Mervyn King BoE Speech
Mervyn King BoE Speech
Mervyn King BoE Speech
Speech by
I am indebted to Stephen Burgess, Philip Evans, Andy Haldane, Andrew Hauser, Vicky Saporta, Jenny Scott,
Paul Tucker and especially to Iain de Weymarn for their useful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts.
1. Introduction
Walter Bagehot was a brilliant observer and writer on contemporary economic and financial matters.
In his remarkable book Lombard Street, Bagehot brought together his own observations with the
analysis of earlier thinkers such as Henry Thornton to provide a critique of central banking as
practised by the Bank of England and a manifesto for how central banks could handle financial crises
in future by acting as a lender of last resort. The present financial crisis dwarfs any of those
witnessed by Bagehot. What lessons can we draw from recent and current experience to update
Bagehot’s vision of finance and central banking?
Surely the most important lesson from the financial crisis is the importance of a resilient and robust
banking system. The countries most affected by the banking crisis have experienced the worst
economic crisis since the 1930s. Output is somewhere between 5% and 10% below where it would
have been had there not been a crisis. Unemployment is up, businesses have closed, and the direct
and indirect costs to the taxpayer have resulted in fiscal deficits in several countries of over 10% of
GDP – the largest peacetime deficits ever.
At the heart of this crisis was the expansion and subsequent contraction of the balance sheet of the
banking system. Other parts of the financial system in general functioned normally. And we saw in
1987 and again in the early 2000s, that a sharp fall in equity values did not cause the same damage as
did the banking crisis. Equity markets provide a natural safety valve, and when they suffer sharp
falls, economic policy can respond. But when the banking system failed in September 2008, not even
massive injections of both liquidity and capital by the state could prevent a devastating collapse of
confidence and output around the world. So it is imperative that we find an answer to the question of
how to make our banking system more stable.
As Bagehot knew only too well, banking crises are endemic to the market economy that has evolved
since the Industrial Revolution. The words “banking” and “crises” are natural bedfellows. If love
and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, then banking and crisis go together like Oxford
and the Isis, intertwined for as long as anyone can remember. Unfortunately, such crises are
occurring more frequently and on an ever larger scale. Why?
For almost a century after Bagehot wrote Lombard Street, the size of the banking sector in the UK,
relative to GDP, was broadly stable at around 50%. But, over the past fifty years, bank balance
sheets have grown so fast that today they are over five times annual GDP. The size of the US
banking industry has grown from around 20% in Bagehot’s time to around 100% of GDP today.
And, until recently, the true scale of balance sheets was understated by these figures because banks
were allowed to put exposures to entities such as special purpose vehicles off balance sheet.
While banks’ balance sheets have exploded, so have the risks associated with those balance sheets.
Bagehot would have been used to banks with leverage ratios (total assets, or liabilities, to capital) of
around six to one. But capital ratios have declined and leverage has risen. Immediately prior to the
crisis, leverage in the banking system of the industrialised world had increased to astronomical
levels. Simple leverage ratios of close to 50 or more could be found in the US, UK, and the continent
of Europe, driven in part by the expansion of trading books (Brennan, Haldane and Madouros, 2010).
And banks resorted to using more short-term, wholesale funding. The average maturity of wholesale
funding issued by banks has declined by two thirds in the UK and by around three quarters in the US
over the past thirty years – at the same time as reliance on wholesale funding has increased. As a
result, they have run a higher degree of maturity mismatch between their long-dated assets and short-
term funding. To cap it all, they held a lower proportion of liquid assets on their balance sheets, so
they were more exposed if some of the short-term funding dried up. In less than fifty years, the share
of highly liquid assets that UK banks hold has declined from around a third of their assets to less than
2% last year (Bank of England, 2009). Banks tested the limits of where the risk-return trade-off was
located, in all parts of their operations. As John Kay wrote about his experience on the board of
HBoS, the problems began “on the day it was decided that treasury should be a profit centre in its
own right rather than an ancillary activity” (Kay, 2008).
Moreover, the size of the balance sheet is no longer limited by the scale of opportunities to lend to
companies or individuals in the real economy. So-called ‘financial engineering’ allows banks to
manufacture additional assets without limit. And in the run-up to the crisis, they were aided and
abetted in this endeavour by a host of vehicles and funds in the so-called shadow banking system,
which in the US grew in gross terms to be larger than the traditional banking sector. This shadow
banking system, as well as holding securitised debt and a host of manufactured – or ‘synthetic’ –
exposures was also a significant source of funding for the conventional banking system. Money
market funds and other similar entities had call liabilities totalling over $7 trillion. And they on lent
very significant amounts to banks, both directly and indirectly via chains of transactions.
