Dark Heresy Armory v1.41

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Armory (complete) v1.4 Now contain changes in errata 3.

Contains items and other purchasable from Dark Heresy. This archive is constantly expanding.
Sections that follow no specific heading are from the core rulebook EDIT: now contain changes in erra
Sections followed by: Feral & Feudal Word Specific, Hive World Specific, Forge World Specific, Frontier
Sections followed by: Shadow Gear, Dark Tech, and Xenos Tech are from Radicals Handbook, note tha
Sections followed by: Rogue Trader are from Rogue Trader sans repetitive entries, prices are not liste
Sections followed by: Anathema are from Creatures Anathema
Sections followed by: Other are from modules and other material that is not relevant enough to warra
Sections followed by: Acension are from Ascension, prices are not listed because Throne Agents do no
It is advised that you read the full description of the source material of any interesting item for a bette
Keyword Reference
Accurate +10 BS when used with aim action, when used with an aim action every 2 degrees
Balanced +10 to Parry
Blast (x) x= radius of blast
Defensive +15 to parry, -10 to attacks
Flame Don't test BS, all creatures in 30 arc test Ag or hit. If hit test Ag again or be set on fi
Flexible cant be parried
Inaccurate No bonus to aim action
Overheats Roll of 91 or higher overheats, consult pg 129
Power Field When parrying a weapon with this quality, 75% to destroy
Primitive AP doubled against primitive, unless armor is primitive, penetration subtracted after
Recharge Only fires every other round
Reliable If would jam, roll 1d10 and on 10 jams
Scatter Point blank shot, each 2 degree is another hit. At long range AP is doubled
Shocking If takes damage after AP and toughness, roll Toughness test +10 for every armor po
Smoke when hit is scored, creates 3d10 meters in diameter centered on impact, lasts 2d10
Snare on hit, make Ag test or immobilized. Once immobilized cant do anything except atte
Tearing Roll one extra dice for damage, drop lowest roll
Toxic Damage after AP and toughness make a toughness test -5 for every damage taken,
Unbalanced -10 to parry
Unreliable Jam on 91 or higher
Unstable when hit, roll 1d10. 1 is half damage, 2-9 normal, and 10 doubles damage
Unwieldy Can not parry
Fast -20 to parry hits
Customized Reloading takes half listed time, half action is shortest time possible
Storm Hits against target are doubled, uses twice ammunition e.g. semi normally fires 2 s
Twin-Linked two identical weapons side by side, +20 to hit, uses twice the ammunition, two or m
Sanctified Damage counts as Holy
Craftsmanship Cost Multiplier Availability
Best x10 Drop 2 step
Good x3 drop 1 step
Common x1
Poor x.5 Increase 1 step

Go to tabs below for specific sections

antly expanding.
contain changes in errata 3.0
World Specific, Frontier World Specific, The Void Specific, The Holy Ordos Specific and War Zone Specific are fro
als Handbook, note that many of these items have vastly greater descriptions then are provided here. (Also the
ies, prices are not listed because Rogue Traders do not buy, but acquire

levant enough to warrant its own section.

se Throne Agents do not buy, but acquire. Repetetive entries are retained because the stats vary from sources
eresting item for a better understanding of what it is. This Document is only a quick reference

action every 2 degrees of success add another d10 of damage to a total of 2d10

Ag again or be set on fire. Cover negated. Hit body only, jam on 9, if fired without talent +20 to ag to avoid dam

tration subtracted after doubled

AP is doubled
+10 for every armor point on location, fail means stunned for half damage in rounds
d on impact, lasts 2d10 rounds or less
do anything except attempt escape, St or Ag test, helpless until free

r every damage taken, failure deals 1d10I with no reduction

ubles damage

semi normally fires 2 so 4 rounds are used; each degree of success for full and every two degrees for semi yiel
e ammunition, two or more degrees of success give additional hit, reload time doubled
Zone Specific are from Inquisitors Handbook
ovided here. (Also these items are mostly heretical)

ts vary from sources

20 to ag to avoid damage

degrees for semi yields two hits

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld
Ranged Weapons
Laspistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+2E 0 30 Full
Las Carbine Basic 60m S/2/- 1d10+2E 0 40 Full
Lasgun Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10+3E 0 60 Full
Long Las Basic 150m S/-/- 1d10+3E 1 40 Full
MP LasCannon Heavy 300m S/-/- 5d10+10E 10 5 2Full
Hive World Specific
Civitas Pistol 25m S/2/- 1d10+1E 0 25 Full
Death Light Basic 80m S/3/- 1d10+5E 2 18 Full
Drusus Prime Basic 100m S/2/- 1d10+3E 0 50 Full
Dueling Las Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+4E 4 1 Full
Minerva -Aegis Basic 60m S/4/8 1d10+2E 0 40 Full
Palantine Pistol 20m S/3/- 1d10+2E 0 20 Full
Series-S Venom Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+1E 0 15
Steel Burner Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 10 Full
Forge World Specific
D'laku Hellgun Basic 100m S/3/5 1d10+3E 4 40 2Full
War Zone Specific
Fury Pistol 20m S/2/5 1d10+2E 0 30 Full
Hellgun Basic 110m S/3/- 1d10+4E 3 40 3Full
Hellpistol Pistol 35m S/2/- 1d10+3E 3 20 2Full
Laslock Basic 70m S/-/- 1d10+4E 0 1 Full
Mark III Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10+3E 0 60 Full
Mark IV Pistol 70m S/2/- 1d10+3E 0 15 Full
Multi-Laser Heavy 250m -/-/10 3d10+3E 4 60 3Full
Roth Pattern Basic 120m S/2/- 1d10+2E 0 60 Full
Stormfront Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10+3E 0 60 Full
Twin Lasgun Basic 100m S/2/- 1d10+4E 0 18 Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Archeotech LaspistolPistol 90m S/3/- 1d10+3E 2 70 Full
Belasco Dueling Pistol
Pistol 45m S/-/- 1d10+5E 4 1 Full
Hellpistol (Lucius) Pistol 35m S/2/- 1d10+4E 7 40 2Full
Hellgun (Lucius) Basic 110m S/3/- 1d10+4E 7 30 2Full
Las Gauntlets Pistol 50m S/4/- 1d10+4E 1 20 Full
Lascarbine (Locke) Basic 60m S/2/- 1d10+3E 0 40 2Full
Ascension Specific
Cadian Hellgun Basic 50m S/3/- 1d10+4E 7 30 2Full
Cadian Hellpistol Pistol 20m S/2/- 1d10+4E 7 40 2Full
* Uses power pack
SP Weapons
Autopistol Pistol 30m S/-/6 1d10+2I 0 18 Full
Stub Revolver Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 6 2Full
Stub Auto Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 9 Full
Hand Cannon Pistol 35m S/-/- 1D10+4i 2 5 2Full
Autogun Basic 90m S/3/101d10+3I 0 30 Full
Hunting Rifle Basic 150m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 5 Full
Shotgun Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 2 2Full
Pump-Action Shotgun
Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 8 2Full
Combat Shotgun Basic 30m S/3/- 1D10+4i 0 18 Full
Heavy Stubber Heavy 120m -/-/10 1d10+4I 3 200 2Full
Hive World Specific
Armageddon Basic 100m S/2/6 1d10+4I 0 15 Full
Armsman-10 Pistol 35m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 13 Full
Blackhammer Basic 20m S/-/- 2d10I 0 1 2Full
Carnodon Pistol 35m S/3/- 1d10+4I 2 6 Full
VI Crank Cannon Heavy 70m -/-/5 1d10+5I 0 100 3Full
Creed-9 Basic 50m S/3/101d10+3I 0 35 Full
Encarmine Pistol 20m S/3/8 1d10I 0 24 Full
Fate Bringer Pistol 40m S/-/- 1d10+3I 2 5 2Full
Flametongue Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10+6I 0 2 2Full
Hack Shotgun Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 1 2Full
Hecuter Pistol 30m S/3/6 1d10+3I 0 15 Full
Mariette Pistol 20m S/-/- 2d5+3I 0 1 2Full
Mercy Killer Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10+2I 0 1 2Full
Meat Hammer Basic 30m S/-/- 2d5+6I 0 1 3Full
Nomad Basic 250m S/-/- 1d10+5I 3 4 Full
Phobos Stubber Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 9 Full
Puritan-14 Pistol 20m S/3/6 1d10+2I 0 14 Full
as shotty 15m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 1 Full
Ripper Clip Pistol 15m -/-/6 1d10+2I 0 12 Full
Salvation Pistol 10m S/3/- 1d10I 0 7
Scalptaker Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 6 2Full
Slayer Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 6 3Full
Spectre Basic 80m S/3/101d10+3I 0 20(x3) Full (each)
as shotty 30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 4 2Full
Steadholder Basic 100m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 6 Full
Stormchild Pistol 35m S/-/- 1d10+4I 2 5 2Full
Talon Mark III Pistol 30m S/2/6 1d10+2I 0 18 Full
54 Tranter Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5I 2 7 Full
Forge World Specific
Panoptic Pistol 35m S/2/- 1d10+3I 0 5(x2) 2Full
Vanahein Basic 40m S/3/6 1d10+4I 0 15 Full
The Void Specific
Ironclaw Basic 30m S/2/- 1d10+4I 0 12 Full
Naval Shotcannon Heavy 40m S/3/- 2d10+4I 0 24 2Full
Irontalon Pistol 20m S/2/5 1d10+2I 0 15 Full
Shotgun Pistol Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 1 Full
War Zone Specific
Alcher Mark IV Basic 60m S/-/10 1d10+3I 0 40 Full
Assault Cannon Heavy 120m -/-/10 3d10+5I 5 200 2Full
AutoCannon Heavy 300m S/2/5 4d10+5I 4 20 2Full
Doreas Pattern Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 9 Half
Orthlak Mark IV Pistol 30m S/-/6 1d10+4I 0 12 Full
Holy Ordos Specific
Catechist Basic 40m S/-/- 1d10+4R 3 5 2Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Heavy Stubber(Orthlack)
Heavy 120m -/-/10 1d10+5I 3 200 2Full
Heavy Stubber(Ursid)
Heavy 120m -/-/10 1d10+5I 3 40 Full
Naval Pistol(Mars) Pistol 20m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0 6 Full
Shotgun Pistol Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 1 Full

Bolt Weapons
Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full
Boltgun Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 24 Full
Heavy Bolter Heavy 120m -/-/10 2d10X 5 60 2Full
Hive World Specific
Angelus Basic 100m S/-/- 2d10X 5 3 3Full
Mauler Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+5X 4 6 Full
Spitfire Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10+3X 0 3 Full
War Zone Specific
Garm Pattern Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full
Scourge Boltgun Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 24 Full
Holy Ordos Specific
Sucristan Bolter Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+6R 4 6 Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Boltgun(Locke) Basic 90m S/2/4 1d10+5X 4 24 Full
Bolt Pistol(Ceres) Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full
Storm Bolter(Mars) Basic 90m S/2/4 1d10+5X 4 60 Full
Heavy Bolter(Solar)Heavy 120m -/-/10 2d10+2X 5 60 Full
Ascension Specific
Malleus Psycannon Heavy 120m S/-/5 2d10+5X 5 40 3Full
Ryza-pattern StormBasic
Bolter 90m S/2/4 1d10+5X 4 60 Full

Melta Weapons
Inferno Pistol Pistol 10m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 3 Full
Meltagun Basic 20m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 5 2Full
Hive World Specific
Melta-Cutter Basic 10m S/-/- 2d10+4E 10 5 3Full
War Zone Specific
Multi-Melta Heavy 60m S/-/- 4d10+12E 12 10 2Full
Ultimo Basic 40m S/-/- 2d10+2E 8 5 2Full
Thermal Lance Heavy 10m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 2 2Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Inferno Pistol(Mars)Pistol 10m S/-/- 2d10+8E 13 3 Full
Meltagun(Mars) Basic 20m S/-/- 2d10+8E 13 5 2Full
Meltagun(Mezoa) Basic 20m S/-/- 2d10+8E 13 10 3Full
Thermal Lance(Mars) Heavy 10m S/-/- 2d10+10E 12 2 2Full
Multi-Melta(Mars) Heavy 60m S/3/- 4d10+5E 13 10 2Full
Ascension Specific
Hellax Infernus Pistol 10m S/-/- 2d10+6E 14 5 2Full

Plasma Weapon
Plasma Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+6E 6 10 4Full
Plasma Gun Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6 20 8Full
Forge World Specific
Kronos Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+6E 6 10 4Full
Maximal 40m 1d10+10E 6
War Zone Specific
Plasma Blaster Basic 60m S/-/- 2d10+6E 6 6 2Full
Plasma Cannon Heavy 120m S/-/- 2d10+10E 8 16 5Full
Maximal 4d10+10E 8
Mark III Sunfury Basic 80m S/2/- 1d10+10E 6 10 2Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Plasma Pistol(Ryza)Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6 10 3Full
Plasma Gun(Mezoa)Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+7E 6 40 5Full
Plasma Cannon(Ryza)Heavy 120m S/-/- 2d10+10E 8 16 5Full
Ascension Specific
Ryza-pattern PlasmaPistol
Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6 10 3Full
Ryza-pattern PlasmaBasic
Gun 90m S/2/- 1d10+7E 7 40 5Full

Flame Weapons
Hand Flamer Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 2 2Full
Flamer Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4E 3 3 2Full
Hive World Specific
Destroyer Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10+5E 2 5 2Full
Gas Torch Basic 5m S/-/- 1d10+1E 2 5 2Full
Tox Spray Basic 10m S/-/- 1d10E 0 3 3Full
The Void Specific
Burst Basic 5m S/-/- 1d5E 0 1 2Full
Stingray Basic 15m S/-/- 1d10+3E 2 4 Full
War Zone Specific
Heavy Flamer Heavy 30m S/-/- 2d10+4E 4 10 2Full
Voss Pattern Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+5E 2 3 2Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Hand Flamer(Mezoa)
Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 2 2Full
Flamer(Mezoa) Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 6 2Full
Heavy Flamer(Locke)
Heavy 30m S/-/- 2d10+4E 4 10 2Full

