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Saga Species Source Book

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The Saga Edition Species Sourcebook has been compiled by Rob “RobShanti” Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards and
from all corners of the internet, including, but not limited to, Matt Lee’s wonderful www.saga-edition.com and the Star Wars Role Playing Game Network at

The contents of the document are the sole possession and property of the author, Rob “RobShanti” Petrone (henceforth referred to as "the Author") and collective
creators unless otherwise noted. Distribution, reproduction, or display of this compilation is forbidden - permission granted upon request and contingent on the
author's approval.

Reproduction with the intent of sale, or actual sale is, according to United States Copyright Law, an infringement on George Lucas et al., being a challenge to the
commercial viability of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast.

The files contained within this document are not for sale, and are designed and presented for the private use of parties using Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Use
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A Word About the Layout of This Book

Wizards of the Coast, itself, has provided official stats for scores of playable species in the Star Wars Saga Edition Core Rulebook and subsequent sourcebooks.

The focus of this book, however, is an alphabetical listing of stats and textual write-ups for the aliens left out of WotC’s Saga Edition books. This idea arose from a
discussion at the Wizards.com forums (at http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=871589). The author and contributors of this book could not possibly provide
stats for all the alien species in the Star Wars mythos – indeed, the mythos itself is as yet incomplete with respect to many alien species; some have names but
nothing more, some are mentioned or described in various sources but have no names. And even the aliens that are fully described and named are too numerous to
include here.

The stats that do appear in this book represent a good faith effort by the author and collective contributors to include those requested by fans at the Wizards.com
community boards. These stats have been created from scratch by knowledgeable fans. I have also contributed to some of the statting. Many, if not most of us,
relied on Wookieepedia.com for the information about each species upon which we based our stats. There are some instances – and they are few, fortunately –
where official information was so sparse, however, that we had to “fill in the blanks” a bit, such as with the Iridorian (which may well simply be a misspelling of
Iridonian), Jin’ha, Kurtzen, and a few others. But for the most part, our goal was to provide stats that reflected what has already been established about each species
in existing Canon. Some stats, like those of the Amanin or Devaronian, are the official Wizards of the Coast stats, provided in free source material available at the
Wizards of the Coast website; these official stats are clearly designated as “official Wizards of the Coast stats” in the individual write-ups, and are included here for
the reader’s convenience. The generous contributers to this project include, in order of appearance at the original Wizards.com bulletin board thread:

Isirga_Eth LordLightVader RavingDork Darth_Scorpion

PeteyRock Eli the Tanner Senator_Cilghal FunkamusPrime
DrowBattleMind HarmonysRage Jadenkorr The folks at fandomcomics.com
TwoRiversWolfbrother RavenFury ORC_Tao
Valheru TildenThorne Anzat

There will likely be further versions of this book. This is version 2.0. As more official stats are released in web enhancements, as more requests for fan-made alien
stats pour in at the original thread on the Wizards.com community boards, as I remove the homebrewed stats for aliens whose official stats become available in
sourcebooks, and as I and others find the time to create more alien stats, they will eventually appear here.

I hope fellow fans enjoy this labor of love. Game on!

Official stats for the following species can be found in these Saga Edition books:

CLONE – Clone Wars Campaign Guide
CORE – Saga Edition Core Rulebook
JEDI – Jedi Academy Training Manual
KOTOR – Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
LEG – Legacy Era Campaign Guide
SCUM – Scum and Villainy
THRT – Threats of the Galaxy
UNLSH – The Force Unleased Campaign Guide

This chart is included with the permission of its creator, Wizards of the Coast forums member FunkamusPrime, maker of the “Omega Dex” (see
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ljmzehgwjoy )



Aar'aa are tall, muscular, cold-blooded, bipedal, reptilian humanoids with pebbly scales, claws, a thin dorsal ridge, and large faces with thick eyeridges that overhang
small, glowing, reddish-orange eyes. Aar'aa can change their grayish-tan skin color to match their surroundings. Being cold-blooded, they become sluggish in
extremely cold temperatures. Aar'aa are often associated with Hutt syndicates or t'landa Til as guards or hired muscle. They consider MSE-6 mouse droids
somewhat appetizing. Aar’aa hail from the remote planet of Aar.

Appearances and Examples: An Aar’aa assassin in the employ of Jabba the Hutt killed the Head Sacredot of Colony Five on the Hutt-controlled world of Ylesia in
the Han Solo Trilogy novel Rebel Dawn.

Aar’aa Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Aar’aa have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Aa’raa base speed is 6 squares.
Skin Color Change: An Aar’aa can use its color changing skin to camouflage itself, allowing it to reroll any Stealth checks made to hide and keep the better result.
Natural Weapons: An Abinyshi can slash with its claws as an unarmed attack. The claw attack deals 1d6 points of slashing damage (plus Strength modifier) and does
not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Aar’aa is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent
squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Natural Armor: Aar’aa have pebbly scales that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Cold-blooded: Aar’aa become sluggish in cold climates. They take a -5 penalty to Fortitude Defense when in areas of extreme cold, but gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude
Defense against heat hazards.
Automatic Languages: Aar’aa and Basic.


Abinyshi are slender, bipedal, reptilian aliens with long, supple limbs, flat faces, and forked tails. They are native to the planet Inysh and developed space travel
about the same time as the Corellians and Duros, but their technology was not as advanced. Their colonizations were limited to planets near Inysh. During the
Republic Era, Abinyshi were among the 10 species labeled as "at risk" of disease from air pollution that Coruscant planetary standards fail to account for, according
to a study by the Rhire Medical Academy examining Coruscant middle-class districts. Air pollutants caused by government industrial centers and civic traffic led to
15 times increased likelihood of debilitating respiratory ailments in the Abinyshi and other identified species. During the Emperor Palpatine’s reign, the Empire strip-
mined Inysh for kalonterium, resulting in toxic pollution that so devastated the Abinyshi they were believed extinct. Small numbers did survive in hiding, and some
Abinyshi joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Appearances and Examples: Si Qurr was a noted poet and one of the surviving members of the Abinyshi race appearing in the Star Wars Adventure Journal,
Number 14.

Abinyshi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Abinyshi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Abinyshi base speed is 6 squares.
Cold-blooded: Abinyshi are very sensitive to cold climates. They take a -5 penalty to Fortitude Defense when in areas of extreme cold, but gain a +4 bonus on
Fortitude Defense against heat hazards.
Natural Weapons: An Abinyshi can slap with its tail instead of making an unarmed attack. The tail attack deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Abinyshi is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Prehensile Tail: An Abinyshi with Martial Arts I can use his or her tail to wield a melee weapon and gain an extra attack per round. Penalties for two-handed weapon
fighting apply. The tail cannot be used as a weapon, but it can be used to make grapple attacks, and never incurs attacks of opportunity when making trip attacks. An
Abinyshi can use its tail to lift loads, leaving its hands free to do other things. The tail grants a +2 bonus to Climb checks.
Natural Armor: Abinyshi have thick scales that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Automatic Languages: Abinyshi.


Ab'Ugartte are a hulking, churlish species with pale skin, large, unblinking black eyes and a large mouth filled with enormous macrodontic incisors and molars. They
are known to be secluded and unfriendly. Many tend toward occupations of menial labor or hired muscle, such as smugglers, slavers, spice-jackers, and garbage
techs. Among many of the characteristics of Ab’Ugartte that make them somewhat socially incompatible with the rest of civilized Galactic society are their tendancies
to forego bathing and to pummel sapient beings into bloody unconsciousness and eat them alive or cooked.

Appearances and Examples: Jak Sazz was an Ab'Ugartte who frequented the Byss Bistro in the Dark Empire Comic.

Ab’Ugartte Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Cha, -2 Int.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Ab’Ugartte have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Ab’Ugartte base speed is 6 squares.
Poison resistant: Ab'Ugartte gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude defense against ingested poisons.
Hardy: Ab'Ugartte are tough and resilient, capable of shrugging off injuries that would cripple other species. Whenever an Ab'Ugartte uses a second wind, it regains
a number of additional hit points equal to 5+ its character level.
Odiferous: An Ab'Ugartte who successfully grabs an opponent imposes a -4 on the target’s attacks (instead of the usual -2) and a -2 on the target’s attacks with
natural or light weapons (instead of the usual no penalty).
Automatic Languages: Ab’Ugartte (spoken only); members of the Ab’Ugartte species do not gain Basic as a free language.


Abyssin are tall, muscular, greenish-skinned aliens with one eye and long arms that end in pincer-like extremities. Considered "primitive and
violent", they are often hired as petty thugs. They inhabit the arid desert planet Byss, where they live as nomadic herders.

Appearances and Examples: Myo appeared in the Cantina scene in A New Hope.

Abyssin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
Speed: Abyssin base speed is 6 squares.
Extraordinary Recuperation: See Wookie trait (SECR page 32).
Limb Regeneration: See Trandoshan trait (SECR page 31)
Poor Depth Perception: Abyssin take a -1 penalty on all ranged attacks.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Desert Survival: An Abyssin may choose to reroll any Survival check made in an arid environment, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Abyssin.

Alternate Abyssin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Int -4, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Limb regeneration: This ability works as the Trandoshan ability of the same name (as detailed in the SECR)..
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in desert.
Extraordinary recuperation: This ability works as the wookiee ability of the same name (as detailed in the SECR).
Primitive: Abyssin do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants them.
Poor depth perception: Abyssin suffer a -1 penalty on all ranged attacks.


Adarians are humanoids with an arched crest atop their skulls that bends in almost a full circle from their forehead to the back of their crown making them appear to
have a hole in their heads. They lack ears and noses, but their skulls are covered in fine hairs which are very sensitive to sound waves, and their skin is underlaid by
glands that allow them to smell. They have sharp, bony ridges around their mouths instead of lips and distendable throat pouches that they elongate to emit a loud
call to help in communication over long distances. Adarians hail from the snowy volcano planet of Adari in the Inner Rim, although Adari is not believed to be their
original homeworld. Adarian society is based around a rigid caste system known as screel'sara. Their governmental headquarters is the Hall of Decisions. They have
unique, advanced carbon-ice technology.

Appearances and Examples: Yeeru Chivkyrie's was the head of a Rebel Alliance organization named Republic Redux in the novel Allegiance.

Adarian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +4 Intelligence
Speed: Adarian base speed is 6 squares.
Long Call: An Adarian can emit a subsonic call by inflating his throat pouch and vibrating the air-filled sack as a full-round action. This call can be heard up to 20
kilometers away by other Adarians.
Bellow: See Ithorian trait (SECR 27)
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Adarian with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Adarese.

Alternate Adarian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con -2, Int +4
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Heightened Senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check, but they have to abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Sonic call: Adarians may emit a sonic call, which they use to communicate with each other at long distances. Against non-adarians, this ability works exactly as an
ithorian’s bellow (as described in the SECR).

Adnerem are tall, thin humanoids native to Adner with large, heads shaped like an inverted equilateral triangle; wide eyes; and a large bump or knob in the center of
the forehead. Their thin arms end in four talons with no opposable thumb. Adnerem are an introverted species that prefers small families known as steri (singular,
steris) who dwell together in steri-houses. The members of a steris are known as sterisi. Individual couples often form a close friendship known as a sterika. Two
steri often engage in a battle for balance of power known as a raid-war. Despite the race's anti-social tendencies, their homeworld is a tourist trap with over 2,000
theme parks and casinos.

Appearances and Examples: Estero managed the Red Lisken, the largest gambling establishment on Adner, in the West End Games roleplaying supplement
Wanted by Cracken.

Adnerem Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Adnerem have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Adnerem base speed is 6 squares.
Bonus Talent: Adnerem gain Gambler as a bonus talent.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Adnerem with Deception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Deception) as a bonus feat.
Natural Armor: Adnerem have thick scales that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Automatic Languages: Adnerem and Basic.


Advozsec (singular: Advozse) were a humanoid species, easily distinguished by the single horn on top of their hairless heads. Their home
planet of Riflor was geologically unstable, with frequent volcanic eruptions: a condition which shaped their culture and their place in the

Appearances and Examples: Bom Vimdin was a Advozse smuggler and mercenary in the Cantina scene of A New Hope.

Advozse Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Speed: Advozse base speed is 6 squares.
Herbivorous: The Advozse cannot properly digest animal protein, and any Advozse who consumes such matter (knowingly or nor) moves -1 step on the condition
track. This is a persistent condition that can only be overcome by 8 hours of bed rest.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Pessimistic: Even if the Persuasion skill would normally be available as a class skill, an Advozse may become trained in Persuasion only by purchasing the skill
through the Skill Training Feat. In addition, an Advose untrained in Persuasion may not add 1/2 his character level to Persuasion checks.
Automatic Languages: Advb.

Alternate Advozse Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Con +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Heightened Senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check, but they have to abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Natural armor: Members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Low-light vision: This ability functions as described in the SECR.
Pessimistic: Advozse suffer a -2 penalty on Persuasion checks made to improve the attitude of others; similarly, Persuasion checks made to improve their attitude
suffer a -2 penalty.
Allergy: Members of this species move 1 persistent step down on the condition track whenever they ingest meat.


Aganof are centipede-like aliens native to the underground caves of Kuras III in Elrood Sector. They have long bodies that move low to the ground on rows of small
"legs". Their dorsal side is lined with heat-dissipating flaps and olfactory stalks. Beneath each flap is a small mouth that catches tiny creatures attracted to the flap's
heat. Each end of the Aganof body ends in a jointed limb tipped with a sharp claw. Blind and deaf, Aganof rely on vibrations and scents for communication. Aganof
are hermaphroditic: all Agonof could lay fertilize eggs in the spawning caves. While highly intellectual and philosophical, they know little of the galaxy beyond their
caves, and had little in the way of contact with the surface-dwelling Pulras and Hairy Savages.

Appearances and Examples: Aganof appear in the West End Games supplement Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Three.

Aganof Species Traits.

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Aganof take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Aganof base speed is 2 squares.
Blindness: An Aganof is considered blinded if it cannot detect vibrations, such as when trying to read, spot/attack an object separated from the Aganof by vacuum, or
spot/attack inanimate objects, or if it is not in contact with the ground or a similar solid surface. It is not considered blinded when spotting/attacking anything which
moves, or when avoiding attacks. Aganof cannot perceive colors.
Blindsight: Using nonvisual sense, Aganof maneuver and fight as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant.
Heat Dissipation: Aganof can dissipate heat emanating from their bodies. They can negate Darkvision and equipment bonuses that rely on detecting heat—such as
infrared scanning—by adjusting the temperature around their bodies.
Natural Armor: Aganof have a thick shell that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Natural Weapons: An Aganof can rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The claws attack deals 1d6 points of slashing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Aganof is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
No Hands: Aganof lack hands. They cannot use weapons or equipment requiring hands.
Primitive: Aganof do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at first
level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival), Improved
Charge, Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin, Powerful Charge, Running Attack, Trip. You must meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Silent Communication: An Aganof’s shell allows it to communicate silently with any other Aganof within 30 meters, provided the two Aganof are in contact with the
same surface. Members of other species cannot learn this language without Vibration Detection.
Skills: An Aganof may reroll a Knowledge (social sciences) check in the field of philosophy but must keep the second result.
Tremorsense: An Aganof automatically sense the location of anything that is in contact with the ground and within 20 squares (no Perception check required).
Automatic Languages: Aganof.
Note: Aganof are capable of learning or understanding Basic or any other language requiring vision, hearing, or vocal cords. The Aganof language consists of ground
vibrations, and cannot be learned by any being without Tremorsense.


Aing-Tii are toothless mammals, standing erect on two clawed feet, with two spindly arms—each with two large digits. Their bodies are covered entirely in jointed
protective coverings of bony plates, which extend up past their necks and onto their heads, acting and appearing as a sort of protective helmet. The Aing-Tii have
small heads jutting out perpendicular to their chest, with two large eyes and a series of long, thin tongues that extended around half a meter from their mouths. Each
Aing-Tii has a long, prehensile tail, which it uses as a form of self-defense. The Aing-Tii each have a set of tattoos covering their entire bodies, though each pattern ia
unique to a specific Aing-Tii. The Aing-Tii do not communicate through speech and are incapable of producing sound. Instead, they communicate through tasting,
smelling and touching each other with their long tongues. They are a secretive species of monks who hail from an unidentified planet somewhere in the dangerous
Kathol Rift. Many are Force-sensitive – the only Aing-Tii who leave their planet, traveling around the Rift in large, organic starships and using advanced weaponry to
destroy those who opposed them. These warrior-monks are xenophobic and highly reclusive and often attack any who try to learn more about them, though a report
based on a crashed Aing-Tii ship provided the galaxy with some details on their culture. They believe that their Force talents are gifts from their deities, "Those Who
Dwell Beyond the Veil," though they generally prefer not to use the Force when avoidable except to fuel their cavernous ships. They see the Force as sacred and not
to be meddled with. The monks spend their entire lives performing various errands for their gods, traveling through the Kathol Rift — which they also viewed as a holy
place — performing pilgrimages in the hope that they would receive "an answer" from them. Their belief system holds that all events are not necessarily
predetermined, but rather "guided." Unlike the Jedi or Sith, the Aing-Tii believe that the Force has neither a light nor a dark side, but is full of many colors.

Appearances and Examples: The Aing-Tii appear in The DarkStryder Campaign, a West End Games Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement, and in various
post-Return-of-the-Jedi-era novels.

Aing-Tii Species Traits.

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Aing-Tii have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Aing-Tii base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Aing-Tii who has Use the Force as a trained skill gains Force Training as a bonus feat.
Hyperspatial Perception: An Aing-Tii may choose to reroll any Use Computer check to astrogate, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. In
addition, an Aing-Tii may choose to take 10 on Use Computer checks to astrogate even when distracted or threatened.
Natural Weapons: Every other round, an Aing-Tii can slap with its tail instead of making an unarmed attack. The tail attack deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage
(plus Strength modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Aing-Tii is always considered to be armed for
purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Prehensile Tail: An Aing-Tii with Martial Arts I can use his or her tail to wield a melee weapon and gain an extra attack per round. Penalties for two-handed weapon
fighting apply. The tail can be used to make grapple attacks, and never incurs attacks of opportunity when making trip attacks. An Aing-Tii can use its tail to lift loads,
leaving its hands free to do other things. The tail grants a +2 bonus to Climb checks.
Natural Armor: Aing-Tii have thick scales that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Silent Communication: An Aing-Tii’s multiple tongues allow it to communicate silently with any other Aing-Tii within 10 meters, provided the two Aing-Tii can touch
each other. Members of other species who learn this language can understand it, but can never “speak” it.
Tongue Attack: An Aing-Tii can make a special ranged tongue attack. If an Aing-Tii’s tongue attack is successful, its victim must attempt an Acrobatics check (DC
13). If the save fails the victim is immediately pulled in the Aing-Tii’s mouth, allowing the Aing-Tii to make an immediate unarmed attack without provoking an attack
of opportunity. This attack is only effective against Fine, Diminuitive, or Tiny creatures. Against Small or bigger creatures, the tongue attack has no effect.
Automatic Languages: Aing-Tii
Note: Aing-Tii are capable of learning to speak Basic and other verbal languages that require vocal cords only with the cannot speak restriction.


Akwin are oceanic, carnivorous mammals with blue-green fur and six limbs: two arms ending in tridactyl hands, two arms ending in flippers, and two legs ending in
webbed feet. Their tails, flat and with a marked fluke, are used for forward propulsion while in the water. Akwin heads are long, flat, and covered in cilia ranging in
color from white to blue to black. Akwin have two blowholes atop their heads, as well as gills. The Akwin hail from the “Father Ocean” of Lazerian IV, an industrial
world of great oceans in the Expansion Region, midpoint of the Harrin Trade Corridor and an endpoint of the Kira Run. They are pacifistic, dwelling in sprawling
underwater cities and keeping underwater ranches. The Akwin believe themselves superior to the Humans who walked the surface of Lazerian IV, whom they knew a
great deal about due to special scouts, but whom were deluded into thinking of the Akwin simply as legendary.

Appearances and Examples: B'dasssa was an Akwin scout who kept track of the Humans on Lazerian IV in the West End Games Roleplaying Game Supplement
Twin Stars of Kira.

Akwin Species Traits.

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Akwin have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Akwin base speed is 4 squares. They have a swim speed of 5 squares.
Aquatic: Akwin treat all Swim checks as a natural 20 on the die.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Akwin can’t drown in water.
Heightened Awareness: An Akwin may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Light Sensitivity: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight) blinds Akwin for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense, all attack rolls, and
skill checks involving sight while operating in bright light without protective eyewear.
Low-light Vision: Akwin ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Weapons: An Akwin can slap with its tail instead of making an unarmed attack. The tail attack deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Akwin is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Pacifism: When faced with a violent encounter, an Akwin must succeed at a Perception check (DC 15) before rolling Initiative. Skill bonuses due to Heightened
Awareness are ignored for this check. If the check fails, the Akwin suffers a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense and a -1 penalty on attack rolls because he or she finds the
situation extremely disconcerting. The penalties last for the duration of the combat. This quality can be voided by taking the feat Combat Reflexes or any Martial Arts
feat, but doing so permanent reduces the Akwin’s Charisma -2.
Weapon Familiarity: Akwin with the Weapon Proficiency (rifles) feat are proficient with the Akwin net gun.
Xenophobic: Akwin despise all other species. They suffer a -8 penalty on Persuasion or Charisma checks made to improve the attitudes of members of other
species. Likewise, they impose a -8 penalty on other species’ attempts to improve Akwin attitudes toward them. In encounters with other species, Akwin start off as
Indifferent at best.
Automatic Languages: Akwin.

AMANIN (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement Stats)

These arboreal humanoids live in small tribes that each lay claim to one of the many sparse forests of Maridun, their homeworld. When a tribe
grows too large, the younger adults set out to claim a new forest. The arrival of the Empire on Maridun went largely unnoticed, until one Amanin
lorekeeper agreed to turn over prisoners from rival tribes as slaves. Not long after the Battle of Endor, operations on Maridun were taken over by
the Hutts and various criminal syndicates, which constructed spaceports to support the growth of several small cities populated by crime lords,
scoundrels, consortiums, mining companies, and Amanin slaves.

Traditionally, Amanin are fearless hunters due to their dominant station in Maridun’s food chain and their natural resilience. Beyond their
homeworld, Amanin tend to keep a low profile despite their towering height. As their society becomes more integrated with the rest of the galaxy,
Amanin become more comfortable with space travel and technology, though they lack the scientific know-how to build technology of their own.
Amanin collect various trappings of their rich history, such as trinkets and trophies.

Hooded humanoids with long, spindly arms, big hands, and stocky legs, Amanin stand about 2.25 meters tall. They have yellow and green skin and often wear little
or no clothing. Homeworld: Maridun, located in the Outer Rim, is a temperate world of long, flat plains dotted with small forests. During the Galactic Civil War, the
Empire constructed several spaceports on Maridun to support their mining operations. These spaceports have been co-opted by smugglers, slavers, and pirates as
bases of operation since the Empire’s defeat. Language: Amanin have no written language, relying instead on a tradition of oral history carried on by each tribe’s

Appearances and Examples: “Amanaman” appears in Jabba’s Palace in Return of the Jedi.

Amanin Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, –2 Int, –2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Expert Climber: Due to their arboreal background, Amanin may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Primitive: Amanin do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants those feats.
Reach: Unlike most Medium-sized species, Amanin have a natural reach of 2 squares.
Resilient: Amanin gain a +1 species bonus to their Fortitude Defense due to their natural resilience.
Roll: When using the run action, Amanin may roll into a ball to move at greater speed. When rolling, Amanin take a –5 penalty on Perception checks, but their speed
is doubled.
Languages: Amanese.


Anguilla are a sapient, oceanic species indigenous to Alluuvia in Elrood Sector. They resemble long, muscular eels with long arms and powerful webbed hands. Their
eyes can see into the infra-red spectrum. Primitive, nomadic hunters who follow fish school migrations, they determine leadership in tests of strength known as Rites
of Conch-tar. They were discovered not long after the Battle of Yavin. A bigoted Imperial Private shot the first Anguilla he saw upon arrival on the planet on sight,
and his fellow Imperial soldiers followed suit, leading to a massacre. The Anguilla were led by Anyar, in cooperation with the Rebel Alliance, in destroying the Imperial
Mining, Limited base on Alluuvia. Anyar negotiated for Radell Mining Corporation to mine the minerals that filled Alluuvia's oceans, which are so dense with metals
and minerals such as alanium, doonium, and zersium that they are toxic to off-worlders.

Appearances and Examples: Anguilla appear in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Operation: Elrood.

Anguilla Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Anguilla take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Anguilla base speed is 2 squares. They have a swim speed of 7 squares.
Aquatic: Anguilla treat all Swim checks as a natural 20 on the die.
Bonus Feat: Anguilla gain Linguist as a bonus feat.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Anguilla can’t drown in water.
Darkvision: Anguilla ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Weapons: An Anguilla can bite with its teeth instead of making an unarmed attack. The bite attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Anguilla is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Primitive: Anguilla do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at first
level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival), Weapon
Proficiency (simple), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin, eapon Finesse (may not be applied to pistols, rifles,
or heavy weapons), or Weapon Focus (may not be applied to pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons). You must meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Scent: Anguilla have a keen sense of smell. At close range (within 10 squares), Amanin ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they
take no penalty for visibility when tracking.
Slippery Skin: Anguilla receive a +10 species bonus to opposed Grapple checks.
Supreme Stability: Anguilla can’t be tripped or knocked prone.
Automatic Languages: Anguilla.


The Anointed People are green skinned sapient reptiles native to Abonshee, a planet in Fakir Sector in the Bakchou Arm with hardy flora and reptilian fauna. The
Anointed People are roughly humanoid but with a long spiked tail. They stand on two feet, with the tail used for balance. They are larger and stronger than humans
but clumsier and slower. They live in a feudal society with the nobility known as the 'Godlings' ruling over the serfs known as 'Unwashed'. Huge fortified castles
were home to the Godlings. The whole society and the planet is ruled by the Godking. In the past The Anointed People were very warlike with the Godlings
constantly fighting territorial battles with each other. Territorial wars have given way to annual Springs gatherings in which the Godlings dress up in fine clothes, meet
potential mates and visit distant lands. The battles at these gatherings were almost totally bloodless. The loser of the 'war' paid for the three day party that ensued.
Anointed People dress in colorful robes, carrying cudgels. The nobility wears exotic scale armor suits and carries broad swords. Titles used by the Anointed People
are largely symbolic, a left over from a previous time. Technology on Abonshee has not reached the level of mechanization. Swords, shields, wooden and stone
buildings and animal-drawn carts are common. Poor sanitation creates major health problems such as a high infant mortality rate.

Appearances and Examples: Annointed People appear in the West End Games supplements Alien Encounters and Classic Campaigns.

Anointed People Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Anointed People have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Anointed Person base speed is 6 squares.
Cold-blooded: Anointed People are very sensitive to cold climates. They take a -5 penalty to Fortitude Defense when in areas of extreme cold, but gain a +4 bonus
on Fortitude Defense against heat hazards.
Natural Weapons: An Anointed Person can slap with its tail instead of making an unarmed attack. The tail attack deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage (plus
Strength modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Anointed Person is always considered to be armed for
purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Natural Armor: Anointed People have thick scales that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Primitive: Anointed People do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them;
at first level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival),
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sword), Weapon Proficiency (simple), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Improved Charge, Improved Disarm, Martial
Arts I, Pin, Powerful Charge, Running Attack, Trip, Weapon Finesse (may not be applied to pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons), or Weapon Focus (may not be applied
to pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons). You must meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Automatic Languages: Anointed Tongue


The Anomids are pale-skinned humanoid pacifists native to Yablari, and are among the galaxy's wealthiest societies thanks to their natural technical aptitude. Long a
part of the Galactic Republic, they are seen throughout the populated galaxy as technicians, explorers, or tourists. Anomids almost always wear elaborate vocoder
masks covering most of their faces and often elaborately customized to reflect an Anomid's social status, family origin, or profession. Since Anomids had no vocal
cords, they rely on these vocalizer masks to communicate with other species. Anomids primarily communicated using an elaborate sign language. Anomid sign
language required six-fingered hands, which made it difficult for Humans or Human-programmed protocol droids to use.

Appearances and Examples: Yin Vocta was the owner of Bantha Traxx and the long-term friend of Kaylo NaKuda in the West End Games roleplaying supplement
Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy.

Anomid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha
Speed: Anomid base speed is 6 squares.
Technical Aptitude: When working with items of a technical nature (such as computers, droids, or repulsorlift engines), Anomids may take 10 on any Mechanics
check, even when distracted or threatened.
Wealthy: Anomid characters roll an extra d4 when determining starting credits.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Anomid with Knowledge (Galactic Lore) as a trained skill gains Skill Training (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Anomid.

Alternate Anomid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +2, Cha +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Wealthy: Members of this species triple their starting credits.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Culture out of curiosity: Members of this species may reroll any Knowledge (galactic lore) check, but they have to abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than
the original.
No vocal chords: Anomids require vocabulators to speak.


Ansionians are tall and thin. In addition to possessing only one nostril, they have relatively large eyes. The Ansionians hail from the planet of Ansion, and are known
to be a peace-loving people. Many Ansionians, called Alwari, live in tribal factions on the plains, away from the human settler-created cities. They are relatively
nomadic and resent technology and the fact that it has ruined the face of their planet, but not to such an extent so as to cause violence.

Appearances and Examples: Ansionians appeared in the Clone Wars era novel The Approaching Storm.

Ansonian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Two hearts: A member of this species that dies from falling to 0 hp may make an Endurance check (DC 15); if the check is successful, the character is only
unconscious, as her spare heart kicks in.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Conditional Bonus Feats: Urban or ‘standard’ ansionians that are trained in Knowledge (Bureaucracy) and/or Persuasion gain Skill Focus in these skills. Alwari or
‘wild’ ansionians gain Skill Focus (Ride) and Skill Focus (Survival) if they are trained in these skills.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Ansionian, Basic


The Gwurran of Ansion are distantly related to Ansionians, only smaller, with brown fur, and tails as long as a human arm. They are hyperactive, inquisitive beings
who live primitively off the land and who steal the food of travelers passing through the hills. The Gwurran deeply hate their taller rural brethren, the Alwari, who
consider them to be backward.

Appearances and Examples: Tooqui, an Ansionian Gwurran appeared in the Clone Wars era novel “The Approaching Storm.”

Gwurran Ansonian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Dex +2
Two hearts: A member of this species that dies from falling to 0 hp may make an Endurance check (DC 15); if the check is successful, the character is only
unconscious, as her spare heart kicks in.
Prehensile Tail: A member of this species with Martial Arts I also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat. The Character gains a +2 species bonus on grab
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Conditional Bonus Feats: A gwurran ansionian gains Skill Focus (Stealth) if trained in that skill.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 4 squares.
Languages: Ansionian, Basic


The Annoo-dat is a four eyed, reptilian race hailing from the planet Annoo. The average height for an Annoo-dat male is 6 and one-half feet, while females are half a
foot shorter on average. The Annoo-dat tend to have rough, yellow, scaled skin, with a small row of spines running down their backs and to the end of their short tails.
Annoo-dat have four eyes; the upper two are red and the lower two are blue.

The Annoo-dat conquered the home planet of the Rets and changed its name to Annoo after the original homeworld of the Annoo-dat. After a century of Annoo-dat
rule, the Rets came to call themselves Annoo-dat and the two cultures largely merged, with the Dat-an language replacing the native language of the Rets. To
distinguish between the two species, xenobiologists called the Ret the “Annoo-dat Blue” and the original Annoo-dat conquerors’ species the “Annoo-dat Prime.”
Neither species made such distinctions.

Apppearances and Examples: Annoo-dat appear in the Jango Fett and Zam Wesell comics by Dark Horse.

Annoo-dat Prime Species Traits:

Abilities Modifiers: Str +2, Dex –2, Wis –2, Cha +2
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a tail attack (base damage 1d6 plus twice the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an
off-hand attack. Tail attacks count as one-handed melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Natural armor: A member of this species gains a +2 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Color change: Annoo-Dat change color according to their emotions; this gives them a –2 penalty on Deception and Persuasion checks made to hide their true
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Dat-an, Basic


The Anx are a large, reptilian species from the planet Gravlex Med. Sociable creatures, they possess an incredible devotion to any group of
which they feel a part. Their crests change color to reflect their moods. The Anx language is made of loud, low-frequency noises that they use
to communicate across distances of several kilometers. To compensate for poor eyesight, Anx have an acute sense of smell. They also tend
to possess a formidable knowledge of anatomy, especially nerves, muscles and bone structures, making them dangerous unarmed
combatants and skilled warriors, capable of defeating most opponents.

Appearances and Examples: Horox Ryyder was the Anx Senator of Raioballo sector in The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith.

Anx Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Anx suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Anx base speed is 8 squares.
Communicate at a Distance: An Anx can communicate with other Anx within 5 kilometers. Anx may only communicate in their own language using this type of
communication. Other languages, and indeed most other sounds, simply are not able to be produced at the proper volumes and frequencies to be carried such great
Revealing Coloration: Anx suffer a -5 penalty to Deception unless their fin is covered.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Anx with Knowledge (Life sciences) as a trained skill gains Martial Arts I as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: An Anx receives Skill Training (Endurance) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Anx.

Alternate Anx Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Wis -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Sprint: This ability works exactly as the scout talent of the same name.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Martial Arts II as a bonus feat if they meet the corresponding prerequisites.
Color change: Anx change color according to their emotions; this gives them a –2 penalty on Deception and Persuasion checks made to hide their true intentions.


The Anzati (singular: Anzat) are a dangerous and mysterious Force-sensitive near-Human species with two tentacle-like proboscises that
curl out and extend from their cheeks, with which they feed upon the cranial fluids or “soup” of their prey. With the tentacles retracted into
seams along each side of their nose, Anzati are indistinguishable from any other humanoid species in the galaxy. They are an extremely
long-lived race, also possessing regenerative capabilities beyond those of the average humanoid. The Anzati are also telepathic, growing
more adept at the talent as they aged, allowing them to dominate someone's mind to give them a chance to feed. According to the Jedi
Master Zao, the soup that Anzati drink is the future, and thus, the Force. Because of this, Force sensitive Anzati who drink the “soup” of
another Force-sensitive strengthens his connection to the Force.

Appearances and Examples: Dannik Jerriko was an Anzati bounty hunter known as the “Eater of Luck” and appeared in the cantina scene of A New Hope.

Anzat Species Traits (by ORC_Tao & Jindy)

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -4 Cha.
Speed: Anzat base speed is 6 squares.
Anzati Tracking: An Anzat gains a bonus on tracking equal to the target character’s current Force Points.
Hypnosis: An Anzat can attempt to hypnotize an adjacent target as a full round action. The target must be able to see, hear, and understand the Anzat. Make a
Persuasion check; If the result equals or exceeds the target’s Defense, it moves -1 step along the condition track. The target gets a +5 bonus to Will Defense if it is
higher level than the Anzat.
Proboscises:An Anzat may attempt to drain the “soup” from a helpless target, or any target who he has successfully Grabbed or Pinned. The Anzat makes a special
attack (d20 + 1/2 character level + Intelligence modifier) against his target’s Fortitude Defense as a full round action. If the attack succeeds, the target is immediately
moved to Helpless on the condition track and the Anzat may drain 1 Force Point per round as a full round action, beginning the following round. If a character is
drained to 0 Force Points in this fashion, the Helpless condition becomes persistent and may only be healed with an application of the Force Power Vital Transfer. If
the character is not healed within 24 hours, the character dies.
Bonus Feat: An Anzat receives Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Anzat.

Alternate Anzat Species Traits (by FandomComics.com)

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -4 Charisma. Anzati are physically gifted, but tend to view all other sentient species as food, negatively impacting
their dealings with them.
Size: As Medium creatures, Anzati have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Anzat base speed is 6 squares.
Telepathic: All Anzati are able to read minds. All Anzati are considered to possess the Mind Trick Force power, and can make Use the Force Checks untrained for
the purposes of using the power. In addition, all Anzati can make untrained Use the Force checks to use the Sense Force and Telepathy applications of the skill. If
the Anzat should become trained in Use the Force, they receive a +2 species bonus to Use the Force checks for both applications.
Soup: Anzati do not eat food in the traditional sense, and must instead feed on the Force energy of sentient victims. An Anzat must burn at least 1 Force Point per
week in order to survive. This Force Point can either come from a victim, or their own reserve of Force Points. In order to drain a victim, the Anzat must make a
successful unarmed attack against the Fortitude Defense of a grappled, stunned, or helpless creature. Instead of dealing damage, this attack drains one Force Point
from the victim and fulfills the requirement to the Anzat for the week. Failing to feed on 1 Force Point sends the Anzat 1 persistent step down the condition track, and
can only move back up the track by spending or feeding on a Force Point. If the Anzat moves to the bottom of the condition track, he becomes “feral”. Anzat
characters who go feral are turned over to the GM for control, and suffer a -10 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, (minimum 1) while gaining a +6 bonus
to Strength and +4 bonus to Dexterity. Feral Anzati attack any sentient being in sight, starting with the nearest, feeding on their soup immediately. Feral Anzati are
susceptible to mind-influencing effects that would affect animals. In order to escape the feral state and return to their right mind, Anzati must feed on 10 Force Points
(minus their Constitution Mod) within a week’s time. Every week that passes adds an additional Force Point to the total needed to remove the feral state.
Automatic Languages: Anzat and Basic.


The Aquar are a water-breathing near-Human species inhabiting the planet Velusia. They are an offshoot of Humans who colonized Velusia thousands of years ago
and evolved into their present form. An Aquar typically has blue or green skin covered in fine scales, with partially webbed fingers and toes, green hair, and large
eyes. Aquar noses are flat, with gill-like horizontal slits in place of nostrils. They live peaceful lives of subsistence on Velusia, harvesting fish and plants from the
oceans and raising herd animals on the few above-water mountains. When scouts from the Nexcore Mining Corporation arrived on Velusia, they assumed the Aquar
were natives and used them as cheap labor and supplanted their culture.

Appearances and Examples: Aquar appear in the Wizards of the Coast Gaming Supplement Coruscant and the Core Worlds.

Aquar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: none.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Aquar have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Aquar base speed is 6 squares. They have a swim speed of 6 squares.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Aquar can’t drown in water.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Aquar with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Expert Swimmer: An Aquar may choose to reroll any Swim check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. In addition, an Aquar may choose to
take 10 on Swim checks even if distracted or threatened.
Low-light Vision: Aquar ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Weapon Familiarity: Aquar with the Weapon Proficiency (simple) feat are proficient with Magna Bolas.
Automatic Languages: Basic.


Arachnoids were a species of sentient arachnids with a legspan of approximately 2.5 meters. They were covered in dense black and gray fur, and possessed four
eyes overt their mandibles. Their segmented body featured eight limbs, the two above their thorax serving as arm-like appendages, and the remaining six serving as
legs. Their hind legs were particularly powerful.

Appearances and Examples: Ptak-Sok, copilot of the Black Widow, appeared in Twin Stars of Kira, a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by
West End Games.

Arachnoids Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Arachnoids take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Arachnoid base speed is 6 squares.
Armor Plating: Arachnoids have thick exoskeletons that provide damage reduction 2.
Darkvision: Arachnoids ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Expert Climber: Arachnoids are adept at climbing with their multiple limbs. An Arachnoid may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Natural Weapons: An Arachnoid can inject venom with its sting or bite with its fangs instead of making an unarmed attack. The sting attack deals 1d6 points of
piercing damage (plus Strength modifier) plus 2d6 points of stun damage for the poison; the bite attacks deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (plus Strength modifier);
both attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Arachnoid is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Quadrupedal: An Arachnoid’s four legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against bantha rush and trip attacks.
Webbing: As a swift action, an Arachnoid can create a web, which serves as a natural Net (Saga Edition Core Rulebook page 130).
Automatic Languages: Arachnoid.


The Aramandi are four-armed, four-eyed, humanoid jungle dwellers from the heavy-gravity planet Aram. Their skin color ranges from pink to light brown, and their
solid eyes are black. The Aramandi hold strongly to the beliefs of the Eeronon, a strict and ancient religion that dictates the structure of Aramandi society and
emphasizes colonizing other star systems, and divide themselves into four distinct clans or “akia”: the Orma, the Cirra, the Mila, and the Lota. They jealously guard
the Aramand Cluster, within the Brak Sector, because they consider it their home territory.

Appearances and Examples: The Aramandi appeared in Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 14.

Aramandi Species Traits:

Ability Adjustments: Con +2, Int –2
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the character ever loses more than one limb.
Environmental adaptation: Aramandi are adapted to the high pressures and thick atmosphere of their homeworld. When in other planets, they must don a breath
mask or go down 1 step on the Condition Track every 8 hours. This persistent condition may not be removed unless the aramandi puts on a breath mask or returns to
his planet for at least 8 straight hours.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 4 squares.
Language: Aramandi, Basic


The Araquia are sapient, pacifist arachnoids indigenous to the deciduous jungle world of Kirtania in the Yyrtan system, located along a hyperspace trade route that
became popular during the period of the New Republic. They have six long legs supporting a large abdomen that is nearly quadruple the size of its cephalothorax,
which sports two large fangs and three pairs of eyes, each pair decreasing in size as it nears the abdomen.

Appearances and Examples: Araquia appear in “The Quality of Mercy" in the Star Wars Adventure Journal 1.

Araquia Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, +2 Widom, +2 Charisma.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Araquia take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Araquia base speed is 6 squares. They have a climb speed of 8 squares. They have a fly speed of 6 squares.
Armor Plating: Araquia have thick exoskeletons that provide damage reduction 2.
Bonus Feat: Araquia gain Skill Focus (Climb) as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: Araquia ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Expert Climber: Araquia are adept at climbing with their multiple limbs. An Araquia may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Natural Weapons: An Araquia bite with its fangs instead of making an unarmed attack. The bite attacks deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (plus Strength modifier)
and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an Araquia is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening
adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Pacifism: When faced with a violent encounter, an Araquia must succeed at a Perception check (DC 15) before rolling Initiative. Skill bonuses due to Heightened
Awareness are ignored for this check. If the check fails, the Araquia suffers a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense and a -1 penalty on attack rolls because he or she finds
the situation extremely disconcerting. The penalties last for the duration of the combat. This quality can be voided by taking the feat Combat Reflexes or any Martial
Arts feat, but doing so permanent reduces the Araquia’s Charisma -2.
.Quadrupedal: An Araquia’s six legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against bantha rush and trip attacks.
Skills: An Araquia may reroll a Survival check in a forest environment but must keep the second result.
Webbing: As a swift action, an Araquia can create a web, which serves as a natural Net (Saga Edition Core Rulebook page 130).
Automatic Languages: Araquia.
ARCONA (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement species stats)

The Arcona are cold-blooded humanoids from Cona, an arid world in the Teke Ro system. Arcona society is less technologically evolved
than what is considered the galactic norm. The species did not develop space travel on their own, but shortly after Republic scouts made
contact with the world many decades ago, entire villages sought employment with the republic and interstellar corporations, fascinated by
the possibility of exploring the galaxy. In all major eras of play, most worlds located at trade-route junctures have at least one Arcona
colony, and Arcona can be found at virtually every large spaceport—either as travelers or operators of businesses. An individual Arcona
almost always uses the plural pronoun “we” instead of “I” to refer to itself. Male Arcona raise the young, since Arcona females are
typically impulsive thrill-seekers. As such, females are particularly prone to risking salt addiction, while males go to great lengths to keep
the substance out of their communities. In fact, male Arcona are renowned for their conservative outlooks and strong commitment to
maintain order at the cost of individual ambitions and desires.

Appearances and Examples: Hem Dazon appeared in the Mos Eisley Cantina in A New Hope.

Arcona Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Cha, –2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Great Fortitude: Arcona gain a +2 species bonus to their Fortitude Defense. Arcona have adapted to the harsh environment of Cona and can convert many different
toxins into harmless chemicals.
Scent: Arcona have a keen sense of smell. At close range (within 10 squares), Arcona ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they
take no penalty for poor visibility when tracking (see Survival skill, Saga Edition Core Rulebook, page 73).
Languages: Arconese, Basic.


Aruzans, the inhabitants of Aruza, are humanoids with faintly blue skin and dark, nearly black hair. They have the ability to share their memories and emotions with
one another by means of cybernetic implants. During the time of Imperial subjugation, the enslaved Aruzans hired the bounty hunter Dengar to assassinate General
Kritkeen, who was the planetary commander.

Appearances and Examples: Aruzans, including Dengar’s wife Manaroo, appeared in “Payback: The Tale of Dengar” from the novel “Tales of the Bounty Hunters,”
and also in the novel “The Mandalorian Armor.”

Aruzan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Wis +2, Cha +2
Attanni implant: All Aruzans have attanni implants (see below).
Violence aversion: An Aruzan must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10) to engage in any violent action. If the check fails, the Aruzan can take no actions during his
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Aruzan, Basic
Attanni Implant
This cybernetic implant allows the user to share its feelings and emotions with other attanni implant wearers. Any character with an attanni implant automatically
knows (and feels) the emotions felt by the wearer of another attanni implant. Attanni implants cost 2000 credits.


The Askajians hail from a planet just off of the Rimma Trade Route that makes Tatooine look like the garden spot of the Outer Rim –
Askajia. Their homeworld being entirely covered with desert, the natives of the planet not only survive but thrive in the hostile
environment. Being a primitive people, the only thing they export from the planet, aside from the occasional slave, is tomuon fabric.
Tomuon is prized due to its uncommon set of qualities – strong, wrinkle-resistant, yet soft to the touch. The fabric is made by the weavers
of the Askajian tribes; many wars have been waged on Askajia for weavers. Dancing is also held in high regard in their culture. Askajian
society is a tribal one. Askajians always put their tribe’s needs before their own. If separated from their tribe they will treat their
companions as their tribe. Exobiologists have been unable to determine if the Askajians were once baseline humans that became
stranded on Askaj thousands of generations ago or if they are indigenous to the planet and simply share many human features. One
feature they do not share with their human counterparts is their amazing ability to store water efficiently inside their bodies, leading to the
misconception that they are obese. If they use all of the water held by their body, they more closely resemble humans. Askajians also
have six breasts, which, for females, develop as secondary sexual characteristics and serve to provide nourishment to the large brood of children typical of Askajian
reproduction. Askajians females in the galaxy are often employed as dancers and weavers; while the males occasionally hold positions as mercenaries or

Appearances and Examples: The zaftig Askajian Yarna d’al’Gargan danced for Jabba the Hutt in “Return of the Jedi.”

Askajian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Dex
May reroll Survival checks in desert conditions, but second roll must be kept even if it is worse.
May reroll Endurance checks, but second roll must be kept even if it is worse.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Askajian, Basic


Avogwi are a sentient species of predatory birds native to Altor 14, which was also home to the reptilian Nuiwit. Except for their muscular, scale-covered legs,
Avogwi bodies are covered in orange feathers, which camouflages them against Altor's orange skies. Adult Avogwi have a wingspan of four to five meters. They have
three fingers at the joint of each wing, which serve as hands when not in flight. Avogwi view the Nuiwit as merely another prey species, though tastier than most.
They react violently to suggestions that the two species evolved from a common ancestor.

Appearances and Examples: Nevid d'Hon was an outfitter on Ord Mantell in the West End Games choose-your-adventure story Scoundrel's Luck.

Avogwi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Avogwi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Avogwi base speed is 2 squares. Their flight speed is 8 squares.
Battle Honor: An Avogwi must succeed at a Perception skill check (DC = Avogwi’s current hit point total) to disengage from a melee battle in progress or to decline to
engage in melee combat against an opponent who has clearly provoked, challeneged, goaded, or threatened the Avogwi.
Natural Weapons: An Avogwi can bite with its beak or rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The beak deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (plus
Strength modifier); the claws deal 1d4 points of slashing damage (plus Strength modifier); both do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its
natural weapons, an Avogwi is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are
considered simple weapons.
Primitive: Avogwi do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at first
level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Climb), Skill Focus
(Survival), Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin. You must meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Skills: An Avogwi may reroll a Persuasion check to intimidate but must keep the second result.
Xenophobic: Avogwi regard all other species as food. They suffer a -8 penalty on Persuasion or Charisma checks made to improve the attitudes of members of other
species. Likewise, they impose a -8 penalty on other species’ attempts to improve Avogwi attitudes toward them. In encounters with other species, Avogwi start off as
Indifferent at best.
Automatic Languages: Avogwi.


The Assembler species is rare and elusive. The main Assembler form is a large spider-like creature that is mentally linked to smaller versions of itself. Each "node"
as the mini-Assemblers are called, is delegated a specific task to carry out (i.e. "lookouts" act similar to cameras, pilots will concentrate on navigating the immense
cocoon that an Assembler constructs for its numerous nodes and itself so that they can survive in space). Because of the intelligence given to each node, and the
fact that each node can grow up to become a full Assembler, the main Assembler must be wary enough to kill the nodes before they become mature enough to
arrange the Assembler's demise, directly or indirectly, and take over its place; however, since nodes become more useful as they mature and grow, the main
Assembler always faces a dilemma as to when to kill its nodes. It seems probable that this trait is somehow beneficial to the population as a whole, possibly because
it ensures that an Assembler is crafty and clever; it would not have become an Assembler or remained an Assembler long if it were not.

Appearances and Examples: Kud'ar Mub'at appears in the novel “The Mandalorian Armor.”

Assembler Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex –4, Con +2, Int +4
Brain web: An assembler’s brain has the form of a Gargantuan tube-shaped web, which drifts through space carrying the assembler and its brain nodes. This brain
can be used as a computer (with an Intelligence equal to the assembler’s Int score) to make calculations and obtain information. A non-assembler may not access
this computer, unless the assembler’s ‘nodes’ help the process. An assembler’s brain may generate a replica of the assembler, a smaller arachnid ‘node’ that skitters
up and down the web carrying on the tasks assigned by its ‘master’. If an assembler dies, it may be revived by making a Repair check (DC 30) on the remains of its
An assembler´s web has 100 hit points and DR 15. If an assembler’s web is hit by a single attack dealing damage equal to or higher than the assembler´s Damage
Threshold, the assembler immediately goes down 1 persistent step in the Condition Track. If the web is destroyed, the assembler dies.
Vacuum immunity: An assembler is unaffected by vacuum-related penalties, effects and hazards.
Stability: An assembler gains a +2 bonus on checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
Web improvement: An assembler constantly strives to improve the function of its web. Every time an assembler gains an ability score increase (by reaching 4th, 8th,
12th, 16th or 20th level) it must give one of the two increases to its Intelligence score.
Independent nodes: An assembler has a number of nodes equal to its Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). Assemblers start as smaller versions of the assembler
(Small size, same ability scores as the assembler but applying ‘child’ age modifiers); every time the assembler increases its ability scores by any means, the nodes
increase the same ability scores by 1. If a node reaches Intelligence 13 or higher, it revolts against the assembler, and becomes an NPC under the GM’s control, with
a Hostile attitude towards the assembler that created it.
Confined to web: An assembler cannot leave its web, as it is attached by neurofibers directly connected to the assembler’s own nervous system.
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 8 squares.
Language: Native tongue & Basic

The Ayrou are a tall, slim flightless, birdlike humanoids from Maya Kovel in the Moddell Sector and are noted for their warbling, high-pitched voices. They typically
stand around two meters tall but are only 65 kilograms in mass. They have long, triple-jointed limbs, with four tapered fingers on each hand. Their skin ranges from
milky white to light purple. Ayrou have wide-spaced eyes, which come in brilliant shades of red, blue, or green. Their avian ancestry is obvious from the dazzling
plumage they have instead of hair. Ayrou spend much of their time preening their feathers, since their appearance reflected their health and social status. By
reputation, they are a peaceful species, and experts in gathering information. The harmonics in their voices make many species uncomfortable. Some Humans
describe Ayrou vocalizations as "blood-curdling", and other listeners liken the Ayrou language to a songbird being strangled. Some species even claim actual
physical harm (such as lost egg clutches) from hearing Ayrou speak. Their version of a snort is a warbling scream. Though their voices are often considered
unpleasant, their appearance was generally held to be attractive. Ayrou have an instinct to hoard items for future use: a trait non-Ayrou sometimes mistake for
simple greed. This trait carried over to a drive to collect as much information as possible about anything and everything. It also makes them treat haggling and
negotiations as an art form. Ayrou are non-aggressive, however, and consider violence the mark of those who could not succeed through their intellects. Ayrou are
politically influential in their home sector. They have established populations on the factory world Ovise III, the penal colony of Thonner, the Vashan homeworld of
Vasha, and the sector capital world Annaj.

Appearances and Examples: Muchardis Mulaxis was a male Ayrou Senator of the New Republic who represented Maya Kovel and the Moddell Sector in the novel
Specter of the Past.

Ayrou Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Con, +2 Wis
Speed: Ayrou base speed is 6 squares.
Trustworthy: An Ayrou may choose to reroll any Persuasion check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Ayrou.

Alternate Ayrou Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con -2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural diplomacy: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check or Gather Information check, but they have to abide by the second roll, even if it’s
worse than the original.



The Balinaka (singular, Balinak) are strong, amphibious mammals native to the arctic planet Garnib. They are covered with thick white fur, and have a dual lung/gill
system which enables them to breathe both air and water. They also have webbing between each digit and flexible, long tails. Balinaka also have excellent vision,
and can see in dark conditions. Their diet consists mostly of fish. The Balinaka share Garnib with the Vernols. Their homeworld is extremely cold, with several
continents covered by glaciers dozens of meters thick. The Balinaka carved entire underground cities called Sewfes. The Balinaka are also skilled at sculpting ice, a
skill which won them fame throughout the galaxy. In the Senex Sector, Balinaka and Ossans were used as slaves by House Vandron on Karfeddion and other
worlds. Balinaka were encountered often enough by Rebel SpecOps personnel to acquire the nickname "bears."

Appearances and Examples: Balinaka appear in the West End Games supplement Alien Encounters.

Balinaka Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Balinaka take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Balinak base speed is 6 squares. They have a swim speed of 6 squares.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Balinaka can’t drown in water.
Expert Swimmer: A Balinak may choose to reroll any Swim check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. In addition, a Balinak may choose
to take 10 on Swim checks even if distracted or threatened.
Darkvision: Balinaka ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Weapons: A Balinak can rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The claws attack deals 1d6 points of slashing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Balinak is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Automatic Languages: Balinaka.


Baragwin are easily recognized by their hunched backs, wrinkled skin, and large heads mounted on thick necks. There are no obvious
differences between males and females. Physically, Baragwin are noted for their thick skin which can resist most physical attacks, and
their shuffing gait. This makes them powerful, but slow, warriors. Baragwin also have an acute sense of smell, sensitive enough to detect
a person's mood. This leads some of them into careers as big-game hunters, or even as bounty hunters. Due to their ponderous
movement, many non-Baragwin believe the Baragwin to be a dull-witted people. Baragwin are, in fact, quite intelligent, but they
frequently keep this hidden, using the misperceptions of others to their own advantage.

Appearances and Examples: Hermi Odle was one of the aliens in Jabba the Hutt's employment at his desert palace in Return of the Jedi.

Baragwin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int.
Speed: Baragwin base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Mood Sense: A Baragwin may reroll any Perception check made to sense deception or influence, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Baragwin with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic.

Alternate Baragwin Species Traits:

Speed: 4 squares.
Dex -4, Con +2, Int +2
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Mood sense: Members of this species may accurately determine the mood of a sentient creature within line of sight by succeeding on a Perception check with a DC
equal to the target’s Will Defense. A willing target grants a +10 bonus to the roll.
Conditional Bonus Feats: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Mechanics) and Skill Focus (Use Computer) as bonus feats if they are trained in these skills.


The Bartokks are an insectoid, hive-mind species of sapients from a nameless planet in the Outer Rim Territories. The Bartokks possess amazing regenerative
abilities, and can recover from almost any injury, so long as their brains are not completely destroyed. However, if their brain is cut in half, each half regenerates into
a separate twin. Their bodies also have the ability to have parts that have been cut off in combat to continue functioning as normal. If decapitated, for example, the
body continues to fight as if it were still attached to the head. They are also mildly telepathic – if one is in danger, it could simply call on its "hive" to save it. Their
homeworld is mildly radioactive, which occasionally leads to mutations that seem minor to most beings, but are grounds for exile in Bartokk society.

Appearances and Examples: Bartokks appear in the Young Jedi Knights novel Lightsabers.

Bartokk Species Traits (by Isirga_Eth):

Speed: 6 squares.
Str +2, Con +2, Int -6, Cha -4
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery II, Pin, Skill Focus (Climb) and Triple Attack as
conditional bonus feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-
hand attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
hive mind: uncanny dodge I in group
Limb regeneration: This ability works as the Trandoshan ability of the same name (as detailed in the SECR)..
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Force-incapable: Bartokk can't become Force Sensitive or use the force.
Languages: Bartokk, Basic

Alternate Bartokk Species Traits (By ORC_Tao):

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -6 Int, -4 Cha
Speed: Bartokk base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Damage Reduction: DR 2.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Extra Limbs: A Bartokk has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks. However,
a Bartokk cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round, unless he possesses a feat or talent that allows him to do so.
Natural Weapons: A Bartokk has four razor-edged claws that deal 1d6 points of slashing damage.
Hive Mind: A Bartokk is linked telepathically to every other Bartokk within 500 meters. When making a Perception check for a group of Bartokk make only one check
using the best skill bonus and the lowest DC.
Regeneration: See Trandoshan trait (SECR page 31).
Compartmentalized Biology: Severed Bartokk body parts act as normal on the Bartokk’s initiative count. They die 8 hours after dismemberment.
Languages: Bartokk, Basic


The Berrites of the planet Berri are considered to be stupid and clumsy by most other species, though they could be deceptively cunning. Berrites are one-meter tall
creatures with two arms and four legs. Their skin is green and wrinkled, with patches of coarse black hair. They have poor vision and hearing, but have a natural
sonar ability which compensates for these deficiencies. Berrites are hermaphrodites, though they take on male or female identities when dealing with aliens
depending on which sex would get them better treatment. They often have trouble telling male and female aliens apart. When Berrites reproduce, one takes on a
male role and fertilizes the eggs of the other, who takes on a female role, carrying the eggs (usually three) within "her" skin folds. Hatchlings grow to full size within
one year, but do not reproduce until the age of sixty. Berrites can live to be four hundred years old.

Appearances and Examples: Mexnean was a Berrite con artist and thief in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Wanted by Cracken.

Berrite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Berrites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Berrite base speed is 6 squares.
Blindsight: Using nonvisual sense, Berrite maneuver and fight as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Berrites with Deception as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Deception) as a bonus feat.
Heightened Awareness: A Berrite may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Quadrupedal: A Berrite’s four legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against Bantha Rush and Trip attacks.
Sonar Communication: A Berrite can communicate with any other Berrite within 5 kilometers. This communication can only be perceived by creatures with
Heightened Awareness or Blindsight; such creatures can understand but not “speak” these sonar communications only if trained in Berrite language.
Skills: A Berrite may reroll a Survival check underground but must keep the second result.
Automatic Languages: Berrite.


Besalisks are bulky, multi-armed humanoids from the cold ocean world of Ojom who evolved from large, flightless avians, but are often
mistaken for a reptilian species. Male Besalisks have prominent crests and four arms. Females have as many as eight arms. Besalisks are
able to store food and water for many days, and if need be, survive for long periods without either. Scruffy sensory whiskers line the area
below their noses, just above the robust jowls most adult Besalisks possess.
Appearances and Examples: Dexter Jettster was a well-traveled fry-cook and old friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Attack of the Clones.
Besalisk Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -4, Con +2
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery II, Pin, Skill Focus (Climb) and
Triple Attack as conditional bonus feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than
one limb.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in arctic environments.
Resist hunger: Members of this species may go without food for a number of days equal to twice their Con modifier before requiring an Endurance check.
Resist thirst: Members of this species may go without water for a number of hours equal to Con modifier x 5 before requiring an Endurance check.
Languages: Besalisk, Basic

Alternate Besalisk Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -4, Con +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in arctic environments.
Resist hunger: Members of this species may go without food for a number of days equal to twice their Con modifier before requiring an Endurance check.
Resist thirst: Members of this species may go without water for a number of hours equal to Con modifier x 5 before requiring an Endurance check.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Endurance) if they are trained in this skill.


Bilar evolved from vegetarian primates on the planet of Mima II. The 1 meter tall, pink, hairless creatures have large black eyes, short muzzles, and two round ears
which sit on top of their heads. They have adapted to moving by either biped or quadruped locomotion. Their most distinctive feature, however, is one that is not
readily apparent at first glance; a group mind. As Bilars bond together into groups, or claqas, this group mind begins to manifest itself. An individual Bilar is relatively
unintelligent while a pair of the beings exhibits the intelligence of a trained domestic animal. True sentience is not achieved until four bond together. The bonds begin
developing shortly after birth between small groups that are born near to each other. For this reason, Bilars tend to deliver their young on Mima II near other
expectant Bilar. The members of a claqa are believed to share information between each other through a combination of pheromones, ultrasonic communication,
physical contact, visual cues, and possibly some degree of telepathy. Claqas typically consist of between four and ten members. Claqas with members over four
continue to be progressively smarter and a seven-member claqa can be considered a true genius. Claqas have been known to have more than ten members, but
those are extremely rare. A Bilar claqa refers to itself as a single individual with a single name. If the members of a claqa are separated, this results in a temporary
loss in cognitive skills to all members of the group. The death of a claqa member can have a devastating effect; a deep depression can ensue that may lead to
catatonia or the death of the entire claqa.

