Amul Annual Report
Amul Annual Report
Amul Annual Report
The main priority of every nation is to ensure food security for its citizens. The best way to achieve this goal in
a harmonious and sustainable manner is by ensuring economic well-being of the men and women who feed our
nation. The founding fathers of our nation had clearly elucidated that farmers are the backbone of India and
unless they prosper, our nation cannot realize its growth potential. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel knew that India
will achieve true independence only when economic welfare of its farmers is assured. To achieve his vision, he
inspired creation of institutions like Amul, which are responsive to the genuine needs of rural India. Shri Lal
Bahadur Shastri strongly believed that our farmers will make our country self-sufficient in terms of food
requirements, provided they are adequately supported with appropriate public policies with respect to input
and output pricing and marketing. Shastriji repeatedly emphasized the fact that our food security systems
should be largely based on domestic production, since agriculture provides livelihood to a vast majority of our
population. During his tenure as Prime Minister, he inspired creation of institutional structures which enabled
India to achieve self-reliance in the dairy sector.
The giant strides that India has taken in terms of ensuring food security for its citizens during the last sixty
years, may get compromised, if our policy makers do not take consistent and long term measures that sustain
the momentum. Certain sections of our national polity, as well as media, are vociferously advocating short
term fiscal measures such as reduction in import duties on agricultural commodities to reign in the demon of
inflation. They are actively supporting the political convenience of sacrificing agricultural productivity at the
altar of price containment. Rather than focus on diagnosing the root cause of this malaise, they seem content
in treating the superficial symptoms of the disease. Such elements will surely benefit by critically examining
the phenomenon of food inflation, from a global perspective.
Food inflation is a global epidemic which has affected every nation across the world. From China to France;
from Fiji to Egypt; all national governments are struggling to contain rapid escalation in food prices. This
phenomenon is not confined to food alone. Prices of most basic products and services have seen a swift rise in
the last two years. Food riots and consequential civil disturbances have been reported from several countries.
Some experts have even warned of an enhanced risk of war, if global inflation remains unchecked. According
to certain estimates, global food prices have risen by more than 40% in 2007 alone. This has been led by 42%
increase in prices of food grains and 50% increase in prices of edible oils. Our policy makers need to recognize
that in face of a global crisis, short term fiscal measures taken by other nations have actually not helped to
alleviate the situation in the past. On the contrary, such moves have only served to aggravate and further
escalate the crisis in these nations, by severely hampering medium and long term agricultural growth and
productivity. With their own domestic agricultural sector in a state of collapse, these countries are now
completely dependant on expensive imports.
This phenomenon of energy-led inflation is a natural consequence of lop-sided policies followed by several
national governments across the world. Diversion of fertile agricultural land from food production to biofuel
production has already exerted profound and widespread ripple effect on various food commodities. Large scale
production of ethanol and biodiesel has put tremendous pressure on global grain prices. Diversion of grain from
food to fuel has already raised the risk of hunger for poorest people in the world, who will be hit the hardest.
USA is the nerve centre of maize production in the world. In 2007, a significant part of US corn crop was used
as fuel instead of being utilized as food for humans or feed for dairy and poultry sector. This has significantly
raised the input cost for dairy industry, subsequently propelling prices of dairy products on an upward spiral.
Along with adverse agro-climatic conditions such as the continuing drought in Australia, this phenomenon is
largely responsible for the sharp increase in global prices of all dairy commodities, witnessed during the last
one year. Countries which did not strengthen their domestic dairy production but were instead reliant on
imports of milk products have already faced dire economic consequences, as reflected in their inflated import
Often, higher costs are genuinely incurred by the producer on inputs and in ensuring timely availability of
better quality, more nutritious and healthy products to the consumer. The interests of agricultural producers
need not necessarily be in conflict with those of the consumer. After all, both are citizens of the same country
with similar economic aspirations and equal political rights. In fact, their respective roles as producer and
consumer also interchange frequently, based on the context of product and service being referred to. Higher
economic realization from various products and services will enhance income levels as well as expenses, of
both rural farmers as well as urban consumers. This itself provides motivation to increase output as well as
productivity, leading to high economic growth of our nation. The focus of our policy makers should be on ways
and means of containing the non value adding dimensions of inflation, which can be directly attributed to the
new generation of middlemen and speculators. These elements seek to make inordinate profits by exploiting
both the farmer as well as the consumer. By targeting these elements, our government can definitely alleviate
some of the hardships faced by the common man. By supporting farmer owned organizations, our government
can ensure that the maximum share of the consumer’s rupee goes back to the farmers themselves.
