BARC Training

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The key takeaways are that RP&AD conducts various radiation safety training programmes to train personnel working with radiation and to ensure safety.

RP&AD conducts training programmes like Diploma in Radiological Physics, Radiography Testing Level-1 and 2, Radiation Safety for Industrial Irradiator Operators, and more as detailed in the document.

The objective of the Diploma in Radiological Physics course is to provide qualified Radiation Safety Officers to industries and research laboratories, and Medical Physicists to Hospitals where ionizing radiation sources are used.



D.P. Bhatia
Radiation Dosimetry & Training Section
Radiological Physics & Advisory Division

Radiological Physics and Advisory Division treatment. It can be done by harmonising and
(RP&AD), BARC, is responsible for providing promoting the best practices of Medical Physics
radiation safety related advisory services to all in the country by making available trained and
medical, industrial, research and agricultural qualified Medical Physicists, expert in
institutions in the country. Training and education Radiological Physics. Towards this end, RP&AD
of the radiation workers of these institutions conducts a post M.Sc. Diploma course in
should be so oriented as to reap maximum Radiological Physics (Dip. R.P.)
advantage of the modern technological
The Diploma in Radiological Physics course is a
developments, at the same time causing minimal
multidisciplinary course conducted by RP&AD.
harm to the occupational workers and members
The objective of the course is to provide qualified
of the public at large. To sustain their activities
Radiation Safety Officers to industries and
using radiation, these institutions need trained
research laboratories, and Medical Physicists to
manpower on a regular basis. Also, continuous
Hospitals where ionizing radiation sources are
technological changes make it necessary to
used. Candidates with M.Sc. (Physics)
retrain the personnel working in these institutions.
qualification are eligible to apply for the course.
To this effect, the Division conducts a number of
Final selection is made on the basis of
radiation safety related Human Resource
performance in an interview conducted by a
Development Programmes and also participates
selection committee constituted by officers drawn
in many such programmes conducted by other
from different Divisions of BARC and a
Divisions of BARC. Most of these training
representative of the Physics Department of
programmes are mandatory as well as regulatory
University of Mumbai. Many participants of this
in nature. These programmes are briefly
course have been sponsored by leading
described below:
radiotherapy centres of the country. Many
students from the neighbouring countries have
Diploma in Radiological Physics also attended this programme, under sponsorship
(Dip. R. P.) of the International Atomic Energy Agency and
World Health Organisation. The course is
Medical exposures continue to constitute a major designed to cover wide areas of medical physics,
source of exposure to humans due to artificial radiation physics, radiation safety, and peripheral
sources of ionising radiation, and their use has subjects. The programme consists of a formal
enabled great progress to be made in many course of about 300 lectures, 50 tutorials and 25
aspects of medicine. These practices need to be practicals and a number of seminars divided into
carried out in optimised radiation protection 3 terms. There is a written and viva voce
conditions as recommended by the International examination at the end of each term.
commission on Radiological Protection. It is,
The students of this course spend a good deal of
therefore, necessary to ensure the protection of
their time in practical training. They are sent to
individuals against the hazards of ionising
different Sections of RP&AD and other Divisions
radiation used in medical diagnosis and
of the Health Safety & Environment Group of have personnel trained in radiation safety and
BARC for a period of four weeks. To integrate duly approved by the competent authority. To
theory with practice in nuclear medicine, cater to this need, RP&AD is regularly conducting
radiology and radiation therapy, a six-week training courses on Radiation Safety Aspects of
outstation field training is also arranged at Nucleonic Gauges. Candidates sponsored by
reputed radiotherapy centers of the country. nucleonic gauge user institutions with minimum
