FHM Philippines - The Girls of FHM Lingerie Special Vol. 5

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G 1- R' 'L-S' ", 0' 'F

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G 1- R' 'L-S' ", 0' 'F

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rTih ., . "':,." . :·if thin " b n' ,~" mlll, ~ e 'mV' iOilPP'Iil:iii~ ~O'!I ,. ~,seneSl].Wl,g a,. lUI UIL ' ..... Ji..J. '_'-":J !OJ._ _ Ii; 11.l~1C.

d . s _ - f 'Ik. - 'm-- t."i;",'~ an sen.,. e 0,' u U ~ '[':.;1'1

J 10··· >·Y··:··<-C· ... E'

[ ...•.... , •.... • .... . I

"Ihe sexiest undies you'll see ill mylingerie

drawer are 'm"Y boxers!'

UJj,! ;,'V'I" !L], cL1. ., .. ~:. U~.· -".

~'I~"; ',e ," "'" .~ ,' .. " ,.,' _' rt .' -'. " ',f' I • ,"; , .',' ." • ]1':';'

ungene ior me IS, an I!X,enSUHl. n one s sensuanty

and, not just 5@xuilityn


'I'm use d to. modelinglingerie. It's part off what I do"


· When you have the right mix of lingerie, you I U Jeel really sexy I


, I never had a. problem doing sexy prnj e cts, 1 was ready "from the get-go l'

'l lean go for gentleness or I 'can play it rough, I don't mind 'what happ ens to he. lingerie!



'I sleep bener when I'm in lingerie




'When I want to fee] gorgeous l wear my lingerie, even when I'm alene'

MO"""'" ······0·/· D"'"


'" ',:


The old ollvwood sere en. goddess

, , ., . _. • ',:.i' . ~ . - [ .1 ~ - -

unshea thed ..

VIC": ':"'TO"': R·:···IA:······ .

:. I·: .. l~,

- . ",' _ ) - .:. - , ,,',: .',



'I'U cut your head off ifI catch you cheating= yup, that head'


IT usually llke it I~ bit .n~ughty; role-p laying stuff;~ 'things like that'

A1N'N' . 'KRIS"

.............< - < ~.. ..•.•.•. c

, 's '_ - •..•.. "'_ '-. -:.

I like doing pictorials like this, As long as 1']:1'[ still. covered ] should be fine'

he' ,fJIM'l@iffice :m~~ as I~Ol"'~ as 'IOU thiik. We dnru,lil: ba1f~ 'buom baJbes m, b~, w,itering: b, 'l!Jur' bans; hve! hllJJ,n mtr~u:'b~rs, .... tbe O.OcRsI,onaJ, mouse sf1a:mpe'rW,Bi 'by' Cltltf ieeO ..

A 'wide-sCIDee'D, :plunm TV' w'el can

'iii... ~" ...... r, '1r1~'" '. ..!I.. ~,'L '11l1

WBl~"'!!II1 ~ ill ',~ en is aJ aream '~IP~'~"

__ l. __ l~_ " ~_, I _ \, _ ,. ,. , _ _ LUJI:. ,

:m"lf!f Qo:mf' '~ruJJe" 'iJul\:lbl!~com is, 'bl.9cked, lJifit IlU [ompubl!1rslo T.hele~, nOI 'tUJttlQlmJeSJS b~er'-'~th, b e 'tmJd~ 'W~ 12'vlen. ~hlve to d,onate 1,0 11~~Nf~ dumge to get: lOin :61]1 Hom, 'dre

. d' O'

" .

c_{J'mlp~!uilJ' wa1tte,f '. ISln!~rme:[~ ·.··.w'

Dffi~e £s Un a mWl1~O:I nUJire

-- - -

aibIfl'l1'l<'9to'II\",:r 'UTQ~" ';11'111 ~ ·w·,l':I'r--:-p;a:..lif!iiu- ,IEQ

. . !6 LU !IiL!!;;W'JI!' I' "' ~l!II . ,III.LIII g ,_ 'Ui' 1!I;.W1v . ~'!!;;

inthe bMH!:01lmt gf a, mall,

BUl '~'e' wr.etched wO:lkpla~~ ,no,twi'ihsltmnmg" ''INl~k U podrl. esp.ec.rnal1y 'when, ,aw' pages are

1Ii...' .... b Iii.. '"1'.;,,'1' 1i:llo".", Il!Jes~ege:u" 1!IJ'l!illUibli,W \1\fr(lgE!'D ~

Crmltma Ga{d3J~ ,After ,gFI8CiDI: our &ept!~be[ 2e il D eo."'~" she basi ~inC.e :gon@ '~ack 'to 'SchoO:~'J I~'ttins' ,3 d@w:,ee il :[I'Jerior :I)ies~p, :kom.

'm' - -.-' 1e,,,,iII.. .il - If' nl .. ~"N" .

,IrRrSClgS; ~UliQ Ol 0.1L uesrngn, ,m " ew

'v ":11.. d'L, L, .JL ... :i_

iO~H" ,m· ,.1~M ul!1!D UIUJJUg

!~olmmerdal and ,fe~ideDtiaJ des_~p

'. . '" ;i;'L 'fTC

ptOlleetl iD, 'owe' u.d,

,An!d so 'W@' cOjmlmn~"t' :helll' bllt

,sl!ek llru@~r adtviee about friar' 'tigl:¥' wtJr:~5place .'

~I l'fltve, de m'OnUDm!, ~IO :1:

wowld, ,pt' your e.l;is:tjlll :spae,e ,aD-d, des;ig;r;ru, a ID,gical ,and fUD(tffi~Jnal ,p~an,~ ClrWstililil le.xpJaw.sl., ~~lt 'wantll b~ sleek and, bl!lJus~ri.a:ll(j aking 'with, ;staiDe,~ md ls,emed IC~)II]}r[e:~,e :~o(lrs" 'The ,rel[)~pl~ion, d.e~t wmuJ.d. be ,m::u]]e IOf ,fl1oSl,md. 3!tlylici lit: ffrnn wUhirn" Tbe:l"e' 'would, 'b e an olpeu :~l~_aJl wadI: aJI18B witli. :PClUP~.I;51 of

1Ih." '1 A,' "AI ... 1J,.. '1- -

cU~!'Jl(:' es; IUilVl.J£i1, liiy trians., Ufieat:

Ilba .bllSs w.~tIl :~\utinons fl'sml:Q ,[n. S'~eLi'j, 'We drlJ'o,~, lIt'tn.e 'Iboug;ht

~,Hrnw about IJiUI wodtma1itJ'ns:71~~ "Jour: de,SKl5' will b:ri!i''l'l! UIDste'd :~u:fJ}i,c '~abl@, WIIl,S, 'wiJttb 'ljrusD@dl ,a~uminu.m mels, and, ,cludrs 'by Chii!JrIes and ~Ra:,' :~,am,le~., :[, 'tWnk J'OU alSJD :ne,ed, a, cQ,ffe:i1!' batlr.' with,

L. '1\" I,: 1Ii'!... - d ~I ~

D, iO['liWml)e uaCJi:-ut :U:'Ols~e' 3ICIl'YwJ,r,

W'1l'11 :j'j uL·O g'l'll,'''WO'II''it'1'

. I~ ,. i :~ll~~ gl.iIJ~· ,'. ~.Yll ~iIi

'-8'."" b. ,.d\";dII 1

' . 't!lJl~ Wui!':n, we u!u il m@U'lt8_

catcRiaUD:fi IJr ,h,erwr lllllcll, 'die Dverhaul wouJd, Cfilljj W,f!' dle(;~de d, ,_

Wlt:!i"d ~I1)!1~ be:u,er Dlff: b1l[l"m~~; miDI hq)!~ as~ plailm.a, T's: ,and j:'ui:t :pOI~ "i[tUfe~ o'~' Cristimal (no 'cOm1l!'b~lu='k

~ ,

'WII_all, 'tltlll:lc'l all_BI,1 alnl '.p"llIl, model ,on ,DUll' ii'.d'

Myfl.vo:ri:i! sonp, ever are lip era~IO :Mio :8~.'mbi[[o 'C:lfOm and

- - -

~'m' IIDTW- -ili:l,"iiI'! 'D, uet ~:!I 'I' 'i""'~ -1.,·, nD 'Ii'iH:U ji 'D. ... , ,..:II

i':.I. 'e- !!E-~, , ,!iiI,'l,;, ,".' L!lilt~·, ~I., ,.IlII.IJ.;7 ,ill[" U IIJj'J

'n]jo~gh, r\~n;! be en nS~e"Bm,g ~D

!t'I ' . . . ,lfI',·~ t'" . v; ,,,",,'" ~ ... , .,.AI If!' .,. 'k--'

~ Cl:SiSlDf k]"IJ J~(IfS~ .J{!iI;j,~, m,lII, ~,mJla'i'

:Nick :D:f',ak.@l:~ and, Ileff 'Bu.II::Mley,., W\hlll: l.ill,l; "lilli'

FGud aod, tra.Yle~ excites me, ], Watn~ te GO 't,g Mrif'~" C~mbodj.alf '1i1" th 'M' [A~' 'CI:'~ , ..J '~le'm,am" " i.e', .,.I.JJI.lVes:,- ,I.~l~l, mu

the ltst gpes on]

1IIIh.,. Ill'lin-, III: IrlDIlI linl '111el

1UlIII!I;..'Id-vOI;11i1 'tI\n-m- minll" -h'- -_*11111· ~, 1M! ",11M' "II!i<~I'iII .~,_g

•• ull- ~Ibe'

UDfllrt~:[[a~)l" he is aU'leady Irone~ but ,[ 'wiluld, H~e' '~D ba.V1R met the ,ar,cbltle·ct, Mle'51 ;van d,M 'R.nne" lIe d.,e,s;~g;ned OD~ of m,' f,I'V&lrite

ttl lliidingsl in N f!i\1r Yo rk ,I' the'

"11Eli'§II1LlT am- Bn'~ 1..411 I' 'FII!p'

I~ I;U~tI!Ii IQ . I. ,~·II~ 'U· l!I~ml.j

WluJlI: 'would: ,oU1Ico,nlild.er J.a~r' Irealasl lilcihllavam,I'IIII;"

I m b-a:pp'J l diD what I eoj OJ in ,me and that rVle {S'~a,lm!d. greunda d_~

'''II enw., IIilllllp.II",. 'A III laid 'Iha. :rolU ,j Lilt: lI,ad :,O!QI!' filrrs:llln., .1' III eat aRe r 14, ,.al'rl .. Mlava ,au ,Iona 118,11 a ~Bli111!1 ID r r.~lpl.d' 101 learn.vo.e Ililfe'l

'I n~m.embef 'Wl: 'was c["tI;nc'tlY 'Ia acu'u aud i~ 'w,al :fte eatinG: 13. 'ba II 0 - ch'iprs-E'm not lilin,I' 'to, ,li,eJ I e·lli,~f~)Jed ,livelY mUlch .. , 'W,bat I'

d,J·ilii'i,t·t l'f'I"'e ... Jl.'Hiil'l'iIf miril,;Ic t' .. ""L t' t ,v:"-~". jJ\, nJ~~M!!!, _. ~m~ lSWa. ' :~ ..

clm'tams tOJ,iL:: levels of b a£te!ril~ P:U,ISUBiS - :~rte,rorudS:11 ,an!d .it !clQ,g,s blo 0 Ii 'vessels ,aDd the 'cin:uls,t,ary system~ :l'lry·~!J :SIal,,. ,a:W'iB.:J' from eJa~m:g llmimllSI~ 'tJ,'IlU :r~m l1Jlt a '~tue 'v@g@:~aEian 1,61 I [,OnlUme animal. 'bY-,PfiDdlut~I,.1: d,on~t: driBk CDt~W"'S

_,,::'m'II.. 51.. I' 1 1:0. AI '

JJ~~ IllJrlllm, ,.DVie C.lle e,s;,e~ aJIu ,u::e

c:r~am., r eSI quitE! 'u'lJe eCintradictimn~

In IlIi;! :llh •• I~ ',G'D 'Ia.he on, d'ifferBlllleMIi_B IIDlel!!, WII'lc-h :seimp Iii ICI;IJlI_1I: tD ,D'ill

ilia' ..... n' li:iI.''1

r. 11 ~ .. w _ IHIII' •

You 'wiU ,have; '~o ,s]p'owr. '~o. '~h,e st'y]]j;s,t 111m :Pobbldo,J U DULt tlte ,sterll!otJpe:s=th@J' W@Ii@ his vis;i!lrnl, W:hen ] s aw '~h:e' clriJlt.ht.s" :1 'W,IlS :mDrtified~ ,AU ~, S flW' w,as fea.t:h,ers~,

'h . d ,L"

[: 'mol'p' Im,1 ,'erVlel,twi1~g WiilS :SJD

if!"L,;'8,o",11 'l1'n It:h' fli AIIl·~11 ,,:b i!ii iI:'IhJ;~1 m M 1£J[_WJJ;;';;;l~.! I. I', ,~I ~ .U;jJ I.Wl!1&l ~ i,l ,W_i:~lIUl

,kmew' b e s!~ and leV1e'[,'t ning 'was; p~bu~fJg[aph'e,d beatw,tifld]lJ~

I,' 'III e '.8:,'1 ,.111"". 1II'I"D;nd,e! W_, Il1e: lIa'ir chaR,.e?

T put: myself mn. th-e~ ,mands. of a, stylist land '~baJt ~s w:ha.t h_aJ,P,IHUilBO .. rm, 'back 'Ull brll1n,ene~ nowj 'bu'~. I did dis,cov'e:r tbat :P;@i[oxide: is; ann laddit1!iDl'l~ llorved i'~~

WIIIIll's '111,8 'IIC. ~all'I'I1'111I\1 ' abDul1 ,Og,

'My iIJl'p,eU~f!land ~!elisel of

Ii.. -

.lJJ1llmD,r,. FH.

In 'D UIF' IUIII 'iissuell IIln' 'pick fa,

.,L ....... "". . .1 ,FR.' Phirli 'l~ii!Iii_ e-_ ";,,_,; !lnB .,ei;llil ever _ _ __ _ _ __. IlI;1I!

ICOve,' was JIlU r5 ill 1h18 Gil III sball'n, Man i Is la, fair 'Ilia ,SIp'II:mlber :20DD illS Uia~ 'Wllall 11)01 ,O[UI 1t.:i1nlk ,dfd ill, lar tillal £ .. 81':1

m:~m, fO(l[tuna,tJe, bl@:cauSi~ I 'work: 'w~th tale:nm:ed. peoilj;Jl:~e,.l wo,n;'~: s'n,olot iothc'rwise,. U 'YO'U ,Me gl~(i,n.g 'btl, dOl ,s;Om~!hbJ~h ,it~:s, ,got '~Q 'Ille~

. h hil" - f :1Ii.. ",",' 'Ii,;; iI'

Wio:rl· IW. . e., As: u[ tW;tt: sneet, :11,

it'hink :ru,t 'll:'o:m~5 down te the lCh_@!mi5f~rJ' 'cd ': he team, Francis ,Abr,ab,am 'W,lIl5 th~ "d;IDo~Il;lr~,pb,erJ

I. U5,E! d '~D ,B;ho ot wi~h him a ~o~' aud, he Is Ilfat to tease on, the set, 'It wu, ,s:tyie,d, by 'luis; HS(p,kUu, wbom

:~: bay! belen :rl'mJelld~ 'witb fOleve.t,. T.b~ m8k@:l!1pl 'W,i1S by Stev,e:!]" :lJ)o'~osg,-he ItlCJWS my Iace, doesn't 'I!IS~~ a, :io~ of: 'Pr'D duets I' :Illd ,~: 'think, b.re~:s, .'b(r.iHianlt

Ifill II a8'n ial l!a'IlB 'Iillllle lilnc"l iil.'h'~iIi! ,IECUM'~ IIP- ft'.· r~n ce' HliI!Ilw" ,'tiCl'

1Ii_ iii II l.-lll'rl_ . -. IiIl_" .... --iii L· _Ii I., ~

I ill. IbDe nill

WeIll 'W:D the ~pl;S:n six, ye.s I' my' '~ile bas cbanged, considerably"

I ,fiiIJ.iO''Ved, IC.Ul~"S II went. back '~D '~c:h.,t:ull~ gra,dhJJa~e:d~ and .s1alt!@dl ,8 111,f!iW' .career" WO,[:k keeps 'me~ 'uSy IIlda~ :~~ttle: 5i~res s @,d,~ 'tH~l.t I c,a:n,~t [lD,m;[p~,aiD~ 11C1V'~ N_ew' YtII'kJ, I t'hiD.1~ '~be le:Dviro:mnent :p'fomote,s, ,mo~~ ,g;roWnill.~, A,s :fol ,irUerio,r

d~js,~:gnJ aside Iljom, ~mJ p19Qj@,ers in. 'Ibe l~S:, e'veJrJ tbne 1 'va£'atIoI.m, In 'tthe :r,blli:ppinel and AU8'tr~li,3J'i' there atID,W3!Y,s, ,s:e ems. I'OJ tM:! ,3 :f.amily ,meimm e'[ o.r frien,d, 'wbo is in the middle' rJ(f:' 'l:d'DstFUWCf'1l '[J\~' ~[l'mOV'atulg;, soI 'u.Sl;!1Ullb~" gEt [loped, " - ~h -

'I " J ~-: 1 ,- ~ .. ,

mte I. ~at

'W&at brou,Pt ,0'01 halk, tto ,ManUal

I l::;nne baek '~D do 's:o,me wO(fk~' and play=f'lJf A:ddJj[:~ Mc;bi~le, But 'whIt l :rolss, [(be :most iabcru tb,le P.hi1~,pints is fritnd:s, and :famU" l,alsol :remD, miss tI,a,v,elilmg areund the "hU~ppin'~,s;!. w.hetbel'

l'·'."1f1i t'Lo ;'it'!,mg'n.JI"" iAi~ m ..... untain ,~ It"

, JIJ. ~ '.J1~j ,lILl:J!.llo u.~ ~Ul~ \' !IclI I H,llo 'hL ... It. S

iii bea.uti~fuJ c~:UDlifY:,

Sal. ,Iuiel! What's IlIe: ,mosl Piln Of lI'Iil1l: a 1I.1i1 YUIt?1

M)T lO\N;~ 'Ilf' Siboe.s~'

WI1_arl'·,ls :,Ollli" '1II:&d: QnFlu: •• a

'FH i~pin'DI wmrd, liliDUlb7

:lfl ]: :b.avl@ 'io eho-oSJ@ I, nonrexpleCiiv,e:J 'm' . . liA - - ·W. "t'k, ~~,- - -- __ po

,~, 'wonu", :C:OI,_,~ nn SllJiUp, r

In ,Og, last interview '.llh IlUIi', veu mlsntiOJlHBd '11Iall -GiU I,DV.

