Red Storm Rising

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The document discusses several computer games developed by MPS Labs including Airborne Ranger, F-19 Stealth Fighter, Gunship, Pirates!, and an upcoming release of M1 Tank Platoon.

The document describes the computer games Airborne Ranger, F-19 Stealth Fighter, Gunship, Pirates!, and an upcoming release of M1 Tank Platoon from MPS Labs.

The preface discusses how submarine tactics in World War 2 actually involved commanders conducting 'end runs' on the surface using higher surface speeds to get ahead of targets and attack from close range before escaping, unlike dramatic portrayals of conning tower battles.

Ask your retailer for these other great games from MPS Labs, the product

development division of MPS Technologies:

Airborne Ranger: the game of real-time man-to-man combat. You parachute
deep into enemy territory on desperate solo missions against overwhelming
"An arcade-style game from MicroProse? Yes, and a darned good one."
Computel's Gazette
F-19 Stealth Fighter: the revolutionary combat flight simulator based on
America's highest-technology , radar-elusive aircraft. Spectacular 3-D graphics
portray the terrain and targets on thousands of missions with breathtaking
clarity and detail. The challenge of sneaking past enemy radar adds an
unprecedented level of excitement.
"Calling F-19 Stealth Fighter a computer game is like calling the Pacific Ocean a
puddle." PC Resource
Gunship: the best-selling simulation of the world's most formidable attack
helicopter. In the AH-64A "Apache" you skim treetops at 110 knots to surprise
your targets with a chain gun and air-to-ground missiles. Stunning 3-D
graphics draw you into the action for an intense, heart-pounding combat
"A remarkable piece of simulation sof tware." PC Week
Pirates! : a unique adventure/role-playing simulation of fortune-hunting on the
Spanish Main. Intriguing scenarios develop around sailing, smuggling, sea
battles, sword fights, land campaigns, artillery bombardments, rescues,
treasure-hunting , political entanglements and love affairs. Over 50 historically
authentic Caribbean towns and islands to visit, trade with , and plunder.
"Action Game of the Year, 1988." Computer Gaming World

And look for this mid-1989 release from MPS Labs:

M1 Tank Platoon: Other tank "simulations" let you operate one tank on ground
as flat as a parking lot. But in real life, tanks fight in platoons of four on rolling
terrain. In the MicroProse tradition of fun , realism and state-of-the-art
technology, M1 Tank Platoon uses vivid 3-D graphics to present the action of a
four-tank platoon in one great game, complete with the hills and ridges that are
so vital to actual US tank strategy and tactics. You can "jump into" any of four
positions in any of your four tanks, plus call in support from helicopters, jets,
arti~ery , infantry, even other tank platoons. M1 Tank Platoon will set the
standard for tank simulations in the 1990s.

Nuclear Attack Submarine

Combat Operations
Change 2 ; May 1989
Copyright © 1988 MPS Technologies , Inc.
180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley , MD. 21030 (301) 771-1151
Based on the book RED STORM RISING by Tom Clancy, Larry Bond co-author, Copyright 1986 by Jack Ryan Enterprises Ltd . and Larry Bond .
All rights reserved.
RED STORM RISING , the name and stylized mark, Trademark 1988 by MPS Technologies , Inc. , Jack Ryan Enterprises Ltd ., and Larry Bond .
Tandy, Atari , Apple and Macintosh, IBM, Commodore 64 and Amiga are registered trademarks of Tandy Corporation , Atari Inc., Apple
Computers Inc., International Business Machines Inc., and Commodore Business Machines Inc.
Preface by Tom Clancy

The submarine tactics with which most of us are fam iliar never really happened.
We've all seen the dramatic movie representations of sweating men in the tight
confines of a fleet boat's conning tower. But in fact the most effective work done by
submarine commanders in WWII was conducted on the "roof," where they could use
their higher surface speed to conduct "end runs," get ahead of their targets , then
close in and fire at close range before escaping in the confusion.
Technology has changed all that, even while it was happening in the Second
World War. Improved radar sets and continuous aerial surveillance chased the
German U-Boats below the surface even at night. This denied them the mobility upon
which they depended to close with their targets, and in doing so cost Germany her
best chance of winning the Second World War.
Nuclear power and improved sonar technology changed things yet again in the
1950s. A nuclear-powered submarine can now outrun most surface ships, and
modern passive sonar can actually out-range the radar used by American WWII
submarines. It is not unusual today for a submarine to detect a surface ship, on sonar,
at ranges over thirty nautical miles. Torpedoes, once relatively simple machines that
ran a straight course until they hit a target or ran out of fuel , are now robotic
kamikazes, programmed to search for their targets with active and passive sonars,
then close on and destroy it with a half-ton (or nuclear) warhead . Or the submarine
skipper can fire surface-to-surface cruise missiles that easily fly those thirty nautical
But one thing has remained constant: the business of a submarine is stealth .
Once detected , the enemy surface commander has more ships and weapons to use
than the submarine. Helicopters with sonobuoys and dipping sonars- the submarine's
deadliest enemy - can hunt and localize their quarry, then engage it with homing
torpedoes of their own . You are safe only so long as you are undetected. Your only
real advantage is invisibility. Submarine warfare is ambush , followed by evasion ; a
game of life and death played in three dimensions of cold , wet, unforgiving darkness.
The submarine's other enemy is another submarine. He lives in your environment,
knows everything that you know, is trained , armed and equipped as you are. And
enemy submarines are getting better. The Walker spy ring and foreign companies
like Toshiba have given the Soviets priceless information and hardware with which
they have been improving their sh ips and their training. Their mission is to sink you ,
to sink the other ships in your fleet, and to sink the merchant ships without which your
country and the NATO alliance cannot survive . Simply put, the job of the United
States Navy is to control the sea. The job of the Soviet Navy is to deny us the use
of the sea. You can guess which is the easier mission.

You are the commanding officer of an American SSN, a nuclear-powered fast-

attack submarine. The word has only just arrived from National Command Authority :
Your country is at war. All during the spring of this year, while you prepared your boat

for her next deployment, the media was full of stories about the Spring of Promise ,
perhaps the long-hoped-for end of the Cold War, as East-West arms-control
agreements reached fruition after generations of frustrating effort. Then only three
days after you sailed on your deployment, something went wrong . Some disaster
changed hopes of lasting peace to fear of a real , shooting war. You do not know what
happened - SSN 's don't get much in the way of news analysis - but none of that
matters. Your country is at war, and war-fighting is what they pay you for.
You are thirty-nine years old. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy,
you 've worked your way up the ladder of your chosen profession : Nuclear Power
School ; Prototype School ; Submarine Officers Basic School ; Prospective Nuclear
EngineerOfficer School ; Submarine Officers Advanced Course; Prospective Executive
Officer Course ; then , Prospective Commanding Officer School ; and along the way
you picked up a Masters Degree in Operations Analysis at the Navy's own Post-
Graduate School at Monterey, California. You 've served both on SSNs and SSBNs
- the "boomers", the ballistic-missile submarines - but fast-attack was what you
wanted, because fast-attack is where the action is. You 've been an engineer, a
navigator, then an XO. All this has a price. Endless cruises far from home, separations
from your loved ones , mini-wars at AUTEC in the Bahamas, fleet exercises in mid-
ocean , too many exams and tests to count, month-long strings of eighteen-hour
days. But what that price has bought you is association with and respect from the
finest men your country can make. You have spent seventeen years learning your
craft, and six months ago you achieve a dream you've held since high school -
command of your own SSN.
You are now the commanding officer of a ship of war, the most demanding and
most god-like job in the world. You are responsible for the safety of your ship, for the
lives of over a hundred men , and most of all , you are responsible for carrying out the
missions assigned you by COMSUBLANT and COMEASTLANT. You know why you
are here. You know what the job is.
You are about to find out how good you really are.

5 A Quick Start

7 Part I: The Operations Manual

8 Starting Options
11 Battle : Engaging the Enemy
12 Navigation
14 Sensors
21 VVeapons
28 Evasion
31 Strategic Transit: the Norwegian Sea Theater

35 Part II: The Captain's Manual

36 Captain 's Briefing : the Norwegian Sea Theater
40 Strategic Maneuvers
43 Sonar and Other Sensors
49 Stalking the Bear
52 VVeapons & Attacks
58 Evasion & Escape
61 Russian Tactics

63 Part III: The Reference Manual

64 US Submarine VVeapons
67 US Submarines
71 USSR VVarships
94 Glossary
97 Designers' Notes
99 Credits

A Quick Start
The Manual: This manual is divided into three sections for convenient use. Part What's Where
I gives specific instructions for all simulation displays and controls. Part II provides
greater insight into the tactics, tricks and subtleties of the game. Part III provides
background data on weapons , ships and boats involved.
When playing your first training scenario, you'll want to frequently reference the
"Battle: Engaging the Enemy" section of this manual, on pages 11-30. This explains
the meaning of each display, and how to operate your submarine in battle.
The Technical Supplement: The specific keys and other controllers used in
RED STORM RISING vary with computer models. All terms printed in italics in this
manual are defined in the Technical Supplement. Refer to the supplement for
specific controls.
The Keyboard Overlay: This is provided for convenience in Battle. The keyboard
overlay does NOT apply to Strategic Transit in the RED STORM RISING campaign.
Which Scenario?: We strongly recommend that you try a learning game before
you tackle the full RED STORM RISING campaign .
In your first game, you should make the following selections: Learning Games
Year: 1992
Boat: Improved Los Angeles class
Challenge: Introductory
Scenario: Training Action (vs. either a November-class submarine or a Kashin-
class destroyer; take your pick).
Getting Started: After a brief introduction, you 'll find yourself in battle. Find the
pause key (check the Technical Supplement or your Keyboard Overlay) and use it
frequently as you learn. The Replay Battle key is also useful while learning - use
it to review what happened to that point.
Experiment with Displays: Try each of the Primary Display and Secondary
Display controls.
Find the Enemy: Next start looking for the enemy. Select Tactical Display and
View Contacts. Read the section on Sensors (pages 14-20) for more information.
Sail Toward Him: Once you locate the enemy, move toward him. Try the
navigation controls, referring to pages 12-14 in the manual for more details.
Fire Weapons: Now try firing weapons at the enemy. A Mark 48 torpedo is
suggested. Make sure you 're sailing "straight and level" at moderate speed (15 kts
or less) before firing . Read the Weapons controls explanation on pages 21-27. Note
that you can change commands and even directly control the torpedo unless its wire
is cut or lost (page 24) .
Further Training: Try a training scenario a few more times. Experiment with a
surface ship opponent using Harpoon or Tomahawk missiles (page 25). Also experi-
ment with evasion , learning to escape enemy torpedoes.

Battles & Battles: Once you 've cut your teeth in the training scenarios , it's time to fight a
Campaigns "real " battle. Select one of the Battle simulations instead of a training action. Finding
the enemy and identifying him can be challenging . In some cases , he may find you
first. In extreme cases, you might sail right into an enemy attack (i.e., you are
ambushed!) . Don't get flustered. Evade enemy attacks as they come in, and mean-
while develop your contacts until you have sufficient information to launch a weapon .
After you 've experimented with a variety of battles, you can select "a Chance
Engagement", where you never know what you're up against. You may find adjusting
your boat or the time period makes life more interesting here.
The Campaign: Although individual battles provide interesting, satisfying , and
variable engagements, the ultimate RED STORM RISING experience is the cam-
paign game. Here you experience the entire course of World War III.
The campaign includes the additional challenge of Strategic Transit. You receive
various missions, must discern the enemy's intentions, which enemy force is your
objective, and then maneuver into an advantageous attack position while avoiding
detection. How well you maneuver in the Norwegian Sea Theater has a powerful
effect on how the battle begins.
The campaign is arranged so that the Warsaw Pact's strategies and actions
remain unpredictable. You can play the campaign again and again, experiencing
new situations and challenges each time. There are literally billions of possible
situations in the campaign game .

The Efficiency Efficiency Rating (ER): After each engagement RED STORM RISING updates
Rating , Medals, your ER (Efficiency Rating) as a US Navy captain. The rating is the average of your
and Promotions performance to date. It takes into account the quality of the opposition including the
specific types of ships engaged, as well as the type of boat you command , weapons
available, and level of challenge . Successful completion of mission assignments in
the "Red Storm Rising" campaign also improves your ER.
Decorations & Medals occur only in the campaign game, rewarding success in
action. You need a high ER to qualify for a medal. In order from lowest to highest,
the medals are: CM - Navy Commendation ; BSV - Bronze Star for Valor; SS - Silver
Star; DSM - Distinguished Service Medal ; NC - Navy Cross; and CMOH - Congres-
sional Medal of Honor.
Promotions: Modern submarine captains aren 't promoted after each battle
because a promotion means a new and bigger command . In wartime the navy
prefers to keep experienced captains where they are , attheir current rank, until either
the war is over or a higher position opens up.

Part 1 The Operations Manual

Starting Options
RED STORM RISING has many options. To make a selection , move the
Controller to highlight your choice , then press the Selector. Not all choices are
available in all situations. Typically the Controller is your joystick, mouse, or cursor
keys, wh ile the Selector is the button or Return key. See the Technical Supple-
ment for specific details.

The Year You can select one of four time periods.

In 1984 Russian naval forces lack "stolen" western technology . However, your
submarine is limited to weapons available at that time : the original Mark 48
torpedo and the Harpoon missile.
In 1988 the new Russian SIERRA and KILO class submarines appear, as well
as the first fruits of the stolen technology from the west. However, you have the
new Tomahawk missile and the improved Mark 48 ADCAP torpedo. This scenario
represents the situation at the time of the action in the novel Red Storm Rising.
In 1992 a nuclear aircraft carrier joins the Russian northern fleet, while
technological upgrades spread to more of their vessels. Meanwhile, the Sea
Lance ASW missile and Stinger SAM masts are available to NATO.
In 1996 the Russian northern fleet continues to expand in size and virtually all
frontl ine ships have received technology upgrades. Fortunately for the West, the
first boats in the new Seawolf class are launched, carrying the new silent-launch-
ing ("Swim Out") Mark 48 torpedo.

Warship Examine the illustration on the screen , then compare it with the illustrations in
Identification Part III (Reference Manual) of this book (pages 71 -93) . You must correctly identify
Test the picture. If you fail , you're restricted to training scenarios .
If you make a correct identification, enter your name by typing it on the
keyboard and pressing the Return (or Enter) key . Your records will be saved
under this name.
Boat Selection You can select which class of nuclear attack submarine you wish to command .
Classes are listed in order of completion , from the oldest (at the top) to the newest
(at the bottom) . As a general rule , the newer boats are quieter and have more
weapons space . The Seawolf class is especially powerful , but not available until
Alternatively, you can allow the NMPC (Naval Military Personnel Command)
detailer to give you a boat, as in the real navy. In this case , the type of boat you
receive is partly chance , partly related to the number of submarines of that type
currently in the Atlantic fleet.

Level of Challenge Introductory challenge is recommended for your first few games. Compared to
reality , enemy ships are easier to find and track, while your submarine is very
resistant to damage and your crewmen quite expert.

Normal challenge is recommended for casual gaming . Compared to reality,
enemy ships are slightly easier to find and track, while your submarine is fairly
resistant to damage.
Serious is fully realistic in all respects . Enemy commanders are smart, and they
use their torpedoes and sonars with considerable skill. This produces a complex and
difficult game. Do not attempt this challenge unless you 're thoroughly familiar and
"up to speed" with all features and tactics.
Ultimate challenge is just as realistic as the "serious" level. In addition, we take
a less optimistic view of submarine survivability (a single hit is more likely to sink
you!), enemy Captains are very sharp, and your sonar crew is always indecisive: they
won't make a positive contact identification unless you examine the acoustic signa-
ture and make the identification yourself. Do not attempt this challenge unless
"Serious" seems like child's play.

There are three groups of scenarios. Training actions provide an easy learning Scenarios
environment and a place to test new tactics safely. Battle simulations are short
engagements between you and a specific category of enemy force .
Red Storm Rising, the campaign , is the "ultimate" scenario , the "big time" where
you take your boat to sea to fight in Tom Clancy's World War III. Like all scenarios ,
it can be played in various time periods, at various levels of challenge , and with the
boat of your choice.
Training Actions are simulated engagements, arranged to make learning eas-
ier. In both scenarios Russian weapons do no damage to your boat. You can
experiment with the displays and controls, try various tactics, etc ., without risk or
"vs. a November-class Submarine": This is a sample underwater battle
against Russia's oldest front-line nuclear submarine. The level of challenge you
select determines the location of the engagement: Introductory - in the open sea,
Normal - in drift/floe ice, Serious - beneath pack ice, Ultimate - in the shallows.
"vs. a Kashin-class Destroyer": This is a sample battle against a mediocre
Russian anti-submarine destroyer. The level of challenge you select determines the
location of the engagement: Introductory or Normal - in the open sea, Serious - in
drift/floe ice, Ultimate - in the shallows.
Battle Simulations test your mettle in various tactical actions. Battle Simulations
provided include:
"a Duel": You go "one-on-one" with a Russian nuclear attack submarine. At
higher levels of challenge, you will encounter some of the best subs in the world .
"the Cruise Missile Sub": You seek a cruise missile submarine. Higher
challenges often add one or more escorting "guardians".
"the Wolfpack": You must duel with a group of Russian subs. They're
operating together, using wolfpack tactics .

" the Boomer Bastion ": You must find and destroy a Russ ian ballistic missile
submarine , no easy task . To make matters worse , it's escorted by one or more attack
" a Convoy": You have found a Russian resupply group. Once the escort is
el iminated, you can have a field day with the transports .
" a Strike Group " : You have intercepted a task force of Russian surface ships.
Now you 've got to engage them .
" an ASW Group " : A Russian anti -submarine task force has been vectored
into your area. Can you successfully hunt the hunters?
" a Carrier Task Force": You 've stumbled into a submariner's dream : a
Russian carrier task force . A chance at a Russian aircraft carrier is an opportunity you
don 't want to miss.
"a Chance Engagement" : One of the above situations is selected randomly .
This is a true test of your mettle in battle.
" Red Storm Rising ", the campaign , is World War III , from first invasions to
victory or defeat. This campaign lasts for many missions and hours. It is the "ultimate"
RED STORM RISING scenario, with new and different events occurring each time .
Beginners are urged to try a battle simulation or training action first.

Mission Orders After a short introduction , you 'll get your first Mission Orders . Read these orders
carefully ; they explain you r current objective and may describe the enemies you
could encounter.

the advent of modern computerized display and com-

give~the captain real-time access to all the information
tactical engagement. This information is assembled ,
by the computer to provide him with a concise
even with all this assistance, it's the commander
<:>ir..fn.'m<,tin.n resolve ambiguities, fill in the missing pLeces
experi.ence, and thenmake the key decisions that qpell
n success and failure.

Battle: Engaging the Enemy
When your boat meets the enemy, "Battle" begins. The screen displays and
controls for battle are sophisticated - modern submarine warfare is quite complex.
The keyboard overlay is used here.
If you selected the "Red Storm Rising" campaign game option (see Starting
Options, page 8), you begin at port rather than in battle. See the next section,
"Strategic Transit", page 31 , for details.
To familiarize yourself with the controls, start with a training scenario (enemy hits
do no damage, so you can figure things out without being sunk!). Take things one
section at a time and ignore those sections marked "Advanced"; you can return to
them later.
Due to differences in computer equipment, keys are identified by a title in italics.
Refer to your Technical Supplement or keyboard overlay to find the specific key on
your keyboard . Frequent mention is also made of the Controller, which is usually the
joystick, mouse, or cursor keys (depending on computer model), and the Selector,
which is usually the trigger, button , orReturn key (depending on computer model).
From time to time you may find suggestions and advice useful. Your tactical Advice from Your Computer
computer can analyze the situation to offer ideas at any time. Just press the Help key .
Pause: Press the Pause key to freeze the battle. Press this key again to resume Useful Options
the action. Purists should note that the battle runs in slightly accelerated real time ;
using this key is neither unrealistic nor "cheating".
Replay: This key reviews the entire battle, with each enemy vessel and action
listed . At the "Introductory" level replay is available at any time, replaying the action
so far. At all other levels of challenge , replay is allowed only at the end of the battle.
These special options are included for convenience and personal preferences. Other Options (Advanced)
Action Track Toggle: The animated views of weapon launches and attack runs
can be turned off and on again with this key . Purists may wish to turn the track off,
but those who play for enjoyment will want it on. Note that weapon launches are
shown only at the "Introductory" level.
Aborting Commands: Many activities in battle require multiple key presses,
sometimes including the use of the Controllerand/or Selector. If you start an activity,
then decide against it, there's no problem . Just start a new action. The old activity
is "erased" from your computer system automatically if interrupted by a new one.
Of course, sometimes the same key is used in different activities. Then your
computer can 't discern the intention to change ; the original action will continue if the
entry is valid.
Your computer screen simulates various consoles and displays in the Attack Attack Center
Center of a modern nuclear submarine. As captain , you have three display areas, Consoles
into which you can "call up" information from fourteen different parts in the attack
center. These three display areas are : the Navigation Display, the Primary Display,

and the Secondary Display.
Navigation Display: This information is always present.
Primary Display: You can select one of eight primary displays.
Secondary Display: You can select one of five secondary displays;
Navigation Display some primary display selections automatically "bring up" a secondary
Sensors Functioning: Abbreviations indicate which sensors are
A = Active Sonar
T = Towed Array
imary R = Radar
isplay Passive sonar operates constantly . ESM (the radar receiver) runs
automatically wherever your depth is 55' or less. See "Sensors" below
for more details.
SecondarY)ffJ_iiiiiiiiiiii_iii_liiiill Acoustic Volume (A V) of your submarine , a measure of your loud-
Display Verbal
Reports ness as you move through the water.
Verbal Reports: Crew reports and confirmation of your orders appear

Navigation Navigation is the art of guiding your submarine through the water. This includes
controlling your direction of travel , your depth, and your speed .
Navi5ilation Th is display informs you of how your boat is travelling .
Display Heading: Your heading , in degrees, on the compass . North is 000°, East is 090°,
South is 180°, and West is 270°.
Speed: How fast you 're travelling , in knots (kts). A "C" symbol indicates your
propellers are cavitating (making large amounts of noise) . As you go deeper, you can
go faster and faster without cavitation .
Depth: This shows your current depth (in feet) beneath the surface. A special
symbol indicates whether you 're above or below the thermal "layer". The "layer"
interferes with sound - keeping the "layer" between you and the enemy is a good
way to hide.
Rudder: This shows the current course command . "STEADY" indicates you're
runn ing straight ahead .
Planes: This shows the current setting of your diving planes, which control the
depth of the boat. "LEVEL" indicates you 're running level (not changing depth) .

Navigation Controls Course: To set a course , press the Set Course key . The helmsman asks what
course you desire. Type a three digit number, from 000 to 360 , for the new course .
The helmsman will acknowledge and turn the submarine onto that course. You can
also enter one or two digits and press the Return key.

