Chapter 2 - Human Wants
Chapter 2 - Human Wants
Chapter 2 - Human Wants
1. Types of human wants
2. Feature of Human Wants
3. Factors affecting human wants
Consumption is the act of satisfying human wants and
forms an important aspect of the study of economics.
Hence consumption refers to the use of goods and services
to satisfy human wants.
Hence from the day we are born we become consumers
that are we enjoy goods and services (economic goods) for
which we pay a price.
Consumption enables production to take place.
Therefore in recent years the importance of consumption is
increasingly recognized.
“Consumption in the beginning and end of all production”
Goods and services produced in any economy will depend
upon the wishes of the consumers. If consumers like a
particular commodity i.e. it satisfies their particular want,
then that commodity will be produced.
Hence a consumer is said to be the king or the “sovereign”
Therefore it is to satisfy the consumers that production or
economic activity takes place which means that the level
of production, employment and income in any country will
depend upon the volume of consumption.
The larger the consumption the larger the production and
vice versa.
Even human beings perform economic activities or work in
order to satisfy their wants.
So, wants form the basis of all economic activities.
Wants can also be called the desires or needs of the
i. Comforts
People like many types of goods because they are a source of
comfort and happiness to them.
An additional chair in a room, a record player in the house, different
varieties of food etc make ones life comfortable and pleasurable.
In a broad sense necessaries for efficiency and comfort appear to be
But goods which are necessaries for efficiency tend to promote
efficiency while those goods which are comforts have the tendency
to make life comfortable.
E.g.: a student may desire a table and chair though he can do
without it but the table and chair would increase his efficiency.
There is no hard and fast rule in all these.
What one man considers as a necessity another may consider as a
ii. Luxuries.
Luxuries refer to those wants which re very expensive and which
are meant mainly to show wealth and power of a person.
As they are expensive items only the rich can afford them.
Costly food, clothes and house, expensive jewelry, refrigerators,
expensive cars, electric shaves and washing machines etc are
example of luxuries.
The benefits of such goods are comparatively low to the price.
However luxuries may be different from individual to individual.
E.g.: A car may be a luxury to a clerk but for a businessman it is a
necessity to move form one town to another along with the status
i. Biological Factors
ii. Economic Progress
iii.Customs and Habits.
iv. Advertisements
v. Income
vi. Age and Time
i. Biological Factors
Many wants are connected with our biology or with our
natural interests.
E.g.: We feel hungry or thirsty and require food and drink.
We cannot face heat, cold and rain and hence we require
clothes and shelter.
Thus hunger thirst and need for shelter are determined by
biological factors without the satisfaction of these wants we would
probably not be able to survive or exist.
Thus basic wants or necessaries are biologically
iv. Advertisements
Certain goods are invented and produced and those who produce
these goods induce people to buy them.
Demand for fridges, cars, TVs etc are hence created.
Advertisements attract people to want certain goods and create
customs or habits of them.
Advertisements tell people what they should wear, eat, what
goods they should buy, which brands to wear, which cigarettes to
smoke etc.
Thus human wants are influenced by advertisements and people
demanding goods which are advertised.
v. Income
Lower the income, fewer the human wants.
Higher the income, more the human wants.
A rich person wants better and more varieties of food clothing
shelter while a poor man with lesser income will have fewer and
simple needs.