I~' I.

UII,ralllr8., 'Wh'at w,all'lh., '1811

. . .

II oak, ,D II r.ad'i

'-W'--'-' ...J A- 11 ~I 'W' ''''.il.. ':£'1: 'J:'.

' ' .. IOou;y '. en, :s ..... '. ~;U:~IO,U,f :f' e,m f;,'li:ers'"

I ,6'~,st read it'10 'j'el:r.s iag-o arnd tusl: ,picked, itt up a§ain.~ U:!S ,s,'~il1li go il d, laugh;!

If ,'13 II .Iira 110 III II ,all!llrl[(jr~.1 11I,la a ,hoolk, .,ha,l, kill" af SIDIiJ .ill WII IraadJ

- ~ d' It'.~",

,A ~)Dme.· ,F oJ ,~:rOlS,"




'I rn happy I do what fenioy ••..••. -···

110 II!!f' d ,j Ih' ,-

m lie ano that

II'v'e, sta&''8d

g r" '0:' .,'" u- - 'n'-:'" ." .. - e': ~ I

'- ';:I_,'.I::.,· ',~


,.- ~ •. -I I I·:_'~,':, ..... .1: ... i -~. - ~ I:':,

·.'Wearing boyish lingerie and a tank top makes m~e feel really sexy already'

. .1'



51YUllrI\I1G: 5HAHAN~ 16A-, lit

MAI<EJIJJl :~': DI - N - 01: CASTla Fo.R MAyaELJUIIJE, S,ET [l,£511IGIN~ RA!FFY' TEla 8,0

t's Hkle' .losL[ng by a blowout, a:r.guln.g w Itllil [he' ~,adlJ' of our lire is. 'You staiY in he game for God knows bow ~!~)fn,g" 1~1(~cu;tmg, B. plan ','OU'U realize In ~he' ,llong

~ +

'rum ,]$, magnanimous, non-

(omroThtational, co 01 and dJ,eUbe,ra'~e a II a~ the sa:me: time; lea if all the talkiDI to 'he r!~ She~U lese steam e:ventually.

- ad tb~,g silence, And, the n, ,if 'jHJu:'ie h,ldt:y; great make-up sex 'bapP,e:ns,.

But, iD, the bedJcuJm~, make ne mistake, There absolutely s.bo1J.ljdln~~· be any c.:ra-fty mirnd games at play. A~n, her demands mu st be met, [E,v'len t.b,IDngh 'you think you de I you, have no [oIDtrol. over her in thi.s, s~tua Hon ~ Jou want it bad~.y ~ she gives it. tu 'you-irs qu~te obvious 'whc wle~dls the plower b_I~II!,.

This iSI 'wb,' 'wb.leu. it comes b] ili3Jun~:~ng, IOIU~,IS sensuality,

wonl en employ more

i rnplements, Take lingerie! Fo.r' example, It's a, pi~,lecle 19f sheer doth devoid of a,ny plract"cal use, bU'F it Egnltes ~U~XU!ll passions with 3 fury:. WlollD'n b" a. woman w.ho truly [tnO'wsl :how to unleash its true potential, its s,p ellcou ld

] [niger ,[ erever ~

FflM fa verite JOYCE' S D is one such g;id 'who has mastered lingerie's pow'll!r ov'er men .. LOIG!:k: ~'[ J:U~I~ W'e know "OiU fe el jl11S ' as

". ·dl stn]lp!--~,

W'e.1! ".0',1'8 all ell nrace. DUI,. Ii ever. Wh,al'll ,', Ii • R' '7-

i(ompared tD the SI~~rtJemb er 20106 issue'l" ]',m flluch more

'e'x]) e';u[~ n;c~d now. lIa. ~,al G otcba'! 'Wla,i~ I 'mean ,ws w'wth :regaLfd Ito my ~ nb I 11.'" -1- -~:' !k- ii"i ~ ,- - j!j; !"!i'lre-!"!I, ..iIIV

J!!!.II I, ' ~,Iee,_ ,wi. i;;:: ,Ii. VliG it;iIi ,. -'. o.uj.,'

'[n;aste:n~d ,all the pID'ses. B,u[ ]Jle:rsonaJli.t'y wijre~ I"m, s.tn~ the S8Jme o]d, ~oyc@. you used ~o lulow~ 'Tlh e 'hllp II,' lIiki1l!dl :pJ da.ss

"h - k-

wtil) I II mean ,S,Heill. a • a

viii iii nals an iN?

Yes, y(l1JiP.n~ right Th,tlt!s w'hal rVie

h een dlOiing' with a ll my IV guestings recently,

,ow d'D Jau lexplldln 'litiis Ihs,ft'l JOu . I, lesl pi'£.1:ori!,ill lur us1

Ttl is is diffe:re'Iul. Pe oplle ,h~,vle seen mewe'arin:g bikinis on. national ' -V In the sitcom BO;la~ But in this; shoot, ~:I,m, wearing Iingeriel YiIJU made me feel like 1.1':m the sexiest Rid OD, the pla$:lel~] Thi s ~ s the sexiest sho 0'1 I ve done, And g'a'g'~lwin: kn ,tan g ~i y,a for FHM!

Wel'Jl8! 'SID re! ,sf' o_bll gu" ' willi hii, O,q ',Gil a,fler •• ·' .n,I' Ihh; .. ,

HI, hal Guys in, the SbH'W 'b usiness are all the ,S ame,

w ... the, ,i IIle'tie fig" 'lilli,s shool, i.'ner "an the sw'irmslu'ils, "OiUI .ear in bikinil ~alll.IIJjJ

They are nice, 'but I still prefer

• ;, '~'IIII"h

'wea.lnrn;g: s w~m StUltS, .. w. m '~ ~ e

s,wimsUl:"t 'babe sim,ply because m '~rolve the 'beat hes, ~: also thin.k I 'Iooke d go od on swimsuits, mf .I we re ,to design m.J own linlier.i,e, thnug:fu.:p .it would

pro babl y be s ome:f.h'w'nc sim,-~"e burt cOtnUol1aiblf' and classy, In black, err course, so I w'~n11d feel sexy all day"

. "h 1-

CDn~ie.rV,i;[~l'V, t an anyone Ie, se.

'But Uti' is what r've' aiIDwaty:s, want:e d to do, Life is to 0 short and I don't wan t to die

wiUm, regrets,

~e'rblilll'[I 'it .ill ' ,10 '

'o'r,- -.~,-Ia [nD-,·"·, '

a-,jf- rau·

-.allC;J CUR. ,. •

H:a hal T .,ese are the :,rudu[:t ()(f

t 'L" .. iIf;~ .... r

DO : uaJ,vrn DC anv 'Vices" e aung a

I e'IDfhy ldiet and dOI,mg regular exercise, I, also freque n", the spa or travel just to relax,

_118.-··,·1 ca,n 'R'nd Juul

I'm l~dwayS, 'wf;h uly'Ir],!ruis .11 aving CD-If:l!~~~ - ,m)iutt if ',uu i':r.e .' sking 'w'here I go fer :my' l"aclEl'~i.on.~ rou 'W'ICU)},'t get me to spill,

Call,·I,au ,,-Iva III .. ,am" due,I': I - 'II 11 ;rr I, ' . "

n al wa;ys invol yes tb.~l beach, ,of course, I"m addieted ttll gettina

a tan,

Ah!!~!!'lha bl!llBChi! lau P'rftll!!i:ll _as,r' raur I_h.,' uiil" ,sleep. H;, ha,! Wron,gllu~ [ d.onl go

nak d Ie.,~thll![[i I wea:r very :sho:rt shorts ilnd a spa;gheUi strap w',ben, I sleep, FIIMI

'W,hfll, .D[u'ld lie: 'Ike mu;s.I, iD1,portant pi en? The I. ' 1,·1]Ihe u,lIdlie5!

The. 'bra, becanse It's always me-' tOI show- a IHUe r leaJ/"age .. -, ,P refer i~ plam hut made of silk i, I'm not comfortable wI" h. .hley' lingerie , although it r~~ ~y depends on my mood sCtmletiim,e:s., If Jou.in~ going to take a, :ltHle'k at my 'rn'~ng'er:re drawer' the sexiest undies you" U, see Me my' b nxersl Wle,aring boyish ,I ing'erie and a tank ~op makes me fee really sexy ab'leady~ J don't need the, laHey' 'ty'P'I~~S~

'WIlli! •• 'guld Jio'u wea'r' if "'OU' were liet! lilnl nS'Iii,ibllJ?

A se1lo(f hot-red lingerie, 1J,'U~ you .kmJ]lw,. bei.ng: s,e~x, is: also aU abeu i' attitude, not just be 'bady curves. Confidence~ confidence, confidence I

'We, [h,IDpl! 'lhe. Chi IIBI' ~Dmmllntll, wan"l I Ita, I: u ... lar' whLal '.a 1m aida, JUII, 'W'eall:ii

Keep 'yoW' fim.g@rs crossedl Ha b.a.!:

'D'U~' VAU 1II· .. ·0a'w .. '. ';1; W!:iII ~~ ha "PId'- ,iI'II'"I-nr .u. .L. J. U . j ~J ~ IU ,II(LI. _ i~~ __ g." '.:.__ .1Il.UlIJ.

someone like me to PtOS.l~ sex. or even juin bikini Ico:mpledUo.Ds~ rb,e, ChIDe se are mere

'This ·s· tho e

-' I t, -' I: '.:." . ,. ',"1 ;'. '.

J • • l,""", ,",

. Iii' .. st s - .... t

se·,x···le···s,· S·':· ': Of ·0 .. ·····

_". . ... '.:,. :. - _'.1 .. : .. ' .. _ _.... .. ,..... '

IV'_' d o· n' e a' n' ..

' .. · .. ·e·· .,' .. ". ' ... - ... ' I" -. - ... -' .. '.-.:.

. . . I 1.'-

• ~. " ,I • ': ... ... ___:-'.:, • .' ,,-, .' .r , •

I'll do it orlly for FH"

22 HiE IGI~LS OF FIt· UNGIERIE S~'E{I!AL www.lm.mllil_ph

_I ";'Wh', ble an ala carte when I can be a buffet?

. ". - ... y _.... " .. ," _.' .. ' :.. ." "':" I." " . _ : _ .. ,,_ ....,' . _ ." ....... '. . .1-, iii

I have a little bit of everything lor everyone to enjoy'


5.1YL II N'G: TON lAO,:'MlA l~ Ell p,: M I eKEV S,Ii E OIF 51H11LII 1lI E , URA HAIIR: IEN,AINliE AILIINGIASA IflOR, 1{Jt1lE~IL~'Si SliY liS:J SI!R.IES

B I A':" N::·. C';' "-' A··-·····-· v A.'· .... l E' R: I 0

_ _ _ •• 'J •• ' , ". _.



edels are ~ik,e a blank (,lUI'. ass, l€'ilJdy to be painted OD and

..:I .oJ. . .' 1 Blr.

g,J.[e[[Glrate[1Jl U1'IO a. (lertallrn, uO,tt\~

In a. stroke of the brush; they' transform from .ingem:ue: to 'VlmJ.p; sinners ~IO saints, r.oy.al~, to

IL]] ueen bitch,

'~]JanC'a Va.'h!do has be en around t he scene strutting Oln

C atwalks , posing :~'D.r ads and

c ummercials, and sometimes F!V@D. doru!lg: TV stints .. H!ere~ we 1'l!~rD the bub b~J member (J,f' the Prefessinnal Mod!e'~,s Asso elation of the! P~Hippl.[nel .~.ntn ,I 'virgiDaJ1 vision as she puts on for us an all-white ensemble, aw,a~dl .wn an ,an-white setnng, Prepare to g)O blind .... ~

fii rlt GFf. Abaut 'me, -m" .' ,Ii malt, you IPtwt 01l~ ••

Love' it ~ ~O:Vl~ sle.J:J .h:u::e liug@ [iii!.

. ,

I hall~ tbe:m in ,an ,assID'r~menit of'

colors, ,and dles~gns fn~m te d!die s, to C'lUs@ts-the WDr k~," I alwa'Js m,ake an effort to I o'ok .ni,ce f:or my boyfriend D'n, andllof! t 1011 th!e b e.:dF'lulm .. Im:~'s both ,a. privU!ege

~ bestow' unto :l~m, ,Ind, ,abo I,

._ .y~aHd.atio,n GI: bow' mucb. I tlU~y' V',sJie him .. But ~'F:' [~'m alone ~

since' :sJumbe:r is ,anothe:r £Io.rm of p.'am.pleringj, it 'W'Diu~dn'jt b.ur~ ·~o

~o ok the' :PIQ rt 'Hat ha:!

SO ~,I d~o . ,Dllke!,O II fa'l :e.,? Linge]"~e f'Ol me is ,aJJl. ,ext:e~nsion lof one's s,ensua.~ity and not ,iu'St se:xucdity, 'We,~u'ing ~ingede' belpllonre' ,conne1ct w,Uh, th.eir ]Dnre.r w:omJ.!~'JJn Wb.iO is strong·

Jl£!t deHcat@J. [confident and J'!M

v ldn.era,ble~ Truly hot and yt't ~.t twmes, just plain "o~, ,d,Brrn cU.te'~! ling:erie' alom.e is., s@'xy bu.t tbe lool\ on m'y b oyfr:"/I!nd."s fac~' is, ~'ar

. "


Sa, II 1;U, lilus JOu a p: i:r 8. P'" ." ,ntii' Quid th.alll., I., plUrl


n.i!linite],y., Hi]iWI~:VII!~[J l·tt depe'nds wbo gives, it t,o ~ftre., If it w,en! from some r andLom p. erSCIIlj, thien, I Wlou.ld, treat: that ,au~ an in.de ce.n'~

prOr:posa}.l 'would return the

gin '.0 that 1 won't ,give him file, 'wfong ideas, But if i~ w'em:e~ fro,m, a close friend Of' boyfri'end;, would realI1y' aI~rp.',ecla~e It 'Ill ecause I can see' '~ha·~ seme thought (naugbtJlf that is')1 was g;iv·,en in buying the present, Ha hal

list '. 11 •• 11\1,·11111 'for I~ .. da : ~ Wihallda 'D"II che.ck 0111 tilrst, .. han 81 ,III(J wallb ti'

When :1 loot 81t a, gu.y:~ the first fouF. tbings I check out are his eJes~, his teeth II)I. smile, his hands-I get susp[ici,QUS if tlu:~y"r,e teo so,f~ and mank ured l-and h~s shoulders, T.h.e1re"s, 8.ome-~hiDJ!g· sexy ab oul a man's shealders that, .hon.esl1J~, '1 don't understand .m.yselE bum :1 find that in a. waJ~ fOf me, it em'bodies, strength.,

50 .hal, halR,p·enli .han Gil.

IP I -

will 11'1 IU P ID ,O'UI an' alk':, fen a 111('1 I

'Wbly not! Cenfldenee is se,'xJ~ t can't pro[mise' r~ , s.ay Ties bu~ if'it's done in a polite manner, anything is :mJos.s"~h~e~ I must sar1" '~ho,'uglIj if you read FHM and o~be:r. .men.~'s. ma;giiizines" that in itselt says, a ~Olt: ab our~ 'you, :h3J . .ha!, S'9 I'm sure that 'P' ·'OpOS,i'~ wiU have an eJe.ment cf naughtiness in it,

Wau d ,au, :P far '111,8 toll" a,lId .. a:ed ar .: Ie' p~im IIRd proprJ WeU" i(!),n, the physic:allide'~ 3DlJrIlOe w:ho :kllOrwS me weU e.nnu,gb, knows I lov"e 'faUloo,Sr

", n gUJ5J-'W,lfUtt Olm} 'j leo 0.1 one's, of [)ours,e'~ I: ,also Uke. f[acia m :h air. " ij,'ld,er ,guys" talt, : iore:wgo, and ilark-b!air'!erd. ot a i ything· 'mba't exude',s, :rur;ggedn!@ss ,and. m.y,ste:ry~ So,mle,one vioo carrmes himself w'ell 'wit:bolut ill,ookiu:g: or '~rying

~o D D,ar,d ·to 'b e (lQcky.,

I!. .... 'II ,.,.'Ik - II ... L'· .-

ali '!MIl p-nenall 111115. "8.,

Wh.t iIIr, .•. JOII _ike aR-cam1

I am definitely a very' bu'bbly pe:rs(J,B' .. :1 tnj'oy making' people laugh. because it's a. natural h.w,gh

, ' .Get from. their energies .. l en.j oJ meeting new people, exehanging :delBs a.n.d. netwer kwg b e cause, rather than i ust b,e it so-calle d pr,et~Y'i ace, J'd :Ukc' to aJ),wa:y,s, le31.v·e ,8 1&'S t in.:!: impre ssion of '[he '11 el[SOn that : am ..

,So .ain· ". dubb ··dl [OU. 01' III .

hOned ball .. in tIIese parts

..... o-I·nl't· D m· ' .... - - V'ft1,1i" II!I! : !!II: .•. .. ·IICn l!ur ,,, "i..:!IiI:;'

II"s vlery' :Hattedng but :p e ople take fer granted that the sex:~.est: part of a woman is not her b o rty but

'l!,. • AlA b

net mln[lll~· . n.J1on.e emu aeeome

s,e:IY nowaday! w:ith aU '~h,e plastk sUlger}' readily accessible, But ~~D'~eUw\g'€!ncle and 2. sense

of humor are defiD.~tely l{jey in embodying' wha'~ is, tnLly ,s,exy'~ JDU]' Cup D ain't wurth athiag without some spunk UJ there, F'els~ .. AN~ 'G'U 'Ihe 811,.1; •• ' IJpa .lIa' IUlualll, pas fDr' .Ihat, she .8111111

Most defiltitJe:~.y., I know what I want so IldJDn.~t. waJ'~t: :[ot things

to happen, I make them baplp en. I'm proud to SIIJ my parents

.r aised me ·wle:~~ a. Ibars, 'why

even :if I know' wh,at :1 want~

11m. not ,a manip'ula.t~ve ·,'enNJD., rye. cd,ways: believed that JOu s:t.ulu·~dl 'be caretul ·w.~th what you wj,s;h fo,~ becatu,se~ yuu might jws:tt Get it I" things ,an! meant for youJ tim.e is Jo~r b est fr~,end S(JI Ule,:~,U e:ventuall.y COlmtle., .But: you shnu]dl. do Jour p,ar~ in giving;

" .-

des,~inJ (1, beJpirn;g :haod. with a.

