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Size Control of Silicone Particles Using Sonochemical Approaches

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Size Control of Silicone Particles Using Sonochemical Approaches Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2007, Vol. 28, No.

l. 28, No. 12 2401

Size Control of Silicone Particles Using Sonochemical Approaches

† *
Sung Hwa Jhung, Ki Cheon Yoo, Young Kyu Hwang, and Jong-San Chang

Research Center for Nanocatalysts, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, P.O. Box 107, Yusung,
Daejeon 305-600, Korea. *E-mail: jschang@krict.re.kr

Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea
Received September 1, 2007

Particle size of silicones can be controlled by changing the reaction conditions such as temperature and
concentrations of water and tetramethoxysilane (TMOS). Alternatively, the use of ultrasound radiation is also
an elegant technique to decrease the particle size. Small silicone particles can be obtained at low temperature
from diluted reagent containing TMOS, especially under the powerful ultrasound radiation. The size control
may be explained by the rate of particle growth rather than that of nucleation.
Key Words : Silicone, Ultrasound, Size

Introduction (tetramethoxysilane, Aldrich, >99%) under an acidic condi-

tion and successive polycondensation of the hydrolyzed
Silicone, organosilica or polysiloxane fine particles are product in an aqueous alkaline solution similar to the
used as additives for imparting lubricating property to paints, reported methods. Aqueous HCl solution (0.35%) was

plastic, rubber, cosmetics and paper, improving dispersibility, added to deionized water at a constant temperature and
and giving light-scattering function. Moreover, the silicone
MTMOS and TMOS (if necessary) were added further to the
particles, if with monodispersed and with specific particle acidic water under vigorous stirring. Hydrolysis was con-
size, can be used for personal care such as cosmetics. For 2
ducted further for 5 h under continuous stirring at the
versatile uses, several properties including well-defined par- constant temperature by using a thermostat and a cooling
ticle size and monodispersity are necessary. However, the
coil, and aqueous silanol solution was obtained accordingly.
method to control the particle size is scarcely known in an Adequate amount of ammonia solution (0.37%) was added
open literature even though a process to control the particle to the pre-hydrolyzed solution and stirred further for 3 min.
size of inorganic silica had been known since sixties. 4
The molar composition of the reactant mixture was (1−
Only a few patents claim that addition of alcohols and 5
x)MTMOS: xTMOS: 5 × 10− HCl: 7 × 10− NH OH: yH O
5 3
4 2

dilution of reagents are effective to decrease the particle size

where x = 0, 0.05 or 0.1 and y = 37, 50 or 63. The total
distribution and the particle size, respectively. Currently, weight of the reactant mixture was about 22 g per batch.
silicones with specific sizes (2, 4.5, 4-6, 4-7 or 11 μm) are Unless otherwise specified, the value of x, H O/silanes ratio

commercially available in the market. 2

and the temperature are 0, 50 and 10 C, respectively.

Recently, sonochemistry, a research area in which mole- To change the particle size of silicones, ultrasonification
cules undergo a reaction under powerful ultrasound radia- was conducted during this stage of 3 min for some cases
tion, has been widely studied. Various nanomaterials, especi-
using an ultrasonic processor (Sonics and Materials, VC-
ally with 1-dimensional structures, have been synthesized by 750, max power 750 W, 20 kHz, titanium standard tip, tip
the application of ultrasound because of extremely high
diameter 1/2 inch). The reactant mixture was maintained
cooling rates from high temperature (5000-25000 K), obtain- static for 4 h to complete polycondensation even though the
ed from a collapse of bubbles. Sono-crystallization of zeolite polycondensation is nearly completed in 10 min. The solid
A has demonstrated to offer the possibilities of increasing product was separated from mother liquor by centrifugation.
both the nucleation and crystallization rates of zeolites, thus White solid product was recovered by drying the wet cake,
improving the yield and particle size distribution of the after thorough washing with water, at 150 C for 12 h.

product crystals. However, to the best of our knowledge, no

The morphology of silicones including particle size and
result has so far been reported for the synthesis of silicones particle size distribution was observed with a scanning
with small size using the ultrasound radiation technique. electron microscope (SEM, JEOL JSM-6700F). The particle
In this paper, several synthesis conditions are evaluated to size was calculated by using the sizes of twenty particles that
decrease the particle size of silicones. Especially, the effect were determined by SEM. The yield of silicones (based on
of ultrasound on the synthesis of silicone particles will be the MTMOS and TMOS) was calculated from the dried
discussed. weight of silicones by considering the equation (1).
a MTMOS + b TMOS → a CH -Si-O + b SiO (1)
Experimental 3 1.5 2

The content of organic component was calculated, after

Silicone particles were prepared from hydrolysis of calcination of the silicones at 900 C under the air flow,

MTMOS (methyltrimethoxysilane, Aldrich, 98%) and TMOS based on equation (2).

2402 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2007, Vol. 28, No. 12 Sung Hwa Jhung et al.