We need to appreciate the fact that even farmers need to recover their input costs, to stay in the business of
producing essential commodities such as milk and food grains. Any short term administrative measure may
actually lead to lower prices for agri-producers, thereby removing incentives to increase production. There are
no shortcuts to ensuring sustained growth in the farm sector and ensuring food security. While we understand
and appreciate our government’s concern towards containing inflation, we shall be grateful if the policy tools
deployed by the government can strike a delicate balance between the interests of urban consumers and rural
farmers. Our public policies should ensure a level playing field for the farmers, as well as remunerative returns.
The only sustainable way to control unwarranted inflation in food products is to take concrete and long term
measures towards incentivising farmers to boost production and thereby cover yawning supply-demand gaps.
Our government must ensure that only uncultivable land is earmarked for industrial use. We must not allow
prime agricultural land to be diverted towards bio-diesel generation or any other industrial purpose. A
proactive rural infrastructure investment policy is required to reduce wastage in farm produce.
While the government is trying to control inflation by influencing prices of agricultural commodities such as rice
and milk products, the prices of other basic commodities such as cement and steel are sky-rocketing,
adversely impacting the life of the common man. While continuing on the path of economic reforms and
liberalization, our government must ensure that appropriate priority is given to the agricultural sector. Our
policy makers need to put in place, an effective buffer stock mechanism for dairy commodities, which will help
in proper management of the demand-supply equation for milk products.
For the last 62 years our dairy farmers have toiled relentlessly to make India the largest milk producing nation
in the world. They have invested their blood and sweat in enhancing milk production as well as productivity in
our country. They have contributed immensely towards making India, self-reliant in terms of milk and dairy
products. In the ‘50s, total milk production in India was only 17 million MTs and we were heavily dependant on
imports of dairy products to fulfill domestic demand. In those days, per capita availability of milk in India was
only 124 gm per day. Consumers had no option but to buy adulterated milk at exorbitant prices. The dairy
cooperative movement led by Amul, changed this scenario forever, by unleashing the ‘White Revolution’ in this
country. Cooperatives enabled farmers to get adequate remuneration for their milk, encouraging them to
invest substantially in enhancing milk production. Dairy cooperatives helped to eliminate undesirable
middlemen from the dairy business, enabling farmers to exercise control over the value chain for their
produce. Consumers in urban India were beneficiaries in this process, since good quality milk at affordable
prices became easily available in most towns and cities of India. Despite rapid population growth in this
country, the per capita availability of milk in India has now increased to 245 gm per day, which is very close to
WHO standards. Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to the millions of milk producers based in rural India, for
successfully implementing the policy of 100% import substitution in the dairy sector. Through innovations in
product formulations, packaging technology and distribution systems, our farmers have made milk products
available to consumers, even in the remotest, far-flung corners of this country. If dairy cooperatives had not
managed the demand-supply equation for milk products in India so effectively, our import bill for dairy
commodities, today, would have been as staggering as our import bill of crude oil. In the backdrop of sharp
escalation in global dairy prices, any dependence on dairy imports would not only have ruined our economy,
but would also have severely damaged the nutritional health of our nation.
In the medium and long term, the most effective way to guarantee food security and to safeguard the
economic and nutritional health of our country is to enhance domestic production of agricultural commodities,
including dairy products. This noble goal can be achieved only by ensuring optimal remuneration to our
farmers, motivating them to invest adequately in increasing production output, as well as productivity. Our
policy makers must abstain from resorting to ad hoc cosmetic fiscal measures, such as reduction in import duty
on Skimmed Milk Powder; which may seem politically convenient in the immediate term but will be potentially
harmful in the long run. By strengthening the hands of our farmers, who form the backbone of this country, we
can propel India on a positive trajectory of prosperity and rapid economic growth.
I now present to you, our Federation’s Annual Report and the Audited Accounts for the year 2007-2008.
Total milk procurement by our Member Unions during the year 2007-08 averaged 75.90 lakh kilograms (7.6
million kg) per day, representing a quantum growth of 12.9 per cent over 67.25 lakh kilograms (6.7 million kg)
per day achieved during 2006-07. The highest procurement as usual was recorded during January 2008 at
98.81 lakh kilogram (9.9 million kg) per day. This increase in milk procurement is very impressive, against the
backdrop of 4.5 per cent growth registered during the previous year. During the peak procurement period, we
have successfully demonstrated our ability to process almost 10 million liters of milk per day.
