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Chapter 1

Resource Masters
Consumable Workbooks
Many of the worksheets contained in the Chapter Resource Masters booklets
are available as consumable workbooks.
Study Guide and Intervention Workbook 0-07-828029-X
Skills Practice Workbook 0-07-828023-0
Practice Workbook 0-07-828024-9

ANSWERS FOR WORKBOOKS The answers for Chapter 1 of these workbooks

can be found in the back of this Chapter Resource Masters booklet.


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ISBN: 0-07-828004-4 Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Resource Masters

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 066 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03
Vocabulary Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Lesson 1-6
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 31–32
Lesson 1-1 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 1 Assessment
Chapter 1 Test, Form 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37–38
Lesson 1-2 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39–40
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . 7–8 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41–42
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43–44
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45–46
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chapter 1 Test, Form 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47–48
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter 1 Open-Ended Assessment . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Test/Review . . . . . . . . 50
Lesson 1-3 Chapter 1 Quizzes 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 13–14 Chapter 1 Quizzes 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chapter 1 Mid-Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chapter 1 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 1 Standardized Test Practice . . . . 55–56
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Standardized Test Practice
Lesson 1-4 Student Recording Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 19–20
ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–A30
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Lesson 1-5
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . . 25–26
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iii Glencoe Algebra 2

Teacher’s Guide to Using the
Chapter 1 Resource Masters
The Fast File Chapter Resource system allows you to conveniently file the resources
you use most often. The Chapter 1 Resource Masters includes the core materials needed
for Chapter 1. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options.
The answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet.
All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in the
Algebra 2 TeacherWorks CD-ROM.

Vocabulary Builder Pages vii–viii Practice There is one master for each
include a student study tool that presents lesson. These problems more closely follow
up to twenty of the key vocabulary terms the structure of the Practice and Apply
from the chapter. Students are to record section of the Student Edition exercises.
definitions and/or examples for each term. These exercises are of average difficulty.
You may suggest that students highlight or
star the terms with which they are not WHEN TO USE These provide additional
familiar. practice options or may be used as
homework for second day teaching of the
WHEN TO USE Give these pages to lesson.
students before beginning Lesson 1-1.
Encourage them to add these pages to their Reading to Learn Mathematics
Algebra 2 Study Notebook. Remind them One master is included for each lesson. The
to add definitions and examples as they first section of each master asks questions
complete each lesson. about the opening paragraph of the lesson
in the Student Edition. Additional
Study Guide and Intervention questions ask students to interpret the
Each lesson in Algebra 2 addresses two context of and relationships among terms
objectives. There is one Study Guide and in the lesson. Finally, students are asked to
Intervention master for each objective. summarize what they have learned using
various representation techniques.
WHEN TO USE Use these masters as
reteaching activities for students who need WHEN TO USE This master can be used
additional reinforcement. These pages can as a study tool when presenting the lesson
also be used in conjunction with the Student or as an informal reading assessment after
Edition as an instructional tool for students presenting the lesson. It is also a helpful
who have been absent. tool for ELL (English Language Learner)
Skills Practice There is one master for
each lesson. These provide computational Enrichment There is one extension
practice at a basic level. master for each lesson. These activities may
extend the concepts in the lesson, offer an
WHEN TO USE These masters can be historical or multicultural look at the
used with students who have weaker concepts, or widen students’ perspectives on
mathematics backgrounds or need the mathematics they are learning. These
additional reinforcement. are not written exclusively for honors
students, but are accessible for use with all
levels of students.
WHEN TO USE These may be used as
extra credit, short-term projects, or as
activities for days when class periods are

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iv Glencoe Algebra 2

Assessment Options Intermediate Assessment
The assessment masters in the Chapter 1 • Four free-response quizzes are included
Resource Masters offer a wide range of to offer assessment at appropriate
assessment tools for intermediate and final intervals in the chapter.
assessment. The following lists describe each
• A Mid-Chapter Test provides an option
assessment master and its intended use.
to assess the first half of the chapter. It is
composed of both multiple-choice and
Chapter Assessment free-response questions.
• Form 1 contains multiple-choice questions Continuing Assessment
and is intended for use with basic level • The Cumulative Review provides
students. students an opportunity to reinforce and
retain skills as they proceed through
• Forms 2A and 2B contain multiple-choice
their study of Algebra 2. It can also be
questions aimed at the average level
used as a test. This master includes
student. These tests are similar in format
free-response questions.
to offer comparable testing situations.
• The Standardized Test Practice offers
• Forms 2C and 2D are composed of free-
continuing review of algebra concepts in
response questions aimed at the average
various formats, which may appear on
level student. These tests are similar in
the standardized tests that they may
format to offer comparable testing
encounter. This practice includes multiple-
situations. Grids with axes are provided
choice, grid-in, and quantitative-
for questions assessing graphing skills.
comparison questions. Bubble-in and
• Form 3 is an advanced level test with grid-in answer sections are provided on
free-response questions. Grids without the master.
axes are provided for questions assessing
graphing skills.
All of the above tests include a free- • Page A1 is an answer sheet for the
response Bonus question. Standardized Test Practice questions
• The Open-Ended Assessment includes that appear in the Student Edition on
performance assessment tasks that are pages 52–53. This improves students’
suitable for all students. A scoring rubric familiarity with the answer formats they
is included for evaluation guidelines. may encounter in test taking.
Sample answers are provided for • The answers for the lesson-by-lesson
assessment. masters are provided as reduced pages
• A Vocabulary Test, suitable for all with answers appearing in red.
students, includes a list of the vocabulary • Full-size answer keys are provided for
words in the chapter and ten questions the assessment masters in this booklet.
assessing students’ knowledge of those
terms. This can also be used in conjunc-
tion with one of the chapter tests or as a
review worksheet.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill v Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder
This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 1.
As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description.
Remember to add the page number where you found the term. Add these pages to
your Algebra Study Notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter.

Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page
absolute value

algebraic expression

Associative Property


Commutative Property


compound inequality

Distributive Property


empty set

Identity Property


Inverse Property

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill vii Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder (continued)
Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page
irrational numbers

open sentence

rational numbers

Reflexive Property

set-builder notation

Substitution Property

Symmetric Property


Transitive Property

Trichotomy Property



© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill viii Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Study Guide and Intervention

Expressions and Formulas
Order of Operations
1. Simplify the expressions inside grouping symbols.
Order of 2. Evaluate all powers.
Operations 3. Do all multiplications and divisions from left to right.
4. Do all additions and subtractions from left to right.

Example 1 Evaluate [18  (6  4)]  2. Example 2 Evaluate 3x2  x(y  5)

if x  3 and y  0.5.

Lesson 1-1
[18  (6  4)]  2  [18  10]  2
82 Replace each variable with the given value.
4 3x2  x(y  5)  3  (3)2  3(0.5  5)
 3  (9)  3(4.5)
 27  13.5

Find the value of each expression.

1. 14  (6  2) 17 2. 11  (3  2)2 14 3. 2  (4  2)3  6 4

4. 9(32  6) 135 5. (5  23)2  52 144 6. 52    18  2 34.25

16  23  4
2 6
8. (7  32)2  62 40 9. 20  22  6 11

10. 12  6  3  2(4) 6 11. 14  (8  20  2) 7 12. 6(7)  4  4  5 38

642 6  9  3  15
13. 8(42  8  32) 240 14.  24 15.  4
461 82

Evaluate each expression if a  8.2, b  3, c  4, and d    .
ab c2  1
16.  49.2 17. 5(6c  8b  10d) 215 18.  6
d bd

19. ac  bd 31.3 20. (b  c)2  4a 81.8 21.   6b  5c 54.4

22. 3   b 21 23. cd   4
24. d(a  c) 6.1

25. a  b  c 7.45 26. b  c  4  d 15 27.   d 8.7

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 1 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Expressions and Formulas

Formulas A formula is a mathematical sentence that uses variables to express the
relationship between certain quantities. If you know the value of every variable except one
in a formula, you can use substitution and the order of operations to find the value of the
unknown variable.

Example To calculate the number of reams of paper needed to print n copies

of a booklet that is p pages long, you can use the formula r   , where r is the
number of reams needed. How many reams of paper must you buy to print
172 copies of a 25-page booklet?
Substitute n  172 and p  25 into the formula r   .

You cannot buy 8.6 reams of paper. You will need to buy 9 reams to print 172 copies.

For Exercises 1–3, use the following information.
For a science experiment, Sarah counts the number of breaths needed for her to blow up a
beach ball. She will then find the volume of the beach ball in cubic centimeters and divide
by the number of breaths to find the average volume of air per breath.

1. Her beach ball has a radius of 9 inches. First she converts the radius to centimeters
using the formula C  2.54I, where C is a length in centimeters and I is the same length
in inches. How many centimeters are there in 9 inches? 22.86 cm

2. The volume of a sphere is given by the formula V   r3, where V is the volume of the
sphere and r is its radius. What is the volume of the beach ball in cubic centimeters?
(Use 3.14 for .) 50,015 cm3

3. Sarah takes 40 breaths to blow up the beach ball. What is the average volume of air per
breath? about 1250 cm3

4. A person’s basal metabolic rate (or BMR) is the number of calories needed to support his
or her bodily functions for one day. The BMR of an 80-year-old man is given by the
formula BMR  12w  (0.02)(6)12w, where w is the man’s weight in pounds. What is the
BMR of an 80-year-old man who weighs 170 pounds? 1795 calories

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Skills Practice

Expressions and Formulas
Find the value of each expression.

1. 18  2  3 27 2. 9  6  2  1 13

3. (3  8)2(4)  3 97 4. 5  3(2  12  2) 7

1 6(7  5)
5.   [9  10(3)] 7 6.  3

Lesson 1-1
3 4

7. (168  7)32  43 152 8. [3(5)  128  22]5 85

Evaluate each expression if r  1, s  3, t  12, v  0, and w    .
9. 6r  2s 0 10. 2st  4rs 84

11. w(s  r) 2 12. s  2r  16v 1

13. (4s)2 144 14. s2r  wt 3

3v  t
15. 2(3r  w) 7 16.  4
5s  t

25 rv3
17. w[t  (t  r)]  18. 2
2 s

19. 9r2  (s2  1)t 105 20. 7s  2v   22

21. TEMPERATURE The formula K  C  273 gives the temperature in kelvins (K) for a
given temperature in degrees Celsius. What is the temperature in kelvins when the
temperature is 55 degrees Celsius? 328 K

22. TEMPERATURE The formula C   (F  32) gives the temperature in degrees Celsius
for a given temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. What is the temperature in degrees
Celsius when the temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit? 20C

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 3 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Practice (Average)

Expressions and Formulas

Find the value of each expression.

1. 3(4  7)  11 20 2. 4(12  42) 16

3. 1  2  3(4)  2 3 4. 12  [20  2(62  3  22)] 88

5. 20  (5  3)  52(3) 85 6. (2)3  (3)(8)  (5)(10) 18

7. 18  {5  [34  (17  11)]} 41 8. [4(5  3)  2(4  8)]  16 1

1 1
9.  [6  42] 5 10.  [5  5(3)] 5
2 4

8(13  37) (8)2

11.  32 12.   (1)2  4(9) 53
6 59

3 1
Evaluate each expression if a   , b  8, c  2, d  3, and e   .
4 3
13. ab2  d 45 14. (c  d)b 8

ab d(b  c)
15.   d2 12 16.  12
c ac

17. (b  de)e2 1 18. ac3  b2de 70

ac4 c
19. b[a  (c  d) 2 ] 206 20.   2 22
d e

21. 9bc   141 22. 2ab2  (d 3  c) 67

23. TEMPERATURE The formula F   C  32 gives the temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit for a given temperature in degrees Celsius. What is the temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit when the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius? 40F

24. PHYSICS The formula h  120t  16t2 gives the height h in feet of an object t seconds
after it is shot upward from Earth’s surface with an initial velocity of 120 feet per
second. What will the height of the object be after 6 seconds? 144 ft

25. AGRICULTURE Faith owns an organic apple orchard. From her experience the last few
seasons, she has developed the formula P  20x  0.01x2  240 to predict her profit P in
dollars this season if her trees produce x bushels of apples. What is Faith’s predicted
profit this season if her orchard produces 300 bushels of apples? $4860

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 4 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Expressions and Formulas
Pre-Activity How are formulas used by nurses?
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-1 at the top of page 6 in your textbook.
• Nurses use the formula F   to control the flow rate for IVs. Name
the quantity that each of the variables in this formula represents and the
units in which each is measured.

F represents the flow rate and is measured in drops

per minute.

Lesson 1-1
V represents the volume of solution and is measured in
milliliters .

d represents the drop factor and is measured in drops

per milliliter.

t represents time and is measured in minutes .

• Write the expression that a nurse would use to calculate the flow rate
of an IV if a doctor orders 1350 milliliters of IV saline to be given over
8 hours, with a drop factor of 20 drops per milliliter. Do not find the value
of this expression. 1350  20

8  60
Reading the Lesson
1. There is a customary order for grouping symbols. Brackets are used outside of
parentheses. Braces are used outside of brackets. Identify the innermost expression(s) in
each of the following expressions.
a. [(3  22)  8]  4 (3  22)
b. 9  [5(8  6)  2(10  7)] (8  6) and (10  7)
c. {14  [8  (3  12)2]}  (63  100) (3  12)

2. Read the following instructions. Then use grouping symbols to show how the instructions
can be put in the form of a mathematical expression.
Multiply the difference of 13 and 5 by the sum of 9 and 21. Add the result to 10. Then
divide what you get by 2. [(13  5)(9  21)  10]  2

3. Why is it important for everyone to use the same order of operations for evaluating
expressions? Sample answer: If everyone did not use the same order of
operations, different people might get different answers.

Helping You Remember

4. Think of a phrase or sentence to help you remember the order of operations.
Sample answer: Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. (parentheses;
exponents; multiplication and division; addition and subtraction)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 5 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Enrichment

Significant Digits
All measurements are approximations. The significant digits of an approximate
number are those which indicate the results of a measurement. For example, the
mass of an object, measured to the nearest gram, is 210 grams. The measurement
– g has 3 significant digits. The mass of the same object, measured to the
nearest 100 g, is 200 g. The measurement 200 g has one significant digit.
1. Nonzero digits and zeros between significant digits are significant. For
example, the measurement 9.071 m has 4 significant digits, 9, 0, 7, and 1.
2. Zeros at the end of a decimal fraction are significant. The measurement
0.050 mm has 2 significant digits, 5 and 0.
3. Underlined zeros in whole numbers are significant. The measurement
–0 km has 5 significant digits, 1, 0, 4, 0, and 0.

In general, a computation involving multiplication or division of measurements

cannot be more accurate than the least accurate measurement in the computation.
Thus, the result of computation involving multiplication or division of
measurements should be rounded to the number of significant digits in the least
accurate measurement.

Example The mass of 37 quarters is 210

– g. Find the mass of one quarter.
mass of 1 quarter  210
– g  37 210
– has 3 significant digits.
37 does not represent a measurement.
 5.68 g Round the result to 3 significant digits.

Write the number of significant digits for each measurement.

1. 8314.20 m 2. 30.70 cm 3. 0.01 mm 4. 0.0605 mg

6 4 1 3
5. 370
–,000 km 6. 370,00
–0 km 7. 9.7  104 g 8. 3.20  102 g
3 5 2 3

Solve. Round each result to the correct number of significant digits.

9. 23 m  1.54 m –0 ft  520 ft
10. 12,00 11. 2.5 cm  25
35 m2 23.1 63 cm
12. 11.01 mm  11 13. 908 yd  0.5 14. 38.6 m  4.0 m
121.1 mm 1820 yd 150 m2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 6 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-2 Study Guide and Intervention

Properties of Real Numbers
Real Numbers All real numbers can be classified as either rational or irrational. The set
of rational numbers includes several subsets: natural numbers, whole numbers, and

R real numbers {all rationals and irrationals}

{all numbers that can be represented in the form  , where m and n are integers and
Q rational numbers n
n is not equal to 0}
I irrational numbers {all nonterminating, nonrepeating decimals}
N natural numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …}
W whole numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, …}
Z integers {…, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}

Example Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

a.   rationals (Q), reals (R)

Lesson 1-2

b. 25

5 naturals (N), wholes (W), integers (Z), rationals (Q), reals (R)

Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

2. 81
 Z, Q, R
1.  Q, R 3. 0 W, Z, Q, R 4. 192.0005 Q, R

1 36

5. 73 N, W, Z, Q, R 6. 34  Q, R 7. 
Q, R 8. 26.1 Q, R

9.  I, R 10.  N, W, Z, Q, R 11. 4.1
7 Q, R


N, W, Z, Q, R 13. 1 Z, Q, R 14. 42
 I, R

8 5
15. 11.2 Q, R 16.   Q, R 17. 
I, R

 Q, R
18. 33.3 19. 894,000 N, W, Z, Q, R 20. 0.02 Q, R

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 7 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-2 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Properties of Real Numbers

Properties of Real Numbers
Real Number Properties
For any real numbers a, b, and c
Property Addition Multiplication
Commutative abba abba
Associative (a  b)  c  a  (b  c) (a  b)  c  a  (b  c)
Identity a0a0a a1a1a
1 1
Inverse a  (a)  0  (a)  a If a is not zero, then a    1    a.
a a
Distributive a(b  c)  ab  ac and (b  c)a  ba  ca

Example Simplify 9x  3y  12y  0.9x.

9x  3y  12y  0.9x  9x  ( 0.9x)  3y  12y Commutative Property ()
 (9  ( 0.9))x  (3  12)y Distributive Property
 8.1x  15y Simplify.

Simplify each expression.
1. 8(3a  b)  4(2b  a) 2. 40s  18t  5t  11s 3.  (4j  2k 6j 3k)
20a 51s  13t k j
4. 10(6g  3h)  4(5g h)  a3
5. 12   
4  6. 8(2.4r  3.1s)  6(1.5r  2.4s)

80g  26h 4a  3b 10.2r  39.2s

7. 4(20  4p)   (4  16p) 8. 5.5j  8.9k  4.7k 10.9j 9. 1.2(7x  5)  (10  4.3x)
77  4p 4.2k  5.4j 12.7x  16
3 1 3 1
10. 9(7e  4f)  0.6(e  5f ) 11. 2.5m(12  8.5) 12.  p   r   r   p
4 5 5 2
1 4
62.4e  39f 8.75m p  r
4 5
13. 4(10g  80h)  20(10h  5g) 14. 2(15  45c)   (12  18c)
140g  120h 40  105c
15. (7  2.1x)3  2(3.5x  6) 16.  (18  6n  12  3n)
0.7x  9 20  2n
17. 14( j  2)  3j(4  7) 18. 50(3a  b)  20(b  2a)
2j  7 190a  70b

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-2 Skills Practice

Properties of Real Numbers
Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

1. 34 N, W, Z, Q, R 2. 525 Z, Q, R

3. 0.875 Q, R 4.  N, W, Z, Q, R

5. 9
 Z, Q, R 6. 30
 I, R

Name the property illustrated by each equation.

7. 3  x  x  3 8. 3a  0  3a
Comm. () Add. Iden.

9. 2(r  w)  2r  2w 10. 2r  (3r  4r)  (2r  3r)  4r

Lesson 1-2
Distributive Assoc. ()

11. 5y   1 12. 15x(1)  15x
Mult. Inv. Mult. Iden.