Primitive Weapons
Bolas Thrown 10m S/-/- 0 1
Hand Bow Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full
Flintlock Pistol Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10+2I 0 1 3Full
Musket Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+2I 0 1 5Full
Bow Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Half
Sling Basic 15m S/-/- 1d10-2I 0 1 Full
Crossbow Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 2Full
Feral and Feudal World Specific
Iocanthos Blunderbuss
Basic 10m S/-/- 1d10+1I 0 1 5Full
Composite Bow Basic 40m S/-/- 1d10+2R 1 1 Half
Deuce Pistol Pistol 15m S/2/- 1d10+2I 0 2 3Full
Fedrid Rasor Disk Exotic 10m S/-/- 1d10R+SB 1 1
Flick Bow Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full
Heavy Crossbow Basic 80m S/-/- 1d10+4R 2 1 4Full
Javelin Thrown 18m S/-/- 1d10R+SB 1 1
Longbow Basic 50m S/-/- 1d10+2R 2 1 Half
Siskan Musket Basic 40m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 1 5Full
Vibe Spear Thrown 10m S/-/- 1d10+2+SB 1 1
Volonx Bone Bolas Thrown 8m S/-/- 1d5I 0 1
Volonx ThunderclapExotic 9m S/-/- 1d5+3X 0 1
Hive World Specific
Drive Nailer Basic 5m -/3/- 1d10+1R 4 15 3Full
Impaler Heavy 30m S/-/- 1d10+5I 2 1 2Full
Scrap Cannon Heavy 15m S/-/- 1d10+3R 0 1 3Full
Shadow Gear Specific
Haywire Rifle Basic 10m 1/-/- 1d10+3I 2 6 Full

Grenade Launcher Basic 60m S/-/- * * 6 Full
RPG Launcher Heavy 120m S/-/- * * 1 Full
Hive World Specific
Gorge GL Basic 60m S/-/- * * 1 2Full
War Zone Specific
Disposable LauncherHeavy 175m S/-/- * * 1
Missile Launcher Heavy 250m S/-/- * * 1 Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Grenade Launcher(Mezoa)
Basic 80m S/-/- * * 1 Half
Grenade Launcher(Voss)
Basic 60m S/-/- * * 6 Full
Missile Launcher(Locke)
Heavy 250m S/-/- * * 1 Full
Missile Launcher(Retobi)
Heavy 200m S/-/- * * 5 2Full
*Depends on explosive loaded

Grenades & Explosives

Frag Thrown SBx3 2d10X 0
Krak Thrown SBx3 2d10+4X 6
Blind Thrown SBx3 0
Photon Flash Thrown SBx3 Special(pg137) 0
Hallucinogen Thrown SBx3 Special(pg137) 0
Fire Bomb Thrown SBx3 1d10+3E 6
Hive World Specific
Choke Gas Thrown SBx3 Special 0 1
Nail Bomb Thrown SBx3 1d10+1X 0 1
The Void Specific
Bilge Grenade Thrown SBx3 2d10X 0
War Zone Specific
Frag Missile 2d10X 4
Inferno/Thermal Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 1d10+3E 6 1
Krak Missile 3d10+10X 10
Mark III FG Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 2d10X 0 1
Stun Thrown SBx3m S/-/- special 0 1
War Zone Specific
Det-Cord and Tape 1d5X per kg, radius is kgx2 in meters
Fyceline 1d10+5X per kg, radius is kgx5 in meters
Limper Mine 4d10X in one meter, Pen 8
Melta Bomb 6d10E in 2 meters, Pen 12, ag test or catch fire
Promethium 2d10E per kg, radius is kgx4, ag test or catch on fire
Rogue Trader Specific
Anti-Plant Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 3d10E* 0
Filament Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 4d10+4R 6
Plasma Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 1d10+6 6
Smoke Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 0
Virus Thrown SBx3m S/-/- 3d10I 0
*Only effects flora
**Only interferes with visual sight
***If causes damage, each round after the first choose a random target in d5m and roll new hit and da
Xenos Tech Specific
Ork Pulsa Mine Placed 1d10E

Exotic Weapons
Needle Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 6 Full
Web Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 0 1 Full
Needle Rifle Basic 180m S/-/- 1d10R 0 6 2Full
Webber Basic 50m S/-/- 0 1 Full
Hive World Specific
Aegis-Redback Heavy 80m S/-/- 0 4 3Full
Galvian Needler Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10-1R 0 7 Full
Hypo Pistol Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d5+2R 2 3 2Full
Widower Pistol 35m S/-/- 1d10+3R 4 1 Full
Forge World Specific
Graviton Gun Exotic 30m S/-/- Special 3 2Full
Rad-Cleanser Exotic 30m S/-/- 2d10+2E 7 20
Shock Blaster Exotic 20m S/2/- 1d10+2E 4 7 Full
Shadow Gear Specific
Snare Gun Basic 30m 1/-/- 0 1 Full
Rogue Trader Specific
Crux Beam Gun Basic 80m S/3/- 2d10+5E 6 25 4Full
Dartcaster Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full
Digi-laser Pistol 3m S/-/- 1d10+3E 7 1 Full
Digi-melta Pistol 3m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 1 Full
Digi-needler Pistol 3m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full
Digi-flamer Pistol 3m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 1 Full
Graviton Gun Basic 30m S/-/- Special 3 2Full
Kroot Rifle Basic 110m S/2/- 1d10+5E 1 6 2Full
(melee) melee 1d10R 0
Ork Shoota Basic 30m S/3/101d10+4I 0 30 Full
Ork Slugga Pistol 60m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0 18 Full
Shuriken Catapult Basic 60m S/3/101d10+4R 6 100 2Full
Shuriken Pistol Pistol 30m S/3/5 1d10+4R 4 40 2Full
Creatures Anathema Specific
Eldar Shuriken Pistol
Pistol 20m S/3/5 1d10+2R 4 40 2Full
Eldar Avenger Shuriken
80m S/3/101d10+4R 6 100 2Full
Eldar Ranger Long Rifle
Basic 200m S/-/- 1d10+3E 2 40 Full
Enoulian Shard Pistol
Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10+1R 0 20 Full
Enoulian Shard RifleBasic 70m S/3/- 1d10+2R 0 40 2Full
Ork Slugga Pistol 20m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0 18 Full
Ork Shoota Basic 60m S/3/101d10+4I 0 30 Full
Ork Snazzgun Basic 100m S/2/- 2d10I or E 1d10 20 2Full
Dark Tech Specific
Callophean Psy-Engine
Basic 100m See page191 Radicals
0 handbook
Xenos Tech Specific
Morgauth Burn CasterBasic 20m S/3/- 1d10+4E 9 12 3Full
Xenarch Death-Arc Basic 100m S/3/6 1d10+3E 0 100 Full
Ascension Specific
Digi-laser Pistol 3m S/-/- 2d5+5E 5 1 Special
Digital Explosive Thrown SBx3 S/-/- 3d10X 5
Purgatus Crossbow Basic 50m S/-/- 1d10+5I 2 5 2Full
Executor Pistol (Bolt)
Pistol 30m S/2/- 2d10+4X 5 16 Full
Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5R 3 16 Full
Exitus Pistol Pistol 30m S/3/- 2d10+2I 9 5 Full
Exitus Rifle Basic 200m S/-/- 2d10+2I 9 10 Full

Melee Weapons
Name Class Range Dam Pen
Primitive Weapons
Axe Melee 1d10+1I 0
Brass Knuckles Melee 1d5-1I 0
Club Melee 1d10I 0
Flail* Melee 1d10+2I 0
Great Weapon* Melee 2d10R 2
Hammer Melee 1d10+1I 0
Improvised Melee 1d10-2I 0
Knife Melee,Thrown
3m 1d5R 0
Throwing Star/KnifeThrown 5m 1d5R 0
Shield Melee 1d5I 0
Spear* Melee,Thrown
10m 1d10R 0
Sword Melee 1d10R 0
Staff* Melee 1d10I 0
Feral and Feudal World Specific
Bastard Sword Melee 1d10+1R 1
Buckler Melee 1d5-2I 0
Chain-Stick Exotic 1d10+1I 0
Cutlass Melee 1d10R 0
Double Flail* Exotic 1d10I 0
Long-Sabre* Melee 1d10+2R 2
Mirror Shield Melee 1d5-1I 0
Moon Blade Melee, Thrown
5m 1d10R 0
Punch Dagger Melee 1d5+1R 2
Sabre Melee 1d10R 0
Scythe* Melee 1d10+2R 0
Spetum* Melee 1d10R 2
Steam Drill* Melee 2d10I 3
Stiletto Melee 1d5-1R 2
Tower Shield(metal)Melee 1d5+2I 0
Tower Shield(wood)Melee 1d5+1I 0
Hive World Specific
Bolo Knife Melee 2d5R 2
Devil's Kiss Melee 1d5R 3
Emperor's Whisper Melee, Thrown
5m 1d5+1R 2
Punisher Baton Melee 1d10I 0
Render Melee 1d5+1R 0
Sigilite Melee 1d5R 3
The Void Specific
Armoured GauntletMelee 1d5I 0
Boarding Pike* Melee 1d10+3X 2
Chimera Pistol Sword
Melee 1d10+1R 2
Kraken Tooth Dagger
Melee, Thrown
5m 1d5+1R 1
Man-Catcher Melee 1d10I 0
Naval Shield Melee 1d5+2I 0
Short Sword Melee 1d10-1R 0
War Zone Specific
Combat Knife Melee 1d5+3R 0
Guard Shield Melee 1d5I 0
Trophy Knife Melee 1d5+1R 1
Shadow Gear
Garrote Melee 1d10R 0
Sieve Blade Melee 1d10-1R 0
Rogue Trader Specific
Truncheon Melee 1d10I 0
Warhammer Melee 1d10+2I 1
Ascension Specific
Kineblades Melee WPBx5 1d5R 2
Chain Weapons
Chainsword Melee 1d10+2R 2
Chain Axe Melee 1d10+4R 2
Hive World Specific
Chain Knife Melee 1d5+3R 2
Holy Ordos Specific
Eviscerator* Melee 1d10+10R 5

Power Weapons
Power Blade Melee 1d10+3E 6
Power Sword Melee 1d10+5E 6
Hive World Specific
Serpintine Melee 1d10+2E 6
Forge World Specific
Energy Blade Melee 1d10+6E 7
Omnisian Axe Melee 2d5+5E 6
War Zone Specific
Power Fist Melee 2d10E 8
Power Longsword* Melee 1d10+6E 6
Holy Ordos Specific
Witch Lance Melee or Thrown
10m 1d10+4E 6
Rogue Trader Specific
Omnissian Axe(Sollex)
Melee 2d10+4E 6
Power Axe(Mezoa) Melee 1d10+7E 7
Power Fist(Mezoa) Melee 2d10E 9
Power Maul(High) Melee 1d10+5E 4
Power Maul(Low) Melee 1d10+1E 2
Power Sword(Mordian)
Melee 1d10+5E 5
Ascension Specific
Arbites Ultima-pattern
Power Maul (low power) 1d10I 0
Arbites Ultima-pattern
Power Maul (high power)1d10+5I 5
Daemonhammer Melee 2d10+1I 8
Power Stake Melee 1d10+7E 5

Shock Weapons
Shock Maul Melee 1d10I 0
Electro-Flail* Melee 1d10+2I 0
Feral and Feudal World Specific
Lightning Gauntlet Exotic 1d10I 0
Lightning Chain* Exotic 1d10+1I 0
The Void Specific
Neural Whip Melee 3m 1d10+1E 0
Officer's Cutlass Melee 1d10R 0
Shock-Staff Melee 1d5+1I 2
Shadow Gear
Shock Gauntlets Melee 1d5E 0
Rogue Trader Specific
Officer's Cutlass Melee 1d10R 0
Shock Glove Melee 1d10I 0
Shock-Staff Melee 1d5+3I 0
Ascension Specific
Suppression Shield Melee 1d10I 0

Exotic Weapons
Forge World Specific
Breacher Exotic 1d10+5R 4
Vivisector Exotic 1d5+5R 0
The Void Specific
Bulkhead Cutters Melee 1d10+3R 6
Rogue Trader Specific
Fractal Blade Melee 1d10+1R 7
Ghost Sword Melee 1d10+3E 6
Harlequin's Kiss Melee 1d10+8R 10
Ork Choppa Melee 1d10+1R 2
Anathema Specific
Ork Choppa Melee 1d10+1R 2
Enoulian Whisper Line
Melee 1m 1d10+1R 4
Dark Tech Specific
Apostatic Matrix Melee 1d10I 0
Empyric Conduit Blade
Melee 1d10R 2
Xenos Tech Specific
Aether Lance Melee 2d5E 0
Draethri Pain Gauntlet
Melee 1d10+2R 0
Scythian Fury TalonMelee 1d5+3R 3
Ascension Specific
Neuro-Gauntlet Melee 1d10R 8

Force Weapons
Holy Ordos Specific
Force Axe Melee 1d10+3R 2
Force Staff* Melee 1d10I 0
Force Sword Melee 1d10+1R 2

*Must be use 2 handed

Weapon Upgrades
Name Description
Compact halves weight but halves clip size and reduce damage by 1, -20 to find if concealed
Exterminator attached one shot flamer cartridge to weapon that inflicts d10, replace after use, c
Extra Grip One hand without -20 penalty, range halved, use two hands like normal for norma
Fire Selector select between three different ammunition types, switch at the beginning of turn
Melee Attachment weapon with melee attachment counts as spear
Mono no longer primitive, +2 penetration, can add to power weapons but wont be effect
Red-Dot Laser +10 to BS when fired on single shot
Silencer awareness test to detect shot at -20 penaty. Attempt at half normal distance to de
Telescopic Sight ignore penalties for long and extreme range with full action to aim.
Forge World Specific
Lathe Blade loses primitive, +2 Dmg, +3Pen, +10 WS, immune to power field, AP 25 if attacke
War Zone Specific
Aux GL Basic, 45m, S/-/-, Clip 1, Rld Full
Duplus Ammo Clipshalves reload time
Forearm Weapon Mounting
Can use pistol but keep a free hand, reduce range by 30%
Targeter +10 to BS
Tripod and Bipods increases accuracy; bipod 90-degree arc, half action to deply, tri-pod 180-arc full a
Holy Ordos Specific
Sanctified Weapon any primitive or good quality chain, adds holy damage type, special against deamo
Shadow Gear
Combi-Weapon combine two basic weapons, secondary weapon ammo halved, cost doubled
Rogue Trader Specific
Motion Predictor +10 to BS test, only works on semi or full auto burst
Photo-Scope no penalties due to darkness,
Preysense-scope no penalties due to darkness, +20 to vision perception tests at night
Omni-scope combines red dot, telescopic, and preysense scopes.
Suspensors halves weight, user gains auto-stabilized trait, always counts as braced, semi and
Vox Operated fire, operate shot selector, switch firing modes by voice command
Ascension Specific
Spoor Targeter add max 10 allies to memory, takes +20 tech use and 10min, once logged in, gun

