500 MW Birsinghpur
500 MW Birsinghpur
500 MW Birsinghpur
Filing No
The above named petitioner, M.P. Power Generating Company Ltd, respectfully
submits as under:-
The CoD of SGTPS units No.5 has been achieved on 28th Aug.2008. In view
to prepare the petition project cost details including the details of revenue
against sale of infirm power were to be ascertained. The requisite data related
to sale of infirm power could only be gathered after Hon.ble Commission
clarified the issues raised by SLDC in the month of October 2008.
The data related to expenditure towards generation of infirm power was
gathered during Nov.-Dec.2008, which included O&M, Administrative &
Gen. Expenses and cost of the fuel. In the meantime Joint Secretary, GoI,
MoP vide letter dated 18.11.2008, forwarded through Addl. Secretary, GoMP,
Department of Energy (dated 28.11.2008), regarding import of coal during
2009-10, forwarded CEA.s target sheet indicating the utility wise target for
import of coal during 2009-10 due to lack of Indian coal availability. In view
of the above MPPGCL vide letter No. 19 dated 12.1.2009 has requested
Hon.ble MPERC to kindly accord in-principle approval for procurement of
imported coal and admissibility of additional cost. As per the directives issued
by Hon.ble MPERC vide letter No.173 dated 20.1.2009, to intimate cost
benefit analysis and other related information, MPPGCL has submitted a brief
note vide No.52 dated 5.2.2009. The approval of Hon.ble MPERC is still
awaited. The petition has been prepared considering the actual expenditure
incurred (on fuel) till CoD. The petition is based on Hon.ble MPERC.s Terms
& conditions of Generation Tariff Regulations, 2005, for generation of power
for FY07 to FY09. The petitioner humbly submits before Hon.ble
Commission to determine the tariff for the station.
5. It is pertinent to mention that the Hon.ble Commission has issued a tariff order
dated 7th March 2007, for the plants from which MPPGCL is already
generating power, on Multi Year Tariff principle for a period of three years.
The tariff block shall be over by March 2009. This unit has been synchronized
in mid of the tariff block and hence, with a view to maintain similarity in the
tariff block periods, MPPGCL is submitting the tariff petition for this plant for
FY 09. It is proposed that after this time block, the petition shall be submitted
by MPPGCL for determination of generation tariff along with other existing
6. It is pertinent to mention that, in pursuance with "MPERC (Terms and
Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)", tariff for
sale of electricity from a thermal power generating station shall comprise of
two parts, namely, the recovery of Annual Capacity (Fixed) Charges and
Energy (Variable) Charges, which shall be worked out in the following way:
7. Also principles of Operation and Norms as prescribed by CERC vide its order
dated.26.03.04 shall be guiding. The station shall also be eligible for incentive
on the rate specified in "MPERC (Terms and Conditions of Generation Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)", for ex-bus scheduled energy
corresponding to scheduled generation in excess of ex-bus energy
corresponding to target Plant Load Factor (PLF). At this stage MPPGCL
would like to pray before Hon.ble Commission that MPPGCL.s efforts are
confined and limited to make the plant available for generation. The actual
generation shall depend upon the dispatch instructions issued by SLDC
depending upon system requirement, which are neither determined by
MPPGCL nor in control of MPPGCL. Thus, the efforts of MPPGCL in
making the plant available for generation at the discretion of SLDC does not
get due recognition and in long run may affect the motivation of the company
to optimize the performance from the plant. This ultimately will affect the
interest of consumers adversely. Thus, with a view to safeguard the interest of
consumers, MPPGCL humbly submits before the Hon.ble commission to
consider permitting incentive on deemed generation with normative auxiliary
consumption over and above the target availability. It is prudent to mention
that the penalty for not being able to maintain the desired availability of plant
always lies with MPPGCL and commensurate fixed cost shall be got deducted
from the monthly bill. Thus providing incentive on deemed generation on
marginal availability above target also synchronizes with the principles of
natural justice. Thus, MPPGCL humbly submits before Hon.ble Commission
to kindly permit the same.
8. Since the scheduled energy and ex-bus energy can be determined only after
annual actual performance of the plant, MPPGCL has determined Fixed cost
on target PLF only. Incentive / Penalties shall be affected in pursuance with
the specified norms and order considering above request of MPPGCL in the
final order in this regard by Hon'ble Commission.
