Palm Reading
Palm Reading
Palm Reading
If the line is longer and ends below the index finger, it represents a person¶s affection is more
spiritual than physical, or if the line is shorter and ends below the middle finger, it is the
opposite. If the line is thin and deep, the emotion is delicate and gentle. If the line is thick and
shallow, the emotion is rough and wild.
If the Life Line is long, deep and red, it represents strong vitality, good immune system, and
does not get sick easily. If it is short and shallow, the person tends to be weaker or has more
health issues. If the line is thicker, the person is better with physical work or sports, or if the
line is thinner, the person is better with work requiring more brain-power and less physical. If
the palm area it encloses (from the base of the thumb to the Life Line) is larger, it represents a
more energetic and romantic life, or if it is smaller, it represents fatigue.
If the Wisdom Line is short, it means lack of intelligence, but if it is too long, the person
tends to outsmart others and cause self-inflicted troubles. A thin and deep line means smart,
focused and thinking clearly. If there are circular creases along the line, it means unfocused,
bad memory or possible head injury. If there are iron-chain-like creases at the beginning of
the line, it indicates education will be affected by bad environment.
If the two lines start from the same point but separate right away (no overlapping), it means
decisive and determinative personality, and can handle adventurous and erratic situations.
If there are more than six shallow lines, and none is prominent, it indicates complicate and
messy marriage situations. If there are two equally prominent lines, the person is prone to
love-triangle situations.
The longer the Marriage Line is, the pickier the person is in selecting a mate, more
demanding of his/her spouse, and has more pressure from the marriage. If the line ends below
the ring finger and touches the Sun Line, it indicates having good in-laws who will bring
wealth and fame. However, if it is longer and it crosses the Sun Line, it has negative effect on
wealth and fame.
If the line curves upward at the end, it indicates lack of motivation to get married.
The Popularity Line is a short slanted line below the Love Line. It starts from the edge of
palm, and runs slightly upward to the center of the palm. It indicates popularity and good
interpersonal skills.
The Career Line is also called the Fate Line. It is a vertical line in the middle of the palm runs
from the bottom of the palm up toward the base of the middle finger.
If the line ends as it reaches the Wisdom Line, it indicates the person stops working based on
his/her own decision. If it ends as it reaches the Love Line, it indicates relationship problem
causes the career to end.
Multiple broken lines indicate unstable jobs or constant changes of job environment.
Two Career Lines appeared like a pair indicates the person has good opportunities for a
second job or a different career.
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The Hard-Working Lines are creases running upwards from the Life Line. It indicates hard
work will be rewarded. If the crease runs from the beginning of the Life Line toward the base
of the index finger, it is called the Wish Line. It indicates more luck will come, the more you
wish for.
Also see the major palm lines
The Sun Line is a vertical line below the ring finger and parallel to the Career Line.
Two Sun Lines appeared like a pair indicates the person is famous and renowned. If there are
several lines, it indicates too many interests without a particular focus.
If there are circular or cross creases on the Sun Line, it indicates loss in wealth or fame.
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The Money Line refers to all creases, vertical or horizontal, on the bottom section of the
thumb. The more creases, the more wealth will be accumulated.
The Health Line is a slanted line from the base of the pinkie finger toward the end of the Life
Line. The line should be more accurately named ³Bad Health Line´, and it is better not to
have it at all.
A segmented line indicates problems with the digestion system. An iron chain shaped line
indicates problems with the respiratory system. If there are circular creases on the beginning
of the line, it indicates head, nose or throat problems, or if the creases are on the end of the
line, it indicates problems with urological system.
The Accident Line is a vertical line from the base of the middle finger to the Life Line, and it
is thicker at the beginning and thinner at the end. It represents prone to accident or suicide.
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The Villain Lines refers to slanted creases at the bottom section of the index finger, and it
indicates the person may become victim of villain¶s wicked acts. If there are more than four
Villain Lines, the person is prone to slanders. Or if there are seven lines or more, the person
is likely to be involved in messy law sues.
The Creativity Line is a pair of short vertical and slightly slanted lines below where pinkie
finger and ring finger join. It represents creativity and innovation talents, and can be very
successful in writing, art, invention, etc.
The M tery Cross is a cross shape ³+´ crease i the center of the pal bet een the Love
Line and the Wisdom Line. It indicates the person has hi h interests in philosophy,
metaphysics, and reli ion.
The Rebellion Line is a short line below the beginning of the Love Line, and parallel to it. It
indicates st bborn and unyielding personality. In the case of an unethical and malicious
person, it indicates a threat to community.
Round and plump fingers ± tend to be pampered and have more happiness than worries.
Bald finger tips and uniform looking fingers ± will be constantly challenged or given
Round and smooth finger knuckles ± have small fortune even during
! represents self-authority and independence. If longer, have more control and
authority over yourself, or if shorter, less independent.
Index finger also reflects your body. If index finger is lean and delicate, you are healthier and
more relaxed.
G reflects your mind. A tilted or crooked middle finger indicates stress or
reflects your desires. If very long, it indicates excessive desires for vanity or
overly opportunistic.
Ô represents your offspring. A tilted or crooked pinkie indicates less chance to be
a parent.
Strong fingernails
± daring and brave.
Soft fingernails
± lack of physical strength or energy.
Flat fingernails
± low or minimum self-expectation.
Reddish fingernails
± god blood circulation.