13. 0.6[25(0.5)]  [0.6(25)]0.5 14. (10b  12b)  7b  (12b  10b)  7b

Assoc. () Comm. ()

Name the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number.
15. 15 15,  16. 1.25 1.25, 0.8
4 4 5 3 3 4
17.    ,   18. 3  3  , 
5 5 4 4 4 15

Simplify each expression.

19. 3x  5  2x  3 5x  2 20. x  y  z  y  x  z 0

21. (3g  3h)  5g  10h 2g  13h 22. a2  a  4a  3a2  1 2a2  3a  1

23. 3(m  z)  5(2m  z) 13m  8z 24. 2x  3y  (5x  3y  2z) 3x  2z

1 1
25. 6(2  v)  4(2v  1) 8  2v 26.  (15d  3)   (8  10d) 10d  3
3 2

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1-2 Practice (Average)

Properties of Real Numbers

Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

1. 6425 2. 7
 3. 2 4. 0
N, W, Z, Q, R I, R I, R W, Z, Q, R

5.  Q, R

6. 16
 Z, Q, R 7. 35 Z, Q, R 8. 31.8 Q, R

Name the property illustrated by each equation.

9. 5x  (4y  3x)  5x  (3x  4y) 10. 7x  (9x  8)  (7x  9x)  8

Comm. () Assoc. ()
11. 5(3x  y)  5(3x  1y) 12. 7n  2n  (7  2)n
Mult. Iden. Distributive
13. 3(2x)y  (3  2)(xy) 14. 3x  2y  3  2  x  y 15. (6  6)y  0y
Assoc. () Comm. () Add. Inv.
16.   4y  1y 17. 5(x  y)  5x  5y 18. 4n  0  4n
Mult. Inv. Distributive Add. Iden.

Name the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number.

19. 0.4 0.4, 2.5 20. 1.6 1.6, 0.625

11 11 16 5 5 6
21.    ,   22. 5  5  , 
16 16 11 6 6 35

Simplify each expression.

23. 5x  3y  2x  3y 3x 24. 11a  13b  7a  3b 4a  16b

25. 8x  7y  (3  6y) 8x  y  3 26. 4c  2c  (4c  2c) 4c

1 1
27. 3(r  10s)  4(7s  2r) 5r  58s 28.  (10a  15)   (8  4a) 4a  1
5 2

29. 2(4  2x  y)  4(5  x  y)

5 3
30.   x  12y   (2x  12y)
6 5
12  8x  6y 13y
31. TRAVEL Olivia drives her car at 60 miles per hour for t hours. Ian drives his car at
50 miles per hour for (t  2) hours. Write a simplified expression for the sum of the
distances traveled by the two cars. (110t  100) mi

32. NUMBER THEORY Use the properties of real numbers to tell whether the following
 a1   1b 
statement is true or false: If a b, it follows that a  b  . Explain your reasoning.
false; counterexample: 5  
  4 1 
5 4

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1-2 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Properties of Real Numbers
Pre-Activity How is the Distributive Property useful in calculating store savings?
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-2 at the top of page 11 in your textbook.
• Why are all of the amounts listed on the register slip at the top of page
11 followed by negative signs? Sample answer: The amount of
each coupon is subtracted from the total amount of
purchases so that you save money by using coupons.
• Describe two ways of calculating the amount of money you saved by
using coupons if your register slip is the one shown on page 11.
Sample answer: Add all the individual coupon amounts or
add the amounts for the scanned coupons and multiply the
sum by 2.

Reading the Lesson

1. Refer to the Key Concepts box on page 11. The numbers 2.5 7
 and 0.010010001… both
involve decimals that “go on forever.” Explain why one of these numbers is rational and

Lesson 1-2
the other is irrational. Sample answer: 2.5 7  2.5757… is a repeating
decimal because there is a block of digits, 57, that repeats forever, so
this number is rational. The number 0.010010001… is a non-repeating
decimal because, although the digits follow a pattern, there is no block
of digits that repeats. So this number is an irrational number.
2. Write the Associative Property of Addition in symbols. Then illustrate this property by
finding the sum 12  18  45 in two different ways. (a  b)  c  a  (b  c);
Sample answer: (12  18)  45  30  45  75;
12  (18  45)  12  63  75
3. Consider the equations (a  b)  c  a  (b  c) and (a  b)  c  c  (a  b). One of the
equations uses the Associative Property of Multiplication and one uses the Commutative
Property of Multiplication. How can you tell which property is being used in each
equation? The first equation uses the Associative Property of
Multiplication. The quantities a, b, and c are used in the same order, but
they are grouped differently on the two sides of the equation. The second
equation uses the quantities in different orders on the two sides of the
equation. So the second equation uses the Commutative Property of

Helping You Remember

4. How can the meanings of the words commuter and association help you to remember the
difference between the commutative and associative properties? Sample answer:
A commuter is someone who travels back and forth to work or another
place, and the commutative property says you can switch the order when
two numbers that are being added or multiplied. An association is a
group of people who are connected or united, and the associative
property says that you can switch the grouping when three numbers are
added or multiplied.

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1-2 Enrichment

Properties of a Group
A set of numbers forms a group with respect to an operation if for that operation
the set has (1) the Closure Property, (2) the Associative Property, (3) a member
which is an identity, and (4) an inverse for each member of the set.

Example 1Does the set {0, 1, 2, 3, …} form a group with respect to addition?
Closure Property: For all numbers in the set, is a  b in the set? 0  1  1, and 1 is
in the set; 0  2  2, and 2 is in the set; and so on. The set has
closure for addition.
Associative Property: For all numbers in the set, does a  (b  c)  (a  b)  c?
0  (1  2)  (0  1)  2; 1  (2  3)  (1  2)  3; and so on.
The set is associative for addition.
Identity: Is there some number, i, in the set such that i  a  a  a  i
for all a? 0  1  1  1  0; 0  2  2  2  0; and so on.
The identity for addition is 0.
Inverse: Does each number, a, have an inverse, a
, such that
 a  a  a
 i? The integer inverse of 3 is 3 since
3  3  0, and 0 is the identity for addition. But the set does not
contain 3. Therefore, there is no inverse for 3.
The set is not a group with respect to addition because only three of the four properties hold.

Example 2Is the set {1, 1} a group with respect to multiplication?

Closure Property: (1)(1)  1; (1)(1)  1; (1)(1)  1; (1)(1)  1
The set has closure for multiplication.
Associative Property: (1)[(1)(1)]  (1)(1)  1; and so on
The set is associative for multiplication.
Identity: 1(1)  1; 1(1)  1
The identity for multiplication is 1.
Inverse: 1 is the inverse of 1 since (1)(1)  1, and 1 is the identity.
1 is the inverse of 1 since (1)(1)  1, and 1 is the identity.
Each member has an inverse.
The set {1, 1} is a group with respect to multiplication because all four properties hold.

Tell whether the set forms a group with respect to the given operation.
1. {integers}, addition yes 2. {integers}, multiplication no

 12 2 3

3. , , , … , addition no
2 2
4. {multiples of 5}, multiplication no

5. {x, x2, x3, x4, …} addition no 6. {1

, 2
, 3
, …}, multiplication no

7. {irrational numbers}, addition no 8. {rational numbers}, addition yes

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1-3 Study Guide and Intervention

Solving Equations
Verbal Expressions to Algebraic Expressions The chart suggests some ways to
help you translate word expressions into algebraic expressions. Any letter can be used to
represent a number that is not known.

Word Expression Operation

and, plus, sum, increased by, more than addition
minus, difference, decreased by, less than subtraction
times, product, of (as in  of a number) multiplication
divided by, quotient division

Example 1 Write an algebraic Example 2 Write a verbal sentence to

expression to represent 18 less than represent 6(n  2)  14.
the quotient of a number and 3. Six times the difference of a number and two
  18 is equal to 14.

Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression.
1. the sum of six times a number and 25 6n  25

2. four times the sum of a number and 3 4(n  3)

Lesson 1-3
3. 7 less than fifteen times a number 15n  7
4. the difference of nine times a number and the quotient of 6 and the same number n

5. the sum of 100 and four times a number 100  4n

6. the product of 3 and the sum of 11 and a number 3(11  n)

7. four times the square of a number increased by five times the same number 4n 2  5n

8. 23 more than the product of 7 and a number 7n  23

Write a verbal sentence to represent each equation. Sample answers are given.

9. 3n  35  79 The difference of three times a number and 35 is equal to 79.

10. 2(n3  3n2)  4n Twice the sum of the cube of a number and three times the
square of the number is equal to four times the number.
11.   n  8 The quotient of five times a number and the sum of the
number and 3 is equal to the difference of the number and 8.
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1-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Equations
Properties of Equality You can solve equations by using addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division.

Addition and Subtraction For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a  b,

Properties of Equality then a  c  b  c and a  c  b  c.

Multiplication and Division For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a  b,

a b
Properties of Equality then a  c  b  c and, if c is not zero,    .
c c

Example 1 Solve 100  8x  140. Example 2 Solve 4x  5y  100 for y.

100  8x  140 4x  5y  100
100  8x  100  140  100 4x  5y  4x  100  4x
8x  40 5y  100  4x
x  5 1
y   (100  4x)
y  20   x

Solve each equation. Check your solution.

1. 3s  45 15 2. 17  9  a 8 3. 5t  1  6t  5 4

2 1 3 1
4.  m    5. 7   x  3 8 6. 8  2(z  7) 3
3 2 4 2

7. 0.2b  10 50 8. 3x  17  5x  13 15 9. 5(4  k)  10k 4

3 5
10. 120   y  60 80 11.  n  98  n 28 12. 4.5  2p  8.7 2.1
4 2
13. 4n  20  53  2n 5  14. 100  20  5r 16 15. 2x  75  102  x 9

Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable.

ac s s
16. a  3b  c, for b b   17.   10, for t t  
3 2t 20
h1 3pq 4r
18. h  12g  1, for g g   19.   12, for p p  
12 r q
7 d f
20. 2xy  x  7, for x x   21.     6, for f f  24  2d
2y  1 2 4
22. 3(2j  k)  108, for j j  18   23. 3.5s  42  14t, for s s  4t  12
m 20n 4 10
24.   5m  20, for m m   25. 4x  3y  10, for y y   x  
n 5n  1 3 3

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1-3 Skills Practice

Solving Equations
Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression.

1. 4 times a number, increased by 7 2. 8 less than 5 times a number

4n  7 5n  8
3. 6 times the sum of a number and 5 4. the product of 3 and a number, divided by 9
6(n  5) 
5. 3 times the difference of 4 and a number 3(4  n)

6. the product of 11 and the square of a number 11n2

Write a verbal expression to represent each equation. 7–10. Sample answers

are given.
7. n  8  16 8. 8  3x  5
The difference of a number The sum of 8 and 3 times a
and 8 is 16. number is 5.
9. b2  3  b 10.   2  2y
Three added to the square of A number divided by 3 is the
a number is the number. difference of 2 and twice the
Name the property illustrated by each statement.

11. If a  0.5b, and 0.5b  10, then a  10. 12. If d  1  f, then d  f  1.

Lesson 1-3
Transitive () Subtraction ()
13. If 7x  14, then 14  7x. 14. If (8  7)r  30, then 15r  30.
Symmetric () Substitution ()

Solve each equation. Check your solution.

15. 4m  2  18 4 16. x  4  5x  2 
17. 3t  2t  5 5 18. 3b  7  15  2b 
19. 5x  3x  24 3 20. 4v  20  6  34 5

21. a    3 5 22. 2.2n  0.8n  5  4n 5

Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable.

I 1
23. I  prt, for p p   24. y   x  12, for x x  4y  48
rt 4
xy A  2 r 2
25. A   , for y y  2A  x 26. A  2r2  2rh, for h h  
2 2 r

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 15 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-3 Practice (Average)

Solving Equations
Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression.
1. 2 more than the quotient of a number and 5 2. the sum of two consecutive integers
2 n  (n  1)
3. 5 times the sum of a number and 1 4. 1 less than twice the square of a number
5(m  1) 2y 2  1

Write a verbal expression to represent each equation. 5–8. Sample answers

are given.
5. 5  2x  4 6. 3y  4y3
The difference of 5 and twice a Three times a number is 4 times
number is 4. the cube of the number.
7. 3c  2(c  1) 8.   3(2m  1) The quotient
Three times a number is twice the of a number and 5 is 3 times the
difference of the number and 1. sum of twice the number and 1.
Name the property illustrated by each statement.
9. If t  13  52, then 52  t  13. 10. If 8(2q  1)  4, then 2(2q  1)  1.
Symmetric () Division ()
11. If h  12  22, then h  10. 12. If 4m  15, then 12m  45.
Subtraction () Multiplication ()

Solve each equation. Check your solution.

13. 14  8  6r 1 14. 9  4n  59 17
3 1 5 1 5 3 11 1
15.    n    16.  s     
4 2 8 4 6 4 12 5
17. 1.6r  5  7.8 8 18. 6x  5  7  9x 
3 1
19. 5(6  4v)  v  21  20. 6y  5  3(2y  1) 
7 6
Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable.
E 2d  1 3c  1
21. E  mc2, for m m   22. c   , for d d  
2 c 3 2
h  gt 2 1 2(E  U )
23. h  vt  gt2, for v v   24. E   Iw2  U, for I I  
t 2 w
Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem.
25. GEOMETRY The length of a rectangle is twice the width. Find the width if the
perimeter is 60 centimeters. w  width; 2(2w)  2w  60; 10 cm

26. GOLF Luis and three friends went golfing. Two of the friends rented clubs for $6 each. The
total cost of the rented clubs and the green fees for each person was $76. What was the cost
of the green fees for each person? g  green fees per person; 6(2)  4g  76; $16

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 16 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-3 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Solving Equations
Pre-Activity How can you find the most effective level of intensity for your
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-3 at the top of page 20 in your textbook.
• To find your target heart rate, what two pieces of information must you
supply? age (A) and desired intensity level (I )
• Write an equation that shows how to calculate your target heart rate.
(220  A)
6 or P  (220  A)
I  6

Reading the Lesson

1. a. How are algebraic expressions and equations alike?
Sample answer: Both contain variables, constants, and operation

b. How are algebraic expressions and equations different?

Sample answer: Equations contain equal signs; expressions do not.

c. How are algebraic expressions and equations related?

Sample answer: An equation is a statement that says that two
algebraic expressions are equal.

Lesson 1-3
Read the following problem and then write an equation that you could use to
solve it. Do not actually solve the equation. In your equation, let m be the number
of miles driven.

2. When Louisa rented a moving truck, she agreed to pay $28 per day plus $0.42 per mile.
If she kept the truck for 3 days and the rental charges (without tax) were $153.72, how
many miles did Louisa drive the truck? 3(28)  0.42m  153.72

Helping You Remember

3. How can the words reflection and symmetry help you remember and distinguish between
the reflexive and symmetric properties of equality? Think about how these words are
used in everyday life or in geometry.
Sample answer: When you look at your reflection, you are looking at
yourself. The reflexive property says that every number is equal to itself.
In geometry, symmetry with respect to a line means that the parts of a
figure on the two sides of a line are identical. The symmetric property of
equality allows you to interchange the two sides of an equation. The
equal sign is like the line of symmetry.

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-3 Enrichment

Venn Diagrams
Relationships among sets can be shown using Venn diagrams. Study the
diagrams below. The circles represent sets A and B, which are subsets of set S.



The union of A and B consists of all elements in either A or B.

The intersection of A and B consists of all elements in both A and B.
The complement of A consists of all elements not in A.
You can combine the operations of union, intersection, and finding the complement.

Example Shade the region (A ∩ B) .

(A  B)
means the complement of the intersection of A and B.
First find the intersection of A and B. Then find its complement.

Draw a Venn diagram and shade the region indicated. See students’ diagrams.

1. A
 B 2. A

3. A
4. A

5. (A  B)
6. A  B

Draw a Venn diagram and three overlapping circles. Then shade the
region indicated. See students’ diagrams.

7. (A  B)  C
8. (A  B)

9. A  (B  C) 10. (A  B)  C

11. Is the union operation associative? yes

12. Is the intersection operation associative? yes

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1-4 Study Guide and Intervention

Solving Absolute Value Equations
Absolute Value Expressions The absolute value of a number is the number of
units it is from 0 on a number line. The symbol x is used to represent the absolute value
of a number x.

• Words For any real number a, if a is positive or zero, the absolute value of a is a.
Absolute Value If a is negative, the absolute value of a is the opposite of a.
• Symbols For any real number a, a  a, if a 0, and a  a, if a 0.

Example 1 Evaluate 4  2x Example 2 Evaluate 2x  3y

if x  6. if x  4 and y  3.
4  2x  4  2  6 2x  3y  2(4)  3(3)
 4  12  8  9
 4  12  17
 8  17

Evaluate each expression if w  4, x  2, y   , and z  6.

1. 2x  8 4 2. 6  z  7 7 3. 5  w  z 15

4. x  5  2w 1 5. x  y  z 4  6. 7  x  3x 11

7. w  4x 12 8. wz  xy 23 9. z  35yz 39

10. 5w  2z  2y 34 11. z  42z  y 40 12. 10  xw 2

Lesson 1-4
13. 6y  z  yz 6 14. 3wx   4x  8y 27 15. 7yz  30 9

16. 14  2w  xy 4 17. 2x  y  5y 6 18. xyz  wxz 54

19. zz  xx 32 20. 12  10x  10y 3 21.  5z  8w 31

3 1
22. yz  4w  w 17 23.  wz   8y 20 24. xz  xz 24
4 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 19 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Absolute Value Equations

Absolute Value Equations Use the definition of absolute value to solve equations
containing absolute value expressions.

For any real numbers a and b, where b 0, if a  b then a  b or a  b.

Always check your answers by substituting them into the original equation. Sometimes
computed solutions are not actual solutions.

Example Solve 2x  3  17. Check your solutions.

Case 1 a  b Case 2 a  b
2x  3  17 2x  3  17
2x  3  3  17  3 2x  3  3  17  3
2x  20 2x  14
x  10 x  7
CHECK 2x  3  17 CHECK 2(7)  3  17
2(10)  3  17 14  3  17
20  3  17 17  17
17  17 17  17 ✓
17  17 ✓
There are two solutions, 10 and 7.

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

1. x  15  37 {52, 22} 2. t  4  5  0 {1, 9}

3. x  5  45 {40, 50} 4. m  3  12  2m {3}

5. 5b  9  16  2 6. 15  2k  45 {15, 30}

7. 5n  24  8  3n {2} 8. 8  5a  14  a 

, 1


9. 4p  11  p  4 23,  
7  10. 3x  1  2x  11 {2, 12}

 13 
11.  x  3  1 12. 40  4x  23x  10 {6, 10}

13. 5f  3f  4  20 {12} 14. 4b  3  15  2b {2, 9}

15. 6  2x  3x  1 
2  12  16. 16  3x  4x  12 {4}

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-4 Skills Practice

Solving Absolute Value Equations
Evaluate each expression if w  0.4, x  2, y  3, and z  10.

