Standard Vol13-No3 (1999)
Standard Vol13-No3 (1999)
Standard Vol13-No3 (1999)
-- ..... -<:.
VoL 99-3
£ditOf'$ Cl)lu'!VIn ... , .•.... :3 Contrari,~rI 5
·M<in';Jg.8Jl1E1nt 'Ctjrner .' , 6
l'h~ leaming Curve II
NVLAP Noms p , 111
A2LA N~s Updal~ " .. " 15
SwmJa~(!s Seer!>!} ." 117
NISl NI'l'NS P 18
1he Design ota Mea!surernel'lt Process PI!!11 .... p B Mellolo{lvfl K.ntvwledqe Marwgm.ent... P .. • •• P.· • p 29 Sou~r.:es ol'UJe Y2k Prub.·
ItMll 'P .. p P.P.' P 3d
Up-a GUM Tree} ,,, ..... ~}8'
SoHware:---A Weak Link in the MesSUfement Oklll'l 39 MOD COf,ll'lOlI Mint/v.~s .. 40
Me.mbershi p f/IBp0rt ., ~.!'i
MOD OWoors .... . 46
Regklfla'l COUJlciiol S. . .. 47
A Message From the C,hair ! ....
M'UD w'ell'r:'ep,r~sented at the Annu:al Ou,a1itv Con.gress
Tile Annu;J..1 Q~"Llity COIlI5re8li in t\fI:rheim ~b:) 14-26, 1,!}99 pl!,Jvith:d :J wondcrtu] 0!;)pOnUnit)' 10 meet bnlh 01£1 ~nd new fric/~d$. ("fitch tip on The: laresr issues In our !"r:ufcs~jjJn, ~b:'rpe[j OIJ~ ~lLlall(")i roo ls , fllld g(~'fle(:lJh rcj.;i,nJlt o01H' 5p;Jil~. The ac:t'l';,i~ iil!~ acruallv hI;' gilll 'cH1 PridOty., M.:1I)' 21 w·jth the Gelh!l;!iI Tee h L1 il:l1! Counci.1 fiH:eting, 511 tu rJsy W:b ~Ci:L'P d~~,r for thit MQI):Br'<l-rn lH the: ExhIbit Hall , ,llld SUl'!lhy 'WlIS Ibe l:;\-rm1eh f,gr new FellI/Wi> :In,~ the ;\nj'HJ~d Ij.l,l~L[le~s l\-h::~ril1g, of ,be $.'lc.i~ty. At'ter (il:ll. linil; Wlm.~ up,'lgs b~g:al1 irl e1Itfl!;'~ l un I\.iomby. The h:trd"~i' pfirii of Lhis con(cr~Licc was deciding wh.ich of 'til>!: ~O)T1Icurn~m )ll·5·, to urrcnd and how to =>dl! fhw\ lime I.,. ,;·i!'.il :!H (jf rhe exhibtts nnd IDilnytccep tTnns . I! ~on'lI.:h()\\' ~C"~mfc.l ;lflPI'~)prial'C 1.1H1"t We w e rc ~u dose H., Di~/leybml.. Thi& ,\QC Ind 'e'Jmc nf tth~~ same ~cn!lL: of wonder M!t' pl"f"lji rl.'"nl·ti~.n of ,lttH.r: .. rirm& I<:l/l:tywhE:fl;: y~'Hl In(~kcd. Truly, [h,;:l'e WiIS :,"mLthlfl~ reor evcrynnc.
MO'D Hosts Session ;0 Paper Availlabl'e
MI;;1SLlIII::m,e;:r1t Q~l'OIiity D~vi s ion W:lS \!;Idl rtp,.c~en~cd at AQC, both in dli: MQD Boorh ill the Ex hibir. I~i;lll ;1 nd l!I our u;ch"ie.:d ~;::ssion, "Huw ro .1V'lctl:>tll:e !.hlS1Il [!li~ 'p~tf£)tm::m.:::::'· on TJ,~:s,hy ~f~.c moon, M::\)' 25. Phil. ~h~in, was our se ssj on JJta.fl:oaIl/U, ilfld I: presented ,I pape r un ~he ["(,tl: of IYIC"llS1U reme n t. 5y~ti:m. J;S drivers r, J (hI: (:/TIe~gmg "llowle(h~1: re .. olnuun Wi::! nre :llil el1,ouli~.!;:rifl.g. The (nt,i.e was wdl r1!:l':'2iv,ed 'and :tb-OLlT ha.IF (1 r thlt rtI~arly 3tH) ;lw'ndC"i~ WOok the tirnc ro request more Il"Imr:n1:l!L/I:1r! at lh<= Hld 0 cr (he sess ion. C.rJpilG5 ,,[ my p:;Jp'~'r lInd Powc\'lJuiwl( pr'~sC'inatlon wcrl! I.ncluckd on rhe CO·RD'Nt VG.TSiOll of tin:. pr(jrl;~din~~, 1.I,d tiLe p~lpll:r is in th~· prio / c·d CIJpy vi the pmLt::l:dillg~, For rbo$c of p1U wMn \voulJ lib.:: :1 c·nrY OJ1" "'.Ibn me p~pn (H" tht: ,,,,re· so:;cu;uinn, rh~)' w il l soon be ;tV~i1\Lbk I~n our MQD v.rd:lgire ww'·,,·fl1(,ltnl(Jgy,otl'\' So,l~
elm ttrmeJ Dr! 1).'1//;(: <,/
The Seventh Annual Measurement Quality Conference win be Held in Conjunctilon With the Midwest Quality Conterence, Toledo. Oh'io-S,eptember 14,-161 1999
MaD Pre-,confie"ence ruto'lBI9113~ ,CDnfe'f~ence 9/1'4-15
'fo'( morEl cll'lnfer~ lence detaiband, up-to-date' registration inf'ormi~ troD. ·check. our w'o'bsihi! at.: ~.lUmro'Dw.O'r'O
The Mc:'.~u·rcmclH Qll:llHY Di ... i~i!~n j~ "pon~'.1ring ;,.< ;:l1!\'cnLit A.l11H,,:J! Cnr'li,,;rent:( tu 01: held in l:(mlLlniQI1 ,drh 1'h.:: ivhtl\!,'~~ l QlulilV (onfel'uKo: 'II !h,c n1.:W Se'.1G.;~lC (nn"l..:nlim'i Cenrcr in T,}led/"), Ohio,
Tbe ibl:[Ur.: IIf rhr.: 341:11 !\L'1!lU,d M,ith""CH QuaJHY Conf~rcf\lI: i!. "LoJ(jlkJ'rrgJJej'tmr! thf.' lear 2J:m()-PerrOfma.ra;~ E"u::el!cru:c. '" The MI;>l'Huemenr q~lldity Di,,"~~wn i~ joining rh; A.lJl.0m01 ive Div/!o>lon. I ilL.: T~J1!!do Section o I ASQ n.J / heM i d WC5 t {.I. wlli ty I'd II ;.I.f1CC I{ rou.p
vi :Tbo;; II /1n:Fl1:an Scciety tor QU:llir~ I a . 'S~)r this lHgh./.~vcl 911nlity confcrc»: iDGUH1rJ (I1r Ibis Con rcrC:lc~ \A.'iil I Ohio '::,; ncwcsr c.nn V~H ci Of! Cr' S,c<'IGatc ,I nJ tlH' .1Cljoi'
I-Iu[cl in dOWIJ{Hw'/1 Tr)h:;Jo,
(') n S.C pte m la" r I '"\, 1 r r~IL·;,jsllm'lclH QU.'l_lj ry D IV1~(' :;nr ;t, fllH ,tJ.;"IY turori;ll: .-fUn iilJni(j" tJful {SO $to.nda
8u.mme.r 1999 ~
== ;
Piublication Staff
E:-'fS'Iltltive £dMor D!;!W<lvne B_ Sharp, P. E. ;100 MarJane' OM
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The Journal of the Measurement Quality Division
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Letters to the Editor
Th~STAl"JDARD' wdcuml!'s lettl;:f~ f~(}m rnetnbers ;intl ~!.Jb~~tiher~_ We o(fC'r th c fallow,ing gUlddi n es , 1.1:: rre rs 5 b auld c lea r I r s nw;: whether the ~l:! thur is o:.prc~~ing npi nirHI nr pte se Dli Ill!; f\1.c rs .."tt ~ h ~ L! P po rein 15, in fa rmanon. CO I" InCI' th Ii 0 ('I, c nc G 1I r:agem~ n t, C01]S true ri ve critique, :,uggesw:lns" :tocl ulterns.nve 0[:1- !f'ro!l~h~.~ aT!!!. ~cccplcd. Bu;ltlng Is .!HH :l.ppmpri;w::. If che conrent is niCHe thn:1"I 200 wflrd~, we nll!y ddt:[~. purlciL.Hl ~ lO hokl thar ~im~~. We reserve tbe right co edLl !l!:ttr=l-5 and paTJus,
Information "01' Authors
The STt\HDARD rubli~h~~ p~pcu on the qtlffiluy or measurements and rhe measuremcnt ot 9!.1aHtT :It ,J,[I k v eis rMlg:il'!g fNlfl;"l reja[.ively simple rucorial material to C;LJtr(il1g~dgG elf ~ta~c: of the art e':iPQSI rion.
We particularly ~ncour~g~ lhoughtJu~ p,:!.o per'S [=rlJm et1g1n~as, users, tC~Ui~lOrs. 'QIi Ie v-
ds 0 f m:ln~,gcmE,1J r , an d o t h e rs . Th e
:::iTANDARD w!:icome'!!: U)fHnH'ersy and rca-
~n'ot!'~ puknu(,;" nul cl'J~" i'lQI pe.m~it runti ng and raving.
Papers published rn TheSTj\NDARD are 110t ref ere ed i 0 the 1.1 s ual sen sc, ex C cop t to .~ sc ectaL n t bat fa·cts ~ re ttl rreed)' s ra re d MJd to a~sure di:ilr Ori'~If),' :~rl(l L~cl' Me de~r.1y djwfl!l'lji~heJ one from another. The Editor reserves the right to edrt any p:Jpe[,~!nd wlll 1l~~1311~ e xercrsc that rlg-ill-
Endo$t: a ~ho~{ l~H~r sa\';ng what the 11HI.J1U5Cript I~ and! send I r ro the Ilppropri,it" A%Hd.~. e EditUf wi i h Yi:'!Uf t'n.~ntJ,scripl. E,:.:pILcirlr~!iL)w your ~IJdri?"S~ (&0 in !NsJU rNtJ'
UN 'i.l t; for corzespondence. '.'
Pl. b Iii cCli1l::i 0 n I nfol:rlm alii 0 11 The $T]il\l DlR.RD i5 published quarterly by the M essu refliElnt Oual,lY D iVt51 on 'tlf ASO [lnd its de~dli nes are 011 March 1 5" 15. 5ep't.embHr 15:Ei Decem 11(')1" 1 . Adverti 3.i ng ctead-Imies arB M .uch 1. J una 1, Septe;mb~F 1, ij ~ovember 1 5, .Input fo r te:o::l material on 3 W d iskette in \Nord Periect (D OS or Windows) or ASCII h;~rm<lt would be he[phJ I alHHlug 11 rna ny other lormats can l:Je used also. Ir It is not feasible to send (e;.;t in electronic form, clean printed te:o::l com be "scaoned" In usIng an O'CR progFol rn to convert th e t~);"\ to UI1e fmmat I'Hjleded. GmrhlG;G Of !lllJ;st'ralion rnaierlsrcsn be sent I n nearly <1I,ny PC vectc r qraphics format [EPS, CGM. WMF. WPG 1131(;,), F'hOI.ogmpn.(> of MOD antlvrries or p1liople woulld be especially aplJ recia led,
Publk;atmn of artidlOlS, prod u ct releases, ad vsrtissments OF l~hnK:allnfofiT1oli()il does not. inllJtyel1c1or5L?m~nt byTh~ STANDArm or the ~'ieasLiremenl Qlrality Division of ASO. Whife Th~ STANDARD rna kes fflfi)<ry eHon to BrlSU f(l the iilCGUr®cy of srnctes, th e publlctllion d~sc~ims ffJsponsib ility for s:~ternents (If fa ct or Clpjni'oll fn;;lo.e by the su- 1110[$ or ether contriibu~or$_
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F\ublic.-ati{)n address i::d7pe Shape of 'ffl;,rgs, 296 'Marlene Orwe, Sl.'lfl WI:;; Obls'IJo. CA 93405-t02d, The editor may be reached at {OO5l781.{171 '1 or by t~x at [8051 781-07' 14, E"moilll eddress is: dbsnarp@melfil!ogy,org,
~ 19se ASQ. MOD. All riglllS reserved.
The Editor's Colum.n )
'Notes Sharp
" ... the only 'cgn,· s;tant in today's wod,d; is the ever plre~s.ent hu:t tlbat. we win always bavf.!: c!haJlgEl,;"
As uccrrlfied "~~ld timer," t l}frt:11 nnd myself lonki ng at I[hi:: dlfmge~; {'n~ see n dlH'lrlg my io,qg carecr, wi ttl y~.ti'iT1g dcgrn:G nf .4 we ,lnd r. I 've never I;/;titrlcd tQUe it hiH0(111.fl, bUI I do have some bigLnri·.~1 perspective \\ljtn which (() observe ~be ch;mgt"J;. I ""It seeu.
Whe-n ~ ri~)t gCj[ involved with rn~Hnlugy, i'l CaIJ:H; ~Iu:r SW'IH:' y~;Jrs nt" workl []g ""lth :[[1(1 u~ing ~~s~ !;:"1uipmetu; bu! '.vuti no fl!nl i ntere st m c)[ :Ulll:icr.<tandJn,~ wi \v~ur \VJ:' now c~,11 "uncerrainry." I {ended. W Hike ri1~ re;laing8 I gll~ fn~m my insrrumewrs <II fJCIl vnlue, und <accl;:ptc:d ehern ,IS "gi;'~pcl." If you h;a.~ told me rht;y might be ill C L'fOf, iJoubl [h~ I. I would have bd;":\i~d. ),,,,1). I ,,!<,~ lucky enough 10 enter l~~C mc~mliJgy arC!'l~l \"dH~n the: \1.f{ldd was iu.s, d;'!.iCfWcuing wh;tt w,; thefl callecl "The Messurernent G"p.'·1'~I~H gap w:JI~ rhe ~1iITer<':11(>1: between wh~ r W~ (al; a Cl) un~~)' (j r ,! 11 1I1J.LI~I,~y) nt:!2d~d W measure .3:nd wh:H we: cntdil measure. Tl1i5 \I,H1S w~a~a)' back ir~ th!;: fJlI of 1,9'.%. That's wh~rJ [ ~mul£!d bewm.1O!; It "fT1",roh~J:ri~l," :.1< ho')gh I'd never hc~rd 01 .be w!ird ~1 doe nme ..
~. \V~1~ .here \J/ht:tI that t~rrible WI)l'l:i ".;r,H:Cablh~}'" was cuirled (.1.hhf:lugh.l rt:Fu~<I! to claim tiny resp(~mlhili~'Y' or In Like "Ill' bl:lIl1'~ FO'f 't). 'Those WC,t; he<ldy tlrnes. "the DOD g~~'~ us i,!lct'!~dibie SIHl'S, n F t'D(ln~>' I'D bll.ill;~ lind l!!Jllip '''''rr~mar~' Hnndnrds b.b~," fIlnd I)}~ wo rL'i('u nbCIIH Inrlk111p: ~b~ Il1l,~~I~urmgjl1~trulTleiU~ \j~ed In l~rourld suppo rr :md flight [CSIi,l:g nf l11i~!Sik::s !m:L1 tliH,:-t':dr "accurate.' ['m ntJt "t all sure W~ knc\'I Wh~l. W't: I'lH:anr by ,'11", let'm, we. ~IJ rc Jtd us e 1" :.1 110c
An a"l.dl~'["' 1 ;[!:;J!d recentlv, ~~l1d [hat [he ml~y ~<)f1~t,Li'lt ~n wd!4{s world is the ~V!;[ pliE:senr fl'><':llhi1J~ we will :lhv;;!'Y!. have change. He used n phrnse 1""" ~LLl.(e C('I1l1!! LU hUG. Jle n::F',;H(;¥.i to;1 "pal":lrllr,m ~hi.fl." lr.H{:I, wou .L tcrdbi~ ecrrn!
\Xfb'fl T srarrcd my fin.t scandards l aborato~y, ~!.~ cOlnpnl:1y who wn~ hl"kling ;In .ICnr..·j fot' the )\10' Force , there were m11.}' C\ llandful 01(':1':1.1 stundard.s h~hs In [he: e!ltire l,;o~II.Hr}'. rr ir f'ndrl' ( been Fo r the helpttll folks at rhc N;;:tlOru'l. Blmo.1l1 of SI~l'Id"td5. lrn 8UJ~e 0[ wt,ultl t1.eve:;· h;llvt Stl,c~(:Jc:cl in I':ny [:1~ii of putfing tl1=Lt l.1:lh'JF::J;lury I:o~etber. I~.v{·n so, 1 I()nk h:H;:k ~r ~'!m.; Dr llw p,~i mit I vc equip-
ITJEflt lmrJ rechn i{llI~S WI; h;]Jd, and. woruier th:a W~~ we re "bl.c lr.J make CLlly Iyt.~asut.cments at ~II. My firM high precision DC"!!ltir~ll.g msfrwacnt i!l tnJ! Liboru eerv \iII.l:> rhe, Then ~\ewly ![]HI.)dllCc:d, Le ccls and NMrhrup K·J tYIJI: 1;lh"I'~Hnr)' p[:Hemit)m~u:~; [I kid the HI.l bdicv;lhle aci, ur.l~j [,!ling, vf :t ±(O.05% + some DdJ rrnernvnlrs).
Itwasn': roo mcmy p::~r's IM:t:r wh'1::n Y"U couh] buy an inexpensive d,~i I;d elf: panel rncrer with better :lccl.l'mc}, rbfW (helt, lIlli' ,l[ ~ ht: time we riHH1.ghl It\<;,~.S pn:Hy remark .. 11ble.
i go I. tq dmlking ~hotlt dH)~~ enl'l}' d:l~'s \:Jtnt: n i [jOL).g]' t ;l. new cornpu tcr for my hOI11':. j)nH~~ a f~w w.~~ks 3g0. The 1Ld'Vtlltc:c~ 111 personal c 0 !11[1 !.umg h~""~ t~kert place 50 rapidly; n 111,," b;~ I f(w )'Cl,r~ d",[' we nimt}8t i:or~e~ [f) he I Jnpn::,~td "'y t ho".<; ch ,mf!,;N. L~[ me ldl you one ~tQfy Ih:1( m}IY r~Jt 6011'1~ of these trnprovcrnc Ill}. in rcr~pec tive.
In 1974 (tw'f,nry II\'£ }'QrlCS 'LgO), I rl~yc:J a ~'c:rv small lnci distmetly ~}n;.phtrotl toll::' ilf] d~e devchapmcut of 1\ new "drrerr 'lCCr~S~ otof:ilg~: dcvice " as we (wiled h. jinu know them rodny ns hard 1Ji~,k cln., .. es. A~ Lrernernher, tll..:- de!li,gn goal W build <I ;'if1')f.lgJ;; ~yskm whh rill mCJ~abyl'~s (MS) c.lpil!city. Engita:<::riI1~ dicl.i."'~ think chay could do it, ~od de':;:lJed ro put rwo 30 MB drive spindle~ HI :lc:,lbj'nCL lr e.nding up lIclRg ~. 30! 311 drive a..l1d gorE tlw co.Ie name "\X,'irJdui>tcr" l'vr obvious fl::fiSmH. Ii cnl,'t:d up h;i::.LIt!!. c~tllecl ehe IBM 3,)41) 00'\$0, If ,UJl' of rnu have bl:c,', around h~f1g enf.)~lGh r~) rvvn cmberit
The infH)v.<!xi,)tu we used in th~t ~y,r~n] ;iJfC stil! used for ;111 rTlLJdCfll drsk drives , ;!tul that'$ \lfb~; \V1t !j:l~'; those drive" u~e. '·'\ lcchll0iop;y." Th~1 d~t.t'L S tm.I~e' ~~'~t(:-Hl SQld (ur ~omcdli[1~ 0\'1:" $,(;Wl,lllll) (N ~bou l 51 OJl~.!f'1 pu:· mcg;:Jbylt~). N 0\1;' 'jump f!lrWnrd Q rJ:w y~.lrt; W i f)84· wl,.e!". [ BM in~i'm:luc.~d tnr re vo] u.l.lnn~r}' XT personal COfll!putcl'-rht: fiNI PC to have a hu.d ~hLv~ The fi ~SI nncs ~:td fL 5 7'..\ B hani dri .... c, " 6 MI·h CPU ;md rr '11/.'.' nopp}' dH,k ~h+vc, with ) c.~qsildlt~ of 360 KB. I rh~fughl i ~ ",r.:lS ;j pl'crry ~I1Credlb I e m~chin.: ami \\Id~ \V()~t:h the more litan 53.5(1f) I p,mJ for it a~ an IBM elT!ploye~.