Depth: To change to a new depth , press the Set Depth key . The Helmsman asks
what depth you desire. Type a three digit number, from 01 0 to 999 , for the new depth .
The helmsman will acknowledge and move the submarine up or down until it reaches
the correct depth . You can also enter one or two digits and press the Return key. 236 DEG
Note : Modern nuclear submarines never surface during battle. There is no
advantage to surface travel and numerous disadvantages. In fact, surfacing commu-
nicates "I surrender" to the enemy. Any captain who surrendered a high technology 12 KNTS
sub like yours would betray his nation in innumerable serious ways . Therefore , 010'
is the minimum depth allowed in battle.
Speed: To change speed , press either the Increase Speed key or the Decrease 375 FT.
Speed key. Your engines have seven power settings, from zero (engines stopped)
to six (maximum speed). Each key press changes the power setting one level. The RUDDER
navigation display shows your speed through the water. LEFT 5
Note that a change in power translates slowly into an increase or decrease in
speed. Also note that your speed in knots is faster when moving straight than when PLANES
moving in a tight turn , or when damaged . LEVEL
Emergency Turns: Instead of giving the helmsman a new course , you can give
him specific turning orders . The first time you press the Left Rudder or Right Rudder
key , the helmsman puts the boat into a 5° left or right turn . Each additional key press
increases the amount of turn by 5°, first to 10°, then to 15°.
A 5° turn at slow or medium speeds is useful for maintaining your towed array (see
page 15 for details) . A 15° turn is useful in evading or decoying enemy torpedoes .
Also, at maximum speed a 15° turn creates a knuckle in the water, useful in confusing
torpedoes (see Evasion , page 29, below) .
Straight & Level: If you wish to erase all course, depth, and emergency turn
orders , press the Straight & Level key .This evens out your boat so it runs forward on
its current heading , at its current depth.
Silent Running: Available on ly in some versions , this reduces your speed to the
minimum power (4-6 kts) and turns off all active sensors.
Procedure: Press the Tactical Display key to put your location and all contacts The Tactical Display
(potential enem ies) on your primary display. This map has five scales , from factor-
2 (a local-area close-up) to factor-7 (a wide-area view) , which you control with Zoom
and UnZoom keys. See the Technical Supplement for details on map symbology .
Interpreting the Display: This "main display" is used frequently. Most captains
favor it for observing the battle situation .
Enemy vessels first appear on this display as dim symbols . The direction is accurate ,
but usually the range is unknown . As your sensors collect more information over
time, the accuracy of the position improves and the symbol changes color. Eventu-
ally the sensors determine whether the enemy is a ship, sub or sonobuoy, and finally
the specific class . When detection data is good enough , the display plots a "course
track" for that enemY,recording his movements. If you later lose contact the display

changes the symbol back to a dimmer "best guess" position.
The marks along the top of the display represent one nautical mile
(2 Kyds) intervals.
Course tracks for all weapons runn ing in the water (yours and
theirs) also appear. You cannot see airborne enemies (missiles and
helicopters) unless you are at periscope depth and turn on your radar.
TACTICAL DISPLAY Note: Dim, uncertain contacts frequently "bounce around" your
display. A common error of novice captains is to put too much trust in dim ,
low-percentage contacts.
Map Overlay: Press the Map Overlay key for an overlay of water
conditions . The key toggles this overlay on and off. The overlay shows
acoustic absorption , depth of the shallows, or icepack pressure ridges ,
depending on the current situation .
Acoustic Absorption: In deep water (with or without drift ice) this
map overlay (see Map Overlay toggle key) shows how local water
conditions absorb sound. Darker areas with few dots absorb little sound ,
resulting in good sound transmission and reception. Lighter areas with
more dots absorb more, causing poorer transmission and reception .
Shallows Depth: In shallow water, this map overlay (see Map
Overlay toggle key) shows the depth of the water. Each digit represents
one hundred feet of depth. For example, "3" indicates the bottom is 300'
below the surface.
Sound transmission is better when the bottom is deeper, poorer
when the bottom is shallow. More importantly, running into the ocean
.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' bottom will destroy your sub! Therefore it pays to use this overlay
Icepack: When operating under the Arctic icepack, this map overlay (see Map
Overlay toggle key) shows the depth of ice "pressure ridges" descending deep into
the ocean. The length of the ridge symbol indicates the depth of the ridge : 50', 100',
150' or 200' deep.

Sensors Sensors are devices that find and track the enemy. "Passive" sensors constantly
"listen" for enemy signals without emitting any betraying signals. "Active" sensors
broadcast a signal and "listen" for the return. Active sensors function only if turned
on, give detailed data quickly, but often reveal your location to the enemy.
Sensor data is processed by central computers, which update all displays
automatically. Still , the results are often incomplete and almost always changing .

Contacts This secondary display gives detailed information about anyone "contact" (po-
tential enemy) found by your sensors. The gradual collection and improvement of
contact data is called a "TMA" (Target Motion Analysis) .

Procedure: Press the View Contacts key to see current sensor data for a contact
(potential enemy vessel). If more than one vessel is present, press the key again to CONTACT
see the next vessel (i .e., to cycle through the contacts).
Interpretation: When a tactical display is present (on the Primary Display), each
time you press View Contacts, either all contacts but the current one disappear briefly BEARING
or the central dot in its tactical symbol flashes .
In addition , the incoming sound from this specific contact is channeled to your 167 OEG
display screen. The sound temporarily drowns out the normal sounds of your boat. SENSOR
CONTACT:The type of enemy contacted . This progresses from totally unknown ,
to general type (ship or sub), to a specific ship class. The word "CONTACT" may 27P -11A
change color to indicate whether the contact is continuing , or is lost (and the data
SOL 87%
BEARING: The direction, in compass degrees, from you to the contact. Your CRS/SPO
course does not affect the bearing .
SENSOR:The left value is the signal strength received on your sensor, and which
001 25
sensor has best reception (A=active sonar, P=passive sonar, T =towed array, R=radar) . RANGE·
You don't see a contact until a signal strength of at least "8" is received , but once
you've found the contact you can maintain it with a signal strength of "0" or higher. 34 KYDS
If signal strength is negative you have lost contact.
The right value is the signal strength the enemy's best sensor would get from your
boat. This is known only if you know the enemy's specific class , and thus can predict
what sensor equipment he has. When his predicted sensor value reaches eight (8)
or more, he will "see" you .
Don't get complacent because no contacts show a "8" or higher sensor value.
Your contact data still may be incomplete, and worse, there could be unseen
enemies who already "have your number."
SOL (solution):The accuracy of your data. The highest possible accuracy is 99%,
which still can be slightly inaccurate. Low percentage solutions are very unreliable.
CRS/SPD: The contact's course (in compass heading degrees) and speed (in
knots) .
RANGE: The range to the contact, in thousands of yards (i .e., 8 Kyds means
8,000 yards) . In addition, the vertical arrow symbol indicates his position above or
below the layer.

Underwater sensors use sound to detect the enemy. They function regardless of Underwater Sound Sensors
your depth.
(P) Passive Sonar: Unless damaged by a weapon hit, this sensor is always
functioning (no key controls its operation). Passive sonar gives the bearing to the
enemy with great accuracy. In addition it lets you slowly determine the type of enemy
ship. Once that is known , estimates of speed , course and range develop quickly.
(T) Towed Array: This long, computerized array of hydrophones is towed

("streamed") behind your boat. It functions only
when trailing in a straight line or smooth curve .
Any tight or fast turn causes "kinks" and ''whip-
lash " that ruin reception . Similarly, if you come
to a full stop, it gees slack and fails. You must
maintain "seaway", a minimum speed of 4 to 5
knots, to keep the array functioning .
Because the towed array trails deep in the
water, it always listens under the layer, even if
your sub is above the layer.
The towed array functions like passive sonar,
but is much more sensitive. It's one of your best
and most useful sensors.
(A) Active Sonar: The Active Sonar key
toggles this device on and off. One active sonar
"ping " gives the exact bearing and range to a
contact. Multiple pings establish the contact's
course and speed . Unfortunately, these pings
also reveal your location to the enemy.
Active sonar usually has a shorter effective
range than passive sonar or a towed array.
The Baffles: Your boat's motion leaves an
area of confused and disturbed water directly
behind it. Sound travels poorly in this area,
called ''the baffles". It is about 60° wide (30° left
and right of directly astern). See page 49 for
more details
Your hull-mounted passive and active so-
nars are "blind" in ''the baffles". Your towed
array is unaffected by ''the baffles", since it
trails far to the rear, safely below the disturbed

Sea Conditions This primary display provides a handy visual reference about current conditions
at various depths. This information is valuable in estimating sonar performance .
Procedure: Press the Sea Conditions key for a graph ic display of the basic
conditions beneath the surface.
Transmission Index: The quality of sound travel at this location. The higher the
value , the better sound carries.
Ambient Noise: The background ocean noise for this battle.

Surface Duct: Th is boosts sound transm iss ion above the layer (the
stronger the duct, the better sound travels above the layer) .
Thermal Layer: This determines how well sound passes across it ACOUSTIC CONDITIONS
(the stronger the layer, the poorer sound travels across it). The depth
of the layer may vary a few feet from one location to another.
For more information about the sea and sound , see Part II (the
Captain 's Manual), Sonar and Other Sensors (pages 46 through 52).

Compare Sonar (Advanced)

Press the Compare Sonar key to see the capabilities of your sonars
vs . those of an enemy ship, in current cond itions. The enemy vessel dis-
played is the last one shown on your contact report . To compare sonars
for different contacts , press the View Contacts key to cycle through
various enemies.
Interpreting the Display: The top three lines are horizontal bar
gauges showing the detection ability of your sonars (active ,passive and
towed). The bottom three lines are sim ilar gauges forthe enemy, provided
the type of enemy ship is known.

Each bar gauge is divided into three sections. The dark-colored, left
side section is the range where sonar reception is too poor to detect or
track an enemy. The small middle area, labelled "Tracking Range", is
where sonar reception is good enough to track an existing contact, but not
good enough to make a new contact. The larger right side area, labelled
"Detection Threshold", is where reception is good enough to make new
contacts or regain lost ones.
This display automatically takes into account current water conditions,
depth, range, and "the baffles" for you and the contact. Therefore it can
change quickly, as these variables change .
Tactics: This display is valuable if you 're trying to "sneak up" on the
enemy, or trying to "sneak away" again. It shows graphically how good
your contact is, and how good the enemy's equipment is against you .
Applying this information in battle is a complex art, see Part II (the
Captain 's Manual), Stalking the Bear (pages 49 through 51) for details.

Acoustic Signature (Advanced)

This primary display allows you to compare incoming sound data with
data files on enemy ships. Normally your crew does th is automatically for
you. However, an experienced captain can make an identification faster
than their crew, and at the "Ultimate" challenge level the crew insists on
the captain examining the incoming sound before a specific ship class is
Procedure: Press the Acoustic Signature key to visit your Sonar Room
and see the incoming sound patterns. Once this display is visible , hold
down the Vessel Signatures key while pressing a Select Vessel key to
make a close comparison between an incoming sound and a specific
ship. If you believe your identification is correct, then hold down the
Vessel Signatures key again while pressing the Confirm Choice key .
Results: If your identification is correct, the contact solution % rises and
the ship class is added to the contact data. If your identification is wrong ,
the contact solution % plummets and no ship class is displayed .
At the "Ultimate" challenge level you must make comparisons and
select the vessel ; your sonar operators will not do it for you .

Surface Sensors (Advanced)
These devices are mounted on periscopes
("masts") that rise out of the sail (once termed the
"conning tower") of your sub. Periscopes and
masts have a 60' elevation. They automatically A
rise to maximum height ; therefore your depth
controls how much shows above the water. For
example, when you go to 45' depth , 15' of mast or
periscope is visible above the water.
All of these devices must be above water to
function. Furthermore, whenever a mast or peri-
scope is above water, enemy radars could notice
it and find you. The higher the mast, the more
likely this situation . Thus wise captains use sur- The Earth's Curvature
face sensors only when absolutely necessary, for Visual sightings (including laser rangefinding) , ESM reception , and Active Radar are
very short periods , and afterward quickly leave all blocked by water. To see "around" the CUNe of the earth, a submarine's mast must
that area. be above the water.
ESM Receiver: This is a sensitive, passive When the submarine's mast is raised to position "A" it can see enemy ship "A", but
radar atop a mast. It tracks radar signals from not "8". The mast must be raised higher, to "8", before enemy ship "8" is visible.
Visual light (including lasers) follows a virtually straight line. Radar waves , however,
enemy surface ships and aircraft. It runs auto- "bend" slightly with the CUNe of the earth, and can travel a tiny bit farther.
matically whenever your depth is 55' or less. As
this mast rises higher, you can "hear" radar sig- Mast Height & Maximum Range
nals from enemies farther and farther away. Al- Sub Maximum Maximum
though it does not transmit signals , the enemy Depth for Radar for Lasers/Visible Light
may spot the mast whenever it is above water. 55' 5 Kyds 2.5 Kyds
(R) Active Radar: The Active Radar key 40' 20 Kyds 10.0 Kyds
toggles your radar set on and off. The radar set is 25' 35 Kyds 17.5 Kyds
atop a mast, which must be above water to func- 10' 100 Kyds 50.0 Kyds
tion. Active radar gives an accurate plot of nearby Above are typical maximum visibility ranges at various depths, As depth decrea$es, the
surface contacts, helicopters, and airborne mis- mast rises higher, increasing the maximum range. Radar ranges apply to both ct'(}tive
~m~E~ . ; ..... .
siles. Its ran ge depends on the height of the mast
above water.
Active radar alerts any enemy ships , aircraft,
or submarines with ESM masts elevated to your presence, provided they are within
Periscope & Laser: The Periscope key shows the view through your attack peri-
scope. The lower area on the screen is a video of the view through the periscope.
Below this is the current bearing of the periscope, and the range to the target (if any
is in sight) . This range , in yards, uses a built-in laser. Note that laser beams , per se ,
do not reveal your position .
Press the View Contacts key to automatically rotate the periscope to the bearing
of a contact. If you have multiple contacts , each key press rotates the scope onto a
new contact.
Use the Control/erto manually rotate the scope for a "naked eye"
PERISCOPE VIDEO view. Most captains find manual rotation a dangerous waste of time .
Press the Identify Periscope Image key to see a computerized image
comparison with your ship data base.
Note : Maximum visual sighting ranges are less than radar. As a
result, rising high enough for a periscope view of an enemy can signifi-
cantly increase the risk of his radar spotting your scope above water.
Friendly & Enemy Contacts
Be aware that friendly ships and submarines may be found , as well
as the enemy. The most likely friendly contacts are other NATO attack
subs seeking the same enemy. In rarer cases, you may encounter
NATO ballistic missile submarines that have strayed into the combat
zone . It is always wise to identify a contact before firing on it. Other-
wise , you may mistakenly attack, or even sink, friendly forces .
Ship Data Base
This puts "on-line" intelligence data about enemy vessels on your
primary display.
Procedure: Press the Ship Data Base key to see the table of con-
tents . Then press the appropriate letter key for the ship class that
interests you.
Interpretation: The data base summarizes the detailed information
found in Part III (The Reference Manual) on pages 71 through 93.
Type shows the basic purpose of the vessel , using standard US
Navy terminology.
Displacement shows the overall size of the vessel. The larger the
displacement, the more difficult it is to sink. Submarine displacements
are for the boat submerged . Not all display systems show the displace-
Weapons Systems shows the type of threats you could encounter.
SS-N-14 and SS-N-16 missiles have homing torpedo warheads.
Enemy ASW helicopters carry both sonobuoys and homing torpedoes.
RBU rocket launchers (various models) fire a barrage of short-range
explosive rockets.
ASW Sonar Suite shows the type of sonars carried. Lower fre-
quency sonars are more effective than higher frequency types.
Variable-depth (VDS) and towed array sonars are more effective than
hull-mounted types. In addition , they can be streamed below the layer
while the owner remains above it.
Sound Level indicates the acoustic volume (A V) of the vessel. The
higher this value , the louder the vessel.

To damage or destroy the enemy, you must use your weapons. All weapons are Weapons
"intelligent": they have a homing system that ''turns on " at a pre-planned point. From
that point onward the weapon "sees" in a 90° arc ahead of it, seeking the nearest
target. For additional details on tactics see Part II (The Captain 's Manual) , Weapons
& Attacks (pages 52-57) , or Part III (The Reference Manual) , US Submarine
Weapons (pages 64-66) .
Ice & Missiles: All your weapons except torpedoes launch themselves from the
sea into the air. In drift and floe ice conditions there is a 25% to 50% chance the
missile may hit a piece of ice as it emerges from the water. This , of course , wrecks
the missile. Similarly, the Sea Lance's torpedo warhead must drop back into the
water at the activation point, and again there is a danger of hitting ice. The Stinger
missile mast has similar problems : the mast may hit ice, wrecking the missile on it
(but generally not the mast itself) .
Beneath the arctic icepack a missile will always hit the ice. However, a close
examination of the area (using Tactical Display and Map Overlay) may show "open
water" areas amid the icepack. Missiles can be fired through these holes, and Sea
Lance activation points can be set over a hole (allowing the Sea Lance warhead to
drop into the water).

This secondary display shows the weapons available and the reserves in your Weapons Loadout
Viewing Weapon Status: Press the Weapons Loadout key to see the weapons VVEAPONS
currently loaded in your tubes. Press the key again to see the your ammunition
reserves . TUBE 1
Loading an Empty Tube: If a tube is empty, reloading is a two step process : TOI\IWiANK
1. Press Load Tube key.
2. Press the key that matches the weapon you'll load. TUBE 2
Empty tubes are always loaded in numerical order. MARK 48
Changing a Loaded Tube: If a tube is full , changing the weapon is a three step
process: TUBE 3
1. Press the Load Tube key . TOI\IWiANK
2. Press the named key that matches the new weapon you wish to load in that
tube . TUBE 4
3. Press the number key that matches the tube you wish to change. HARPOON
Note that this procedure is different from reloading . Therefore , you should know
whether a tube is empty or full before you try to load or change it. Watch the prompts
carefully .
Notes: VLS tubes are present only on the improved Los Angeles class . They are
loaded and unloaded only in port.
Most US Navy submarines have four torpedo tubes , but the upcoming Seawolf
class should have eight. Weapons in tubes are listed in order, from top (#1) to

Designed ." War; bottom (#4 or #8).
Targets h.ead
Stinger missiles are listed separately. When
Sub,Ship ,large 40,55 0-40 available they are always loaded .
Sub;Ship large 40,60 0-40 Ammunition Supply: The weapons in your
Sub, ~hip large 40,60 - 0-40
tubes and magazines are the entire ammuni-
Ship mdm 560 6-120
Sh ip large 475 6-506 tion supply on your boat. In Battle Simulation
Land large 475 6-1000 and Train ing Action scenarios you cannot
Sub small 625+ 6-60 replenish your ammunition . In the "Red Storm
Aircraft tiny 1260 0-6 Rising" campaign you can use StrategicTran-
name of the weapon. Mk 48's are torpedoes, all others are sit to return to port (Holy Loch , Scotland) and
has a Mk 50 torpedo as its warhead. replenish ammunition there .
tt)e weapon is first allowed.
target the weapon was designed to attack. Sea Lance can The Mark 48 Wire-Guided Torpedo
results may not bevery good. "Aircraft" includes helicopters .
. -- -_ "Battle" g?me, only during : Cruising". _
Weapon Capabilities: Launched from a
theweapon . The larger the warhead, the greater the
warheads,althoL\gh tiny incol1lparis9nto others, are torpedo tube , th is weapon is effective against
r or small planes. ' • subs and sh ips . After launch ing you can guide
run to target. Actual missile speed is somewhat a torpedo to target unless its wire to your ship
speed. Torpedoes have passive and active speeds breaks or is deliberately cut ; after that the tor-
sub,s 15-45 knots maximum speed.. ' pedo follows a programmed attack plan.
urn range of.the weapon. .- Normal Mark 48's are available in 1984,
weapon. then are replaced by the ADCAP in 1988. The
the weapon while it's running (provided the - Swimout is avai lable to Seawolf class subma-
controls. rines only in 1996.
oe-t;""t-,nn point (PAP) can be set, after which the
aheac;l of it. If the weapon is jammed.,.it A torpedo can be launched at any depth .
(Wer (such as Wire' or Search). Minimum range is a few hundred yards, maxi-
and misses, it circles, searching for the mum about 40 Kyds (40 ,000 yards) . The tor-
pedo cruises at 40-42 knots and has a maxi-
weapon has a guidance program loaded when mum speed after activation of 55-60 knots ,
qapn6t tJe changed without returning to port for depending on the model (ADCAPs and
Swimouts are faster) .
Mark 48 torpedoes are complex but ex-
tremely effective weapons. The ability to control the weapon after launch means that
if used properly , this torpedo will never miss.
Firing Procedure: Firing is a three step process :
(1) Press the Fire Mk 48 Torpedo key .
This does not fire the torpedo per se . Instead, it gives you access to the torpedo's
guidance computer. The primary display switches to Tactical and a flashing square
appears. This is the "pre-planned activation point" (PAP) for the torpedo.
(2) Use the Control/erto position the PAP.
The pre-planned activation point (PAP) is where the torpedo will increase speed ,

switch on its active sonar and begin seeking the enemy. At the bottom of the display
is a readout of the current bearing and range to the PAP.
(3) Press the Selector to launch the torpedo.
Torpedoes are launched with compressed air. This "launch transient" temporarily
increases your loudness by 8 AV. This could be enough to reveal your location to
the enemy. Mark 48 Swimout torpedoes carried by the Seawolf class have no launch
transient because they don't use compressed air.
The "On Board" Torpedo Guidance Computer: When launched, a Mk 48
torpedo travels at slow speed (about 40 knots) to the PAP. There its homing sonar
switches on, speed increases to 55-60 knots , and it seeks an enemy within its 90"
forward arc. Once it finds an enemy the torpedo automatically homes onto (steers
toward) that target. If the torpedo homes on a target, then loses it (because the
enemy maneuvered away, used a noisemaker, and/or a decoy), the torpedo circles
around. It continues circling until it runs out of fuel or begins homing again.
The default depth setting for a Mk 48 torpedoe is to run at the depth it was fired
from , and to circle left (USearch) if it loses a target. To change these settings you
must take control after launch (see the next section).
The Wire: Mark 48 torpedoes trail a fine wire behind them . This wire is "plugged Controlling a Mark 48 Torpedo
into" the fire control computers on board your submarine. As long as the wire is intact (Advanced)
you can change information in the torpedo's guidance computer, or even control the
torpedo directly.
If the wire is broken , you lose control of the torpedo . It follows its last instructions
blindly. Tightturns or high speeds by your sub often break the wire, and both together TORP A
almost always break it. Radical maneuvers by the torpedo are much less likely to
break the wire.
The current status of the wire ("W" for intact, "X" for broken) appears on the TIME TO
Torpedo Control secondary display (see below) after the word "SPEED:". RUN: 400
Taking Control: To control a running torpedo, press the Torpedo Control key.
This puts Torpedo Control on the secondary display (i.e., detailed information about TIME TO
that torpedo) . If multiple torpedoes are running , each Torpedo Control key press
switches to the next weapon (i .e., cycles through them) .
PAP: 120
Torpedo Control Secondary Display: This display shows the following infor- SPEED:W
mation about the torpedo :
TORPEDO NAME: Torpedoes are named A, S, C and D inside your weapons
40 KTS
computer as they are launched. The computer cannot track more than four torpe- HEADING
does at once.
TORPEDO STATUS: A torpedo starts inactive, headed toward its PAP (see
164 DEG
below). It becomes "ACTIVE" when it reaches that point or is manually activated . L/SRCH+
Once active, if it finds a potential enemy it begins "HOMING". If the enemy uses a
noisemaker or decoy to confuse the torpedo it is "JAMMED".
TIME TO RUN shows the number of seconds before the torpedo runs out of fuel.