Name Special Effects
Arrows/ Quarrels
Charge Pack (pistol)
Charge Pack (basic)
Charge Pack (heavy)
Fuel (pistol)
Fuel (basic)
Bolt Shells
Melta Canister (pistol)
Melta Canister (basic)
Plasma Flask (pistol)
Plasma Flask (basic)
Dumdum +2 damage, double AP
Hot-shot Charge +1 damage, rolls two dice for damage and pick highest, pen of 4, loses reliable sp
Inferno Shells Ag test or catch fire, may set things other than people on fire
Man-Stopper Bulletspenetration increased to 3
Overcharge Pack adds 1 to damage, halves clip size
Hive World Specific
Spitfire shells
Hypo-pistol ammo
Razor Darts
Duelling Las
Mariette cylinders
Forge World Specific
Hyper-Density Penetrators
Reduce range by half, +2 pen, gains tearing. If Shot +10 toughness test or knocke
Tempest Bolt ShellsDamage changes from X to E, gains shock quality
War Zone Specific
Hellgun Capacitor
The Void Specific
Void Rounds reliable quality in the void
Blaze Shotgun Shellscan only fire on single shot, max range 15m or less, type becomes E, gains flame a
Irontalon shells
Holy Ordos Specific
Catechist Bolt can only be aquired by holy ordos
Blessed Ammunition deals holy, special againsts deamons and warp creatures, through holy ordos only
Psycannon Bolts only given to full inquisitorial rank, +5 to crit damage, double damage against psy
Rogue Trader Specific
Backpack Power Pack 80 rounds of plasma, melta, and las, 200 sp or bolt, 60 for flame, weighs 25kg
Amputator Shells +2 to damage, stub revolvers, stub autos, shottys, hand cannons, autopistol and a
Bleeder Rounds +3 damage to bio, ap doubled, stub revolver, stub autos, and hand cannons
Expander Rounds +1 dmg and pen, stub revolver, stub auto, autoguns, and autopistol
Explosive Arrows/Quarrels
-10 attack, dmg becomes E, loses primitive quality, bows, crossbows, and hand bo
Dark Tech Specific
Empyric null field generator
powers Empyric Conduit Blade
Xenos Tech Specific
Morgauth ammo
Ascension Specific
Executioner Shotgun Loses
Scatter, +4 dmg, +1 pen, Re-roll missed shots and short and standard range
Exitus Rounds -20 to dodge, leave no trace
Exitus Hellfire Rounds
+1d10 and may inflict Righteous Fury on any die with 9 or 10, gains tearing
Exitus Shield-Breaker
Roundsdaemonic trait, protective psychic powers, and fields, nullifies psychic pow
Exitus Turbo-Penetrator
+2d10 Rounds
dmg and +5 pen, ignores TB from unnatural toughness trait
Special Wt Cost Availability

Reliable 1.5kg 50 Common

Reliable 3kg 75 Common
Reliable 4kg 75 Common
Accurate, Reliable 4.5kg 100 Scarce
55kg 5000 Very Rare

Reliable 2kg 40 Common

7.2kg 250 Very Rare hotshot or overcharge gives overheat prope
7kg 50 Common
Accurate, Tearing 1.7kg 220 Very Rare
Reliable 4.1kg 150 Scarce
Reliable 1.1kg 100 Average
.5kg 120 Scarce Covert pistol, has to be recharged at a statio
2.5kg 100 Very Rare Hotshot or overcharge gives overheat prope

10kg 500 Very Rare ammo is attached to backpack of carapace a

Reliable 1.5kg 100 Scarce

6kg* 180 Rare use standard las charge packs, but consume
4kg* 140 Scarce use standard las charge packs, but consume
Unreliable 4kg 40 Plentiful
Reliable 4kg 75 Average
Reliable, Accurate 1.75kg 150 Rare
50kg* 2000 Scarce
Reliable 4kg 175 Rare Bullpup design lasgun
Reliable 5kg 85 Very Rare integral bayonet, wooden stock, spear in me
Tearing, Unreliable 7kg 220 Rare

Accurate, Reliable 4 Near Unique

Accurate 1.5 Very Rare
4 Rare uses 10kg backpack source, can use upgrad
6 Rare uses 10kg backpack source, can use upgrad
Reliable 3 Very Rare
Reliable 2.5 Scarce -10 penalty to use one handed instead of no

6kg Rare Uses Backpack power pack (pg 145 Ascensio

6kg Rare Uses Backpack power pack (pg 145 Ascensio

2.5kg 75 Common
Reliable 1kg 40 Plentiful
1.5kg 50 Plentiful
3kg 65 Average
3.5kg 100 Average
Accurate 5kg 100 Scarce
Scatter, Reliable 5kg 60 Common
Scatter, Reliable 5kg 75 Average
Scatter 6.5kg 150 Scarce
35kg 750 Scarce

Reliable 8.5kg 100 Average

1.5kg 50 Plentiful without sigil or cipher stamp considered unl
Inaccurate, Scatter 4.7kg 250 Rare -10 to hit unless Str bonus of 4 or more, use
Accurate 2.5kg 200 Scarce
Unreliable 38kg 500 Average
3.6kg 115 Average
2kg 90 Average
Accurate, Reliable 1.6kg 200 Rare
Primitive, Reliable 2kg 140 Rare Exotic, Primitive ammunition
Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing
3kg 60 Common uses two shells at once, if only one shell loa
Reliable 2kg 175 Average
.5kg 400 Rare -30 to searching for weapon parts when disa
Inaccurate, Unreliable 1kg 10 Plentiful if jams, roll 1d10, result of 9 means gun exp
Scatter, Tearing 5kg 80 Scarce takes three shells to reload
Accurate, Reliable 10kg 2000 Very Rare
1.3kg 50 Plentiful
1.7kg 100 Scarce
Scatter -10 to ballistic test if not fired with two hand
Inaccurate, Unreliable 3kg 40 Scarce Common on Volg, makes loud clang when o
.7kg 80 Common Has to be disassembled to be reloaded
Reliable 2kg 40 Plentiful
Scatter 3.5kg 70 Average
Full (each) 6.5kg 375 Rare 3 mags and a fire selector
Scatter cant fire the same action as autogun
5kg 60 Plentiful
3kg 65 Average can be used as a basic club
2.3kg 70 Common can use extended 30 round mag but cant be
Unreliable 3.5kg 95 Common If Str Bonus of 4 or more, considered pistol,

Reliable 2kg 225 Rare 2 separate ammo canisters, has fire selector
Scatter 8kg 300 Average shotgun has built in red dot sight and sawbl

Reliable, Scatter, Primitive,

Tearing 80 Scarce Doubles as club(1d10-2+SBI) ammo is Rare
Scatter, Unreliable 7kg 700 Scarce must be securely mounted or braced or -30
Reliable, Tearing, Primitive
2kg 150 Rare special ammo, can be basic club, can use wi
Reliable, Scatter 1kg 60 Average -10 to hit if fired one-handed

3.5kg 95 Average
Tearing, Unreliable 60kg 7000 Very Rare 6 rotating barrels that wear out easily
55kg 1000 Scarce
1.5kg 150 Rare
2.5kg 75 Scarce

Special 4kg 750 Rare holy munition, tearing effect against sorcery

35kg Average
35kg Scarce
Tearing 3kg Scarce uses special ammunition, normal ammunitio
Reliable, Scatter 1kg Average -10 to hit unless fired with two hands or a re

all bolters have tearing quality

Tearing 3.5kg 250 Rare
Tearing 7kg 500 Very Rare
Tearing 40kg 2000 Very Rare

Accurate, Tearing 11kg 2000 Very Rare made to fire Astartes bolt shells, illegal
Reliable, Tearing 2.75kg 375 Very Rare can order custom made, doubles price and e
Unreliable, Tearing 3kg 75 Scarce Imitation bolter; on crit hit test agility or cat

Tearing 4.5kg 350 Rare Commissar's Pistol

Reliable, Tearing 10kg 650 Very Rare counts as an axe in close combat

Tearing 3.3kg 380 Rare Str bonus of 4 or -10 to BS

Tearing 7kg Very Rare

Tearing 3.5kg Rare
Storm, Tearing 9kg Extremely Rare
Used mostly by Astartes
Tearing 40kg Very Rare

Tearing, Reliable, Sanctified

20kg Extremely Rare
ignore all defensive benefits granted by psy
Storm, Tearing 9kg Extremely Rare

2.5kg 7500 Very Rare

8kg 4000 Rare

30kg 600 Scarce Requires Str bonus of 4 to weild, -10 ws for e

Blast(1) 55kg 8500 Very Rare

10kg 2500 Very Rare
14kg 3000 Rare can cut through bulkheads

2.5kg Very Rare

40kg Rare
46kg Rare
Accurate 40kg Rare
Blast(1) 40kg Very Rare
Sanctified 2kg Unique Ignore fields and all protective benefits due

Recharge, Overheats 4kg 4000 Very Rare

Recharge, Overheats 11kg 3000 Very Rare

Overheats, Recharge 4kg 5000 Very Rare on maximal setting, uses 3 shots, and 2 rou

Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable

20kg 7500 Very Rare
Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable
38kg 8500 Very Rare
Blast(3)(in addition) exhausts 6 shots of fuel, hot as the sun
Overheats, Recharge 12kg 3000 Very Rare

Overheat 4 Very Rare

Overheat 18 Very Rare
Blast(1), Overheat, Unreliable 40 Very Rare

Overheats 4kg Very Rare has maximal setting, give +10 range, +1d1
Overheats 9kg Very Rare has maximal setting, give +10 range, +1d1

Flame 3.5kg 200 Rare

Flame 6kg 300 Scarce

Flame 2.1kg 750 Very Rare

Flame 20kg 150 Very Rare Wounding Hit to back of body, 50% of fuel e
Flame, Toxic 6kg 200 Rare Jam means fuel ruptures, weapon damage t

Flame, Primitive 3kg 50 Scarce

Flame 3kg 100 Average Things cannot catch fire, sends microwaves

Flame 45kg 1000 Rare needs two men to operate, one carrys gun,
Flame, Toxic 6kg 400 Very Rare

Flame 3.5kg Rare

Flame 6kg Scarce
Flame 20kg Rare

Primitive, Snare, Inaccurate

1.5kg 10 Average
Primitive 1kg 200 Rare
Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate
4kg 10 Common
Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate
7kg 30 Common
Primitive, Reliable 2kg 10 Common
Primitive .5kg 10 Plentiful
Primitive 3kg 10 Common

Inaccurate, Primitive, Scatter,

4kg Unreliable 35 Rare
Accurate, Primitive 3kg 50 Uncommon
Primitive, Unreliable 2kg 40 Common
Primitive .5kg 50 Average
Primitive, Special 1kg 30 Scarce normally is folded for concealment, need ha
Primitive 5kg 75 Rare
Primitive 1kg 8 Plentiful
Primitive 3kg 20 Average
Primitive 8kg 60 Scarce
Primitive, Snare, Special 2kg 14 Uncommon toughness test or suffer one fatigue, removi
Primitive, Snare, Toxic 2kg 12 Rare
Blast(2), Inaccurate, Primitive,
1kg Unstable 45 Very Rare if thrown and misses, come back to user, ag

Primitive 7kg 50 Common

Primitive, Unreliable 22kg 100 Scarce Str Bonus of 4 to reload or use
Scatter, Unreliable 40kg 150 Very Rare Successful hit must test for pinning, underhi

5kg 400 Very Rare doubled Pen vs machine,

* 9kg 500 Scarce

* 15kg 1200 Rare

Reliable* 8kg 300 Average

* 30kg 800 Rare preloaded with one frag or krak missile, can
* 35kg 3000 Scarce fires missiles only

* 10 Scarce
*, Inaccurate 12.5 Scarce
* 12 Scarce
* 35 Rare

Blast (4) 0.5 10 Common

0.5 50 Rare
Smoke 0.5 25 Scarce
0.5 60 Scarce
0.5 40 Rare
Blast(3) 0.5 5 Plentiful

Blast(1d10+3) .5kg 40 Scarce each turn in the gas test toughness, fail lose
Blast(2), Unreliable 1kg 20 Average
Blast(4), Unreliable, Toxic.5kg 20 Common

Blast(6) .5kg 75 Average

Blast(2) .6kg 60 Rare
Blast(1) 1.5kg 150 Average
Blast(5) .8kg 10 Scarce
Blast(3) .2kg 40 Scarce toughness test or become stunned for 1d5 r

1kg 20 Common
1kg 70 Average
3kg 55 Scarce
4kg 100 Rare
1kg 60 Scarce

Blast(3) .5kg Very Rare

Blast(1), Tearing .5kg Extremely Rare
Blast(1) 4kg Very Rare
Smoke** .5kg Common
Toxic*** .5kg Extremely Rare

and roll new hit and damage, stops when no one is hurt or after 10 rounds

Blast 10, Unstable 20kg 2000 Very Rare re-detonates every 1d10 rounds, 10 percent

Accurate, Toxic 1.5kg 1250 Very Rare

Snare 3.5kg 1200 Rare
Accurate, Toxic 2kg 1000 Very Rare
Blast(5), Snare 8kg 1800 Rare

Blast(6), Snare 17kg 2000 Rare On hit, roll damage. Max capable inflicted is
Toxic 1kg 950 Very Rare +300 to mount on forearm with palm trigge
1kg 1000 Scarce subsonic and has no flash, can have explosi
Accurate 2kg 1000 Rare victims take -30 toughness test or be knock

Blast(5) 5kg 3500 Very Rare use standard las pistol packs
Blast(2), Recharge, Toxic26kg 7000 Very Rare The toxic quality represents the massive rad
Shock 3kg 650 Rare

Snare 3.5kg 100 Scarce opposed str or ag vs firers str to break free

Scatter 4kg Near Unique

Toxic 2.5kg Rare Can coat darts with special poison, mimic ha
Reliable .5kg Extremely Rare
size of a ring, one for each finger, can be fire
.5kg Extremely Rare
size of a ring, one for each finger, can be fire
Toxic .5kg Extremely Rare
size of a ring, one for each finger, can be fire
Flame .5kg Extremely Rare
size of a ring, one for each finger, can be fire
Blast(5) 5kg Near Uniqueif hit, -30 str or be knocked down, 1d5I (prim
6kg Extremely Rare
Inaccurate, Reliable 4kg Scarce doubles as club
Inaccurate, Reliable 2kg Scarce doubles as club
Reliable 2.5kg Very Rare
Reliable 1.2kg Very Rare

Reliable 1.2kg 5000 Very Rare munition is very rare at 500 thrones a clip
Reliable, Tearing 2.5kg 9500 Very Rare
Accurate, Reliable 2kg 8500 Very Rare when used with aim, pen doubles, full action
Tearing 1kg 2000 Very Rare
Tearing 2kg 5500 Very Rare
Inaccurate, Unreliable 2kg 100 Scarce Common if by black market
Inaccurate, Unreliable 4kg 200 Scarce Common if by black market
Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable
7kg 1500 Rare scarce if by black market, if used with bionic

15kg 41000 Very Rare This weapon fires the controlled might of 4 p

Unstable 4kg 2750 Very Rare Scarce on Calixis Trailing border, special am
Inaccurate, Shocking 10kg 2750 Very Rare any additional shots that strike are combine