1. 5w 2 2. 9y 27

3. 9y  z 17 4. 17z 170

5. 10z  31 131 6. 8x  3y  2y  5x 21

7. 25  5z  1 24 8. 44  2x  y 45

9. 24w 3.2 10. 3  1  6w 1.6

11. 3x  2y  4 4 12. 6.4  w  1 7

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

13. y  3  2 {5, 1} 14. 5a  10 {2, 2}

15. 3k  6  2  ,   43 83  16. 2g  6  0 {3}

17. 10  1  c {9, 11} 18. 2x  x  9 {3, 3}

Lesson 1-4
19. p  7  14 20. 23w  12 {2, 2}

21. 7x  3x  2  18 {4, 4} 22. 47  y  1  11 {4, 10}

23. 3n  2    , 
2  12 56  24. 8d  4d  5  13 {2, 2}

25. 56a  2  15   ,   5 1

6 6  26. k  10  9

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 21 Glencoe Algebra 2

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1-4 Practice (Average)

Solving Absolute Value Equations

Evaluate each expression if a  1, b  8, c  5, and d  1.4.

1. 6a 6 2. 2b  4 12

3. 10d  a 15 4. 17c  3b  5 114

5. 610a  12 132 6. 2b  1  8b  5 52

7. 5a  7  3c  4 23 8. 1  7c  a 33

9. 30.5c  2  0.5b 17.5 10. 4d  5  2a 12.6

11. a  b  b  a 14 12. 2  2d  3b 19.2

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

13. n  4  13 {9, 17} 14. x  13  2 {11, 15}

15. 2y  3  29 {13, 16} 16. 7x  3  42 {9, 3}

17. 3u  6  42 {12, 16} 18. 5x  4  6

19. 34x  9  24  74
20. 65  2y  9  , 
21. 8  p  2p  3 {11} 22. 4w  1  5w  37 {4}

23. 42y  7  5  9 {3, 4} 24. 27  3y  6  14 1,   11

25. 24  s  3s {8} 26. 5  32  2w  7 {3, 1}

27. 52r  3  5  0 {2, 1} 28. 3  52d  3  4

29. WEATHER A thermometer comes with a guarantee that the stated temperature differs
from the actual temperature by no more than 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Write and solve an
equation to find the minimum and maximum actual temperatures when the
thermometer states that the temperature is 87.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
t  87.4  1.5; minimum: 85.9F, maximum: 88.9F

30. OPINION POLLS Public opinion polls reported in newspapers are usually given with a
margin of error. For example, a poll with a margin of error of 5% is considered accurate
to within plus or minus 5% of the actual value. A poll with a stated margin of error of
3% predicts that candidate Tonwe will receive 51% of an upcoming vote. Write and
solve an equation describing the minimum and maximum percent of the vote that
candidate Tonwe is expected to receive.
x  51  3; minimum: 48%, maximum: 54%

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 22 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-4 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Solving Absolute Value Equations
Pre-Activity How can an absolute value equation describe the magnitude of an
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-4 at the top of page 28 in your textbook.
• What is a seismologist and what does magnitude of an earthquake mean?
a scientist who studies earthquakes; a number from 1 to 10
that tells how strong an earthquake is

• Why is an absolute value equation rather than an equation without

absolute value used to find the extremes in the actual magnitude of an
earthquake in relation to its measured value on the Richter scale?
Sample answer: The actual magnitude can vary from the
measured magnitude by up to 0.3 unit in either direction, so
an absolute value equation is needed.
• If the magnitude of an earthquake is estimated to be 6.9 on the Richter
scale, it might actually have a magnitude as low as 6.6 or as high
as 7.2 .

Reading the Lesson

1. Explain how a could represent a positive number. Give an example. Sample
answer: If a is negative, then a is positive. Example: If a  25, then
a  (25)  25.

2. Explain why the absolute value of a number can never be negative. Sample answer:
The absolute value is the number of units it is from 0 on the number line.
The number of units is never negative.

3. What does the sentence b 0 mean? Sample answer: The number b is 0 or

greater than 0.

4. What does the symbol  mean as a solution set? Sample answer: If a solution set Lesson 1-4
is , then there are no solutions.

Helping You Remember

5. How can the number line model for absolute value that is shown on page 28 of your
textbook help you remember that many absolute value equations have two solutions?
Sample answer: The number line shows that for every positive number,
there are two numbers that have that number as their absolute value.

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1-4 Enrichment

Considering All Cases in Absolute Value Equations

You have learned that absolute value equations with one set of absolute value
symbols have two cases that must be considered. For example, | x  3 |  5 must
be broken into x  3  5 or (x  3)  5. For an equation with two sets of
absolute value symbols, four cases must be considered.

Consider the problem | x  2 |  3  | x  6 |. First we must write the equations

for the case where x  6  0 and where x  6  0. Here are the equations for
these two cases:

| x  2|  3  x  6
| x  2 |  3  (x  6)
Each of these equations also has two cases. By writing the equations for both
cases of each equation above, you end up with the following four equations:

x23x6 x  2  3  (x  6)
(x  2)  3  x  6 x  2  3  (x  6)

Solve each of these equations and check your solutions in the original equation,
| x  2 |  3  | x  6 |. The only solution to this equation is 52.

Solve each absolute value equation. Check your solution.

1. | x  4 |  | x  7 | x  1.5 2. |2x  9 |  | x  3 | x  12, 2

3. |3x  6 |  |5x  10 | x  2 4. | x  4 |  6  | x  3 | x  2.5

5. How many cases would there be for an absolute value equation containing
three sets of absolute value symbols? 8

6. List each case and solve | x  2 |  | 2x  4 |  | x  3 |. Check your solution.

x  2  2x  4  x  3 (x  2)  2x  4  x  3
x  2  2x  4  (x  3) (x  2)  2x  4  (x  3)
(x  2)  (2x  4)  x  3 x  2  (2x  4)  x  3
(x  2)  (2x  4)  (x  3) x  2  (2x  4)  (x  3)
No solution

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 24 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Study Guide and Intervention

Solving Inequalities
Solve Inequalities The following properties can be used to solve inequalities.

Addition and Subtraction Properties for Inequalities Multiplication and Division Properties for Inequalities
For any real numbers a, b, and c: For any real numbers a, b, and c, with c  0:
a b
1. If a b, then a  c b  c and a  c b  c. 1. If c is positive and a b, then ac bc and   .
c c
2. If a b, then a  c b  c and a  c b  c.
a b
2. If c is positive and a b, then ac bc and   .
c c
a b
3. If c is negative and a b, then ac bc and   .
c c
a b
4. If c is negative and a b, then ac bc and   .
c c

These properties are also true for  and .

Example 1Solve 2x  4 36. Example 2Solve 17  3w  35. Then

Then graph the solution set on a graph the solution set on a number line.
number line. 17  3w 35
2x  4  4 36  4 17  3w  17 35  17
2x 32 3w 18
x 16 w  6
The solution set is {xx 16}. The solution set is (, 6].

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval
notation. Then graph the solution set on a number line.

1. 7(7a  9)  84 2. 3(9z  4) 35z  4 3. 5(12  3n) 165

{aa  3} or (∞, 3] {zz  2} or (∞, 2) {nn 7} or (7, ∞)

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

4. 18  4k 2(k  21) 5. 4(b  7)  6 22 6. 2  3(m  5) 4(m 3)

{kk 4} or (4, ∞) {bb  11} or (∞, 11) {mm  5} or (∞, 5]

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lesson 1-5

7. 4x  2 7(4x  2) 8.  (2y  3) y  2 9. 2.5d  15  75

xx 21  or 12 , ∞ {yy  9} or (∞, 9) {dd  24} or (∞, 24]

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 14 12 10 8 6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Inequalities
Real-World Problems with Inequalities Many real-world problems involve
inequalities. The chart below shows some common phrases that indicate inequalities.

is less than is greater than is at most is at least
is fewer than is more than is no more than is no less than
is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to

Example SPORTS The Vikings play 36 games this year. At midseason, they
have won 16 games. How many of the remaining games must they win in order to
win at least 80% of all their games this season?
Let x be the number of remaining games that the Vikings must win. The total number of
games they will have won by the end of the season is 16  x. They want to win at least 80%
of their games. Write an inequality with .
16  x 0.8(36)
x 0.8(36)  16
x 12.8
Since they cannot win a fractional part of a game, the Vikings must win at least 13 of the
games remaining.

1. PARKING FEES The city parking lot charges $2.50 for the first hour and $0.25 for each
additional hour. If the most you want to pay for parking is $6.50, solve the inequality
2.50  0.25(x  1)  6.50 to determine for how many hours you can park your car.
At most 17 hours

PLANNING For Exercises 2 and 3, use the following information.

Ethan is reading a 482-page book for a book report due on Monday. He has already read
80 pages. He wants to figure out how many pages per hour he needs to read in order to
finish the book in less than 6 hours.
482  80
2. Write an inequality to describe this situation.   6 or 6n  482  80
3. Solve the inequality and interpret the solution. Ethan must read at least 67 pages
per hour in order to finish the book in less than 6 hours.

BOWLING For Exercises 4 and 5, use the following information.

Four friends plan to spend Friday evening at the bowling alley. Three of the friends need to
rent shoes for $3.50 per person. A string (game) of bowling costs $1.50 per person. If the
friends pool their $40, how many strings can they afford to bowl?

4. Write an equation to describe this situation. 3(3.50)  4(1.50)n  40

5. Solve the inequality and interpret the solution. The friends can bowl at most
4 strings.

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Skills Practice

Solving Inequalities
Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval
notation. Then, graph the solution set on a number line.
1.  2 {zz  8} or (∞, 8] 2. 3a  7  16 {aa  3} or (∞, 3]

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

3. 16 3q  4 {qq 4} or (4, ∞) 4. 20  3s 7s {ss  2} or (∞, 2)

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

5. 3x 9 {xx  3} or [3, ∞) 6. 4b  9  7 {bb  4} or (∞, 4]

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7. 2z 9  5z {zz 3} or (3, ∞) 8. 7f  9 3f  1 {ff 2} or (2, ∞)

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

9. 3s  8  5s {ss  1} or [1, ∞) 10. 7t  (t  4)  25 tt   or ∞,   7

2   7
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

11. 0.7m  0.3m 2m  4 {mm  4} 

12. 4(5x  7)  13 xx    or
or (∞, 4]
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
∞, 34 
13. 1.7y  0.78 5 {yy 3.4} 14. 4x  9 2x  1 {xx 5} or (5, ∞)
or (3.4, ∞)
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Define a variable and write an inequality for each problem. Then solve.

15. Nineteen more than a number is less than 42. n  19  42; n  23

16. The difference of three times a number and 16 is at least 8. 3n  16  8; n  8

Lesson 1-5

17. One half of a number is more than 6 less than the same number.  n n  6; n  12
18. Five less than the product of 6 and a number is no more than twice that same number.
6n  5  2n; n  

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Practice (Average)

Solving Inequalities
Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval
notation. Then, graph the solution set on a number line.
1. 8x  6 10 {xx  2} or [2, ∞) 2. 23  4u 11 {uu 3} or (3, ∞)

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

3. 16  8r 0 {rr  2} or (∞, 2] 4. 14s 9s  5 {ss  1} or (∞, 1)

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

2 2 5
5. 9x  11 6x  9 xx  or  , ∞ 6. 3(4w  1) 18 ww   
3 4
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 or ∞,   
7. 1  8u  3u  10 {uu  1} or [1, ∞) 8. 17.5 19  2.5x {xx  0.6}
or (∞, 0.6)
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

9. 9(2r  5)  3 7r  4 {rr  4} 10. 1  5(x  8)  2  (x  5) {xx  6}

or (∞, 4) or (∞, 6]

4x  3
4 4
11.  3.5 {xx  1} or [1, ∞) 12. q  2(2  q)  0 qq   or ∞, 
2 3 3

13. 36  2(w  77) 4(2w  52) 14. 4n  5(n  3) 3(n  1)  4

{ww 3} or (3, ∞) {nn  4} or (∞, 4)

Define a variable and write an inequality for each problem. Then solve.
15. Twenty less than a number is more than twice the same number.
n  20 2n; n  20
16. Four times the sum of twice a number and 3 is less than 5.5 times that same number.
4[2n  (3)]  5.5n; n  4.8
17. HOTELS The Lincoln’s hotel room costs $90 a night. An additional 10% tax is added.
Hotel parking is $12 per day. The Lincoln’s expect to spend $30 in tips during their stay.
Solve the inequality 90x  90(0.1)x  12x  30  600 to find how many nights the
Lincoln’s can stay at the hotel without exceeding total hotel costs of $600. 5 nights

18. BANKING Jan’s account balance is $3800. Of this, $750 is for rent. Jan wants to keep a
balance of at least $500. Write and solve an inequality describing how much she can
withdraw and still meet these conditions. 3800  750  w  500; w  $2550

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 28 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Solving Inequalities
Pre-Activity How can inequalities be used to compare phone plans?
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-5 at the top of page 33 in your textbook.
• Write an inequality comparing the number of minutes per month
included in the two phone plans. 150  400 or 400 150
• Suppose that in one month you use 230 minutes of airtime on your
wireless phone. Find your monthly cost with each plan.
Plan 1: $67 Plan 2: $55
Which plan should you choose? Plan 2

Reading the Lesson

1. There are several different ways to write or show inequalities. Write each of the
following in interval notation.

a. {xx 3} (∞, 3)

b. {xx 5} [5, ∞)

c. (∞, 2]
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

d. (1, ∞)
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

2. Show how you can write an inequality symbol followed by a number to describe each of
the following situations.

a. There are fewer than 600 students in the senior class.  600

b. A student may enroll in no more than six courses each semester.  6

c. To participate in a concert, you must be willing to attend at least ten rehearsals.  10

d. There is space for at most 165 students in the high school band.  165

Helping You Remember

3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. A common student
error in solving inequalities is forgetting to reverse the inequality symbol when
multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number. Suppose that
your classmate is having trouble remembering this rule. How could you explain this rule
to your classmate? Sample answer: Draw a number line. Plot two positive
Lesson 1-5

numbers, for example, 3 and 8. Then plot their additive inverses, 3 and
8. Write an inequality that compares the positive numbers and one that
compares the negative numbers. Notice that 8 3, but 8  3. The
order changes when you multiply by 1.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 29 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-5 Enrichment

Equivalence Relations
A relation R on a set A is an equivalence relation if it has the following properties.
Reflexive Property For any element a of set A, a R a.
Symmetric Property For all elements a and b of set A, if
a R b, then b R a.
Transitive Property For all elements a, b, and c of set A,
if a R b and b R c, then a R c.
Equality on the set of all real numbers is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
Therefore, it is an equivalence relation.

In each of the following, a relation and a set are given. Write yes if the
relation is an equivalence relation on the given set. If it is not, tell
which of the properties it fails to exhibit.

1. , {all numbers} no; reflexive, symmetric

2. , {all triangles in a plane} yes

3. is the sister of, {all women in Tennessee} no; reflexive

4. , {all numbers} no; symmetric

5. is a factor of, {all nonzero integers} no; symmetric

, {all polygons in a plane} yes

7. is the spouse of, {all people in Roanoke, Virginia} no; reflexive, transitive

8. ⊥, {all lines in a plane} no; reflexive, transitive

9. is a multiple of, {all integers} no; symmetric

10. is the square of, {all numbers} no; reflexive, symmetric, transitive

11. , {all lines in a plane} no; reflexive

12. has the same color eyes as, {all members of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra} yes

13. is the greatest integer not greater than, {all numbers}

no; reflexive, symmetric, transitive
14. is the greatest integer not greater than, {all integers} yes

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 30 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Study Guide and Intervention

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Compound Inequalities A compound inequality consists of two inequalities joined by

Lesson 1-6
the word and or the word or. To solve a compound inequality, you must solve each part

And Example: x 4 and x 3 The graph is the intersection of solution sets of

Compound two inequalities.
Inequalities 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Or Example: x  3 or x 1 The graph is the union of solution sets of

Compound two inequalities.
Inequalities 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Example 1 Solve 3  2x  5  19. Example 2 Solve 3y 2  7 or

Graph the solution set on a number line. 2y  1  9. Graph the solution set
3  2x  5 and 2x  5  19 on a number line.
8  2x 2x  14 3y  2 7 or 2y  1  9
4  x x7 3y 9 or 2y  8
4  x  7 y 3 or y  4

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.
1. 10 3x  2  14 2. 3a  8 23 or  a  6 7
{x4  x  4} {aa  5 or a 52}

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

3. 18 4x  10 50 4. 5k  2 13 or 8k  1 19

{x7  x  15} {kk  3 or k 2.5}

3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

2 3
5. 100  5y  45  225 6.  b  2 10 or  b  5 4
3 4
{y29  y  54} {bb  12 or b 18}

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 24 12 0 12 24

7. 22 6w 2 82 8. 4d  1 9 or 2d  5 11

{w4  w  14} {all real numbers}

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 31 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities

Absolute Value Inequalities Use the definition of absolute value to rewrite an
absolute value inequality as a compound inequality.

For all real numbers a and b, b 0, the following statements are true.
1. If a b, then b a b.
2. If a b, then a b or a b.
These statements are also true for  and .

Example 1 Solve x  2 4. Graph Example 2Solve 2x  1  5.

the solution set on a number line. Graph the solution set on a number line.
By statement 2 above, if x  2 4, then By statement 1 above, if 2x  1 5, then
x  2 4 or x  2 4. Subtracting 2 5 2x  1 5. Adding 1 to all three parts
from both sides of each inequality gives of the inequality gives 4 2x 6.
x 2 or x 6. Dividing by 2 gives 2 x 3.

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.

1. 3x  4 8 x4  x    4
3  2. 4s  1 27 {ss  6.5 or s 6.5}

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

 2c 
3.   3  5 {c4  c  16} 4. a  9 30 {aa  39 or a  21}

8 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 40 20 0 20 40

5. 2f  11 9 {ff  1 or f 10} 6. 5w  2 28 {w6  w  5.2}

4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

7. 10  2k 2 {k4  k  6}  2x 

8.   5  2 10 {xx  6 or x 26}

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

9. 4b  11 17 b   b  7  3

10. 100  3m 20 mm  26  or m 40
4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Skills Practice

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Write an absolute value inequality for each of the following. Then graph the

Lesson 1-6
solution set on a number line.

1. all numbers greater than or equal to 2 2. all numbers less than 5 and greater
or less than or equal to 2 n  2 than 5 n  5

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

3. all numbers less than 1 or greater 4. all numbers between 6 and 6 n  6
than 1 n 1

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

Write an absolute value inequality for each graph.

5. n  1 6. n  4
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

7. n  3 8. n 2.5

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.

9. 2c  1 5 or c 0 {cc 2 10. 11  4y  3  1 {y2  y  1}

or c  0}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

11. 10 5x 5 {x2  x  1} 12. 4a 8 or a 3 {aa  2

or a  3}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

13. 8 3x  2  23 {x2  x  7} 14. w  4  10 or 2w  6 all real

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

15. t 3 {tt  3 or t  3} 16. 6x 12 {x2  x  2}

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

17. 7r 14 {rr  2 or r 2} 18. p  2  2

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

19. n  5 7 {n2  n  12} 20. h  1 5 {hh  6 or h  4}

4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 33 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Practice (Average)

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities

Write an absolute value inequality for each of the following. Then graph the
solution set on a number line.

1. all numbers greater than 4 or less than 4 n 4

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
2. all numbers between 1.5 and 1.5, including
1.5 and 1.5 n  1.5

Write an absolute value inequality for each graph.

3. n  10 4. n  
20 10 0 10 20 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.