. ., .. d d .,:a! AI m .JI

'INJrS;wtwv[e aUJlltm.' e' aD· IwE!IU,[icateu


D •• ,. IOn' liillde,r nola. h,D. da, JOg .p ••. r ',aur ~hDUrl'

I'm 9, :home]lo d·y,. :M:y' work is

at n!al,r[W;y like a big party ,5,0 quiet time at h.ome .~s' pn eiou s, As.

a single :mom~ :m.y daughter is, the center ,of Dly liflil .. The time ), S'P- end wi~h, her motivates me to.l excel even mOIiB' in aU that ) do" MOle! tha" a, model, I take pridle

" ..... ,.. Ii dl 'II b

In lUeu11' ,8 rote mot lel. . ecause

she is nty 'number (l,ne' :fao.

I ., 11- '.

L~'_ Ie. 1 : aa::lII;pl'S ,aur ': m .. ::

A:~;N)lt :fro.m ,m!o d,e:'~' . g', I'm also

h t b· L l •

,8 101." W.U:, .L!Of' me IS my

very first ·~,ovefl care er-wise, C"l!Irfent], ~~If&AI.bi,D '~he ,as:so[jla:~e: co-fasb ion ,e,diiof' ,of' a ,glossy mag and. ,8 make-un artist as we:~"


LastlJ~ rm also a pnlfessionaJ.

motivatio,D,ll speaker, 'hink of me as. a 'i~fIlJlmJElY~ wa.lking s,e~f~ help ~b nek, ~I Ha hal Mod.elio,g

.'. S ,me'[@ly a stepping-st:!ol1!@ ~or greater' aspiranons,

.• er ._UR'Ndl ' •• -nllr,ob:


'Y:Ies.~ DurinK a '(ash ion. show la;!U lui,. Prom the hundreds ef shows I~'ve done, it was the lone twme I de€ide d '001 not wear Dipple: tape because I .. figured :my g)Own 'was,

s afe, BUIt as. I'W,BS s ashayblg down 'the' runway'"""'the, lerJt stl",a:p' of my' ,glown fe"~. midIwltJ and leveryone s,aw' j~th@ girlsUlI! WeU .. , at least one of' ·~.h.e(m~ Ha ba~

- - aw' u'ul_" 'u .' all;1 t. -..-_-:r8Ipl t"'~5; lip?

11 0":- m'" 'ib'·', • ~~I·c. , Oii" jI" ,~ '. ,.w'!o;;~, L _I e ,5,a.y !J.. ],5. ~,"leVi,","~. "ry II.D

aC.bieve p,e:rfectiol:n beICiIJ:U1U!

~ruere I's. DC :such. ·tthru.ng. 'Why be all a ~IO ORne w'he'D. llcan be a bu:lU'et'? I lunre a :~'ittle: bit or:' [ev'e' ·ythinl f)ar e'V€!'ll'Jone ·~o e'.Djuy .. ~. SOl be)!J!"

b''C ,.. .' .," ",'f ,--

on: lapped~. ::


: ..

, .... 1



30 1111E IGIRlS IOF RIll UINGERJE SP~C:IAL ,w.)fhm c~rf1l.ph

I n· t e:' .. ~ I'~ g.':. e· .:- n IC· _ ':e'" .... a··~· 'n.--:· d

I ... .. I II " .. _'. .' . .• '. • _ • '.

a sens'e of humor

d f ~- I k a~e e nltery' <By

In embodyng

what is truly sexy


• •






eodbye Crispy Pata" [~'uJy 2;007 is,s1il@]1 was such a revelation. that if ylou ,Gave 'it a serious read you wuuld still h e OJ,S S( ar e d a s R, ob e r t Ma gno to eat an y th ing cr i spy again. For good reason-anyone

on the brink of wasting away 'would 'be jolted into giving up delecta ble cholesterol in Iavnr

of a mere healthy, albeit bland-

ta sting, 1 i f e style"

Why _.is ,it, that the better

things in ]jr,e are usually the ~)nIE:S; that are bad fur vou? Truth to tell,


just the smell of meat deep-fried

in murky oil is enough to make

.jl' I' " id dle

us torget we re ueanng nn -, eo

age and O1J]r arteries may not be as plaque-free. The day someone discovers a definitive cure for stroke is the day 'W~ de clare the world saved,

Good thing') UH~n, that FHM affords. 11S, to indulge without guilt once in ,(B_ while, Gentlemen, what you r do cto r S aJ ys :~ s ba d for };OU in '[hie long run isn't, if it's healthy good female cholesterol in the form of Melissa Frve~


IEvI'f' 1~lt iii IIlIII i,e-llil II, Icl~ds Ib'@c:alluse, of your 11,i1st, ... a'm'.?'

Not actually bullied but when

I was yOl.lmg~ ~:ny classmates always teased me, They used

to call me Miss FI~Y Chicken.

But I didn't reaJ~y care because we were kids. 'When ~: was a. bit elder, [hey started caJHin.g me Chinese Bamboo n:ama,n because 1: was really tall and skinnv,

~ )

But we ,d-on I t. ,see Ihe tal iii sklj nllny

(Jilrll n,o'w'lI

Thankfully I don't see ]:~ either. But stil 1 ~ th e n ame-callin g do e sn 't affect hew I see mys~U. Maybe it's because I'm ,3. very positive

p er son even as a child,

ID!i ell ,0 III Ib,inee' o,nl a lot of' vitalmlii iii 5, ,to la'in :501i1!1! we irl/ht? Not really. 'My body ,jUS;[ developed naturally, W~he.n I reached 18 or 19 I noticed that I 'was beginning to have curves.

WillS 'Iha t iiI,l:5o ~~ e' age "O,U !ita ried mod 81 iillilg?

I forgot when l started but I guess everything fell into plare when.

1 'won Best Mode~ of the World 2003 held in Istanbul, Turkey. Wow! B,e:st Mlode,1 Of'Tllle

'Wo rid - h,o-_ d iid yo lUI ~ 0 It',d iot a-ViI If the others?

:[ really don't know' until now kos! it was, .a really tough

C 0, - m 1l,,1!l'1~ ~ 11 ~ ,""'"IfI' 'J'1k, "" r"l! w, '0); ra c, Il"I. .... LIU.~ ~ l!Lt~Y!Jl,~ r ~ ll~ 'IC _ ~ ~ ILl U

contestants and there :~ was, an IS~yeOj,r old who just wOln the MTV Fashionista Fashion search sent to represent the country" Have 'ow 'tf'ted wa I kii flll1th,e, ru'nlway' i iii I ingelri,e',?

Yes, I'm used 'to modeling lingerie because it's part of what I do.

So Ihaf's whl, yo lUI li'u~ve'l' Ihu:h ed ii AI th is 5h'Do,tll

But this is the ftrst time r modeled for a men's magazine in lingerie" 1001 ,OU, have a e,ou,pl·e' oif them ,'ourself?

Yes I' [ love lingerie and J: collect them. From corsets, chemis e -yeu name it, I have ]t. I adore them

so much! Epecially my' CK

collection: I really' take good COj,Fe of them" M'y mom taught me to hand-wash a&~ my li ngerie and te not ever USA~ detergent, :1 use body soap 'when washing them,

Do you ~i Ite tbel11l as BI gUt?

If it is given by at lea nyfriend, why not? Ba[ if we're not even close tH1:nJng off yata ,run. I don't like that

Wh at li·f Ih@ :Iiver is an ,e_lram eily ha lII,ds!omle guy?

I don't care! There are OJ, 1,01' of guY's na I um'Q ItJ,,, i i sa akin., Preslu: 8i la

j 1] st bee au se they' re good -looking and rich but that, doesn't work em. me. J still prefer the nice g'~ly,

Ca n "010 d e,s(ri be 'tIhe word

U1n i iCe'" for 115'?

_Am understanding and humble gu y. That's nice Inr me, Pero I hcp e he's a I so taller than me. ,rIa hal

O'kay, a!it d@ frQim the rUlnW'.BY, h,av-e you Ir; ad comln1ercia I mlode,1 j·ng?

Yes I do te le v isicn commercials abrna d. u's difficult for me to ger gig's in the Ph i ~ ippines because I'm too tall. So. 1 really travel a lot

Any 'Favorhe Qggn1ry ',_..w visibtcI? Probably Russia, A'~ such. a young age, :[ never thought I would get to V[S[l the country. The place

]S really great, 'the J.H~"@']Jle are nice and the malls are to die f~)F" Sob.rang 1.nki and ,:~nJbnnr.g gan:,d,~ 11g malls dtUI"

Do 'o!u, alw,iiI'),S let cas,lea in e'v-ery (o,u d iI', yo Il!I 10 'Io?

Not always" :My lo-ok Ju~'si is. sa middle /a ngi meaning I'm, not fun CaJU(8JS]a.~ or full Asian",

Woull,d yo II enter' :ShOWDi:z, in OUlr1 C:0II,\1'O 11rJ'?

M'ay offers, ,na but] 'm not yet ready. :My ~ig: dream is to make it a s a 11 international model in Parris 0'1' the States.

,AInJ !iU perMode ~ ,ltU!I loek up to.,l Kate :M 05 5 an d, C ar m e [U C a 5S. People always tell me kas! that I look and walk like Carmen Cass. Rlna ~rIY'1 s illilca 70111 lire ,iI Iw,a'),! IlIlp

,8 nld r!tn. n,i 111 did we m,;lik., your' li.,e wlorthwh il'l?

Of coursel J like the photos and

I love the lingerie especially the black ones. It really made me feel sex Y r FHIIM

w~'lw_fh m .oom. p h 114 E G I RI5 OF PI!IIM II NG n~rE 5P[(jIA. 3 9

essens In. enduranee Uiel ·V~.V a

'U ~ ·0·'Il..[ , . .' . ~I ... · :. ,~, ··llIl..li nOl uanes eau ,aw.w,ay,s d~a,[u~

~. the - -,-.' II·t . " .. .Ii,,'. . ,

~iIlU!~!L ley area _ as aenve or

aJ8 e.oifltr(nrerS\mim~. II.S they' once were, but they are, I:S FRM has 'UfudfijJU y ehronicled, still hereand sdll ,grDwwns··, We".r e t~lkinl; can er [ong;[I!;vt~y, 'by the waiY:. Saehie S,ande:rs will expcund

on this iinerview's firstline in. a

]j ~ .i;..~

tilt ·W.liLbe ..

Sadd~"'w'IBJ:s one of the Viv,! Hot :B,albE!8 21006 retnforeements, The derision to take herm 'W,lilS; Bl. no-brainer: No~ only did she possess 5UCh. to .. die-fer curses, ,r:o"ifli ~I~O" ha i[i, a. 'S'iI!IIIX' ·a' 'nno' ..... :11 thst 'j]j!l!1IQ la'riJ! ,I J"_~ .: l_,~ .,. r,~!~aJ. :W·'gl~

COlJdd sweep "IOU off your feet faster IE~arn. y'Ou can ,say l@bn)[l J ames

. Her all-woman ebarm makes hefr :fram~I 'views, on the art 0'( b)vema[ting sound so [candid .. That do @ sn.~~ Tre'od.e'f heir ploints lIJI!lJy less heate d, ~[hough. Rea ~ on B.nd 11@ltn1JJ,.,.

!au :seam tal." • 'havi~R;1 so . uch 'fUn ·.a'ring the linKeda If a r

,thlil . hoot.

Y;[m nutloe.d'7' ~ ].OIV·[f\ it.! '[t: W8J,SI

so S@I·Y and ~ ~.mve the color:s. Wben Y[DU. hal.vl! the ·fight .m.mx of lingeriem you~U '~eel re!d~y s,ex.J~ St@xy arnd naughty- Un!erif~' h~.s, tbat e~flelct Ion 'RU!~ (I e w,a:y it. hu,g;s m'J 'b od.J'. T~e f,9J.bric should 'bl!!' 510ft 'with IBces~ It [cQuld also ·tle'

e. [[:O'rs~~ brtIJ;ssien~lm blU8.lo 1('0 rin:

. me~y[o siele,-th'[ough, COlh)r1e dl pink

w~th shade.s. of bl~t'[~"

Whailldil'l[d or lI:n1811111 WDII. d ',ou nat be t_ugltt, VltHa.jnl'

:r:ullg sob,[ang ~n~~e'-thrDugh. 'Wa'la fi,U} i:-ti~mg [e,xd.te:memt k.d.p~g ganun. ~, a~s,o :Hind it 'clhe,ap if it ~s d[eswgned ,that way~

E·II'r'Vlol ,iI l~nIBri:el durlJnl, ' [[jIll plrlOl'1malnC:ei!

I h;vlen~'t. Gi:llfl'gami't lQln.Qll1.Q'm:in IUD dudmg :p1.ictorria1 s, or 'vide 0 shoot. S'I.lt i~' 'd~li!Ire~,S ,I.li~lerie f'asib.ioD show pl"rQ SQ, 'Hot B,ab @:S.~, I womJ·~ mind '~~ldng p,arrt. in. it

£ver 'Irid .inliJnl and da n£i I


n ,alIllr reolm weannl ,8111r


H;a hl~d Y;e.i,;! I sing and dance a lot sareom kD~

111 '"I ... - ... 1.. - ;lili·n;8'· .... I a iI:lJk·.atlJl 0- -r ; . II., !"oUla HI .' uli' .' .... fW!iii ' • ..:. u..

Bul1illlllia Ie!

No~ I. sing and dance to other tunes, Pet» when. I. was just .neiW~, I used to :pira!cticf the Viva. H'~J't MII.bes song' mn my room .. , Ha 'h{1lJ.!:

Hlg. do ',au lab GI'r[e' [olf your I.ilngerie?

I I II! aUy take' care of my ow.n lingerie ~ espe[cia.Uy y;Uli!g bra, I laiwaysl put it in 16 ha.ngler p'cu'a'

.h,ll w[ag .mo~~deform:. Ko'si .l{LU1:g llalrJgay mOl lan.g' yun kung ,SUUllSlluan:p. ma:sisrila s~yt]'. W:hich is a. b~G ·~oss be taus e great Iingerle costs a. for tune.

Is it.lrd fo,r y01l1 [boy ~il!l I'D tab tlllat Iker' Ii rlfrlll ad dDIS

A'IIV' 5.;::nl5' -,

i ........ 1' :u -' I.

Sorr,· l'm single m Ha hal B'W:~

if [ever I have one, nJE sboul,d, accept what .- do. n not wfl'g' no I,CUlg'" it will DOlt ·work. [out'l!as,i my career is ·v[er.y· Important to me r'"gbt now.

lSI ba IiII i:n . 'howbiz, rour' I,.atesl, II ream?

Yies.~ Tm aware that m have a talent in singlng am.d dancing~ Tupos lHi,tutO ptJ oko n9 modeling and fl(nv:, I .know how' 'no act, G,us'to. ko namang gamj'tin ..flungl mg'o gifts Il'i Go d, PUIO I can. :s.how 'him that I'm thankful

Your IItlao iis qillita unfllll'~ Wlh'l is il. B_ :o'ull-

A[tuallJ~ three times .lto ,no f'tO[fl,g p[~'n[a~tla;tt,oo. Before it was color blaek tap'os .n.g',ayto.n memn .n[a ring red .. TIDt!l!: red one is m.y name in tribal and my ex 'boyfrie.nd 's name na .rin.. But s,blCleWfJ "'a~ nu klami; it would s.ignify both m.y names .n[(] • lang. M:~ch.@ll@~ as my rea~ name and J elai, my real

- '";,rk- Ha.m· iI!!i< ]]I"!. .. .l,iII..~.

Do ',au e.elr c=ansidar ha' "'ng it .rased?

No way! I: will. ThO!. Ie: ase it, For 'me it's ar t

Dues dla Inaxt II •• .., Ihave 'tal lIel inl .slh,owb"'II

Hm[di naman .. But I'm sure that the' 'future gUlJ 'wU.m 'be: a .[ea· man, N'ot some kind. cOl' at wannab e.

How Ido ,au :'0." [Ill -, 11815 ,a man? He's real if he respects me de'sp~,tle what I do .. I will 1 ove him more if he treats me like a peineess and makes me h.a.p'PJ,

,As'ide 'fro •. _ihos' I whllt elle

~'.J ,udd h[e de I'DI b ,.; ., " mian .f


He~ should be romanti c, e,s"eci,aUy when. i~ [comes to doing; the

deed. :He has, to know what I want first, S:(j'bi .kio l1g[l1~ 9 IlB'to .tOI may .K.oJ1.t,ing :fo!.rre:p~a:Y·i kissing, and tl@as~ng' P OJ.fa h'in:di II a'm,an: boring, And no,'( '~O 0. fast~ 'You. know~ e"ven. if I wasn"t in Viva E,:m:~e.r.taimme'Dll.s Kam Qs~'fla

vide 0 ~ 'I [OU ~,d perhaps call mY!H!lf

'-'I 'n exp ert a- iJI..·.noi~':i·iII this.Ha hal DLiBI. !I{;:& . ~JIl 1 ~_IRJv. !~JIL .; Ii"li[. I,I,UI 1.1 ..

&01 an, sian.UIN ma,'.![

RaJ. :t\J.a!, Do I h!ave~ tOI tell 'you? Se,cre'U Slel[ret~ Pa'ltl ml~'S exciting .. B.Q~lta~1 T just: don't VI ant to be '®OOi pre dilctabl[@.