.1kg Extremely Rare

1d5 hours before can be fired again.
Blast(3) .1kg Extremely Rare
Reliable, Sanctified 6.5kg Very Rare if inflicts dmg, then bolt is imbedded, remov
Tearing 5.5kg Near UniqueRequires user to be programmed in. Need a
Toxic Near Unique
Accurate 5kg Near Uniquebest quality with built in silencer
Accurate 9kg Near Uniquebuilt in silencer and telescope, best quality,

Special Wt Cost Availability

Primitive, Unbalanced 4kg 20 Average

Primitive .5kg 5 Plentiful
Primitive 2kg 5 Abundant
Flexible, Primitive 4kg 20 Scarce
Primitive,Unwieldy 7kg 70 Scarce
Primitive, Unbalanced 4kg 10 Common
Primitive, Unbalanced
Primitive .5kg 5 Abundant
Primitive .5kg 5 Plentiful
Defensive, Primitive 3kg 25 Average Provides 2AP to body and arm wielding.
Primitive 3kg 15 Common
Balanced, Primitive 3kg 15 Common
Balanced, Primitive 3kg 10 Plentiful

Primitive 5kg 50 Average

Balanced, Primitive 1kg 30 Common
Fast, Primitive, Toxic 1kg 30 Scarce
Primitive, Unbalanced 3kg 10 Common
Flexible, Primitive 4kg 28 Scarce
Balanced, Primitive 3kg 70 Very Rare
Defensive, Primitive 3kg 60 Rare Covers arm and one other body part, 8 AP (p
Fast, Primitive, Unwieldy 3kg 25 Rare
Primitive .5kg 4 Plentiful
Balanced, Primitive 2kg 15 Common
Primitive, Unwieldy 5kg 12 Uncommon
Primitive, Unbalanced 6kg 45 Rare
Primitive, Unbalanced, Unwieldy
18kg 100 Very Rare -10 AG requires 40 Str, insufficient str give -
Fast, Primitive .2kg 25 Uncommon
Defensive, Primitive 7kg 60 Rare 6 AP (primitive) -2 AG bonus
Defensive, Primitive 5kg 40 Uncommon 8 AP (Primitive) -2 AG bonus

2kg 50 Rare Common on Malfi

Fast, Primitive .3kg 55 Rare
Balanced .5kg 150 Very Rare
3kg 50 Average
Primitive, Tearing 1.2kg 50 Rare
Defensive .75kg 85 Rare

Primitive .5kg 35 Common

Primitive 4kg 30 Common after initial blast, acts as club
Primitive 3.5kg 130 Scarce also has 1 shot of iron talon
Primitive .4kg 200 Rare
Primitive, Snare, Unwieldy
8kg 60 Scarce
Defensive, Primitive 9kg 75 Average 8AP as cover
Primitive 1.5kg 12 Common

Primitive .8kg 40 Average

Defensive, Primitive 3.5kg 100 Scarce
Balanced, Primitive .3kg 700 Very Rare

Flexible, Primitive .5kg 200 Scarce all attacks, count as called to head, -20WS,
Primitive .5kg 75 Scarce can add poison to weapon, expelled on first

Primitive 2kg Plentiful

Primitive 4.5kg Scarce

.5kg Very Rare Cant be used by non-psykers, psyker uses te

Balanced,Tearing 6kg 275 Rare
Tearing 13kg 450 Very Rare

Tearing 2.5kg 80 Scarce

Special, Unwieldy, Tearing

12kg 750 Scarce on 96-00 WS test ag or take dmg as if struck

Power Field 1.5kg 1750 Very Rare

Balanced, Power Field 3.5kg 2500 Very Rare

Fast, Power Field 1.5kg 2500 Very Rare

Balanced, Power Field 1kg 5000 Very Rare str bonus does not apply, parry success by 2
Power Field, Unwieldy 7kg +10 to interactions with machine cult follow

Power Field, Unwieldy 12kg 3100 Very Rare add SBx2

Power Field 4.5kg 3500 Very Rare

Power Field, Special 5kg 2800 Very Rare Righteous Fury deals 2d10E holy, sets on fir

Power Field, Unbalanced 8kg Extremely Rare

also functions as a combi-tool
Power Field, Unbalanced 6kg Very Rare
Power Field, Unwieldy 13kg Very Rare
Power Field, Shocking 3.5kg Very Rare
Power Field, Balanced 3kg Very Rare additional +5 bonus to parry

Shocking 3kg Rare once per round switch between high and low
Power Field 3kg Rare once per round switch between high and low
Power Field, Sanctified, Unwieldy
5kg Extremely Rare
adds double SB to damage, score righteous
Power Field, Unbalanced,1kgSanctified Very Rare additional d10 for every point of psy rating,

Shocking 2.5kg 150 Scarce

Flexible, Shocking 4.5kg 375 Rare

Primitive, Shocking 2kg 80 Scarce

Flexible, Primitive, Shocking
4kg 100 Very Rare

Flexible, Shocking 4kg 500 Rare

Shocking 3kg 200 Scarce
Shocking 2kg 100 Average

Shocking 1kg 100 Scarce special qualities to quality, pg153

Shocking 3kg Scarce
Shocking 1.5kg Rare
Shocking 2kg Rare

Defensive, Recharge, Shocking

5kg Rare Can still be used when recharging, but has p

Special, Tearing, Unwieldy

18kg 750 Scarce Unless mounted as implant, need 5 str bonu
Tearing, Unwieldy 1.5kg 650 Rare +10 to interrigation and intimidation, +10 m

Tearing, Unwieldy 6kg 75 Average

Power Field, Balanced 1kg Extremely Rare

must use frequently to stay sharp
Power Field, Balanced 1kg Extremely Rare
additional +5 bonus to parry
Tearing 1kg Extremely Rare
Unbalanced 8kg Scarce

Tearing, Unbalanced 5kg 600 Scarce Common if by black market, catch-all stat fo
Flexible, Tearing .5kg 4500 Very Rare need heavy gloves to use, like a lasso or gar

Balanced, Shocking 4kg 30000 Very Rare each hit attacks victims soul, causing fear ch
Balanced 3kg 45000 Very Rare can discharge warp energies into victim, cau

Unwieldy 3.5kg 50000 Very Rare -10 tp parry, ignores armor, toughness and p
Shocking 3kg 1500 Very Rare can use to interrogate, -20 forbidden lore(xe
Toxic 1kg 1000 Very Rare stores 5 doses of any drug or poison, each h

Tearing, Toxic 2.5kg Extremely Rare

if target fails toughness test from toxic, all c

Special, Unbalanced 4.5kg 4000 Very Rare counts as good craft with mono, for psykers
Balanced, Special 3kg 3500 Very Rare counts as good craft with mono, for psykers
Balanced, Special 3.5kg 3500 Very Rare counts as good craft with mono, for psykers

Wt Cost AvailabilityUpgrades
-20 to find if concealed x.5kg 50 Average Any Pistol or Basic Las, Solid Projectile, Flam
10, replace after use, cant attach to+1kg
flexible or pistols,
35 lose
Weapon that does d10 or more damage
like normal for normal range x1/3kg 25 Plentiful Any basic ranged
the beginning of turn +0.5kg 25 Scarce Bolt and Sp Pistols or SP and Bolt Basic weap
+2kg 25 Plentiful Basic ranged weapon
ons but wont be effective unless field
0 is off 40 Scarce any primitive close combat weapon
+0.5kg 50 Scarce Pistol or Basic Las, SP, Bolt, Primitive or Plas
normal distance to detect +0.5kg 10 Plentiful Stub revolver, stub auto, hand cannon, auto
+1kg 35 Average Basic Las, SP, Bolt, Primitive or Plasma

field, AP 25 if attacked, becomes best quality, cant

mono knives, throwing knives, swords, axes and g

+2.5kg 250 Rare attaches to any basic, during turn fire either
10 Scarce basic and pistol, SP or las with removable cl
+1kg 300 Scarce primitive, las, SP, bolt or melta pistol
+1.5kg 2250 Rare any las, SP, Bolt, or heavy
y, tri-pod 180-arc full action to deploy
+2kg 25 Average basic or heavy

special against deamons and warp 500 Very Rare

ed, cost doubled Special add weapon prices together then double

+.5kg Very Rare any non-primitive ranged weapon capable o

+.5kg Very Rare basic las, SP, bolt, primitive, or plasma.
+.5kg Very Rare basic las, SP, bolt, primitive, or plasma.
+2kg Near Uniquebasic las, SP, bolt, primitive, or plasma.
s as braced, semi and full auto as half
x1/2action Extremely Rare
any heavy
+.5kg Rare non-primitive pistol, basic, grenade or heavy

n, once logged in, gun literally can not fire on ally, do not
-20 tocan
be attached
into melee,
to weapon
as scope,
does not

Cost/Amount AvailabilityUsed with

1/20 Common Bows, Crossbows, and handbows
1/20 Common Flintlock pistol, musket
1/20 Plentiful Autopistols, stub revolver, stub auto, hand c
1/20 Common Shotgun, pump-action, and combat shotgun
10/full clipCommon Laspistol, las carbine, lasgun, long las, MP la
15/full clipCommon Laspistol, las carbine, lasgun, long las, MP la
30/full clipRare Laspistol, las carbine, lasgun, long las, MP la
8/full clip Scarce Hand Flamer and Flamer
10/full clipScarce Hand Flamer and Flamer
16/1 Rare Bolt pistols, bolters, and heavy bolters
20/full clipVery Rare Melta weapons
15/full clipRare Melta weapons
24/full clipRare Plasma weapons
18/full clipRare Plasma weapons
20/1 Very Rare
5/6 Scarce stub auto, stub revolver, and hand cannon
n of 4, loses reliable special quality, clip reduced
15/1to 1 Scarce laspistol, las carbine, lasgun,and long las
18/1 Rare shotguns and bolt pistols
5/6 Scarce stub revolvers, stub autos, hand cannons, au
15/full clipCommon any pistol or basic Las

5/3 Scarce
8/1 Scarce
15/1 Rare
20/1 Rare

ughness test or knocked down. 100/1 Rare hand cannon, hunting rifle, shotgun (lose sc
250/1 Very Rare Bolt weapons

50/full clipRare

8/1 Scarce All SP weapons

comes E, gains flame and primitive 4/1 Common
30/clip Rare

50/1 Rare
hrough holy ordos only 50/1 Very Rare
e damage against psy rating, deamons, and 250/1
warp entity
AP and TB, classed as holy

ame, weighs 25kg Rare

nnons, autopistol and autoguns Extremely Rare
nd hand cannons Rare
ossbows, and hand bows Scarce

1kg 17000/1 Very Rare

10/1 Scarce where weapon is found

ort and standard range, cover ignored, single shot onlyVery Rare shotguns
Near UniqueExitus Rifle and Pistol
0, gains tearing Near UniqueExitus Rifle and Pistol
s, nullifies psychic powers and field for 1 round Unique Exitus Rifle and Pistol
Unique Exitus Rifle and Pistol
vercharge gives overheat property, scarce on magnogorsk

, has to be recharged at a station

vercharge gives overheat property scarce on magnogorsk

ached to backpack of carapace armor, standard laspacks give 12 shots, Scarce on Lathe

d las charge packs, but consume 4 charges a shot, has special ammo
d las charge packs, but consume 4 charges a shot

gn lasgun
onet, wooden stock, spear in melee

ackpack source, can use upgraded power pack

ackpack source, can use upgraded power pack

o use one handed instead of normal -20

ck power pack (pg 145 Ascension) or smaller backpack, smaller pack weighs 10 kg and provides listed capacity
ck power pack (pg 145 Ascension) or smaller backpack, smaller pack weighs 10 kg and provides listed capacity
or cipher stamp considered unlucky
less Str bonus of 4 or more, uses exotic ammunition

tive ammunition
ells at once, if only one shell loaded 1d10+4I

hing for weapon parts when disassembled

1d10, result of 9 means gun explodes, hurting wielder
shells to reload

ic test if not fired with two hands

Volg, makes loud clang when out of ammo
sassembled to be reloaded

a fire selector
same action as autogun

as a basic club
nded 30 round mag but cant be holstered and suffers -10 ballistic if not held two handed
of 4 or more, considered pistol, jams on 94-00

mmo canisters, has fire selector

built in red dot sight and sawbladed bayonet

lub(1d10-2+SBI) ammo is Rare and costs 30 thrones a clip on black market, normal rounds lose primitive and t
urely mounted or braced or -30 to tests
o, can be basic club, can use with regular autorounds but loses tearing and primitive
ired one-handed

arrels that wear out easily

n, tearing effect against sorcery or psy rating. More than 5 damage inflicted leave bolt imbedded, removed cau

ammunition, normal ammunition loses tearing ability

less fired with two hands or a recoil glove

ave tearing quality

Astartes bolt shells, illegal

stom made, doubles price and earns best quality for who it was made for
ter; on crit hit test agility or catch fire, jam results in damage to firer, test ag or catch fire, ammunition unstable

axe in close combat

4 or -10 to BS

by Astartes

fensive benefits granted by psychic powers, and increased toughness given by daemonic trait, built in suspend

bonus of 4 to weild, -10 ws for every str bonus below 4

ugh bulkheads
and all protective benefits due to psychic powers, if hit, wp test or permanently reduce wp by 1d10, best qualit

setting, uses 3 shots, and 2 round recharge

hots of fuel, hot as the sun

setting, give +10 range, +1d10 dmg, +2 pen, give recharge keyword, takes 3 rounds of ammunition, switch o
setting, give +10 range, +1d10 dmg, +2 pen, give recharge keyword, takes 3 rounds of ammunition, switch o

t to back of body, 50% of fuel explosion blast(4), 2d10E, wearer damage rolls twice and catches fire
uel ruptures, weapon damage to blast(2), wearer rolls damage twice

ot catch fire, sends microwaves

men to operate, one carrys gun, the other fuel

olded for concealment, need half action to lock bow to firing position

est or suffer one fatigue, removing the spear requires a medicae test, failure causes 1d5 damage

d misses, come back to user, ag test, failure by more than 3 degrees means explosive mishap, pg137

4 to reload or use
it must test for pinning, underhive has average availability, anything can be ammo

vs machine,

ith one frag or krak missile, can have rpg for half price.