5. 8  3y  20 52 {y4  y  24} 6. 3(5x  2) 24 or 6x  4 4  5x

{xx  2
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 or x 8}
7. 2x  3 15 or 3  7x 17 {xx 2} 8. 15  5x  0 and 5x  6 14 {xx  3}

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

9. 2w 5 ww   
2or w  
5 5
 10. y  5 2 {x7  x  3}

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

11. x  8 3 {xx  5 or x  11} 12. 2z  2  3 z 

1 5

13. 2x  2  7  5 {x2  x  0} 14. x x  1 all real numbers

15. 3b  5  2 16. 3n  2  2 1 n 

3  1 5

17. RAINFALL In 90% of the last 30 years, the rainfall at Shell Beach has varied no more
than 6.5 inches from its mean value of 24 inches. Write and solve an absolute value
inequality to describe the rainfall in the other 10% of the last 30 years.
r  24 6.5; {rr  17.5 or r 30.5}

18. MANUFACTURING A company’s guidelines call for each can of soup produced not to vary
from its stated volume of 14.5 fluid ounces by more than 0.08 ounces. Write and solve an
absolute value inequality to describe acceptable can volumes.
v  14.5  0.08; {v14.42  v  14.58}

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 34 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Pre-Activity How are compound inequalities used in medicine?

Lesson 1-6
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-6 at the top of page 40 in your textbook.
• Five patients arrive at a medical laboratory at 11:30 A.M. for a glucose
tolerance test. Each of them is asked when they last had something to
eat or drink. Some of the patients are given the test and others are told
that they must come back another day. Each of the patients is listed
below with the times when they started to fast. (The P.M. times refer to
the night before.) Which of the patients were accepted for the test?
Ora 5:00 A.M. Juanita 11:30 P.M. Jason and Juanita
Jason 1:30 A.M. Samir 5:00 P.M.

Reading the Lesson

1. a. Write a compound inequality that says, “x is greater than 3 and x is less than or
equal to 4.” 3  x  4

b. Graph the inequality that you wrote in part a on a number line.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

2. Use a compound inequality and set-builder notation to describe the following graph.
{xx  1 or x 3}
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. Write a statement equivalent to 4x  5 2 that does not use the absolute value
symbol. 4x  5 2 or 4x  5  2

4. Write a statement equivalent to 3x  7 8 that does not use the absolute value
symbol. 8  3x  7  8

Helping You Remember

5. Many students have trouble knowing whether an absolute value inequality should be
translated into an and or an or compound inequality. Describe a way to remember which
of these applies to an absolute value inequality. Also describe how to recognize the
difference from a number line graph. Sample answer: If the absolute value
quantity is followed by a  or  symbol, the expression inside the
absolute value bars must be between two numbers, so this becomes an
and inequality. The number line graph will show a single interval between
two numbers. If the absolute value quantity is followed by a or 
symbol, it becomes an or inequality, and the graph will show two
disconnected intervals with arrows going in opposite directions.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 35 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Enrichment

Conjunctions and Disjunctions

An absolute value inequality may be solved as a compound sentence.

Example 1 Solve 2x   10.

2 x 10 means 2x 10 and 2x 10.
Solve each inequality. x 5 and x 5.
Every solution for 2x 10 is a replacement for x that makes both x 5
and x 5 true.
A compound sentence that combines two statements by the word and is
a conjunction.

Example 2 Solve 3x  7  11.

3x  7 11 means 3x  7 11 or 3x  7  11.
Solve each inequality. 3x 18 or 3x  4
x 6 or x  

Every solution for the inequality is a replacement for x that makes either
x 6 or x   true.

A compound sentence that combines two statements by the word or is

a disjunction.

Solve each inequality. Then write whether the solution is a conjunction or


1. 4x 24 2. x  7  8
x 6 or x  6; disjunction x  15 and x  1; conjunction
3. 2x  5 1 4. x  1 1
x  2 and x 3; conjunction x  2 or x  0; disjunction
5. 3x  1  x 6. 7  2x 5
1 1
x   and x  ; conjunction x  1 and x 1; conjunction
2 4
7.   1 7 x 3 4
8.  4
x  12 or x  16; disjunction x  16 and x 8; conjunction
9. 8  x 2 10. 5  2x  3
x  6 or x 10; disjunction x  1 and x  4; conjunction

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 36 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 1 SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the value of 4  5[14  (8  3)].
A. 27 B. 19 C. 49 D. 46 1.

2. Evaluate (a  y)2  2y if a  5 and y  3.

A. 58 B. 2 C. 70 D. 10 2.

3. Evaluate  2b  if b  8.

A. 16 B. 6 C. 10 D. 16 3.

n(n  1)
4. The formula S    can be used to find the sum of the first n natural
numbers. Find the sum of the first 20 natural numbers.
A. 210 B. 20 C. 21 D. 190 4.

5. Name the sets of numbers to which 3 belongs.

A. rationals B. naturals, reals
C. rationals, reals D. integers, rationals, reals 5.

6. Simplify 2(x  3)  5(2x  1).

A. 12x  1 B. 12x  11 C. 12x  2 D. 9x  1 6.

7. Select the algebraic expression that represents the verbal expression:

the product of nine and a number
A. 9 B. 9n C. 9  n D. 9  n 7.

For Questions 8–11, solve each equation.

8. 1 y  8

A. 16 B. 4 C. 1 D. 10 8.

9. 4(2x  9)  3x  4
32 40
A. 32 B.   C.   D. 8 9.
5 3

10.  x  5   4
A. {9} B. {1} C. {9, 1} D.  10.

11. 4 x  3   20
A. {2} B. {8} C. {2, 8} D.  11.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 37 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 1 (continued)

12. Which equation could be used to solve the following problem?

The sum of 4 times a number and 7 is 31. Find the number.
A. 4(n  7)  31 B. 4n  7  31
C. 4n  7  31 D. 4n  7  31 12.

13. Amar is five years older than his sister. The sum of their ages is 39.
Find Amar’s age.
A. 17 B. 22 C. 34 D. 29 13.

For Questions 14–18, solve each inequality.

14. 8w  4  12
A. {w  w  1} B. {w  w  1}
C. {w  w  2} D. {w  w  2} 14.

15. 2x  1  5 or 7  x  1
A. {x  3  x  6} B. {x  x  3 or x 6}
C. {x  x  6} D.  15.

16. 3  2y  1  9

A. y  3  y  4  B. all real numbers

C. y  2  y  9 D. {y   2  y  4} 16.

17.  m  8  3
A. {m  11  m  5} B. {m  m  5 or m 5}
C. {m  m  11 or m 5} D.  17.

18.  2x  5   9
A. {x  4  x  14} B. {x  2  x  7}
C. {x  x  2 or x  7} D. all real numbers 18.

19. Identify the graph of the solution set of 9 3  2x.

A. B.
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

C. D. 19.
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

20. A parking garage charges $2 for the first hour and $1 for each additional
hour. Fran has $7.50 to spend for parking. What is the greatest number
of hours Fran can park?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 20.

Bonus Solve 11  7  x  5. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 38 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2A SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the value of 5  4
3 6  1.
A. 7 27
B.   C. 6 17
D.   1.
2 5 5

2. Evaluate 2b(4a  c2) if a  5, b  3, and c  11.

A. 303 B. 423 C. 6 D.   2.

3. Evaluate  3c  d  if c  1 and d  5.
A. 8 B. 2 C. 7 D. 8 3.

4. The formula for the surface area of a sphere is A  4 r2, where r is the
length of the radius. Find the surface area of a sphere with a radius of
14 feet. Use   for .
A. 7248 ft2 B. 7744 ft2 C. 2464 ft2 D. 704 ft2 4.

5. Name the sets of numbers to which 1 belongs.

A. naturals, rationals B. rational, reals
C. integers, rationals D. integers, rationals, reals 5.

6. Simplify 1(15x  9)  1(25x  5).

3 5
64 32
A. 10x  2 B.  x   C. 5x  2 D. 1(40x  4) 6.
3 15 5

7. Name the property illustrated by 5(x  y)  5(y  x).

A. Commutative Property of Multiplication
B. Distributive Property
C. Commutative Property of Addition
D. Associative Property of Addition 7.

For Questions 8–11, solve each equation.

8. 23  5  2m
A. 42 B. 12 C. 27 D. 42 8.

9. 18  3  4x  10 
A. {1, 1} B. {1, 4} C. {4, 4} D. {4} 9.

10. 5(2x  6)  7x  3
A. 9 B. 9 C. 11 D.  10.

11.  x  3   10  2
A. {5} B. {5, 11} C. {11} D.  11.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 39 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2A (continued)

12. Jamie is 4 years younger than her brother. Five years from now, the sum
of their ages will be 32. Find Jamie’s present age.
A. 9 B. 10 C. 13 D. 14 12.

13. One side of a triangle is four centimeters longer than the shortest side. The
third side of the triangle is twice as long as the shortest side. Find the length
of the longest side of the triangle if its perimeter is 40 centimeters.
A. 9 cm B. 13 cm C. 24 cm D. 18 cm 13.

For Questions 14–18, solve each inequality.

2x  7
14. 0.38  
A. {x  x  4.45} B. {x  x  98.5} C. {x  x  13} D. {x  x  3.69} 14.

15. 9  7  x  1
A. {x  2  x  8} B. 
C. {x  x  2 or x  8} D. {x  x  2} 15.

16. 5x  4  26 or 29  3x 2
A. {x  6  x  9} B. {x  x  6 or x 9}
C. all real numbers D. {x  x 9} 16.

17.  2x  3   7
A. {x  x  5} B. {x  5  x  5}
C. {x  2  x  5} D. all real numbers 17.

18. 2m  7  8
A. {m  11  m  3} B. all real numbers
C. {m  m  13 or m 1} D. {m  m  11 or m 3} 18.

19. Identify the graph of the solution set of 2.3  4  0.9y.

A. B.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

C. D. 19.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

20. One number is four times a second number. If you take one-half of the
second number and increase it by the first number, the result is at least 45.
Find the least possible value for the second number.
A. 10 B. 9 C. 11 D. 12 20.

Bonus Carlos expects the grade on his next Algebra test to be

between 75 and 85. Using g to represent Carlos’ test grade,
write an absolute value inequality to describe this
situation. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 40 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2B SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the value of 5  8
2 4  11.
A.   B. 1
C. 3 D. 2 1.
4 2

2. Evaluate (a  y)2  2y3 if a  2 and y  3.

A. 29 B. 43 C. 79 D. 53 2.

3. Evaluate  a  3b  if a  2 and b  6.

A. 20 B. 16 C. 20 D. 36 3.

180(n  2)
4. The formula A    relates the measure A of an interior angle of
a regular polygon to the number of sides n. If an interior angle measures
120, find the number of sides.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 4.

5. Name the sets of numbers to which 28 belongs.

A. integers B. naturals, integers, reals
C. integers, rationals D. integers, rationals, reals 5.

6. Simplify 1(6x  3)  4(3x  2).

A. 10x  9 B. 9x  9 C. 10x  1 D. 10x  7 6.

7. Name the property illustrated by 7

(9  1)  (9  1)
A. Distributive Property
B. Commutative Property of Multiplication
C. Associative Property of Multiplication
D. Commutative Property of Addition 7.

For Questions 8–11, solve each equation.

8. 2  3
5y 14
28 35
A.   B.   C. 3 15
D.   8.
15 3 35 28

9. 3 x  5   12
A. {9} B. {1} C. {1, 9} D.  9.

10. 3(5x  1)  3x  3
A. 1 B. 2 C. 2 D. 1 10.
2 2

11.  y  8   6  15
A. {17} B. {1} C. {17, 1} D.  11.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 41 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2B (continued)

12. Yoshi is 12 years older than his sister. Six years from now, the sum of their
ages will be 32. Find Yoshi’s present age.
A. 10 B. 18 C. 4 D. 16 12.

13. Two sides of a triangle are equal in length. The length of the third side is
three meters less than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides. Find
the length of the longest side of the triangle if its perimeter is 29 meters.
A. 8 m B. 13 m C.  m D. 10 m 13.

For Questions 14–18, solve each inequality.

14. 3(r  11)  15  9
A. {r  r  13} B. {r  r  13} C. {r  r  13} D. {r  r  13} 14.

15.  2  4z  10  12
A. {z  3  z  2} B. {z  3  z  3}

C. z  3  z  1
D. z  1  z  1
2 2  15.

16. 2x  5  10 or 33  4x  5

A. x  x    or x  7
2   15
B. x  7  x   
C. all real numbers D.  16.

17. 3 m  4  6
A. {m  2  m  6} B. {m  m  2 or m 6}
C. {m  m  1 or m 7} D. all real numbers 17.

18.  3w  7   2

A. w  5  w  3
3  B. {w  3  w  3}
C. {w  w  3} D. all real numbers 18.

19. Identify the graph of the solution set of 8.5 6.1  0.6y.
A. B.
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

C. D. 19.
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

20. One number is two less than a second number. If you take one-half of the
first number and increase it by the second number, the result is at least 41.
Find the least possible value for the second number.
A. 30 B. 28 C.   D. 15 20.

Bonus Solve  x   x 0. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 42 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2C SCORE

1. Find the value of 6  82 4  2. 1.

3a2  2b
2. Evaluate  
2 if a  1, b  2, and c  3. 2.

For Questions 3 and 4, evaluate each expression if a  2.5

and b  8.
3.  b  2a 


4. 3 b  6    a  4.

5. Use I = prt, the formula for simple interest over t years, 5.

to find I when p = $2500, r = 8.5%, and t = 30 months.

Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

6. 1.82 6.

7. 25

8. 5 8.

For Questions 9 and 10, name each property illustrated by

each equation.

 11 5 
9. 5 21  1 9.

10. ab  0  ab 10.

11. Simplify 1(12v  8)  2(6v  1). 11.


12. Write an algebraic expression to represent the verbal expression 12.

ten less than the cube of a number.

Solve each equation.

13. 4x  18 13.

14. 5x  2  3x  24 14.

15.  2x  3   7 15.

16. 4 x  2   24 16.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 43 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2C (continued)

Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem.

17. The sum of twice a number and 6 is 28. What is the number? 17.

18. Lana ordered concert tickets that cost $7.50 for children 18.
and $12.00 for adults. She ordered 8 more children’s tickets
than adults’ tickets. Her total bill was $138.
How many of each type of ticket did she order?

For Questions 19–24, solve each inequality. Describe the

solution set using set builder or interval notation. Then,
graph the solution set on a number line.
19. 3t  5 31 19.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

20. 2(x  3)  54 20.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

21. 5  6n  17  13 21.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

22. 7v  6  22 or 11  v  19 22.

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

23.  x  2  4 23.

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

24.  2x  3   5 24.

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2

25. Define a variable and write an inequality. Then solve the 25.
resulting inequality. The Braves play 162 games in a season.
So far, they have won 56 and lost 40. To win at least 60% of
all games, how many more games must they win?

Bonus Find the value of k so that the equation below has the B:
solution set {5}.
4(x  3)  x(3  k)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 44 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2D SCORE

1. Find the value of 4  62 9  3. 1.

5a  b2
2. Evaluate   if a  4, b  3, and c  2. 2.

For Questions 3 and 4, evaluate each expression if a  3.5

and b  10.
3.  b  2a  3.

4.  3  a   b 4.

5. Use I  prt, the formula for simple interest over t years, to 5.

find I when p = $2000, r = 6%, and t = 18 months.

Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

6. 16

7. 2.5 7.

8. 7 8.

For Questions 9 and 10, name the property illustrated by

each equation.
9. 3ab  (3ab)  0 9.

10. 1xyz  xyz 10.

11. Simplify 1(10x  15)  4(2x  5). 11.


12. Write an algebraic expression to represent the verbal expression 12.

five times the sum of seven and a number.

Solve each equation.

13. 5n  3  12 13.

14. 7x  10  4x  11 14.

15.  6w  3   9 15.

16.  x  4   5  2 16.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 45 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 2D (continued)

Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem.

17. The sum of 3 times a number and 1 is 25. Find the number. 17.

18. The length of a rectangular garden is 7 feet longer than its 18.
width. The perimeter of the garden is 38 feet. Find the
width and length of the garden.

For Questions 19–24, solve each inequality. Describe the

solution set using set builder or interval notation. Then,
graph the solution set on a number line.
19. 10t  14  6 19.

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

20. 3(4x  2)  7x  19 20.

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

21. 7  9x  2  11 21.

3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

22. 5n  7  2 or 17  2n  11 22.

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

23.  x  5  3 23.

0 2 4 6 8 10

24.  2x  1   9 24.

8 4 0 4 8

25. Define a variable and write an inequality. Then solve the 25.
resulting inequality. The 25 coins in Danielle’s piggy bank
have a value of at least $1.44. The bank contains only
nickels and dimes. What is the fewest number of dimes that
could be in the bank?

Bonus Find the value of k so that the equation below has the B:
solution set {3}.
3(2x  1)  x(2  k)

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1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 3 SCORE

1. Find the value of 8  2

32 6  14. 1.

2. Evaluate (n  v)2  3v3 if n  5 and v  2. 2.

3. Determine whether the statement is sometimes, always, or 3.

never true. Explain your reasoning.
If a and b are real numbers, then  a  2b  is negative.

4. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V  r2h, where r 4.
is the radius of the base and h is the height of the cylinder.
Find the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 1.2 inches and
a height of 3 inches. Use 3.14 for π.

5. Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs. 5. a.

a. 4 b. 15
 c. 0 d. 3 e. 2 b.

6. Simplify 3(16x  8)  2(15y  12). 6.

8 3

7. Write a verbal expression to represent the algebraic expression 7.

4(n3  2n).

For Questions 8–11, solve each equation.

8. 6(n  8)  4(12  5n)  14n 8.

9. 2 3x  5   14

10. A  1h(a  b), for a

2 10.

11.  y  8   7  3 11.

12. Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem. 12.
The width of a rectangle is 3 meters more than one-fourth its
length. The perimeter is 10 meters more than twice its length.
Find the length and width.

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1 Chapter 1 Test, Form 3 (continued)

13. The formula for the area of a triangle is

A  1bh, where b represents the base length, 10 inches
and h represents the height. The perimeter of
the triangle shown is 28 inches. Write an
equation for the area A of this triangle in b inches
terms of its base length b.

For Questions 14–19, solve each inequality. Describe the

solution set using set builder or interval notation. Then,
graph the solution set on a number line.
4x  3
14. 2.8   

15. 3(5y  4)  17 15.

16. 5x  2  18 or 2x  1  21 16.

17.    3w  9  12 17.

18.  x  3   5 18.

19.  3w  7   2 19.

20. Define a variable and write an inequality. Then solve the

resulting inequality. Mr. Brooks plans to invest part of
$5000 in a stock that pays 8% interest annually. The rest
will be invested in a savings account that pays 6% interest
annually. Mr. Brooks wants to make at least $350 on the
investment for the first year. What is the least amount that
should be invested in the stock? 20.

Bonus A jet is flying from Hawaii to San Francisco, a distance B:

of 2400 miles. In still air, the jet flies at 600 mph, but
there is now a 40-mph tailwind. In case of emergency,
how many hours after takeoff will it be faster for the jet
to go on to San Francisco rather than to return to Hawaii?
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 48 Glencoe Algebra 2

1 Chapter 1 Open-Ended Assessment SCORE

Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise solution

to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and
justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than
one way or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem.
1. a. State the property of real numbers or the property of equality
that justifies each step in the solution of the equation given.
3x  5  8x Given
3x  5  (3x)  8x  (3x) ___________________

3x  [(3x)  5]  8x  (3x) ___________________
[3x  (3x)]  5  8x  (3x) ___________________
0  5  8x  (3x) ___________________
5  8x  (3x) ___________________
5  [8  (3)]x ___________________
x Substitution
1 1

5  (5x) ___________________
5 5

5 x
5 5  ___________________
x ___________________
1x ___________________
x1 ___________________
b. Write your own solution of the equation 6(7  x)  3  9x as you
would write it on a test. Compare your solution to the solution
above. Did you use all of the same properties as you listed above
to solve your equation? Explain.