Students, in groups of 2 to 3, are sent to these qualification of a Degree in science or Diploma in
centres. Here, they assist the medical physicists engineering are eligible to attend this course. The
of the assigned hospitals and get necessary course is of seven working days' duration. The
hands-on experience in treatment planning & course consists of lecture-cum-discussions on
dosimetry of radiation therapy procedures. radiation physics, radiation units, biological
Finally, a 4-week training program is arranged at effects of radiation, radiation hazards evaluation
the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Radiation and control, nucleonic gauges, and concerned
Medicine Center (RMC), Parel, where they are subjects and practical-cum- demonstrations on
given intensive training, both theoretical and proper and safe use of radioisotopes. Candidates
practical, on the role and duties of a medical successful in the course-end examination are
physicist in the treatment of cancer. certified by the competent authority as
Radiological Safety Officers Level-1. This course
To keep the trainees aware of the developments
is conducted by the Division at the Centre for
taking place in various fields, lectures on special
Training & Certification in Radiological Safety
topics are arranged by calling experts from
(CT&CRS), Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, and also
various centres from time to time. Visits to
at Electronics Corporation of India Ltd.,
various Divisions, Sections and important
Hyderabad, and at some of the other user
facilities in BARC and outside are also arranged
institutions, like Reliance Industries, Patalganga.
for the benefit of the students. The trainees are
So far, 55 such programmes have been
also taken to hospitals and industries for
familiarisation with equipment and techniques
used by them. The final Diploma is given by the
University of Mumbai based on a three-tier Radiation Safety Aspects for High
examination system. The successful candidates Intensity Irradiator Operators
work as Medical Physicists /Radiation Safety The purpose of this mandatory course is to
Officers in leading radiotherapy centres or provide training in radiation safety to personnel
industrial institutions of the country. Many of them involved in the operation and maintenance of
have been employed abroad in responsible high intensity irradiators. Candidates sponsored
positions. by irradiator user institutions with minimum
qualification of tenth standard are eligible to
Radiation Safety Aspects of Nucleonic attend this course. The course is of 15 working
Gauges (NG) days' duration. The course consists of lecture
cum discussions on radiation physics, radiation
Nucleonic gauges find many non-destructive
units, biological effects of radiation, radiation
applications in industry for in situ determination of
hazards evaluation and control, radiation
thickness, density and composition of materials,
detection & dosimetry, safety and design features
for measurement and control of process material
of irradiators, radiation accidents, etc., and some
in closed containers, for analysis of ores and
practical-cum-demonstrations, and a visit to an
minerals, well logging, etc. There are about 850
irradiator installation. Candidates successful in
institutions in India, using more than 6000 gauges
the course-end examination are certified as
for different applications. It is mandatory for these
Operators of High Intensity Irradiators.
institutions, particularly those which are in
possession of gamma and neutron sources, to
Radiation Safety Aspects in in the course-end examination are licensed to
Applications of Radioisotopes in work as industrial radiographers. This programme
is conducted at centres like Institute of Quality
Research (RA)
Management, Mumbai, Indian Society for Non-
This mandatory training programme provides destructive Testing, Visakhapatnam,
training in radiation safety in the use of Tiruchirapalli, etc.
radioisotopes in physio-chemical, biomedical,
agricultural and industrial research. Candidates Radiography Testing & Safety Level - 2
sponsored by user institutions with minimum (RT-2)
qualification of graduation in science are eligible
RP&AD co-ordinates with Isotope Applications
to attend this programme. The course is of
Division, BARC, in the conduct of training
seven working days' duration. The course
programme on Radiography Testing Level-2 at
consists of lectures on radiation physics, radiation
different centres in the country. The purpose of
units, biological effects of radiation, radiation