IDa JGU I ike 'ii, .haM ,0 UI,I Ilnl,erile ils beiR( :ppdilnl he

haal, of III. mom" /1:1

N (II!, In Iact, l like doing i' J 'w.ith my ling[elie on injd.ally. If~ more. iexcitw[[l~. [t also feels g;ood and nBJug:hty·,. Hm,mm.~.,.,n.e:x~~ lingerie' question pleasel Hat hal:

10k· •• wllal1ki nd IU' Ii n, •• rie com-Iemenl ! ,0 r: ·I.DDS? Si,gU'lO yung .m~ay :Dowlers., and Iruits, aut then, f'e e ling; .ko. .n[alman [an.y .nnge[~e can be :WD harmony wiJb. .my tattoos . 'Ever l'III,el18inad . '

~11I.r"inll bed .' HDlllabe? Ha. hat I I'm. ~t~~~ thinking U: I. wamt

to UiJ :rn.t TheiY'le aU 'bot l!'Qmltm tt'daga. 0:( [CDWSH!,J some DO.! wbo:'SI Blot bot: cam D@ver be ,8 part of' the Viva Hot Bib es"

DD JOU sa~ . 86'm; . . find] il aw'kwa'l'lilpasiinl. eJlf illl vi:daol! Depende sa ld'a8e' n; ip,mapagawu Isa akin., Ko~,i [(jko[" I. ask: Ule diIe.clo(f first mbonllt tb.@ ,s:ceDleSI be'ure, w[@ ,shout. A't.leas~~ may time ,d{o na lJ(lg-isJfJan~ mU~lI:a Jeu[ng' k·t1ya ko[ 0 .h'rndi. emgl ,hin i~mglr. .ng eJf:5ena. Pero'

::·:lFj-··thin· k -a m' nv·~r't· 1I'I.ii'illn<lRiI!':iI i!ii·nA ,U . - ,~.'~ n'~ :' ~i' III I " J;·!11L&jlfl·!ll~_Jlfl. w~~}lJ

:s~:xy )'lUllg doting;, alta, l.an.g., WII'a: " DU Jd Ibe 'rour nUl ma· .. il bl bedl7' .J o.l!@! Ha .. ha.j M,e,fta'.re b!:ing peart' IOf '~h[e g;roUI. ~ lang gUStlo lOr tig[~a'g[d :is, '~Q be a ~iDI!r.:~ metre s s'~ and mo diet Ang' ~amiJ df' b a? So

I don !"~ kmlDWm Tbisl is w:hat. ~. Wll1Ul'~ rw.ghlt. B[OW. Kflhif .PQ-s'lexJ; l w,w:U Irratb '~h.e IOppo[[tun"ity' [as U Clome,s :my" ·a·y,.

'DD ... tllal ans •• ,' 1m. RS :rauIU_nh '.' ]11 RI D[·· I '~liU.lin,1

III ue.!5,Ua'ncl'

Ha h.la~ 11"5, getting JieaU." ma1!lg'b~y

" l1a~ .ptdo~ So l,ahat' n:a .n,ang iSQsog,ot leo ~s' u.s.e,cret!~ ~!' :Ha ,hal~ ~--: __

, '1 never rely on lingerie

t- d - - m partn nerl a Ste'~ 'uce -y - ... 11. . .....





• .

. .,

UN6 ERIE SPEC1At wwwAhm.Ulm.ph

VierlthinG. :seem~ ce ncept - dl ri ven wt enever lennifer Le,€ is up ba~~ing a he m,er U' of an ,FIlM pictoria . Her coyer appearance

in lune 20105 with. fellow' Viva Hot:

Babe Jay c e e P arker, Ie r ~ xa m ple j' was a nod, tiP the e lem ent a j 'pIOW'@lS of the pla ne t Th i s time I'

- ~

sl1,r~ returns to her favorite

ma,gazffine haunt as Lolita.

There's a reason ,tolUo, brilliaufl y w ritte n by Via d i]11 i r Na,bokov and expertly trar slated into film by Stanley Kubrick, has, outlived the Cold W(IJ.T., Th'E' hint of the Ierbidden alone is enough of a PI1~[. Of course, Wr~1 at FHM

I: ele bra te the phe n orne non. in every creative-and legal-way

P (mISS,[ ble,

The thought of Iennifer doing a Lol ita in. nothing but lingerie

se nt us 'ij ve F the m OiiDU and back. W'e: had. to CronstanUy rem.ind oursle,lves to bold. uiff our craJY]ng f I)f be 0 ze unH 1 af te r :(],n i s bin g the, dID.'O'Ot It s ~ me,8Jn feld any given day of the week. .. 1oda,y, Ihoug'h, w,e· didn't mind.,.

1 en,nif er, 'working jU~T g:rio, 0" e ~ 1 i a.fte rno on a [n!'ady had u.s· ~iu~'avHy intox-icat!edl anyway ...

We,icome. luddl

]tiS .gre,a~ '10 be back. Suki,n.g'-suki a,M'o $,0' FHM! .I ~ldways perform }"ready with '~hl~ V:iv,~ Hot BalH~'s, ,!art ·tbe FHM iOO SexilestW'o,m~'n in the 'World Victory Party.

How are' th ings wi Ih thr", Vivi Hot. Babes?'

. R]g:ht now, we'fIe trying' to conce,mJl,~Ja'N~' oln '1]1111[, individu.al careers m,Of'E. The focus now is. h.~In.ing· our spilel[·rn.alti~s,,, Ttu~re are gids 'who are doing drama ,~nd o(J'mlf:dy. Othe·F.s dance' ,8Jnd posle~ for m a.ga zin,es. li '~ry t ~ d,o ,~ 1 ittle bit of eVfrythin,g and] h,av-e a :['e1el o.f wha'l jt's liki~'~ wbirh '[ think is

_ g'iOIO d,,,, I wan t: to be I[]rU t the re as, much as [ can.

Say we be.~om··· ,oar aleldfoll'liI -

,.I>eIiU II!,lI1._, ,...L...._·Wr ...._ Ill ...... vnu Iu-a'

--r'1i IJiIUBl _-IUU_ .~ ----'r- .''_''_ ~Jj iii

I'dl still ] ike to do mlor~;' ma\ga~!'" ut!.

s.I1U)IO t:5]1 act in TV ,a_ nd movil!~:~ dCI

out- of-to \IV n or ou t-of - country shows la,h,(lt y,u,nr Sa,fi',o: tuluytu'I."oiY lang. h would be nicer if. I ge't reccgnized as a talented actress Yu.n ang gu'sto ko t,uiagu, and l'm working on it now'.

o e Jo re ,k-a s l, .k ika y'- ki ka y ac t ing lang. I just go and have fu.n! New, ]" want ro try and ore: serious with it Just n~'cen.dy, I finished ,aJ basic acting workshop with A~S-CBN. I'm ,going to take the advanced acting classes. once there are slots available. I'm inspired. to work b"aJrrder because 1 don't want to let duwn the people who support me, WjH~n [ see fins . .nIQ masaY'Q rd,~'hil sa ginag'Qlw'rJ' k~" lralo akon:g ,n ae-el1 g a 11 y'On 9 m erg sik up.

Are )"OU 5eei'nll iln,'Gne at. tile mOll.1lS nt?

Yes, But not available! Ha ha

h aJ I'm dati ng S ome on e iiJ],DW' 11 a medyo fee] ,KO. He's not'~ from showbiz though,

Luck, stWlt Wlha't doe, :a ","illn need 10 do 'Ie gl,t i III yOllllr' 1004 Ir,8'£:851

I'm not really th~ type to just look at the physical side, "U!'I'O §}iv,en nO' nam,un the that's what Girls go for at fi rst. Pet« ,flJak.ulalSQ'wa: rtn kas! PlU) yu,n lang~, in tbe long run it. just feels H.[H~ ~]lf,atu.a~ilort

I d. go mer e for a ,g uy I have

eommon interests with, scmeene who I can talk to and. have meaningful conversations with, A mysterious guy maybe, ,yu'n b,ang he'll make you want to

'[lea rn m or IE' it b. out him. And dlQ PIQ t con sist ent inc au rt m,ng!

M.ani·I~ .. ~

I hate it when guys make all the' ,effort to get to know YOU:t chase you, and then leave just like that. lig:h'~ nnw', even if there are guys who 'try to get with me, I'm careful not to tush .. [ want tOI see first if he's the type who"~l[ take me seriously,

'If ',OUI ca III be RIM Editor .. i,,~

Ch let 'for a dSJm who· 'ou III youl chUGse '10 'ealul" .. in liiinieri.a? M.ost of them, k,u~'i.j l've already seen in maga 'z~ ne s go sex y. Pe rOI pat« ma'ibaj, I~H. go for Ma}BIi Salvador, she's really beautiful and. talented, She's 5,0 raw and new, tweetums pa siv« ,ngl1yol1~ pe,ro ,SlguI0 when sIH~~ ,~'ets older and gets mere established as ,a star, it 'would. he a nice surprise t.OI see her Ie SIE'xy.

,An, I inl,eri I' .0el.11 that. tah,e!, YOUlf' 'Ialnc,?

'T be V icto F ia' s Sec re t m.o d.,els! rJr~. Banks, Heidi Klum, (i.ise,~e Bundche n. An g g'a ndo~ ng ·~,aJ.sJl to II. shows l1,g Vicmoria"s Secret, all the

models lo-ok ~o:rg:e 0 us i n lin ge rie ,. "oulllooke4 liik-. ,,0, rl. ··aU',·

. IlnjoJed dol nil JI lioUla-

iin l.p~lrad Ii nl',ed . s,haot .. Definitely! I love tIN!: lingerie I were and rhe colors, vf'ry vibram and. Ii, @ly.. A, n.g' rute! Ha ha h a I This is U10re of mj personality,

A -II ,'O'PI Illook. ,the p. rt, 'toel! Ar(t«aJ[l~ this, isn't the first time I've sOtne sweet and sex·y,. ln my first movie .uusYiJn~ I played a 15- vear-old nene. W'ho,'esome pa

~ .

to:laga! Th at WaJ s the first Lolita

role I dJ~d. ] also have a similar rele for a dig~~al film wJ~. just finisb~d sheeting, 1l1lati sa Pl€)'fola. I 'playa

-rhi' ill': - rho 1in·o.'k' !Ii:' 'r ] 1

!!... • ,_r,a.C·I~er W , .. Iv:', . ~ ~,ea . y

innocent and sweet, but a'S ~t turns, OU~'II there's a 'w~o~e other side of

her that IS wild and erotic, L

C· Ii ,Oil 5 Jill., S I •. f.F ,'G,g r51,1 f?

Ub],Jl,~ ] guess. Ha ha hal A little of' both. There's the conservative,

p rim, and pr op e r side iO~ me, b ttl! there's aliso the s.ex'y·, gutsY:r and con fiden t f ennif e F Lee w'h 0 COim,es 01ll~ OD.ID)e in a 'VI bile ..

When do JUIU unl"~;~s. Ihis sen5ulIJall~d ":'7'

U~i'UlaHJ sa work. W·hen.:[ need te show fle'sn and fe·e] sexy, dun .0:,0' tala'g'a! lum~tdatH~s. YUlI,g wilder side ko~ 'WaltJ ,nlafl,g hriy;a-h(yll:d 'You l·ur1e ntad-' tid' :lhooCloo1k lik ,! a ,~e.€8 0,' c.ak ,.

rVre always heen prepared to do stuff Hkle 'this. Ifs. ,~'bout [uHHling:

Y'[Hif [lo1e. ll'S 3. Vi.va ,H.rDt :Bab,~. Th,[s IS my jlobj this is th.t! image I h,a vie ,to 1"01 t.Ia y. I n~ vel had a

pro b [i~m do~ ng sexy Plr.o.~ II!C~S, I wa.;s ready from. 'Ihe g;et-g'O~

I iv,'n 'the ICJhafl C ; 10 r -liid a In~:lar~e :510re', '_ lh,.t, ki'ncl 'wou,ld ,ou ho' lidl

H,@,nes,UY'I' I'm. Riot, }'Ieally 'm1lllcb rijl€: a :Iing@de :P c'lson, cdt'hollGh [. do '~ov@ wea.ring tbem! I'~ ro,i,kes, me @m"brra!!ce: my !rexin€!'s,s! and sensuanty i I pn:!fe'[ the s,ilky and s,a;Un '~ c' ;Ie 0' tinger.ne" p'a,rla I011s,tn9 wQ'I.la kan,Q' ,15) U c)it, a~' a n:g gaan sa' ka~t;f)wal1~

l. Ih " sa •• tbinl ,au"d rile 10

pr.nrce in bela 'c : IhJIIli"1 the, sack?

I'm ,actual'Y a plajamJa~pe.rs,o at B,ome ~ I.',m, rea11,. 'bm.,g on Icomfy :~deepwe,ar," Also bec.atnJ],se I share a ,foom with :mJ J~ung~r 's:i.:ster. 'flIO S'igUIO it's ,a diffl!re]ltt story pa:,g' p,irtnJer kiD ntJ. ruu:g k,a,fa b~: k-o. GcD D,'n_~.

Wo.'I.'a na!! ~: wom't w'e,~ r an y th.in g' .nra~ r.ll D~v'er rely on li:nge r i@· to ,sedue,! my '[prIJrtne'l.

Nat evan ill Ila, , •. r [be'~:Dr. lih,. ~ain Iho .",

Just a 'b1,mk@tJ then . .fun II a! B,u t.a'§. a! Ba ha. bta'! IfH .

541HE GI'RI..5, air n-. UNGERJE SPECIAL wwwJlIIm',{IHm.p'h

www .. fliIm.rom.ph THE GlRt.S OF IFIilM lJIN{][RJIE SPECIA. 55


.. . ...


------- - -----

magine Venus de Milo with. her arms intact. Doesn't look quite striking, right? V.lhich begs the question: ". hy t.he world's greatest h'I", ~cda.ns and. scholars keep wasting brain cells figuring. out what her hands. 'were holding during her pre-arm ess days? fA n apple, t~~·,· claimed')

We're not sayi ng this to

~ mpha s i ze t he .~~ ili pino s l f on d ne s s for amputee-love, as 'the recent F,HM Global Sex Survey bared. Our point is" Venus de 'MHo is

:P1'E'f feet the 'way sh e is now.h at she can't hug us back is quite

u nimp or ta nt re a ~ 1 y',

Imperfectien, see, isn't all that bad .. lf you want: it to work '[0 your favnr, JOU ran always unlock its power '[0 surprise.

Take F HM b abe An na Ie a h J avie r

here" The only chink in her _

armor ef late? Visibility. Thing: is I' th ate an e asi liy be a d.d res sed with .a mere mention of her name. Say it now; please. I'ell us what

comes to mind. Her sensual curves?' Her mysterious appeal? Bier angelic face?

Know this .. though: In. her

t"i m e off t he s p O'~ H ght, the smoldering sexy actress actually went back to school and

gradu ate d. CYm L a ~lde' wi til a degree-in :M:ass Cemmunication,

She's back new to remind us what we've missed.,

m ~b"I~· 11 II '. h IL.."

, ·.II,S[I ., II, 15 erucla '1ft ~-. IQiWIUII%.,

Jet. you Ichose 'to, b-- I'W '" frOom it fur ,. 'whlillJ-." Why?

I've never really been, the "showbiz" type of person, Meaning ] weuld nE'VIE'r want to go the· desperate way and de just a.b,out: anything just to be s,'~:~:H~r u..aJ.m.Dllls. But :[ havle 'such great

~ p,8JSSi~:Hl f@I]~ the en iIl!'rtainm.ent industry that 1. w'anted tG]1 lea,rn Ulore a.bout. it an.d, equ,ip' ,myseU 'with all '[he nen~'s$ary ~l1ow[edge to, make it her@., [ sHll do out-oftown ,aJnd ,@ut:-off-th.e Icountry

shows, singing and ttost~ng engagements, acting workshops, and all 'the things that I en] oy. I'm also locking into opening up a business and pursuing a M:ast@[ 's Degree, As for showbiz, '1 guess l'm just really waiting for the right break, Whether

it 1_[[ come 10]' not, Ileave to

God's will.

In 2004,01 allread, Ihadllwo l10b iiI, plllo'I\1Ie,1 Ibec',a UI5'8 ,ou W Jr.: g. ·'I~lillllon1le lewd

111 ::'1:. _.ges,. A'fle YOD 5ti III beinl pes:le[red b, 'di,@'n1?

III ey'l Fie just way to 0 many ill

c an not re mem b er a si n gle message anymore. I've learned to i ust ignore it whenever I get

,(p ne, 'W t,y g'i ve a damn 'when you know too we'll that those things are meant tGI ruin your mood and destrov your person? K:o·.p'Q 9 ,p'uma to { k a sa s i ra ullo,. fh: mas sira ,E.do kaJ H3J, hal

W ' [r'cenltiy I aa rnled 'IIInt.". werre ,8 101 O'f 11I~I,ati¥. reaclionl, fll"loml you r 'ailmli I,. Wh'lllI ,1JUI Ii r·t pOised far IU;5:., Wi! I Ih :, ,I p,rav'. ,of Ilhis ona? My family's quite' adjusted '~O the situation already although mt

te 0 k so mu r h ef for ~ and at good explanation for them to eventually understand and trust m,Ie:, Als 0 since I st8JJ' ted, I've

I've been given lingerie often and, yes, receiving one is iust sweet, especially if irs from, someone yOIl really have [@@lin,gs. for. It's offensive, though, if itt came from sorn 'lone you're not even close to.

II Ul,: 'f ': _,ny OI'.III,r cloth iII'l thl RI.~k.1 JG[" 'feel s.e.JIIl'r?

Lingerie is both sexy and! sweet, l drink, eu course, there's always one outfit that's sexy and proper for a certain place and time. lt's aJW'd'YS a qu stien lijf 'what's

appr opr i ate.

What, sholl ~.d t1Ie' 11lIiJ' lis, we_iring to 'b1rn ,a~ O'Ii'f~'

Guys. don't have to be i5,Q particular, It's usually a hard physique that tu .s me on _ doubled wHh a good. sense of humor, nice set of teeth, and a clea n manly scent, He ran. be naked all he wants if he possesses all these.

'\l II - 1:- . I .J • . .