W'.h:n l'm lel1cilng ur m j l\ that ~bli: hL'~nd no:w IBM comr~tiule (;Ump,Ll"rer on IHy ..led: .I1rJ p,tgi!: 4
-Gm~I'wedfi'u;np.1g/ 3 Editi(U
has a 22 GB drive wluch co sr less rhan 5400. In race, rbe en nrc ~mnpUir"=i' cost le~~ ~h:m $2~! !II, and i I' is ~ "In:'lded" C04npl,Her. \\iC-"I€ gon-e From. li i 0,000 per 1iI1CR~bv[t: [0 about half a cern per nicgnbyte in 25 YGH5. Oil yer; tk,~ t!ir~r Winci1csn,"[ drive W:JS the "j 7. C o f ~I hrg t re frig~ nil'll r ~~:, J u~~1 ul rc d " f till Lime I')p~.:uor W 'k~q! it WtJ,!'Ling. In het, i~ h~~d its own eonrrol ('nn~f)k. j,f (h~l dne5ri'! "b"'ggle vour mind," I c~n't 1r!1;!:].i! wh a t would.
() ur jn~tl'DmCrit inch.l,,,ry h~.~ t!'lnd~ §11lt'I1.liu: strides, om WC'l'f sn ciirjSi; In h ,h.',1 \'i~ ~~lcklill [hi!]k :~bOlill' jUH how rc r;;g,d;llhJ,~ r h osc cbanges are. An :lnG~n-r (:bim:~'~ curse says, "may Y.Otl lrvc in i!lWF,~~,ri,!tg nrnes.. .. " We I'I'H.lS'
* :-:
he dnubly cursed because th~~~: ~I,JTd}' a re wnndr::rfu.H}' hH~.testmg- (~me~.
JUH think (01' a mOIJH"nt abo ut (he changes arid 1111PfoV"(:"lnC:11~S we'\!c seen in rhe bsr tW"·IH} '-iV~ yenrn, .md rhen rry 10 i 111~l!:lm= Wiler>l! wc'll bt= i 1'1, ~ly 202-l,1 There must Ll! a I,i,mit somewhere bccnuae rhis is, ~ttu ~II, :!. quanrum lmivrorse" bu! I c,u;;', imugrne .;vhcl:~ that ilL Can you?
If YI,lU'\,.!,; grH dl'ly c ornmenrs or other ideas I 'rn ;tlway~ avsilnhle I'n )i~I'1£i'1 to 111(:01. :.iflU J'!,l.l always lcokitrg for idca~j .. My address :I~ 29(j l'vI"ldem: Drive, Snn Lurs Obispo, C A ';.I:)41)5-J I ~24. ):I'W C"IIO :Iho call me ar (805) 7HI-1171 ,) 01" tax me ar (1:1115) 78 . .1 ,-07'1 4. My e:IH8 i 1;t.l:.ld I:ess: dhshup@mc[rology.org_ +
Ca.lltimllH:ljro In pd:'/,'e J Chairman's MBssa'ge
Tr)m Pearson, MOD Chair
rhe end of rbb c,r,lumIl rO[ IHI;He information ,f y.(')lj ure IIUC:.I'~S'C,d in ,j~'Wn'()~lJmg thl; P.!.r~1" CJ r rhe rn:~C"nt"'ti on.
MaD B,ooth BusV
The MQD 130mh rn .he Exhibi! H:;;lH was \iEr, well auende d also, };b Ily MQI[) thanks to 'I he f\ IJ tom ori ve Divis iOl1 whQ W ~~ ~U{lSS rhe -iisle. 'fhu very :;ilmy, ','cq' \"er:y rod Dodge Vii?~" Hl, the'i,' booth probably helped nr,~~ h~ffie. Seriousi yo, \ v bi le w~: did \; ~V"ii: a gOD ci 10- c.;idO!i) dlC rc ~51 c~r:!t["'ly ,iIJ rt·~l(;·'\~rcd ion G:(: rt=Sf, hi rn e ~ ~u re m e m~~ fro. m 1'1'1 a n ',' dl re c CiVil ~. 0 n l" vcr~ J~.'!tPf' rrant: indrca lion 0 f Lhl~ :[c-,T1 e we d intt:~T:;[, W1l5 lbar M:IC'~ M~gll.litc, ~11 .. n c w editor Df Quality Prng:re:,~ '-'H;ir<~d (j'tU b~"lIjth. As J. result, he has aslH~d Phil Srein tlO wri~~ IL roJ:g'L!lillf collJl1nn f~.H Qtulitty Prw-glt:ss. V':H(: 11 for rh e new column ,(;:11 ~cd "l!-[,}flllP'f [or lId earure ", '[0 app~'a, sturtiag wuh the Sc-pt" issue. .Frn.1~ly" I 'woul{\ l"Ikc il) ilunk everyone \V'\]o >': (",ppet.l b~ W nU:CL U~ at th(; boorh. II' is .g:r>:llt to have l chance [0 3h.,~!1e ideas and i[,l"t,~ rests hee lO ffLClO'.
D,ecomea Senioll" Me'mber of ASa
My personal high light i, t th c conferen ce W .. S re!:eiyin~my ASQ fellow awa rd Ell' rhe Smulny Bruneh. I[ is \!~rr h urn bhng~n be surrounded by the I!:g,e;i,ds Df QUolIiiry [lIfid m ha VI,:! tht:;"ll wd,comIng you ilHO their company. I have
so many fn~nch dUH I would II k c td th:1.rt It fur m~ki!tg it. this all poss ilile that I Cilnrwlt name thcrn here, bur dierc :!r~ tw(J If! P:Hncular that! ITUI$t rnennon. Onn Ci~c.~k pc.r:;:~Iadl:d me alrru ,~t )11' y'::lf~ ag~~ 1-0 juin /\.SQ and r» become ucrtv e. In man}' ways he wa~ :4 mcnror to me b o th fit work and in rhe ~'OC.i<;~1' D(lni~ ulso an ASQ F~.IIQw. and I f(:cl hn-n~l'~d to have hlJl:-tl as a fne!1.d. Til!: (H~i.'et p'erso[] is Dorcrhr ~bnok who several yecJr~ (,gu m:1d~ i [ :dear ro rnc thllt r I'n~e-d(:d [0 becomea Senior Member in /\SQ. At [he; t ime , I di~mis~~.d Lh€ pcrrion o~ hel' sales 1~1 n:h ~.I.HJut Senior Member sta tus bt:I ng 3 rt"'q ui rcmenr Co r con~h::krndorl fDL' FelI.ow. FfHillnatC'!y H is ',"ery h-:ll'd to ,~ay no ro Dororh] .. N. iw n I~ my rurn LD :;rroflgly rec- 13m rl1 end tha t yuu';:f,.r:$ider h(;(:O'lni n~ <! Serilot M embers in ASQ. ! r is ca~)' to (~pg[:ld~, EnE.%pcn~ivc. 8110$t of all, y ... u i1,~,..·t;r knnw whc rc It could all It!:~\d.
Seventh Annual Measur-em,ent Quality Canfer-enc,€1
! ead; of you m pbn flOW to ;l(tcnJ ".MUiJJti'f'mr1l1t J' ... cu ce [Jug !l,.f~".tHn·M'e/J't Prflrtif~", rh~ Seventh Annual M1;'.~~t:[arl,~jU Qu:.:r.l.ity Conferen ce r o b~ held Scptcmbe,r 13-15, 199~ in Toledo, OH, in co n ,i u n c ti em \vi Lb I hit: 1\ [i Jv.r!:: 5~' Q'~ :11 i t Y c~~ 11- fcr~ncc:. Plen5t' P~[ it 01'1 ynur L!:d(t11.jji" now, Pcili.J look fur nrore dc rsils cht:wb~re in this i'58'lH:. ¢
[summer 1999
d g -.
AOC Pa.per and Pow,erPQ~il1lt Presentations
Cori,,~~ of rh~ AQC P,l'peu' Jt;;,r! Powl1'TPh:iIH I)T(!SC'I1(;ltjnn, "Measu rcrncnrs aud the Knowledge RI::\'oimin!l", wereincluded in du CD· :RUM i,r(]ce,~dll'lgs from ,\QC. IHQ\vcvn, rhr presernatiorr slide.;; du not offe~ access W eri:her rhe speaker ~!nLl~S or th~ slide blliJeh. IIyou WllL!!d lih' 't", have th~ source Po\V,!.;d~Oifll $1 id~s., rhev will hI: '~\'811\ll1lc on ttH: IV! Q 0 web~itc so Or! :i.t 1.!.!WW, r;rqu~ llr~ITlCIlLl!!:g. They ;'Ire ;tl~o a varlnb [e (or viewing di~edy \"~11I rhe current r.fl.t~nl~[ E:<:plotn ')rnw~,cr If ~'Ul! prefer .. J';:OI log 011 to ~;:<OC"lJ_prMd.H,;rcj-~,C(lm, :lila ",~l;~u Insrirutc, Publt~hed P'lpe.s,~w<.j Mell~L!!O"~'I1i<;nt:.; :ll'ld 'lill:' Kno\vlcJg;e Revolv-
'lro(,!, \~'hen I.he pape':l~!?!',":ll~. yeW. c~n dick em the Pcarsori.pps ie-un [0 ,."ic·~"ii the slirk~ :)5 wo·d!' (Nole; (his C:l11 [:~~(l' ~! fl~gll' minutes ... rt rs 11 450 Kbyrc file, OflCI! vou finish vjew-
i ng die p re se n tar i o n , a cupy (lr I h e
Ptl\l.i~rP(.inr 'lik shnuld br:= ~wr<ttf if'! vuur \X!indows/TempmaL';( 1I"lter1'!L:I Fik~ fuld(;:;r ,ifyt'lL; wish "J> view thE ~p(::';'lk;"rnmt:~ r~l!e~.
Please ~ivc us your fcedb:.d<. It yuu ~W\,'c .:lrly cornsnems, '!>!lgg~!l~iDns, qut"H10n&, or i<;(s about lh,e AQC Papl:,r I'}f' ~ny other m{'ll,~!H'emcnh is sue plellsc COflUC{ us by ,ph'~!H' nr (!-i'i};lii. '{(]u can riM:l QU[ comacr lllfl)rm.:~!l!n:l in the t~ack IJf Ihts: i5tu,e. ,t')
The Contrarian Metrologist
by Philip Stein
"Where lffdevant. re:fe renc·es:ta n,~ dards and maasuring ,J,lld tfHwt equipment shan b,e subied to in~ :lj,ervice e II ee ks betW1e'BliIc ill Ii b r,Bti.ons and 'verr'ificath:ms,"
Thil; tlU1lrtcr i wus gomg tCl scnld rot! ~~mle more, this urne .".h~lult the ITLIi:J ning 11 f hei ng ,I professioua I. ~fld ra kilflg l~~po,fiIsiblli~}' fUf yriur 1l'J;i:'1 cnl'nin~1 i 1'1~ ,edw;;~~tinn, 'h~~f I got JiHl'acteci hy some thinv, even rnore jrnporL·,ll1.E, ~Ild S') lh~~ will ha ve 1:0 Vi'lit f,,£ another nrne.
FOLl,j' years ago (e.~m it 'be~) i \;l'TU[{~ [0 yr)~l .Ibr~ur J'le~H!~'~mcnt muile ls ;wt.l how to use~nJ IJ rid!;: rstaru] I:h~m to clerfV~ prop cr culi· brarion intervals ba~erl on c~lcu'"l[ion5 of {h.~ chance ,h.~t the u rernc n r rru('t=~~ ,:vi II cb:tn.g~ ,lfljd h~hncing Ih~ re:;li,/r.lIlg Firl.1ltcint ri~k Jg;!Lnst d1C 0)$£ of ll'lott: fre9u.e1H rcc:.!libratlOIlL There are 5<': vtor:11 ~"~f),' !I;(wd appro'l,C"he~ to thi,~ problern. See ,h,t wnrk of Dr. R;.,gnll l<'1!>::ker of NIST. frtqucndy menti(oneJ hen:, and vf Dr; Hovn.rd C:l;:itr\l.p <),I[I!P:/ /\\'\\rlY,i51{f!.),nL,com> , and also N CSt ReeQmm~ntJed Pwc:cdure IRp·l,
I wa;, ["Iklng eo RliI:g'l'w wda)" lbollgh, ,~m(1 he rr:=mindc-d me thllll' rhcre a n: rnore lmpcrtnm thLl1g~ to 'J/rury ubuut lb\lfl cnllbrarion mrervul, 1 F D ';:OrTi,:f;dv calculated in lerval 5~\'~
.. -- .. - . ~
I:hnt )'fJ!.1 still h:t\l'E i 3 rnuruhs tu g~) i1~I;~He ynu,r mulrimcter needs c:lijbrnU(]Ll, ;tLl:td sornedUfig gfli:'~ wrung rodny, you dUfl 't \"'~I fit to W,l~i' 11::' months b~ro~·1t yO~i fm{l n"t ilbol!t it,
1'1'1:' foid you :i.lidon: thar pcrrodic c;dibri~'
rio.n I~; ()h~fl :t good ItXC\l:Y, (1") cb!:ck t~1 see wherher .1 Wu I caL' be Iound a I Jii, wheehe r il"'~ br';:lk~!1 :11)d swn-,~d ~W;!,. ~n scrnebodvs druwe r, or if it hull pnS5i,11ly been used :11" :! r_:'[I~inp :and is aB wI>.}n:t( but sull in use. That's as trLLe JlJ~ It CV'CI" W:l~, !HH ~f a hrok(!r1 imuuJmt:rH is. c.till in \1~1:, \VI;; re~"y wart[ ro know about I! NOW', nut when it', -g11k:,ku comes due.
Th is; (her] 15 th e rensort (( If t:ho::cks.!50 Guide 25 ;tt1d its Amcr.ic:an vc.f5inn Z-540-1 sa~' "Where rde,':UH, re(cu::flct::! stanr1:2rd5 tlml l'Tle.1sIHli1t\ ~mcl 1e!>1 eCj,Lillpmcru sh~ll b", su.bjl:G! r~.J in-service chcch.s bC'twc::nL"l)h· hr;!tiu!1Sand vcrifirarions.' The porn here i" 1'.harMl!l'pl'rv Ctll1 strike ~1l $lOY rime, 8nd i !'~ ,1, very ~(lCid ide;]! to make S~rC tha t ~'(]ur t:qll.l i plH(:n t is working w In e I' you need to ir!~SI i~, 111m i LIst when )'m~ cnlibrsre tr.
So wh,u is :In ),,-s~rv I~e che!::k~ Wd], .h,e ~'l~,I~(,h,rcl doesn't bay. Tbcsf.: ;],rl;! non-prescriptive smndards and dtc:y'r~: 11(';( 'iUprL)S,~ci [Q tell you how to do things, nnly wh'oll ruust be; .~ccomph~b(;cL M.OH G hr:=t k.s ~ re !1CCllmplished l.I~jflg check smnd:'l.n:h.~rt'I~r~ri~1 rh~1 is me asurcrl r~pcl!.tedh'-w hcnever called (or by procedure or whenever rhe '-"pl::m~ thm of the measusernenr systemis $U~rC~ L
pm~"iP'l~~erJ on pa!!~ 7
S2 5*
~ i?
(The Management (omer]
.Jack Riley, A!Sa Fellow
"Cooking the Books or W,ho Audits the Auditor?"
"0 IiIlf ,advi e e is to p'llal¥lf str,ai III ht even if a R 91 lsIrali h ung'liY for blUsh. e·ss mal¥'
WiiI nt tn IlIe'liuill th.e
I ..
J1l!1 es,
Recently we read an il'l[er,!~srjog 8UI.LLSUC wludu reponed fb;~l 5~IY'i ~)f 1(1.11 cnm'Hn~' b~[]k[~lpt,· C~Ol::~ i [] the p.1St year were traced I:D iiiegal, nrldl<:d, or in other 'i'l':ly~ due to misreprcserunricn of uccounring c1~lmbers. The fi~u[ion we :lJ5k ourselves, is where art: the OLu~jt;k f1n:uH'"i:il !liuJimrs~ Isn't i{ their fob to detect and co rree I iU~g~ I ,lc~nlH' ['j lig prac-
Some examples:
» A rn s nu f~(t 1.H,i rig coml1ilflY In Norrh PbH;H:lclpbi:J. 3.UCCe~~, Full~' hid 111nW:M S 1 billion in phOfL~' pvofirs for r<ell'ef.;l ~'e1irs ~rld has been repoeted to be I nvolved wiJ'~1 I hI; H,'u,sSJ;1,O J\.la fH!. Where is
the SEC?
)) A ma'ivr drugstcr e Ch;~111 hac! to rcv heel dow I1.WIlr.a, e;HJ1lngt~ for rhe lja~~ rh ree y~iWI :'iJt~r I he SEC revl'~wed r h~tt! "At\,q i I€d" bth)Ir~_ h is !4 bvieus t:hu ~'HIH: ~ LJd~ tors arc :rI"t as c l ea n a~ the r'rov~rbi~d "H~)tlnd's Tl_lu~h ito
You m.i.ghtt ,~sk Wh,ll has rhis to do wuh Qual i tyM.~11i1gem.clJI L? Systems auditsace an important control element of ISO-9UOOuld Jts fl'Hli1Y oi.hPW1g. l~in;Ulci~.l and Sy~tem Audirs are COLlductcd by auditors 'who, as the S9Q/tl abo'rc ~n:duc>!ti::~ llr·~ f,dhble Or UJPrrollud. Th>E' ~fforr£, ~I:jC:'l U those used L~ [be R~strntjltOn AO:.I'~djt:U'if~Jl 13o:ln:l (l~AB) to ~min ~m:i audir nre Ril:g'i~!r~T~ Q~;LJio)! AuqitC>H :nc e;-(i::cll~fU ~',nd well ineended, lim "People ~n:; People," ~fld cnn be bsnsed or control led bf hlgher ',~ ~Il h Ofl ~ s,
Another !:':-!.lImpk-Se- ..... CITili .years i1g() ~ rnaru .. d;~ClUi:i'~g cOinp~~'}! pres .. ,ddfed one of ~bc major ISO ·90!Hl sysIons, Third Pa fly Registrars, to I;cnify rhe c;ornpan'y W [SO·9003- l·hou15:h ns ill
d~~igfllU and tI:l:L['lLlr::lI~turev. ~I [ sbould have been ~s.O-9m~i. rhe compal1y wished 1'0 display ;"IL1. ISO certificarlon, {ANV iSO) at !LT1 IL!pr;omi ng trade ~how .. The corllp~ny planned, from I:h~ hegHtniL'lg, ro work up the cmfect .150·9001, but LHll ner i.1ll1V(! tiline to tiD this before rhe exhibit. ,'i..Dollt ;_.] year LLEcf !h~y were [:cnre(:.tly cerdn~d ro IS0- 9DrJI. Th:is is an example of man:J.g.emel'H prcSS1.UC 0 n ;L complian t Rcgislra.r and t.llJ1t Rt:.gi5.tnr's refusal to S7IV "NO!"
Our advlce j~ tn, pby it. SU~~i5ht c."'~n if.~ Regisrrar hlJll~fy for business m.ay want to bend the r~le~. 0$
Get CAL LAB The ~ntematioUlaJ JOI:!I.mal of Metrulog y Suba('rib~flow for just
$45 US~ $50 C.:anad::i}M~xico, $un !l1temat~on~.1,....-{U.S_ Funds) [()1 I )ie~f {6 bln1ui!i IIl~y i;:s~A:S}
I When you get serious .about caljbraricn
Po.~W.I/Zi,pCooc ----------
'G::IlI~~rr . .I'hnm~ _
Slilleli"rov _
e.\!L Lan brings y~)l) I.i~e news, the new technology and the new technlques L.h~1 you need to Sl'ay ahead. Seritl'llsi),.
o ~~I~IJ1 my sulJ~rip'l.ion I[) C.'Il_ U,li nn d hlll me I~kr_
o SCJld IIlt~ . a rrt:~ SWli1:pl~ ~~W(.
"','lime .. _
CDlmpiLlly _
Stre1]i AckJr~ _
Cily ~_
W WI!, 6136 "'It.~ion G~j'gt! !i'd, # 224, Sf III Die~, C4 9}.12V csu (6W9'118 .... !llSO OT fax (6I"z~n·:(i:l:'9 to gel serious!
I Summer 1999
• pg_ *+ i£
Ct'int'il1ud ftv "I .P~~lY 5 Cmltralrian M,etll'lo~O'Ql;st
The Contrarian IMflJllrOllD gist, IP hiUp S:t'Briln,. win wrUe a ,column lR (lua ~ity Pro Qlress erLt~tltod 'IM e'3ISD ra fIr Measure' beginningl with the Seplu Db er lssu e. Be sure :tol watch fo'r it.
