A 32-Bit ALU With Sleep Mode For Leakage Power Reduction: Abstract
A 32-Bit ALU With Sleep Mode For Leakage Power Reduction: Abstract
A 32-Bit ALU With Sleep Mode For Leakage Power Reduction: Abstract
Also some other design decisions made Considering above worst case current
are discussed here. A Local sleep scenario, a Sleep transistor is designed
transistor network is used as opposed to as follows.
Global or cell level transistors. As the
gate count of original circuit is about Delay of a single gate without sleep
1450, a cell based design would require mode is given as
equal number of sleep transistors which
is a high area overhead. As this circuit is …….
a pure combinational logic, no data (1)
retention technique has been used. The
output of a power gated circuit needs to
Manish Kulkarni Low Power Design of Electronic circuits (ELEC 6270) April , 2009
Where, VDD is the supply voltage, VtL is gives a value of (W/L) = 4774.7 ≈ 4800.
low level threshold voltages, α is This is incorporated in the design as a
Saturation Velocity Index and CL is the set of 80 parallel sleep transistors with
load capacitance. (W/L) of 60 each as shown in the figure
If a sleep transistor of High Vt is
introduced, we get delay as
(3) Figure 2: A 32-bit ALU with sleep
transistor network as a black box
Solving this equation for α=1.8 gives,
the voltage drop across sleep transistor
……. (4)
……. (5)
6. Results
Wakeup 0.4 nS
Area 45.5%
1456 à 1456 + 80 (CMOS
with W/L = 60 )
Manish Kulkarni Low Power Design of Electronic circuits (ELEC 6270) April , 2009