Amendment Tariff Policy
Amendment Tariff Policy
Amendment Tariff Policy
March, 2008]
The following proviso is added at the end of Para 5.1 of the Tariff
a) The appropriate Commission is satisfied that the project site has been
allotted to the developer by the concerned State Government after following
a transparent two stage process. The first stage should be for prequalification
on the basis of criteria such as financial strength as measured by networth,
past experience of developing infrastructure projects of similar size, past
track record of developing projects on time and within estimated costs,
turnover and ability to meet performance guarantee etc. In the second stage,
bids are to be called on the basis of only one single quantifiable parameter,
such as, free power in excess of 13%, equity participation offered to the
State Government, or upfront payment etc.
b) Projects of more than 100 MW design capacity for which sites have
been awarded earlier by following a transparent process and on the basis of
predetermined set of criteria would also be covered in this dispensation.
c) Concurrence of CEA (if required under Section 8 of the Act),
financial closure, award of work and long term PPA (of more than 35 Years)
of the capacity specified in (d) below with distribution licensees are
completed by 31.12.2010.
d) Long term PPA would be at least for 60% of the total saleable design
energy. However, this figure of 60% would get enhanced by 5% for delay
of every six months in commissioning of the last unit of the project against
the scheduled date approved by the Appropriate Commission before
commencement of the construction. The time period for commissioning of
all the units of the project shall be four years from the date of approval of the
commissioning schedule by the Appropriate Commission. However, the
Appropriate Commission may, after recording reasons in writing, fix longer
time period for large storage projects and run-off-the river projects of more
than 500 MW capacity. Adherence to the agreed timelines to achieve the
fixed commissioning schedule shall be verified through independent third
party verification.
(iii) Annual fixed charges shall be taken pro-rate to the saleable design
energy tied up on the basis of long term PPAs with respect to total saleable
design energy. The total saleable design energy shall be arrived at by
deducting the following from the design energy at the bus bar:
a) 13% of free power (12% for the host Government and 1% for
contribution towards Local Area Development Fund as
constituted by the State Government). This 12% free power
may be suitably staggered as decided by the State Government
b) Energy corresponding to 100 units of electricity to be provided
free of cost every month to every Project Affected Family
notified by the State Government to be offered through the
concerned distribution licensee in the designated resettlement
area/ projects area for a period of ten years from the date of
This policy also emphasizes the need to provide training to the Project
Affected Families as well as to the local population for a sustained
livelihood. Special training programmes from ITIs aimed at providing
the required skills to the local population would be undertaken by the
Project developers at least six months prior to commencement of
construction. This is expected to boost the employability of the PAFs
and other people residing in the vicinity of the project.