Cobol Program 2

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The FlyByNight travel agency sends its customers all over the world. For each booking a
record is created in the Booking Master file (BOOKING.DAT). Each customer booking is
assigned (as part of the record) a category indicating the primary reason for the booking
(i.e. Sport, Tourism, Business, Personal and Other). The file is unsorted and each record
has the following description;

Field Type Length Value

Customer-Name X 30 upper & lower case
Destination-Name X 20 upper & lower case
Booking-Charge N 7 10.00 - 99999.99
Num-Of-Males N 2 0 - 99
Num-Of-Females N 2 0 - 99
Num-Of-Children N 2 0 - 99
Category X 1 S/T/B/P/O

The Task

A program is required which will read the Booking Master file to produce a Summary
file sequenced upon ascending Destination-Name. Each record in this file will be a
summary of all the Tourist records in the Booking file which list a particular location as
their destination. The record will show the Destination-Name, the Total-Receipts from
tourists travelling to that destination and the Total-Males, Total-Females and Total-
Children who make up that tourist population. Each record in the Summary file has the
description shown below;

Field Type Length Value

Destination-Name X 20 upper case only
Total-Receipts N 10 10.00 - 99999999.99
Total-Males N 6 0 - 999999
Total-Females N 6 0 - 999999
Total-Children N 6 0 - 999999
The Danger Levy

As well as the Booking-Charge, tourists travelling to some destinations will incur an

additional insurance charge. This will be levied as a percentage of the Booking-Charge
and will be added to it to give a Total-Charge for the booking (e.g. Charge = $250.00,
Percentage Insurance = 15%, Total-Charge = $287.50). Listed below are affected
countries as well as the insurance charges that travelling to them will incur.

Afghanistan 50%, Cambodia 24%, Corsica 18%, El Salvador 85%,

Haiti 21%, Honduras 23%, Israel 11%, Iran 57%, Iraq 33%,

Note that the Destination-Name in the Booking Master File may be all upper case or all
lower case or a mixture. Note also that "France" is not equal to "FRANCE".

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