This has had two consequences. First, the financial system has become enormously more
interconnected. This means that promoting stability of the system as a whole using a regime of
regulation of individual institutions is much less likely to be successful than hitherto. Maturity
mismatch can grow through chains of transactions – without any significant amount being located in
any one institution – a risk described many years ago by Martin Hellwig (Hellwig, 1995). Second,
although many of these positions net out when the financial system is seen as a whole, gross balance
sheets are not restricted by the scale of the real economy and so banks were able to expand at a
remarkable pace. So when the crisis began in 2007, uncertainty about where losses would ultimately
fall led confidence in banks to seep away. This was obvious through the crisis. Almost no institution
was immune from suspicion, the result of the knock-on consequences so eloquently described by
Bagehot when he wrote:
“At first, incipient panic amounts to a kind of vague conversation: Is A. B. as good as he used to be?
Has not C. D. lost money? and a thousand such questions. A hundred people are talked about, and a
thousand think, 'Am I talked about, or am I not?' 'Is my credit as good as it used to be, or is it less?'
And every day, as a panic grows, this floating suspicion becomes both more intense and more
diffused; it attacks more persons; and attacks them all more virulently than at first. All men of
experience, therefore, try to 'strengthen themselves,' as it is called, in the early stage of a panic; they
borrow money while they can; they come to their banker and offer bills for discount, which
commonly they would not have offered for days or weeks to come. And if the merchant be a regular
customer, a banker does not like to refuse, because if he does he will be said, or may be said, to be in
want of money, and so may attract the panic to himself.”
This sentiment is described more prosaically in Tables 3 and 4. They show that the risk premia
demanded by investors to lend to all large banks rose very sharply during the crisis. For most banks
the spreads on their senior unsecured debt had more than trebled in October 2008 relative to their
levels at the start of 2007. Similarly, credit default swap premia – the cost of insuring a bank’s debt –
shot up. All banks, irrespective of the precise nature of their business and balance sheet, were tarred
with the same brush. Moreover spreads and CDS premia remain elevated today – almost universally,
large UK and US banks face much higher borrowing charges compared to risk-free rates, and are
seen as riskier entities, than prior to the crisis.
The size, concentration and riskiness of banks have increased in an extraordinary fashion and would
be unrecognisable to Bagehot. Higher reported rates of return on equity were superficial hallmarks
of success. These higher rates of return were required by, and a consequence of, the change in the
pattern of banks’ funding with increased leverage and more short-term funding. They did not
represent a significant improvement in the overall rate of return on assets. Not merely were banks’
own reported profits exaggerating the contribution of the financial sector to the economy, so were the
national accounts.
In the US, the share of gross value added of the financial sector as a share of GDP rose from around
2-3% in the decade after World War II to about 8% in 2008, driven in large part by a rise in the gross
operating surplus of financial intermediaries. And in the UK, in the past decade, the measured scale
of the financial sector, compared to GDP, has roughly doubled to around 10%. But this exaggerates
the contribution of financial services. Banks do not always charge directly for the services they
provide. So the value added of the financial sector is measured by official statisticians (using the
United Nations System of National Accounts) as the difference between interest receipts and
payments of a "reference rate of interest" which attempts to measure the pure cost of borrowing
funds. This convention overstates the true value added of the financial sector because it includes the
return to risky lending represented by the difference between the hypothetical pure cost of borrowing
funds and the return that is earned. But the fact that risk is channelled through an intermediation
industry does not mean that the value added from risk-bearing in the economy is solely attributable to
the existence of an intermediation sector. If companies financed themselves directly from
households, the statisticians would regard the return on risk-bearing as value added created in that
industry. Financial intermediation does add value, but not as much as the statistical convention
would suggest.
Moreover, a financial sector that takes on risk with the implicit support of the tax-payer can generate
measured value added that reflects not genuine risk-bearing but the upside profits from the implicit
subsidy. And even without an implicit subsidy the return to risk-bearing can be mismeasured. It is
widely understood that an insurance company should not count as profits the receipt of premia on an
insurance policy that will pay out only when a low-frequency event occurs at some point in the
future. But part of the value added of the financial sector prior to the crisis reflected temporary
profits from taking risk and it was only after September 2008 that much of that so-called economic
activity resulted in enormous reported losses by banks.