9. MPPGCL has also considered tax holiday during initial five years of
operation of the plant. Min. Alt. Tax (MAT) @11.33% has been considered.
In case, due to change in Government policy or otherwise, if any, liability of
tax and duties (except on incentive or additional profit over and above RoE)
arises, the same shall be charged extra. Similarly, Water Charges are payable
to Govt. on the rates as specified by GoMP, the same shall be chargeable
extra. Fringe benefit tax, if payable on the project shall be chargeable extra on
actual basis.
10. The performance parameters and other cost elements have been duly
elaborated in the enclosures to the petition, and based on these, the cost of
generation works out as under:-
Table No. 1
Particulars FY 09
p/u 124
Date : 23 March 2009 (S. P.Soni)
Place: Jabalpur S.E. (CP: MPPGCL)
2 Premise 19
9 O&M Charges 46
10 Depreciation 48
13 Variable Charges 52
14 Other Expenses 54
15 Generation 55
17 Financial Statements 58
18 Tariff Formats 61
Brief Introduction of MPPGCL
1.1.The State of Madhya Pradesh has implemented power sector reforms in the
State where under, amongst others, the activities of generation, transmission,
distribution and retail supply of electricity carried out by MPSEB have been
restructured and transferred to the following corporate entities.
1.2. The function of power generation has been vested with Madhya Pradesh
Power Generating Company Limited (MPPGCL), a company incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Shakti
Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur. The company has been assigned the assets and
liabilities (on provisional basis) to discharge the function of power generation
vide GoMP.s notification dated 31st May 05. In this notification, GoMP is
provided with a right to amend, vary, modify or otherwise change the values
or terms and conditions or any one or more of them during provisional period
upto 31st May 06. Subsequently, the period has been extended by another eight
months. However, the GoMP vide its notification Dtd.12th June 2008 has
issued final Opening Balance Sheet of MPPGCL along with other restructured
utilities of erstwhile MPSEB. The petition is based on the final Opening
Balance Sheet.
Status of Generating Company
1.3. The Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) notified the provisional transfer
scheme vide its notification No. 3679/FRS/18/13/2002 dated 31st May 2005
according to which MPPGCL was assigned assets and liabilities, on a
provisional basis, as per the table given below:
Intt. 21 Sundry 34
Accrued but Receivable
not Due
Assets Cr.Rs
1 4,506.29
Gross Block
Fixed Assets
2 Less : Accumulated 1,801.31
5 Investments -
6 Stocks 252.60
7 Receivables against -
Current Assets Supply of Power
1.5. The MP Power Generating Company Ltd. is presently headed by the Chairman
and Managing Director, Shri D.N. Prasad and brief of other Directors of the
Company are:-
Generation Capacity
Table No 1.6.1
Amarkantak =
Thermal Power
PH 2 2 x 120 240.0 100.0% 240.0
Station (Chachai) =
All-out efforts are being made to meet the growing demand of power in the
State. The MPPGCL had a plan of adding 790 MW during 10th plan as
elaborated in the table below, however these projects are Still under execution.
Capacity Addition Plan
Table No. 1.9.1
Station Type Planned MP's Planned COD Status
Capacity Share
Thermal Capacity 2147. 2147. 2147. 2147. 2147. 2147. 2147. 2857.5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Hydro Capacity 837.2 837.2 837.2 837.2 837.2 837.2 917.2 917.2
Thermal / Hydro 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.39 3.12 3.12
1.11. Further, Govt. of M.P. has given In Principle Clearance for installing
. Shri Singaji Thermal Power Project
. Satpura Thermal Power Station Extn. Unit 10 & 11(2 x 250 MW)
Units at Satpura Thermal Power Station as Extension, Unit no. 10 & 11 are
planned for installation. Administrative approval has been accorded by
State Govt., in Jun. 06. MOEF clearance also received recently in
Mar.2009. For execution of Main Power Block on EPC basis, orders have
been issued on 10.3.2008 to M/s. BHEL.