Appearances and Examples: Unni Yerudi was the name taken by a claqa, or group mind, of Bilars in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Galaxy Guide 4:
Alien Races.

Bilar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom. Bilars are short of stature but possess a group mind that puts them on par with the
smartest denizens of the galaxy.
Small size: As Small creatures, Bilar gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are
three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Speed: Bilar base speed is 4 squares.
Claqa Group Mind: The starting intelligence of a Bilar is a direct result of how many members are in its claqa. The number of members in a claqa begins at a number
equal to its Intelligence score divided by two and rounded down. A claqa member is considered separated from the claqa if no member of the claqa is within 6
squares of it. The separated member takes an immediate Intelligence penalty equal to -2 for every other member of the claqa. The claqa itself suffers a penalty of -2
to Intelligence which is cumulative for each separated member. If a member of the claqa dies, the claqa takes an immediate, permanent reduction in both Intelligence
and Wisdom of -2 and moves -4 persistent steps down the condition track for a period of 2d6 days as it sinks into a depressive catatonia. Each day, the Bilar may
make a DC 20 Constitution check to recover and remove the persistent condition. A failure on this check means that the catatonia continues. Rolling a 1, however,
means that the claqa has lost its will to exist and the entire claqa dies.
Coordinated Actions: Bilar claqas are masters of multitasking. In any situation where the Bilar can Take 10 or Take 20, the claqa provides a +2 circumstance bonus
to the skill check.
Coordinated Combat: A Bilar claqa in combat is treated as a swarm per the rules in the Threats of the Galaxy book. In combat, a claqa of four to seven members is
treated as a Medium creature while a claqa of eight or more members is treated as a Large creature.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Bilar

Alternate Bilar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -6 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
Small Size: As Small creatures, Bilar gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth Checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits
are three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Speed: Bilar base speed is 4 squares. They have a climb speed of 6.
Bonus Feat: Bilar gain Skill Focus (Climb) as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: Bilar ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Expert Climber: Bilar are adept at climbing in their forest homes. A Bilar may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Heightened Awareness: A Bilar may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Herbivorous: The Bilar evolved from plant-eating mammal-analogs on Mima II. They cannot digest animal protein, and any Bilar who consumes such matter
(knowingly or no) immediately suffers 1d6 points of damage and moves -1 along the condition track. Bilars receive a +2 species bonus on Fortitude saves versus
plant-based poisons.
Hive Mind: A Bilar can telepathically link with up to 9 other Bilar to form a group entity known as a “claqa.” Bilar within a claqa can silently communicate with each
other via telepathy within 10 meters. A claqa of of two or more Bilar cannot be flanked, nor can they be denied their Dexterity bonus to Defense unless all of them are
caught flat-footed. When making Perception checks for a group of Bilar, make only one check using the best Perception skill bonus and the lowest DC. Bilar gain a
temporary +1 bonus to Intelligence for each additional Bilar in the claqa within 10 meters (maximum +9). The increase in Intelligence does not grant a Bilar additional
trained skills, but does improve the Bilar’s Intelligence-based skill checks and a special +2 Persuasion bonus to Intimidate.
Light Sensitivity: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight) blinds Bilar for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense, all attack rolls, and
skill checks involving sight while operating in bright light without protective eyewear.
Automatic Languages: Bilar.


Bimms are peaceful, diminutive humanoids from the planet Bimmisaari and consist of two species—one, a Near-Human race, the
other a floppy-eared, furred humanoid species. Though the two species are completely unrelated biologically, they share a
language and cultural identity as Bimms. The furred species are slightly taller than the Near-Human Bimms and are covered in
short fur, ranging from black to tan in color. Their faces have long muzzles, and small black eyes. They have three long fingers and
a thumb on each hand. Near-Human Bimms are often said to resemble Human children, though males frequently (and proudly)
grow full beards. Xenobiologists believed that the Near-Human Bimms arrived on Bimmisaari from a nearby planet eons before the
rise of the Galactic Empire, and adopted the culture of the original Bimm species. No other animal species on Bimmisaari was
related to them genetically. Both species call themselves simply "Bimms" and live harmoniously with each other in their shared
forest cities. They consider themselves to be a united people, and are considered as such by the rest of the galaxy. Intermarriage
between the two Bimm species is not uncommon, though genetic incompatibilities require such couples to adopt if they wanted
children. Bimms, especially the Near-Human Bimms, are fond of art, music, and storytelling, especially where it involves heroic adventures. The language Bimmini,
is sung, rather than spoken, giving a Bimm conversation a seemingly mystical quality, like songs being sung in five-part harmony. The furred Bimms are particularly
good merchants, and feel the day is incomplete without a good round of shopping and haggling. The art of bargaining is respected in their culture, and fair dealing is
highly honored; however, cheating and theft are tantamount to murder in their society. Furred Bimms are also noted for their yellow clothing.

Appearances and Examples: Rycar Ryjerd and his son Rayc appear in the cantina of A New Hope and in Jabba’s palace in Return of the Jedi respectively.

Bimm Species Traits (Furred Species)*:

Abilty Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Int +2, Cha +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Languages: Bimmini

* Use Human stats for Near-Human species, with “Size: Small” and “Speed: 4 squares.”


The Bitthævrians are warlike, bipedal sapients native to Guiteica, in the Kadok Regions. They are tall creatures with a muscled body and leathery skin that protects
them from physical damage. The color of their hides is typically sandy pink or a rusty brown, but variations are wide, including tan-colored Bitthævrians living in
equatorial areas and dark brown- or black-colored Bitthævrians living in the north. Bitthævrians also have a row of six sharp fangs embedded in the flesh of their
upper jaw, which can be used in personal combat. The knees and elbows of Bitthævrians are covered with sharp quills used in personal combat as piercing
weapons. The quills are not particularly hard, and are often broken or lost, but regenerate. As a Bitthævrian ages, the quills become more resilient and larger.
Bitthævrians’ vision ranges into the infrared allowing them to see heat sources (such as living beings or recently fired sidearms) in complete darkness.

Appearances and Examples: Colonel Quaal Tavier Catharius was a formidable warrior and a charismatic leader who served as the thirty-first leader of the
m'Yalfor'ac Order, as reported in the Alliance Intelligence Reports, a supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games.

Bitthævrian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Bitthaevrians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Bitthævrianbase speed is 6 squares.
Battle Honor: An Bitthævrianmust succeed at a Perception skill check (DC = Bitthaevrian’s current hit point total) to disengage from a melee battle in progress or to
decline to engage in melee combat against an opponent who has clearly provoked, challeneged, goaded, or threatened the Bitthaevrian.
Bonus Feat: Bitthaevrians gain Martial Arts I as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Bitthaevrians with Knowledge (tactics) as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Knowledge [tactics]) as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: Bitthaevrians ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Armor: Bitthaevrians have thick scales that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Natural Weapons: A Bitthævriancan bite with its teeth or slash with its arm quills instead of making an unarmed attack. The bite attack deals 1d6 points of piercing
damage (plus Strength modifier); the quills attack deals 2d4 points of slashing damage (plus Strength modifier); both attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Bitthævrianis always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of
opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Xenophobic: Bitthaevrians despise all other species. They suffer a -8 penalty on Persuasion or Charisma checks made to improve the attitudes of members of other
species. Likewise, they impose a -8 penalty on other species’ attempts to improve Bitthævrianattitudes toward them. In encounters with other species,
Bitthævrianstart off as Indifferent at best.
Automatic Languages: Bitthaevrian.


Boltrunians are a large, muscular, long-lived species with hairless heads, craggy faces, wide noses, and heavy brow ridges. They appear reptilian, but are, in fact,
warm-blooded mammals. In fact, Boltrunian resemble Trandoshans enough to confuse the less savvy. The Boltrunian lifespan can exceed 700 years.

Appearances and Examples: The Dark Jedi Maw appears in the “Jedi Knight: Dark Forces” videogames
Boltrunian Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Int –2, Wis –2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Boltrunian & Basic

B’OMARR MONK (Template)

With the GM’s permission, a starting character may choose the B’omarr monk template for a character of nearly any species. Also
with the GM’s permission, an existing character may undergo the brain transplant surgery to implant his brain in a robotic walker.

The mysterious order of the B’omarr monks moved to the planet Tatooine many centuries before the Battle of Yavin. They
believed that cutting themselves off from all civilization and distraction was essential to their enlightenment. Forgotten by the
Republic and populated only by uncommunicative local tribes, Tatooine offered a perfect haven. The Monks arrived aboard half a
dozen cargo ships, which formed the basis of their original monastery on Tatooine on the edge of The Dune Sea, and spent quiet
centuries in meditation as they covered and enclosed it after encounters with sand storms and Sand People. Many people have
cohabitated with the monks in the Monastery, adding to its monstrous halls where they could, before moving on – most notably the
bandit Alkhara and the gangster Jabba the Hutt.

When a B’omarr monk reaches “enlightenment” and undergoes the “shedding” of his body (i.e., when a character chooses the B’omarr monk template), he no longer
needs to sleep. The nutrients and stationary apparatus that keep the brain alive also provide the regenerative effects that sleep normally would. The monk also
acquires a limited form of Force Sensitivity, and, while not necessarily gaining the “Force Sensitive” feat itself (although a character may take the feat when otherwise
permitted by character generation or level advancement), gains the ability to use the Telepathy subskill as if he were trained in the Use the Force Skill. For purposes
of using the Telepathy subskill, a disembodied Monk may choose as his “specific target” his “brain walker,” a robotic, spider-shaped apparatus which picks up his jar,
and secures it so he can become mobile. If an enlightened monk is a heroic character, he can use the Telepathy subskill on others besides members of the order
and his robotic walker; otherwise, the telepathy is limited to only other B’omarr monks and the monk’s own walker.

If an enlightened monk is encountered walking the halls of the monastery in his brain walker, he is given wide berth, and often is bowed to. The walkers have only
rudimentary processors with sensors tuned to detect certain energy signals associated with telepathic activity. The built-in brain support unit allows the living brain of
the monk to survive while it is not attached directly to the support equipment in the deepest parts of the B’omarr monastery. The telepathic sensors attune
themselves to the attached brain and cannot be manipulated by other telepaths while the brain is conscious. The less enlightened members of the B’omarr monks –
those who still have bodies – construct the walkers from readily obtained parts according to an ancient set of blueprints. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, some
of the initiates had begun experimenting with alternate designs, resulting in walkers with five or six legs, instead of the usual four. Provided at least two of the limbs
of the walker are used as legs, the remaining limbs may be used as arms. The walker itself uses a combination of vibration sensitivity and echolocation to send
“visual” images to the brain. This “blindsight” makes darkness irrelevant to the B’omar monk.

Thanks to reliable anesthesia, the process of transferring a living being’s brain into a suitable container is painless, but not easy, requiring a Treat Injury check as per
the “install cybernetic prosthesis” subskill, the Cybernetic Surgery feat and a surgery kit to keep the brain alive long enough for transplantation. A bacta tank provides
a +5 equipment bonus to the surgery and the patient-initiate’s Will Save. Failure on the surgery check means that the brain does not survive and is discarded along
with the lifeless corpse.

A partial success on the surgery attempt is achieved at DC 25; the patient suffers
10 persistent steps on the Condition Track (i.e., must heal all 5 steps of the Condition Track twice) and must make a DC 10 CON check each day to move up one
step on the “double” Condition Track. Normal healing will not remove the persistent condition; the persistent condition still applies its negatives on this check, at up to
a -10 penalty depending on where along the “double” Condition Track the patient-initiate is.

A complete success on the surgery is achieved at DC 30, in which case the brain is transplanted without ill conditions. Though rare, it is possible for a B’omarr monk
to transplant one of their enlightened members into a physical form again using the same system, except the surgeon suffers a -5 to his Treat Injury roll, so it is
considerably more risky than the original procedure.

B’omarr monks are organic beings, although the disembodied monks typically ambulate by means of a robotic body. Since their brains are organic, they are capable
of being Force Sensitive. The stats are figured differently for the brain and for the robotic walker, as shown below, the former being a template, and the latter being
treated as a cyborg.

Appearances and Examples: B’omarr Monks appear in Jabba the Hutt’s palace in “Return of the Jedi.”

Template for Disembodied B’omarr Monk:

Defense: treated as “helpless” (As in SECR)

HPs = Con ÷ 4
Speed: 0 sq. (cannot move)
Defenses: Fort N/A (you’re a damn brain in a jar!), Reflex N/A (treated as “helpless”), Will: -4,
Size: Diminutive
Str N/A, Dex N/A, Con (for brain only) +0, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha -4
Special Quality: Telepathic communication with other B’omarr monks

B’omarr Monk Operating a Robotic “Brain Walker” (Cyborg):

Arakyd Industries BT-16 Perimeter Droid

Large fifth-degree conveyance droid, nonheroic 4
Init +6; Senses Darkvision, Perception +4
Languages Binary
Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 10), Fort 8, Will variable (as character)
hp 15; Threshold 8
Immune droid traits
Speed 6 squares (crawling)
Melee +0
Base Atk +3
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int variable (per character), Wis variable (per character), Cha variable (-4 from character's original CHA)
Feats Skill Focus (Climb), Skill Focus (Stealth), Toughness
Skills Climb +10, Stealth +10
Systems remote processor (remote transmitter is in the fluid-filled jar with the brain), locked access, self destruct system, improved sensor package, plasteel shell
Possessions: none
Availability: Restricted (the parts are scavenged by corporeal monks and built to ancient specifications)
Cost: An arm and a leg (...actually, the entire corporeal body)


Bornecks are Near-Humans who inhabited the agrarian world of Vellity. Their skin tones vary from pale yellow to orange-brown. They were patient, sensible pacifists,
and farmers who enjoy hard work and holidays. They live to an average of one hundred twenty standard years. Many Bornecks migrated to the agriworld of
Draenell's Point.

Appearances and Examples: Borneck appear in the West End Games supplements Alien Encounters and Classic Campaigns.

Borneck Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Bornecks have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Borneck base speed is 6 squares.
Animal Handler: The Bornecks are naturally gifted when it comes to dealing with beasts and wild creatures. A Borneck can choose to reroll any Ride check, but the
result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. Additionally, a Borneck can make Persuasion checks to change the attitude of an undomesticated creature
that has an Intelligence of 2 or lower.
Skills: A Borneck may reroll a Knowledge (life sciences) check for agriculture but must keep the second result.
Automatic Languages: Basic.


The Bosphs are a Force Sensitive species from the grassy world of Bosph. They record the history of their galactic travels by tattooing star maps on their skin, and
are naturally talented at playing the Bosphon Geddy. Bosph are squat, rotund, bipedal and have four arms and tridactyl extremeties. Their dome-shaped heads
feature a pig-like nose; two large, insect-like compound eyes; and two long, upwardly-curving horns.

Appearances and Examples: Bora Boru was a Bosph smuggler who operated in the Outer Rim Territories in the article “Smugglers of the Outer Rim” in Star Wars
Adventure Journal 5.

Bosph Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Bosphs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Bosph base speed is 6 squares.
Bonus Feat: Bosphs gain Force Sensitivity as a bonus feat.
Expert Climber: Bosphs are adept at climbing with their multiple limbs. A Bosph may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Extra Limbs: A Bosph may take 4 attacks per turn, rather than the usual two, although normal penalties apply. A Bosph receives +4 to Grapple checks.
Iron Will: Bosphs have above-average willpower and gain a +2 species bonus to their Will Defense.
Natural Weapons: A Bosph can gore with its horns instead of making an unarmed attack. The horns attack deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Bosph is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Possession: Bosphs may steal objects without incurring a Dark Side Point.
Skills: A Bosph may reroll a Knowledge (social sciences) check about theology, keeping the better result.
Automatic Languages: Bosph.


Bouncers are furry, green, floating orbs with long, tapering tails, and live in the Valley of the Jedi in Sulon on the planet Ruusan. Morgan Katarn, the father of Kyle
Katarn, discovered and named the creatures. Bouncers apparently move with the wind, lifting flaps of skin as sails to guide their bodies. They bounce on rock
outcroppings and other geographic formations to ascend to heights high enough for air travel. Bouncers are attuned to the Force and can communicate with those
who can manipulate it. They become hostile when exposed to large amounts of energy from the Dark Side of the Force, such as Lord Kaan's thought bomb.

Appearances and Examples: Bouncers appear in the novellas and audio dramatizations of “Star Wars: Dark Forces” and in the novel “Darth Bane: Path of

Bouncer Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Dex +2, Con –2
Bouncing: A bouncer may float like a balloon, which grants it theability to take 10 on any Climb check. Furthermore, by making use of the wind and bouncing off
surfaces, a bouncer may make a special Acrobatics check (DC 15) once every round. If the check is successful, the bouncer gains a fly speed, with a speed of 6
squares, until the beginning of its next turn.
Limited prediction: A bouncer has the Farseeing power, just as if it had gained it from the Force Training feat. If a bouncer gains Force Training, it may add a free
instance of Farseeing to its power suite. When using farseeing, a bouncer may also use the visions Force Talent; however, if it chooses to do so, it goes down–2
persistent steps on the Condition Track.
Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Force-Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Bouncer & Basic


Bovorians are winged sapients indigenous to Bovo Yagen, a temperate jungle planet near the Corellian Trade Route with a single ocean covering its south pole.
During the Republic Era, Bovorians were among the 10 species labeled as "at risk" of disease from air pollution that Coruscant planetary standards fail to account for,
according to a study by the Rhire Medical Academy examining Coruscant middle-class districts. Air pollutants caused by government industrial centers and civic
traffic led to 15 times increased likelihood of debilitating respiratory ailments in the Bovorians and other identified species.

Appearances and Examples: Bovorians appear in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Alien Encounters.

Bovorian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Bovorians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Bovorian base speed is 6 squares. They have a fly speed of 6 squares.
Color Change: A Bovorian may choose to reroll any Stealth check, keeping the better result.
Darkvision: Bovorians ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Heightened Awareness: A Bovorian may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Iron Will: Bovorians have above-average willpower and gain a +2 species bonus to their Will Defense.
Natural Weapons: A Bovorian can rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The claws attacks deals 1d4 points of slashing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Bovorian is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Automatic Languages: Bovorian.


The Bpfasshi are a species of near humans from the twin planet orbiting a star with the same name in the Sluis sector. During the Clone Wars, a group of Bpfasshi
Dark Jedi terrorized the Sluis Sector. Yoda was sent to destroy the enclave. The Bpfasshi, since that incident, bear a deep grudge against the Jedi. The Bpfasshi
were later Members of the New Republic.

Appearances and Examples: Bpfasshi appeared in the novel Heir to the Empire.

Bpfasshi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: Bpfasshi Speed is 6 squares.
Force Connection: All Bpfasshi have a small connection to the Force. Bpfasshi gain 1 extra force point each time they gain a level. Bpfasshi may reroll any Use The
Force check made to Sense the Force or Sense Surroundings but must take the second result even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Bpfassh


The Brizzit are an insectoid species, characterized by fang-like protrusions from their proboscis and large, multi-colored, multi-
faceted eyes. Despite their distinctive appearance, an individual Brizzit is difficult to identify among others of its kind.

Appearances and Examples: Ilna a/k/a Tzizvvt appeared in the Cantina scene of A New Hope.

Brizzit Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Cha
Multi-faceted eyes: May reroll Perception checks, but must keep the second result.
Darkvision (compound eyes)
Cartilaginous body: a Brizzit’s light-weight, cartilaginous body grants the ability to reroll Endurance checks, but the second roll
must be kept even if it is worse.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Basic, Brizzit


This peaceful species of Force-users from the planet Brodo Asogi have tan to dark brown skin; short, stubby legs; and long, thin
arms on a boxy torso. Their large, round eyes sit above a small nose and mouth. They have bioluminescent fingertips and
hearts. They are typically 1.2 to 1.5 m in height, but their large head sits on a skinny neck which can telescope up, adding an
additional .5 m to their height. They are naturalists and explorers who travel the galaxy in search of rare and medicinal plant
specimens to transplant to their homeworld, which was tragically deforested by catastrophic meteor activity. It is rumored that
some Brodo Asogian explorers have even traveled to distant galaxies far beyond Wild Space. Their method of doing so is
unknown. One of the first species in the galaxy to develop hyperdrive, the Brodo Asogians were already an established species
when the Old Republic first contacted them. For a time, their distinctive globe-shaped starliners were a familiar sight in the
Republic’s spaceports, and their voices, although unkindly described as wheezing and bleating, were heeded even at the highest
levels of the Senate and the Jedi Council.

Appearances and Examples: The Brodo Asogians appear in the Senate in “The Phantom Menace.” They are also featured, with the same name, in the novel “E.T.:
The Book of the Green Planet.”

Brodo Asogian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Dex –2, Con +2, Wis +2
Bonus Feat: Brodo Asogians gain Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Vital transfer: Brodo Asogians may use the Vital Transfer Power just as if they had gained it from the Force Training feat. If a Brodo Asogian gains Force Training,
add one use of Vital Transfer to his power suite.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Brodo Asogian, Basic

Alternate Brodo Asogian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wisdom, -2 Dex, -2 Con. The children are deep and insightful, but their squat, rotund bodies are neither agile nor durable.
Size: Small (+1 size bonus to Ref, +5 size bonus to Stealth checks, ¾ carrying capacity)
Speed: 4 squares
Healing Touch: A child of the Green Planet with the Force Sensitivity feat can substitute their Use the Force modifier for a Treat Injury skill check. They are
considered trained in Treat Injury for the purpose of this check. This does not qualify them for any feats such as cybernetic surgery.
Empathic: A child of the green planet may reroll any Perception check made to sense motives or any Persuasion check made to improve an attitude. They must
accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse than the original roll.
Languages: Brodo Asogian, Basic

Alternate Brodo Asogian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con, -2 Dex. The Children of the Green Planet were awkward and physically weak, but were powerful in mind and
Small-size: As Small creatures, Children of the Green Planet gain +1 size bonus to Reflex Defense and +5 bonus to Stealth checks. However their carrying limits are
three-quarters those of medium characters.
Speed: Brodo Asogi base speed is 4 squares.
Healing Touch (Ouch…): All Brodo Asogi gain a single use of the Vital Transfer Force Power added to their Force suite, and may activate this Force Power even if
untrained in the Use the Force skill.
Conditional Bonus Feat: The Children of the Green Planet devote themselves to the tender care of their planet. A Brodo Asogi trained in Survival gains Skill Focus
(Survival) as a bonus feat. Additionally, Survival and Knowledge (Life Sciences) are always class skills for Children of the Green Planet.
Bonus Feat: Children of the Green Planet gain Force Sensitivity as a bonus Feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Brodo Asogi.


Brubbs are reptilian bipeds from the planet Baros in the Bari system. To adapt to life on an arid world with frequent sandstorms, the ancestors of the Brubbs evolved
thick skins and tough, transparent membranes over their eyes for protection. Since there was little to hear on Baros other than howling winds, Brubbs are nearly deaf.
Brubbs are strong for their size (1.5 to 1.7 meters tall), due to their origins on a high-gravity world. Brubbs also have the limited ability to camouflage themselves by
changing skin color, though the color range was only from yellow to a greenish-gray. Brubbs are a very social people, living in large communal groups called habas.
Most habas are extended family groups which raise children communally and operate some specialized business together (like a farm, a mine, or even a vacation
resort). Certain "university" habas, however, are drawn from the best and brightest of many habas. These groups have technology approaching galactic standard,
especially in the areas of solar and wind power. According to Obo Rin's Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy, one of these university habas first made contact with
the outside galaxy by beaming radio signals which eventually came to the attention of the Galactic Empire. Some evidence exists of earlier Brubb contact with other
inhabited worlds, however. In 32 BBY, a cantina in Mos Espa on Tatooine was known as “The Blue Brubb.”

Appearances and Examples: Wonetun was a Brubb male from Baros who appeared in the novel Star by Star.

Brubb Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Cha.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Brubbs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Brubb base speed is 6 squares.
Herbivorous: The Brubbs evolved from plant-eating reptile-analogs on Baros. They cannot digest animal protein, and any Brubb who consumes such matter
(knowingly or no) immediately suffers 1d6 points of damage and moves -1 along the condition track. Brubbs receive a +2 species bonus on Fortitude saves versus
plant-based poisons.
Natural Armor: Brubb have thick scales that provide a +6 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Natural Camoflage: A Brubb may choose to reroll any Stealth check in natural environments, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Poor Hearing: Brubbs receive a -4 species penalty to Perception checks dependent on hearing.
Primitive: Brubbs do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at first
level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival), Weapon
Proficiency (simple), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Improved Charge, Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin, Powerful Charge, Running Attack,
Trip, Weapon Finesse (may not be applied to pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons), or Weapon Focus (may not be applied to pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons). You must
meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Protected Vision: Brubbs receive a +2 species bonus to Fortitude saves versus abrasive damage to the eyes such as from dust.
Scent: Brubbs have a keen sense of smell. At close range (within 10 squares), Brubbs ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they
take no penalty for visibility when tracking.
Skills: A Brubb may reroll a Survival check in a desert environment but must keep the second result.
Weapon Familiarity: Brubbs with the Weapon Proficiency (simple) feat are proficient with both slugthrower pistols and slugthrower rifles.
Automatic Languages: Brubb.


Buzchub are a round-headed species with wide, lipless mouths and flat noses covered from head to toe in dark blue fur. They hail from Harrandarr, located in a
remote corner of the Outer Rim Territories and are generally described as being polite and unremarkable. Like the Wookiees of Kashyyyk they are physically
incapable of speaking Basic although they typically understand it perfectly. They often wear translating devices around their necks so that they can communicate
with other species.

Appearances and Examples: Und'l worked for a group of Imperial sympathizers in the West End Games Roleplaying Game Supplement Twin Stars of Kira.

Buzchub Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Buzchubs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Buzchub base speed is 6 squares.
Iron Will: Buzchubs have above-average willpower and gain a +2 species bonus to their Will Defense.
Pacifism: When faced with a violent encounter, a Buzchub must succeed at a Perception check (DC 15) before rolling Initiative. Skill bonuses due to Heightened
Awareness are ignored for this check. If the check fails, the Buzchub suffers a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense and a -1 penalty on attack rolls because he or she finds
the situation extremely disconcerting. The penalties last for the duration of the combat. This quality can be voided by taking the feat Combat Reflexes or any Martial
Arts feat.
Automatic Languages: Buzchub.
Note: Buzchubs are capable of learning to speak Shyriiwook without the cannot speak restriction. Buzchubs are capable of learning to speak Basic only with the
cannot speak restriction.



The Caarites are sapient suinoids indigenous to Caarimon. The species typically displays broad grins, bearing a double row of flat, wide, and perfectly white teeth.
Because of their native habitat, the species is well-suited for surviving in hot climates. Since extreme cold is unknown on their homeworld, their ability to survive in
such environments is hindered more than most species. They are typically sly, ingratiating beings with an eye for profit. Their penchant for crooked business
dealings is regularly cloaked by their friendly demeanors. This causes them to suffer from a poor reputation though, making outsider trust of the species a rare thing.
When dealing with large groups of individuals directly, their charm is often described as "child-like," exemplifying their guise of innocence. They are often described
as "friendly, entertaining, and humorous." Every Caarite knows the native Caarimala language, Galactic Basic, and at least one other language. Communication is
considered a fundamental skill for their society. This is especially true as the species favors nonviolent means of dealing with an adversary in a face-to-face
encounter. Caarites are occasionally Force Sensitive, though their inherent greed prevents them from truly embracing the ways of the Jedi.

Appearances and Examples: Caarites appeared in Wizards of the Coast’s Living Force roleplaying game.

Caarite Species Traits (by ORC_Tao):

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Con, +2 Cha.
Small-size: +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth Checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of
Medium characters.
Speed: Caarite base speed is 4 squares
Climate Adaptation: A Caarite may choose to reroll any Survival check made in hot climates, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Caarimala.

Alternate Caarite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.
Small Size: As Small creatures, Caarites gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth Checks. However, their lifting and carrying
limits are three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Speed: Caarite base speed is 4 squares.
Climate Adaptation: Caarites are very sensitive to cold climates. They take a -2 penalty to Fortitude Defense when in areas of extreme cold, but gain a +4 bonus on
Fortitude Defense against heat hazards.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Caarites with Deception as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Deception) as a bonus feat.
Natural Diplomat: Members of the Caarite species are naturals at negotiating. They have a species trait that grants a +5 competence bonus to their Persuasion skill
when using the Haggle option.
Scent: Caarites have a keen sense of smell. At close range (within 10 squares), Caarites ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they
take no penalty for visibility when tracking.
Automatic Languages: Caarimala and Basic.


The Caridans are a mammalian species of Carida with rotund bodies, lanky limbs, cloven feet and whispy eye brows that taper above their foreheads. Average
Caridans stand over 2 meters tall and possess dense musculatures due to Carida's high gravity level. They speak Caridan and most also speak Basic. Caridan
society is structured around a mercantile culture led by an active market and Caridan owned industrial firms. In fact, the Caridans are widely known for their appraisal
and bartering skills. The Caridans cooperated with the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire in the operation of the Academy of Carida. The Empire's
xenophobia ignored the Caridans outside the Imperial compound, although tensions grew after the Battle of Yavin. Many Caridans vanished from the galaxy with the
destruction of Carida at the hand of Kyp Durron. The few Caridans that survived were off-world as traders, New Republic operatives or fringers.

Appearances and Examples: Ambassador Furgan appeared in the novels of the Jedi Academy Trilogy.

Caridan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +6 Strength, -6 Dexterity.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Caridans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Caridan base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Caridans with Survival as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Great Fortitude: Caridans gain a +2 species bonus to their Fortitude defense, accounting for their great physical resistance.
Natural Diplomat: Members of the Caridan species are naturals at negotiating. They have a species trait that grants a +5 competence bonus to their Persuasion skill
when using the Haggle option.
Automatic Languages: Caridan and Basic.


Carosites are a mammalian sentient species originally native to the planet Carosi IV. However, when the star Carosi began to rapidly expand, they were forced to
evacuate their entire population to the outer planet Carosi XII and rebuild their civilization. They stand between 1.3 and 1.7 meters tall. Their heads, on unusually
long necks, sport long snouts and small beady eyes. Carosites are slim in build and have extremely nimble hands due to the peculiar arrangement of their digits; two
opposable thumbs flanked three central fingers. Their bodies are covered in short, fine fur that keeps them warm, and they often grow long goatees on their chins.
Carosites have particularly acute senses. Carosites can only reproduce twice in their lifetimes, on each occasion producing a litter of up to six young. Families are
the only social unit in their communities, and often includes older relatives unable to live independently. The Carosite lifespan is 120 standard years. Due to their
infrequent reproduction, the Carosites have developed a great reverence for life; each being's life is regarded as sacred. This influences their society in numerous
ways. Carosites are renowned throughout the galaxy for their medical skills.

Appearances and Examples: Carosites appear in the novel Children of the Jedi.

Carosite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Carosites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Carosite base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Carosites with Treat Injury as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Treat Injury) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Carosites with Vital Transfer as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Vital Transfer) as a bonus feat.
Cybernetics Aversion: Carosites may not take the feat Cybernetic Surgery without gaining a Dark Side Point.
Fur: Carosites receive a +4 species bonus versus extreme cold.
Heightened Awareness: A Carosite may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Pacifism: When faced with a violent encounter, a Carosite must succeed at a Perception check (DC 15) before rolling Initiative. Skill bonuses due to Heightened
Awareness are ignored for this check. If the check fails, the Carosite suffers a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense and a -1 penalty on attack rolls because he or she finds
the situation extremely disconcerting. The penalties last for the duration of the combat. This quality can be voided by taking the feat Combat Reflexes or any Martial
Arts feat. This ability does not apply when a Carosite goes into a Protective Rage.
Protective Rage: Once per day, Carosites can into a rage with a swift action to protect a feeble, sick, injured, helpless, or young individual. While raging, the Carosite
temporarily gains a +2 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls but cannot use skills that require patience and concentration. A fit of rage lasts for a
number of rounds equal to 5+the Carosite’s Constitution modifier. At the end of its rage, a Carosite moves -1 persistent step on the condition track. The penalties
imposed by this condition persist until the Carosite takes at least 10 minutes to recuperate, during which time the Carosite can’t engage in any extrenuous activity.
Skills: A Carosite may reroll any Treat Injury check but must keep the second result.
Trusting: Carosites receive a -4 species penalty to Perception checks versus opponents’ Deception checks unless trained in the skill Knowledge (social sciences).
Automatic Languages: Carosite.


Chalactans are near-Humans from the planet Chalacta in the Mid Rim. Their subspecies is characterized by dark hair and swarthy skin.
They are a deeply spiritual people. One of the main spiritual orders of the Chalactans, known as the Chalactan Adepts, is a
philosophical-mystic order run by the Convocation of Adepts in the Temple of Illumination, the teachings of which include invulnerability
to mental manipulation and torture. The Adepts believe that the natural laws that govern the universe also govern the lives of its
inhabitants. The goal of each Adept is to seek the Chalactan Enlightenment. Adepts wore the Lesser Mark of Illumination; once an
Adept reached enlightenment he or she wore the Greater Mark of Illumination as well.

Appearance and Examples: Depa Billaba appeared in “The Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” as a member of the Jedi
Chalactan Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: none
Pain Resistance: Chalactans receive a +1 species bonus to Fort and Will saves.
Conditional Feat: Chalactans who are trained in Use the Force gain the feat Skill Focus (Use the Force).
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Chalactan, Basic


Charon are a sentient species with both humanoid and arachnoid features. They have four arms, two of which are extremely powerful, and four legs, which make
them very stable on their feet. Originally from a realm known as realspace, the Charon moved to a cold, bleak planet located in "otherspace," a pocket dimension
made up of black holes beyond the known confines of the galaxy. Charon are known for their violent, emotionless nature. Prior to the rise of the New Jedi Order,
Charon were confined to otherspace, where most Charon followed a death cult which held the existence of all life, even their own species, to be an abomination.
Their contact with the civilizations of the galaxy was limited, but it was enough to make them objects of horror. Shortly after the destruction of the second Death Star
in 4 ABY, a splinter group of Charon devoted to maintaining peace and setting up new communities successfully constructed the species’ first hyperdrive and
departed otherspace, with many Charon taking up positions as bioscientists, developing bioorganic technology.

Appearances and Examples: Ber'asco was the Prophet of the Void, leader of the Charon Death Cult in the West End Games roleplaying supplements Otherspace
and Otherspace II: Invasion.

Charon Species Traits (by Isirga_Eth):

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2, Cha -6
Speed: 8 squares.
Size: Large
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery II, Pin, Skill Focus (Climb) and Triple Attack as
conditional bonus feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Web: Charon characters have the natural ability to spin webs. A charon may make a net attack (as described in the SECR) at any time, as a full-round action.
Multilegged: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus on all checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
Special: Members of this species are confined to otherspace, and require gamemaster approval to play.Automatic Languages: Charon.

Alternate Charon Species Traits by (ORC_Tao):

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, -6 Cha.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Charon suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Charon base speed is 6 squares.
Damage Reduction: DR 2.
Quadrupedal: A Charon’s four legs grant it a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Extra Limbs: A Charon has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks. However,
a Charon cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round unless it has a feat or talent that would otherwise allow it to do so.
Natural Weapons: Claw: 1d6 slashing
Web: A Charon can create webs. The web is considered to be a net (SECR page 130) and is subject to all the rules and abilities of an attack with that weapon.
Automatic Languages: Charon.


The Charr Ontee are sapient arachnoids with two pairs of legs and two pairs of arms indigenous to Kathol. They are capable of exuding a sticky webbing. They
were genetically created by the ancient Kathol species to serve as farmers thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War. Despite their role, they were considered
colleagues by the Kathol themselves. This way of life ended when the Rift Disaster occurred, which nearly destroyed the Charr Ontee. Those that survived served
the Darkstryder, a living supercomputer created by the Kathol to protect the remains of their civilization, the Lifewell, a huge pulsing glowing crystalline organ that
extended all the way down to the planetary mantle where a further chamber was present, made of huge bones and tactilly controlled by organic systems, designed to
restore the life energies of the ancient Kathol. When the time came for the Kathol to awaken four years after the Battle of Endor, the Darkstryder defied its
programming and banished the Charr Ontee for opposing it. This made them the eternal enemies of the Darkstryder construct, living far from the creature's fortress
on the Kathol homeworld. This time apart allowed them to develop their own culture and society but they gradually discovered a terrible secret from their origins.
They had learned that on a genetic level the species was degenerating, but this did not affect them learning to use the Ta-Ree life energy, the Kathol sector’s name
for the Force, and they became quite adept in its usage. This made the Charr Ontee a force to be reckoned with in the Kathol Rift and the more powerful of the Kathol
servants. A group that survived the cataclysm on Kathol were thrown into a pocket of Otherspace and over time degenerated into the Charon species who sought to
destroy all life.

Appearances and Examples: Charr Ontee appear in “Endgame,” the fourth and last part of The DarkStryder Campaign series for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying
Game published by West End Games.

Charr Ontee Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Charisma.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Charr Ontee take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Charr Ontee base speed is 8 squares.
Armor Plating: Charr Ontee have thick exoskeletons that provide damage reduction 2.
Authority: Charr Ontee receive a +1 species bonus to Insight and Morale.
Technophobic: Charr Ontee use Kathol biotech. Charr Ontee take a -5 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks made when using mechanical weapons or tools.
Beings not native to Kathol take a -5 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks made when using Kathol biotech.
Darkvision: Charr Ontee ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Expert Climber: Charr Ontee are adept at climbing with their multiple limbs. A Charr Ontee may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or
Extra Limbs: A Charr Ontee may take 2 attacks per turn, , although normal penalties apply. A Charr Ontee receives +4 to Grapple checks.
Natural Weapons: A Charr Ontee can rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The claws attacks deals 1d6 points of slashing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Charr Ontee is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Primitive: Charr Ontee do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at
first level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival),
Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Improved Charge, Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin, Powerful Charge, Running Attack, or Trip. You must meet the
prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Quadrupedal: A Charr Ontee’s four legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against Bantha Rush and Trip attacks.
Ta-Ree: Charr Ontee (as well as any beings not with the Force Immunity or Force Blind quality) can make untrained Use the Force checks when on the planet
Kathol, even without the feat Force Sensitivitty.
Webbing: As a swift action, a Charr Ontee can create a web, which serves as a natural Net (Saga Edition Core Rulebook page 130).
Automatic Languages: Kathol.


The Cha'wen'he of the planet Wen'he'dinae are flightless avians with three constantly moving heads mounted on flexible two-meter long necks, two thin legs,
decimeter-long bony spikes on their heels, and scaly ovoid bodies. Their beakless, lamprey-like mouths are also ringed with pseudo-fingers, allowing them to use
their heads as hands. When threatened, Cha'wen'he fight back with their heel spikes, or retract their heads into their bodies for protection. With necks fully
extended, Cha'wen'he stand up to four meters tall. Despite their three heads, Cha'wen'he do not have the split consciousness exhibited by the two-headed Troigs
and Paaerduags because their single brains are located in their bodies, rather than in their heads. However, Cha'wen'he can access knowledge and skills from a
collective "species memory," some of which, such as simple motor skills, is accessed immediately by hatchlings. More complicated skills take years to surface in a
Cha'wen'he's mind, or even remain locked in their subconscious permanently.

Appearances and Examples: Cha’wen’he appear in the West End Games supplement Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies.

Cha’wen’he Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Cha’wen’he take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage
threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium Characters.
Speed: Cha’wen’he base speed is 8 squares.
Armor Plating: Cha’wen’he have thick shells that provide damage reduction 2.
Bonus Talent: Cha’wen’he gain Uncanny Dodge I as a bonus talent.
Bonus Talent: Cha’wen’he gain Uncanny Dodge II as a bonus talent.
Bonus Talent: Cha’wen’he gain Sprint as a bonus talent.
Bonus Trained Skills: Cha’wen’he pass down memories to their descendants genetically. A Cha’wen’he receives four additional trained skills at 1st level. The skill
need nod be chosen from the character’s list of class skills.
Extra Heads: An Cha’wen’he may take 3 spur attacks per turn, rather than two unarmed attacks, although normal penalties apply.
Natural Weapons: A Cha’wen’he can attack with its heads’ bony spurs instead of making an unarmed attack. The spur attacks deals 1d8 points of bludgeoning
damage (plus Strength modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Cha’wen’he is always considered to be
armed for purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
No Hands: Cha’wen’he lack hands. They cannot use weapons or equipment requiring hands.
Primitive: Cha’wen’he do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at first
level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival), Improved
Charge, Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin, Powerful Charge, Running Attack, or Trip. You must meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Shell: A Cha’wen’he can withdraw inside its shell. While thus withdrawn it does so, it cannot move or make a melee, ranged, or unarmed attack, but receives a
temporary +4 bonus to Reflex Defense.
Automatic Languages: Cha’wen’he.

CHAZRACH (also known as REPTOIDS)

Chazrach (also known as "reptoids") are short, stocky, reptilian humanoids with stubby snouts who served the Yuuzhan Vong as slave soldiers. They resemble
Trandoshans but were much smaller. Like the Yuuzhan Vong, the Chazrach are not native to the Galaxy, having been enslaved during the Yuuzhan Vong's
conquest of their galaxy. Unlike the Yuuzhan Vong, however, they have a presence in the Force. For thousands of years, the Chazrach were bred in large numbers
as expendable support troops. A pair of dome-like calcifications, surge coral implants, protruded from the forehead of each Chazrach, inhibiting their autonomy and
allowing their Yuuzhan Vong masters to control them. However, this proved to be a disadvantage in battle since they could be easily killed. In battle, the Chazrach
were controlled by warbeasts such as Thrall Herders and Rakamats. If a warbeast was destroyed, the Chazrach associated with it would attack anything that moved,
including each other. Any form of cognizance and initiative that was possessed by the base species vanished over the generations of genetic tampering by the
Shaper caste. This flaw, combined with their small, stocky statures makes them incapable of mastering the use of the standard Amphistaff used by the Warrior caste
as a whip. The reptoids instead use the inflexible Coufee, which was better suited to their body form, and an inferior breed of the Amphistaff. A few Chazrach served
the Yuuzhan Vong so well over the generations that they were permitted to join the Warrior caste at its most basic levels. It is possible that the Chazrach could
regain their intelligence if the surge-coral implants were removed. The fate of the Chazrach after the Yuuzhan Vong War is unknown, though they may have gone
with the Yuuzhan Vong to Zonama Sekot.

Appearances and Examples: Chazrach appear in the Yuuzhon Vong novels.

Chazrach Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Bonus feat: Chazrach gain Improved Damage Threshold as a bonus feat.
Weapon Familiarity: The Coufee counts as a simple weapon for chazrach.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares
Language: Chazrach, Yuuzhan Vong
(exotic melee weapon)
Size: Small
Damage: 1d6/1d6
Weight: 1 kg
Special: A coufee counts as a double weapon, allowing a character to strike twice with it on the same round, albeit at a -10 penalty on each attack. A coufee may be
wielded one-handed, even by Small creatures.


Though sometimes classed as Near-Humans, Chev are humanoids who evolved from Vinsoth's indigenous primates. By the time of the Galactic Empire's rise, they
had been enslaved by the pachydermoid Chevin for millennia. The outward appearance of the Chevs is generally similar to that of Humans, with pale skin, short
blond or white head hair, no facial hair, and heavy brows. Their hair is often dyed in bright colors to identify them as property of a particular Chevin. Their lidless eyes
are black to violet in color, and are protected by thin transparent membranes. They are physiologically much like other humanoid species, with their twin hearts being
a notable exception. According to sources such as The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life, one Chev heart can take over when the other failed, allowing
Chevs to live for up to three hundred standard years. As Chev slaves can outlive their Chevin masters, Chevin slave-owners often leave prize slaves to relatives in
their wills. Other sources, however, give a more modest 75 years as a typical Chev life expectancy. The Chev’s enslavement shaped their culture and their
interactions with the rest of the galaxy.
Appearances and Examples: Pedna Scotian was a starfighter pilot who flew for the New Republic in the novel X-wing: Solo Command.

Chev Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
Speed: Chev base speed is 6 squares.
Resilient: +1 Fortitude Defense.
Survival Instinct: See Ithorian trait (SECR page 28).
Automatic Languages: Basic and Chev.

Alternate Chev Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Great Fortitude: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude defense.
Hardened: Members of this species may reroll any survival check, but they have to take the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.


Chevin are bipedal pachydermoid sentients native to the planet Vinsoth. They have a poor reputation in much of the galaxy, partly due to
their involvement in unsavory activities such as smuggling, and partly because they have enslaved the Chevs, a humanoid species who
shared Vinsoth with them. The Chevin evolved from smaller relatives of the giant mammals who were wiped out when an asteroid
collided with Vinsoth millions of years before the time of the Galactic Republic. Chevin have long snouts which hang down nearly to their
ankles. Combined with their intellect, this makes them skilled hunters of animals such as backshin, because they can smell out their prey
or feed while keeping their eyes on the horizon. It is also their hunting prowess which allows them to dominate their homeworld and
conquer the Chevs. Chevin have thick legs, massive wide bodies, thin rope-like tails, and arms so long their three-fingered hands often
brush the ground. Despite their ungainly appearance, they can walk or run almost as fast as more nimble-looking humanoids. Chevin
boast a double set of eyelids, one of which is transparent to prevent dust and wind from interfering with their vision. Their thick gray skin
and efficient circulatory system keep them cool in warm climates and warm in cold climates, though they prefer semi-tropical conditions.

Appearances and Examples: Ephant Mon was an old acquaintance of Jabba’s who appeared in the Hutt’s court in Return of the Jedi.

Chevin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis
Speed: Chevin base speed is 6 squares.
Thick Hide: DR 2.
Automatic Languages: Chevin.

Alternate Chevin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Con +2, Wis -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.


The Chikarri are man-sized, squirrel-like creatures native to the planet Plagen, a planet in the Expansion Region, on the Enarc Run, with high plateaus covered in
lakes and grasslands and dry plains in its lowlands. Chikarri are highly-intelligent, and are known to be extremely thrifty. A common joke among travelers of the
Enarc Run is that a Chikarri's wealth is described by the age and patching of their clothing. Chikarri are also known to be kleptomaniacs, and not very brave. When
the planet was discovered in 500 BBY, the Chikarri sold port rights to Plagen to the Klatooinan Trade Guild, bringing a galaxy's worth of trade to their world. The
homeworld of the kleptomaniacal Chikarri was the headquarters of Treeker Security Systems and Chirrit & Chirrit Locks, Vaults, and Safes.

Appearances and Examples: Plako was a mechanic and inventoron Plagen who discovered a way to modify an ore locating sensor to search for gemstones in the
West End Games Roleplaying Game Supplement Twin Stars of Kira

Chikarri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Chikarri have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Chikarri base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Chikarri with Gather Information as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Gather Information) as a bonus feat.
Heightened Awareness: A Chikarri may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Skills: Due to their arboreal background, Chikarri may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Survival Instinct: A Chikarri may choose to reroll any Survival check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Chikarri.


Chironians are centauriforms native to the planet Chiron. Young Chironians have cranial velvet horn-knobs which would eventually grow into horns towards
adulthood. If their velvet was cut, they would die from cranial injuries. Chironians are covered in red-gold skin dotted by white spots. They have six limbs, the lower
four of which allow members of the species to run greater distances than most bipedal sentient beings.

Appearances and Examples: The Jedi Knight Lusa appeared in the novel The Crystal Star.

Homeworld: The grassy world Chiron in the Outer Rim.

Adult Chironian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength.
Large Size: As Large creatures, adult Chironians take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their
damage threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are quadrupal those of Medium Characters, because of their four legs.
Speed: Adult Chironian base speed is 12 squares.
Bonus Talent: Chironians gain Sprint as a bonus talent.
Expert Jumper: A Chironian may choose to reroll any Jump check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. In addition, a Chironian may
choose to take 10 on Jump checks even if distracted or threatened.
Herbivorous: The Chironians evolved from plant-eating mammal-analogs on Chiron. They cannot digest animal protein, and any Chironian who consumes such
matter (knowingly or no) immediately suffers 1d6 points of damage and moves -1 along the condition track. Chironians receive a +2 species bonus on Fortitude
Defense versus plant-based poisons.
Natural Weapons: An adult Chironian can make a single kick attack with its hooves or a gore attack with its horns instead of making an unarmed attack. The kick
attack deals 2d8 points of bludgeoning damage (plus Strength modifier), and can be directed forward or backwards, although a backwards kick takes a -5 to attack
rolls; the gore attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (plus Strength modifier; double damage with Charge); both attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Due to the presence of its natural weapons, an adult Chironian is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of
opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Quadrupedal: A Chironian’s four legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against Bantha Rush and Trip attacks or being knocked prone.
Skills: A Chironian may reroll a Survival check in a grassy environment, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Chironese.

Chironian fawn Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Chironian fawns have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size, but have double the carrying capacity of most Medium
creatures due to their four legs.
Speed: Chironian fawn base speed is 8 squares.
Bonus Talent: Chironians gain Sprint as a bonus talent.
Expert Jumper: A Chironian may choose to reroll any Jump check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. In addition, a Chironian may
choose to take 10 on Jump checks even if distracted or threatened.
Herbivorous: The Chironians evolved from plant-eating mammal-analogs on Chiron. They cannot digest animal protein, and any Chironian who consumes such
matter (knowingly or no) immediately suffers 1d6 points of damage and moves -1 along the condition track. Chironians receive a +2 species bonus on Fortitude
Defense versus plant-based poisons.
Natural Camouflage: A Chironian fawn may choose to reroll any Stealth check to sneak, using the better result
Natural Weapons: A Chironian fawn can make a single kick attack with its hooves instead of making an unarmed attack. The kick attack deals 2d6 points of
bludgeoning damage (plus Strength modifier), an can be directed forward or backwards, although a backwards kick takes a -5 to attack rolls. Kick attacks do not
provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Chironian fawn is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent
squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Quadrupedal: A Chironian’s four legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against Bantha Rush and Trip attacks or being knocked prone.
Skills: A Chironian may reroll a Survival check in a grassy environment, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Velvet: A prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious, or helpless Chironian fawn may have its horns cut off before they break through their velvet, causing the Chironian
fawn to suffer 1d6 points of damage per round unless the wounds are sealed (Treat Injury check DC 18, requires a medical kit, or Vital Transfer DC 18). A fawn is a
Chironian Child. At age 9, a Chironian reaches puberty and it’s horns break through their velvet; the Chironian loses Chironian (fawn) species stats, and becomes a
Young Adult with Chironian (adult) species stats, as well as Young Adult modifiers.
Automatic Languages: Chironese.


The Chuhkyvi are a water-breathing species indigenous to the waterworld of Aquaris in the Expansion Region. Due to a natural disaster, a benevolent species
relocated them to Iskalon, another waterworld, in 5,000 BBY, where they became part of the Iskalonian school. Although they adopted the common Iskalonian
tongue, they also kept their own language. Chuhkyvi are tan-skinned near-humans with yellow eyes, being the most humanoid Iskalonian species. They have four
fingers and pronounced noses with a keen sense of smell. Their vision out of water is poor, but they have excellent hearing due to long, pointed ears. They cannot
survive out of water for over an hour without a rebreather suit. Their bodies are short and thickly muscled. Of the members of the School, only the Chuhkyvi have the
desire to leave their world and explore. They are a spiritual and principled people, ready to defend a noble cause.

Appearances and Examples: A prominent Chuhkyvi was Kiro, the Jedi hero of Iskalon and the early Alliance of Free Planets in the Marvels Comic Star Wars 75:

Chuhkyvi Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Chuhkyvi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Chuhkyvi base speed is 6 squares. They have a swim speed of 8 squares.
Aquatic: Chuhkyvi treat all Swim checks as a natural 20 on the die.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Chuhkyvi can’t drown in water.
Heightened Awareness: An Chuhkyvi may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it its worse.
Light Sensitivity: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight) blinds Chuhkyvi for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense, all attack rolls,
and skill checks involving sight while operating in bright light without protective eyewear.
Low-light Vision: Chuhkyvi ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Pacifism: When faced with a violent encounter, an Chuhkyvi must succeed at a Perception check (DC 15) before rolling Initiative. Skill bonuses due to Heightened
Awareness are ignored for this check. If the check fails, the Chuhkyvi suffers a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense and a -1 penalty on attack rolls because he or she finds
the situation extremely disconcerting. The penalties last for the duration of the combat. This quality can be voided by taking the feat Combat Reflexes or any Martial
Arts feat.
Special Equipment: Chuhkyvi suffer limitations out of water. Without a rebreather suit to provide water to breathe, a Chuhkyvi begins to suffer the effects of
Suffocation. A rebreather suit is considered light armor, weighs 3 kilograms, provides a +2 armor bonus to Defense, and allows a maximum Dexterity of +5. A
replacement suit costs 2,000 credits, and must be purchased on Iskalon. Chuhkyvi characters begin play with these items at no cost.
Weapon Familiarity: Chuhkyvi with the Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) feat are proficient with the Iskalonian stinger.
Automatic Languages: Chuhkyvi, Iskalonian, and Basic.


The Ciasi, the native, bipedal, digitigrade, rodent-like species of Tund, are covered from snout to toe in fur, most commonly some shade of brown in color, although
many have black, grey, or white markings. They are arboreal and typically have a slender body with a scaled tail, and pointed snouts with prominent whiskers. Their
hands sport three fingers and an opposable thumb to allow them to easily grasp the branches of the trees of the rainforests and praries of Tund in which they make
their homes. Ciasi have elongated legs and feet allowing them to move with a hopping motion. Ciasi place great emphasis on attention to detail, a character trait that
often earns them the reputation of being aloof.

Appearances and Examples: Slide Paramita is a podracer from the StarWars: Episode I: Pod Racer video game.

Ciasi Species Traits:
Ability Scores: Str –2, Dex +2.
Attentive to Detail: A Ciasi may reroll Perception checks, but it must keep the second result.
Skills: Due to their arboreal background, Ciasi may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage).
Speed: 4 squares.
Language: Ciasi, Old High Trammic, Basic.
N.B.: The Ciasi are a moribund species. At some point, presumably within three decades before the Battle of Yavin, Rokur Gepta, the last Sorcerer of Tund,
destroyed the planet and all life on it, with his Electromagnetic Torpedo, leaving behind nothing more than a desolate wasteland full of deadly radiation (except in
some places where the radiation was held in check by force fields, though even there it would take billions of years for life to grow again). Presumably, the only Ciasi
to have survived were those off-world when the cataclysm occurred. Hence, during the Rise of the Empire era and thereafter, Ciasi are all but extinct.


Colicoids are a sentient insectoid species from Colla IV. They are carnivorous, and sometimes cannibalistic. Colicoids wishing to protect themselves are capable of
forming themselves into a tight ball, an ability they emulated when designing the droideka, which they produced in their image. When the Trade Federation made
their first purchase of droidekas, they paid with fifty shiploads of exotic flesh. The Colicoids have a strong dislike for the Jedi, something which intensified after the
Invasion of Naboo. Colicoids are known to occasionally stop any travelers going through their system and eat them. After the Battle of Naboo, the Colicoids took
control of the spice mining operations on Kessel hoping to establish a strong inflow of credits. They also tried to acquire the rights to a spice processing plant on Nar
Shaddaa but they had to deal with the slaver Krayn to obtain them. When the Clone Wars broke out, the Colicoids joined the Separatists, and provided them with
many droid designs, including the droid tri-fighter and the Colicoid Annihilator droid. The Colicoids were the founders of the Colicoid Creation Nest amongst other

Appearances and Examples: Nor Fik was the leader of the Colicoids who controlled the spice processing on Nar Shaddaa in the Young Readers Jedi Quest novel
Path to Truth.

Colicoid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -6 Cha.
Speed: Colicoid base speed is 6 squares.
Damage Reduction: DR 2.
Poison: The Colicoid may make a melee attack against an opponent’s Reflex and Fortitude Defense. If successful, the target moves -1 step on the condition track.
Force Resistance: +10 species bonus to Will Defense against any Use the Force check.
Defensive Ball: When threatened or attacked, a Colicoid can curl itself into a tight ball, protecting its vital organs. Rolling into a ball is a full-round action and grants a
+5 natural armor bonus to Reflex Defense. Once in a ball, the Colicoid cannot take any move or attack actions and can grasp only a single small object. The Colicoid
cannot see while curled up, but listens and smells without hindrance. As a free action, the Colicoid can rapidly unroll into a full standing position.
Reviled: -5 species penalty on Persuasion checks to improve the attitude of a member of another species.
Automatic Languages: Colicoid.

Alternate Colicoid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Wis -2, Cha -6
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Poison: As a standard action, a colicoid may make a melee touch attack to sting a target within 1 square. If the attack hits, the colicoid makes a special poison attack
(1d20+2) vs the target's
Fortitude defense; if the attack succeeds, the target suffers 2d6 poInts of damage and moves 1 persistent step down the Condition track.
Damage Reduction: Members of this species gain damage reduction 2. This stacks with any damage reduction provided by other sources.
Defensive curl: As a free action, a colicoid can curl up into a ball. While curled, a colicoid can't act, but it gets a +4 bonus to its Reflex defense.
Force resistant: Colicoids gain a +5 to their Will defense against force powers.
Reviled: Colicoids have a very bad reputation galaxywide, which gives them a -5 penalty on Persuasion checks made to influence non-colicoids.


Conjeni are a sapient, amphibious species that resemble anthropomorphic, red-furred starfish. They make their homes in the steep reefs of their watery homeworld.

Appearances and Examples: Durquist appeared in the West End Games gaming supplement The Twin Stars of Kira.

Conjeni Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Conjeni have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Conjeni base speed is 6 squares.
Aquatic: Conjeni treat all Swim checks as a natural 20 on the die.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Conjeni can’t drown in water.
Expert Climber: Conjeni are adept at climbing in their reef homes. A Conjeni may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Fur: Conjeni receive a +4 species bonus versus extreme cold.
Automatic Languages: Conjeni.

The Covallon are a quadrupedal beastlike species rarely seen away from their homeworld, Cova, in the Outer Rim. They were the descendants of swift predatory
pack hunters. Although technologically advanced, Covallon lead a nomadic life culturally, moving in groups from city to town across the face of their world. Their
natural wanderlust, combined with their empathic abilities, have led them out across the stars and into galactic society. Covallon possess the ability to sense the
emotions of others, which originally served as an aid to their pack-hunting, plains-dwelling antecedents. Covallon appeared to most humanoids to be nonsapient,
quadrupedal creatures, with sharp teeth and claws revealing their carnivorous nature. Covallon have the unique ability to shift their posture from that of a quadruped
to a biped at will. They are most comfortable remaining on all fours, though they can walk erect for protracted periods. Their forelimbs are equipped with hands and
fingers capable of fine manipulation. Their skin runs the full range of earth tones with red, brown, or black stripes along their back. They also possess a ruff-like mane
around their shoulders neck and chest that is usually red, ornage, gold, or brown.

Appearances and Examples: The Rebel spy Dælar vuv Tertarrnek posed as a Moff’s pet in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Cracken's Rebel

Covallon Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Con. Covallon are hardy and enduring, but their odd anatomy makes them a bit less agile then other species.
Medium Size: Covallon receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: 6, 8 when on all fours.
Pack Hunters: All Covallon receive the Coordinated Attack feat as a bonus feat at first level.
Conditional Feat: Covallon are patient and perceptive, adopting a 'wait and see' philosophy. A Covallon who is trained in the Perception skill receives Skill Focus
(Perception) as a bonus feat.
Hardy: Covallon are famous for incredible feats of fortitude and stamina, often running for days at a time across the vast wide plains of their homeworld with almost
no rest. A Covallon may reroll any Endurance check, ut must keep the second roll even if its worse.
Covallon Empathy: As a free action a Covallon may make a Perception check opposed by a target's Will Defense. If successful, the Covallon can may discover the
target's attitude toward him or her, as well as the target's general emotional state. The target cannot detect this check.
Shift Posture: As a Move action, a Covallon can switch between their bipedal and quadrupedal postures. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
When upright, a Covallon may not move more than their base speed in a single round. When down on all fours, a Covallon is treated as a quadruped for determining
their carrying capacity, and when resisting the effects of actions or attacks where stability is a factor. Covallon may not wield or carry objects in both hands while in
this posture.
Natural Weapons: Covallon have natural weapons in the form of claws and sharp teeth, revealing their predatory ancestry. When in combat, a Covallon may choose
to do slashing or piercing damage respectively with their unarmed attacks. They are always considered armed with their natural weapons.
Languages: Covallon and Basic.

