Proposal Plan Plantation of Palm Oil
Proposal Plan Plantation of Palm Oil
Proposal Plan Plantation of Palm Oil
1. Antecedent of
P.T. HEY in handling development of plantation of Palm Oil [in] areal 10.000 Ha (
bruto) [is] to [pass/through] pattern of Agro-Estate, where P.T. HEY as Father Lift
will develop;build Palm Oil garden ( inti) for the width of 2.500 Ha, coconut
factory of sawit capacities 30 ton / [hour/clock], and also Palm Oil garden
( plasma) for the width of 7.500 Ha.
To need of development of project areal will be woke up [by] some other facility
include;cover areal for the width of 1.751,5 Ha that is
• Factory palm oil along with its supporter mediums, to process fresh fruit
tandan ( yielded TBS).
2. Usage of Farm
Result of land;ground survey indicate that from 10.000 Ha wide [of] reserved
bruto there are competent areal for the development of fundamental crop [of]
coconut of sawit for the width of 7.600 [Is] ha added [by] other facilitys ( housing,
emplasemen, factory, infrastructure, [common/ public] facility, others) for the
width of 1.751,5 Ha detailedly can be seen [at] tables hereunder.
No Usage Of Farm Garden Garden Amount
Core Plasma
1. Garden Coconut of Sawit 2.147 6.101.5 8248,5
2. Housing / Lawn 5 750 755
3. Emplasemen, factory 10 - 10
4. Infrastructure 113 263 376
5. [Common/ public] Facility 5 225 230
6. Others, ( including 120 260.5 -
improper) 380.5
Amount 2.400 7.600 10.000
Base determination of ownership of plasma areal for the width of 3,5 Ha / kk [is]
pursuant to available labour potency and also estimate of requirement of local
labour .
Emplasemen, allocation factory and bibitan by considering the existence of the
source of water / river.
Plan cultivation of Palm Oil garden of[is core of and plasma for the width of 7.600
Ha can be seen [at] tables following :
Absolute needed that only crop materials owning ability of genetik which high
with quality and fertil utilized for the cultivation of. Such seed only can be
obtained from crop materials yielded by research plank bed / company having
autorisasi for its levying. These days coconut sprout of sawit can be ordered from
PPKS Rispa Field / seed alone and PT. Socfindo.
In one hectare have to be provided [by] 230 coconut sprout of sawit. This
interconnected matter sliver with sprout energy ( 90%), sprout selection ( 5%),
selection [in] seedbed ( 10%), selection [in] especial seed ( 155%) and inset
( 10%). With demikiaan at the (time) of cultivation will be available [of] seed ready
to channel counted 150 fundamental per hectare.
3.3 Seed
Seed Palm Oil made in divided plastic sack;bags to the 2 phase, that is seedbed
( especial seed and prenursery) ( main-nursery). During 3 kalends [in] seed pre-
nursery planted in fairish small plastic sack;bag 10 x 15 em thickly 0,08 mm.
After 3 months of then carried over [by] fairish big sack;bag 35 x 50 mm and thick
0,2 black chromatic mm which placed [by] [in] main-nursery.
a. Seedbed ( Pre-Nursery)
the small Sack;Bag Plastic filled with good soil top and if needed can be mixed
with sand 3 1. Sack;Bag which have been filled to be to be compiled [by] [in]
bedengan of the size 1 x 10 m ( capacities ± 1000 seed) which [is] its periphery
[is] given [by] wood crossbar [so that/ to be] sack;bag [do] not fall down.
[Among/Between] one bedengan with the other bedengan provided [by]
road;street control as wide as 0,5 m. That accepted sprout as possible can be
planted on also. Sprouts showing disparity symptoms ( abnormal), which broken,
decay etcetera have to be removed ( that is circular form or bantata, form
terpuntir, harmonius cavity fork form, movement form, barbed stick form,
cretinous sprout, without sprout or root).
Sprout planted in the middle of sack;bag [at] made hole with finger. Its situation
don't be inversed, that is part of root ( its signs : blunt, harsh, chocolate) facing
downwards, while part of its sprout ( its for sharply and fine-form, white [is] brass)
facing keatas. Sprout covered with land;ground as thick as 1 - 11 / 2 cm.
Sprinkler [done/conducted] 2x one day, unless go down minimum rain 8 mm.
