Medical Problem Worksheet

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Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine

Medical Problem Worksheet

Medical problem: __________________________________________

Drugs taken for this problem: ___________________________________________


Presence of disease-related (Circle if present): Symptoms Signs Abnormal Lab Test

Degree of control/stability: Excellent Good Fair Poor Not able to determine

Possible issues or concerns (Circle all that apply):

A: Antibiotics (prophylactic or therapeutic)

Anesthesia (type: vasoconstrictor)



B: Bleeding

C: Chair position

D: Drugs (interactions; adverse effects; side effects; allergies)

Devices (prosthetic valves; prosthetic joints; stents; pacemakers; A-V fistulas)

E: Equipment (x-rays; Cavitron; electrosurgery, oxygen)

Emergencies (potential for occurrence)

Dental Management Plan: ______No modifications required

Pre-operative modifications:

Intra-operative modifications:

Post-operative modifications:

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