Format of Due Diligence Certificate

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Securities and Exchange Board of India

1st floor, Mittal Court
Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021.

Dear Sirs,
Sub: Open offer to acquire up to..................... (No. & % of shares) of [Target Company
(T.C.)] by....................(acquirer along with persons acting in concert with him) at a price
of Rs................. per fully paid up shares and at a price of Rs................ per partly paid
up shares (if applicable)

1. The (Acquirer) vide its letter dated................... has appointed us, as the Merchant
Banker to the captioned offer, in terms of regulation 13 of the SEBI (Substantial
Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments
2. The Public Announcement (P.A.) for the captioned offer in terms of regulation 15 of the
SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 (referred as
“Takeover Regulations” hereinafter) was made by us, on behalf of Acquirers,
3. In this regard, we, the Merchant Banker, have examined various relevant documents and
confirm that:
a. The acquirer is able to implement the offer.
b. The escrow account in terms of regulation 28 was created on or before P.A.
c. Acquirer has authorised us to realize the value of escrow account in terms of
Takeover Regulations.
d. Firm financial arrangements are in place to fulfill the obligation under the offer.
e. Contents of P.A. as well as Letter of Offer (LOO) are true, fair and adequate and are
based on “reliable” sources.
4. We also confirm that —
a. we are a Merchant Banker holding a certificate of registration granted by SEBI and
till date our registration is valid;
b. we are not associate of or group of the acquirer or the Target Company;
c. the P.A. and the draft LOO forwarded to SEBI is in conformity with Takeover
Regulations and the disclosures made in P.A. and also in draft LOO/final LOO are
true, fair and adequate to enable the investors to make a well informed decision;
d. all the intermediaries named in the P.A./LOO are registered with SEBI and till date
such registration is valid.
5. As a Merchant Banker, it shall be our duty to ensure compliance with the Takeover
Regulations and any other laws or rules as may be applicable, in this regard.
6. Annexed herewith, also find the information furnished in accordance with SEBI Circular
RMB (GI Series) No. 2 (97-98).

Manager to the offer

with his/their seal.

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