000 Fax: 01452 380800 Email: [email protected] Website: www.spacecatering.co.uk
Registered address: 12 Christchurch Road, Cheltenham GL50 2PL Registered Number: 3983548 VAT No. 729
0434 37