After seed old age 3 or months have leaf [to] 3-4 piece of can be carried over
[by] especial seed ( main-nursery). Before carried over [by] especial seed [of]
seed have to select beforehand cover to plant [do] not expand to have,
narrow;tight leaf, plant bantat, plant straightening, plant " caliante", plant
excellently, plant terpuntir, single step, plant too is embeded, and planting turn
yellow which level of ± 10%.
Admission filling of big plastic sack;bag should have been started [by] since
sprout accepted, which [is] its target [so that/ to be] land;ground in plastic
sack;bag earn opportunity compacted. Sack;Bag which have loaded land;ground
compiled with distance 90 x 90 [is] equilateral trilateral em. In 1 Ha can load seed
counted ± 13.500.Bibit-bibit from chosen pre-nursery planted in land;ground hole
[at] midst [at] big plastic sack;bag by tearing plastic sack;bag the so small, where
land;ground plant high [is] same with surface of big sack;bag land;ground, [is] at
the same time compacted and seed position in a state of straightening.
After seed [in] main-nursery have been looked after [by] during 9 months, hence
seed have [is] ready to channelled to field. Select [in] especial seed [is] level of ±
15%. Selection executed to abnormal and sterile seeds with marking
• Seed grow straightening and is stiff, frond of keen angular shape with bar,
sharper leaf bone angle;corner relative ( sterile seed).
• Seed which [is] its growth [of] kuntet / cretinous.
• Seed which [is] loyo [do] not jagur.
Early activity of opening of farm finished [by] [in] year 0, namely January June
month;moon, and so do cultivation [in] finishing [in] later time periods of year
namely in year-end December walk, to be acclimated [by] location of[is project of.
Step to start opening of farm [is] by performing [a] areal survey, with aim to to get
datas. about condition of farm / broadness da areal in detail. Areal to be opened
to be to be made to blaze the way block of the size ± 350 x 1000 m ( depended
situation of [his/its] topography). The blocks can be divided again with smaller
luasan to facilitate in execution and observation of work.
[Is] hereinafter continued with wide [of] activity that is cutting / chop down
meeting coppice with land;ground, [so that/ to be] facilitating at the (time) of
[Is] later;then continued with activity of subverting with the following conditions
Wood which have been uprooted [is] later;then cut [by] its branchs and its bar [is]
cut to pieces again each;every 5 m [so that/ to be] facilitating at the (time) of work
According to fomentation Mr. transmigration minister and settlement of
Perambah Forest Republic Of Indonesia, hence [at] activity of opening of farm
[do] not be executed [by] combustion.
Area development of coconut of sawit PT. HEY this some of its its[his] with hilly
topography ( undulating) level off, so that [so that/ to be] facilitating at the (time)
of cultivation, and also [so that/ to be] activity of[is transportation of wood [do] not
bother schedule work of development of Palm Oil, hence wood gelondong which
have been cut to pieces [of] digusur ( digelondongkan to dales.
To to exploit such wood gelondong can make to take the air to go to the dales.
To areas which relative level off wood gelondong can be put down [by] [in] crop
gate of Palm Oil.
For oblique areal (> 8%) bean planted according to line of countour, while for
areal level off distance / kakau planted made off with according to crop line apart
± 2,5 cm of crop stake.
Bean mixture the used [is] cm counted 5 and singk of Pj 3 singk added [by]
manure of rock phospate 300 singk per Ha.
[At] area with inclination 15% until 45% made [by] horse tread with diameter 2,4
m, while [at] area with inclination more than 45 % will be made [by] terrace;core
tie on wide 1,20 m, and [at] dot cultivation of width added to become 2,4 m. after
execution of opening / preparation of farm finish and some road;street penetrate
have been made [by] cultivation program make have earned to be started.
Areal beforehand stake with distance plant 9 x 9 9m x ( [is] equilateral triangle =
143 pk / ha. Crop line according to North direction - South, while [at] area with
inclination 45 % or more crop line direction according to line of kontour, where
distance [among/between] line of kontour 9 crop distance and m in line of kontour
7,69 m. Thereby in areal 1 ha with inclination more than 45% there will be as
long as 1.111 bersambung,yang teresan m can cultivate the more or less 143
coconut crop pk of sawit. [At] crop stake made [by] hole plant of the size 0,6 x m
0,6 m ( to the), 0,5 x 0,5 m ( under ) with deepness 0,6 m.