TIME TO PAP shows the number of seconds before the torpedo reaches the
current pre-planned activation point (PAP).
SPEED shows the current speed of the torpedo, in knots. In addition, "W"
indicates the wire from the torpedo to your boat is intact, while "X" means the wire
is broken.
HEADING shows the current course of the torpedo.
I SRCH indicates whether the torpedo will search left or right if it loses homing,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and whether the torpedo is programmed to run above or below the layer.
THE WIRE: If the wire is broken , you cannot take control. A "W" in
the Torpedo Control secondary display indicates an intact wire, an "X"
indicates a broken wire.
WEAPONS CONTROL Weapon Control: Pressing the Weapon Control key puts this
screen on the primary display, and Torpedo Control on the secondary
display (if it isn 't there already). The Weapon Control display is similar
to the Tactical Display (see above), except it automatically starts at
factor-3 scale centered around the last weapon you had under control
(the one now showing on the Torpedo Control display) . Each time you
press Torpedo Control the display shifts to a new torpedo. Thus the
display gives you a "torpedo's eye view" of the situation.
If the torpedo is not yet active, the current PAP appears on this
display. If it is off the display at the current scale , it appears on the edge
to indicate the general direction .
Map symbols are the same as on the Tactical Display. A map overlay
for water conditions is also available, just as on the Tactical Display.
Changing a Torpedo Program: If the torpedo is not yet active, when
you press Torpedo Control you can either change the programmed
guidance settings or manually activate the torpedo. Of course, the wire
must be intact.
NEW PAP: You can use the Control/erto move the PAP to a new
position, then press the Selector to make the change.
NEW DEPTH: You can select a running depth by pressing the Run Shal/ow or
Run Deep key. Shallow running torpedoes cruise 50' below the surface. Deep
running torpedoes cruise about 50' below the thermal layer. When a torpedo is
homing, it automatically moves to the depth of its target.
NEW SEARCH PA TTERN: You can reprogram the search pattern by pressing
the U Search Pattern or RI Search Pattern key.
Manual Activation: You can manually activate a torpedo by pressing the Activate
Torpedo key. When you do this the PAP is ignored and the torpedo activates
immediately. It is now under direct guidance. Manual activation is possible only if the
wire is intact.
Direct Guidance: After a torpedo is activated (either by reaching its PAP or by

manual activation), you directly control its movements as long as the wire remains
Course: You can steer a torpedo using the Controller. Moving it left turns the
torpedo to the left, moving it right turns the torpedo to the right. Leaving the Controller
centered means the torpedo cruises straight ahead. However, its seeker is still
running. Therefore the torpedo will home on any target it finds. You can override
homing with direct left or right turn commands .
Depth: You can control the depth of the torpedo. Pressing the Run Shallow key
moves the torpedo above the layer (to about 50' below the surface) . Pressing the Run
Deep key moves the torpedo below the layer (to about 50' below the thermal layer).
If a torpedo begins homing, it automatically moves to the depth of the target.
Search Pattern: In manual guidance you cannot change the pre-programmed
search direction (left or right) that occurs if the torpedo loses homing. Instead,
pressing the U Search Pattern key or the RI Search Pattern key starts that search
pattern immediately, regardless of the current situation. The torpedo begins circling
left or right, continuing until it homes on a target or gets a course command or runs
out of fuel.
Cut the Wire: The Drop Torpedo key cuts the wire and drops all control of the
torpedo, which disappears from your screens and computer controllers . The torpedo
itself de-activates and quietly self-destructs, sinking to the bottom. This control is
useful if you wish to clear your computer of hopelessly lost torpedoes (remember,
you 're limited to four at once) .
Tactics: Using wire-guided torpedoes effectively is a fine art. For example,
through judicious control and careful guidance, you can "sneak up" on an enemy with
a torpedo, giving him virtually no warning before the weapon hits. For an in-depth
discussion of torpedo tactics , see Part II (the Captain's Manual), Weapons & Attacks
(pages 52 through 57) .

General Capabilities: Both the Harpoon and Tomahawk use similar attack Harpoon & Tomahawk Missiles
systems. Upon launching the missile rises to the surface, blasts into the sky from its
waterproof cannister, and flies at low altitude to the PAP. There it turns on radar
guidance and seeks the nearest target within its 90 forward arc. As soon as it finds

a target the missile steers toward that ship. Note that both the Harpoon and Toma-
hawk use radar guidance, and therefore cannot "see" enemy submarines.
Harpoons are available in all time periods, but Tomahawks are unavailable in
The missile shows on enemy radar when it leaves the water, but is very hard to
track until it reaches the PAP. Once it activates it is easier to track and shoot down .
Harpoon UGM Capabilities: Launched from torpedo tubes , this missile is effec-
tive only against ships. It cannot be launched from depths below 300'. You must pre-
program a course and activation pointforthis weapon ; it cannot be controlled in flight.

Minimum range is 6 Kyds, maximum range about 120 Kyds.
Tomahawk TASM Capabilities: Launched from either torpedo tubes or VLS
tubes, this missile is effective only against ships . It cannot be launched from depths
below 300'. Like the Harpoon, course and activation point must be pre-programmed .
Minimum range is 8 Kyds, maximum range about 500 Kyds!
Tomahawk TLAM Capabilities: Effective only against land targets, these mis-
siles cannot be used in a naval battle.
Firing Procedure: Firing a Harpoon or Tomahawk TASM is a three step process ,
and similar to firing a torpedo .
(1) Press the Fire Harpoon or Fire Tomahawk key.
This connects your shipboard fire control computers with the missile's guidance
system . The pre-planned activation point (PAP) marker appears on your primary
(2) Use the Control/erto move the PAP.
This determines the PAP where the missile starts seeking a target. It also determines
the missile's initial course, since it flies straight to the PAP. At the bottom of the
display is a readout of the current bearing and range to the PAP.
(3) Press the Selector to launch the missile.
Remember, missiles cannot be launched below 300' depth, and launches beneath
ice may be ruined (see page 21).
PAP Suggestion: When beginning , set the PAP of a Tomahawk or Harpoon
about 2/3rds of the distance to the target. This gives the missile a wide "search area".
For more sophisticated techniques, see Part II (The Captain 's Manual), Weapons &
Attacks (pages 52-57).
Controlling Missiles: Once a missile is launched it's "on its own". You cannot
make any changes or adjustments to the course or activation point.

Sea Lance Missiles Capabilities: This missile, launched from a torpedo tube , is designed to attack
subs. It could be used against ships. It cannot be launched from depths below 300' .
Like other missiles, course and activation point are pre-programmed. Minimum
range is about 6 Kyds, maximum about 60 Kyds.
The SeaLance is available from 1992 onward.
When the missile reaches its PAP, the warhead is released into the water. This
warhead is the small Mark 50 homing torpedo. It immediately activates and begins
circling , trying to find a target within its 90° forward arc. If no target is found, the
torpedo continues circling, deeper and deeper, until it either runs out of fuel and
sinks, or it finally finds a target.
When the torpedo homes on a target, it changes to the depth of that target and
drives straight at it. If it loses the target, it goes back to circling .
The Mark 50 torpedo has a relatively small warhead. This makes it more effective
against submarines than surface ships. Large submarines and most ships may take

two or more hits from this weapon before sinking.
Firing Procedure: A Sea Lance is fired just like a torpedo , Harpoon or Toma-
hawk. First, press the Fire Sea Lance key to "plug into" the missile's guidance
computer. Then use the Control/erto move the pre-planned activation point (PAP).
Finally, press the Selector to actually launch the missile.
Controlling a Sea Lance: Once a missile is launched it's "on its own". You cannot
make any changes or adjustments to the course or activation point, nor can you
control or adjust the Mk 50 Torpedo .
Capabilities: This missile is effective only against helicopters. It is fired from a Stinger Missiles
mast above water. Therefore, maximum launching depth is 55'. Entirely self-gu ided,
it must be activated with a course before launching . Once launched it flies straight
with an IR (Infrared) homer seeking aircraft emissions in a 90° forward arc. The first
and nearest aircraft spotted causes the missile to change course and fly straight at
the aircraft. If the aircraft dodges or jams the missile, it continues to fly straight until
it finds another target or runs out of fuel (the latter is more likely!).
Minimum range is a few hundred yards, maximum range is about 6 Kyds. Note
that this is very small maximum range.
Stinger mast mounts are available from 1992 onward .
Firing Procedure: Firing a Stinger is a three step process, like torpedoes and
other missiles.
(1) Press the Fire Stinger key.
This activates the missile and puts the course marker on your primary display.
Remember, you must be at 55' depth or less.
(2) Use the Control/erto move the course marker.
The missile will fly automatically from your boattoward the course marker. Therefore,
the course marker only shows the direction of flight. It is not a PAP, since the missile
is lau nched active. At the bottom of the display is a readout of the current bearing and
range to the PAP.
(3) Press the Selector to fire the missile.
This fires the missile. Before launching, check yourfiring conditions. The missile only
has 6 Kyds range - make sure the target is in range! Also remember that ice can
wreck the missile as it tries to launch .
Controlling a Stinger: Once a missile is launched it's "on its own ". You cannot
make any changes or adjustments to the course or target.

The enemy may launch torpedoes at you , some of which are delivered
long distances through the air by missiles. Fortunately, your sub contains
noisemakers and decoys to help you avoid them . In addition , high-speed
turns create water turbulence (called "knuckles") that confuse torpedoes .
A warning alarm sounds when a new threat is first located by your crew.
In addition , if an enemy torpedo is homing on your boat, you 'll hear "pings"
on your hull.

Defense Display
Press the Defense Display key to see the location of nearby threaten-
ing weapons . Threat Weapons will appear automatically on your secon-
dary display.
The Defense Display is similar to the Tactical Display, except it auto-
matically starts at the factor-3 scale , providing a useful "close up" for
observing and evading nearby torpedoes . The display is centered around
your boat. The map symbology is the same as on the Tactical Display.

Threat Weapons
Press the Threat Weapons key to see a list of enemy torpedoes threatening your
boat. There are four possible entries on this list, each with the following data:
BRG (Bearing): This indicates the compass direction from which the torpedo
approaches. It also has a symbol showing whether the torpedo is currently above or
below the layer.
RG (Range).· This indicates distance from you to the weapon , in yards. Weapons
begin homing at 2,000 to 4,000 yards , depending on sound conditions in the water.
At 1,000 yards or less they are a very serious danger.

There are three techn iques for "fooling " enemy torpedoes: noisemakers, knuck- Defense Equipment
les and decoys. Each relies on the limited sonar abilities of a torpedo : its sonar only
faces forward in a 90 arc (45° left and right of straight ahead ).

Noisemakers: Press the Noisemaker key to drop this device directly behind your
boat. A noisemaker jams a torpedo's sonar if (a) the noisemaker is fairly close to the THREATS
torpedo , and (b) if the torpedo is facing toward the noisemaker. Jammed torpedoes
may head straight into the noisemaker, or may try to steer around it. Unfortunately,
once past it they usually circle and seek you once more. BRG ~ 312
Noisemakers are very small devices. Submarines carry a large number and can
drop them fairly quickly. However, if you drop too many too fast , you may be RG 3950
temporarily out until the crew reloads the launcher.
Knuckles: If you make a tight 15° left or right turn at high speed , your sub may
form a "knuckle" of turbulence in the water. The knuckle acts like a noisemaker, but
lasts for less time . Furthermore, a knuckle is only effective if it is closer to the torpoedo
than your boat. If your boat is closer, the torpedo continues homing on you! BRG
Decoys: Press the Decoy key to launch this device. A decoy travels straight
ahead at 20 knots . It sends out and reflects sound signals that imitate your sub.
Actually , the imitation is good enough to fool a torpedo , but is rarely good enough to
fool a human sonar operator on a sub or ship.
A torpedo homes on a decoy instead of your sub only if (a) the torpedo is closer
to the decoy than to you : and (b) the torpedo faces toward the decoy.
Decoys are launched from a special tube . Reloading and programming a new
decoy takes considerable time. If you attempt to launch another decoy too fast, your
crew will report that no decoy is ready (yet!) .
When an enemy torpedo approaches, the standard maneuver is to drop a Evasive Tactics & Theories
noisemaker, increase speed to maximum , and make a hard turn away. The torpedo
will either blindly race through the noisemaker (in Introductory or Casual challenges)
or make a curving course around it (in Serious orUltimate challenges), then begin
circling to re-acquire you.
If you get far enough away, fast enough , the torpedo may never "find " you again .
Its maximum acquisition range to start homing is 2,000 to 3,000 yards , depending

on sonar conditions. For example, if the torpedo is on one side of the layer and you 're
on the other, the torpedo must be closer to find you , since contact is more difficult
through the layer.
Send ing out a decoy as you turn can be useful , since as the torpedo turns , it may
see the decoy first and chase that instead of you . Many other tricks and maneuvers
are possible , see Part II (The Captain 's Manual) , Evasion & Escape (pages 58-60)
for details.
RBU Rockets: These extremely short-range multiple rocket launchers are car-
ried on most Russian warships . Range varies from a few hundred to a few thousand
yards , depending on the model (larger ships generally have longer ranged models).
If a ship has your location , and is within range , it may fire a barrage of rockets directly
onto your position . These weapons drop quickly through the water and explode
around you . They rarely sink you , but often cause damage. The only escape is to
prevent enemy ships from getting so close in the first place!

Damage Report If you are hit, press the Damage Report key to show which , if any , systems have
been damaged . In general , if you take damage your computer will automatically
DAMAGE display the damage report (anticipating your desires) . Potentially vulnerable sys-
tems include :
REPORTS ACTIVE SONAR, which means forward damage has knocked out that sonar
system .
PASSIVE SONAR, which means hull damage has knocked out that sonar sys-
ACTIVE tem .
SONAR TOWED ARRA Y, which means the towed array has been broken and perma-
nently lost (often through damage to its housing on the hull) .
TORPEDO TUBES, which means there are casualties and flooding on forward
decks port or starboard , including one of the torpedo rooms. Half of your tubes are
out of action .
TORPEDO PROP LINKAGE, which means damage at the stern greatly slows your boat.
TUBES Starting Battles with Damage: If your boat has both passive sonar and its towed
array damaged, at the start of a battle you 'll discoverthat your active sonar is running .
TOWED This is because an engagement begins when you first recognize an enemy pres-
ARRAY ence. Since other sensor systems are damaged, this occurs when either (a) you
make an active sonar contact, or (b) when a torpedo hits you . Naturally, your boat
will "ping " frequently enough to avoid the latter situation.

Strategic Transit: the Norwegian Sea Theater
In "Strategic Transit" you maneuver your sub across hundreds of miles of ocean,
seeking out your objective while avoiding enemy patrols.
You control "Strategic Transit" only if you selected the RED STORM RISING
campaign game option (see Starting Options, page 8). In all other options you
bypass this and go directly into "Battle" (see page 11).
The keyboard overlay provided is for use in battle only. Ignore it for Strategic
Transit. The main controls for cruising are the Control/er (typically the joystick,
mouse or cursor keys, see the Technical Supplement) and the Selector(typically the
trigger, button , or Return key).
You start the campaign at your home port, Holy Loch , on the western coast of Home Port
Scotland (northern England) . You will need to return here periodically, to replenish
your ammunition and/or have damage repaired.
Weapons Handling: To add or subtract weapons from your boat, move the
Control/erto highlight "add" or "remove" on the appropriate weapon . Each press of
the Selector adds or subtracts one weapon, changing the amount on board.
Selecting weapons for your sub is an important decision . The Mk 48 torpedo is
an excellent all-around weapon, especially useful against submarines, particularly
diesel/electric subs. The Sea Lance is primarily useful against nuclear subs. Toma-
hawk T ASM missiles are excellent for use against surface ships, but may not be
available, in which case carry Harpoon UGMs instead . Some Captains prefer the
greater survivability of the Harpoon anyway. Tomahawk TLAMs are useful only if
your objective is a land target. Stingers are always worth carrying ifthey're
Repairs: To repair a damaged system on your boat, move the Con-
trol/erto highlight the repair you desire. Press the Selector to make the
Returning to Sea: To leave port, move the Control/erto highlight the
"leave port" option and press the Selector.
Warning: Your tubes are now unloaded! Pause to load them (see the
next page for details).
Time: Be aware that weapons handling and repairs take time . While
you're in port, the enemy may get far ahead of you . If you wait too long,
you may discover that the enemy has achieved their goal and a new
mission awaits.

The Map
The map shows the northern waters between Greenland and Scandi-
navia (the "Norwegian Sea Theater"). During Strategic Transit your sub,
enemy task forces , aircraft, and satellites move across the map at an
accelerated rate (approximately one second equals one hour) .

See the Technical Supplement for map colors and symbols.
Timeliness: The map shows only the latest sightings of enemy forces . Many
times sightings of enemy forces are hours, sometimes days old . The map symbol
changes color or shape to show the "age" of each sighting . It's unwise to place much
trust in old sightings. As new sightings occur your map is automatically updated.
Goals: In general , your objective is to intercept and destroy a specific enemy
force at sea. Unfortunately, more than one enemy force may be at sea! Finding the
enemy, then moving into a good position for battle, requires both luck and skill . Refer
to Part II (the Captain's Manual), Strategic Maneuvers (pgs 40-42) for more informa-
tion and advice.
Cruising Maneuver Options: You use the Control/er to move your sub in any of eight
directions. You normally travel at cruising speed (15 kts) , but if you hold down the
Selectorwhile moving, you increase to flank speed (30 kts). In addition, you can drift
(moving just a few knots) by not touching the controls.
Tactics: The slower you move, the further your sonars "hear" and the quieter your
sub. As you move faster your detection range decreases while the enemy can hear
you farther away.
Pause: To freeze time in your cruise , press the Pause key. This gives you access
to the Attack Center where you can examine your ship, change weapons loading ,
review your orders, or save the game.
Keyboard Overlay: This is provided only for "Battle". Do NOT use the keyboard
overlay controls when cruising.
Pause: When you pause , or when you contact the enemy, the scene changes to the
The Attack Center control room ("Attack Center") of your sub. Use the Control/erto highlight an option ,
then press the Selector to make that choice .
Reviewing Mission Orders: You can examine the last orders received , to
remind you of the current objective.
XO's Ship Status Report: Here you can examine the state of your boat and
change the weapon loadouts in your tubes .
To change weapon loadout, first unload a tube by moving the Control/er to
highlight a tube and pressing the Selector. Then select the new weapon by moving
the Control/erto highlight the weapon and pressing the Selector.
Some submarine classes have special-purpose tubes or weapons . VLS tubes
can only be loaded and unloaded at port. Stingers have a special weapons area in
the sail with a mast launcher. Since this is a dedicated-purpose launcher, it is
automatically loaded and readied .
Computer Log: This allows you to save the game.
Continue on Course: This returns you to Strategic Transit in the Norwegian Sea
theater. This option is not available if you encountered enemy naval forces here.
Battle Stations: This option starts the battle. It's available only if you encountered

enemy naval forces here.
Before entering battle, make sure your torpedo tubes are loaded. In addition , Are Your
make a habit to pause and set up a starting tube load immediately after leaving port. Torpedo Tubes Loaded?
To do this , simply select the XO's Ship Status Report option , described above .
When you conclude a combat with any enemy forces you always uplink a combat Finishing Your Mission
report to COMSUBLANT. This happens automatically. If the enemy encountered
was not your objective, you are informed of this and can continue under current
orders. If the enemy encountered was the objective mentioned in your orders, the
mission ends, results are shown , and new orders are issued to you .
If your target is enemy warships, you should do your best in battle. You won 't get
a second chance!
A red and blue bar gauge is displayed between missions, as news reports arrive Course of the War
before and after missions. If the dividing line on the gauge moves toward the "WP"
(Warsaw Pact") end then the Pact is doing better. If it moves toward the NATO end,
then NATO is doing better. If the dividing line moves entirely to one or the end, that
side has a decisive advantage that will force the enemy to the negotiating table and
end the conflict. Needless to say , you don't want the Pact to win .

Part 2 The Captain's Manual

Captain's Briefing: The Norwegian Sea Theater

Introduction For those captains unfamiliar with the military situation in this theater, the follow-
ing background may be useful in grasping the importance of upcoming operations.
It may also give you insights into enemy acitivity.
The Norwegian Sea Theater is the strategic corridor between Russia's Atlantic
ocean ports and the NATO "homewaters" between Europe and America . This
theater is a nautical "no-man's land" between areas of vital strategic interest to each
Russia's nuclear deterrent requires control of the coastal seas near Murmansk
and Arkhangel'sk, so her nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) can cruise in
safety. Meanwhile, the NATO land forces are destined eventually to collapse under
sustained wartime pressure unless the USA can move large quantities of troops,
equipment and supplies across the Atlantic to Europe.

The NATO The land war in Europe relies on timely reinforcements moving from America,
Perspective through the North Atlantic to European ports. Heavy vehicles , huge numbers of
troops, ammunition, and other supplies cannot be moved by air, only by sea. Without
these reinforcements NATO faces eventual catastrophe against the Warsaw Pact.
The GIUK Gap: The Norwegian Sea Theater is crucial because Russian naval
attacks on the convoy route must pass through this region and transit the GIUK
(Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom) gap to reach the Atlantic convoy lines.
The western end of this convoy route is guarded by US naval bases on the east
coast, Canadian bases in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and small utility airfields
on the Greenland coast. At the eastern end is the great island depot of NATO naval
forces, Great Britain. The big naval and air bases in Scotland not only face the convoy
routes, but also make excellent starting points for sorties into the Norwegian Sea
Theater itself. The middle area between Greenland and Britain is the
danger zone .
Iceland is an independent and peace-loving island nation. It grudgingly
admits to common cause with NATO in time of war, especially as it lacks
significant military forces itself. American aircraft can use the large Keflavik
airbase for naval patrol bombers, and possibly as a fighter base as well.
However, Icelandic bases lack the large, well-protected and well-stocked
facilities found in Britain or the USA. On the other hand, it is vital that
Iceland not fall into enemy hands.
The Faeroes are a similar situation . These tiny islands, Danish terri-
tory, do not have any major NATO installations. However, as bases for
Russian planes or missiles they would pose a serious threat to NATO.
Fortunately the Faeroes are within reach of the jet fighter-bomber bases
in Great Britain, and therefore fairly well-protected . Iceland is well beyond
this range, and thus more vulnerable.
Norway is an active member of NATO. Its long coastline provides a
series of air and naval bases that command the Norwegian Sea Theater.

