Questionnarie: Employee Satisfaction in Continental Warehousing Crop LTD

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Employee Satisfaction in Continental Warehousing crop Ltd.

The information so collected will be confidential respondent need not disclose.

1. Name :
2. Qualification :
3. Designation :
4. Experience
a) Below 3 years b) 3-5 years
c) Above 6 years
5. Experience in this company
a) Below 3 years b) 3-5 years
c) Above 6 years
6. Salary last drawn
a) Below > 5000 b) 5000-15000
c) Above < 5000
7. How about your level of the salary schedule satisfaction
Towards of your Organization
a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied
c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied
e) Highly Dissatisfied
8. Do you think yours efforts are given proper recognition?
Yes No
9. How would you rate the work environment?
a) Highly favorable b) favorable
c) Neutral d) unfavorable
e) Highly unfavorable
10. What do you think in the type of relationship that exists
Between the superior and subordinates in your Organization
a) Highly favorable b) Favorable
c) Neutral d) Unfavorable
e) Highly unfavorable
11. Are you satisfied with the leave facilities provided to you?
a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied
c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied
e) Highly dissatisfied
12. If any transport facility provided to you
Yes No
If yes, are you satisfied with the transport facility?
a) Satisfied b) Neutral
c) Unsatisfied
13. Are you assigned to work during the shifts you prefer?
Yes No
14. Are you forced to work in the shift you are not comfortable with
Yes No
15. If given an opportunity, would you switch over to another Company
Yes No
If yes, Why?
If no, Why?
16. On a scale of 10 how many points would you reward to your Organization?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Verygood netural very poor

17. Suggestions that would improve your satisfaction toward your Organization?

 To study about the level of satisfaction of different group level of employees.

 To find out how well the employees are satisfied in the company.
 To analyze the work environment at the company .
 To study interpersonal relationship.
 To know the perception of employee towards the allowances given to them.

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