. 2x800 MW Bansagar Thermal Power Project near village Tikuratola in
District Shahdol (MP) using Super Critical Technology through Joint
Venture with M/s BHEL or by other method. As per Energy Department
GoMP Bhopal.s letter No. 8020/13/2008 dated 31.12.2008, the GoMP has
also accorded administrative approval for implementation of this project.
2.1. this section contains certain key issues which may have impact on the
generation cost of 1x500MW Birsinghpur Thermal Power Project of
MPPGCL and on the assumptions / rationale applied by the applicant for
determination of generation cost.
2.2. The State of Madhya Pradesh has implemented power sector reforms in the
State where under, amongst others, the activities of generation, transmission,
distribution and retail supply of electricity carried out by MPSEB have been
restructured and transferred (initially to the five then to) six successor
corporate entities. Accordingly, the function of power generation has been
vested with Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited
(MPPGCL), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and
having its registered office at Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur. The
company has been assigned the assets and liabilities (on provisional basis) to
discharge the function of power generation vide GoMP.s notification dated
31st May 05. The Govt. of MP vide its notification dated 12th June 2008 has
issued Final Opening Balance Sheet of MPPGCL along with other restructured
utilities of erstwhile MPSEB. The petition is based on Final Opening Balance
Sheet. The petition is being submitted under the provisions of "MPERC
(Terms and Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of
2005)", wherein the Hon'ble Commission can determine the tariff of new
capacities on provisional basis. The truing up of Project cost and tariff can be
done within one year after CoD. Project cost has been provisionally
determined after consolidating the available data for various expenses actually
incurred on best available basis.
2.3. Multi-year Tariff: Hon.ble Commission vide its "MPERC (Terms and
Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)” has
determined terms and conditions for determination of generation tariff for first
block of Multi Year Tariff i.e. FY 07 to FY 09. The petition is prepared in
accordance with the provisions of the regulation and prevailing CERC orders.
2.4. Return on Equity and Taxes: As per the provisions of "MPERC (Terms and
Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)” return of
14% post tax has been considered on the equity contribution for the project.
Further, present level of corporate tax is 30% + 3.0% Surcharge and 3%
Education Cess. However, there will be a tax holiday on the project for first
five years. MPPGCL has, therefore, considered tax holiday during initial five
years of operation of the plant and has not loaded any incidence of the same.
In case, due to change in Govt. policy or otherwise, if any liability of taxes,
duties and Cess (except on incentive of additional profit over and above RoE)
arises, the same shall be charged extra. Similarly, Water Charges are payable
to Govt. on the rates specified by GoMP. The same shall be chargeable extra.
Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT), Fringe benefit tax etc., if payable on the
project shall be chargeable extra on actual basis.
2.5. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts
The company has just started its functioning and hence the risk associated and
trends are not available. In the tariff petition submitted by MPPGCL (dated
23rd Jan 06) for determination of tariff of existing plants, with a view to cover-
up such associated risks a provision of about 1% of closing amount of
receivables was provided as provision for bad debt. In the Tariff order for FY
06 (Dated 25th Jan 06), Hon'ble Commission has not considered the same
mentioning that the company has not formulated any policy for writing-off of
bad debts. It has been mentioned that the write offs may be considered at the
time of truing up. Thus, the provision is not considered at this stage; however,
MPPGCL will approach Hon'ble Commission when such policy is approved at
a subsequent stage. MPPGCL humbly submits before Hon'ble Commission to
permit the same.
3.1. The installation of new power generating units in the State of Madhya `Pradesh
has lagged behind the load growth and, therefore, power shortage is being
experienced in the State. The power crisis has further worsened after the
formation of the new state of Chhattisgarh. At present several medium and
large hydro electric projects are under construction but due to hydro electric
project.s long gestation period, the power demand of the State could not be
met appropriately. In order to meet the power demand of the State in the
shortest possible time, it is necessary to take up thermal generation projects as
the gestation period is considerably less in comparison with hydro electric
3.2. The State had identified number of projects for addition of generation
capacity. Due to resource crunch, some of these projects were offered to
private investors for implementation. Some of these projects progressed to
obtain CEA techno-economic clearance in the past. These projects have,
however, not proceeded further as the issue of Escrow arrangement against
IPP.s payment from MPSEB for power supply could not be finalized till date.