Alternate Covallon Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Covallons have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Covallon base speed is 6 squares.
Bipedal Movement: Covallon can stand or walk (but not run or use the Sprint talent) on two legs, allowing them to make use of their fully articulated hands (something
they cannot do when running or using the Sprint talent). They do not receive the Quadrupedal stability bonuses when walking on two legs.
Bonus Feat: Covallons gain Coordinated Attack as a bonust feat.
Bonus Talent: Covallons gain Sprint as a bonus talent.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Covallons with Deception as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Deception) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Covallons with Persuasion as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Covallon Empathy: Covallons are naturally empathic. As a free action, a Covallon may make a Perception check opposed by a target's Will Defense. If successful,
the Covallon may discover the target's attitude toward him or her, as well as the target's general emotional state. The target cannot detect this check.
Natural Camouflage: A Covallon may choose to reroll any Stealth check in natural environments, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Natural Weapons: A Covallon can bite with its teeth or rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The bite attack deals 1d6 points of piercing damage
(plus Strength modifier); the claws attack deals 1d4 points of slashing damage (plus Strength modifier); both attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the
presence of its natural weapons, a Covallon is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity.
Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Quadrupedal: A Covallon’s four legs grant it a +4 stability bonus against Bantha Rush and Trip attacks. They can carry the same load as a Medium-size creature.
Skills: A Covallon may reroll a Survival check in a plains environment but must keep the second result.
Automatic Languages: Covallon.


The Coway are a primitive, gray-furred, humanoid species native to the planet Mimban, of the Circarpous Major System. Coways live deep underground, and have a
strong aversion to surface-dwellers. They have small eyes, but are able to see in the dark due to their infrared vision. Additionally, they are able to eat foods normally
poisonous to humans because of their more tolerant digestive system. They wear simple, primitive clothing. The underground world of the Coway can be reached
through deep shafts known as Thrella Shafts (named after the Thrella, an extinct species known for their numerous underground tunnels and wells). Often these
have side-tunnels that lead to Coway dwellings. The tribal government of the Coway consists of a triumvirate who make the major decisions for the tribe.

Appearances and Examples: The Coway appear in the 1978 novel “Splinter of the Mind's Eye,” by Alan Dean Foster.

Coway Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int –2
Poison resistant: Coway gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude defense against ingested poisons.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Subterranean adaptation: A coway may take 10 on any Survival check made underground.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Coway


Coynites are natural-born warriors with a highly disciplined code of warfare and a rigid code of honor. This En’Tra’Sol (”King-Law”) is taught to all Coynites from birth,
and a Coynite’s word is his bond. Those who deviate from the En’Tra’Sol (by breaking his word, showing cowardice, showing mercy in combat, drawing a weapon
without the intent to use it, and so on) are branded af’harl (”cowardly deceiver”) - no longer Coynites, with no rights, no property, and no meaning. Coyn is known for
its outstanding arms exports (Ekkar Arms is legendary throughout the galaxy for its high-quality weapons and armor) and for its highly capable and loyal mercenary
companies (most notably the Mercenary Guild of Coyn).

Appearances and Examples: Coynites appear in the Star Wars Adventure Journal, such as Tra'Parr'Sratt, a warrior in the service of a crime lord.

Coynite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: Coynites base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapons: A coynite has natural weapons, in the form of sharp claws. When a Coynite makes an unarmed attack, it may choose to use its natural weapons
dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage with that attack instead of normal unarmed damage.
Traditional Training: All Coynites have the Ride skill as a class skill. They are also provided with Weapon Proficiency (Simple weapons) as an additional feat
because of their marital arts training.
Intimidating: Coynites may reroll any Persuasion check made to intimidate others, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Af’harl: A Coynite who violates the En’Tra’Sol (”King-Law”) becomes an af’harl (”cowardly deceiver”). As an af’harl, he receives a permanent -5 circumstance penalty
to Deception, Gather Information, and Persuasion checks against other Coynites. If an af’harl is recognized by another Coynite, their initial reaction will be that of
Automatic Languages: Coynite and Basic.

Alternate Coynite Species Traits:

Size: Medium
+2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-
hand attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Bonus Feat: Coynites gain Armor Proficiency (light) as a bonus feat.
Disciplined: Coynites grant an additional +1 bonus (for a total of +3) when using Aid Another to increase the attack roll of another coynite.
Code of honor: Coynites adhere to a strict code of honor, requiring unyielding respect for their laws and castes, as well as bravery in combat. A coynite increases his
Dark Side Score by one every time he acts against this code.


Cragmoloids are a large, pachydermoid species from the planet Ankus in the Unknown Regions near Ord Mantell. Members of this species are rarely seen outside
their homeworld, except in Imperial work camps. Massively built, averaging about 3 meters in height and in excess of 200 kilograms, Cragmoloids have small,
bloodshot eyes, tusks which can be used as offensive weapons, large flap-like ears, and thick leathery hides topped with coarse, stringy hair on their heads. Their
most prominent feature is a thick, muscular trunk on their face which functioned almost like a third limb as well as a nose. They live up to 400 years.

Appearances and Examples: Rooty was a Cragmoloid gambler that frequented the casinos on Nar Shaddaa in the Dark Horse comic Underworld: The Yavin

Cragmaloid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Strength, -2 Dextirety, -2 Intelligence. Cragmoloids are big and heavy but not very agile or astute.
Large Size: Cragmoloids take a -1 size penalty to Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and a +5 size bonus to their damage threshold. Their lifting
and carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.
Speed: Cragmoloid base speed is 4 squares. Their speed is not decreased when on high-gravity environments.
Damage Reduction 2: Thanks to their thick skin and muscle, Cragmoloids gain DR 2.
Natural Weapon: A Cragmoloid with tusks has a natural gore attack which deals 1d8 damage plus one-half of his or her character level. Only the males of the species
can have tusks.
Automatic Languages: Cragii.

Alternate Cragmaloid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +4, Dex -2, Int -2, Wis -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a gore attack (base damage 1d8 plus twice the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack. Gore
attacks count as two-handed melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.


The Croke are a very small species, about the size of a Wookiee’s fist, resembling snails with furry spider-like legs. The Croke developed on a planet known as
Crakull, a planet with a very thin atmosphere within the Unknown Regions. As a result, a Croke’s body is able to withstand the void of space. Croke have a
reputation for being unpleasant and evil, and possess the ability to shapeshift and cast illusions.

Appearances and Examples: Rokur Gepta appeared in the “Adventures of Lando Calrissian” trilogy of novels.

Croke Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –10, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Shapeshifting: A croke is a diminutive slug-like creature; however, it may alter its form to that of any living creature of up to Medium size. To transform into a creature,
the croke must have personally seen a creature of the same type at least once. The croke gains the bonuses, penalties, unarmed damage and carrying capacity of
the creature it transforms into; its Strength score also increases (+2 if it shapeshifts into a Tiny creature, +5 if it shapeshifts into a Small creature, and +10 if it takes a
Medium-sized form). A croke may remain shapeshifted indefinitely, but it reverts to its original form if killed. A croke does not gain the mental traits, ability bonuses,
mental powers, feats, skills or psychological limitations of the new form, but it gains physical ability bonuses and traits relying on its physical form (such as scent, low-
light vision, natural armor, natural weapons, physical addictions and allergies).
Regeneration: A croke may spend a Force Point to recover from any persistent condition, just as if it had the Equilibrium Force Talent.
Immortality: A croke does not die of old age and it isn’t subject to aging effects; it may be slain normally.
vacuum resistance: A croke gains a +5 bonus to its Fortitude defense against vacuum-related hazards.
Size: Diminutive (+15 on Sealth checks to avoid notice, -15 penalty on Grapple checks, +5 to Reflex defense, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 1 square
Language: Croke



The Dantari are a primitive species of near-Humans indigenous to the planet of Dantooine. They are a muscular and well-built people who live a simple, nomadic life,
wandering about Dantooine's coastline in tribes. The Dantari have an extensive knowledge of the medicinal properties of the local flora and fauna. They treasure the
root of the Vincha plant for its incredible anesthetic powers. Several Dantari tribes are known, including the Janta, Kunga and Mokk. The Dantari also participate in
an elaborate form of gift exchange as a way of establishing ties between individuals and tribes. Any object can be exchanged, including magic stones, weapons,
wooden statues, and even the treasured Vincha plant.

Appearances and Examples: Anakin Solo gave an elder Dantari tribesman the nickname Tuber in the novel Dark Tide I: Onslaught.

Dantari Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int.
Speed: Dantari base speed is 6 squares.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Automatic Languages: Dantari.

Alternate Dantari Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may reroll any Survival check, but they must take the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


The Dashade are tall, reptilian humanoids notable for their resistance to the powers of the Force. Though they were rendered nearly extinct
during the Great Sith War, remnant populations have been seen regularly for millennia, using their natural abilities to their advantage as elite
assassins, mercenaries, or similar professions. Dashade are tall reptilians with dark skin, lamprey-like mouths, and powerful claws. In addition
to their natural Force-resistance, they are resistant to radiation. They also have an ability to dissipate heat which makes them hard to detect
using standard life-form sensors. Thanks to their partial Force-immunity, Dashade warriors easily find employment as combat instructors for
the Jedi and assassins for the Sith, though the Dashade's aggressive, might-makes-right culture caused most of them to favor the Sith.

Appearances and Examples: Ket Maliss, a male Dashade assassin who worked for Black Sun, appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Dashade Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Dashade base speed is 6 squares.
Heat Dissipation: Dashade can negate equipment bonuses that rely on detecting heat signatures- such as infrared scanning- by adjusting the temperature around
their bodies.
Force Resistance: +10 species bonus to Will Defense against any Use the Force check.
Radiation Resistance: Dashade recieve a +2 species bonus to Fortitude Defense against radiation.
Automatic Languages: Dashadi.

Alternate Dashade Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Negate own heat: Dashade cannot be detected by heat sensors.
Resist radiation: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude defense vs radiation
Force resistant: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus to their Will defense vs force powers
Special: Dashade are likely extinct, and require GM approval to play.


Dazouri are a rarely-encountered species of shape-shifters believed to originate from the planet Gibbela. Standing an average of 1 meter tall, a Dazouri is capable of
transforming into a killing machine with a hulking stature of over 3 meters! In their “rest” form, Dazouri are hairless humanoids with five-fingered hands, cloven-toed
feet, large black eyes, and vestigial horns on their upper forehead. While in their “rage” form, Dazouri not only triple their size, but also sprout large fangs and claws
and horns from their cheeks and forehead. Under normal circumstances, Dazouri are shrewd and calculating creatures which can be found in any occupation,
however, when wounded, frightened, intimidated, or infuriated, they give into a mindless rage to eliminate the perceived threat.

Appearances and Examples: Kaggle, a successful Dazouri crimelord from the Elrood Sector, used his unassuming stature to his advantage on many occasions
much to the dismay of his competition in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Three.

Dazouri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. While in rest form, the diminutive Dazouri are relatively fragile and weak but very
shrewd and calculating.
Small Size: As Small creatures, Dazouri gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits
are three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Speed: Dazouri base speed is 4 squares.
Adaptive Shape-shifting: If a Dazouri takes wound damage, is successfully intimidated, or enraged, he will transform into his rage form. The Dazouri may attempt to
suppress his rage form with a DC 25 Wisdom check. A Dazouri who enters his rage form applies the Dazouri Rage Template below to the character. Any clothing or
armor worn by the Dazouri will be destroyed by the transformation. The transformation into or out of rage form takes a full-round action. The Dazouri remains in the
rage form until the end of the encounter. At the end of its rage, the Dazouri moves -2 persistent steps down the condition track until he is able to rest and relax for ten
Bonus Feat: None
Automatic Languages: Basic and Dazouri

Dazouri Rage Template

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, -4 Wisdom, -4 Charisma. In it’s rage form, a Dazouri becomes an unstoppable, mindless, killing machine.
Large Size: As a Large creature, a raging Dazouri takes a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus to their damage threshold. Their lifting and
carrying limits are double those of Medium characters.
Speed: A raging Dazouri’s base speed is 8 squares.
Rage: While in its rage, the Dazouri gains a +2 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls, but cannot use skills that require patience and
concentration such as Mechanics, Stealth, or Use The Force.
Natural Armor: The thick fur of a raging Dazouri provides a +1 natural armor bonus to its Reflex Defense.
Natural Weapons: A raging Dazouri inflicts base unarmed damage of 1d8 due to claws, fangs, and horns.

Alternate Dazouri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Small Size: As Small creatures, Dazouri gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth Checks. However, their lifting and carrying
limits are three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Speed: Dazouri base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Weapons: A Dazouri (only when using in its Rage ability) can bite with its fangs, rake with its claws, or gore with its horns instead of making an unarmed
attack. The bite attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (plus Strength modifier); the claws attack does 2d6 points of slashing damage (plus Strength modifier);
the gore attack does 1d6 points of piercing damage (plus Strength modifier); all the attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural
weapons, a Dazouri is always considered to be armed for purposes of threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are
considered simple weapons.
Rage Form: When a Dazouri is wounded, frightened, intimidated, infuriated, or threatened, it transforms into Rage Form. Rage Form can also be initiated at will with
a Perception check (DC 15). A Dazouri can resist going into Rage Form with a Perception check (DC 29). In Rage Form, its size changes to Large (with the
associated bonuses and penalties) and its base speed to 6 squares. It loses its normal Ability Modifiers and gains the following temporary Ability Score Modifiers: +4
Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, -4 Wisdom, -4 Charisma. The transformation itself is a swift action. The Rage Form can last as long as
needed, until the Dazouri is no longer in danger. Only while in Rage Form, a Dazouri may use its Natural Weapons. A Dazouri in Rage Form cannot make any non-
Strength-based skill checks except using Persuasion to Intimidate.
Automatic Languages: Dazouri.


The Defel (colloquially known as Wraiths) are barely visible beings who appear to most other species as shadows, re-enforcing the
misconception that they are chameleon-like beings or "living shadows". They are short, stocky beings, averaging 1.3 meters tall
and nearly as wide. Though they are nearly invisible in normal light, Defel are actually colorful beings. Viewed under ultraviolet light,
their fur appears in colors ranging from yellow to blue. Their snouts appear green, with orange, gill-like slits at the base of their
jawlines. They are from Af'El, a large, high-gravity, seldom-visited world orbiting the ultraviolet supergiant Ka'Dedus. Since Af'El
has no ozone layer, ultraviolet light passes freely to the surface, while other light wavelengths are mostly blocked by the heavy
gases in the planet's atmosphere. Thus, all lifeforms on Af'El can see in ultraviolet light ranges, but are blinded by all but the
dimmest light in other wavelengths. This is why Defels normally wear a visor when they leave Af'El, and expect to be exposed to
daylight at their destination. Compared to other species, they can see exceptionally well in the dark. Elderly Defel loose their ability to absorb light, fading to a dull
dark brown under visible light.

Appearances and Examples: Arleil Schous appeared in the cantina scene of A New Hope until replaced in the Special Edition with another character. However,
Arleil may still be seen in the background in another shot.

Defel Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Int.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Defel base speed is 4 squares.
Invisibility: Defel have concealment in areas of low light, and total concealment in especially poorly lit areas.
Blindness: Away from their homeworld, Defel must wear special visors (cost: 100 credits). Without the visor, a Defel is considered blinded.
Automatic Languages: Defel.

Alternate Defel Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Medium
Permanent concealment: Thanks to innate light-bending abilities, a defel is always considered to have concealment, regardless of its surroundings.
Blindness: Outside of their homeworld, defels require special visors or be considered blind.

DEVARONIAN (official Wizards of the Coast stats from Wizards.com web enhancement)

Devaronians are humanoids from the Expansion Region world Devaron, a planet of low mountains and deep valleys linked by thousands
of rivers. They are one of the more unusual races in the galaxy, with a dramatic gender dimorphism in appearance and temperament.
Males are docile, non-aggressive creatures, completely hairless, with sharp incisors, (usually) red-tinted skin and a pair of large horns
growing from their heads. They take great pride in their horns, and groom them quite regularly. Females lack horns, have molars and
prominent canines and are covered in thick calico fur that ranges in color from brown to white. They are aggressive by nature, and tended
to dominate their culture (and are the only ones allowed in government). One in fifty Devaronian males had two sets of teeth, an inner set
of sharp "male" teeth and an outer, retractable set of "female" teeth. In primitive times, such males were used as solitary scouts by
Devaronian tribes, since they could survive on either meat or plants. Their bodies were denser than most humanoids' and as a result they
were heavier than their appearance would tend to indicate.

Appearances and Examples: Labria appeared in the Cantina scene in A New Hope; Vilmarh Grahrk appeared in many Dark Horse comics as Quinlan Vos’ sidekick.

Devaronian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma (for males) or +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, –2 Dexterity (for females). Male Devaronians tend to be
more carefree and less personable than female Devaronians, but they are also more agile.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Devaronians have no special modifiers due to their size.
Speed: Devaronian base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Devaronians are master manipulators. A Devaronian with Deception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Deception) as a bonus feat.
Natural Curiosity: Once per encounter as a standard action, a Devaronian can make a Perception check against a single target within line of sight (DC 15 or the
result of an opposed Stealth check, if the target is actively attempting to hide). If successful, the Devaronian gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that
target. Because of their natural curiosity, Devaronians are very attentive to small details that can reveal weaknesses.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Devaronese

Hailing from Ord Radama in the Outer Rim, Devlikks are bipedal, sentient creatures of vaguely humanoid stature. A Devlikk has a long neck, typically as long as its
torso, and a head resembling a split anvil. Two red eyes peer down a thin snout which ends in a red nose, to either side of which pointed, protruding cheeks end in
stringy danglers. The limbs and belly are white, while the back of the body and top of the head are green. Devlikks have lean bodies, short legs that end in thick feet
with three hooves each, and long arms that end in three fingers. Devlikks stand on average about 1.24 meters tall. Devlikks generally sire or bear a large brood of
offspring which average, according to the last Ord Radama census, approximately 129 children per brood. Devlikks have a very short lifespan, only about ten years
on average. As a result, they tend to adopt a “carpe diem” philosophy to life, trying to live each day to the fullest. Consequently, they are drawn toward dangerous

Appearances and Examples: The Devlikk Wan Sandage pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom Menace.”

Devlikk Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +4, Wis -2
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Disorientation: Devlikk suffer a –5 penalty on all skill checks made to find their way or orient themselves, unless they are on their home planet.
Short lifespan: A Devlikk's lifespan is roughly 1/10 that of a human being; it becomes an adult at the age of 2, reaches middle age by 5, old age by 7 and venerable
age by 9 years of life.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Devlikk & Basic


The diathim are a sentient species that inhabits Millius Prime, one of the many moons of the planet Iego. The species was long thought by
the Republic to be little more then a spaceborn herd animal similar to the mynock. The inhospitable nature of the diathim home as well as
the unusual natural force skills the species possess made study of the species difficult at best. It was not until a chance encounter by two
jedi that any real and definitive data was obtained about these quasi-mythical beings. The diathim are a peaceful species of humanoid
beings most notable for their legendary beauty. They spend their lives traveling the vacuum of space between the many moons and
astroids of Iego. Many stories through history tell of the “Angels of Iego” and their hauntingly beautiful songs. The culture of the diathim is
still largely shrouded in mystery as no information is known on their social or governmental structures. By the standards of the Republic the
species is considered primitive, though this seems to have more to do with the lack of need for most technology rather then a lack of
Capable of surviving indefinitely in the vacuum of space as well as having the freedom of travel in such environments has given little need
for technological advancement. The fact that the diathim do not eat has furthered this lack of technological and societal advancement as the species needs no
agrarian base. Physical Description: A diathim appears humanoid, between 2 and 3 meters in height. They a slender and lithe to the point of seeming frail. A diathim
constantly radiates a soft pale yellow glow that can make discerning the beings features difficult. Many who have seen the diathim report them as looking like a
beautiful member of the viewers own species. The skin tone of a diathim is pale luminous white. Six blade-like wings adorn their backs, it is certain they are but
vestigial, as the species flight ability is more effective outside an atmosphere. A diathim is an elegant, beautiful creature. Though they rarely speak, their voices are
soothing and harmonious, adding to the otherworldly awe the species tends to inspire.

Appearances and Examples: In “The Phantom Menace,” Anakin Skywalker refers to the “angels” of Iego, of whom he heard the deep spacers speak on occasion. A
Diathim appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Mystery of a Thousand Moons."

Diathim Species Traits:

The Angels of Iego
Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Con -2, Cha +4
Large Size: As a large being a diathim makes the following adjustments for size: -1 Ref defense, -5 Stealth, +5 Threshold and double normal carrying capacity.
Speed: 6 squares, Fly 8 squares, Fly 2 squares (starship scale)
Bioluminescent: A diathim constantly radiates a soft yellow glow in a 2 square radius centered around them. This glow removes one level of cover provided by
darkness and all Stealth skill checks are made at a -5 penalty.
Force Sensitive: All diathim receive Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Natural Force Abilities: A diathim may make an untrained use of the Use the Force skill to activate the powers Force Blast or Mind Trick, each power may be
activated once per encounter. A diathim who takes Force Training adds a single use of each power to their force power suite (for free) instead of this ability.
*Note: Any use of the Force Blast power by a diathim takes the form of a brilliant pulse of energy.
Primitive: Regardless of starting class a diathim begins play with only Weapon Proficiency (Simple).
Spaceborn Physiology: A diathim is immune to the effects of a vacuum and zero-g and as such may travel freely in space. Further a diathim needs no food or other
form of sustenance.

Alternate Diathim Species Traits:

+4 Cha, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Flight: Diathim have wings that allow them to fly at a base speed of 12 squares. Despite their use of wings, they also seem to avail themselves of some sort of non-
aerodynamic means of propulsion, however, since they are generally encountered beyond the atmospheres of Iego and its satellites, in deep space in the nebulae.
Diathim do not breathe or eat in the conventional manner, or at least are capable of acquiring the necessary sustenance for their physiology in deep space.
Energy Burst: Every 4 rounds, a Diathim can emit a white burst of energy from its chest as a Full-Round action dealing 1d8 points of damage for every two character
levels up to a maximum of 4d8. Firing this energy burst moves the Diathim -1 step on the Condition Track. The Diathim must make a ranged attack roll to hit. The
beam has a range increment of 25 m for every two character levels up to a maximum of 100 m.
Bonus Feat: Force Sensitive
Vow of Silence: Diathim are physically capable of vocalizing sound – some have been heard to wail in anguish if subjected to intense physical or emotional pain –
however, as a species, they eschew language. As such, they have no spoken or written language and do not speak the languages of others, although they are
capable of learning language for purposes of understanding the speech of others. Diathim can muster the will to speak in extreme circumstances, but it requires a
Will Save at DC 20, and the words spoken are sparse, weak and faltering.
Bioluminescent Target: Diathim suffer a -2 to Reflex Defense in darkness or low light because their bioluminescent bodies light them like a beacon to potential
Size: Medium. As Medium-size creatures, Diathim have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: 6 squares
Language(s): None


The Dorneans are humanoids from the waterworld of Dornea. Tall and covered with leathery, purple skin, the Dorneans are a proud species with a long martial
history. Their naval tradition stretches back to a time when the Dorneans only sailed on their worlds oceans, before their mastery of space travel. Like their quill-
studded eyefolds and shoulders suggested, the Dorneans are skilled defensive tacticians, particularly male Dorneans, who hold the roles of caring for Dornean
children. During the reign of Emperor Palpatine, the Dorneans repulsed the constant pressure of the Imperial Navy with a minimal fleet of their own.

Appearances and Examples: Etahn A'baht commanded the entire eighty-ship force of the Dornean Navy in the novel Before the Storm.

Dorneans Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: none.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Dornean have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Dornean base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Dorneans with Knowledge (tactics) as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Knowledge [tactics]) as a bonus feat.
Natural Armor: Dorneans have thick hides and quills that provide a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor
Skills: A Dornean may reroll a Survival check in aquatic environments but must keep the second result.
Automatic Languages: Dornean.


The Drach'nam are brutish reptilian humanoids with pale, pinkish blood. They were known for their size and strength more than their intelligence.

Appearances and Examples: A slave consortium on the planet Torpris was run by a Drach'nam crime lord, Chay Praysh in the short story by Timothy Zahn “Jade
Solitaire. “

Drach’nam Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int –2, Cha –2
Natural armor: A member of this species gains a +2 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Language: Drach’nam & Basic


Draedans are a species of sapient amphibians with a reputation for constantly fighting one another. Their watery homeworld, Sesid, in the Sesid System, is divided
into many different nations, ranging from democratic republics to military dictatorships. Draedans have scaled silver to green skin, red eyes, and long, prehensile
tails which they twitch when upset. Their finned tails and webbed hands are used in swimming, while their claws and sharp teeth are testament to their carnivorous
nature. They have both lungs and gills, and are at home in fresh or salt water down to two kilometers deep. Though they can also survive on land, they need to keep
their skins moist. They are also cold-blooded, and cannot tolerate temperature extremes. On land, they stand 1.3 to 1.7 meters tall, and walk with a slightly hunched
gait, using their tails for balance. Draedans make their homes in coral reefs, underwater lataren forests, or in moist forests on land. While the Draedans' warlike
reputation is exaggerated, they do tend to be somewhat high-strung, particularly when insulted. The political situation of their homeworld also means that most
Draedans have military experience. The Galactic Republic had tried for decades to try and help the Draedans develop a more peaceful culture, but without success.
The Republic colonists ended up standing aloof from Draedan conflicts, though they managed to coexist peacefully with them. When the Galactic Empire came to
power, the Imperial Governor Arvel Trace continued this policy—for a time.

Appearances and Examples: Draedens appear in the West End Games supplement Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies.

Draedans Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Draedans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Draedan base speed is 6 squares. They have a swim speed of 7 squares.
Aquatic: Draedans treat all Swim checks as a natural 20 on the die.
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Draedans can’t drown in water.
Climate Adaptation: Draedans are very sensitive to extreme temperatures. They take a -4 penalty to Fortitude Defense when in areas of extreme cold or against heat
Expert Climber: Draedans are adept at climbing with their claws. A Draedan may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Hydration: Draedans must immerse themselves in brine (saltwater solution) for at least 1 minute (10 rounds) each day or dehydrate. Fort each standard day that
passes without immersion, the Draedan takes 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage and moves -1 along the condition track. A Draedan cannot reverse these
effects without immersion. A Draedan reduced to 0 Constitution dies.
Low-light Vision: Draedans ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Weapons: A Draedan can rake with its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The claws attack deals 1d4 points of slashing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Draedan is always considered to be armed for purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons.
Prehensile Tail: A Draedan with Weapon Proficiency in any type of ranged weapons can use his or her tail to wield a ranged weapon in that category and gain an
extra attack per round. Penalties for two-handed weapon fighting apply. The tail cannot be used as a weapon, but it can be used to make Grapple attacks, and never
incurs attacks of opportunity when making Trip attacks. An Draedan can use its tail to lift loads, leaving its hands free to do other things. The tail grants a +2 bonus to
Climb checks.
Primitive: Draedans do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them; at first
level they receive one bonus feat at first level per each feat their class would otherwise grant them, limited to the following options: Skill Focus (Survival), Weapon
Proficiency (simple weapons), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Improved Charge, Improved Disarm, Martial Arts I, Pin, Powerful Charge,
Running Attack, Trip, Weapon Finesse (may not be applied to pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons), or Weapon Focus (may not be applied to pistols, rifles, or heavy
weapons). You must meet the prerequisites for any feat chosen.
Weapon Familiarity: Draedans with the Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) feat are proficient with both slugthrower pistols and slugthrower rifles.
Automatic Languages: Draedan.


The Drall are a small furry yet highly intelligent species found on Drall in the Corellian system. They are descended from burrowing mammals and are were extremely
diligent record-keepers, and it is said that they had recorded every trivial event since the dawn of intelligence. Libraries are among their greatest forms of
entertainment, as are story-telling sessions called Ta'sharr. The planet from which they originated is unknown; thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War, the
Architects transported the species to Drall in the Corellian system. Drall is usually hot, and members of the species are covered with thick fur. Drall rarely wear any
clothes except a belt to carry personal belongings. They are very fond of jewelry composed of ores and gems, which they make into beautiful works of art. Some Drall
also believe that they originally hibernated before becoming civilized and build rooms in their houses that remind them of caves. These rooms help the Drall relax and
think clearly.

Appearances and Examples: Drall first appeared in the novel Han Solo and the Lost Legacy; Elamm is a Drall wingrider, the traditional Drallish police force and
messenger service, appearing in the Wizards of the Coast roleplaying supplement Coruscant and the Core Worlds.

Drall Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Drall base speed is 4 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Drall with Persuasion as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Drallish.

Alternate Drall Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Interaction gifts: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check.


Dressellians are a tall, thin, humanoid species with elongated, hairless skulls, wrinkled skin, and teal-colored blood who value freedom
above anything else. They evolved in the sub-equatorial grasslands of Dressel's main continent, Breehara. For most of their history, they
lived a peaceful and isolated lifestyle on their homeworld, Dressel, until the Galactic Civil War forced them into closer contact with the rest of
the galaxy as supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and later, the New Republic. During the Imperial Era, Dressellians
became masters of guerilla warfare, making the continued occupation of Dressel very costly for the Empire.

Appearances and Examples: Orrimaarko and Panno are the two Dressellian commandoes present in the briefing of rebel forces before the
Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi.
Dressellian Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Cha.
Speed: Dressellian base speed is 6 squares.
Defiance: Dressellians gain a +2 species bonus to Will Defense against fear effects and Intimidate checks.
Automatic Languages: Dressellian.

Alternate Dressellian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Strong Will: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense.
Special: This species requires GM approval to play before the New Jedi Order era.


Drovians are a tall and burly species from Nim Drovis, with gray or orange skin and thick trunk-like legs that, like their arms, end in three sharp pincers. Cenuries
ago, the Drovians divided into two separate tribes, the Gopso'o and the Drovians, and have been at war with each other since. Nearly all drovians are addicted to a
narcotic called zwil, originally imported as a cake flavoring. The drovians are able to absorb it directly into their system through their breathing tubes.

Appearances and Examples: Silus was a Force-sensitive pit fighter killed by Darth Maul in the 12-page comic featured in Star Wars Tales 24 entitled “Marked.”

Drovian Species Traits:

Str +2, Dex –2, Con +2, Int –2, Wis –2
Good depth perception: A drovian gains a +1 species bonus on all ranged attacks.
Heightened senses: A drovian may reroll any Perception check, but it must keep the second result.
Addiction: Drovians are addicted to zwil, a sweet flavoring spice. A drovian must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 10) to refuse when offered zwil.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Drovian & Basic


The Duinuogwuin, colloquially called Star Dragons, are among the Galaxy's more secretive and mysterious species. The Duinuogwuin have a reputation for being
wise and mysterious, contributed to by their very long lifespan and their polite indifference to questions about their past or their physiology. Though variable in
appearance, Duinuogwuin generally have serpentine bodies, diaphanous wings, and a pair of legs on each of many body segments. The legs on their frontmost
segment are used as arms with fully articulated hands. Their average length is ten meters, but some are rumored to be one hundred meters or more. Duinuogwuin
are covered in scales which range in color from various shades of gray or pale blue to black. Aside from guesswork based on observations of live Duinuogwuin, little
is known of their biology, as they have never given themselves up to scientific research. Instead, they go to an uncharted planet known as "The Graveyard of the
Dragons" to die. It is believed that they have internal organs which act as repulsorlifts, since their wings are too delicate to take off from any but the lowest gravity
planets. Some Star Dragons have the ability to exhale superheated gases, leading to speculation that they also have internal organs capable of organic cold fusion.
One of their most impressive abilities is the ability to fly and survive in the vacuum of deep space for weeks or months at a time. Their homeworld is unknown, or at
least unrevealed by the Star Dragons. Individual Duinuogwuin have been seen on such far-scattered worlds as Cona, Barab I, and Columus. They have even been
sighted in deep space far from any planet. Duinuogwuin have only one gender, though little is known of their reproductive process. When two Star Dragons mate,
they often produce non-sentient offspring that are little more than ravening monsters. Such creatures are usually destroyed by the parents. Some show intelligence,
but only in the form of evil cunning. Krayt dragons are believed by some to be the descendants of an accidental concentration of unintelligent Duinuogwuin offspring
on Tatooine. Another sentient species, the Kadri'Ra, are possible relatives of the Duinuogwuin.

Appearances and Examples: Zephata'ru'tor was the Duinuogwuin Padawan identified as killed by General Grievous in the Star Wars Insider 86 article entitled
“Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous.”

Duinuogwuin Species Traits (Created by the folks at Fandom Comics):

Ability Score Modifiers: -10 Strength, -10 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +6 Charisma. Star Dragons are among the smartest, wisest, kindest sentients in
the galaxy, and their large bodies bring a physical might to match.
Size: The Duinuogwuin experience prodigious growth throughout their lifespan. Children and Young Adults are Huge, Adult and Middle Aged Duinuogwuin are
Gargantuan, while Old and Venerable Star Dragons are Colossal. They get the Beast Size Modifier applied to their attributes as appropriate for their size (SE 274,
Table 16-2), as well as the standard age modifiers (SE 110, Table 7-2).
Speed: Duinuogwuin base speed is 9 squares.
Natural Armor: Duinuogwuin have scaly armor that protects them from most damage. Adult Star Dragons receive a +8 natural armor bonus to Reflex defense. A
natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus. Flight: Duinuogwuin possess the power of flight, and can fly at a speed of 12 squares per round, or 2 squares space
Survive In Vacuum: Duinuogwuin can survive in the cold vacuum of space comfortably and indefinitely without a space suit or oxygen supply.
Natural Weapons: Duinuogwuin have massive jaws they can use to make a bite attack that deals 1d8 damage if Huge, 2d6 if Gargantuan, and 3d6 if Colossal along
with the standard damage modifiers for melee attacks. The die damage for this attack cannot be affected by the Martial Arts feat.
Breath Weapon: Star Dragons can breathe a cone of fire, even in vacuum. The size of the cone and damage the attack deals is modified by the size of the
Duinuogwuin, as shown below.
Huge: 7 Squares: 4d6 Fire Damage
Gargantuan: 9 Squares: 6d6 Fire Damage
Colossal: 11 Squares: 10d6 Fire Damage
Automatic Languages: Duinuogwuin.


The Duloks are green-furred bipeds native to the the Forest Moon of Endor. They are distantly related to the Ewoks, but, unlike their cousins, Duloks are tall
(averaging 1.5 meters), lanky beings with long, tufted ears and tails, sharp teeth, eyes that ranged in color from yellow to red, and brown brows and noses. Their lips,
upper faces, palms, and soles are hairless and gray-skinned. Duloks typically wear little or no clothing, although some wear decorations made from bones and shells
or painted symbols on their fur. They are perpetually unkempt and infested with insects. Many Duloks speak a language that is intelligible to those who speak
Ewokese, and may be a dialect of that language. Duloks tend to live in Endor’s swampy regions. Their villages are made up of rotting logs and dark caverns, which
they embellish with structures made of wood, animal skins, and bones. The Duloks are divided into various tribes, each headed by a king who has proven himself the
strongest or most fierce of the tribe. Shamans and oracles also enjoy some power in the Duloks’ religious society. In contrast to Ewoks, Duloks have little respect for
nature and are greedy and foul-tempered. They are aggressive and warlike, and frequently raid nearby settlements, particularly Ewok villages.

Apperances and Examples: A Dulok tribe led by King Gorneesh and his shaman Umwak was frequently at odds with the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village in the “Ewoks”
animated series. During the Clone Wars, a Dulok was seen on Coruscant in the “Clone Wars” animated series

Dulok Species Traits:

Abilities Modifiers: Con +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Scent: . At close range (within 10 squares), Noghri ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility when
low-light vision: as detailed in the SECR.
Environmental adaptation: A dulok may take 10 on any Survival check made in swampy terrain.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Dulok & Ewok



Ebranites re the natives of the planet Ebra in the Dousc system. They are adapted to life in Ebra's systems of caves and canyons. Ebranites have six arms, with two
opposable thumbs on each six-digit hand. Their feet re also adapted for climbing, with three large clawed toes and a thumb-like appendage on their heels. Their arms
and legs allow them to climb quickly, but they walk slowly on level ground. Their thick reddish-brown skin is mottled with red, white or black patches as camouflage
against rocks. They also have excellent vision, and see in infrared. Ebranite social structures are based on family and clan units. Males are generally dominant,
though mothers are respected more than any other Ebranites. Children have very little freedom. Clans, or thildas, are made up of twenty to thirty nuclear families
living in the same area. Every Ebranite has their clan insignia tattooed on their uppermost left shoulder at birth. Before the Imperial takeover, their only sophisticated
technology was their hydrothermal works. Most Ebranites distrust sophisticated technology, which they associate with the Empire. Ebranites make up for this
shortcoming with their fierceness. When Ebranites feel endangered, they went into a "combat rage" similar to that of the Wookiees, but not as uncontrollable.

Appearances and Examples: Nyik Tar'ak was an Ebranite operative for the Rebel Alliance in the article "Cracken's Rebel Operatives" in the Star Wars Adventure
Journal 11.

Ebranite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Speed: Ebranite base speed is 4 squares, or 8 squares when climbing.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Extra Limbs: An Ebranite has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks.
However, an Ebranite cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round unless they possess a feat or talent that otherwise allows them to do so.
Rage: See Wookie trait (SECR page 32).
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Darkvision: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 30).
Natural Camouflage: Ebranites have concealment in mountainous or rocky terrain.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Ebranese.

Alternate Ebranite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Con +2, Int -2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Rage: This ability functions exactly as the wookiee ability of the same name, as detailed in the SECR.
Darkvision: This ability functions as described in the SECR.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


The Echani are near-Humans with silver-white hair, silver eyes, and better natural reflexes then stock humans. Siblings were often virtually identical to each other, so
as to be completely indistinguishable to outsiders. The Echani are also considered a more willful species than most, though this aspect of their personality comes
more from studious training rather than any inherent racial quality. Their culture is war-like and gave rise to the Sun Guard of Thyrsus. They have held a long-
standing rivalry with the Mandalorians, with whom they share many similarities, such as a deep respect for the combat skill of their enemy. The Echani, however,
focus on light weaponry and armor, relying more on agility rather than heavier weapons and brute force. Due to the all-encompassing use of combat in all levels of
their culture, Echani Generals are believed to be able to predict an opponents next move. In fact, this is simply a tactical skill arising from living in a culture where
combat is seen as something akin to a form of communication. Echani Martial Arts, practiced by the Emperor’s Royal Guards, evolved not only as a form of self-
defense, but as a form of self-expression for the Echani, a means of communication similar to art. Due to the proliferation of identical siblings, distinctions between
like individuals through body movement is essential. The Echani can also read feelings and emotion through combat. To an Echani, a combat between two people
communicates more than hours of talking. With rare exception (such as the Sun Guard), the Echani eschew the use of armor, preferring to fight in minimal clothing.
Their fighting style focused more on agility and movement, and so anything that hampered their freedom of movement is avoided.

Appearances and Examples: Raskta Lsu was an Echani Jedi who fought for Lord Hoth’s Army of Light in the novel Darth Bane: Rule of Two.

Echani Species Ability Traits (by jadenkorr):

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
Speed: Echani base speed is 6 squares.
Perceptive Initiative: Echani may substitute Perception checks for Initiative checks. Echani trained in Perception are considered trained in Initiative for all purposes,
and if entitled to an Initiative reroll, the Echani may reroll the substituted Perception check.
Bonus Feat: Echani gain Martial Arts I as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Echani, Basic

Alternate Echani Species Ability Traits:

Ability Adjustments: None
Echani art: All echani have Echani Martial Arts (see below) as a bonus feat.
Combat Ready: An echani may reroll any Initiative check, but must take the second check result.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An echani trained in Martial Arts I gains Martial Arts II as a bonus feat.
Social inability: Echani suffer a –2 penalty on all Perception checks made to discern a target’s intentions or feelings, and a –2 penalty on all Persuasion checks made
to improve a target’s attitude. These penalties are removed for as long as the echani is actually fighting the target.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Echani & Basic

New Feat: Echani Martial Arts

You have mastered the echani combat techniques, performing unarmed combat as if it was an art form.
Prerequisite: Martial Arts I or belonging to the echani species.
Benefit: Choose a single, intelligent opponent you are currently fighting in melee. Against that opponent, you may make any Perception check to sense Deception, or
any Deception check to feint in combat, as a move action.


Eloms are short, stocky, bipedal sentients, with a thick pelt of oily, dark fur, native to the frigid and mineral-rich desert planet of Elom, located in
the Borderland Regions. The primitive species has extremely tough skin, several layers of fat, and their hands and feet are coated by thick
calluses. As a result of living in dark caves, where the only light is created by phosphorescent crystals, Eloms have exceptional eyesight,
though they cannot tolerate bright light. Rarely leaving their underground habitats, Eloms are pacifistic and peaceful herbivores, despite their
savage and fearsome appearance. Although they are highly ambitious and intelligent, Eloms are often manipulated into becoming involved
with illegal activities, due to their underestimation of the capacity for wrong-doing exhibited by other species. With an average lifespan similar to
Humans, Eloms remained undiscovered for thousands of years by Galactic Republic scouts, although the species they shared the planet with,
the tall humanoid Elomin, had made contact with the scouts long before they had even discovered, and eventually enslaved, the Eloms.

Appearances and Examples: Tanus Spijek appeared in Jabba's Palace as the Hutt’s informant in Return of the Jedi.

Elom Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Elom base speed is 4 squares, however Eloms can move at this speed even when carrying a medium or heavy load or wearing medium or heavy armor.
Light Sensitivity: An Elom who is exposed to light brighter than that of early dawn is effectively blinded.
Automatic Languages: Elom.

Alternate Elom Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int +2, Cha -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Stout: Eloms have double the normal carrying capacity for their size and strength.
Light-sensitive: Eloms are effectively blinded in bright light.


The Elomin are horned humanoids from Elom who lived on the surface of the planet. They are thought by some xenoarchaeologists to be descended from a lost
colony of Zabrak who settled Elom in the distant past. Features of their anatomy which distinguish them from baseline humans include neck wattles, spanchons, four
stomachs, generative nodes, six-chambered hearts, nose tusks, long hairs behind their ears (which they comb), and horns (which they polish). The Elomin are
obsessed with personal hygiene. The Elomin live on the surface of their planet while the sapient Elom live underground. The Elom used to live on the surface but
were forced to move underground when water became scarce. Since then, they have remained isolated from the rest of the galaxy, with many Eloms continuing to
retreat further underground. When the Elomins re-discovered the Eloms, they tried to make the Galactic Republic believe that they were only unintelligent animals.
The truth was eventually discovered and Eloms were granted the rights of any other sentient species. The Elomin rule Elom and represent the planet offworld. After
their planet was liberated by the Republic, they started integrating their societies together.

Appearances and Examples: Haninum Tyk Rhinann was a former aide to Darth Vader in the Coruscant Nights trilogy of novels.

Elomin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
Speed: Elomin base speed is 6 squares.
Xenophobic: An Elomin who has not taken Skill Focus (Persuasion) may not add 1/2 his character level to Persuasion checks when dealing with members of other
Additionally, other species may not choose to reroll Persuasion checks against Elomin, even if they would normally be able to do so through a Talent or Species trait.
Automatic Languages: Elomin.

Alternate Elomin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feats: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Pilot) and Skill Focus in Knowledge (technology) as bonus feats if they are trained in these skills.


The Em'liy are a species of humanoids native to the planet Shalyvane. Originally a proud society of warriors, their civilization was devastated by the Galactic Empire's
forces. This forced them to become a nomadic society, both on their homeworld and in other star systems. Em'liy are fairly tall and robust by Human standards.
Their faces have no visible noses and small, dark eyes. Their skin color varies from bright orange or tan to dark green or blue. They have no body hair, though they
grow dark hair on their heads. This hair is styled in one to three topknots, depending on caste.

Appearances and Examples: G'hinji Dros was an elderly member of the Em'liy species native to the planet Shalyvane in the Marvel Comics Star Wars issue Pariah.

Em’liy Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Em’liy base speed is 6 squares.
Spirit of Battle: Identical to the Rage for all purposes, including feats such as Extra Rage. See Wookie trait (SECR page 32).
Sneaky: See Ewok trait (SECR page 27).
Conditional Bonus Feat: Em’liy trained in Survival recieve Skill Training (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Em’liy.

Alternate Em’liy Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Rage: This ability functions exactly as the wookiee ability of the same name, as detailed in the SECR.
Conditional Bonus Feats: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Stealth) and Skill Focus (Survival) as bonus feats if they are trained in these skills.


The Ensos are near-Humans from the planet Ensolica. Over the course of generations, the Ensos became acclimated to the arctic conditions
of their homeworld, a planet of ice sheets and frozen tundra, with a tiny strip of temperate land running along the equator. Ensos are nearly
impervious to cold; it is only possible for one to freeze to death in extreme circumstances. But this resistance is off-set by an equally
debilitating vulnerability to high temperatures. In desert climes, such as Tatooine or the Bright Lands of Ryloth, Ensos must wear
cumbersome coolth suits in order to avoid near-instant heatstroke. Enso cities are carved into the ice. Because the open ground on Ensolica
consists entirely of coniferous forest and tundra, an entirely unworkable soil, Ensos are experts at hydroponics, constructing vast
greenhouses in the ice. Their breakthroughs in the field has attracted the attention of such corporations as Alderaan Biotics and Tusus
Comestibles, who apply Enso techniques to make even the harshest environments capable of being self-sufficient food producers or even
net exporters.

Appearances and Examples: Captain Teyora Rekab appeared on Tatooine, in The Phantom Menace, where she made her living selling hydroponic equipment and
seeds to the moisture farmers.

Enso Species Traits:

Ability Modifier: +2 CON
Vulnerability to Heat: Exposure to extreme heat [see SECR 253] is particularly debilitating to Ensos. Ensos suffer a -5 species penalty to their Fort Defense for
purposes of the 1d20 + 5 attack roll made against them by extreme heat. If the attack fails, they suffer 1d6 HPs of damage for each hour of exposure, as most other
species do, but move one step (rather than no steps) down the condition track for each hour of exposure. If the attack succeeds, they suffer the full 2d6 damage for
each hour of exposure, as normal, but move two steps (rather than one step) down the Condition Track for each hour of exposure.
Resistance to Cold: Ensos are virtually resistant to exposure to extreme cold. Ensos enjoy a +5 species bonus to their Fort Defense for purposes of the 1d20 +5
attack roll made against them, which stacks with any +5 bonus for wearing heavy clothing. If the attack fails, Ensos take no HP damage from the cold, and suffer no
reduction on the Condition Track. If the attack succeeds, they suffer only 1d3 HPs of damage for each hour of exposure, and only 1 step reduction on the Condition
Conditional Feat: Ensos trained in Survival gain "Skill Focus: Survival"
Conditional Feat: Ensos trained in Knowledge (Life Sciences) gain "Skill Focus: Knowledge (Life Sciences)."
Speed: 6 sq.
Languages: Enso & Basic

Enso Coolth Suit

Coolth suits were custom-designed environmental suits designed by and for Ensos to survive on worlds with high temperatures, such as Tatooine or the Bright Lands
of Ryloth or Cairns.

Ensos, used to the freezing temperatures of Ensolica, were forced to wear these cumbersome suits to avoid heatstroke. The suit was crisscrossed with meters and
meters of tubing running in a complex maze from cooling units, around the body and back again. The limbs of the suit were coated with reflective material to avoid
absorbing an excess of sunlight. Two air intakes located below the chin allowed high-temperature air into a circulating system before passing into the helmet bubble
and being expelled through the escape vents at the top. Standard coolth suits did not include additional air filtration, such as dust filters or chemical air scrubbers.
The helmet bubble did not include a polarizing lens to shield the wearer from harsh sunlight, prompting Ensos to wear polarized goggles underneath.

Coolth suits temperatures were adjustable, but cheaper models were often locked into presets to reduce mechanical deterioration. This led to some travelers having
to wear thick insulating garments underneath their coolth suits to prevent hypothermia.

Reflex Bonus: +0
Fortitude Bonus: special -- Coolth suits eliminate an Enso's -5 species penalty to their Fort Defense for purposes of the 1d20 + 5 attack roll made against them by
extreme heat and, in fact, grant the wearer (Enso or otherwise) a +5 equipment bonus to Fort defense for purposes of this roll only. If the attack fails, the wearer
suffers only 1d3 HPs of damage for each hour of exposure, and moves no steps down the condition track for each hour of exposure, even if the wearer is an Enso. If
the attack succeeds, the wearer suffers the full 2d6 damage for each hour of exposure, as normal, and moves one step (two steps if the wearer is an Enso) down the
Condition Track for each hour of exposure.
Max DEX Bonus: +2
Weight: 10 kg
Availability: Restricted
Resale Value: 500cr


This alien species is known for its empathetic skills. The Equani are distinguished by their large frames and large eyes, which always match the pigment of their pale
fur. The Equani are also known for their resistance to “Jedi Mind Tricks.” At the height of their civilization, there were nearly a billion Equani living in the galaxy, most
of them on their homeworld of Equanus. By the time of the Clone Wars, there were very few Equani left in the galaxy, after Equanus was incinerated by an intense
solar flare. As a result, only the hundreds of Equani who were offworld survived the devastation. It is believed that the Equani have the capability to understand and
psychoanalyze every other sentient race known in the galaxy. Many of the surviving Equani – all of whom were offworld at the time of the devastation – believe that
the solar flare ejected by the star was not a natural phenomenon, but the result of a test-firing of a superlaser by the Republic.

Appearances and Examples: In the Clone Wars novel “Medstar I: Battle Surgeons,” by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry, Klo Merit was an Equani physician who
worked for the Grand Army of the Republic during the height of the Clone Wars, serving as a doctor and empath for the Rimsoo Seven military hospital on Drongar.

Equani Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 STR, -2 DEX
Understand Others: Equani may reroll Perception checks to "Sense Deception" or "Sense Influence" in others.
Force Resistance: Equani receive a +6 Species bonus against mind-affecting effects that target the Will Defense, including the Telepathy subskill of Use the Force
and the Mind Trick Force Power.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Equani suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Base Speed: 8 squares
Language(s): Equani and Basic


Er’kit are tall, thin, humanoids with conical heads, smooth, pale skin and, often, dorsal stripes of pale blue and/or green. Hailing
originally from the Outer Rim planet of the same name, the Er’kit species feeds off adrenaline and speed. Their metabolism is as fast as
is their speech and movement. Er’kit are very adaptable and intrepid, and many have long established colonies on Tatooine and other
Outer Rim worlds, consider themselves natives of their adopted world and have abandoned their species language for the local
language, such as Huttese on Tatooine.

Appearances and Examples: The Er’kit Ody Mandrell pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom

Er’kit Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int –2, Wis –2
Resilient: Er’kits gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Ref and Fort defenses.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Er’kit (or adopted local language, such as Huttese) & Basic


The Evocii are the primitive humanoids natives of Evocar, which later became the capital Hutt world Nal Hutta. When the Hutts arrived from their homeworld Varl, the
Evocii were amazed by the wonderful technologies that the slug-like aliens brought with them. Soon they began exchanging pieces of their homeworld in exchange
for the technology the Hutts brought with them, until they realized that the Hutts owned almost their entire world. Hutt palaces, amusement parks and other
constructions were built all over Evocar, and the Evocii were powerless against the Hutts. They appealed to the Galactic Republic, though the laws of the Republic
then favored the Hutts. The Evocii were evicted from Evocar by the Hutts and relocated to the planet's fifth moon which would later be known as Nar Shaddaa, "The
Smuggler's Moon." The Hutts then used their Evocii subjects as slave laborers to build the spaceports and cities of Nar Shaddaa. Most of the Evocii eventually died
off from long periods of exposure to Nar Shaddaa's atmosphere, and the surviving few began mutating in the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa due to the various
technologies practiced on the moon. The Hutts then destroyed the remaining Evocii architecture.

Appearances and Examples: Evocii are mentioned in several Expanded Universe sources, but appear in the “Tempest Fued” paperback supplement to the Wizards
of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game (2nd ed.).

Evocii Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int –2, Cha –2
Survival adaptation: An evocii may take 10 on any Survival check made in an urban area.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An evocii trained in Survival gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Low-light vision: As detailed in the SECR.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Evocii & Huttese
Note: Evocii are near extinct, and GM discretion is advised when allowing them as a PC species.



The Farghul are felinoid sapients indigenous to Farrfin. They have claws, possessed prehensile tails, incredible strength and speed, and are covered with tawny.
The species has a reputation for being both fearsome fighters as well as cunning thieves. They became quite fearful of the Jedi Knights after the destruction of a
smuggling base on their homeworld during the times of the Galactic Republic. The Farghul are also generally distrustful of politicians and were considered slightly
xenophobic. Despite this, they are known to friends as mischievous and playful beings who love telling bad jokes. Many Farghul are also were known to rig games.
Their reputation for being cheaters, con artists, and thieves originates from this; though, upon being caught, those Farghul often return their illicit winnings. However,
this does not stop them from gaining their bad reputation in the galaxy. Farghul are extremely self-conscious about their appearance, and often wear elaborate
clothes or jewelery.

Appearances and Examples: Harll was a male Farghul bounty hunter in the Dark Horse comic Star Wars Republic: Show of Force.

Farghul Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha.
Speed: Farghul base speed is 6 squares.
Prehensile Tail: A Farghul with Martial Arts I may use his tail to wield a light melee weapon. This does not grant any additional attacks (unless the Farghul possesses
other abilities that would allow him to make off-hand attacks), but it may free up his hands. Additionally, the tail may be used to make grapple attacks if the Farghul
possesses the appropriate feats.
Automatic Languages: Farghul.

Alternate Farghul Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Con -2, Cha +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Prehensile Tail: A member of this species with Martial Arts I also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat. The Character gains a +2 species bonus on grab


Ferroans are pale-blue skinned humanoids with gold eyes. Most females have white hair but some have black hair. The Ferroans hailed originally from the planet
Ferro and colonized many of the inner Ferro systems, including Zonoma Sekot. They are independent, reclusive, and seldom leave their homes. The Ferroans of
Zonama Sekot subscribe to the philosophy of the Potentium and are very attuned to the sentience of Zonama Sekot, many having grown up very aware of the
lifeforces around them. However, they are not symbiotic to the planet, as the Yuuzhan Vong once were.

Appearances and Examples: Ferroans appear in the novel “Rogue Planet.”

Ferroan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Wis +2, Cha –2
In tune with nature: A ferroan may reroll any Survival check or Perception check made in the open wild, but he must keep the second result. Furthermore, a ferroan
may reroll
Conditional Bonus Feat: An echani trained in Knowledge (life sciences) gains Skill Focus in that skill as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Ferroan & Basic


Filordi are indigenous to Filordis, a wasteland of an Inner Rim planet blasted by thunderstorms and fierce winds and orbiting a red star. They have six-limbs, using
the lower four for locomotion. Most stand about 1.4 meters tall. Two arms hang from the shoulders, while long, spindly front legs grow from the abdomen. The hind
legs are shorter and stubby. Their feet are flat, with pincer toes that face rearward on the front legs and forward on the back legs. When cornered, Filordi usually
crouch on their hind legs, fighting with their arms and pincers. They are able to rise and walk upright in a bipedal fashion, though they find this method of movement
very tiring. Filordi are hardy, but not graceful, as the coordination of all their limbs is cumbersome. The faces of the Filordi are humanoid, and their large ears are
able to fold over their eyes to protect them from wind and rain. The ears make them more susceptible to sonic attacks than other species. Filordi are covered in light-
colored short hair, sometimes marked with stripes of blue. Though Filordi learn Galactic Basic, their voices sound gravelly, missing some of the consonant sounds.
Filordi are asexual and reproduce when they die. A week after the death of its host, infant Filordi crawl from the corpse of its predecessor. The Filordi are hardy,
intelligent, and adaptable. A seemingly paradoxical species, the Filordi are driven to succeed, yet seem incapable of long-term planning, evident by their over-
consumption of every available resource of their homeworld. They can be found nearly anywhere in the galaxy, wandering in search of more than their homeworld
has to offer - with some of them becoming Jedi Knights

Appearances and Examples: Filordi appeared in the Wizards of the Coast Living Force roleplaying campaign.

Filordus Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Con.
Speed: Filordus base speed is 10 squares. When bipedal, their base speed drops to 4 squares.
Natural Weapons: Pincer: 1d6 slashing. Only while bipedal.
Acute Hearing: A Filordus may choose to reroll any Perception check related to hearing, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. However, a
Filordus suffers a -2 penalty to Defense against sonic attacks.
Automatic Languages: Filordian.

Alternate Filordus Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Con +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a pincer attack (damage 1d3 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Pincer attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Multilegged: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus on all checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
Acute hearing: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check to Listen.
Weakness: The character’s damage threshold counts as if it was 5 poInts lower against sonic-based attacks and effects.


The Firrerreo (also referred to as Firrerreon), of the planet Firrerre, resemble gold-skinned Humans with long canines, two-toned hair and nictitating eyelids. They
heal quickly and can survive even a direct blaster shot not directed to the heart or brain. Their gold-colored skin turns silver when scarred. Firrerreo believe that one
can 'own' another's name, and therefore almost never give out their names to others, except to a mate or close friend. Speaking another's name is considered a form
of control in Firrerreo society, and many Firrerreo do so at every opportunity as a show of power. Firrerreo society is organized in clans, members caring little for the
welfare of non-clan-members.

Appearances and Examples: Two Force-sensitive Firrerreos, Hethrir and his mate Rillao, became students of the Sith Lord Darth Vader in the novel “The Crystal

Firrerreo Species Traits (by RobShanti):

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Con, -2 Cha, -2 Wis
Fast Healing: As the Wookiee trait.
Psychological Weakness: Due to cultural superstition, Firrerreo are loathe to give out their name to another and consider learning another's name as a form of power
over that person. Consequently, a Firrerreo must make a DC 10 Willpower Save to resist a dangerous or otherwise unfavorable situation that promises to reveal
another's name. In turn, even when a Firrerreo decides to give his own name to another, either out of necessity or as an act of friendship or intimacy, he must
likewise make this Will Save or be unable to overcome the cultural taboo of anonymity.
Size: Med.
Move: 6 sq.
Languages: Firrerreo, Basic

Alternate Firrerreo Species Traits (by Isirga Eth):

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Extraordinary recuperation: as the wookiee abilit.
low-light vision: As detailed in the SECR.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A firrerreo trained in Use the Force gains Skill Focus (Use the Force) as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Firrerreo & Basic
Note: Firrerreo are near extinct, and GM discretion is suggested when allowing them as a PC species.

Alternate Firrerreo Species Traits (by jadenkorr):

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Cha.
Speed: Firrerreo base speed is 6 squares.
Extraordinary Recuperation: Firrerreos regain hit points through natural healing at double the normal rate.
Bonus Skill: Firrerreos pick one additional skill at 1st level.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Firrerreo.


The ophidian Florn Lamproids, or “Lamproids,” are thought to have evolved from intestinal parasites. They are a species of sentient
carnivores from the Wild Space planet Florn. The countless dangers of their homeworld had shaped them into consummate predators:
their bodies are segmented with well-muscled, serpentine coils that can constrict with deadly force, and mouths that can deliver mortal
blows from rings of keen fangs and milky venom in their saliva. A Florn Lamproid’s tail sports a venomous stinger at the tip. Florn
Lamproids have six short limbs with clawed pincers. A tiny, wet sensory filament curls from between their fangs to detect scent, and
light stalks on their heads sense a range of the light spectrum beyond that of most species. Lamproids are descended from intestinal
parasites that had evolved into independent, intelligent predators. They are primitive by most species' standards, lacking in both art and
culture. However, their brains are excellent at solving puzzles. This made them popular prey for unscrupulous hunters. Members of the
species have spread beyond their homeworld and proved to be aggressive colonizers. They particularly thrive on jungle and forest
planets, although they were known even on desert worlds like Tatooine. Although few galactic citizens know much about the species
and mistake them for non-sentient pests, some Lamproids adapt to galactic technology and society and ply the starlanes as spacers, soldiers, and smugglers.

Appearances and Examples: Dice Ibegon appeared in the Cantina scene of A New Hope.

Florn Lamproid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Wis, -4 Cha, +2 Str
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 8 Squares
Puzzler: Florn Lamproids may reroll any INT check or INT-based skill check made for the purpose of solving a puzzle, but must accept the results of the second roll,
even if it is worse.
Extra Limbs: When the Florn Lamproid uses its middle set of limbs as an extra set of arms, it receives a +5 racial competence bonus to both Climb checks and to
Grapple checks, and gains Dual Weapon Mastery I and Multiattack as bonus feats provided all prerequisites are met. If the creature instead uses the middle set of
limbs as legs (it takes a swift action to go from one to the other), it no longer gains the benefits of having extra arms, but instead gains a +5 stability bonus to resist
attempts to knock it prone.
Natural Weapons: A Florn Lamproid may make an attack with one of its natural weapons -- fangs, barbed tail, or claw -- as a standard action. Its razor-edged claws
granting 1d6 slashing damage in lieu of unarmed strikes. If a Florn Lamproid's unarmed attack roll with its fangs or tail beats both the target’s Reflex and Fortitude
defense, the victim suffers normal unarmed damage and immediately goes down one persistent step down the Condition Track.
Olefactory Filament: Florn Lamproids can unfurl a tiny wet sensory filament between their fangs to detect scent. At close range (within 10 squares), they ignore
concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility when tracking.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Crush as a bonus feat if they meet the corresponding prerequisites.
Reviled: Because they are reminiscient of intestinal parasites, they suffer a -5 penalty on Persuasion checks to improve the attitude of a member of another species.
Languages: Florn Lamproid


Hailing from the planet Ploo IV, located in the Ploo Sector of the Expansion Region of the galaxy, the amphibious Fluggrians have special
neural bundles in their foreheads that allow them to process information at incredible speeds. Fluggrians value the family unit over all else.
Fluggrians seldom leave their families or Ploo IV, although some have been known to travel great distances to settle a vendetta for
transgressions against their kin. Their bodies are small, slightly larger than one meter tall on average. Their skin is greenish, often with ornate
markings of any of various bright colors, and their head, shaped like a folded crescent, often sports large lips. Their eyes have translucent
nictitating membranes that allow them to see underwater. The membranes themselves, however, are of little use out of the water, as they are
very sensitive and easily damaged by abrasive airborne particles. Fluggrians have gills that allow them to breath underwater.