It is possible to make a very rough estimate of the possible size of this distortion in the reported
financial sector output data. If we assume that true labour and capital productivity in the financial
services industry grew in line with that in the wider economy in the 10 years prior to the crisis, then,
given the inputs of capital and labour over that period, the official estimate might have overstated UK
financial sector value added by almost £30 billion up to 2007 – around half of the growth in the
official measure. The impact of this adjustment on overall GDP is likely to be relatively small
because much of the output of the financial sector is treated as intermediate inputs to other sectors in
the economy. Such an estimate is supported by the finding of my Bank of England colleagues that
the increase in rates of return on equity earned by banks were accounted for almost entirely by an
increase in leverage, capital gains on assets in trading books and the reported profits on contracts that
produced losses only after the crisis occurred. And it is consistent with the estimates calculated by
Colangelo and Inklaar (2010) for the euro area. They found that around 40% of measured financial
sector value added probably captured compensation for bearing risk.
Why are banks so risky? The starting point is that banks make heavy use of short-term debt. Short-
term debt holders can always run if they start to have doubts about an institution. Equity holders and
long-term debt holders cannot cut and run so easily.
Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig showed nearly thirty years ago that this can create fragile
institutions even in the absence of risk associated with the assets that a bank holds. All that is
required is a cost to the liquidation of long-term assets and that banks serve customers on a first-
come, first-served basis (Diamond and Dybvig, 1983). Nevertheless, there are benefits to this
maturity transformation – funds can be pooled allowing a greater proportion to be directed to long-
term illiquid investments, and less held back to meet individual needs for liquidity. And from
Diamond’s and Dybvig’s insights, flows an intellectual foundation for many of the policy structures
that we have today – especially deposit insurance and Bagehot’s time-honoured key principle of
central banks acting as lender of last resort in a crisis. If the only problem is one of illiquidity leading
to fragility, then central banks can easily act to ward off problems. By demonstrating a willingness to
step in to provide temporary liquidity support, then the likelihood of problems arising in the first
place is dramatically diminished. It was wholly appropriate that this was the focus of Bagehot’s
writings – at the time, the structure of the banking system meant that illiquidity was often the key
problem. And central banks did not appreciate the importance of the role that they could play.
Bagehot’s whole purpose was to convince the Bank of England to fulfil this role. But the changes in
the banking system over the past fifty years mean that a much more diverse range of problems can
strike today. In September 2007, everyone thought that the crisis was one of liquidity and as a result
there was an expectation central banks could provide the solution. But it quickly became clear that it
was in fact a crisis of solvency.
Diamond and Dybvig’s analysis consciously omitted the fact that, in reality, banks’ assets are risky.
And not only are banks’ assets risky, but banks are highly leveraged institutions. This leaves them
heavily exposed – with very high debt-equity ratios, small movements in asset valuations are enough
to wipe out their equity and leave banks insolvent. That means the distinction between illiquidity and
solvency can be difficult in practice – the difference in timing might be just a few days. If a crisis is
in fact one of insolvency, brought on by excessive leverage and risk, then central bank liquidity
provision cannot provide the answer. Central banks can offer liquidity insurance only to solvent
institutions or as a bridge to a more permanent solution.
It is this structure, in which risky long-term assets are funded by short-term deposits, that makes
banks so hazardous. Yet many treat loans to banks as if they were riskless. In isolation, this would
be akin to a belief in alchemy – risk-free deposits can never be supported by long-term risky
investments in isolation. To work, financial alchemy requires the implicit support of the tax payer.
When all the functions of the financial system are heavily interconnected, any problems that arise can
end up playing havoc with services vital to the functioning of the economy – the payments system,
the services of money and the provision of working capital to industry. If such services are
materially threatened, governments will never be able to sit idly by. Institutions supplying such
services are quite simply too important to fail. Everyone knows it. So, highly risky banking
institutions enjoy implicit public sector support. In turn, public support incentivises banks to take on
yet more risk, knowing that, if things go well, they will reap the rewards while the public sector will
foot the bill if things go wrong. Greater risk begets greater size, most probably greater importance to
the functioning of the economy, higher implicit public subsidies, and hence yet larger incentives to
take risk – described by Martin Wolf as the “financial doomsday machine”.
The failure in the crisis was not one of intellectual imagination or economic science to understand
these issues. Economists recognised that distorted incentives, whether arising from implicit public
subsidies, asymmetric information or a host of other imperfections, will cause a market-based
outcome to be sub-optimal from the perspective of society. This idea has been at the centre of
modern economics since the extraordinary series of papers written by Arrow and Debreu in the 1950s
(Arrow, 1951; Debreu, 1951; Arrow and Debreu, 1954).
The real failure was a lapse into hubris – we came to believe that crises created by massive maturity
transformation were problems that no longer applied to modern banking, that they belonged to an era
in which people wore whiskers and top hats. There was an inability to see through the veil of modern
finance to the fact that the balance sheets of too many banks were an accident waiting to happen, with
levels of leverage on a scale that could not resist even the slightest tremor to confidence about the
uncertain value of bank assets. For all the clever innovation in the financial system, its Achilles heel
was, and remains, simply the extraordinary – indeed absurd – levels of leverage represented by a
heavy reliance on short-term debt.