the gas test toughness, fail loses one fatigue. Lasts for time in gas plus 1d10 rounds, fail by 4 or more degrees
est or become stunned for 1d5 rounds, photo-visors and sealed armor provide +20 test

every 1d10 rounds, 10 percent chance of shutting off, for unstable roll, a 1 permanently halves damage, if hit,

amage. Max capable inflicted is one. -20 toughness test or fall comatose for 1d10x3minutes. Fail by 3 or more d
unt on forearm with palm trigger, gains concealed property
d has no flash, can have explosive or poisoned darts, attachable stock and extendable barrel to turn it basic with
-30 toughness test or be knocked down, causes 1d5I (primitive) on the body, attempting to move 2d5 rounds a

d las pistol packs

ality represents the massive radiation poisoning and should treated as such

or ag vs firers str to break free

ts with special poison, mimic hallucinogenic, holy ammunition and others

, one for each finger, can be fired even if holding something
, one for each finger, can be fired even if holding something
, one for each finger, can be fired even if holding something
, one for each finger, can be fired even if holding something
or be knocked down, 1d5I (primitive), moving in zone for 2d5 rounds calls str test to beat str60, can break envi

very rare at 500 thrones a clip

with aim, pen doubles, full action aim gives 6 pen

y black market
y black market
black market, if used with bionics or targeting equip, loses inaccurate instead of gaining bonuses

fires the controlled might of 4 psyker brains, psyprotected guy fires, expendable guy holds the brain frame. Ex

alixis Trailing border, special ammo

al shots that strike are combined into single damage roll

efore can be fired again.

g, then bolt is imbedded, removal takes full action, deals 1d5+1 wounds, ignoring Toughness and armor, every
er to be programmed in. Need access to Officio facilities (nigh impossible), or -60 tech use test. When hit by nee

with built in silencer

cer and telescope, best quality, load a round as half action, with rapid reload use reaction to reload single round

P to body and arm wielding.

and one other body part, 8 AP (primitive), or full 8 AP against Las

res 40 Str, insufficient str give -10 WS for each str bonus below 4,

ve) -2 AG bonus
ve) -2 AG bonus

last, acts as club

hot of iron talon

ount as called to head, -20WS, subsequent attacks after success +30 to hit, either inflict damage or half damag
on to weapon, expelled on first hit

d by non-psykers, psyker uses telekenetic powers to control numerous hovering blades. Half action to attack to
test ag or take dmg as if struck, include SB

es not apply, parry success by 2 degrees destroys opponents weapon, attack or parry failure by 5 degrees inflic
actions with machine cult followers, also a multitool, it is only given to the most worthy tech priests

ury deals 2d10E holy, sets on fire

s as a combi-tool

5 bonus to parry

nd switch between high and low for free action

nd switch between high and low for free action
SB to damage, score righteous fury on 8-10 against daemonic trait, always best quality, which gives +10 WS an
10 for every point of psy rating, best quality +10 WS

ties to quality, pg153

used when recharging, but has primitive quality. +4Ap to wielding arm and torso, AP is not primitive when recha

nted as implant, need 5 str bonus to use, righteous fury is 2d10, -10 to WS for each Str bonus less than 5
rigation and intimidation, +10 mediae to repair servitors and do autopsies, +500 thrones to add injector rig to g

quently to stay sharp

5 bonus to parry

y black market, catch-all stat for ork meleeweapons

gloves to use, like a lasso or garrote

cks victims soul, causing fear check, mental disorders deal with losing faith
e warp energies into victim, causing 1d10 energy, or 2d10+5 vs deamons, bypasses armor, causes 2d10 corrup

ignores armor, toughness and psychic defences, do not add str bonus, daemonic or machine 5+ creatures imm
terrogate, -20 forbidden lore(xenos), every degree of success gives 1 dmg each round that bypasses armor and
es of any drug or poison, each hit injects one dose

toughness test from toxic, all characteristics halved for 1d5 minutes, not cumulative, ineffective against Machi

od craft with mono, for psykers every point of psy rating adds 1 dmg and pen
od craft with mono, for psykers every point of psy rating adds 1 dmg and pen
od craft with mono, for psykers every point of psy rating adds 1 dmg and pen

Basic Las, Solid Projectile, Flame, Bolt or Plasma

that does d10 or more damage

Pistols or SP and Bolt Basic weapon

e close combat weapon
c Las, SP, Bolt, Primitive or Plasma
r, stub auto, hand cannon, autogun, hunting rifle
P, Bolt, Primitive or Plasma

wing knives, swords, axes and great weapons

any basic, during turn fire either main or gl

stol, SP or las with removable clip
s, SP, bolt or melta pistol
Bolt, or heavy

prices together then double

mitive ranged weapon capable of semi or full auto

, bolt, primitive, or plasma.
, bolt, primitive, or plasma.
, bolt, primitive, or plasma.

e pistol, basic, grenade or heavy

hed to weapon that does not have flame, blast, or similar qualities,

bows, and handbows

ol, musket
stub revolver, stub auto, hand cannon, autogun, hunting rifle, and heavy stubber
mp-action, and combat shotguns
s carbine, lasgun, long las, MP lascannon
s carbine, lasgun, long las, MP lascannon
s carbine, lasgun, long las, MP lascannon
and Flamer
and Flamer
bolters, and heavy bolters

ub revolver, and hand cannon

carbine, lasgun,and long las
d bolt pistols
rs, stub autos, hand cannons, autopistols and autoguns, hunting rifles
basic Las

n, hunting rifle, shotgun (lose scatter), bolt pistol and boltgun(damage is I)

ovides listed capacity, built in targeter that doesn’t take sight slot
ovides listed capacity, built in targeter that doesn’t take sight slot
ds lose primitive and tearing
bedded, removed causes 1d5 dmg ignoring ag and tb

ammunition unstable if hit by fire, 65% chance to detonate 1d10+3

trait, built in suspendor give auotstabalizrd trait, pc with psy rating can add psy rating as damage, is minor psy
p by 1d10, best quality

ammunition, switch once per round as free action,

ammunition, switch once per round as free action,

atches fire
hap, pg137

by 4 or more degrees reduce toughness by 1d10 for 1d5-1 hours. Lasts 1d5x3 minutes
halves damage, if hit, ag test or be knocked down, drivers and pilots must make appropriate test or lose contro

es. Fail by 3 or more degrees means 1d5hours, '+300 to mount on forearm with palm trigger, gains concealed p

rel to turn it basic with range 150m and weight of 4.5kg,

to move 2d5 rounds after the blast must oppose strength 60(unnatural x2), GM may have it wreak environment
str60, can break environment

ds the brain frame. Extended exposure causes insanity and corruption

ess and armor, every round a daemon leaves in the stake, makes warp instability test(pg 333 Core) at -10, crea
test. When hit by needle, toughness test or take 1d10 wounds ignoring armor or toughness, doesn’t need to wo

to reload single round

damage or half damage in fatigue

alf action to attack to one blade, full action for multiple, -10 for called shots, three degrees harder to detect whe
ure by 5 degrees inflicts damage to wielder, consumes plasma pistol ammo, one pack for 10 rounds
ch priests

which gives +10 WS and +1 dmg which is already added

t primitive when recharging. +20 to resist psychic powers directly affecting him, double AP against dmg-dealing

nus less than 5

to add injector rig to give toxic quality

or, causes 2d10 corruption and 2d10 insanity and give minor mutation, wielder gets 1d5 corruption, 25m blast f

ine 5+ creatures immune to weapon, if hits hex wards dies for 1d10 days.
at bypasses armor and toughness, every point of damage in a round gives +10 to interrogation

ffective against Machine or Daemonic, can switch out toxins with others
damage, is minor psychic power with threshold of 10, free action, good craftmenship, uses special handcrafed s
te test or lose control

er, gains concealed property

t wreak environment
333 Core) at -10, creature with psy rating has threshholds increased by 20, always good quality, a quiver of 20 b
s, doesn’t need to wound to go into effect
harder to detect when concealed. Instead of adding SB to damage, psykers use WP
against dmg-dealing psychic powers, keeps AP against warp weapons

rruption, 25m blast for fear(2) test, discharge powered by empyric null field generator bought seperately
special handcrafed shells that are rare.
ality, a quiver of 20 bolts is very rare
ught seperately
Armor Type Location(s) Covered
AP WT Cost Availability
Gang Leathers Arms, Body, Legs 1 5kg 25 Average
Heavy Leathers Arms, Body, Legs 2 7kg 100 Common
Quilted Vest Body 2 2kg 10 Common
Beast Furs Body 2 10kg 5 Average
Grox Hides Body 3 14kg 60 Common
Chain Coat Arms, Body, Legs 3 18kg 50 Average
Feudal Plate All 5 30kg 120 Scarce
Xeno Hides Body 6 22kg 5000 Very Rare
Feral & Feudal World Specific
Banded Armor Arms, Body, Legs 3 12kg 50 Rare
Bone Arms, Body, Legs 2 12kg 20 Average
Bracers Arms, Body, Legs 1 .5kg 10 Plentiful
Heavy Plate All 6 28kg 300 Scarce
Scale Armor Arms, Body, Legs 3 15kg 1000 Very Rare
Scrag Furs Body 2 7kg 5 Common
Silkmail Arms, Body, Legs 3 5kg 150 Rare
Hive World Specific
Mirker's Greaves Legs 4 8kg 50 Average
Rogue Trader Specific
Burnscour Beast Hide Body 6 20kg Very Rare
Low Hiver Overcoat Arms, Body, Legs 1

Flak Armor
Flak Helmet Head 2 2kg 25 Average
Flak Gauntlets Arms 2 1kg 50 Average
Light Flak Coat Arms, Body, Legs 2 4kg 80 Scarce
Flak Vest Body 3 5kg 50 Average
Flak Jacket Arms, Body, Legs 3 6kg 100 Average
Flak Cloak All 3 8kg 80 Scarce
Guard Flak Armor All 4 11kg 300 Scarce
War Zone Specific
Flak Greatcoak Arms, Body 4 9kg 150 Average
Shadow Gear
Mask Bodyglove Body, Arms, Legs 2 6kg 650 Rare
Blur Suit All 2 7kg 750 Rare
Rogue Trader Specific
Flak Coat Arms, Body, Legs 3 5kg Average

Mesh Armor
Mesh Cowl Head 3 .5kg 100 Rare
Mesh Gloves Arms 3 .5kg 120 Rare
Xeno Mesh Arms, Body, Legs 4 2kg 375 Rare
Mesh Vest Body 4 1kg 150 Rare
Mesh Combat Cloak All 4 1.5kg 350 Very Rare
Hive World Specific
Hardened Body Glove Arms, Body, Legs 3 5kg 300 Rare
Volcanis Shroud All 3 20kg 350 Average

Carapace Armor
Carapace Helm Head 4 2kg 250 Rare
Carapace Vambraces Arms 5 2kg 300 Rare
Carapace Greaves Legs 5 3kg 375 Rare
Enforcer Light Carapace
Arms, Body, Legs 5 15kg 575 Rare
Carapace Chest Plate Body 6 7kg 600 Rare
Storm Trooper CarapaceAll 6 17kg 3750 Very Rare
Hive World Specific
Magistratum CarapaceAll 5 16kg 1100 Rare
The Void Specific
Boarding Armor special 17kg 1225 Rare
War Zone Specific
Windrider Carapace Body 6 6kg 800 Scarce
Shadow Gear
Cameleoline Combat Armor
All 5 17kg 1000 Very Rare
Shock Carapace Body, Arms, Legs 6 19kg 5000 Very Rare
Ascension Specific
Cadian-pattern "Kaskrin"
All Storm Trooper Carapace 6 15kg Very Rare
Hyrdraphur-pattern Judge's
All Carapace 5 15k.5kg Very Rare

Power Armor
Light Power Armor All 7 40kg 8500 Very Rare
Power Armor All 8 65kg 15000 Very Rare
Forge World Specific
Dragon Scale All 8 20kg 7500 Tech-Priest only
War Zone Specific
Lidhl Power Armor All 6 40kg 8000 Very Rare
Ascension Specific
Ignatus-pattern Power All
Armour 8 65kg Extremely Rare

Force Field
Forge World Specific
Amulet of Warding All special 1kg 30000 Very Rare
War Zone Specific
Refractor Field All special 1.5kg 20000 Very Rare
refractor charge cell 1000 Rare
Holy Ordos Specific
Rosarius All 2kg 25000 Rare
Ascension Specific protection rating
Refractor Field (Lathe)All 30 .5kg Very Rare
Rosarius (Maccabien) All 50 .5kg Extremely Rare
Icon of the Just (Daemonsbane)
All 55 .5kg Near Unique
Null Blocker(Lathe) All 60 .5kg Extremely Rare

Other Armor
Synskin All 2 2kg 2500 Very Rare
Frontier World Specific
Environmental body Glove
All 1 5kg 625 Rare
Slither Boots Legs 3 6kg 500 Rare
Wind Armor All 3 18kg 2200 Rare
Rogue Trader Specific
Armoured Bodyglove Arms, Body, Legs 3 5kg Rare
Xenos Tech Specific
Holo-Armour All 4 4kg Special Special
Mecronid Armour All 7 2kg 15000 Very Rare

Armor Upgrades
Holy Ordos Specific
Hexagramatic Wards as upgraded +2500 Very Rare
Shadow Gear
Cameleoline Coating 1000
Preysense Mask 500
Blur 1000
Shock-field 2000
Rogue Trader Specific
Advanced Helmet Systems Very Rare
Dark Tech Specific
Immateria Ward 1kg 17000 Very Rare
Ap halved before subtracting penetration

Very Rare

+10 to avoid fire

-10 to Fellowship

Very Rare

Comes from Edge of Darkness module pg 12, can be worn over whatever is already worn

when not on the center of the blast, flak has AP5 against damage with blast quality

+20 to concealment to infrared sensors of creatures based on sight-heat

-10 to sight based tests against user, damage penetration has 2 added, half action to for on/off, lasts
Very Rare

for 3x cost gain sealable hood, gain stealth features, -20 to detect with auspexes, IR vision, and the lik
AP doubled against fire, acids, and corrosives, -10 ag test, built in rebreather and photo-visor

Very Rare

Built in Void Suit, comm-bead, and photo-visor

3AP to legs and arms, 5AP to head and body. Built in void suit and photo-visor

light carapace with cameleoline cloak, +20 to concealment, one range bracket further away for range
successive hit with close combat weapon of conductive material, toughness test as if hit in arm with s

integral auspex unit, attachment for grav-chute, helmet has rebreather, photo-visor, microbead, clip a
integral micro-bead, good quality photo-visor, vox-amp, small stab light, uses lasgun charge pack tha

if wearing on arms, body, and legs then +10 str, also size does not increase
if wearing on arms, body, and legs then +20 str

built in photo-visor and respirator, str +10

Very Rare

helmet contains integrated good quality photo-visor, micro-bead, and integral auspex. Voice activiate