Appearances and Examples: The Fluggrian Kam Nale, alias Elan Mak, pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The
Phantom Menace.”

Fluggrian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Cha –2
High input procession: Fluggrians may reroll Perception checks, but must take the second check result.
Gills: Fluggrian can't drown in water.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Language: Fluggrian, Basic


The Fosh are a sentient avian species from an unknown world, possibly hailing from the Corporate Sector. Their delicate arms end in four-fingered, talon-like hands
that apparently evolved over tens of thousands of years from wings. Due to the frail nature of their bodies, Fosh shy away from conflict and confrontation, though
they are known to defend themselves if necessary. In combat, Fosh reflexively guard their necks, which are thin and particularly vulnerable. They are agile
creatures, however, with leg joints able to bend backwards, and flay-toed feet useful for jumping. The Fosh’s elongated face ends in a beak-like os, around which
tufts of soft whiskers grow. The Fosh’s head is capped with two twisting antennae, the use of which remains unknown, and a skull ridge adorned with feathers that
shift color depending on the Fosh's mood: green indicating inquisitiveness, thoughtfulness or amusement; orange indicating happiness; and gray indicating anger,
disgust, irritation or seriousness. Female Fosh have lacrimal glands that enable them to alter their tears to produce a variety of pheromonal substances that affect
males during mating. The Fosh are very private, preferring to remain unnoticed by the larger galaxy. They are, however, adept at political intrigue, and, culturally, are
as manipulative a species as the Bothans, but much more devious. Many Fosh look upon other species as inferior, sometimes even as toys for their own
amusement. Fosh tend to speak indirectly to others, rarely revealing their true desires, and are fond of riddles and analogies designed to confuse and confound.
The Fosh are highly self-serving and self-interested, and are only generous when it suits them.

Appearances and Examples: The Jedi Knight Vergere appeared in many novels, including “Rogue Planet” and many of the New Jedi Order novels.

Fosh Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2 (females only), Dex +2, Con –2
Conditional Bonus Feats: A fosh trained in Acrobatics, Deception and/or Persuasion gains Skill Focus in these skills as a bonus feat.
Tears: A female fosh may use its tears as an ingredient to make chemical concoctions. By succeeding on a Knowledge (physical sciences) or Knowledge (life
sciences) check (DC 25), the tears of a female fosh may be transformed into a veriety of chemical products, including poison (attack 1d20 vs Fort, damage 1d6 plus
1 step down on the Condition Track) or healing liquids (granting a +5 bonus on Treat Injury checks). A female fosh may weep enough tears to make a single
chemical dose once per day.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 4 squares.
Language: Fosh & Basic
Note: Fosh are suppossedly extinct, and GM discretion is suggested when allowing them as a PC species.

Alternate Fosh Species Traits (by Darth_Scorpion):

Fosh Species
Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis. Fosh are physically and physiologically weak, but they are more intelligent and perceptive than other species.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Fosh have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Fosh base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Fosh are naturally adept at convincing others to do their bidding and believing their view points. A Fosh with Persuasion as a trained skill
gains Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Deceptive: Fosh are incredibly deceptive, always creating plots within plots even for simple goals, thus making it difficult to determine their motives. Deception is
always considered a class-skill for Fosh.
Expert Jumper: Fosh are natural jumpers due to their reverse articulated legs. Fosh may choose to reroll any Jump check, but the result of the reroll must be
accepted even if it worse.
Automatic Languages: Fosh


The Frozians are bipedal humanoids indigenous to the planet Froz, a pristine, low-gravity planet on the Corellian Run. Frozians evolved from a species of prairie
lopers who subsisted on the fruit of tall trees. Frozians are furred, mammalian beings with no external ears and large, whiskered muzzles. They have an extra joint in
their arms and legs, making their movement unusual to watch for other humanoid races. An average Frozian has a lifespan of approximately a century, although it is
common for Frozians living offworld to live until only eighty years old. This is especially true of Frozians living in high-gravity environments, to which they found it
difficult to adapt. Frozians have a tendency to stutter words or phrases for emphasis. They are known to be diligent and honest, and those who venture offworld
strive to uphold the laws of whichever culture they integrated themselves. Frozians are generally considered to be strong-willed and often go out of their way to help
others, especially those they perceive as needy. However, following the destruction of their planet's ecosystem, members of the species tended to become
depressed when not helping people, and would often ruin the moods of those around them.

Appearances and Examples: Micamberlecto was a Frozian appointed by the New Republic as Governor-General of the Corellian Sector when it joined the New
Republic in the Corellian Trilogy novel Ambush at Corellia.

Frozian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Frozian suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Frozian base speed is 8 squares.
Automatic Languages: Frozian.

Alternate Frozian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Int +2, Wis +2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Special: This species requires GM approval to play after the Rebellion Era.



Gados are furry, lanky aliens with worm-like heads. They are indigenous to Abregado-rae, incredibly nimble and reknown for their gymnastic skills, as shown by the
famous Leaping Tee acrobatic group of the Alsakan Circo-Menagerie. Gados’ internal organs are strewn throughout their bodies in ribbon-like patterns.
Consequently, minor injury in a vital area causes limited damage, but if an appendage is lost, the Gados inevitably dies. Gados are also known for their amenability
(or perhaps obtuseness) to the eccentricities of others. Gados culture was eventually virtually entirely assimilated by Galactic culture, Basic becoming as primary a
language on their world as their own native language.

Appearances and Examples: Gados appeared in the novel “Heir to the Empire.”

Gados Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +4, Con –2
Conditional Bonus Feat: A gados trained in Acrobatics gains Skill Focus (Acrobatics) as a bonus feat.
Misplaced vitals: A gados has its vital organs spread all over its body; any time a gados goes down on the condition track, its condition becomes persistent.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Gados & Basic

GANK (also known as GANK KILLER)

Ganks, also known as Gank Killers, are mysterious, bloodthirsty, fur-covered humanoids with yellow faces twisted into permanent snarls, and cruel, beady eyes.
Their broad shoulders are strong and their thick, powerful arms often weild a variety of weapons, although they tend to favor primitive blaster rifles. Ganks mainly
reside on Nar Shaddaa in the Mid Rim, but have also been found in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, and working for the Hutts on planets such as D'vouran. Their original
homeworld is unknown; however, due to their affiliation with the Hutts of Nar Shaddaa, they have moved to the “Smuggler’s Moon” permanently. Ganks rarely show
their faces, preferring a suit of mechanized battle armor made of knee high boots, elbow pads, gloves and small knife sheaths on their wrists. Their ellipsoid helmets
feature small holes at the front and two thin rods jutting from each side. A variety of objects hang from their necks, including old teeth. Ganks can often be found
working for Hutts as mercenaries, bounty hunters, bodyguards or assassins. They are rarely seen alone and always move around in packs, working together to
accomplish their savage aims. The shape shifting Shi'ido anthropologist Mammon Hoole managed to infiltrate a group of Ganks long enough to discover that they
are able to constantly communicate with one another through mechanical implants, thus giving them an edge over other bodyguard candidates for the wealthy Hutts
of Nar Shaddaa. Gank Killers take pleasure in the misery of others, laughing happily at their victims’ suffering. Most Ganks also have short tempers and hate when
a potential victim escapes. The bloodthirsty Ganks made fierce bodyguards, are skilled with blasters and demonstrate extreme loyalty, following their orders exactly
as given. Gank Killers became infamous for their violent ways during the Gank Massacres in 4,800 BBY, in which a group of Ganks, hired by Neimoidians for
protection, committed the genocide of the Porporites. After that, the Ganks embarked on a full scale war against the Republic, but were eventually defeated by the

Appearances and Examples: Gank Killers appear in the “Dark Empire” comics by Dark Horse.

Gank Species Traits:

Ability Scores: Str +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Bonus feat: Gank killers gain Armor Proficiency (light) as a bonus feat.
Silent comlink: All gank killers are gven an implant that allows them to communicate with each other without speaking, using a rudimentary form of artificial telepathy.
Size: Medium
Speed: 8 squares.
Language: Gank (& limited Huttese or Basic)

Gank Killer Armor

Light armor
Cost: 13,000 credits (6,500 to ganks).
Armor bonus to Reflex: +6
Equipment bonus to Fortitude: +0
Max Dex Bonus: +4
Special: Gank killer armor grants its wearer a +2 equipment bonus on Initiative checks.


The Gerbs are lagomorphs native to the moon Yavin 13, which is populated by approximately 24 million Gerbs and 19 million serpentine Slith. Gerbs are covered in
fur and have large, pink ears and large, black eyes. The Gerb’s long tail helps it balance. Gerbs are known for their keen sense of hearing and their speed. Gerbs
live in small underground warrens consisting of ten families. The Gerbs move by hopping, and practice simple farming on the few grasslands of the desert moon.
They speak the squeaking Gerbese language, but can also speak the hissing Slithese language. Gerbs and Slith have managed to live in peace and generally leave
each other alone. Gerbs are immune to Slith bites which are venomous to most other species. Neither species knows anything about offworld affairs or technology
since neither has left Yavin 13.

Appearances and Examples: Chicak was a Gerb who appeared in the West End Games supplement Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin.

Gerb Species Traits:

Ability Scores: Str –2, Dex +2, Wis +2
Heightened senses: A gerb may reroll Perception checks, but it must keep the second result.
Poison resistance: Gerbs gain a +5 bonus to their Fort Defense against poison.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Gerb, Slithese
Note: GM discretion is suggested when allowing gerbs as a PC species before the New Jedi Order.


The Givin were the indigenous people of the planet Yag'Dhul. They were best known for their natural mathematical ability which made
them expert starship builders and astrogators, for their skeletal appearance, and for their ability to survive in vacuum.

Appearances and Examples: Elis Helrot was a Givin slaver and pilot in the cantina scene of A New Hope.

Givin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Givin base speed is 6 squares.
Damage Reduction: DR 2.
Unique Physiology: Givin can survive in a vacuum without a vacuum suit or oxygen supply. Givin do not need to breathe in any conventional sense and are immune
to inhaled chemicals and poisons.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Givin with Knowledge (physical sciences) or Knowledge (bureaucracy) as a trained skill gains Skill Focus in the appropriate skill as a
bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Givin.
Alternate Givin Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex -2, Con +2, Int +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Damage Reduction: Members of this species gain damage reduction 2. This stacks with any damage reduction provided by other sources.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Breathing Immunity: Givin are immune to the effects of a vacuum, to all inhaled hazards, and to attacks and effects that require the target to breathe.
Spacefaring savvy: Members of this species may reroll any Knowledge (physical sciences) check or Use Computer check, but they must keep the second result,
even if it’s worse than the original.


Hailing from the planet Ploo II and standing, on average, slightly over 1 meter tall, Glyphids have a rod-thin build; a long, highly sensitive
proboscis and quick reflexes. Their suction cup-tipped digits enable them to cling to vertical and horizontal surfaces, and their orange eyes
enable them to see in low light conditions.

Appearances and Examples: The Glymphid Aldar Beedo pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom

Glymphid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Con –2
Suction cups: A glymphid may reroll Climb checks, but it must take the second check result. Alternatively, a glymphid may take 10 on any
Climb check instead of rolling.
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Language: Glymphid & Basic.


Gossams are small saurians native to the planet Castell in the Colonies region of the galaxy, with colonies on the Outer Rim worlds of Felucia
and Saleucami. Averaging slightly over one meter in height, Gossams have wrinkled blue skin, with narrowing, shriveled heads on elongated
necks. Physical appearance is considered important in Gossam society, and females often curve their hair up from the back of their heads.
They are bipeds, balancing their frail bodies on small feet, and have long three-fingered hands. The average lifespan of a Gossam is about
seventy-five years. Known for their shrewd and cunning nature, most Gossam on Castell served the Commerce Guild, which was headed by
the Gossam Shu Mai during the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars. Due to their intelligent and scheming nature, Gossams can be found all
over the galaxy, acting as either legitimate merchants or as law-breaking pirates and smugglers, while Force-using Gossam are extremely

Appearances and Examples: Shu Mai was Presidente of the Commerce Guild in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

Gossam Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Gossam base speed is 4 squares.
Expert Haggler: A Gossam may choose to reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle over price, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Gossam.

Alternate Gossam Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Con -2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Innate cheater: Members of this species may reroll any Deception check or any Persuasion check made to Haggle, but they must keep the second result, even if it’s
worse than the original.


Gotals are a species of tall, hairy humanoid sentients native to the moon Antar 4. Their most distinctive features are the twin conical
horns growing on the top of their heads, which act as highly responsive electromagnetic sensors. These head cones are sensitive
enough to pick up subtle changes in another being's electromagnetic emissions from emotional changes, making Gotals natural
empaths. The unique nature of these sensors shaped Gotal culture, and helped individual Gotals carve niches in galactic society
ranging from bounty hunters to diplomats. Gotals have been a part of galactic society as far back as the early days of the Galactic
Republic. During this time, Gotals served the Republic as Jedi and as Antarian Rangers. In the Republic's later years, however, their
relations with other cultures became troubled. Conflicts such as the Duinuogwuin-Gotal conflict and the Separatist Crisis resulted in the
Gotals taking the losing side in the Clone Wars. Distrusted by and distrusting of the Galactic Empire, the Gotals returned to the mainstream as part of the New
Republic and later, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

Appearances and Examples: Feltipern Trevagg was a Gotal tax collector appearing in the cantina scene of A New Hope.

Gotal Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
Speed: Gotal base speed is 6 squares.
Energy Reading: A Gotal may choose to reroll any Perception checks to sense deceptions if the target is within 6 squares, but the result of the reroll must be
accepted even if it is worse.
If trained in Survival, Gotals can take 10 when using their head cones to track members of a specific species or beings whom they have met before.
Uncanny Dodge: As the Scout talent by the same name (SECR page 49).
Low-Light Vision: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Automatic Languages: Gotal.

Alternate Gotal Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Energy sense: Gotal do not lose their Dexterity or dodge bonus to Reflex defense when flat-footed or struck by a hidden attacker. By spending a move action, a gotal
may ignore the effects of concealment on all targets within 4 squares for the remainder of the encounter, or until they move from their current position.
Heightened perceptions: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check, but they must keep the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Low-light vision: This ability functions as described in the SECR.


Gurlanin are sinuous, telepathic shape-shifters who achieve metamorphosis through molecular rearrangement. In their natural state, they are approximately one and
one-half meters long, black-furred and glossy. Depending on the exact shape of their body at any given time, their movement ranges from a prowling or slinking to a
loping or trotting. Females typically form a pouch in their abdomen for carrying members of their litter. Their unblinking, orange eyes are not their primary sensory
organs; a Gurlanin’s primary sense is echolocation, and their long tapering muzzles, seemingly audibly sniffing about, actually emit sound waves which their auditory
organs, also located in their muzzle, perceive. Their four long delicate legs typically sport paws or prehensile hands for gripping. When they ambulate or shape-shift,
they appear like molten metal or a slick of oil. Gurlanin can stand on their hind legs, appearing like a shimmering column of ebony fur. Gurlanin are typically brutally
honest, a character trait derived, perhaps, from the fact that they are telepathic beings. Their telepathy is limited to each other, but nevertheless strong. A Gurlanin
may communicate normally with others of the species through telepathic means up to a range of 100 meters. A Gurlanin may communicate broad ideas or notions
with a single other Gurlanin across interstellar distances.

Appearances and Examples: Valaqil and Jinart were Gurlanin who allied with the Republic during the Clone Wars in the novel Republic Commando: Hard Contact.

Gurlanin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 STR, -2 CON
Telepathy: As a swift action, a Gurlanin can communicate telepathically to any number of other Gurlanin up to 100 meters away each round. As a move action, a
Gurlanin can broadcast a vague telepathic impression to another, single Gurlanin even across interstellar distances.
Shapeshift: Gurlanin can change the shape, texture and coloration of their bodies to mimic other medium-sized humanoid species (and any clothing worn). A
Gurlanin gains none of the special qualities or Species Traits of the mimicked species, but the effect lasts as long as the Gurlanin wishes. A Gurlanin does not
immediately revert to its natural form if stunned, fatigued, exhausted, dying or dead. This shapeshifting ability improves with age. Middle-aged and older Gurlanin can
assume the form of any Small to Large alien species or creature. They can even make themselves look like Medium-sized or Large inanimate objects. Changing
appearance is a full-round action and grants a +10 species bonus to Deception checks made to present a Deceptive appearance.
Echolocation: a Gurlanin may “see” without light (as though they have Darkvision) by means of echolocation. A Gurlanin emits sonic waves from his snout, and hears
their echo with its auditory organs, also located in the snout. This ability operates out to a range of roughly 6 squares, cannot distinguish color or visual contrast or
discern written letters unless they letters are raised, neon (or some other similar effect) or otherwise textured, and provides immunity to blinding effects (but, since it
relies on sound waves, deafening effects thwart it). A Gurlanin’s echolocation works underwater, but not in a vacuum.
Medium-sized. As Medium-sized creatures, Gurlanin have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base Speed: 6 squares
Language(s): Gurlanin and Basic



The Herglics are a race native to the planet Giju. They are water-based mammals, and developed hyperdrive and a trade based empire in the Colonies Region
before encountering the Duros. Herglics are pleasant and peaceful, but they have an addiction to gambling and games of chance. Herglics are a very large species,
and they feel very sensitive about their size. Most of the evidence of their water-borne ancestry has been bred out so that, for example, fins and flukes are replaced
with arms and legs. They do, however, still breathe through a blowhole on the top of their heads. The hauum sound of a Herglic clearing their blowhole is a common
Herglese word throughout the Tapani Sector where it is used with emphasis to preface a significant remark. Herglics are tall, extremely wide, and have smooth,
hairless skin that ranges in color from pale blue to black although some have pale pink skin. A few Herglics display white stripes down the sides of their head and
arms. Herglics are generally quite sensitive about their large size. Since most other sentient species in the galaxy are smaller than they and most facilities are
designed to accommodate Human dimensions, Herglics tend to feel somewhat self-conscious and out of place when removed from their community or their ships.
Typically a Herglic takes up two seats in a restaurant and the majority of doorways require some maneuvering. Despite this they are typically easygoing in nature and
enjoy meeting new people and visiting exotic locations.

Appearances and Examples: Bar-Kooda was a pirate who terrorized the lawless sectors of the galaxy in the Dark Horse comic Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar-Kooda.

Herglic Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Wis.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Herglic suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Herglic base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Gambling Addiction: When exposed to a game of chance, a Herglic must spend a Force Point to resist the urge to play. A Herglic who does not spend a Force Point
and cannot (or does not) participate in a game of chance suffers a -1 penalty on the condition track which cannot be removed as long as he is exposed to his
Automatic Languages: Herglese.

Herglic Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2, Int -2, Wis -4
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Compulsion: members of this species must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10) to refrain from gambling.


H'nemthe are bipedal reptilian humanoids with four horns and ridges of bone and skin on their faces. They have long, gently curving
noses, three-fingered hands, and pink to blue-gray skin. Their homeworld and native language are also named H'nemthe. The
H'nemthe love the arts, namely music. They are rarely found off H'nemthe. H'nemthe society is centered around true love and their
unusual mating rituals. Due to a major discrepancy in the number of males compared to females on H'nemthe, the female kills her
mate upon mating. Despite this, the H'nemthe have no reservations about mating, and made finding love the focal point of their
culture. Many species see them as barbaric due to this, although the H'nemthe are otherwise very peaceful.

Appearances and Examples: M'iiyoom Onith was a female H'nemthe appearing in the cantina scene of A New Hope.

H’nemthe Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: H’nemthe base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapon (female only): Tongue- 1d6 slashing.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A H’nemthe with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: H’nemthe.

Alternate H’nemthe Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Heightened perceptions: Members of this species may reroll any Perception or Persuasion check, but they must keep the second result, even if it’s worse than the


Ho'Din are tall aliens, renowned throughout the galaxy for their botanical and healing abilities. They are tall, green-skinned humanoids native to the planet Moltok.
Ho'Din have suction cup-tipped fingers used for climbing trees, and red-violet snake-like "hair" on their heads which acts as thermal sensors. They claim to have
evolved from plants—in fact, "Ho'Din" translates as "walking flower" in Basic. Their claims to botanical origins are probably a consequence of the nature-worshipping
religion most Ho'Din follow, known as [Dinante Fli'R]. Most non-Ho'Din scientists find such claims unlikely, classifying them as reptilian instead. Whatever their
origins, the Ho'Din are among the galaxy's greatest botanists and ecologists. Master Gardener is a title of respect among them.

Appearances and Examples: Iwo Kulka was a male Ho'Din Jedi Knight appearing in the novel Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader.

Ho’Din Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Ho’din suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Ho’din base speed is 8 squares.
Cold Blooded: Ho’Din suffer a -5 penalty to Fortitude Defense against extreme cold.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Ho’din with Knowledge (life sciences) as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Knowledge [life sciences]) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Ho’Din.

Alternate Ho’Din Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Natural affinity: Members of this species may reroll any Survival check, but they must keep the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Expert climber: Members of this species may always take 10 on Climb checks.
Weakness: The character’s damage threshold counts as if it was 5 poInts lower against cold-based attacks and effects.


The Holwuff are hulking creatures believed to be distant evolutionary cousins of the Whipid. It is hypothesized that they are yet another
experiment conducted millennia ago by Arkanian mad geneticists. As such, they share the Whipid’s large frame and long snout. Their skin
is even thicker, and slightly less hairy. The Holwuff are cultured craftsmen. Their people are renowned throughout the galaxy as being
able to craft the finest luxury technology items. Many of the rich among the upper class contract Holwuff specialists to create personalized,
functional works of art, from customized comlinks to star cruisers. The entire planet’s economy is dependent on the niche market, and the
Holwuff people are masters at plying their trade. Holwuffs enjoy reverse engineering existing technology and giving it an elegance thought
unachievable in the mundane.

Appearances and Examples: Rogwa Wodrata was the Holwuff Senator of Alliga and the Mahka sector who joined Count Dooku at the
summit on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones.

Holwuff Species Traits (By the folks at FandomComics.com)

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. The mighty Holwuff are very intelligent, but lack the wisdom and leadership to
compliment it.
Size: As Medium creatures, Holwuff have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Holwuff base speed is 6 squares.
Artistic Artisans: Holwuff are considered some of the finest luxury craftsbeings in the galaxy, and have an odd ritual of sculpting the proposed design in miniature
before crafting. If a Holwuff takes the time to model an object before constructing it, they gain a +5 bonus to all Mechanics checks to Build Object (TFU 30) and
Design Starship (SG 20) abilities of the Mechanics skill. The time to sculpt an item is 1/4th the time of item construction.
Natural Armor: The Holwuff hide is thick, providing a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an armor bonus.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Alligan.


Hoojibs are sapient, telepathic, energy-feeding lagomorphs indigenous to Arbra, a planet which the Alliance to Restore the Republic used as a temporary
headquarters after the Battle of Hoth. Hoojibs allowed the Rebels to use their planet after the Alliance troops helped them defeat a being known as the Slivilith who
threatened their safety and their home. Some Hoojib stalk Tof on Zeltros. Hoojib are known to occasionally venture into the wider galaxy, including Zeltros and some
Ithorian hardships.

Appearances and Examples: In Marvel Star Wars comics, Issue 55, a Hoojib named Plif accompanied Luke Skywalker on several missions before and after the
Battle of Endor. Plif later became a New Republic Senator.

Hoojib Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –4, Dex +2, Int +2, Wis +2
Telepathy: All hoojib may use telepathy to communicate, just if they were force-sensitive, even if they are not.
Energy feeding: A hoojib does not need organic food to survive. Instead, as a standard action, a hoojib may attach itself to a technological item, energy weapon or
natural energy source. This contact does no damage to the hoojib. Any vehicle, computer, weapon or other technological item touched by a hoojib goes down 1 step
on the conditon track for every round of continued contact. If the item reaches the ‘disabled or unconscious’ step, it loses all of its energy (the charge of its power
packs or energy cells is completely depleted) and must be recharged or repaired before being used again.
Low-light vision: As described in the SECR:
Animalistic: Hoojib gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor, even if their class allows it.
Size: Tiny (+2 to Reflex Defense, +10 on Stealth checks, –10 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 2 squares.
Language: Hoojib


Hoovers are small, cloven-hooved quadrupeds with a long trunk; large, black eyes; and thick brown hide with dorsal ridges. Their
trunk served as both an olefactory organ and a proboscis for leeching blood from other creatures.

Appearances and Examples: Attark was a denizen of Jabba’s palace in Return of the Jedi.

Hoover Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifier: Cha –2
Blood drain: A hoover may make a special grab attack against a living target. If the attack hits, the hoover has attached itself to the
target, which must succeed on a grab attack against the hoover to detach it. For every round the hoover remains attached, the victim goes down 1 step in the
Condition Track. If the victim becomes unconscious, the hoover automatically detaches itself and cannot continue using this ability on the victim until it has gone back
up at least one step in the Condition Track.
Stealthy: A hoover may reroll any Stealth check made to avoid notice, but it must take the second check result.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Language: Hoover


The Horansi are sapient felinoids indigenous to Mutanda. Horansi culture is based on a strictly enforced caste system, and although it is seen as barbaric by
offworlders, the Horansi see it as the key to keeping their race far from the horrific warfare and bloodshed they once knew in its past. Each subspecies knows its
place in the world and is bound tightly to it, and none ever mated outside of their caste. Although only somewhat aloof among their own kind, their ethnocentric views
all but preclude their fraternization with non-Horansi. They feel they owe nothing to any Kimach (outsider), but usually say nothing explicitly of this feeling. The
Horansi rub cheeks in greetings with a familiar person. Technology is eyed thoroughly for its use and benefits to the species before even being allowed onto the
planet, and only then if it does not interfere with their cultural beliefs and the planet's ecosystem. Blasters are not used on-world, and are considered dishonorable if
worn. It is believed that battles should be fought claw to claw or with other simple weapons. The Horansi are well-known in the galaxy for their sight, allowing them
to see far-away distances not possible for many other species. They can even hunt prey in the dead of night, because of their night vision. They make good use of
the prothium mines on their planet, selling themselves out as hunting guides for miners and soldiers stationed on Mutanda.

Appearances and Examples: Horansi are mentioned in the Clone Wars novel Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

Horansi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers:
Gorvan (ruler) Horansi (lion-like): +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Cha
Kasa (warrior) Horansi (tiger-like): +2 Dex, -2 Int .
Mashi (mystic) horansi (lynx-like): +2 Dex, -2 Con
Treka (worker) horansi (jaguar-like) : +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: Medium
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-
hand attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Good eyesight: A horansi may reroll Perception checks requiring visual input, but he must keep the second check result.
Darkvision: As described in the SECR.
Technophobic: All horansi mistrust technology, and increase their Dark Side Score by one whenever they use explosives, blaster pistols or blaster rifles in combat.
Caste: The specific traits and ability score modifiers of horansi depend on their racial and social caste, as detailed above.
Stealthy hunter: During the night, mashi horansi may reroll any Stealth or Survival check made in natural environments, but they must keep the second check result.
This ability does not work during the day, or in urban settings.
Special: Kasa Horansi are allowed to use any weapon or technological item without penalization, as long as they use them only to protect their people or, preferably,
Languages: Horansi and Basic



Iotrans have smooth skin, dark brown to black in color. They possess a broad, flat nose, no discernible ears, hands with four digits, and two-toed feet. They have
distinctive spots on their bald heads, knobby protrusions at their temples, and short, stubby spikes protecting their shoulders, elbows, and hands. The Iotrans are a
militaristic species hailing from the planet Iotra in the Outer Rim Territories. Their military history is long and storied, and they originated several famous military
orders, including the Kinlandrin Royal Forces, the Lurathi Guard, and the Jengardin Millennial Warriors. Iotrans firmly believe in a strong, stable culture, and see that
as only achievable through a strong military tradition. From an early age, Iotrans are trained for military service, and in their fourteenth season (approximately 18
standard years of age) they are inducted into the Iotran Police Force for approximately six standard years. At any given time, nearly half of the population is part of
the IPF in one form or another. Especially talented enlistees in the IPF often became Iotran Bracemen, which track down fugitives outside of the Iotran Expanse,
often without regard for local laws or for what other species call "jurisdiction," often resulting in diplomatic incidents. Iotran technology is primitive by Galactic
standards, typified by slugthrowers, surface vehicles, and simplistic computer and droid technology. However, they adopt galactic standard technology for much of
their defense industry, and most Iotrans are quite at home with modern tech. Iotrans, though not generally respectful toward other cultures, do respect stability and
might. As a result, they tended to support the Galactic Empire, though some supported the Alliance to Restore the Republic, as the Galactic Republic was historically
more stable and just in their eyes.

Appearances and Examples: Mirip Pag was the Iotran Gunnery Sergeant on a pirate Nebulon-B escort frigate in the Dark Tide duology novel Onslaught..

Iotran Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Speed: Iotran base speed is 6 squares.
Martial Prowess: Iotrans gain a +1 species bonus on melee attack rolls.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Iotran with Knowledge (tactics) as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Knowledge [tactics]) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Tranese.

Alternate Iotran Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Expert brawler: An iotran gains a +1 species bonus on all melee attacks.
Tactical mind: Members of this species may reroll any Knowledge (tactics) check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.


Iridorians are mysterious humanoids from an ancient, bloodthirsty warrior culture believed to be so entrenched in bloodlust that they would even sometimes turn
against each other in battle. Doubtless, they are powerful, if accentric, warriors, however reports of them purposefully turning against each other may merely be
propaganda of the Echani, with whom they hold a traditional rivalry, and whom the Iridorians feel believe in a nonexistent code of honor, or of the Mandalorians,
whom the Iridorians feel value credits above bloodshed. Iridorians are a rare sight in the civilized Galaxy, even during the tumultuous Jedi Civil War. The few that do
appear in civilized regions usually wear their signature armor, featuring a metallic, one-piece covering that protects them from shoulder to groin, worn over a black
skeinsuit; a large helmet with a broad, dark visor; protective gauntlets; and a few miscellaneous coverings for other portions of the limbs. These mercenaries have
been recruited by either the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire.

Appearances and Examples: Revan encountered an Iridorian mercenary on Manaan in the “Knights of the Old Republic” video game.

Iridorian Species Traits:

Ability Score Adjustments: None
Bonus feat: Iridorians gain Weapon Focus in any exotic weapon or weapon group of their choice, as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: Iridorians gain Armor Proficiency (light) as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Iridorian


Ishi Tib are a sentient species from the waterworld of Tibrin. They are amphibious with large eyes on stalks and beak-like mouths. Their
heads are often described as star-shaped, with their eyestalks, beaks, and cheek pouches forming a five-pointed star. Their lungs double
as internal gills, and they have an acute sense of smell on land or in the water. Their green skins retain humidity, but an Ishi Tib has to
bathe in salt water every thirty hours or so, or their skin cracks open, resulting in internal and external bleeding and death. Ishi Tib are
considered meticulous strategists and managers. The minority of Ishi Tib who leave Tibrin find work as executives, accountants, and
project managers. Their organizational skills and drive to complete their projects place them in high demand, making many offworld Ishi
Tib quite wealthy. Ishi Tib are also known for their environmental consciousness, often choosing to work in positions where reverence for
nature is as or more important than profit. They are ferocious in combat, often tearing opponents apart with their beaks. Ishi Tib enjoyed
listening to music that had loud sirens, along with clanging, whoops, flashing lights, and ringing bells.

Appearances and Examples: Gume Saam was an Ishi Tib Senator in Attack of the Clones.

Ishi Tib Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +4 Int.
Speed: Ishi Tib base speed is 6 squares.
Breathe Underwater: See Mon Calamari trait (SECR page 29).
Natural Weapons: Beak- 1d4 piercing.
Rage: See Wookie trait (SECR page 32).
Hydration: Ishi Tib must immerse themselves in brine for at least 1 minute each day or dehydrate. For each standard day that passes without immersion, the Ishi Tib
moves -1 step on the condition track. This is a persistent condition that cannot be restored without complete immersion in brine.
Automatic Languages: Tibranese.

Alternate Ishit Tib Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Int +4
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Rage: This ability functions exactly as the wookiee ability of the same name, as detailed in the SECR.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a beak attack (damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Beak attacks count as one-handed melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks. They may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result, even if
it’s worse than the original.
Amphibious: Members of this species can’t drown in water.
Dehydration: Ishi tib move 1 persistent step down the condition track for every 24 hours they spend out of contact with water.



The Jenet are rodent-like sapients, best known for their exceptional memories and their nature as scavengers. Originating on the planet Garban in the Tau Sakar
system, they soon colonized the other six habitable planets that orbited Tau Sakar. There, they continued to build their Community Heaps, filled with scavenged and
discarded items. Jenet are often regarded by other species as ugly and quarrelsome. They have pink skin, red eyes, and sparse white fur which grows more thickly
on their heads. They have prominent whiskers that twitch as they speak. As scavengers, they can digest almost any form of organic matter. Jenet have keen
eyesight, hearing, and smell, and are excellent runners, climbers, and swimmers. They are also very flexible, able to squeeze through openings as narrow as twelve
centimeters by disjointing their long limbs and separating their cranial plates. All of these advantages helped the primitive Jenet, driven from their underground
burrows by overcrowding, to evade predators. Perhaps the most notable Jenet trait is their extraordinarily accurate and detailed memories. Jenet never forget even
the most trivial piece of information. Exchanges of insults are a common social interaction among Jenet, since an insulted Jenet can usually recall some insulting fact
about the first Jenet. When dealing with non-Jenet, however, this Jenet trait often comes across as completely tactless. Jenet take pride in being worthy of an insult,
for it proves they have gained enough notoriety to be worth insulting. When Jenet are introduced to each other, a complete record of their accomplishments is given
as part of their name. With this information, Jenet can tell where another Jenet is placed in their complex social hierarchy. Accomplishments which increase status
require two other Jenet as witnesses. To avoid fraud, Jenet are never allowed to introduce themselves. Pairs of Jenet can work together for years without knowing
each others name, simply because a third Jenet acquainted with them both is unavailable. Jenet never discard anything. Community Heaps, filled with broken tools,
leftover food, empty containers, and the like, are common property.

Appearances and Examples: Thorsh was a male Jenet operating as a scout and reconnaissance agent in the novel The Unifying Force.

Jenet Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -4 Cha.
Speed: Jenet base speed is 8 squares.
Photographic Memory: Jenets remember everything they’ve done or seen. Allow a Jenet to make a Wisdom check to remember the details of any event with a DC
depending on how likely it was that the Jenet was paying attention and how noticeable the detail might have been at the time (base DC 15).
Low-Light Vision: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Nimble: A Jenet may use his Acrobatic check modifier insead of his Jump modifier when making Jump checks.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Automatic Languages: Jenet.

Alternate Jenet Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Int +2, Cha -4
Size: Medium
Speed: 8 squares.
Acrobatic: Members of this species may reroll any Jump or Acrobatics check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Low-light vision: This ability functions as described in the SECR.
Photographic memory: Members of this species may remember anything they have seen or experienced by succeeding at an Intelligence check (DC 10). The GM
may adjust the DC if the memory in question is particularly old or hard to come by.


Jin'ha are a mysterious humanoid species renown for their use of the rare and expensive lightsaber-resistant cortosis, which their miners acquire from the planet
Obredaan. One such primary use to which the Jin’ha put their ore is in crafting their signature light armor, which comprised distinct red helmets, shoulder and breast
coverings, knee protectors and elbow guards, worn over a padded red jumpsuit. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, the Jin'ha sold some of their cortosis ore to the
Trade Federation, which used it to craft experimental assassin droids.

Appearances and Examples: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn fought an army of armor-clad Jin'ha in the Xbox video game “Star Wars: Obi-Wan”.

Jin’ha Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Bonus feat: Jin’Ha gain Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Jin’Ha trained in Knowledge (physical sciences) gain Skill Focus in that skill as a bonus feat.
Low-light vision: As described in the SECR.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Jin’ha, Basic


KALLIDAHIN (ALSO KNOWN AS POLIS MASSANS) (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement stats)

The Kallidahin, also referred to as Polis Massans, are a race of mute, sentient cetaceans native to the world of Kallidah. They
earned their alternate moniker from their extensive digs on the asteroid remnants of the long destroyed planet of Polis Massa. The
average Kallidahin is short and thin with a flat, pale face and gray, four-digit hands. Most Kallidahin are mute and use a mild form of
telepathy, sign language and control devices to make their intentions known. Their deep-focus eyes are useful for working deep
underground. Osmotic membrane faces cap a long, narrow neck, and growth-rings encircle their wiry bodies. Many of the
Kallidahin are miners, medics or exobiologists, and wear form-fitting bodysuits fitted with all manner of signaling devices, medical
equipment and utility pouches. They believe themselves to be descendants of the ancient Eellayin species once native to Polis
Massa, which vanished in the distant past when a mysterious catastrophe destroyed the planet. Circa 519 BBY, the Kallidahin
began mining the largest of the resulting asteroids for artifacts from the planet's extinct former civilization. The Archaeological
Research Council of Kallidah eventually established a Research Base on the largest of the asteroid remnants to unearth evidence of this evolutionary link. The entire
population of Kallidah left their homeworld to work at Polis Massa. They conduct mining expeditions, archaeological digs, and medical research on the remote
settlement. Polis Massan miners are seasoned spelunkers, and dig deep into the core of the asteroid to locate prize artifacts. Polis Massan exobiologists have
learned the secrets of cloning from the Kaminoans they partly resemble, and have analyzed these artifacts for organic tissue suitable for cloning. Though they have
little contact with outsiders, Polis Massans are extraordinary medics, and are compassionate beings who understand the value of life.

Appearances and Examples: In “Revenge of the Sith,” Polis Massan medics and technicians helped deliver the Skywalker twins (Luke and Leia) when Padmé was
rushed to the asteroid facility in a critical condition. Only two members of the team were trained physicians, the rest being exobiologists who, due to Padmé's
condition, had no time to even change out of their caving jumpsuits to treat her. Though the twins were delivered with the help of a midwife droid, the Polis Massans
could not mend Padmé's broken heart, and she died inside the medical center.

Kallidahin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wis, –2 Str
Size: Small
Speed: 6 squares
Conditional Bonus Feat: Polis Massans are known across the Galaxy for their skill with medicine. A Polis Massan with Treat Injury as a trained skill gains Skill Focus
(Treat Injury) as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: Polis Massan ignore concealment or total concealment from darkness.
Limited Telepathy: In conjunction with their sign language and technological methods of communication, Polis Massans are able to employ a weak form telepathy
that allows them to convey simple feelings and thoughts to any willing recipient within ten squares. They can use the Telepathy aspect of the Use the Force skill
untrained (even if not Force-sensitive). If the target of the telepathy is within 10 squares, no skill check is requires to initiate the telepathic contact.
Mute: Polis Massans have no vocal cords, and must rely on a combination of sign language, computers, and telepathy in order to communicate with others. When
they learn new languages, they can understand but not speak them.
Languages: Massan (understand only) and Basic


Kamarians are an insect-like-species native to Kamar, a dry and arid planet near the Corporate Sector with deserts and mountains scorched under a hot-white sun.
They have round heads with large compound eyes, four arms, two legs, and prehensile tails. Their bodies are segmented and covered in an exoskeleton that seals
water within their bodies, allowing them to go for up to twenty-five days without water before feeling the effects of dehydration. Most adult Kamarians stand between
1.3 and 1.7 meters high. Kamarians are divided into several races, distinguished by size, carapace color, language, and culture. The most numerous and
technologically advanced Kamarian races are the mountain dwellers, whose tk'skquas lived in mountain cave systems. Another group of special note were the
"Badlanders", a group native to the Kamar Badlands. Badlanders are slightly smaller than other Kamarians, being only 1.1 to 1.4 meters high. They are also hardier,
able to survive even longer without water and adapted to even higher temperatures. They are also more primitive technologically and culturally, using only simple
tools and armed only with spears. Han Solo and Chewbacca once visited the Kamarian Badlanders, taking local handicrafts as admission for a makeshift holotheater
they had set up. These desert people were fascinated by the documentary Varn, World of Water and its portrayal of the watery planet Varn, and began to start a
fanatic religious cult around it, the Cult of Varn.

Appearances and Examples: Kamarians appeared in the novel Han Solo’s Revenge.

Kamarian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 CON, -2 STR, -2 WIS
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the character ever loses more than one limb.
Water-sealing exoskeleton: Due to the sealing of water in their bodies by their exoskeleton, Kamarians may reroll Survival checks in desert conditions, but second roll
must be kept even if it is worse. Also, they receive a +5 species bonus to Endurance checks.
Prehensile Tail: A member of this species with Martial Arts I also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat. The Character gains a +2 species bonus on grab
Compound eyes: A Kamarian suffers a -2 to all sight-based Perception rolls due to the poor image resolution inherent in compound eyes, but cannot be flanked due
to their very large view angle and ability to detect movement.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Kamarian


The Kerestians are humanoids, best known for their mastery of a unique weapon called the darkstick. They are descended from mammalian carnivores on the planet
Kerest and are easily recognized by their height (1.8 to 2.5 meters tall) and a row of breather tubes that run along their cheekbones. The breather tubes were once
used for long-range, high-frequency communication, but that ability was lost over time. Two thin strips of hair grow in a strange double widow's peak from the ridges,
and the strips continue down the Kerestian's back. Their nose is defined by a single, vertical slit above their mouth. Their small ears are little more than holes located
at the base of the skull, and are surrounded by folds of skin. When their variable sun went into an inactive cycle, its power was greatly reduced, and the amount of
light and heat reaching Kerest was greatly diminished covering all of Kerest in glaciers save a thin band around the equator. Their civilization descended into
barbarism and the survivors became aggressive, determined hunters, even killing one another without remorse. Kerestians hunted each other so frequently that a
female could never be certain if an approaching male was looking for a mate or for prey. Over the centuries, the Kerestian species approached extinction until
explorers working for the House of Tagge discovered the Kerestians and offered a handful of warriors passage off their dying world in return for service as assassins,
and word of the Kerestians eventually leaked out to the rest of the galaxy.

Appearances and Examples: Pormfil was a male engineer onboard the Wild Karrde in the novels Specter of the Past and Vision of the Future.

Kerestian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Speed: Kerestian base speed is 6 squares.
Resilient: +1 Fortitude Defense.
Survival Instinct: See Ithorian trait (SECR page 28).
Bonus Feat: Kerestians gain the bonus feat Toughness.
Automatic Languages: Kerestese.

Alternate Kerestian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Great Fortitude: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude defense.
Hardiness: Members of this species may reroll any Survival check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Bonus feat: Kerestians gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


The Khommites are green- or gray-skinned humanoids from the planet Khomm. Cranial ridges and bulbous lobes cover their bald heads. Circa 1,000 BBY The
Khommite people achieved a level of cloning technology far surpassing that of the rest of the galaxy. Believing that their society had achieved perfection, people of
Khomm begin the cloning of "perfect" individuals, allowing their society to remain unchanged for the next millennium. Khommites' digestive systems are so specified
that they could only eat processed food wafers. Viewing Force sensitivity as an undesirable fluke, the Khommites endeavored to remove the trait from their species.
Despite this fact the trait occasionally surfaces. The Khommites are rigidly conformist in their views, and see any disruption of the status quo as a threat to their way
of life.

Appearances and Examples: Dorsk 81 is a student of Luke Skywalker in the Dark Horse comic Jedi Academy: Leviathan.

Khommite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int +2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Bonus Feat: A khommite must take Skill Focus (any one skill) as a bonus feat. The character may not take Skill Focus ever again.
Focused career: A khommite earns a permanent -10% penalty to all earned XP if he ever multiclasses.


Kian'thar are humanoid nomads from Shaum Hii, standing 1.8 to 2.1 meters tall. They have purplish-pink heads, keratin plates protecting their necks, and large,
deep-set eyes. One of their most distinctive features is the two dangling, tentacle-like olfactory organs on their faces. The Kian'thar emotion sense is their most
notable feature. They use this ability to avoid conflicts with others, though unscrupulous Kian'thar use it to manipulate people and start conflicts. This ability even
works well on non-Kian'thar. Though this puts Kian'thar in demand on other planets, many non-Kian'thar were wary of the Kian'thar's empathic ability. Though
Kian’thar evolved from land-dwelling reptiles, their culture is based around the seas and oceans of Shaum Hii. They only became part of the galactic community in
about 300 BBY, due to the difficulty of travel in the Tragan Cluster and the Bakisian Drift. They were finally discovered by the Shistavanen scouts who charted the
cluster. Their technology is fairly primitive, even after contact with the Shistavanen. Aquatic speeders are rare on their homeworld, and most Kian'thar claim to have
no use for other sophisticated devices like droids.

Appearances and Examples: Kreet'ah was a Kian'thar Vigo of Black Sun during Prince Xizor's time in the novel Shadows of the Empire.

Kian’thar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Wis.
Speed: Kian’thar base speed is 6 squares (in land or in water).
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Empath: A Kian’thar may choose to re-roll any Perception checks to sense deceptions if the target is within 6 squares, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted
even if it is worse.
Force Sensitive Kian’thar with the Force Persuasion talent may choose to re-roll any Use the Force checks made to Persuade, but the result of the re-roll must be
accepted even if it is worse.
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Automatic Languages: Basic, Kian’thar.

Alternate Kian’thar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Con +2, Int -2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Empathy: Members of this species may reroll any Deception, Persuasion or Perception check made when directly interacting with a target’s emotions, but they must
abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks; also, they may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result,
even if it’s worse than the original.


Kiffar are dusky near-Humans that hail from the Azurbani system. The system’s twin planets -- Kiffu and Kiffex -- share an elliptical
orbit around its sun. When the orbits bring the two planets near each other, incredible lightning storms result, which the Kiffar
harness as a source of energy. Kiffu, the larger of the two planets, is home to most Kiffar. Kiffex is primarily a penal colony.
Presiding over this prison planet are the Guardians. Kiffar typically paint or tattoo their faces with familial patterns. Their thick,
curly, sable hair is often worn braided or in dreadlocks, and turns ashy white as the Kiffar ages.

Appearances and Examples: The Kiffar sisters Brea and Senni Tonnika from the Cantina scene of “A New Hope” were, in the
Expanded Universe novel Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, in fact revealed to be Mistryl shadow guards Shada D’ukal and Karoly
D’ulin acting undercover. In The Phantom Menace, Quinlan Vos arguably appears in the background just before Anakin walks on-
screen and says “Careful, Sebulba” in Huttese; Quinlan Vos allegedly sits in at a table directly above Jar Jar’s cowering form.

Kiffar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Psychometry: As a standard action, a kiffar may touch an item and make a DC 20 Wisdom check (or Use the Force check, if the character is Force-Sensitive). If the
check is successful, the kiffar learns a single fact about the item’s past (who made it, how long ago, who wielded it ‘that’ time, and so on).
Training: Kiffar society requires its members to constantly hone their physical and mental condition. A kiffar gains a +1 racial bonus to all its defenses.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.

Alternate Kiffar Species Traits (by jeez laweez and ORC_Tao):

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
Size: Medium.
Speed: Kiffar base speed is 6 squares.
Psychometry: A Kiffar with the Force Sensitive feat and the Farseeing power, may see into a target’s past when physically touching an object related to the target.
The object must be one that the target physically touched at the time that you wish to view.
Bonus Feat: Whether incredibly lucky or through the will of the Force, Kiffar often come out on top against impossible odds. Kiffar gain the Strong in the Force as a
bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Kiffu.


Killiks are sentient insectoids originally native to Alderaan. Long before most other species came to these worlds, the Killiks vanished. The Killiks are social insects
and are bred into several castes — membrosia givers, warriors, attendants, and the deadly assassin bugs. Though the species as a whole is not Force-sensitive,
certain types of Killik can be bred to use the Force in small ways. All Killiks start as small larvae, but once fully grown, their size varies, though members of the same
hive are usually the same size. Their glossy exoskeletons are so strong that they can withstand millennia of erosion as found by later colonists on Alderaan. Most
Killiks have four arms that terminate in tri-fingered claws, and two strong legs that allow them to leap great distances. Killiks have a communal society, with each
Killik in mental contact with all the others. Due to their hive mind, every Killik nest is virtually one individual. Each hive has a palindromic name, like that of the
species itself. The Killiks are also a peaceful people. One potentially frightening aspect of Killik biology is the exuding of pheromones that can change the
physiological make-up of the brain of others --- even members of other species – who engage in extended contact with them; those exposed to the pheromones
become "Joiners," influenced by and subject to the will of the Killik hive. The Killiks are an ancient species who were present long before the formation of the
Galactic Republic. In 30,000 BBY, the Killiks were driven away from Alderaan and their colony on Alsakan into the Unknown Regions by the Celestials after they had
consumed Alderaan's resources and prepared to move on to another already populated world. According to a Shistavanen legend, sometime during this period a
Killik Sith Lord lived in exile on the planet Sarafur after being driven off of Alsakan. There, the Killiks remained sequestered for millennia until, in 27 ABY, a starship
manned by Dark Jedi crashed there. The Killiks rescued the survivors and absorbed them into the Killik hive mind. The influence of the Dark Jedi formed the “Dark

Appearances and Examples: Killiks appear in the “Dark Nest” trilogy of novels.

Killik Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Wis –2, Cha –2
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the character ever loses more than one limb.
Natural armor: A member of this species gains a +2 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d4 plus Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack.
Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Hive mind: All killiks may communicate telepathically with any willing killik within 1,000 miles.
Powerful leaps: A killik may always take 10 on any Jump check.
Animalistic: Killiks gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor, even if their class allows it.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Killik


Kitonaks are pudgy, slow-moving sapients from the harsh Kurdan Desert which covered the planet Kirdo III. Kitonaks are small and
stocky creatures, with two legs ending in large, two-toed feet, and two arms with three-fingered hands. Their skin color varies from off-
white to pinkish Though their fingers are short and fat, they are quite dexterous. Their bodies release a vanilla-like smell. Kitonaks have
tough skin which folds to seal vulnerable openings. They also have some double organs, including two pairs of lungs. Their double lungs
allow them to hold their breath for up to four hours. Their ears, eyes, and mouth seal, and are almost too small for the casual observer to
see. Kitonaks move slowly, as they walk by expanding and contracting their foot muscles, or slither slowly in a prone position. Their
physiology was an adaptation to their life as desert nomads, while their psychology was notable for their extreme patience and calm. Their
strong feet anchor them during windstorms, while they lean into the wind with their aerodynamically shaped bodies and heads. In worse
storms, when rocks fly, they burrow into the dunes. Their sense of smell is also centered in olfactory organs in their feet, allowing them to smell their prey through the
sands without having to worry about the desert winds. They are also noted for their talent as musicians.

Appearances and Examples: Snit, who bore the stage name Droopy McCool, was a member of the Max Rebo Band in Return of the Jedi.

Kitonak Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Kitonak base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Slow Reaction: A Kitonak may not add 1/2 his level to initiative unless he is trained in the Initiative skill.
Resistant to Persuasion: A Kitonak recieves a +5 species bonus to Will Defense against Persuasion checks.
Automatic Languages: Kitonese.

Alternate Kitonak Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Con +2, Wis +2, Cha -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Resistant disposition: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense.
Slow reaction: Kitonak receive a -2 penalty on Initiative checks.


The Kobok are yellow-skinned bipedal insectoids with three compound eyes (one of which is on the back of the head). They are natives of the Outer Rim planet
Koboth, but have spread to other worlds in Kobothi Space. The coloration of their carapace depends on from which region of their homeworld they come. Those from
the Kuurok Peninsula have a dark green to black carapace. The spines on their arms are filled with a venom capable of rendering most sentients unconscious. They
also possess venomous claws and a deadly stinger. The governing body of the Kobok was the Koboth Union.

Appearances and Examples: Koboks appeared in the “Star Wars: Droids” animated television series.

Kobok Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con –2, Cha –4
Stinger: A kobok that hits with an unarmed attack causes the target to go down 1 step on the Condition Track, in addition to other effects and damage.
Third eye: A kobok cannot be flanked.
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d4 plus Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack.
Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Radiation resistance: A kobok gains a +2 bonus to its Fortitude defense vs radiation.
Natural armor: A member of this species gains a +1 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Kobok


The Koorivar are humanoids with reptilian characteristics, including scales, reptilian skin that varies in many colors ranging from magenta to
mauve and from dark green to black, and a twisting, gracile cranial horn that corkscrews upward from the crown of their head and symbolizes
status in their society. They reside on the world of Kooriva in the Inner Rim, though they are not indigenous to the planet. They may have
originated on Murkhana, one of the Corporate Alliance's main centers of business. They also have colonies on other planets, such as Bomis
Koori IV. During the Clone Wars, the Koorivar were one of the species primarily associated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and
therefore were deported from and prevented from entering Coruscant. However, this did not stop some of them from remaining on-planet.

Appearances and Examples: Passel Argente was the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance and a member of the Confederacy of Independent
Systems in the prequel trilogy.

Koorivar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha.
Speed: Koorivar base speed is 6 squares.
Stong Willed: A Koorivar recieves a +1 species bonus to Will Defense.
Wealthy: Koorivar characters roll an extra d4 when determining starting credits.
Keen Observer: A Koorivar may choose to reroll any Perception checks to sense deceptions, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Koorivar.

Alternate Koorivar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con -2, Int +2, Cha +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Wealthy: Members of this species triple their starting credits.
Negotiator: Members of this species may reroll any Perception checks against Deception; plus they gain a +1 bonus to their Will defense.


The only planet in orbit around the star Al'Har, a system at the hub of the hyperspace corridor known as the Gevarno Loop, is the
volcanic jungle world Haruun Kal. This strange planet, still shown on some star charts as Al'Har I, is not the sort of place one would
expect to find any life at all, let alone a thriving culture of nomadic Humans and thousands of offworld settlers. More than three-quarters
of the planet's surface is covered in a thick lower atmosphere called the "cloudsea" that can make the world appear oceanic when
viewed from orbit. The thakiz baw'kal -- literally, "Downstorm" -- that annually blows the upper layers of the cloudsea into the lowlands
around Korunnai has led the Korunnai to evolve a high tolerance to poisons in the atmosphere that are constantly replenished by the
towering, active volcanoes that dot Haruun Kal's crust. The poisonous cloudsea and seasonal storms confine carbon-based life forms
to the volcanic mountaintops and plateaus that pierce the breathable upper atmosphere (Haruun Kal means "above the clouds" in the
language of the native Human nomads). Even there, jungles full of violent fauna and lethal flora make inhabitation by sentients difficult.
The exceptions are the wide, short-lived meadows created by gigantic native herbivores called grassers, six-legged monstrosities that tear down the jungle and leave
grasslands in their wake. The planet's population is divided into the native Korunnai ("Uplanders" in their own tongue), Human offshoots that live in nomadic tribes
called ghôsh, and everyone else. The natives refer to the latter group as "Balawai," or "Downfolk" -- a semiderogative term that refers to all those who live in
settlements, whether Human or any other species. Both Korunnai and Balawai dwell on the planet's major landmass, the Korunnal Highland, for the most part
peacefully. The Downfolk stay in the capital of Pelek Baw, living in a cozy but fairly typical galactic society, while the Korunnai avoid the settlements and follow the
roaming grassers, as they have for thousands of years, something the Balawai are more than happy to let them do. Korunnai nomads are genetically Human in most
every respect, however, each is born Force-sensitive. A popular and quite probably accurate (but unconfirmable) legend holds that the Korunnai are the descendants
of ancient Jedi explorers, marooned millennia ago, who adapted to the hard life on Haruun Kal.

Appearances and Examples: Mace Windu, appearing in all three of the prequel trilogy films, is revealed to be a Korunnai in the Clone Wars novel Shatterpoint.

Korunnai Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
In lieu of the usual Human bonus feat at first level, Korunnai receive the “Force-sensitive” feat.
Toxin Resistance: +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense versus gaseous toxins.
Size: Medium. As Medium-sized creatures, Korunnai have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base speed: 6 sq.
Language(s): Korunnai, Speak Basic


The Krish are smooth-skinned humanoids are indigenous to the planet Sanza, with wide heads, faces dominated by bony ridges above the eyes and along the nose,
and mouths filled with rows of tiny, pointed teeth. They also have short, wiry hair, and love playing games of any sort. In general, however, they are highly unreliable
when it comes to business matters. A number of Krish under the leadership of Bardron were in charge of the basic operations of the swoopdueling tournaments on
Jervo's World around the time of the Mandalorian Wars.

Appearances and Examples: Lieutenant Ligg Panat was a female Krish serving in Rogue Squadron in the novel Dark Tide I: Onslaught.

Krish Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int.
Speed: Krish base speed is 6 squares.
Easily Distracted: When exposed to a puzzle, riddle, or contest a Krish must spend a Force Point to resist the urge to play. A Krish who does not spend a Force
Point and cannot (or does not) participate in a game of chance suffers a -1 penalty on the condition track which cannot be removed as long as he is exposed to his
Expert Gambler: A Krish may choose to reroll any Gambling checks, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Bonus Feat: At first level, a Krish may choose Skill Focus for any trained skill as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Krish.

Alternate Krish Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Gambling expertise: Krish gain a +5 species bonus on Wisdom checks made to gamble.
Sprint: This ability works exactly as the scout talent of the same name.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Jump) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Compulsion: members of this species must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10) to avoid being distracted from any task longer than 1 minute.


The Kubaz or Kubazian are an insectivorous species native to the planet Kubindi in the Outer Rim Territories. Their physiology includes
long snouts for sucking insects out of hives, green-black skin, pointed heads growing with black bristles, and two-toed feet. Additionally,
their sensitive eyes have to be covered when on other worlds with yellow or red suns. Kubaz have hand gestures that indicate their
intentions. For example, a palm down indicates agreement. During the Galactic Civil War they shared these and other signals with
military commanders on both sides. Touching the nose, head, or shoulders could indicate intent, direction, and number. Although
relatively new to the Galactic community at the time of the institution of the New Order, the species was already ubiquitous throughout the
Republic during the Clone Wars. Many Kubaz abroad are spies sent to other worlds by their respective hives to learn about other worlds'
politics, cultures, and cuisine (to the Kubaz, this would be native insects). Not recognizing insectoid beings as anything other than a food
source, Kubaz sometimes illegally purchase the bodies and body parts of sentient insectoid species. Spying, however, is not the only
path Kubaz take, but rather they are a highly educated species that appreciated art, music, and literature. They are social beings that focus on mannerism and
refinement and embrace traditions and history of their kind. On Kubindi, the Kubaz hives dwell in underground nests. Each hive is ruled by a queen, after whom the
hive is named. All Kubaz within a hive are descendants of the queen.

Appearances and Examples: Garindan was an Imperial spy on Tatooine in A New Hope.

Kubaz Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex.
Speed: Kubaz base speed is 6 squares .
Light Sensitivity: A Kubaz who is exposed to light brighter than that of early dawn without protective eyewear is effectively blinded.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Kubaz with Gather Information as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Gather Information) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Kubazi.

Alternate Kubaz Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Int +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Information network: Members of this species may reroll any Gather Information check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Gather Information) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Light-sensitive: Kubaz are blinded in bright light, unless they wear protective eye googles.


Kushiban are small rabbit-like sentient beings that live on the remote planet of Kushibah in the Outer Rim. Distinguishing features include large eyes, floppy ears,
and a long tail. They are capable of walking on either their hind legs or on all fours, though to move more quickly in a run or a charge, they must run with all four
appendages. On their hind legs they stand at 0.5 meters tall, with an extra 0.3 meters' worth of tail. They are also a species that has a natural affinity to the Force,
though many Force-users often pass by a Kushiban without realizing the inherent Force potential within the small species. While often mistaken for cute pets, they
are actually intelligent beings with a complex culture as well as both a written and spoken language. They have mastered fire (used to frighten away hostile, fire-
fearing xinkras) and use technology. Rather than paws, they have hands with opposable thumbs and feet. As a means of communication, a Kushiban's fur changes
color in correlation to its mood. A Kushiban in a calm, normal state of emotions is white, while a Kushiban in the deepest despair is totally black. Kushibans are
mainly farmers and weavers on their homeworld and are famous for their hand-woven textiles which involve growing silkweed and combining it with fur they brush
from their coats daily and then spinning it with thread. While they tend to stay on Kushibah, the occasional Kushiban is called away by wanderlust or a specific need.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Ikrit was the most famous Kushiban who have strayed from Kushibah, appearing in the Junior Jedi Knights novels.

Kushiban Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -4 Str, +4 Dex.
Tiny-size: As Tiny creatures, Kushiban gain a +2 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +10 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits
are one half those of Medium characters.
Speed: Kushiban base speed is 4 squares or 6 squares when walking on all fours.
Mood Fur: Kushiban suffer a -5 penalty to Deception against any creature familiar with Kushibans.
Intuitive Initiative: As the Cerean trait (SECR page 24).
Nimble: A Kushiban may use his Acrobatic check modifier insead of his Jump modifier when making Jump checks.
Automatic Languages: Kushiban.

Alternate Kushiban Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -4, Dex +4
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Quick movements: Members of this species may reroll any Jump checks, Initiative checks, or Acrobatics checks made to escape bonds, but they must abide by the
second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Mood fur: Kushiban change color according to their mood, which imposes a -5 penalty on Deception checks that require hiding the character’s emotions.