Keeping in view uncertainties of IPPs availability to the MP grid, which
would drastically worsen the Power situation in the State in the coming years,
erstwhile Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board has proposed to augment
the generation capacity by addition of new generating unit at Sanjay Gandhi
Thermal Power Station through State Sector taking advantage of lower capital
cost of new power station due to utilization of many of the existing
infrastructural facilities like land, reservoir, intake, gate complex, support oil
system, marshalling yard, railway line etc. with some modifications only.
The power station was to be located within the existing plant boundary as an
extension to the existing power station. Major land already acquired earlier in
Phase-I has been used for installation of main plants and equipments however,
due to change in the scheme of Coal Handling Plant, and for laying of ash
pipe line, forest land to the tune of 4.7 Ha was only additionally required,
same was granted by MoEF, Regional office, Bhopal on May.04.
Regarding the requirement of forest land for ash disposal (292 Ha), the
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Co-operation had
allowed 100 Ha of land in phase – I and also allowed to consider balance 192
Ha of land in further two phases to avoid large number of trees from being
clear felled at a time and also to avoid excessive soil erosion.
In view of the above award, MPSEB has already approached State Forest
Department for the transfer of 100 Ha of land in the II2nd phase required for
SGTPS complex including the extension unit of 500 MW. Subsequently
Forest Department has awarded the 100 Ha Forest land in the 2nd phase Ash
Bund in Nov..o6.
The existing ash disposal area of 100 Ha is still sufficient for (4 x 210 MW +
1 x 500 MW) i.e. 1340 MW for about next 2 years. Therefore, the ash
generated by new unit of 500 MW can also be dumped into this area during
initial years of operation. By that time the second phase of ash dyke shall be
ready for disposal of ash generated by all units of SGTPS.
f) Fuel
Coal being obtained from Korba Coal fields for which linkage of coal was
granted to the tune of 2.8 mtpa from the year 2003 by the Standing Linkage
Committee (LT), Ministry of Coal, GoI during the meeting of the committee
held on 15.12.2000 and 07.09.2001.
g) Transportation of Fuel
4.1. Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station which is located in Umaria, District of
Madhya Pradesh, was envisaged to install 6 units of 210MW each, is a coal
based plant presently have 4 units 210 MW commissioned (having 100%
share of MP only). With the advent of technology and availability of 500 MW
Units was decided by MPSEB to set up 1x500 MW capacities in lieu of
balance 2x210 MW Units in the space available in the Birsinghpur Plant site.
With the addition of 500 MW capacity at SGTPS, Birsinghpur it has become
largest Thermal Power Station of MPPGCL. The geographical Map of the
project is as under:-
4.2. Accordingly the project was taken up after obtaining requisite following
clearances (copies enclosed as annexure) as follows:-
. Administrative approval of State Govt. vide letter No. 10197/F-
3/31/13/97 dated 24.12.97 for setting up of 1 x 500 MW additional unit
at Sanjay Gandhi Thermal Power Station, Birsinghpur.
. ─ Approval for supply of Water by Deptt. Of Water Resources No.
29/12/96/M/31/399 dated 26.4.2002 from River Johilla.
4.3. The brief description of some of major systems of the 500 MW plant
envisaged is described below:-
4.3.1. Steam Generator
─ . The steam generator is outdoor, two pass, tap supported, reheat,
controlled circulation, single drum, balanced draft, dry bottom type
designed for burning pulverized coal as principle fuel. It is provided
with oil support burners and adequate number of coal mills.
─. Steam generators are designed to operate with the HP Heaters out of
service condition and deliver steam to meet the Turbo Generator
electrical output at 100% MCR.
─ Steam generator is suitable for operation with HP-LP turbine by-pass
system. Four regenerative air pre-heaters with electric motor main
drive and air motor as standby drive are provided at back end, which
are connected with gas duct bifurcated to two air heaters. The boiler is
provided with a set of soot blowers for on load cleaning of heat
transfer surfaces i.e. water walls, super heaters, re-heaters,
economizers and air heaters.