In wartime these bases could make life diHicult to impossible for Soviet
ships moving south toward the Atlantic, while at the same time provid ing The New Maritime Strategy
In the 1970s NATO concentrated its naval planning and
needed fuel and ammunition to NATO ships moving toward the Soviet
resources on establishing a barrier at the GIUK (Greenland-
coast. Most importantly, Soviet naval aviation bombers flying from the Iceland-United Kingdom) gap. This included a line of seabed
Murmansk area into the Norwegian Sea could be intercepted coming and SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System) sensors across the entire
going , by fighters based in Norway. gap, which was divided into "blocks" of ocean, each of which
Because of this commanding position , NATO expects the Warsaw was patrolled by an SSN attack sub. Scouting in front of the line
Pact to invade Norway on the first day of WWIII . The northernmost bases , were naval patrol planes of the USA (P-3 Orions) and the UK
such as Banak airfield near the North Cape , will almost surely fall to a (Nimrods) , whi le behind it lurked groups of ASW surface ships,
combined Soviet paratroop and overland attack. Norway does not garri- primarily British .
son this border strongly, nor does she permit other NATO troops to In the early 1980s, the US Navy announced a new policy.
The Secretary of the Navy John Lehman said:
garrison it (for political reasons) . Once a war starts , Norway would wel-
come NATO troops, but they could arrive too late for the northern regions , I cannot conceive of a NATO war in which we would
and perhaps might not arrive at all , depending on events elsewhere. not be putting one, but several carrier battle groups
into the Norwegian Sea at some point. What we
The first natural "bastion" to halt a Russian advance into Norway is at must do is to seek out and destroy the Soviet capac-
Narvik. Surrounded by mountains and glaciers, Narvik boasts an excel- ity to interdict our uses of the sea:
lent deepwater port at the end of a large fjord . Norway is very narrow at This new policy, perhaps inspired by America's growing naval
this point, and continues so south to Trondheim . An overland advance strength in the Reagan Administration (1981 -89), clearlyOindi-
along this narrow corridor full of hostile terrain and impossible weather cates a desire to "go get 'em" deep into the Norwegian Sea. A
could take months, possibly years . But if the Warsaw Pact somehow number of NATO naval officers and strategists, including some
takes Trondheim , from there the larger parts of Norway open out. Over- Americans, are worried by the risks of this strategy. However,
land advances to the heart of the nation are possible , even to Oslo. The in naval warfare victory traditionally goes to the bold leader.
coastal city of Bergen is well protected by large mountain ranges . It could Even if American strategists became more cautious in a
real shooting war, it's very likely that attack submarines would
perhaps hold out longer than Oslo itself.
be sent deep into the Norwegian Sea to challenge the Sbviet
Needless to say , just as Norwegian ports and airbases are valuable Red Banner Northern Fleet. N

to NATO, so they would be invaluable to the Warsaw Pact, allowing it to

'quoted in "The Proceedings of the US Naval Institute" , September 1985
extend air and naval power deeper and deeper into the Norwegian Sea. issue, pg . 43.
Offense at Sea: The Barents Sea is crucial to the USSR as a bastion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1
area for its nuclear deterrent SSBNs. The area is also critical to other surface and
submarine forces , since they must pass through here on their way into battle , and
then again on their way home .
Russia's main defense here is a vast series of airbases around Murmansk on the
Kola Peninsula. Huge numbers of reconnaissance and missile bombers , guarded by
jet fighters , are all based here, including the form idable Backfire naval attack
bombers. Unless these aircraft are destroyed it would be suicide for any surface
warship group to approach too closely. Submarines, however, have a significantly
better chance of sneaking into the Barents Sea. A submarine here could intercept
enemy vessels coming and going , perhaps "bag " an SSBN , or launch a cruise missile
attack on a land target (such as a Backfire airbase).
Defense at Sea: The Norwegian Sea and especially the GIUK gap are crucial to
NATO's survival. The primary task of naval forces in this area is to sink any Soviet

ships or subs transiting the gap. The complex and expensive SOSUS line is designed
for just this purpose - to spot intruders so they can be destroyed by plane, ship or
Needless to say, the farther north Soviet naval power is challenged and stopped ,
the farther they are from the Atlantic convoys. Therefore , a natural NATO strategy
is an aggressive defense that pushes as hard as possible into the Norwegian Sea.
The Greenland Sea: This area between Greenland and Spitsbergen is the "open
flank" of the Theater. Spitsbergen is officially Norwegian , but is barely populated and
militarily worthless. It is much further north than Murmansk, and is not warmed by the
Gulf Stream. However, the ice floes around the island and the pack ice beyond are
a happy hunting ground for submarines and their support ships. SSBNs enjoy this
area, since some are designed to crash up through pack ice before launching their
nuclear weapons.
Ultimately, though , all surface exits from this area lead south to the Denmark Strait
portion of the GIUK gap.

The Warsaw Pact The USSR's nuclear deterrent relies on ballistic missile submarines operating in
Perspective the Barents Sea. Above all , the Red Banner Northern Fleet must protect these
precious weapons. In addition , the "naval vision" of the USSR extends to Norway,
Iceland, and ultimately the convoy pipeline from America to Europe.
Ports: Murmansk, warmed by the top of the Atlantic Ocean's Gulf Stream , is
Russia's only year-round ice-free port on the Atlantic Ocean. Arkhangel'sk is better
protected from the elements and further south , but is blocked with ice during the
Over the years since WWII , Murmansk and surrounding regions on the Kola
Peninsula have expanded into a vast complex of air, land and sea installations,
including OTH radars , ABM warning systems, underground docks for submarines,
large railyards and depots, and much more.
Murmansk is connected to the rest of the Soviet Union by a long rail line running
southward along the Finnish border and the White Sea coastline. The first few
hundred miles of this line are exposed to air and missile attacks from Norway, making
Murmansk a somewhat exposed outpost.
In comparison , Arkhangel'sk is served by a much more extensive rail network, is
closer to the heartland of western Russia, and farther from potentially hostile nations.
In good weather, large troop and supply convoys can assemble easily and safely in
Arkhangel'sk, where equivalent assemblage at Murmansk would take longer and be
much more risky.
Northern Seas: Russia regards the Barents Sea as her private lake. It is, after
all , the doorstep to Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk, while the nearest major NATO
bases are hundreds of miles away in Great Britain. Russia's invaluable SSBNs
("boomers") patrol here and in the Kara Sea (slightly to eastward). The boomers hold
the final nuclear deterrent of the Soviet Union , its defense against annihilation by an

American nuclear attack.
SSBNs began operations in the Barents Sea during the late 1960s and early
1970s, and naval forces grew accordingly. Guarding the "boomer bastions" remains
the prime directive of the Red Banner Northern Fleet. All other operations are
secondary to this goal.
In addition to this defensive duty, in wartime the fleet must support land operations
against northern Norway . In fact, without naval support and "end around" amphibious
landings, the Red Army is likely to get stalled near Narvik for the duration of the war.
Southern Seas: If the Soviet Navy can cut the convoy lines from America to
Europe, the land war in Europe is as good as won . The victory may not come quickly,
but it will come. Of course, achieving this objective requires considerable work.
Initially NATO airbases, carrier task forces, ASW groups, submarines and
SOSUS lines present an impassable barrier to Soviet surface ships. Soviet Northern
Fleet naval aviation cannot easily stretch its range to reach the convoys, especially
not with NATO fighters in Norway. Only the subs have a chance of sneaking
southward and running the gauntlet of SOSUS through the GIUK gap.
However, if the Warsaw Pact can use naval aviation to chase NATO surface ships
from the Norwegian Sea theater, eliminate or capture the airbases in Norway and
Iceland, then cut the SOSUS line, the situation changes. Now Soviet ships and subs
can steam into the North Atlantic with impunity, protected by Soviet aircraft and
supported by long-range Soviet missile bombers.
Meanwhile, ships may be needed to supply armies operating in southern Norway.
And finally, if all other operations on land and sea have gone well , including the
destruction of NATO carrier groups and the defeat of NATO forces in Europe, the
Warsaw Pact could contemplate the invasion of Britain itself!

Strategic Maneuvers
Winning the War In this war, like any war, your job is to accomplish the mission. Doing this helps
the war effort, while failure plays into the hands of the enemy.
Your first major problem is finding the enemy. Satellites, recon aircraft, and your
own listening can find them , but you 're not always sure you've found the right enemy.
Sometimes it's obvious - an enemy submarine force isn't easily confused with the
carrier group you 're hunting. Other times , though , you aren't sure until you're
engaged in battle , or sometimes not even until after the battle! Watching the enemy's
course long enough will give them away , but don't wait so long that they achieve their
As a rule, it's unwise to be distracted by enemies other than your true target.
Chasing phantoms allows the real target to escape. Long engagements with secon-
dary opponents depletes your limited ammo, forcing you to return to Holy Loch that
much sooner. Of course passing up big , juicy targets like cruisers and aircraft carriers
is silly. Taking down a brand new nuclear sub is worth the time too . But getting into
a knife fight with some 'cheapo' diesel/electrics, or playing tag with an ASW group
of old destroyers and frigates is a needless risk that wastes time and ammunition.
Unless, of course, ComSubLant actually wants you to clean their clocks!
Classic Stratagems Modern attack subs have two classic techniques for finding and engaging the
enemy: "Sprint and Drift", and the "End Run Ambush".
Sprint and Drift: Here you sprint at flank speed (30 knots or more) , then
periodically drift at very slow speed (5 knots or less) . The sprints eat up large
distances, while the drifts let you listen for the enemy.
Sprint and drift is an excellent way to intercept an enemy force, since surface
warship groups travel about 20 to 24 knots, amphibious and merchant convoys are
10 to 17 knots, and diesel/electrics can be even slower. Even with occasional drifts,
you can outdistance a slow enemy with your sprints.
Intercepting enemy nuclear subs is much more difficult, since they're probably
moving at your speed , and using the very same sprint and drift tactics.
End Run Ambush: In this technique, first invented during WWII, you circle
around the enemy and position yourself ahead of him . Once in position you can move
dead slow or drift, giving you good listening while you remain virtually silent. Best of
all, the enemy is coming to you!
The ideal position is ahead and to the side of the enemy, so they parade past your
position , presenting their loud broadsides to you . However, due to zig-zags , what
seems like a good side position might become a hopelessly out-of-range spot.
Therefore, a cautious captain puts himself squarely in front of the enemy instead.
In comparison , if you're chasing the enemy from astern , you'll be forced to ru n fast
and loud, making it harder for you to listen, and easier for him to hear you . Although
you might think a stern approach is good against enemy vessels without a towed
array or VDS, in reality the enemy is aware of this also, and makes big zig-zags that

"rotate" their baffles in different directions, which effectively prevents that tactic.
Besides, in most cases you can 't know if the enemy has or lacks a towed array or VDS
until it's too late.
The Task Force: Russian surface task forces are built around a standard high- The"Red Banner"
low mix. A group will include a few modern , powerful warsh ips , plus a selection of Northern Fleet
smaller and/or older supporting ships. Groups of all powerful and modern ships, or
all old and weak ships , are fairly uncommon .
Russian submarine groups are usually all nuclear or all diesel/electric. However,
nuclear subs are sometimes assigned to escort important diesel/electric operations.
Ballistic missile subs may be escorted by nuclear or diesel/electric subs , sometimes
Submarine Escorts: Russian surface ship groups often include one or more
submarines. The faster groups , such as ASW forces or carrier groups, have nuclear
attack submarines. The slower groups, such as convoys and amphibious groups,
may have nuclear or diesel/electric subs . In some cases a separate submarine group
of one to four boats will either escort surface sh ips or "sweep" the waters surrounding
them .
Covering Groups: When a Russian force sorties from port it may be supported
by a second , "covering " force . This force can be either surface ships, submarines ,
or both . Typically it sails in front of the main body, or off to one flank. It is rare for this
covering group to escort the main force the entire distance . Usually it breaks away
at some point. However, if the main group asks for help, the covering group usually
rushes to its aid. Therefore , one way to tell a covering group from a main group is to
let you rself be spotted during Strategic Transit, and then see if the other group rushes
toward you . If it does, it's a covering group. If it doesn 't, then it's the main mission-
you should get away from the nearby group and go after the main group instead .
Spetsnaz Operations: Russian commandos (Spetsnaz) are generally trans-
ported by submarine to their target. Diesel/electric subs are preferred , usually an
attack model, sometimes a cruise missile model with commando equipment instead
of cruise missiles aboard . In very rare cases Spetsnaz may be carried in nuclear
boats , but more often the nuclear boat is just an escort.
When you do engage enemy forces , the engagement generally has three distinct A Strategist's
phases. First you attempt to identify and localize the enemy. Th is phase is basically View of Battle
a sensor duel : the ship with the best sensors and the best position to use them
generally wins . Victory , in case you wondered , is definitely identifying the target as
hostile , and acquiring sufficient accuracy to fire . Aggressive captain 's who don't mind
wasting ammo sometimes fire with 50-60% solutions , but NATO trains its captains
to wait until they have at least an 85% solution , preferably a 99% solution .
Once a firing solution is obtained the attack phase beg ins. With today's deadly
weapons , the vessel which launches the first well-planned attack is often the victor.

A well-planned attack keeps the target unaware of attack until the last possible
moment, with no chance of countermeasures or escape. Ideally the attacker does
not reveal his position during the attack. The best attack is therefore quick, quiet, and
Once the attack is delivered , the escape phase begins. If you alerted the target
or if other enemy units are in the area, expect to find yourself the target of their
counterattacks. Now self-preservation becomes an overriding consideration. Still , a
successful captain is always looking for opportunities to hit back at the enemy.
Effective use of both defensive and offensive assets simultaneously is the true test
of your battle skills.

Using Sonar and Other Sensors
The purpose of sonar and other sensors is to find the enemy, and once he is found,
identify him sufficiently for an accurate weapon launch. Of all the sensors on a
submarine, sonars are the most important.
Successful captains understand the capabilities and limitations of their sonar.
American submarines are , on the whole, quieter than Russian, and outfitted with
better sonars. This is your main advantage. If you give it away, you'll soon be taking
up permanent residence with Davy Jones.
Sonar is sound moving through water. If water temperature and depth were Sound and Sonar
constant, sound would travel in straight lines. However, both temperature and
pressure change, and at every change the sound path bends. Exploiting these local
changes gives you a large bag of tactical ''tricks'' to use against the enemy. Further-
more, the amount of salt in seawater (salinity) varies, and this too can affect sound
in much less predictable ways.
Temperature & The Layer: As water gets colder, sound waves bend downward
(toward the ocean bottom); as it gets warmer, sound waves bend upward (toward the
ocean surface). Typically the ocean is warmest near the surface (about 10 to 20"C,
depending on the region and season), then at a 100' to 300' depth it suddenly gets
much colder (about 7 to 10°C). This sudden change is the ''thermocline'', or ''thermal
layer". Below the layer, temperature gradually declines to 4°C at about 3,000', where
the temperature stabilizes. However, no combat submarines can dive below about
3, 000' , so that issue is irrelevant.
The Curving Paths of Sound: The temperature changes mentioned above
cause sound waves traveling downward to "bend" toward the bottom at a steeper and
steeper angle (a "negative gradient"), while sound waves travelling upward gradually
"bend" up (a "positive gradient") .
However, water pressure steadily increases with depth . This increasing pressure
"bends" sound upward (a "positive gradient"). Above or near the layer, temperature
change has a larger effect than pressure. But as sound waves dive deeper, tempera-
ture changes become less and pressure is the greater factor, causing sounds to
curve upward again .
Convergence & Shadow Zones: Typically, sound waves that dive into deep
water first have a negative gradient due to dropping temperatures, then a positive
one as pressure takes over. The wave thus curves down, then curves back upward
again , in a large arc.
A unique aspect of this is that regardless of what angle sound starts downward,
the bending effects tend to "push" all the sounds onto a single path . Overall, the
length ofthe arc, as measured across the ocean surface , can be as much as 30 miles.
This phenomenon is "convergence". In extreme cases, you can even see the rippling
on the ocean 's surface as powerful sound waves "converge" on the same spot of
ocean surface from far away.

Ocean Surface
You can use convergence to your advan-
tage. Converging sounds cause "shadow
zones" where no sounds can reach , and from
which no sounds will reach the enemy. A sub-
marine moving in this shadow zone is effec-
Cotder Water:
Negative Gradient tively invisible. Shadow zones typically occur
Temperature- sl ightly below the layer.
Pressure Ducts: Sound waves "bounce" off the un-
Convergence derside ofthe ocean surface. They also bounce
Higher Pressure :
Po s~ ive Gradient from a strong thermal layer, should they hit at
Ocean Bottom
a glancing angle. If your sub is above the layer,
as sound spreads out from a source (such as
your engine room or your sonar) , some waves
"bounce" between the surface and layer. The stronger the layer, the better the
bounce. As a result, sound can be "ducted" long distances.
In exceptional cases , peculiar temperature and salinity changes near the surface
can cause a duct there , regardless of the layer.
Isothermal Sound: In rare cases water temperature and pressure changes
balance , resulting in virtually straight-line sound . Of course , these "lines" can still
bounce from the surface , a strong layer, or the ocean bottom . Isothermal conditions
are more likely in shallow water or near the surface in drift ice.
Drift Ice (Ice Floes): In ice floes the lower water temperature and reduced salinity
(from melting ice) often result in a weaker layer at a higher depth. On the other hand,
the movement, collisions, and breakup of the ice significantly increase background
ocean noise. Detection ranges are therefore considerably less. A submarine-to-
submarine duel among ice floes often means a close-in "knife fight".
Pack Ice (the Arctic Icecap): Beneath the arctic ice pack it is very quiet, as there
is virtually no surface noise. The irregular bottom of the ice pack stops nearly all
ducting. The low water temperature and low salinity near the icepack result in a very
high layer. In fact, underwater pressure ridges can go deep enough to drop through
the layer. These deep ridges also interfere with sound transmission . The "best"
sound conditions are near shallow ridges or open water.
Shallow Water: In shallow waters a layer may not exist. However, smooth
bottoms may allow "bottom bouncing" of sound , turning the entire area into a gigantic
duct. On the other hand , rough bottoms trap sound waves and make long-range
listening very difficult. In general, though , the shallower the water, the poorer the
sound transmission .
The Baffles: The propellers and wake of a ship or sub disturb the water directly
astern . As a result, neither active nor passive sonar can receive sound signals in a
60° arc behind the vessel (30 0 either side of "dead" astern).
A sub's towed array, a ship's VDS, or a helicopter's dipping sonar are not mounted

on the hull. Therefore they have no baffles, but instead operate in all directions.
The standard technique for finding an enemy is simple : listen for him. Once you Contact Tactics
hear him , lurk at low speed and develop a TMA (Target Motion Analysis, i.e., identify
him). When he's identified , you can select an appropriate attack.
Listening: The greatest advantage of a submarine is stealth . It is the only naval
warship that can hide from an enemy. As a result, using passive sonar and the towed
array is the standard method of developing contacts.
In general , the towed array is a submarine's best listening tool. While passive
sonar is hindered by a submarine's own noise , and the noise of water passing over
the hull , a towed array is virtually silent. Unfortunately, towed arrays are so long that
they invariably sink beneath the layer. If the layer is strong , the towed array may not
do a good job "hearing" sounds above the layer. The minimum speed for maintaining
a towed array is about 4 to 5 knots. At slower speeds the array goes slack and fails
to function . High speeds and especially high speed turns also interfere with towed
array reception .
The next best listening tool is passive sonar. Passive sonar has best reception
when a vessel is absolutely motionless. Reception degrades as speed increases.
Since towed arrays are the ultimate listening tool beneath the layer, a searching sub
often runs above the layer so its hull-mounted
passive system can listen simultaneously above
the layer. Ocean Helicopter with Enemy Surface Ship
The TMA (Target Motion Analysis): Lis- Surface ~ Dipping Sonar ~
ten ing first provides a bearing to the enemy. .............................................. !" ....
~.~~~~· · · · · ··· ·· · ·· · ·E·~~~~· ·· ·· · ·· · ··· ·· ·· · · ··· ·· · ··· · ··· ....
However, a computerized comparison of in-
com ing sounds is needed to gain more infor- US Sub Diesel Sub Nuclear Sub
mation . As the sonarmen listen , watch their Layer -i t • I t s VDS
screens , and build up computer data profiles ,
-~- -------- - - ------- -----------------
-~ -- - -- _.
predictions can be made about the target's Towed Array
course , then about its speed , and finally about Towed Array
its range . Often the sonarmen gain sufficient
information to compare the incoming sounds Ocean Bottom
with a "library" of sound profi les for enemy (and
friendly) ships. After all, it's embarrassing to
sink a friendly ship , or for that matter a whale !
In general, the longer you listen to the
enemy, the greater the accuracy of the contact
solution. If you lose a contact, solution accu-
racy g radually degrades to zero .
The most difficult part of a TMA is waiting for
that last but crucial piece of information : the
range to target. Firing a missile at a target that ........;....;.",;,..,;_............,;,.i~...;......~........_ .....__

is much closer than you think means you waste the missile, because it activates after
passing the target! Firing a torpedo at a target actually much farther away generally
wastes the torpedo , and almost always is a waste of time. To get additional contact
data quickly, laser, active radar, and active sonar are useful tools . However, all risk
exposing your sub's presence to the enemy.

Using Active Sonar Active sonar announces your presence to the world. Worse, the enemy can hear
it farther than you can get good information (see sidebar). Therefore submarine
captains often avoid using it, or restrict their use to occasional pings. However,
surface ships are different. Since they are so noisy, and obliged to get somewhere
rather quickly, active sonar is their standard search method. However, once a
submarine has been identified, ships sometimes slow down and "go passive" in the
hopes of hearing interesting information .
Active vs. Diesel/Electrics: If you encounter an enemy quieter than you (for
example, a diesel/electric sub), he'll probably hear you first. With that advantage he
will stay outside your detection range while building up a 99% TMA, then launch a
torpedo or missile. Your first warning of an enemy nearby will be a launch transient
(the compressed air blasting the torpedo from its tube) , the missile splash overhead ,
or the pinging of a torpedo's homing sonar.
In this case, as you dodge the attack, the
standard response is to "go active". Since the
enemy already knows your location, a few
pings won 't make much difference now. And
Sub "A" those pings may well reveal his location to
US Sub t Enemy you. If he's outside active sonar range , note
; e~ Sub "8" the direction his torpedo came from. Chances
are good the enemy lurks there.
--- ~ ................... • ••.................... . .
s In fact, until you sink the diesel/electric sub ,
one useful tactic is to remain active. The
enemy you can't see is almost always the
most dangerous. Perhaps the only way to
remain silent is to fire enough weaponry at
the enemy that they're constantly doing loud ,
noisy things to avoid your attacks.
Active in a Firefight: Active sonar is also
useful in the middle of a frantic fight. If you're
maneuvering wildly at high speeds to avoid
enemy torpedoes, chances are your towed
array is out and your passive sonar is "gar-
baged up" by loud water noise. An enemy
you've been tracking may suddenly disap-

If the enemy are surface ships, they'll probably keep pinging and announce
themselves again. However, if the enemy is a submarine, he may be running slow
and silent, listening to all your wild gyrations in the water. Here your best bet may be
a few active pings , giving you a good fix to launch a torpedo , or better yet, a Sea
Lance right onto his head! Once the weapon is launched, turn off the active sonar,
concentrate on avoiding his weapons, and then listen to his acrobatics (or the
satisfying sound of an explosion when your weapon hits!).

The side of a ship broadcasts sound better than the bow or stern. Similarly, the Acoustic
side reflects active sonar signals better than the bow or stern. Therefore, to minimize Cross Section
your cross-section to the enemy, you should face toward him or away from him .
However, since hull-mounted sonar is blind to the stern, the all-around best position
is to aim the nose of your vessel toward the enemy.

ESM Radar Receiver: Enemy surface ships tend to keep their radars running Masts & Periscopes
constantly. Your ESM receives radar signals just like your passive sonar receives
sound signals. ESM will provide a bearing to the contact, then as your sonar
operators combine radar and sonar results, you eventually build a TMA. Periodically
check your Compare Sonar display. As soon as your passive or towed array is within
the tracking range you can maintain the contact with sonar alone, allowing you to dive
below 60' .
To get an ESM fix, rise to 55' depth, then come up 5' at a time until you get an "R"
Sensor reading in the View Contacts secondary display. This "R " means your ESM
mast just picked up the enemy radar signal.
The great risk of ESM is thatthe enemy will "see" your mast with his radar. Keeping
your mast as low as possible reduces this risk, but it can never be eliminated entirely.
Therefore, a wise captain replaces ESM with sonar tracking as soon as possible.
Active Radar: Active radar broadcasts your presence to all enemy surface ships
within range . Unlike ESM , active radar provides detailed information aboutthe target
very quickly.
Your depth (and thus mast height above water) has a powerful effect on range.
Unlike sonar, active and passive radar have the same range. Therefore, if you
manage mast height correctly, you could get an active radar fix on a nearby enemy,
while remaining invisible to a further enemy because of your low mast. Of course, this
only lasts until the enemies compare notes!
The classic use of radar is searching for enemy surface warships. In difficult water
conditions, especially ice floes or poor surface ducting, a high-mast radar search can
reveal enemies beyond listening range.
In addition, if you 're just dying to know the location of an enemy helicopter, rising
to 55' for a quick radar scan is useful. You'll only alert enemies within stinger range,
and anybody that close is well worth destroying.