CC'lfif1u:ei:J./fr}tll raw: 6 Manag,ement ICo'rn·sf
Of COtU"iJ!t chis ilS(5Um;;:s d);H rl1<:' cht'!l:-k :;.undwrJ aOCSfl'[ cb:mgt', .md :! <}lpnc:!) e:heck stnr.1.dnrJ such :;I,~ an. ol.d gage black used '" c1~tt'<[1: mierorueeer-s :lnd calipc es doc=:m', chang~ muc h. csper.i~JI,y t<) [he degr1;:{"" where it would b~ml::"a~'lJr,1bli:: by :1imple hand [OoK A (hily ehcck eLI c:ahpcr against all old b.lo!:" , CI[ n rne ltuncter ;\!0II'1H a batrcry, w'lILlJd W] J long way towarrls prc'ilemIng embarrnssing ~md costly mistakes, An old story, r~p~~ncJ pre~dausl}l in this cuiurrm repot[I.:'J ;11' (uciinwry !:Ipe mC~~"lHe I:h:H, if subject w penne/it [ildk8, would uavesaved ~w qwner-~omp;j,n.y ,I cnuple (If miBiofl dollars. N~ff ~aid?
The [elli POWI.;:T of tbE check, though, ~Oll.H~:5. when. we p.Jy areenrion 1"1) the ~E' sulrs \V~ g~r fwm our check ~mrtdard m,C1\surements. The: discussion above, and the n;Llti~rf"'tTIetl.t~ Df rhc standerds. du not mentiun ~w.,;j!1g ~he £1M"". Alii that ls required ~5. [bar l~t: check l:nk~ pb~e and if the result is m'l Wh:H W:lS j;l;'lpec ted, Ie> rake some co~·recrive acrinn. -By n::tqnlin./;l HId anul ~j<:inp, check sca ndarrl datu, though, we can nc-
We willclose wHh a snue·melH fro.L1l Q!.I:Jil~y PIDgr~s.s, J une '9:::', page 61.
"ISO-900D Register·ad Companies rQIJtinoiy produce P'OO! quality lind BaldrIdge wrnners hava gone bankrupt."
Inrern»] Audl1J> nrc It vnlusbtc rool T.O pn?pare fur. ;Lnd main lfLLJ1 FteBisH~'lio(l. H.a·wc:ve'r,. make su.ItC til isis not a '!!Dog ~nd Pr)oy 5b(lw~' rclu.rning eo bustaess :90.S usuat afl~ r a succe ss fu I Rc gt s IlOIdon A.udh. +to
Jack Riley is a Aounriing Member af tne nM(NJSUr'f'}· rnent (Jua#ty" and "Hurni3~ Oev.elopm Bt'I r ana LeifJ,dt:r~ ship" Divisions of Asa {Nui is an Asa Fellow.
cornp lrsh sum e wo ncl ecful :md pedups uno;pecn:·d Ih j n:gs..
If We llv SQ v ·~ the data, the D£M s eep 15 r,-, P~O[ n on an OfJioary Sh£wh;jrJ co nrro] charr. In many esses, the In,dividual-X -"ifjg ch.aH i~ most il.rpwpri!Ht:, but dIe d·l;!t~l_;h~ali be w0rkC"t.i O'-l1, if flt!CeSSM}" wl1_h ,. con~L!lcing ~.,r;H:;:s.r;{;i~,'l. I r .},r)u Jo t:rnl [he d.~lt:i this w'Jo}", rIH: dHH't w~ll show when. the mea surernenc p ruce 5" go~~ our uF stutis['ic.11 cnrJ'[tflL Tjus is u very :K~untle ii1~h[MOl:' of whether r-he measurernerres iii!';;; ton tinui,ng to opel'~(~:'$ well as dH~y il.l\'·h'l~'5 bl1ve. Ad tifr or shi f~ in the censer Ihte of r h c X dt~Ht \vi"·~d Dc:~(J for re calibrnriun 01"" repair, an.d ,1 change in rhe MR ,,;;il';m wiJ! prnlj~.b[y mean th~t somcrhing h~> gor'l~ ;].'w·ry wnn L'hl: mexsueemeru precess. Using at cnnrrul charr :;J,Jd~ th1;; eowe r[ul lhili~y 10 Jb5til~gui~h r:lncioL"J.1 mcns.uremen t va ri;~ti~Hh frrlm ~i~n ~ fi cam CY'C'T'ITS, and iodic;!~e~ to rhc nper~ n:a thjl.( COHcctj'l'~ ~UIOIl is mu needed if the t;h.::tn i:em:tiJ'~ in conrrc].
ASQ President Ron KitlgfUl pres,Bnts the 1998 J,S. McDerffJomi ,Levell awardrtD past chaIr Ph/lit' Stein (:'luring the Sr:wilJ!'Y's Armual Meeting in Anaheim, CA
I~ Paq.e 8
Ctmthwedfrot1r {Mg(! 7 C'ontralI'ia n
COYJtlYlHed from JJ4fJ 1
M,QD' Confere'llce
Even berrer, SUPPOISC we .481: ;I. IJmit 0 f produ(:l (m a tew of rhem) ns rhe check S~1lindllrd. The v:;rriation e:<pel:'ienc'c'''' DIl I"l1e cfW11: will rnen reflect the enrire jllc.1Sl!Jrenl~.ifIr process HS if is be!rhg u);ccl in pNiuice {not in II ~t:p.:um[t nt1Jbr~.I·ion). This is much d(;:;.er m wiu't we r.::;~dlr ""'.ant II check to nell U~. Not 'is m~ instrument worldng?', ibut '~~ my measurernent I'HOCCSS wurkJng?' If eh ere ;~ <I ~.\.l~Stkli:)~b{)ut produc Win d!lIH, the con rro] c!~IIr[ will show !l't,t: $~·;it~. of 11I1I::asmi!1g during any time p~ri[')d and give even gr~~He-r confidence in (ho:: validuy of the mcn su rerncuts dUfil]g that tjme,
[3LH waitl The best is yett to [;0·111<;:. We as c m~king pr;:di)'~ji.c checks of "he stare of H~UStic~d l~.nfluoll o f en c meas U cement process. Mostroutine sources or measurement uncerrainty willibe happellill.~ sorncrirne dLlril1iJ_~ Ih~ eJwCl period such '<5 u:ntt}c.riuL1fE V:lIa;atlOnS, differenr oper3l<Of::>, crt. The chart will then be il goad rcpr esenraeion of rhecverall u n-
C<;;:tM.IIUy d[j~ to al! d( rhoH: envieoumerrml f~H::t()~~ and to wh~HeVet else is [Il~:tjl,d ~ experienced if'! rh~ aC[I.J:l1 day-IO-d~y opc:r~ tion. "[h1:S varratinn, wllkh can hit n:>l·d Frum rhe charts. if> h'L fact rhe5~~m n F n1.0St all rhe uncerta.inry [hM we ne!':a I\) report for' trnccabiHty and r.}tiler·$f:lndarch [·~(!~irernents .. If's ['lip"!: A. because it is (ktf'rrt"]·ifl,~d Lly starisrlcul t1H~~iH, and much of the time 11 needs (')nly ro be combined wnh the typ.1;; B uncertei nty lnherlred from the sratldarcl l~!;eJ to cahbnLI~!;; the sy·at~m. lr'sa real win, and im:lgine, it i ust Il~~pp~necl because ~'ou decided W the Cht:iCk~ [h~lt we re a g:oocl iJe.~ anyway .•
Philip Stein, is a P?1st Chair of the MOD, A member of the Board of Directors of ASO and is an ISA Fellow
ConferenC'B Program
lll.les,dalV ,septem'D!er 14,;
Mc asureme n r s , Calibration and lS0 2S
An (1.ll-dt1j1 fhJlifO;ioli oj Gloide 2$ and j,,'bfi'rai0f,Y a csre dit a s i on .
l)Who needs ISO 17025? Spe'ak(,r - TEA
2) ISO Guide 25 :~cC',L'ediU.tJot:l: \,(tho, why, how) - Peter Un.ger or Thorn AJarns, AZUl:.
3) The Guid~ 25 p rc-a s se ss meri t Rod gap an al ysi s - Ch r is Connell and Robert Sichi:
Philip Morris, Inc.
4) Satisf)fing [he proficiency [e~tj'ii1g regu i rcment - Chuck Ems, NAl?T
5) The' Gu,ide 25 accreditation ;Qmrte.y - M.nrk Owens, Gage Lab Inc.
W,ednesdilY Se'p't,emo,sr 15th:
Co neribured pcq'l'U5
6) The Kno w le.dgc Revolution - clpp·lying mea!li.:l.~~n:lents ro business proc'e"~$.ef, - T. A. Pearson
7) Lnrc r l a b o rn tor y Co mp a.r is.o n s • Woody Ei ckc - Mcasur em cnt As s o e ia te s
8) Mca sure mcntAs suranc e is Alive an d ·Well. in Indus t.ry - Phil Srcin, COnsul1:llI'l L
Pre: .. conference
Uncenai:l1It.y, Tra.ceabiility, ,and ISO Stif.mdards
InSHUClOf:8: Plu! Stein and \\/clOdy Eicke. On ~I~r:.:rubr:r 13,1 '999, the f\SQ Mea~urc:· rnenr Qunlrry Drvision ,,,~Il spons or a (yUday ti:J\O ri al: Uncertain ~y, Tr~(eZl.b.~lh}'. and ISO Stendards
This pr,~~emaliori will be held ar the SeaGate Ct!IHc:r, Toledo, OH. September n. 1999. h immedinrely precedes the Div.~s.~on'·~ Annual Conference Sl;pt~rn.ber i14 and 15, held in conjunction with the Midv..esl' QlIlI.lity CClrlfeu£flcC~,31l at the Him¥': I.DC';!lion. The tut o rinl and the cnnfesenc.e ~t·~ open ro th(: plllbJi.( find are 'not restricted to ASQ [lJ(,m·bcrs.
Mc.~.sure[n~ ~1.I, cakLL.kllLon, and stn~~OlefH of lIf:lCCHai:Pty is (J,I' e~r.(!rfon~'a ruind, \'tlhll,~· I:l~.ubradon labs ;iLOJ ft\eao~ogiSlt8 have always CiN,:d their results w,idl some c::s~:irnate of rneasurcrnem error, t:he formJI reports of u n ccr tai ntv are bt:iog required more and more frequently jn <commerce. This workshop, :1.11 update: of last ~'emr's SRO offeritLg., wiH t(~'lch what is r e q ui r c d by various¢
I Summer 1999
iMi2t2i'ii ..
j; ¥ iit
srandards Mid sysrems, ~prr(}at.he~ to mea- 31i.1dng, calculming, u~J reporting uncertainr,j es in II eonforma nt, way, 8,nci how to make aml use cr ror bud,gClCS to de[em;l~!'H: )'Otl'r uncertaimy.
Faculty forth"" tu toriallndllde Woodw(~rcl
G. E rck e llflJ P hi lip S te i!i. B Q th msrrucu: rs .-tr·e fonner N ~ST metrologists now i:11 pfiv~'[t consulting pructice.
Fees for th~ nnorL11 are $275 for Di\'i~i"'n r!l1~mbers. S300 for ASQ m,.:mh1!;lS and S32S for [Jon n1emtb~rs) and win include rnateri;lIs, wOd:kbook, 51nd t'\')() coffee b~efl.ks.
Th er e 1'$ sill room fo:r one or (wo m ore pM'tl!;.p;H'lts, so papers, panels, cUrtd post'er scssions 'HI;;: h~~~by sn!,iC!lcJ for the seventh annual 1-,1(,,::1sUnnneiu Quality Cortference, co be; held ':ieptt:n Ih~f l4 and ~ 5, 19?9i n Toledo, OH, w-i,'h i] pr e-conference rurorial l10 Seprcmber .13,
The ude of r h e con rt:n::nce 1$ 'M~a~lU[(:mcnis, Calibearion and [S 0 25 (i 70.25). Thl~ will he one rrack of p~pC'rs \II irhi n the I:~rgef Midwest. Qmdii~ Conference that ',viH be gn. hlJ!;. un :It the. 'SUtTi.1I: time.
P;lp~r!l are requesred on :my f.) f the fo]inWLrlt', topICS, (Jot Dn other roph:s tlf mrerest
[0 ~lucnJ'lte~, and tu tht: measurement comnliJl'llty i ri g'~flt"r~~:
,. Jnte.rnarronal sra ndnrd ~ ;lMI tbe s t:illldard s precess
1..50 Gmdc ;25, ISO H)()12, ISO 900n and rncasuremc nt rE:~IY! remcrrts
+ U ncert:ti i)'t}' srarem cnts ~I'ld tr;] I ity ,~ I;'lbor~,tofY j],t;cre'.1iLtati()n-NVLi\r~.~ A.2.I",A~1 u rlse r approaGh es
• Pr,jlcrn:al q~e:rrQI{)gl' [l.f!d calibration lnboraeo ry opersricn in industry
• S e ~ti ng lip new labs , hiring and training, what tn Jo ~,r1d how ro go about it Mctr()logr ed ucaclon I1ml c cr t] rje~l[im;
• M!2'a~"Meml::i:lt of nCH1-I,1r1:mci,d btlsirt~%
v~rjilbles :l!nd dlt: B:lld rig{: p [()C~SS /l.bsnaC[s and :~llr~.lor bios should be seru t,~ tnc foHowing; address no Inter than A[ 10, 11)1)9. firi,~i papers will he due Sl:.:ptenther 1, 191)9
Please semi absrracrs [0, and dir~c, all
rC:91,!~s[~. fo~ info[ni.alion to Philip Srein, Pro~r:m~ Ch a rr
Sc.~ ii:[Ith An.nun] MI;;;L~l1reme'nl Qu~h'i.)' Con fe,i''eljCt:
4(1U Oak Stn:~!
P~I"lningtofl, NJ \}f.I534
(\'i;9· 737 -9144 (voice)
(){J9-717-()41'~ (fa.::)
p ~ ee j 1]@me:j, s L1 re men t. ~ on I <>
54th Annual Midwest Quality Conference
I#QuaUty ... bevondth e year 2tlOO';
lAJo/dng Beyond the l"" 2{lf){j-PerfQr~ mJ1.nce E,xcr:1iI:mct: is the I h.:-:me ,for the co$pnn~u[lfd. h ig~t·k vel LllLllitv crj.['I f<:-rel'lc e u~:IH,;t;;.CJm.;J by joJning [be pl~.npj!1g t~JeIlts of lh~ .Aummmjve Divhon ~~f du: t\~nN~can Soclery ror QUJlity, "l'he Tolt:,j.l SestilJfl nf nte ASQ, tile Midw.::;a Qu:dity AUin[Jl[c groul' of the Amemm, Society FflT QIl:.lliIY ai1t! ~h;;: i\4el!~UfcErlent QUI11iqr Divisjon 01 ASQ.
This COl~fuenc!:' is pt'lmnc'd tn bring m rhc '~lImtHn :1. R:athcrit~~ place shared b~' bus iuc ss p)!i.nJI~!!'[5., Llu:llil}' pro fCS~.lomIis. rnanufacrur-
ing el'gillccf~, ~i.ipr!Y ch~in represenrarives, b~~hb u re prac.tirioriers , mCrI'olog!s[s :11,(1 fo r al! rhn~.e: int~Fe~tl!d in r~lsing ehe perform:lm;.: It'vd of rhdr orgHnl~~i;Qm.
The scene Fri[ this TlUiVI ty wi II be (HI,t of Ohio", n,z\ves[ corrve n tio n cenrers. Th e Se~Gnl e Cf'fHrc: nnd ehe ~dicmiltlg RAid issun Horclin d~lwmown Tq!t!'do.
Three turcriais nrc plJnned for MOl1d~y, S~ru~mbcr 13,. j 9~9. 1) Ct{$[(lrLler/S\clpphu Rrdati.on, pruscnted b~ ASQ: 2} 'QIHdtt~· TOL1ls in Heuhhcare p~~s~rrtc:d by Dr. Tom R:c.~lcr; and 3) Uncerrainry, T~:tn.,lbiliMl, an.d ISO SIlH\da'r,d~ rr~5C'nled hy the Me.asllr~menr Ql.l,lhry D,\'ISluf.I. (+
Registrat:~on Forms for the Conference and the MIOD Iutnri a It are on the next page~Register Todav!
t'qf~ 1I"-'I:4,~t
""it4'I'If':~" Q~' ..... r"it, iC::"twI'(Uol!.~tiiil!!
To Reg~s··ber
A copy o~' lhis corur act will be retlJln"'I·ed to you 'WIth. your eonifirmation l,eUer. P;';1¥,mf!r!t ~l1ifarma'tio!"i (P'~a:S€l fElll/iew canc@Uation poBey)
Contact ~r.s()n ~ __ -
Co rnoan y _
TWEl _
......... __ St,at'e __ ----,Z,ip_-- ..
Phone~. _
_____ Fax.
______ _ Contact P'arsons Signatur.~ _
For R~,gi5T'ra"t'ion
1. Cail .JQ,di Caldwell ,at 1·BOQ-4S2-4500 o~ 1~ /'3,,',-464·1395 Z. Fax rGiQ!istra:liGn tEl 734~4,64~ 11399, or
3. Mail to. American Supplier Instilute; 38701 Se,ven Mile Road. Suits' 355, livonia. MI 481 S2 4 Please make Chl,<ick p:aya.ble to To1edo Section - ASO
5. Credit Cards Willi bEl accepteo
PoymenT l:nfe,rm,a1"ion
__ Alii:] days: $25fkOO ibefoN" 7/4/99 __ A~~ :3 days: $295.00 after 7/419'9
_Tuesday, September 14, ~ 999 only: $150.00
__ Wednesd'ay, Sept.ember 15 .. 19'99 Only: $l80 .. 00 (,includ@s di~iF~~r) __ TIlI~rSday, Saptemt'l'Sf Hl, 199'9: $80.QO
7th Armual Msaurement Uuality Conference
liut:oliial ~ I~U neertalntv, Tracea bility, and IS,O Sf.a,ndards
'Iutcrial Regisrracion Form
Name --_~~ __
Company _~ ~=~ __ - ~~~~ _
City .~~ ~ __ =~
Title ~=- __
Phone Fax
Email ASO Member number~ -_~~
Tutorial Cost: $275 'for MOD members, $300folF ASO Members, $325 reI' non ASQ mernbera'
To p~ister lortl16 tutOrilil~. ~~, out i3 cOJ::W Qr ~h15 fOfTl1 and mail Q~ '[ax it I'll PI1il StEW!.. For more inF!Jfl1lllll,l'n about the MOD Conferer\O:l or Ihe Pnxonrerem:e Tutoriall contact Prul Stl;)l!i at 111Eji addeess below Or chock 0l,J7 website !lit w\<·l)gv_or9_
Phihp Ste-il'l. Progrom Ch1iIF To register for the tutQrial :Ed! Glut a copy of
Seventh AI"I!"I'lml MGi;!sLJrcmertt Quality Confmefice
400 Oak Street this form and send it to Phil Stein, to register
Pennington, NJ 08534 for (he Conference, fill out a copy of the form
600-737·9·144· (voicEd Or ti09-737-9<111 (fiJ:X~ on the upper bdl~f of (h·j;s page and follow the
[email protected] registration instrucsions 01) the form or call Jodi
~ -r,~~r.m~d C'Hf wr/udu f,I<lIm:,rh, 1J'~~kIMJ});: 1J·9If.\ t u.o ~·"fJ~f bnllkr Cald.weU al 1 (800) 462-4500.
I 8ummi!!r' 1999
. :!ii~;;;::3 ..
This is the twenry-thi rd in a con tiguous series of open letters to our rn osr illusrious Boss, the mighty and 'Omnipotent Executive Edi to r of, The STAND/Hill.
Phil Painchaud
"'Somelbody [lilas tOI educ,alBlhe trairner51 "., BlIt who?"
The rennwne.q French IHUhtJT, Pere LHlb~td, nnLe UJd, TIn sso s: ~tlu,,,;ud ,,,(iJ! is !IN !!hlll Wfh' rrdli,{u Il{J~" tllt{(h })I/. c/fJl!l mit k.noll"'. Ma~' ] PQr.~.phra~e that t ru isrnl- "Tb" ,,1(111 eru dir« Metrologi.rt u i'l:u eu« ndl!J n'alitf',f boil' Mn/~ hf: k,:tWIl'J (~/:iot~t ?i,.&asti!Y'fJl.~nI. " How true chat IS In our sci~o'''.'t <~fMeLI:Qiog}'f W'e" see J.I' every (hy ;:lOt only ao::ml'lg. the Tcchmcians lind Ci!.librJHo.~s who hhink lhc~" are erudite rvh:tru~~)gj~ls; b!.l[ .:I!ho among o rherwise erudite l~rorcs..<:i,o!IOil~ 1n other :.d,l=:flritlc fields whn rE[us<:, to helieve th~~r fldds or s.peddiz;J.tion could Il(,~ CXIS[ without rhe in-
vo lv e rrt e r.r 0 f rhe fi,.h~,:I~ u r~-
memo S~.i,'em;<:~. Th,el' rend ttl ,iRn~; [II: the I nsr s errrence in Lord Ke I vi n.'l> IYl u eh 0 vc rwot~~ed truism, i .u., XX:A "so therefore" wiHlOU~ l\'letro~(Jgy rhcee Cat:! be IIO Science."