'lI1'OU re In ' , I '8 ,00gl '11Df D[mIB'

~o-v(jnl~ Do :rOIl ,reJer your

[I i ftp,rie 'ta ~. patl,· '18 h, . n uM' or ,ripped f'lrion! ,·.Iur bo.,':!1

Again), that's ,ei question that's dependent Ion our mood, Of course, it always has to bemutual, I can go 10 gentle[;]e.ss;,

:[ can ptaJ.Y' ir rough. [ don't mind what happens to HIe lingerie,

Ha ha! ::~--I

always thought. thar yo u c a. n be really ,se'xy' without showing too mu c h. S orne times w he n you strip less, they ~~n~,e more!

s., wh Ilt~5, y'O ullr' 'filivorite plee· ; (I,.f Ii nJgerie i I ',OU[[f clio .t'1'

]: don't have a particular favurite S'E't because I'm very moodj. Sometimes I ,gu for the comfycotton, light colored. 1~)]IeS" Sometimes [ opt 'for the dark, usually solid black, or red satin or chiffon or lacy stuff. Oh,

I love Victoria's Secret,

EV18 It' Iused ,0. r Iii Dg ,de 'le I aid uc., som[. ;Glnl. l'

(I augh s) ] kn ew you wer e going [0 ask that As ] said I'm very moody, but wearing lingerie is so much a par of me every "bedtime." Do you really think I need to wear nne tu seduce

a guy?

'Whall~s Ihle sedlUJctiol1l lalin' I,· J'OUl, Iken?

I'm equipped with all the body parts that could work for seduction. No words necessary. 1 don't believe in. scripted, choreugraphed seductions, [ just follow my instincts. The spontaneity is hat makes 'it n.a.tu.r,allly good,

li,lhll onl! 1.1 I[~ nlglllni •. I nl

, ppmpriategift 10[r1 sayt]

,a III In i ... ,la ry' orr Va Ie ntriine'ls!

62 THE GIRtS OF : ,Ml LIINGIERIIE SP'EC~A.l www.fhm.com.ph



abydoll. Men:y 'w~~dow" Naug;h"~y' and ·o'wlee. ',', _ 01" they:'r1e not new brands 'of b a'by colcgae you ill

so on halvle a fetish f.'oI'--!nrn,ey 're ac~ul~l~Y' other 'w.'or@ pl~,JfLd, names for those sexy' litUe: 'pru,le,c€'s! ,- f .e '-: t- :":n ~ -- l.;!il, 1 ar ~, we: :kn,lO'w' a If1' the o sa w_= alill.u _~ce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ W1~

-t" .' rh h~ a, d

' -, - .- -, -' - , , ," .. -', '" - "', "I' "

m.gene ~ J L iese ~I UlgS ,a Hie ,11l1n' -

boggling~ '~O say the' least, 'While

'~I.:I 1 d ., 'IIJ;;.

we wOU.wu, ov'e '~O ,;!O awaty 'W·~tW1

them, as s:w:iftly' as 'we' can to gi@t

',", -

IDO w,b.at 'tthefy"n!' hidin,g

underneath, the' :m,lcre' :w,dlea. of t'h,em 'b elng there makes the b',ruts, under them aln the more, e'D'tici~nR~ T.~,e,'y,j':nl~ fbI' wom,en j. but ifs m@n

h d· ,. w _,0 I, - 19 It:.,

ADd th'e b@,!j,t liH1rt w,orD bY' the [~g:ht Ww;lm,an.~, ling)@ri,@ m:s a 'k~;'llor-- S,lifIij 11·ii[~1~ ~!~It-'m'n- fil'·iiC.'PS worn

,.lIL Ib UJ •. !!JIl !~Jli~, ~~. ~ -. r' ~. !I!;..~ _ _._ _

by- tb@~ '~ikJes o:f CJ' J'a[fav,a'~a,-' "~ter~aJ:n ,m,odel, rising t\el~visinn staf~ ,;;I. ,girm wUh. ,3. g~!o d baJtlch O'f brrain. Ic,eUs in, :t,H!!:r h,ea.d. (s.'h@"s ail:tuaUy' purs:uin:g: ,8 Si@CO:D,dl

d,egre!e :im co:n~~e)-i5 c~ifculated, '~IO d,j@:stroy 'you plea:slu:ably',

We, kilO. ,O'U'V8 baell doing' •• ' calWal Ie, for al 'MUg, 'bul, endl, Ihow II.nlh."Q ,Gill

1I •• nl :I l"Gulildi1'

I ,s~art)ed [caU,y' you:ng', I W',as I@nlY' m4,. Actulan, a.lcting ~ln,lQ'g'a g,USfID EO., :~: w,an~ed to. ] O~~D A ng TV'tthlen b~,t ,my mom. wOiw.ldo,~'t allow :me., :Out :[ :F.e,a'~'~,y 'w'a.n~f!d to Iprur.s:u@' :mJ

dill!! ~m~ ,ll1'n ·w·:hQT1I1 'Ii' 'b!lld' 1,'111 .. ICI' t('!'h- '!:!II'-n- f'i D . " -~\a . _.j) illy' .:: ,~"~j ~ I I iQL _ 'Wj~,~,. ~_ ~)~

:~: ~H~D'~ :m-y pictlln.~ tlOi thi5, w()d,lcli.n,g a.ge,:nJ[J" ~uld, 'ttb~n, €loon. no: lUl,gm 8tfl'fi'. Old p,~,cturrlt pOi nga yU'J1:g ·,pbi'od.cda ,leo;, g,in,upit &'0 "Q~nl., My'

par~bts, aJ'Il~! more SlUPPIOfd]iv@ now .. 'YOUI must: have Ih ad 81 :IOQII sellof IJones! tol Ibe able, Ie mo'. ai, ,ilI1~., Yi'e,sJ :in htl':h. S,CbD(DJ~, :~ 'was, I.ke'ad,y· S!16!!'~ ,~u1.dl m woumd. f~3JUJ' '~OWte:r lover m" cl3Js.sma'[,es., J,he,re WI;S,

'. I fI . r

,aJ, ~Ime' ~ven, .:Iet COB.SIC10'US; o(w: m'J'

helg'bt.. I·U'~ ·b e!c,al~se' [ 'W,8S tallj

_ IlhuuBht I !e.ou:~dl 'b e a mode':~." ,and :[ diet

Blul 'Jo I, Ido hal. a po, ,shot: lit:

IlIIil8Irtiin,llhowlJ.:"I' II ow ~Ih III

.... ,iI ." ,.'''''~f'- new ,show in ,au re pall" D _ til _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IIS~B.~ Tell I: U5 iI bout, ,that.

y @S;~ m: have a part :In, La',~t,ikm:a'nL I had aetually j nsf. cClm,e from n~,e t!8:pl~n.g O(~ that sihow; heading str.aigJl:~ to this shn ot, I 've heen ,awmke' since ~,e!'v@;n in '~h,@ m(u.ning~ Bu~ I had also II een. a ,[13.f[ o[ IQU'i'Z(Ilt A,ven:ue' so 'TV is; not really new to me. lt's diffe;lftrU: from modeling for sure, bu-~ I'm enj'oying' it

So .ill' haln,1 al s • ., ICoftlediellllne: part of III. gralildl pl.lnli

N (l1't ,r~~aUy ~i~re that, ,'w'ould say

'I wholesome ~exy,:" But m, have to sa.y 'wOJ:kil1g 'with Twto D alp'by' was a dream come true. Medyo Haiakak'laba but ,~tj,:s all worth ,~.t:., Siye,mpJ"lf!' si Uol:phy iYlon '~n 01'1 also had the rOppO:[tUlDi~tJ to 'be in an indie film ~'I'iI,A'Ji!1i1 sho W"i'lil In ,~L'li!I; '0,· , .IIi iL'!;;, ,W] - j ~.!!!'I.U""'t!i '_... .. J.IJ!, ,U!Il1i:;

I'@ cent Cinemalaya, so mi8ybe I can hack the movie 5", teo,

Ever 'fslncie:d -olnilnllheau., papants:l 'YOu IcalD bri'ng 'Ih,e blOuse! Idown lin Ih e! 1,.i!D1sl!Iiil, cDmp.ati 'ioni'

,At:~ually I ,alread.y did.. R.eaUtJ sb,ow ,;a'li~,!lJ ,nga" yu'ng WhUe Castle Girl S earch. I should have been in, the finals but I WllS disqualified b@CaU5,E!' of' my age, rm, ,25, but I looked tnmdlyoiurnger. lban th@~ oUler (:onte:s.tant~L .B',ok.a

- -if"", --- - --,nn 'offiikn an,n ,1i[Z'W' ma!lleA~a_mo ,p~',:!f ~., -~; --: ~'

,manalo (Gig:gJ,es.)~

Wlla,'t IOtfier 'Ihli,ngs ara! heap inR' ,ou busy apart from TV?

WeU~ I'm '~_akin;g: UPI d,ent:is'~r~f' in Centro 1E scelar 'Unive'[8i~J~ Actual~y~ i:ti's my secend l!Jb~s;ree~ I'm also a graduate of :L~, Salle" Seelllill slra 1111.' .,iIIl ,0.llr181 sltul'JiaR to Ii., 'iB;8,ih, '.11. nl,thill, !11i1Im jab, 'lOU ,curran" Ih ilV . laKords ,'DU 'ta, III. the ane·

vi's 'I:inllilai IdealIst .. ,

,Hindi lUlffl,Cln n~ habambuhay (]'l'tlista akn~. I will UDt be doing' this, fO/fever., So I have to prepare, ,May

~' :r" ,. • k.

,P, .Cll1C1' n,~ nga. Atlm~ ,ng ;Utitl"o.,

Gead lid. Wei kilO_ '('Or a 'md dls,1 dI., 10,' IIlIb; nd 111'1' Ie n,l, iii ,ou r ' orlllieneli. 'Is h., ,woll wilh

"au :llhll1 rin.' yourself 10 us?

-W~ ,-, "j', '; b· oth ' "i"' 14Ife", ,C-;\-,, ,- '-'1- ~ 'if iiI,ii"!'II-:--~

. e ,Ire: Oh~ . ,[~l[(llli,e S,SUUJI!,H ~,. ,I, ily V iii:;

. ·'i'~! '··-1- .. ,·it:iiJ.., h--"--I 'm..,--,~, fh' 1.:11 ... ,- Iii,., WU[~,uIilJg w,rn._JJJl ,.rum, aur e. Uj,o,esn, L,

mind "if I :1)10 se :fo'l other photographers. The same 'w'a.y na I don't mind w,he'D. he shoots other :s'e:xy :pi.['Jo:riw:s.,

'What, il! "O'UI 'we I\e~ 'Ihe one

lIIelhli nd die' lcalm,eral ilnd ha"s .. a olle do'ing a I ,thesa pOI.11

lIy· a,y;oKo. I should a1wl.ys: be in. fron'~ of the: cameral (bJu,G:hs)" I: want i!V~I],"UDe' 'tOI ~,o!l!lk at me, And lil,e :pro,b ab~,J wloU~~.d.n'-·'~ a,gree,. lever Ihad lII:al :ss'me Iselinl dQilng lIIe' lcatwal k,"",",l1'al ,0 glr8! :somehow nalked B,nd watll

OBit '1ft - - - - r- - .. - . i

fJ ,lJ'oman., 'O'L' it m. pm~J~;SSloIllia,- •.

ThlO1Y' ,p\~ lin lun;g "akad., rve' gott~D, used to i'ill'," I 've been, dab]]g; this iJorr :so: :~Oflg~ S omethnes ~, would even eateh cold peroi tlO1lagang gan;Ult

IJt 's fun :S~ no pn~bl,em at all ..

Sol to 1- • bu. IOl'dI'is :sped'all milam

whiChI Gille! ' .. ulld make 'Jau feel m;D~' :1eQ:: salimi Dr' --= O~11811' lingerie? n Ibl'ack .r red!

Satin para: m:as comfy'" And, i~ s:.hoiuld be black,

New WhSlt"SI 1118' Ideal .it. 'ml'n's IIln,derwaar lC,apt: ai _ _' f.a,m

Pry\inl a,rel _hi I. ,aulr: , • r!D

eli.p, a,pel 'ffGl:lBll1 tD Ilielhul_d.~

'iUIl\ ~ -. .~ •. .;o - - iii. -Ill -- - are

•• efwID 16"1 II. we uB _ m. ,

b~I]_~II"illtl5. u,

Fashionable ,i:1,(] .k,os:i ,tt'dllgt1; an9

lingerie, Witb Victoria 's Secret ,and. other brands, it: :h.a s reall Y'

b e C~I,me' attr act WVI@ tiD g;i.ris: WblD want to look, and Ieel sexJ~ E yUJ1g sa iJ1!yo ifS'Q lon:9' dle,sig~rnJ! What, dla JOIII 581' '101 .'I! :sa.eslad<r .han ~I".l ,ilsks 'JaU far

VAUII' . '"'[ 111

I,-'!M"·. .. _ 1

Sina~abi kiD taldg'a~ M :naun~ it DS oleO' n(dljhtyo~ Syempn

,f'hl f'imp,ress' s.i'l,tJl ha ha h.a~

ARid . 0 ,all .1 •• p '"n III. ml Til I 1111· ',au . a!

f ~S~ 01£ Iccru.rse~! Ma's m usa'rap matu,I,'og,. Ang l'a'm'ig., And i~ felels ~o slexy:. F,N _. I

W\NiN,fhm,com.ph lHE. GIIR.t:S OF FH IIJ1NGERlIE SPE[I~l 69


tirring up women's l;mn~asjl@s to get their :m.ojo rising can 'b e 8! COI:nv·oll.n ted hag of' tricks, Unld{le .m.le.n who can do 'w:~th a. mere hint (IiI cleavage, women have to have more props and, if poss ~bb!'~ ,I ~()rcat· on in their, lustful reverie, Some steam up lD.ver thoughts

Orf huffedfireme n rescuing themwhile lying: nu·[("ed. in bred. Others ache r or torrid fan tasies of forbidden erotic rendezvou s

in the barn. ,SO,I ,t porn? Y: es ~ imag1es 0:1 Eab.nIDI recurring on eur min.d !am.d,e.

'Good. tiD know: thenj that. tberle ale: women 'w'ho re'~us e to 'b e compllilcate([.-ol'~, more'

,aJ.ppro pr~.ame:~J~ convolU'~e It K~.th'J Mori :he.re ~ favo' -ite ca:mp aign babe of smotels and. mru.q.UOI'S,~ 'woldd stiU wam~ at rom,an tic, ·~rOo:~, in, tbe. fOlm of' satul. 'But fhae's

,~Jb out it. ,AU :sh.re : 1 ,@,edls, is, sann,.

~! NOSll5.UIap011! mlbJ ;s'la :~e'e,UDg ng s~,tin bedsheets:~~' Kathy S BYS. "~hSi s.ma othne,s:s e'Xl'i~e 8, :m.IE. ~<i

A'nd hl!'fe we aJle' thinking' they 'n~ i ust bed. C~iVt!,[S. P Dor It ,aib,s'orb:ing d.FO 01. W@ stand [10nre cte:d!

'You donllt ~rOGk :,OU!lII'lIJ ' ram

hre.e~ Gol, aln, 'DreiBn [blood

i'n ',GU-?I

P·le:opl:~.e sa.y ~ look Kore,an,. O'~beT's ketp asking .lcun:g m:ay' Ja.panese~ b~ood ako .. A.(lu,ullY1 w'(da: tcJ'lag(J'j

.j'~ ,. In. f... i~ • 'M '.

J!i.~niUnQ IdJ d'l'ngl ,r.yo~Jg ," O:lil ntJ

, '

s'b.n!en nam,f .leasl' mukha fiaw'

ukon:.g' may .hQ,long .Asian biol(Dio. WItr 'In,-'n'! ,DIIIOIIlI ~Dir

10m Ilhi'nlllll'lGre urillllal, Iii L 8[1 '~y, 'h.urn lii!

Ilk 1" '-M- ,.

" ,- -. • .- J -. - , "} .:;' ." •• _ ,_. • ", r I : "I '. ". I .' I

, ,0 ,ung nag come up ng , C),n,

l(ja'si.~ap'Lnles.e' fUlg da~mgm I've 'been th.ere 'iI efore,~ SOl IDi)m,fortab~.e IOleO ,so.

H M d J.

, . I ".::- l ,'-~ - . :. . I .... , ,." .. f I " -, , '-1, - , .

tu~og-_ upon ... ' le~o, [at,uIUJQ ljigQ

,tUlig ,ng' i4'mild/J' yang b~acll S'~imip .s'(1

·,sus;hl. Ha ha ha! Pero blPlpy' aka sa .na,m,e to «wi. pay first ·ttine mung ma_rini'g~, yon. WO'liJl1\f {:ondudl.; Nt)' Japanese, Q(Jad~ Plaran'g gunooll ang' gust'D kung leff~ct ..

rWhLi1I braulid ,0ul'1l0· JajpaRll

I've d.one' a l~)rt of mo dehng j 0 bs in Japan and in. ather Asian countries, B'aSf,Q n CUl1l[U!. lasi

mo deling, 9 us to leo tcdagang i]law.in First lo:ve ko kosi compared !a~ pug"U,(ittfS.M'. 'OllJrte@R :p a ~ang' ako' sum,Qstdi ,nlO lalto. s'a CCID:~eS,~s. and a'~ an 1~~dJ age, na.gmo'~m'odfl~ II:U a.leo ng mgp: dam~lt Hindi friO !alom .kung

b k~ . h" d· k'

) .:-, ,-;"' , ", " ,_ ~. ,_ .:-;-, " -) --c, '. ';,

a .It~ PIf!IO .: rn, "r a ',0 ga.noon

k.aL~JtJt·tach ed 'wwth acting, I'd dODIE! showbiz 'work ,na k'I(tSiO riJdw(J'lI ko 'ah:at riyun '~O model abroad,

:5 'JDUI, rather Illun .hD.b~1

wtillOJ'_. h 'I! 1- , iI& '·t-

:6 liu,; w _ .11. ,8 m,D5 rUin ,all ,er II_~,

,. :r· ,I' ... ,.