In all cases, the wise commander assumes that active radar announces his
The Periscope: If you suspect that an enemy surface ship or "helo" (helicopter)
is fairly close , you can develop a contact with your periscope . The periscope and its
laser range finder don't send detectable signals, but keeping the periscope above
water does mean that other enemy radars may see it. Therefore , it's best to "inch up"
the scope by rising to 55' depth , then rising 5' at a time until you find the target. Once
your contact data is good enough for a shot, dive, shoot on the way down , and leave
The problem with a periscope is that enemy radar has better range than visible
light. Therefore , a periscope elevation sufficient to aid your contact may be quite high
to a radar set. The result is detection. The best way to avoid this possibility is to keep
your periscope up for just a few seconds.

Stalking the Bear
American submarines are extremely quiet and outfitted with some of the best
sonar equipment in the world. If you 're good, this means you can find , stalk, and
attack most enemies without being found. A truly expert captain can even guide his
torpedo to an enemy who doesn 't hear it coming!
Of course, managing a "sneak attack" in the high technology environment of the
1980s and 1990s is considerably more complex than it was in the 1940s (during
WWII) . However it can be done with careful thought and an awareness of how
technology functions.
The first rule of stalking is "Know your enemy". This means you need a firm TMA Stay Quiet while
(ship class identification and accurate range) . Until you have this, it's wise to creep Developing
around at 5 kts. a Contact
At all times you need to watch the sensor values in the View Contacts secondary
display. The enemy must reach a sensor value of 8 or more (the detection thresh-
old) to first spot you. Meanwhile, now that you've spotted him, you can maintain the
contact with a sensor value of 0 to 7 (the tracking range). If you don 't know much
about the enemy, assume the worst and keep your sensor values low. This may
mean sailing parallel to or away from him at times. Later, when you have more
information, you can decide if it's safe to close the range .
Use the Map Overlayon the Tactical Display to view the water conditions near you
and the enemy. Beware of sailing into water that enhances sound transmission-
the enemy might suddenly hear you! Be aware of where to go if you must reduce
sound transmission: across the layer, near the surface among noisy drift and floe ice,
among icepack pressure ridges, or near the high bottom in the shallows.
Also remember that if the enemy is in water with poor transmission, when he
moves to better water his "hearing" will improve.
Once you've identified your opponent(s) and found the range , you can decide Closing the Range
what weapon to use and what launching position you prefer. Refer to the next section
("Attacks & Weapons") for details. In general, though , the best weapon launch is a
short-range torpedo shot. This usually means you 'll want to close the range.
Using the Water: If you 're trying to close the range, check the Compare Sonars
display frequently . The ideal approach keeps all enemy sonars not only below the
Detection Threshold , but out of the Tracking Range as well. As you get closer, you'll
need water conditions that mask your sounds. Favorite tricks include running on the
other side of the layer and deliberately steering into "dirty" water (water with poor
sound transmission).
Positional Advantages: Moving slowly always helps when listening. This is why
an "End Run Ambush" maneuver is so advantageous. It puts you ahead of the
enemy, allowing you to slow down and wait while he comes to you .
Ships without a VDS and subs without a towed array are blind to their rear. This
"baffles" area is approximately a 60° arc. If your boat is within the "baffles" of an

enemy , neither his active nor his passive sonars can hear you , no matter
how loud your sounds. Beware, however, that the enemy may zig-zag .
When he suddenly changes course , his baffles will swing onto a dramati-
cally different heading.
Russian vessels often travel in small groups, sharing data among
them (including data between surface ships and submarines) . However,
in order to do this effectively, all the vessels must travel in formation .
Therefore , until you 're spotted , you can rely on the enemy to follow the
same course , and to change course simultaneously. Of course , once they
contact you or come under fire, their formation almost always breaks up.
Avoiding Mistakes: A common error among novice captains is ig-
noring comparative sonar values , and therefore announcing their pres-
ence earlier than necessary. Once this mistake is corrected , novices still tend to
ignore water conditions (i. e. , ignore the Map Overlay) . As a result, they may blindly
sail into areas where transmission is good just as the enemy does the same .
Suddenly the sonar comparisons jump and they are detected!
Also bear in mind that luck plays a role . The internal noise level of both your boat
and enemy vessels varies. There's always the fumble-fingered seaman who slams
a door, or the mechanical failure that causes a loud clunk or snap at the wrong time .
Opening the Range Sometimes you want to maintain or increase the range to the enemy. This is an
easier task, since the sonar comparisons should drop. Your chief worry is losing
contact too soon. However, the penalty for losing contact is a gradual decline in the
contact solution . This gives you a chance to figure out how to regain contact again.
This may mean moving to water with better sound transmission, moving to the same
side of the layer as the enemy, and perhaps using a brief ESM update from time to
time against surface ships.

Occasionally Enemy surface ships use their active sonars frequently. They know they're so
Active Enemies loud that otherwise you 'd sneak up and clobber them . Since they can 't hide, they go
active to prevent you from getting too close.
Enemy submarines also periodically drift and go active. This tactic is especially
popular among louder boats. Again , they know that you play the passive game better
than they , because of your better equipment. Therefore they go active at odd
intervals to even the contest.
Extremely quiet enemy subs usually remain passive. These subs are especially
dangerous if travelling with friends , since they can sneak up on you while their friends
are active. Almost all diesel/electric subs are very quiet, and the latest nuclear attack
subs are remarkably quiet also.
Avoiding Pings: The best way to defend against an active enemy is to sit behind
him, in his baffles. His active sonar can't touch you there. You can also seek
especially poor water or longer ranges , so his active pings aren 't strong enough to

show you . Failing these , you have no other real defense except to shoot quickly. After
all , the enemy will start shooting as soon as he can . Your only hope is to get him
before he gets you !

Weapons & Attacks
The Stealthy The perfect torpedo attack begins with your boat reaching firing position unde-
Torpedo Attack tected. From there you launch and guide the torpedo to target, keeping it undetected
as well. The torpedo is activated only a few seconds before contact, totally surprising
the enemy.
Launching Position: A good launching position is a place where you can not
only launch the torpedo without risk of detection, but also a place where you can lurk
and retain contact with the target while you guide the torpedo home.
Firing a torpedo increases your AV (acoustic volume) by 16, due to the "launch
transient" sound of compressed air ejecting the torpedo from the tube . To launch
without detection , enemy passive sonars and towed arrays must be below the
Tracking Range , that is, have a negative contact value.
Enemies who lack a towed array or VDS cannot hear a launch from within their
baffles (55-60° arc astern) . Against such ships there is no better launching position.
The Seawolf class has special large torpedo tubes for a "swim out" version of the
Mk 48 torpedo. These torpedoes leave under their own power, without compressed
air, eliminating the launch transient.
Steering to Target: Your goal is to bring the torpedo as close as possible to the
target without detection. As soon as the target detects a torpedo approach, he'll
begin dodging and evading . Worse , he'll start looking for you , and soon thereafter
torpedoes and missiles may come your way. It's virtually impossible to continue
steering a torpedo while evading attacks , so you want to hit home before the
counterpunch arrives (or best of all , sink him before he can launch).
Remember that your control of the torpedo depends on a frag ile wire. A straight
course at 5 kts is usually the best policy while controlling a torp. However, if you don 't
mind losing use of the towed array, you can stop dead in the water.
A stealthy torpedo run is composed of "way-points". By resetting the pre-planned
activation point (PAP) of the torpedo, you can "guide" it through the water on
whatever course you desire, with each PAP a "way-point". Naturally, you want to set
a new PAP/way-point before the torpedo reaches the old one. Otherwise the
torpedo will activate and announce its presence to the world with its homing sonar.
The quietist torpedo approach takes it through water with poor sound transmis-
sion . Staying on the opposite side of the layer from the enemy is wise , but approach-
ing from his baffles above the layer is often best, since a towed array or VDS, if any ,
is almost always below the layer.
Activating the Torpedo: As long as you're undetected wait until the last moment
to activate the torpedo . This gives the target minimal time to react and counterattack.
However, in case you 're surprised by an attack, make sure your PAPs are func-
tional. If you must dodge a sudden attack, don 't be surprised if the wire breaks.
If the enemy detects the approaching torpedo and begins to maneuver, you
should activate the torpedo . The main advantage here is that activation increases
the speed of your torpedo. For example , a 40-knot inactive torpedo chasing a 32-

knot ship only has an 8-knot speed advantage. However, a 60-knot active torpedo
has a 22-knot speed advantage - it will catch the target almost three times faster.
In addition, you can steer an active torpedo with the Controller. This is useful for
steering around or through noisemakers, ignoring decoys, and chasing after a wildly
maneuvering target.
Once you activate a torpedo , give its sonar every chance to find the target. This
means sending it to the same side of the layer as the target , seeking water with good
sound transmission, and keeping the enemy within the 90° arc of the homing sonar.
Avoiding Giveaways: A wise captain assumes that sooner or later the enemy
will detect an approaching torpedo . This is especially true of quiet enemies with
sophisticated sonars and towed arrays. When he detects the attack, the enemy often
launches a hasty torpedo in reply . Since he has no contact, he'll simply shoot down
the bearing your torpedo came from .
Therefore , steer your torpedo away from your boat so it approaches the enemy
from a different bearing . Any enemy torpedoes fired down that bearing won 't threaten
Reconnaissance by Torpedo: If you believe there is a contact in a certain Other Torpedo
direction, but are unable to find it, an interesting trick is to fire a torpedo down that Techniques
bearing , activating it a fair distance from your boat. This may "spook" the enemy into
loud maneuvers that give away his position. Of course , maybe he's close enough to
hear your launch transient, or perhaps he'll respond in kind with a torpedo in your
The Double Attack: It's almost impossible to conduct a perfect stealthy torpedo
attack against first rate enemy ships. Sooner or later the enemy discovers either you
or the torpedo . Furthermore, large enemy targets often absorb one or two torpedo
hits without sinking . One way to increase the odds is with a double attack.
In this you launch a pair of torpedoes , one right after another, on the same course .
Both torpedoes get the same commands , but with one exception: under Torpedo
Control one torpedo has a U Search Pattern, the other a RI Search Pattern. Thus if
the enemy dodges or decoys the torpedoes , they search in opposite directions. This
makes escape much more difficult.
An extreme variant of this ploy is the triple attack. The first two follow double attack
tactics, while the third torpedo distantly trails the first two . The enemy may dodge the
first two by moving back through its own noisemaker or decoy, then running down
the path the torpedoes came from . If he does, this th ird torpedo will greet him head-
on .
The Snapshot: When you 're in a close-range "knife fight" with enemy ships,
dodging missiles and torpedoes , it's impossible to maintain a wire to a torpedo.
However, with a well-timed activation point, a torpedo "on its own" has a fair chance
of hitting a smart enemy , and an excellent chance of hitting a foolish or distracted

On snapshots you must select the pre-planned activation point (PAP) carefully.
Try to anticipate the enemy's course and arrange the PAP so the torpedo w ill be
nose-on to the enemy at activation. Remember that the farther away the target, the
more he can move between the time you fire and the time the torpedo arrives.
If you have the time and sufficient torpedoes , double attacks are especially
effective snapshots. The counter-rotating search patterns greatly increase your
chances of hitting with at least one torpedo.
To make a snapshot, order Straight & Leve/to the helm just before firing . This lets
you retain the wire as you launch, a necessity for setting up the best torpedo control
commands. The commands needed are simple: set the running depth (shallow or
deep) to the enemy's current depth. In a double attack, set up opposite search
patterns. Now you're ready to maneuver again as necessary. Of course, the longer
you can run straight and slow, the longer you retain the wire and the more chances
you have to update the torpedo's PAP, depth , and search pattern .
Launch on Bearing : Enemy captains are not always as crafty as they could be.
Their torpedoes may be launched directly from their ship or sub toward you . There-
fore, if you fire in the direction from which a torpedo came (i.e ., launch along that
bearing), your torpedo just might find a target.
This form of counter-attack is quick and simple, but not especially accurate . Still,
if you 're in serious trouble and don 't have time to develop a contact, it's better than
nothing. Be aware, though, that using this tactic rapidly depletes your ammunition
with little to show for it.
Sea Lances This rocket-launched weapon is designed for use against submarines . Its accuracy
depends on the pre-planned activation point (PAP). At that point it releases a homing
torpedo is released . Then it circles to the left, searching for the enemy ( a 'U' Search
pattern). As a result, the greater the distance between target and PAP, the greater the
chance the torpedo will miss the target.
The Long Bomb: If your contact (TMA) with a sub shows a good solution (over
90%, preferably 99%) and a long range (1 0 Kyds or more) the Sea Lance is dead easy
to launch. Just putthe PAP on the enemy and let itgo. Unless the enemy has their radar
mast up and running , they won't know about the threat until the missile's torpedo hits
the water. Naturally, if the enemyis moving fast and is faraway, you must position the
PAP along his anticipated course. The act of dropping a homing torpedo right onto a
moving enemy sub, via Sea Lance, is popularly known as "the long bomb".
Rememberthat the Sea Lance has a small warhead . One hit on a large submarine
(such as a Typhoon class SSBN) may not sink it.
The Corral: Some enemy submarines are extremely fast (such as the 45-knot Alta
class!). Unless a torpedo is very close, they can simply outrun most torpedo attacks.
To preventthis, you can extrapolate the enemy's course and fire a Sea Lance to a point
slightly ahead of him . When it hits the water downrange, the enemy sub suddenly has

a homing torpedo in front of him . Now he's caught between the torpedo chasing him
and the homer in front. In fact, this tactic can be used to block an enemy sub's
movement in any direction .
Against Surface Ships: The Sea Lance is a very inferior weapon against surface
ships . First, its homing torpedo has a very small warhead that has little chance of
sinking anyone , and may not even cause serious damage. Second, it isn 't designed
to penetrate anti-missile defenses. As a result, it's much easier to shoot down than
cruise missiles. Third , while cruise missiles strike a targetdirectly , the Sea Lance drops
a torpedo which must then find and strike the target. Even if the missile survives , the
torpedo can still miss. Fourth, a Sea Lance launch reveals your position just like a
cruise missile (see "Clear Datum" below) .

Cruise Missiles Selecting the Weapon: US submarines have two cruise missiles available. The
Tomahawk has a larger warhead and greater range, while the Harpoon has a shorter
minimum range and is slightly more difficult to shoot down. In general, though ,
captains prefer the heavy-hitting Tomahawk.
PAPs & Missile Defenses: The accuracy of Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles
is entirely dependent on how you program the weapon . The missile itself is highly
reliable . If the seeker identifies a surface ship target, the missile will fly into it.
The pre-planned activation point (PAP) you select before launching determines
where the missile's seeker turns on. The missile's course from your boat to the PAP
determines the direction it is facing . Remember that the seeker only has a 90" "field
of view". A PAP positioned close to a distant and fast-moving target may be useless
- by the time the missile arrives, the target is beyond the field of view. To insure lock-
on , the further the range the earlier you should set the PAP.
On the other hand, enemy anti-aircraft guns and missiles are serious threats to
Harpoons and Tomahawks. They track these missiles much better when the seeker
is running. Therefore the later the seeker turns on , the better the missile's chance of
survival. This suggests you should set the PAP as close to the target as possible!
In summary, if you set an early PAP the missile will probably find the target but
the enemy is more likely to shoot it down. If you set a late PAP the missile might never
find the target. But if it does, it has a better chance of surviving . As a result, missile
shots against near targets are easier than distant ones , since flight time to near
targets is short, permitting you to set a PAP that is very close to the ship.
Multiple Targets: A Harpoon or Tomahawk homes on the first target found by its
seeker. This is invariably the nearest target. Unfortunately, large, high-value enemy
ships are often screened behind smaller, less valuable ships. To insure the m issile
goes for the larger ship you must set the PAP beyondthe smaller one . This can be
difficult in long-range shots, since both the smaller and larger ship could move con-

Stingers These small , light SAMs (surface-to-air missiles) are purely for self-defense
against helicopters. Unfortunately, their limited range of 6,000 yards is a severe
drawback. Novice captains commonly forget this range limitation and fire off all their
armament at targets hopelessly far away , then blame the manufacturer for shoddy
Another disadvantage is that a Stinger launch, like other missile launches , gives
away your position . If you don 't kill the helicopter, it could kill you with a close-range
torpedo shot, not to mention enemy surface ships and/or subs bombarding you with
missiles and torpedoes!
In short, consider carefully whether a Stinger launch is worth the risk. It may be
wiser to just sneak away.

Whenever you launch a missile (Sea Lance, Harpoon, Tomahawk, or Stinger), Clear Datum
surface search radars will "pick up" the weapon . The location where it leaves the
water is the "datum" point of the launch . A frequent tactic of enemy vessels is to
launch their ASW missiles immediately at the datum . Therefore it's important to
increase speed and get away from your launching point as quickly as possible.
The classic way to "clear datum" is to dive deep (800' or more) and crank up
maximum speed . The depth allows you to use maximum speed without cavitation .
It also puts the layer between you and any missiles that hit the water, reducing the
chance of them homing on you .

Evasion & Escape
Enemy Torpedoes
To evade torpedoes you must understand how they function. Here
Drive Around
your intelligence and creativity compete with the electronic brain of the tor-
In this example the torpedo is
(1) I pre-programmed with USearch
reacquisition logic.
(1) Torpedo's nose sonar (90 0
pedo. If you 're flexible and smart, you'll beat the machine and survive.
The Snake: Russian torpedoes, once active , rarely run straight to
target. Instead their controllers have them "snake" along a gentle zig-zag
/ :"" arc shown) picks up noisemaker course. This gives the torpedo a wider field of view, as the nose alternately
and is blinded . "Drive around" logic swings left and right.
(2)/' is activated. Homing: When a Russian torpedo activates, it continues running nor-
(2) Torpedo turns right to go mally until its active sonar picks up a target (at about 2,000 to 4,000 yards,
- , \Ii around noisemaker.
"' 1 -.'--- depending on water conditions) . When it finds a target, it changes to the

(3) When torpedo passes noise-

( maker it initiates the USearch

circle, attempting to pick up the
target's depth and drives straight at it. If the torpedo loses the target , it
circles right or left (depending on its programming), hoping to find the

target again. target once more. Occasionally a Russian torpedo will use a "figure eight"
search - first it circles in one direction , then it circles in the opposite
direction .
. Advanced Programming: If you select a "serious" or "ultimate" chal-
lenge, advanced programming features appear on Russian torpedoes.
I One advanced feature is a program that sends a searching torpedo
spiraling downward . Ifthe torpedo started searching above the layer, it will
spiral down and continue searching below the layer.
Drive Through A second advanced feature is the torpedo's ability to "drive around" a

In this example the torpedo is noisemaker. Compare the "Drive Through" logic with the "Drive Around"
pre-programmed with USe arch logic in the sidebars. A torpedo with "drive around" is more likely to find
(1) reacquisition logic.
(1) Torpedo's nose sonar (90 0 you again after passing the noisemaker.

/ 1'" arc shown) picks up noisemaker

and is blinded. "Drive through"
Airborne Torpedoes: Russian SS-N-14 and SS-N-16 missiles fly
through the air and drop homing torpedoes, like the American Sea Lance .
-,'.. /
_ _ - Noisemaker
logic is activated.
(2) Torpedo moves directly
Also like the Sea Lance, the torpedo circles at the drop point, trying to find
a target. Models with advanced programming will spiral downward, even-
/:' through the noisemaker. tually diving past the layer. All these weapons have smaller warheads

I (2)
(3) After torpedo passes
noisemaker it initiates the U
Search circle, attempting to pick
up the target again.
than their heavier tube-launched cousins.
Russian helicopter-dropped torpedoes act like these missile-borne tor-
RBU Rockets: Many enemy ships carry close-in RBU rocket launchers
/ l'" of various types. These fire a few hundred to a few thousand yards. What
they fire is a huge barrage of unguided warheads, programmed to explode
bracketing a certain depth. If these rockets land around you the results
can be extremely unpleasant.
......~~ Evasion Techniques
In general, high speed is very important when evading torpedoes. The
\ minimum useful speed is about 20 kts , and flank (absolute maximum)
speed is much better. At lower speeds you can 't move fast enough to

dodge. High speeds and cavitation don't make you an easier target to a torpedo -
it uses active, not passive , sonar to find you. Of course, being loud does attract the
attention of enemy vessels, so they might continue shooting at you!
Dance to the Side: This is the simplest method of evading a torpedo. The sub
either drops a noisemaker, or by turning at 30+ kts forms a knuckle in the water that
acts like a noisemaker. Then the sub turns away from the torpedo while it's blinded
by the noisemaker or knuckle . The goal is to get outside its field of view before it
begins to "see" again.
As the sidebar box illustrates, depending on which way the torpedo searches, you
can escape, or end up with a torpedo homing on you again. Depending on the angle
the torpedo approached from , and which way it turns, you can adjust your own
maneuvers to get away from the torpedo as quickly as possible.

Dance to the Side

", ...' An American submarine evades an advanced "drive
.... : ',," .
around" torpedo using a simple technique :
. (3)
(2) 1 (1) Drop noisemaker to blind torpedo and immedi-
\ ately turn toward enemy. If running at 30 knots , the turn
.......... :.. ..:k/~ ...... itself will cause a knuckle , eliminating the need for a
. •. (1) '.
..... (2) If you 're lucky, the torpedo with circle the other (1 ) The Decoy Run
(1) Enemy torpedo
1(1) \. direction, allowing you to escape before it comes around.
approaches from
(2) " (3) If you 're unlucky, the torpedo may circle in the
astern. The sub knows
direction you turn and come up behind you!
this only if its towed
The dangerous part of this maneuver is that an enemy torpedo could end up array is functioning , as
the torpedo is in the
behind you - right in your baffles, at just the time when your towed array is non-
"baffles" (invisible to
functional (due to recent tight turns) . If the torpedo suddenly disappears from your passive sonar) .
display it's time to get worried! (2) Sub goes to
The Decoy Run: As the sidebar illustrates, this tactic is used to defeat a torpedo maximum speed and
closing from astern . By outrunning your own decoy, you force the torpedo to home (2)
drops decoy. The de-
on the decoy as the nearest target. Then you can angle away while the torpedo coy, running at 20 kts,
follows the decoy. falls behind sub.
Eventually the torpedo will catch up and pass the decoy. At that point it loses its (3) Torpedo homes
target and begins a circle search. If you haven't angled away far enough yet, the on nearest target (the
decoy). Meanwhile the
torpedo may again find you and give chase.
sub turns away and
Using the Sea: One excellent way to evade torpedoes is moving to the opposite leaves the torpedo's
side of the layer. The torpedo's sonar seeker is less effective through the layer, field of view before it
reducing the torpedo's tracking range . Remember that torpedoes with advanced (3)

gets past the decoy.
logic spiral downward as they search , so the layer may help only temporarily.
Heading into "dirty" water is another way to evade enemy torpedoes, since that
too reduces their sonar capability. Conversely, it's unwise to be in a strong duct, ..
since their sonar is much improved.

