ASTM D 2434 (Contant Head Method)

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ASTM D 2434

ASTM D 2434 - Standard

Test Method for Permeability
of Granular
Soils (Constant Head)

• HAMMED(Hami)

• SHUFQAT(Shafu)

• KHALIL(Menanak)

Permeability is a soil property indicating the ease
with which water will flow through the soil.
Permeability depends on  the following factors:

1) the size of soil grains

2) the properties of pore fluids

3) the void ratio of the soil

4) the shapes and arrangement of pores

5) the degree of saturation

Darcy’s Law
The coefficient of permeability, k, is a product of Darcy’s Law.
In 1856, Darcy established an empirical relationship for the flow
of water through porous media.

Q = kiA
Q = flow rate (volume/time)
i = hydraulic gradient (unitless)
A = cross-sectional area of flow (area)
k = coeff. of permeability (length/time)

It should be noted that the coefficient of permeability is often referred to as

hydraulic conductivity by hydrologists and environmental scientists. In their
notation, permeability has a entirely different definition.
• The purpose of this test is to determine the
permeability (hydraulic conductivity) of a
sandy soil by the constant head test
method. There are two general types of
permeability test methods that
arecroutinely performed in the laboratory

• (1) the constant head test method

• (2) the falling head test method.
• ASTM D 2434 - Standard Test Method for
Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant
Purpose and Significance

Determine the permeability, k, (hydraulic conductivity) of soils

by appropriate test method.

Permeability is necessary for the calculation of seepage
through earth dams or under sheet pile walls, the calculation
of the seepage rate from waste storage facilities (landfills,
ponds, etc.), and the calculation of the rate of settlement of
clayey soil deposits.
• Permeameters

• Ruler

• Tamper

• Balance

• Watch (or Stopwatch)

• Thermometer

• Filter 1000 mL Graduated cylinders

• Check the apparatus properly and adjust it
on a smooth balance surface.

• Measure the initial mass of the pan along

with the dry soil (M1).
• Place one porous stone on the inner support ring
in the base of the chamber then place a filter
paper on top of the porous stone (figure C).

• Mix the soil with a sufficient quantity of distilled

water to prevent the segregation of particle sizes
during placement into the permeameter. Enough
water should be added so that the mixture may
flow freely (figure B).
• Using a scoop, pour the prepared soil into the
lower chamber using a circular motion to fill it to a
depth of 1.5 cm. A uniform layer should be

• Use the tamping device to compact the layer of

soil. Use approximately ten rams of the tamper
per layer and provide uniform coverage of the
soil surface. Repeat the compaction procedure
until the soil is within 2 cm. of the top of the lower
chamber section ( figure D).
• Be careful not to disturb the soil that has
already been compacted. Continue the
placement operation until the level of the
soil is about 2 cm. below therim of the
upper chamber.

• Level the top surface of the soil and place

a filter paper and then the upper porous
stone on it ( figure E).
• Place the compression spring on the
porous stone and replace the chamber
cap and its sealing gasket. Secure the cap
firmly with the cap nuts (figure F).

• Measure the sample length at four

locations around the circumference of the
permeameter and compute the average
length. Record it as the sample length.
• Keep the pan with remaining soil in the
drying oven.
• Adjust the level of the funnel to allow the
constant water level in it to remain a few
inches above the top of the soil.
• Connect the flexible tube from the tail of
the funnel to the bottom outlet of the
permeameter and keep the valves on the
top of the permeameter open ( figure G).
• Place tubing from the top outlet to the sink to
collect any water that may come out (figure G).
• Open the bottom valve and allow the water to
flow into the permeameter.
• As soon as the water begins to flow out of the
top control (deairing) valve, close the control
valve, letting water flow out of the outlet forsome
• Close the bottom outlet valve and disconnect the
tubing at the bottom.Connect the funnel tubing to
the top side port (figure H).
• Open the bottom outlet valve and raise the funnel
to a convenientheight to get a reasonable steady
flow of water.

• Measure the time it takes to fill a volume of 750 -

1000 mL using the graduated cylinder, and then
measure the temperature of the water. Repeat
this process three times and compute the
average time, average volume, and average
temperature. Record the values as t,Q, and T,
respectively (figure I).
• Measure the vertical distance between the
funnel head level and the chamber outflow level,
and record the distance as h.

• Repeat step 17 and 18 with different vertical


• Remove the pan from the drying oven and

measure the final mass of the pan along with the
dry soil (M2).
• Calculate the permeability, using the following equation:
• Ath/QL =KT

• KT = coefficient of permeability at temperature T, cm/sec

• L = length of specimen in centimeters
• t = time for discharge in seconds
• A = cross-sectional area of permeameter
• h = hydraulic head difference across length L, in cm of
• Q = volume of discharge in cm3
• The constant head method of in situ permeability
testing is used when the rise or fall in thelevel of
the water is too rapid for accurate recording (i.e.
occurs in less than 5 min).
• This test normally is conducted as an in flow test
in which the flow of water into the ground is kept
under a sensibly constant head (e.g. by
adjusting the rate of flow into the borehole so as
to maintain the water level at a mark on the
inside of the casing near the top)
Extended Analysis
(1) Take temperature into consideration:

KT =Q/iA

(2) The viscosity of the water changes with temperature. As

temperature increases viscosity decreases and the permeability
increases. The coefficient of permeability is standardized at
20°C, and the permeability at any temperature T is related to K20
by the following ratio:

K20=KTηT/ η20
η20 and ηT are the viscosities at the temperature 20 and T,
respectively, and can be found from tables;
• Dry density
γd= (γdmax *γdmin ) / [Dr*(γdmax –γdmin) –γdmax

Where γdmax=108.5 pcf, γdmin=90.3 pcf, Dr=32, 34, 36, respectively

• Sample Weight
W= Volume * γd

• Water Head

• Gradient

• Flow
Where A=area of reservoir tube - area of bubble tube

• Hydraulic conductivity or permeability


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