, a's unportia:n te j{,a:.s i~ 8Q. 11K W

ang tanfndk na !n:lh,Q1~ Enough

iiiI'Q, ' ,~,i1'Il ,n ,I"'~·n y' , " .... ~ ct ion ,Hjj1

.Jill. -, o!lI'U. 11.,d'L.,I., , UIIJI r~,p,L !u.U\ ,u~

- ,- f· - . ,- .ji~'U "'" , J "~" ~,

In 9rQ ijrUO nQ.~ -,f,.Il ara.ng Jfha~ []

,kital j~ r- __ et unlike p,ag lu~a~ta. or

plug silu! ,k'a" pinpoim 199a~d. ang name .mol, •. Po,ti mistakes mOl" no ma.Ue:1i h,ow small and seeming y DOlt Ole 's,w·odhy~. puna logad.,

. Man frap .lr~pa:,g nasa m,Q'f,a K,a l'agi

ng iI!u.b;~'mlc," .

rWhal do ',8U :I~k. l'Oi do 'wbren '.he p-- blnc's nOrt .ale1t inl JOu?' Masa,}"Ill aka sa sim:p~.e things like pug' b ored ok'D I go to. the: m,aU ~o wind.,o·w ShD:P ~ Pia! .may

s uitJor II!d{~~ a C~ln,e,e date in. Starbuck::; is lenough tOI ma'kr@ 'm.le h,llpPJ~ r'm. not iliJlt.o gimmic'ks ,an.d. paJt~les" ei~b,ler .. AI in, ,Z@IO taJa~g'a CI'ng nigh.Ulfe' ko.

YOII [mu5t bill haui".: pal pi;"r 'ions nOi '[because' 011 n um:FDIlII caffee dallas.

Me\U:y,o .mar;amri nga Iuklonl suitors n!,ga,om. liipi'd' klos'f. ,deon., lea-da re i, Ha ha :h.a~ Pet» hindi pa al{o na.ghahan apr 11 g

S erious relatienship r igJri nOlw. I'm ~iu st talking my time, But. if ever S,fgUIO, p'fJlung ,D'y,U'W' Ron:,; fflQgktf'"bvyfI,ien:d' ng celebrity, Ma's type kif) ,y,un.Q' private pierson din: like :mJl!.

Wihail wau d we sae "III ,GUlF

Icl 0 •• I. "I' we d,D' ,iI Ilinlplr'i.. aid' B~acltj lace em see -throughs,

m,osny., IGust~ k.o lin iylDJ1g medyo see-through s,pla.glb.@;,~H top tapos yU'llg b. ottoms tiGht and skim pry na shorts. SUj]l,e'f :s[exy .dYll .pero. h,ind'i bare-all ,plaIa namUJ1 may thrill pa r.in,l tipong n,ag:ti :teQ'se la.ng .. Kasi k.ung wala lc,u liuzng lill!a,g'o~ 'wale siJlany' challenge, Thpo~ yung blCI(!S nama.n l),lya

In e'l'Ong touch of elegance . Sanluall ,el class,. [MD:r,11 I ike

,e,rsGl!lalilJ'lhan ;iaceJ, Df ,elolhi'a,.?

'Well actually, g·!a.no,on n9',Q ,f'ili~ ang personality ko. I can go

sup er s@xy if I want pet» h i·n,di. nam~QD u,oblot 51Q: .mulcnang ch@api na., GustD ,1('0 ICb:U; S J pi!! lin ang drllting' ko kahit na I'm wearjng ·ba.rn:elJ' nothing:.

Bul il JGu"re Iramalnlli" call, lI.natbu~.:all nD - 'I' who l:ell luck,

h.nl ,UIlI re itn til. lII.aad lor' It C'J R.- "b?

5'a 11',g'luyon wa'la'. A.ko long., '-H· ha 1... II v: ~I.. . h-'· -d·' [a. a .. 1II3"l,II)U it\.DOW" ' ' u:r. f

k '"

I . -. :;;;], r ,'- ,'- . - - ,,-, ~ ',~' ~-

lj.wnan Q.~ 111ngang m 01' [guJ

Jk1 m

--;- 1- ".- ,', " " ,', J '- :-,' "1 -., '. ". ..

a __ ong .,·asama para. magSQat

ng lingerie. 'Wben I: want to ~'e el gargeous rand sexy lisi1Ul:iUlJI' ~o yun 80~ bedreom leven. when I'm

, IloDe, 11 WD,rr[{s, .n,aman-fieeling ko

". I.'~' 'h·nt· ~'rII .Ii'I',l'!Irll'lr nnndA ,ntl'ilin-ln t'n an.,Q, 'I;;;I!' _. u,l. 'L!lJJ:II:.. ~'IW:_cJ'!II UIM::,'~:JI!!i~U, ' I!u.'.

We.JIIiI ,DU _ ear '. air' fa ' ,Diur mll'nil

.Hindi ko pill siy!u n fJ~try Irsu()rt for a. guy p,e'tiO n a ISiJJI t'O lI:ang

• :1 i1r k ~'"

91d'l'~!'n~ ,_[[b{'i(l1't,a~!eas,e' ,',' tj'Sl fyon,.

di rb a? [f elver ;,ma,ngYluri iylan~ rd. we arm . ., sexiest set ju st :IOlr him and. I'd really tease him wm.th it Ha L, II

,Wl_ III

[HaIH: JUU 'Iried fiB'unliln,1 !a p' - ir ifni '.oftiliof ,..apl.?r

Nusubu'k.an, ,kiD ,na lin. Ruml1mpa n a' ,aio ,sa' Iashien s.:how 'b ef:or.e

lUI' U:n,g'erle lang ang Slyc;art kOI and. matching high he@ls., At tfir,st, I: felt ve.FY' exposed «as; p!arang naIuJ'a-m.a[um.Qll kO'1:1;11 .yung mga ,mata ng tao n:altart,i'tig SQ' a'kin IO,t sa lfatawa;n to'r. Nak.akolt,unaw. Pero in I he middle: of the show lnaman comtortable na alo'., Alc~uaUy~ nQ~lfi:)ka,,.bo DS,t B,g',n ng cordidernlce YUlJ,Q exp er.~en.c e rk.·asi' nakuha~ ko lang ,atte'.m.tion ng' lahut ng wulang effort NO-letdi.ze KI(j ,m:a,Y,pIQ,we:rs; ,p,ala ttl'l'ag'lu, a_ng

'm'i:rn p~'r;;D u: ~ b""li IIJ..I !'iiI11 -, ---

W II~~~!!I;;, ,W'~lII FIlII. U ,UUi _I __



'Will tlu sedi red ilease stand 'I~~')I "1, , ese" -cuce, , p ease, san" up,

I d " 't II Ii - s and t elll'

,'" ont {lS~',I>,' I,', ""-,, e'

P I-i010G RAP'~': 'MIARK, NI[I CDAOI FOIR: W nn au N CH IINTERVIEW: B,,,A,, B,O :'lE,O


84 mE GIllS Of ... UNGERIE SPECIAL WWWlJhm,com.ph

s some ea;g;~Je~leyled, ,FHM cennelssears may have a_ln!,ady notice d, we're eurren tly in, a reuniting-with-past-babes funk" Thes e l~ ast :few months we' we1.~\()m,e d back witb op~n arms

IAlII'l' ei 'H, "'11 ilDoi'lIIlJII '*-oflII if' '[l'A :~;~fJI 'DU' y' n :t'ill 'ULIi" .~ ·.l~)a . .c·[~J:IIl'~W;iiJ),i·!Y .J ~~. lJ.! " ':__ . Ujj'lll

~'oJc,e J imenez, ,A month b efnre m'I(¥Y[le W~ ,caugb~ still siz zlin~: bot Manr@@D. Larrazab al and a.s:~@,d, beT. to nash ;a,ne.w her. 'e:\l'e:! so fill:m,ous ~ ahm, smile,

Is ,rut b ecause 'w'le~v'e run out !~[ ~_ir1s, to gr a~@: oar :p a~es? :H:,ell no.,

'II:"iti"~'~, li-;" fi,r'''liriiJii,lr!'jD JrIj,"!u;,JrIj,'ft:"J O'iii:r-'NJ ,J! ii!'iI;(!iIIi':r"'lT'~"1i:'! ~, !U .. ~ ~I !IJJ ~.,.,.!ray~~, ~ 'rJi ~];'~. ;~IIi._!II.:~ U;~~~-li. '.~ ~~ ~

'S,el(,J:lmn '()((' thirdJ 'iO'llk,~ espe~~\_anJ 1.1,

"L, ~l ~·b 1., ..:a +~II~I 'L • ,

'hw,eY']'e OJ "!er·'l~ot anu sUJU, H.BS l'~j

l~ke, IOylc@~ M'atmee,mtJ G'we'D Garcij J 0 celYD, Oxlad@-'we: ifould gOi liU, (hil D!aming; na:m,fS,.

N'ow:" if J0u, Wlere '~O 0 JIOU11,g or too stra:plp cd :for 'b:fl5h ,~n eaJ~y 2001 you rna J have missed 'Vl,cto!:da, L,o.ndon,:ts FHM Itlebut Sh.,e

'W',BS so much y,oungeor thein~ ,kin,dl o(f irn.no cM!:n~, Boing s;te~ad y 'wi~h. 'MO d'el rW!c:h boy ,B orgy M,arn,O'~o,c ~nd was dre:aming o:f s,ume d.a:y b,e!com.ing a. l~J.wy\e".

W:e:~,come' b3],(::k tn 'the f:old a, b~~d.,er, ,m,IO:I[~ ,eJ]le([i@::n['ed,~, ,and. j'nicie'l Vie['oria,. Srue~,s, w:n, ling,eri,e ,ao,d lovinS' iU

1\iIi" b ,ii ,.

i": i581:nl ,lUI. 'pars Ilna' 'reur

1;i1l1t, IfIIM d"eJllul~ Wh~iI'l has


. - I'm 24 now~ a'bciu~ 'to '~urn, 26 .in o ct:o'be:r.., Sa :much b,as hap!Ju~:n,ed

. 'h' 11' ,.!II ii1t k

In,'~ ,i!S@ SIX J,e,ars ,IJ. uon, .. now

'h' . t·- .. - b - .-.", D, ,iii, '~~' . ,,;ib

W - €[!I! 10 !eguiJJ ... ,ILl u~ ,!l m so ,m.u,(,u

m,iOlre focusa~d aJ.nd dwivll!:n D,ijiW:.,

.. 'N o,! I set my goal:s :r@'alisH.cally ..

But h_,eJ'~, tlte'[[ets noth~ng' wl'\ong' witb dlream1ng :rea.U.y b.ig dn~a.m5,~ saHtin:g' re,aHy h.ru~g~h st.andaIds,~, a.nd, wm.ml'~in;g: '~O be on top ,of the

---:~ .t"iiFld' fl"'ilJ.'h,jji''l

WV, '~'OO !U,"

O;f' .... , .' .. ", I-~' Ihl ." .' "1. "IlL . - -

_ cou r,5.~, [1\ ,illil! a sa ,usen a

wl1lngl ,Iinca :JOIll ~as,t 'visiiled 'Ihe CGtlln~, 'What, did' ,olllll'in

- '

mHI, abu.,f 1&~5' tiioy' ~all!lonit

WOW~ :lrst of aU;r ~.her~ ,seems to' 'be~ m,D,r,e pe opte ,bere in 'ManHa, Uta.n,

; •

~he entire population of Ta;IDwaJ'l,~, 'where I sp en~ most of the six J,ears~ so Utiny~ doesn't re,aUty' describe this beaUJUFtl~, nardo'lll. Ha ha :ha~

The thing'~: really missed the most 'wer.e, my famU,y and f:de,m_rIs.

:Friends here' in the :P,hiU~'Plnes ,relamIy stick .. n doesn't matter if

you, disapp ear for 20 J@arsj they'll sliJI k@!@p :wn, '~o~u::'h" :Evtry' ye:2Llr

I was g:(nlJle~ ~ ·would sMll r~ceilve b~rnuiay messages and_ gre etin,gs tmou;gh text, F,i[,~~ndste'f~ emailand MySpa,c~ even thnJ~gh MY C~Sie fan site, l)t~8 !UJ wut:mng'~

-H- d~'d d· ...,~ :1!

O'W I, ~. you ,en.- IIIlplllnl lIaIW811i!!l

:~: wa.s born there and :[ :m:e:aHy wanted to reconnect 'w,Hh my :r.OO1:5, and I guess m,y P assinn :~o, ,my work took over while I 'w',as ove',[ there and I began :showlrru z;

and :1'D:ts 'of others, The iftd,u.s;~ry there Is 'ver'y dl'ffe rent, Viery' strict. N 01 one is ~n,rnwe d 'to be:

Iate and no 1D},D,!2: really g)OSSipiS there except for the :p aparazzi and eceasienal s;[altei[s who

wai~ outside the TV and radio stations. fhe papara ~z;w in Taiwan. is s(:ary aC'~ually be CatUlS,e drn.ley really fo~n,ow' yOiO and take s ecret photos ~ I I'm, so g,[ateful that the Filipino :r@ip erters are llul1,ua to f'DHow Q'ltista.s' here, Ha :ha!, God Bless the :PiDOIJ rep orters,

Tlh e 'iasl 'lime we 'Ia'iked ",e" said


,D U II·pllan te Rlalry 101111 one!

,dece,mi." Foand III im p,t?

rv,e had a :~ew ~:~.os e calls 'but no,

ill have a 'bigg~I' dream DOW. J'm

off: 'to Law' $'cho 01 in. N'o¥em'ber i:n :Hong 'Kong. App.i3l'\en.tlJ 'being' aLble 'to speak MaJJldMln and EngJis"b.

is, a, huge asset ,and, because

Cbina is be oming there is, a huge demand for bwThingual '~lawJ,ers who :spe[:w3'~'rn'ze~ in ]:mU:ema-HoDll Corpo,rate,. I can't wl~[H tOI start mi@':r.'~:in.g Icompanies east \;,0 Wi~st" ,A lth 0 ugh I win also 'be: doing [81101: of pre-bono work. :~' feel so blless€:d so I'd like to give back,

II, , ...... 's MJiii'iIL __ ,-_."", _ ... '._ ,idI..,_ ~.,.J~;~d ~,,:: I 'IV'" IlII!!~o_!!I:: pUillJ '!IiU!! ILlila ·~u ..... ·- I

tb:a', _e11DR8 VilatftS \0 taa6 aboul, inl thi;s 'splcbd: lIi'npl'ie~ Sol Ikuw nnI8r1.~CmlJ ,ale ,01\11' ,A'bsohlte,l, !a ,hun.dlred P f!:rfC!@:nt!

I think. it .. s v,e:F.J ,im,pormarnt for ,a

w(Wman '~O 'b~ wen~'d.ressed. inside and CH,[t. lt's kind of' sad when !lhe;~'s wearing Delee 'bi~Jl'~ bas ,gnlDI1Y panties on, the inside. What,"s tfle' iJiigest a mOlu'li1 you spenl, 'far Unl.riel

,Aoou~ $,5:~OOO at tb~ Vlf~loria"s Secret ,in (~ajes,at"s f alaee in 'Ve,gms,,, I: sp e',nt the' w,h:ole: day in, tbat b e,iluu~if'w.l=slnu~~]:ing shop, lust thin kinG aJtI out it makes me sweon,

'oill proven .. Cain ,.11 ple •• 1 uplaiill 1.0 IlIshltll ill Ilhll,I.,rl'8! 'Ihal, ill IIiDI m'i1k81 UBi liD. nl ,SWDDlnil U a_1~. 'bo,U s dow:n to th,'e :s,:~.mple! fact that 'i~ H~,..~, this g;ru.d 'takes carle o'f herself" and, that 'we :pilll'~ extra, !~fIo[t: into 'wllat W~ wear on '~IiJ.!!~ insi:l]],le., ,Mien are visual creatures and, let's face .i'~~ U.nge.rie ,ma.J not always, 'b e: comfortable te 'WI@U '~Jlu'm it's 'very' sensual to touch,

,Se hSlve ,au eyer lad acad a'",DII!e ull n,1 ,jull Ii np'ri.?' Defirurutel.,,~ Trench C(DII,t., Stilettos,. lEn.!lliug:b SI_~I(t

'~"I mmel 'aR .. 1'0'11, know W'e! .ant: loma ·alaill •.

WU~, the s,edUliced p~ea s e stand 'U]l?' I d()<o"'i: kiss and tell,

Fi ... ~ lust '1e"1 us b,OlM hlnl did " \&\1:8, ',UI • hIN, .is! 'P) •• Binl at Jour leel'!t

I'~ t.o 01\, appf1oximja~e,~,J ~wo Sf(:onds fut him tOI drop w'ma'~ he W3J;S :holdl~nl:. rm glad n 'W',ls\n~"[ 50me:UllW,[lg' 'b:r.e:akabh~'~ hie WIS, liJtendly- ,out ,of clorn.t.[ol.

Nicej!: 'Whal, p i.E. of' .i'n •• rie lin your cla .. t iI'r,. ,ou IlIraad •• Ian'

:M'y' fa,vlor1tej eava.U~, Umged,e ~

B.od", 0'( CNlJur.s,e'" ~, ,also b,;:l've: so:ml~, lingerie that ~: de'~l~gD.ed my~'eJ[ Can ,011 •• H, UI ,BII dv'jlBI

an, 110:. to p.rsuad'I' 'DJur' 'COI!ISeNstiua gi'rlfri'B'ndsJwins

- ~. ,

'110 .ear :Iom. Inllell'1le- .• '

,Aie' they T\l~ally that lCoD.s@'[vative'? Or ,are' '~bey really a :~jady' :in th,e S,~l'le,e1t bu~ II f:re~,a.k

in, '~h,e she e'(s? -:t'VI! bJ~!ard s:om,e re,ally crazy ,s,tornles,., Ha ba~ I think ,aU Jlou. n_!e e d, 'to do :ru S D.8k, or j;u~t: :piurehasle it and give' it tiD bel" H.opefully' .s:he: ca:n ta,te' a, hint When ,Q'g 'wear 1II'n,g81r'i. II Des

i'l 'lI1,un ilia. ,ou' walll: 10 ,eliicit some, Ih;i:nld' of' :1 0 U:II II reBd'ion, "fD'1I\I JOu,' Dlanl

A ,girl.n.eeds :mQrf sex a,pp e,al oozim,g from. the' itiJl.s,i,di,e 'n'l) get

,S ome~ kind (j,:f: n!',ae~ion., You WiaLDt '~O 'b c' !lble' tOI ele:G:,trif'J' him wi~h. or w,~.thout Ung'erie.

lUi, lal, ,DU.. i'-' n"1 have til., luxury' .,' an, seQ' clodlllll Ih,GW

'. a III 'YOIll ill'f:baCC JOllr ma n"s

'I ill I

a[ltentiD ne

'@ts,oQ,alUy aLnd sex: applE!al-~b,ese can,I't be :fa.ke d~ InI~_


ww'WJhm,Cilllli!'l!,~h TI~E: GIRi~ OF FF1:- lJNiGBFUE: S!POClAl, ,85i



Was shio_bill 'Iliere 81nl,.1I1i1l11 neilr IllIe lsismil-:,lIed IC8:n18

h '., are.

ilt"h 'k • " 1" ":if.' b '~I

J " OWIiJ[Z ~n .1 cu,wam. U~ :ilLa. . u.lI.Ous.,

I h .. ad II da:ru1.y e:ve:niug TV 'talk sh~)iw~, a. :n~~:guta.T 'weekend t adio show, a game s:how and I wa.s filming movies fo[ China. ,and, Taiwan along 'w,mth a fc'w TV' dl.ram:as 't~llt 'ain~,ld in, TBi~I'a:n_"

ii"'li,-,)' _. ... .I Hi. . it7. ,9i'L·

","i'~'ln'jl aB:n :!i.:!i:f}~g, :Il\.!Il)n'g~ ~~e:

ernJliOrfseme'D'ts weflerft: 'b ad. eitne,F,. I ah~D :ha,d, m,Y' own, '~dr'~u!al ,realruty sb_low 'wlTIJJere you [,ou~~d, actua.Uy pla.J 'wruth me 'in fhe' (Iom:pu~ew.