. Condensing Equipment
Two pass, rectangular, box type, surface condenser, with 5
minute hot well capacity, capable for maintaining the required
vacuum while condensing steam at the maximum rating of the
turbine, is provided with on load tube cleaning equipment
(without debris filter) and an arrangement of On-load
maintenance of one half of the condenser at a time. Three
vertical centrifugal, multistage condensate pumps, each of 50%
capacity, are provided to pump condensate from condenser hot
well to the Deaerator. Two number vacuum pumps with 100%
capacity each are provided to maintain the vacuum in the
condenser by expelling the non-condensable gases.
4.3.6. Generator
5.1. An estimate of the total cost of the Project was prepared on the basis of prices
appearing in BHEL.s Commercial offer No. MS-1-01-E-0021, dated 10.4.2002
& 11.4.2002. For the works not covered in BHEL.s scope (Non EPC items),
prices had been estimated separately. Cost towards overheads/others had been
worked out on the basis of scope settled with M/s BHEL and taking into account
the requirement of Project.
5.2. Techno-economic clearance of the project has been granted by CEA vide
O.M. No. 2/MP/46/96-PAC/11280 – 302 dated 20th Dec. 2002 at a total
estimated cost of Rs. 2093.75 Crore as under:-
4 Overheads 82.43
5.3. The above project cost was estimated based on the following :-
Financing of the Project shall be arranged through PFC, New Delhi up to
the extent of 80% of the total Project cost, and balance 20% shall be
arranged by Board.
. Supply prices of main equipments/plants were considered as offered by
BHEL. The prices being on PVC basis, hence price variation on supply
prices had also been considered.
. Cost towards Erection, Testing & Commissioning had been taken as
offered by BHEL. The prices being on PVC basis, hence price variation
over this cost had also been considered.
. Cost towards freight charges had been taken as offered by BHEL. This
cost being firm no P.V. had therefore been considered on this account.
. Prices towards various insurances were inclusive in the offered prices,
hence the same had not been considered separately.
. Cost towards Civil works (for the scope settled with BHEL) had been
taken as offered by BHEL. The prices being on PVC basis, hence price
variation had also been considered.
.For the balance Civil works including preliminaries (not covered in
BHEL.s scope) cost estimation had been made separately. No P.V. has
been considered separately towards these works. This cost also includes
cost of construction power, water, lighting, telephone/communication
charges etc.
. The offered prices of BHEL were exclusive or inclusive of Excise Duty,
Sales Tax & Exit tax as per the description given below:-
o The supply prices of bought out item indicated by BHEL
included the excise duty and concessional sales tax at the
then applicable rates of 16 % and 4% respectively on the
items directly dispatch-able to site from indigenous sources.
o In case of dispatches from BHEL works except their works
located in Bhopal, the excise duty and central sales tax at
the prevailing rates of 16 % and 4 % respectively payable as
extra at actual by MPPGCL.
o In case of dispatches from BHEL works at Bhopal, the excise
duty, MPGST and exit tax at the prevailing rates 16%, 4.6%
and 0.1% respectively payable as extra at actual by MPPGCL.
o Any variation in the above rates of excise duty, central sales
tax, and MPGST and exit tax at the time of actual dispatch be
paid extra by MPPGCL.
. Customs Duty at Project import rate being inclusive in the supply prices;
hence the same had not been shown separately. CIF value in respect of
imported materials had been indicated as Rs. 212 Crs. (equivalent to U$
39.4 million) on exchange rate of 1 U$ = Rs. 48.85 as on March 2002.
Cost of initial spares had been taken @ 3% of supply cost as the spares
have not been offered by BHEL along with their instant offer.
. The provision had been made for augmentation of railway track within
and outside of power house complex.
. Interest during construction had been taken as weighted average rate of
11% for long term loan. 80% debt & 20% equity financing had been
proposed, and interest incurred during construction period was assumed to
be capitalized.
The estimated approved project cost during Dec.02 was Rs. 2093.75 Cr.,
which has been updated to Rs. 2300 Cr. The breakup of original project cost and
revised project cost is as under:-
5.4.1. The various reasons for revision in project cost (above) have been indicated in
the earlier petition. The same are reproduced now. Land and RR Cost
This cost has been revised due to change in scope and rise in
Under this cost the major head covered are spares and railway
siding. It has been increased due to increase in price inflation
for spares and change in scope and design of railway-siding
during approval by railways. Overheads
This cost was reduced while re-appropriating “The Project Cost
Approved as per TEC” to enhance the EPC Cost. It has now
been revised due to increase in provision towards contingency.
