Rubrics For Programming

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Rubrics for Programming

Computer - III
Name:_________________________________________ Date:____________

Teacher: Andrew Steven A. Bass Score:___________

Category Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Score

(4 pts.) (3 pts.) (2pts.) (1 pt.)
Adherence to No errors Minor details of Significant details of Misses the point of
the standards are the standards or the the problem.
violated, or poor underlying program
choices are made intent are violated,
Does it conform to
where the but the program still
standards in every
standards are fulfils essential
detail? functions.

Breakdown No errors 1-3 minor errors More than three

minor errors OR one
More than one
major error
(modular design) major error

Does it demonstrate
good modular

Correctness of code Works

correctly in
Works for typical
input, may fail for
Fails for typical
input, for a minor
Fails for typical
input, for a
all cases. minor special cases. reason. significant reason.
 Does it work?

This category counts


Efficiency of code No errors 1-3 minor errors More than three

minor errors OR one
More than one
major error
major error
Does it use the
language features

Program is Program is finished Program is finished Program is finished

Fast coding finished 10 exactly with the 10 min after the 20 min after the
min. before allotted time allotted time. allotted time.
Is the programmer at the allotted
ease with the time.

Corrected By:

Andrew Steven A. Bass

Computer Teacher

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