-- ---- -

86 THE Gil IUS. or FilM UNGIERJIE SPEClIAiL www.9i1m.



I •



, ,t

ost (l1f.U,S, Pinoys 'be'~~ey'e in things alive or iill3J.nimal ' fbart bring good luck, and wO'ldd of len insist, that: they' be'wwth us or areund us. to :ke e'P the bad from coming in, 'FcrF, :Re'Dl!!@ S~w.mm,er:1 'W'lat1e:r

s e ems to be the lucky charm,

if you, were keen enou;gll to

• m "',t;: ..II'"

no'Uce; AI!Ule,e nrst apil eare iJt m

,FHM' sltiflny-di,pping in, a swimming pool, AUe" fba't came her first. maj or 'b,reak~ a 2007 rea]enda.r. for a :kn.owm n iI~UDr brand, tbe m(Hi,~ exciting pictures b eiag ilu~ ones _he re she was all wet, She Wit! g;~vem a. 'bleak on h" 1. d-' i'~~~ C' I'~'- Dt'i"'Hi.'"

ui, er a_I!~;,;p, ,', ,O,~j'leYi'!~!la)VJIIII,.;l

SI' e cia'~ cove'.r, but now ~I here in the se cond Ling,terW}e Speicial

Bo nk, w"e m;),\re her diplple:d in water again, It '8 nlll! that she insists DrEl 'being; wett;, '~.t: just happens to be SD.

"l was SOl excited pa '"go wh,en[ SI,W a gJlass. en.caseme~nt

. h .., 'I "'d If

Wl'~ I, water In n.. sa~I·1 to m'yse ~I

i'W:OW~· .h@'[I'e I'oes my lucky charm again," sa,y,s, Re.ne e.,

Sh'e makes D.o. bones about w',!lI!tiD"g'to 'bel on a. :!u!'aJ FHM

-'" ,- Jl)CI-'· - uld I' . '11

CIOV@I' soon, ,WOIU _: rea J1

really love to be OD the COVlel,. I 'Ii, ... 'III,. t ·.;1.1 nrth - d' 'Iild d ,il\.DO· wilila h'S worl~ ,aD':' ,II J .. 0

aoythiol; for that sbo at" an'Jtim,e" a:o'Jwber\e;,u )l,e,nee, 'says.

Let's '[read., the C'hin~se wattr t'orture ch.,am'llJ e:r,i' th'e:n~ For U'S,~

W'O m· i;!j'al1ll'- w· 'ho'lIf' "~HII!F'litii ,I!';i"ii a 'O'iI9IilJ 'W: . It'iit ~, ~, _ [" ." . [ ~JIi...".... ,;, ~ ~ )' u ~ ' .. ~_,

,_ flet: again and! 're'ally g;~'iilg' i~ your aU and. we .~ose c,ontlol .... ,

'1'II'is is of6;d.I'I, rout I Jhii' FHM , . Plp.eiJNlnce'~ 'C'O'drwatlll\a ~j.ns!

y @:Sl~ this. is the 'nh.i.rd '~ime, 'I had belen a, teatuI1e b a'lb. e 3Jl1d 1,09= cOiver din aka :101' '~b! ludie'sj Con/e'sslioJ1s 'Ii e'ci,at 'I b()s e '~W'iO iilp'pe,anlDC,e,$ fe'ally bO(H;,t,ed! :m'y ca[eer~ .Mas ,mO'T!Unr.ng

nIQ'k.aldkd'a sa akJn~ So l 'hope 0.0 ... t 'he' 'fCiur ~h t~ m,le J. ~'~C'ovler n in 1'0.1 IUl tal,ago: [alcio., hal b~ ha! ~

- . I_ 'I .. 1'·.1;' ~ be 'a-'r-I""8d

811.1, .,.;;'_' CiI:I '-_'_' "".,,'

01111. do 'J8u [love us sa?

Ik h fessi a]

".' " " , ,:' ,- ,,' [", " I" - , , ,,,", I

_ ,JIIlDW. ow pro ,eS,SJ.OtD you

,Iuys )Vork~ .Htdaki ony It'i'WUlrg ko sa inyio. So J'd have to say I'd do MY thing fur a Clover shoot,

_ ,

Kan:it, anong concept. and, ktm,it

,'" ~n,.rnii'l,n 1·",· ti .... l'n- ·I:,.,ns·';"

n,a S YiUU:.,O Cat .~N,!I, .. v Yi I'll

m[upupuD:tah,(ln n:ill,Yo

m akakalafing [al{[o!

Haw d. "ou find 'Iha filnce~i. 'N. :' I aida 'you wear?

I feelenmfertable namrun,

, .,', eating: them SOl walang plnJblema'. I 'feel so sexy in, it.

- I.'" k k .' :j

Fee', Ing'o a' 0 lUl' yung p,r11~1 ca-

,~ex1' at p'inJuk,am,agandal.1:g'

fJ (lllae. Ila ha I A,c tu ally $60 buh,u,y I wear the: same things pug m,Q,tutu'log' na [aKo.

We Icanfll [hal II flolice ',GU ea 'm e' here aloneM NOI pa ··ona l.ssidillll'Qr' a Ilslpdo,1 b.yfrie'Rd in lawl

If'si fto.~ my fir.s~ '~ime in an FHM ,sD'Bet lC'uya niM?dYo al,am: ko nQ. h.ow you, gUY5 work" lu.t~g paalN'J

, I., n, L:t. 0' I .'

J1lnyo ume-uauy' Q119 ,gill' S n:my(t

Sariii' kn ,lang lung diulh:in ko ,oka:y'

,lUI kQs~' nar,ito naman lahal,80 '1 just ,~'m'ov'e myself '[0 the shoot. WII_-I kind lu,f a ·river are ',au' S,afie nrafflun .. Pfro ,[lang be,s.es. na nl1 akong ll,cdl!ldi. ng P1f,dis" ,mosU, ignoring tJii.ffic signs and driving kan il,c(J ding yr!ltg' m.EtUl!lJul.n:ehoi ka. But never pang kinuhQ Iruig driver 's license ko,. ~ don't kD!ow'~, pug krJull~allsap ko n u: si,ftl, s'J:n,l]s,ubi n~ila' oka,y 1:1:Q', ~n,g'at r,Ul lang a.kol next time, Velry forgi,vwug naman ong ,m'ga pull'S nlu:tin1 .kia,ilanguR. l,an:g kausapin'

.. ~

s~~la .d1ong m:t.u:~yos~

We' heard ,oulre pia,. I a Ipoli~e.Dm, '.n lin ,iI ..... , . Ii.'m. We' wondar' .hallUnd 0:1 cop '~\DIJ'd be nka if i,1 was for reat

l'U be vlery s;~rfuct A 1£'0 R'asi hi,"~di B,a ~'k.D' n,atla~tol{ot.' sa P ,[d is'" Sana, ,n,a at'o nll PQg ,ft,all ul.i lintl'kau;sup. ko ~On9 tapos okay' nu., ,I)a;p ar m,Qtakot sHu sa akin!

5ay, YOIli call1&l1t us' dles";n. :

I'Il cu t flour head, right ,o£r,. That b.ea.d~ H,a h"a.~

[Pany c_ ~m81 like siealliul PlndM! I'll handcuff JUU and take you

right: aW'8'J for ~'Ue,al alcquis,mUmn, of Sil'! '. y' stuff, Bas~a :9'IQl1un" s'a plfsin:to ka na magpaliwanQ.,g, ita ha hal

Sj,ealdnla' , han'· cuffsl rau lI'I'Ulsl, know' crl athell." R,er waJl af IIs'ilill til. m_

You mean like ,[['ome-pla,y iog sex games,? I wonder wh,y guys are'

S D into th,atu~ Me",a ·acaus. . an,d WI ni, IQi 'Iry , eird "'in ' 'in bedlll

Ma,Y'b e.., But I'm DO~ t umed on 'w:mth things like that,

W' .. .. ... '. ,.u'~ r" " [ ,I: .'5secll I 'ilh -, 11.,

.r-nl '-II. p.. •• "... 5 .. I!." a,

1.1 V 1.·1 . pene lil .. """. .!!i"'Vi D.. III

numbers? ,;,"i;~

I'm a 351 cup ,.., Hi~n di; ,numan '~s,~mlanl map'f'li' S,G] kl.'Q,se I:1g bra, ,1.(ah i.'t' an eng' material bms fa ,mQganda p'tllfll ,lSU ,K[an f.l,l] is:rn,u5'uolt ko.

I' ,uur IMalD alul •• , "O'DI II.alena!" h t tJillB ,. au Id 'Jau I'ike!

I w;m~ it bbu:;lc:p. 'UDJ~ and made from silk [or yung see-through, p'aia ki~d ,ka,agad~, ha hal JH


l.ike ost sexy celebrities, Asia Agcaoili has 'no qualms about baring er curvaceous 'figlure in videos, calendars, and rnagaZ~ries- W~lat se s Asia apart though from 'the res' 0- the pack is "he act

ha she is not conte rded WI-h being j st a mere sex symbol. This outspoken television host and radio DJ : as taken i pan herself 0 serve as the cou ntry IS U noif cia I sex i' n stru ctre ss.

Wi t 11 .h e r stea Iny v i dec s a ptl V t itled ~~ Sex Guru

1 and 2" and with Sex Con idential, her regular sex advice C01U'Illil In the popi lar men's rnaqazi e FHMj Asia have shown countless men and VI/On1sn. not only how 1..0 .. do it, ,~ L, 10W to do it right and well. Asia has chosen -.0 use her outspoken personalitv, wit and o.f' course her sex appeal 10 not only titillate but to €'d ucate as ""IS I J_

NO\fi1 as @'ndors€ of PREMIERE condoms, Asia has also taken the res ocnsibif y of: teach~ng how to do. i- responsiblv. It is a task that Asia is ve y much excited to take. "When they fi rs asked me abou

it I was like 'WU'>N. I warma be a par ot It/ II As.is recalle ,

A I,ong time aovoca ,e 011 s~,fe and responsible sex, Asia revealed that ler 1il€\iV role as t e

en dorsa r of ,PREMIERE' co n d 0 rns is a ctua Ily

a dream come true. "I'm 50 happy 0 be here be-Gause this is actually one of my dreams before, ~1 s h 6 told pa rtici pa nits of a re c e rrtlv held sern I n a rworkshop on tarnilv rna iaqernent. With er reputation as a sex expert and her strong! feelings towards responsible sexuali y, .Asia 15 defin itely the perfec worman 'for the job. "1 reallv oeli'efv'9 i 1 the concept of responsible sexuality, 181m so. proud

'0 be here. We all share one vision; IJ she told the audience composed mostly 0 local qovernrnant officials. heal' h officers and baranqav heelrh workers.

Asia believes that usmq condoms is the

best co n race pti ve me h o d. I r1 fact, eve n bsto re becorninq an endorser for ,PREM1ERE condoms, Asia has al ready beer') recornmendi I 9 PREMIERE' condo ns to her -0 lowers and has even feBt red

, •

it i· lI,er wsbsit e _ "Condoms do not onlv provide optimu ·1 protection aga~nst unplanned preunsocles but it also protects vou from se)(LJa~l\j transmitted infections (STls) like ·IV/AIDS, ,. she explained.

f.~ Plus, condoms can be pleasurable and exciting too, especially when yo are using PREMIERE condoms. IJ

Apart from t e celebrity factor, what Asia

u I'~ i mare Iy b ri n g s to ,PREMIERE' condom sis ,a 'fa c e a nd a personal i tv that wo men r as. well as rn e n r ca rt1 r,el(lJ' e with. Even though the Filipino's at itude and perception towa ds sex have considerably become Iii oeral i . recent years, Filipinas' attitude 'towards se x and pe rt i C u,1 a rIIy ,O'i,,;V!9 rd s co nt raception is sti !II qu ite COlli serva tive As ia is so rneon e who ca Il confidently address all heir concerns regia di:ng

S8I er sex ~nd contracsp ion. ·'As a woman I

can definitely relate ·0 them and I can tell hem that i' is ok to buy condoms and hat it is ok to use co nt reception s s pecia II y if yo LJ are acti vel y engaging in sex, rI' she said,

.• Alwavs h ave a pa c' of PREMI:ERE. co nd 0 ms in your p rse all the time," Asia aovised women.

j~ Not having it is li.ke drivingl a car wii hout

putting your seatbslt on and 110 navjng airbaqs." Asia added that women



shoulc never ·ee~ embarrassed to. buy or carry a pac .. e ' of condoms in their IO es. "~Why should you?'· she as ed, "Sooner or a er they will find aut that you are having sex. You better be prepared. 'You better have ~ _ ..

Asia also ollows a HIilO condom, no sex policy" ands rongly urges women to do the same ··Wi h all the dangers of STII 81nd unwented pregnancy. you can't afford to take the' risk," she said.

~j Especi,alrly if 'You have a~1 these dreams you wan

~ hP ••

IJ.O aile lev-e-·

FOr As i a. sex is a lwavs bette r an d more

hrillinq when the couple doesn't have to worry

a out anvthinq. "The worrv 0 geting STI, geHlng pre,gnafllt, and openinq yourself 0 other risks, just gOles 8WiBV when you are wea ring protection, IJ she said

With condoms, one-of the most enduring and prevalent myths. is hat It would lessen sensation duringl sexual intarcou S8. "If: you Ieel

hat traditional condoms are too thick hell use PREMIE.R:E. IUltra 'Th',in'. 11'm sure vou're goi'lng to 'hael i kasi aka feel na feel ko sival ~I Asia said in her usual nauqhtv candor. Wnat. she is ",rying to

ge' across hough is that people who want. to

try contraceptives have a wide r,ang'e of options. PREMIERE condoms also come I n the Do ned variant which is ideal for pla\tful couples wlho want to experience new pleasures

AsiaJs ultimate goal as far as being he endorser of PREMI'ER:E condoms is concerned is. to be able ·0 influence couples to practice safer and more responsible Sex. Wom'8 and t reir partners should learn to enjoy intimacy without worrying about unplanned

pregnancies and STls.

fll'f • doi '+ I:-..

" you re ,Dlngl I~. oe

responsible, Go get a PREM:IERE condom and be ready to

'feel the 'thl''iII.'' Asia concluded.

If your honey won't kee'p his own supply, be the more' responsible person in your relationshiip and keep your ow'n stash of P.'REM'IERE condoms. PREM,fER,£' cendorns is proven ailmost 100% effectiv'le ln reducinlg risks of unplanned preqnsncv and sexually transmttted infectlons If used cID,nsi':ste'l'iltly and cor ectl'y'. En 10'y the barely

there fee'~iing with P'REM,'ERE U'1'tra Thin eondoms or Igo for a more adventurous e'x perlence with PREM 'E.RE Dotted co ndo rns, EJther w'aYil you won't ha'y·e t'CI compromise the pleasurs of S'9X and can even enjoy the huge bonus o"~ havin,g less to w,o,ljrv about! WU'h P,R'£'MI ER'£' Ultra Thin and ,Dotted condoms, it 'will alwa'ys be al win=win sltuatron 'for you and your man .. Feel the thri'lll w'ith PR£Mi'£R'£ condoms!



')" , III 'I'· ,- t, '-, perfo irm

rea y ave .. 0'1.' "II', ' .. ,.,


51'll,1 rN G:: BADJ GALJHAS


emeries, a.n. of us have them, Som.e may b e geed, others mot SO~ s'u~ erVf'ry single one of them is. a .DJUgg)l!llof wbat: JOu.r. life

bas belen thus far, and. yoru wW most i@ly go '!t; ack til it for one' o:~ s e.ve'~si re asens, It could be


nostalgia, recalling lessens once

learned, ~D rerni nd oneself of' dangers that [could m,u~t ahead, 'M1Js.hJ~ s~df:"Hefp things , UtI! that .:

lt's best that we' kef[pi our mind's, s,cr:3JplrOID ok as. ,BclW,l[IE!

and lively IS ' . ID,s,s,mble. because JOu"U never tU,IOW' when the memory' thief wdn COlm,1! along

tel tale :wt all aw, I.J. And there 'iSI such a t:htng: A.b;heime'r~s!-UuU debilitating, emb arrassing diseas e of eld age' Some' Olf: us. may I'!et afllict,ed,,[ o~bers ma,r ge:t I,way unscathed (o.oly to be C'W:~ dCfWlTIl bY' aaother mOIIE! likely sickness, that's the basic rule

of lif:et

So; 'b e.:[o,[@· A'tzlleime:r.I's,

takes over, 'p,l@as,Q: savor Belinda Idg,ht As you 'will recall,

she's a returning hnttie and Je~ practically no'tlilinl' [at aU 'I as changed with her, She still has those puckering lips. She is ~tWU in. :poss'essioll of one o:m the more tempting PM1' 0:1 breasts this :side of ·town,. She Is still looking for

a fight,

IHow'. idl JO'UI 'lind die, 11I,em8' for'

". [ihli, :IIIIODf' .