Kurtzen, the pale, hairless, humanoid natives of the planet Bakura, are the only sentient species native to the planet. Few in number, the nomadic Kurtzen became a
minority when Bakura was settled by Human settlers. At the time of the Battle of Bakura, only two of forty members of the Bakuran Senate were Kurtzen. By 4 ABY,
the Kurtzen natives comprised a mere 5% of the planet’s population. Kurtzen religious beliefs center around a universal “life force” similar to the Force. A multitude
of totems and items called "life trinkets" are central to their faith.

Appearances and Examples: Kurtzen are featured in the novel “Truce at Bakura,” and a Kurtzen named Arrizza is featured in the novel “Force Heretic II: Refugee. “

Kurtzen Species Traits:

Bonus Feat: A kurtzen gains a bonus feat at 1st level.
Trained Skill: A kurtzen may choose an additional trained skill at 1st level.
Strong will: A kurtzen gains a +1 bonus to its Will defense.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Kurtzen & Basic

The Kwa were bipedal, three-meter tall, cobalt-blue skinned saurians who had the ability to communicate with those whose psychic abilities matched theirs. Kwa
could also run at incredible speeds. They were an ancient species that built the Star Temples on Dathomir. They also built and used the Infinity Gates as a weapon
and as a means of interstellar travel. When their empire was at its height, about 100,000 BBY, they encountered the Gree Empire, leading to border disputes
between them. For some unknown reason, the Kwa later began to lose their influence in galactic politics. They sealed the Infinity Gates and Star Temples, and set
guardians to protect the Temples, giant wuffa worms with thick hides and impressive speed. Though it is unknown what happened to the rest of the Kwa around the
galaxy, the original settlers of Dathomir eventually degenerated into the primitive species later known as the Kwi.

Appearances and Examples: The Kwa first appeared in the “Young Jedi Knights” novel “Shadow Academy,” and appear again in the Dark Horse comic “Infinity’s
End,” in a vision of Quinlan Vos.

Kwa Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex –2, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha –2
Bonus Feat: Kwa gain Force-Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 12 squares.
Language: Kwa
Note: The Kwa became extinct many millennia ago; GM discretion is advised in allowing the Kwa as a PC species.


The Kwi are the degenerated descendants of Dathomir's first settlers, the saurian Kwa. The Kwi are four-meter-long, bipedal, cobalt-blue-skinned saurians capable
of running at incredible speeds. They lack the capability for speech; however, unlike the Kwa, they possessed a collective memory of their former glory and the
importance of the protection of the ancient Star Temples. In 31 BBY, many Kwi were slaughtered by the Nightsisters during their attempt to access the secrets of the
Infinity Gate. The remaining Kwi disappeared into the deserts and formed tribes including the Blue Desert People and the Blue Mountain People. The Kwi also
migrate every dawn and every dusk.

Appearances and Examples: Kwi first appeared in the novel The Courtship of Princess Leia, and also appeared in the Dark Horse comic Infinity’s End.

Kwi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Int –4, Cha –2
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d6 plus Str modifier) or bite attack (1d8 plus twice Str modifier) instead of an
unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack. Claw attacks count as Small melee weapons, while bite attacks count as Medium melee weapojns. A character can apply
Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Animalistic: Kwi gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor, even if their class allows it. Furthermore, Kwi are unable to talk, though some exceptional individuals
are able to understand basic or even other languages.
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 12 squares.
Language: None



The Lafrarians are sapient, gray-skinned, avian humanoids indigenous to the planet Lafra, a planet in the Orus Sector of the Inner Rim with a variety of terrains.
Lafrarians build their homes in high, inaccessible locations on the planet (such as treetops or high mountain sides). Lafrarians were once flyers, though they lost this
ability over eons of evolutionary change. Consequently, nearly everyone on the world owns a flying conveyance, with few land or water transports seeing use.

Appearances and Examples: Lafrarians appeared in the novel Han Solo at Star’s End.

Lafrarian Species Traits

+2 DEX, -2 STR
Expert Climbers: A Lafrarian may choose to take 10 on Climb checks even when distracted or threatened.
Bird's Eye: A Lafrarian may reroll sight-based Perception checks but must accept the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Lafrarian trained in Pilot receives Skill Focus (Pilot) as a Bonus Feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Lafrarian, Basic


Lannik are short, bipedal humanoids with droopy, long ears and pink skin. Their homeworld is Lannik. They are known for their bellicose
society, and are seen to be fearless and sometimes hotheaded and arrogant. More often than not, Lannik keep clear heads in combat, and
can deduce a solution to many dangerous situations. They are governed by the Lannik High Court. Their homeworld was first discovered by
a group of Human and Duros explorers, who brought high technology to Lannik. The natives' exposure to this technology split Lannik society
into factions, each with its own thoughts on how to integrate that technology into their society. Conflicts raged on Lannik, forcing the
intervention of several criminal groups, and finally, the Galactic Republic itself, which restricted the amount of technology exported to the
planet. This did not go as planned, serving only to increase the amount of technology on Lannik, and also entrenched crime syndicates on the
planet. This led to the rise of the terrorist group known as the Red Iaro. By the time of the Galactic Empire, Lannik were rarely seen offworld.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Even Piell appeared on the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

Lannik Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Lannik base speed is 4 squares.
Fearless: Lannik gain a +5 species bonus to Will Defense against fear effects and Intimidate checks. This bonus stacks with the Lannik’s Strong Willed trait.
Stong Willed: A Lannik recieves a +2 species bonus to Will Defense.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Lannik.

Alternate Lannik Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Fearless: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense, which increases to a +5 bonus against fear effects.


Leffingites are a bovine, bipedal, sapient species hailing from the planet Almak. They are characterized by broad noses with large
nostrils, small tusk-like teeth protruding from their bottom jaw, and horn-like protrusions above their lidded eyed. Their large, cartilaginous
ears virtually funnel sound waves to their auditory receptors, providing them with slightly improved hearing.

Appearances and Examples: Magaloof, appeared in “Attack of the Clones,” flying an airspeeder.

Leffingite Species Traits:

Con +2, Int -2, Wis –2
Natural weapon: A leffingite may make a gore attack with its horns (damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. A leffingite’s horn attacks count as one-handed melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Large ears: A leffingite may reroll any Perception check made to listen, but he must keep the second result.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Languages: Leffingite & Basic.


The Lepus carnivorus, more commonly known as Lepi, are a species of rabbit, ranging in color from green to dark blue. Their most distinctive features are long ears
and feet and buck teeth. Native to the planet Coachelle Prime near the Centrality, their high reproductive rate forced them to colonize the entire star system to avoid
overcrowding. The Lepus carnivorus are typically gregarious individuals, although prone to bursts of anger if their family or species is insulted. Lepi are constantly in
motion and are known for their speed.

Appearances and Examples: The smuggler Jaxxon, defended a village on Aduba-3 alongside Han Solo in the Marvel Comics Star Wars 8: Eight for Aduba-3.

Lepi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex.
Speed: Lepi base speed is 6 squares .
Expert Jumper: A Lepi may choose to reroll any Jump checks, keeping the better result.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Lepi with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: A Lepi gains the benefits of Weapon Finesse when using his unarmed attacks.
Automatic Languages: Lepi.

Alternate Lepi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: By training on using their large feet as natural weapons, members of this species gain Martial Arts II as a bonus feat if they meet the
corresponding prerequisites.
Natural leaper: Members of this species may always take 10 on Jump checks.
Acute hearing: Members of this species may reroll any Perception checks to perceive sounds, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the


Lorrdians, a Human culture from the planet Lorrd in the Kanz Sector, were genetically identical to all other baseline Humans. However,
because their unique culture and history set them apart from other Humans, they were sometimes classed as Near-Humans. During the
Kanz Disorders (3,970–3,670 BBY), the Lorrdians were enslaved by the Argazdan rebels who had broken away from the rule of the Galactic
Republic. During the turmoil that followed, the Lorrdians were forbidden by their masters from communicating with each other. The Lorrdians
were forced to develop a system of subtle gestures, facial expressions, and body postures to talk to each other. Beginning as a simple battle
tongue used to co-ordinate guerrilla groups, this eventually became a sophisticated language they called "kinetic communication." They also
learned how to interpret the body language of others to determine their emotional state and intentions with uncanny accuracy. Lorrdians also
became among the galaxy's best mimics, able to imitate a wide variety of mannerisms and voices (even those of many non-Humans). After
three centuries and the loss of over 500 million Lorrdian lives, the Kanz Disorders finally ended. The newly freed Lorrdians continued to pass
their knowledge of kinetic communication down to each generation. Lorrdians became famous for these special abilities. They also vowed never to let the galaxy
forget the lessons of the Kanz Disorders, often becoming outspoken anti-slavery critics and activists. Lorrdians show all the same traits and variations that other
baseline humans do. They are a passionate and justice minded people who hate slavery and tyranny due to their tragic past. They are rugged individualists who
value personal freedom and personal expression. Lorrdian activists will often devote themselves to fighting for a cause singlemindedly, devoting their entire lives to it.
Lorrdians can be found anywhere the fight against slavery is going on. They are fiercely opposed to tyranny of any kind, and so many can be found among the Rebel
Alliance or other groups of freedom fighters or activists. With their perceptive abilities and devotion to protecting and freeing the subjugated, many Lorrdians became

Appearances and Examples: Nee Alavar was a Lorrdian senator from the Kanz sector in Revenge of the Sith.

Lorrdian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wisdom, Lorrdians are highly perceptive and rarely miss subtleties around them.
Medium Size: As Medium creatures Lorrdians receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Lorrdian base speed is 6 squares.
Highly Perceptive: All Lorrdians are trained in the Perception skill.
Body Reading: Lorrdians can read an uncanny amount of information off of a person just by observing them briefly. This ability has led to the rumor that Lorrdians
can read minds.
As a free action a Lorrdian may make a Perception check against a target's Will Defense. If successful, the Lorrdian may discover the target's attitude toward him or
her, as well as the target's general emotional state. The target cannot detect this check.
Kinetic Communication: If two Lorrdians can see each other clearly (no penalties due to concealment or distance), they can communicate silently and undetectably.
Perceptive Mimics: A Lorrdian may use their Perception skill in place of their Deception skill when attempting to create a deceptive appearance to create a disguise
(see the Deception skill pg. 64 SWSE).


Lurmen are short, bipedal primates with long tails and black-and-white markings native to the natural crystalline towers that dominated the
surface of Mygeeto. Despite their prosperity, the lurmen were enslaved by the InterGalactic Banking Clan when it took over Mygeeto. Many
lurmen left Mygeeto and settled on unexplored territories. Most Lurmen are pacifistic by nature and refuse to fight or run even in the face of
death. They often hide rather than fight and carry no weapons other than farming tools or ropes. Lurmen who do fight never kill or destroy an
enemy, although they will let others kill or destroy a trapped enemy.

Appearances and Examples: Tee Watt Kaa was the leader of the Lurmen on the planet Maridun in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode
"Jedi Crash."

Lurmen Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str.
Small-size: As Small creatures, Lurmen gain +1 size bonus to Reflex Defense and +5 bonus to Stealth checks. However their carrying limits are three-quarters those
of medium characters.
Speed: Lurman base speed is 4 squares.
Roll: For speedy movement, Lurmen could curl into a wheel-shape and roll along the ground. A Lurmen may double his speed for the purposes of Running.
Primitive: A Lurmen does not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at first level, even if their class normally grants them.
Bonus Feat: Lurmen have endured harsh climates and inhospitable worlds. A Lurman with Endurance as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feat.
Additionally, the Climb and Survival skills are always class skills for Lurmen.
Automatic Languages: Lurmen and Basic.


The Lurrians are small, humanoid herbivores with thick, white fur and large green-blue eyes from the planet Lur in the Outer Rim Territories. The soles of their feet
are thick, calloused pads. The Lurrians are adept at the disciplines of bioengineering and genetics, creating many animals including the Asgnat and Grebnar. They
were one of the species enslaved by the Galactic Empire.

Appearances and Examples: Early in his career, Han Solo freed a shipment of Lurrians he had unknowingly been hired to transport by slave traders Magg and Zlarb
in the novel Han Solo’s Revenge.

Lurrian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 INT, -2 STR
Small Size: +1 to Ref Defense, +5 to Stealth, 3/4 Carrying Capacity
Speed: 4 squares
Survival Instinct: A Lurrian may reroll any Survival check, but the result of the second roll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Lurrian trained in Knowledge (Life Sciences) gains Skill Focus (Knowledge [Life Sciences]) as a bonus feat.
Tough: Lurrians are hardy creatures and gain a +1 to their Fort Defense
Genetic Insight: Due to their extensive knowledge of bioengineering and genetics, once per encounter, a Lurrian may add a +5 insight bonus to a Treat Injury check.
Languages: Lurrian, Basic


Hailing from the planet Lutrillia, in the perilous “Lutrillian Cross” of the Nothoiin Hyperspace Corridor, where many ships mysteriously
disappear (presumably from gravitational anomalies), Lutrillians are humanoids whose large faces are dominated by wide-set eyes and
fuzzy jowls. They have small ears and a wide, flat nose. Lutrillians are shrewd nomads who roam their planet in gigantic, wheeled cities
that strip food, water and ore from the land before relocating. Although known for being greedy, adventurous risk-takers with little respect for
or understanding of others’ personal space, Lutrillians are an amiable lot and excellent bargainers, earning them positions as merchants or
government functionaries on other worlds. There are many Lutrillians on Bespin. Their language is an inelegant one, characterized by
snorts and monosyllabic grunts.

Appearances and Examples: The Lutrillian Clone Wars veteran Solomahal can be seen in the Cantina scene in “A New Hope,” and the
Lutrillian travel agent Treva Horme can be spotted in Cloud City in “The Empire Strikes Back.”

Lutrillian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Survivalist: Lutrillians may reroll any Survival check, but they must take the second check result. When in an arid climate or desert environment, a Lutrillian may take
10 in any Survival check, even when rushed or threatened.
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Lutrillian & Basic



The Makurth are bipedal saurians, covered in green scales and native to Moltok, a planet of rainforests and volcanoes in the Atrivis sector of the Outer Rim
Territories, which is also home to the Ho’Din. Makurth typically possess four horns on their heads; two curled downwards from the top of their skull, while two curled
upwards from the sides of the cranium. They are nocturnal carnivores with savage-looking teeth. Makurth can produce a terrifying scream, which they utter before
entering combat, and they are prone to snorting and flaring their nostrils in order to intimidate opponents. Makurth often work as bodyguards in the criminal

Appearances and Examples: Fohargh was a Sith Apprentice trained on Korriban in the novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction.

Makurth Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
Speed: Makurth base speed is 6 squares.
Cold Blooded: Makurth suffer a -5 penalty to Fortitude Defense against the effects of extreme cold.
Darkvision: Makurth ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Weapon: A Makurth’s horns can be used to gore prey dealing 1d6 plus one-half the character’s level in piercing damage.
Skills: Makurth may reroll any Persuasion check made to intimidate others, in account for their savage visage. They may also reroll any Jump check, thanks to their
strong legs. The result of these rerolls must be accepted, even if it is worse.
Languages: Malkurth and Basic.


Meerians are a race of short, silver-haired Near-Humans from the planet Bandomeer. As a people, the Meerians are a slow, deliberate race with a primitive society
that was unprepared to deal with the Galactic Republic survey teams that first encountered them. While the Republic recognized the Meerians as a people and as the
true owners of Bandomeer's resources, the Meerians were never given full control of the mining operations which were established on the planet. Instead, the
Meerians merely shared in the profits. The Meerians evolved over time with adaptations to the smoggy conditions brought on by excessive mining operations. Their
noses and lungs worked together to filter out particulate matter and certain toxic chemicals. The hair of a Meerian individual was actually formed from metallic

Appearances and Examples: RonTha was a Meerian who took Obi-Wan Kenobi on a tour of the Agri Corps building in the Young Readers novel Jedi Apprentice:
The Dark Rival.

Meerian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex –2, Con +2
Natural resistance: Members of this species gain a +2 racial bonus to their Fortitude defense; this bonus increases to +5 against all poisons and air-related hazards
(such as a toxic atmosphere).
Conditional bonus feat: A meerian trained in Endurance gains Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feat.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Meerian, Basic
Alternate Meerian Species Traits (by “Anzat”)
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Dextirety.
Poison Resistance: Meerians gain a +5 species bonus on Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of any Poison.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Speed: Meerian base speed is 4 squares.
Automatic Languages: Meerian.


Melodies are a humanoid water-based species native to Yavin 8, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish. The species lives deep within the
purple mountains of their homeworld. Melodies hatch from eggs and start life on land. These young Melodies live around the underground freshwater lakes deep
within the caverns and inlets of the moon's equatorial mountain ranges until the age of 20, when they complete the change into adulthood, assuming the title of Elder
in an event called the Changing Ceremony. To begin their transformation from land-dweller to water-breather, young Melodies, or Changelings, are taken down a
shallow cove, the only relatively safe haven for them from numerous predators, including the bird-like avrils, the rodent-like raiths, the serpentine reels and the
spidery purellas. The cove is covered in a blue-green algae which creates oxygen through photosynthesis for the Changelings to breathe. This transformation can
take weeks, making the Changelings vulnerable to attacks from Yavin 8's predators. There, they are guarded by their fellow Melodies who had not changed. During
the ceremony, a Changeling's legs grow together into a single finned tail, and the Melodie grows gills for breathing underwater. When the transformation from
Changeling to Elder is complete, the Melodie retreats to deep underground lakes within the mountains where they live the rest of their adult lives. Elders are able to
surface for limited amounts of time to communicate with their young. However, this did not apply to the oldest Melodies, who were not able to surface at all. Prior to
the Changing Ceremony, young Melodies care for the infant Melodies by grinding the trico plant into an edible paste until the infants are old enough to eat the silver-
backed fish that live in the pools within the mountain.

Appearances and Examples: In the “Junior Jedi Knights” series of novels, a Force-sensitive Melodie named Lyric studied at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum in 22
ABY. In the novels “Edge of Victory I: Conquest,” “Star by Star” and “The Unifying Force,” the Yuuzhan Vong conquiered the moon and unleashed deadly Jedi-
hunting Voxyn, which claimed Lyric’s life.

Melodie Species Traits:

Str –2, Wis +2, Cha +2
Charm: A Melodie may reroll any Persuasion check, but must keep the second result.
Amphibious: A melodie can't drown in water
Hold breath: A melodie cannot breath air out of the water, but may “hold breath” (when out of the water) for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution score x3.
Expert swimmer: A Melodie may take 10 on any Swim checks, even when rushed or threatened, and may reroll any Swim check, but must keep the second check
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Melodie
Note: the stats above are for the adult form of a melodie. Young adult and younger melodies resemble humans physically, and they don’t have the amphibious, hold
breath or expert swimmer ability.


The Menahuun are a race of arboreal, furred lemuroids formerly believed by the xenoscientists of the Old Republic to have been rendered extinct by offworlder
hunters. The planet Lamaredd was discovered by the crew of a starship dispatched by Outer Rim Oreworks, which had to crash-land on the planet. The survivors of
the crash, led by Hugo Bartyn, eventually prospered in their settlement of Bartyn's Landing, and began to consider the Menahuun as pests and nuisances. Many
Menahuun were killed for sport, and those that managed to escape the predation fled into the wilderness. Their once-peaceful existence shattered, the Menahuun
began building up their collective strength, hoping one day to take back their homeworld from the settlers. During the 500 years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, their
civilization had decayed into a competitive tribal society which came as a result of their struggle for survival. The Menahuun chose to re-emerge shortly after the
Battle of Naboo after chafing under the predations of Guther Bartyn. The average Menahuun stands just over a meter in height. Their bodies are covered with wiry
fur. Their long limbs and hands with opposable digits allow the Menahuun to move swiftly through the trees.
Appearances and Examples: Eeytch (a/k/a Eeycht) was a Shaman of the Hua'Bal outpost beneath Mount Hugo during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo in
Issue 7 of Star Wars Gamer magazine.

Menahuun Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Menahuun base speed is 4 squares.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Menahuun with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Menahu.

Alternate Menahuun Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Wis +2, Cha -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Alert: Members of this species gain a +1 species bonus to their Reflex defense, and they may reroll any Perception checks to avoid being surprised or flat-footed, but
they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original..
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in forest terrain.
Natural climber: Members of this species may always take 10 on Climb checks.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


The Meris were a tall humanoid race with dark blue skin, similar to (and native to the same planet as) the Teltiors. distinguishing features include a strongly
pronounced eyebrow ridge, a slightly conical ridge o the top of their head, webbed hands with an opposable thumb and finger, inward spiralling cartilage in the ear
and several thick folds of skin around the neck.

Appearances and Examples: Honn Dangel was a Meri meteorologist working in Cloud City in the West End Games roleplaying supplement Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin
and Bespin.

Meri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 CON, -2 WIS
Conditional bonus feat: A Meris trained in Stealth gains Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus feat.
Pack Mentality: If a Meris is performing Aid Another with comrades of the same species or of the Teltior species, the bonus becomes +3 instead of the normal +2.
This extra bonus does not apply if the Meris is performing Aid Another with a member of a species other than Meris or Teltior.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Meris, Teltior, Basic


Like their fellow denizens of Mimban, also known as Circarpous IV, Mimbanites are humanoids with short fur, but are smaller and less robust. Unlike the gray-furred
Coway, Mimbanite fur is green, hence the derogatory epithet “Greenies.” (Not to be confused with the same off-world epithet applied toward Rodians.) Unwilling or
unable to retreat to caves deep in the swamplands like the Coway, when the Galactic Empire set up their mining operations, Mimbanites were reduced to scavenging
garbage heaps and begging for alcohol. This once proud race was held in contempt by the Imperial troops and miners. The term Mimbanite also applied to a
species of semi-sentient hairy quadrupeds who also evolved on the planet.

Appearances and Examples: Mimbanites appear in the 1978 “Adventures of Luke Skywalker” novel “Splinters of the Mind’s Eye.”

Mimbanite Species Traits:

Con +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Survivalist: A mimbanite may reroll any Survival check, but he must keep the second result. When in urban settlements, mimbanites may take 10 on any Survival
check, even when rushed or threatened.
Darkvision: as described in the SECR.
Poison resistant: A mimbanite gains a +5 bonus to his Fort defense vs ingested poisons.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Addiction: A mimbanite must succed on a Wisdom check (CD 10) to refuse when offered alcoholic beverages.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Mimbanite & Basic


Mirialans are near-Humans from the planet Mirial with bright blue eyes and olive-colored skin, that of males being generally darker than
that of females. Mirialans are religious and practice a primitive understanding of the Force, believing each individual's actions to
contribute to his or her destiny. Mirialans place unique tattoos on their face and hands to signify completion of a certain test or task. The
number of tattoos often indicates the maturity of a Mirilian. Female Mirialans often wear elaborate headdresses and long, flowing robes.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her student Barriss Offee appeared in “Attack of the Clones.” Luminara
Unduli also appeared in “Revenge of the Sith.”

Mirialan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Bonus Feat: Mirialans gain Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Cold adaptation: Mirialans may take 10 on any Survival check made in cold environments.
Language: Mirialan, Basic

The Morseerians are four-arms methane breathers whose bodies are covered in semitransparent skin showing the underlying internal
organs. The exception is their elongated head, which features large, black eyes, a small nose, and a thin, triangle-shaped mouth. When
found on planets with an oxygen-rich atmosphere, Morseerians wear full environment suits and breath masks that provided the methane they
need to survive. They usually fly ships that support methane environments and employ crew members who could survive in such conditions.
Little is known about their history or culture except that they are a reserved and secretive people who have several colonies—including the
world Morseer, for which they are named. The Morseerians were clients of the Drackmarians of the Quelii sector; after that species was
defeated by the Galactic Empire, Morseer came under the dominion of the Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial investigations into
the location of the species' homeworld drove many members of the species to secretly support the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Appearances and Examples: Nabrun Leids appeared in the cantina in A New Hope.

Morseerian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None.
Speed: Morseerian base speed is 6 squares .
Extra Limbs: A Morseerian has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks.
However, a Morseerian cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round unless he possesses a feat or talent that would otherwise allow him to do so.
Special Equipment: As the Kel Dor trait (SECR page 28).
Automatic Languages: Morseerian.

Alternate Morseerian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Gather Information) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill, and they gain Dual Weapon
Mastery II as a bonus feat if they fulfil the prerequisites.
Life support required: Morseerians require special breathers when in any atmosphere other than that of their native planet; otherwise they begin to suffocate (see the
kel dor entry in the SECR).


Mrlssi or Mrlssti of Mrlsst in the Tapani Sector are flightless avian humanoids, less than one meter tall on average. Their bodies are covered in gray feathers, while
their head was bare except for a fringe of feathers covering the back of their head. A young Mrlssi’s head feathers are brown, but become more colorful with age.
Not to be confused with the Mrissi of Mrisst, in the GaTir system, also a small, scholarly race of flightless birds, the Mrlssi are a species renowned throughout the
sector as scholars and scientists. When their civilization was first developing, Mrlsst was geologically unstable. Mrlssi found that while possessions and buildings
were impermanent, knowledge could not be lost. Millennia later, once their continents had stabilized, this tradition continued. Though the Mrlssi still had not
developed space travel when Galactic Republic and Tapani scouts made contact with them circa 7,000 BBY, they quickly caught up to the rest of the galaxy by
reverse-engineering hyperdrives and modern computers. By the time of the Galactic Empire, Mrlssi universities were among the finest in the Tapani Sector,
attracting students of all species.

Appearances and Examples: Dee Savyest, Noss Prisht and Gyr Keela appeared in the Dark Horse Comics issue X-wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair.

Mrlssi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -4 Str, -2 Con, +4 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Mrlssi base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d4 slashing.
Heightened Awareness: As Rodian trait (SECR page 30).
Automatic Languages: Mrlsstese.

Alternate Mrlssi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -4, Dex +2, Con -2, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Exceptional eyesight: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check requiring visual perception; they may keep the best of the two results.


Mustafarians are the native sentient species of the volcanic planet Mustafar. They are divided into two subspecies: the taller, thinner
northern subspecies, and a smaller, stockier, and hardier southern subspecies. Mustafarians evolved from extremophilic arthropods
whose natural habitat was the slightly cooler hollows and caves inside Mustafar's dormant volcanoes. Mustafarians typically ride
Mustafarian lava fleas as a means of conveyance and fashion armor from the fleas’ exoskeleton to protect themselves from the hotter
lava flows on the surface. Even without lava flea armor, Mustafarian skin is tough enough to resist standard blaster bolts.
Mustafarians use weapons which fire bolts of kinetic force. Mustafarians have a highly symbolic culture. Their architecture is based
on the shape of the kahel cave fungus. They also practice a test-of-manhood ritual requiring younglings to jump a lavafall on a lava
flea without protective clothing. Aside from a three-hundred year old trade treaty with the Techno Union, which provided technology
through trade that allowed the Mustafarians to survive even the harshest conditions on their homeworld in exchange for their
employment as lava miners for the Techno Union, Mustafarians were generally unconcerned about off-world affairs.

Appearances and Examples: In “Revenge of the Sith,” several Mustafarian lava miners are shown riding harvesting platforms skimming over the active flows,
extracting lava with large, pole-mounted cauldrons, extracting minerals from lava streams for the Techno Union.

Mustafarian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Natural armor: A mustafarian gains a +2 natural armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Exotic weapon: A mustafarian with Weapon Proficiency (pistols) or Weapon Proficiency (rifles) is considered proficient in the kinetic bolt gun (see below) as well.
Heat resistance: Mustafarians gain a +5 racial bonus to their Fortitude defense against heat effects, plus they have damage reduction 10 against fire and heat-based

Mustafarian kinetic bolt gun

Exotic ranged weapon (Small)
Availability: Licensed, Rare
Cost: 1200
Damage: 3d6 (stun capable)
Range: as pistol
Rate of Fire: S
Weight: 2 kg
Type: E
Special abilities: ignores all kinds of damage reduction


Muuns are tall, gaunt humanoids with elongated heads and hail from the mineral-rich planet of Muunilinst, which was also the headquarters
of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the largest banking organization in the galaxy. Muuns are known throughout the galaxy for their excellent
financial and mathematical skills, and, seeking economic stability, the Empire left Muuns exempted from their wide-spread non-human
persecution, in order to utilize Muuns and their economic finesse.

Appearances and Examples: San Hill was the Muun Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the

Muun Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +4 Int
Speed: Muun base speed is 6 squares .
Expert Haggler: A Muun may choose to reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle over price, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Muun with Knowledge (bureaucracy) as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Knowledge [bureaucracy]) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Muun.

Alternate Muun Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +4
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Wealthy: Members of this race triple their starting credits.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus in Knowledge (bureaucracy) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Expert negotiator: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the


Myneyrshi are tall, thin bipedal humanoids with two upper torsos, positioned with one on top of the other. Each torso sports a pair of long, muscular arms. Myneyrshi
have one primary hand, three off hands and small feet with several large toes. Myneyrshi have upward-pointing ears, which they often pierced with dangling
earrings. Myneyrshi have a short, downward-pointing snout. Averaging at almost two meters tall, Myneyrshi are covered in a layer of smooth, crystalline blue flesh,
which makes them look as if they are made of glass. The skin acts as a sort of armor to arrows, spears and knives and may have resulted from a chemical reaction
to the moisture and oxygen in the air. Myneyrshi usually hve long, dark hair, sometimes tied back into a ponytail.

Appearances and Examples: Txer was the leader of the Free People of Wayland who were fighting the Yuuzhan Vong in the six-part story “Emissary of the Void”
printed in Star Wars Gamer magazine, issues 8-10, and Star Wars Insider magazine, issues 62-64.

Myneryrsh Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Int, +2 Wis.
Speed: Myneyrsh base speed is 6 squares .
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Extra Limbs: A Myneyrsh has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks.
However, a Myneysrh cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round unless he posses a feat or talent that allows him to do so.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Sneaky: See Ewok trait (SECR page 27).
Technophobic: As Yuuzhan Vong trait (SECR page 285).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Myneyrsh with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Myneyrsh, Psadan.

Alternate Myneyrsh Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int -2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Alert senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check made to sense living targets, but they must keep the second result, even if it’s worse than the
first one.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Technophobe: a myneyrsh suffers a -5 penalty on all checks involving the use of blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, computers or vehicles.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


NAUTOLAN (official Wizards of the Coast stats from the Dawn of Defiance Rewards Card)

Nautolans, sometimes referred to as Nautiloids, are an amphibious humanoid species with low light vision and excellent swimming skills.
They stand, on average, 1.8 meters tall; have smooth green, blue, or brown skin; fourteen tentacles on the back of their head; and large,
lidless, black eyes. Nautolans also possess exceptional olfactory and pheromone sensing skills, enhanced by their head-tentacles.
These tendrils are used to detect the emotional state of another being, but are most effective underwater. Within Nautolan culture, the
ability to sense pheromone changes is an essential part of the communication process. Nautolans hail from the watery planet Glee
Anselm. Although they have established settlements across their aquatic homeworld, most Nautolan civilization is centered in and
around the Sabilon region. Like their sense of smell, the Nautolan language is also designed for use underwater and not fully
pronounceable in a gaseous atmosphere. Because of the loss in linguistic detail, most Nautolans chose to speak Anselminan or
Galactic Basic when traveling offworld. In addition, Nautolans used other communicative cues when submerged, such as reading the
swirls in other Nautolans' large black eyes.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Kit Fisto appears “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith.”

Nautolan Species Traits:

+2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis
Rubbery Skin: A Nautolan’s Rubbery Hide provides a DR 2.
Breathe Underwater: See Mon Calamari trait (SECR page 29).
Expert Swimmer: A Nautolan may take 10 on any Swim checks, even when rushed or threatened, and may also reroll any Swim check, but must keep the second
check result.
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Pheromonal Sensor: Nautolans may choose to reroll any Perception check made to sense deception or sense influence, but the result of the reroll must be accepted
even if it is worse. If a Nautolan is underwater, he may take the better result of the two rolls instead.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 sq. (walking), 4 sq. (swimming)
Language: Basic & Nautila

NAZREN (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement Stats)

Nazren are tall humanoids from the arid and desolate world of Nizon, a harsh dustbowl of a planet, with driving winds and fierce sandstorms that can scour the skin
from an unprotected creature’s bones. Nazren are approximately the same height as Wookiees (averaging 2.1 meters tall), but broader at the shoulders and
narrower at the hip, with longer arms and torsos but shorter legs (averaging at about 130 kg). They are hairless, with thick skin that has a heavy hide or leather look.
They are brown to light yellow in color, a natural camouflage for their dustbowl world. The head of a Nazren has no nose and is flatter than a Human’s. A prominent
brow ridge protects their eyes, and a series of small knobs start at the back of the head and run down to a visible spine. They are well adapted to the harsh
conditions of their home planet and are remarkably strong and resilient. Nazren are pragmatic, serious, and traditional. Their harsh homeworld has taught them to be
mindful of survival and never to take anything for granted. Unfortunately, these very traits have made them perfect targets for slavers, who use them for hard
physical labor. Despite their massive size and intimidating demeanor, Nazren are not a warlike species. This proved to be their downfall when the Empire arrived and
began enslaving them. However, they are not pacifists, either, and their will and ability to fight back grew slowly but surely. The Nazren are nomadic by nature, and
recently freed slaves—or those who helped overthrow the yoke of the Empire from their home—are drawn by the wonders the galaxy has to hold. Some Nazren have
shown potential in the Force, although they do not call it as such. Those capable of using the Force typically master healing powers and other light side abilities.

Appearances and Examples: Nazren appear in the free, Wizards of the Coast on-line Dawn of Defiance campaign adventure “The Queen of Air and Darkness.”

Nazren Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, –2 Dex, –2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares, Swim 4 squares
Nazren Resilience: Once per encounter, when a Nazren would be moved down the condition track by taking damage equal to or exceeding the Nazren’s damage
threshold, the Nazren may reduce the number of steps moved down the condition track by 1 (minimum 0 steps).
Languages: Nazren and Basic.


Averaging roughly two meters tall, Nazzar are bipedal humanoids with distinctly elongated equine heads and physically powerful and agile bodies. Nazzar have dark
skin covered with a thin coat of fur, which usually ranges in color from light gray to dark navy. The species are also distinguished by having two long ears that lay limp
at the sides of their heads, and strong, four-fingered hands. Nazzar are native to the Mid Rim planet of Nazzri and are contemplative and philosophical. They are
mildly xenophobic, and are rarely found off their temperate homeworld; the only offworld Nazzar were outcasts. Noble and spiritual creatures, the Nazzar joined the
Galactic Republic early in its history. They followed the Ulizra, a strict Nazzar religion, which stated that outsiders were likely to taint Nazzar culture, and that the
group was always better than the individual.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Qrrrl Toq fought and died in the Great Sith War in the Dark Horse Comics Tales of the Jedi series.

Nazzar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -4 Cha.
Speed: Nazzar base speed is 6 squares.
Automatic Languages: Nazzar.

Alternate Nazzar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.


This odiferous alien race is native to the remote world of Nedij, a windswept, mountainous world characterized by dizzying precipices pocked with the eyries of its
avian denizens. The Nediji are distinguished by their distinct – and, to some species, offensive – odor and bird-like face, but are more humanoid than avian. The nose
and mouth are formed from rubbery cartilage that tapers into a sharp point resembling a beak, but the head is smooth, and the ears are flat against the skull. Their
frames are slight and light. The skin of a Nediji is covered with what appears to be pale blue fur or feathers, with a darker blue patch of skin beneath the chin. The
fingertips of a Nediji end in yellow talons, adding to their bird-like appearance, and tufts of feathery down behind the arms results in vestigial wings which, although
unable to carry the Nediji in full-fledged flight, do allow them to glide on heavy currents of air which, on their windy homeworld, is a near approximation of flight. This
is evidenced by the “Nest Blessing,” a quasi-secret form of greeting used by members of the Nediji race but virtually unknown on non-Nediji: “Fly free, fly straight,
Brother of the Air.” Exobiologists speculate that the Nediji diet of immature bool grubs and the mammalian rath-scurrier and taboret contributes greatly to the
species’ distinct odor. The eyesight of the Nediji can perceive colors above and below the wavelengths of light visible to most species, such as berl, crynor, nusp and
onsible. The ultraviolet shadowcloak of an Umbaran, for example, appears not as a dull, flat grey, but as a swirling vortex of radiant colors, making the Nediji immune
to its camouflaging capabilities. Most Nediji remain on their homeworld throughout their lives, although some individuals find that they are unable to exist within the
Flock and are exiled from Nedij. Travel off-world is otherwise considered taboo. The number of off-world Nediji is exceptionally small, however, making their
appearance in the galaxy an unusual occurrence and their innate skills relatively unknown. One such skill is the “thoughtshield,” a form of mental shielding practiced
by the Nediji species. Through intense training and maintenance, a Nediji individual can shield his thoughts and emotions from another being, allowing them to
remain stoic while determining their next course of action, and granting the added benefit of shielding them somewhat from the Empathy subskill of Use the Force.

Appearances and Examples: Kaird, a Nediji assassin who found work within the Black Sun organization during the last decades of the Old Republic during the height
of the Clone Wars, was dispatched to the planet Drongar to spy on the bota-processing system of Republic Admiral Tarnese Bleyd and his cohort Filba the Hutt, as
seen in the Clone Wars novel, “Medstar I: Battle Surgeons,” by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry.

Nediji Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 DEX, -2 CON, -2 STR
Glide: The Nediji have vestigial wings that allow them to glide through the air. They cannot actually fly with this ability, and any movement through the air must begin
above the level of the ground, even if this is only a few feet. Because the gliding ability involves aerodynamics, this ability does not work in places where there is no
air or there is an unusually thin atmosphere. A Nediji may glide a horizontal distance that is two times the height above the ground where he starts. He can glide at
twice his normal walking base speed.
Thoughtshield: Through intense mental training and maintenance, a Nediji can shield his thoughts and emotions from others, granting himself a +2 to Will Defense
vs. the Empathy subskill of Use the Force.
Bad Smell: Nediji exude an odor that is offensive to most other beings. The smell, at worst, disgusts, and, at best, annoys, those around the Nediji. A Nediji will be
avoided if possible and must endure constant comments on the subject if not. He suffers a -2 on checks to change the attitude of others when interacting with races
that can smell. Expensive perfumes can tone down or hide the offensive odor.
Medium-sized. As Medium-sized creatures, Nediji have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base Speed: 6 squares (walking), 12 squares (gliding)
Language(s): Nediji and Basic


The Neti are sapient, shapeshifting plants first encountered on the planet Ryyk. Some called them Ryyk because of the planet's name. They have tough gray skin
similar to plant bark, multiple thin branching arms, and thick body trunks. Neti foliage tends to be brownish or black and grows on the upper parts of a Neti's body.
Neti are capable of changing their size and shape, apparently at will. A skilled Neti can morph its shape into a roughly humanoid solid treelike mass anywhere from 2
to 9.5 meters tall. When resting, Neti generally appear as 5-meter tall treelike objects, but they are capable of maintaining other shapes and sizes, even when asleep
or knocked unconscious. As plants, Neti survive through photosynthesis, though they also need some water to survive. Neti are extremely long-lived, with an average
life span of several thousand years. All Neti are Force-sensitive and learn both the Neti language and Basic from youth. Neti schooled in a special Force trance,
presumably Hibernation Trance, can survive almost indefinitely in an area with natural sunlight and rain. Neti reproduction only occurs once every few centuries.
Seeds often remain dormant for more than a thousand years before germinating. Roughly four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the Neti left their home
planet of Myrkr for reasons unknown. Afterwards, Neti never were a common sight across the galaxy. As a result of the Neti's infrequent procreation and long lives,
their population always remained small and quite close to their homeworld. When Ryyk was destroyed, only one Neti (Jedi Master Ood Bnar) was known to have
been offworld. However, given the species' long life span and germination period, some Neti might have survived the destruction of their world, awaiting discovery in
remote locations.

Appearances and Examples: Ood Bnar was a Jedi Master appearing in the Dark Horse Comics series Tales of the Jedi and Dark Empire II.

Neti Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis.
Variable-size: As Medium-size creatures, Neti have no special modifiers due to their size.
As Large creatures, Neti suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying capacity is
doubled, and they receive a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
As Huge creatures, Neti suffer a -2 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -10 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying capacity is
quadrupled, and they receive a +10 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Neti base speed is 6 squares.
Metamorph: A Neti can adopt one of three forms: a Medium sized humanoid, Large sized quadruped, or Huge sized tree. Changing size and shape is a full-round
Even in quadrupedal or treelike form a Neti has manipulative tendrils to operate tools and make attacks. A Neti in quadrupedal form gain a grant it a +5 stability
bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone, but it cannot run or charge. A Neti in tree form cannot be moved or knocked prone, but is immobile.
Photosynthesis: As plants, Neti have no need for food. A Neti needs only one-tenth the amount of water as most races, but if deprived of sunlight it starves, much as
other races do when lacking food. A Neti trained in the Use the Force skill can enter a trance and survive almost indefinitely in an area with natural sunlight and rain.
Camouflage: While in tree form, Neti have concealment while among trees and similar foliage.
Bonus Feat: A Neti receives Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Neti.

Alternate Neti Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -6, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Alternate forms: A neti can become Large or Huge (with the corresponding alterations on abilities, carrying capacity, skill checks, Reflex defense, base unarmed
damage and damage threshold, as indicated in the 'beasts' section of the SAGA book). At any size, the neti may chose to become multilegged (gaining a +5 species
bonus on checks to avoid being pinned, tripped or bantha rushed, in addition to size modifiers) or treelike (the bonus increases to +10 but the neti's base speed
becomes 0). A neti moves down 1 step on the Condition track every time he uses this ability.
Bonus feat: Neti gain Force-Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Camouflage: Members of this species may always take 10 on Stealth in dense foliage.
Photosynthesis: As long as they remain under the direct light of the sun, Neti don’t need to eat; by the same token, Neti move 1 persistent step down the condition
track for every 24 hours they spend without any direct sunlight.


The Nikto species features five distinct mutated sub-species due to massive radiation from a dying nearby star M'dweshuu, which speeds up
the rate of mutation so that traits that normally take millions of years to occur instead take only thousands. The five sub-species inhabit
different geographic areas of Kintan, developing unique adaptations to suit the different environments on the planet. The varying appearance
of the Nikto sub-species causes confusion amongst those who are unfamiliar with the Nikto, but all Nikto have certain similarities; leathery
skin, sometimes covered with spikes or horns, as well as eyes that include a protective membrane to shield against Kintan's harsh
environment. Lacking the musculature required for complex facial expressions, Nikto are often underestimated in assessments of their
intelligence due to their 'staring' eyes and 'blank' expressions. While each subspecies of the Nikto is physically distinct and originated from
different parts of Kintan, Nikto from different subspecies can easily interbreed. Ninety-three percent of the offspring from such unions end up
with the characteristics of only one parent's race, with the rest combining the traits of two subspecies.

Appearances and Examples: Kelbo, a M'shento'su'Nikto, appeared in The Star Wars Holiday Special; Klaatu, a Kadas'sa'Nikto, appeared in Return of the Jedi.

Green Nikto (Kadas’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Speed: Nikto base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor is added to Reflex Defense.
Scent: See Ewok trait (SECR page 26).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Nikto with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Nikto.

Alternate Green Nikto (Kadas’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Scent: . At close range (within 10 squares), Noghri ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility when
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in forest terrain.
Acute hearing: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check to perceive sounds, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the

Mountain Nikto (Esral’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Nikto base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Nikto with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Nikto.

Alternate Mountain (Esral’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Esral'sa (mountain, blue-skinned) nikto
Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Expert climber: Members of this species may reroll any Climb check, but they must keep the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in rocky terrain.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.

Pale Nikto (Gluss’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Nikto base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Hold Breath: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Automatic Languages: Nikto.

Alternate Pale Nikto (Gluss’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Hold breath: As the gungan ability of the same name (see the SECR).
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks. They may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result, even if
it’s worse than the original.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Red Nikto (Kajain’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Speed: Nikto base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor is added to Reflex Defense.
Desert Dweller: Kajain’sa’Nikto recieve a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme heat. Additionally, they can reroll any Endurace
checks made to ignore thirst, but must keep the result of the second roll even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Nikto with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Nikto.

Alternate Red Nikto (Kajain’sa’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Resist thirst: Members of this species may go without water for a number of hours equal to (Con modifier x 5) before requiring an Endurance check.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in desert terrain.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.

Southern/Yello Nikto (M’shento’su’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
Speed: Nikto base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor is added to Reflex Defense.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Nikto with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Nikto.

Alternate Southern/Yello Nikto (M’shento’su’Nikto) Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Acute senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Conditional Bonus Feats: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Perception) and Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feats if they are trained in that skill.


The Nimbanels, or Nimbanese, are pale pink-skinned, warm-blooded, reptilian humanoids with walrus-like faces, bald crowns, black
eyes, bulbous noses, pouchy upper lips and long, pork-chop-like sideburns. They are best known as the only species to petition the
Hutts and voluntarily enter their service. They are humanoid, warm-blooded reptilians who evolved from grazing animals on the planet
Nimban. Nimbanese evolution was driven by the need to develop problem-solving skills in order to get food from the traveling plants of
Nimban, such as the puzzleflower and the boyy'lo. As their society developed, competitive puzzle-solving skills were used to settle clan
rivalries instead of the open warfare used by other primitive cultures. In competitions called muhndees, a clan presents its rivals with a
logic puzzle or mathematical problem to be solved within a year. This interest in competitive logic led the Nimbanese to develop new
ways to obfuscate and convolute meaning. Over the centuries, this led to the development of a highly complex bureaucracy. Rather than
stockpiling weapons, rival clans would stockpile information and challenge one another with mountains of paperwork. Once discovered
by and integrated into the Galactic Republic, the Nimbanels found niches in the comparatively simple systems of the Republic. Noting
that Hutt Space was expanding towards Nimbanese territory, the Nimbanels approached Zochaeb the Hutt and negotiated a deal under which the Hutts backed the
Nimbanese Krovalis clan’s application for a share in the data holdings of the Bureau of Ships and Services, and in return, the Hutts would have access to all of the
Nimbanese databanks and the Nimbanels would owe allegiance to the Hutt Clan of Ancients. Since becoming associates of the Hutts, Nimbanels are found
throughout the galaxy as bureaucrats and business adminstrators for legitimate businesses, governments, and Hutt criminal interests.

Appearances and Examples: Mosep Binneed appears in the Mos Eisley Cantina and in the streets of Mos Eisley in A New Hope.

Nimbanel Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis.
Speed: Nimbanel base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Nimbanel with Computer Use as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Computer Use) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Nimbanese.

Alternate Nimbanel Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Technological savvy: Members of this species may reroll any Use Computer check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Natural bureaucrat: Members of this species may reroll any Knowledge (bureaucracy) check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the

The Noehons are sentient arboreal insectoids indigenous to Noe'ha'on. Noehons have large red compound eyes, with each facet responsible for a different aspect of
vision (such as motion or the fine details of nearby objects.) They have large mandibles, and a soft, bristly carapace, mottled green in color. They walk on two legs,
and have four arms with which they use tools or brachiate through the jungles of their homeworld. Since they are used to hanging upside-down in trees, they are
resistant to the disorientation and motion sickness which afflict some species in zero-gravity conditions. Every Noehon has a pair of scent glands, one of each side of
their mouth, which produces a strong, musky scent. Each individual Noehon has a unique scent, which they use to mark possessions, territory, and their
subordinates. The scent is difficult to remove, even with repeated washing. Neohons are well-known throughout the galaxy as a species of slaves and slave-traders.
Their culture is often considered brutal and violent, though Noehons raised away from Noe'ha'on's rigid, hierarchical society showed a talent for organization which
served them well in technical and bureaucratic fields. Noehons are typically possessive, frequently marking items in their possession and rarely discarding items
which they think might be useful later. They also tend to organize their possessions fastidiously, ensuring everything is in its proper place. Noehon society ia based
on tightly-knit communities called welds, containing anywhere from a few hundred to ten thousand members. Each weld ia ruled by a single dominant "alpha" male.
The alpha male's "harem" of females are treated as commodities, with excess adolescent females traded to other welds for technology and other valuables. Some
welds steal females from smaller, poorly defended welds. Noehon females also organized themselves hierarchically, with the oldest females dominating the youngest
or most recently captured females. The Noehons never developed spaceflight or Galactic-level technology on their own, though they did develop their own crude
industrial technology powered by wood and fossil fuels. Visiting spacers trade advanced technology to the welds, including blasters and vibroweapons, in exchange
for Noehon slaves, medicinal products, and natural resources. With a glut of advanced weapons replacing Noehon slugthrowers, tribal rivalries turn into violent
conflicts which only end when one weld is utterly destroyed. Though the vast majority of Noehons remain on their homeworld, slaves and descendants of slaves are
found throughout the galaxy.

Appearances and Examples: Tir’uh was a slaver identified in West End Games gaming materials Alliance Intelligence Reports and Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens -
Enemies and Allies.

Noehon Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Noehon base speed is 4 squares.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Extra Limbs: A Noehon has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks. However,
a Noehon cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round.
Musk: A Noehon has a powerful musk that lingers indefinately. Removing the scent requires 3d10 days of regular washing.
Limited Linguist: A Noehon does not gain any additional languages at first level. Additionally, taking the “Linguist” feat grants only a single language, regardless of his
Intelligence bonus.
Bonus Feat: Noehon gain the feat Duel Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Noehonese.

Alternate Noehon Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Expert climber: Members of this species may always take 10 on Climb checks.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Dual Weapon Mastery II as a bonus feat if they meet the prerequisites.
Language limitation: No bonus languages from Intelligence; can't take Linguist feat


The Nuknog are a bipedal reptilian species with pear-shaped bodies, small brains and short tempers from the polluted planet Sump.
Their bulbous head features a ridge along the centerline of the skull. Standing, on average, approximately 1.2 meters tall, their legs are
short and stocky, and their necks are long and stretched. Despite their diminished brain capacity, they are capable of delicate, complex
technical tasks. They also have keen eyesight and acute hearing. A Nuknog can live to be 65 or older, provided they leave the
contaminated ecosystem of the homeworld; life expectancy was halved for those who chose to remain. Nuknog suffer from an inability
to take into account their long-term well-being. They focus on their short-term needs and desires and are easily manipulated. Nuknog
resent other races and harbor a deep grudge against the Republic, who they blame for most of their problems. Even after the dissolution
of the mining consortium that kept their entire species in a state of perpetual indentured servitude, many Nuknog buy their way off
homeworld by simply selling themselves into slavery. Nuknog are impatient and possess a unique ability to rush through complex tasks,
entering a kind of trance of concentration.

Appearances and Examples: The podracer pilot Ark "Bumpy" Roose appeared in The Phantom Menace.

Nuknog Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Nuknog base speed is 4 squares.
Rush: Similar to Rage See Wookie trait (SECR page 32), except that it grants a +2 rush bonus to ranged attack and reflex defense and increases the Nuknog’s base
land speed to 8 squares, instead of the normal benefits of Rage.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Nuknog with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Nuknog.

Alternate Nuknog Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Wis -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Rush: This ability works exactly as the wookiee’s rage ability (as detailed in the SECR), except the +2 bonus on melee attacks and damage is replaced with a +2
bonus on initiative checks and a +2 dodge bonus to Reflex defense.
Acute senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception checks.



Although the Omwati are not a branch of Humanity, the external differences are extremely small. Omwati skin is a bluish color, and their eyes are generally blue or
black. The size of an adult Omwati borders that of a Human, although their morphology is typically slightly frailer, especially among females. There are very few
Omwati with a stout physiology. Their most striking characteristic is their "hair", which appears to be made of small, diaphanous feathers of an iridescent color.
Omwati do not have any other hair. The Omwati rarely left their homeworld until Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin discovered their potential use as scientists for the Empire.
He found that if young Omwati were forced to endure the right amount of pressure at the right times, their minds could become incredibly malleable and brilliant. This
discovery led to the creation of the Death Star and later the Sun Crusher. After Grand Moff Tarkin's devastating visit to Omwat, searching for scientists, the Omwati
species was near extinction. However, one village of the Omwati escaped destruction by hiding underground from the Galactic Empire. The Omwati came out of
hiding after the rise of the New Republic, and began to live in peace and prosperity.

Appearances and Examples: Qwi Xux, a researcher at the Imperial Maw Installation and a principal designer of the Death Star, appeared in the novel Jedi Search.

Omwati Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Wis.
Speed: Omwati base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Omwati with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Omwatese.

Omwati Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Technological aptitude: Members of this species may reroll any Mechanics or Knowledge (technology) check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s
worse than the original.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Special: This species requires GM approval to play before the Rebellion era.


Ongree are amphibious insectivores that hail from several planets amidst the Skustell Cluster. Which among these colonies is
their true homeworld is a long-disputed and sensitive topic among their kind. Their arms are long and their tall, strong, multi-jointed
legs are bowed, enabling the Ongree to walk faster due to longer strides, and also to make prodigious leaps and vicious kicks.
Their toothy mouth is located above their eyestalks – an evolutionary holdover from the days when they preyed on the insects that
bred and fed on the surface of water – giving their head an “upside-down” appearance. Each hand sports only one finger and an
opposable thumb.

Appearances and Examples: Ongree Jedi Pablo-Jill survived the Battle of Geonosis and another Ongree patron can be spotted in
the Outlander Club scene in “Attack of the Clones.”

Ongree Species Traits (by Isirga Eth, Adapted from Lordlightvader’s writeup):
Ability Score Modifiers: Con –2, Wis +2
Perceptive: An ongree may reroll any Perception check, but it must keep the second check result. Additionally, an ongree may take 10 on any Perception check
requiring sight.
Amphibious: An ongree can't drown in water
Expert swimmer: An ongree may take 10 on any Swim checks, even when rushed or threatened, and may reroll any Swim check, but must keep the second check
Conditional Bonus Feat: A gados trained in Persuasion gains Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Ongree & Basic


Ortolans are stocky, pachydermoid bipeds with long snouts, and large floppy ears from the frigid, mineral-rich planet Orto.
Ortolans have a keen sense of smell to help them forage for food, able to sense food up to two kilometers away. Ortolans also
have hearing that extends well into the subsonic range. Their twin obsessions are food and music, and their suction-cupped
fingers are suitably adapted to both pastimes: while able to absorb food through their finger tips, they are also exceptional
organists. Offworld, many Ortolans find success as master chefs or musicians. They are handicapped in their business affairs
by their obsession with food, however, sometimes accepting otherwise unfavorable contracts when promised enough to eat.
While most Ortolans appear to have blue skin, Ortolans are actually covered in short velvety fur which they often dye in bright
colors, including blue and pink. Ortolan society is reasonably industrialized, though not as technologically advanced as other species. Despite this, their economy is
mostly based on barter, with credits primarily used to trade with offworlders.

Appearances and Examples: Max Rebo appears as the organist in Jabba’s Palace in Return of the Jedi.

Ortolan Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Con.
Speed: Ortolan base speed is 4 squares.
Scent: See Ewok trait (SECR page 26).
Intestinal Fortitude: Ortolan gain a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of ingested poison.
Expert Forager: An Ortolan may choose to reroll any Survival check made to forage for food, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Ortolan.

Alternate Ortolan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Con +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Acute smell: Members of this species may reroll any Perception checks to notice things using their sense of smell.
Digestive resistance: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude defense vs ingested poisons.
Forager: Members of this species may reroll any Survival check to track by smell or seek food, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the
Compulsion: members of this species must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10) to refrain from eating when given the opportunity.


The Oswaft are gigantic, sentient, transparent, manta-like creatures that live inside the ThonBoka nebula in the Centrality. They speak an intense, information-dense
language and are capable of making hyperspace jumps. Their brains comprise approximately two-thirds of their massive volume. Young adult Oswaft are, on
average, half a kilometer across at the wingtips, and the Elders of the species are at least twice that size. Oswaft grow throughout their lives. They have tentacles on
their undersides, and two sensory projections on the front of their bodies. They excrete gemstones from the elements they consume in their environment. The Oswaft
are naturally transparent, but became opaque when they die. The Oswaft are cautious creatures and seldom, if ever, leave the safety of their home nebula. Thus,
they remain in isolation from the rest of the Galaxy at large. Honorific syllables were added to an Oswaft's name as they grew older and more influential, and the
ruling Oswaft Elders had names of six to nineteen or more syllables. In 3 BBY, Emperor Palpatine tried to exterminate the Oswaft because of his distrust of an
intelligent alien species of significant population that could make hyperspace jumps at will. An armada of 500 capital ships under the command of his local ally
Sorcerer of Tund and Centran Scrivinir Rokur Gepta blockaded the ThonBoka Nebula. The armada's Carrack-class light cruisers were modified to contaminate the
interstellar plankton that inhabited the nebula. Help came in the form of Lando Calrissian and a mysterious droid species known as the Silentiums, who led the
Oswaft against the Imperial fleet during the Battle of ThonBoka. What happened to them afterwards, if Palpatine ever attempted to continue his purge, or what their
role was in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, are all unknown.

Appearances and Examples: Lehesu, a rare Oswaft explorer, aided Lando Calrissian and Vuffi Raa in the “Adventures of Lando Calrissian” novel “Lando Calrissian
and the Starcave of ThonBoka.”

Oswaft Species Traits:

Ability Score ModifiersStr +12, Dex –10, Int +2, Wis –2, Cha –4
Size: Colossal (–10 to Reflex Defense, –20 on Stealth checks, +20 on Grapple checks, +50 to Damage Threshold, greatly increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 4 squares (starship scale only)
Living navcomp: An oswaft’s brain, taking up most of its one-kilometer wide mass, works as an organic navcomp, allowing the creature to do things like deciphering
electronic codes or plotting hyperspace jumps. An oswaft may make any Use Computer check using only its own brain; the oswaft is considered trained in Use
Computer for this purpose. If the oswaft uses its living navcomp to make an astrogation check, it may make the corresponding hyperspace jump, just as if it was a
An oswaft may communicate with any computer or comlink by emitting radio waves via its own unique language.
Vacuum immunity: An oswaft suffers no ill effects from vacuum-related hazards.
Space diet: An oswaft can only survive on special nutrients found in certain areas of space; when not in such areas, an oswaft must make Endurance checks to resist
hunger, and it will eventually starve unless it finds the nutrients it needs floating in space.
Language: Oswaft
Note: Oswafts are a VERY disrupting PC species, as interaction with other characters is virtually impossible for them due to their size. GM discretion is strongly
advised when allowing oswafts as a PC species.



Paaerduags – the species’ actual name being unpronounceable to other species – are a pair of symbiots, including a large, yellowish, hunchbacked, two-legged
creature with a small green, four-eyed creature sprouting out of its back. Much of the language, including the true name of their homeworld, is unpronounceable for
and incomprehensible to non-Paaerduag, for one required two mouths and four ears to truly speak and hear it. The green head communicates with non-Paaerduag,
as the sounds produced by the larger, yellow creature cannot be heard by most species. Their homeworld is Sorjus, a planet far off the Perlemian Trade Route. At
birth, the two humanoid components are separate beings, which, as they grow, fuse together. The larger creature controls movement and the smaller creature
directs the pair.

Appearances and Examples: Revan encountered two Paaerduags, Ja'Gatcha and Mic'tunan'jus Orgu, in the “Knights of the Old Republic” video game.

Paaerdaug Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifers: Dex –2, Con +2
Self-coordination: At the beginning of its turn, as a free action, a paaerduag may make a Persuasion check against its own Will defense. If the check succeeds, the
paaerduag may take an extra swift action that round. If the check fails, the paaerduag may take no more actions that round, as it spends its entire turn arguing with
Two heads: A paaerduag may reroll any Perception check, keeping the best result.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Paaerduag & Basic


Pa'lowick are amphibians from the Outer Rim planet Lowick with rotund bodies, slender limbs, eyestalks, well developed lungs,
and a proboscis that terminated in a pair of Human-like lips. They are divided into two main subspecies, the major variation being
the pair of tusks lying under the trunk which fell out in one species by middle age but remained with the other throughout their lives.
A shy and primitive race that hold dear to their traditions, the Pa'owick enjoy offworld contact, eagerly accepting any technology
that helps them better accomplish their tasks in the traditional way. Storytelling and song are integral parts of their culture, with
songs written for both spirituality and enjoyment. Much of their history is passed down by song; written language arose relatively
late in their development. Most members of the species live as farmers, serving a noble class of royal families.

Appearances and Examples: Sy Snootles sang for the Max Rebo band in Return of the Jedi.

Pa’lowick Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis.
Speed: Pa’lowick base speed is 6 squares.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Breathe Underwater: See Mon Calamari trait (SECR page 29).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Natural Weapons: Tusks- 1d4 piercing.
Swamp Dweller: A Pa’lowick may choose to reroll any Survival check made in a swamp environment, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Lowickese.

