Sulfonylurea Agents (Diabinese, Glucotrol, Diabeta) : 2. Meglitinide Analogues (Prandin)

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Risk for Injury Related to

Hyperglycemia: RX
Medications – Oral
Sulfonylurea agents (Diabinese,
Glucotrol, DiaBeta)
– Stimulate insulin secretion
– ↓ WBC, ↓platelets, hemolytic anemic, allergic, GI
– Long duration
– Many drug interactions
2. Meglitinide analogues (Prandin)
– Stimulate insulin secretion
– ↓ WBC, ↓ platelets, hemolytic anemic, allergic, GI
– Rapid onset, limited duration

LAD USC Upstate

3. Biguanides (Metformin
= Glucophage)
–↓ liver glucose release, ↓ cellular
insulin resistance, facilitates action
of insulin on receptor sites
– Hold before IV contrast and
– Can cause lactic acidosis

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Oral therapy (Type II)
4. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
– Slow GI digestion and absorption of CHO
– Take with first bite of meal
– SE: flatulence, diarrhea
• 5. Thiazolinedione antidiabetic agents
(Actos, Avandia, Rezulin)
– Enhance sensitivity to insulin, ↑ insulin action
and glucose utilization in peripheral tissues
– Potential for liver damage

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Adjunct to Oral Agents
Exenatide = Byetta
– Improves glycemic control in Type II DM by
enhancing beta-cell secretion of Insulin in the
presence of elevated glucose levels;
suppresses inappropriate glucagon secretion;
slows gastric emptying
– Is added to metformin, or a sulfonylurea in
patients with Type II DM who have not
achieved adequate glycemic control
– Is injected SC BID, ~ 60 minutes before
eating; keep refrigerated; use w/n 30 days
– SE: hypoglycemia, HA, dizziness, ↓ appetite,
nausea; ↓ absorption of other meds

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INSULIN Therapy – trying to
duplicate normal body
production of Insulin
• Basal coverage with NPH or Lente or
Lantus (N)
• Bolus = Meal =Prandial or immediate needs
with Regular (R ) or immediate, quick acting
• Correction insulin = sliding scale – for a
specific blood sugar level with Regular or
• Categories (See Handout)
– Short-acting insulin
– Intermediate acting
– Long acting
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Insulin Therapy (Continued)
– Fixed-combination (70/30, 50/50)
– Concentrated insulins for pumps
– Nurses should never hold a patient’s insulin
without an MD order. As the patient’s
advocate if you have concerns regarding an
insulin dose, call the MD. Holding insulin or
changing the dose of insulin without an MD
order is prescribing and is outside the scope
of an RN’s licensure.

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Ordering of Insulin

• BASALTo control endogenous

glucose production Long acting insulin
– Replacement:
• Regular insulin infusion (IV pump)
• NPH 2-3 injections daily
• Insulin pump
• Glargine injected daily
• Detemir injected 1-2 times per day
– You always need basal insulin
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BOLUS= Meal To cover food intake
Immediate acting or short acting insulin

– Replacement:
• Regular Insulin SC- injected 15-30 minutes before meal.
• Analogue SC( Aspart- Novolog or Lispro- Humalog)- injected
within 10 minutes of meal
• Bolus function for patients on an insulin pump

Should always be given before or with a meal. Analogue may be

given after the meal if the patient’s intake is questionable, so that
the dose can be based upon amount of food consumed.
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• Unscheduled meals or snacks without insulin
will lead to unexpected hyperglycemia and if
not known about may result in inappropriate
changes in the basal insulin, putting the client
at risk for future hypoglycemia.
• Therefore, do not give unscheduled snacks
that are not included in the client’s prescribed
diet; teach your client to report any food
brought in by family/friends.

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Insulin Profiles
Aspart, Lispro, Glulisine

Plasma Insulin Levels



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hr)
Rosenstock J. Clin Cornerstone.
USC Upstate J. Whitside SRHS 10/07
What’s in a Name?? Insulin
• NOVOLOG is the same as ASPART

• LANTUS is the same as GLARGINE

• LEVEMIR is the same as DETERMIR

NOVOLIN / HUMULIN are not names of insulin,

These are brands.
Be sure to include which kind of Novolin / Humulin insulin
you are describing/administering.

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