5.4.2. Hon.ble Commission vide order dated 18.01.2008 allowed MPPGCL the
recovery of infirm power charges till the CoD of the unit. Now, as per Clause
37 of the MPERC (Terms & Conditions for Determination of Generation
Tariff) Regulation 2005:-
“Any revenue other than the recovery of fuel cost earned by the
generating company from sale of infirm power shall be taken as
reduction in capital cost and shall not be treated as revenue”.
As such, it is necessary to find expenditure against generation of
infirm power viz a viz amount received through infirm power
charges so as to ascertain the project cost as on CoD.
The details of amount recoverable through infirm power charges are as
indicated below:-
S. Infirm power generated during the period 1st Oct.07 to 27th Aug.08
in KWH in Rs.
11 up 113826578 389204364
The expenditure incurred on O&M, Administrative and Generation Expenses
and Fuel cost are as indicated below:-
in Rs. lakhs
1 Oct-07 35248 1331 469.15 3637 22334 812.29 1054.42 28249 297.86
2 Nov. -07 47650 1339 638.03 2699 25026 675.45 478 28344 135.48
3 Dec. 07 132558 1420 1882.32 1211 24064 291.42 214 28344 60.66
5 Feb. -08 161227 1431 2307.16 260 29511 76.73 109 28788 31.38
7 Apr-08 94802 1424 1349.98 1104 28897 319.02 307 29868 91.69
11 Aug. -08 92625 1319 1221.72 447 37126 165.95 339 40548 137.46
Funding of Project
6.2. The details of PFC loan, vide No. 20101011, identified with this project are
available and have been provided as Form -7 in this petition. The cost of the
project estimated during FY 03 as Rs. 2094 Cr which has been revised as Rs
2300 Cr. PFC has sanctioned a loan amounting to Rs.1560 Cr. The table above
elaborates that starting from FY03-04, the total loan amount drawn for the
project is Rs. 1531Cr. This shall be revised subsequently as soon as the Project
Cost shall be finalized, in view of the profit attained through sale of infirm
power, which has been estimated as of now Rs.278 Cr.
6.3. As per terms of PFC loan, each drawl of the loan carries specific rate of
interest applicable at the date of drawl. Considering drawls till CoD
amounting to Rs.1300Cr. weighted average rate of interest works out as
11.52% and IDC for the period amounts to Rs. 394Cr. The working has been
elaborated in Form 16. It has already been elaborated in the previous section
that the differences in project cost may be considered at the time of
determination of final tariff, within one year of CoD (as per regulations).
6.3.1. Based on the available details, MPPGCL submits before Hon.ble
Commission to consider project cost as Rs. 2156 Cr. on provisional basis. It
is considered that full amount of loan is made available by PFC (Rs. 1531
Cr). Further, as per the available records, there is no amount of grant
provided by any agency for this project neither any consumer has extended
any contribution. Thus the balance amount can be reasonably considered as
equity contribution. MPPGCL humbly submits before Hon.ble
Commission to permit the same.
Particulars Cr.Rs. %
6.4. It is obvious from the above that, with the present level of cost estimates,
equity contribution is about 29% and is well within the specified norms of 30%.
MPPGCL, as per Hon'ble Commission.s regulation "MPERC (Terms and
Conditions of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)" has
therefore, considered the return on equity @ 14%.
6.6. Considering these terms interest and repayment liability works out as under :-
Particulars FY 09
Tariff Norms
Table No. 7.2.1.
S. Ceiling
No. Particulars Norm
While the unit has achieved CoD during Aug 2008 (i.e.
later to 1.04.2006) stabilization period & relaxed norms has
been considered. This is in view of the fact that the 1x500
MW Extn. Unit at SGTPS, Birsinghpur is the first 500 MW
unit of MPPGCL. The persons are still required to gain
experience in operation. It is therefore requested that it may
be permitted to consider stabilization period & relaxed
norms beyond 1.4.2006. The petition has been prepared on
the basis of the above.