In shallow water or beneath the pressure ridges of pack ice you can lure a torpedo
into the seabed or the ice, destroying it. If an enemy torpedo is homing on you , it will
move to your depth. You can then run for an ice ridge or an undersea mountain and ,
just at the last minute, drop a noisemaker. While you evade the obstacle the blinded
torpedo drives straight into it. Needless to say, this tactic requires fine timing and
superb helmsmanship -running into the sea floor or an ice ridge is invariably fatal
to your sub too .
Final Escapes: Dodging torpedoes is just your first line of defense. Your ultimate
goal is to stop them from shooting at you . The best way to achieve this is by sinking
the enemy. The more cowardly solution is moving to reduce sonar reception , so you
become invisible again . Note that even if you do drop below the enemy's tracking
range (enemy sensor contact values go negative) he still knows your last position .
Don 't be surprised if a few more torpedoes or missiles head there.
Fatal Mistakes Forgetting Your Baffles: Novice captains , maneuvering to avoid torpedoes,
often forget to check whether their towed array is functioning or not. If the towed array
isn 't working yet, you 're "blind" in a 60° arc to the rear. In this situation you often hear
a novice say ''where'd that one come from?" as an explosion rocks his boat.
Bad Timing in the Dance: Noisemakers and tight turns require fine timing to be
effective. If you release a noisemaker and turn too soon the enemy torpedo steers
around it, or worse, ignores it entirely. If you act too late, the torpedo hits you before
you can get out of the way . In general, you should act when a torpedo is 1,000 to
2,000 yards away. If it's closer than 1,000 yards, you're getting into deep trouble .
Center Ring in a Torpedo Circus: The worst possible situation is to be in the
middle of two or three torpedoes, coming from different directions, and all homing on
you . Turning away from one will drive you into another. You must watch distant as
well as nearby threats, so you don 't accidentally sail into a "no escape" situation.
Ignoring RBUs: In the heat of battle, you may forget to stay at least a couple
thousand yards away from any Soviet surface ship.If you don't, you could wake up
to a rolling barrage of explosions as his rockets erupt around your boat!
No Counterattacks: Dodging torpedoes at high speed makes a lot of noise. If the
enemy knew your position previously , they almost surely can continue to track you
as you dodge. The best way to get out of trouble is to fire a few things back at them.
Even if they don't hit, the enemy will have to maneuver away at high speed , and
perhaps lose contact. A good offense is always helpful to the defense.

Russian ASW Tactics
Russian captains and group commanders are well aware of America's advan- Tactical Philosophy
tages in submarine technology. Their response is to be aggressive, to charge
forward , revealing themselves if necessary, but finding you as soon as possible.
They don't conserve ammunition , but instead fire quickly, hoping to "flush out" the
American even if they don't score a damaging hit.
Russian ships and subs usually operate in groups, almost never alone. Russian
subs frequently move to periscope depth , to keep in contact with each other as well
as nearby surface ships and helicopters. This way ships and subs can share contact
information to develop a cumulative solution , as well as avoid shooting at each other.
Ultimately the Russians are prepared to exchange vessels one for one if that's
what it takes to sink the enemy. This may not be good long term naval strategy, but
in battle the Russians want results, regardless of cost.
Surface task forces have a variety of escorts, sometimes including a submarine, Surface Warship Groups
around "high value" ships such as aircraft carriers , amphibious assault ships, or
transports . Sometimes the group is purely for anti-submarine warfare.
Russian ship groups frequently use active sonar, and may have helicopters with
dipping sonar on patrol. A submarine with the group often remains silent, listening
to the sonar returns from the surface ships.
If the group makes a contact or observes an incoming missile or torpedo the ships
immediately begin battle drill. "High value" ships turn away from the attack while the
escort turns toward it at high speed . If a missile launch was observed, they respond
with one or more missiles aimed at that spot. If a torpedo is incoming, they fire
torpedoes down the bearing of the torpedo approach . They hope the American sub
will increase speed to avoid the attack, thus revealing its position.
As the Russians reach the general proximity of the attack, some slow down and
listen more carefully, hoping to find some trace of the attacker. If they fail , the group
reforms and continues on course . If they find something , they continue attacking with
torpedoes, and if possible rockets. Meanwhile the "high value" ships curve around
the danger area and continue on course. If the escorts don't get immediate results
but can maintain contact, one or two escorts may return to the "high value" ships,
leaving fewer to continue tormenting you.
Note that when the Russian escort pursues the attacker, it ceases any close
guarding of the "high value" ships. They are aware that NATO subs do not use
"wolfpack" tactics, but in fact deliberately avoid each other, so a group is unlikely to
suffer attacks from two directions simultaneously.
Russian submarines traveling on a mission normally use "sprint and drift" tactics. Submarines
They will dive deep to sprint (to reduce cavitation sounds) , then slow and rise above
the layer to "drift" (see page 40) . While drifting they may raise a radar mast to check
for surface targets , or stream an aerial to send and receive radio messages. A
submarine group zigs and zags in unison, but take turns drifting . This means the

entire group can hear the pings , but only one sub reveals itself. If one sub is louder
than the others , it frequently does all the pinging , since it's likely to be heard anyway!
While drifting , Russian subs may ping once or twice with active sonar. They know
quiet Americans can sneak up on them . Pinging with active sonar evens up the odds .
Diesel/electric submarines must occasionally come up to periscope depth and
raise a snorkel. This allows them to run their diesel engines and recharge the electric
batteries. The diesels are quite loud, so these boats are an easy mark while
If Russian subs hear you with their passive sonar they may try a silent approach ,
moving toward you slowly and quietly. In fact, one may keep you busy dodging
attacks while another sneaks up, trying to get close for a killing shot you might never
Boomers: Russian ballistic missile subs (SSBNs) operate differently. They
cruise very quietly (at about 5 kts) , very deep, in the shadow zone(see page 46), or
beneath a noisey ice floe. Their goal is to remain concealed . If attacked they evade ,
expecting their escorts to deal with threats. The escorts can be nuclear subs and/or
diesel/electric subs. When an attack occurs escorts "go active" and begin firing .
When you're hunting SSBNs, the louder escorting subs are usually the first enemies
contacted. Sneaking past these guardians to find the quiet SSBN can be quite

Part 3 The Reference Manual

US Submarine Weapons
Mark 48 Torpedo
Torpedo Performance: Dimensions:
Wire-guided, acoustic sensors 300 kg warhead
40 kts cruising speed 0.533 m (21 ") wide
55 or 60 kts maximum speed 5.8 m long
3000' maximum depth

In production since 1972, this is the standard torpedo of US Navy submarines. It is
wire-guided , but includes active and passive sonars with search and homing logic.
The torpedo can be fired from surface ships , but none are so equ ipped .
Original production models have been upgraded to Mod 4 standards , to perm it
attacks on Alfa-class submarines.
In the middle 1980s an improved model appeared , titled ADCAP , with higher
speed (60 instead of 55 knots), greater endurance, and various mechanical improve-
A future variant of this torpedo is the "swim out" version . It could leave an
oversized torpedo tube under its own power, Such a torpedo would be the logical
armament for the Seawolf class , and has no launch transient.

Harpoon UGM-84A Cruise Missile

Missile Performance: Missile Dimensions:
Pre-programmed course 227 kg warhead
Terminal radar homing 0.533 m (21 ") wide
Cruises at 560 kts 4.6 m long
Min Flight Range : 6,000 yds
Max Flight Range : 120,000 yds

Since 1977 the Harpoon has been the standard anti-ship missile of the US Fleet. In
addition to the UGM submarine version , an RGM version for surface ships and an
AGM version for aircraft exist. The missiles are reliable and have performed well in
engagements with Libyan and Iranian craft.
In a typical attack run the missile cru ises only a few feet above the water (using
a radar altimeter) until it reaches its PAP. Then the terminal homing radar turns on ,
finds, and locks onto the target. The radar can jump frequencies to evade jamming
attempts. In early versions, it "popped up" to make a final dive into the target.
However, in later versions this became a programmable option , since it was easier
to shoot down during the final "pop up". The weakness of this missile is its relatively
short range and small warhead .

Tomahawk TASM (BGM-109E) &
TlAM (BGM-109D)
(available from 1988)
T ASM Missile Performance: TASM Missile Dimensions:
Pre-programmed course 454 kg warhead
Terminal radar homing 0.533 m (21") wide
Cruises at 475 kts 2.6m wingspan
Min Flight Range: 6,000 yds 6.15 m long
Max Flight Range: 500,000 yds
Originally produced from 1982 as an air-launched cruise missile with a nuclear
warhead , it has found a true home as America's most powerful conventional missile.
The TASM (Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile) was modified for firing from submarines
in 1983, including launch from torpedo tubes as well as the VLS tubes in the Improved
Los Angeles class. The TLAM (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile) version modified for
ship and submarine use appeared in 1984.
The T ASM version uses the same guidance and homing equipment as the
Harpoon . The TLAM uses the inertial guidance and computerized terrain contour
matching system of the original air force weapon .
These missiles are much larger, longer ranged , and more destructive than the
Harpoon. As of the late 1980s, only battleships, a few cru isers, and attack subma-
rines carried them . The US Navy hopes to add them to other ships. Unfortunately,
initial naval procurement for the TASM is a paltry 600 missiles for the entire fleet,
compared to 3200 TLAMs and over 4000 Harpoons.
The weakness of this missile is a poorer terminal attack profile than the Harpoon ,
making it easier to shoot down.

The Sea lance / Mark 50

ASW Missile (available from 1992)
Torpedo Performance: Torpedo Dimensions:
40 kts cruising speed (estimated) 45 kg warhead (estimated)
60 kts maximum speed (estimated) 0.324 m diameter (12.75")
2000' maximum depth (estimated) 2.6 m length (estimated)

Missile Performance: Missile Dimensions:

Pre-programmed course 1600-2000 kg weight (estimated)
Supersonic (over 625 kts) 0.533 m (21 ") wide
Min Flight Range: 6,000 yds 6.7 m long (estimated)
Max Flight Range : 60,000 yds

This weapon, currently under development as the ASW-SOW (Stand-Off Weapon ),
is the first long-range ASW weapon for US submarines carrying a conventional
warhead. Previously the only long-range missile weapon was the SUBROC , which
had a nuclear depth charge . It should be ready for production in the early 1990s.
The missile flies a computer-programmed path to a specific point in space , where
it decelerates , hits the water, and releases a lightweight homing torpedo .
The capabilities of this weapon are conjectural , since development continues . It
is hoped that the Mark 50 torpedo warhead of the missile can be used also by aircraft
and helicopters. This would replace the obsolescent Mark 46 in use since 1965.

Stinger FIM-92A (available from 1992)

Missile Performance: Missile Dimensions:

I .1 Passive Infra Red Homing 1260 kts

Min Flight Range : 200 yds
Max Flight Range: 6,000 yds
3 kg warhead (estimated)
0.052 m (2.75") wide
0.203 m (8") wingspan
1.5 m long
Designed as a shoulder-launched SAM (surface-to-air missile) for infantrymen in the
US Army , the Stinger has been attached to jeeps, helicopters, and many other
platforms that desire a lightweight SAM . Designs have been proposed that would
modify a mast and add a waterproof box launcher to SSNs. The SSN would raise the
mast above water, activate the missile, and fire it at a nearby airplane or helicopter.
The Stinger successfully downed an Argentine aircraft in Britain 's 1982 Falklands
campaign , and has been used effectively by Afghan guerillas against Soviet helicop-
ters in the mid -1980s. However, the range and warhead of this missile are quite small
- perhaps too small for a naval weapon . However, any larger missile would probably
need a tube launching system , as opposed to the fast and convenient mast launcher.
The Stinger mast launcher is conjectural. The US Navy has not (yet?) contracted
for adding these weapons to submarines. If you prefer situations limited to hardware
currently in development, do not carry Stingers, regardless of time period .

US Submarines
Dimensions: The displacement of a vessel , in tons, roughly indicates how About Warship Data
difficult it is to sink. Auxiliary and merchant ships are, of course, much easier to sink
thant a military vessel of equivalent tonnage .
Size has a minor effect on sonar visibility (smaller vessels are harder to "see").
Speeds listed are designed or trials maximums. Most vessels cruise at much
slower speeds, since they would quickly exhaust their fuel otherwise. Nuclear
powered ships do not have this problem, and can cruise as fast as machinery
maintenance permits (though running at top speed continuously leads to mechani-
cal breakdowns).
Weapons: The list of weapons and launchers not only describes the capabilities
of the vessel , but also suggests something of its purpose. Very few vessels carry a
weapon for every possible purpose or need .
Sensors: Low frequency sonars are the most effective, high frequency the least
SSN Permit
Weapons: Dimensions:
4x 21" torpedo tubes 3,780 tons submrgd
Mk 48 21" torpedoes 84.9m x 8.8m
Harpoon UGM missiles 30 kts , 127 men
Tomahawk TASM and TLAM theoretically- Nuclear propulsion
BPS-15 mast-mounted search radar
BQQ-5 low frequency hull-mounted sonar
(active and passive modes)
Clip-on towed array
These submarines originally joined the US fleet between 1962 and 67. They repre-
sent the first large class of advanced nuclear attack submarines. The first ("class")
boat was the USS Thresher, which sank with all hands during diving trials in 1963.
This was the worst submarine disaster in history. The class was renamed afterward.
These boats are quiet by Soviet standards, but inferior to the more sophisticated
Sturgeon and Los Angeles classes. Like the Sturgeons (below) , their equipment
was upgraded in the 1970s. Now they are approaching the end of their "useful"
service life. Although capable of carrying the Tomahawk missile with minor modifi-
cations, the Navy resists putting valuable and rare weapons aboard such old boats.
In wartime, where every vessel counts, policy could change quickly.

SSN Sturgeon
Weapons: Dimensions:
4x 21" torpedo tubes 4,960 tons submerged
Mk 48 21 " torpedoes Harpoon UGM missiles 92 .1m x 9.6m
Tomahawk TASM and TLAM missiles 25 kts, 129 men
Sea Lance missiles when available Nuclear propulsion
BPS-14/ 15 mast-mounted search radar
BOO-5 low frequency hull-mounted sonar (active and passive modes)
TB-16 towed array
From 1967 to 1975 no less than 37 submarines of this type joined the US
Navy, where they remain popular boats, especially for under-ice operations.
During periodic overhauls the original BOO-2 hull sonars were replaced with the
much superior BOO-5, while the fire control systems were updated with the addition
of the Mk 117 computer suite. In quality these boats are close to the Los Angeles
class , capable of acquitting themselves well against any but the very latest Soviet-
built submarines.

SSN Los Angeles

Weapons: Dimensions:
4x 21" torpedo tubes 6,927 tons submerged
Mk 48 21 " torpedoes 109.7m x 10.1m
Harpoon UGM missiles 32 kts , 127 men
Tomahawk TASM and TLAM missiles Nuclear propulsion
Sea Lance missiles when available
BPS-15A mast-mounted search radar
BOO-5A low frequency hull-mounted sonar
(active and passive modes)
TB-1 6 towed array
In seNice with the US Navy since 1976, this is the largest class of submarines built
in America since WWII , and without doubt the finest. The first 31 bui lt lacked vertical
launch tubes . Subsequent versions , the "i mproved" Los Angeles , have them (see
Designed originally for anti-submarine warfare , these boats are believed to be the
finest in the world for that task. The tube-launched Harpoon and later Tomahawk
missile give the class a formidable anti-ship capability as well. Mast-mounted Stinger

SAMs are under consideration for self-defense against helicopters and patrol air-
craft .

SSN Improved Los Angeles

Weapons: Dimensions:
12x VLS tubes for Tomahawk TASM and 6,927 tons submerged
TLAM missiles 109.7m x 10.1m
4x 21" torpedo tubes 30+ kts , 127 men
Mk 4821" torpedoes Nuclear propulsion
Harpoon UGM missiles
Tomahawk TASM and TLAM missiles
Sea Lance missiles when available
BPS-15A mast-mounted search radar
BOO-5A (later BSY-1) low frequency hull-mounted sonar
(active and passive modes)
TB-16 (later TB-160) towed array
In the early 1980s the US Navy added VLS Tomahawk tubes to the Los Angeles
class , improving its anti-ship and anti-land target firepower considerably. In addition
each new boat got an Anechoic (sound-absorbing) coating , like many of the new
Russian boats. The first such improved boat (USS Providence, SSN 719) joined the
fleet in 1985.
Additional improvements, including an improved sonar system and revised plane
arrangements are planned for the USS San Juan (SSN 751) .
The VLS tubes were added between the inner and outer hulls, so no crew or
equipment space was lost. Therefore this group retains all the advantages of the
original Los Angeles class. Of course, this design "feature" means that the VLS tubes
are inaccessible from inside the boat, and therefore cannot be unloaded or reloaded
by the crew at sea.
SSN Seawolf
Weapons: Dimensions:
8x 30" torpedo tubes 9,300 tons submerged
Mk 48 21 " Swimout torpedoes 99.4m x 12.2m
Harpoon UGM missiles 35+ kts , 130 men
Tomahawk TASM and TLAM missiles Nuclear propulsion
Sea Lance missiles

SSN Seawolf

BPS mast-mounted search radar
BSY-2 low frequency hull-mounted sonar
TB-23 towed array
Expected to join the US Navy in the middle 1990s, this submarine repre-
sents a quantum leap in design, with a new hull form , new weapons
launchers, and a new, highly computerized sensor system . If all design
specifications are met or exceeded , this class will be a dramatic improve-
ment over the Los Angeles . Due to the USSR's ambitious construction
program it is unclear whether the Seawolf will restore US technological
superiority, or simply restore equality!
Meanwhile, even simple changes in design are valuable. For example, in combat
eight torpedo tubes, instead of four, would be an invaluable asset. In addition , the
oversize tubes permit the use of "swimout" torpedoes that have no launch transient.

USSR Warships
Type & Name: NATO and Soviet abbreviations are provided for all ships. Names About Warship Data
are the NATO names in common use. Actual Russian class names are provided
where available.
Dimensions: The displacement of a vessel , in tons, roughly indicates how
difficult it is to sink. Auxiliary and merchant ships are, of course , much easier to sink
than a military vessel of equivalent tonnage .
Size has a minor effect on sonar visibility (smaller vessels are harder to "see").
Speeds listed are designed or trials maximums. Most vessels cruise at much
slower speeds, since they would quickly exhaust their fuel otherwise. Nuclear
powered ships do not have this problem, and can cruise as fast as machinery
maintenance permits (running at top speed continuously leads to mechanical break-
downs) .
Weapons: The list of weapons and launchers not only describes the capabilities
of the vessel , but also suggests something of its purpose. Very few vessels carry a
weapon for every possible purpose or need. If a weapon is listed as a "launcher", then
a considerable quantity of missile reloads are also carried . Otherwise reloads are
rarely carried .
Sensors: Low frequency sonars are the most effective, high frequency the least

CVN Kremlin (or Brezhnev)

(Nuclear Aircraft Carrier)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
SA-N-6 long range SAM launchers 70,000 tons
SA-N-9 short range SAM launchers approx 305m long
twin 76.2mm DP guns 30+ kts
sextuple 30mm point-defense guns Nuclear reactors
Offensive Weapons:
Search and tracking radar, ESM
No sonars
60-75 Aircraft:
Ka-25 "Hormone" or Ka-27 "Helix" helicopters
Su-27 "Flanker" jet fighters
MiG-29 "Fulcrum " jet fighter-bombers
Yak-38MP "Forger" V/STOL jet fighter-bombers

This ship, Russia's first "fleet" nuclear aircraft carrier, should enter service in 1989.
At the time of this writing , details on armament and aircraft are conjectural , since the
first unit is still fitting out. Although built in the Black Sea's Crimean shipyards , most
experts anticipate the first unit will transfer to the Northern Fleet after various flag -
showing cruises .

CV Kiev
(TAKR- Tactical Aviation Carrying Cruiser)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-3 long range SAM launchers 36 ,000 tons
2x twin SA-N-4 or -9 short range SAM 273.0m x 47.2m
launcher 32 kts, 1200 men
Steam boilers
Offensive Weapons:
8x SS-N-12 anti-ship missile launchers
1x twin SUW-N-1nuclear ASW launcher
2x twin 76.2mm DP guns
2x quintuple 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
2x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket
Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
VDS , medium frequency
26-30 Aircraft:
14-17 Ka-25 "Hormone" or Ka-27 "Helix" helos
12-13 Yak-38MP "Forger" V/STOL jet fighter-bombers
In service from 1975, these "V/STOL Carriers" operate helicopters and the relatively
ineffective Forger "jump jets". However, in a fleet that never enjoyed jet fighter
support at sea before , the Kiev class is an important ship. In addition , the ship has
a formidable missile armament for long-range anti-ship and ASW capabilities, as
well as an extensive and gradually improving array of missile and gun defenses.
Ships assigned to the Northern Fleet include the Kiev and possibly the Baku . The
former has SA-N-4 SAMs, the latter newer SA-N-9 SAMs.

CH Moskva
(PKR- Anti-submarine Cruiser)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-3 long range SAM launchers 14,500 tons
2x twin 57mm AA guns 189m x 26m
31 kts, 850 men
Offensive Weapons: Steam propulsion
1x twin SUW-N-1nuclear ASW launcher
2x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket
Search and tracking radar, ESM
____________________ __ Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
VDS, medium frequency
14 Aircraft:
14 KA-25 "Hormone" helicopters
The Moskva and Leningard joined the Soviet Fleet in 1967 and 1968. Their creative
ASW has helicopters as the "main armament" of the ship. This was effective in the
1970s, when long-range "smart" ASW missiles like the SS-N-14 were just a dream.
Soviet strategists hoped these ships could lead ASW groups to find and sink
American SSBNs. However, the idea was defeated by superior US submarine
technology and longer ranged SSBN missiles. Today both operate in the Black Sea
and Mediterranean, but on exercises have operated periodically in the Atlantic.

BCGN Kirov
(RKR- Missile Cruiser)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-4 long range SAM launchers 24,000 tons
12x SA-N-6 long range SAM launchers 248m x 28m
16x SA-N-9 short range SAM launchers' 32 kts, 800 men
8x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns Combined power plant:
Nuclear reactors and
Offensive Weapons: steam boilers
20x SS-N-19 anti-ship missiles
2x SS-N-14 ASW missile launcher'
2x twin 100mm DP gunst
1x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket launcher
....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........ 2x sextuple RBU-1000 ASW rocket launchers
2x quadruple 21" ASW torpedoes

Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
VDS , low frequency
3 Aircraft:
3 Ka-25 "Hormone" or Ka-27 "Helix" helicopters
• Atlantic fleet versions have SS-N-14, Pacific fleet SA-N-9 instead.
t1 x twin 130mm DP guns instead on later units
Since 1980 two of these powerful surface warships have joined the Soviet
fleet , with more under construction . These are the largest surface warships in the
world built since World War II. Some are assigned to the Northern Fleet, others
to the Pacific. The class is studded with sensors and missiles of the latest and
most powerful design. Although the Atlantic fleet version is capable of ASW
warfare , the real specialty of these ships is surface ship attack and air defense.

CG Kara
(BPK- Large Anti-Submarine Ship)
Defensive Weapons : Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-3 long range SAM launchers 8,200 tons
2x twin SA-N-4 short range SAM launchers 173m x 18.6m
4x twin 76.2mm AA guns 34 knots , 525 men
4x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns Gas turbine propulsion
Offensive Weapons:
8x SS-N-14 ASW missiles
2x dodectuple RBU -6000 ASW rocket launchers
2x sextuple RBU-1000 ASW rocket launchers
2x quintuple 21 " ASW torpedoes
Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
VDS , medium frequency
1 Aircraft:
1 Ka-25 "Hormone" ASW helicopter

Completed between 1973 and 1980, these cruisers refined the Kresta-style
design optimized for air defense and anti-submarine warfare . However, the SS-
N-14 and SA-N-3 can be used as anti-ship weapons if necessary. Although
usually found in the Mediterranean or the Far East, they are ideal flagships in
amphibious operations , or keystone ships in a carrier's defensive screen . There-
fore, it's easy to see them transferred to the Northern Fleet in a RED STORM
RISING scenario.