During the year, sales of our Federation registered a quantum growth of 22.9 per cent to reach Rs. 5255.41
crores (Rs. 52.55 billion). This is an extremely impressive growth, when viewed from the perspective of 13.4
per cent growth that we had achieved in 2006-07 and 29 per cent growth achieved in 2005-06. Our sales
performance has been consistent in recent years and we are confident of maintaining these excellent results in
the coming years, as well. In global terms, our turnover is $ 1.3 billion, at the existing currency exchange rate.
I am also pleased to note that our Federation has done remarkably well in most of the value-added consumer
packs. Sales of Amul Milk in pouches have grown by 48% in value terms. In 2007, Amul Milk was launched in
Jaipur and was received enthusiastically by consumers. Pouch milk is the largest contributor to the turnover of
the Federation. UHT Milk has also shown an impressive growth of 60%. We have expanded our range in UHT
milk category; through the recent launch our innovative calcium enriched variant, Amul Calci+. Following the
successful launch of Amul Kool Café last year, we launched Amul Kool Koko in 2007, because of which our
sales in the Flavored Milk segment has seen an exponential increase of 39%. Our policy of continuous product
innovation was accorded global recognition, when we received the prestigious International Dairy Federation
Marketing Award 2007 for the launch of Amul Probiotic Ice-cream.
Our sales in Amul Processed Cheese have shown consistent and very impressive growth, year after year. In
2007-2008, we recorded 27% growth in sales for Amul Processed Cheese, yet again. At the same time, we also
managed to achieve quantum growth of 39% in the sales of Amul Cheese Spread. In the Infant Milk Food
category, our brand Amulspray registered a growth of 19%. In the dairy whitener segment, Amulya recorded a
growth of almost 20%. We managed to register double-digit value growth in Butter, despite intense
competition in this category. In our effort to ensure that all sections of our society are able to afford Amul
Butter, we have given special emphasis to low unit value packs, in our marketing effort. In line with the
prevailing trend of wellness and health-consciousness, we have recently launched Amul Reduced Salt Butter.
Extending our policy of innovative product launches, we have introduced Amul Probiotic Dahi which has helped
to increase our sales in the curd category by 35%. Since there is a growing demand for pure and natural
products in India, we have introduced pure natural vanilla ice-cream in a wide range of pack sizes.
The strategic thrust placed on opening Amul Parlors since 2002 has now started yielding the desired results.
We had anticipated the paradigm shift in macro economic scenario and the burgeoning threat of organized
retailers. Amul Parlors will enable us to counter the potential threat from competitors. They will also increase
the visibility of the Amul brand in the retail market. Our own outlets enable us to interface directly with
consumers and provide an ideal platform to showcase our entire range of products.
Through a concerted team effort, we have managed to create 2300 Amul Parlors in 2007-08, from which a
sales turnover of Rs.107 crores was generated. Our outlets have not only helped brand Amul to become
ubiquitous but also have managed to provide a very rewarding employment opportunity to hundreds of
entrepreneurs across India. During the new financial year, we have taken a goal of setting up 10,000 outlets
by March 2009. To achieve this challenging goal, we have identified certain potential locations such as
Railways, Airports, Universities and Shopping Malls.
As you are aware, there was a ban on exports of milk powder during initial six months of the year and hence
our export of bulk milk powder was adversely affected. However, it is my pleasure to inform you that our
export turnover has more than doubled during the year. We have recorded turnover of Rs 125 crores this year
against the last year’s turnover of Rs 60 crore. However, we have been able to perform extremely well in
exports of consumer packs with very encouraging growth in ethnic Indian products like Paneer. We are
planning to focus more on consumer products and brand building during the coming years in the global market
so that brand “Amul” can truly become “The Taste of India” to the entire world.
Consumers expect marketers to deliver products in the locations and forms they require. To meet expectations
of such demanding consumers, alignments of our four Distribution Highways of Fresh, Chilled, Frozen and
Ambient products were already made by introducing Project DIL. Subsequently, a major initiative was taken to
enhance distribution network to smaller towns. About 1200 distributors in small towns across India were added
during this initiative. Today about 3000 Distributors ensure availability of our products across India, whether it
is in Leh or Lakshadweep, in Kutch or Arunachal. Simultaneously, to augment fresh milk distribution in various
markets of India, approximately 1400 exclusive Milk Distributors have been inducted.
Last year, we divided the retail market into 14 specific segments to achieve further distribution efficiency. This
year our focus was on inducting distributors having expertise in servicing such specific market segments. This
initiative is yielding results by way of ensuring wider availability of our product range.
The role of distributors in our business process has never been more diverse or more important, as it is today.