B L) ~S, 1 don' r kn.u w w !.~ e r her 01' flQ~ you r";!l.liz·c:lt, I:Hlt ir h~$ been nearly six years since that evening sitting, in your 'living room in San Jo,,(;;, when \!I'1;; gl!llled lip rh is column to H'Y [0 gel somebody, somewhere,
s o meh ow , and. by 501)IIC mC~IH, Interested in CdUC;J.H'I1g Me[mlogi.~ts; C',g., :II [lew crop. o f Meas ur e rru:tH Sci entisrs, who will be able [0 telleh :1ml to g~_l1de our o ext gene~a'tion of Me'rtoiog,)' Technieians :tnd C:ll!ibra.tofs. You I! ;I!lt:! om cClmp:ltrif.l[s (Im:l peers are ad-
v;ml;wg in years (.in fan we don't b:.lV(! veq' many left), BIJ-t wlto is eo n:plll('e' 11:Ji? Then: are ;tr this momenr very few n:;ui,ly L]ll1iIiHecd true nl:cfrologisUi "10 the pip~:line"; far
(:C\Vc.:f than lh~. prO'jectcci r equirements of epidiascopic imjL~!!S uf t~U[ "Hi- Tech' (.;1.JI·rure in the near fUUJte. SOmdli()dy has to ~th,IC~HC th~ eraincrs. But who) l'hat is the 9~c~ti[m we have been :I~]dllg i,n this ";nluurn Ior nearly si~ yt=.1f. now. An~! up until b:H week, "he answer seerncd as vague and fa jP.v~,y :I~ ever .
LaM Wednesc.lay, june 9, 19i.JV, ;J: "lighr fin~.Hy ;tppeMed :~t the end of [be tunnel"; 8 fa.i nt sl~mrncC'" to be sure, but nevcrthetess ;t sub stanrial [nr of hope. Dr. E.E. \V:11:50fl t1fgelldy requesred my rr~;!Ieficc llt a high level lTIe~tirLG of the- AciministfatJOI'I of the California Sni,~C Uruvcr:sity, Dominguez Hills (letts (,;~~I it CSUDH), called u~r and prt:side.d over hy D~. M;;!rg'He'( F G'JrciOil, Dean of Extended EdLlc.J;n'ln. Whar r:~me out of rhar mecti!11!; if! ~. m!tob:ell i3 rhis staternen r of intent. ", .. It shnll be;~-rj!11e the r(lhq of CSUDH to atrernpr ~.(~ (~~r:tbh~h a B'1!CC;:llul~ (cue Progra rn in the M.e:! su ee rn e r1 t S cic aces, both as a cOftverltlo[J:li1 four year degree t!ndt:fr.,.tking, ·~.s ,v~'II R~ :r [WO ve ar COFHI11U-
. COM'him;:d(m p~rt 12
Di~llrnsiona~, EI~drkltl!ll.](Jctnluic" Thrqu~~ FortJC, MII:S(Ii.Ptt~!SUrei lCmp Ctal'lf!.I'Il, Opiti}tal~ 'L.a5~r ("Mathlnil TODI.~). Slg !trace .Plate!
BOE.~NG 01-9000 KEV A.
ISO 900" 9002 [SO 100, i·!&: 2 ANSI 2.540.1 Q_S.9000 ISO/lEe GU'lDE:.2S
5100 ·oVl'! Av~truESO(J]l!. ~ITE 101 r.o.aox ~ 120$
StYi.Tn::E, WA ~al~
I'fl~ 2.06.,61-15 I :5.1800· i1~l:I;l.s FAX; :;!l)Ii. 76~-"1!;80 WI~.(II!l'TE~ .\VW"'.l<WC~LWl
""'-AU.:~ rR[<i'-
(SO 91l0Z, RItc.r.sTERED COr.,.IPANY ~ :.~,:
e'en. No. 6097 Cert. No_ 10025
Cf:mtim~l!dfrii~tl pag€ J .1 The Leamin'9 C~rve
'" , .. who, ot~un thali1l ,Shedock IHolmes' s,idek.~c'k, is, Dr. Wat,SDU?"
arion p rOg'r:l m i o r rran s f~T s ru~ll: 11'1 ~ [rUffl ~ c~rC"dited two YC>lt metrology nlrri,{~-LlI~" In adduion, H shall be an objective rh;tt thl! EX- 15t~.I1Ig "Msster's ilrl Qunlh1' A~sur\lf:!C~ Pmgr.lm" ;iol CSU D H be expanded [0 j nclude an adjUi'lLf Hl€LW!Ogy progrnn [ulmil1i~tir.g in .! MIl~[~r'~ dC.i-lr!:~ (maybe Muster o( fiu I\Iho!l.rtlrf.tNi!>.lt J~'it!U($?)_ A~ rhese policies DeCOl1h: f~ct, H ~h~lI G~: kept" in mind that rhe ujtirnnte ubic:cd"'e wi.H he [he cHaL:lis!lmr.nt oJ!." u DoctQfatll: PeojgrQnl in Mc~r,ology, aumcrlme in the hlwrc, .. R;;:nk.mber, fhi~i.~ not 8[1 cccornrl15h~d f~ct J~ yet! Ir Is a St~(emt:%1f oflnu:m 1 t hils :l I ol1lg \l,qy to go (0 lrecuruc fltc<, bur it is a fitM He~\. a very sma! very posruve first step.
Now r k!~ow fIlHly 0 f )'OLQUC 113 kmg who, other Hun Sherlock Hojrnes' sl.dekid;, is Dr. W:H~Ol'l; anel where in bl;lZCS ~~ Dominguez Hills? Let's start w.rh Enr'l Eug€E1~Wat50[] (,'Gent:." w everyhody who knows him). Gene W;lS well cduc;J.[cd in the ~~ii!nc~'~ HlJ e nginecriug in the St1! Le Univc rsitles of Ho:cida lnd received his Docto rate i n Ae()Wi~ri'cfl! Phy~ •. IWS ["rool Pennsylvania State lJ niversiry .. I-'lt.: ~f1lJght rhcre for several yr:.atS!lntil, "'! got tired of the W;:;I rher <Lfld uioveel to California .0 keep from freezing." He i mm ediarcly hired b)! one IJ[ lbCl largest a.erospace! d~.feCl,~e contrae rors and plllc(;:d in ch,~ltgeof all Phys~cal Mnfology. This continued for nu,ny years arid Gerl,e became well k no wn anti vt:lr)l'utive orr the Southern C~lifof'l1i:l 10c[\1 l'i'krrol- 0,1,'1' scene. In due course, :lmnf'lg (lena Ihiflgs, ht became Presiden t· of the Los Angeles Secdon cd the Predsion Measurements AS".OClQt'io n a (Hl Iacer n a rio n:I1 1? rdJderH of th e AS&OeLlltiO(l itsdf His Presid.;:ncy was during tile ten years r '\"'11. Ex tell rive Di rec co r, so we got [0 know :H''\d to 0.'pprecla:ce 0111: Porwthc:r Y~I:y wd!. When ae[osp'8.(',e / def .. nse collapsed ~.ev.lO:nd yelfs ago; his demonstrered bilgb skills and!? rcfcssio nal em lliei'II(.!i: were to no a v~:i!' (as, 1~ ch aract c ris cic in acrosp ace , only n o npr oducrivc MB A's tended to be n~ti!ined). Because I-.e had a family to feed, he spent a. sbort lntertl'[1 i,11 commercial mcrHlllogy :r>eII~Hlt:cl er'ltetp.ri5t;S picking up very valuable eNfH,:rience along ~l;t: way.
rt was during this penod, the Los Angeles Section of rhe t\SQC was spearheading the esraoljshrrrene ofa Masters Frog-rnm in Quall,ty As surance: CSUDH was cooperative; and Gene, already well known locally waS l"pp,e.r,1
[0 hc:nJ the Program. Tod~y rhe Ma .. srer's in Q\!~ I i'ty A~;;1lj';111"i:t: IJrOgf!lI:n he heads has 'HIl':, 50n SllJJ.1:1HS:
~ on campus, in cunVl!rLLlnilQtI. ~'r,;t:niflg [;'1 :1~~CS fo r ~h 0 s e qualified srudcnrs (1l BS In a h",rc! SCr1C11c.e or engin~!;;ri[Jg) who are currentty I:mpioyed" W1$Ll~ny in some QIJ~,hq' flH'tcciol1;
[If[ (~<Ii;lirUS fL,r srm ila rly' qu ali ficd s rucl~fH$. emp~oyed hy I::tfg~ org~n~zHI.on~, wlm arc wdhng Furn;~b fa~!lide!; COI'IV~ml:n~ tu, In s truc t i e n of rh eir ernrloy~e/~1 udenrs (arul usuallv p~"r 'II! of the srudent rui tin n 'i!~\d (<::e~, sum.e ,,~'r~ ac lu:tll.y p:li(J\ to u uend);
an d , over 30n qualjFle d stu dc.n ss , I~H:-r~,lIy world-wide, Hucipe'g \"I~. the Int crne r for a. tee.
The academic requl lI'em·e.D [S for ~dl three c;l.tcgude~ 01 srudenrs are the slime; they jtUl~t fitl cake the same level o f l;;:o;.atil~!It~1I 01'1 and muss present ill\d have :l!':cGPN~d the same level of disserratiens or rhe ses. 1 myself nave lectured to mllny of rhese students ilS II gliCH ~,t:uu.r.e r ; [ hsve also been nbleto I;xamillC:: the dlJcumcntadon f!:res!:nt~d hy iI flumbet 01 lhesc g:mduatot: students. I fed quire comfortable cnncer ning Dr. \XfJj(son's abili.ry to ;;;~!t,~bhsb :~. vinble 1\f~tn)l"gy Progr;lim.
Next, "What's Domingue» HiLls?" The California Srare Universily, Dominguez HiII:s, ~ prcs.'ligiou.s insriturion at higher educarion, is one of the rwenty-three campuses of t he C~llfonlia State UniV't'l'siry Systean ([;lO[ 1.0 be confused wIth rb e Unive rsi ty of California SyStCI'I'l, w%ich is "a horse of a different colo r"). It was fOlJnJC!d in! 960', it cunendy hilS well in excess of twelve thousand ~[U" rlenrs: arid about 7'10 ["1c1.l1t}i members. It is, located in SOLlthe;!H Los Angeles CDunty. wltbin rhe ciL)v of Carson, on rhe sue of t'he ~910 Los, Angele:s hllterl}ationa.lAlrMc'l:t. 11 is also the ~ite ~)r the vclodrotne: the venue for th C cydin,g cvenrs I) f rhe 19 ~,4 Olymp ics. It is by dt:signi nor £ • .11 el1gim:e:rl~lg school, but [1I.thel:" one of Arts and SC\'e n ces. This is quire compatible: wirh our objec tives (J,F (;,[[1?h~)~i,:zing the fact th:u M~trology is 3 f;.) science and fUn just another engin~eri,l'1£ discipl,ine. It 113'S strong Chemisrry, Phr:;iq;~, !And Mathematics D epanments and, is at this ti me, also h eavy 1[1 the biologica! and h c a l thv>
I' 5ummert999
e: M ==iti
..... D I m:~ng III e z nUisiis nit ,an abbrevial.ed IllU truncated mo III n,~ 'tain ralnge.,,"
-..-t~£2~ ...
sclcnces to SLJrl~('ft the rapidly I:~p:,-nding, IeH::a) bio-mediClll!hetlrhc;li;'e ~ildwit1T' t\mol, ,L'> wirh :lrJ)' stare umver siry, there is ~.l~o ~ s1mJ?J~ empn:'l:si5 em H:!tcheo[ tmirllng., g \l/,,,,H as a ;;cry adequate sprinkting of li heral arts,
rrot11 II culmc:d dl\l[;(si~)' :>l;!n,dpoinl, DnHl irlgttE?! HjU~ j~ unusunl , GCDgr:lph icaJly, Ii: la}'s right:;!t the [uneeure of the Asjan, Afro, and Lulno enclaves of LI~~ /\.n,Qck5 CCHJrHf "While ed)r.lic st:U'~MIL'~ ,Hcl~,m revealed, Frorn observatinn, I \"'oll~cl estimate du~ ~bom 75'% of rhe ~mclent bndy i~ non-Cauc aslan. This has :If,~u1tl!d ill whar f,lI;;'lll~' n'l'~!"llber~ 11:'[\<,,; reported W me, ~,~ intense, but friendl~ com, p,~utiQ'[1 F~)f educatinnal achievemenr. I have been mid rhar rhere have hcenno race prrih. lerns in its 40 yt:~Lr~ of existence. h Jppu.(S that a tnat:' mddl:n~~ or tbc cultures has be~ll <~c;liievl!d on this campus,
Now that 1 hnve explained our Dr. W~,fson is. nat a ch~r'ic.ler out o I COI~an Deyle, and that Dom ingur.:z H ills is nut an abbrcviarccl or t[i:lnc~ucd rnounram raage, let's gel 011 w how rhis all t:am~ :o!'kll"lUL During the now [lW'[lY },cnrs Dr. \'</n~uh ha~ been u:nchin!!; i\'ff!"H<el"S c":ln.djd;ue~ ~L1 Q uall ty, hI! drscovered that [he m~· (If rheses: udt!fI[~., many ;,'1;l~Hllj), ';\iOl'ki n~~ in the M~llro!oRY fu ncnons (I f tile;!; employee's org~H1.iZ3.ti()ns, hOld no conc'!P!' o f ~asJC M.enology. True, ail of them, in W(I.ef to '-ju;;lIify f"uhe M~Sfcr'S Prngraol, had w IHI\IC ph:ked lip II IJac:hclur'~ dc~ree someW)H:n: ;:')I}J"I;!? thew::!),. M;ll~y of them F1;u~ some !'fHinm}~ in C~Lhbr:Hi'Ji1 or l nsrrumcut Nl;linkfHU)Ce from ~I ~ml: rechniea l il:}Llni nil;: ifl~ljmt:Jon. TILl! ",err fEW h~,cl :)J~y C'Inc.::pt uf rilE pdnc~rl!!!5 of M ~tr~)iUHf and i t~ relation~h~p [0 the orhee sciences, engi!"'~ disc]'~"Ilinc~, or, even vnl1r~ 'mpoi't.~.i:lt to this ~hsll:r'~ il1 Quality Prngr;lm, Of to the dc, pendency of tlre QUA~I,~I Function upr>f1 Metrl)!t)gy ..
Adding l! Full blown M,!tw]ogv eLI r,~n!I,IH1L to hi" ~ I tbldy overburdened Quality lh() was iU~l nor prank~l &-.k~uppl~j1'I~lued il by iovl(~ng, gLlt~lc I~Ca~r!;;f"; (1 W:I5 Ofl(!) 10 ,1(ld rc 5 S ~] h classes on i\,l. ~ LtG 1 0 Mi'!;;;ll m:p i cs. B~Lt that was i[j~[ "b:,md-i"id':n~"'. He' J~kcd me It ij.llyvod}, anywhere wns te~ching Mc't~'f)l(}gy a.c;HI!l1:ml\;"~)i'~ly" I gav£ !'lIm several 1~;ld5 induditll; Dr. Don DfiJrn :n Burlc~ ComHy Clllm:nunir\' Ci;lll,e~~. t:po['J iftl"~~{Lg;~tLOn, he <.Ji5C()Un~td .111 but lilulier as nDt aquiemn: -enr)ugh I :Imt! go~ huo :>In intense di :liog, wi i'h
Don DnL~1. He liked what he [o,und there, ;)_~ fM .. s it w;:;nr:; hDWJi:\'er, the Rddirional r\\N") )I!;~r~ WIth the ,I.}bi~cti"e <"If ~. hhstrr's Wi!1::; needed.
NlO'l{t step, Gen~ callerl a rneenng of a.1I panic;> mreresrcd in the devclnprneru of ~ Bachelor·\. ~nd M,OLMC:r's Pmgnfl! in Mcrmlvgy. "hi~ me'l1:tlrlg ·Wll~ h~ld dUL'~ng rhe Me~surcrnent SCLC'l'Ice Conference hlSI J:lfluary in. An~ hclrn. The minutes of d.Hlt meeting; nnd the attendance I ist unforruaarely beearn e los~ (Gene was ruk en qu.i te ill ~OQn ;'Iht!.f the. meeurrg <l.m:l \l.I1L~ hospiraliaed fnr s ev ernl weeks. During thur interim many of hj~ paper's di~~ppL'!:lr~J) but] can remurnI~er severul of' th,~ attendees. You, WCL"L~ there. H(J~,,;J~~d :LlOflg WI rh ill~l~d r and Ph~1 St".:m. ~"pr~senti::dfh<: MQD. l\a [ n:n~cn}btr, also present ,\Ntre: Hub O'Ndl t."rnm up in ."-"ilnncsolt:t, and sorncb:~H]'i (T can'r recall hj~ D(Lm,~) fcom .'\uW~:l., Colcracle: NIST ws s Fccpr~se n n: d Ib y N o rm Be lee k,i a nd j irn CC'i~lerofNr'\ VT..A.f'; and uf course DOll Drum was there from Butler. There were several others whom eirhe: I didn't know or ;IsiUn'lr\~(U~· hflvl: rnrg_ol·tcn cheie names. [NOTE: H eLLl ?DfI~ can fill ITl~ in. Of! , he ul1tu ;n!C1lcl- 1;;~S, I sh~tl he !npPf to credu rheir p a rricrp::!ti.ll)rl In (hi.s me(;'riTl!i,j
Ehu rhe CQrl~'~nsus W'iL5 YI'I<l.n11noUS; somebod~' somewhere should smrr s {l!ll! f01J![ YC:';.iT bllcc:aiaLlrc~tc: p[ogr~m in Mc:w)!ng~' and :t foih.~w-·ol). fuH Master's p'to,gr!ltn W replace ['ilt: rWw defunct G~orge \~'~5n i ngron l)!li" versity J\lnS[H'~ Progrnrn. 1\ Ductorate Prog",liTI '~hnuld be fin l}biu:;~iv(! fo~ sometime I'll c'he not h)(J d,~[arH fUrlHe'. W~n$L')rt pointed OLU he: idt rhar rhc lime W"il.~ ripe at CS i..J D11 as th~ C(lmirllLif!~ lidl!!::=ttlLH'I lDi';15jOI'l {otwhich h]~ prosmm I~ p~u) bl1d some fresh r'~50U rces ab ('I U t rn hecorne :Iva il:~bk. r\ncl, rurrl,ermon:, tile' Division head, Dr. Cordon, was more that'! wiJbng to lls ren, if he could b,~i,ng to her sreong evi . .Jcn!;e from q)!JJt~ide (he Univcr~ity ~"~! a M.~troiogy r;:ffQI'[ \\':115 nC:OEd cd .~,~ddjJ.s i ~;lb!t:. Everyone pre-sell[ vnluln~eu'eJ ro \VT1tl! i.1 "U'OJlg letter supporrJ rig the rrnru~ i don. MQ5t 0 f ch'::;I'TI did. These, all).ng wcri1 $evem! Ic:ttc rs from indi",idll~ds whp we;:c CHit r:rc:s~ nl at ! rncr::tlng di,d the r:riLk. Thl: re~~dt W~L5 the mr:,elling !~5t \V(;r;:k l mClHinnt:cl ;H [be hcgmniilg of ,bl6 co!tlmp.
Summer 1999 ~
A ¥¥ = Ad
Omtinr~eJ]Trntt pf~ge 1 j lhe Leaming C'urve
Bm the battle in not yet OVt~L Dean Gotdo n has yl!:t to CO!l\"inte the cor Admiflhtr,,,,~ [inn of th e Uftj'\rer~HY and even m or e impormnr, rhe O(f1cc 0 f ~b~ Chatlcdtol' of lhe C~~iforrll,~ S~~u.e UI1Ii~e('S.H~· SysrerrL From my short contac t wjth her, I hall!;: carne w hclieve th~!L'~h,~ j~ ;:\ \'n::;~y capable WQL1Htn, :.lfl~ t.hnt she will prevml. Sh e us adeli ricnally responsjble to the Ullfve.rsin" Fi!'lm~e~ (_)Hice th:ll progtmns at rhe UnivcrS"iry pay ehcir own w av. That is iLl~l good business sense. A 1I niversilyi~ a busjness iu~t IBn! at1y l)ti~el" bu!:.jfl~S'S, Th't: rr~)bh::m of supplying her whh enniJgh ammunition tv subsranuare ~hnt :"kttl)lng~ can p~)' Irs (!W'!l w;:ty ha s Ii'HH at: lid been ~Qh"l;d., but it will be Any as ssstance from tll:lt readees i.Ll this marrer will be more t:.h~ln ;)p[Jfed"~'!;rL AddfeS"~ you..- much (jeed~d as~·~q~rlC,e directly eo me please.