this mandatory training programme is to provide
hazards evaluation and control, planning of
training in radiography and radiation safety to
radioisotope laboratories, disposal of radioactive
users of industrial radiography equipment.
wastes, production of radioisotopes and labelled
Candidates with two years' experience in an
compounds, etc. and practical-cum-
industrial radiography department and minimum
demonstrations on proper and safe use of
qualification of B.Sc. (physics and mathematics)
radioisotopes. Candidates successful in the
or Diploma in engineering are eligible to attend
course-end examination are eligible to be
this programme. Candidates with lower
nominated as Radiological Safety Officers
qualification, if they have passed Radiography
Testing Level-1, are also eligible to attend the
programme. The course is of 20 working days'
Radiography Testing & Safety Level - 1 duration. Candidates successful in the course-
(RT-1) end examination are licensed to work as site
RP&AD co-ordinates in the conduct of training incharge of industrial radiography installations.
programme on Radiography Testing Level-1 at This programme is conducted at centres like
different accredited training centres of the Regional Testing Centre, Mumbai & Kolkatta, and
country. The purpose of this mandatory training at Hindustan Shipyard, Visakhapatnam.
programme is to provide training in radiography Radiation Safety for Radiation Therapy
and radiation safety to industrial radiographers,
who handle radiography equipment. Candidates
with six-month experience as trainee This training course is meant for up-dating the
radiographer in an industrial radiography knowledge of radiation therapy technologists in
department and minimum qualification of Higher the field of radiological safety. Successful
Secondary (10+2) with physics and mathematics completion of this course is a desirable
are eligible to attend this training programme. qualification for radiotherapy technologists as per
The course is of 15 working days' duration. The stipulations of the Atomic Energy Regulatory
course consists of lecture-cum-discussions on Board. This need-based training programme of 7
radiation physics, radiation units, X-ray and days' duration is arranged by RP&AD at the
gamma ray equipment, radiography techniques, Centre for Training & Certification in Radiological
defectology, test methods, work parameters, Physics or at some radiotherapy centres in the
biological effects of radiation, radiation hazards country. Course curriculum consists of 18
evaluation and control, etc. and practical-cum- lectures and discussions on different topics
demonstrations on radiography and proper and related to radiation safety and practical
safe use of radioisotopes. Candidates successful demonstrations at a full-fledged local
radiotherapy centre. The minimum qualification and demonstrations on topics like basic radiation
for this course is Higher Secondary (10+2) in physics, radiation dosimetry & monitoring,
science subjects with at least 2 years' experience planning of nuclear medicine installations,
in a Radiation therapy department. operational limits, radioactive waste disposal,
Quality Assurance (QA) procedures in nuclear
Radiation Safety Aspects in the medicine, etc. 25 technologists from various
Servicing of Radiotherapy Equipment nuclear medicine centres all over the country
participated in the first training programme.
This is a mandatory training programme for
engineers, who are engaged in the servicing of Training in Radiation Safety for M.Sc.
radiotherapy equipment. This 7-day training
course is meant for creating awareness about
radiation safety among service engineers. A
RP&AD conducts a two-week visit-cum-training
sponsored candidate with Degree/Diploma in
programme for M.Sc. (Medical Physics) students
engineering is eligible for admission to this
of Anna University, Chennai, and M.Sc.
training course. The course curriculum consists of
(Radiation Physics) students of Mangalore
16 lectures on topics related to radiation safety,
University, Mangalore. These students are
discussions and practical demonstration at a full-
trained in radiation hazard evaluation and control
fledged local radiotherapy centre. Successful
and associated topics. This programme is
completion of this training programme is a
mandatory for being eligible to be certified as
mandatory requirement to obtain license to carry
Radiological Safety Officers (Level-III) and to
out the servicing of radiotherapy equipment.
work in radiation oncology centres of the country.