The Annual Capacity Charges
8.1. As mentioned earlier, in pursuance with "MPERC (Terms and Conditions
of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)", tariff for sale of
electricity from a thermal power generating station comprises of two parts,
namely, the recovery of annual capacity (fixed) charges and energy
(variable) charges.
8.2. The annual capacity (fixed) charges consists of :-
8.2.1. Interest on loan capital
8.2.2. Depreciation including advance against depreciation
8.2.3. Fee to MPERC
8.2.4. Return on equity
8.2.5. Operation and maintenance expenses
8.2.6. Interest on working capital
8.3. Detailed working of the Interest and Finance charges on loan capital has
been elaborated in the foregoing section on “Funding of the project”.
Working on remaining charges as per the aforesaid regulation is described
in the following sections.
9.4. Accordingly O&M charges have been computed and tabulated in the table
below. It is prudent to mention that the plant shall be under O&M for 7
months, though is likely to generate almost 80% of design energy, as it is
having its CoD during Aug 2008. This in turn reflects reduction of O&M
charges for the first year on proportionate basis. The table below
elaborates determination of O&M charges for FY 09.
O&M Charges
Table No. 9.4.1.
Particulars FY 09
Months of Operation No 7
10.3. MPPGCL has considered the project operative for 216 days during FY
09.Thus the effective rate of depreciation, on annual basis works out to
Months of Operation No 7
11.1. It has already been elaborated in the foregoing Para that the project cost
(Rs. 2156Cr.) is funded by about 29% equity (Rs. 625 Cr.) and balance
71% through loan (Rs. 1531 Cr.). As per "MPERC (Terms and Conditions
of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)" MPPGCL is
eligible to have 14% post tax return on equity. Present level of corporate
tax is 30% and applicable surcharges thereon. Since the equity of the
project is about 29%, full amount of the project is eligible for RoE.
11.2. It has also been assumed that a tax holiday shall be available to the
project for initial 5 years. Min. Alt. Tax @11.33% has been considered. In
case, MPPGCL become liable to pay any other type of tax /surcharge on
RoE, the same shall be chargeable separately. Considering this RoE
(proportionately for the period of operation in respective years) works out
as under :-
Return on Equity
Table No. 11.2.1
Particulars FY 09
12.1. Interest on working capital has been determined on the Working capital
elements determined in pursuance with the norms as approved by Hon'ble
Commission in "MPERC (Terms and Conditions of Generation Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)", as elaborated below:
13.1 . Variable Charges cover cost of primary and secondary fuel. The landed
cost of the coal includes price of the coal corresponding to the
grade/quality of the coal inclusive of royalty, taxes and duties as
applicable, transportation cost by rail/road, any other means and
considering normative transit and handling losses as percentage of the
quantity of the coal required.
13.2. The cost of secondary fuel has been arrived at considering norms of
operation as per clause 36 of the MPERC Regulation – Terms and
Conditions for determination of Generation Tariff.
13.3 .Accordingly Variable charges have been computed and tabulated in the
table below. It is prudent to mention that the plant shall be under O&M for
7 months, as it is having its CoD during 28th Aug 2008. Due to relaxed
norms of the operation considered for initial six months of operation, the
variable charges for the first year re little more. It is submitted that the
plant is first 500 MW unit of MPPGCL and till date MPPGCL has no
experience of 500 MW. With a view to move along with the trends of
technology, MPPGCL has ventured into installation of 500 MW Unit as
against 210 MW units originally planned and traditionally accepted. Thus,
in this case a little relaxation of the performance parameters is necessary.
In case of CERC, the provision has been withdrawn, probably, considering
adequacy of experience on technological improvements. It is humbly
requested to kindly permit the same. The table below elaborates
determination of O&M charges for FY 08 to FY 09.
Variable Charges
Table No. 13.3.1.
Sl. No. Particulars 2008-09
1 Capacity MW 500
3 PUF % 80%
5 Aux % 7.50%
13 Cr.Rs 214.63
Cost of Coal
14 p/u 112
15 Rate of Secondary Oil Rs/kL 28000
16 Cr.Rs 23.71
Cost of Secondary Oil
17 p/u 12
18 Fuel Cost Cr.Rs 238.33
19 p/u 124
13.4. It is humbly requested before Hon.ble Commission to kindly permit the same.
Other Expenses
14.1. The other expenses like provision for bad debt, prior period charges and
miscellaneous write-offs etc. are covered under this head.