Two week before planting, hole plant have have to be fertilized with phosphate
rock ( RP) counted 0,45 singk per hole.
One week before cultivation, seeds to be planted have to be drawn up [by] that
is; turning around. cutting seed root penetrating sack;bag, giving strand of metal (
protecting against pest attack). Momentary before seed transported to field have
to be sprinkled with water as wet as possible.
Before seed inculcated [by] hole have to be piled up beforehand so that in high
[is] same hole with seed sack;bag land;ground.
Bean since cultivation have to be defended [by] clear of gulma until its growth
can close entire/all surface of land;ground. This matter to prevent the happening
of erosion, adding fertility of land;ground, and also can lessen duty burden
conservancy of TBM.
By big Palm Oil crop hence ground cover of leguminosa. [is] by degrees replaced
by rumput-rumputan which is not dangerous ( soft grass), and in the end only just
need conservancy of bean [in] adult crop areal ( TM). But [at] hilly areal-areal,
continuous bean function almost can grow, because more getting opportunity get
Fertilization according to standard will guarantee growth which [is] crop and jagul
will be more hold up to disease. But that way prevention / eradication of disease
pest remain to have to be executed. To be estimated [by] kastrasi have earned
[in] executing [at] crop of sawit start year both. this matter to be more give
opportunity [at] crop [so that/ to be] growing is better. Kastrasi discontinued by
the end of third year because strarting fourth year have entered crop status yield
( TM).
Selective Bydm soriyt : that is bydm soriyt which [in] executing at one particular
areal / block if at least [in] the area start seen 40% have almost mature crop, 6%
[is] again executed later;then step by step ± 5 each;every 4 months.
[Common/ public] Bydm soriyt : that is bydm soriyt which routinely have to be
executed [by] each;every ± 9 months.
Early Warning System ( EWS) have to [is] always executed to pest attack of
penyait [do] not continue to become eksplosif. For that need follow-up with its
prevention either through and also manual of chemis, and also other actions to
mouse pest and pig.
Disease of coronet ( disease crown) in general seen [at] crop of TBM 2 and TBM
3, but that disease will recover by itself because representing wafting of genetik.
Rotten disease decay tandan ( marasmius) usually attack crop yield ( TM). On
that account crop and kastrasi don't pass schedule. This disease can be fought
against with manual ( throwing away hit [by] tandan [is] disease) and with
of Crop [is] originally [done/conducted] with crop time dodos still lower, and
if/when crop become high hence dunakan pole and egrek.
applied [by] Crop system [is] dilubum better with giration system 5 / 7. With this
system [of] factory have opportunity to prepare x'self again to next harvest.
Pursuant to result of research [in] field, potency produce project farm can be
categorized into classification produce class 3.
Making Of Network Walke Stake for network walke should have been executed
immediately after execution of opening of farm finish, even some road;street
penetrate should have been made [by] before opening of farm executed. This
matter to facilitate execution of work [in] field, good to worker transportation,
equipments and materialss and also for observation. Forthwith a number of
emergency bridge have to [is] immediately made.
For areal which have finished opening of [his/its] farm, before pemacangan of
cultivation of Palm Oil and cultivation of kakau, bean and distance earn [is]
immediately made [by] definitive road;street to wear on a long term.
a. Road;Street produce that is, connective road;street all. plantation farm afdeling
to processing. Wide [of] minimum cleanness 7 m.
a. Access road, that is connective road;street [of] center of SKP with center of
WPP or province road;street / state road;street, DMJ 20 m, wide [of] road;street
10,5 m and wide [is] ossifying 4,5 m.
b. Axis road;street, that is connective road;street [of] center of SP with other SP,
DMJ 20 m, Wide [of] road;street 10,5 ossifying and m 4,5 m.
When making of road;street at the same time with making of and bridge of
gorong-gorong and also its aqueduct. Road;Street which have finished to be
made have to be looked after better.
1. Location Choice Of Factory location choice from a[n palm oil factory tied [at]
some factor, all important among others shall be as follows
Result of field survey contend that factory location located in near by north
direction river and berekatan with center emplasement.
Pursuant to field survey earn [is] also obtained [by] impression that land;ground
[in] above mentioned location have good burden energy. But more research [of]
seksama still must be done [so that/ to be] can be obtained [by] sure data.