As a matter of fact, we consider our Distributor to be the real “Marketing Manager” of our organization. To
enhance business performance of our Distributors, a workshop on Marketing and Sales Management was
designed in collaboration with a premier business school. The objective of the entire initiative was to upgrade
the knowledge of our Distributors in terms of contemporary Business Management Practices, so that they can
perform well not only as our business partner but also as Marketing Managers. During the year, 659
Distributors have undergone this programme in 39 locations.
Cold Storage is an extremely essential component in the Federation’s distribution process. Unfortunately,
availability of efficient cold storage facilities is grossly inadequate in our country. To cope up with the
increasing need of suitable cold stores closer to our markets, we have continued our endeavour of creating the
Federation’s own cold stores this year in various locations across the country. We now own 24 state-of- the art
cold rooms of different sizes.
To get an exposure to our cooperative structure, our culture as well as operational systems and processes,
every year we invite our distributors, major retailers and other business partners to Anand, for Amul Yatra. So
far, about 7000 Distributors and other business partners have participated in this Amul Yatra.
During the last eight years, our Member Unions are implementing Internal Consultant Development
Programme for developing self leadership among member producers and thereby enabling them to manage
their dairy business efficiently, leading to their overall development.
During the year, Member Unions conducted workshops on Vision Mission Strategy for primary milk producer
members and Village Dairy Cooperatives. Facilitated by specially trained consultants, 894 Village Dairy
Cooperative Societies have conducted their Vision Mission Strategy Workshops, prepared their Mission
Statements and Business Plans for the next five years. Till today total 5,322 village dairy societies have
prepared their five year Business plans. The programme has prompted milk producers to initiate activities at
villages such as Clean Milk Production, Water Management, Planned Animal Breeding, Animal Feed
management, Improved Member Services Management, Information Technology, Integration and Networking,
which has very far-reaching and long-term effects on the milk business.
As a part of the Breeding Services Improvement Programme, during the year Member Unions have continued
implementation of the module of Improvement in Artificial Insemination Services and imparted training to 226
Core groups at the village level. In order to increase an awareness about the dairy industry scenario and
impart leadership skills to the Chairmen and Secretaries of the Village Dairy Cooperatives, Member Unions in
collaboration with Federation, are conducting Chairmen and Secretaries’ Orientation Programme at Mother
Dairy, Gandhinagar. During the year 924 Village Dairy Cooperative Societies have been covered under this
programme involving 1,796 Chairmen and Secretaries of the Village Dairy Cooperatives.
During the year, our Member Unions continued to encourage increased participation of women milk producers
in the Dairy Cooperative Societies. To develop their skills and enhance leadership qualities, Member Unions
organized Self Managing Leadership Programme at Prajapita Brahmakumaris, Mount Abu for 1,100 women
resource persons along with Chairmen and Secretaries of 250 village dairy societies.
In order to strengthen the knowledge and skill base of young girls and women of the villages about milk
production management and to motivate them to implement scientific milch animal breeding, feeding and
management methods for their animals, the Federation, with technical collaboration and resources of the
Anand Agriculture University, has initiated an animal husbandry programme for women resource persons of the
Member Unions. During the year, 464 women resource persons have been trained under this programme.
As envisaged last year, our Member Unions have successfully initiated Fertility Improvement Programme in
their milkshed area, to improve fertility of milch animals. During the year Member Unions have implemented
this programme in 892 villages.
With a mission of planting one tree per member, our Member Unions celebrated the 60th year of Independence
on 15th August, 2007 in a unique way. Our 18 lakh members have planted one sapling each across 19 districts
of Gujarat and demonstrated their commitment towards preserving and contributing to the improvement of the
“Video conferencing” is rapidly gaining in popularity, which provides business with the ability to meet and to
work with others over a distance. For real time communication, better brainstorming, knowledge sharing and
information gathering, we have installed and implemented Video conferencing System at our Head Office,
Zonal Offices and a few Sales Offices.
The world is moving towards virtual reality by creating virtual world on the Internet. Our Federation has taken
the initiatives towards virtual commerce by creating an online virtual Amul Parlor in the Second Life, an online
virtual world. GCMMF has further advanced the use of Geographical Information systems by implementing GIS
based Sales Analytics solution across various offices.