Boss, [W~5 orJ~inally imending I') use !l'~iJSI or this column el';pl:lj n i ng th~. f!'! lllennlurn quesoon I l?Qt,ed 9.[ the dGsinr of my last column. ]flU! two thm£s h~pperH:d:rhe "light a..t ~he- ~fLJ or the umne]" I [usr e:-lpiained; ~liIcl nnbody but yOll snswered me (:i,nd! of course you WCH: \V'r-ong as UMi:d). So I have
decid~1;1 to give you all ~~,.,~ answer ~nd sec i [' any of you all t there can el'lpia'll.1 Lt.
FIrst we musr understand lrw~ rhe ot .. rt of [he nex e millennium (the be_r;i,rmjnl';; ()f Ihe twenty-fir st century) arid the: so called '""'(21( prQbl£.m" 8.t'C not eeiared. Y2.K refers to [be,cy of some computer pWgr·Mtl$ to diffiaen 1:1:a~~ between rhe years 1900 and 2000. l nscrne C~SC~ tlris is aproblem, but it issolvable. On the LJrher hand, ~he f<!'::,rt of t~l~ Twcnry-Flrst CCI1~uty is. fi:-:ed ,a~tmftomicalli, ,1.lldl1obody C:~fI dr.) fl 'eh I ng :dmut I r (unlcse )"UW, know b(w,' h. ;lhcr the Earns's orb i r HOLlI1LI the Sun). As 1 said ln the hint I gavit, it dGCS nor occur <It Midnighl' '011 December :. 'I, 1 999. Th~ next Millermiurn SI~L'LS at 12n~) I\QU1'S GMT I~m l'TC or ZULU jfym.! prefer) on l)l;:~emb~r 3-1,211('10. Now p rove thllt ~r doesn'r.
You can r e ach me ar the ustl.n1 addresses:
Phil P~iJl.cL1:l1Jd, JI!I (I WCH Dororhy Drive" Brei, CA, 92.821-2011. rhnf!~: f'14-S29·MO'L FI\X: 714-52.9-1 \09. E-mad.: w;w, [34 @rOmplIi,c,LUY,cQm or lJitJl:lF'Pll@furuu;om. (UPS and FdE" ,d~o ddj"'~r h.~r~) +
~wf1£~ Not,es
A NVlAIP update
NVL~P has rna de tremendous sr r l d e s in aclneving its goal to be recog(fi.~etl nauon;l!!Y .H,d uvrernationally as ,1 "worid-c lass " bboUIOtj' accreditanon organizauon. A Lt~r jn-deprh evaluation: '::O!ld\,l'~~:~d of~b~ NVL./l.P tlper'Hio!1.~ by rc:pte~<;!nu.~.tiv'~1l ·of [he Asia P:lriHt: Labo ra rory Accreditation Cooperarion (APLAq, NVLA.P si.b"IH:d the APLAC Mutual Rccog_nilion /'1 rrsngement (tl1Rf\) ~IJ.TQkyo in November 1997. OLiJt:[ signatorie-:; to the jvlR;\ in clu ded accrcelitirig bodies frow Australia (NAT A), New 7.HI;Hld (IA'NZ). Hon.g Kcmg (HOI<LAS), Singa.pore (St\C-SINGLl\S), ilirldJr:li W;Hl (C~\Li\}. Si nee I:h;~t time, NVL.AP pe:[SOIHld h ave r~j rticjparcd as mcrn b;;!'~i "Jf muluns t iOI)l~11 teams tha r ha ire e val uared the
accrediting bodies iIlJap'l'li o r'\B,.JNt,!).). Mid Korea (KOLAS), and ~hosl:; bnd.iio!s have since be en a(!ded [0 the MRA. In M:w.:h, the N VLr\ P Chid, Mr. Clglc.:r, served .on ~1 lQ~nt APL'\C-EA evaluanon [ellm rhnr perfcrmcd a [Ii:,eval uadon Qf ~he :~cc~'~ditaLioJ1 programs in Au srrnha (NA.Tl\) and New Z~idil!'!d (JANZ). N VLA P is d uc for ~I 1"C(;'vn.iu""tion by /\PLAC this ye:ar. All of these )ctll\1i!jC'~ ha v s: 1 mpli c a tiuus Fo.f :r::clucmg techn ical bani'ets [0' !mde among rhe jVIRA parrl' since: rile :>igl'l~n.HiES recot[lize ,lile te s t repons and c;llibra tiou cerri [jo;;~te~ i ssuccl by their aecr>edhcd hbo.rlilcorl.e& ~!S heirlg tech, nip]]y efll'l ivalent.
Summsr 1999
Pa'{:J~ 1511
;Ii : :
GmtinHl?d from !iage 14 NIVLAP N,@ws
NVLAP Assessed by EA
NVU\ P l·ccdvcd au i1SSI:~SlHNI t fr~~m the EUf('Ipe::m CnnF'c::r~t;nn fl?[ t\ecr",di~M~QI1 (GA) in September ! 9~H. As there was no{ J.::fmllgb urne fro see J J:l(ge number uf on-site J.~~t~S,· ruem visies duo-irIg the visit, ,1 return vis-i[ of ,} small [eniD tc luck ,1~ an ;ldd.itltlmil ,\;lila IJborarories is btiflg plarmed for S[;ptemb~I 1')99. N V LAP is !.'xpecl !'I~g ,3 (avora ble J'l;:cis!on a,~, to 'ihl! admis'~u,m Df N V LA P to []lIC .lEA I;cr.;ogniriori ~gr~·llmt nt at the l'I-eXI: scheduted meetIng I) Ctlie Mulrilaternl R.!:cGp;:rmiol'l I\g;leemcnt Cnrumirtee i n OCll~bo::~ of this )'(~:u. Like the APLAC MRA ,Ihi: EA ;Igr~enlem I);'i" open up t,ratlt: a venues l'l.lH.i reduce rechnical 1:l'H"tiefs [0 trade l;>y prornorlng lh~ r'cc,ognitj~)n ;mJ aC(;il;!p';"II1CC of accn:dired laboratories" ccrti,ficares and reports.
NVLAP's Internat'iolnalll 'R ecognriti on pll,an ned
NVt.l\.P continues to work. within the umbrella of the Norch Arnnican Free Trade Ag:n:emcIH (NAFT.'\') with Canada arid Mexico to re ach a point of mutual
n~C[)gi'l i tic n bcrwe ttl l h e <:allb.ra.tion laboratory accreditatlvn Ibodj,es in cach COli ntry. Thi s is lie i ng JOIW under a M ernora o f U JHJ crst a ndi rI g I~e· tween rile n arional measuremem boonUn r i e s arid t h ei' r do se ly n ffiHated calibrurion lnhoratory accreditation bod]I!:$, which established the No rrh American Calibraiiori Cooperation (N.ACC). NACC meets reg~ds.rl~' to d.LSCY!'s reeognl~Jon iss ues , to share quality documen~ ra t i o n , and H, jJian c ro s s-b-o cd er interlabc ratory comparisons (ILCt\) 1[1'voking s~mpli["lgs of cCllibratiun hb(HClrorj,,:;s In each country. The fina fLC in r e si s tel n ee has be en (~c) rnplerecl wi t h more plnnnetlrhi s year .in JTHL~"S:, It::ng:~h, ternperatv r c, a ad de,ctricaJ measurerncnts, In Mlly of this year, NACC representnrives from the United S,ate..; ar,ll Mexico visit~d [he Canadian accreditarion hody (SCC/NRC)"H'\dp~l,[tidJ?H,ed ;n:'l Joim NACC-APLACcvll.lualion nf,h9.~ prognrn. Plans can fDr :l sirnibr visir to NVLAP th.IS yea.L .,
A2,LA News Update
Important 'Notic:e For Gallibration Laboratories Servi ng The Automotive Industrv
Is yDllr comr:lI'1')' ~i eomm'<:rej~iI or il1d~pen~ :d.ellt ~alibr;tliOfl facHhy providing calihration ~UPPQ~'I' m [be auromorivc indu5~IY? If SQ, yOll mn.:;;t likely hi.:lI!1"d ;}bQlI1H rhe :pc!;\! rcqu i ({;tl.H:nl t j n CL-IUS€ !J, I 1, 2-b I of Q 5- \.1000: 1998 Tlnrd Edirion to:tr stares "CommerdllVinJc:p'"1Hkfl~c.ahb.rlltloll [~c.ilitl~1i ~h~~1 he accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 25 ori:l~t~OH~! cquival C nr or have f:\lhllt!1C"C:, ';·.15· assessment by ;In OEM customer or an OE.:M customernpproved second parry, ~h_~H rhl!:Y rnt:etr the l[1t~m of ISO / fEC Guide 250 r nal.loJ;l:d C4ui\r-::l' I,e.n t."
The l o rcrn ariorml Automotive .se~'lJr GWI.lP, I /\SG, included t11 r;: fl"lUDwil1g a:lnL;;,J i nforrnation item on lbej,r j anuaq' 22., 1999
pO$dng;u rh~ ASQ web sit!! (W\V\I'il~q.G'rgj st:l.ndccn/qs-,900(l/s:'!nd.imfli): "OtH: to a '~tLr· tent lack cd suppliers of cceredired t;", services for c:;dibml:.iOIl laboratorrc s, compliance \\ilrh QS-9nf)f): t 998 Tb'lrcl EditJOIl blhm,;Hoq,' requiremenrs, 4.! 1.2,b.l, miLy be satisfied If the 5l]pplie~ hils :J. duc~,menecd plan to aS~WH: dnr, efieCtil'l: Jftt1U,. a.'t''J' .J, 2001, [be; supplier is Eui(!' in canrp iianco with the QS-9noo.I99~ ThIrd Edition d. 4, i .L?,. h. I." I.l OlitU wnrcl~. culr- 10 L,tion hb()·ti1tori~;s ~h(l(i ntend ~o rnect the clause by 5~t'!klng accredtrarlon must ~lll;hJc"iC :tJ.tcr~cl!talio.n by _j !lnu:!ry :1, 20n 1.
f\ l:lfi:l:e number 0 f calibraeion s ervi ces OJ,ntiJ"luoo 011 flag'/! li~
are expected to seck cornpnance wi. h q lhe rcqulrernenrs S,llll,~er! anm.'c by ,]ppl )fing for Inbo{H lOty accreditarien ~bWllMh AZLA, In aruicjparion of ancrher spl k1;; In c:rdjbr;L~ion applicanons, A2LA h~~s !lite I udtlirional staff 11 nd I~ c:urr~IJ dy U', irung a n Lim her of nl:w
'IHhr"I·.ofl 'l5.SCS"O[S. 1 t should be nUI"d~
however, tlm t rhe average rime fl1f a wellpreparcdlaborator}' TO ;tddeve aecrcditarion is seven (7) months. Due to Inc need to develop rneaaurernenr unce.rra .. ifll'Y budgets .1ocl'll'ldc:rgo Jl.r.Li.f;lC[ measurement a'Hditll, e~libraeion laberatoriescan tske l.u,1L;Cf'. As soch, A2LA is m,dd n ~ rh e followi Ilg an nou ncerne n t:
Calibrnrion laborarories rh'll i 11~~nd W meet cl, ,l .. I1.2.b,"[ by ubt;llnillj.l A2LA accreditsnon w ISO/lEe "uiJ~ 25 by j anuary 1,21..101 mU!.l !;IlLmil ,;t (oM'plrh "'llplicg,doo by )"l later ihan DI: emher 3 J ,I (91).
Inrltlmp~t:[e applicurinns or apphca III ~n~ ft=:cerved afrcr DCCL:"mDCf J I, 1 L.l99 will t;OntlFl.Ut to be precessed m order of recerpr. How, ever, A2L/\,. GLIHlfJt ensure I'hil,r .I:He or inccrnFoJC'(C applicants will he able to complete rbe accredi t~ rion rroces~ by rnc _!:lnuarv 1, 20111 deadline nutl!J in 'lhe lASG mrcrprera tinns. RC!:,r;l.rLl les ~ uf the d:HC: uf ;('l"lpjic;uilln, ;lny laburarory rhar [s unable ro dcrnonsrn L.: fuli comphnnce wit. rhe A2Ll\ .~Cc.H:lIjnl,thHl re .... quirement will not achieve accredrtarrun lImi1 nll non-con Inrrni ncs are fully i,;orn:(u:d.
If you have ;my que:;tllwiS related to thl!> topic or wiah ro I !lmdl~ ::IfI 3 pplicauon P:lC k:I~c.l"Jle~se conmcr one of the roHowlng;\~ It\ s ra ff' me rn bers:
U Th orna: AJams, AlL \ Program t\'I~,'(lg:et - Culibeution -.JO I rJ441 1219
L..I Jilt? Kane, AlLA L~~ho,:r;u!'H')' Services 0[""fice r - C.J.hh "Olliui1 - 30 I 64,1 32211
U \'{/llrrcn Ml.'rke~, A1Lf\ Opcratrons Munt1ge r - 30 I M·l 32.04
o lhnwf,1;l). Saar. AlLA QU;Jlir}' NJ;.n:lgJ.:! - :lOi 644 T20l
Calibration Status
As n( Jiln!: 1, 999, rhere lire 5~·,.U.A-ac:credited calibrarion bhor~tnn .,. and an addulonal B) cal ibr arion I ahnru+urlcs ~·edo;.ng accrcdU:Mirm. 'rhe li5.t (If A2Lh'); :I,{;r~dlr~d cal i bmnnn labcrasories C\In be down.lo,:ldc·d from (Ill!' web site at www.~21~ .. L'Hg. F[H a
clOpy ne our Calib ration Directorv rhat i 11- dllLI.1.-:5 the .perine 5!:;01."'~~ of '1{:':~·~d.irllliQn, rleij~~ cnntacr ,1\2["r\ Headquarters ~I 3fll 6443248.
Rl!Jmrm,(A J Saar, A2LA Qua/ity Manager
A2iLA. Reor,sanizes to Pr10vide Better Customer Service
AlL.A 11J.!' experienced ttlplLl gmwrh ver the r~st few y[!,lrS ~nd currently aecr edits over non laborarories. l n order to address rhe eoruinue d growth in Its a~Cre(111.11.1 iun p wll;fam 5., r\2LA n:umlj< instituted a r.cnr, J:,'·'H"lizadon or the nrl!:rat3nm grou.p. Adcliliumdly. we have ~ddcd ~ddlC.lOn:t.l ~mff 1:0 rneer the i ccreased dcrnnnds n f accredu: - IItHt. Fou r grcups wcr", forn1cd, each un ' ie the direction Or,) Pmgrilffi Manager 11m! c(}n:;i~cirl~ of sevcra aboratorv Services Of[icets and Labor arorv Services Associate. The inten I [If the: l["I:!organit.l.tLOI1 is co pro·· \ .. J~ more srrucru r c nme .. n~ the:' worldog g:roll'lP~, Improve CUS[o:mC[ service :u'ld in~t~~.~r;: lhc efficiency Q r I he nr-g;mi :e3Ljur'l,
The wn:d(irtg grnupo; arc ~[rut:iJl-rcd as 01- lows:
» Theresa Adarns, Ptng-ram Manllger
» Ron:lld Hell, L:l..bnE':t tIJ ry Serv It es 0 lficcr » Roger BmuninW:"r, L:IOOl':Hflry Scrvrces
) Karen Rudd, La borurorv Services '\5S0- ciaLC:
» PrrlgfJUlUl SCI:"'."'cd: Envicnnmenral, Food, Biology :.Ind Chemi:"lry
) Thomas Adams, Program Manager
)' .1{J~epb "'~fII", I ,;Ibof,1[IJt}' Services Offleer
)~ SlITa. \X'ei rzcl, Lalioram ry Servi C:r!C, 0 f .. fiOCl:.'r
)1 julie Stc ve ns , Labo rarorv Se: vices Assoc ia te
1,1 Programs S1!n,,~t.I: Calrb carion, Plasuc m:ul Rubber
» J ~nn(:ln l~tHICI(l'i "Pl"og.r-:!1TI !\bl~agcr
» B(;:'lhaoy Hackett, Labcu:ltoq' Services Officer
)) ell rls nne Voduk, Laboratory Service Offil,;l;~
» j osephrrrc \~':!"I'i1k'<', Senior Laboratorv
S rvjce s Assocince .
» Pwg:r:lIITIs Served. Fastener Quality Act ~ Trace Mc lnturff, Progt.aITI. Manager
~ Steve M Ed ell i n , La b o ~aw[l' Services Ofncer q
Pa.g~ 17 [ ::
Fie =« '*
~ Randall Q uerry, Laboratnry Sf:rVKCS Officer
). ~thOrld,~ LIiJ [lei}" Labors [Ql'Y Services j\~-. sociarc
Lllboti!lr)ry Services OmCHS, A(c:f{:h F~lili (profl.nencl' tcstif1M) ;w.t! ~bq' .rvluIf'hy {~pc.· ~i.:iill pf"l-'ie:cn) conunue to n:P(Ht to she Op!:"'tlr~r1 S ;"'1 anager,
1\21.,\ heheves (hat "hl~ new s I fUC[L;(e W!lI :J,HI)\~' us to erf~;;;ri\'ely meet tin: ("b-'III<:I1I!t~~ Qfrh<1" FUtl.H¢, whik pr(JviJillg the hi!;4,h't:"'S! level Q( C;l.i5t~'lllef service.
IlJpdatie! IDn ,A2LA:'s Accr~dita.tliCJn ,01 ICat ib ratIon laborlltoriies
.f\~ nf June 7, ']9.99 /\2.1 A b~L~ n~cr{'di tc:d 54- t;;lHbrHlo.n hbor~tpri~5. :\ddmoniJly, we \:uv(' .1n"l~h~r tW i3bQf~L"orio;::; in o ur ~r~t\;LT! un various :J~agc5 ot <lC(a:'Bciimrion. AveT~ge lime [0 ~C{;n:dltMillfl J~ () mOl'~h.!i., which is w~U cmr t:nt~.e[ for aecreditatnm's. A2LA is. tmr(;nl:iy maki.n.g a~~~~'>Of assigrunerl'l$ !" .. idl i.11 27 days from thi!: rcC'::lpt of :~ completed llpphe.:Hion .... ~
Tll1~ cclu mn I~ prcuy much dedicated to talk ,[hmH ~mnn;l,rrh-prim~ ri Iy If/,ID~~ if!'(i'f1I,vli:lg mcnnJ(lgY;)l'uJ L~.hhr;;[Lmfl ~}'r,u:lms. Th~nc are Int~ of orher srandards, :md ,\,~: \'1: nil lu;m:l ofl$O) anri ruo st o Fus have hr:ctlrd n: Technical LO~nf!1juce i 76-hlUt hpw docs H fit toK~dH~r with d"u: actual ·lIll~m~liQ~H.1 eranda rds we develop ~nd lise-and whe rc docsir (;Wll'c: to~clh{!f?
\'I7~1I., lct ' ... take ;\ h~Qk ,,{ Techn ical CamrtlJUI;('. (TC) 1 76 .~nd whllt goes (In [here.
Under the Imlm;]j~iCin;,l1 (h.~JJ1i'.a.tjon f[lr S't:mOIl rdi~t!liu'n TC P6 i.!l respons ible fUlt IIpi11~{,;~.lJl'n~ i,r QU:li~~y .!\'~HLram;(' ~n,J QU;.tlih" "bn;I~r::ITwn I, aut! rile M!PPO n.i n~ l.c:chn(!logic&. The ~rnpl.: nf 'rC17fi's wo,k 15 in rhc field ~)f !';C ne ric qual i ~yll1:ln:J.~!t'rm:n I. Cju.lLity· s ys t e m s, S ~~ r p ~) r t L I ~g t cc h n n I rig i ~ ~, q ua II t~· nssurnnce, I!I;{~. I [ i~ f10~ i evolved w[th ~t~n" dards rele ecd to speci I"i.c pr,~d~lct~ n~ servu.c s, or irllJu~ll·Y.
What ~hi'5 mun ns is ih,H rhe srnndards ~k'~clnr~d by T'C 176, jre ql.ln I i'l v standurds that CJ.f1 he :l!.rpliL'"u ::ilmM£ l'",U}!Wnr:rc TC 176 ;lhn ls <.i.larf;teJ ~n ae t H~ c('H'l~~d t~jH ro ail olhu ISO TC's, <II,! dl.e arp"~ritH'1 (j f qmiJJty i'D:Ln" ;[gement :.mJ qual i ry ;]~~UL'::Ul(,~ tHIrLt:il"llc~.