Every attack, reduce damage by 3d10, double ones means attack slipped through, on result of 8 it bu

against I,E,X; roll 2d10 and reduce dmg, double 1 means bypassed, double ten means damage reduce

roll 2d10 and reduce range dmg, double 1's blocks nothing, on 20 damage, overloaded for 1d10 round

when on, gives glow that illuminates user, when attacked with field on, roll d100, if less than or equal
doesn’t glow but gives flashses when hit, overloads on 20 or lower when used by aliens or ruinous pow
daemonic trait creatures get -10 to hit wearer, when attacked with field on, roll d100, if less than or e
only applies to psychic powers, when attacked with field on, roll d100, if less than or equal to protecti

+10 to concealment and silent move. Invisible to infrared and dark sight

+1AP, +10 survival tests, re-breather, comm-bead, photo-contacts

+10 to Ag tests to maintain footing in treacherous or slick conditions. 6AP to corrosives
3 hour rebreather, vox-system, photo-visor, immune to strong winds and storms

Can be concealed

-30 to all attacks, perception or awareness to discern anything within the field, +10 awareness to dete
if wearer loses conciousness, make willpower save or be suffocated for 1d10 dmg per round, ignores

+20 bonus to resist psychic attack, double AP against psychic or warp energy that deals direct damag

like wearing cameleoline cloak

like mask bodyglove
like blursuit, including added damage
like shock carapace

May have any of the following: microbead, vox-caster, grant heightened senses sight, grant dark sigh

Blocks up to 6 corruption points from exposure to warp material. Blocks up to 6 dmg by psyker, +6 AP
on to for on/off, lasts two minutes, standard power cell
, IR vision, and the like

rther away for ranged attacks

as if hit in arm with shocking weapon

sor, microbead, clip attachment for lamp pack or vid-recorder which requires a lasgun charge pack to run for a w
gun charge pack that must be replaced after a week of continous use.

spex. Voice activiated, ignore toxic atmospheres and gasses, survive underwater or vacuum, lasts as long as it

gh, on result of 8 it burns out, -20 to concealment and stealth, can sustain up to one hour, needs two hours to re

means damage reduces and shield burned out, battery lasts one hour

oaded for 1d10 rounds and roll another 1d10, on 9 rosarius fails and must be repaired, if blocks more than 12 p

if less than or equal to protection rating, attack is nullified, overloads depending on quality and roll chart on pg
aliens or ruinous powers, when attacked with field on, roll d100, if less than or equal to protection rating, attac
100, if less than or equal to protection rating, attack is nullified, overloads depending on quality and roll chart o
n or equal to protection rating, attack is nullified, overloads depending on quality and roll chart on pg 245 ascen

10 awareness to detect user or see exterior of field. Cant be purchased by normal means
g per round, ignores AP and toughness. Death lets the armor take control and attack nearest person

at deals direct damage, maintains ap against warp weapon effect;carapace or power armor

ight, grant dark sight, at best craftmenship, grant ability to make awareness test to detect hidden target as fre

mg by psyker, +6 AP vs deamons force and warp energies

ge pack to run for a week of continuous use

m, lasts as long as it has power. Grants +20 str when wearing all of it, +1 to movement, size increases, integral

needs two hours to recharge

ocks more than 12 points, releases light like photon flash grenade

y and roll chart on pg 245 ascension, If overloaded doesn’t work till recharged with luminen charge talent or -30
otection rating, attack is nullified, overloads depending on quality and roll chart on pg 245 ascension, If overloa
uality and roll chart on pg 245 ascension, If overloaded doesn’t work till recharged with luminen charge talent o
hart on pg 245 ascension, If overloaded doesn’t work till recharged with luminen charge talent or -30 tech use

est person

hidden target as free action

ze increases, integral backpack power supply lasts 5 days of continous operation, without power takes -60 str to

n charge talent or -30 tech use

ascension, If overloaded doesn’t work till recharged with luminen charge talent or -30 tech use
minen charge talent or -30 tech use
lent or -30 tech use
power takes -60 str to move, can get with hexagrammic wards but increases by one step, give +20 to resist psy
ive +20 to resist psychic powers, double AP against psychic powers, ap not ignored by warp weapons
p weapons
Clothing & Personal Items
Name Wt Cost Availability Info
Backpack 1kg 10 Plentiful Holds shit up to 50kg
Cameleoline Cloak .5kg 500 Rare +20 to concealment, standing s
Charm Var Average depending on charm, could lea
Chrono 40 Abundant keeps time
Clip/Drop Harness 2kg 25 Common +30 to climb tests to descend,
Clothing Var Abundant shows stance and worth
Explosive collar 1kg 55 Rare can explode remotely up to 1k,
Filtration Plugs 15 Common +20 toughness to resist gasses
Infra-Red Goggles .5kg 275 Rare No penalties due to darkness, +
Photo-Visors/Contacts .5kg 100 Scarce gain dark sight trait, good quali
Re-Breather 1kg 50 Scarce immune to gases and can breat
Recoil Glove .5kg 85 Rare can fire basic weapon with one
Respirator/Gas-Mask .5kg 25 Average +30 to toughness tests to resis
Void Suit 8kg 100 Plentiful full suit with rebreather, can su
Feral & Feudal World Specific
Braid Cloak 2kg 80 Uncommon +10 on concealment test when
Soul Mask 1kg 200 Scarce cool oversized mask
Hunting Must .2kg 20 Rare -20 on perception test to detec
Hive World Specific
Gloom Eye 300 Very Rare Scarce on Volg, glow like a cand
Ocular Catechizer 250 Scarce +10 to literacy, lore, and searc
Forge World Specific
Opus Machina .5kg 1500 Tech Priest Only need common lore (machine cu
Frontier World Specific
Aerial Pinions
4 line 10kg 300 Scarce harness that allows traversing b
6 line 15kg 500 Rare ag test to move normal speed
Redole Re-breather 1kg 250 Rare helmet that draws oxygen from
Thermal Gloves 1kg 220 Scarce protect from cold, can use for +
The Void Specific
Jump Pack 25kg 2000 Rare use pilot(jump pack) skill, softe
Magboots 2kg 65 Average halve movement and ag, in low
Selenite Void Suit 20kg 600 Average last 10 hours in space, internal
with Impellor +5kg 200 Scarce propel through open space with
War Zone Specific
Backpack or Field Sack 2kg 5 Common can serve as bodybag
Dog Tags 1 Plentiful
Uniform 3kg 10 Common
Shadow Gear
Spider Pads 1kg 150 Scarce +30 to climb, +10 on scree, tal
Gil Filter .5kg 100 Scarce synthetic gill to breath underwa
Holo Visor .5kg 250 Rare detects infra-red laser on gun t
Rogue Trader Specific
Night Cloak 2kg Average absorbs light and emits no heat
Preysense Goggles .5kg Rare no penalty in darkness, +20 to
Shifting Fabric Very Rare like Rorschach's mask from wat
Survival Suit Plentiful +20 to toughness test against e
Ascension Specific
Badge of Office Takes many forms, proves position as beloning to in
Backpack Ammo/Power Pack 15kg halve normal capacity for misc, other half has amm
Cerebral Plug allow hands free control of systems capable of conn
Grav-chute 20kg antigrav units slow fall to safe speed, when it deplo
Sentinel Array 12kg backpack full of sensors, requires cerebral plug to u
Vindicare Spy Mask 2kg built in auspex, high quality magnoculars, good pho
Vindicare Stealth Suit 5kg cant be worn under anything, 3AP to all, gains bene

Drugs & Consumables

Name Wt Cost Availability Info
Amasec 50 Scarce alcohol drink
De-Tox 65 Rare immediately removes all drug e
Frenzon 95 Very Rare become fearless and gain frenz
Injector 5 Abundant inject drugs, full action
Lho-sticks 10 Common cigs
Medikit 2kg 150 Common +20 to medicae test, 6 doses o
Obscura 28 Rare illegal recreational drug
Ration Packs 10 Plentiful FOOD
Recaf 5 Abundant basically tea
Rotgut Booze 10 Abundant basic booze
Sacred Machine Oil 150 Very Rare full action to make a gun immu
Slaught 75 Scarce increase Ag and Per by 3 for 2d
Spook 395 Rare see pg149
Stimm 20 Average lasts 3d10 rounds, ignore nega
Feral & Feudal World Specific
Feral Healer's Kit 2kg 50 Average +10 medicae test
Feudal Healer's Kit 3kg 100 Scarce +10 medicae test
Sleep Dust .5kg 100 Rare 10 toughness test or 1d10 minu
Sour Mud 3kg 45 Uncommon +10 medicae tests for disease
Styckle Oil .5kg 12 Scarce Apply to melee weapon or prim
Belly-Churn 1kg 10 Average Cheese that curdled in an anim
Spirit Tonic .1kg 12 Common +10 bonus on fear tests, -10 in
Styger Milk .3kg 75 Very Rare +20 resistance to toxins, lasts 1
Hive World Specific
Gorsk White Gyn 5 Common -20 Carouse to drink
Quaddis Wine
Sorrowful Vintage 250 Rare Imitation of the best wine in Ca
Golden Tokay 1000 Very Rare The best wine in Calixis
Kataline Malmsey 10000 Very Rare Holy Grail of Wine
Night Dust 25 Very Rare smoking is -20 to all tests, 2d10
Panimmune 40 Average +30 toughness to resist toxin a
Slam 100 Very Rare x2 str and toughness for 1d5 ro
Somna 500 Scarce -10 medicae to use properly, 4
Verita 500 Very Rare -10 wp tests and -20 percep tes
Forge World Specific
The Tears of the Dragon 6000 Very Rare -10 WP test or 1d10+10 insanit
Frontier World Specific
Dryas (per dose) 200 Rare lasts 3 days, +20 to survival in
Polygum 75 Very Rare does too many things, pg 154 I
Ration Grubs 15 Average Enough nutrients for a day, bad
Coral Paste 1kg 225 Very Rare covers ships on Spectorin to ma
The Void Specific
Ploin Juice .5kg 25 Scarce Popular space juice
War Zone Specific
Civilian Relief Rations .5kg 2 Plentiful Barely keeps someone alive, lit
Combat Ration Pack 1kg 2 Plentiful Standard Ration for battle
Daily Prayers 1 Average contains prayers on edible pape
Emergency Rations 1kg 10 Average step above relief ration
Long Duration Ration Pack 1kg 5 Common like standard with higher energ
Cast Spray 55 Scarce Spray on cast, reduces difficulty
Counterseptic Drugs 25 Common +20 to resist disease or infectio
Ghostfire Extract 300 Very Rare gives Fearless and frenzy talen
Halo 100 Common -10 to Perception for 1d10 hour
Kick 75 Average removes fatigue and immune to
Rainbow 75 Rare reroll any failed test to resist di
Synth-Skin 50 Average full action, stops blood loss
Toxin Wands .2kg 100 Scarce determine if someone is poison
Rogue Trader Specific
Medkit(Advanced) 5kg Rare +20 to Medicae Test, can be us
high provender Very Rare High scale food
sacred unguents Very Rare full action to apply to weapon, b
Thosophit's Philtre Very Rare Sophisticated liquor
Tranq Abundant numbing low-hive alcohol

Name Wt Cost Availability Info
Auspex/Scanner .5kg 145 Scarce +20 to awareness, tech-use tes
Auto Quill 55 Scarce +10 to trade(copyist)
Combi-tool 1kg 200 Rare +10 to tech-use
Data-slate .5kg 25 Common hold digital info
Demo Charge 1kg 250 Scarce 3d10X+2xweight. Blast area is
Excruciator Kit 1kg 375 Very Rare 20 to Interrogation
Glow-globe/Lamp pack .5kg 15 Abundant illuminate area of dozen or mor
Grapnel 2kg 30 Common fires grapple hook with 100m w
Lascutter 4kg 65 Average can cut or weld 10cm a turn, al
Magnoculars .5kg 55 Average binoculars with a cooler name
Manacles 1kg 35 Plentiful handcuffs
Micro-bead 20 Average comm device with range of 1km
Multikey 150 Scarce +30 to security when opening l
Pict Recorder 1kg 100 Average video camera
Psy-Focus 100 Rare +10 invocation tests for psyker
Screamers 2kg 140 Scarce proximity alarm that detect mo
Stummers 2kg 25 Average opposite of screamer, nullifies s
Vox-caster 4kg 300 Scarce comm device to send signals ov
Writing Kit 2kg 20 Common contains what would be expect
Feral & Feudal World Specific
Caltrop .1kg 6 Rare Covers 2x2m, if victim has no A
Capsican Trap 3kg 20 Uncommon -10 ag test, failure sets off trap
Glo-slug of Dusk .1kg 8 Rare lights area of meters equal to t
Kill Stick .3kg 1 Common stepping into area, AG test or ta
Powder Bomb 1.5kg 17 Uncommon Thrown weapon with range of 1
Skeleton Key .1kg 24 Rare used to open all doors in region
Skem Net 3kg 85 Rare net with toxic and snare traits
Smoke Flare .4kg 12 Scarce thick black smoke covers 40m a
Spark Rocks 1kg 2 Common start fires even when wet, pack
Spine Pick 1kg 25 Uncommon +10 to climb, or improvised we
Stink Bomb 1kg 6 Common Thrown weapon, 10m range, fil
Hive World Specific
Axe-Rake 4kg 20 Abundant +10 to Climb test and forcing d
Cognomen Varies Plentiful hiver ID card
Forgery Kit Varies 400 Scarce +10 to Trade(copyist) or tech-u
Heretic's Wake Deck 10 Scarce Heretical card game
Holo Wafer 5 Scarce Assassin "calling cards"
Mantle Shrine 1kg 30 Abundant Portable shrine
Penthrift Dreadfuls 1 Average anti xenos propaganda
Salvation Auger
Basic 20 Common detects radiation, airborne toxin
Superior 80 Average detects radiation, airborne toxin
Vox-Phonograph 20kg 200 Average plays video cylinder double pric
Cylinder 1kg 20 Common Contains videos
Vox-Thief picks up, stores, and analyses v
Short-Range .5kg 500 Rare data-slate sized
Long-Range 15kg 3000 Rare backpack sized
Ward Accessor 25 Average Blank Security Card
Forge World Specific
Emplaced 100kg 4000 Average analyze and process vast data,
Personal 1.5kg 750 Average +10 to test in analyzing data-sl
Grey Device 3kg 500 Rare heretical prognostication device
Holo-Projector 40kg 3000 Scarce Projection device
Isotropic Fuel Rods 10kg 5000 Average Concentrated Power Source tha
Greater Icon of Passage .5kg 12000 Tech Priest Only Set of Multikeys, +10 security t
Frontier World Specific
Calixis Survival Kit 120 Average +10 to survival tests
Beetle Tent
3 person 5kg 60 Common Armored tents AP 8 (primitive),
6 person 10kg 100 Scarce
Extra Armour 8kg 80 Rare AP to 12
Camp Warders 4kg 310 Rare data-linked to camp warder, wh
Poi-Savant 300 Rare +20 tech-use to use, detects if
Shade-Servitor 3kg 400 Rare fans owner to resist heat
Sky Eye 4kg 1500 Very Rare recon device that can scout rad
The Void Specific
Emergency Kit 6kg 300 Common glowstick lasts 1d5 hours, powe
Melta Gel 200 Rare paste that can cut through met
Navis Prima Priceless Very Rare contain interstellar maps of saf
War Zone Specific
The 9-70 Entrenching Tool 2kg 15 Average nasty improvised weapon
Bedroll 4kg 8 Plentiful includes blankets
Compass/Orienting Device 25 Scarce
Hostile Weather Gear 2kg 10 Common
Infantryman's Uplifting Primer.3kg 5 Plentiful
Infantry Lamp Pack 1kg 10 Average lasts 1d5+5 on standard charge
Mess Kit .5kg 5 Plentiful
Personal Grooming Kit .1kg 2 Common
Sandbags 5kg 4 Plentiful can make pillow
Tent 9kg 40 Average fits two, waterproof, reflective o
Tool Kit 1kg 15 Common for maintenance and routine re
Weapon/ Gear Storage 1kg 5 Common holds up to 15kg
Weapon Maintenance Kit 1kg 20 Average
Whistle 5 Plentiful
Holy Ordos Specific
Null Box 20kg 25000 Very Rare portable stasis field in box, all t
Amulet .5kg 7000 Very Rare +20 to resist psychic powers an
Implant 12000 Very Rare
Psy-Tracker 1.5kg 1000 Rare
Shadow Gear
Privacy Field 10kg 1250 Rare 5m radius area that blocks soun
Line Ascender 1kg 100 Scarce full action to move ag bonus on
Vox Tracker 6kg 450 Scarce 2d5 rounds to assemble, needs
Intrusion Spirit .5kg 500 Very Rare one time use of +30 to security
Tracking Device .5kg 200 Scarce tracking device size of coin, att
Vox Bug 500 Rare records and transmits sound to
Pict Fly 1000 Rare broadcasts video and poor qual
Pict-Caster 5kg 400 Scarce
Rogue Trader Specific
Almanac Astrae Divinitus 4kg Extremely Rare +10 to Navigation, pilot, schola
Arms Coffer 6kg Average Gun carrying case
Calculance Array 120kg Scarce +10 to commerce skill tests
Data-loom (Hadd-Pattern) 13kg Very Rare +10 to logic tests, can use to re
Diagnostor 4kg Very Rare +20 to medicae or perception t
Grav Chute 15kg Rare slows falls, can hover for one m
Lord-Captain's Baton 1kg Very Rare see page 145 of Rogue Trader
Mefonte's Orthodoxy 2kg Scarce +10 to charm tests involving re
Multicompass 4kg Near Unique +10 to survival and navigation
Renumeration Engine 7kg Very Rare attempts to sleight of hand or o
Venom Ring Very Rare -20 to tests to detect user intro
Dark Tech Specific
Murder Cogitator 1.5kg 9000 Rare tech use, retrieves specific info
Prognosticaon 3kg 5000 Rare 1d10 CP, sacrifice 8 people, ans
Speculum Umbrae 10kg 60000 Very Rare summon souls of the dead to an
Xenos Tech Specific
Q'Orl Mind Grub 1kg Special Special When used on psyker, halves w
Hand Vox From Edge of Darkness module
Chem Lamp From Edge of Darkness module
Biosample Kit From Edge of Darkness module
Electric Torch From Shattered Hope module p
up to 50kg
ncealment, standing still counts as one bracket farther away when targeted
on charm, could lead to lucky moments at DM discretion