During the last 62 years, our Amul cooperative movement has served as an effective catalyst in transforming
the socio-economic landscape of rural India. In the process of enhancing the nutritional and economic health of
our nation, we have also ensured prosperity for 2.7 million families, spread across 13000 villages in rural
Gujarat. During the peak winter months, this year, we have ably demonstrated our efficacy and efficiency in
processing as much as 10 million litres of milk per day. Through creative marketing and innovative product
launches, we have been able to leverage effectively on the rising income levels and growing affluence among
Indian consumers. While ensuring easy availability of ‘value-for-money’ milk and dairy products to all our
citizens across the country, we have also been able to tap the growing demand for value-added milk products
which provide higher remuneration to our farmers. Having successfully countered the competitive challenge
posed by multinational corporations, as well as the domestic private sector, we are well poised to steer the
dairy cooperative sector into an era of further prosperity and growth.
While a glorious future certainly beckons us, our ability to actually realize its promising potential, depends
entirely on the efficacy with which we are able to overcome the external and internal challenges that we face
today. Globalization is a phenomenon that we cannot wish away and its politico-economic impact on our
business needs to be clearly understood. We are more vulnerable to global changes than ever before. Remote
events such as adverse agro-climatic conditions in Australia, diversion of maize-crop from feed to fuel in U.S.,
reduction in subsidies given to dairy farmers in EU, can deeply impact prevailing conditions in the domestic
Indian market. Enhanced competition and proliferation of imported brands on our Indian retail shelves is a
reality that we will have to embrace. Innovative technologies, creative ideas and new products that emerge on
the global horizon are swiftly making a beeline for the Indian market.
In order to effectively counter such challenges, the entire dairy cooperative sector will have to be even more
adaptive, flexible and responsive to market realities. We need to be more agile and fleet-footed in terms of
adopting cutting-edge technologies and investing in accelerated product innovation. We will also have to
ensure that we continue keeping our finger on the pulse of Indian consumers. As we have done in the past, we
shall have to continue incorporating the best emerging industry practices, from around the world, into our key
business processes. We need to explore new avenues of further leveraging on information technology to
streamline our business systems.
To enhance our efficacy and competitiveness, we need to be more pro-active at all stages of our value-chain.
Adoption of new breeding practices and focused approach towards increasing productivity of our milch-animals
should be the highest priority for all dairy cooperatives. Effective use of latest inputs and best technology for
enhancing milk production will be of immense benefit to our farmers. Through process re-engineering, we will
have to maintain and further increase our operational efficiencies, so that our costs remain under control.
The current leaders of dairy cooperatives in India have an enormous responsibility on their shoulders. The
entire nation expects us to exemplify virtues of selfless dedication and visionary leadership. Like our illustrious
predecessors such as Shri Tribhuvandas Patel, Dr. Verghese Kurien and Shri Motibhai Choudhary, we will also
have to personify our core values of integrity, excellence, customer-orientation, quality-consciousness,
innovation, commitment to farmers and employee-satisfaction. The success of our Amul cooperative movement
can also be attributed to the culture of professional excellence that we have nurtured and encouraged in our
organization. It is our responsibility to ensure that this culture of professionalism continues to prevail in all
aspects of our business operations. Ultimately, it is our obligation towards our nation, to propel the Indian
dairy sector towards a position of dominance on the global dairy map.
Before closing, I would like to thank all those who have helped to make our Federation’s operations successful.
We are grateful to the Government of India for the immense support received on numerous occasions. We are
also thankful to the Government of Gujarat for all the help and cooperation, extended to our organization.
The National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India has been providing us with invaluable support in
coordination with other agencies and organizations. The National Dairy Development Board has played a role in
our growth and development. I am very grateful to them.
The Institute of Rural Management, Anand, as always, has contributed to the perspective building and
professionalisation of the management of the cooperative sector. We express deep gratitude for its support.
We are indebted to Vidya Dairy for having organized training programmes on dairy technology for our
employees. We are also grateful to the SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand, for strengthening the dairy
cooperative sector, by providing technically skilled manpower. We express our sincere thanks to the College of
Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand, for creating a talent pool of veterinary doctors to serve our
milk producers.
Our advertising agencies, bankers, insurers, management consultants, suppliers and transport contractors
have been of great help to us in managing our growth and our partners in our success. We acknowledge their
contributions and commit ourselves to continue and strengthen this fruitful alliance in all times to come. We
depend on the efficiency of our distributors, retailers and most important of all, the patronage of our
consumers, who have come to regard our brands as synonymous with quality and value.
While thanking them for their support, we assure them that we shall strive endlessly to delight them.
Our Member Unions are our strength. We thank them for their guidance, support and cooperation without
which we would not exist.
Lastly, we thank the officers and staff of our Federation for their continued perseverance, loyalty and
unflinching efforts devoted to our cause.
Thank you.
P G Bhatol