CG Kresta II
(BPK- Large Anti-Submarine Ship)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-3 long range SAM launchers 6,200 tons
2x twin 57mm AA guns 159m x 17m
4x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns 34 kts, 380 men
Steam turbine
Offensive Weapons:
8x SS-N-14 ASW missiles
2x quintuple 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
2x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket launchers
2x sextuple RBU-1000 ASW rocket launchers

Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
1 Aircraft:
1 Ka-25 "Hormone" ASW helicopter
Between 1968 and 1979 ten of these cruisers joined the Soviet fleet, half of them
with the Northern Fleet. The original and less sophisticated Kresta I was opti-
mized with anti-ship weaponry. This class was redesigned to specialize in ASW,
with reasonably good SAMs as well. At its time the class was very successful , and
remains one of the ASW backbones in the Northern Fleet. The main weakness
is the lack of VDS equ ipment.

CL Sverdlov
(KR- Cruiser)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
16x twin 37mm AA guns 12,900 tons
8x twin 30mm point-defense guns 210m x 21.6m
32- kts, 1,000 men
Offensive Weapons: Steam turbines
4x triple 152m (5.9") LA guns
6x twin 100mm (4") DP guns
Sensors: __SMa. -- -.~~.
-- -"
Search and tracking radar, ESM
No sonars
Originally finished in 1951 -55, these were Russia's last "old style" gun warships.
The term "light" cruiser is a WWII term and indicates that the main battery is
approximately 6" size ("heavy" cruisers had 8" guns) . These large , heavily ar-
mored ships are useful as fleet flagships and amphibious support ships. An
attempt to add modern SAMs failed , so further armament changes are unlikely.
Of course , a wise captain would probably sneak on board numerous shoulder-
fired infantry SAMs (such as the SA-7 or SA-14 "Grail" missile) to supplement the
antiquated 1OOmm and 37mm AA guns.
Nine of the original 20 ships remain in active service , and should remain so for
years to come. Due to their great age in continual service , any voyage of signifi-
cant length must result in a nightmare of mechanical problems and breakdowns.
DDG Udaloy
(BPK- Large Anti-Submarine Ship)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
8x SA-N-9 short range SAM launchers 6,200-6,700 tons
4x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns 162.0m x 19.3m
34 kts, 300 men
Offensive Weapons: Gas turbines
2x single 100mm DP guns
8x SS-N-14 ASW missiles
2x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket launchers
2x quadruple 21 "torpedo tubes
Search and tracking radar, ESM

Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
VDS , low frequency
2 Aircraft:
2x Ka-27 "Helix" ASW helicopters
The class ship joined the Northern Fleet in 1980, and more have been building
at one per year since then . Though termed destroyers by NATO, they are actually
small cruisers. Functionally they are optimized for ASW , with formidable modern
equipment, including no less than two of the new Helix helicopters (most ships
have just one) . Class name "Udaloy" means, in Russian , "Courageous" or "Daring".

DOG Sovremennyy
(EM- Destroyer)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
8x SA-N -7 medium range SAM launchers 6,300 tons
4x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns 156m x 17m
34 kts, 380 men
Offensive Weapons:
Steam turbines
8x SS-N-22 anti-ship missiles
2x twin 130mm DP guns
2x sextuple RBU-1 000 ASW rocket launchers
2x twin 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
1 Aircraft:
1 Ka-25B "Hormone" missile control helicopter (no ASW)
Six of these destroyers joined the Russian fleet between 1981 and 1986, with
more building. Like the Udaloy, they are more akin to small cruisers than destroy-
ers in size, and in fact are using the assembly line where the Kresta II class was
built. The design is optim ized for anti-ship warfare , with relatively weak ASW
weapons . This ship will be found primarily in surface warfare groups, and very
rarely in ASW groups or defensive screens.

DOG Modified Kashin
(BPK- Large Anti-Submarine Ship)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-1 medium range SAM 3,950 tons
launchers 146m x 15.8m
2x twin 76.2mm AA guns 38 kts , 300 men
4x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns Gas turbines
Offensive Weapons:
4x SS-N-2c "Styx" anti-ship missiles
2x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket launchers
1x quintuple 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency , hull-mounted
VDS , medium frequency
Helicopter landing pad on stern
These six large destroyers of the Kashin class were first completed between 1964
and 1973, but from 1973 to 1980 underwent major systems upgrades that added
better SS-N-2 missiles, the 30mm guns, VDS sonar, and improved radars .
Designed as all-purpose destroyers, they can perform any mission, but lack the
punch to be outstanding in a single task. They and their obsolescent cousins
make "low" ships in a naval group using a "high-low" mix .

DOG Kanin
(BPK- Large Anti-Submarine Ship)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
1x twin SA-N-1 medium 3,700 tons
range SAM launchers 139m x 15m
2x quadruple 57mm AA guns 34 kts , 300 men
4x sextuple 30mm point-defense guns Steam turbines

Offensive Weapons:
3x dodectuple RBU -6000 ASW rocket launchers
2x qu intuple 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
Search and tracking radar, ESM

Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Helicopter landing pad on stern
Completed in 1959 to 1961 , this class was upgraded into a purely ASW role in
1968-1977 (they had been general-purpose destroyers until then) . Even with
these modifications , the ships remain lightly armed for their size. Overall they are
now second-rate ships suited for supporting roles only.
FFG Krivak II
(SKA- Patrol Ship)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x twin SA-N-4 short range SAM launchers 3,800 tons
123.5m x 14.1m
Offensive Weapons: 32 kts, 200 men
4x SS-N-14 ASW Missiles Dual gas turbines
2x single 100mm DP guns
2x dodectuple ABU-6000 ASW rocket launchers
2x quadruple 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
VDS , medium frequency
Built between 1975 and 1982, these "lightweight" ASW ships are nonetheless
quite capable of giving NATO submarines a considerable difficulty. The earlier
Krivak I design used twin 76mm AA gun turrets instead of the heavier, more
flexible 1OOmm DP (dual-purpose) turrets . Interestingly enough , these ships lack
the 30mm point defense guns found on most modern Soviet warships.
FFL Grisha III
(MPK- Small Anti-Submarine Ship) Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
1x twin SA-N-4 short range SAM launcher 950 tons
1x twin 57mm AA gun 71.6m x 9.8m
1x sextuple 30mm point-defense gun 30 kts , 60 men
Diesel/gas turbines

FFL Grisha III
(MPK- Small Anti-Submarine Ship)
Offensive Weapons:
2x dodectuple RBU-6000 ASW rocket launchers
2x depth charge racks
2x twin 21 " ASW torpedo tubes
Search and tracking radar, ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull -mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency , hull-mounted
VDS, high frequency
Built in various forms from 1968 to 1988, the numerous Grisha III version first went
to sea in 1975. This class has one of the longest "production lives " of any modern
warship. The main gun armament varies from one model to another, and the
Grisha II's have no SA-N-4 SAMs. As of this writing , Grisha IV and V variants are
still under construction .
Inexpensive but remarkably well-armed , these ships are not large enough to
operate with the fleet. They have very small fuel bunkers and are difficult to refuel ,
so they must remain near port. They handle heavy seas poorly. They are found
primarily in short-range amphibious or supply operations, or in coastal defense
ASW groups.
LST Ropucha
(BDK- Large Landing Ship)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
4x quad SA-N-5 short range SAM launchers 2,200 tons
2x twin 57mm AA guns 2,650 tons loaded
113m x 14m
Offensive Weapons: 18 kts, 70 men
None. Diesel propulsion
Search radar
No sonar
Nineteen of these ships were completed between 1975 and 1985. Each one can

carry about 25 armored vehicles and roughly 230 troops , representing all the
vehicles and 25% of the men of an infantry battalion (the remaining troops would
be embarked on larger but more conventional transports) . The ship has both bow
and stern doors for "roll-on/roll-off" cargo , as well as a shallow draft so it can nose
up onto a beach to deliver vehicles directly.

AS Urga
(PB- Floating Base)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
2x quad SA-N-5 short range SAM launchers 6,750 tons
4x twin 57mm AA guns 9,600 tons loaded
Offensive Weapons: 145m x 17.7m
None. 17 kts , 450 men
Diesel propulsion
Warning radars
No sonars.

Helicopter landing pad on stern
Completed between 1963 and 1972, these ships are designed to maintain and
support submarines at sea. They supply food , fuel , water, torpedoes, and work-
shop facilities for repairs. Six are still in service, each with various modifications
to its superstructure , giving each one a unique appearance. Two more serve as
training ships.

AE Modified Andizhan
(VTR- Military Transport)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
None . 4,500 tons
6,740 tons loaded
Offensive Weapons: 104.0m x 14.4m
None. 13.5 kts, 100 men
Sensors: Diesel propulsion
Warning radar
No sonars.
Helicopter landing pad on stern

Originally built as cargo ships in 1958-60, these ships were revised in the 1970s
to carry replenishment missiles for warships that expended their ammunition .
Another forty without missile-stowage modifications exist in the Soviet merchant
AOR Dubna
(VT- Military Tanker)
Defensive Weapons : Dimensions:
None. 4,300 tons
11 ,100 tons loaded
Offensive Weapons: 130.1m x 20.0m
None. 16 kts , 60 men
Sensors: Diesel propulsion
Warning radar
No sonars.
These are common small replenishment/refueling ships; the four in this class
were completed between 1974 and 1979. The ship is outfitted for underway
replenishment to three ships simultaneously, as well as having extra berths for
replacement sailors.
AOR Boris Chilikin
(VT- Military Tanker)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
Removed . 8,750 tons
24,500 tons loaded
Offensive Weapons: 162.3m x 21.4m
None. 16.5 kts, 380 men
Sensors: Diesel propulsion
Warning radar
No sonars
Aircraft :
Typical large replenishment/refuel ing ships, the six fleet ships in this class were
completed between 1967 and 1978. The ship is outfitted to replenish two ships

simultaneously. Originally fitted with 57mm guns, these were later removed as
unnecessarily increasing the crew and maintenance costs , with no equ ivalent
increase in military capability.
(VTR- Military Transport)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
None. 9,050 tons
15,700 tons loaded
Offensive Weapons: 133.1m x 18.9m
None. 15 kts, 75 men

Navigation radar only.
No sonars.
Diesel propulsion

This class of medium-sized icebreaking passenger ships operates in northern
climates . Only one , the Yauza, completed in 1975, is officially part of the Soviet
Navy. The other fourteen are in civilian service. In wartime , though , they would
immediately become troop transports. Carrying capacity is a respectable 6,600
tons .

AK Yuniy Partuzab
(VTR- MihtaryTransport)
Defensive Weapons: Dimensions:
None. 2,050 tons
3,950 tons loaded
Offensive Weapons: 88.7m x 12.8m
None. 13 kts , 25 men
Sensors: Diesel propulsion
Navigation radar only.
No sonars.
Four ships of this class of 24 joined the Soviet Navy in 1975-78. Small and of
shallow draft, they are suited to carrying supplies, ammunition , etc. in amphibious
operations. The remaining civilian ships would join the navy in wartime.

SSBN Typhoon
(PLARB- Nuclear-powered Ballistic Missile Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
20x SS-N-20 nuclear missiles each with 6-9 25,000 tons submerged
MIRV warheads 170.0m x 25.0m
SS-N-16 ASW missiles 25 kts, about 150 men
26" torpedoes Nuclear propulsion
21 " torpedoes
4x 26" torpedo tubes
2x 21" torpedo tubes
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Towed array may be added later
The first boat in this class was completed in 1983, with production continuing at
about one per year thereafter. They are the world's largest submarines, and the
USSR's very latest nuclear deterrent. The design is a considerable improvement
over the ungainly Delta class. The boats can operate beneath the arctic icepack,
where they break through to launch their missiles. In the open sea they can launch
from underwater. The nuclear missile tubes are located forward of the sail, a
unique but sensible feature .
The SSBN Typhoon II class of the 1990's is a slightly improved version of this
boat with additional quieting and slightly improved sonar systems. This class is
hypothetical but a logical extension of the current design.

SSBN <Delta IV _
(PLARB- Nuclear-powered Ballistic Missile Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
16x SS-N-23 nuclear missiles each with 7 13,550 tons submerged
MIRV warheads 155.0m x 12.0m
21" torpedoes 24 kts , about 120 men
6x 21 " torpedo tubes Nuclear propulsion
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted

This latest variant of the turtle-backed Delta class SSBNs began joining the Soviet
fleet in 1984. Like the Typhoon , it is designed to operate under ice , rising through
it to fire. The Delta design has been in production with various upgrades since
1972. The class was based closely on the Yankee class that appeared in 1967.
All Delta class boats are remarkably loud SSBNs, although class revisions have
improved them somewhat. Now that the Typhoon class is available, it's surpris ing
that these boats remain in production .
(PLARB- Nuclear-powered Ballistic Missile Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
16x SS-N-18 nuclear missiles with 7 MIRV 13,250 tons submerged
warheads 155.0m x 12.0m
21 " torpedoes 24 kts, about 120 men
6x 21 " torpedo tubes Nuclear propulsion
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
Th is portion of the large Delta class was completed between 1975 and
1982, and remains a significant part of the Soviet nuclear deterrent. These boats
have the same weaknesses as the Delta IV group (see above) , and in addition are
not designed to surface through the icepack for firing .
SSGN Oscar
(PLARK- Nuclear-powered Crui se Missile Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
24x SS-N-19 anti-ship missile tubes 14,500 tons submerged
SS-N-16 ASW missiles 150.0m x 18.0m
26" torpedoes 35 kts , about 120 men
21 " torpedoes Nuclear propulsion
4x 26" torpedo tubes
4x 21 " torpedo tubes
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Towed array may be added in future

The first boat in this class joined the fleet in 1982, with a follow-on ship appearing
every other year. The Oscar is "state of the art" in heavy-hitting Soviet subs. The
SS-N-1 9s are at least equal to the Tomahawk in range and power, and have their
own launchers in addition to the eight torpedo tubes . This boat is designed to
absorb considerable damage without sinking. In wartime these submarines
would avoid NATO subs and seek out NATO surface ships instead. The dream
of every Oscar captain must be to "bag " an American nuclear aircraft carrier.
SSGN Charlie II
(PLARK- Nuclear-powered Cruise Missile Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
8x SS-N-9 anti-ship missile tubes 5,400 tons submerged
21 " torpedoes 102.Om x 10.0m
6x 21 " torpedo tubes 23 kts, 110 men
Sensors: Nuclear propulsion
Mast-mounted search
radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Only six of this class were completed between 1973 and 1982.
Apparently they suffer from mechanical difficulties and design flaws, partly the
result of using just a single nuclear reactor in the power plant (instead of two). As
with the Oscar class , these boats are designed to attack surface ships. They are
probably under orders to avoid contact with enemy submarines.

SSN Sierra
(PLA- Nuclear-powered Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
SS-N-16 ASW missiles 7,550 tons submerged
26" torpedoes 110.0m x 12.0m
21 " torpedoes 36 kts , about 90 men
4x 26" torpedo tubes Nuclear propulsion
4x 21 " torpedo tubes
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Towed array

Launched starting in 1983 for use in the Northern Fleet, this class is Russia's
latest and most advanced attack submarine. Armament and sonars are the best
models available. The anechoic (sonar-absorbent) coating and quiet design
benefits from technology purchased and stolen from the West.
The Akula, another new class with similar features (but somewhat smaller), is
produced in Siberia for the Far Eastern fleet.
SSN Alfa
(PLA- Nuclear-powered Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
21 " torpedoes 3,700 tons submerged
6x 21 " torpedo tubes 81.4m x 9.5m
45 kts, about 45 men
Sensors: Nuclear propulsion
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull mount
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted

This is the world's fastest and deepest-diving warship class , giving it
enormously tactical advantages. It is also the most innovative and daring
submarine design in 25 years. Six boats were completed between 1979
and 1983. The strong , light titanium hull is enormously expensive (the Soviets
refer to these as the "zolotaya nyba" - golden fish) . However, this hull not only
gives the sub deep diving abilities, but also protects it from damage. The reactors
use highly efficient liquid metal for heat exchange, but may not be as safe as
Western designs. Compared to the new Sierras, this boat is extremely loud,
especially at high speed.

SSN Victor III

(PLA- Nuclear-powered Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
SS-N-16 ASW missiles 6,300 tons submerged
26" torpedoes 106.0m x 10.0m
21 " torpedoes 29 kts, about 85 men
4x 26" torpedo tubes Nuclear propulsion
2x 21 " torpedo tubes
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Towed array

The last and best of the Victor class , the 21 boats in this group were completed
between 1979 and 1986. This class was the first to have a towed array. The
propeller arrangements were originally unsatisfactory, and all have been up-
graded with new Toshiba/Kongsberg-built props that turned a lemon into a star
performer. SS-N-16 missile fire control was retrofitted in the middle 1980s to the
entire group.
SSN Victor II
(PLA- Nuclear-powered Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
SS-N-16 ASW missiles 5,700 tons submerged
26" torpedoes 100.0m x 10.0m
21 " torpedoes 30 kts, about 80 men
4x 26" torpedo tubes Nuclear propulsion
2x 21 " torpedo tubes
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
The seven boats in this group were designed as Victor I upgrades, and were
completed between 1972 and 1978. They lack towed arrays, are somewhat
louder and less sophisticated than Victor Ills, but otherwise are capable and
effective attack submarines
SSN Victor I
(PLA- Nuclear-powered Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
21 " torpedoes 5,100 tons submerged
6x 21 " torpedo tubes 95.0m x 10.0m
30-32 kts, about 80 men
Sensors: Nuclear propulsion
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mount
Passive sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
The sixteen boats in this leading group of the Victor class were completed
in 1968 to 1975. Designed for high speed, they are neither as sophisticated L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..I

nor as quiet as later models, but represent a major improvement over the
November class . In fact, these improvements were so significant that this class
remains in operational service, while the November's are being retired .

SSN November
(PLA- Nuclear-powered Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
21 " torpedoes 5,300 tons submerged
16" ASW torpedoes 110.0m x 9.0m
4x 21 " torpedo tubes 30 kts , about 80 men
4x 16" torpedo tubes Nuclear propulsion
Sensors :
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar , medium frequency , hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency , hull -mounted
Notes :
Built between 1959 and 1964, these were Russia's first nuclear subma-
rines . Originally 15 Novembers were bu ilt, but only 12 remain in service. They are
definitely second rate attack submarines and the remainder will probably be
retired gradually over the next five to ten years. Compared to current designs they
are loud , poorly armed , and nearly bl ind due to inferior sonar systems. No
systems or weapons upgrades are likely this late in their operational life.

SSG Juliet
(PLRK- Conventional Cruise Missile Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
4x SS-N-3a "Shaddock" anti-ship missiles 3,750 tons submerged
21 " torpedoes 90.0m x 10.0m
16" torpedoes 14 kts, about 80 men
6x 21 " torpedo tubes Diesel/electric eng ines
4x 16" torpedo tubes
Mast-mounted search radar, missile targeting radar, and ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency , hull-mounted
Passive sonar, medium frequency , hull-mounted
These diesel/electric cruise missile subs were finished between 1961 and 1969.
They are conventionally-powered equivalents to the Echo class of SSGNs , and

remain in service despite serious weaknesses. They are very loud by diesel/
electric standards. The boats must surface to target and fire their SS-N-3 missiles.
The missiles themselves are not especially effective against ships with good
defenses, but could wreak havoc if fired into a convoy of unarmed merchantmen .

55 Kilo
(PL- Conventional Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
SA-N-5(?) SAM missile launcher 3,000 tons submerged
21 " torpedoes 70 .0m x 9.9m
6x 21 " torpedo tubes 25 kts, about 60 men
Diesel/electric engines
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency , hull-mounted
This class first joined the Soviet fleet in 1982 and construction continues .
They are the latest and most advanced diesel/electric subs in the fleet,
with greater speed than earlier designs. Medium -sized and short-ranged, with
inexpensive weapons systems, these boats have been offered for sale to India
and various Soviet-aligned third-world powers.
Like all diesel/electric designs, their electric engines can run on ly for limited
periods (a few hours to a few days, depending on speed) . The diesel eng ine
requires air to operate , demanding that the sub either run on the surface, or with
a snorkel raised from periscope depth .
This class is the first operational submarine to carry a SAM system , an
appropriate addition in a ship that regularly operates near the surface (when

55 Tango .
(PL- Conventional Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
SS-N-16 ASW missiles 3,900 tons submerged
21 " torpedoes 92.0m x 9.0m
1Ox 21 " torpedo tubes 20 kts, 72 men
Diesel/electric engines
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM
Active sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, low frequency, hull-mounted

SS Tango
(PL- Conventional Submarine)
Twenty of this class were built between 1972 and 1982. Although not as
modern as the Kilos , these boats are the largest diesel/electric attack
subs currently in Soviet service , and quite effective. The SS-N-16 fire
control system is believed present in most, if not all, while a SAM launcher
may be present in a few as an experimental installation.

SS Foxtrot
(PL- Conventional Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
21 " torpedoes 2,400 tons submerged
1Ox 21 " torpedo tubes 91.5m x 7.5m
Sensors: 16 kts, 75-80 men
Mast-mounted search radar and ESM Diesel/electric eng ines
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mount
Passive sonar, medium frequency , hull-mount
About 50 boats of this type were completed between 1958 and 1967. The
Foxtrots were the last of the old, inexpensive, large-quantity diesel/
electric subs. At their time they were an effective threat, but now they
border on the second rate.

SS Whiskey
(PL- Conventional Submarine)
Weapons: Dimensions:
21 " torpedoes 1,350 tons submerged
6x 21 " torpedo tubes 75.0m x 6.3m
13.5 kts , 50-55 men
Sensors: Diesel/electric engines
Mast-mounted search radar, crude ESM
Active sonar, medium frequency, hull-mounted
Passive sonar, high frequency , hull-mounted

55 Whiskey
(PL- Conventional Submarine)
Designed during WWII, over 200 Whiskeys were built until 1957, when
construction finally ceased . This makes them the most numerous subma-
rine class ever built. About 50 to 70 still remain in service, plus dozens
more owned by Soviet client states. Loud , slow, and poorly outfitted by
modern standards, these boats require extremely skillful handling and
plenty of luck to survive against modern Western warships.