mb tests to descend, cannot fall

nce and worth
de remotely up to 1k, instagibs wearer and 1d10 X to blast(3), removing the collar without the trigger is -20 tech
ness to resist gasses
es due to darkness, +20 to vision based percep tests at night. Advanced can look like simple glasses
sight trait, good quality make immune to flash grenades
gases and can breath underwater. Canisters last an hour before being replaced, cost 25 thrones and are scarc
sic weapon with one hand without penalty
ghness tests to resist gas, may re-roll if failed
th rebreather, can survivor vacuum

ncealment test when in forest or jungle terrain, +1 AP(primitive)

zed mask
ception test to detect wearer by smell, lasts 1d10 hours

Volg, glow like a candle, counts as superior charm, +10 to avoid pinning
racy, lore, and search where close examination is needed. Failure by 4 or more degrees, gain one fatigue, can r

mon lore (machine cult) skill, +10 to fellowship on followers of machine cult

at allows traversing below ceilings, half normal speed

move normal speed
at draws oxygen from water to stay under indefinitely. Expires after 10 years, no protection from airborne toxins
m cold, can use for +10 tech-use to power old data slates and such, can charge a lasgun charge pack for 1d5 s

ump pack) skill, softens falls, Flyer(12) trait for 1 minute, power lasts 1 hour or strain before replacing
ement and ag, in low or no grav no penalty as long as he can walk.
urs in space, internal vox-link, seal patching kit, compact grapnel, photo-visor, 3AP to body, arms, legs, 4AP to h
ough open space with movement of 6, don’t work in normal gravity

as bodybag

mb, +10 on scree, talus, or similar

gill to breath underwater, needs constant immersion
ra-red laser on gun that can only be seen in visor, kind of bulky
ht and emits no heat, toughness test or suffer fatigue after every hour, +30 to concealment when in dark
in darkness, +20 to vision based percep tests at night
hach's mask from watchmen but colorful
ghness test against extreme weather

ition as beloning to inquisition

, other half has ammo, can store 300 normal las, 80 melta or plasma, 200 SP&bolt, 60 flame
tems capable of connection
speed, when it deploys, roll 1d10, 1 results in failed deployment, +10 ag test to manually deploy, fall additiona
res cerebral plug to use, when used test WP +10, failure means gain 1d5 fatigue, lasts 10 hours, +30 to awaren
agnoculars, good photo-visor, pict recorder, re-breather, and vox caster, re-roll any failed percep test, does not
3AP to all, gains benefits of synskin, +10 to dodge and toughness to resist toxins, +20 to concealment and silen

ly removes all drug effects, stunned for 1d10-TB as you expel all you can inside you
arless and gain frenzy talent. Lasts 1d10 minutes
s, full action

dicae test, 6 doses of stimm and other supplies

eational drug

to make a gun immune to jamming for its clip size. If already jammed it unjams but is no immune
g and Per by 3 for 2d10. afterwards test toughness or take -20 to ag and per for 1d5 hours

rounds, ignore negative effects from damage and can not be stunned, wears off leaving -20 to str, toughness a

ess test or 1d10 minutes later fall into a deep sleep for 1d5-TB in hours
cae tests for disease and fevers, full action to stop blood loss
elee weapon or primitive firearm. Reroll any failed test to prevent breaking or jamming, lasts 1d10+4 attacks o
at curdled in an animals stomach
on fear tests, -10 int, lasts 1d5 hours, addictive
ance to toxins, lasts 1d5 hours, toughness test or lose one point in toughness

e to drink

f the best wine in Calixis

wine in Calixis

-20 to all tests, 2d10 minutes later the victim falls into deep slumber with vivid and violent dreams, lasts 1d10
ness to resist toxin and disease and carouse tests, lasts 1d5+1 hours, afterwards is fatigued, redose negates, o
toughness for 1d5 rounds, afterwards permanently lose 1d5 str and ag
ae to use properly, 4 degrees in failure result in death, success means death-like trace for 1d10 days, to wake p
ts and -20 percep tests for 3d10 minutes, experiences visions and altered perception, after dose wp test or 1d5

t or 1d10+10 insanity, gain fearless, permanently reduce fellowship by 1d10

s, +20 to survival in arid, half water needed, -10 str and percep, -5 fellowship, extended use cause damage
many things, pg 154 Inq Handbook
trients for a day, bad for long term diet
ps on Spectorin to mask nature from dangerous wildlife, abundant on spectorin

ps someone alive, literal brick of food

Ration for battle
rayers on edible paper,
e relief ration
ard with higher energy
ast, reduces difficulty of medicae test to stop blood loss by one step
ist disease or infections for 6 hours
ess and frenzy talents and unnatural agility(x2). Lasts 2d10minutes. Take one point of damage
eption for 1d10 hours. +10 to resist fear and pinning
atigue and immune to fatigue for 2d10 rounds, afterwards 1d5 levels of fatigue
ailed test to resist disease or toxin, stops bloodloss, toughness or take 1d5 damage, ignore ap and TB
stops blood loss
if someone is poisoned with perception test or +20 medicae, 2 degrees of success identifies antidote

dicae Test, can be used without training in skill

to apply to weapon, becomes immune to jamming, for 1 clip, if applied to jammed weapon, immediately unjam
ted liquor
ow-hive alcohol

areness, tech-use test to detect things not normally detected, gasses, biosigns, radiation. Standard range is 50m

weight. Blast area is weight x5, for setting pg101

area of dozen or more meters, lasts 1d5 hours before needing recharge
le hook with 100m wire line attached, can be used as a crude one shot crossbow
weld 10cm a turn, altering time for thickness, not combat capable
with a cooler name
ice with range of 1km, range can be reduced
urity when opening locks

ation tests for psykers

alarm that detect motion or sound, to use, tech-use test, GM rolls in secret. Device has Per 75 for detecting. Ma
f screamer, nullifies sound, +30 to silent move test, last about 20 minutes, recharge takes about an hour
ice to send signals over great distance, ordinary (+10) tech-use test
hat would be expected

2m, if victim has no AP on feet, hit by toxic. Anyone walking takes difficult ag test, success halves movement, fa
, failure sets off trap, 1d10E. Second ag test, failure means caught on fire
of meters equal to the number of slugs put together
nto area, AG test or take 1d10+2R
apon with range of 10m with smoke quality, caught in blast must test toughness or gain one level of fatigue. La
en all doors in region
xic and snare traits
smoke covers 40m area, clears in 1d5 to 2d10 minutes
even when wet, packing together may cause sparks
mb, or improvised weapon
apon, 10m range, fills 8m diameter with gas, exposure takes toughness test each round or get one level of fati

mb test and forcing doors and locks. Melee weapon for 1d10+2I or R with primitive and Unbalanced

de(copyist) or tech-use to copy, forge, or fabricate, good gives +20, best gives +30
ard game
calling cards"


diation, airborne toxins, and pollutants. Beeps when there is danger

diation, airborne toxins, and pollutants. +10 tech-use to identify danger
o cylinder double price to record video and play video from other sources

tores, and analyses vox and data transmission, -10 tech-use to use properly, more difficult tasks are harder

d process vast data, +20 to tests. Failure leads to inaccuracies

t in analyzing data-slates
rognostication device -30 test to locate, cant with tech priests around

ted Power Source that can last several weeks.

ikeys, +10 security tests to disable alarms and communicate to machine spirits

vival tests
ents AP 8 (primitive), minor camouflage

d to camp warder, when detecting intruder, camp warders dig underneath their feet and start stabbing upward,
use to use, detects if food is edible. Failure gives inconclusive
r to resist heat
ce that can scout radius up to 15km, Flyer(8) trait, -30 to detect, can withstand single point dmg before destruc

asts 1d5 hours, power cell for glowstick or em vox for 1d5 hours, laspistol for 5 shots, food and water for day, e
can cut through metal
erstellar maps of safe warp trails, good craftsmanship is +10 to stellar tests, best give +20 stellar

ovised weapon

5 on standard charge, hold or attach to bayonet lug

aterproof, reflective on one side

nance and routine repair

asis field in box, all time and motion in box stops creating psychic dead zone

ist psychic powers and +10 to resist possession, no effect on psychic attacks that inflict direct damage

area that blocks sound, vox, and pict-casting

to move ag bonus on a rope line, half action to disengage
s to assemble, needs strong enough signal, quality of direction depends on tech-use test
se of +30 to security or tech-use to beat lock or security system with port
evice size of coin, attaches to most anything, removed with relative ease
d transmits sound to user up to 1km
s video and poor quality sound to pict-caster

vigation, pilot, scholastic lore(astromancy) or trade(astrographer) where info relevant

mmerce skill tests

ic tests, can use to reduce research and investigation times at dms discretion
dicae or perception to detect ailment, success indicates proper treatment
can hover for one minute, hour of use uses all the power
145 of Rogue Trader
arm tests involving religious oratory or inspiration and an imperial audience
vival and navigation (land) tests
o sleight of hand or other distraction suffer -30 where engine is used, needs techpriests to constantly attend
s to detect user introducing poison into food or drink

etrieves specific info, then destroys whatever its connected to

acrifice 8 people, answers 8 questions about the future, pg 193 Radicals handbook for more
ouls of the dead to answer questions, pg 195 Radicals handbook

d on psyker, halves willpower to resist psykic powers or other commands, can be placed under effects of Domin

of Darkness module pg 12. Basically a walkie talkie, performs just like a micro-bead
of Darkness module pg 12. Can illuminate area of 3m radius or direct beam in one direction for 6m
of Darkness module pg 12. Carries three small biostorage tubes, a small bioauspex with a meter range to dete
tered Hope module pg 13. A simple flashlight
the trigger is -20 tech-use test, serious failure detonates, two full to attach to passive ore restrained

le glasses

hrones and are scarce

ain one fatigue, can record onto dataslate

from airborne toxins, must keep gills wet

harge pack for 1d5 shots

e replacing

, arms, legs, 4AP to head, -10 to ag

nt when in dark

deploy, fall additional 100 meters, minimum 50m to slow to survivalble speed
hours, +30 to awareness, unnatural senses within 50m, can see in all directions including through objects, cant
ercep test, does not suffer from cameleoline covered enemy, coded to one user -30 techuse and medicae to ch
oncealment and silent move, concealment test as half action instead of full, attempt while observed, being stat

0 to str, toughness and ag

sts 1d10+4 attacks or 12 hours

t dreams, lasts 1d10 hours, after waking +10 wp test or 1d5 sanity; drinking lasts 4d10 hours, wp test after wa
ed, redose negates, over 8 hours on drug test toughness or -10 to str and toughness for one hour and permanen
1d10 days, to wake prematurely apply stimm to chest, toughness test or die from cardiac arrest
r dose wp test or 1d5 insanity, if gained insanity then 20% chance of 1d5 corruption

se cause damage

e ap and TB

es antidote

, immediately unjams

Standard range is 50m, walls 50cm thick and certain materials can block
75 for detecting. Makes noise up to 1km
about an hour

halves movement, fail quarters. Remains until medical treatment

ne level of fatigue. Lasts 2d10 rounds

r get one level of fatigue

tasks are harder

art stabbing upward, discouraging intrusion, bestial trait creature -20 WP or flee

t dmg before destruction

and water for day, em vox to listen to comm or play prayer, air for 30m, anti-rad tabs, hull-sealant spray

ect damage
constantly attend

der effects of Dominate psychic power for 1d10 rounds, psyker can resist against wp of grub, failure means min

meter range to detect anomalous human tissue, and a monoscalpel(1d5-1+SB pen 2)

hrough objects, cant see through solid meter of wall or more, half action to lock onto a target, can keep lock up
se and medicae to change programmed user.
observed, being stationary counts as one range bracket away, invisible to dark sight, preysense, and infrared, b

urs, wp test after waking is -10 wp

e hour and permanently lose 1d5 WP
-sealant spray
ub, failure means mind control, 1d10 insanity per day grub is implanted
get, can keep lock up to 100 meters

sense, and infrared, best quality, gene-coded to one user, -30 tech use and medicae test to change
Type Cost Availability
Low Grade (Hab sleeper capsule, grox pen, bilge berth) 5 plentiful
Mid grade (Down cell, single room, mid cabin) 20 common
High grade(grand hall, high berth quarters) 100 scarce