Alternate Pa’lowick Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Amphibious: Members of this species can’t drown in water.
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks. They may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result, even if
it’s worse than the original.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in swamp terrain.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


Pacithhip are mammalian pachydermoids who walk upright on stubby legs and hail from the planet Shimia in the Outer Rim. Coupled with a
long tail, this gives them a low center of gravity and makes them surefooted and stable. Nevertheless, these short limbs make them slower
than most humanoid species and prevent them from operating standard machinery and vehicles. Many Pacithhip wear robotic stilts that
raise their height from their natural 1.3 to 1.7 m and give them the proportions of an average humanoid. The Pacithhip have hairless,
wrinkled skin that ranges in color from green to gray. It is thick and tough, which affords them some resistance to physical damage and stun
blasts. The hands of some have three short, stubby fingers, while others sport four long and thin digits. A thick ridge of bone at the back of
the skull protects the Pacithhip’s head. Above this and high on the sides of the head are two large eyes that give the Pacithhip a full 360-
degree field of vision. Their eyes come in different hues, but blue is particularly common. A long proboscis juts from the front of the face and
ends in two nostrils; Pacithhip can drink through the trunk and even squirt jets of liquid from it. The trunk is flanked by two larger nostrils at
its base and a pair of elaborate tusks that grow from the base of the skull ridge and stick out to either side of the nose. These are deadly in
combat but serve primarily to aid in depth perception. The tusks come in three genetically determined patterns which determined whether their bearer was a member
of the scholar, warrior, or farmer caste.. Some Pacitthip adorn them with rings and bands. Most Pacithhip made peace with their genetically determined place in
society, but a few rejected the system and sought their fortune offworld. Pacithhip were broad-minded and adaptable to foreign environments.

Appearances and Examples: Ketwol, an asteroid miner, appeared in the cantina in the Special Edition of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Pacithhip Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex.
Speed: Pacithhip base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Natural Weapons: Gore- 1d6 piercing. Double on charge.
Stable: Pacithhip have a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Heightened Awareness: As the Zabrak trait (SECR page 33).
Automatic Languages: Shimiese.

Alternate Pacithhip Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Tough hide: members of this species gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Stability: Pacithhip gain a +2 bonus on checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
All-around sight: Pacithhip cannot be flat-footed or flanked.

PAU'AN (Official Wizards of the Coast web enhancement stats)

Pau'ans are one of two species native to the sinkhole world of Utapau. They are gaunt near-Humans who reside in cities lining the sinkhole
walls. Pau'ans, like the stocky Utai with whom they share the planet, are also known as Utapau'ans. The average Pau'an stands taller than
a Human, with a bald head striped with furrowed gray skin. Pau’ans prefer elaborate clothes intended to heighten their impressive stature.
They can appear frightening to some, with large, sunken black eyes and jagged, fang-like teeth used for tearing into raw meat. However,
most Pau'ans are friendly and welcome guests to their often overlooked world. The Pau'ans once resided on the scrub-covered surface of
Utapau, while the Utai made their homes in the planet's sinkholes. However, a climate change forced the Pau'ans underground, into the
sinkholes. Over time, the two societies merged together to live in a mutually beneficial civilization. Pau'ans represent only about thirty
percent of the population on Utapau, though as the administrators and bureaucrats of the sinkhole cities, their influence makes up for their
lack of numbers.

Appearances and Examples: Tion Medon greets Obi-Wan Kenobi as he arrives on Utapau during the Clone Wars in “Revenge of the Sith.”

Pau’an Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wis, +2 Cha, –2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Authority: As a species accustomed to being in authority, Pau’ans add +1 to any insight or morale bonuses they grant to themselves or other characters.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Pau’ans are born leaders. A Pau’an with Persuasion as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Low-Light Vision: Pau’ans ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Languages: Utapese and Basic.

PHINDIAN (Official Wizards of the Coast web enhancement stats)

Phindians are thin, mottled-skinned, mournful-looking beings from the temperate Outer Rim planet of Phindar. White circles surround their yellow or gold eyes. They
have long, flexible arms that hang below their knees. They prefer to wear simple, practical outfits with little adornment. The average Phindian stands between 1.6 and
1.9 meters tall. Phindians are technologically advanced sentients known for creating a variety of technological wonders, including devices capable of erasing one’s
memory. They show great affection for family and friends, but strangers find them aloof and contrary. Though perceptive and astute, they can be cantankerous and
somewhat sarcastic beings prone to melancholy and exaggeration. Dealing with them can be exasperating. For their part, Phindians like to tinker with technological
devices, often preferring the company of such things above the company of other sentients. Before the rise of the Empire, a criminal organization called the Syndicat
ruled the Phindian homeworld. The Phindian leaders of the Syndicat used their control over the distribution of food and other provisions to keep the general
population in line. Any who resisted the Syndicat had their memories erased and were exiled to other worlds. The Jedi helped the Phindian population overthrow the
Syndicat and install a democratic government, which remained in place until the formation of the Emperor’s New Order. Despite a handful of Phindian uprisings (all of
which the Imperials easily quelled), the Phindian homeworld remained under Imperial rule until shortly after the Battle of Endor. Within a year of their liberation, the
Phindian people joined the New Republic and have remained members ever since.

Appearances and Examples: Janks is a Phindian member of the crew of the Uhumele in the Dark Horse comics series Dark Times.

Phindian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Int, –2 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Bonus Feat: Phindians are technological savants. All Phindians receive Skill Training: Knowledge (Technology) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Most Phindians are skilled mechanics. A Phindin with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Languages: Phindian and Basic.

Alternate Phindian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Technical aptitude: Members of this species may reroll any Mechanics check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.


Pho Ph'eahians are humanoid, mountain-dwelling, omnivorous bipeds indigenous to Pho Ph'eah with four arms and bright blue fur. Their fur helps keep them warm
on their cool, dimly lit homeworld, while their extra set of arms haved such obvious advantages as allowing them to arm-wrestle two opponents at once. They eat the
small animals that live on their planet and vegetables grown in their technologically advanced agricultural areas. They are interested in discovering new ways to
improve food production. When they were first contacted by the Galactic Republic thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, they had already developed nuclear
fission and limited in-system flight. Since making contact with the Republic, their technological base quickly expanded. Soon, they became developers and exporters
of a wide variety of high-technology products, from new agricultural methods to weapons and hyperdrives. Pho Ph'eahians are usually gregarious and cheerful, and
enjoy being the centers of attention. Though not many travel offworld, those who do are often successful as entertainers. Others find high-paying work as starship
mechanics and engineers, especially in the Corporate Sector. Pho Ph'eahians are concerned about personal cleanliness. Pho Ph'eahians regard their bodies as
sacred, and intimately tied to their souls. Thus, any stain on their bodies stains their souls if not quicky cleaned off. For example, Pho Ph'eahian mechanics, while not
fearful of getting dirty in their work, always carry towels to wipe the grime and grease off their hands.

Appearances and Examples: Phootie was a comedian who appeared in the Clone Wars novel Shatterpoint.

Pho Ph’eahian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis.
Speed: Pho Ph’eahian base speed is 6 squares.
Extra Limbs: A Pho Ph’eahian has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks.
However, a Pho Pheahian cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round.
Insulating Fur: Pho Ph’eahian recieve a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme cold.
Mountain Dweller: Ph’eahian can reroll any Survival checks made in mountainous environments, but must keep the result of the second roll even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Ph’eahese.

Alternate Pho Ph’eahian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Insulating fur: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude defense vs natural cold.

Hailing from the rocky planet Phu on the inner edge of the Colonies Region, these gangly, needle-nosed bipedal reptiles stand, on average,
just over a meter and a half tall. At least a third of their height is their long neck. Their hands sport two fingers and an opposable thumb.
Despite their gangly appearance, they enjoy extraordinary dexterity and a quick metabolism and reflexes.

Appearances and Examples: The Phuii Mars Guo pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom Menace.”

Phuii Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Fast reflexes: A Phuii may reroll any Initiative check, but he must take the second check result.
Natural climber: A phuii may take 10 on any Climb check, even when rushed or threatened.
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Speed: 4 squares.
Language: Phuii & Basic


Priapulins are an enormous, sapient worm-like species from the planet Pria. They have five knobby notochords arranged around their tubular length. When fully
extended flat, they measure four meters in length; however, they prefer the configuration of an upright S shape. They have three pairs of eyes, and their underbellies
are covered in thick bristles. The hooked, thorny, spiny or spatulate appendages along the edges of their bodies are specialized for a variety of purposes. Priapulins
speak Basic in a smooth whisper. Priapulin measure distance in "salt pans" (nine of which equal eleven kilometers) and time in "tides" (one of which equals ten

Appearances and Examples: Charza Kwinn, a Priapulin pilot employed by the Jedi, transported Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Zonama Sekot in the
novel “Rogue Planet.”

Priapulin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex –2, Con +2
Amphibious: A priapulin can’t drown in water.
Expert swimmer: A priapulin may take 10 on any Swim check.
Multilegged: A priapulin may take 10 on any Climb check, plus it gains a +2 bonus on checks made to avoid being tripped or Bantha Rushed.
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 8 squares.
Language: Priapulin & Basic


The Psadan are one of the indigenous races of the lush, semi-tropical planet Wayland in the Outer Rim. They are covered with lumpy gray plates that make them
resemble walking, talking rocks and may have evolved from hard-shelled mammals. One to three large conical horns protrude from their heads and the sides of their
faces grow long hair in the shape of porch-chop-shaped sideburns. They are a warlike species and often fight their indigenous neighbors the Myneyrsh.

Appearances and Examples: Looie was a bounty hunter in the Dark Horse comic Star Wars Republic 65: Show of Force, Part 1.

Psadan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str,-2 Dex, +4 Con, -4 Int, -4 Cha.
Speed: Psadan base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Damage Reduction: DR 3.
Obstinate: A Psadan recieves a +1 species bonus to Will Defense.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Automatic Languages: Psadan.

Alternate Psadan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Con +4, Int -4, Cha -4
Size: Medium
Speed: 4 squares.
Damage Reduction: Members of this species gain damage reduction 2. This stacks with any damage reduction provided by other sources.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


The P'w'ecks are warm-blooded reptilians similar in appearance to the Ssi-Ruuk but lower in intelligence and smaller in size, with three-lidded eyes, short tails and
drooping eyes. P'w'ecks are likely descended from the brown-scaled Ssi-Ruuk outcasts. The Ssi-Ruuk dominated the P'w'ecks for thousands of years, using them
as slaves, guards, ship crews and beasts of burden to perform the lowliest jobs in Ssi-Ruuvi society. P'w'ecks were also “enteched” by their Ssi-ruuvi masters, their
life-energy used to power battle droids. The Ssi-Ruuk considered P'w'ecks extremely expendable. Like their Ssi-ruuvi masters, the P'w'ecks were not able to speak
Galactic Basic, but spoke Ssi-ruuvi. In 28 ABY, the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement, led by a P’w’eck named Lwothin, organized a P’w’eck slave revolt and
thwarted the Ssi-Ruuk’s second attempt to invade the planet Bakura.

Appearances and Examples: Lwothin led the P’w’eck slave revolt in the 2003 New Jedi Order era novel “Force Heretic II: Refugee” by Sean Williams and Shane

P’w’eck Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int –2, Wis –2
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a claw attack (damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) or tail attack (damage 1d6 plus the character’s
Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack. Bite attacks count as Medium melee weapons; claw attacks are Small melee weapons. A
character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Scent: . At close range (within 10 squares), Noghri ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility when
Natural armor: A p’w’eck gains a +1 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Poor eyesight: A p’w’eck receives a –2 penalty on Perception checks requiring sight.
Force rejection: A p’w’eck can't become force-sensitive
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Ssi-ruuvi
Note: Prior to the New Jedi Order era, most, if not all P’w’eck are slaves of the Ssi-Ruuk.



The Qiraash are pale-skinned, pale-eyed near-Humans with large craniums, dark lips, dark hair, and natural precognition. Many tend to wear
their hair in a topknot.

Appearances and Examples: The gold-clad Leesub Sirln, a female Qiraash on the run from the Empire, appeared in the Cantina scene in “A
New Hope.”

Qiraash Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con –2, Int +2, Wis +2
Bonus Feat: Qiraash gain Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Force perception: A Qiraash gains Force Perception (from the Sense Talent Tree) for free.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Languages: Qiraash & Basic


Quermians have alabaster skin, long necks and bulbous heads with a permanently bemused smile, and four spindly arms. Usually,
Quermians keep one set of arms hidden. They also have two brains, one located in the chest cavity. Their two brains can cause mental
problems when each brain develops a different personality. Possessing no noses, the olfactory glands of this species are found in the hands.
Quermians are dedicated to complex philosophical ideas, and many of the galaxy's most prominent diplomats are found among their ranks.
Quermians have the ability to communicate telepathically with members of their own species. Quermians wearere distantly related to the
Xexto, having been genetically modified by Arkanian geneticists around 17,000 BBY. The Arkanians ultimately abandoned their work, fearing
legal repercussions, allowing the Quermians to evolve on their own. These two species rediscovered one another when both joined the
Galactic Republic, though the Xexto initially denied any genetic link with the Quermians. Even after the connection was proven, Xexto held
only grudging respect for Quermians, seeing them as a lower species.

Appearances and Examples: Yareal Poof served on the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace.

Quermian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis.
Speed: Quermian base speed is 6 squares.
Short-Range Telepathy: Quermians can communicate telepathically with other Quermians as well as Force-Sensitive individuals. Using this ability is a full-round
action and requires eye contact with the individual. The Quermian must make a Wisdom check (DC 10), though if the target wishes to resist the telepathy, the
Quermian’s check must be higher than the target’s Will Defense.
Automatic Languages: Quermian.

Alternate Quermian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Con -2, Int +2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
visual telepathy: Quermians can freely communicate nonverbally with any other quermian or force-using creature they can lock eyes with. This ability doesn't work if
the target is neither a quermian nor a force user, or if the conversants don't have a clear line of sight to each other.


The Quor’sav are warmblooded creatures native to the planet Uaua in the Ua system of the Centrality, and possessing both avian and monotreme characteristics.
They stand on stilt-legs approximately 3.5 meters tall on average, with long-necks,
bills and brightly colored plumage. They are oviparous, and their eggs take over a year to hatch. At some point in their history, Human colonists introduced a virus to
Uaua that was deadly to avians (but only carried by mammals). As a result, the Quor’sav neither trust nor welcome non-avian offworlders on Uaua, and have a
maligned past with the Centrality itself. Quor’sav have shown physical weakness to some airborne pollutants, including several present on Coruscant.

Appearances and Examples: Kal’Falnl C’ndros appears—or, at least, her knees do—in the scene of A New Hope where Luke Skywalker sells his speeder on
Tatooine. Waywa Fybot appears in the Expanded Universe novel Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon.

Quor’sav Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2.
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a kick attack with its powerful legs (base damage 1d4 plus Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as
an off-hand attack. Kick attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Vulnerable Immune System: Quor’sav suffer a –5 to
their Fort defense against diseases and atmospheric hazards.
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage).
Speed: 8 squares.
Languages: Quor’savi, Old High Trammic, Basic.


Qwohog are amphibious humanoids with smooth iridescent skin, blue to green in color and no hair, though they do have raised silvery-blue scales on their heads,
wrists, waists, and ankles which can be mistaken for hair at a distance. Their faces have long, pointed ears, and round, black eyes, but no visible noses. Their lungs
are connected to their mouth and to gill slits under their arms. Though they are delicate in appearance, Qwohog are quite strong for their size. Qwohog
areindigenous to Hirsi, a planet mostly covered in freshwater lakes and seas. They remaind isolated from the rest of the galaxy until they were swept up in the
Galactic Civil War, when they aligned themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Small-boned, agile, and delicate in appearance, they are sometimes
called Wavedancers for their graceful movement through the freshwater oceans and lakes of their homeworld. They easily adapt to a variety of freshwater
environments, though saltwater damages their lungs and gills. They therefore require protective suits to swim in the saline oceans found on most other habitable
planets. Aside from their gills and humanoid appearance, their physiology is cetacean, much like the Herglic. The Wavedancers have a spoken language (called
simply Qwohog), but since their voices are adapted for underwater communication, their voices only carry a few meters in air. They use Qwohog sign language
instead to communicate on the surface. After making contact with offworlders, they began to use the vocalizer masks developed by the Anomids as well.

Appearances and Examples: K’zk piloted a rented barge in the short story "Day of the Sepulchral Night" appearing in Star Wars Adventure Journal 13.

Qwohog Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Qwohog base speed is 4 squares on land and 8 squares in water.
Breathe Underwater: See Mon Calamari trait (SECR page 29).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Saltwater Aversion: A Qwohog immersed in salt water moves -1 step on the condition track.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Qwohog, and Qwohog sign language.

Alternate Qwohog Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Amphibious: Members of this species can’t drown in water.
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks. They may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result, even if
it’s worse than the original.
Allergy: Members of this species move 1 persistent step down on the condition track whenever they ingest, or become submerged in, salwater.



The Rakririans were sentient arthropods indigenous to the planet Rakrir. They were an insectoid species with tubular, segmented bodies from 1.8 to 3.6 meters long,
sporting five pairs of limbs spaced along their central body segment. Upon their heads were stalk-mounted eyes that moved incessantly, a tiny mouth and notable
olfactory cluster. A cantilevered vocal organ was located in the middle of their midsection. While Rakririans typically stood upright on the last two sets of limbs, they
were able to run on all five sets if necessary. Rakririans did not wear any clothes, although some wore bracelets for personal ornamentation. The Rakririan
homeworld was the planet Rakrir, sometimes alternatively known as Ballikite. Rakririans developed into highly refined and cultured beings, seen by some as
excessively finicky and meticulous. As a result of this, few ever left their homeworld, failing to find sufficiently sophisticated locations in the wider galaxy. Those that
did tended to either be extremely wealthy, or work for the extremely wealthy in the service industries. A common Rakririan export to the galaxy was their Burnout
Sauce. Extremely spicy, most sentients used it only in trace quantities to avoid potential side effects, such as burns to the mouth and throat.

Appearances and Examples: Sabodor owned an exotic pet store on Etti IV in the novel Han Solo’s Revenge.

Rakririan Species Traits

-2 DEX, +2 CON
Multilegged: A Rakririan may take 10 on any Climb check even when distracted or threatened, and gains a +2 bonus on checks made to avoid being tripped or
Bantha Rushed.
Active Sensory Organs: A Rakririan may reroll any Perception check, but must accept the second roll even if it is worse.
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 8 squares.
Languages: Rakririan, Basic


Ranats are meter tall rodents with long, tusk-like incisors in their lower jaws. Due to their resemblance to vermin, Ranats are often
classed as merely semi-intelligent, but do, in fact, have the intelligence necessary for the use of language and simple tools. Despite the
negative opinions of the rest of the galaxy, they consider themselves a superior species and call themselves Con Queecon, or "The
Conquerors." Though originally from Rydar II, the species is primarily found on Aralia during the Imperial era. In 200 BBY, the Human
population of Rydar II nearly exterminated the Ranats, since the Ranats had been preying on their children. Only three Ranats
survived—two males and a female, who stowed away on a spice smuggler's ship. According to the Ranats, the ship crashed on Aralia
after the three stowaways devoured the crew. Ranats are omnivores who strongly prefer meat, especially the roba beasts of Aralia.
Their sharp incisors and claws are useful both as weapons and as natural tunneling tools. Tunneling wears down their teeth, but
constant gnawing releases hormones which stimulates the regrowth of their teeth. Ranat tribes live in large maze-like tunnel networks,
where they raise their young communally and lure intruders into dead ends to be killed. Ranats have simple personalities, showing little
evidence of higher emotions and being primarily motivated by food.

Appearances and Examples: Reegesk was a scavenger and thief who appeared in the cantina in A New Hope.

Ranat Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Ranat base speed is 6 squares. Ranats have a burrow speed of 1 square through soft earth and clay.
Natural Weapons: Bite- 1d4 piercing.
Flexible Body: Ranats can reroll any Acrobatics checks made to escape bonds, but must keep the result of the second roll even if it is worse.
Darkvision: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 30).
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Human Emnity: Ranats take a -2 penalty on Deception, Gather Information, and Persuasion checks when dealing with humans.
Automatic Languages: Ranat.

Alternate Ranat Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural weapon: tusks (1d4 plus twice the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack. Tusk attacks count as two-handed melee
weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Darkvision: This ability functions as detailed in the SECR.
Scurrying: Members of this species may reroll any Acrobatics check to escape bonds, but they must take the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
persuasion -2 with humans
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


Ranth are carnivorous, canine-like mammals with long bushy tails, flat muzzles, dark eyes, and short pointed ears. They are indigenous to a tide-locked, tectonically
active planet of deserts and glaciers in the Outer Rim called Caaraz. As natural hunters, they have sharp claws on their hands, and mouths filled with short sharp
teeth. Ranth continually forage, hunt, and swim to survive in the harsh environment of their homeworld, and hunt for food whenever the conditions allow them to do
so. Their keen hearing, extending into ultrasonic ranges, help them search for prey and avoid larger predators

Appearances and Examples: Tir'arr Zur was mentioned in the Wizards of the Coast roleplaying supplement Ultimate Alien Anthology.

Ranth Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis.
Speed: Ranth base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d4.
Insulating Fur: Ranth recieve a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme cold.
Arctic Dweller: Nomadic Ranth can reroll any Survival checks made in arctic climates, but must keep the result of the second roll even if it is worse. Civilized Ranth
do not recieve this bonus.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Ranth with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Ranth, Basic (civilized Ranth only).

Alternate Ranth Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Keen senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check to avoid being surprised or flat-footed, but they must take the second result, even if it’s worse
than the original.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Fur: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude defense vs natural cold.
Environmental adaptation: Members of this species may always take 10 on survival checks when in cold environments.


Tall, lithe, wan and sallow, the humanoid Rattataki hail from the small, red world of Rattatak, which floats in the far Outer Rim like a drop of
blood. The planet is so remote that it remained undiscovered by the Republic, and the native Rattataki evolved without the guidance or
influence of other galactic forces. Although the Rattataki remained primitive, they quickly learned how to kill one another. Scattered
resources on the planet led to struggles for survival, and the Rattataki never bothered with the benefits of barter and trade amongst
themselves. As technology evolved, the Rattataki focused all of their efforts on more brutal methods for murder. War became the norm.
Over generations of fighting, most of the cities on the planet were reduced to rubble and huge portions of the planet's population became
victims of mass genocide. The Rattataki never developed weapons of planetary scale, so the bloody world wars raged on for generations.
The ceaseless violence prevented the world from developing space travel, and the Rattataki believed they were alone the galaxy -- they had
no concept of galactic community, and only conquering their neighbors seemed important. Those that discovered Rattatak were
unscrupulous slavers common in the Outer Rim. The wiry Rattataki themselves proved to be an unpopular export – they were simply too difficult to train and too
violent to contain. But credits could be made by importing slaves to the war barons, who would pay handsomely for any exotic edge in combat. Mercenary duty was
a popular reason to come to Rattatak, though negotiating an end of service often was difficult. Gladiator pits sprang up in what rare patches of neutral lands could be
found on the craggy world. Slavers filled the pits with violent candidates -- some would purposely price the more successful warriors out of the purchase range of the
Rattataki generals, as their gladiators were more profitable from fighting multiple battles than being sold into military service. But it was a rare gladiator indeed who
could survive multiple fights. Even after communications and trade were opened with other worlds, Rattatak remains a lawless, barbaric world where violent
bloodshed and atrocities are a daily occurrence. Far from the Republic borders, the primitive planet continues to be ruled by brutal warlords who constantly battle for

Appearances and Examples: Separatist Commander Asajj Ventress, the former padawan of the late Ky Narec, was recruited by Count Dooku as his protégée during
the Clone Wars, as shown in various Clone Wars era comics and cartoons, such as the Clone Wars animated series.

Rattataki Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Battle Hardened: A Rattataki receives a +1 species Bonus to Ref and Fort defenses.
Mind Control: A Rattataki may reroll any Persuasion check to "Change the Attitude" of or to "Haggle" with non-Rattataki, but must accept the reroll even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Rattataki trained in "Knowledge: Tactics" receives the bonus feat "Skill Focus (Knowledge: Tactics)".
Additional Language: Rattataki


The avian Rishii of the Rishi system are excellent hunters known for their agreeable and accepting attitude towards outsiders. Rishii have a pair of large wings at the
ends of which are Human-like hands and fingers. They are capable of swooping down at very great speeds from cliffs to catch rodents in their talons. Their keen
senses make them excellent predators. Rishii have little interest in technology and trade with outsiders only to acquire items to decorate their nests. However, they
are intrigued by what they called "shiny rocks," spacecraft, which, as they put it, allow one to fly without wings. Family groups live together in open-air eyries built on
cliffs and perches, and members of the tribe live and work together peacefully. They respect members of other tribes who visit them and offworlders who colonized
the humid lowlands. Rishii have a talent for mimicking language. They often copy the voices and movements of other beings, much to the annoyance of the person
being copied.

Appearances and Examples: Gwarrk was a Rishii Chieftain in the Dark Horse comic Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Gauntlet of Death.

Rishii Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Wis +2
Flight: A rishii has a fly speed of 6 squares.
Heightened senses: A rishii may reroll Perception checks, but it must take the second result.
Mimic voice: A rishii may imitate the voice of any creature it has heard, and speak in the mimicked language as if it was its own.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Technophobe: A rishii suffers a –5 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks made using vehicles, energy weapons or computers.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Rishii & Basic

Rishii sling (simple ranged weapon)

Size: Small
Range: as thrown weapon
Damage: 1d4 (stone or bullet)
Weight: 0.5 kg
Cost: 10


Not to be confused with the collective inhabitants of diverse species known as “Roonians” who reside on the temperate, tidal-locked
Outer Rim planet Roon, the Roonans of planet Roona are brooding, bulbous-headed, almond-eyed aliens with sibilant voices and a
very low tolerance for other species. This intolerance is likely attributable to their isolationist tendencies, which makes it surprising that
they joined the Republic at all. The Roonans of Roona have a very morose sense of aesthetics, preferring gloomy light; dark, formal
clothing; and ethereal, electronic music. An apology for the Roonan’s nature can be found in the astrophysical and geological
circumstances of their homeworld. Due to a complex orbit around a cluster of red dwarfs, the planet Roona is subsumed in perpetual
dusk and constant electro-magnetic storms. Their macabre nature can possibly be attributed to the morose lack of light and constant
storms on their planet. Because the climate of their planet is so aesthetically disagreeable, few visitors come, and even fewer stay for
any long periods, which may account for the Roonans’ xenophobic tendencies.

Appearances and Examples: Senator Edcel Bar Gane, Senator of Roona, seconded the motion for a Vote of No Confidence against Chancellor Valorum in “The
Phantom Menace.” He was accompanied by his Roona aide Ree Axel Ov.

Roonan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2, Cha +2
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Intolerant: A Roonan suffers a –5 penalty on all Persuasion checks made to improve the reactions of non-Roonans.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Roonan


Ruurians are an insectoid species native to Ruuria. They are born as fourteen-legged larvae with each leg having four opposable fingers. First stage Ruurians also
have fine, wide antennae on their heads, and large, multifaceted eyes. The larval Ruurians are also the most intelligent, artistic and creative members of the species,
and are responsible for running Ruuria. The second stage of Ruurian life was the pupa stage. The larva spin a cocoon around themselves, and are transformed into
the third stage of the Ruurian life cycle, the beautiful Chroma-Wing Fliers. Chroma-Wing Fliers are simple-minded creatures only interested in eating, flying and
mating. They also had no interest in working. Ruurians generally avoid taking risks. Their government is the Unified Ruurian Colonies. On the planet Ruuria, the
Ruurians' society comprises 143 colonies, and every Ruurian belongs to a single colony for life.

Appearaces and Examples: Skynx assisted Han Solo search for the treasure of Xim the Despot in the novel Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.

Ruurian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, -2 Con, +4 Int. Chroma Wing Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, -2 Con, +4 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Ruurian base speed is 4 squares. Ruurian chroma-wings can also fly at a speed of 6 squares.
Hexapedal: A Ruurian’s six legs grant it a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Extra Limbs: A Ruurian has ten spindly arms. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +5 bonus to grapple checks.
However, a Ruurian cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Expert Linguist: Ruurian larvae with heroic or nonheroic class levels gains the Linguist feat as a bonus feat at every level. Ruurian chroma-wings lose the ability to
speak or comprehend additional languages.
Automatic Languages: Ruurese.

Alternate Ruurian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Con -2, Int +4
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Multilegged: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus on all checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
Bonus feat: Ruurian larvae gain Linguist as a bonus feat.

Ruurian Chroma-Wing Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Con -2, Cha +4
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Flight: Members of this species are capable of flight, with a speed of 4 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.


The Rybets are amphibians with rubbery, bright green to deep olive mottled skin; round heads; large eyes; flat noses; and wide mouths. Rybet females are typically
larger than the males, with an average height between 1.5 and 1.9 meters for the females and 1.2 and 1.5 meters for the males. They are opportunists, well-suited for
a nomadic lifestyle in space. Typically, they have a rather questionable grasp of morals and ethics, if any. Rybets claim to have evolved on Varl, and that the planet's
destruction was the result of a war they waged with the Hutts. They also claim that they will eventually defeat the Hutts and reclaim their home. The Hutts find this
mildly amusing. Xenobiologists, however, estimate that fewer than a billion Rybet exist in the galaxy possibly due to a pathological hatred male and female Rybets
have for each other. The only thing that allow them to overcome this is their overwhelming urge to mate and reproduce, which happens only once every ten years
after reaching adulthood.

Appearances and Examples: Nibber Swoo, a foul-mouthed, blaster toting cabbie on Coruscant with a red, open-topped Barkhetta airspeeder and a penchant for
showing up at just the right time, is featured in the Wizards of the Coast roleplaying game supplement Coruscant and the Core Worlds.

Rybet Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex. Female Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex.
Small-size (males only): See Ewok trait (page 26).
Medium-size (females only).
Speed: Male Rybet base speed is 4 squares on land or in water. Female Rybet base speed is 6 squares on land or in water.
Breathe Underwater: See Mon Calamari trait (SECR page 29).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Rybet with Pilot as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Pilot) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Rybese.

Alternate Rybet Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers for Male: Str +2, Dex -2
Ability Score Modifiers for Female: Str -2, Dex +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Spacer: Members of this species may reroll any Pilot check, but they must take the second result, even if it’s worse than the original.
Amphibious: Members of this species can’t drown in water.
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks. They may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result, even if
it’s worse than the original.



Sanyassans are barbaric humanoids from Sanyassa IV of the Moddell Sector with skeletal, simian faces; tall, well-muscled bodies; thin,
ungainly hair; and scaly gray or greenish skin. They are known as scavengers, and would readily attack anyone who crossed their path.
Their history contained several eras of advanced thinking and technology, which were eventually wiped out by the current "might makes
right" kleptocracy. Around 100 BBY, a group of Sanyassan space pirates, the Marauders, who were criminals and pariahs even among
their own race, hijacked a spacecraft and crash-landed on the forest moon of Endor where they built themselves a fortress and ruled over
a section of the Endorian plains terrorizing the Ewoks, Phlogs and Duloks.

Appearances and Examples: Warlord Terak ruled the Sanyassan Marauders of Endor in the made-for-television film Ewoks: The Battle for

Sanyassan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int.
Speed: Sanyassan base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Intimidating: Sanyassan may reroll any Persuasion check made to intimidate others, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Sanyassan with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Sanyassan.

Alternate Sanyassan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Con +2, Int -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.


Sarkans are tall, bipedal reptiles with long tails, fangs, thick scaly skin, small claws on their fingers and yellow eyes that provide
excellent night vision. Because they are cold-blooded, Sarkans can die in less than twenty minutes if exposed to freezing
temperatures. They hail from the dense jungle world of Sarka in the Mid Rim. Their few cities are located in complex cave
systems, usually near underground hot springs to keep the Sarkans warm at night. These cave cities, while apparently crude at
first glance, contain all modern luxuries and amenities. The Sarkan cave networks were also connected to their rich gem
minesSarkan martial artists prefer to whip or bludgeon opponents with their thick, muscular tails, rather than use their claws, which
they varnish and paint for decorative purposes. Sarkans are a wealthy people due to the mineral riches in the bejeweled
mountains of their home world, the only known source of nova rubies, which they often use to adorn their loose robes and consider to be of little value to the
abundance of the stones on Sarka. Sarkans are also noted for their excruciatingly complex and protracted social protocols, such as reciting hours of one’s life story,
accounts of battle victories, the value and number of one’s mined gems, and a list of one’s mates when greeting a person of import, followed by several more hours
of ritual dances. Though tailless species are excused this duty, any breach in the protocol of the dance by someone with a tail is taken as a flagrant insult and
violently removed. As a vestige of the caste structure that once dominated their culture, Sarkans almost always travel in groups of three or more; lone Sarkans are
usually outcasts, expatriates or criminals on their homeworld. Sarkans used a single name, such as B'neer, Demesk, Fisuran, Ganis, Jilieren, Siran, Sonus, Tybellor,
and U'vala.

Appearances and Examples: The turban-wearing Melas appeared in the Mos Eisley Cantina in the “Special Edition” of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Sarkan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -4 Cha.
Speed: Sarkan base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d4 slashing. Tail- 1d8 bludgeoning.
Automatic Languages: Sarkese.

Alternate Sarkan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural weapons: A sarkan may make a claw attack (base damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) or tail attack (base damage 1d6 plus the character’s Str
modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons, and tail attacks count as one-handed melee weapons.
A Sarkan may make a single tail attack as a standard action, which doubles the Str bonus on the damage roll. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived
talents) to its own natural weapons.


Saurins hail from the planet Durkteel of the Mid-Rim, one of the first ten planets to join the Refugee Resettlement Coalition shortly before
the Clone Wars, and to loosen its immigration restrictions to allow refugee resettlement of the displaced citizenry of the Separatist crisis.
The reptilian Saurins have long, tooth-filled snouts and large, sunken eyes, and are nearly indistinguishable physically from their
Trandoshan cousins (although the Trandoshans and Saurins can tell the difference). In fact, some xenobiologists suggest the two species
share a recent common ancestor.
Saurins are physically powerful, very difficult to injure, and capable of recovering quickly from even the most serious injuries. Like their
Trandoshan cousins and many other reptiles, Saurins hatch from eggs and have thick, scaly skin. They also have supersensitive eyes
that can see into the infrared range.

Appearances and Examples: The droid-trader Hrchek Kal Fas and his female cousin and bodyguard Sai’Torr Kal Fas were two Saurins
who appeared in the Cantina scene of “A New Hope.”

Saurin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex –2, Con +2
Bonus Feat: Like their Trandoshan cousins, Saurins gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: As per the SECR.
Scaly skin: Saurins gain a +1 natural bonus to their Reflex defense.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Languages: Saurin & Basic


Sauvax are stocky, amphibious, crustaceans with flexible, reddish, chitinous natural armor; six, strong, bluish, legs; and two thick, bluish arms that end in powerful
claws featuring two large pincers and three opposable digits. Their carapaced faces sport a mouth, two eyestalks and two antennae. They are indigenous to Leritor,
a mineral-rich Mid Rim world of rolling plains and oceans. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are peaceful creatures who prefer negotiations rather than war to
settle disputes.

Appearances and Examples: Sauvax appear in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Adventure “Standoff on Leritor,” published in Star Wars Gamer 10.

Sauvax Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Speed: Sauvax base speed is 6 squares on land and 4 squares in water.
Natural Armor: +4 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d6 slashing.
Pincers: A Sauvax pincers can grasp and manipulate primitive weapons and simple items, but not small articulated items like blasters , datapads, medpacs, and
other gear designed for species with hands.
Breathe Underwater: See Mon Calamari trait (SECR page 29).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Sauvax with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Sauvax.

Alternate Sauvax Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Con +2, Cha -4
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (damage 1d6 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Amphibious: Members of this species can’t drown in water.
Expert swimmer: Members of this species may always take 10 on Swim checks. They may reroll any Swim check, but they must abide by the second result, even if
it’s worse than the original.
Pincers instead of hands: A sauvax cannot use a datapad, medpac, or any object requiring fine manipulation with fingered hands.
Primitive: members of this species do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants


Furry, weasel-like, burrowing mammals with flexible spines, strong tails, needle-sharp fangs and sharp claws on their hands and feet, Selonians hail from the
Corellian System, are excellent climbers and are equally comfortable traveling on all fours or upright. Most Selonians are infertile females, the the largest and
strongest of the species. One in every hundred is male, and five in every hundred is a fertile female. Selonians live in clans called "septs," always headed by a female
known as a Den Mother. Septs are organized into dens made up of sterile females and a small number of breeder males and females. Many Selonians also live on
Talus, Tralus, and Corellia, with additional dens on planets scattered throughout the galaxy. They have a reputation for being a refined and serious-minded species. It
is believed that they evolved from an aquatic mammal species that lived in riverside burrows which they still use as their homes. Selonians are brutally honest and
trustworthy, and, like Wookiees, have a strong sense of honor. They speak a modified language among their dens which is not diminished by auditory echoes in their

Appearances and Examples: Dracmus, of the Hunchuzuc Den of Corellia, was instrumental in ending the Corellian Insurrection in the “Corellian Trilogy” novels
Assault at Selonia and Showdown at Centerpoint.

Selonian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Sterile Female- +2 Dex, -2 Wis. Male or Queen- +2 Dex, -2 Cha.
Speed: Selonian base speed is 6 squares when walking on two legs, 8 squares when walking on all fours, and 8 squares in water.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d4.
Darkvision: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 30).
Expert Swimmer: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Automatic Languages: Selonian.

Alternate Selonian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Darkvision: This ability functions as detailed in the SECR.
Gifted swimmer: Members of this species may reroll any Swim check, but they must take the second roll, even if it’s worse than the original.


Hailing from the swamp planet Manpham, the Shawda Ubb are introverted, isolationist amphibians who seldom leave their
perches, much less the scattered communities of their homeworld. This is due, in part, from the fact that arid climates dehydrate
their naturally moist skin. They prefer a quiet, sedentary existence, pondering life or playing the growdi, a native Shawda Ubb
instrument that is a combination water-organ and flute. Despite their small stature, generally little more than a quarter of a meter in
height, the pot-bellied Shawda Ubb are dangerous adversaries due to a number of natural defenses, among which is their ability to
spit a paralytic poison capable of immobilizing a person for some time. When Shawda Ubb choose to ambulate, they hop more
than walk.

Appearances and Examples: Rapotwanalantonee (a/k/a “Rappertunie”) played the growdi, a native Shawda Ubb instrument that is a combination water-organ and
flute, for Max Rebo’s band in the Special Edition version of “Return of the Jedi.”

Shawda Ubb Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Con +2
Paralyzing poison: As a standard action, a shawda ubb may spit poison against a target up to 4 squares away. A shawda ubb’s poison spittle counts as a ranged
weapon, dealing 4d6 points of stun damage on a successful hit. Nonliving targets are immune to this ability.
Swamp adaptation: Shawda ubb may take 10 in any Survival check made in humid, swampy environments.
Water breathing: Shawda ubb cannot drown in water.
Environmental discomfort: Shawda ubb are always at least 1 step down on the Condition Track (that is, they cannot reach ‘normal’ condition) for as long as they
remain in an arid, dry environment.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Language: Speak Shawda Ubb (no written version of the language exists)


The Sharu were a highly advanced, ancient humanoid species responsible for building the colossal plastic pyramids on the worlds of the Rafa system and for
constructing an artifact called the Mindharp, which constantly changed form as it shifted through dimensions. Circa 1,000,000 BBY, the Sharu began to feel
threatened by a competing civilization they called “the Architects.” To protect themselves, the Sharu went underground and hid their cities beneath the plastic
pyramids. There, the Sharu created the Mindharp so that when another, future civilization was able to activate it, the Sharu would know it was safe to come out.
They also used crystalline life-orchards to temporarily drain their intelligence, becoming the primitive Toka, or "Broken People," thus hiding in plain sight from the
Architects. The Toka were exploited by the Human colonists as slaves. In 4 BBY, Lando Calrissian discovered the Mindharp. Rafa IV's governor inadvertently
activated the Mindharp and its subharmonic emanations started a reversal of the social order in the Rafa system. The Toka were restored into the legendary Sharu
and the pyramids crumbled, with strange, new cities emerging. This also created an interdiction field which prevented hyperspace travel into and out of the system
for weeks. Many of the Human settlements had also been destroyed, and the surviving settlers fled. Trade with the Rafa system also collapsed overnight. However,
this event brought countless scientists and researchers to the Rafa system. Calrissian was also considered a hero by many for his role in the event. Though the
Sharu did not prevent the scientists from doing their work, neither did they cooperate with what they perceived as "lesser sentients." As a result, little is known of
Sharu history and technology. Even Emperor Palpatine himself felt threatened enough by the species to install a permanent military garrison in the Rafa system.
However, his forces did not make any military move against the Sharu. Later, the New Republic had a five-hundred member research team staffed by the Obroan
Institute for Archaeology assigned to research the species.

Appearances and Examples: The Toka and Sharu were prominently featured in the “Adventures of Lando Calrissian” novel “Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of

Sharu Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +2, Wis +2
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Sharu may choose any one Knowledge skill in which he is trained; he gains Skill Focus in that skill as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Old High Trammic & Basic

Toka Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int –2, Wis +2
Locked mind: A toka’s mind has been locked against outside influence and detection, giving her a +2 bonus to its Will defense.
Conditioned sensitivity: A toka may reroll any Perception check, but must keep the second result.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A toka is trained in Survival gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Primitive: as the ewok trait.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Old High Trammic (Toka dialect), Basic


Shi'ido are near-Human, shapeshifters from the planet of Lao-mon. Little is actually known of them because, when scout ships arrived on the planet to take surveys,
the Shi'ido populace hid in the forms of rocks and trees or transmogrified into monsters to scare off the newcomers. Shi’ido are a shy yet curious and prefer to avoid
confrontations with other species, especially on their homeworld. Despite their secretive nature, many Shi'ido travel the galaxy and study other cultures. They have
very long life spans and can live up to 500 years. Shi'ido are considered adults at 61 years of age. Their ability to change shape (called "skinshifting") improves with
age; young Shi'ido can only change skin color and imitate minor Humanoid species, while individuals past the age of one hundred can change into nearly any alien
species or creature complete with imitation clothing and accessories. If a Shi'ido attempts to change into a species larger than their natural size, they can become
stuck in that form weeks or months. Unlike Clawdites, Shi'ido are not limited to taking the form of only humanoid species and do not feel pain or discomfort when
they change shape, nor do they immediately revert back to their true form when fatigued or incapacitated. With great concentration, Shi'ido can also telepathically
project false impressions to most other species, such as creating false scents. They can storing items inside of their body, such as lightsaber hilts, pistols, drugs, or

Appearances and Examples: Anthropologist Mammon Hoole appears ubiquitously throughout the Galaxy of Fear series of young reader novels.

Shi'ido Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Con.
Speed: Shi’ido base speed is 6 squares.
Telepathy: Shi’ido can use the Use the Force skill to create a telepathic link untrained and without the Force Sensitivity Feat.
Shapeshift: A Shi-ido can alter his or her appearance to match that of another Medium sized humanoid species. Changing appearance is a full round action and
grants a +10 bonus to Deception checks made to present a Deceptive appearance. A Shi-ido gains none of the special qualities or species traits of the mimicked
species, but the effect lasts as long as the Shi-ido wishes.
The “skinshifting” ability of a Shi’ido improves with age. Middle-aged and older Shi’ido can assume the form of Small to Large alien species or Medium sized
inanimate objects.
Automatic Languages: Shi’idese.

Alternate Shi’ido Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con -2, Int +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Skinshifting: A shi'ido may acquire the appearance (but not Species Traits) of any Medium humanoid, including clothing and items; while skinshifted, a shi'ido may
reroll any Deception checks made for deceptive appearance, and keep the better of the two results.
A shi'ido moves 1 step down the Condition track each time he uses this ability; after that, the shi'ido may remain skinshifted for as long as desired.
Slippery: Members of this species may reroll any Acrobatics check to escape, but they must take the second roll, even if it’s worse than the original.


Shistavanens, nicknamed “wolfmen,” hail from the forests of Uvena Prime and Uvena III of the Uvena system. They have pronounced
muzzles, sharp claws, long pointed teeth, pointed ears, and large glowing eyes. They are capable of tirelessly running at high speed for long
periods, alternately using two or four legs. As a species of hunters, they have a keen sense of smell, and excellent night vision. In addition to
natural evolution, the Shistavanen species was shaped by unknown genetic engineers. Shistavanens possess a healing ability allowing them
to recover from minor wounds quickly, and larger wounds within a matter of days. The Shistavanens are isolationists, evidenced by their
colonizing all the unpopulated worlds in the Uvena system to prevent them from being settled by non-Shistavanen settlers, their restrictive
trade laws (which unapologetically favored their own kind over off-world traders), and their sparse contact with non-Shistavanens. Even those
who traveled the Galaxy as scouts, mercenaries and bounty hunters usually remain by themselves or with other Shistavanens.

Appearances and Examples: Imperial scout Lak Sivrak appeared in the Mos Eisley Cantina in A New Hope.

Shistavanen Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Speed: Shistavanen base speed is 6 squares.
Xenophobic: A Shistavanen untrained in Persuasion may not add 1/2 his character level to Persuasion checks when dealing with members of other species.
Additionally, other species may not choose to reroll Persuasion checks against Shistavanens, even if they would normally be able to do so through a Talent or
Species trait.
Low-Light Vision: See Gungan trait (SECR page 27).
Intuitive Initiative: As the Cerean trait (SECR page 24).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Shistavanen with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Shistavanen.

Alternate Shistavanen Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Alert reaction: Members of this species may reroll any Initiative check, but they must take the second roll, even if it’s worse than the original.
Scent: . At close range (within 10 squares), Noghri ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility when
Low-light vision: This ability functions as described in the SECR.
Xenophobic: Members of this species suffer as -2 penalty on Persuasion checks made to interact with other species; NPCs of this species also impose a -2 penalty
on Persuasion checks made to interact with them.


The Siniteen are humanoids characterized by huge crania, which are ridged and convoluted as if their brains were directly under their
skin. They have incredible mental abilities, and can process huge calculations in their heads. Early in the history of the Republic, the
Siniteen left their lost homeworld Sinitee for reasons known (or perhaps understood) only by them, and colonized the planet Regar I,
which is the fifth planet in the Garos system, located in the Juvex Sector. Their planetary government is highly structured and seems to
defy conventional labels The religion of the Siniteen centers on highly complex equations and seems to be based on some sort of

Appearances and Examples: The Siniteen nicknamed “Braniac” by his human partner BoShek appeared in the Cantina scene of “A New

Siniteen Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Int +4, Cha –2
Superhuman calculation: A siniteen may make an Use Computer check to access information as a swift action, and he suffers no penalty for making an Astrogation
check as a full-round action or without a navcomputer/astromech droid.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Languages: Siniteen & Basic

SKAKOAN (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement stats)

Skakoans are a technologically advanced species from Skakoa, a planetwide metropolis comparable to Corscant in scale and
population, but without the charm or aesthetically pleasing architecture. Species accustomed to standard atmospheric pressure can
only withstand the dense pressure of Skako’s atmosphere for a short time before suffering permanent injury. The same holds true for
Skakoans who find themselves on standard-pressure worlds without a special pressure suit to protect them. Skakoans specialize in
microelectronics, starship engineering, and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques. During the time of the Old Republic, Skakoans
were among the most influential species in the Techno Union, a galaxy-spanning consortium of mega-corporations with representation
in the Galactic Senate. Despite the misgivings of other high-ranking members of the Techno Union, Skakoan foreman Wat Tambor
pledged to support the Separatists under Count Dooku. In the Imperial era, the Skakoan people could do nothing except withdraw to
their homeworld and watch helplessly as the Empire dismantled the Techno Union and placed its constituent companies (among them
Baktoid Armor Workshop, Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks Inc., and Balmorran Arms). Skakoans are cool, calculating, and humorless
beings with a strong sense of self-preservation. Few have the courage to leave their homeworld. They rely on logic to solve their problems, regardless of whether
they are plotting galactic war or designing an efficient hyperdrive. Skakoans are usually encountered wearing their pressure suits, which they use to hide their
emotions, leading many other species to mistake Skakoans for heartless beings. Non-Skakoans have yet to learn what a Skakoan looks like beneath the full-body
pressure suit: a gaunt Human with folds of sickly gray-white skin draped over a narrow, skeletal frame. A Skakoan’s leering visage features dark, sunken eyes, a flat
nose, and a toothless, slit-like mouth set in a perpetual frown. No Skakoan Force-users are known to exist.

Appearances and Examples: Wat Tambor appeared in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

Skakoan Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: –2 Dex, +2 Int
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Bonus Feat: Armor Proficiency (light).
Conditional Bonus Feat: Skakoans are often techno-savants. A Skakoan with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Mechanical Savant: Once per encounter, a Skakoan can make a standard action Mechanics or Use Computer check as a swift action.
Special Equipment: Skakoans suffer limitations outside their native atmosphere. Without a pressure suit, a Skakoan takes 1d6 points of damage each round and
begins to suffocate. Skakoan characters begin play with a light pressure suit at no cost.
Languages: Basic, Skakoform (written)/Skakoverbal (spoken).

In order to survive off planet, the Skakoans have created three types of pressure suits. The suits are as effective as certain types of armor, but they are bulkier due to
the additional breathing equipment and pressurizers. Skakoan pressure suits come equipped with synthesized vocalizers that deliberately distort their wearers’
speech patterns, adding to the species’ mystique. Their stats can be found on the armor table below.


Light Armor ( 2 check penalty)

Light Pressure 4,000 +5 +2 +3 4 sq. 10 kg Licensed, rare
Medium Armor ( 5 check penalty)
Medium 7,000 +8 +2 +2 5 sq. 16 kg Military, rare
Pressure Suit
Heavy Armor ( 10 check penalty)
Heavy 12,000 +9 +3 +1 5 sq.1 35 kg Restricted,
Pressure Suit rare
1 When running in heavy armor, you can only move up to three times your speed (instead of four times).

Pressure Suit, Light

This coverall is designed to keep Skakoans from asphyxiating or from explosively decompressing when off world. It contains vocalizers and a sealed life support
system that provides everything a Skakoan needs to survive indefinitely in an atmosphere. It also allows a Skakoan to survive for 10 hours in the vacuum of space. If
purchased anywhere besides Skako, double the listed price.

Pressure Suit, Medium

This bulky coverall is designed to keep Skakoans from asphyxiating or from explosively decompressing when off world. It contains vocalizers and a sealed life
support system that provides everything a Skakoan needs to survive indefinitely in an atmosphere. Unlike other Skakoan pressure suits, this suit provides no defense
against the vacuum of space. If purchased anywhere besides Skako, double the listed price.

Pressure Suit, Heavy

This armored coverall is designed to keep Skakoans from asphyxiating or from explosively decompressing when off world. It contains vocalizers and a sealed life
support system that provides everything a Skakoan needs to survive indefinitely in an atmosphere. It also allows a Skakoan to survive for 24 hours in the vacuum of
space. If purchased anywhere besides Skako, double the listed price.


Skrillings are stocky humanoids with wrinkled gray skin, deep set eyes, and eight breather tubes in place of a nose. They have
several rows of sharp teeth for tearing meat, a bony ridge on their skulls running from their forehead to the nape of their neck
(used by hatchlings to break out of their eggs), and three-fingered hands with a vice-like grip. To aid digestion, Skrillings use a
mild digestive acid produced in glands inside their breathing tubes, which they can spray into a target’s eyes as a defense
mechanism. To make up for poor eyesight, Skrillings rely on their keen sense of smell to discover food by inhaling deeply
through their breathing tubes, producing a high-pitched whistle which can be heard for kilometers. Skrillings are native sentient
to the M'shinni colony world designated Agriworld-2079. Originally nomadic herders on their native planet, they made contact
with the rest of the galaxy when their homeworld was colonized. The Skrilling soon integrated themselves into the M'shinni
colonies, with many leaving the planet to join modern, space-faring society. Skrillings feed on the decayed carcasses of
grazing herd animals and cannot digest meat unless it has rotted for at least a week. Primitive Skrillings quickly developed a
complicated system to share carcasses with one another in order to avoid conflicts over the best pieces. Once they made contact with other species, this system of
ritualized requests and appeasements translated into what seemed to non-Skrillings as constant begging and bargaining. Skrillings are intelligent enough to
recognize that non-Skrillings find this annoying, however, and generally try to avoid conflicts. They are also masters at finding a being's weak point in a bargaining
situation, and manage to get what they wanted more often than not. Known for their natural skills as scavengers, Skrillings can be found all over the galaxy, working
odd-jobs or as criminals—especially on war torn worlds with many unclaimed corpses.

Appearances and Examples: Pote Snitkin was helmsman of one of Jabba the Hutt’s skiffs in Return of the Jedi.

Skrilling Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Skrilling base speed is 6 squares.
Nauseating Vomit: Once per encounter, a Skrilling can vomit on an adjacent foe. The Skrilling makes a ranged attack roll against the target’s Fortitude defense. If the
result equals or exceeds the target’s Defense, it moves -1 step along the condition track.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Skrilling with Deception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Deception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Skrilling.

Alternate Skrilling Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2, Int -2, Wis +2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Vomit: As a standard action, a skrilling may voluntarily move down 1 step on the Condition track and vomit as a melee touch attack against a target’s Reflex defense.
If the attack is successful, the target moves 1 step down the Condition track as well.
Persuasive: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check, but they must take the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.


S’kytri are winged, blue-skinned (for males) or green-skinned (for females) humanoid mammals who hatch from eggs. The S’kytri destroy any egg that is believed to
contain a female with blue skin or a male with green skin. While appearing leathery, their wings are actually covered with a fine down of invisible feathers. Their
skeletons are hollow, much like a birds, facilitating flight. Their hair colors range from moonlight blond to jet black, and their varied eye color includes dark blue and
light silver. The S'kytri were divided during the Galactic Civil War, with some following Kharys, the Imperial-allied Majestrix of Skye; while others resisted her rule.

Appearances and Examples: Magistrix Kharys and Spokeswoman Deverén appear in the Annual Marvel Comics series Star Wars Annual 1: The Long Hunt/A Duel
Of Eagles.

S’kytri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Con, -2 Wis.
Speed: S’kytri base speed is 6 squares and they have a fly speed of 6 squares.
Flight: S’kytri are capable of flight, but cannot do so if wearing medium armor or carrying a heavy load.
Stong Willed: A S’kytri recieves a +1 species bonus to Will Defense.
Automatic Languages: S’kytric.

Alternate S’kytri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con -2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Flight: Members of this species are capable of flight, with a speed of 6 squares.
Iron Will: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense.


Sljee are non-humanoid sapients from the planet Sljee, with low, slab-shaped bodies, multiple legs, tentacles, and six jointed antennae with bulbs on the end. These
antennae, called olfactory stalks, were their primary sense organs. Their unusual appearance led some non-Sjlee to mistake them for exotic animals, or even some
sort of motile plants. Sljee were olfaxes, beings who sensed their surroundings and communicated primarily through scent. The Sljee even developed technological
devices for scent-based communication. Though their senses of touch and hearing were comparable to Humans, they were completely blind. When they left their
homeworld, they had difficulty integrating with Galactic society and were often overwhelmed with the unfamiliar scents of alien worlds. Until they familiarized
themselves with these new scents, they often had difficulty recognizing other beings, or even telling different species apart. With practice, however, Sljee could learn
to distinguish species and individuals, and identify them by smell from one hundred meters away.

Appearances and Examples: A Sljee waiter on Bonadan mistook Spray, a Tynnan, for Chewbacca's "hatchling" in the novel “Han Solo’s Revenge.”

Sljee Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, -4 Dex, +2 Int, +4 Wis.
Blindness -- The Sljee are blind and rely on scent and hearing to interact with their environment. Away from their homeworld, they can be overwhelmed by the
strange smells of alien beings. When encountering a new alien species for the first time, a Sljee suffers a -5 penalty on all Perception checks. Thereafter, a
successful DC 15 Perception check eliminates the penalty regarding that alien species.
Scent -- Sljees can identify familiar odors just as Humans recognize familiar sights. Sljees can detect other beings within 100 meters by sense of smell.
Flailing Tentacular Attack -- A Sljee may reroll a single unarmed melee attack with his tentacles per round, but must keep the re-roll even if it is worse.
Stable-- A Sljee has a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small.
Automatic Language: Sljee. Sljee characters do not automatically speak Basic.


Sludir are large, imposing, six-legged reptiles with a thick armored carapace, long snouts, long braided mains and beards and two strong arms. Their feet and hands
sport three clawed digits each. Their backs and torsos are covered in thick, chitinous, shell-like plates that protect them against physical blows but are ineffective
against blasters. Sludir take great pride in the quality of their armor, and use a mushy compound known as "Sludir soap" to fill cracks formed due to injury or aging.
Females in the final stages of pregnancy can keep their fetuses in a state of stasis for nearly a year when put in danger, slowing all biological functions to a near stop
while nutrients and blood keep the brain of the baby alive. Each of the many nations of their Outer Rim homeworld Sluudren are divided into three castes: that of
warriors, soldiers, and rulers, followed by that of artisans and experts with technical skills (such as stoneworking), followed by the lowly worker caste. Sub-castes
exist within these three castes, such as the warrior couriers who carry messages between kings and commanders and the artisan storytellers who record the oral
history of the Sludir. Honor in battle is prized by all Sludir castes. Combat is considered the best test of a Sludir's strength and worth, forming the basis of their trial-
by-combat legal system and regicidal system of government reform. Soldiers often rise in rank by killing superior officers. Subterfuge is appalling to a Sludir warrior
and fleeing combat, hiding, or taking cover is considered a mark of dishonor. The Sludir warrior code prefers close combat to thrown spears or bows. Once the Sludir
were exposed to sophisticated technology, blasters were also discouraged, though powered melee weapons such as force pikes or vibro-axes are considered

Appearances and Examples: Quammo was the majordomo of a Hutt gangster in the short story "The Great Herdship Heist" in Star Wars Adventure Journal 15.

Sludir Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -4 Cha.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Sludir suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Sludir base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Damage Reduction: DR 2.
Battle Honor: A Sludir must spend a Force Point to disengage from a foe in melee battle in progress or to decline to engage in combat with a foe that has clearly
provoked, goaded, threatened, or challenged the Sludir. A Sludir who declines a challenge without spending a Force Point suffers a -1 penalty on the condition track
which cannot be removed as long as he is exposed to his foe.
Hexapedal: A Sludir’s six legs grant it a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Physical Intimidation: Sludir may add their Strength modifier instead of their Charisma modifier to Persuasion checks made to intimidate others.
Fearless: Sludir gain a +2 species bonus to Will Defense against fear effects.
Bonus Feat: A Sludir gains Skill Training (Endurance) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Sludese.

Alternate Sludir Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Int -2, Wis -2, Cha -4
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Multilegged: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus on all checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
Sprint: This ability works exactly as the scout talent of the same name.
Compulsion: Members of this species must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10) to undertake any action worthy of a Dark Side Point; if they do, they earn 1 extra
DSP, in addition to those incurred by the action itself.


Sluissi are tan- or green-scaled aliens with a humanoid form above the waist and a long, muscled, sperpentine lower body. Their arms sport winglike extensions of
skin that aid their movement while laying flat on the ground, and their hands sport three fingers and a fourth opposable digit. Scale color other than light brown or
green is rare. Sluissi have round black eyes and a swooping, hoodlike fold of tough skin at the back of their heads. They use their forked tongues sense heat and
aid their sense of smell. Sluissi are indigenous to the rocky, industrial planet Sluis Van, in the Outer Rim Territories. Noted for their patience, gregariousness, calm
temperament under pressure, aversion to rushing and impatience, methodical compliance to protocol no matter how trivial, and their technical aptitude in repairing
and maintaining starships, the Sluissi have been active in galactic society almost since the beginning of the Republic. Their seeming inability to become genuinely
upset or angry often baffles and infuriates other species. Extremely industrious, Sluissi love to tinker with gadgets and mechanical objects and consider starship
construction an art form. Although jobs done by Sluissi always take longer than expected, most clients are willing to be patient, because Sluissi technicians can
make improvements upon or salvage vessels when no other mechanics can, including improving the engine efficiency, power output and system response in even
archaic, worn out ships.

Appearances and Examples: Slith Skael was the chief communications technician of the Intergalactic Communications Center in the Clone Wars novel Jedi Trial.

Sluissi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha.
Speed: Sluisi base speed is 6 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Sluisi with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Sluissese.

Alternate Sluissi Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Int +2, Cha +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Gearhead: Members of this species may reroll any Mechanics check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one. Additionally,
sluissi may always take 10 on Mechanics to modify or repair objects.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.


Sneevels are nimble, anvil-jawed humanoids from the Expansion Region world of Sneeve. They stand between 1.6 and 2.1 meters in
height, with males sporting larger jaws and pronounced canines. Their faces are dominated by their porcine snouts and framed by bristly
hair that ranges in color from dark black to sandy blonde; the hair turns bone white as a Sneevel ages. They have large, wide-set eyes that
range in color from pale yellow to bright red. Excited, angry, frightened or simply amused, Sneevels exude a strong odor that makes their
mood clear to other Sneevels. Most other species merely find it disgusting. Sneevels have a remarkable lust for adventure and new
experiences; few other species are so reckless as Sneevels when it comes to exploration – and few beings are so easily drawn to pursuits
where death is almost certain. They are not suicidal, but they are thrill seekers to the extreme. Before they were discovered by Duros
scouts nearly 14,000 years ago, Sneevels already had a technologically advanced society that had spread itself from the highest peaks of
their world’s mountains to the deepest recesses of its oceans. With hyperdrives and properly constructed ships at their disposal, Sneevels
not only eagerly explored and settled throughout their home system, their insatiable drive for adventure drove them to the farthest reaches
of the galaxy. While many Sneevels are remembered as heroes of the Rebellion, there are thousands more who died needlessly in pointless quests for excitement
and adventure.

