Cold War Timeline
Cold War Timeline
Cold War Timeline
Year Event
1945 Yalta
1946 Iron Curtain
1947 Truman Doctrine;
Marshall Plan
1948 Berlin Airlift
1949 China
1950 Korean War
1951 Rosenberg Spy Case
1952 Hydrogen bomb
1953 Stalin dies;
Korean War ends
1954 Guatemalan coup;
Dien Bien Phu
1955 Massive Retaliation
1956 Khruschev’s speech
1957 Sputnik
1959 Castro comes to power in Cuba
1960 The U-2 Affair
1961 Bay of Pigs;
Berlin Wall
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1963 Hot line
1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1967 Six Day War
1968 Tet Offensive
1969 Vietnamization;
1973 Vietnam War agreement
1975 Cambodia
1979 Afghanistan
1980 Solidarity
1983 Star Wars
1985 Gorbachev becomes USSR leader
1987 INF
1989 Berlin Wall falls
1990 German unification
1991 The fall of the Soviet Union