Modern financiers are now invoking other dubious claims to resist reforms that might limit the public
subsidies they have enjoyed in the past. No one should blame them for that – indeed, we should not
expect anything else. They are responding to incentives. Some claim that reducing leverage and
holding more equity capital would be expensive. But, as economists, such as my colleague David
Miles (2010) and Anat Admati and his colleagues (Admati et. al., 2010), have argued, the cost of
capital overall is much less sensitive to changes in the amount of debt in a bank’s balance sheet than
many bankers claim – a proposition demonstrated forcefully by Professors Modigliani and Miller
over fifty years ago (Modigliani and Miller, 1958). And the benefits to society, most obviously
through greater financial stability, but also through factors such as higher tax revenue, are likely to
swamp any change in the private costs faced by banks. What does reduce the cost of capital is the
ability to borrow short to lend long. But the scale of maturity transformation undertaken today
produces private benefits and social costs. We have seen from the experience of first Iceland, and
now Ireland, the results that can follow from allowing a banking system to become too large relative
to national output without having first solved the "too important to fail" problem.
4. Finding a Solution
Many remedies for reducing the riskiness of our financial system have been proposed, ranging from
higher capital requirements on banks to functional separation and other more radical ideas. The
guiding principle of any change should be to ensure that the costs of maturity transformation – the
costs of periodic financial crises – fall on those who enjoy the benefits of maturity transformation –
the reduced cost of financial intermediation. All proposals should be evaluated by this simple
The first, and most obvious, response to the divergence between private benefits and social costs is
the imposition of a permanent tax on the activity of maturity transformation to “internalise the
externalities”. Such a tax, or levy, has been discussed by the G7, and introduced in the UK. The
principle that the “polluter pays” for the costs they impose on others is an old one, going back at least
to Pigou in the 1920s. The main practical problem is to calibrate the costs to maturity transformation.
The loss of world output from the financial crisis is enormous, even though such a crisis might be
considered a once in a generation, or even once in a century, event. It is not difficult to see that a
crisis that reduces output by between 5% and 10% for a number of years, and occurs once every fifty
years, amounts to an annual cost several multiples of the revenue that will be generated by the UK
bank levy (Haldane, 2010). But how can we be certain of correctly establishing what the tax should
be when we are trying to internalise costs that occur so infrequently? So although there is a sound
case for a levy directed at the size of short-term borrowing, it would be foolish to regard that as the
main tool to align costs and benefits of risky balance sheet activity.
If setting the appropriate price is hard, then some form of controls on quantities might be a better
answer (Weitzman, 1974). For example, limits on leverage have much to commend them. And for a
generation, the quantitative control of this type that regulators have embraced was embodied in the
capital standards set within the Basel framework. Last month a new concordat on such standards was
reached in Basel – the so-called Basel III requirements. The challenge here is to set the requirements
in a way that will materially affect the probability of a crisis.
Other forms of quantitative intervention include functional separation to reduce the costs of maturity
transformation by ring-fencing those activities that we are most concerned to safeguard from
disruption. If successful, the costs of any failure of financial institutions would be reduced. The
challenge with this approach is to prevent the costs associated with the activity of maturity
transformation from gravitating to another set of institutions – the “shadow” banking system.
Whatever solution is adopted, the aim must be to align private and social costs.
Lauded as a new standard, Basel III is seen by some as the answer to the failure of regulation to
prevent the financial crisis. It is certainly a step in the right direction, an improvement on both Basel
I and the ill-fated Basel II, and we should all welcome it. But if it is a giant leap for the regulators of
the world, it is only a small step for mankind. Basel III on its own will not prevent another crisis for
a number of reasons.
First, even the new levels of capital are insufficient to prevent another crisis. Calibrating required
capital by reference to the losses incurred during the recent crisis takes inadequate account of the
benefits to banks of massive government intervention and the implicit guarantee. More
fundamentally, it fails to recognise that when sentiment changes only very high levels of capital
would be sufficient to enable banks to obtain funding on anything like normal spreads to policy rates,
as we can see at present. When investors change their view about the unknowable future – as they
will occasionally in sudden and discontinuous ways – banks that were perceived as well-capitalised
can seem under-capitalised with concerns over their solvency. That is what happened in 2007-08.
As the IMF have pointed out differences in capital ratios failed to predict which financial institutions
would be vulnerable in the crisis (IMF, 2009). Only very much higher levels of capital – levels that
would be seen by the industry as wildly excessive most of the time – would prevent such a crisis.