ThCf-C'~ more, hut this kind:.1 sets the ~!:I~e: o~ thb"C.u~d work ~,Ij:'II".
With~n rbe T("17(} Oi)~ar;iI;;aflfj!"l, there are • hrce Suo Cnmrrurcccs (SC'$)~.l~d wnnln lhuL1, Workii')f.'; Gff,IUpS. Ali of Th-~ comrulctccs and wo rking grvLlps ;1 re numbered 5CL!l.H!l"Iti>lJJy as t hev ;[(~ torrned, 8.1).0 when lh~ir work IS finhih~J, the, <Ire d,i~~Hncled"
Th~ current oj:lgani.z~ltlCJn of Telit) cnn[Kin:": the Fo llowing Su b-Comm; rtees .. lind rheir \Vodting Groups,:
SC1 Conce'pts and termililohl9V
~ we 1 Develuprneru uf .ISO 84·0~ (lhe vuC~ bu 1 n []' d'j~\Hn~nf)
~ W' G2 C,:)fI.&i~H~n'q· (j r us.e o r ("lI1cer~:;., ~ emu arrd cl~fli11 ci om in I SU!Te ~ 76 s randnrds
,~ \XI'GJ H;!'Tmufl.);.~tinn of l~rm~· ~nJ defl[I i uons with other bndies
SC2 Quality s:¥,st:ems
I, WG I S Qua/,j{y pr:ine.ipJe.", and their 9pplk:H!on to m;i'tag~me·nt pracuccs
» \X'!G J 6Rcvi~infl 0 r IS.o 90(10-2
» \XlG IS lIh:vclDpm~nl ()f "u)l1~iHCliJt p;w'" LJ f CI II 11 I i I~' a S8ur.aflC!!: 0111(1 l-lLl.llity ~rlu,JnrJ~ (1 SO 90lH : 2~lVI. and ISO [)U04: 2JH~O)
Sica Su p pordng techno~ 0 Q ies
» we I Measuring cquiprnern (uSO IPIH 2- Pan I ~,~d Part 2, and rn e New \VtJ rk Ilell~ W com bi (if' the t)1l'O r~·nt"l)
» WG3 E('OI~()I'I1 icc fh::u!i
» W'G4Contirl1ling cducarrcn ;line! tr ainiflg
» \XIG6$WLi'!>lica! rc~:hniguc~
» WG7C,uiJeHnes rnt ;!udwI1g ~lL!.1Jit ... ~}'H~iJlS (R~"'i~Jllll or !S{') W(J'II)
» \'<IG8 .Rt'VI~lurl or ]sn 111013
S~ nnw dot:~ rhe ,~"rk J;!;~t ·durlC) .I!JH Ca~lbilm{·t{ on pa:g~ 18
j!i F
Crmrittuciilfi'o m page 17 Standards Scene
lei k e in any orhe r d~I?;Hli 7_~ lIn l1-tnn] ljgh pt!ople_ Ol~l)' h'i rhrs case lrs people from :1.11 nver nne wDdd, ;LI.]{Hlt_ J nn <::r,unUk5, rhM ~I)mi: together to develop wotkiLli1,; ~ Law.:l{Lr~h ehar ht:Jp U8 cnrnrnunicare an work [ogcdlC'r ecrscr, ~nd improve :ifHermLlirmal tf~de. And H you can see from tnt: Working, Groll P usrin~, r.h~ h~.QD is pritmtij:, irtteresterl in WG II activities - 'I DO! 2 and wn;tl: will h~ppt:r'I w i~_
/\ulwlly" then: He: no indiidual members of I SO. Bad I nati u n de ~ign;:t L~~ iL rid tl rg:=l rnzarion to n::pr(:sen t i r - in the U..,it j s [lit: /\,.rw:rlC~!1 N.iflurlal Sranclardslnstirure (ANSI). l_l S !lc.tivity ~J; lwn.dlccl rhl'u d1i,; US Tcchn k:~1 '\,h',i~rll)' Group rn~SO/TC] 76 (US TAG rq TC 17(1). I~!ld from the Tr-\G, the US d~lt'g::l'lIQi] to rhe Lnter.n;L[lorl,dr!!'!g~ .(l f 1$0 TC 1 76 ~ re cbose n , 1Lnd help de ve lop US prll il;;y and direcrrca o the standards. Currcruly, there ate over 2Ull members Hf the 1;_lS. TAG to 176, and tll"y have w Llk~ e~UL: of l~eit o.",,'n c:>:pcB3e~ ~nrne\'v;I)'_I(s n,-ot funded by [SO Or ANSI,
LQ.()~ bureaucraric? \li!e:ll, it iS~D .. orne L)(l~rIt. h hus w lei.::, and ~Sn TC~ lip!"fae Prom ~ ~~i of Dir'uf;~t;~ Ihil~ spell ~all I hf' wa,' rll iTlg:~ mU5~ b€ JQI1~ in tJrg~f1iZl[[g ::Ind OPH;ltitlg workint'; gr(-)~ps, nrrd developing and proccssi fig scandnrds.
There's a lor 'lTHHC detail ;lb~l'!.11 [be: 'rC and hnw the \'!;'orkl[1~ 'Groups ;md Sub Committees operate, but pernilp'S ehar's berrer kfL Ior llnoLhe.r column. I tkm'L ¥¥~i1f1t ro put e v-
:::ryCII1C' to sl~t:p wi th thi~ i ssue,
HLJ I ~hO:;I;:: is someth ing curni ni!i; IIp rhar ties 111 with this. ,rn Sepr'ember (J f thrs 'lea r. the Americnn SOC.!C~y fo'r QUllil}", on bell:1.lJ of r\NS r, ,,,,ilI h()5t rne ISO/TCI76 [999 Pk[Jary Meetings and wOl:klng sessiona.jn San FmnciSCIJ_ Thrs ~s the flrst rime in qUiEt:' 11 few yc;tr~ lIh1t lh'i:I I 76 Plen~tic~ h,n'e beef! held ]11 tnt: us.
FrUlll U pr-:Lt;.ti(;~! side, ol1lr (the MOD) prirnnry lnrercar is ~tl the H!lflci:llrds 1\:'I.'t'L~lg UI du whli LlLli bt a nun and n1~no]ngy opcrnticns- .~ SO I J.I(J l2. P'lrt~, ! ;l,irlcl 2, ;md rhe New \'I;'orl-; hem to eomblnc dw two. Arul bo!rween flOW ,mel rhe TC 11{1 P.len:~r:r In Seprem ber, the ,'I;l.QD Cnffibi'I~i?d MCilHLri r1.g Sr~nd::lrcl Wmlng: Croup is go.i 11~ to be bdl;lIl'lgro,!gn ou t ~. i Wli Z combo draft , just as are 1111 [he (n'hec counrrres ddeg~~~.~ ro WG l are d()in~. HopduBy il wil] all come [{ in St!pH:mber, nnrl TSO/TC 17fl!SCJ.1 \~iC I will em er@;c wi III rh i!:' fj r.S! \li \.!I rk in g dra ft I}t the n.ew ! uti 12.
Durl I'll:! ! h!~ ~~ll1e ~ime f,~me, srnre fhE Di':is.iofl is the "'11Wl1er" of M 1, ., .... ~ 'VIC g:m rn I~ rush rhe revrsion Ot rh:1l standard. A lot or good wnrh \"';15 ,t!;cnmphdlcll a r rhe M;lf'(::h rneering on rhar Sl'and.l.tJ ,Joel J lieileve I r's dos{' to eomplcrion with !L15~ minCH 'ch;l.fl~es. If'5 looking good.
Commenrs 0, questions> Cali, write, EITI'Jil. whatever. -:.
Dati Harper
ilnfonmation Tech nology
D'raft Starn daJ'd Spe,a'ks Vo ~umes 'or [ E .. Book Su eeess Electronic books :He' hybrid products that combine the prln red word wkb tht: "t r~.fJ,HIiLy of l::OI"Upu.te;, rouc h-screen dil>'p]I1.Y ce.chnCliogy ,~[lcl sof'rwa re e nh a n c e m en t s indiJd!i':Ig fom-rO::o,izlng Hnd an Ofil-hO~HI dieri[ll':lllry. Tbi! Open Electruuic J3Cl~k Stmd~:EJ5 F('1Hlfn recently released ;I draft specification iJ:'! ::li U]()\lc~hat is exp,tcted to ;l!CCd.6nLtl! the l]:),In.i]abiliqr of c-bcoks by providmg publish-
en; ~. Sil1gk fnrm:![ .F(W elecercrue eonrent. The gw~tP was iOfmecl in October '199B l}[ N LST'~ Etecr I:'O!1ICflOLlk '98' \!(inrkshup, the world's rir~'[ cenn-renee for the. c-hook jlrfd:ustrv.
ViCtor' JVkCr:HY. a gnl'up Jerlde'r in NISTs Iufcemarion Technology Labcmrorv, spci'irheaded the effort to bring mdl1stry J:l:nnl[J$ log;eri1er W Ct~;!~~ ~}', J:Qmmnn srendard. Parricipanta include.d !THH.::tb;LD 1000 m u j o r softw;lte COt'[:q;'i~nilt.s, book ¢
Summ~.r .1999 The STAN'OARD
publishers and ck~~wni~ bnok rnanufacrur~;r5. Ni.nj<)l' rla\ .. e rs include So[t[kaok Press, M i.CI"05.1[) Ct, N uvornerlln , Addhe, OvurDrive S)'~!cm~, Ve.~s,iwUC. ~flJ Drown '-I rn v ~r~ i ["y.
Common srnndards llr~ pJ]rdCLtI;),~l~ impur. t~ n lin ~ml,:;cgill~ II~JlI,~! riel, because thev fr~ rr= cmUumcl'i'I Irnm rhe Fear of irlY~~Img In U€\\' rechnnlngrcs rh.u cuuld b~Nlm" t\L~nler~, \\/h~f1 ~ \·;m~.\." 'rf irul LI~'rI' p'J rrhnpanrs ";I!gr~ e on ~ 51 !inJnrJ, Cnn~l.IJIlH:,rs can chnuse prlll-IU~.L"~ (rom :Hl}" m~nn{acrurer <h'l' ~liprUft~ 1.11" ~(;~nd~ rd, b611uting C~I dy adoption ~ nd rnnrkel definiuon
ThC" new c1rah srnndurtl {Jdi nearcs rhe lore m,H that contcru r;lb::~ whe.n i [ is converted from print w d~cHonic furm. It [811s ffl' the usc of I WO cnmmon cOITlpurL!~ nsark- U p 1;111·· I::u'lg~~~l-IT!I.'IL urn] XML-whidl dH' wulelv 1J~(;I'1 "11 [ he \'(:'~jrld \VJJe \'t'd).
Mtm:: I 11 fi.lrm:l[io n ,tl}qut ~ In: ~~.! nd:\:dr. cff I..lrl 311d :) CrrP}' fjf~h~ .It.1 f~ ~l:)ccj l"i(',I[ion :In: ;wva,h,bl", al \I,·W\1,',flpen!!;hD~. TI1( n..:=~t c book confe renre, i,Jj;!ctrnl1ic B(Ink '99, i~ scheduled I(!~ S.ept.21.U, I Sl')'} ,~t N ~$T i~! G~Lnl'lcul:lllL'g, MeL rflr m~ m~ ! n flJrm.;ulon. Ji,Q (0 ~nlsL~n""/l:!bl"lnk'}':l.
Mag 111 Ell/tic !RlecQ,rdi 111 9 lind iIJ,stry to BenefLitfrom N,ew Part1l1lerslilip
N 1ST i~ WtJrI-:Hlg ~., rHT\'~IILk lh·c m3i!,nt rlc re ,;,udin,t.:; i Dd1J.~ ~t"y \Vntl n1L1 ( h~ l1~edeJ pllm .• r}' j"U~gi1C rrc 1"1];1 n~rL,lb ~t,lntb !'i.h, 1I Llflll'L LlIl;w,:iy, these n::f~r"nct' .~,.1 tl~plCj ;Ire ~~{ r~n~ lv e , tl~I.· cnte JIH.l gefl~r;lii}' 0 [ ti);~d g~·IT~,.'~tt)· Til help ehc fH.H; r~ ~ST I!a'~ !'Ii.gncd :1 conperari .... i,; re scurch and dcvc lnprnenr ;lgr~ci'r1c I'll wi th 51-! U ~ l:l~(i'!.Jm("nt~ i nc., ~jf Honhfidg~, C~JJI I., [0 dev.cJlIp (~l1bn:!liL.1!:1 pri.nci pi~s for ro l~ U!H, U'iL,: x rt! 11 ~ i \' ~ I'~ k'rr nc t' s II In r les.
For-~:-; nrrsplc, rhe g-I-I L(.!{lPe.,. is, lile dum~aUfll ITIL!t·ruh'g\- toql U~(!LI bv [he disk d rive h[,;ld I n~h:t~tn; [d~ rrnccs~ <Inti tJ~',di ly uHlrrnl ~H ~hc w"[Ci" Ieve l. 1\ pm~r!'l~pl: fur lh~ (::\fibml:iofl or B-II In'l"~·~l; wHI be \,l!:' , 19:nI:!!~L CfHt5[I!)( ~!:d ~T1d t"'~tcd ;~s a ,~n1nd~r~' lefl.'rcnre ,~,LHI pJe.. This \li'iU fTArnrir:rn",nI dl'~ rnm~H~' III i Il hlm n: rf:n!I1'c ~:I rnp!.:: UHr~rl r I~' IJfI·der dcv~·inpll!Crll ~r N.l3T. rA~aSUr~T1l~iH~ on :inC, m~J!n.e[ii: lillJ):;:. :~g u~t:i.1 jl") be~d~, st"osun o.l~cI Itlft~nc~ic Rf\~[ {I\;!\'ice~." l;I.'i II he impr'o,,~d wi [II dlf; lr:llplc=ille 1"1 Lalian of l'he~<= ~c:'C~ I ndary rLfel'~ [l(:C ~:l.mples_
Mor~ inturrnurion on [his CR.ADA mny h~ o:bu.ine!..i from Dllyj(] P. P;llpp~~, N ~ST. ~oukler, Colo. 80J03-3J:;7, (3U3) 497 3374; dll'" iti_l1;IPI,,~(.ij)f1Ij§t..~ll:l::: or IJllrry M~gdai, SHB Instruments Iric., 19~! 5 Pnrrherua Sr., Sulte .1-\, Nl.'ttlnitl~c, Culi f. 91324; (.8 J 8) 773- 10tJl); bm.;:¥.dJ.]l¥hbhjnHtutJ.let'l is.corn.
New NVLAP Ditficto,nt lists A,e,ered i,ted La bs
Mon:! chao 7011 testing ~11.:l o;;~hhn:tmn 1:i.boA rarories ~cc["t';dtted br u bL? :-J ~ST Natiorml V""I\'lnt~r~ L:! ilul'I'l:t:nry Accrcdirarion PI'og-mm ;'t"~ llislt'tl in the iu,,;t j~HIC(i NV I ;/\ I' i 9~~1 Direc.mry, Opcranng in 04-;' ~qlC8, PLiel W H.JCO and f·j~h! furcigtl counrries, ehe listed I ~b(~r~ I ~j .. dr~~ L(,Jg~dI.Cf ~J rfer H'iO S(:;n' I'-.:·~ I h,lt 'l'~re III JgeJ h~ r ... 1 V L t\ P U, ~'J. ri ~ f', j ru.c 1 na ti tJ n a J J Y ;~~'~I-'I-o:d .c!·'i11 pe tcnq' requ irc men rs .
1\; rhc I,'cque~t ,,f' HH;lu.~1 tHd 1!11J g.,,~rcrjlrne n I tlll':::i 11I~_:lmm~, NV LA Plus sr:'i up .II> I:n:Jlu.uun pnJHr~m~ in I fI nujllr E:ieJd~. P\ISf' avni lnhle on NVLi\JI'~ \~'(]j'IJ \\"ld~ \~··d1 ~U~ (1:!>_Ul~q.';~';l\' /f1vbp), I he new .J1~C1 City I I]" dexcs lnbo rnto rres h; .lC~l edicanon rl.dd, n;~LTJe, liue:H ion .lflt.l NVLI\ P idcnri fie!" cocle. Ernries list srrccr and web~it" -;)ddt~~~~s., COJ1[:)CC5, fidd ~l,d :,(,;opc= or ;!CCfccii[:HiOIl, arul ot hn l.n fnhtlULnrl_ \:\o'j rh nearlv 400 ;1';;n:edi~~d lnlrurarorics , l~bc~w~ nlH:r Ilnl~lysi;; IIU:'Jun[~ (oc dH: Ilr!{e~,t HJ·'").llf' uf NV r .,\ P-au:r~dHcd ~~r" I Ct'~, fo llu'J.!~!J Ly t.nflirU tc J: ;,1 nl~ elecrrnn ic~ ~c~nng,
Tll~ml~ 11) NVLJ\P, dlt: test resulrs I-nil" ma u y n F rhc labs llste.l m the new rlll'L!C I (1r~' will he v e inrernnnonal l.l1lr;u::[. New tr~cli.:' ~grc~men rs 1l·~1 I be. u_S gnv~rnm~n r and I he l!.1I E"'31,;lt:nn linif)1l ~nd ~~v~T<d ."~i;).Paci fie natiorrs tel ~ ~'H'I rn u tu ~l l!ccnf,l1irilJn of test results. hiVL.AP has entered ~nro a mu ruul rc c ~J fl.n i t ion 'l rr,~ nJ4~ 1Ut: nr ,,;.' j rh sc \i e 11 IAlH:!" A";!,l Par:iFk "(WntriN :,mdis ·workinli; tow:lrr!~~mi I ar rcc()~f!itiutl br r~U~llpe~ n fl.~(lO.ll~. rhat ~lgJ1~d ~,no! her mulril» uT~i .Lgr~~mc!T1 r. M utu nl r~~t)gflll ion ~ rr ~ ng~·me-Ill ~ will i celuce duuhk I c~ 1ll1g. wh if:h 'H]d$ Hi ·1 he co~t "f fr~Ltlt:d g'lild ~.
Tn I{ci .. (~~ri nf du: NVLhP ~ t}t)t' Dlr~ L·~my, ~onr""'t N VLA P ,H O~ II) ';JiS"·~! II (i: f~ .. : (111.1) 926·:!8::J4, D,:dap(Wnr~L~'"'I}\"
Page 20
Summer 1999l~
('.lmti~~llcafrQ'IiI·1 p,lgc .19
R.esea reh er Investi gates Re~iabm'ty Probl'ems with FUpChips
In UI dT,~~[ W n1:;Lkl: elecrromc circuit boa rds ~m.nHf:! r, chea Po;:!' aml f as tcr, the elecrronic s mil us,'" h,l!> ji;I.JOc to tli~"I-ddr-ult.boarJ techndrJ).W. Till" Ifl1:1Ifl!. <llt>lchillg ... llcon ehips 1'0 prmrcd ·.v.r1f'l!; I::mHd:s with ~nldcl'b~Jk Increased speed i ~ M h i !:',-(!cl by dec teasing lilt d ls Lance: between the c hrp ~ncl rhe ~ uh:;tnll·~. Thl~ technolojry works Wl;;ll ru tern pcruiures Fmlll 21.1 (l.;:p'\!~~ III 1,2U ckp,'J:ee s Celsius OI.U faiL :H an lIna<:c:~rt;Lbk rate when t ernpe ruturi.s ure fitdHccd In minus 55 degn:\;!;, Lels us.
:<.;.. rkmg rilL reason f(Jl' rhe failure, Eiiz:!Ibeth S, Drcxle II N lST~ l\LllL:'ri;J!" Rdi:lhi!llY Division. Bi.llIlcler, Cclurad I, lI;-;c:d rln, ekerrori-bearn 11l()itl.! rechniquu 11"1 MLJJy l'lu] defl1r1T!;" iOI1 & inn fllp- c h i p' p:H::b~~ ~j nd in reractions a rno 11g rh.e vn rUlt!~ 111n It: r inls found wrth i II I h~ l).lCbgr:- A s sernpernturcs (h;Ln~t!cl, ~l'n;1ges o f the metre l r~nr.e p~lle rns we re .icquircd ami cuniparcd. The: r~lck:l.y,c wus subjected L~l 10 cornplcre rhermal cycles frol minus. 55 oJ~grut"s Ceivius to 125 deKI'~''':5 Cc l';iu ... OVt"f ,,~,,·el".d Jays.