Location factory residing in of highest floods line [of] river and situation of [his/its]
drainage [of] goodness. because location represent wide back plain so that
ground water rather in, hence will not arise the problem of [at] foundation
construction and or machine.
5. Supply Irrigate
In general to process 1 ( ton satu) of TBS, factory require 1,5 water m3, or [at]
phase of I with Capacities 30 ton of TBS / [hour/clock] will need 45 water m3. [At]
phase of II by 60 ton of TBS / [hour/clock], kebutunan of water become 90 m.
despitefully for housing [is] and others needed [by] 20 m3 / [hour/clock] ( estimate
[at] time schedule of pk. 5.00 until 20.00), so that entire/all is ready [of] water
have to be reckoned of usage 65 m3 / [hour/clock] [in] phase of I and 110 m3 /
[hour/clock] [in] phase of II. Please estimate that in the situation normal climate
[of] river debit can answer the demand [of] the requirement.
Amount of waste water of tired palm oil factory [of] the following amount :
Assumption composition mean water of TBS of Plam Oil type the shall be as
follows :
Composition of TBS
Maximum [of] free fat acid 2,7% 1,0% ( oil
of[is core of sawit)
Maximum [of] content irrigate 0,03-0,1% 7,0%
Maximum dirt content 0,1% 3,0%
Maximum nucleus;core break 10.0%
Core of white colour 50,0%
pepper and salt Nucleus;Core 20,0%
Core of blurry colour 10,0%
8. Efficiency of Ekstraksi
Losing of time of processing may not be abysmal [of] the following percentage
• Palm Oil.
Losing of dry fibre oil Maximum 7,0% oil to coming [from] dry
materials pres
Losing of oil [in] Maximum Sludge 21,0% oil to dry materials [is]
Amount of losing of oil known Maximum 21,0% from amount of during Oil
Factor to [regarding/ hit] palm oil quality and amount which yielded [by] [in]
factory [is] the condition of from its raw material, that is condition of from fruit of
tandan fresh ( accepted TBS) [in] factory.
Representing conditio sine qua non that fruit tandan have to [in] field crop on the
basis of optimal crop criterion. the crop criterion specified with a purpose to
obtain;get best balance [among/between] oil the yielded, amount of crop expense
and oil. oleaginous raw Fruit Tandan far below/under ripe fruit tandan, while
overage fruit tandan will yield oil with sour content [of] free oil { FFA} higher level.
Result and quality of carl end result depended field.
However its goodness [of] processing [in] factory, is not possible can yield quality
of oil exceeding quality of TBS which enter factory. Factory only can labour to
depress losing of in processing as low as possible. That way also factory cannot
improve;repair quality of abysmal palm oil quality of oil which step into factory in
fruit: factory only can limit degradation of quality to arise after acceptance of fruit
tandan [in] factory.
However hand in glove coordination among supervisor of staff and field [in]
factory represent conditio sine qua non to reaching of maximal result [of] palm oil
quality of coconut nucleus;core and goodness of sawit. intact ripe Fruit Tandan
which harvested [by] [in] garden have to handle carefully and [is] later;then
transported as soon as possible to factory.
Proposal Plan Plantation of Coconut of Sawit [in] this [is] area very is owning [of]
business prospect promising and also enable mass ekspansi [of] Kab.Kepulauan
Laugh cause have wide [of] areal in the form of 3 ( island three) which [is] big.
And to in this time still not yet there are company opening farm for the Palm oil
Area plan opening of Palm Oil Plantation this there are forest which still
asri(belum touched) with existing king sized wood type variety [of] conducive in it.
So that to the opening of a[n new business in the form of is ready [of] wood raw
material for external and domestic [of] negri(export).
Archipelago of laugh have very tropical climate suited for Palm Oil and have ever
been tried by local farmer with big fresh fruit tandan, with crop age which quickly
that is 2.5 ( two and a half ) year have harvested sand fruit.
In line with desire of local Local government which [is] relefan, with have
sufficiently long wishful to look for investor which will open plantation of Laugh
area sawit as a mean to add PAD utilize to race growth rate acceleration of
development and pursue its society left behind, educational goodness, social,
economics if compared to its yous [in] other Sub-Province [in] West Sumatra
which have in advance go forward him.