Second, the Basel approach calculates the amount of capital required by using a measure of “risk-
weighted” assets. Those risk weights are computed from past experience. Yet the circumstances in
which capital needs to be available to absorb potential losses are precisely those when earlier
judgements about the risk of different assets and their correlation are shown to be wrong. One might
well say that a financial crisis occurs when the Basel risk weights turn out to be poor estimates of
underlying risk. And that is not because investors, banks or regulators are incompetent. It is because
the relevant risks are often impossible to assess in terms of fixed probabilities. Events can take place
that we could not have envisaged, let alone to which we could attach probabilities. If only banks
were playing in a casino then we probably could calculate appropriate risk weights. Unfortunately,
the world is more complicated. So the regulatory framework needs to contain elements that are
robust with respect to changes in the appropriate risk weights, and that is why the Bank of England
advocated a simple leverage ratio as a key backstop to capital requirements.
Third, the Basel framework still focuses largely on the assets side of a bank’s balance sheet. Basel II
excluded consideration of the liquidity and liability structure of the balance sheet, so much so that
when the UK adopted Basel II in 2007, of all the major banks the one with the highest capital ratio
was, believe it or not, Northern Rock. Within weeks of announcing that it intended to return excess
capital to its shareholders, Northern Rock ran out of money. Basel II was based on a judgement that
mortgages were the safest form of lending irrespective of how they were financed. If a business
model is based around a particular funding model that suddenly becomes unviable, then the business
model becomes unviable too, as events in 2007 showed. Whether the measures included in Basel III
will be able to deal properly with the risks that result from inadequate levels of liquid assets and a
risky structure of liabilities remains to be seen.
One criticism of Basel III with which I have no truck is the length of the transition period. Banks
have up to 2019 to adjust fully to the new requirements. Although some of the calculations of the
alleged economic cost of higher capital requirements presented by the industry seem to me
exaggerated (Institute of International Finance, 2010), I do believe that it is important in the present
phase of de-leveraging not to exacerbate the challenge banks face in raising capital today. Banks
should take advantage of opportunities to raise loss-absorbing capital, and should recognise the
importance of using profits to rebuild capital rather than pay out higher dividends and compensation.
But we must not forget the principle underlying the Basel approach: asking banks to maintain a
buffer of capital above the minimum requirement allows them to run the buffer down in
circumstances like the present. Rebuilding the buffer is a task for the future. So even though the
Bank of England would have preferred an agreement to set capital ratios at higher levels in the long
run, we have no intention of asking UK banks to adopt a faster timetable for implementation of Basel
III. That logic should apply to any reforms we choose to implement. We should not expect to
change the financial system for the better overnight. Rather we need radical reforms that will give us
a much more robust system in the long run, accepting that it may take a period of many years to get
As with a bank levy, it is no criticism of Basel III to say that it is not a “silver bullet”. The difficulty
of identifying and calibrating the difference between the private and social costs of maturity
transformation means that there is merit in having a basket of different measures to rein in excessive
risk-taking. In the area of financial stability, it makes sense to have both belt and braces.
6. Large Institutions
The implicit subsidy to banks that are perceived as “too important to fail” can be important to banks
of any size but is usually seen as bigger for large institutions for which existing bank resolution
procedures either do or could not apply. Moreover, most large complex financial institutions are
global – at least in life if not in death. So a major international effort is underway to try to work out
how best to deal with such institutions, initiated by heads of government at the G-20 Summit in
Pittsburgh in 2009. Much of this work is being led by the Financial Stability Board. Ideas agreed in
principle or under consideration include an addition to the Basel III capital requirement of an extra
layer of either equity or other loss-absorbing capital, a special resolution regime for large institutions
that would allow losses to be shared among creditors as well as equity-holders, and tentative steps
towards international harmonisation of resolution procedures on which my colleague Paul Tucker
and others are engaged.
Some countries have already started down the road of augmenting the Basel calibration with
additional requirements of their own for large banks. Earlier this month the Swiss authorities
announced just such a requirement for their two current systemically important banks – UBS and
Credit Suisse. In future, they will have to hold additional amounts of both equity capital and loss-
bearing contingent capital which takes their total holding of equity-like capital to 19%, compared
with the Basel standard of 7%.
But in most other countries, identifying in advance a group of financial institutions whose failure
would be intolerable, and so are “too important to fail”, is a hazardous undertaking. In itself it would
simply increase the subsidy by making it explicit. And it is hard to see why institutions whose failure
cannot be contemplated should be in the private sector in the first place. But if international
regulators failed to agree on higher capital requirements in general, adding to the loss-absorbing
capacity of large institutions could be a second-best outcome.