,A[·tuaUJ~, it's ,reaU, :new te me'.

I neve'[ have done sach a theme before. " ost I~f :m,y pl:fuoto shoots are dione, in. a s;~ud:~o or in bars, Ihis is a .[[eaUy :new' thinJg: for me, n WaJS nice though.

. .' III' .. II ,cerlaiin IPD 'JOU ~Q:nli dared 'tI!11 ,_i'll' (L BJ!lgh.s,) llon'o,tl_

Can JGu~,' Ih' '1, youlre Imore

- .

conflid: ,nl 'w1ilh your' bod, new!

I'm alwliYS, .c)i)[lfident~ (Laughs)' 'Wa'lQ1Wg .nlag-rna.nge dtU'~[

I' . e JDU " II I ad alii, lIew skllill -n Ibed 'hi _i~1 bean [il SX 10: d. . far Iqll -1'8 a .hl'lli? W'eU" I us,naUy like ,rnt a bi~

. nanghry, '[role-pla,ying stuff', thil;gs, nlle[ that. Ka.1i(1 manllni rin OR on g' owtffi151 Kosi yun~; mgtJ. stuff that], used for shews, ,flung mga MouUn .Rougll!! and Pussycat Dells Qli:g daitfng~, 801m,€! of them l1'in:d'i ntJgaga_m~i:t" sqy;Oll .. 9' 'ltlm:an .kufa sometimes Ius e them in. bed,

. js~d.~ froml III 'dlroo .-:·~jvi;tesl! what k--.e· . ,GU Ibus,· 'lheH[ IdaySl

WIllI,r.k. :Mo,s,'; of my wo,rk Is 3lbroadl,~, that's why I'm not so 'visib[le ru.oc,ally,. Pius j I d'on"'~ have at manager, 811111 I feel really blessed because I f,Dund this really D~C@! bOQ,kinfl agent" II girl who came from a baad, That's why she's n~ally familiar wi~h the entertainment s cene, '1 really 'I JOve to perform, it somehew erases the nutien 'l'iIIu"l·'f: 'y--cnU'f.ft

~ iP.~ _ l~! ': I .111.1.. ._l1. _. ,ii_II ~ ... l· __ ' ,: - IU _' ~

a. $,e'xy' s;m~n" .PUllo. pldghuh td'tnd lmll Q' yu'ng !alom ma.

s. 'JOu prefa r ~I ihlis _"

I stUJ, miss doing movies, and 'TV but with the setup of 'my 'work these days, I can show' a d1ff er.~'n.t. :s'··d.e of me, my other talents .

S '111,.. IfiI' , !11 bl d

"om,e,u'ow~ w, .m sh, " esse·

'b ecanse I glet: recogaiticn a broad, 'What':1 ,DUlr "de' Qf' 'g,n?

It depends if I'm alone, with .my' famiJJ'Y:i :my' f[ilen.ds Of w~it1m m:y boyf1i!@D1d. With friends", I ,~ove. to h.[HV[@ [dinne~r 'w.mth them, :Vul1:g' ~olUl cnnversations, then have [B drink afterwards, bu.t. I don' ~ msua11y drink a lo'~, .pem' Ilove vn d~~a! How ahDI. 'Man 'JDutre .itll Joulr hayfr":.nd7'

I like going' [out with him, In :';~u:t,~, that's llSIIIUl'.lly lV.hen. I love going' OU~ the most: be clause I know tor sure I'm g;,oing; to have fun and, ru be, safe'~ We love, '~O ,go t,o dinner 'W ith a g!ronp IOf friends then go. to clu bs, That's the timlC that I really drink a lotl KnJi)ww.ng' that he's HU!I@ 'with me .. Be's D.[J.itt much ()if

a, dane er kll'y,1l what I: do is [give hrim a lap dance 11 a[ lun!Q' ,palla

lAnd will. n :,0111 fa II ona,!1

Mtal'a. N(d('urangtl~ ,so: baha~r ftunllJod' ng 1V" Good girl uix) '~no~ lim never alone because I. get depressed ,e[asily,.1 tried ·'vwng alone' ,pero talaga'ng it's not

p. ossible flOf' me, 'I should have I -.eOJl', e around me tafQ,g'a~

-I' ,UJUI d'ul'Il'llia .. '. 81 II." iI[.. d

In'OWI _al wDuld lb. 'pur iidea111liJ?

LallQkin.g version ko!.

Itouht 'DIU d' ' .. 'crilbJe Ihal for UI? ,Makapcd' t'I.fi1g mukha"

confident m' ffl,al1'i.ti'g p umolma" mlan ilr'~ 11.um~ld)la'sJ' ,g'uSf,t) laging J1~ap!a;p[altsi:n n9 tltlO~ yllllg' go:noDn~ 'Wltalft,I, :in 'lor! for : c.' '.wlre? Basta lak[J.~, I: keep doin:G w'h,a'~

I 1 o,v!!!'., I' -: find] that I'm not enjioying w:ha1: _ 'm doing, I'm going; to. stop 11[12,. S'O fa,r" I'm still en.~oy·~nl wb.a.t: I do. Lln .'.Ii! that

I see pie eple n a 11:~ndi «0 ,k,apw!u

Fw ~ipin!o llQ ,k"i'n f:ld'lli:do CJko~ 'i-lke

if yOlu check my Fnendster ,a.'C:CDU.n~j most of'thle :pleople that leave messages are mos,~ nkely Indonesians. [fIlIM

ii, ,IN.

lemJiOY pa~ nn.. s~yla~


'I'm pretty comfortable w . aring swimsuits and tinge · e'




II '.

!@ a~ ~ have our S,@txy' nurse f,aI~T~a.S\~!e8; some su'b~l!e and. pl:~a.y.ful~ others str.ikinrgrly' lurid,

Bu:~ what if 'you, had one wb'w,ch starred AnU'-kris S eriano

- - - - _. Its

'I ~ ?I _ _. _ .. _ .. ' L . _

,he':[[e',; True fact that she 1010_ -~~I

'~'~i'~:-:-,ifii ,iC"Utl,.I'~1i:" ,;Mo- • 10- .,,..! m e"' 'm1r''''~I:~inn ln ~.::'"

,Worn,ll!ll!;.. ,!~,iI1I!~,rll!, ~ I~ W I~l - ,I[" HJI!.by 1'!o1 ,'I!,;.:!I!

Finest Katrina Halili makes her irresistible en,[jlugh,. BruJ.'tt she 'd rather you, think of ,he:f 3:8, herself " not another person's icopycat. A'UeTr all, this ~otlleous nnrsing .stu.de'fl~ can hold her own wit'h

:[ly log cl~l~.on;,.,

R.eR,ix and breathe prro:p e':dy~ gents, An ft~ kris;' f:'Ullta,s'J ~,s! a bUlJutt '~O t~le sba:p e ,,','

Huw' [11011111l' havs! ',Gill] Il.an hie rei 'in 'Ih e' lP\hUip piilnes7

Around two mon'~hs nOlw~ My ,ticl(ffs, open so ,the: ,more :pro.J e,cts, l get1• rm, ]ius't going: t'O! s~a,J here,.

S () f.ar rYe don.le Ule FHM 'fa:stlion, s;how., III the S'~ate's.~, rV'f be~11 doio,l· Pina,r'"com wrn,dl 'my- cousim, Rodney' Loza:r.o.

Halve ,au been h a"l11 I' oult a l.ol? fe·s" ~t ,d,u.bs a.nd b ar.s,., My fla,V'o,dt,e plal~les are! :Emb.a!u~'Y

a,nd J,B rnpu:r~ ba,s;ru(.ally any il:lm.b, I USUiUy- go out wi1th, my :(a:mi~,y;, like· :my- big brrothe:r." :o,run e¥e:n. :if I: w',ere 'wi~h my ,P an~Rt s rd dlink. w~Ul '~be·m,.,

Whal's ,our favorile dlmink! Hennes:y amId Cok~-,mru~l!ed, or othe',[[whHi~·., rll'le g](DiUe"m drunk. b~foire -Dol wastedj 'but t:ru,p~y'" 1 know m'J ]] mwt~ wb'en. :~: d[[iru(,~

ave' '01\1 Imet :PJS 'wl1~le,

- llIaln.inl oul?

Oh, y·ea.h. lo.ts ,of those~ ha hja~ Maybe th.at~·s wh.y:~ dJ~Il~"~ 'w',an~ to go 'bacf(, :home,.

100 '.'h e, I~I irlti m~date d es,peciiall, si Itte 'JGiu'llre an inglis:em?

Wen 'I sp~a~k fHipin,o iii, limthl!' and. ~: _

~ii"iiul..:1 U H 'd;fij'if:!!1I:! ~~ '~I ~I W;fi nl ~I S,1'fj; 'CIl~'''Ii,t.i1l1i.'' '!LV. '!Iil .. ,~J. . 'IG,{ ~III !Il..l!l.tlll, '.' IG,W.~.. . '.' U. Jillllil! ~'.::JI

they:tre! mon~ straightfo,fward.~ nut r@ally' g:'entb.!'m"en., H@re' ,guys text: :me~ a.nd 'would, ,as'lr: m!e~ ~:Oid you Ie'at nd?':'~ 'Th,ej oif,er :me' Wh,8'[

m wmn~ to eat ~ wma,t I: want to do, Sa S'~a,te~ they're "the boss" and I don't like that,

'Woulld :,.1lI go lo'ul, .illhl .,U,,5 jU11 'I.,'fun?

n f" ;i'!I.iflilIII'ICC! n 1· f 'lib. t:Ii ~'iIl'! :nnni 'L. g ha I ul, ~U.lY ,ilI,(; ~I • -' WJ~; ~ P u~ Itt! JIg _. 'i

Bu~ even, just lor a friendly date, yeah~ I Uk,e meeting ,n~w' people b~'~ I W'IDD~l g~1 ~JtI'n with tal, sl~r,angeF from ,now,be~n~,.

A~JGne ever IlUedl,B pick .. up I ilile,

Inlll Jftg'r"

¥!I~I ,:.:¥' ,III!

lots, of' gu.ys:~ Wb.en~' was at a mall sa' S.tah;~'s: some g:uy Just s aid "Did it hurt?" And I was like f~nid wbaLt hurt'? ~!' '~!:B e cause 'you

just: feU from heaven," I was Just Uk,£!" .n.W'hat?~ ~ 'be best one is lust' wh,en. a guy is st"r:ajjg'h~ to. the 'p oint, If' 'you want ,to ,ger[ to :knl(1¥w me, just ask m name, ask if l'm single .. If you. WiUIJ! to talk tel me, talk '~O me,

Wh,DI mmrin~e. 'roll 'Ie ellol this IIhoot fDF' us:l'

rv@, 'WElIlI'@ d, to do it for s 0 long, 'When I S1atw Ieri Lee's FHM sheet, :~: kne.w I wanted tiD dill l~ and the' ,~.d.ea, excited me .. My manager brought the idea 0([ modeling up and I immled:~a~elJ agreed, I came home fo,r that and :faml~,J also, I'm S~.atyblg R'OW' in Cavite wl~h, ,m,y' a.u:n~~ :my' :m,o.m,:'s sistef'~

fe I us i1H'UI: ,.0 U r fa III i~.,

1i~; 1· ...1 'Ill-. h ..,w '~I'"r ]i'

,IJ'V! rveu bill! . ariUl. .W.ru;lIlel .. ,II. VI',as a,iIl

m· 'lib. ·ld A! 'Ii" d I' . '.'116.

IOD.wY emu anU,IJ, ve . @ad: wW.lu

my parents remarrying and :bar.ving' another set of kids, Tne~ divorce was bald". but: ~t made me who I am '~oda,y. It also, ,glll(~ me clns er to ,my step.muUllJ!'r., ShJ@~.s, the one wh,cl supports m'y' medeling, l also have: 'two, 'baUbrothers and one :h;ailf-'~ds:h~'r;' th~y'~r.e~ all in the' States, Wlhlalls Iii Uke bel nllh Ii bi,1 si'sl81f?

~: just s,p,okle ~IO m,J" siblings '~od,a.'y,. TheY:!l'Ie doing PfiI:!Uy :golod, and mls sing their' ate. Ib"ey~,rle really you.ltg', 'The! 'Joullg:'est: OIiM:~~S, just em,te:r.liog pre-school, Sl,~ age difference there,

ifhi'nk 'yog, III 'i 1J1 I, make al •• d 11'1 at&er :someda,,"

I try' nut to think ah out tba~ ,_.- 'T't· -:-: ,.' 'Bf-'- t-:III

,[lgI!ll,. now, n(aj, ,H(ID"

Is t&lis, 111,8 '61"51, Ii 111,8 JOII did a slh.DOI ,far al malilili'ne?

'fe's,., ]: haven't ~r.ru,ledl this b~filJre" 'V.ftlll d- 1\,,- nUll! 'lL.ill '·IS' a'ft,IIII!IIIU'IIlV_ I ¥ iftDi¥ .. ' 1111).1 . ,~¥ I!~,_; .. _'

lie ,our ~inle;rie' 5~iall~1

Oh, re1ally? It's okaJ~ I'm stn~.

ii!!i;V"'J··t~d h g h § I~ 111' ~I ~ m"'Ii!l, 1.JI.n~nD' ~A!\;' ,.~. - "I " _ Jo' )0.1. 11 .l1J.!Jdl.~ U,V~ 'b

picmrials like this, I'm pn!t~J' comfiO,r~able 'w'fa.ring bikmis

,an,d, U.ng\erie" As IOD,g a s I'm still IC~lVen!d. ~ should be fine,

WhlD Ida yaulloek: IUp ID "n FHM'~I' rosier' IIr hlJlcio UI, Iba I :esl

, .··.aJr.ina Halili-she's He!.; , ! ,At the,

100 Se'xies;~ VictmrJ P!llrtYJ Illut to work with, :he:r., It. was [unn.y

, be!f::Inse s ome peo-plill.le tho Illght ~: 'W,15 her, [,~'llote.d her u:p and saw her in, the :m agazine She:Ps really :~mr.e.UJ,! And whe~ll I've :fina]]y seen her, I started llklng 'be'l' more

'lI!..,i!'Iil"'~~'IIil!'~ ,!i!':lI1..e,'1fI1 ;i.'!'A ;i.'!'d'V"\j' and realle ru !lGJ~[D.IILli)~ lil,j]l .. ~ ~u @!~..5.~ ~ - : - '. -,. - - -:J

:p~r.et,ty in pers on.

YDII klllow sllJe:":s ,'0U'II,I·8 r than, JOU"?'

Are' yop' 5 eFi~us,?' I didn't ,kDDW· '~blal. Wow I 'feel DId D~iW~ hi! b,a~ , ~'m sihoc:ke:cL ~:~d, like to work more wirth her in the fnture, That'll make, ffite so h.a,IPT,.

'1.1"" ea· a!;d J'G lIIiilre !til VB.., an a- d

' •• '!Iii ,', -. 1"1 ~ ,_,.- - J U ;!!IJij;." iii ... ·. - .",

ra'hili.1iI Idaln cel",

I've been d,owg: that for almost g, 'year and I, half. It's very energetlc, Jt's kind 0(( like a

mixture Af- 'D' iOvnn"'''';''iIl' ~ nd ,: I ~.a._IU' I~ u ' ... -I':I~J:(J'· Jb~ a, p~!':-

Shidc:ir,a_"s moves. My f,amily teaehes rahi~i3Lm dlaD'cing. ThflCH:wg'hout 'higb scho nl ... 'wle ,aj,wary s ~ler~~O:F.me d at cultural ,[al[ie,s,_

10 ,Baed d. ncerlili lu rn ,Gill alii?

:1 !r,m go out with guys who do.n~;tt ,h.ave: ~De da.nu:lefto Dr ,m.Bve's:-a~ :nong a;5, '~h.eyt,r.~ Icute" Ih.a~ hasl ,hap:p,e![ted to mei befo.re b!en~!"

'( just laki@ the le',ad whlen '~bat baJjlJi C'!IlS '1l1idU they 'waster s·ome' 'moves.,

Whal~l, dI'll lIIa.l: rom'a:II'ic, IhilDI ,8 PJ' h.1 dla~ne' ifD'r 'D~?

My @'x-'boyf'rit.nd tn ok me to

a ,c&nd~~elit d ~'[lnf.I' a~: a hote:t, Candle.s, and :!r. (Hi, e' :p e'tals we:rr.e everyow'oere', levien, in ,the, 'ba.thtu.b. 0,0 ,the 'bed .i~ S,3 JS ~ ~~:[ :~clve 'y~lu~ H2IPPY· Ann_i.vlels,ary'~~ ~p!eUe d (JiU'~ with JUS e' :~:N~r~als.

So'u.nds srllleet~ Bul wfly ~s' he s'n

111_.-1111 11 ........ ,..':11

1:1_", ...- .. -;

We'w'lere '~,o!ethe',[ fo,r Sil!ve~n 'l~,aT:SJ' but hie c'lru,eCltled 10.111 me' thflele


l!_ 1_. IL.iril

So 111. IIIID51 IOmBnli c 10' :111,,11 ""-IiI"iI nA;iIII\iiIIi ·11II!.o!JIIIi'fIlilll, ,I:- ~1"L.rul

gil. I III ¥!!Ii.'I!Iiii! .. ~. l.· lI!ilUi _ ;;;

:N a., S ome'how 'lInd @v@n, m,B:k@5! :W'I! not trust 18 lot:~f 'gu,J',s~ ~: think :m,J ,next: r.elation.ship is go,ing '~O 'tt~dre' 1], 'W hUe ~ r:m, ,not ,a ,jle~,o'us ,per:S'Dn,~ When I'm in ,a ~;~u'b my ,GD:J c.an d,HIillJce with lo~her' gir:~.5., ru dance 'w~th o~h,er guys" :n :~Iet: my le:1 do tna.t" but I g-u!es:s he ~UlSt 100,:1( ad,V8rrtage lof it., 1ii) me' if~ ine f,Qlr. ,'OUt '~O da.DC'E! witb, am.'y gjd, YO''ti nkel blelcaJus e }'1ouf'n!' goring' to com,e home 'with m:e all'yway~ Why' .s;~undd, ,[ bl@ i@'ulous :if SOiwe gld lo(}!ks up to hlm?' He"si wltl1 me'~ h'e:~s ,my milD,. FIlM


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