2. Given the inequality  x  3   k, find a value of k, if possible, that

satisfies each condition. In each case, explain your choice.
a. Find a value of k for which the inequality has no solution.
b. Find a value of k for which the inequality has exactly one solution.
c. Find a value of k for which a solution exists but for which the
solution set does not include 5.

3. a. Write a word problem for the inequality 2  1x  10.

b. Solve your problem and explain the meaning of your answer.
c. Graph the solution of the inequality 2  1x  10. Does the graph
have meaning for your word problem? Why or why not?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 49 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Vocabulary Test/Review SCORE

absolute value Division Property irrational numbers solution

Addition Property empty set Multiplication Property Substitution Property
algebraic expression equation open sentence Subtraction Property
Associative Property formula order of operations Symmetric Property
Commutative Property Identity Property rational numbers Transitive Property
compound inequality intersection real numbers Trichotomy Property
counterexample interval notation Reflexive Property union
Distributive Property Inverse Property set-builder notation variable

Choose from the terms above to complete each sentence.

1. The of addition says that adding 0 to any

number does not change its value.

2. The are the numbers that can be written as

ratios of two integers, with the integer in the denominator not being 0.

3. The property that allows you to switch the two sides of an equation
is the .

4. 3x  3x is an example of the .

5. The graph of a compound inequality containing the word and is the

of the graphs of the two separate

6. {x  x  6.3} describes a set by using .

7. The of Multiplication says that you can

reverse the order of two factors without changing the value of their

8. If 2y  6  3 and 3  4y  21, then 2y  6  4y  21. This is an

example of the .

9. Two inequalities combined by the word and or the word or form a

10. The of a number is the number of units

between that number and 0 on a number line.

In your own words—

Define each term.
11. irrational number

12. Trichotomy Property

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 50 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 1–1 and 1–2)

1. Find the value of 40  62 4

3. 1.

2. Evaluate 3n2  2an if a  3 and n  4. 2.

3. The formula for the perimeter P of a rectangle is 3.

P  2(  w), where  represents the length, and w
represents the width of the rectangle. Find the perimeter
of a rectangle with a length of 19.2 meters and a width of
4.7 meters.

4. Name the sets of numbers to which 5
 belongs. 4.

5. Simplify 1(6v  1)  3(8v  2). 5.

3 4


1 Chapter 1 Quiz SCORE

(Lesson 1–3)

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of the question.

1. Standardized Test Practice If 7n  3  4, what is the

value of 7n  5?
A. 5 10
C.   D. 5 1.
3 3 3 21

For Questions 2 and 3, solve each equation. Check your


2. 3  2
 1 2.
4 3 6 2

3. 8  7w  3w  9 3.

4. Solve y  mx  b for x. 4.

5. Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem. 5.

Carla began a running program to prepare for track team
try-outs. On her first day she ran 3 miles, and on her second
day she ran 5 miles. Since then, Carla has run 7 miles each
day. If her log book shows that Carla has run a total of
99 miles, for how many days has Carla been running 7 miles?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 51 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 1–4 and 1–5)

1. Evaluate  a  8b  if a  3 and b  1. 1.


For Questions 2 and 3, solve each equation.

2. 4 3x  1   20 2.

3.  5  2x   x  5 3.

4. Solve 7  3x  2x  6, and graph its solution set on a 4.

number line.
1 1 2 3 4 6
0 5 5 5 5
1 5

5. Define a variable and write an inequality. Then solve.

The Boston Celtics play an 82-game schedule. If they have
won 41 of their first 50 games, how many more games must
they win to win at least 70% of all 82 games? 5.


1 Chapter 1 Quiz SCORE

(Lesson 1–6)

Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set

builder or interval notation. Then, graph the solution set
on a number line.
1. 3x  5 4 or 9  2x 5 1.

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

2. 6  5m  1  39 2.

1 8

3.  x  7  4 3.

11 3

4.  2x  7   5 4.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5.  4x  9   2 5.

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 52 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Mid-Chapter Test SCORE

(Lessons 1–1 through 1–5)

Part I For Questions 1–5, write the letter for the correct answer in the blank
at the right of each question.
1. Find the value of (9  2)8  6 2.
A. 11 B. 41 C. 22 D. 85 1.

2. Name the sets of numbers to which 7 belongs.

A. integers, rationals
B. integers, rationals, reals

C. whole numbers, integers, reals
D. integers, reals 2.

3. Name the property illustrated by ab  ab  0.

A. Additive Inverse B. Additive Identity
C. Multiplicative Inverse D. Multiplicative Identity 3.

4. Solve 6(x  5)  x  5.
A. 2 B. 0 C. 7 D. 5 4.

5. Simplify 1(8y  10)  3(y  1).

A. y  8 B. 7y  2 C. y  9 D. y  13 5.

Part II
6. Write an algebraic expression to represent the verbal 6.
expression the difference of three times a number x and 7.

5(F  32)
7. Given the formula C   , find the value of C if F is 68. 7.

8. Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem. 8.

Adults’ tickets to a play cost $5 and students’ tickets cost $2.
If 295 tickets were sold and a total of $950 was collected,
how many students’ tickets were sold?

9. Evaluate m  np2 if m  0.5, n  3, and p  2. 9.

10. Solve h    for b. 10.

11. Find the value of 17  [6  (23  1)]. 11.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 53 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Chapter 1 Cumulative Review

(Chapter 1)

1. Simplify 71 1
5  5
2. Evaluate (0.7)2. 1.

(Prerequisite Skill) (Prerequisite Skill) 2.

For Questions 3 and 4, find the value of each expression. 3.

3. 4
6 3  12 4. 19  [(6  24)  7
(Lesson 1–1) (Lesson 1–1)

5. Use the formula F  9C  32 to find the value of F if C  25. 5.

(Lesson 1–1)

6. Name the sets of numbers to which the number 13 belongs. 6.

(Lesson 1–2)

7. Simplify 1(16x  12)  1(9x  3). (Lesson 1–2) 7.

4 3

8. Write an algebraic expression to represent the verbal 8.

expression the square of a number increased by the cube of
the same number. (Lesson 1–3)
Solve each equation.
9. 12x  51  3(x  7) 10.  2y  1   4  13 10.
(Lesson 1–3) (Lesson 1–4)

11. 5(m  5)  3(10  2m)  m (Lesson 1–3) 11.

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set.

12. 4(t  5)  5  t (Lesson 1–5) 12.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13. 3x  5  10 or 12  x  20 (Lesson 1–6) 13.

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

14.  x  3   4 (Lesson 1–6) 14.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1
Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem.
16. Forty-eight decreased by three times a number is thirty-six. 16.
Find the number. (Lesson 1–3)

Define a variable and write an inequality. Then solve.

17. The Cincinnati Reds play 162 games in a season. So far 17.
they have won 57 games. How many more games must they
win in order to win at least 65% of all games for the season?
(Lesson 1–5)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 54 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Standardized Test Practice

(Chapter 1)

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Instructions: Fill in the appropriate oval for the best answer.

1. If 2x  6 is an even integer, what is the next consecutive even

A. 2x  5 B. 2x  7 C. 2x  4 D. 2x  8 1. A B C D

2. 9 is 18% of what number?

E. 200 F. 50 G. 1.62 H. 50% 2. E F G H

3. Which number is least?

A. 3 B. 5 19
C.   D. 5 3. A B C D
5 16 49 9

4. The radius of a circle is tripled. What happens to the area of the

E. area is tripled F. area is multiplied by 6

G. area is multiplied by 9 H. area is multiplied by 1 4. E F G H


5. Which number is not a solution of 2x  3  5?

A. 7 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 5. A B C D

6. Which represents a rational number?

E. 17
 F. 36 G. 50
 H. 101
 6. E F G H

7. In the figure shown, the length of X is 1

3 24
of the perimeter of ABC. What is the
length of X? X 40 Z
A. 16 B. 24 C. 96 D. 32 7. A B C D

8. Which number is not prime?

E. 73 F. 79 G. 91 H. 97 8. E F G H

9. If x  0, which of the following is negative?

A. x B. x2 C. x3 D. 1 9. A B C D

10. If a  b is defined as ba, what is the value of 2  3?

E. 9 F. 8 G. 6 H. 3 10. E F G H

11. If 6 more than the product of a number and 2 is greater

than 10, which of the following could be that number?
A. 3 B. 2 C. 0 D. 3 11. A B C D

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 55 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Standardized Test Practice (continued)

Part 2: Grid In
Instructions: Enter your answer by writing each digit of the answer in a column box
and then shading in the appropriate oval that corresponds to that entry.

12. The average of 8, 6, 9, 12, and 4x is x. 12. 13.

What is the value of x? 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

 C D

AB  3
BC  6 A B
CD  5
What is the length of the shortest path
from A to D?

14. If 3  x, what is the value of x? 14. 15.

10 0.3 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

15. Simplify  .
19  19  19

Part 3: Quantitative Comparison

Instructions: Compare the quantities in columns A and B. Shade in
A if the quantity in column A is greater;
B if the quantity in column B is greater;
C if the quantities are equal; or
D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Column A Column B

16. (0.05)2 0.002

5  16. A B C D

4b  6 2b  3
17.  17. A B C D

18. 18. A B C D

x˚ (x + 20)˚

x  20 2x

19. 3g g 19. A B C D

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 56 Glencoe Algebra 2


1 Standardized Test Practice

Student Record Sheet (Use with pages 52–53 of the Student Edition.)

Part 1 Multiple Choice

Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval.

1 A B C D 4 A B C D 7 A B C D 9 A B C D

2 A B C D 5 A B C D 8 A B C D 10 A B C D

3 A B C D 6 A B C D

Part 2 Short Response/Grid In

Solve the problem and write your answer in the blank.
For Questions 13–18, also enter your answer by writing each number or symbol in
a box. Then fill in the corresponding oval for that number or symbol.

11 13 15 17

12 / / / / / /
. . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

14 16 18

/ / / / / /
. . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Part 3 Quantitative Comparison

Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval.

19 A B C D 21 A B C D 23 A B C D

20 A B C D 22 A B C D

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-1 Study Guide and Intervention 1-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Expressions and Formulas Expressions and Formulas

Order of Operations Formulas A formula is a mathematical sentence that uses variables to express the
relationship between certain quantities. If you know the value of every variable except one
1. Simplify the expressions inside grouping symbols. in a formula, you can use substitution and the order of operations to find the value of the
Order of 2. Evaluate all powers. unknown variable.

Operations 3. Do all multiplications and divisions from left to right.
4. Do all additions and subtractions from left to right.
Example To calculate the number of reams of paper needed to print n copies
Example 1 Example 2 np
Evaluate [18  (6  4)]  2. Evaluate 3x2  x(y  5) of a booklet that is p pages long, you can use the formula r   , where r is the
[18  (6  4)]  2  [18  10]  2 if x  3 and y  0.5. number of reams needed. How many reams of paper must you buy to print
82 Replace each variable with the given value. 172 copies of a 25-page booklet?
4 3x2  x(y  5)  3  (3)2  3(0.5  5) np
Substitute n  172 and p  25 into the formula r   .
 3  (9)  3(4.5) 500

Lesson 1-1
 27  13.5 r  
 13.5 43,000

Exercises  8.6
You cannot buy 8.6 reams of paper. You will need to buy 9 reams to print 172 copies.
Find the value of each expression.

1. 14  (6  2) 17 2. 11  (3  2)2 14 3. 2  (4  2)3  6 4

4. 9(32  6) 135 5. (5  23)2  52 144 6. 52    18  2
34.25 For Exercises 1–3, use the following information.
For a science experiment, Sarah counts the number of breaths needed for her to blow up a
16  23  4 beach ball. She will then find the volume of the beach ball in cubic centimeters and divide
2 6 8. (7  32)2  62 40 9. 20  22  6 11
12 by the number of breaths to find the average volume of air per breath.

1. Her beach ball has a radius of 9 inches. First she converts the radius to centimeters
(Lesson 1-1)

10. 12  6  3  2(4) 6 11. 14  (8  20  2) 7 12. 6(7)  4  4  5 38

using the formula C  2.54I, where C is a length in centimeters and I is the same length
in inches. How many centimeters are there in 9 inches? 22.86 cm
642 6  9  3  15
13. 8(42  8  32) 240 14.  24 15.  4
461 82
2. The volume of a sphere is given by the formula V   r3, where V is the volume of the
1 sphere and r is its radius. What is the volume of the beach ball in cubic centimeters?
Evaluate each expression if a  8.2, b  3, c  4, and d    .
2 (Use 3.14 for .) 50,015 cm3
ab c2  1
16.  49.2 17. 5(6c  8b  10d) 215 18.  6
d bd
3. Sarah takes 40 breaths to blow up the beach ball. What is the average volume of air per
a breath? about 1250 cm3
19. ac  bd 31.3 20. (b  c)2  4a 81.8 21.   6b  5c 54.4
4. A person’s basal metabolic rate (or BMR) is the number of calories needed to support his
22. 3   b 21 23. cd   4 24. d(a  c) 6.1 or her bodily functions for one day. The BMR of an 80-year-old man is given by the
 dc  d
formula BMR  12w  (0.02)(6)12w, where w is the man’s weight in pounds. What is the
BMR of an 80-year-old man who weighs 170 pounds? 1795 calories
25. a  b  c 7.45 26. b  c  4  d 15 27.   d 8.7

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1-1 Skills Practice 1-1 Practice (Average)

Expressions and Formulas Expressions and Formulas

Find the value of each expression. Find the value of each expression.

1. 18  2  3 27 2. 9  6  2  1 13 1. 3(4  7)  11 20 2. 4(12  42) 16

3. 1  2  3(4)  2 3 4. 12  [20  2(62  3  22)] 88
3. (3  8)2(4)  3 97 4. 5  3(2  12  2) 7

5. 20  (5  3)  52(3) 85 6. (2)3  (3)(8)  (5)(10) 18

1 6(7  5)
5.   [9  10(3)] 7 6.  3
3 4
7. 18  {5  [34  (17  11)]} 41 8. [4(5  3)  2(4  8)]  16 1

7. (168  7)32  43 152 8. [3(5)  128  22]5 85 1 1

9.  [6  42] 5 10.  [5  5(3)] 5
2 4

Lesson 1-1
8(13  37) (8)2
11.  32 12.   (1)2  4(9) 53
1 6 59
Evaluate each expression if r  1, s  3, t  12, v  0, and w    .
9. 6r  2s 0 10. 2st  4rs 84 3 1
Evaluate each expression if a   , b  8, c  2, d  3, and e   .
4 3

13. ab2  d 45 14. (c  d)b 8

11. w(s  r) 2 12. s  2r  16v 1

ab d(b  c)
15.   d2 12 16.  12
c ac
13. (4s)2 144 14. s2r  wt 3
17. (b  de)e2 1 18. ac3  b2de 70
3v  t
15. 2(3r  w) 7 16. 
5s  t
4 ac4 c
19. b[a  (c  d) 2 ] 206 20.   2 22
d e
(Lesson 1-1)

25 rv3 1
17. w[t  (t  r)]  18. 2
0 21. 9bc   141 22. 2ab2  (d 3  c) 67
2 s e

2w 9
19. 9r2  (s2  1)t 105 20. 7s  2v   22 23. TEMPERATURE The formula F   C  32 gives the temperature in degrees
r 5
Fahrenheit for a given temperature in degrees Celsius. What is the temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit when the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius? 40F
21. TEMPERATURE The formula K  C  273 gives the temperature in kelvins (K) for a
given temperature in degrees Celsius. What is the temperature in kelvins when the
24. PHYSICS The formula h  120t  16t2 gives the height h in feet of an object t seconds
temperature is 55 degrees Celsius? 328 K
after it is shot upward from Earth’s surface with an initial velocity of 120 feet per
second. What will the height of the object be after 6 seconds? 144 ft
22. TEMPERATURE The formula C   (F  32) gives the temperature in degrees Celsius
25. AGRICULTURE Faith owns an organic apple orchard. From her experience the last few
for a given temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. What is the temperature in degrees
seasons, she has developed the formula P  20x  0.01x2  240 to predict her profit P in
Celsius when the temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit? 20C
dollars this season if her trees produce x bushels of apples. What is Faith’s predicted
profit this season if her orchard produces 300 bushels of apples? $4860

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1-1 Reading to Learn Mathematics 1-1 Enrichment

Expressions and Formulas
Pre-Activity How are formulas used by nurses? Significant Digits
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-1 at the top of page 6 in your textbook. All measurements are approximations. The significant digits of an approximate
Vd number are those which indicate the results of a measurement. For example, the
• Nurses use the formula F   to control the flow rate for IVs. Name

t mass of an object, measured to the nearest gram, is 210 grams. The measurement
the quantity that each of the variables in this formula represents and the 210
– g has 3 significant digits. The mass of the same object, measured to the
units in which each is measured. nearest 100 g, is 200 g. The measurement 200 g has one significant digit.

F represents the flow rate and is measured in drops 1. Nonzero digits and zeros between significant digits are significant. For
per minute. example, the measurement 9.071 m has 4 significant digits, 9, 0, 7, and 1.
2. Zeros at the end of a decimal fraction are significant. The measurement
V represents the volume of solution and is measured in 0.050 mm has 2 significant digits, 5 and 0.
milliliters .
3. Underlined zeros in whole numbers are significant. The measurement

Lesson 1-1
d represents the drop factor and is measured in drops 104,00
–0 km has 5 significant digits, 1, 0, 4, 0, and 0.
per milliliter.
In general, a computation involving multiplication or division of measurements
t represents time and is measured in minutes . cannot be more accurate than the least accurate measurement in the computation.
Thus, the result of computation involving multiplication or division of
• Write the expression that a nurse would use to calculate the flow rate measurements should be rounded to the number of significant digits in the least
of an IV if a doctor orders 1350 milliliters of IV saline to be given over accurate measurement.
8 hours, with a drop factor of 20 drops per milliliter. Do not find the value

of this expression. 1350  20

8  60
Example The mass of 37 quarters is 210
Reading the Lesson – g. Find the mass of one quarter.
1. There is a customary order for grouping symbols. Brackets are used outside of mass of 1 quarter  210 210
– g  37 – has 3 significant digits.
parentheses. Braces are used outside of brackets. Identify the innermost expression(s) in 37 does not represent a measurement.
each of the following expressions.  5.68 g Round the result to 3 significant digits.
a. [(3  22)  8]  4 (3  22)
(Lesson 1-1)

b. 9  [5(8  6)  2(10  7)] (8  6) and (10  7)

Write the number of significant digits for each measurement.
c. {14  [8  (3  12)2]}  (63  100) (3  12)
1. 8314.20 m 2. 30.70 cm 3. 0.01 mm 4. 0.0605 mg
2. Read the following instructions. Then use grouping symbols to show how the instructions
can be put in the form of a mathematical expression. 6 4 1 3
Multiply the difference of 13 and 5 by the sum of 9 and 21. Add the result to 10. Then 5. 370 6. 370,00 7. 9.7  104 g 8. 3.20  102 g
–,000 km –0 km
divide what you get by 2. [(13  5)(9  21)  10]  2 3 5 2 3
3. Why is it important for everyone to use the same order of operations for evaluating
expressions? Sample answer: If everyone did not use the same order of Solve. Round each result to the correct number of significant digits.
operations, different people might get different answers.
9. 23 m  1.54 m 10. 12,00
–0 ft  520 ft 11. 2.5 cm  25

Helping You Remember 35 m2 23 63 cm

4. Think of a phrase or sentence to help you remember the order of operations. 12. 11.01 mm  11 13. 908 yd  0.5 14. 38.6 m  4.0 m
Sample answer: Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. (parentheses; 121.1 mm 1820 yd 150 m2
exponents; multiplication and division; addition and subtraction)

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1-2 Study Guide and Intervention 1-2 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Properties of Real Numbers Properties of Real Numbers

Real Numbers All real numbers can be classified as either rational or irrational. The set Properties of Real Numbers
of rational numbers includes several subsets: natural numbers, whole numbers, and
integers. Real Number Properties
For any real numbers a, b, and c

R real numbers {all rationals and irrationals}
Property Addition Multiplication
{all numbers that can be represented in the form  , where m and n are integers and
Q rational numbers n Commutative abba abba
n is not equal to 0}
I irrational numbers {all nonterminating, nonrepeating decimals} Associative (a  b)  c  a  (b  c) (a  b)  c  a  (b  c)

N natural numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …} Identity a0a0a a1a1a

1 1
W whole numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, …} Inverse a  (a)  0  (a)  a If a is not zero, then a    1    a.
a a
Z integers {…, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …} Distributive a(b  c)  ab  ac and (b  c)a  ba  ca

Example Simplify 9x  3y  12y  0.9x.

