16 Mark Questions OOAD

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I6 Marks Questions and Answers

1. Describe the various Object oriented concepts?

• Object – combination of data and logic that represents a real world entity.
• In an OOS everything is an object.
• Instance of a class.
• Class – used to distinguish objects from others.
• Object properties – represent the state of an Object.
• Behavior – the collection of methods that abstractly the object is capable of
• Messages – Non-specific function calls.
• Encapsulation or Information Hiding – principle of concealing the internal data
and procedures of an object.
• Class Hierarchy – organizing classes into sub class – super class hierarchy.
• Inheritance – property that allows the objects to be built from other objects.
Dynamic Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
• Polymorphism – the same operation may behave differently on different classes.
• Association – relationship between objects and classes.
• Aggregation - collection of objects or an attribute which can be an object itself.

2. Describe the Software Development process.

• Set of activities that transforms user’s needs into a software solution that satisfies
• the needs.
• A process can be divided into a number of sub-processes.
• Three types of transformation
Transformation 1 – Analysis
Transformation 2 – Design
Transformation 3 – Implementation
• Waterfall Approach
Do it
• Advantages and disadvantages of Waterfall Approach

3. How can we build a high quality Software?

• High quality products must meet user’s needs
• and satisfaction.
• Should have minimal or no defects.
• Ultimate goal – user satisfaction.
• Four quality measures:
• Verification – Am I building the product right?
• Validation – Am I building the right product?
4. Describe the Object oriented Systems Development?
• Object Oriented Analysis – Use case
Use – case Modeling
• Object oriented design
Goal – design the classes
Design and refine classes, attributes, methods, structures and
Guidelines of OOD.
• Prototyping
s Domain
• Component based development
Component Wrapper
Software Components
Rapid Application
• Incremental Testing
Testing should be performed in every phase to find errors.
• Reusability

5. Describe Rumbaugh’s Object Modeling Technique?

• Describes the dynamic behavior of objects in a system.
• Four phases.
Analysis – results are objects, dynamic and functional models.
System design – gives a structure of the basic architecture.
Object design – produces a design document.
Implementation – produces reusable code.
• Three different parts
Object Model – presented by object model and the data dictionary.
Dynamic model - presented by the state diagrams and event flow
Functional Model – presented by data flow and constraints.

6. Give detailed notes about the Booch Methodology?

• Helps to design your system using the object paradigm.
• Is criticized for his large set of symbols.
• Consists of the following diagrams:
Class diagrams.
Object diagrams.
State transition diagrams.
Module diagrams.
Process diagrams.
Interaction diagrams.
• Two processes:
Macro development process
Micro development process.
• Macro development process.
Primary concern – technical management of the system.
Steps involved:
o Conceptualization.
o Analysis and development of the model.
o Design or create the system architecture.
o Evolution or implementation.
o Maintenance.
• Micro development process.
Describes the day-to-day activities.
Steps involved:
o Identify classes and objects.
o Identify classes and object semantics.
o Identify classes and object relationships.
o Identify classes and object interfaces and implementation.

7. Give a detailed account of Jacobson methodology?

• Covers the entire life cycle and stress traceability between the various phases.
• Use cases
Scenarios for understanding system requirements.
Non formal text with no clear flow of events.
Text easy to read.
Formal style using pseudo code.
Can be viewed as concrete or abstract (not initiated by actors).
• Object oriented software Engineering: Objectory
Use case model.
Domain Object Model.
Analysis Object Model.
Implementation model.
Test model.
• Object oriented business Engineering
Analysis phase.
Design and Implementation phase.
Testing phase.
8. Describe patterns and the various pattern templates?
• Pattern – identifies a common structure that makes it useful for design.
• Involves a general description of a solution to a recurring problem.
• Properties of a good pattern:
It solves a problem.
It is a proven concept.
Solution is not obvious.
Describes a relationship.
Has significant human component.
• Generative patterns – tells us how to generate something.
• Non generative patterns – static and passive.
• Patterns templates.
Resulting context.
Related patterns.
Known uses.

9. Explain in detail about the Unified approach?

• Establishes a unifying and unitary framework by utilizing UML.
• The processes are:
Use case driven development.
Object oriented analysis.
Object oriented design.
Incremental development and prototyping
Continuous testing.
• Methods and technologies employed include:
Layered approach.
• Object oriented Analysis.
Identify actors.
Develop a simple process model.
Develop the use case.
Develop interaction diagrams.
Identify classes.
• Object oriented design
Design classes, attributes, methods etc.
Design the access layer.
Design the prototype user interface.
User satisfaction and usability tests.
Iterate and refine the design.
• Continuous testing
• UML – modeling language
• Repository
Allows maximum reuse of previous experience.
Should be accessible by many people.
• Layered approach
The business layer.
o Displaying results.
o Data access details
The user interface or view layer.
o Responding to user interaction.
o Displaying business objects.
The access layer.
o Translate request.
o Translate results.

10. Describe the UML Class diagram?

• Also referred to as Object modeling.
• Collection of static modeling elements.
• Class notation – rectangle with three compartments.
• Object diagram – instance of a class diagram.
• Class interface notation – small circle with the interface name connected to the
• Binary association – solid path connecting two classes.
• Association role – end of an association.
• Qualifier – small rectangle attached to the end of an association.
• Multiplicity – specifies the range of allowable associated classes.
• OR association – dashed line connecting two or more associations.
• Association class – association that has class properties.
• N-ary association – association among more than two classes.
• Aggregation – hollow diamond attached to the end of the path.
• Generalization – relationship between a general class and a more specific class.