Drexler elmn,l, ,If!>.!, Iml}' Cine !:utn,pl rc thermal c 'tic, rhar i.1i:bpndlnl!; lniuaretl be .. tWeen the solclcrh.dl ~nJ rhe t>nlLlcr mask ...... ·hc re that Wlt;rl"nCL: meet- rhe pri rued clr .. eui t board, 'I his deocmdmg cnnnnucd lO' 8m\\' thro'~gh rhe solder m~~k and i ntri the under till, [hen :u:[c~red al-rer going nrle-lluaner n{ 1.11.: wa), ncnLJi1J [be so lderonll. Ar du' end Dr the Hl cycles, holes shOUt :wn nannme££I'~ =t ros s were Found :Il ueber ir){'.;t tj~)llS where the ~wlderbiJI!/H!IJ~r m;l~k meers the printed circuit ho:uJ, However, the hules l'le'lier cunlesccd I'J fl] rm ~ crack. Dltrnmuur~n ~ lso was inducl:d wir hin ihe $;l1ldcrbJI1, lJecomlng more p mnouneed wrrh mort rhermal cyd!:'~,
For ~ r.opy of two P;lPr.['S (li ~ t\:lI,IS nn. 17- l)0) drscuas iru; rhe flIIH.:bip problems, cnn (~'t Sarabcth r-tlrtL, Mr lin, N!S'r, Bnuld~I, CI)JO. 80303-33.37; 003) 4~F 03237; ~ara.bC'th@ b(,l U der'.
lnternatlonel 'Comparison of Charpv Programs Shows, Good Agreement
Ch.,fI1Y lm[l;1Jt;[ lCSli.L11";; is Itft~11 spccir.l!'d .. ~ nn r":'5J tnt ::"[fuIErur:l1 m;ltl::fI;!it;, nfhi
.. -:
,,~mp.lj:l i1::~1 r'!"' 'l:orrn~~lg these test s ar e H:qu ircr] ro verify [he perfnrrrl~J11!:t! (If their machine.s 1.,]smg rcrtlfieJ spccirne nv. In the fi r sr ever gmup eornparison, ~'he CtJ.1 t[1}' 1111- pact verification prngrMll~ o f1ered hy the Unired Stares, J~ran. France and rhe 1:.,.11:0- pean ClJr'lll1l.i :>s;on showeri good l1jlreemcni:.
Ccrti lied specimens or Ch,lrpy [e!1[in~ :HC' obtainable lll1r~, from ehc Instirure f( r Refe renr e (l.r1dwrials and _,Ie(lSll rerrrenrs (Belgrurn] , Lu iln ratn i rc r..:·~Hi '-'11.11 D ·1~.?~:I,i s (, d:le Natirll~;d Research L;lbntll[ury l)f M t~trrll<Jgy t.I ~l,)illl} ~ rnl N 1 s'r (U rLLI,~J SLUCS). /\bNtt I,snp 1mr<lc'j machines an: veri Ill;:d annual I) fp irn Thest: sperirnen». The compar ison !ilH)\),.'cd be (;ei'ufi.r.d c.tle'rgit:!; (1[' the specimens [ypi(;~,II,!, :tgrced wnhm 1 pt':rl;t='J1 t oi the ;1 .... !:r;lg~ values derernuned in che study. The variation in I:=neq;;y tor [ c specm1CfL' was low, ~111c1 t he cneT,:,ies 01;,)W i<:J the lc5r .. u!lmg tn!! 1 :Ind Fi mi lli meier stri ke r s un specimens (1 r 4340 steel we no: nL::Jrlv equ ivn ie nt , H uwcve: Q rre I:l d ,I F ~ 1 i~lHI~' higher energy (m rhe 2. ~!1 illimetl!i' ~~rlltl::r W~5 IIl!.lre:ut:d.
"The gihH.l ,L£tCt'ffit:nl:.huWIl by the comIl:.lri~IIi1 . imphes ehsr indu srnes Y(:;n rrl ng IhL: performance o· Ch;ITPY impact rnaehines 0 iht! rcqui rem nrs of lin ternanonal standard] iSO 14'8-2 an be assessed in ~ r:lil' All H,e~mngful rnnrrn c r, indepcnd~nt u I:' \V ho Stipp lres I he speci men," I he: N 1ST reran stnres.
CUP!~S of rerLH'~ nu. 1 [) .9~) II re .LV!liiai:lk from $~r~dH!.rh Harris, l .... re 'lO4, NIST, 1'30111· eh: r, Colt.>. 8113U3-3J.J7; (303) 497- 32.n; ~ :lnllc tb ((LIb r 11IIdl! r. I1i:H.~nv.
MeQI11 C!Jrn:ICt; fred i'olcG~har! (t'nuldcr) (,)1)3) 41 7 -J246 OJCgd1 :m@br}'lhJc.t1i~[ . .lOy
NCWM AnnuallMee1ing to Address Improved Handbook 133
\'\-'t"'lgh I S :lnd ntessu res t! rom gove r o mc n t ~11r1 illdu lfy wll rn e e r n BudlngluTl, VI"July 25-~9. Pl9(} , for th~ 84[[1 unn ual meeti rig 411' rhe N atmna] Coriferen c e on Weight; 1\1'\(1 Measures. This }'!::H'8 tnen:1e is "S~[tif1J~ Stl1l1d;lrcL~ 1)1.' Excellence in PUfsulr '1'f bl:lru~ty," Attendees will have the 0::::>
opporruni t}'tn JjS;CLJ~5:l dnu"1 of ,_ 1'h~I;i.. ~~a~ii:r· tn-lL~(: Nl5T H~ndhfJ(!k I H, CheC'kms the N>:I. Coneents of P~l;kagcJ G~)Qds. ;unl o rhcr iss U(:"5 related ~(l ~~f!.uh I QTy we igh t~ Q nd !nCH· sures ~.:;:ti\'ilic~, Psrtrciparus also will have rhc C)\, fO hC[J r ~ =>peci~J prcsencarion L"l,! rhe rece-nt ~.Ctivuiu ~ .f the Ib~;I- P,,-dfic L-eJtl~ J\·lctrnl'J~y Fnmm arid ,I LL series o f rechnical ·~~SSI(]IH. including fliit: un ;[[1 underOH't! ~ III \'L S liga,tl 'In n f rC ru il I!HJ HJ r· !'uc 1 di~~'~f!~lr (Lll!d,
hmrmg rhn~L eru.ou r~gc:d I ~J ~U~ I~J :.l.fL:
H,J((C and mC<l.~·!.In;,~, .rl I I'ectur~ .• srnre nnd Iqc~l ,,,,r1::jghT~ and rneasute s m~p~[wr~. ifl.dl:i~! l'jI rep L"e5'~TlI~1 rve s, f~d!tr[ll 'lg~m;y rep rescntari v~s. J Hied org.uli"atiulTs, cnns.urncr m'll;anL<:arilln~. remjlers, and C(Nd prnc(,"~~ln~ jndlls~ry rC'pf~!iCI1 tarivcs. Those w~minj.:!; to rev lew the rfQPo~ed l;il;1.Ilg_(!:!; to [-I;UHI bunk 1.33, can s e e ;Q dl'Jliun !bl:' \'(;'nrlJ Wld~ \V{:b ~t w~"w,nlj;iI,~y/j.IWln..
rrO~filnl, regj~~ ,'Hlaon an ... l ft:~ Infor'~I'1:ld"JJ' is ~vail~ME by L!ln~ng rhe New t\:! .It (W I) 15H-,)J 1 U or bj ~"15illng;\J.I''''''''·,flj:i['!-'l!Y I m;u,:rn Oiil rue \~brM \\'lldt: \:\Ieb.
Mo Iilta n al.P·en nsvlva n la t,e nters Help Retiree! Filild Gold in Grit
1\ [,:md", n e w t1c:~mn~ device for hot rubs i'o ki:o:ping peopk ;H::ro)~S !ht: 11 ni.! ... d StIl.U;~~ if! hui W\lt~r, thanks to ~hE nsxjst-anc e Llf ~WCl ~ l"fi li;w:", L)( N 1ST's ~lmuf"OlC";LJdF'!g E:ucmnm 1~;[!"In e r~ h ll~.
The product, callerlt ~j~ G rit.Gimr(TM), ~'s 11 small, bulb.5h~ped ~rparHm that flr.:r-;H~~
wi rh 'IU'~ L a ~,quec>:e n r rhe h~rld "Vi [hum Inlvrng hl 11::''11: [1.\;0 L:L.lmfort uF dw rub , a bnrhe r can vac I,Jli.l~_1 ~.Li:'l{.l r ~m~.11 pebbles Jl'ld other p~rt,H;;It:s Illl i" of the \J.I:Lr,·r. Til," Grirr;,ut!((TN~) wns fi r s I rlf:VIM:J several >'e'~~ ap;o by MOfWH1.illt Mlke Sroncr, rlw r<=tm:= d owner () f J"! hyd ruuircs 5-'1.""1 fp,vwrt;: company.
To get" the C;ri~-t,·jHUCl·iv") from the ide;] ot;lge: W r he marketplace. ;:lwoa ru rne d to th~ M~nuf:-'~llJring EX-tension C~fIter, MhlliC ~t.ilFr pmvid~d I~U idance Oil product rl",~i1:!r~ :II,J launch, lLrHl ruen pLi [ Stoner in wile I, wirh anorher ,MEr BffjJi<ltt" the Pb.5- ,!e. T~chnfilng} D~rh~~mt:1'I1 C~L1 r er il1 Pe!i n· syl vn n ln.
\~'irh 11t:::lp from Lh~ I'\"v',> f\,1 EP ~CIIt!:n, anrl !"II e ad vi ce a ad ~lJlrr0rt r I f S tid n~ r'~ InC"il1 bu ~ I .. ness c:ollca~~ucs., !"he firST Gw.(jirn:r('r:-'I) "";J~ (e~dr fnr 5~~k hy Nm'emb~r I 1)91-1. F~cclb;H::k fWI11 rerailers inl1ii,cnrcd Ihal Ihe dev ice OHt:wl.d competing rrw~ld~ J n to) 1 d udr'lg .l se~'~n-weck rest period. Thi~ 12IlCOLH:!gcd Sl'mcr W re ce 11 tly take Lh{: C ri(-Giru:r(T,\ol) tw rW("J n<L~ II Ifni lfild!:,5how~ where he re!:i:"'CU several 1~l.rgC' orden.
l.'f'l.t' N 1ST 1\1 F,P i~ u IH[inrlwid~ rt~r.,,,'o.{k of Il1'lm~f~u~J,tit'l):!: ~¥. i ~n~ifln Cerl'lL'~ helpmg srnnller manu f,.nUfl.!H, in 21.11 ~I I stnte«, rhe D.L.~lfll:t of Cnillmhl~ ;Ltl.1 Pm~nn Ri~,1. Smnllcr manufartu rers C.~fI uH C811n) ME.P- 4-l\fFC (6.37 -4h34) ro reach rhe i\n~p center F..e!ving rhcir ~t;'"gi()n,FO'[ roMe m'i"nrm:ltjo'l'l on l\fMEC, eunracr DtbOf;Lh h1~.~h, (400) ';)94- "507 ,d['Jaili@Pl~. mOll tRJ]iL,(tllI.. For more infovmanun un r~.'c fJTDC, CUl1t~ct. Shdlcy Resdel. (11! 4) fl9.8·6 Ui), Si1C.:aldCiVpBI,CJIl,(+
Fifty-Two Businesses, Education, Health Care Org.anizatilons'Try For Nation's Top Award For Excellence
1;;'1II)I-l",",0 U. S. !Jrgnni?.~! mn~, ine,ludin~ f~mr large r-n:Hluh!;T~rC"I.·';, I' ~elviec compaoies, 12 ~uu:.l.lI businesaes, ariel, rUt' the first ! i[J~,~. 16 ed LlC~ [jon ~ rid mne heulrh GH~ O'!;';lrll;F,;lliorl5 h a ve s-\\hil'li ~pp li ~;u in!ls G.) r rh c 19l)~)' Mulcotm B~1.irlfip:" N81lf)Il~1 Quaury A''l~HI, ~ be 11:ttlbll':s premier a.';\'lIrd for pcrforrrrs.nce excel le nco: and qu.ill LV ac bievernen I.
M~!·!,tged by dl\~ Crvrnrnerxe Dq',Hfm~I1~'~ NHlm.t.Ll lnllirul'~ of Stund.anl.s .L!'ld Te~-bl"tu.l·
nv;y in nmpe:r:1.tHlLl wi lh the pfjV~.I.~ sec tor, the B:1.JdrigJ;: /\wllrJ h,15 rec~j\,,~t.l 736 upplicsrinns smce 'lb€ firs: t:Qmpedtion W~5 hd(J fn ~ IJBfi.. 'T'bmy.fjvc C!)ITLr:t.'lil:< ~i I'IChldi f"lg L)i'l~ cotnr;t[1Y i h~ t 11;1.1; '''',/JJI~ T'N:i(;~) i,:~v~ earn nl [he award i11.~ widE '~~ll'icry,,~ lmlustries This is rh~ firs.t P~;)f rhat nnt-fw: iJwfil edu!':";i!.tiull nit! EH~ahh C~ re flTg~Lr~H;nlioL1s are ~hg,blt: h) .lpply i'orriH: ,~wfir,d.
; !t
"\X'in.lUl1g this prestigiocs award is 11 honor and CUL1 fi~m~ thM un ll'rg;tl1liz~~io.fl is dnirlg n lot of things right." said Cotnmerc~ Sar,el.1rY WmJam D;ll~)r, "Tbe (leU" awards for education nnd I.H;:dLh care ur'g~lnjZJJrinllo ·;,;ill bl! a wondufll!~~rrllralniI.Y to Ibuo~.'l p,~dt.l~t'!1~1H.:~ ~nd, I mpH'lVr;; services and cootrnl cnsts." he said
"You do not b~v~ fn win rhe 1J11Jdrig,e A,v~rd fn be .1 winner," said K.;uhleEH H~~~.lcl-Madowc, chair of the B:!.Iorigc Awnrd's IY.J.fld af:ludge~ :1 nd r'Mlll;\g~1i" of quo Ilty at Exxon Research ~f1cl En~il1e'!Jdll.,g Co. "f\ ppli'iq~ fur rhe J3<lil..irig~ Award is a great W~~ rOt UI ~rf;.ull'_;LljOrl 10 ~~~css its perfOttf1.:ulCI: u ~'~Ecm il:nd rnn rshal impeovemceus ~Ulld~i.I b}' f(;~dbnd fram a ropunrch set of ou ['~Jd~ 'e,~p~c[s.," "he :l.~id.
A .. for the awarcl must ~I]j I \,Ii} nehi~"tIl~HII~ and Im]~rt'vt!nl"'1b !I\ ~e\'l;:n c~t·~gorit;':5: ludl:r5hir. srrarcgic plill:lfli.l.ll;. cU,Wm~t and tIud;~t 1(.h::LJ_~, I nfnrmatl"fI ~nd~,n~li$i5, human resource fO{,~LS, proccs s mlm:lgcil.~E'tit, ,ilHdr~~u1t s, D u ri ng~h~ !J p~n min g 1I10 nrns, enc h of the ~2 org8~-~I~alioll~ ~rpl~iilg fnr tile: H~ Idng~ 1\ ward will receive n mirumum of .:WO b()u~~ C)( review bv ~( 1~~5r nine 1TI<;;lTIb~~~ 0 r rlre .1w:trd's bo:l~d Dr rnnre thiLI1I 400 buai nes s , f:dur:ttion, health CBfC, aml tJLI~Hq' ,;':.j}..:rr'§ sele.l:.L~d fur their d~rth a nd 1J:rri~Lhh L"~f k l:'IowJcdf:l.~'
lhg~niz~tion s passi ng an initial sceeening th i~ aurnruer wi.!J be 'ri~h~d by ~. '=m of C~8m'iners in d1~ [~I,I til veriJy In ~QftJl~~hmpr r' n'ld~cl in .he nppl iC~(LQn a nd to d~[i fy 1 . .s:~UC~ and quesnons :-.:li~cd rhl ri ng the review cd rh{' liPplicauons. F ... e~)I r~cejve~ M\ exrensi ve feaJ:lbl1~k ~~pou s.trerlwh~ :<LTl£l opportuniries for improvement. W.i.nn~1's of the ~ 9'99 ~ w ard a rc ex pc c t ~(.l [u ,b e :111. n t) II n C"ed 1.[1 November liy President ChfH('ltl and Conunerce Si:!Cn~tll!""r WiHb.nt DaJ~y flfed the l;lwan:!"5 e xflmJll,~;rS nnd fuu~eB mak L thdr rucommendaI·i"n~.
The IhJrl dg~ A,w;l.rd was esrnblisbed b) CQnljfes~, LI1 ! ~87 nD~ DIlly to r'ei:ogni~e U.S. ("') Il';~P I ~ ~ t ~o ns f.o r rh ei r ~lll n I i. t}r a cln e ve in en r~ but ~,~O to PW(i.lrHE 91J.~lj~·r ~ur~ rene ss a ud ro provide urformnnon on ~uccess~ul srmtegies. U v H time, [he ~""ud'~ cri reria have evu!vel~ ro rcpresenee geflua.! p~dorn'1:a.11C:C ~nd bus]. rH~~S excellence model. MDr'~ than ClU~ and D. baUl'ri..illiof.l C1Jpl~$ of ~hc thLldrig~ A ~\r~rd pc-r·forrnarucc: excellence Ctil,c~i8 IHV~ b een (hsrrilaut ed since 1~::;:R. and many nl(pr~ b:J"'~ lK<:.I' downluQ.d~l~ fwrli rhe NIST WQrld Wid,r:
W'~b site . ./\.150, tb(i: c..rit~fU hrhie beEn adnp~cd ~~. m~ny IIHi:'UmLir>n:d. state, (;!Jmp'Hl~· ;lnd other :,ward pwgr"wH
S~udic:s by NI5T" univcrsines, 1;}:L.lSLI1~~S orga[]!:j:ntulJ-n~ jLnd th~ U }'" Genernl ACCOllFldLlf; o ft-I·r.:~ b~\'~ f[}uud lbiH Lhe l,e.llei"i IS; for lJS~ri)g, pe~form~n~e excellence models, SUC" ~~ Ihc Ihid~i~'8 crrrerj», incjude HliUel!.~ed producti v L ry. i rn P)1'QvcJ I) ro fi rab il I ry 0 nd t:Od'n petitlv~.· !l~~~, ltntl~nIHfiecll:'lTlplnyc~~ uljli c us rorncrs. For example, rhe hypodwtkSl'! ,j Ba~drlgc In·· de z ," m;·lde '~p or publiely c.r:~clt~l U.S .. cornP"llilOS d •.• 1l h~ ... e nE~eh-~d the Ith!ldrig~ Q~I~li~y Award dUl'iflg ihe ~'~:M:; t9Bt! r,~ !997., 11~~ mH·· pf:':rrf!rm~d rhe Sr~nJ~.rd & Pnfjt'" 5n~) everr )',~~t juICe iL~ cr-eatil:.li1 l'OUlr )'e:I~~ .agn.
N[ST, n n f1geney Q.Flhc Cg![lrJl,ern~ D\lIHfH11cn r's T(;['"hmlJom' Adm rrusrranon, pn)mnte~ econonuc g:ro\l' th O'}' worki ng WiljJ jndlJ.~t ... y t() de.1' dop' :l.1~d :!ppir tech nolegy, meusurements find :; rarulards thtough (our p,HL[1Cr,hips: r1.1~ Manufacturing Exrension P!lrt01~r~hip. Ih(e Mi!!l~\,lf~riUm l II nd St~lldi~rd~ Li.b[)r~.tL7r.i~~, d.,t /l.d'·.\.i~~~:J Teclmulogy Vrugr~'ln, and tht: thl(lrigc Na tional Qtlllln;, Pmgmnl. For ij;ll.Jr'E .intut1n:I.llurl, 8.e~ tbe. NJST web sire at ~""~w,ni,a.r.:L!'''w $.
Check out the M,eaSUrem.fint Quality Div/son's website et: www"me,f;r(J.[ogv,{)rg for a wealth of in/ormation about the Division and its Activities. You'llelso find back issues of the STANDARD there and other tid-bits and links to other sites.
Don't forget that you can get more information sbout (and reqiste« for) our Seventh Annual Conference and ourPre-conterence tutoris! on our web~site eiso.