Solving the “too important to fail” problem will require ultimately that every financial sector entity
can be left to fail without risk of threatening the functioning of the economy. So it is natural that
improved resolution procedures is part of the overall strategy – and within many countries big steps
forward have already been taken. But the successful resolution of a large institution would, in the
absence of an implausibly large deposit insurance fund, require the ability to bail-in creditors. Yet
that possibility would give an incentive to the bank to increase its dependence on short-term funding
so that more creditors might get out in time. That might increase rather than decrease the fragility of
the institution. So there would need to be restrictions on the maturity structure of its liabilities.
Resolution would naturally go hand-in-hand with a greater reliance on instruments such as contingent
capital. And there would be enormous challenges in resolving global banks that span countries with
different legal jurisdictions. Extending resolution procedures to large institutions is a necessary but
not sufficient condition for stability of the banking system.
All of these potential reforms would be steps in the right direction. They would all help to put more
of the costs of maturity mismatch on the shoulders of those who reap the benefits. But taxes, the
Basel capital requirements, special arrangements for systemically important financial institutions and
enhanced resolution procedures all have drawbacks and are unlikely to do the job perfectly. So, if we
cannot rely solely on these types of measures, are there more fundamental directions in which we
could move that would align costs and benefits more effectively?
One simple solution, advocated by my colleague David Miles, would be to move to very much higher
levels of capital requirements – several orders of magnitude higher. A related proposal is to ensure
there are large amounts of contingent capital in a bank’s liability structure. Much more loss-
absorbing capital – actual or contingent – can substantially reduce the size of costs that might be
borne outside of a financial firm. But unless complete, capital requirements will never be able to
guarantee that costs will not spill over elsewhere. This leads to the limiting case of proposals such as
Professor Kotlikoff’s idea to introduce what he calls "limited purpose banking" (Kotlikoff, 2010).
That would ensure that each pool of investments made by a bank is turned into a mutual fund with no
maturity mismatch. There is no possibility of alchemy. It is an idea worthy of further study.
Another avenue of reform is some form of functional separation. The Volcker Rule is one example.
Another, more fundamental, example would be to divorce the payment system from risky lending
activity – that is to prevent fractional reserve banking (for example, as proposed by Fisher, 1936,
Friedman, 1960, Tobin, 1987 and more recently by Kay, 2009).
In essence these proposals recognise that if banks undertake risky activities then it is highly
dangerous to allow such “gambling” to take place on the same balance sheet as is used to support the
payments system, and other crucial parts of the financial infrastructure. And eliminating fractional
reserve banking explicitly recognises that the pretence that risk-free deposits can be supported by
risky assets is alchemy. If there is a need for genuinely safe deposits the only way they can be
provided, while ensuring costs and benefits are fully aligned, is to insist such deposits do not coexist
with risky assets.
The advantage of these types of more fundamental proposals is that no tax or capital requirement
needs to be calibrated. And if successfully enforced then they certainly would be robust measures.
But a key challenge is to ensure that maturity transformation does not simply migrate outside of the
regulated perimeter, and end up benefiting from an implicit public subsidy (Tucker, 2010b). That is
difficult because it is the nature of the services – not the institutions – that is the concern. Ultimately,
we need a system whereby the suppliers of funds to risky activities, whether intermediated via banks
or any other entity, must understand that they will not be protected from loss by taxpayer bailouts.
Creditors should know that they will bear losses in the event of failure.
We certainly cannot rely on being able to expand the scope of regulation without limit to prevent the
migration of maturity mismatch. Regulators will never be able to keep up with the pace and scale of
financial innovation. Nor should we want to restrict innovation. But it should be undertaken by
investors using their own money not by intermediaries who also provide crucial services to the
economy, allowing them to reap an implicit public subsidy. It will not be possible to regulate all
parts of the financial system as if they were banks. As Jeffrey Lacker, President of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond, has argued, “merely expanding the scope of regulation to chase those
firms that extract implicit guarantees by engaging in maturity transformation would be an
interminable journey with yet more financial instability in its wake” (Lacker, 2010). In the end,
clarity about the regulatory perimeter is both desirable and unavoidable – a task given to the
Financial Policy Committee as part of the Bank of England’s new responsibilities. And the attraction
of the more radical solutions is that they offer the hope of avoiding the seemingly inevitable drift to
ever more complex and costly regulation.