Low Grade(Vermin meat, silt ale, hydro-fungus) 1 plentiful
Mid Grade(proto paste, side of grox, round of amasec) 5 common
High Grade(roasted vex worm, liquid of amberic) 40 scarce

Low Grade(dust dog, sub-level conveyer, silt barge) 5 plentiful
Mid Grade(light civ ground vehicle, atmospheric flight) 20 common
High Grade(Low orbit flight, sedan chair) 150 scarce

Inter-Stellar Transportation(per person)

Tramp Freighter 2000 Average
Void Jumper 2800 Scarce
Passenger Ship 2200 Scarce
Orbital Shuttle 350 Average
Pilgrim Ship 850 Rare
Bulk Transport 7500 Very Rare
System Ship 2500 Average
Berthing(single night)
Low Grade(unpowered decks, cargo holds, bilge berths) 5 Plentiful
Mid Grade(basic quarters, passenger cabins, small staterooms) 20 Common
High Grade(gilded villas, noble born suites, starlane lodges) 100 Scarce
Shipboard Meals(single meal)
Low Grade(fungus bread, condensation water, void sweat) 1 Plentiful
Mid Grade(vatmeal cakes, Grox hash, Josian Ale) 5 Common
High Grade(fresh fruit, jellied Grox tongue, amasec) 40 Scarce

Medicae Care Effect

Poor(feral shaman) 50 Average Int 30, medicae skill
Average(trained medic) 75 Scarce Int 40, medicae skill
Good(trained doctor, med-servitor) 150 Rare Int 50, medicae skill +
Excellent(skilled physician) 500 Very Rareint 60, medicae skill +
Feral and Feudal World Specific
Feral 50 Scarce Int 40, medicae skill,
Feudal 75 Scarce int 40, medicae skill,
Parasite Removal 20 Average removes parasites
Hive World Specific
Resusatrix Chamber 200kg 7500 Rare halves time to heal, p
Single Use of chamber 200 Rare
Feral and Feudal World Specific
Guard 75* Average Fights for you
Guide 15* Scarce +20 to navigation and
Porter 10* Plentiful carries gear
Trophy Maker 50 Scarce prepares and preserv
Hive World Specific
Luminum Tats 10-100 Average retarded cousin of ele
*per week
nt 30, medicae skill
nt 40, medicae skill
nt 50, medicae skill +10
nt 60, medicae skill +20, master chiurgeon

nt 40, medicae skill, unpleasant herbs

nt 40, medicae skill, leeches
removes parasites

halves time to heal, prevents infection, +10 to toughness to overcome poison and disease, serious injuries still
Fights for you
+20 to navigation and survival tests
carries gear
prepares and preserves trophies

retarded cousin of electoos

serious injuries still need special attention, +20 to diagnose a patient, can only be used by those with medicae
y those with medicae and tech-use
The difference in quality imposes many varied differences for each implant and should be further look
Maximum number of mechadendrites equal to Toughness bonus
Name Cost Availability
Bionic Arm 1000 Scarce
Bionic Locomotion 1500 Scarce
Bionic Respiratory System 800 Rare
Auger Arrays 1000 Rare acts as standard auspex, half a
Ballistic Mechadendrite 600 Adeptus Mechanicus only uses laspistol with compact upg
Cortex Implants 5000 Very Rare restore paralyzed and brain dam
Cybernetic Senses 2250 Rare duplicate normal senses
Manipulator Mechadendrite 500 Adeptus Mechanicus only +20 to str, can tether techpries
Medicae Mechadendrite 500 Adeptus Mechanicus only +10 to medicae, can act as inje
Mind Impulse Unit 1750 Rare interface with tech devices, +1
Optical Mechadendrite 400 Adeptus Mechanicus only +10 percep, microscopic to tele
Utility Mechadendrite 500 Adeptus Mechanicus only +10 to tech-use, can blast smo
Forge World Specific
Chem Implants
Chem Glands 5000* Very Rare Choose up to three chemicals w
Injector Rig 750* Scarce Holds up to 10 doses of 4 chem
Concealed Weapon Bionic Conceal pistol or short singleha
Poor 150** Scarce weapon takes unreliable, cant d
Common 300** Scarce as poor, but not unreliable
Good 750** Rare weapon is best quality
Hermetic Infussion need autosanguine talent, repla
Common 3000 Tech Priest Only +10 to resist toxins, disease, an
Good 17000 Tech Priest Only as common but +20 instead an
Mining Helot Augmetics 2000 Scarce extra limb with breacher, str an
The Rite of Setesh 100000 Very Rare gain Machine(4) trait, without m
Vehicle Interface Circuits 2000 Rare +10 to pilot vehicles with interf
*Does not include cost of drugs
**Does not include cost of weapon and bionic arm
Rogue Trader Specific
Augmented Senses Rare Gives Heightened Senses talen
Baleful Eye Near Unique can shoot hellpistol from eye w
Bionic Heart Rare +1AP to body, stacks with armo
Calculus Logi Upgrade Very Rare +10 to literacy, logic, or schola
Cranial Armor Scarce +1 AP to head, stacks with arm
Locator Matrix Rare know magnetic north, present l
Memorance Implant Rare +10 trade, remembrancer) test
MIU Weapon Interface Rare can remotely operate a single w
Respiratory Filter Implant Rare ignore toxic gases or atmosphe
Scribe-tines Scarce +10 to investigation skill tests
Subskin Armour Very Rare +2 AP to arms, body, legs. Stac
Synthetic Muscle Grafts Rare +1 to str bonus, best quality gi
Voidskin Scarce resist damage to void for d10+
Volitor Implant Rare hide certain info in artificial me
Vox Implant Scarce built in microbead, often hardw
Dark Tech Specific
Malygrisian Bioforging 20000 Very Rare after 1d5 weeks gain traits unn
Xenos Tech Specific
Transgenic Grafting 20000 Very Rare surgeon and user gain 1d10 ins
Ascension Specific
Plasma-cutter Mechadendrite Adeptus Mechanicus only can cut through a meter of ada
Servo-Arm Adeptus Mechanicus only arm has str of 65 and unnatura
hould be further looked into

ndard auspex, half action to concentrate

tol with compact upgrade, need talent to use, can use as a reaction or half. Normal BS
ralyzed and brain damaged people to functional standard
normal senses
can tether techpriest with clamps, counts as club
dicae, can act as injector, half action to stop blood loss, eases amputation, 1d5R, +10 interrogation
with tech devices, +10 Tech-use, pilot, or drive when linked
p, microscopic to telescopic, see normally in darkness, +20 to vision based tests at night
h-use, can blast smoke every 15m, -5 to weapon tests by all living creatures 2m away for one round, percep by

to three chemicals when implanted, toughness test and half action to excrete chem, failure adds fatigue, 4deg
o 10 doses of 4 chems, half action to inject and instantly takes effect, manual or remote trigger, critical hit pois
stol or short singlehanded melee, if overheats or catastrophic jam, arm disabled
kes unreliable, cant disarm, detailed inspection or auspex scan to locate
ut not unreliable
best quality
sanguine talent, replaces human blood, cant treat blood loss or severe injuries with transfusion or reg med trea
ist toxins, disease, and radioactive substance, gains die hard talent
n but +20 instead and gain regeneration talent
with breacher, str and toughness +10, -10 ag, 1d10 insanity
ne(4) trait, without mind side effects, gain regeneration, halves WS, BS, and AG, 2d10 insanity, +5 to critical ef
ot vehicles with interface, percep test to determine state of vehicle

htened Senses talent for any one sense

hellpistol from eye with range 10m, can be fired when hands are full, acts as pistol in melee
ody, stacks with armor, gain sprint talent
racy, logic, or scholastic lore tests
ead, stacks with armor
netic north, present location, velocity, altitude, time of day and other info, need maps to be effective info
remembrancer) tests, or other tests in social situations where recorded info provides value, grants total recall
ely operate a single weapon which is normally attached to the shoulder. Fire an additional weapon as free actio
c gases or atmospheric contaminants
estigation skill tests
rms, body, legs. Stacks with armor
onus, best quality gives unnatural str trait but -10 to ag
age to void for d10+3 rounds past normal duration
n info in artificial memory or prevent certain task, attempt to force info or task can knock out or kill user
crobead, often hardwired to ships vox frequency

weeks gain traits unnatural toughness x2, natural armor 2, mutant, void resistant: immune to cold and vacuum,

nd user gain 1d10 insanity, -30 forbidden lore(xenos) test followed by a -30 medicae test. Both success give tra

ough a meter of adamantine 20cm thick in one minute, can overload cutter, use reaction or half action to attac
r of 65 and unnatural str x2 for lifting, pick up and move objects as free action, can use as weapon, use as reac
one round, percep by sense of smell get +10, has knife with defense and mono

e adds fatigue, 4degrees means 1d10 toughness damage

igger, critical hit poisons user, 2d10 damage negating AP

sion or reg med treatment, need own care or Magos Biologis

anity, +5 to critical effects

e effective info
e, grants total recall talent
weapon as free action with full bs skill, weapon has to be connected to MIU weapon interface

out or kill user

to cold and vacuum, still need air. Lose 1d5 points from ag, int, and fel each month without treatment, after 10

Both success give trait or talent normally reserved for aliens, failure on medicae gives 1d10 dmg and 1d10 insan

or half action to attack, acts as ryza plasma pistol w/ range 10, no maximal, can go 20 minutes of cutting, or fire
weapon, use as reaction or half action, -10 WS to hit, deals 2d10+12I with pen 2, utility talent to use
ut treatment, after 10 points lost cant pass as pure of gene

0 dmg and 1d10 insanity, failure on forbidden lore means that the graft is taken, but instead of trait gain mutati

utes of cutting, or fire 40 shots before refueling, uses mechadendrite (gun) talent
ent to use
d of trait gain mutation and 1d10 corruption, failure on both means operation failed and no penalties
o penalties
Forge World Specific
Name Cost Availability
Janus Simulacta 20000 Very Rare
Praetorian 35000+weaponsMagos only
Cyber-Creature Upgrade 3000+ Scarce
Additional Implants as per humanx2as per human
Per Machine(+1) 500
Fearless 250
Cortex (Skill implant) 1000 Very Rare
Cortex(talent implant) 500 Scarce
Psyber-Creature Upgrade 5000+ Rare
Psyber-Lure(implant) 1000 Rare
Guardian Servo-Skull
Combat 1750 Rare
Gun 2000+weapon Rare
Monotask Servo-skull
Auger 1500 Rare
Courier 1800 Rare
Illuminator 950 Scarce
Loud Hailer 1000 Scarce
Medicae 2500 Rare
Utility 1500 Scarce
Rogue Trader Specific
Servitor(Labor, Simple Monotask) Scarce
Servitor(Combat) Rare
Servitor(Complex Multitask) Rare
Servo-skull Scarce
Grapplehawk Very Rare pg 375 of Rogue Trader
pg 375 of Rogue Trader
Core Rulebook Availability
Difficulty by population
Availability Below 1000 Below 10,000 Below 100,000
100,000 or more
Very Rare GM's discretionVery Hard Hard Difficult
Rare Very Hard Hard Challenging Challenging
Scarce Hard Challenging Average Ordinary
Average Difficult Challenging Ordinary Routine
Common Challenging Ordinary Routine Easy
Plentiful Ordinary Routine Easy Automatic
Abundant Routine Easy Automatic Automatic

Consequences of availability
Availability Difficulty Modifier
Very Rare Very Hard -30
Rare Hard -20
Scarce Difficult -10 *ever used?
Average Challenging 0
Common Average 10
Plentiful Routine 20
Abundant Easy 30

Base Time Taken by Availability

Population Very Rare Rare Scarce Average Common Plentiful
Below 1,000 1d10 hours 1 hour 30 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes5 minutes
Below 10,000 1d10 days 1d10 hours 1 hour 30 minutes 15 minutes10 minutes
Below 100,0001d10 weeks 1d10 days 1d10 hours 1 hour 30 minutes15 minutes
100,000 or more
1d5 months 1d10 weeks 1d10 days 1d10 hours 1 hour 30 minutes

Rogue Trader Availability

Difficulty by population
Availability Below 1000 Below 10,000 Below 100,000 100,000 or more
Ubiquitous Easy (+30) Automatic Automatic Automatic
Abundant Routine (+20) Easy (+30) Automatic Automatic
Plentiful Ordinary (+10)Routine (+20) Easy (+30) Automatic
Common Challenging (0)Ordinary (+10) Routine (+20)Easy (+30)
Average Difficult (-10) Challenging Ordinary
(0) (+10)
Routine (+20)
Scarce Hard (-20) Difficult (-10)Challenging (0)
Ordinary (+10)
Rare Very Hard (-30)Hard (-20) Difficult (-10) Challenging (0)
Very Rare Ardous (-40) Very Hard (-30) Hard (-20) Difficult (-10)
Extremely RarePunishing (-50)Ardous (-40)Very Hard (-30) Hard (-20)
Near Unique Hellish (-60) Punishing (-50) Ardous (-40) Very Hard (-30)
Unique GM Discretion Hellish (-60)Punishing (-50) Ardous (-40)

Base Time Taken by Availability

Availability >10 mil <10 mil <1 mil < 100,000 <10,000
Ubiquitous One Day One Day One Day One Day One Day
Abundant One Day One Day One Day One Day 1d5 days
Plentiful One Day One Day One Day 1d5 days 1d10 days
Common One Day One Day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days
Average One Day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One Week
Scarce 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One Week One Week
Rare 1d10 days 1d10 days One Week One Week 1d5 weeks
Very Rare 1d10 days One Week One Week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks
Extremely RareOne Week One Week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks 1d5 months
Near Unique One Week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks 1d5 months 1d10 months
Unique 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks 1d5 months 1d10 months One year
1 minute
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes

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