11. Demonstrate the guidelines for finding use cases and developing effective
• Guidelines for use cases.
For each user, find the tasks and functions.
Name the use cases.
Describe the use cases briefly.
Isolate users from actors.
Isolate actors from other actors.
Isolate use cases.
• Guidelines for effective documentation.
Common cover.
80 – 20 rule.
Familiar vocabulary.
Make the document as short as possible.
Organize the document.

12. Give detailed notes about the Noun phrase approach?

• Look for the noun phrases through the use cases.
• Three categories:
Relevant classes.
Fuzzy classes.
Irrelevant classes.
• Identifying tentative classes.
Look for noun phrases and nouns in the use cases.
Some classes are implicit or taken from general knowledge.
All classes must make sense in the application domain.
Carefully choose and define class names.
• Selecting classes from the relevant and fuzzy classes.
Redundant classes.
Adjective classes.
Attribute classes.
Irrelevant classes.

13. Describe the CRC approach and naming classes?

• CRC approach.
Technique used for identifying classes responsibilities.
CRC cards are 4” x 6” index cards.
Cheap, portable and readily available.
Stress the importance of creating objects.
• CRC process.
Identify classes’ responsibilities.
Assign responsibilities.
Identify collaborators.
• Naming classes.
It should be singular.
Use comfortable names.
Should reflect its intrinsic nature.
Use readable names.

14. Give a detailed note about Associations?

• Represents a physical or conceptual connection between two or more objects.
• Identifying associations.
Is the class capable of fulfilling the required task by itself?
If not what does it need.
From what other class can it acquire what it needs?
• Guidelines for identifying associations.
A dependency between two or more classes.
A reference from one class to another.
• Common association patterns.
Location association: next to, part of, contained in.
Communication association: talk to, order to.
• Eliminate unnecessary associations.
Implementation association.
Ternary associations.
Directed actions or derived associations.

15. Give a detailed note on Super-sub class relationship and a-part-of relationship?
• Super Sub class relationship.
Also known as generalization hierarchy.
Allows objects to be built from other objects.
• Guidelines for identifying Super-sub relationship.
Top – down.
Bottom – up.
Multiple inheritances.
• A-part of relationship.
Also known as aggregation.
Represents a situation where a class contains several component classes.
• Properties.
Transitivity: A->B, B->C => A->C.
Antisymmetry: A is a part of B, and then B is not a Part of A.
• Patterns.

16. Describe in detail about Object oriented database management systems?

• OODBMS – combination of OOPs and database technology.
• Rules that make an object oriented system are:
System must support complex objects.
Object identity must be supported
Object must be encapsulated.
Must support types or classes.
Must support inheritance.
Must avoid premature binding.
Must be computationally complete.
Must be extensible.
• Rules that make it a DBMS are:
Must be persistent.
Should be able to manage very large databases.
Must accept concurrent users.
Must be able to recover from H/w and S/w problems.
Data query must be simple.

17. State the differences between OODBMS and traditional database. Describe object –
relational systems?
Active objects.
Explicit relationships.
Has object identity and is persistent.
• Traditional database.
Passive records.
Implicit representations.
Does not have object identity and is not persistent.
• Object – relational systems
Reverse engineering.
Forward engineering.
Object relation mapping.
Table class mapping.
Table multiple class mapping.
Table inherited classes mapping.
Tables inherited classes mapping.
Keys for instance navigation.
18. Explain the steps involved in designing the access layer classes?
• Main idea – create a set of classes that know how to communicate with the places
where data reside.
• Provides a link between the business or view objects and the data storage.
• Access layer performs two tasks.
Translate the request
Translate the results.
• Benefits.
Provides easy migration of developing technologies.
Able to address the modest needs of the two tier architecture.
• The process.
Access class – interacts with a non-human actor.
The steps involved are:
° Mirror the business class package.
° Define relationships.
° Simplify classes and relationships.
° Iterate and refine.
The steps involved in designing with persistent attributes are:
° Determine if the class has persistent data.
° Mirror the business class package.
° Define relationships.
° Simplify classes and relationships.
° Iterate and refine.
19. Explain the steps involved in designing the view layer classes?
• Responsible for two major aspects – i/p, o/p.
• Four major activities.
Macro level UI design process.
Micro level design process.
Testing usability and user satisfaction.
Refine and iterate.
20. Describe the purpose of view layer interface?
• Forms and data entry windows
• Dialog boxes
• Application or main windows

21.Describe quality assurance test and testing strategies?

• Debugging
• Types of errors
Language or syntax.
Run time.
• Types of QA
Error based
Scenario based
• Strategies.
Black box
White box
Top down
Bottom up.

22. Describe test cases and the impacts of object orientation on testing?
• Construct some test i/p cases and mention the expected output.
• Compare the output with the expected outcome
• Objectives
Good test case
Successful test case.
• Guidelines
• Impact of object orientation
Impact of inheritance on testing
Reusability of tests.

23. Illustrate test plan and continuous testing?

• Test plan – developed to detect and identify potential problems before delivering
the S/w.
• Steps involved.
Test analysis.
• Regulation testing – discover errors during debugging.
• Alpha testing.
• Beta testing.
• Guidelines.
• Continuous testing.
24.Describe Usability Testing?
• Measures the ease of use as well as degree of comfort and satisfaction.
• Guidelines.
• Recording the usability test.
25.Describe user satisfaction?
• Is the process of quantifying the usability test with some measurable attributes.
• Objectives.
• Guidelines.

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