The broad answer to the problem is likely to be remarkably simple. Banks should be financed much
more heavily by equity rather than short-term debt. Much, much more equity; much, much less
short-term debt. Risky investments cannot be financed in any other way. What we cannot
countenance is a continuation of the system in which bank executives trade and take risks on their
own account, and yet those who finance them are protected from loss by the implicit taxpayer
guarantees. The difficulty is in finding the right practical way to achieve that. Some of the solutions
that economists have proposed have been dismissed by some as impractical and pie in the sky. But I
am reminded of Keynes’ dictum that “practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from
any intellectual influence are usually the slaves of some defunct economist” (Keynes, 1936). Of all
the many ways of organising banking, the worst is the one we have today.
I have suggested a number of ways in which the system could be reformed. But making the right
choice will take much careful thought and a good deal of time. So I do not want today to offer a
blueprint – and indeed that is for others to do. In the UK we are fortunate. The Independent
Commission on Banking was set up earlier this year. It has outstanding members. I am sure they
will lead us to the right solution, and I look forward to their findings.
8. Conclusions
There is no simple answer to the to important to fail nature of banks. Maturity transformation brings
economic benefits but it creates real economic costs. The problem is that the costs do not fall on
those who enjoy the benefits. The damaging externalities created by excessive maturity
transformation and risk-taking must be internalised.
A market economy has proved to be the most reliable means for a society to expand its standard of
living. But ever since the Industrial Revolution we have not cracked the problem of how to ensure a
more stable banking system. We know that there will always be sharp and unpredictable movements
in expectations, sentiment and hence valuations of financial assets. They represent our best guess as
to what the future holds, and views about the future can change radically and unpredictably. It is a
phenomenon that we must learn to live with. But changes in expectations can create havoc with the
banking system because it relies so heavily on transforming short-term debt into long-term risky
assets. For a society to base its financial system on alchemy is a poor advertisement for its rationality.
Change is, I believe, inevitable. The question is only whether we can think our way through to a
better outcome before the next generation is damaged by a future and bigger crisis. This crisis has
already left a legacy of debt to the next generation. We must not leave them the legacy of a fragile
banking system too.
I have explained the principles on which a successful reform of the system should rest. It is a
program that will take many years, if not decades. But, as Bagehot concluded in Lombard Street, “I
have written in vain if I require to say now that the problem is delicate, that the solution is varying
and difficult, and that the result is inestimable to us all.”
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Assets as a percentage of
Assets as a percentage of
Institution Total assets (GBP billions) (14) total banking sector
GDP (percent) (15)
assets (percent)
Royal Bank of Scotland Group 1,696 122 26
Barclays Group(11) 1,526 110 23
HSBC Holdings Group(12) 1,463 105 22
Lloyds Banking Group 1,027 74 16
Standard Chartered Group(12) 270 19 4
Nationwide Building Society 191 14 3
Northern Rock PLC 87 6 1
Bradford and Bingley PLC(13) 49 4 1
The Co-Operative Bank 46 3 1
Yorkshire Building Society 23 2 0
Total 6,378 459.0 97.3
Sources: 'The Bankers' Almanac and Year Book 1961-62', and Bank of England calculations.
(1) Includes Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) and British Linen Bank in addition to Barclays Bank Ltd.
(2) Includes Belfast Banking Company Ltd, Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank Ltd and Forward Trust Ltd in addition to Midland Bank Ltd.
(3) Includes Olds Discount Company Ltd in addition to Lloyds Bank Ltd.
(4) Includes Ulster Bank in addition to Westminster Bank Ltd.
(5) Includes Coutts & Co, Isle of Man Bank Ltd, North Central Wagon & Finance Company Ltd in addition to National Provincial Bank Ltd.
(6) Includes Glynn, Mills & Co, Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd in addition to Royal Bank of Scotland Ltd.
(7) Nominal GDP at market prices (£26bn). Source: ONS.
(8) Total is calculated for all UK headquartered banks reporting total assets in sterling in 1961-62 Bankers’ Almanac (excluding BoE). The total number
(after accounting for affiliates) is 71; the total size is £15.15bn. Total does not account for private banks / partnerships which did not report total assets
in Bankers’ almanac.
(9) Year end 2009 data is used. UK banks are considered to be banks where the ultimate parent company is headquartered in the UK, irrespective of
where its main activities are. This approach results in Santander UK not appearing on the list (Santander UK’s total assets were £288bn at year end
(10) Group / consolidated statements are used for all institutions.
(11) This figure includes total assets of Standard Life Bank, which was acquired in January 2010.
(12) Originally reported figures converted at period end exchange rates.
(13) Does not include the parts of Bradford and Bingley transferred to Santander UK.
(14) Nominal GDP at market prices (£1,393bn). Source: ONS.
