Bilvashtakam Gujarati Hindi English
Bilvashtakam Gujarati Hindi English
Bilvashtakam Gujarati Hindi English
दश"नं ब
ृ Bय Bपश"नं पापनाशनम ्
अघोरपापसंहारं &ेकब
वं शवाप"णम ् ॥
દશનં બવG ૃIBય Bપશનં પાપનાશનમ
અઘોરપાપસંહારં એકબવં િશવાપણમ ॥
darshanam bilvavrukshasya sparshanam pApanAshanam
aghorapApasamhAram hyekabilvam shivArpaNam
Seeing (दश"नं ) Bilva tree (ब
ृ Bय ) Touching (Bपश"नं ) Sin(पाप) Destroyer – <of sins>
(नाशनम ्) Most horrible (अघोर) Destroys sins(पापसंहारं ) This One (&ेक) Cluster ( ब
वं )
Lord Shiva ( शवा ) Offered to ( प"णम ् )
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa,
Washes away ones sins and also very great sins.
7) When we see Bilva Tree and touch it, it simply destroys our sins. Even our very bad and
biggest sins are removed and we become free from our sins. Hence I perform pooja of God Shiva
with Bilva Patra.
ू तो IJKपाय म5यतो 8व/णK
ु 8पणे
अ7तः शवKपाय &ेकब
वं शवाप"णम ् ॥
K ૂલતો LMNપાય મ9યતો િવOુNિપણે
અ;તઃ િશવNપાય %ેકબવં િશવાપણમ ॥
moolato brahmaroopAya madhyato vishNuroopiNe
agrataH shivaroopAya hyekabilvam shivArpaNam
At the root<base-bottom> (मल
ू तो ) Having a form of Brhama-the creator (IJKपाय) In the
mid position (म5यतो ) Having the form of Vishnu –the sustainer (8व/णK
ु 8पणे) At the
topmost position (अ7तः) Having the form of Shiva – the destroyer (शवKपाय) This One
(&ेक) Cluster ( ब
वं ) Lord Shiva ( शवा ) Offered to ( प"णम ् )
I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva,
As Brahma resides at its bottom,
Lord Vishnu lives in its middle,
And Lord Shiva lives in its tip.
8) Lower part of Bilva Patra is God Brahma, Middle part of Bilva Patra is God Vishnu and Upper
part is God Shiva himself hence I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra.
वाकमदं प1
ु यं यः पठे त ् शवसिनधौ
सव"पाप 8व?नमN
ु" ः शवलोकमवाOनय
ु ात ् ॥
બવાટકિમદં .ુ3યં યઃ પઠ7ત િશવસિFધૌ
સવપાપ િવિનKુRતઃ િશવલોકમવાSCુયાત ॥
bilvAshTakamidam puNyaM yaH paThet shivasannidhau
sarvapApa vinirmuktah shivalokamavApnuyAt
Bilvashtakam Stotram (ब
वाक) This (मदं ) Sacred-auspicious (प1
ु यं) Reads (पठे त ्) In the
presence of, close to Lord Shiva (शवसिनधौ) All (सव") Sins (पाप) Liberated-delivered
ु" ः) The world of Lord Shiva <lokam=world, Abode> (शवलोकम) Will reach
ु ात ्)
Reading this holy octet of Bilwa,
In the presence of Lord Shiva,
Would save one from all sins,
And in the end take him to the world of Shiva.
9) Whosoever recites this Bilvashtakam by sitting in front of God Shiva temple will become free
from all his sins and rest in Shiva Loka along with God Shiva after his death.
Thus here completes Bilvashtakam.