Example Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.
9x  3y  12y  0.9x  9x  ( 0.9x)  3y  12y Commutative Property ()
11  (9  ( 0.9))x  (3  12)y Distributive Property
a.   rationals (Q), reals (R) Simplify.
3  8.1x  15y

b. 25

naturals (N), wholes (W), integers (Z), rationals (Q), reals (R)

Lesson 1-2
5 Simplify each expression.

1. 8(3a  b)  4(2b  a) 2. 40s  18t  5t  11s 3.  (4j  2k 6j 3k)
Exercises 2
20a 51s  13t k j
Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs. a b
4. 10(6g  3h)  4(5g h) 5. 12    6. 8(2.4r  3.1s)  6(1.5r  2.4s)
6 3 4 
1.  Q, R 2. 81
 Z, Q, R 3. 0 W, Z, Q, R 4. 192.0005 Q, R
7 80g  26h 4a  3b 10.2r  39.2s
(Lesson 1-2)

7. 4(20  4p)   (4  16p) 8. 5.5j  8.9k  4.7k 10.9j 9. 1.2(7x  5)  (10  4.3x)
1 36
5. 73 N, W, Z, Q, R 6. 34  Q, R 7. 
Q, R 8. 26.1 Q, R
2 77  4p 4.2k  5.4j 12.7x  16
3 1 3 1
10. 9(7e  4f)  0.6(e  5f ) 11. 2.5m(12  8.5) 12.  p   r   r   p
15 4 5 5 2
9.  I, R 10.  N, W, Z, Q, R 11. 4.1
7 Q, R
3 1 4
62.4e  39f 8.75m p  r
4 5
12.  N, W, Z, Q, R 13. 1 Z, Q, R 13. 4(10g  80h)  20(10h  5g) 14. 2(15  45c)   (12  18c)
14. 42
 I, R 6
140g  120h 40  105c
8 5 15. (7  2.1x)3  2(3.5x  6) 16.  (18  6n  12  3n)
15. 11.2 Q, R 16.  
Q, R 17. 2 I, R 3
0.7x  9 20  2n
17. 14( j  2)  3j(4  7) 18. 50(3a  b)  20(b  2a)
18. 33.3
 Q, R 19. 894,000 N, W, Z, Q, R 20. 0.02 Q, R
2j  7 190a  70b

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-2 Skills Practice 1-2 Practice (Average)

Properties of Real Numbers Properties of Real Numbers

Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs. Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.

1. 34 N, W, Z, Q, R 2. 525 Z, Q, R 1. 6425 2. 7
 3. 2 4. 0
N, W, Z, Q, R I, R I, R W, Z, Q, R

3. 0.875 Q, R 4.  N, W, Z, Q, R 25
3 5.  6. 16
 Z, Q, R 7. 35 Z, Q, R 8. 31.8 Q, R
 Q, R
5. 9
 Z, Q, R 6. 30
 I, R
Name the property illustrated by each equation.
9. 5x  (4y  3x)  5x  (3x  4y) 10. 7x  (9x  8)  (7x  9x)  8
Name the property illustrated by each equation. Comm. () Assoc. ()
7. 3  x  x  3 8. 3a  0  3a 11. 5(3x  y)  5(3x  1y) 12. 7n  2n  (7  2)n
Comm. () Add. Iden. Mult. Iden. Distributive
13. 3(2x)y  (3  2)(xy) 14. 3x  2y  3  2  x  y 15. (6  6)y  0y
9. 2(r  w)  2r  2w 10. 2r  (3r  4r)  (2r  3r)  4r Assoc. () Comm. () Add. Inv.
Distributive Assoc. () 1
16.   4y  1y 17. 5(x  y)  5x  5y 18. 4n  0  4n
1 Mult. Inv. Distributive Add. Iden.
11. 5y   1 12. 15x(1)  15x

Lesson 1-2
Mult. Inv. Mult. Iden. Name the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number.

19. 0.4 0.4, 2.5 20. 1.6 1.6, 0.625
13. 0.6[25(0.5)]  [0.6(25)]0.5 14. (10b  12b)  7b  (12b  10b)  7b
Assoc. () Comm. () 11 11 16 5 5 6
21.    ,  22. 5  5  , 
16 16 11 6 6 35

Simplify each expression.

Name the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number.
(Lesson 1-2)

1 23. 5x  3y  2x  3y 3x 24. 11a  13b  7a  3b 4a  16b

15. 15 15,  16. 1.25 1.25, 0.8
25. 8x  7y  (3  6y) 8x  y  3 26. 4c  2c  (4c  2c) 4c
4 4 5 3 3 4
17.    ,   18. 3  3  , 
5 5 4 4 4 15 1 1
27. 3(r  10s)  4(7s  2r) 5r  58s 28.  (10a  15)   (8  4a) 4a  1
5 2
5 3 1
Simplify each expression. 29. 2(4  2x  y)  4(5  x  y) 30.   x  12y   (2x  12y)
6 5   4
12  8x  6y 13y
19. 3x  5  2x  3 5x  2 20. x  y  z  y  x  z 0
31. TRAVEL Olivia drives her car at 60 miles per hour for t hours. Ian drives his car at
21. (3g  3h)  5g  10h 2g  13h 22. a2  a  4a  3a2  1 2a2  3a  1 50 miles per hour for (t  2) hours. Write a simplified expression for the sum of the
distances traveled by the two cars. (110t  100) mi

23. 3(m  z)  5(2m  z) 13m  8z 24. 2x  3y  (5x  3y  2z) 3x  2z 32. NUMBER THEORY Use the properties of real numbers to tell whether the following
statement is true or false: If a b, it follows that a  b  . Explain your reasoning.
 a1   1b 
1 1 1 1
25. 6(2  v)  4(2v  1) 8  2v 26.  (15d  3)   (8  10d) 10d  3 false; counterexample: 5  4 
3 2 5 4   
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1-2 Reading to Learn Mathematics 1-2 Enrichment

Properties of Real Numbers
Pre-Activity How is the Distributive Property useful in calculating store savings? Properties of a Group
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-2 at the top of page 11 in your textbook. A set of numbers forms a group with respect to an operation if for that operation
• Why are all of the amounts listed on the register slip at the top of page the set has (1) the Closure Property, (2) the Associative Property, (3) a member

11 followed by negative signs? Sample answer: The amount of which is an identity, and (4) an inverse for each member of the set.
each coupon is subtracted from the total amount of
purchases so that you save money by using coupons. Example 1 Does the set {0, 1, 2, 3, …} form a group with respect to addition?
• Describe two ways of calculating the amount of money you saved by Closure Property: For all numbers in the set, is a  b in the set? 0  1  1, and 1 is
using coupons if your register slip is the one shown on page 11. in the set; 0  2  2, and 2 is in the set; and so on. The set has
Sample answer: Add all the individual coupon amounts or closure for addition.
add the amounts for the scanned coupons and multiply the
sum by 2. Associative Property: For all numbers in the set, does a  (b  c)  (a  b)  c?
0  (1  2)  (0  1)  2; 1  (2  3)  (1  2)  3; and so on.
The set is associative for addition.
Reading the Lesson Identity: Is there some number, i, in the set such that i  a  a  a  i
1. Refer to the Key Concepts box on page 11. The numbers 2.5 7
 and 0.010010001… both for all a? 0  1  1  1  0; 0  2  2  2  0; and so on.
involve decimals that “go on forever.” Explain why one of these numbers is rational and The identity for addition is 0.
the other is irrational. Sample answer: 2.5 7  2.5757… is a repeating Inverse: Does each number, a, have an inverse, a
, such that
decimal because there is a block of digits, 57, that repeats forever, so a
 a  a  a
 i? The integer inverse of 3 is 3 since
this number is rational. The number 0.010010001… is a non-repeating 3  3  0, and 0 is the identity for addition. But the set does not
decimal because, although the digits follow a pattern, there is no block

contain 3. Therefore, there is no inverse for 3.

Lesson 1-2
of digits that repeats. So this number is an irrational number.

The set is not a group with respect to addition because only three of the four properties hold.
2. Write the Associative Property of Addition in symbols. Then illustrate this property by
finding the sum 12  18  45 in two different ways. (a  b)  c  a  (b  c); Example 2 Is the set {1, 1} a group with respect to multiplication?
Sample answer: (12  18)  45  30  45  75;
12  (18  45)  12  63  75 Closure Property: (1)(1)  1; (1)(1)  1; (1)(1)  1; (1)(1)  1
The set has closure for multiplication.
3. Consider the equations (a  b)  c  a  (b  c) and (a  b)  c  c  (a  b). One of the
equations uses the Associative Property of Multiplication and one uses the Commutative Associative Property: (1)[(1)(1)]  (1)(1)  1; and so on
The set is associative for multiplication.
(Lesson 1-2)

Property of Multiplication. How can you tell which property is being used in each
equation? The first equation uses the Associative Property of Identity: 1(1)  1; 1(1)  1
Multiplication. The quantities a, b, and c are used in the same order, but The identity for multiplication is 1.
they are grouped differently on the two sides of the equation. The second
equation uses the quantities in different orders on the two sides of the Inverse: 1 is the inverse of 1 since (1)(1)  1, and 1 is the identity.
equation. So the second equation uses the Commutative Property of 1 is the inverse of 1 since (1)(1)  1, and 1 is the identity.
Multiplication. Each member has an inverse.
The set {1, 1} is a group with respect to multiplication because all four properties hold.
Helping You Remember
Tell whether the set forms a group with respect to the given operation.
4. How can the meanings of the words commuter and association help you to remember the
difference between the commutative and associative properties? Sample answer: 1. {integers}, addition yes 2. {integers}, multiplication no
A commuter is someone who travels back and forth to work or another 1 2 3
place, and the commutative property says you can switch the order when 3. , , , … , addition no 4. {multiples of 5}, multiplication no
2 2 2 
two numbers that are being added or multiplied. An association is a
group of people who are connected or united, and the associative 5. {x, x2, x3, x4, …} addition no 6. {1
, 2
, 3
, …}, multiplication no
property says that you can switch the grouping when three numbers are
7. {irrational numbers}, addition no 8. {rational numbers}, addition yes
added or multiplied.

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1-3 Study Guide and Intervention 1-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Equations Solving Equations

Verbal Expressions to Algebraic Expressions The chart suggests some ways to Properties of Equality You can solve equations by using addition, subtraction,
help you translate word expressions into algebraic expressions. Any letter can be used to multiplication, or division.
represent a number that is not known.
Addition and Subtraction For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a  b,

Word Expression Operation Properties of Equality then a  c  b  c and a  c  b  c.
and, plus, sum, increased by, more than addition Multiplication and Division For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a  b,
a b
Properties of Equality then a  c  b  c and, if c is not zero,    .
minus, difference, decreased by, less than subtraction c c
times, product, of (as in  of a number) multiplication
divided by, quotient division
Example 1 Solve 100  8x  140. Example 2 Solve 4x  5y  100 for y.
100  8x  140 4x  5y  100
Example 1 Write an algebraic Example 2 Write a verbal sentence to 100  8x  100  140  100 4x  5y  4x  100  4x
8x  40 5y  100  4x
expression to represent 18 less than represent 6(n  2)  14. x  5 1
the quotient of a number and 3. y   (100  4x)
Six times the difference of a number and two 5
n 4
  18 is equal to 14. y  20   x
3 5

Exercises Exercises
Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression. Solve each equation. Check your solution.

1. the sum of six times a number and 25 6n  25 1. 3s  45 15 2. 17  9  a 8 3. 5t  1  6t  5 4

2. four times the sum of a number and 3 4(n  3) 2 1 3 1

4.  m    5. 7   x  3 8 6. 8  2(z  7) 3
3 2 4 2
3. 7 less than fifteen times a number 15n  7
6 7. 0.2b  10 50 8. 3x  17  5x  13 15 9. 5(4  k)  10k 4
4. the difference of nine times a number and the quotient of 6 and the same number n
3 5

Lesson 1-3
10. 120   y  60 80 11.  n  98  n 28 12. 4.5  2p  8.7 2.1
(Lesson 1-3)

4 2
5. the sum of 100 and four times a number 100  4n
13. 4n  20  53  2n 5  14. 100  20  5r 16 15. 2x  75  102  x 9
6. the product of 3 and the sum of 11 and a number 3(11  n) 2

7. four times the square of a number increased by five times the same number 4n 2  5n Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable.
ac s s
8. 23 more than the product of 7 and a number 7n  23 16. a  3b  c, for b b   17.   10, for t t  
3 2t 20
Write a verbal sentence to represent each equation. Sample answers are given. h1 3pq 4r
18. h  12g  1, for g g   19.   12, for p p  
12 r q
9. 3n  35  79 The difference of three times a number and 35 is equal to 79.
7 d f
20. 2xy  x  7, for x x   21.     6, for f f  24  2d
2y  1 2 4
10. 2(n3  3n2)  4n Twice the sum of the cube of a number and three times the k
square of the number is equal to four times the number. 22. 3(2j  k)  108, for j j  18   23. 3.5s  42  14t, for s s  4t  12
5n m 20n 4 10
11.   n  8
The quotient of five times a number and the sum of the 24.   5m  20, for m m 25. 4x  3y  10, for y y   x  
number and 3 is equal to the difference of the number and 8. n 5n  1 3 3

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1-3 Skills Practice 1-3 Practice (Average)

Solving Equations Solving Equations

Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression. Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression.

1. 4 times a number, increased by 7 2. 8 less than 5 times a number 1. 2 more than the quotient of a number and 5 2. the sum of two consecutive integers
4n  7 5n  8 2 n  (n  1)

3. 5 times the sum of a number and 1 4. 1 less than twice the square of a number
3. 6 times the sum of a number and 5 4. the product of 3 and a number, divided by 9
3n 5(m  1) 2y 2  1
6(n  5) 
Write a verbal expression to represent each equation. 5–8. Sample answers
5. 3 times the difference of 4 and a number 3(4  n) are given.
5. 5  2x  4 6. 3y  4y3
6. the product of 11 and the square of a number 11n2
The difference of 5 and twice a Three times a number is 4 times
number is 4. the cube of the number.
Write a verbal expression to represent each equation. 7–10. Sample answers
are given. 7. 3c  2(c  1) 8.   3(2m  1) The quotient
7. n  8  16 8. 8  3x  5
Three times a number is twice the of a number and 5 is 3 times the
The difference of a number The sum of 8 and 3 times a difference of the number and 1. sum of twice the number and 1.
and 8 is 16. number is 5.
y Name the property illustrated by each statement.
9. b2  3  b 10.   2  2y
9. If t  13  52, then 52  t  13. 10. If 8(2q  1)  4, then 2(2q  1)  1.
Three added to the square of A number divided by 3 is the
a number is the number. difference of 2 and twice the Symmetric () Division ()

number. 11. If h  12  22, then h  10. 12. If 4m  15, then 12m  45.

Subtraction () Multiplication ()
Name the property illustrated by each statement.

11. If a  0.5b, and 0.5b  10, then a  10. 12. If d  1  f, then d  f  1. Solve each equation. Check your solution.
Transitive () Subtraction () 13. 14  8  6r 1 14. 9  4n  59 17

13. If 7x  14, then 14  7x. 14. If (8  7)r  30, then 15r  30. 3 1 5 1 5 3 11 1
15.    n    16.  s     
Symmetric () Substitution () 4 2 8 4 6 4 12 5
Lesson 1-3
(Lesson 1-3)

17. 1.6r  5  7.8 8 18. 6x  5  7  9x 
Solve each equation. Check your solution.
3 1
1 19. 5(6  4v)  v  21  20. 6y  5  3(2y  1) 
15. 4m  2  18 4 16. x  4  5x  2  7 6
Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable.
17. 3t  2t  5 5 18. 3b  7  15  2b  E 2d  1 3c  1
5 21. E  mc2, for m m  2
22. c   , for d d  
c 3 2
19. 5x  3x  24 3 20. 4v  20  6  34 5 2(E  U )
h  gt 2 1
23. h  vt  gt2, for v v   24. E   Iw2  U, for I I  
2a t 2 w
21. a    3
5 22. 2.2n  0.8n  5  4n 5
Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem.
Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable. 25. GEOMETRY The length of a rectangle is twice the width. Find the width if the
perimeter is 60 centimeters. w  width; 2(2w)  2w  60; 10 cm
I 1
23. I  prt, for p p   24. y   x  12, for x x  4y  48
rt 4
26. GOLF Luis and three friends went golfing. Two of the friends rented clubs for $6 each. The
xy A  2 r 2 total cost of the rented clubs and the green fees for each person was $76. What was the cost
25. A   , for y y  2A  x 26. A  2r2  2rh, for h h  
2 2 r of the green fees for each person? g  green fees per person; 6(2)  4g  76; $16

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1-3 Reading to Learn Mathematics 1-3 Enrichment

Solving Equations
Pre-Activity How can you find the most effective level of intensity for your Venn Diagrams
Relationships among sets can be shown using Venn diagrams. Study the
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-3 at the top of page 20 in your textbook. diagrams below. The circles represent sets A and B, which are subsets of set S.

• To find your target heart rate, what two pieces of information must you
supply? age (A) and desired intensity level (I )
• Write an equation that shows how to calculate your target heart rate.
(220  A)
6 or P  (220  A)
I  6

Reading the Lesson S S S

1. a. How are algebraic expressions and equations alike? The union of A and B consists of all elements in either A or B.
Sample answer: Both contain variables, constants, and operation The intersection of A and B consists of all elements in both A and B.
signs. The complement of A consists of all elements not in A.
You can combine the operations of union, intersection, and finding the complement.
b. How are algebraic expressions and equations different?
Sample answer: Equations contain equal signs; expressions do not. Example Shade the region (A ∩ B) .
(A  B)
means the complement of the intersection of A and B.