Appearances and Examples: The Sneevel Boles Roor pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace.

Sneevel Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Cha –2
Stench: Once per encounter, as a free action, a sneevel may make a special stench attack (d20 + the sneevel’s Constitution modifier) against the Fortitude defense
of all non-sneevels up to 2 squares away. Those targets hit by the attack go down 1 step on the Condition Track.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium
Language: Snee & Basic


Spiners are nearly extinct bipedal mammals with sharp brown or gray quills, lupine faces and a digitigrade stance. Their extremeties sport three digits each, the third
digit of their hands being opposable to the other two. Spiners are capable of hurling their quills with great speed and accuracy by flexing their muscles in a certain
manner. Spiners hail from the now destroyed planet Worxer, also called Yablon, once located in the Degan Gas Clouds of Elrood sector. Worxer was destroyed
when its sun went supernova in 232 BBY. The surviving population gradually became sterile for a lack of nutrients found exclusively in their home sector of Elrood.
Appearances and Examples: Hedji helped Han Solo defend a village on Aduba-3 in the Marvel Comics Star Wars 8: Eight for Aduba-3.

Spiner Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Spiner base speed is 6 squares.
Quills: Once per encounter, as an attack action, a young adult or older Spiner can fire a quill from his or her body. Each quill does 1d8 piercing damage and has the
range of an accurate thrown weapon. A spiner withoug the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (quills) feat takes a -5 penalty.
Feat Substitution: Spiners with levels in a class that grants Weapon Proficiency may substitute Exotic Weapon Proficiency (quills) for the Weapon Proficiency (pistols)
or (rifles) feat.
Automatic Languages: Basic.

Alternate Spiner Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Quills: A spiner’s quills can be used as simple ranged weapons, dealing 1d6 piercing damage.


Squib are short, bipedal rodent-like aliens from the temperate, Outer Rim world of Skorr II. Their pink skin is covered in fur of white, gray, black, brown, blue, violet,
or red, which serves as an important olfactory organ, able to pick up scents at a distance and ascertain intrinsic details — such as seeing through a disguise or
identifying a forgery — when rubbed against. This led to a common Squib greeting: rubbing a person's palm across the cheek fur. Squib eyes, located on either side
of the head, range in color from blue to yellow to red to brown, and are large in relation to the skull. Squibs have large, upward-pointing ears that often sport tufts of
fur of a different color from the rest of the coat and can pivot to home in on specific sounds. The short Squib muzzle tapers to a bewhiskered black nose.over a mouth
full of forbidding, sharp teeth. Squibs can store items in their flexible cheeks. Squibs have nimble, five-fingered hands and five toes on each foot. Squibs have quick
metabolisms and relatively short life spans, maturing from fuzzling to elder in under sixty-five years. Squibs are known for their relentless collecting, trading, and
haggling, as well as their compulsion to collect and stockpile baubles. After their discovery by the galaxy at large, the Squibs established themselves as galactic
scavengers and rivals to the Ugors. Squib salvagers reclaim, refurbish, and resell rubbish both planetside and deep in space. Many work directly for the Squib
Merchandising Consortium, while others operate independently. Although most operate within the law, some find work as forgers, thieves, and even crime lords.

Appearances and Examples: Grees, Sligh and Emala "helped" Han Solo and Princess Leia during the skirmishes on Tatooine in the novel Tattooine Ghost.

Squib Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Squib base speed is 4 squares.
Natural Diplomat: A Squib may choose to reroll any Persuasion check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Squib with Persuasion as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Squibbian.

Alternate Squib Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +2, Wis -2, Cha +2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Born haggler: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check to haggle or improve a target’s attitude, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s
worse than the first one.


The Ssi-ruuk (singular: Ssi-ruu), are bipedal saurians with long snouts and tails that invaded from the Unknown Regions of the galaxy shortly after the Battle of
Endor and are believed to be the ancient progenitors of the P’w’ecks. Ssi-ruuk rely on a technology called entechment that involved extracting the life-energies of
sentient beings and using them as power sources for their mechanical technology. They have a sizable war fleet and rule an empire called the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium in
the Ssi-ruuk Star Cluster near the Galaxy's rim. Ssi-ruuvi society is deep compartmentalized, dominated by a rigid caste system based on skin color which signifies
one's socio-economic standing: blue Ssi-ruuk are the politicians and leaders dominating the executive Elder's Council which administrated the Imperium;
gold Ssi-ruuk dominate the Conclave, which is entirely concerned with religious affairs, and perform religious ceremonies like the Consecration Ceremony, which
"consecrated" foreign planets to enable their annexation by the Imperium; yellow Ssi-ruuk study sciences and operate the technology employed by the Ssi-ruuvi
Imperium; red Ssi-ruuk comprise the military caste; green Ssi-ruuk comprise the largest caste and staunchly uphold the caste system as worker; black Ssi-ruuk are
very rare and work as assassins and espionage agents for the Imperium; and brown Ssi-ruuk are outcasts of Ssi-ruuvi society, being the product of forbidden caste
intermarriage, and, if not destroyed at birth, perform the most menial jobs in Ssi-ruuvi society. Most Ssi-ruuk are xenophobic due to their stringent religious beliefs
and the remote position of their home territory in the Ssi-ruuk Star Cluster. Their religious fear of dying on an unconsecrated world prevents most Ssi-ruuk from
traveling outside their Star Cluster. Thus, they remain largely unknown to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders is limited.

Appearances and Examples: Ivpikkis was Admiral of the Ssi-Ruuk fleet that attacked Bakura in the novel Truce at Bakura.

Ssi-ruu Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis.
Speed: Ssi-Ruuk base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Force-Blind: Ssi-Ruuk can’t take the Force Sensativity feat, can’t make Use the Force checks, and never gain Force Points.
Scent: See Ewok trait (SECR page 26).
Poor Eyesight: Ssi-ruuk take a -2 penalty on Perception checks involving sight.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Ssi-Ruuk with Persuasion as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Persuasion) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Ssi-ruuvi.

Alternate Ssi-ruu Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Bullying: Members of this species may reroll any opposed Perception check vs Deception and any Persuasion check to intimidate, but they must abide by the second
result, even if it’s worse than the first one.
Force-incapable: Ssi-ruu can't become force-sensitive or use the force in any way.
Nearsighted: Ssi-ruu suffer a -2 penalty on Perception checks requiring visual input.
Special: This species requires GM approval to play before the New Jedi Order era.


Hailing from the planet Stennaros, these pale-skinned, sunken-eyed humanoids are completely hairless and naturally force sensitive.
Although generally xenophobic, they are capable of stealing living energy from nearby beings. They also are able to blend unnoticed into
any crowd due to a limited ability to alter their appearance. Though many people have heard of Stennes Shifters, the existence of the
species is considered only a legend. Scientists believe that the Stennes Shifter is a genetic variant of the Stennes race, which first
appeared some 5,000 before the Battle of Yavin. They were discovered by the ancient Jedi Knights, who noted them for their innate
sensitivity to the Living Force. Their xenophobic tendencies are believed to stem in part from millennia of persecution by other species.
Unlike shape-changing species, the Stennes Shifters use telepathic manipulation to alter their appearance.

Appearances and Examples: Stennes Shifter Trinto Duaba appears in the cantina scene in A New Hope .

Stennes Shifter Species Traits:

Ability Modifier: Cha –2
Extraordinary Stealth: Stennes shifters may reroll any Stealth check made to avoid notice, taking the best of both results. In addition, any Stennes shifter trained in
Stealth gains Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus feat.
Force Stealth: A Stennes shifter that becomes Force-Sensitive may make a Use the Force check instead of any Stealth check, and he may reroll Use the Force
checks made for this purpose, also keeping the best result.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Stennesian

STEREB (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement stats)

Jokingly called “hairless Wookiees” by the few who have seen them, Stereb have been found on a number of worlds with rocky crusts. Not technologically adept, the
Stereb live in harmony with the surfaces of a planet, working elaborate stone passages underground in the belief that they’re part of the world’s circulatory system.
Stereb are deliberate and methodical. Not being very curious, they tend to take things at face value. They are not aggressive and usually fight only if forced into a
confrontation. Stereb average about 2.2 meters tall. Their mostly hairless bodies range from pale red to brown with reddish undertones. They have overly long arms
and large hands and feet. The Stereb homeworld is unknown, although small enclaves have been found on Serroco, Prakith, and a few other lightly populated
planets. Given their lack of technology, some suspect that the Stereb were transported to several planets as slave labor far back in their history. They are able
mimics, and there are a number of Basic words in the Stereb language. Most Stereb prefer to remain within the safety of their enclaves. The few Stereb who wander
abroad are most likely to be scouts. Stereb Force-users are very rare.

Appearances and Examples: A Stereb appears in the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic comic, Issue 14: “Days of Fear, Part 2.”

Stereb Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Str, –2 Dex, +2 Con, –2 Int, –2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Darkvision: Stereb ignore concealment or total concealment from darkness. However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness.
Primitive: Stereb do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols), Weapon Proficiency (rifles), or Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if
their class normally grants those feats.
Subterranean: Stereb are adapted to a subterranean life and can take 10 on Survival checks when in an underground environment, even when distracted or
Tough: Like the stone they work with, Stereb are physically hardened, gaining a +5 species bonus to their damage threshold and a +2 species bonus to their
Fortitude Defense.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Stereb are very adept when working with stone. Any Stereb that has Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus
feat. However, this bonus applies only when the Stereb character is working with stone.
Automatic Languages: Stereb.


Hailing from the arid and ugly planet of Makem Te in the Perlemian Route of the Outer Rim, the native Swokes Swokes have nevertheless an
impeccable sense of aesthetics, as can be seen in their having extensively decorated their homeworld using only primitive technology. A
Swokes Swokes looks like a nightmare, with pasty, rubbery flesh of greenish gray or off-white, a crown of horns, two expressionless fish-
eyes, and a mouthful of fangs. Their nervous systems are remarkably primitive, more like those of flatworms than of sentient beings.
Swokes Swokes are nearly impervious to pain, since they lack the critical pain receptors that communicate sensitive touch. Their slow-
flowing “blood” is more like watery sap and they can regenerate lost limbs. Swokes Swokes are ruthless bullies and tyrants who crave
wealth, fame and power. They are demons on the battlefield, and there have been many battles on Makem Te. Nevertheless, Swokes
Swokes are devoutly religious, and carry pouches on their person with the remains of ancestors in them, such as a finger-bone, tooth or dried
appendage. Aside from the cities of solid iron rising from the desert of their planet, impossibly delicate in their architecture considering the
strength of their manufacture, the planet’s most famous construction is the Tract, a checkerboard necropolis of polished stone squares, each
supporting a short pillar called a stela. One tile is laid for every fallen Swokes Swokes. The process, which has been going on for millennia, has produced an
astonishing 1.2 trillion memorial squares taking up more than 7 percent of Makem Te’s total landmass. The Swokes Swokes also have a knack with training wild
animals, as can be seen by their taming and domesticating the various species of giant desert snakes such as the strong and obedient schinga equa, the
subterranean schinga klaug, the tiny schinga picai, the venom-dripping schinga ikkow, and the pureblooded serpent-stallion known as the schinga shikou. The
Swokes Swokes government is comprised of hereditary-caliphs from prominent families who rule each city, but the pursuit of personal power is greatly encouraged.
Monetary rewards await those who excel, and high status is also exemplified by the surgical implantation of jewelry next to internal organs. These adornments are
visible only when a Swokes Swokes is screened by a bioscanner. Swokes Swokes of note also distinguish themselves by taking on double names.

Appearances and Examples: Gragra, a gorgmonger that worked the Mos Espa marketplace, and Yeb Yeb Adem’Thorn, senator of Makem Te, appear in “The
Phantom Menace.” Oakie Dokes was a patron in the Outlander Club in “Attack of the Clones.”

Swokes Swokes Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha
+1 Natural Armor Bonus to defense, stacks with Armor Bonus.
At each age increment above adult, Swokes Swokes gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense.
May reroll Endurance checks, but you must keep the second result.
Regenerate Limb, like the Trandoshans in SECR.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Basic, Swoken.


The Sy Myrthians are bulky, docile gastropods from the tranquil planet of Sy Myrth, and move around on one giant foot, shuffling and
slithering for locomotion. In a pinch, itis also capable coiling and then making great leaps that belie their large bodies. They possess
porcine-like noses, and beady eyes. Their entire body is covered with fur and males and females alike possess beards, often groomed into
numerous goatees. Their arms tend to be tiny and underpowered for their large size. They are primarily business-beings that act as
salesmen and customer service representatives for the businesses of the galaxy. Their naturally outgoing nature makes them very proficient
in dealing with customers. Because their planet has always been so tranquil, they never found the need to adapt against predators. Their
thick hide is a result of fatty tissues stored as a protective layer for warmth during their cold season. Sy Myrthians prefer to spend time with
friends and loved ones.

Appearances and Examples: Toonbuck Toora was the senator of Sy Myrth in the Senate of the Galactic Republic in The Phantom Menace
and Attack of the Clones.

Sy Myrthian Species Traits (by the folks at FandomComics.com)

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution,
+2 Charisma. Silver-tongued and built tough, Sy Myrthians are not
particularly agile or strong.
Size: As Medium creatures, Sy Myrthians have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Speed: Sy Myrthian base speed is 3 squares.
Great Leap: As a full-round action, a Sy Myrthian may attempt a
great leap, which reduces the DC modifier for long and high jumps to one
third their normal DC. For example, clearing a 3-meter-wide (2-squarewide)
pit requires a successful DC 3 Jump check instead of 9.
Natural Armor: A layer of thick blubber provides Sy Myrthians with
a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus
stacks with armor bonuses.
Low-Light Vision: Sy Myrthians ignore concealment (but not total
concealment) from darkness.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Myrtheen.



The Talortai are a mysterious species with both avian and reptilian qualities. Their bodies are covered in both scales and down and a large rostrum is the
predominant feature on their birdlike face. They are immune to the effects of aging, and at least one known member (Urai Fen) demonstrated the ability to rapidly
regenerate injuries. They are known to be Force-sensitive, able to distinguish between the light and dark sides of the Force, in addition to the ability to detect its
presence. The Force comprises a large part of this species’ life; however, for unknown reasons, many do not become Jedi or Sith.

Appearances and Examples: Urai Fen, the bodyguard of Zann Consortium leader Tyber Zann, appeared in the “Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption”
video game.

Talortai Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Int.
Speed: Talortai base speed is 6 squares.
Extraordinary Recuperation: See SECR pg 32.
Sense Darkness: When using the Sense Force application of the Use the Force skill, a Talortai who makes a successful Use the Force check may also learn whether
or not the character has fallen to the darkside.
Bonus Feat: Talortai gain Force Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Talortai.


Tarasin are reptilian humanoids covered in translucent scales that allow their color-changing skin below to show through. Tarasins also have a colorful fan of flesh
and scales—known as a kampo]— that opens around their heads when they experience strong emotional distress, which can be a detriment to negotiations, as it is
difficult for a Tarasin to hide discomfort. This color-changing ability is useful for camouflage and communication, and the scales naturally repel heat. Quills, known
as sa'tosin, grow from the backs of their forearms. Tarasin are native to the planet Cularin and believed to be descended from the same stock as the native
predatory beasts known as the kilassin. Tarasin are incredibly attuned to the Force, and their society is based on a symbiotic relationship with their planet. Their
religion is also based on the worship of nature, and any actions made against the natural order of the planet are punished. Because of their relationship with the
planet, most Tarasin only travel off-planet for very short periods of time, and only for a short distance. When logging corporations began to discover the exotic trees
of Cularin, the Tarasin were driven to fight off several attempts to clear a forest. The skin of a Tarasin is unusual in that it can change its coloration in response to the
Tarasin's mood, and also as a form of communication. A more complex form of communication is achieved by simply changing the colors of the fingers on one hand,
rather than openly expressing oneself by changing their body color. Naturally, a Tarasin is the light green color of the horonna plant's leaves. White skintone indicates
joy, while black signifies the end of a conversation. Orange skintone, when similar to that of the gargrell flower, indicates that the Tarasin is angry or irritated,
depending on the intensity of the coloration. When a Tarasin changes its skin color to purple - a color which does not naturally exist in the ecosystem of Cularin - it is
often done in one's home, and indicates amusement. Yellow, like the vine of the arrgrar, indicates illness in an individual, while blue indicates a level of respect or
deference on the part of the speaker. Among the distinguishing parts of the Tarasin form are the kampo, the Tarasin name for their head-fan,.

Appearances and Examples: Liriana was the leader of the Wyrd, a group of Tarasin dark side witches in the Wizards of the Coast web article Liriana: Dark Force
Witch of Cularin.

Tarasin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: No change from information given in Ultimate Alien Anthology.
Medium-size: No change from information given in Ultimate Alien Anthology.
Speed: Tarasin base speed is 6 squares.
Cold Blooded: Yinchorri recieve a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme heat.
Skin Color Change: A Tarasin can use its color changing skin to camouflage itself, allowing it to reroll any Stealth checks made to hide and keep the better result.
Tarasin suffer a -5 penalty to Deception checks, as its color changing skin and multicolored fan make hiding emotions difficult.
Silent Communication: No change from information given in Ultimate Alien Anthology.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Tarasin with Use the Force as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Use the Force) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Tarasinese and Tarasin Silent Color Language.

Alternate Tarasin Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +2, Wis +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Bonus feat: Tarasin gain Force-Sensitive as a bonus feat.
Heat resistant: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude defense vs natural heat
Camouflage: A Tarasin may spend a swift action to gain partial concealment by changing color to match the surroundings.


Hailing from Tililix, a planet in the Til system deep in the Unknown Regions, Tarro are muscular humanoids with large foreheads, flat noses, bright yellow eyes and
skin color that varies from light gray to dark green. Tarro hair colors vary with their gender, with males having dark blue or black hair while females have brown hair,
sometimes tinged with red. Their seven-fingered hands have long curved claws, which they use along with their sharp teeth in hand-to-hand combat. Many non-Tarro
find their strength and natural weapons to be intimidating. Their faces are distinguished by their large foreheads and flat noses. Though they had an advanced
technological civilization, they had few ties with the rest of the galaxy, with alien freighters arriving in their system very rarely. This changed around 100 BBY when
their sun, Til, suddenly exploded. The cause of this explosion was still unknown during the Imperial era, though rumor among Tarro and non-Tarro alike blamed it on
an experimental superweapon. Only the Tarro who were off-world at the time survived—and they were less than five hundred in number. These refugees soon
scattered through the Unknown Regions and the Outer Rim. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, their descendants had dwindled in number to about three hundred
and fifty. As a result, little was known of their original culture—though they managed to preserve the Tarrese language. Tarro are independent by nature and
individualistic in philosophy. Most prefer to work alone, quickly losing their patience with others—even fellow Tarro. Some suppress these tendencies, and work in
groups—but even then, they are not shy about expressing dissatisfaction when things do not go their way. The largest group of Tarro recorded during the Imperial
era was a group of seven in Somin City on Seltos. Most others live a solitary life.

Appearances and Examples: Kassar Kosciusko was a Tarro Alliance Intelligence operative in the article “The Greel Wood Haven” in the Star Wars Adventure
Journal 6.

Tarro Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Tarro base speed is 6 squares.
Fiercely Independent: Tarro cannot use the aid another action. A Tarro with the Coordinated Attack feat ignores this trait.
Physical Intimidation: Tarro may add their Strength modifier instead of their Charisma modifier to Persuasion checks made to intimidate others.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Tarrese.

Alternate Tarro Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (damage 1d4 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Natural defiance: Tarro gain a +2 species bonus to their Will defense.
Physical intimidation: When making a Persuasion check to intimidate a target, tarro may use their Strength modifier instead of their Charisma modifier.
Uncooperative: Tarro can't receive any bonuses from the aid another action, or any of the talents from the Leadership Talent tree.
Special: Less than 500 tarro remain in the galaxy, so GM approval is required to play one.


This humanoid alien race is from the planet of the same name, a world characterized by steppes and hilly regions and known for
its rings and electromagnetic storms caused by dangerous ion-charged asteroid activity. The Tarnab themselves are
characterized by a triangular skull, brownish skin and a crown of pale shaggy hair. They have a tapir-like snout and, at their
temples, four short horns.

Appearances and Examples: Senator Mot-Not Rab appears in “The Phantom Menace.” The Air Taxi driver Rayno Vaca
appears in the deleted scenes from “The Phantom Menace.” Onyeth Canavar is a Tarnab seen roaming the alleys of Coruscant
in “Attack of the Clones.”

Tarnab Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex –2, Wis +2
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Imposing presence: A tarnab may reroll any Persuasion check made to intimidate, but he must keep the second check result.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Tarnab and Basic


The Taungs, later known as the Mandalorians, were a warlike Near-Human species with gray skin that dominated Coruscant thousands of years before the rise of
Humans. The Taungs and the thirteen native Human nations, the Battalions of Zhell, eventually battled for control of Coruscant. Though the Zhell were nearly
exterminated in a volcanic explosion, they managed to drive the Taungs from Coruscant. Due to the two years of darkness caused by the ash, the Taungs named
themselves the Warriors of the Shadow (Dha Werda Verda). The Taungs fled to Roon, where they remained for thousands of years, until, under the leadership of the
legendary Mandalore the First, the Taungs conquered another world which they renamed in honor of their leader, Mandalore. The species as a whole then also took
the name, becoming the Mandalorians (or Mando'ade in their native Mando'a). Eventually, as the Mandalorian species became extinct, their name became
associated with a multi-species organization of warrior clans, who, regardless of species, adhered to the tenets of the Mandalorians. These Mandalorians, who were
mostly baseline Humans, held the legacy of the Taungs in high regard.

Appearances and Examples: Mandalor the Indomintable and Mandalore the Ultimate were Taungs appearing in the Dark Horse comics series Tales of the Jedi.

Taung Species Traits:

Abilitiy Modifiers: +2 Str.
Medium Size: Taungs have no penalities/bonuses due to their size
Speed: Taungs base speed is 6 squares
Survival Instinct: See Ithorian Trait (SECR pg 28)
Highly Technological: Taungs gain Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons) as a starting feat.
Honor Bound: A Taung gains a +1 bonus to his Will Defense to resist outside influence if the action would be considered dishonorable or would otherwise cause him
to betray an oath or promise.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Mando’a

Alternate Taung Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Bonus feats: A taung gains Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons) and Armor Proficiency (light) as bonus feats. If the taung gains Armor Proficiency (light)
from its starting class, he may choose Armor Proficiency (Medium) instead.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Mando’a
Note: Taung are extinct, and GM discretion is advised regarding their use as a PC race in any era after 4000-3900 BBY.
TCHUUKTHAI (also known as WHARLS)

Tchuukthai, also designated “Wharls” by bureaucrats of the Galactic Republic Bureau of Xenology, are sapient ceratopsian quadrupeds from the Unknown Regions.
They have bristly fur on their shoulders and back, and natural armor plating covering their head, joints, and vital organs. Where they lack armor plates, their skin is
thick and leathery, offering natural protection. Those that deal with other species generally wear clothing, while others do not. The Tchuukthai were considered
semi-mythical non-sentient creatures for millennia due to their quadrupedal stature and physiological inability to speak Basic, a false impression the Tchuukthai
encouraged, for the most part, with displays of bestial ferocity that discouraged explorers and curious visitors. However, many of the species were possibly taken
from their unknown homeworld as captive beasts as a result. The Tchuukthai are generally quite thoughtful, and although they often put on displays of ferocity for
outsiders, they generally disdain fighting. Some enjoy meeting outsiders while others prefer to be left alone. A number of famous love poems were composed by
Tchuukthai, although they translated poorly into Basic.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Thon was ubiquitous in the Dark Horse Comics Tales of the Jedi comics series.

Tchuukthai Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str 4, Dex –4
Thick hide: A tchuukthai’s scaly hide grants it a +5 natural armor bonus to Reflex defense.
Quadruped: A tchuukthai gains a +5 bonus on checks to avoid being tripped or pushed, plus its speed is increased when running on all fours.
Speed: 12 squares (quadruped), 4 squares (on two legs).
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Tchuukthai

Alternate Tchuukthai Species Traits (by ORC_Tao):

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Strength, -4 Dextirety.
Large Size: As Large creatures, Tchuukthai suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, they recieve a +5 size
bonus to their Damage Threshold, and their lifting and carrying limits are tripled when on all fours.
Speed: Tchuukthai base speed is 4 squares. When moving on all fours, their base speed increases to 8 squares. Switching from bipedal to quadrupedal stance
requires a Swift action. When in quadrupedal stance, a Tchuukthai cannot use its hands to wield weapons or carry objects.
Damage Reduction 2: Thanks to their tough, leathery hides, a Tchuukthai gains DR 2.
Natural Armor: Tchuukthai gain a +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense, in account for their armored plating.
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR page 26).
Quadruped: When in quadrupedal stance, a Tchuukthai gains a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Automatic Languages: Tchuukthese.


Indigenous to Endor’s forest moon, Teek outwardly appear as a mixture of a monkey and a rodent. Teeks are very small, have long
pointed ears surrounded by dirty white fur, black beady eyes and are constantly chattering. Like Ewoks, Teeks live in the forest and
feed on plants and berries. They are also very curious and tend to pilfer and hoard anything that looks interesting to them. They
usually leave other items, which, in their eyes, are of equal value, in the place of those that they steal (the actual owner usually sees
this differently). Ewoks avoid Teeks and consider them to be a constant annoyance. Because of their fast metabolism, Teeks are
move very quickly and are very nimble and hard to catch. Usually they wear ragged clothes and many pockets and bags dangle from
their belts to hold the things that they acquire.

Appearances and Examples: A Teek, referred to only by his species name, appeared in the made-for-television feature film “Ewoks:
The Battle for Endor.”

Teek Species Traits:

Ability Modifers: Dex +2, Wis –2
Bonus Feat: A teek gains Run as a bonus feat.
Primitive: As per the ewok trait in the SECR.
Speed: 12 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Language: Speak Teek (no written form of the language exists)

Alternate Teek Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma. Teeks are agile but weak and ill-liked by other species.
Small size.
Speed: Teek base speed is 10 squares.
Sneaky: A Teek may choose to reroll any Stealth check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Fast Metabolism: Although small, Teeks have a base speed of 10 squares.
Primitive: Teeks do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally grants them.
Teek Trading Practices: Teek characters only recieve half of their starting credits for their class.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Teek with survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Teek (speak only) and Ewokese (cannot speak).

Hailing from the planet of the same name, Teevans are silver-skinned near-humans with highly-flexible bodies, allowing them to bend in ways that most humanoids
find difficult or impossible.

Appearances and Examples: Tru Veld appeared in several of the “Jedi Quest” novels.

Teevan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Dex +2
Flexible: A Teevan’s flexible body allows him to reroll any Acrobatics check and any Stealth check made to conceal an item.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Teevan trained in Acrobatics gains Skill Focus (Acrobatics) as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Teevan & Basic


The Teltiors were a tall humanoid race. They were closely related to the Meris, who also hailed from the planet Merisee in the Meris system. Merisee was an
agriworld in the Elrood Sector, located along the Elrood-Derilyn Run, and was known the "breadbasket" for the entire sector.

Appearances and Examples: The Teltior appear in West End Games roleplaying supplement Operation: Elrood.

Teltior Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 STR, -2 WIS
Conditional bonus feat: A Teltior trained in Stealth gains Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus feat.
Pack Mentality: If a Teltior is performing Aid Another with comrades of the same species or of the Meris species, the bonus becomes +3 instead of the normal +2.
This extra bonus does not apply if the Teltior is performing Aid Another with a member of a species other than Teltior or Meris.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Teltior, Meris, Basic


Temolak are muscular, reddish-skinned aliens with scrunched faces, fanlike rdges along the chin, and small curved horns protruding from their cheekbones. Their
teeth are long and crooked, and their large nostrils flare when they speak. They have fin-like quills on the underside of their forearms, from the elbow to the wrist.
Temolak hail from the dry, dusty, ice-ringed planet Zirulast in the Expansion Region, and scavenge their home system and neighboring systems for derelict starships
and other materials to help bring credits home to their underdeveloped society. Temolaks are known to deal primarily with low-tech races, preferring to use any
advantage they can find to maintain their control. During the last days of the Old Republic, Temolak salvage crews often engaged in bloody conflicts for the rights to
certain locations. These skirmishes led to the formation of the Temolak Salvage Consortium. However, the Empire eventually discovered the Temolak, and the aliens
quickly fled into the Outer Rim in order to avoid the Imperial laws and taxes which were imposed on them. As a people, the Temolak were quiet and timid, but could
be resourceful and crafty when needed. Most Temolaks lived to be more than 100 years of age

Appearances and Examples: Temolak appear only in the Wizards of the Coast

Temolak Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Int, -4 Wis, -2 Con
Speed: Tarro base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Resilient: +2 Fortitude Defense.
Automatic Languages: Temolish.

Alternate Temolak Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int +2, Wis -4, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Great Fortitude: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Fortitude defense.,


Thakwaash are tall, lean, bipedal equinoids covered with short, brown fur and hail from the planet Thakwaa. Their elongated faces sport broad, flat noses and wide
mouths. The hair on the head of a Thakwaash is considered quite beautiful, being full-bodied and deeply colored. Each individual Thakwaash is a collection of
separate minds, each doing a specialized function, and any one of which able to take control of the individual's mind and act. They possess, on average, three times
the physical strength of an average human male.
Appearances and Examples: Hohass Ekwesh piloted an X-Wing for Wraith Squadron in the novel X-Wing novels Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist and Solo Command.

Thakwaash Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Thakwaash suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and
carrying capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Thakwaash base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Multiple Personality Disorder: A Thakwaash has several different personalities, each with its own demeanor and special talent. Switching from one personality to
another takes a move action and requires a successful Charisma check (DC 10).
Each manifested personality gives the Thakwaash the benefits of the Skill Focus feat for one skill of his or her choice for which he has Skill Training. The Thakwaash
loses the benefits of Skill Training on all other skill checks while manifesting the desired personality. These modifiers persist until the Thaakwash manifests another
personality or is dazed or knocked unconscious. A stunned or unconscious Thaakwash adopts a neutral personality that applies no bonus or penalty to skills.
A Thakwaash who wishes to manifest the same personality for longer than 1 hour must spend a Force Point to do so. Failure to spend a Force Point means that a
random personality takes hold (possibly the “neutral” one). Each Force Point spent in this manner allows the Thakwaash to maintain his personality for an additional
Automatic Languages: Thakwaese.

Alternate Thakwaash Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +4, Dex -2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Multiple personality: Once per round, a thakwaash may spend a move action to gain a +2 bonus on any skill check (the thakwaash effectively uses the aid another
action on itself).


Theelin are near-Humans notable for their artistic talent, their colorful appearance, and their unfortunate physiological history. The original appearance of the Theelin
is uncertain, as almost all known "Theelin" are not full-blooded specimens, but hybrids. It is possible that some aspects of these individuals' appearances were not
from their Theelin genes, but from other Human or near-Human ancestors; the differences could also be related to the very mutations that were plaguing the species.
Most, however, had vividly colored hair and pale skin, sometimes with purple or reddish tones, and often mottled with colorful spots. A series of mutations arose
among their species during the last years of the Galactic Republic that led to genetic incompatibilities within their species, making it impossible to produce offspring.
Even attempts to continue the species by cross-breeding with Humans and other near-Humans could not stop the slide towards extinction due to the high infant
mortality rates from which such couplings suffered. Theelins inevitably dwindled in number — only a few million Theelin and Theelin hybrids remained by the time
the Republic fell, and pure Theelin were extinct by 10 ABY. Some of their greatest works were produced in these years, however, as an epitaph for a dying people.
Theelin performers and artists created many of the Galactic Republic's greatest works of art. The Theelin Divas, an all-female religious order, were recognized by
many scholars of music as the greatest singers in the Galaxy. Because of the rarity of the Theelin, many female Theelin and part-Theelin were named "Diva" at birth,
in hopes that they would develop the musical talent necessary to continue the traditions of the Diva order.

Appearances and Examples: Rystáll Sant, a Human/Theelin hybrid with six small horns on the sides of her head was part of the Max Rebo Band in the Special
Edition of the “Return of the Jedi.” Diva Funquita and the half-Human Diva Shaliqua were two slaves of Jabba the Hutt that appeared in his skybox during the pod
race in “The Phantom Menace.” The three-fingered, half-Human outlaw tech Shug Ninx appeared in the “Dark Empire” comics and other Expanded Universe

Theelin Species Traits:

Ability Modifer: Cha +2
Innate Charm: A theelin may reroll any Persuasion check, but must take the second check result.
Mutation: The genetic templates of theelin vary wildly from one individual to another. A theelin will have one of the following mutations (chosen by the player, or
determined randomly by rolling 1d20):
1: Whisker-like protrusions: may reroll Acrobatics checks made for balance; –5 to damage threshold against sonic-based attacks
2: Grasping claws: May take 10 on Climb checks; –2 on all checks involving manipulation of delicate or very small items (such as datapads)
3: Wild eyes: May reroll Deception checks made to distract or feint; –2 on Perception checks requiring focus or concentration
4: Fins: May take 10 on Swim checks; –1 persistent step on CT if character spends more than 24 hours out of contact with water
5: Breathing membranes: May take 10 on Endurance checks to hold breath; –5 on Perception checks needing smell
6: Flaplike ears: May reroll Perception checks to listen; all sonic attacks cause –1 CT in addition to normal effects
7: Night vision: Character gains darkvision; –1 step on CT whenever subject to bright light
8: Strong pheromones: Character may reroll Persuasion checks to improve a target’s attitude; –2 on Stealth checks
9: Animal voice: Character may reroll Ride checks; –2 on Persuasion checks
10: Camouflage skin: Character may take 10 on Stealth checks made to avoid notice; –2 on Persuasion checks
11: Hardened skin: +1 to Fortitude defense; –2 on Perception checks requiring touch
12: Increased sense of smell: Gain the scent special ability; –5 to Fortitude against inhaled poisons, toxins and air-based attacks
13: Force affinity: Gain Skill Focus (Use the Force) if trained in that skill; –2 to all defenses against force powers
14: Extra fingers: +1 damage with two-handed weapons; –2 on all checks requiring delicate handling or small items
15: Bony ridges: +1 damage with unarmed attacks; –2 on Persuasion checks
16: Fangs or claws: Gain natural weapon (1d4 + Str bonus), counting as medium melee weapon; –2 on Persuasion checks
17: Low-level magnetic field: May take 10 on Climb checks, +5 to Reflex defense against disarm attempts; –5 on Use Computer checks
18: Quiet voice: May reroll Deception checks to give deceptive information; –2 on Persuasion checks requiring voice
19: Feathery arms: May reroll Acrobatic checks made to reduce falling damage, and Jump checks made to leap down; –2 to damage threshold against fire
and heat
20: Roll twice on the table
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Theelin, Basic
Special: Theelin are on the verge of extinction, and GM approval is required to play one.


Thisspiasians are an omnivorous, sentient species of reptiles from the planet Thisspias. They are easily recognized by their abundant
beards, used to deter the biting cygnats of their homeworld. Another feature of this species is their long tail, which reaches lengths of
two meters in most cases, and is commonly used to carry large objects. They have four arms, with the upper set being stronger and
larger. It is thought unsophisticated or unseemly to have the bottom two visible, so they are generally hidden from sight via larger
garments, with the smaller limbs sometimes even bound together. Due to their serpent ancestry, Thisspiasians prefer eating live
meals, such as bugs, birds, and rodents. If needed, the jaw unhinges at the joint, and the meal is consumed whole. Since many other
species find this trait repulsive, Thisspiasians also take their food cooked. Also due to their ancestry, Thisspiasians shed their skin in
spans of several years. Instead of shedding the skin in one piece, they cover themselves in oils and salves, taking away dead
membrane during times of personal grooming. Thisspiasians are ruled by a Blood Monarch, who resides in the alcazar of Ramatesh,
the capital city of Thisspias. However, this leadership is often criticized for cleaving to archaic tradition and seldom attempting to keep
up with the rest of the galaxy.

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis sat on the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

Thisspiasian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Thisspiasian base speed is 4 squares.
Prehensile Tail: A Thispian may use his tail to lift up to a heavy load (his Strength squared), leaving his hands free to do other things. This negates the penalty for
carrying a heavy load, but the Thisspiasian’s speed is still reduced to 1 square.
Bonus Feats: Trip and Pin.
Automatic Languages: Thisspiasian.

Alternate Thisspiasian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Prehensile Tail: A member of this species with Martial Arts I also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat. The Character gains a +2 species bonus on grab
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Crush as a bonus feat if they meet the corresponding prerequisites.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Martial Arts II as a bonus feat if they meet the corresponding prerequisites.

TINTINNA (also known as Tin-Tin Dwarves)

The Tintinna have fur covering their bodies that range in color from brown to light grey. Their hands and feet are uncovered by
the fur, revealing pink skin, like most rodents. Also, their eyes are black. If a Tintinna is an albino (which is rare, but occurs)
his/her eyes will be a very noticeable dark pink.
These creatures are generally amicable and curious (beware their amazingly nimble fingers). Although their home planet Rinn
has not progressed beyond the steam age of technology, they have no problem adapting to wonders of the galaxy due to their
inquisitive nature.

Examples and Appearances: A Tintinna appears as a patron in Ackmena’s Cantina in the Star Wars Holiday Special; Meekerdin-
maa, also known as Ratty, works as the engineer of the smuggler vessel Uhumele in the Dark Horse comic series Dark Times.

Tintinna Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Con
Conditional Bonus Feat: Tintinna trained in the skill Knowledge in any field automatically gain the Skill Focus feat for that specific knowledge field due to their
incredible curiosity. This conditional bonus feat may only be gained once.
Keen Senses: Reroll any Perception check, but result must be kept even if it is worse.
Low-Light Vision: Tintinna homes are burrowed into the ground. Their species has adapted over the years to low-light conditions.
Natural Attack: bite (1d4 + str bonus)
Primitive: See Gamorrean trait (SECR p. 26)
Size: small
Speed: 4 squares
Languages: Rinnese, Basic


Hailing from the humid, dangerous jungle continent of the Outer Rim world of Tiss'sharl, the Tiss'shar are strong, slender, hightly intelligent bipedal reptiles with long
necks, short tails, sharp teeth, and dark, glassy eyes. Their manner of dress varies from nothing more than a toolbelt to elaborate upper body garments to cloaks and
cowls. The Tiss'shar are a society of aggressive, resourceful, calculating businesspersons and are also known for their cunning assassins. Tiss'shar politicians are
known for their cutthroat practices, including the assassination of rivals. There are six Tiss'shar subspecies, distinguished primarily by their scale markings. The sil-ar
are the most common subspecies, sporting diamond shaped markings on the backs of their heads and torsos, and on their limbs. The kal-ar, also a common
subspecies, sport concentric bands from the base of their jaws to their feet. The ask-ar bear red, mask-like markings on their faces. The green scales of the orl-ar
bear yellow-orange stripes. The nil-ar have thin red bands around their eyes, wrists, ankles, and tails. The isk-ar are albinos with featureless, translucent white
scales. Nearly every Tiss'shar family is sponsored by a patron corporation that provides it with such material needs as food, housing, health care, education, and
security services in exchange for dedicated labor by the family members. Most native Tiss'sharl companies focus on enviro-technology and modern weaponry, while
others produce such high-end products as hyperdrives and droids. Many prominent offworld companies also establish headquarters or offices on Tiss'sharl, but their
less generous benefits packages tend to attract lesser skilled Tiss'shar to the payroll. Tiss'shar are ubiquitous throughout the galaxy as shrewd merchants or
consummate bussinesspersons seeking new markets and lucrative opportunities.

Tiss'shar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 INT, +2 STR, -2 WIS, -2 CHA
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Assassin's Strike: Once per encounter, a Tiss'shar may add +1 die of damage to a single melee attack against an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to
Reflex Defense.
Sneaky: A Tiss'shar may reroll any Stealth check but must accept the second roll even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Tiss'shar trained in Knowledge (Bureaucracy) receives the Skill Focus feat for that skill.
Automatic Languages: Tiss'shar, Basic

Alternate Tiss’shar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Int, -2 Wis.
Speed: Tiss’shar base speed is 8 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Natural Weapons: Bite- 1d6 piercing.
Darkvision: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 30).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Tiss’shar gains Skill Focus in one skill as a bonus feat, depending on its subspecies and only if they are trained in the skill:
Acrobatics (orl-ar), Mechanics (isk-ar), Endurance (ask-ar), Deception (kal-ar), Stealth (nil-ar), or Persuasion (sil-ar).
Automatic Languages: Tiss’shar.

Alternate Tiss’shar Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +2, Wis -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 8 squares.
Darkvision: This ability functions as detailed in the SECR.
Natural armor: Members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a bite attack (damage 1d6 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand
attack. Bite attacks count as one-handed melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A tiss’shar gains Skill Focus on one skill if trained in that skill. The specific skill depends on the tiss’shar’s subspecies; Acrobatics for Orl-ar,
Mechanics for Isk-ar, Stealth for Ask-ar and Nil-ar, Persuasion for Kal-ar, and Deception for Sil-ar.


The t'landa Til are massive, quadrupedal, sentients distantly related to the Hutts. They possess long, thin, whipping tails and four trunk-like legs with huge, padded
feet. They also have a tiny pair of arms with delicate hands, each of which boasted four supple fingers. Their faces resemble those of the Hutts save for a long, thick
horn above their snout. Like the Hutts, their necks are short, humped—almost nonexistent. They have thick, oily, leathery skin, which hangs in creases, wrinkles, and
loose folds. This skin is especially prominent below the neck, where it hangs so loose that it nearly hides the arms when they are folded against the chest. The t'landa
Til also have two hearts and three stomachs, and can use their throat pouch to exhale air over the cilia to create sonic and subsonic vibrations with powerful effects
on living beings. Male t'landa Til emit a frequency resonance that attracts females during mating season. This humming vibration is produced when air flows over the
cilia in a male's inflated neck pouch. This vibration stimulates a female's pleasure centers. This ability is accompanied by the males' low-grade empathic ability, which
they use to project pleasant feelings toward females. The average t'landa Til stands about 2 to 2.5 meters tall. The t'landa Til are from the planet Varl, home of the
Hutt species. Some also live on Nal Hutta, the adopted homeworld of the Hutts. Like their Hutt cousins, they are also immune to Force mind tricks. Despite being
related to the Hutts, the t'landa Til are not as wealthy and powerful as their cousins. They are ambitious, however, and just as cowardly and short-sighted.

Appearances and Examples: Teroenza was High Priest on Ylesia and worked for the Besadii Hutt clan in the “Han Solo Trilogy” of novels.

t’landa Til Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex –4, Con +4, Int –2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Natural weapons: A member of this species may make a gore attack (damage 2d6 plus twice the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack. Gore attacks
count as Large melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Force-resistant: A t’landa Til gains a +5 bonus to its Will defense against Force powers.
Exultation: Once per day, a t’landa Til may spend a full-round action thrumming, stomping and humming to make a Persuasion check against the Will Defense of
every living creature within 10 meters. If the check overcomes the Will Defense of a creature, it becomes blissful, unwilling to fight and Friendly towards the t’landa
Stability: A t’landa Til gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense against Force powers.
Damage Threshold: A t’landa Til has a +2 species bonus to Damage Threshold. This bonus stacks with the +5 bonus gained from the creature’s size.
Cowardice: When faced with danger, a t’landa Til must make a DC 10 Wisdom check. If the check fails, the t’landa Til loses its turn cowering against the perceived
danger. This effect is in addition to any fear effects the danger may cause by itself.
Thick neck: A t’landa Til may not rise or turn its neck as easily as other species. When surrounded, a t’landa Til is considered flanked by all its opponents, except for
the one standing directly in front of it (if any).
Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 8 squares.
Language: t’landa Til, Huttese & Basic


Tofs are rotund green-skinned near-humans with a fondness for flashy, swashbuckling garb. The men typically sport beards. Their government is ruled by a
hereditary monarch, a Crown Prince, who also acts as “Supreme Commander” of the military. Lesser nobles acquire lesser military ranks. Because the Crown does
not pass to siblings in the event of a Prince’s death, the ruling monarch must sire an heir at all costs, lest warring factions spell the end of their decadent society. The
bloodthirsty Tofs have an unyielding superiority complex, and are utterly devoid of morals and compassion. For millennia, the Tofs’ great space galleons and fighters,
led by the flagship “Merriweather,” have long been the scourge of their sworn enemies the Nagai of Nagi. The Tofs finally conquered the Nagai more than 300 years
before the Battle of Bakura. The Zeltron, as well as denizens of countless other systems in the deepest fringes of the Outer Rim and in the Unknown Regions, such
as Trenwyth, have also been terrorized by the Tofs over the course of the Galaxy’s history. Although initially believed to be threats from beyond the Galaxy, it was
eventually discovered that both the Tof invaders and their sworn enemies, the Nagai, have proven to come from previously uncharted star clusters in huge areas of
unexplored space within galactic borders. These patches of space, collectively called the Unknown Regions, have been host to a number of threats throughout the
history of the Galaxy.

Appearances and Examples: The Tofs, under the command of Crown Prince Sereno and his second-in-command Bargthron, first appeared in Marvel Comics’ Star
Wars series when they invaded Zeltros somewhere between issues 103 and 105, and were defeated by a joint Rebel, Imperial and Nagai alliance in issue 107. All of
those stories can be found in “Far, Far Away,” volume 7 of “Star Wars: A Long Time Ago...,” Dark Horse Comics’ trade paperback series reprinting the entire Marvel

Tof Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Impulsive fighter: A tof may reroll any Initiative check, but he must take the second result.
Conditional Bonus Feat: If a tof has Weapon Proficiency (pistols), he gains Weapon Focus (pistols) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: If a tof is trained in Pilot, he gains Skill Focus (Pilot) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: If a tof is trained in Knowledge (tactics), he gains Skill Focus in this skill as a bonus feat.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Tof, Nagai & Basic


The Toong are an anti-social species of aliens from the planet Toong'l. In comparison with most baseline humanoids, their heads are
proportionally large for their bodies. Their home planet, Toong'l, was devastated by a collision with a comet shortly before 32 BBY, and the
surviving Toong were forced to relocate to the neighboring planet of Tund. The Toong were barely beginning the first steps of exploring their
home system when they were discovered by the Galactic Republic. The appearance of other sentient life, with technology far advanced than
their own threw the Toong homeworld into utter chaos. A world war triggered, and this came as a shock to the first contact specialist who had
observed the species and documented them as being peace-loving and outgoing. It took weeks to re-establish contact with the Toong and
required the intervention of the Jedi and the first contact specialist from Coruscant to stop the massive warfare that was threatening to doom
the species. After joining the Old Republic, the Toong took rapidly to advanced technology. Reluctantly leaving their own system, the Toong
scattered colonies throughout the Galaxy, including Tund in the Centrality.

Appearances and Examples: Ben Quadinaros piloted a podracer in The Phantom Menace.

Toong Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +4 DEX, -2 CON, -2 WIS, -2 CHA
Medium-size: No change special modifiers due to size.
Speed: Toong base speed is 6 squares.
Social Anxiety: Even if the Deception or Persuasion skills would normally be available as a class skill, he may become trained only by purchasing the skill through the
Skill Training Feat. In addition, a Toong untrained in Deception or Persuasion may not add 1/2 his character level to checks involving those skills.
Intuitive Initiative: A Toong may elect to reroll any Initiative check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Toongese.
Alternate Toong Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +4, Con -2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Quick Reflexes: Members of this species may reroll any Initiative or Pilot check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Initiative) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Social anxiety: Toong suffer a -2 penalty on Persuasion checks, and a -2 penalty on Perception checks against Deception. As a full-round action, he Toong may
attempt a Wisdom check (DC 15) to overcome these penalties for the remainder of the encounter.


The Trianii are an advanced, adventurous felinoid species that inhabit the outermost portion of the Tingel Arm bordering the Corporate Sector. Their homeworld is
Trian. Trianii do not wear clothing except when needed for utility or protection. The one common garment of the species was a belt, used to carry tools, weapons,
or other items. Ceremonial garb was usually limited to jewelry, ribbons, and other such adornments. Their general form is in some ways similar to the Togorians,
Cathar, and Catuman Warriors (indeed, many Trianii found on other worlds are mistaken for the aforementioned species), and like them, Trianii have excellent
balance and eyesight, and a talent for leaping, jumping, and acrobatics. Unlike most other feline species, however, Trianii have prehensile tails. They have fur, which
comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Trianii females are generally stronger than their male counterparts, as well as more dexterous and mindful of artistic
values. For this reason, tribunals of females called yu'nar govern their society. Trianii culture is organized around their religious beliefs, with dance, art, music,
literature, and even industry and commerce all revolving around spirituality. At one time, the Trianii had many different religions, but the leaders of these different
faiths all agreed upon a specific moral code of conduct and brought together a religious coalition that lasted for thousands of years. Most Trianii are still active in the
traditional faith of their families, though, and all religious figures were held in great regard. Trianii are a fiercely independent people. They are constantly driven to
explore, and being technologically advanced, they established colonies in no less than six neighboring systems, including Brochiib, Pypin, Ekibo, and Fibuli. Each of
these colonies is a completely independent civilization, founded by Trianii who were seeking a different way of life. Because of their determination and forbearance,
they ferociously resisted Corporate Sector Authority expansion into their territories. Colonists assisted by the Trianii Rangers (an independent space force of the
Trianii people) pushed the invaders out of their colonies. Trian remained independent and unhindered throughout the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire.

Appearances and Examples: Atuarre, Keeheen and Pakka appeared in the novel Han Solo at Stars’ End.

Trianii Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers:
Male -2 Str, +2 int, +2 Wis.
Female None.
Speed: Trianii base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d6 slashing.
Prehensile Tail: A Trianii with Martial Arts I may use his tail to wield a light melee weapon. This does not grant any additional attacks (unless the Trianii possesses
other abilities that would allow him to make off-hand attacks), but it may free up his hands. Additionally, the tail may be used to make grapple attacks if the Trianii
possesses the appropriate feats.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Trianii with Acrobatics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Acrobatics) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Trianii.

Alternate Trianii Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Prehensile Tail: A member of this species with Martial Arts I also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat. The Character gains a +2 species bonus on grab
Conditional Bonus Feats: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Acrobatics) and Skill Focus (Climb) as bonus feats if they are trained in these skills.


Hailing from the hot, tropical planet of Triffis, in orbit around the binary stars Triff Major and Triff Minor, Triffians are short, rotund
humanoids with vaguely simian features. Their head and thick limbs are covered with coarse hair that ranges from black to cream-
colored. Triffian skin tone varies from pale blue and white to green and brown. Two furred flaps, which aid in the regulation of heat
when unfurled, protrude from the sides of their heads like oversized ears. Their hands have three digits each. The typical Triffian is
easy-going, albeit almost arrogantly overconfident. They do not frighten easily, a trait which has brought more than one to a quick and
messy end.

Appearances and Examples: The Triffian Ebe Endocott pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom

Triffian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Dex +2, Con +2, Wis –2
Aural flaps: A triffian’s fat reserves and bat-like ears give it the ability to regulate its temperature, granting a +5 bonus to Fortitude defense against temperature
Darkvision: As per the SECR.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Triffian, Basic


From a system beyond the Koornacht Cluster is found the technologically poor planet Pollilus, which was discovered relatively late
in the history of the Old Republic, and is home to the Troig species. All Troigs have at least two heads (more than two is rare, and
celebrated). The left head, or “Saprah,” is a separate entity from the right head, or “Saprin” – they just happen to share a body.
Their interwoven nervous system also affords them a limited telepathy with one another. For instance, they can understand each
other perfectly, even if one learns a different language. Because they share neural impulses, they are in effect always looking out
for each other. Having two heads controlling two arms each also gives Troigs a certain facility with multi-tasking.

Appearances and Examples: Fodesinbeed Annodue, also known as Fode and Beed, commented on the podraces in The
Phantom Menace.

Troig Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex –2, Cha +2
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb (included one of its
Double being: A troig may reduce the penalties for making more than one attack by one step (–10 becomes –5, –5 becomes –2 and –2 becomes 0). Furthermore, a
troig may use the aid another action to benefit itself, or use aid another twice on another character. These benefits are lost if the troig ever loses one of its heads.
Self-coordination: At the beginning of its turn, as a free action, a troig may make a Persuasion check against its own Will defense. If the check succeeds, the Troig
may take an extra swift action that round. If the check fails, the troig may take no more actions that round, as it spends its entire turn arguing with itself.
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Language: Troig & Basic


Also known as “Spook-Crystals” or “Smokies,” Tsil are mineral based life forms in the shape of crystal shards that reside on the planet of Nam Chorios. They come
in a variety of shapes and colors, all geometric in nature, and usually approximately 0.5 meters in height. “Oldtimers,” descendants of the planet's original Human
settlers, gave the Tsils their names and nicknames, and were unaffected by the electrical storms they produced. Offworlders caught in the five-to-ten minute electrical
storms that the Tsils created, were left sick for about a day and a half. Tsils can reflect and amplify light and life energy, increasing the Force sensitivity on Nam
Chorios; the slightest use of the Force on the planet sets off a wild Force Storm. Tsils communicate via telepathy by transmitting images into another's mind.
Oldtimer religious leaders known as "Listeners" can hear these "voices." Only Force-sensitive beings can understand a Tsil. A number of Tsils have been taken
offworld for commercial and industrial exploitation. They were officially designated for use in filtering light for K-Class planets, but their primary purpose was to
function as the core component of Centrally Controlled Independent Replicant systems in the CCIR Needle and synthdroid projects undertaken by Loronar
Corporation. The reprogramming process used to harness a Tsil for these purposes is considered an atrocity by the Tsils.

Appearances and Examples: Tsils appeared in the novel Planet of Twilight.

Tsil Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis; Tsil have no effective Strength or Dexterity score.
Small-size: As Small creautres, Tsil gain +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are
three-quarters of those of Medium creatures.
Speed: Tsil have no base speed and are immobile and inert.
Natural Armor: Tsil have +2 Natural Armor Bonus to Reflex Defense
Force Sensitivity: Tsils gain the Force Sensitive feat for free at first level.
Electrical Discharge: Once every 1d4 hours, a Tsil may emit an electrical discharge dealing 4d6 electricity damage within a 5 quare blast radius. The Tsil must make
a ranged attack, on a miss the target takes half damage. Rule for Cover and Concealment apply.
Telepathy: A Tsil may communicate via a form of Telepathy, displaying images and pictures into another beings mind. If the being is resisting, the Tsil must roll a Use
the Force check and overcome the target's Will Defense.
Light Amplification: Tsil store, reflect, and intensift sunlight. Any character that suffers penalties due to extreme light have those penalties double within 5 squares of a
Automatic Languages: Tsil have no spoken or written language.
Notes: A Tsil in a Droid functions almost exactly like a droid, requiring one hour to recharge, gainst typical droid immunities and weaknesses, but has a Constitution
score. The Tsil takes on the Strength and Dexterity of the Droid model, while gaining hp equal to their Constitution modifier. While in a Droid body, a Tsil may not use
its Electrical Discharge species ability, nor will any creature adjacent to it suffer from the Tsil's Light Amplification ability.


T’surr males are hulking, blue-skinned brutes with four red eyes; a mane of horns on their large head; four arms (an upper, larger pair, and a lower, smaller pair);
large, sensitive ears; and a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.Their blue skin has a marble-like sheen and their blood is also blue. They stand between 2.3 and 2.6
meters tall. Females have a similar appearance but are smaller and leaner, standing about 2 meters tall, and lack the small secondary arms, the horns and the
second pair of eyes. They hail from the cool, windy, high-gravity desert world of T’surr in the Expansion Region and are rarely seen by others in the Galaxy. T’surr
are violent, avaricious predators who treat weaker species as chattel. They use their brute strength and ruthless cunning to rule their subordinates, eliminating
potential rivals. They like to keep trophies as reminders of their conquests, often wearing these stolen trinkets on their belts. Although their level of technology does
not meet the Galactic standard, T'surr capably use technology scavenged from the ships of their victims.

Appearances and Examples: Krayn was a slave trader around the time of the Invasion of Naboo in the Young Reader’s novel Jedi Quest: Path to Truth.

T’surr Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Dex -2
Size: Large
Speed: 8 squares.
Innate accuracy: The four eyes of t’surr grant them a +1 species bonus on all ranged attack rolls.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Menacing appearance: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check to Intimidate, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the
first one.
Low-light vision: This ability functions as described in the SECR.


Hailing form the Jiroch system of the Mid Rim, the Tunroth are physically strong, towering aliens with an elongated head that sits forward over a sloping neck, and
large vertical nostrils set above their low, wide-set eyes. They have pronounced teeth, and a number of bony, horn-like protrusions studding their lower jaws. Many
Tunroth place similar spikes on their clothing, such as on shoulder pads and shin guards. Tunroth have three digits on their hands and feet – two opposable thumbs
on either side of a large, central fin-like finger. Tunroth reaching sixty are considered old, while those living past eighty re considered venerable. Tunroth skin
coloration is typically dark brown or yellow, but orange-skinned Tunroth live on certain remote continents. Tunroth blood is blue. Tunroth have a natural tracking
ability, commonly referred to as quarry sense. Evolved over thousands of years of hunting, they have an innate sense of what direction their quarry had taken.
Familiarity with the beast or individual heightens this skill, and it is a vital component in their hunting and tracking abilities. As such, they are renowned throughout
the galaxy for their hunting and tracking skills, with the Tunroth Hunters in demand for employment as bounty hunters and big-game hunters. They were members of
the Galactic Republic for thousands of years, but during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Lortan fanatics virtually wiped them out in the Reslian Purge. The Tunroth
slowly recovered, joining first the Empire and later the New Republic.

Apearances and Examples: Xarcce Huwla appeared as a female X-Wing pilot in Rogue Squadron in several X-Wing Rogue Squadron comics.

Tunroth Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Speed: Tunroth base speed is 6 squares.
Survival Instinct: See Ithorian trait (SECR page 28).
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Tunroth with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Tunrothese.

Alternate Tunroth Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Wilderness affinity: Members of this species may reroll any Survival check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat if they meet the corresponding prerequisites.

TUSKEN RAIDER (Official Wizards of the Coast Web Enhancement stats)

Tusken Raiders, or Sand People, are primitive desert-dwelling warriors skilled at defending their harsh way of life and surviving in an even
harsher environment. Roughly 2 meters tall, they swath themselves from head to toe in dusty bandages, as required by ancient custom.
Protruding circular lenses protect their eyes, and filter masks cover their mouths. They are native to Tatooine and speak a language
punctuated with grunts, growls, and honking noises. Other species find great difficulty in speaking or understanding the Tusken language,
though learning and speaking the language is possible for non-Tusken Raiders. The Tusken Raiders have no written form of their language.
These brutal nomads were the dominant species on Tatooine until offworlders colonized the planet during the time of the Old Republic.
Tusken Raiders attack offworlders on sight. They earned their name by destroying and plundering a human colony at Fort Tusken in a
bloody massacre. In retaliation, entire tribes of Sand People have been wiped out by subsequent settlers, and the survivors were driven into
the deep deserts. The average Tusken Raider fears machines. Tusken Raiders prefer to attack in large numbers, and even then, their
targets are usually no more threatening than a moisture farm or ill-defended Jawa sandcrawler. Although technologically primitive by galactic
standards, Tusken Raiders make good use of whatever technological items they can scavenge from slain offworlders or Jawas. Tusken Raiders use banthas, large
herd animals native to Tatooine, as mounts during scouting missions and hunting expeditions. Some Tusken villages also use domesticated massifs as watchdogs.
Tusken Raider hunters typically arm themselves with gaderffii sticks and slugthrower rifles. Tusken Raiders are typically scouts or soldiers. They are almost never
nobles or Jedi, and Tusken Raiders with any form of technical aptitude are exceedingly rare.

Appearances and Examples: Orr Agg R'orr fired upon and hit Teemto Pagalies' speeding podracer from a clifftop with a slug thrower in The Phantom Menace.

Tusken Raider Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Con, –2 Int, –2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Sneaky: Tusken Raiders are accustomed to laying ambushes and may choose to reroll any Stealth check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is
Survival Instinct: Tusken Raiders are hardy survivalists and may choose to reroll any Survival check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Languages: Tusken


Tynnans are aquatic mammals from the cold-water world of Tynna in the Expansion Region. Tynnans are excellent swimmers capable of withstanding extreme cold.
Having evolved from water mammals, they are covered in brown fur and a thick layer of insulating blubber that allows them to swim comfortably in the cold oceans of
their homeworld. This gives the Tynnans a rounded appearance, which, combined with their short stature, makes them appear cute and pudgy to many species.
They have dark noses, poor eyesight, and pointed ears. Their muzzles sport two buckteeth, although these evolutionary holdovers shorten with each succeeding
generation. Tynnans are an intelligent and pragmatic race, renowned for their patient planning. Their system of government is unusual in that their officials are
chosen by lottery; consequently, most Tynnans keep themselves well informed on civics and other pertinent issues in case of election to office. This is particularly
important as their economy was government-run.

Appearances and Examples: Odumin, a Territorial Manager of the CSA, appeared in Han Solo's Revenge.