AA: Anti-aircraft, a weapon capab le of shooting down aircraft or (usually) missiles.
ABM: Anti Ballistic Missile . The Russian ABM system includes radars and warning systems covering the borders
of the nation , and special point-defense systems designed to protect Moscow.
ADCAP: Added Capability, an improved version of the Mark 48 torpedo.
Arkhangel'sk: Soviet port on the White Sea, sometimes written as Archangel.
Boat: Correct US Navy term for any submarine , no matter how large. A submarine is never a "ship"; that term is
limited to surface vessels .
Boomer: Nickname for a nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN).
Con: Controls, the steering controls of a vessel.
Cruise Missile: A long-range slowly flying missile . Shipboard versions usually have a rocket booster that accelerates the
missile to cruising speed , after which a much more efficient air-breathing jet engine takes over. Depending
on size and guidance equipment, such missiles can travel hundreds of miles.
Dodectuple: Group of twelve , in this case a 12-tube launcher.
DP (Dual Purpose) A naval gun designed to fire either at surface targets (LA) or
Guns: at flying targets (AA). Flying targets can include both aircraft and missiles.
ELF: Extremely Low Frequency, sound systems that use very low frequency waves transmitted through the earth
itself. Used for coded messages from a nation to its ballistic missile submarines at sea.
ER: Efficiency Rating; a numerical performance evaluation of a US Navy officer.
ESM: Electronic sensing measures; passive receivers of electro~ic signals , especially radar signals .
GIUK Gap: Greenland - Iceland - United Kingdom Gap , the various straits that connect the Norwegian Sea to the North
Atlantic Ocean .
Hel m: Movement controls for a naval vessel.
Helo : Common naval abbreviation for helicopter.
HF: High Frequency sonars operate using high-frequency sound. They are the least effective of all modern sonars .
Kyds: Thousands of yards ; for example , 6 Kyds is 6,000 yards .
Laser: A beam of coherent light, generally invisible to the human eye , although certain types can damage the eye.
LA (Low Angle) Guns designed to fire at surface targets, such as other ships or the land. The weapons cannot elevate or train
Guns: fast enough to hit airborne targets , and usually lack sufficient rate of fire and fire control devices as well.
Launch Transient: Sound of a weapon being launched from an underwater torpedo tube . The sound is caused by compressed
air (used to launch all but "swim out" weapons) .
LF: Low Frequency, sonars that operate using low-frequency sound. These are the best of all modern sonars.
Mast: A long telescoping pole that can be raised above the conning tower of a sub. A periscope is a mast with mirrors
and lenses. Other masts have radar sets , ESM gear, radi o antennae, snorkels , or a Stinger SAM launcher.

MF: Medium Frequency, sonars that operate using medium-frequency sounds. These sonars are superior to high
frequency (H F), but inferior to low frequency (LF) models.
OTH: Over The Horizon , a type of very large radar set that can bounce radar signals far over the horizon, allowing
it to "see" hundreds of miles out to sea.
Point Defense A multiple-barrel "Gatling gun "that fires thousands of roundsper second . These guns, often with compu terized
Guns: radar control , are designed to shoot down cruise missiles a few seconds before they hit the ship. Their range
is too small to be useful as AA weapons.
Radar: Radio frequency waves directed into the air, whose reflections are used to determine the location of objects.
RBU: A multiple-tube ASW rocket launcher (in Russian , "Raketnaya Bombometnaya Ustanovka"). The weapon
fires all tubes simultaneously. The rockets scatter into a pre-planned pattern and explode at a pre-planned
depth . The model number indicates maximum range (RBU -6000 has 6,000 yard maximum range , etc.).
RN : Royal Navy, the fleet of the United Kingdom .
SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile, a guided missile designed to shoot down airplanes and/or helicopters ..
Sonar: Sound waves travelling through water, the analysis of which is used to determine the location of objects in
the water.
SOSUS: Sound Surveillance System , a network of FFO-1 O(V) sound sensors about 10 to 30 Kyds apart on the seabed ,
linked by cables to a computerized command center ashore.
TASM: Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile, a version of the Tomahawk missile designed for use against naval targets.
TLAM: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile, a version of the Tomahawk designed for use against land targets.
TMA: Target Motion Analysis , the use of sound patterns to completely identify and locate enemy vessels. The
concept is often extended to all incoming data, including radar and laser.
Transient: see Launch Transient.

Transit: To pass through an area , generally used to describe a vessel moving through restricted waters (such as a
strait, passage between islands, etc.).
UGM : Underwater Guided Missile, a version of the Harpoon designed to be launched from torpedo tubes.
USN: United States Navy, the navy of the United States of America.
USS: United States Ship, used as name prefix for all ships of the USN.
VDS : Variable Dipping Sonar, a sonar device that a ship lowers over its stern by cable , to "stream " in the water
behind and below it.
V/STOL: Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing, a type of aircraft that can direct its jets downward to "jump" into the air
and hover for a landing . Often the aircraft use a short rolling start up a "ski jump" type ramp to increase their
load at takeoff. Aircraft of this type are common on small aircraft carriers, such as the British "Sea Harrier"
on the Invincible class , or the Russian Yak-38 "Forger" on the Kiev class .
XO: Executive Officer, a standard US Navy abbreviation .

Designers' Notes
RED STORM RISING was developed in MPS Labs , the official name of the
development group of MPS Technologies (formerly MicroProse Software) . Al-
though MPS Labs has many well-known members, and many who deserve wider
acclaim, the most famous is Sid Meier, joint founder of MPS Technologies and
its most prolific game designer/programmer.
In 1986, a year after he finished the best-selling WWII submarine simulation
"Silent Service", Sid Meier contemplated an equivalent game about modern
submarine warfare . The idea languished until a meeting was suggested between
him and Tom Clancy , author of the best-selling novel of World War III , Red Storm
Rising. Not only were his books full of interesting situations, but Mr. Clancy himself
was full of ideas, advice and suggestions. Furthermore, his co-author Larry Bond
proved to be a fountain of data, algorithms, and technical information about
modern naval warfare .
Armed with this , Sid developed a detailed and accurate simulation of a modern
submarine in combat . At times we were worried that realism would work against
us, since the traditional "look through the periscope and shoot the torpedo" image
of submarine combat is gone from modern warfare . But strangely, each time
someone took the helm of this program , they were quickly caught up in the high-
tech world of TMAs, missiles, and wire-guided torpedoes.
In addition to realism and accuracy, Tom Clancy provided another invaluable
asset: a vision of what might happen in a "conventional " (non-nuclear) World War
III. This is the setting for submarine operations here, especially the campaign ,
with its various missions and sometimes surprising events. Of course , to keep
each game fresh and interesting , events may not follow those in the novel
(otherwise you 'd know what was going to happen). However, both the Warsaw
Pact and NATO follow the political and strategic thinking of the novel. Clancy
readers will find familiar situations appearing frequently, if sometimes unexpectedly.
Contemporary news events suddenly came home to us as the simulation
design progressed . The importance of the ToshibaiKongsberg propeller scandal
became very obvious. Advances in oceanographic research showed that early
1970s models of sound in water were much too simplistic - recent work about
undersea "weather" became important, and was incorporated into the game .
Naturally, the latest books and magazines about military equipment around the
world were of crucial importance.
Most of all , this simulation lets you play through "scenarios" just like Navy and
civilian design staffs do, analyzing the value of various "platforms" (sh ips) and
weapon systems. Were the VLS tube additions worthwhile in the Los Angeles?
Play the game and see. Currently only SSBNs carry decoys, but we assume
wartime SSNs will use them too . What if they don't? Play the game and see.
Furthermore, the game gives you insight into funding debates in Congress
today. Is the new Seawolf class worthwh ile? Do we really need a weapon like the

Sea Lance? Now you can understand these issues from a military viewpoint.
Formerly esoteric newspaper articles may prove much more interesting, now that
you understand the implications in procurement decisions.
Success in RED STORM RISING comes in two flavors. The first challenge is
mastering the job of fast-attack sub captain . After training and a few battle
simulations, you 're ready for the full "Red Storm Rising " campaign in the Norwe-
gian Sea. Emerging victorious from this campaign , preferably in victory parade
with a promot ion to Adm iral , proves you 've mastered this challenge.
The second challenge is improving your ER. Winning the war is one thing.
Winning the war and looking like the hottest sub driver in the USN is something
else l Striving to constantly improve your ER does have its rewards -with higher
ERs come the more prestigious medals, up to and including the most coveted
decoration of all , the Cong ressional Medal of Honor.
As in all MPS Labs products , in RED STORM RISING we followed our standing
policy of using unclassified sources only. At times we made educated guesses,
especially regarding Russian equipment quality. We tried to maintain a balanced
viewpoint in this . For example, in areas where American "official" figures are
probably underestimates, we took a similar view of data about Russian equip-
ment. In the past our flight simulators GUNSHIP and PROJECT: STEALTH
FIGHTER inspired knowledgeable military officers to commend us on their accu -
racy. Apparently our educated "guesses" about unmentioned or secret equip-
ment were close to the mark! We feel confident that submariners will be pleased
with this simulation .
As always , MPS Labsi has no particular political viewpoint, nor do we promote
antipathy toward any nationality or race . RED STORM RISING uses the setting
of a novel, and as such is fiction . If anything , it's tragic that Mr. Clancy's portrayal
of World War III is so believable. Here at MPS Labs we would prefer that all war
machines be used only in imaginative computer simulations , never in real life.
The entire team involved in this project found the world of RED STORM
RISING exciting and educational. It is an ideal device for the "armchair admiral "
to experiment with state-of-the-art naval systems. We enjoyed spending over a
year putting it together. We're confident you 'll enjoying sailing it into thedangerous
waters of the Norwegian Sea Theater , in Tom Clancy's vision of World War III.


Game Design
Sid Meier
with Arnold Hendrick

Original C-64 Programming

Sid Meier and Richard Orban
with Silas Warner

Original Computer Graphics

Murray Taylor
with Max Remington

Original Music & Sound Effects

Ken Lagace
with Sid Meier

written by Arnold Hendrick

Manual Graphics
graphics by Murray Taylor
with Barbara Bents and Jackie Ross

Technical Advice & Research

Larry Bond and Tom Clancy

Original Version Quality Assurance

Chris Taormino

Original Version Playtesting

Chris Taormino , Alan Roireau , Roy Gibson,
Bill Stealey, Vicki Smith, Larry Martin ,
Pete Simonetti, Silas Warner, Arnold Hendrick,
Sid Meier, Steve Meyer, Larry Bond ,
Chris Carlson , Jim Baker, Sam Baker,
Pat Slocomb, Dave Markov

Design by Mark Ciola and John Emory
Copy by Jack Kammer and Gary Almes

Copyright ©1988 MPS Technolog ies , Inc., all rights reserved .
This manual and the computer programs and audiovisuals on the accompanying floppy disks, wh ich are described by th is manual ,
are copyrighted and contain proprietary information belonging to M PS Technologies , Inc .. No one may give or sell copies of th is manual
or the accompanying disks or of listings of the programs on the disks to any person or institution , except as provided for by the written
agreement with MPS Technologies ,lnc. No one may copy , photocopy , reproduce , translate this manual or reduce it to machine
readable form , in whole or in part , without the prior written consent of MPS Technologies , Inc. Any person/persons reproducing any
portion of this program , in any media, for any reason , shall be guilty of Copyright Violation , and shall be subject to civil liability at the
discretion of the copyright holder.

Neither MPS Technolog ies ,lnc. , nor any dealer or distributor makes any warranty , express or implied , with respect to this manual ,
the disk or any related item , their quality, performance , merchantability, or fitness for any purpose . It is the responsibility solely of the
purchaser to determine the suitability of the products for any purpose. Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties or
how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above li mitation may not apply to you.
As a condition precedent to the warranty coverage provided below and to ensure identification , the original purchaser must
complete and mail to MPS Technolog ies , Inc., 180 Lakefront Drive , Hunt Valley , Maryland 21030 , with in 30 days after purchase , the
Registration/Warranty card enclosed in th is product. To the original purchaser on ly, MPS Technologies ,lnc . warrants the media to
be free from defects in material for 90 days . If during the first 90 days after purchase a defect in media should occur, the software may
be returned to MPS Technologies , Inc., who will replace the media at no charge. If at any time after the initial 90 day period your media
becomes defective, the media may be returned to MPS Technologies , Inc. for replacement at a $10 service charge .
In no case will MPS Technologies ,Inc. be held liable for direct, indirect or incidental damages resulting from any defect or om ission
inthe manual , or other related items and processes , including , but not limited to , any interruption of service , loss of business , anticipated
profit, or other consequential damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,
so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you .
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights wh ich vary from state to state.
IMPORTANT: The above warranty does not apply if you make any unauthorized attempt to modify or duplicate the product , or if
the product has been damaged by accident or abuse.

(formerly MicroProse Software)
180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, Maryland , 21030
(301 ) 771 -1151

~~:'~~;:~e ~:f~~are. l nc.
for Amiga computers liec h·
nlca I SUpp Iement
Package Contents Your Red Storm Rising package should contain a manual , this technical supple-
ment folder, two 3 1/2" disks, a keyboard overlay, a map of the Norwegian Sea
Theater, a registration card , and an order card for backup disks.

Required Equipment Computer: This simulation requires an Am iga 500 , 1000, or 2000 computer
with 512K RAM , a 3.5" disk drive, and a color monitor.
Controls: The simulation can be run entirely from the keyboard, or in conjunc-
tion with a mouse or joystick.

Memory Requirements
512K Systems: The game requires the entire 512K of RAM , so you should boot
from the RED STORM RISING disk.
1 Meg Systems: RED STORM RISING takes advantage of the full megabyte
of RAM , keeping more data in memory rather than on disk.
More than 1 Meg: RED STORM RISING fully supports Amiga multi-tasking on
systems with more than 1 meg of RAM . On systems with sufficient memory, you
may switch between RED STORM RISING and other cooperative programs using
the standard "left Amiga M" and "left Amiga N" keys.
Note that RED STORM RISING uses a lot of graphics "chip" memory; if you are
running another program that does likewise, there may not be enough room for
RED STORM RISING, even if you still have a lot of RAM left.

Saving Games We strongly advise that you follow the installation procedure and "run " the game
from backup copies on either floppy disks or a hard disk. If you run the game using
the disks in the box, do not save the game onto this original disk.

Accelerated Time This is a new feature for the Amiga version , not mentioned in the manual.
If you find the pace of action too slow, or are pursuing a slow-developing
strategy, press Alt and the T key to accelerate time. Press it again to restore normal
time rate . This option only functions during a battle.

Installation Installation Concepts: Red Storm Rising is not copy-protected . This means
you can copy the game files from the original disks however you prefer - to other
floppy disks, or to a hard disk. These files are normal in all respects and should not
cause special problems when backing up, restoring , or optimizing a hard disk.
However, keep the original disks handy in case you need to make more backups.
Red Storm Rising has been left unprotected for your convenience in making
back-up copies and when playing from a hard drive. However, making additional
copies to give away or sell is a Copyright Violation. See the Copyright Notice at the
end of the game manual.
Installation on Floppy Disks: This simulation is designed to run using copies
of the original (distribution) disks supplied in the box. You can run the game using
the original disks, but it is unwise to save information onto them.
We suggest formatting fresh disks before doing any copying - to ensure the
disks are "clean" and in good operating condition . To format disks, use the
Workbench . Simply insert a disk into the floppy drive, click on the Format Disk
option , and follow the prompts.
To make copies of the original disks choose Duplicate from the Workbench
menu. If you only have one drive, carefully follow the prompts in the requesters to
insert and remove the original source disks and the backup disks from the drive to
make the copies. If you have two disk drives, your task is simpler because the need
to swap disks is eliminated. Again follow the prompts in the requesters.

Installation on a Hard Disk:For your convenience, we have included a hard

disk install program on the game disk. To install the game on your hard drive, do
the following :
1. Insert game disk A into your floppy drive.
2. Double click on the "HD Install" icon.
3. The program will ask you which directory or subdirectory you wish to place the
"RSR Stuff" drawer into. It will then create this drawer and copy the necessary files
into it.

Loading from Loading from Floppy Disks: Reset your machine with your copy of Disk A in
Floppy Disks the internal disk drive and follow the prompts.

Loading from a Hard Disk: Go to the "REDSTORM Stuff" drawer and double-
click on the REDSTORM icon.

Loading Problems? The latest notes regarding this program can be found on
Disk A, in a file named READ.ME . You can read this file from the Workbench by
double-clicking on it.
If the program does not load or run correctly, make sure Red Storm Rising is the
only program loading into memory. Certain RAM-resident programs or tools can
conflict with Red Storm Rising.
If you continue to have trouble, try the original Red Storm Rising disks. Your
copies may be bad. If the originals don't work, try the original Red Storm Rising
disks in another computer. If the disks work in another machine, then the problem
lies within your machine. Talk to your dealer.
If you have trouble loading on other machines as well as your own, you may be
one of the tiny percentage with a defective disk. In such cases, contact MicroProse
Customer Service at (301) 771-1151 , Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm Eastern
time. Please have a pencil and paper handy when you call.

Starting Options Activity with keyboard with joystick with mouse

Move Arrow arrow keys push joystick drag mouse
or Highlight
Select Option Return or spacebar joystick trigger click left mouse
Quit Game (exits Alt-Q Alt-Q Alt-Q
to Workbench)

Only available in the RED STORM RISING campaign scenario.
Strategic Transit
Map Color Key Color Meaning
Dark Blue Deep water
Light Blue Shallow water
Green NATO-controlled land areas
Red Warsaw Pact-controlled land areas
Solid White Mountains and polar icepack
White Dots Drifting ice
Yellow Square US submarine base at Holy Loch

Feature Color Meaning

Map Symbols
..... . SOSUS seabed
flashing yellow enemy ships & subs passing over a
SOSUS line are detected

Your submarine yellow current location of your boat

Enemy Surface flashing red/ contact accurate to this instant

Force dark red/ contact inaccurate, becoming less recent
darker red/ as the color "cools" down . Thus , red is most
darkest red accurate, while darkest red is oldest, least
accurate contact.

Enemy Subs-only flashing red contact accurate to this instant

Force dark red/ contact inaccurate, becoming less recent
darker red/ as the color "cools" down. Thus, red is most
darkest red accurate , while gray is the oldest, least ac
curate, contact.

NATO P-3C yellow friendly aircraft that spots enemy forces it

"Orion" flies over

USSR Tu-142 pink enemy aircraft that spots you if it flies close
"Bear" enough to your position .

NATO Military yellow satellite spots enemy forces beneath its

Recon Satellite orbital path.

USSR Military red satellite spots you if you're under its orbital
Recon Satellite path

Map Movement Sailing Command with keyboard with joystick
Drifting (0-5 kts) no keys down (hands off keyboard) joystick centered
Cruising (12-18 kts) arrow keys Push joystick
Flank speed (25+ kts) hold shift key down and use arrow Trigger down and
keys push joystick
Pause Escape, spacebar, or Alt-P Escape, spacebar,
or Alt-P

With Mouse: moving the mouse moves a small mouse pointer around the map.
Holding down the left mouse button causes your sub to move towards the pointer
at Flank speed . Holding down the right mouse button causes your sub to move
towards the pointer at Cruising speed . Escape, spacebar, or Alt-P pause the game.

Menu Options Activity with keyboard with joystick with mouse

Move Arrow arrow keys push joystick drag mouse
or Highlight
Select Option Return joystick trigger click left mouse
Quit Game (exits Alt-Q Alt-Q Alt-Q
to Workbench)

Battle Symbol Color Meaning

Tactical Map
n Open Rectangle Turquoise Your submarine (open side is your stern)

Symbols Box Purple Enemy vessel , course unknown

1:1 Yellow flash Enemy vessel , course unknown, using
active sonar

Open Rectangle Dark red Enemy vessel , last known position & course

n Bright red
Yellow flash
Enemy vessel , course known, high solution
Enemy vessel , course known , using active

Box Dark red Enemy helo when your periscope is above

1:1 water

(invisible) (none) Enemy helo when your periscope is below


~ ----
Dotted Line! Light blue Track of your weapon(s)
Teardrop Green Enemy weapon not activated
Yellow Enemy weapon activated

~ ---- Teardrop Light blue Your weapon before reaching PAP

White Your weapon after activation
Flashing white Your weapon when you are controlling it

I!J Dot Inside Box Flashing yellow Current contact

Dotted Hexagon

Small Sub Icon

Light blue

Dark blue

Dark blue
Enemy sonobuoy (helo-dropped)

Decoy (appears while it is active)

Noisemaker (appears while it is active)

5 "s" Symbol Dark blue Knuckle in water (appears while it is active)

No Drop Bar Medium blue Underwater pack ice - to 50' depth

1 Drop Bar

2 Drop Bars
Medium blue

Medium blue
Underwater pack ice -

Underwater pack ice -

to 100' depth

to 150' depth

~ 3 Drop Bars Medium blue Underwater pack ice - to 200' depth

~ 4 Drop Bars Medium blue Underwater pack ice - to 250' depth

3 Number Dark blue Shallow bottom number - indicates depth

of bottom in hundreds of feet

Attack Center Activity Control Key

Controls Tactical Display F1

Map overlay (toggles on-off) Shift-F8
The Primary Displays
Zoom map Z
Unzoom map X

Sea Conditions Fa
Compare Sonar Display F6
Change enemies on display C

Weapon Control Display F2

Map overlay (toggles on-off) Shift-F8
Zoom map Z
Unzoom map X
Change to another weapon N

Defense Display F3
Map overlay (toggles on-off) Shift-F8
Zoom map Z
Unzoom map X

Periscope F4
Manually rotate scope joystick push UR
Snap scope to contact C
Identify periscope image Backspace

Acoustic Signature ID F5
Compare vessel signature Shift-(Ietter key)
Make identification positive Return

Ship Data Base F7

Select Ship Shift-(Ietter key)

Secondary Displays View Contacts C

press again for another contact

Weapons Loadout V
press again for Weapons Stores

Torpedo Control N
press again for next active torpedo
note : cannot control torpedo if wire is broken ("W" has become an "X")
Threat Weapons M
if text is yellow, the threat is homing on you.
if text is green, the threat is not homing on you .

Damage Report B

Navigation Controls Increase speed = or +
Decrease speed - or

Set depth F9, then three number keys.

Set course F1 0, then three number keys.

Emergency Navigation
Silent running o
Straight and level ? or /
Left rudder 5 degrees , (comma) or < or left arrow key, or joystick left
(15 max)
Right rudder 5 degrees . (period) or > or right arrow key, or joystick right
(15 max)

Active Sensor Controls Active sonar (on/off) 8

Active radar (on/off) 9

Weapon Loading Load Torpedo into tube Shift-4

and Firing Load Sealance into tube Shift-5
Load Harpoon into tube Shift-6
Load Tomahawk into tube Shift-7

Fire Torpedo 4
Fire Sealance 5
Fire Harpoon 6
Fire Tomahawk 7
Fire Stinger SAM 3

Torpedo Controls Move PAP point (if inactive) arrow keys or move joystick or move mouse
Run shallow Shift-F1
Run deep Shift-F2
Left search pattern Shift-F3 or left mouse button
Right search pattern Shift-F4 or right mouse button
Activate torpedo Shift-F5
Drop torpedo Shift-F6

Countermeasures Drop noisemaker 1

Drop Decoy 2

Other Controls Cancel an order in progress Esc.
Accelerated time (on/off) Alt-T
Pause (on/off) Alt-P
Help from tactical computer Help
Action Track (on/off) Alt-A
Sound (on/off) Alt-V
Replay battle (at Introductory Alt-R
Level only)

Quit (exit to Workbench) Alt-Q

Sound Cues While playing Red Storm Rising , understanding what certain sounds indicate can
improve your play. The following sounds are especially informative cues.

·Sonar pongs: made by active sonar, either from your sub , enemy vessels, or
enemy sonobuoys.
·Sonar pings: made by active sonar from an enemy torpedo that is homing on your
submarine . The pings increase in pitch as the torpedo gets closer.
·Strategic Map alarm: heard when enemy satellite appears on map.
·Spotted alarm : heard when your sub is spotted by enemy ship, aircraft, or satellite
on the Strategic Map.
·Propeller sounds : you normally hear in the background the noise your sub is
making. However, if a contact is shown on your Secondary Display, the prop noise
from the contact is heard instead. Note that the prop noise from an enemy sub is
muffled when it is on the other side of the thermal layer.
·Cavitation effects: When your sub is cavitating , you cannot hear enemy sub's
sonars as easily.

Amiga Version

Jim Berry

Computer Graphics
Barbara Bents

Music & Sound Effects

Ken Lagace

Quality Assurance
Chris Taormino, Christopher Hromanik

Quentin Chaney, Bruce Shelley

Technical Supplement
Written by Bruce Shelley
Design and Layout by Iris Idokogi

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