First find the intersection of A and B. Then find its complement.

c. How are algebraic expressions and equations related? A B

Sample answer: An equation is a statement that says that two
algebraic expressions are equal.

Read the following problem and then write an equation that you could use to
solve it. Do not actually solve the equation. In your equation, let m be the number Draw a Venn diagram and shade the region indicated. See students’ diagrams.
of miles driven.

Lesson 1-3
(Lesson 1-3)

1. A
 B 2. A
2. When Louisa rented a moving truck, she agreed to pay $28 per day plus $0.42 per mile.
If she kept the truck for 3 days and the rental charges (without tax) were $153.72, how
3. A
4. A

many miles did Louisa drive the truck? 3(28)  0.42m  153.72
5. (A  B)
6. A  B

Helping You Remember

3. How can the words reflection and symmetry help you remember and distinguish between Draw a Venn diagram and three overlapping circles. Then shade the
the reflexive and symmetric properties of equality? Think about how these words are region indicated. See students’ diagrams.
used in everyday life or in geometry.
Sample answer: When you look at your reflection, you are looking at 7. (A  B)  C
8. (A  B)

yourself. The reflexive property says that every number is equal to itself.
In geometry, symmetry with respect to a line means that the parts of a 9. A  (B  C) 10. (A  B)  C
figure on the two sides of a line are identical. The symmetric property of
equality allows you to interchange the two sides of an equation. The 11. Is the union operation associative? yes
equal sign is like the line of symmetry.
12. Is the intersection operation associative? yes

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1-4 Study Guide and Intervention 1-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Absolute Value Equations Solving Absolute Value Equations

Absolute Value Expressions The absolute value of a number is the number of Absolute Value Equations Use the definition of absolute value to solve equations
units it is from 0 on a number line. The symbol x is used to represent the absolute value containing absolute value expressions.
of a number x.
For any real numbers a and b, where b 0, if a  b then a  b or a  b.

• Words For any real number a, if a is positive or zero, the absolute value of a is a.
Absolute Value If a is negative, the absolute value of a is the opposite of a. Always check your answers by substituting them into the original equation. Sometimes
• Symbols For any real number a, a  a, if a 0, and a  a, if a 0. computed solutions are not actual solutions.

Example Solve 2x  3  17. Check your solutions.

Example 1 Evaluate 4  2x Example 2 Evaluate 2x  3y Case 1 a  b Case 2 a  b
if x  6. if x  4 and y  3. 2x  3  17 2x  3  17
4  2x  4  2  6 2x  3y  2(4)  3(3) 2x  3  3  17  3 2x  3  3  17  3
 4  12  8  9 2x  20 2x  14
 4  12  17 x  10 x  7
 8  17 CHECK 2x  3  17 CHECK 2(7)  3  17
2(10)  3  17 14  3  17
20  3  17 17  17
17  17 17  17 ✓
1 17  17 ✓

Evaluate each expression if w  4, x  2, y   , and z  6.

2 There are two solutions, 10 and 7.

1. 2x  8 4 2. 6  z  7 7 3. 5  w  z 15
1 Solve each equation. Check your solutions.
4. x  5  2w 1 5. x  y  z 4  6. 7  x  3x 11
1. x  15  37 {52, 22} 2. t  4  5  0 {1, 9}

7. w  4x 12 8. wz  xy 23 9. z  35yz 39

(Lesson 1-4)

3. x  5  45 {40, 50} 4. m  3  12  2m {3}

10. 5w  2z  2y 34 11. z  42z  y 40 12. 10  xw 2 5. 5b  9  16  2 6. 15  2k  45 {15, 30}

13. 6y  z  yz 6 14. 3wx   4x  8y 27 7. 5n  24  8  3n {2} 8. 8  5a  14  a
15. 7yz  30 9 2
, 1
1 1
Lesson 1-4

9. 4p  11  p  4 23,   10. 3x  1  2x  11 {2, 12}

3  7 
16. 14  2w  xy 4 17. 2x  y  5y 6 18. xyz  wxz 54
11.  x  3  1
 31  12. 40  4x  23x  10 {6, 10}
19. zz  xx 32 20. 12  10x  10y 3 21.  5z  8w
13. 5f  3f  4  20 {12} 14. 4b  3  15  2b {2, 9}

3 1 1
22. yz  4w  w 17 23.  wz   8y
4 2
20 24. xz  xz 24 15. 6  2x  3x  1  16. 16  3x  4x  12 {4}
2  12 
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1-4 Skills Practice 1-4 Practice (Average)

Solving Absolute Value Equations Solving Absolute Value Equations

Evaluate each expression if w  0.4, x  2, y  3, and z  10. Evaluate each expression if a  1, b  8, c  5, and d  1.4.

1. 5w 2 2. 9y 27 1. 6a 6 2. 2b  4 12

3. 10d  a 15 4. 17c  3b  5 114

3. 9y  z 17 4. 17z 170 5. 610a  12 132 6. 2b  1  8b  5 52

7. 5a  7  3c  4 23 8. 1  7c  a 33

5. 10z  31 131 6. 8x  3y  2y  5x 21
9. 30.5c  2  0.5b 17.5 10. 4d  5  2a 12.6

11. a  b  b  a 14 12. 2  2d  3b 19.2

7. 25  5z  1 24 8. 44  2x  y 45

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

9. 24w 3.2 10. 3  1  6w 1.6
13. n  4  13 {9, 17} 14. x  13  2 {11, 15}

15. 2y  3  29 {13, 16} 16. 7x  3  42 {9, 3}

11. 3x  2y  4 4 12. 6.4  w  1 7
17. 3u  6  42 {12, 16} 18. 5x  4  6 

Solve each equation. Check your solutions. 19. 34x  9  24  20. 65  2y  9 1.75, 3.25
13. y  3  2 {5, 1} 14. 5a  10 {2, 2} 21. 8  p  2p  3 {11} 22. 4w  1  5w  37 {38}

23. 42y  7  5  9 {3, 4} 24. 27  3y  6  14 1, 3 
4 8  3 
15. 3k  6  2  ,  16. 2g  6  0 {3}
 3 3 
25. 24  s  3s {8} 26. 5  32  2w  7 {3, 1}
(Lesson 1-4)

17. 10  1  c {9, 11} 18. 2x  x  9 {3, 3} 27. 52r  3  5  0 {2, 1} 28. 3  52d  3  4 

29. WEATHER A thermometer comes with a guarantee that the stated temperature differs
19. p  7  14  20. 23w  12 {2, 2} from the actual temperature by no more than 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Write and solve an
equation to find the minimum and maximum actual temperatures when the
thermometer states that the temperature is 87.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Lesson 1-4

21. 7x  3x  2  18 {4, 4} 22. 47  y  1  11 {4, 10} x  87.4  1.5; or 85.9  x  88.9

30. OPINION POLLS Public opinion polls reported in newspapers are usually given with a
1 1 5 margin of error. For example, a poll with a margin of error of 5% is considered accurate
23. 3n  2    ,  24. 8d  4d  5  13 {2, 2}
2  2 6  to within plus or minus 5% of the actual value. A poll with a stated margin of error of
3% predicts that candidate Tonwe will receive 51% of an upcoming vote. Write and
solve an equation describing the minimum and maximum percent of the vote that
5 1
25. 56a  2  15   ,  26. k  10  9  candidate Tonwe is expected to receive.
 6 6 
x  51  3 or 48  x  54

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1-4 Reading to Learn Mathematics 1-4 Enrichment

Solving Absolute Value Equations
Pre-Activity How can an absolute value equation describe the magnitude of an Considering All Cases in Absolute Value Equations
You have learned that absolute value equations with one set of absolute value
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-4 at the top of page 28 in your textbook. symbols have two cases that must be considered. For example, | x  3 |  5 must

• What is a seismologist and what does magnitude of an earthquake mean? be broken into x  3  5 or (x  3)  5. For an equation with two sets of
a scientist who studies earthquakes; a number from 1 to 10 absolute value symbols, four cases must be considered.
that tells how strong an earthquake is Consider the problem | x  2 |  3  | x  6 |. First we must write the equations
for the case where x  6  0 and where x  6 0. Here are the equations for
• Why is an absolute value equation rather than an equation without these two cases:
absolute value used to find the extremes in the actual magnitude of an
earthquake in relation to its measured value on the Richter scale? | x  2|  3  x  6
Sample answer: The actual magnitude can vary from the | x  2 |  3  (x  6)
measured magnitude by up to 0.3 unit in either direction, so
an absolute value equation is needed. Each of these equations also has two cases. By writing the equations for both
cases of each equation above, you end up with the following four equations:
• If the magnitude of an earthquake is estimated to be 6.9 on the Richter
scale, it might actually have a magnitude as low as 6.6 or as high x23x6 x  2  3  (x  6)

as 7.2 . (x  2)  3  x  6 x  2  3  (x  6)

Solve each of these equations and check your solutions in the original equation,
Reading the Lesson

| x  2 |  3  | x  6 |. The only solution to this equation is 52.

1. Explain how a could represent a positive number. Give an example. Sample

answer: If a is negative, then a is positive. Example: If a  25, then
a  (25)  25. Solve each absolute value equation. Check your solution.
1. | x  4 |  | x  7 | x  1.5 2. |2x  9 |  | x  3 | x  12, 2
2. Explain why the absolute value of a number can never be negative. Sample answer:
The absolute value is the number of units it is from 0 on the number line.
The number of units is never negative. 3. |3x  6 |  |5x  10 | x  2 4. | x  4 |  6  | x  3 | x  2.5
(Lesson 1-4)

5. How many cases would there be for an absolute value equation containing
3. What does the sentence b  0 mean? Sample answer: The number b is 0 or
three sets of absolute value symbols? 8
greater than 0.

6. List each case and solve | x  2 |  | 2x  4 |  | x  3 |. Check your solution.

4. What does the symbol  mean as a solution set? Sample answer: If a solution set x  2  2x  4  x  3 (x  2)  2x  4  x  3
Lesson 1-4

is , then there are no solutions.

x  2  2x  4  (x  3) (x  2)  2x  4  (x  3)
(x  2)  (2x  4)  x  3 x  2  (2x  4)  x  3
Helping You Remember (x  2)  (2x  4)  (x  3) x  2  (2x  4)  (x  3)
5. How can the number line model for absolute value that is shown on page 28 of your No solution
textbook help you remember that many absolute value equations have two solutions?
Sample answer: The number line shows that for every positive number,
there are two numbers that have that number as their absolute value.

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1-5 Study Guide and Intervention 1-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Inequalities Solving Inequalities

Solve Inequalities The following properties can be used to solve inequalities. Real-World Problems with Inequalities Many real-world problems involve
inequalities. The chart below shows some common phrases that indicate inequalities.
Addition and Subtraction Properties for Inequalities Multiplication and Division Properties for Inequalities
For any real numbers a, b, and c: For any real numbers a, b, and c, with c  0:

a b
1. If a b, then a  c b  c and a  c b  c. 1. If c is positive and a b, then ac bc and   . is less than is greater than is at most is at least
c c
2. If a b, then a  c b  c and a  c b  c. is fewer than is more than is no more than is no less than
a b
2. If c is positive and a b, then ac bc and   . is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to
c c
a b
3. If c is negative and a b, then ac bc and   .
c c
a b
Example SPORTS The Vikings play 36 games this year. At midseason, they
4. If c is negative and a b, then ac bc and   .
c c have won 16 games. How many of the remaining games must they win in order to
These properties are also true for  and . win at least 80% of all their games this season?
Let x be the number of remaining games that the Vikings must win. The total number of
Example 1 Example 2 games they will have won by the end of the season is 16  x. They want to win at least 80%
Solve 2x  4 36. Solve 17  3w  35. Then of their games. Write an inequality with .
Then graph the solution set on a graph the solution set on a number line.
16  x 0.8(36)
number line. 17  3w 35 x 0.8(36)  16
2x  4  4 36  4 17  3w  17 35  17 x 12.8
2x 32 3w 18 Since they cannot win a fractional part of a game, the Vikings must win at least 13 of the
x 16 w  6 games remaining.
The solution set is {xx 16}. The solution set is (, 6].

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1. PARKING FEES The city parking lot charges $2.50 for the first hour and $0.25 for each
additional hour. If the most you want to pay for parking is $6.50, solve the inequality
Exercises 2.50  0.25(x  1)  6.50 to determine for how many hours you can park your car.
Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval At most 17 hours
notation. Then graph the solution set on a number line.
PLANNING For Exercises 2 and 3, use the following information.
1. 7(7a  9)  84 2. 3(9z  4) 35z  4 3. 5(12  3n) 165
Ethan is reading a 482-page book for a book report due on Monday. He has already read
(Lesson 1-5)

{aa  3} or (∞, 3] {zz  2} or (∞, 2) {nn 7} or (7, ∞) 80 pages. He wants to figure out how many pages per hour he needs to read in order to
finish the book in less than 6 hours.
482  80
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2. Write an inequality to describe this situation.   6 or 6n  482  80

4. 18  4k 2(k  21) 5. 4(b  7)  6 22 6. 2  3(m  5) 4(m 3) 3. Solve the inequality and interpret the solution. Ethan must read at least 67 pages
per hour in order to finish the book in less than 6 hours.
{kk 4} or (4, ∞) {bb  11} or (∞, 11) {mm  5} or (∞, 5]
BOWLING For Exercises 4 and 5, use the following information.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Four friends plan to spend Friday evening at the bowling alley. Three of the friends need to
rent shoes for $3.50 per person. A string (game) of bowling costs $1.50 per person. If the
1 friends pool their $40, how many strings can they afford to bowl?
7. 4x  2 7(4x  2) 8.  (2y  3) y  2 9. 2.5d  15  75
4. Write an equation to describe this situation. 3(3.50)  4(1.50)n  40
xx 21  or 12 , ∞ {yy  9} or (∞, 9) {dd  24} or (∞, 24]
5. Solve the inequality and interpret the solution. The friends can bowl at most
Lesson 1-5

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 14 12 10 8 6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4 strings.

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1-5 Skills Practice 1-5 Practice (Average)

Solving Inequalities Solving Inequalities

Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval
notation. Then, graph the solution set on a number line. notation. Then, graph the solution set on a number line.
z 1. 8x  6 10 {xx  2} or [2, ∞) 2. 23  4u 11 {uu 3} or (3, ∞)
1.  2 {zz  8} or (∞, 8] 2. 3a  7  16 {aa  3} or (∞, 3]

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
3. 16  8r 0 {rr  2} or (∞, 2] 4. 14s 9s  5 {ss  1} or (∞, 1)
3. 16 3q  4 {qq 4} or (4, ∞) 4. 20  3s 7s {ss  2} or (∞, 2)
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4
2 2 5
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 0 5. 9x  11 6x  9 xx  or  , ∞ 6. 3(4w  1) 18 ww   
 3     4 
5. 3x 9 {xx  3} or [3, ∞) 6. 4b  9  7 {bb  4} or (∞, 4] 5
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 or ∞,   
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 1  8u  3u  10 {uu  1} or [1, ∞) 8. 17.5 19  2.5x {xx  0.6}
or (∞, 0.6)
7. 2z 9  5z {zz 3} or (3, ∞) 8. 7f  9 3f  1 {ff 2} or (2, ∞) 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

9. 9(2r  5)  3 7r  4 {rr  4} 10. 1  5(x  8)  2  (x  5) {xx  6}

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
or (∞, 4) or (∞, 6]

7 7 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9. 3s  8  5s {ss  1} or [1, ∞) 10. 7t  (t  4)  25 tt   or ∞,   2   2 

4x  3 4 4
11.  3.5 {xx  1} or [1, ∞) 12. q  2(2  q)  0 qq   or ∞, 
2  3   3 
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
11. 0.7m  0.3m 2m  4 {mm  4} 12. 4(5x  7)  13 xx    or
or (∞, 4] 13. 36  2(w  77) 4(2w  52) 14. 4n  5(n  3) 3(n  1)  4
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
∞, 34  {ww 3} or (3, ∞) {nn  4} or (∞, 4)
(Lesson 1-5)

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
13. 1.7y  0.78 5 {yy 3.4} 14. 4x  9 2x  1 {xx 5} or (5, ∞)
or (3.4, ∞) Define a variable and write an inequality for each problem. Then solve.
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15. Twenty less than a number is more than twice the same number.
n  20 2n; n  20
Define a variable and write an inequality for each problem. Then solve. 16. Four times the sum of twice a number and 3 is less than 5.5 times that same number.
4[2n  (3)]  5.5n; n  4.8
15. Nineteen more than a number is less than 42. n  19  42; n  23
17. HOTELS The Lincoln’s hotel room costs $90 a night. An additional 10% tax is added.
16. The difference of three times a number and 16 is at least 8. 3n  16  8; n  8 Hotel parking is $12 per day. The Lincoln’s expect to spend $30 in tips during their stay.
1 Solve the inequality 90x  90(0.1)x  12x  30  600 to find how many nights the
17. One half of a number is more than 6 less than the same number.  n n  6; n  12 Lincoln’s can stay at the hotel without exceeding total hotel costs of $600. 5 nights
18. Five less than the product of 6 and a number is no more than twice that same number. 18. BANKING Jan’s account balance is $3800. Of this, $750 is for rent. Jan wants to keep a
5 balance of at least $500. Write and solve an inequality describing how much she can
Lesson 1-5

6n  5  2n; n  
4 withdraw and still meet these conditions. 3800  750  w  500; w  $2550

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1-5 Reading to Learn Mathematics 1-5 Enrichment

Solving Inequalities
Pre-Activity How can inequalities be used to compare phone plans? Equivalence Relations
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-5 at the top of page 33 in your textbook. A relation R on a set A is an equivalence relation if it has the following properties.
• Write an inequality comparing the number of minutes per month Reflexive Property For any element a of set A, a R a.

included in the two phone plans. 150  400 or 400 150
Symmetric Property For all elements a and b of set A, if
• Suppose that in one month you use 230 minutes of airtime on your a R b, then b R a.
wireless phone. Find your monthly cost with each plan.
Transitive Property For all elements a, b, and c of set A,
Plan 1: $67 Plan 2: $55 if a R b and b R c, then a R c.
Which plan should you choose? Plan 2 Equality on the set of all real numbers is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
Therefore, it is an equivalence relation.