Accreditation of Nuclear Medicine Familiarisation Programmes on

Technologist in Radiation Safety Radiation Safety
Diploma in Medical Radioisotope Techniques
(DMRIT) is the qualification required for a Instances of theft of radioactive sources and
technologist to work as Radiation Safety Officer equipment and illicit trafficking of radioactive
(RSO), Level-II in a nuclear medicine department. materials have been brought to the notice of
However, technologists without DMRIT concerned authorities in India and abroad. These
qualification but already employed in a nuclear could result in various health hazards to the
medicine department for more than 5 years, may public and entail expensive and elaborate
also be recognised as RSOs by the competent
authority, provided they are graduates and their
proficiency in the field of radiation safety is
certified by RP&AD. For the accreditation of
technologists of the latter category to function as
RSOs in their departments, RP&AD conducts a
training programme of 3 weeks' duration on
radiation safety in a nuclear medicine
department. Candidates successful in the course-
end examination are qualified to apply to the
competent authority for being recognised as RSO
(Level II) in their department. The first training
programme for this purpose was conducted
during January 14 - February 1, 2002 at
CT&CRS. The programme consists of lectures
Table 1: Training Programmes conducted/co-ordinated by RP&AD

Programme Minimum Duration Programmes Remarks

Qualification Conducted/
Diploma in Radiological M.Sc. (Phys.) One Year 40 / 621 Qualify as RSO (III)
Physics (Dip. R.P.)
Radiography Testing Level-1 XII (Phys. 15 days 29 / 846 Mandatory
(RT-1) Math)
*Radiography Testing Level-2 Dip. Eng./ B.Sc. 20 days 26 / 765 Mandatory
Radiation Safety Aspects of Dip. Eng./ B.Sc. 7 days 55 / 1617 Mandatory
Nucleonic Gauges (NG)
Radiation Safety for Industrial X Pass 15 days 4 / 61 Mandatory
Irradiator Operators (IRAD)
Radiation Safety in Research B.Sc. 7 days 22 / 493 Mandatory
Applications (RA)
Radiation Safety for Radiation 10+2 in Science 7 days 23 / 368 Mandatory
Therapy Technicians (RTT)
Acreditation of Nuclear B.Sc. 3 weeks 1 / 25 Qualify as RSO (II)
Medicine Technologists
Radiation Safety in Servicing of B. Engineering 7 days 5 / 84 Mandatory
Radiotherapy Equipment
#Radiation Safety for Food B.Sc. 30 days 2 / 39 Mandatory
Irradiation Plants
Certification Course for X Pass 10 days 64 / 2147 Replaced by RT-1
Industrial Radio-graphers course
Radiation Safety in Industrial Dip. Eng./B.Sc. 4 weeks 45 / 1006 Replaced by NG &
Applications of Radioisotopes RA course
*Industrial Radiography & Dip. Eng./ B.Sc. 6 weeks 48 / 1447 Replaced by RT-2
Safety (IRG-1) course
Familiarisation Programmes -- 2-3 days 30 / 703 Awareness/
M.Sc. (Med.Phys.) B.Sc. (Phys.) 10 days 19 / 191 Qualify as RSO (III)
Anna/Mangalore University
Foreign Trainees -- 1-3 months 39
* Conducted by Isotope Applications Division, BARC
# Conducted by Food Technology Division, BARC

procedures to mitigate the consequences. The Narcotics (NACEAN), to ensure safety of

problem has been recognised internationally. radiation sources and security of radioactive
Towards this end, RP&AD arranges a number of materials and to make various organisations
awareness programmes for personnel like aware of their role in preventing
customs officers, security staff, cargo handlers accidents/incidents, which affect the safety and
and staff of port authorities in collabo-ration with security of radiation sources.
National Academy of Customs, Excise and
RP&AD also conducts two/three day need-based through these HRD programmes in the field of
familiarisation programmes on radiation safety for radiation safety. This trained manpower is
radiologists, medical X-ray technologists and responsible for ensuring radiation safety in about
defence personnel. 3000 institutions involved in non-nuclear fuel
cycle applications of radiation. These HRD
Foreign Trainees programmes have resulted in:

The International Atomic Energy Agency and • Improvement in work practices and working
World Health Organisation refer a number of environment.
persons to BARC, from neighbouring countries, • Decrease in average individual dose to
who are engaged in use of radiation in various radiation workers.
fields. RP&AD provides and co-ordinates training
• Increase in the confidence level in handling
in the field of radiation safety to these WHO /
IAEA fellowship holders from other countries.
• Downward trend in the number of incidents /
emergencies in these institutions.
As illustrated in Table 1, a trained manpower of
about 10,500 persons has been generated

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