Uses of National Income Data
Uses of National Income Data
Uses of National Income Data
3: Useful in estimating per capita income - Per capita income is obtained by dividing
national income by total population of the country.
7:Makes international comparisons possible - We can compare the economies of any two
countries on the basis of their national income data.
2 National income estimates also tell us about the economic welfare enjoyed by the
people. We can know the per capital income by dividing national income by population.
3 on the basis of national income estimate comparison between various economics of the
world may be made. National income figures for various countries provides us the rates
of growth in different economies.
4 In an economy, inter-sector comparison can be made with the help of national income
5 national income figures are inevitable for an economy, which wants to develop with the
help of economic planning.
6 National income accounts reflect the structural change in a growing economy.
7 National income estimated over period of years enable us evaluate the planning.
8National income estimated are also important in the formation of the budget by the
finance Minister of the country.
9 National income estimates are also important because they indicate how the income or
wealth is distributed among the various classes. Thus we can know whether the national
income is equally distributed or not.
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