Application Form: Subject: - Post Applied: - SR - No. - Advt. No.
Application Form: Subject: - Post Applied: - SR - No. - Advt. No.
Application Form: Subject: - Post Applied: - SR - No. - Advt. No.
Affix Recent
Subject : ________ Post Applied :__________________ Sr.No.______ Passport
Advt. No.:______ Size Photograph
5. Nationality: _____________________________
11.Educational Qualifications #:
*Exam University/ Date of Date of Subject Specialisation **Percentage Division Rank/Position
passed Institution/ Joining Passing in which as reqd. in of Marks in the Univ.
Board degree is advt. (if any)
* In chronological order from X Standard (SSLC/HS/HSC) onwards, ** In case of CGPA/CPI, please give marks in
percentage also along with the conversion formula, # Specify the gap with reasons in Education career, if any.
12. Whether receiving Scholarship / Fellowship from any agency? If yes, indicate:-
i) Name of Agency, ii) Amount of Fellowship/ Scholarship, iii) Duration (since when)
15.(a) Title of Project / Desertation / Thesis,(b) No.of Papers Published(Separate sheet may be used)
* Specify the gap, if any
19. Are you under any contractual obligations to serve Central/State Govt/Any other Public Sector Undertaking
or Autonomous body and if so, give details :
(attach NOC if applicable)
20. Have you been interviewed for any recruitment/selection by SAMEER during the past one year?
If yes, give particulars:
Sr Particulars Name of Posts & Date of Result
No. (eg. Date of Advt, Advt. No.) Discipline Interview
21. Details of relatives already employed in SAMEER:
Name of the Relative Relationship Lab/Estt in which employed Post Held
22. Give two referees name & address and attach certificate from them: ________________________________
(Not related to the candidates) (Gazetted Officers/Professors of
reputed academic Institutions/Public Sector Executives etc) ________________________________
23. Any other information you may wish to add, including extra curricular activities (use separate sheet if necessary).
24. Declaration
I declare that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and
nothing has been concealed/distorted. If at any time, I am found to have concealed/distorted any material
information, my appointment shall be liable to summary termination without notice. If offered appointment, I will join
on specified date and subsequently, take up duty in the discharge of SAMEER assignments anywhere in India as
and when required.
Place: --------------------------------
Signature of Candidate
(important : use only a4 size paper for application and other testimonials)
(Use Separate Sheet)
Sr. No.
Month Year
Category: SC
Gen ST Age as on Closing Date:
Postal Address:
City: PIN:
E.Mail :