Reading the Lesson

In each of the following, a relation and a set are given. Write yes if the
1. There are several different ways to write or show inequalities. Write each of the relation is an equivalence relation on the given set. If it is not, tell
following in interval notation. which of the properties it fails to exhibit.
a. {xx 3} (∞, 3)
1. , {all numbers} no; reflexive, symmetric
b. {xx 5} [5, ∞)
2. , {all triangles in a plane} yes
c. (∞, 2]
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. is the sister of, {all women in Tennessee} no; reflexive

d. (1, ∞)

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
4. , {all numbers} no; symmetric
2. Show how you can write an inequality symbol followed by a number to describe each of
the following situations. 5. is a factor of, {all nonzero integers} no; symmetric

a. There are fewer than 600 students in the senior class.  600 6.
, {all polygons in a plane} yes
(Lesson 1-5)

b. A student may enroll in no more than six courses each semester.  6

7. is the spouse of, {all people in Roanoke, Virginia} no; reflexive, transitive
c. To participate in a concert, you must be willing to attend at least ten rehearsals.  10
d. There is space for at most 165 students in the high school band.  165 8. ⊥, {all lines in a plane} no; reflexive, transitive

9. is a multiple of, {all integers} no; symmetric

Helping You Remember
3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. A common student 10. is the square of, {all numbers} no; reflexive, symmetric, transitive
error in solving inequalities is forgetting to reverse the inequality symbol when
multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number. Suppose that 11. no; reflexive
your classmate is having trouble remembering this rule. How could you explain this rule
, {all lines in a plane}
to your classmate? Sample answer: Draw a number line. Plot two positive
numbers, for example, 3 and 8. Then plot their additive inverses, 3 and 12. has the same color eyes as, {all members of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra} yes
8. Write an inequality that compares the positive numbers and one that
compares the negative numbers. Notice that 8 3, but 8  3. The 13. is the greatest integer not greater than, {all numbers}
order changes when you multiply by 1. no; reflexive, symmetric, transitive
Lesson 1-5

14. is the greatest integer not greater than, {all integers} yes

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1-6 Study Guide and Intervention 1-6 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Compound Inequalities A compound inequality consists of two inequalities joined by Absolute Value Inequalities Use the definition of absolute value to rewrite an
the word and or the word or. To solve a compound inequality, you must solve each part absolute value inequality as a compound inequality.
For all real numbers a and b, b 0, the following statements are true.

And Example: x 4 and x 3 The graph is the intersection of solution sets of 1. If a b, then b a b.
Compound two inequalities.

Lesson 1-6
2. If a b, then a b or a b.
Inequalities 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
These statements are also true for  and .

Or Example: x  3 or x 1 The graph is the union of solution sets of

Compound two inequalities.
1 2 3 4 5
Example 1 Solve x  2 4. Graph Example 2 Solve 2x  1  5.
Inequalities 5 4 3 2 1 0
the solution set on a number line. Graph the solution set on a number line.
By statement 2 above, if x  2 4, then By statement 1 above, if 2x  1 5, then
Example 1 Solve 3  2x  5  19. Example 2 Solve 3y 2  7 or x  2 4 or x  2 4. Subtracting 2 5 2x  1 5. Adding 1 to all three parts
Graph the solution set on a number line. 2y  1  9. Graph the solution set from both sides of each inequality gives of the inequality gives 4 2x 6.
on a number line. x 2 or x 6. Dividing by 2 gives 2 x 3.
3  2x  5 and 2x  5  19
8  2x 2x  14 3y  2 7 or 2y  1  9 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
4  x x7 3y 9 or 2y  8
4  x  7 y 3 or y  4
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.

Exercises 1. 3x  4 8 x4  x   2. 4s  1 27 {ss  6.5 or s 6.5}

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line. 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
1. 10 3x  2  14 2. 3a  8 23 or  a  6 7
{x4  x  4} {aa  5 or a 52} 3.   3  5 {c4  c  16}
 2c  4. a  9 30 {aa  39 or a  21}

2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(Lesson 1-6)

8 6 4 2 0
8 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 40 20 0 20 40

3. 18 4x  10 50 4. 5k  2 13 or 8k  1 19
{x7  x  15} {kk  3 or k 2.5} 5. 2f  11 9 {ff  1 or f 10} 6. 5w  2 28 {w6  w  5.2}

3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

2 3
5. 100  5y  45  225 6.  b  2 10 or  b  5 4
3 4
{y29  y  54} {bb  12 or b 18} 7. 10  2k 2 {k4  k  6} 8.   5  2 10 {xx  6 or x 26}
 2x 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 24 12 0 12 24 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 0

7. 22 6w 2 82 8. 4d  1 9 or 2d  5 11
3 2
{w4  w  14} {all real numbers} 9. 4b  11 17 b   b  7 10. 100  3m 20 mm  26  or m 40
 2   3 
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

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1-6 Skills Practice 1-6 Practice (Average)

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Write an absolute value inequality for each of the following. Then graph the Write an absolute value inequality for each of the following. Then graph the
solution set on a number line. solution set on a number line.

1. all numbers greater than or equal to 2 2. all numbers less than 5 and greater 1. all numbers greater than 4 or less than 4 n 4
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

or less than or equal to 2 n  2 than 5 n  5
2. all numbers between 1.5 and 1.5, including

Lesson 1-6
2 4 6 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 6 4 2 0 1.5 and 1.5 n  1.5

Write an absolute value inequality for each graph.

3. all numbers less than 1 or greater 4. all numbers between 6 and 6 n  6
than 1 n 1 4
3. n  10 4. n  
20 10 0 10 20 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line.

Write an absolute value inequality for each graph.
5. 8  3y  20 52 {y4  y  24} 6. 3(5x  2) 24 or 6x  4 4  5x
5. n  1 6. n  4 {xx  2
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 or x 8}

7. n  3 8. n 2.5 7. 2x  3 15 or 3  7x 17 {xx 2} 8. 15  5x  0 and 5x  6 14 {xx  3}

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line. 5 5

9. 2w 5 ww    or w  
 10. y  5 2 {x7  x  3}
2 2 

9. 2c  1 5 or c 0 {cc 2 10. 11  4y  3  1 {y2  y  1}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
or c  0}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 1 5
11. x  8 3 {xx  5 or x  11} 12. 2z  2  3 z  z

2 2 
11. 10 5x 5 {x2  x  1} 12. 4a 8 or a 3 {aa  2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
or a  3}
(Lesson 1-6)

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
13. 2x  2  7  5 {x2  x  0} 14. x x  1 all real numbers
13. 8 3x  2  23 {x2  x  7} 14. w  4  10 or 2w  6 all real 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
numbers 1 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 n
15. 3b  5  2 16. 3n  2  2 1 n 
3 3  
15. t 3 {tt  3 or t  3} 16. 6x 12 {x2  x  2} 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
17. RAINFALL In 90% of the last 30 years, the rainfall at Shell Beach has varied no more
than 6.5 inches from its mean value of 24 inches. Write and solve an absolute value
17. 7r 14 {rr  2 or r 2} 18. p  2  2 inequality to describe the rainfall in the other 10% of the last 30 years.
r  24 6.5; {rr  17.5 or r 30.5}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
18. MANUFACTURING A company’s guidelines call for each can of soup produced not to vary
19. n  5 7 {n2  n  12} 20. h  1 5 {hh  6 or h  4} from its stated volume of 14.5 fluid ounces by more than 0.08 ounces. Write and solve an
absolute value inequality to describe acceptable can volumes.
4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 v  14.5  0.08; {v14.42  v  14.58}

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

1-6 Reading to Learn Mathematics 1-6 Enrichment

Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Pre-Activity How are compound inequalities used in medicine? Conjunctions and Disjunctions
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-6 at the top of page 40 in your textbook. An absolute value inequality may be solved as a compound sentence.
• Five patients arrive at a medical laboratory at 11:30 A.M. for a glucose

tolerance test. Each of them is asked when they last had something to Example 1 Solve  2x   10.

Lesson 1-6
eat or drink. Some of the patients are given the test and others are told
that they must come back another day. Each of the patients is listed 2 x 10 means 2x 10 and 2x 10.
below with the times when they started to fast. (The P.M. times refer to
Solve each inequality. x 5 and x 5.
the night before.) Which of the patients were accepted for the test?
Every solution for 2x 10 is a replacement for x that makes both x 5
Ora 5:00 A.M. Juanita 11:30 P.M. Jason and Juanita and x 5 true.
Jason 1:30 A.M. Samir 5:00 P.M.
A compound sentence that combines two statements by the word and is
a conjunction.
Reading the Lesson
1. a. Write a compound inequality that says, “x is greater than 3 and x is less than or Example 2 Solve  3x  7  11.
equal to 4.” 3  x  4 3x  7 11 means 3x  7 11 or 3x  7  11.
b. Graph the inequality that you wrote in part a on a number line. Solve each inequality. 3x 18 or 3x  4
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x 6 or x  

2. Use a compound inequality and set-builder notation to describe the following graph. Every solution for the inequality is a replacement for x that makes either

x 6 or x   true.
{xx  1 or x 3} 3
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
A compound sentence that combines two statements by the word or is
a disjunction.
3. Write a statement equivalent to 4x  5 2 that does not use the absolute value
symbol. 4x  5 2 or 4x  5  2
Solve each inequality. Then write whether the solution is a conjunction or
(Lesson 1-6)

4. Write a statement equivalent to 3x  7 8 that does not use the absolute value
symbol. 8  3x  7  8 1. 4x 24 2. x  7  8
x 6 or x  6; disjunction x  15 and x  1; conjunction
Helping You Remember 3. 2x  5 1 4. x  1 1

5. Many students have trouble knowing whether an absolute value inequality should be x  2 and x 3; conjunction x  2 or x  0; disjunction
translated into an and or an or compound inequality. Describe a way to remember which
of these applies to an absolute value inequality. Also describe how to recognize the 5. 3x  1  x 6. 7  2x 5
difference from a number line graph. Sample answer: If the absolute value 1 1
x   and x  ; conjunction x  1 and x 1; conjunction
quantity is followed by a  or  symbol, the expression inside the 2 4
absolute value bars must be between two numbers, so this becomes an x
7.   1 7 8.  4
and inequality. The number line graph will show a single interval between
2 x 3 4
two numbers. If the absolute value quantity is followed by a or  x  12 or x  16; disjunction x  16 and x 8; conjunction
symbol, it becomes an or inequality, and the graph will show two
disconnected intervals with arrows going in opposite directions. 9. 8  x 2 10. 5  2x  3
x  6 or x 10; disjunction x  1 and x  4; conjunction

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Glencoe Algebra 2
Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Form 1 Form 2A
Page 37 Page 38 Page 39

1. B 12. D 1. C

2. B
13. B A

3. D
3. D

14. A
4. A

4. C
15. B

5. C

5. B
6. A D

6. A
7. B
17. C

18. B
7. C
8. A

9. D 19. A
8. C

10. C 9. B

20. C
11. C 10. B

11. D

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A21 Glencoe Algebra 2
Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Form 2A (continued) Form 2B
Page 40 Page 41 Page 42

12. A 1. D 12. D

2. A
13. D
13. B
3. C

14. A 14. A

4. B

15. B
15. C
5. D

16. C

6. A 16. C

17. C

17. B

18. D 7. B

18. A

19. A A

19. D
9. C

20. A
10. A
20. B

B: |g  80|  5
11. C
B: {x  x  0}

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A22 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Form 2C
Page 43 Page 44

1. 20 17. n  the number;

7 2n  6  28; 11

2. 9 18. a  number of
adult tickets;
12.00a  7.50(a  8)  138;
4 adults’ tickets and
12 children’s tickets

3. 13
4. 19. {t  t  12} or (12, 
5. $531.25 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

20. {x  x 24} or (
, 24]

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Q, R

6. 21. {n2  n 5} or (2, 5]
7. N, W, Z, Q, R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8. Q, R all real numbers or

22. (

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

{x  x  2 or x  6} or
23. (
, 2)  (6, 
9. Multiplicative Inverse
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

10. Additive Identity 24. {x  4 x 1} or [4, 1]

11. 15v 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2

g  number of additional
12. n 3  10 games to be won;
g  56
25. at least 42 games


13. 2
14. B: 5

15. {5, 2}

16. {4, 8}

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A23 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Form 2D
Page 45 Page 46

1. 5 n  number;
11 17. 3n  1  25; 8

2. 6
w  width;
2[(w  7)  w]  38;
18. width: 6 ft, length: 13 ft

3. 3

4. 1.5

5. $180
19. {t t  2} or (
, 2)

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

20. {x x  5} or [5, 
6. N, W, Z, Q, R
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7. Q, R
21. {x 1  x  1} or (1, 1)
8. Q, R 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

{nn  1 or n  3} or
22. (
, 1)  [3, 

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
9. Additive Inverse
{x x  2 or x  8} or
23. (
, 2)  (8, 
10. Multiplicative Identity
0 2 4 6 8 10
11. 10x  23
24. {x 5 x 4} or [5, 4]
12. 5(7  n) 8 4 0 4 8

d  the number of
dimes; 0.10d 
0.05(25  d)  1.44;
25. at least 4 dimes

13. 3

14. 7

15. {2, 1}
B: 5
16. {1, 7}

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A24 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Form 3
Page 47 Page 48

1. 3 A  1b(18  b)
13. 2
2. 25

3. Sometimes, since
when a  2b, the
value of the
expression is zero.
4. 13.5648 in3

xx  147  or 147 , 

13 7 15 17 9 19
3 4 2 4
4 4 2 4

5. a. Z, Q, R yy 13 or 
, 13
b. I, R

c. W, Z, Q, R 1
1 3

d. Q, R {x x 4 or x  10}
16. or (
, 4]  (10, 
e. N, W, Z, Q, R
4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 14
6x  10y  5
four times the sum of the
w 14 w 1
cube of a number and or 1, 1
twice the same number 17. 4
2 1 1 2 3 5
4 4
0 4 4 4
1 4
{x x  2 or x  8}
18. or (
, 2]  (8, 

8. all real numbers

6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10

 2, 4
3  19.
w 53 w 3 or 53, 3
4 5 7 8 10 11
2A 2 3
ab 3 3 3 3 3 3
10. h

11.  a  amount invested in

0.08a  0.06(5000  a) 
2  1   3  2  10; 20. 3; at least $2500
length: 8 meters
12. width: 5 meters B: more than 1.75 h

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A25 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Page 49, Open-Ended Assessment
Scoring Rubric

Score General Description Specific Criteria

4 Superior • Shows thorough understanding of the concepts of order of

A correct solution that operations, properties of real numbers, simplifying and
is supported by well- evaluating expressions, solving equations and inequalities
developed, accurate including those with absolute value, and graphing
explanations inequalities.
• Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are correct.
• Written explanations are exemplary.
• Goes beyond requirements of some or all problems.

3 Satisfactory • Shows an understanding of the concepts of order of

A generally correct solution, operations, properties of real numbers, simplifying and
but may contain minor flaws evaluating expressions, solving equations and inequalities
in reasoning or computation including those with absolute value, and graphing
• Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are mostly correct.
• Written explanations are effective.
• Satisfies all requirements of problems.

2 Nearly Satisfactory • Shows an understanding of most of the concepts of order

A partially correct of operations, properties of real numbers, simplifying and
interpretation and/or evaluating expressions, solving equations and inequalities
solution to the problem including those with absolute value, and graphing
• May not use appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are mostly correct.
• Written explanations are satisfactory.
• Satisfies the requirements of most of the problems.

1 Nearly Unsatisfactory • Final computation is correct.

A correct solution with no • No written explanations or work is shown to substantiate
supporting evidence or the final computation.
explanation • Satisfies minimal requirements of some of the problems.

0 Unsatisfactory • Shows little or no understanding of most of the concepts

An incorrect solution of order of operations, properties of real numbers,
indicating no mathematical simplifying and evaluating expressions, solving equations
understanding of the and inequalities including those with absolute value, and
concept or task, or no graphing inequalities.
solution is given • Does not use appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are incorrect.
• Written explanations are unsatisfactory.
• Does not satisfy requirements of problems.
• No answer may be given.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A26 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Page 49, Open-Ended Assessment
Sample Answers
In addition to the scoring rubric found on page A26, the following sample answers
may be used as guidance in evaluating open-ended assessment items.

1a. GIVEN 2a. Students may select any negative

Addition Property of Equality number for k. Their explanations should
Commutative Property of Addition include the fact that an absolute value
Associative Property of Addition may never be less than zero.
Inverse Property of Addition 2b. The only possible value of k is zero.
Identity Property of Addition Students should indicate that the only
Distributive Property number that is zero units away from 3
SUBSTITUTION on the number line is 3 itself.
Multiplication Property of Equality
2c. Students may select any value for k
Associative Property of
between 0 and 2. They should indicate
that the solution of this inequality will
Inverse Property of Multiplication
not contain 5 if the distance from 3 on
Identity Property of Multiplication
the number line is less than 2 units.
Symmetric Property of Equality
3a. Sample word problem:
1b. Sample student solution:
Anoki is packing a box to ship to a

6(7  x)  3  9x
science fair. The box must weigh no
42  6x  3  9x
more than 10 pounds. He will put in an
45  6x  6x  9x  6x
exhibit frame that weighs two pounds.
45 15x
   How many rocks can he include if each
15 15
3x rock weighs one-fourth of a pound?
Students should note that their 3b. {x  x  32} and x is a whole number; For
solutions are considerably briefer the sample problem, this would mean
though the answers are the same. They that no more than 32 rocks can be
should understand that they did, in fact, packed.
use all of the same properties but that 3c. Students should graph {x  x  32} and
they applied many of them mentally. indicate that the graph includes
negative numbers and numbers that
are not integers. These numbers have no
meaning in this context. Only 0, 1, 2, …
, 32 are possible for the number of rocks.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A27 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Vocabulary Test/Review Quiz (Lessons 1–1 and 1–2) Quiz (Lessons 1–4 and 1–5)
Page 50 Page 51 Page 52
1. Identity Property 13 5
1. 1.
2. rational numbers 72
3. Symmetric Property
3. 47.8 m 2.
43, 2
4. Reflexive Property 
5. intersection

6. set-builder notation 4.
x x  15
4. I, R
1 1 2 3 4 6
7. Commutative 0 1
8v  7
5 5 5 5 5 5
Property 5. 6
g  number of additional
8. Transitive Property games to be won;
41  g
9. compound 5. at least 17 games
10. absolute value

11. Sample answer: An

irrational number is
a real number that
is not rational. This Quiz (Lesson 1–3)
means that an Quiz (Lesson 1–6)
irrational number Page 51 Page 52
cannot be written as
a ratio of two B {xx  2 or x  3}
1. or (
, 2)  (3, 
integers. 1.

12. Sample answer: The 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Trichotomy Property {m1  m  8} or
says that if you 1 2. (1, 8)

compare two real 2. 6
numbers you will 1 8

find that either the 1 {xx  11 or x  3}

3. 10
first one is smaller yb 3. or (
, 11) U (3, 
than the second, x 
4. m 11 3
they are equal, or d  number of days
the first one is running 7 miles;
larger than the 5. 8  7d  99; 13 days 4. {x1 x 6} or [1, 6]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
all real numbers or
5. (

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A28 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Mid-Chapter Test Cumulative Review
Page 53 Page 54

1. D 1. 36
2. 0.49

3. 20

4. 17
2. B
5. 77

3. A
6. N, W, Z, Q, R

4. C 7. 7x  2

8. n2  n3

5. A
9. 8
6. 3x  7 {4, 5}

7. 20 11. 
t  the number of
students’ tickets sold;
5(295  t)  2t  950;
8. 175 students’ tickets 12. {tt  5} or [5, 

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13. all real numbers (


9. 11.5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
{xx  7 or x  1}
or (
, 7)  (1, 
10. b  2ah 14.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1
11. 14
n  the number;
16. 48  3n  36; 4

g  number of additional
games to be won;
57  g
  0.65; at least
17. 49 games

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A29 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key
Standardized Test Practice
Page 55 Page 56
1. A B C D 12. 13.
3 5 1 0
/ / / /
. . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
2. E F G H
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
3. A B C D 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

14. 15.
. 0 9 1 9 / 3
/ / / /
4. E F G H
. . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5. A B C D 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
6. E F G H 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

7. A B C D

8. E F G H

16. A B C D

9. A B C D
17. A B C D

10. E F G H 18. A B C D

11. A B C D

19. A B C D

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A30 Glencoe Algebra 2

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