Tynnan Species Traits:

+2 DEX, -2 WIS
Poor eyesight: A Tynnan receives a –2 penalty on Perception checks requiring sight.
Insulating Fur: Tynnan recieve a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme cold.
Expert swimmer: A Tynnan may take 10 on any Swim checks, even when rushed or threatened, and may reroll any Swim check, but must keep the second check
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Basic, Tynnan

Alternate Tynnan Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: DEX +2, CHA +2, CON -2.
Small-size: As Small creatures, Tynnans gain +1 size bonus to REF and +5 bonus to Stealth checks. However their carrying limits are three-quarters those of
medium characters.
Speed: Tynnans base speed is 4 Squares (on two feet) / 6 Squares (on four feet)
Tynnans can drop to all fours to increase their speed, however they prefer not to do so unless it is absolutely necessary as they view it as some what degrading.
While prone, they are unable to carry items or weapons (except for their claws). Dropping to or returning from four legs can be taken as a swift action; however the
putting away of any weapon is not, items held must dropped or put away prior to being able to drop to all fours.
Scent: At close range (within 10 sq.), Tynnans ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks due to a keen sense of smell, and take no penalty
from poor visibility when tracking (see Survival skill, p. 73)
Hold Breath: Tynnans are at home in air or water. A Tynnans can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 25 times his Constitution score before he needs to
make Endurance checks to hold his breath (see the Endurance skill page 66)
Expert swimmers: A Tynnan may choose to reroll any Swim check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. In addition a Tynnan may choose
to take 10 on Swim checks even when distracted or threatened.
Natural Insulation: Tynnans receive a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme cold.
Special Equipment: Tynnans suffer from poor eye sight and therefor must wear Ocular Enhancers (1500 credits to replace) to see normally, without they suffer a -3
penalty for Perception checks that rely on vision.
Natural Weapons: A Tynnan can rake with one of its claws instead of making an unarmed attack. The claw attack deals 1d4 points of slashing damage (plus Strength
modifier) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Due to the presence of its natural weapons, a Tynnan is always considered to be armed for the purposes of
threatening adjacent squares and making attacks of opportunity. Natural weapons are considered simple weapons. While swimming, a Tynnan can use all four claws
to attack, however this prevents complex maneuvers from being made and so they suffer from a -2 penalty to any Reflex checks made until the next round.
Automatic Languages: Tynnan, Basic.



Ugnaughts are dwarfed, porcine humanoids from the planet Gentes in the Anoat system in the Greater Javin of the Outer Rim. Ugnaughts are
industrious and loyal workers with a rich oral tradition. They are hardy, able to withstand long periods of discomfort, and live to around two
hundred years of age. They are ruled by elected terend councils, which are led by elected ufflor officers. They are also represented in the Cloud
City's Parliament of Guilds. Ugnaughts live their lives in accordance to their "blood profession", with Ugnaught parents teaching their children
their trade. Infant Ugnaughts are known as Ugletts. If the number of new Ugnaughts in a given profession exceeds the needed, a blood duel is
called. When the Ugnaughts reached their twentieth year of age, these fights are held to the death, with the victor winning the right to inherit
their blood profession. Despite this outdated violent custom, the Ugnaughts are generally a peaceful people with a rich culture. When greeting
an Ugnaught, it is advised to bow silently, then wait for a guttural purring as a positive response; otherwise, it is advisable to duck and cover, as
various mechanical implements will be thrown one's way.

Appearances and Examples: Ugloste was the Ugnaught who operated the carbonite freezer in Cloud City and froze Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back.

Ugnaught Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Ugnaught base speed is 4 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: An Ugnaught with Endurance as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Endurance) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Ugnaught.

Alternate Ugnaught Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Con +2, Int +2, Cha -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Bonus Feat: Ugnaughts gain Skill Focus (any one skill of their choice) as a bonus feat.
Conditional Bonus Feats: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Endurance) and Skill Focus (Mechanics) as bonus feats if they are trained in these skills.


Ulorin are protoplasmic globs of cells indigenous to the antarctic, mountainous regions of Dela, who serve the human colonists of that world as manual laborers.
Ulorin are sentient, sapient creatures, but somewhat dull-witted, although their limited intellectual capacity may be more the result of being sociologically
disadvantaged rather than any physiological limitation. Nevertheless, they have been known to organize worker revolts from time to time or better themselves in
some capacity. Ulorin characters do not receive Basic or Old High Trammic for free, but they may select these languages as extra languages gained due to an
Intelligence modifier, or by taking the Linguist feat. At rest, an Ulorin’s natural shape is a sphere between 1 and 1.5 meters in diameter, but they can stretch their
protoplasm into tentacular pseudopods to manipulate objects (manipulative limbs, akin to arms), to walk (ambulative limbs, akin to legs) and to otherwise coexist with
their human counterparts. The only permanent structures on the exterior of the Ulorin physiology are eyes and mouths, each Ulorin having dozens of both. Ulorin are
generally amoeba-like, and consume captured prey by absorbing it through their membrane. Ulorin usually speak in a piping voice, although they often mimic the
habits and speech of their former masters or employers. Ulorin are incredibly strong creatures, and when not being controlled, very aggressive. They are noted as
killing their victims by sucking their heads off, and it is noted that the human colonists once used them as weapons of war when forging Dela as the “banking center
of the Centrality.” In spite of their natural inclination for aggressiveness and limited intellectual capacity, most Ulorin pride themselves on a having a strong ethical

Appearances and Examples: Ulorin are mentioned in Michael Kogge’s 8-page article "A Campaign Guide to the Centrality," which appeared in the May 1, 2001,
periodical "Star Wars Gamer #5."

Ulorin Species Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int –2.
Malleable: Ulorin have a boneless structure which allows them to squeeze through very small openings. An Ulorin can pass through any opening equivalent to 15
square centimeters or any variant thereof (28 cm x 3 cm, 20 cm x 10 cm, etc.). Moving this way can be performed only at half normal speed, and if attacked while
squeezing through a small opening, the Ulorin cannot use its Dexterity bonus to Defense.
Extra limbs: Members of this species can form an extra manipulative limb (akin to an arm) or ambulatory limb (akin to a leg) with a full-round action. An Ulorin may
form a maximum number of extra limbs (i.e., over and above the standard two-arms-and-two-legs formation) equal to his Dexterity modifier. In other words, an Ulorin
with a Dexterity of 16 has a +3 dexterity modifier, and can therefore form three extra limbs, be they two extra manipulative limbs and one extra ambulatory limb, or
vice versa, or three extra manipulative limbs, or three extra ambulatory limbs. Once an Ulorin forms his first extra anipulative limb (for a total of three “arms”), he
gains a +2 species bonus on grab checks. If the character has Martial Arts I, he also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat. Once a second extra
manipulative limb is formed (for a total of four or more “arms”), the Ulorin’s +2 grab bonus is replaced by the Pin feat (assuming all prerequisites for the feat are met).
He also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus feats (again assuming all corresponding prerequisites are met). Once an Ulorin
forms his first extra ambulatory limb (for a total of three or more “legs”), he gains a +5 stability bonus to resist being knocked prone. All the benefits of these feats
disappear once the character reabsorbs the limbs back into his body. The reabsorbtion of all limbs occurs naturally when the character sleeps or is rendered
Size: Medium.
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Ulorin.
N.B.: As no information is given on the Ulorin, these stats represent an homage to “Mister Thoggosh,” a Cthulhulike alien appearing in one of L. Neil Smith’s (author
of the Lando Calrissian novels, in which the Centrality was introduced into the Star Wars mythos) other space opera series of novels, The Forge of Elders series.


Members of this hexadactyl, rhegmacranial humanoid species have been known to live and travel alone to desolate worlds, often far
from their arid homeworld. They tend to keep to themselves; hence, despite their well-traveled nature, they tend to be somewhat
naïve. Members of this species drink fluids through an upper-cranial orifice.

Appearances and Examples: The hexadactyl, rhegmacranial Krelman wooed Ackmena the barmaid in The Star Was Holiday

Unidentified Hexadactyl, Rhegmacranial Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 CON, -2 CHA
Upper-cranial Orifice: The upper-cranial orifice of the unknown hexadactyl, rhegmacranial species is useful for capturing and storing the sparse rainwater on the
species' arid homeworld. A member of this species may reroll Survival checks in desert conditions, but the second roll must be kept even if it is worse.
Six-fingered: A member of the unknown hexadactyl, rhegmacranial species receives an additional +5 bonus to Reflex Defense for purposes of avoiding being
disarmed (which stacks with the usual +10 bonus), and the opponent takes an additional -5 penalty to the Attack roll to disarm if the hexadactyl target is holding the
weapon with two hands (which stacks with the usual -5 penalty).
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Additional Languages: Native tongue of the hexadactyl, rhegmacranial species


This ancient, long-lived species is characterized by its short stature – generally slightly over one-half of a meter tall; long, pointed ears; and
greenish, bluish or purplish skin. Its hands sport only three digits each, and its toes range from three to five digits. Members of this
species tend to be well-humored, and often childlike in a Zen-like way. The syntax of their ancient language is a tortuous and archaic one.
Even when a member of this species speaks other languages, including Basic, he often tends to apply this archaic syntax to it, creating a
dialect some have characterized as sounding “backwards.” This tridactyl species is close-mouthed about its origins and homeworld,
although the ascension of Jedi Masters Yoda and Yaddle to the Jedi High Council have brought this secretive and highly spiritual species
once more into Galactic attention. Sometimes mistaken (to their annoyance) for the mysterious Whills ("Feathers have I not. Vestigial
wings, do you see on me?" Yoda replied to GNN news reporters), these diminutive humanoids can be found in many different career

Appearances and Examples: Jedi Master Yoda appears pervasively throughout the “Star Wars” saga. Jedi Councilmember Yaddle appears in “The Phantom
Menace” and “Attack of the Clones.” (N.B.: LucasFilm has explicitly refused to identify this species by name. The novelization of the “Empire Strikes Back” refers to
Yoda as a “gnome,” although it is clearly meant as a descriptive term and not, necessarily, an identification of the species. Many sources simply refer to it as the
“unknown tridactyl species.” GMs can always avoid the inevitable in-character question, “What exactly are you?” with the droll, evasive response that the name for
the species is unpronounceable in any language but its own.)

Unidentified Tridactyl Species Traits (by “DrowBattlemind”):

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity.
Surge: Once per day, all they may make a Jump check as if they had the Surge Force Power. (This is in addition to any other uses of Surge he or she may have).
Non-Force Sensitive members of this species substitute a Jump check instead of a Use The Force check, while Force Sensitive members of this species make the
check as normal.
Speak Like Yoda, Do I: While not all members of this species speak in the same broken syntax that Yoda does, they may employ the same speech patterns to
confuse their opponents. Doing so grants a member of this species a reroll on Deception checks for the purpose of confusing one's opponent, with the second roll
being the decider.
Small Size: As Small creatures, they gain a +1 size bonus to Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are
3/4ths of those of Medium creatures.
Speed: 4 sq.
Language: Basic & their Native tongue

Alternate Unidentified Tridactyl Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution. +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Small Size: As Small creatures, members of the unknown tridactyl species gain a +1 size bonus to Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However,
their lifting and carrying limits are 3/4ths of those of Medium creatures.
Surge: Once per day, all members of the unknown tridactyl species may make a Jump check as if they had the Surge Force Power. (This is in additon to any other
uses of Surge he or she may have). Non-Force Sensitive members of the unknown tridactyl species substitute a Jump check instead of a Use The Force check, while
Force Sensitive members of the unknown tridactyl species make the check as normal.
Speak Like Yoda, Do I: While not all members of the unknown tridactyl species speak in the same broken syntax that Yoda does, they may employ the same speach
patterns to confuse their opponents. Doing so grants a member of the unknown tridactyl species a reroll on Deception checks for the purpose of confusing one's
opponent, with the second roll being the decider.
Automatic Languages: Basic and their native tongue
Alternate Unidentified Tridactyl Species Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: -4 Str, -2 Con, +4 Wis, +4 Cha.
Small-size: As the Ewok trait (SWSE p. 26)
Speed: A member of Yoda’s Species has a base speed is 4 squares.
Primitive: A member of Yoda’s Species does not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles or heavy weapons) at 1st level, even if their class normally grants them.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A member of Yoda’s Species with Use the Force as a trained skill gain Skill Focus: Use the Force as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Yoda’s species speak their own language and Basic.


Sometimes misidentified as “the ball creature of Duroon,” this sapient but inidentified amorphous species often appears as a smallish green sphere that ambulates by
compressing its underside and bouncing in a high arc and landing with a boink. In this shape, the species appears perfectly smooth, but can extruded appendages,
such as an eyelike bump that that moves in jerky motions. But when it noticed the pilot, it flinched. It can also take the shape of a downy, globular torso with short
arms and legs boasting more joints than a human’s. In this form, they have clever hands, all three fingers of which are mutually opposable. In this shape, the head is
generally small, but equipped with large, unblinking eyes. Its mouth and throat are a loose, pouchy affair. Many members of the unidentified amorphous species
emigrated to Duroon from their poverty-stricken jungle of a homeworld, having been promised jobs and a good life by the Duroonians, but were subsequently
enslaved. Many escaped to live in Duroon’s wild jungles. On their homeworld, members of this species wield primitive spear-throwers and blowguns or daggers
carved from natural mineral formations. On other worlds, however, they adapt well to technology.

Appearances and Examples: These aliens purchased weapons from Han Solo and Chewbacca in the novel Han Solo at Stars’ End.

Unidentified Amorphous Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Int -2
Malleable: Members of this species have a boneless structure which allows them to squeeze through very small openings. They can pass through any opening
equivalent to 15 square centimeters or any variant thereof (28 cm x 3 cm, 20 cm x 10 cm, etc.). Moving this way can be performed only at half normal speed, and if
attacked while squeezing through a small opening, they cannot use its Dexterity bonus to Defense.
Extra limbs: Members of this species can form an extra manipulative limb (akin to an arm) or ambulatory limb (akin to a leg) with a full-round action. A member of this
species may form a maximum number of extra limbs (i.e., over and above the standard two-arms-and-two-legs formation) equal to his Dexterity modifier. In other
words, a member of this species with a Dexterity of 16 has a +3 dexterity modifier, and can therefore form three extra limbs, be they two extra manipulative limbs and
one extra ambulatory limb, or vice versa, or three extra manipulative limbs, or three extra ambulatory limbs. Once a member of this species forms his first extra
manipulative limb (for a total of three "arms"), he gains a +2 species bonus on grab checks. If the character has Martial Arts I, he also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I
as a bonus feat. Once a second extra manipulative limb is formed (for a total of four or more "arms"), the character also gains the Pin feat (assuming all prerequisites
for the feat are met). He also gains Dual Weapon Mastery I and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus feats (again assuming all corresponding prerequisites are
met). Once a member of this species forms his first extra ambulatory limb (for a total of three or more "legs"), he gains a +5 stability bonus to resist being knocked
prone. All the benefits of these feats disappear once the character reabsorbs the limbs back into his body. The reabsorbtion of all limbs occurs naturally when the
character sleeps or is rendered unconscious.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares walking, 8 squares bouncing (bouncing requires reabsorbtion of limbs).
Languages: native language (basic is not acquired for free)


This unidentified amphibious species is a diminutive, brightly colored species with fish-like features. Being amphibious, members of this
species are as much at home in the water as they are on land.

Appearances and Examples: Robonino was a bounty hunter and saboteur in the employ of Cad Bane in the Animated Star Wars: The
Clone Wars series episode "Hostage Crisis"

Unidentified Amphibous Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Con
Amphibious: Members of this species cannot drown in water.
Aquatic Survival: Members of this species are adept at surviving oceanic environments and may take 10 on Survival checks made in
aquatic terrain.
Conditional bonus feat: A member of this species trained in Swim gains the Skill Focus feat for that skill.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 4 squares.
Languages: Native tongue, Basic



The Vaathkree evolved on the planet of the same name. They are covered in armored plates and appear to be made of stone and metal. Vaathkree are devoted
traders and barterers. In fact, the name of their religion roughly translates into Basic as "The Deal." The Vaathkree have developed a complicated trade language
for discussing business matters that non-Vaathkree find especially hard to decipher (which usually works in the Vaathkree's favor). The Vaathkree also invented a
two-dimensional artform known as Flatsculp, similar in style to Paonidd Extrassa Art. Vaathkree have a long lifespan of 300 to 350 standard years, and a two-staged
life cycle. They begin their lives as small, shapeless non-sentients called Stonesingers, roaming the lava flats of Vaathkree and incorporating bits of stone and metal
into their body structure. Their metabolism allows them to absorb minerals that are turned into tough armor scales on the outside of the skin. By about nine years of
age, the Stonesingers are about one meter tall, but are still fluid in form. They also begin to develop rudimentary intelligence, and are instructed by adult Vaathkree
into the ways of The Deal. As they further mature and their minds develop, the young Stonesingers lose their fluidity, and must choose a particular form. Since the
Vaathkree have been active in the Galactic Republic for several millennia, they usually adopt a roughly Human-sized humanoid form. Others adopt variant forms
suited to their chosen professions. Stonesingers mature to adulthood at about twenty years of age.

Appearances and Examples: Valka, employed by the Herglic Hamar-Chaktak as a henchman, appears in the 1997 West End Games Role Playing Game
Supplement Tapani Sector Instant Adventures; Grosteek, the proprietor of the Farrimmer Cafe onboard Mynock 7 Space Station, appears in the Star Wars Adventure
Journal, Issue 11.

Vathkree Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex –4, Con +2, Cha –2
Damage Reduction: A vaathkree gains Damage Reduction 2.
Natural armor: A member of this species gains a +2 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Environmental resistance: A vaathkree gains a +5 bonus to its Fort Defense against any environmental, air-based, temperature-based or climate-based+5 hazard.
Merchant spirit: A vaathkree may reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle, but it must keep the second result.
Fixed form: Before reaching maturity a vaathkree’s body is pliable and fluid, solidifying upon reaching adulthood; the character may choose the form it will retain
when its body matures.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Vaathkree, Vathkree Trade Language, Basic

Vaathkree forms (young adult or younger may change between these forms at will; adult or older must choose one)
Humanoid: No effect
Clawed: Gains natural weapon (Small, 1d4 + Str modifier); -2 on checks requiring manipulation by hand (Use Computer, Mechanics and so on)
Fishlike: May take 10 on Swim checks; land speed is halved
Multilegged: +2 on checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed; -2 on checks requiring manipulation by hand (Use Computer, Mechanics and so on)
Multilimbed trunk: Gains Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as bonus feats if it fulfils the corresponding prerequisites; speed is reduced to 0 (may
not move from a single spot under its own power)
Spherical: Gains Improved Charge and Run as bonus feats if it fulfils the prerequisites; may not use skills or objects requiring hands.


The Veknoid hail from the Mid-Rim world of Moonus Mandel just inside of Bothan Space, a little coreward of Bothawui. Their world was
colonized early in galactic history by the Bothans. Many were taken around Bothan space as pets of wealthy Bothans until their sentience was
proved by scientists from the newly forming Republic. This alien race is distinguished by the pair of blunt horns which sprout from the frill of
bone that sits over their eyes. They also have wide mouths and heavy-set jaws. The Veknoid have discriminating senses of smell and taste.
Their language, “Vek” is guttural and grunting, but their versatile script “Veknoid” is used for the written form of many languages. Even Basic is
often written in the Veknoid script on many planets in the Outer Rim, including Tatooine. Many Veknoids have since found their niche in the
universe – RepulsorTaxi driving. Many Veknoid warrens have emerged in large population centers such as Coruscant and Corellia.

Appearances and Examples: The Veknoid Teemto Pagalies pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom

Veknoid Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str –2, Dex +2, Cha +2
Low-light vision: As per the SECR.
Natural armor: A veknoid’s scaly hide grants it a +1 natural armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Vek & Basic


Verpine are thin, chitinous, green, bipedal insectoids with elongated heads; large, black, compound eyes; and two antennae on the top of their heads. Their
hardened carapace, composed of a green substance called “carahide,” is as flexible as skin, yet tough enough to deflect a blade or a glancing blaster bolt. Verpines
have no organ serving as a heart. Verpine eyes are keen enough to pick out microscopic details. Their antennae contain tympanic nerves to detect sound and are
sensitive to radio waves, giving Verpine the natural ability to sense and transmit such waves to communicate with other Verpines over one hundred kilometers away.
Some mistake this for true telepathy. Colonies are run as a consensus democracy, with all Verpine instantly consulted on questions affecting the hive. Given their
reliance on radio communication, Verpine frequently suffer negative consequences when their antenna are damaged. Verpine damage the antennae of their
criminals. Verpine have two subspecies: intelligent, hermaphroditic Verpine and unintelligent worker drones. At the time of their entrance into Galactic society, only
five percent of Verpine were intelligent, but the demands of technological civilization required the Verpine to restructure their society. Since the change, egg-laying
Verpine use a special enzyme to ensure all eggs laid develop into intelligent Verpine. Any drones needed by a Verpine hive are produced via cloning. While
hermaphrodite, there is evidence that individual Verpine have definite genders, either permanently or at some point of their existences. The fungus Magenge, which
grows inside the asteroid colonies of the Verpine, forms the basis of the Verpine diet.

Appearances and Examples: Zraii was in charge of repairs and maintenance for Rogue Squadron's fleet in the X-Wing novels Rogue Squadron, Wedge’s Gamble
and The Bacta War.

Verpine Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: None.
Speed: Verpine base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Telecommunication: Verpine can send radio waves through their antennae, allowing communication with other Verpine as well as specially tuned comlinks. The
range is limited for individuals (1 kilometer), but when working together, a Verpine hive can broadcast over great distances (50 km per verpine broadcasting from a
Superior Vision: Same as Heightened Awareness See Zabrak trait (SECR page 33). Verpine may instead choose the better of two results when the use of the skill is
limited to a range of 4 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Verpine with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Verpine.

Alternate Verpine Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Radio communication: Verpines have natural radio commlink with other verpine, up to a 10 km range.
Enhanced senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception checks at 4 squares or less, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than
the first one.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Gearhead: Members of this species may reroll any Mechanics to repair or modify objects, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first


Vodran are humanoid reptiles with tough skin ranging in coloration from olive to brown, and a small frame of spiny horns around their faces similar to a Nikto. Though
warm blooded, they lay reptilian eggs, with an egg clutch typically producing two or three Vodran young. They are native to the planet Vodran on the fringes of the
Si'klaata Cluster. Before the founding of the Galactic Republic, the Vodrans were approached by Dojundo the Hutt, an emissary from the Hutt Empire, who wanted to
recruit the Vodrans for the Hutts' conflict with the legendary Xim the Despot. The Vodrans, believing the Hutts to be evil deities, agreed to serve them. Their
presence, along with those of the Weequay, Klatooinians and Nikto, was instrumental in the defeat of Xim's army of war droids at the Third Battle of Vontor.
Afterwards, the Hutts had representatives of the Vodran, Klatooinans and Nikto, sign their people into "eternal" servitude—an obligation the Vodran fulfill faithfully.
In time, Vodrans adopted Hutt culture as their own. Their society is organized into miniature kajidics, and their family clans answer directly to the Hutt Clan of
Ancients. Their dealings with the rest of the Galaxy are always filtered through their Hutt masters.

Appearances and Examples: Xenon Nnaksta has appeared in a number of works published by West End Gamessuch as the “Wanted by Cracken” segment of the
fourth Star Wars Adventure Journal.

Vodran Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, -4 Int. Vodrans who lack the biological and sociological imperatives to obey the Hutts have a -2 Int instead of a -4.
Speed: Vodran base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Hutt Loyalty: Vodran in the service of a Hutt gain a +10 bonus to their Will save to reduce being bribed, blackmailed, or seduced. Vodran who do not pledge absolute
loyalty to the Hutts do not gain this ability.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Vodran with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Huttese.

Alternate Vodran Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Hardiness: Members of this species may reroll any Survival check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Loyalty: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense against mind-influencing effects. This benefit does not apply against hutts.


Vor are thin, brittle-boned reptilians who flew on leathery wings, similar in appearance to bipedal pterodactyls. Although they are a flying species, they live in
underground hummocks. While Vors seem inscrutable and nearly emotionless by Human standards, they are capable of creating great beauty through their music.
For generations, the center of their civilization was the Cathedral of Winds, an organic-looking crystalline structure. As the high winds of Vortex blow through the
structure, the Vors open and close windows and vents by covering them with their leathery bodies in order to create music from nature. Recording the annual
concerts at the Cathedral of Winds is forbidden, ensuring that each performance remains absolutely unique.

Appearances and Examples: Fyg Boras was a male Vor Senator of the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance in the novel Destiny’s Way.

Vor Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Con, +2 Int.
Speed: Vor base speed is 6 squares and they have a fly speed of 10 squares.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Vor with Deception or Persuasion as a trained skill gains Skill Focus for that skill as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Vorese.

Alternate Vor Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Con -2, Int +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Flight: Members of this species are capable of flight, with a speed of 10 squares.
Emotional affinity: Members of this species may reroll any Persuasion check to calm emotions and any Deception check to hide emotions, but they must abide by the
second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.


Vratix, also known as Thyferrans, after their homeworld of Thyferra are a hermaphroditic insectoid species with large compound eyes, long thin necks, and six limbs
sprouting from a cylindrical thorax. They have two arms that are triple-jointed and extend from their shoulders. Small thin hairs cover their bodies and change color to
express emotion. Vratix excrete denin, a chemical that alters the color of their skin to reflect their mood, and is connected to their speech patterns of clicks also
known as Vratix. Despite this, they can communicate with other beings via Basic when regarding trade. They are also slightly telepathic, capable of sending thoughts
with other Vratix. Vratix are best known as the inventors of bacta. They are a logical and straightforward species that has trouble grasping abstract concepts like art
and music. However, they can solve a complex problem by examining every detail and angle. Culture is centered around the hive mentality. They generally refer to
themselves in the plural and usually under their hive name. They are generally a sociable species and prefer all information to be delivered personally. The Vratix
also keep Knytix, a smaller insectoid species, as pets and for the creation of dwellings (their saliva is used to make a mud-like paste that is then dried to make
bricks). The Vratix also eat the Knytix on certain occasions, when the owner of the Knytix offers his pet to another Vratix as a sign of high respect.

Appearances and Examples: Qlaern Hirf was a Vratix who made contact with Rogue Squadron in the novel X-wing: The Krytos Trap.

Vratix Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Dex, +2 Int.
Speed: Vratix base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Armor: +2 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense.
Quadrupedal: A Vratix’s four legs grant it a +5 stability bonus to resist attempts to knock it prone.
Produce Bacta: A Vratix can produce a sinvle liter of bacta once per day. This supply has healing properties equal to one medpac.
Expert Jumper: A Vratix may choose to reroll any Jump checks, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Vor with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Vratix.

Alternate Vratix Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex -2, Int +2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural armor: members of this species gain a +2 natural armor bonus to their Reflex defense.
Multilegged: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus on all checks to avoid being tripped or bantha rushed.
Produce bacta: Once per day as a full-round action, a vratix may produce 1 liter of bacta. A character trained in Treat Injury (only) may use one liter of bacta as a
Acute hearing: Members of this species may reroll any Perception checks where auditive input is required, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse
than the first one.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Jump) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.


Vulptereen hail from the rocky planet Vulpter, on the border between the Core Worlds and the Deep Core, the home of Viper Sensor
Intelligence Systems, manufacturer of the XPLR-R hyperspace-route-mapping and habitation-location unit. Vulptereen are a barrel-
chested, shovel-snouted species with four to ten tusks growing from the side of their upper, and sometimes lower, snout. A finger-like
appendage sprouts antenna-like from the Vulperteen’s snout, and is itself topped with a long, pink feeler. This odd appendage allows the
Vulptereen a form of echolocation, giving the appearance of their having remarkable reflexes. The Vulperteen have created remarkable
sensor technology – based on principles learned from the study of their own natural sensory abilities – which has been adopted for
hyperspace-route mapping and other similar uses. Should the extra-sensory appendage of a Vulperteen be severed, the extra-sensory
perception is lost, although patented cybernetic prostheses can be attained on Vulpter. This surgery is highly guarded and not shared with

Appearances and Examples: The Vulpertine Dud Bolt pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom Menace.”

Vulptereen Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Echo-location: Vulptereens may always ignore cover modifiers granted by concealment (even total concealment), and may take a single swift action to aim (as
opposed to two swift actions).
Toxin resistance: Vulptereens gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude defense against poisons, acids and toxins.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A vulptereen trained in Mechanics gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Darkvision: As per the SECR.
Dismemberment vulnerability: Since a vulptereen’s brains expand throughout its entire nervous system, the loss of a limb requires the character to succeed on an
Endurance check (DC 15). If the check is successful, the vulptereen goes down 1 additional persistent step on the Condition Track, which may not be removed
except by grafting a cybernetic implant. If the check fails, the vulptereen dies.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Vulptereen & Basic


Vuvrians are slender insectoids with bulbous, oblong heads atop their thin necks featuring twelve eyes, varying in size and color, and two
long, thin, and often asymmetrical antennae. They are native to the Inner Rim planet of Vurdon Ka. They are cordial, diplomatic and
inquisitive in nature. As a result of living on an almost idyllic homeworld—Vurdon Ka was windless, predatorless world of mosses and
trees—the species have developed extremely sensitive skin. As a species, the Vuvrians evolved a highly fine sense of touch; a Vuvrian's
can feel the minute shifts in air temperature when another being walks into a room. Such heightened sense is often mistaken for latent
telepathic ability or even Force-sensitivity. Indeed, a number of Vuvrians excelled as Jedi, with their innate abilities augmented by the
power of the Force. As a Vuvrian aged, however, their skin became increasingly wrinkled and less sensitive—a process that is
accelerated in harsh offworld environments such as those found on Tatooine or Hoth. Natural problem solvers, Vuvrians Force sensitives
are not uncommon, however they make poor soldiers due to their extremely low pain threshold. Although they are important members of
Galactic society, Vuvrians never made any attempts to colonize other worlds—preferring to stay on their peaceful home planet.

Appearances and Examples: Wioslea bought Luke Skywalker's X-34 landspeeder in A New Hope.

Vuvrian Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha.
Speed: Vuvrian base speed is 6 squares.
Pain Sensitivity: Whenever they take damage equal to or greater than their Will defense they move -1 step on the Condition track.
Strong Willed: Vuvrians gain a +1 racial bonus on their Will Defense. This bonus increases to +2 at middle age and +5 at old age.
Heightened Awareness: See Zabrak trait (SECR page 33).
Trustworthy: A Vuvrian may choose to re-roll any Persuasion check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Vuvrian with the Force Sensitive feat and Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Perception) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Vuvrian.

Alternate Vuvrian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Int +2, Cha +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Multiple eyes: A vuvrian may not be flanked or flat-footed.
Enhanced senses: Members of this species may reroll any Perception check, but they must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Use the Force) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Pain sensitivity: Vuvrians suffer a -2 penalty to their Damage Threshold.



Wol Cabasshites are small, mollusk-like aliens from the planet Wol Cabassh. Most of a Wol Cabasshite’s body is a digestive
system. They lie on their “backs,” though they can attach themselves to ceilings and walls, and they propel themselves with their
long tongues using mucus. There are two round eyes near the beginning of their tongue, one on each side of their body.
Relatively unknown and mysterious to the galaxy as a whole, those who know Wol Cabasshites know them to have bizarre
philosophies that are profound and multi-faceted. Wol Cabasshites are patient and think in a deep, abstract way that is very
different from most species. Those only vaguely familiar with them typically assume that they are unintelligent and insignificant
due to their lack of technology and their odd appearance. Though nearly immobile, Wol Cabasshites are able to communicate.
They understand their limitations, but are still able to function in galactic society despite them. Wol Cabasshites can only speak
Wol Cabasshite, a complex language that involves the manipulation of their tongue and internal magnetic contours, forming a
strange sound that sounds much like singing. Some are able to speak in this way directly into an individual’s neural system,
giving many uninformed beings the impression that they can control minds or use telepathy.

Appearances and Examples: Ghoel was a Wol Cabasshite who lived in the palace of Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi.

Wol Cabasshite Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -8 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Wol Cabasshites are durable and have incredible thought processes,
but their bizarre ideas and way of communicating makes it difficult to interact with others, and they are very slow-moving.
Great Fortitude: Wol Cabasshites gain a +2 species bonus to their Fortitude Defense, accounting for their ability to consume almost anything.
Clinging: Wol Cabasshites can travel up walls or even on ceilings without falling at their normal speed. No Endurance check is needed, and a Wol Cabasshite can
stay put in its current place without even being conscious.
Unique Physiology: Wol Cabasshites are immune to vacuum effects as well as inhaled poisons and gasses.
Temperature Resistance: Wol Cabasshites gain a +10 bonus to Fortitude Defense when resisting extreme hot or cold.
Prehensile Tongue: Wol Cabasshites can operate objects with their tongue. However, this is their only way of manipulating objects, and it is clumsy at best. They
take a -10 penalty on all Jump, Mechanics, Pilot, Ride, Swim, Treat Injury, and Use Computer checks, as well as all attack rolls.
Small Size: As small creatures, Wol Cabasshites gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and
carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Speed: Wol Cabasshite base speed is 1 square.
Automatic Languages: Wol Cabasshite heroes can speak Wol Cabasshite and can understand (but not speak) Basic.


Woostoids, or Woostroids, are tall, slender humanoids with reddish-orange skin, flowing red hair and large, black eyes that rarely blinked. Hailing from the urban
oceanic and white-sand beaches of the planet Woostri in the Expansion Region, they are known for natural affinity for computer technology. Woostoids are peaceful
and known as intelligent, logical thinkers who disdain abbreviations and shorthand in their communications with others. The average Woostoid is comfortable around
computers and many Woostoid cities are automated. Woostoids’ affinity for order and structure caused them to support the Empire despite their aversion to
Palpatine's militaristic ways. A controversial view held by many Woostoids (even after Woostri joined the New Republic) was that the Empire could have led to a
galactic paradise were it not for its warlike ways. Woostoids are disoriented by chaotic, illogical situations. Bureaucracies across the galaxy employ Woostoids in
high-level positions to put their analytical minds to work. On Woostri, much of the economy is geared towards recreation due to the leisure time permitted by their
automated civilization, and Woostoids welcome tourists from diverse species to their homeworld.

Appearances and Examples: Woostoids (referred to as Woostroids) appear in the novel The Last Command.

Woostoid Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Str, +4 Int.
Speed: Woostoid base speed is 6 squares.
Easily Distracted: When exposed to a violent situation a Woostoid must spend a Force Point before rolling initiative. A Woostoid who does not spend a Force Point
suffers a -1 penalty on the condition track which cannot be removed as long as he is exposed to combat.
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Woostoid with Use Computer as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Use Computer) as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Woostese.

Alternate Woostoid Species Traits:

Speed: 6 squares.
Str -2, Int +4
Scientific mastery: Members of this species may reroll any Use Computer check and any Knowledge (physical sciences) or Knowledge (galactic lore) check, but they
must abide by the second result, even if it’s worse than the first one.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Use Computer) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Compulsion: members of this species must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 10) to act violently during any given scene. Otherwise, they simply refrain from combat.
Automatic Languages: Woostese.



Xamsters hail from the beautiful planet Xagobah in the Mid-Rim, a cloud-covered world shrouded in purplish mists caused by the incredible
amount of spores and pollen found in its atmosphere given off by all manner of trees and fungus. Xamsters are short, bipedal reptiles with a
hooked os tipped with a horny, beak-like point. Xamsters have long pointed ears that sweep back over an elongated crown spiked with tiny

Appearances and Examples: The Xamster Neva Kee pilots his podracer in competition against Anakin Skywalker in “The Phantom

Xamster Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Dex +2, Wis –2
Acute hearing: A Xamster may reroll Perception checks made to listen, but it must keep the second result.
Natural armor: A xamster’s scaly hide grants it a +1 natural armor to Reflex defense.
Speed: 4 squares.
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on grapple checks, reduced damage and weight allowance).
Languages: Xamster and Basic


Xexto are pale, stick-like aliens with 6 limbs -- two of which are used as legs -- each ending in a four-fingered extremity, and a bald head
sporting a noseless, lipless face with large, purple lidless eyes atop a long neck. Their skin ranges from chalk white to pale yellow. Their
brain is split between two parts of their body; the part located in the skull controls primitive emotions and basic body functions, while another
portion in their chest controls higher functions such as creative thinking and logic. Xexto are thrill-seekers and risk-takers, but are otherwise
fairly level-headed and cool-tempered. They live in the treetop villages of the planet Troiken in the Qotile System of the Outer Rim. In 17,000
BBY, Arkanian geneticists conducted illegal research on hunter-gatherer tribes of Xexto from Troiken whom they had relocated to the nearby
Quermia System, leading to a new species called the Quermians.

Appearances and Examples: Gasgano piloted a podracer in The Phantom Menace.

Xexto Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: -2 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con.
Small-size: See Ewok trait (page 26).
Speed: Xexto base speed is 4 squares.
Extra Limbs: A Xexto has four hands. These hands may be used to manipulate equipment or wield weapons, and provide a +2 bonus to grapple checks. However, a
Xixto cannot attack with more than one weapon in a single round.
Bonus Feat: A Xexto gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Xextese.

Alternate Xexto Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str -2, Dex +4, Con -2
Size: Small
Speed: 4 squares.
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Dual Weapon Mastery Feat II as a bonus feat if they fulfil the prerequisites.


Xi Charrians were a hive-minded species from Charros IV who communicated through a complex variety of clicks. They followed the Xi Char religion, and were
founders of the Haor Chall Engineering company. Their short bodies were covered in chitinous plates, and were quadrupedal, with pointed, "scissor-action" feet. Xi
Charrians' heads were teardrop-shaped and had red eye-slits. The species were carnivorous and craved the taste of certain rare meats. The Trade Federation took
advantage of Xi Charr gustatory predilections when they negotiated weapons building contracts from them, offering the insectoid race choice trade in the rare meats
they consider delicacies. It was Haor Chall Engineering that created Vulture Droid, basing its "walking-mode" design upon that of the Xi Charrians' own bodies.

Appearances & Examples: Xi Charrians appear in the Clone Wars novel Labyrinth of Evil.

Xi Charrian Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 STR, -4 CHA
Size: Small (+1 to Reflex Defense, +5 on Stealth checks, –5 on Grapple checks, reduced carrying capacity and damage)
Speed: 4 Squares
Chitinous Natural Armor: Xi Charrians gains a +2 armor bonus to Reflex defense.
Hive mind: All Xi Charrians may communicate telepathically with any willing fellow member of its species within 1,000 km.
Quadruped: A Xi Charrian gains a +5 bonus on checks to avoid being tripped or pushed, plus its speed is increased when running on all fours.
Scissored Feet: A Xi Charrian may reroll Climb checks, but it must take the second check result. Alternatively, a Xi Charrian may take 10 on any Climb check instead
of rolling.
Conditional Feat: Xi Charrians trained in Mechanics get the "Skill Focus: Mechanics" feat for free.
Shame of Imperfection: When Xi Charrians are injured, they suffer a morale penalty on all Skill and Attack rolls commensurate with how much HP damage they have
- Upon moving one step down the condition track, Xi Charrians suffer an additional -1 morale penalty to Skill checks and Attack rolls.
- Upon moving two steps down the condition track, Xi Charrians suffer an additional -2 morale penalty to Skill checks and Attack rolls (not cumulative with the
previous -1 morale penalty described above).
- Upon moving three steps down the condition track, Xi Charrians suffer an additional -5 morale penalty to Skill checks and Attack rolls (not cumulative with the
previous -1 morale penalty described above).
Automatic Languages: Xi Charrian heroes can speak Xi Charrian and can understand (but not speak) Basic.


The insectile X’Ting were once the dominant, sentient race found on the planet Ord Cestus, which they referred to simply as Cestus. Standing nearly two meters in
height, the average X'Ting is distinguished by its two pairs of arms. One pair is considered the primary arms, and are used to perform actions that required strength
and control. The secondary arms are used for finer manipulation and menial activities. The body of an X'Ting is oval in shape, and is made up of carapace-covered
segments. In the portions of the body uncovered by carapace, tufts of bristles provide a minimum of protection. A stinger is located at the base of their abdomen,
which can inject a deadly poison into prey. Within the abdomen of an X'Ting are three stomachs, each with a specific purpose in the digestion of food. X'Ting larvae
are raised in pentagonal chambers, with one small chamber for each individual. The X'Ting are descended from a species of flying insects, as evidenced by their
vestigial wings. The X'Ting society is based on a fairly rigid caste system that separates warriors from diggers and chewers from workers. This system seems to be
in place to counteract the most unusual aspect of the species – the gender of the adult X'Ting cycles between male and female every three years. During the peak
periods of each cycle, X'Ting experience intense hormonal surges that signal the need to reproduce. Interestingly, in addition to gender changes, male and female
forms of X'Ting are distinctly different. Males tend to be smaller although more lethal in combat, while the females are larger and more intimidating. Many years
before the Clone Wars, the X'Ting took control of Cestus after defeating the Spider People in a great war. With their new-found independence, the X'Ting decided to
allow the Old Republic to establish a prison complex on Cestus, hoping to gain a place in the galactic community. The hive queen negotiated a deal with the
politicians on Coruscant, and the prison facilities were constructed. The unexpected outcome of all this was the formation of the droid manufacturing firm Cestus
Cybernetics, which virtually enslaved the X'Ting people. Shortly after the prison was completed, plagues began to destroy parts of the X'Ting society. Many felt that
the plagues had been set loose by the offworlders who came to the planet as prisoners. A so-called Great Plague then decimated the X'Ting about 100 years before
the Clone Wars, reducing the millions of X'Ting to mere hundreds and destroying the royal family. Only a handful of eggs from the queen remained, which were
hidden beneath the planet's surface behind an extensive security system, thereby ensuring the survival of the royal line. In the early history of Ord Cestus, the X'Ting
maintained a symbiont circle with the Zeetsa, who produce the fluid known as Lifemilk for the X’Ting. The Lifemilk sustained the X'Ting, who produced food for the

Appearances and Examples: In the novel “The Cestus Deception” by Stephen Barnes, G'Mai Duris served as regent of the X’Ting during the height of the Clone

X’Ting Species Traits (by RobShanti):

Ability Score Modifiers: -2 Strength (when female only), -2 Con (when male only; N.B.: Hit Points gained or lost via Constitution bonuses or penalties apply
retroactively. In other words, when an X’Ting turns male, he loses not only 2 points of Constitution, but also all the bonus hit points gained through Level 1 from his
Con bonus. These CON points and Hit Points return when he turns female.)
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery II, Pin, Skill Focus (Climb) and Triple Attack as
conditional bonus feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the Character ever loses more than one limb.
Stinger: X’Ting have a stinger in the abdomen which can inflict 1d6 points of damage as a natural unarmed attack.
Venom: An X’Ting may inject a neurotoxic poison into a target that it stings with its stinger. The poison makes an attack roll at 1d20+10 vs. the target's Fortitude
Defense; if successful, the target moves -1 persistent step along the condition track. A target moved to the end of the condition track by the poison falls into a coma
and cannot be revived until the poison is cured. An X’Ting is immune to its own poison.
Healing Restriction: Although the X’Ting are capable of feeding on a variety of foods for basic sustenance, the comestible substance referred to as “Lifemilk,”
produced as a biological byproduct by the Zeetsa, is of particular importance to X’Ting physiology. Without it, an X’Ting cannot heal damage normally. When an
X’Ting takes damage, he must consume a quantity of “Lifemilk” in order to begin healing. Until this precondition is met, the X’Ting will not heal and will remain
permanently injured.
Medium-sized: As Medium-sized creatures, X’Ting have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Base Speed: 6 Squares
Language(s): Zeetsa, X’Ting, and Basic

Alternate X’Ting Species Traits (by Isirga Eth)

Ability Modifier: Wis –2
Extra limbs: Members of this species have an extra set of manipulative limbs. They gain Dual Weapon Mastery I, Pin and Skill Focus (Climb) as conditional bonus
feats (they must meet the corresponding prerequisites). All the benefits of these feats are lost if the character ever loses more than one limb.
Natural armor: A member of this species gains a +2 armor bonus to its Reflex defense.
Poison stinger: As a standard action, an x’ting may make a stinger attack against a single living target. If the attack hits, the target suffers damage equal to
1d6+double the X’ting’s Str bonus. If the attack also equals or surpasses the target’s Fortitude defense, the victim goes down 1 persistent step in the Condition Track.
Unpleasant hormones: A member of this species has a -2 penalty in all Persuasion checks made to improve a non-X’ting’s attitude.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: X’ting & Basic


The Yaka are a brutish, thickly built species of Near-Human cyborgs hailing from the system of the same name. Centuries before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the
neighboring Arkanians, known for their genetic experiments, implanted the naturally dim-witted race with cybernetic implants. The Arkanians saw this effort as
benefiting the brutes, while the Galaxy at large questioned the ethical implications of such an act. For better or worse, the alterations the Yaka received improved
their intelligence, but stripped them of all emotion.

Appearances and Examples: Luwingo, a Yaka smuggler with a tragic past, appeared in the Dark Horse “Dark Empire” comics.

Yaka Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int +2, Cha –4
Unemotional: A yaka has a +5 bonus to his Will Defense against effects tarrgeting emotions, such as Mind Trick or a Sith’s Temptation ability. He also gains a +5
bonus on Deception checks made to hide emotions. Conversely, he suffers a –5 penalty on Perception checks made to detect the emotions of another creature.
Conditional Bonus Feat: If a yaka is trained in Mechanics or Use Computer, he gains Skill Focus in these skills as a bonus feat.
Cybernetic implants: A yaka has a –5 penalty on all Use the Force checks.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Languages: Yaka.


Hailing from the planet Yamr, Yam’rii are 2-meter-tall, mantis-like, carnivorous insectoids with multi-faceted eyes. Though their
appearance may look non-threatening, the Yam’rii posses incredible strength. Even though their home planet Yamr is nearly
inhabitable to most races, the Yam’rii have constructed a large industrialized society, basing most of their economy on
technology. Yam’rii typically grow to approximately 2 meters in height, though their bodies remain relatively slim all their lives.
The Yam’rii are known for their great stealth, which is impressive for their size. Yam’rii are quick-tempered and are known to go
on frenzies fueled by their anger. They are meat-eaters by nature, and develop their hunting methods on Yamr from youth.
Eggs are also a supreme delicacy for the Yam’rii race. Yam'rii do not possess the necessary physiological apparatus to speak
Basic. Although they may learn other languages for purposes of understanding the speech of others, they are only capable of
verbalizing their own and other, similar insectoid langages.

Appearances and Examples: Kitik Keed’kak was a Yam’rii female who appeared in the Cantina scene of “A New Hope.”

Yam’rii Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con –2
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (base damage 1d6 plus the character’s Str modifier) instead of an unarmed attack. A yam’rii’s
claw attacks count as light melee weapons. A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Natural mimetism: A yam’rii may take 10 on any Stealth check made to avoid notice in heavily forested areas.
Conditional bonus feat: A yam’rii trained in Mechanics gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat
Speed: 6 squares.
Size: Medium.
Languages: Yam’rii and Understand Basic


The capital city of Weogar and the domed city of Nozho on Clak'dor VII stood for centuries as testament to the achievement of the proto-Bith
culture, but relations between the cities soured, and they developed a fierce rivalry. About 300 BBY, the tensions boiled over as a dispute
over a star drive patent ignited in a civil war. When the war finally ended, Clak'dor VII's biosphere was ruined. A biological attack launched at
Nozho had shattered the city, mutating its populace, and the surrounding wildlife. Most Nozho citizens were killed outright, but many who
survived developed mutagenic irregularities that soon led to the creation of a subspecies of Bith. The Y'bith -- which translates as "Ghost
Bith," eventually left the hermetically sealed cities that were built amid the ruins, and attempted to establish a permanent population on
Clak'dor IV, where they eventually founded the city of New Nozho. The bio-engineering geniuses among the Y'bith stabilized much of the
mutation's worst effects, but the populace was forced to adapt to their newly diminished eyesight, stronger hands and feet, ductile mouth
structures, sensitive skin and thicker bones. The Y'bith have been tolerated by the Bith, though not openly accepted by mainstream Bith
culture. Though some claim residual guilt over the bombings that created the Y'bith as the cause of Bith apprehension, the Bith themselves
pragmatically deny such reasons. They cite the Y'bith's volatile biochemistry that triggers bouts of violence and aggression as reason enough
to keep their distance. The Y'bith have been working to gain acceptance as members of the galactic community, with New Nozho becoming a notable trade port.
Over the course of generations, the Y'bith have spread to other worlds, forming a notable minority presence on Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant, where they aided the
rebuilding efforts following the Yuuzhan Vong war. The Y'bith see the story of their people as one of success, and are determined to continue working tirelessly until
the whole galaxy, including their Bith cousins, agree.

Appearances and Examples: A Y’bith appears as a patron in the cantina in The Star Wars Holiday Special.

Y’bith Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Con –2, Int +2, Wis –2
Scent: . At close range (within 10 squares), Noghri ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility
when tracking.
Trance: Same as the bith ability.
Rage: Same as the wookiee ability.
Poor eyesight: Besides a normal bith’s range penalties, y’bith suffer a –5 penalty on all Perception checks requiring eyesight.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Language: Bith & Basic


Yevetha are a lithe, skeletal species indigenous to N'zoth in the Koornacht Cluster, known for their xenophobia and death-centered culture. Physically, they stand
almost two meters tall, and have large black eyes and light gray skin, ghoulish in appearance and bereft of body hair. The males possess two pairs of crests, one on
the upper face and one on the lower, that swell red during mating or combat. Each hand possesses six fingers, but the most notable feature of Yevethan physiology
is their dew claws, housed in sheathes on the underside of each wrist. These blades extend to about a foot in length, and are used in close combat and blood
sacrifices. Young Yevetha gestate in the female's detachable birth cask, known as mara-nas, which are fed with the blood of sacrificed males. The developing
Yevetha's need for blood is an essential part of their harsh culture. Yevetha are known to suffer from a disease called gray death, but the symptoms are unknown.
Though it was extremely rare, some Yevetha are born genderless. For the Yevetha, death is not to be feared. Under Yevethan law, murder only occurs when an
inferior male kills one superior in their hierarchy, while slayings in the other direction are considered an acceptable occurrence. Sacrifice, particularly to provide blood
for a birth cask of an important Yevetha, is considered an honor to the family of the sacrificed Yevetha. It is common for nitakka (Yevethan males) to spar,
embedding young Yevetha with a unique set of fighting instincts, which were difficult to suppress, producing erratic battlefield results for inexperienced military crews.
When the Galactic Empire expanded into the Koornacht Cluster, they noted that the Yevetha species had a rapid ability to learn new skills. The Galactic Empire
subjugated N'zoth and its nearby star systems. It also built the Black 15 shipyards, and put the Yevetha to work as skilled slave labor for building, repairing, and
modifying vessels of the Imperial Starfleet.

Appearances and Examples: Nil Spar was the darama, or chosen one, of his species as well as head of the Duskhan League in the “Black Fleet Crisis trilogy” of

Yevetha Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha.
Speed: Yevetha base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapons: Dewclaw- 1d6 piercing.
Xenophobic: A Yevetha untrained in Persuasion may not add 1/2 his character level to Persuasion checks when dealing with members of other species.
Additionally, other species may not choose to reroll Persuasion checks against Yevetha, even if they would normally be able to do so through a Talent or Species
Conditional Bonus Feat: A Yevetha with Mechanics as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: A Yevetha gains Dual Weapon Mastery I as a bonus feat.
Automatic Languages: Yevethan.

Alternate Yevetha Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Int -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Bonus feats: Yevetha gain Martial Arts I and Dual Weapon Mastery I as bonus feats.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Members of this species gain Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat if they are trained in that skill.
Xenophobic: Members of this species suffer as -2 penalty on Persuasion checks made to interact with other species; NPCs of this specoes also impose a -2 penalty
on Persuasion checks made to interact with them.
Special: Yevetha require GM approval to be played before the Rebellion Era.


Yinchorri are husky, green, bipedal, reptilian aliens from the rocky desert world of Yinchor in the Expansion Region. They are highly resistant to mental manipulation
through the Force. Yinchorri society is divided into two castes: a ruling caste of intelligentsia, and a highly aggressive warrior caste. Yinchorri culture embraces a
"might makes right" philosophy. The Yinchorri are led by a Council of Elders. In 58 BBY, the Yinchorri became full members of the Galactic Republic and gained
representation in the Galactic Senate. They then began to acquire high-technology items such as hyperdrive-equipped spacecraft, advanced weaponry, and
lightsaber-blocking cortosis shields. In 33 BBY, the Yinchorri used their new weapons to attack neighboring settlements, including Mayvitch 7, a moon of Amador in
the Chalenor system. This conflict, later known as the Yinchorri Uprising, was secretly provoked by Darth Sidious and quelled by a Jedi task force.

Appearances and Examples: Jorek was a male Yinchorri and a member of the Council of Elders in the Dark Horse comic Star Wars Republic 40: The Devaronian
Version, Part 1.

Yinchorri Species Traits:
Ability Modifiers: None.
Speed: Yinchorri base speed is 6 squares.
Force Resistance: +10 species bonus to Will Defense against any Use the Force check.
Cold Blooded: Yinchorri recieve a +5 species bonus to Fortitude Defense to resist the effects of extreme heat.
Great Fortitude: As the Twi’lek trait (SECR page 32).
Automatic Languages: Yinchorri.

Alternate Yinchorri Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: None
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Mental resistance: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense, which increases to a +5 bonus against force powers.
Heat resistance: Members of this species gain a +5 bonus to their Fortitude defense vs natural heat.


Hailing from the forest world of Ragna III in the Mid Rim, and not to be confused with the “Yuzzum” of Endor, Yuzzems are tall, hulking furry aliens with elongated
snouts filled with sharp teeth, large black eyes, pointed ears and clawed hands and feet. They are quite strong and physically intimidating, making them fierce
fighters and difficult to subdue. Yuzzem also adhere to strict codes of honor and debt-fulfillment. Because of their strength and intelligence, many scientists believed
the Yuzzem to be distant relatives of the Wookiees (they may have been descendants of a Kashyyyk species enslaved by the Rakata). The Galactic Empire
enslaved the species as they had done to the Wookiees and were employed for heavy labor such as mining. However, because of their strength and their ill-
temperament, the Imperials had trouble making them work as slaves in the Kessel Mines and other slave labor camps. Yuzzem also have long hangovers due to
their massive size.

Appearances and Examples: Hin and Kee befriended Luke Skywalker, who was fluent in the Yuzz langage, in the novel Splinter of the Mind’s Eye.

Yuzzem Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -4 Wis.
Large-size: As Large creatures, Yuzzem suffer a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense and a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying
capacity is doubled, and they recieve a +5 size bonus to their Damage Threshold.
Speed: Yuzzem base speed is 6 squares.
Natural Weapons: Claw- 1d8 slashing. Bite- 1d8 piercing.
Scent: See Ewok trait (SECR page 26).
Physical Intimidation: Yuzzem may add their Strength modifier instead of their Charisma modifier to Persuasion checks made to intimidate others.
Fearless: Yuzzum gain a +5 species bonus to Will Defense against fear effects.
Expert Climber: See Sullustan trait (SECR page 31).
Automatic Languages: Yuzz.

Alternate Yuzzem Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2, Int -2, Wis -4, Cha -2
Size: Large
Speed: 6 squares.
Natural weapon: Members of this species may make a claw attack (damage 1d6 plus the character’s Str modifier) or bite attack (damage 1d8 plus the character’s Str
modifier) instead of an unarmed attack, or as an off-hand attack. Claw attacks count as light melee weapons, and bite attacks count as one-handed melee weapons.
A character can apply Weapon Focus (and derived talents) to its own natural weapons.
Scent: . At close range (within 10 squares), Yuzzem ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty for poor visibility
when tracking.
Brave: Members of this species gain a +2 bonus to their Will defense vs fear.
Climbing claws: Members of this species may always take 10 on Climb checks.


Hailing from the forest moon of Endor, and not to be confused with the “Yuzzem” of Ragna III, Yuzzums are furry aliens of varying
height, standing quite tall on thin, spindle-like legs. They have enormous, flat noses and wide mouths filled with sharp fangs or
blunt teeth. Some Yuzzum have thick, wooly coats, while others possess short fur. A Yuzzum's coat is typically yellowish or tan,
but blue-coated Yuzzums also exist. As a result “Yuzzum” refers to this class of migratory, fur bearing mammals found on Endor.
They are primitive hunter/gatherers and their long legs are used to keep their heads just barely above the savanna grasses of the
Dragon’s Pelt, where the Yuzzum forage and hunt for the rodent-like ruggers, the species’ preferred food, on the forest floor.
Their reflective eyes seem to glow. They ride on large, three-meter-tall, spider-like rakazzak beasts. Yuzzums’ preferred
weapons are spears or setting traps. They lack industrial technology, are more savage than Ewoks and are curious and cunning. Yuzzum have a fair amount of
intelligence, but seem incapable of understanding other lifeforms. Nevertheless, they are mindful and get along with outsiders who respect their beliefs. They have
been taken off the moon and sold as pets, however, but, being sapient, they tend not to accept such status. The Yuzzum have a musical language characterized by
haunting, singing cries, and which is unpronounceable by non-Yuzzum and has no written form. Consequently, they have found employment offworld as singers.

Appearances and Examples: The Yuzzum with the stage name “Joh Yowzah” appeared as a singer in Max Rebo’s band in the Special Edition version of “Return of
the Jedi.” Some particularly nasty blue-coated Yuzzum are featured in the animated “Ewoks” series.

Yuzzum Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Str
May reroll Survival but must keep the second roll even if it is worse.
Moving Singing Voice: Yuzzums may reroll persuasion when performing with song.
Low-light vision.
Primitive: As the Ewok trait.
Size: Medium.
Base Speed: 6 squares
Language: Speak Yuzzum (no written form of the language exists)



The Zeetsa are one of the primary sentient races that evolved on the planet Ord Cestus, populated also by the insectoid X'Ting and the so-called “Spider People.”
The Zeetsa resemble swollen, translucent-blue spheres with stubby limbs used for grasping, but not for ambulation, which is accomplished by rolling. The
translucent, bluish skin of a Zeetsa contains a network of veins and internal organs visible beneath its surface. The Zeetsa’s outer membrane is malleable, and the
Zeetsa can shape it, to a limited extent, to create a temporary visage on its surface that can roughly approximate the countenance of another species, but not nearly
close enough to actually impersonate that species. In the early history of Ord Cestus, the X'Ting depended on the Zeetsa to produce the fluid known as Lifemilk.
The Lifemilk sustained the X'Ting, who produced food for the Zeetsa. Over time, many Zeetsa became willful and stubborn, and chose to segregate themselves from
the X'Ting. Many individuals chose to remain, however, ensuring that their symbiont circle remained unbroken.

Appearances and Examples: In the novel “The Cestus Deception” by Stephen Barnes, the Zeetsa Shar Shar served as an assistant to X’Ting regent G'Mai Duris,
during the height of the Clone Wars; the Zeetsa named Guntar worked as a drug manufacturer for the X’Ting gangster Trillot, who removed Guntar’s olefactory
organs as punishment for secretly cutting his products with Xyathone.

Zeetsa Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, -2 Dex
Malleable: The Zeetsa have a boneless structure which allows them to squeeze through very small openings. A Zeetsa can pass through any opening equivalent to
15 square centimeters or any variant thereof (28 cm x 3 cm, 20 cm x 10 cm, etc.). Moving this way can be performed only at half normal speed, and if attacked while
squeezing through a small opening, the Zeetsa cannot use its Dexterity bonus to Defense.
Bounce-by Attack: During combat, a Zeetsa can take a move action to bounce over an opponent with a jump check at DC 15 for medium sized opponents (+ or - 5
for each size category), and another partial action at any time during the bounce, but may not take a second move action during a round in which the Zeetsa is
making the bounce attack.
Size: As small creatures, Zeetsa gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are
three-quarters of those of Medium characters.
Base Speed: 8 squares
Language(s): Zeetsa, X’Ting, and Basic


ZeHethbra are furry, muscular, bipedal, skunk-like aliens from the __ world of ZeHeth in the Mid Rim. Their fur ranges in color from black to speckled brown. Their
whiskered snouts sport incredibly sharp fangs and their pawlike hands have claws. The species is moody and ill-tempered. When provoked, a ZeHethbra growls
and spits at its target, often hurling colorful profanities. Despite being so easily angered, ZeHethbra are fiercely protective of their families and communities.
ZeHethbra are also capable of releasing a stinging biochemical spray in a cloud roughly three meters in radius that could blind or stun anything in range.

Appearances and Examples: Clyngunn was an ex-champion-Stratus-Games-combatant-turned-smuggler in the “Thrawn Trilogy” novel The Last Command.

ZeHethbra Species Traits:

Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, -2 Wis, -2 Cha.
Speed: Zehethbra base speed is 6 squares.
Spray: Once per day, a ZeHethbra can emit a stinging biochemical spray. Make a special ranged attack and compare the result to the Fortitude Defense of all living
creatures within 2 squares. Creatures you hit move -1 steps on the Condition track.
Automatic Languages: Basic, Zehethbra.

Alternate ZeHethbra Species Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: Str +2, Wis -2, Cha -2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Spray: As a full-round action, a zehethbra may willingly go down 1 step on the Condition track to spray a stinging cloud in a 2-sq. radius. The zehethbra makes a
ranged attack (1d20+5) against the Fort defense of all creatures in the area; those hit by the attack move down 1 step on the Condition track as well.

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