Figure 1 . Change of size of silicones with the power of ultrasonification: (a) power was 0%; (b) power was 50% and (c) power was 100%.
Table 1. Reaction conditions and results depending on the power of ultrasound and TMOS/(TMOS+MTMOS) ratioa
Sample TMOS MTMOS Sonification power Particle size Silicone yield Silica yield after
(%) (μm) (%)b calcination (%)c
A 0.0 1.00 0 3.5 ± 0.3 97.2 99.8
B 0.0 1.00 50 2.0 ± 0.7 96.3 99.4
C 0.0 1.00 100 1.2 ± 0.3 97.5 99.9
D 0.05 0.95 0 3.3 ± 0.4 96.1 99.7
E 0.10 0.90 0 2.0 ± 0.3 95.1 99.3
F 0.05 0.95 80 2.0 ± 0.3 96.6 99.9
G 0.10 0.90 80 0.9 ± 0.1 95.0 99.0
Temperature: 10 oC; H2O/(TMOS+MTMOS) = 50. bYield of silicone based on equation (1) and the weight of used silanes (TMOS and MTMOS).

Yield of silica after calcination at 900 oC, based on the weight and composition of silicones and equation (2).

a CH -Si-O + b SiO
3 1.5 2 →( +
a b) SiO2 (2) tration of TMOS especially under the ultrasound radiation.
As the water content increases, the particle size concomi-
Results tantly also decreases sharply irrespective of the ultrasound
treatment (Figure 3). Figure 4 shows the typical morphology
Figure 1 shows the typical morphology of silicones with with water content under the ultrasound, and the particle size
the power of ultrasonification. As the power increases, the is very monodisperse. It can also be shown that the
particle size decreases monotonously (also refer to Table 1), temperature has remarkable influence on the particle size
suggesting the efficiency of ultrasound in decreasing the (Figure 5).
particle size. Figure 2 illustrates the effect of TMOS concen- Table 1 illustrates the effect of reaction conditions such as
tration and ultrasound on the particle size of silicones. Small ultrasound radiation and TMOS addition not only on the
particles can be obtained in the presence of high concen- particle size but also on reaction and calcination yields. As
shown in Table 1, the silicone yields are nearly constant of

Figure 2 . Effect of TMOS concentration and ultrasonification on Figure 3 . Effect of water content and ultrasonification on the size
the size of silicones. The reaction temperature and H2O/silanes of silicones. The reaction temperature and TMOS/(TMOS+
were 10 oC and 50, respectively. MTMOS) ratio were 10 oC and 0, respectively.
Size Control of Silicone Particles Using Sonochemical Approaches Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2007, Vol. 28, No. 12 2403

Figure 4 . Typical morphology of silicones changed with the water content of reaction mixture: (a) H2O/silanes was 63; (b) H2O/silanes was
50 and (c) H2O/silanes was 37. The reaction temperature, TMOS/(TMOS+MTMOS) ratio and sonification power were 10 oC, 0 and 80%,

mixtures (for example, addition of auxiliary compounds,

using different precursors and changing pH). 11

Very recently, we have shown that a particle size can be

decreased noticeably by the application of microwaves in
the synthesis of a porous or perovskite-type material. 12,13

One reason is the appreciable increase of nucleation rate,

compared with crystal growth rate. Moreover, the nuclei size
is very small and very homogeneous under the microwave
irradiation. The crystal size can be decreased further by
increasing the ramping rate from room temperature to a
reaction temperature. 14

It has been reported that nanomaterials can be obtained

under the powerful ultrasound radiation because extremely

high cooling rate (>10 K/s, from 5000-25000 K to reaction


. Effect of reaction temperature and ultrasonification on temperature or usually room temperature) hinders organi-
Figure 5

the size of silicones. The TMOS/(TMOS+MTMOS) ratio and H2O/ zation or crystallization of a product. Even though the
silanes ratio were 0 and 50, respectively. nucleation rate and particle growth rate are not compared
quantitatively in this study, it can be understood that the
above 95%, confirming the quantitative conversion of growth rate is relatively low (compared with nucleation)
silanes (MTMOS and TMOS) into silicones, irrespective of under the ultrasound, similar to the microwave irradia-
the reaction conditions. Moreover, the yield of silica after tion, as confirmed by the decreased size of the silicones

high temperature calcination of silicones is nearly 100%, under the ultrasound radiation (Figure 1 and Table 1).
thus reconfirming the quantitative conversions of silanes The size of silicones can be decreased by dilution the
into silicones irrespective of the reactant composition of reactants (with extra water) or by decreasing the reaction
MTMOS and TMOS. temperature (Figures 3 and 5), probably due to the decreased
growth rate. However, the polycondensation reaction might
Discussion be very facile because the reaction is quantitative, and is
practically completed within 10 min. Further, the reaction is
The shape and size of a material have been controlled by not hindered at all by decreasing the reaction temperature up
various methods, mainly by optimizing the nucleation
to −10 C and increasing the water content. However,

rate and crystal or particle growth rate. The particle size is nucleation rate might be even higher than growth rate
small when the nucleation rate is larger than crystal growth under the reaction conditions. Hence, it may be suggested
rate. The high nucleation rate is attained by the increased
that the decreased size of silicones might be due to the
supersaturation because the nucleation rate, compared with decreased growth rate as explained in the synthesis of
the growth rate, rises more sharply (or exponentially) with nanomaterials due to the hindrance of organization or
supersaturation. For instance, small materials are obtained
crystallization from extremely high cooling rates. The
at low temperature after aging (below the synthesis temper- decreased silicone size with increasing TMOS might be due
ature) due to high nucleation rate compared with the rate of to low growth rate caused by the inhomogeneity between
particle growth. Stirring a reaction mixture is also helpful to MTMOS and TMOS.
decrease the particle size. On the other hand, large particles
can be obtained by using a nucleation suppressor and clear Conclusions
solution, etc. However, the morphology has been generally

changed by modifying the chemical composition of reactant The size of silicones can be controlled by changing the
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