14.2. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts
The company has just started its functioning and hence the risk associated
andtrends are not available. In the tariff petition submitted by MPPGCL
(dated 23rd Jan 06) for determination of tariff of existing plants, with a
view to cover-up such associated risks a provision of about 1% of closing
amount of receivables was provided as provision for bad debt. In the
Tariff order for FY 06 (Dated 25th Jan 06), Hon'ble Commission has not
considered the same mentioning that the company has not formulated any
policy for writing-off of bad debts. It has been mentioned that the write
offs may be considered at the time of truing up. Thus, the provision is not
considered at this stage; however, MPPGCL will approach Hon'ble
Commission when such policy is approved at a subsequent stage.
MPPGCL humbly submits before Hon'ble Commission topermit the same.
Hon.ble Commission has specified fee for Thermal station as Rs. 5000 /
MW or part thereof for full year. Accordingly the fee for the plant for FY
09(Sep.08 to Mar.09) works out to Rs. 14,58,333/- for FY 09.
It is humbly requested before Hon.ble Commission to kindly permit the
15.1. Installed capacity of the new additional Birsinghpur Unit is 500 MW. The
targeted Plant Load Factor and Auxiliary Consumption have been
considered as per "MPERC (Terms and Conditions of Generation Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 (G-26 of 2005)".
15.2. During first year the actual generation will be for around 216 days only.
The table below elaborates possible generation from the station,
considered for the purpose of determination of tariff:-
Table No. 15.2.1
Particulars FY 09
2 PUF % 80%
Generation Cost
Table No 16.2.1.
Particulars FY 09
p/u 124
16.3. MPPGCL has also considered tax holiday during initial five years of
operation of the plant and has not loaded any incidence of the same. In
case, due to change in Govt. policy or otherwise, if any liability of tax
(except on incentive of additional profit over and above RoE) arises, the
same shall be charged extra. Similarly, Water Charges are payable to
Govt. at the rates specified by GoMP, shall be chargeable extra. Fringe
benefit tax etc, as payable on the project shall also be chargeable extra on
actual basis.
16.4. Thus MPPGCL shall be Billing to MP TRADECO as under:
17.1. The Financial Statements are important for assessing the financial health
of the project, expected profit and liquidity. Since the project has just been
commissioned, it will not be worthwhile to draw the balance sheets and
cash flow statements prior to CoD. However the effect of cash drawl and
asset capitalization prior to CoD has been considered at one point of time
(i.e. at CoD in full) for computing projected balance sheet. Considering
the assumption, P&L Account shall be as under :-
3 Incentive
4 Tax 06.62
5 Total 497.67
6 Fuel 238.33
Operating Exp.
8 Depreciation 49.12
12 Total 439.13
Particulars FY-09
3 Secured 1530.73
5 Creditor 0.00
6 Total 1704.97
16 Advance Payments -
17 Total 2155.72
18 Repayment Secured -
19 Loan Unsecured (for W/C) -
20 Creditor -
21 Total -
24 Total 6.62
25 Total 2162.34
Particulars FY-09
7 Total -
10 Total 2,337.51
13 Total 632.54
17 Total 2337.51
17.4. Ratio analysis of the project at the end of financial year is a vital tool for
financial experts for assessing the health of the project. Accordingly the
same has been derived in the Form 14 and a summary of the same is listed
Ratio Analysis
Table No 17.4.1
Particulars FY-09
6 Return on Investment 8%
18.1.3. Considering the fact MPPGCL has not provided the forms exactly in
the formats of CERC for which no information can be made available.
It has however filled in the necessary forms necessary for
determination of generation cost for this project.
18.2. All efforts have been made to recast the forms in the shape easily
understandable by an average user adequately disclosing all available
18.3. MPPGCL further submits that in case any additional information in the
format specified by Hon'ble Commission is required to be made available
along with
this petition, MPPGCL will provide the same in the format specified by
Hon'ble Commission.
18.4. It is humbly requested to kindly consider the information provided in the
formats annexed.