(15) The total assets figure includes 26 banks headquartered in the UK plus 50 building societies. The 26 banks are chosen by eliminating foreign
owned banks from 2008 Banker’s Almanac list. The total asset number is £6,520bn. Assets of all foreign owned subsidiaries’ assets are not included in
the total asset figure, and hence the total size of the banking system here is slightly different to the size of the banking system referred to in the first
paragraph of “The practice of banking” section.
Assets as a percentage of
Assets as a percentage of
Institution Total assets (USD billions) total banking sector
GDP (percent) (b)(c)
assets (percent)
Bank of America 11.2 2.1 4.4
Chase Manhattan Bank 8.4 1.6 3.3
First National City Bank of New York 8.2 1.6 3.2
Manufacturer's Hanover Trust Company (e) 5.9 1.1 2.3
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company 4.1 0.8 1.6
Chemical Bank New York Trust Company 4.1 0.8 1.6
Security First National Bank 3.4 0.7 1.3
Bankers Trust Company 3.1 0.6 1.2
First National Bank of Chicago 3.0 0.6 1.2
Bank of California 0.7 0.1 0.3
Total 52.1 9.9 20.3
Assets as a percentage of
Assets as a percentage of
Institution Total assets (USD billions) (d) total banking sector
GDP (b)(c)
assets (percent)
Bank of America 2,363.9 16.7 19.7
JP Morgan 2,014.0 14.3 16.8
Citigroup 1,937.7 13.7 16.2
Wells Fargo 1,225.9 8.7 10.2
US Bancorp 283.2 2.0 2.4
PNC Financial Services. 261.8 1.9 2.2
Bank of New York Mellon 235.9 1.7 2.0
Suntrust banks 170.7 1.2 1.4
BB&T corporation 155.1 1.1 1.3
State Street 160.7 1.1 1.3
Total 8,809 62.4 73.6
Sources: 'The Bankers' Almanac and Year Book 1961-62', Federal Reserve System and US Bureau of Economic Analysis and Janicki H P and Prescott
E S (2006).
(a) Data as at end-Q2 2010.
(b) Total assets of firm as a percentage of total domestically-owned banks' assets, on a consolidated basis.
(c) Banking sector data based on FDIC data for insured commercial banks.
(d) GDP data as at end-2009.
(e) Data for 1961.
Table 3: Spreads on 5-year senior unsecured debt for large US and UK commercial banks
Spreads (basis points)(b) Changes since (basis points): Memo
Jan-07 Oct-08 Aug-10 Jan-07 Oct-08 Max Date
Selected UK bank s
RBS 46 290 227 181 -64 472 30/09/08
Barclays 46 79 145 99 66 364 15/05/09
HSBC 52 372 147 94 -225 744 09/04/09
LBG 74 270 231 156 -39 510 18/03/08
Santander 38 298 173 135 -124 483 31/03/08
Clydesdale (National Australia Bank) - - - - - - -
Nationwide 50 167 207 157 40 237 19/07/10
Northern Rock 45 412 314 269 -97 742 02/09/09
The Co-operative bank 104 437 261 156 -176 614 29/12/08
Selected US bank s
Bank of America 42 382 245 203 -136 689 09/03/09
JP Morgan 55 335 165 110 -169 371 13/10/08
Citigroup 51 523 235 184 -288 659 12/03/09
Wells Fargo 56 355 154 99 -201 488 01/04/09
US Bancorp 62 222 87 25 -135 394 09/03/09
PNC Financial Services. 56 110 36 -21 -74 135 24/09/08
Bank of New York Mellon 76 330 88 12 -243 382 14/04/09
Suntrust banks 64 551 269 206 -282 588 03/11/08
(a) Based on sterling-denominated bonds for UK banks and Dollar-denominated bonds for US banks, relative to an appropriate risk-free rate.
(b) Monthy average
Table 4: 5-year senior CDS premia for large US and UK commercial banks
Jan 07 Oct 08 Aug 10 Change 10 - Change 10 -
Selected UK banks (basis points) average average average 07 08 Max value Max date
RBS 4 157 175 170 17 325 29/09/08
Barclays 6 109 114 108 6 240 24/02/09
HSBC 5 85 91 85 6 202 16/03/09
Lloyds Banking Group 4 100 179 175 80 250 08/06/10
Standard Chartered 7 141 83 76 -58 354 16/03/09
Nationwide 9 157 135 127 -22 289 03/10/08
Northern Rock N/A N/A 192 N/A N/A 221 08/02/10
Co-operative Financial Services 13 470 265 252 -205 333 25/09/09
Santander N/A 97 150 N/A 53 260 08/06/10
Clydesdale (National Australia Bank) 6 129 105 98 -25 225 10/03/09
Source: Markit
Note: Max value is drawn from the period 1 Jan 07 to current