II'mu 1999
Th,e Design of a Measure,m'e,nt Process Pla'n
By Richard DeRoee.1f fJlIQ,lity Engill'eer/SPC C,f),onlinal6r Alpha ,InDustrles rde'rlJef:lc@a'lp,lr,aind~coll1
Introduction Behuvior Cb;tl"t. While:: rhese c.batt~ are CORl-
IA [Qcby's rnanufacru ring eO'!;l'ltl):nme:rll qua!..· Ily imprcvernenr acuvl ties, such as prQccs~ and product V~l.l·i.Hiuft reduction •. have moved ~W:;i!,y frunl I[he' traditional domain or qLHlli.ty SpCci<1.h~t~. euch as lnspl,!bwrs and 'lest technicians, to the ~)p;:!r~tors ~'i·u.l!li~ r.erfLnmlCljl the real work:. Thi~ [rend will comi nut: ~;l d\e fUfl!s.e.e.abi.c future, as rno re companies require that rhejr workers use qlJalJ.ty improvem~TII methods, SflJJ:ch a s w(n~i"11S in ,ieam~ ;Ull:1 the 7 QC tools, as part of rherr d;li Iy rask s. Tnese metlrods n1~1 'I Im:1 Llde dlE:lecr tmcklng, Pareto ~:i.1ll1HS., p[oces'J flowcharts nnJ C:J.u~e nnd ~ffee[ diagrams. Of /~H rhe p·l'oeess impfmremcn r methods a,'~iJllhJe today, p~rn1!p::; the one rnosr commonill 1.Is'I!":J is the PtOces(;
Toledo ,,1
. .' - J
For more it1farmaJt;lol1: 1-800-'462-4500 or email asi@;am5up~c:om
monly re Fcrred to, as S'Lnti~t1cal Prl1cc:ss Conerol (SPC) C.h"H~S; I prefer rlH~ flIIJHe d csui.pu VQ phrnse !.l sed by Stat,'HI c lao Donald J. Wh~eJc:r. One !Y[:le of Process B ehav lor' chun tlwo~ve~ periodically collectunJ;r meusurement (or variable) darn frorH a "1-1.0)," product CiHlr"lilctni:Hic b~ 1t.~k]nJ.l pre- 6~~ion measueerucnts. These m.';=fl.~un:nH!.nts M~e: usually dimenstnnal, meelh"Lfl.kll! in electricnl. Her~' i~ ~V'her"" i h'e di:!.!i.ign jl"ld d.~pl~y. ment (}f :>Ii1. effe.::t.iv.1? measurement plan h~,omes crueinl to the oV~"r~I' ~ut:C'~srL o f [be process impWl/Clnerll pil:Ll:I.
QU'Inl i f}'ing ~.ncl. EL::CmIIlg measurement pr·cl,e~.:£ varianonis just tm-L· component (:d-. tbou~h one which often. rimes dO~5 not gel
Cofltmue.::i 1m ~ll/. 24
~ .
@Um'tt-It't' 1999. ~
~() .. ~lti~HItd p. )'lNj.~ rage 23 DesIgn f.o the Measurement Process
;; -----=
lbe nuemion i[ deserves, Ilf:li ~,ew clefiniLj~m l){ Llu~l[rYi nmmdy "On-Turgcr w~th Min~l1ll.lm V~lri;lfl~I!". This definirion, Ilr~l ~tJu::d IJ\' Df_ G.:nic lu Taguchi in 19'(;U, demand th:u world cl a $5 l) rg~ VI i.,: ~H i o n s j!lJ well be F! n cl rn I;!' [e ';I)mpli:mc~ to ~p~cifh;~Hi(jrl~ (ihL.: nld J,t:f)m. non !Ji {]l.:Ialuy) tn rur~tl~ lht eonrinuous ~dt:"ntlficntion arid reduc tion .,f ~~I sources nl vartunon, I,Ll.ciuaiClg variation Frnm i"lll,;:~\Hlr~· tw~n [ systems. J n recen ~ ye~.ft<. ,1 number !D f ql!.:ll iry pwfe~~ionll~~, most norahly srai isrieian und author Dr. D~,~uld J, Whec!:h:r b:tv!:' f.;lithFullv promoted and CXp8lldc~i on rhis qual!r~ philosophy. A~ inrW~ cornparrres embrace rhis n~w defjni~illn lJf tILL:llitr. rhe u!u! of ,L rmpe~Jy d'e'sign~d ant! malntulned M!:.:l511r~·
e:o 56
i;i.L1dy, tbrlf ]1wpt:dy '()f1ip~ro::~:111"~H~tLremt:nl errnr w prnl;~'~~ Ir:l..r:i.;!.tknl (not spec limi rs). The}' coneluded tit", their rTc~~tH i1tl:o.:-itm:~ meru P rncess w:\~ I;jUilt: capable of Jelening PfOCe$1; vaeianon :md Ii-ws s,.vt:d 1.6 million dolla rs. Thrs cs.arn ple S~L'VCS W itlustrate IUlW val uable measutemenr system MHtly.S~~ is. Anorhc r common ~iW~linn where mcasurerneru \'~njtiOI~ muvrcs.ulr in ~igl\i fic:uu ecnn umi,e JuS"§ OC:CU rswhen ProCeSS Behavior Charts (X Bar, It) a reo u~cd for proce~~ munitering and Fl;!etlback J.rL,lyzes. 1 n m:tny eti~~~. the charts' in~biiirJ' l'll dl ff¢TC!ttj~.~t: b~t\""'c~r1 prot;C~~ lm~J JJ1~~\~U.rcmeru vaeintion, result i n n~edlt:s~ rroct:"~~ ;.cijlJslmcn t~, i ncrcascd varianon and ;lidcli-
il!!l ruent Process Plan wl 1.1 becorn-c !'l. more S,1,gnlflcnru pan of process eontrol.
One a~pccl of measurement v.~rl~tj()n th:u i s mH weill undcrsrood is cos t sresulti Ilg from m~O!!l.L.Irt:merU error. Po.r (;xgrnp~~. before {lec.cling t,,} Yp~Tadc (]I rHHChll~~ a new m.eusurcrnr nt systern, il'~ common Pf:!C[j'I:C lu determine I!!c:~~i\jllg cap;!bi Ihy h}~ corrrpari ng meusu rement CfW.r h' rr-nc.luct sr~ci flc.;U!ml ljrmrs, Tr . is is rhe or the tTadi,tIQl~.11.1 R&R measurement ~mdy. J-I o weve r , these results can bl! Iter:!/, mi~lemHng_ In. "Ei'";fb~alhl'g the A<fea.suf'e inenr Pracees" (EMP) Whe;der anu Lyci;w provide 3rl .I [Jsighlful exnrnple o r ho'(v ;). tNl,lpnny ccnside ring the up~rad~ nf its m;';iI~IJrcme[Jt 5y,~t{!"nL, puformcd~rl EMP
nnrml expense. The cos ts ~$~otHI tc~1 wuh POOf measurement processes ';Hi he sub~mmi~~;lfld will be dctrimf!.!uai so your qualIty Improvement effores.
The follow~ng article d~$crihes ;L Measurement Process Plan (t\4PP) used at A 1,-
rh~ l n du s r r i e s , n m an.ufac tu r e r (If
semiconductor d,,"'lccs f!:H the \J,ilrdc!i"& COl.1'I-· mu mClltlnf! l:)):1r~et. It ~l'HJti~~J be 11OU:J that rhe Ml?P is IntrodLlceu urdy ~ftC.F the ioirial c!Lli4r;J[~~~n (l f ti"!l:: me asuremen t ~y& ~eLl,) has been pi;:r[arrned.
The P'roduct.i:on P,rocess,
Dmlilg the die bf)nciillg; l:lroces.~" :m auto·marie borllk~ picks 3il icon (he Irolll, ~. R
I Summ6r 19'99
f ;;;;-
:;;; J
Ploce~h.i;l w~h' t-.a;lI; on '!hID se!eCtoo pos/1Icn jposIJlor) 2;)
5~1 lJ'le"SET fOltCE"
, d1sp)ay 10 the s.alechEid mul1ij:im': x !tis acll.JCI weigll
roOe x 3 = 1500g]
IfVJ~ou'lhe WGlghl a11C.;'hed, Pfe~ n-,g "c'AJ'_- buiioo (~Iie liIOCihine enlem fI1.e c.dbryfi.Dn, mode)
== ;;;;;
\lh1-fer ~~T1d places (=j'l~b die (:J.l~ur~ ferred as <l chip) unto a 1)~'l'Y thi,n b~r~r of conrluceive ~PQJi}' whkh iU5 heen dcpo~llCd QI; a cerarmcsubsttate fD~ b('indHlg. l\.f~er the epo:.:y Ins be!::rl cured for 1 hOLJf. a cl~stL'llUjv~ ~L?~t is per fo rme d to d et erm in e brmds tre n gt b. The process is conrinuouslv monirorerl on a X\1ar~ n I)L'OC~S$ b.l!iHl.vlor cnaer (see Pil!.urc Ij. The die shear operate rrecords [he fO,!"i,;1; I c'il.l~·r~d (in gran's} w shear !..Iff Lilt: d It. A J-plJ.::'ce sample .i.~ take~t o.:vn~ 2 hours and the reMjlL~ entered onto Lhe- Ch~'l. This di1U·t displ~y5 a rc:!:l~(] nable Jegrer: (If prt:die:mbil it~·.
Goto C<Bbrallcfl CCA?
EFu~r file mearurnrnen' ~c(C9 da~CI on 1M
I Moce~~ .. C!lClrf
Ailocn mel weight to ·ihe 000~ Qfll:J pr'BSE ~ toot blJlIono.n 1he cilspov po;mel (lI"1e Clcluc)i fQrcfl ~play .... '11 ~I;cf,v lhe ~smed 10fC9)
Figure 2 The Meeeurementveriticetion Flowchart The DieShe!lr' Test
,1\. jJ&G shear les.[e-~ ~I~{~d to rnoulto r tht= t.iic attach prOCC5~ by I e~ Ling f~ rr die :5ht!'u ~I ~1- ~i n:> an dc'clronil: load cell and In~[fQ-p'rUc e s s o r j" o r d e r to me asu.rc t hr f[HC:~ gener;n~J by 1'h,e tool .lndjor v€:fifjc~;.[ion of che !;ajibr~llj(>n \ ... ci~h[ {500g.l. "1 he tester 15 ~lIpplif:d wi{h numerous hblciing fi~HlH:S ,:InQ ~ncnr ti,(;;l:; {h:\~ e!.l'! ha[ldle diverse pOt1.:k<!ge ~"y!~5 ~ rid sizes.
The Measurement P'rocess Plan The pmpo:;e of rbe NIP? is to aasure Ihat th<:: mensurernent process l!Sed {Dr P(DCC:;S morntL"lfing IS consi.Meody !P'!IICr:'.!ung rdi.~bJ.~ ,dum. V~d~hk nH;~.!i{l,l[emeI.H5 :jr,~' only mc:mipgful
if the measurenreur precess ls itaelf s table arid prcdrcrabie. Themeasurernent prueess pian ccnsisrs ot fr.w_~ main components.
1. The Mc~ sururnent V €l·j Fi (;~ Li.QfI ft[)\.1i~ chart
2. Th" Mea su ~I! me nt Pro e C~8 ]j€ n a vio r Chart
3, Ill!;: Om Df Cmuwl Action Plan {OeAP) 'L The M e~:<; La rcrn.eru Guard btlflci (Pro h·
able Errnr)
A. rca .. ] consi.-s;ting of 11 r!,QC~S5 I.:ngince:r, rnnchtne operator, [It::~'1 r~~hmcbn and q~,.dfry enginct:'r Jcy.:;lnp!:!J rlrc pr for Ihl:: Ji.t; 5hf::JT resr. The- Si(:E Q f rhe !!i!;JlrI l1'rld I.'i::!. memhers will vary dept:fHllng OIl "!-]II; C'omplexj{\. of !:hc measuremeru systern.
Ihe, lMe'aslilrementVerilficatirtm flDwchart ~'FlgurD 2)
>fhe firs~ srt:p uf lhl!!r.H~P is to gCL':iera(e :l Oowcn;lrl [bat desc ribes, lj.t su ffh:it:l'lt denul, h{~w !'Il perfo rrn I he nn ~~utl::m'~'-U verif'ic~l[i{ln 5~l~ p nf lIH. $,h,~,H reste L The: operators who "eM lor die shear ~hel1gth (H'i [[H: ut:lflufal;lu_n:d prnducr perform tni" setup check daily, The purpose (11' rhis t;heck h; to de(,e-r.mirle rhe srausncal ~t:Lb]]lty ! If rhl:: measureurenr sr~u.m prior to :I!;ll.blH:y tI:S(inl-l; t'ht! produce lt ;dso pr9"Ld~s a Ir.;limng aid fur operutors tbnr as sures a consistent ::wd .U;CUftHC measurement me rhod. 1:kcauve ,jp~lr!lIO!'~ an: rWw being asked (·(1 II1 ~·11 it'S c. the rr r r nc esse 5, e I) rn p ~.11 y~ w j d e tr;i,h1i ng ~n 1_11~ use f}( rneasuccmern tools ~5 essential. Th is tt:l.inLng lnelurlcs dau. (';01· kGti~)n syw:ms, blueprint r~~.di~~, precision mcasurcrnent rerhnlques :.nd the use nf "pc:dtliized measurement :Inc] test 1!9"Upm~T'! l , Bc.sid(;s rtlinfng l.ll metr[)lo~r. npe,:itDn are alsorauuht ceurses I1l"1 process VOl darilJn iJnd hu~~c (ope.j;fltar level) ::ire methods. These t l'lIln~ng C(lLH$eS S'uppou the racasuremenr plan with ~hc aim ur pwv!diB.~ rdiabk praCI:~S d.:;ul!. BEr.aLJ~e (he. die :sh~jJ!r [eM is destructrve I.n:pE:~ttd meaaurernents 01.0 111 e snrne device 'ue f1(it '[i(1:;~ibJ'e). rht·MMP thnl: w:n cI~n::·Jop·e~J for i hLs meus.urcmern ::l)l5- rel"!l bad ff] be modifi,l;:d in order to CpH11- 'IJ~' m;;~s.LJn:ml:l').'t vnriaunn ... WLI· rime This wag df.!n~ bj' rnt:.~.~,u,fi[lg t he ulibr;!tecl wt;llJ:ln sesndard ~l.l.prli~d by the rnanufacrurer .U\{.) traceable ~n N1S':r. Thrs measurem~m [c alled se [UP ver I fH:ati 1;1])) i Sjl.p~ citic"O!lly
Omt;m~ffl tm /Iagr:: .26
III Paq~26
IdIIIL::OOC.........._",c.,: L;iWi IIA"B.... HIIIiIIOZ::J£
ContfnUidjfOm page 15 DesiiQllI1Il ,of the M,easl'I.reme'nt Proeess
checked 31 (he 1 ,:;'OO-gr;ml T~il'\ge b,t;;<'!iuse th:rt [orce is ::lpproj{imud~I' cqui ... alern w rhe ,JVI:'r.J,ge (XbM) qf the PHJcllJiI:~ cmtput fell d~e ~hca~ ~w~·I~g[h. $io'rd I~H' ru "h:rennininiI:J: calibn lion cycles, rhe freCjueni:'¥ wirh whk h rhe mli,t~ur~J~l~'H verificatirm I~ performed cnn be: adju sred based on ehe ~tD..litHi.caJ sf;1bl~i ry t:'lf the rnessu rernenr system, rrs history and lL~iO!gE
'The' Measurement P'rQcess, B,eha.vior 'Chart (Figure 3)
Once the measurement \/'cririCl,rioi'l {br~ have been rakers, they a rc crucrcd vmu the ProC~S~ Behavlor Chart. This Ch3n for individaal mensuremenrs (.~]~() hlO\Am :l~ ,L X rn R ch'O! n) is muinrained CD moniror the Hnhiht}' 'Jf I.he mensuremenr ~'s[e:m over time. II' dt'l:~ :W by ldl:"flnfymg "special G1U5~" variation tJltl 11.;;'Ir"Lg two C11Jnmnll Qe-tf:CLu,n ruk~:
Rule 1: pOll'HS oL.ll~lde rhe iururs on either Lh~ X ch:;tn or rhe Movin\!:;I" R~nSc e hart:
RUJie 2: ~rul1 or 8 cons ee unve pfijl:H~ Iln
e..idltet' side: of the pro<.::css al!e!ag~ (Xb;L[). (N ore: l\lIk l ~rpljcs nn~y w the X ci1;r;rl where the: 'pIJ!I"H1 ,L["C In,JepcnL!cfHiy a['ld !tko· ticallj random va r~:1Ibk·s),
'}nc,e Ibr: verification duO! h~~ LH:"[ n phH'r~d and rhc ~ hart ana Ipl~ perfnrmcd, rhe QP~r;i.tnt ~~n:; t~~l"irtg rhl:: a.Cl1.l~1 prLJdua ,H proceeds tu the cfllibt";\lr.iofl uCt\P:J.~ directed bjr rh~ verifrcarion flowchare (FiglJ rc 2), Tllblt: l show ,d:lU! tolie't,ed dunng ~ 2-lllorn'h peri1Jd.
Tab"'!!; , !The sequence oftn.e data is
read down &0(;,'" coh/mn.]
1!l'~7 r~9E! 1400 14~ 1.506
1503 1!I~O 1400 149'1 lo.I~
1'!l12 1522" j48~ I~DO l-U;,
15101 1 1;007· ·149~ 1M3 1$03
1!i0i5 14!}5 15(16 16.05 14917
1489 15.(l,2 m02 1,5{]9 1493
1~ilJ 15(1i' 1000 1~~"6 151J2
l5[}01 IA,~ won ~~~Cl i50S
~~!) l~OO 151~ '~9~ 149()
!5{)5 15(12 '41i)E! t5t2 'ld95 * MClLsur~mNI L y,Ll L1r::- l)c=y{~n d U C]~ 0 (1 bOlh the X~!1d. mit charcs
," A flet' cahbnnj(]J,'l W~~· perfo rrned
I nl!e rpretartion of th e Chart
The use of Prol:"c~~ th::h;l"ltfJr Charts ro :IfU" lyze }'um meusuremertr ~y~H;ln ,Jrl rhis cnse hy tak.~n.g dJily mcasurcrncn ts ol the calibr:m~d smndwrd) can guam] fy its llCCl.ll'.IICY H"tl ~al~ilu}'. AcctLr:;u:y IS calculated by subtracting rhc chart ;l!Y{:m~c (Xbar) froll1 1~1' known value of the rc fcrence Hand:ud (thi~ 55 1I1~o f;::r".~n=,J tD .JJ~ mea~ur¢m(!nl hir.5). r f1 our example:
Xbar= 1501 B
Rur Std. Vaioo= 1500.0
Therefore [he mcacurcmenr uias= 15U'1.8· ·Isrm.():;:; 1.8 ~~l'1Lmt
1'"["1: rncasurenrent f.~5.tcrn'5.~CCll[:l.CY (:I.E different poinrs l n lime) is lJl gtMnS i'lW,~: fb~Hi i,!~ kuuwn {HUL) value. Is lhi~ a..!.1 HC(:"~p['Lbl<: v~I~I~? The ~.)IIf!wl rlg rormui:l is ~iscd W answer rlns quesrinn.
3 HSD(Xbj;l.r}1 N I
\Xlhcn:: SD(Xh1U') is ~~j <;"tlrn.~.t~ of Iti":~5U.rl~11'Ie.lU: v;ir!;J(i,on rhnt is ~;~h;L1lp L~d rrorr~ t he rmccss B~· havior Chart Llsing rhe formula Rb;tr! d~ and N 1$ the number of observaricns ~j~ed to takl,.l~~t~ Xb:'tL i J Lhe. bLh e.LlcldalC~J fre~m the chan: is less [h~rI rh~s V;tlUL~, the 1i'1~~.sUrt:m~I~~ I'tQ ... e s s is
v~,t:wcd as .1·CCl:,I,r;~ l<~, ln tmr ex<;mple:
SD(X)=. Rt;I<'Ir/(l2-.=fj. 1!1,' 28=5.41 N=50
The-n:l.unc 3{5.'!! (7.07)=2.2'1
Since the bia~ value (If '.8. h less th <.n 2:,29, n "5 a~,c~pL'lblc and the pl'r)Ce,:H i~e:O.lH idcn:iJ accurate. Tilt: hi~t0r.'mm (l~igI.1H: 'I) of rhe Gdi brarion ,,~r't gl":il.phit~lIy ! II L~s~r;u!!:~ th~ bi~~ CI r rhe mea surernem proceas (l,arger- me~n). 0:::}
Figure 3 The Measurement Process Behavior Chart
5l'.1mme.1" 1999
.. t ]i; ~
,,! If
II. ~
, . .. L.ii
1', -.., MI:UIImlIaD~ Ill""" •• !!
w. If
l- I
J. ,
• II I ..
Figure 4 Histogram 0 f Cslibre tion Data
Ir's d<!y fO (by var tation 0(' ··t~bLlirl' is + /] () grams on either side of Ih .... ave r':1ge. B}' u$i!1f,1 [he dlilU method, you will Hrlkl the mi~[::Iko uf measuremenr variation b~' ither l:!1rIpc.ring ..... Ith il i>tllble process (comrlllJn cause) or miss.iflg p'otel1iial sign;lols. (special cause) when :.J,d!lus.tment:s Cl .r e [fuly needed. Using Pro Cl1: l':; Behavior Ch. u); in rhis \.wr ~l1t'refrlft! ,H:lJ·S liubiii[}, to rOu.t measurement prncess, Dunng the I~st 2 months, !he \Cnf!rt dlspl~'Yed guod meusureme.m 'H;tbih~y, \'.'.ith [n C noriceable exception of daHl pni m # I 3 (1522 _gr1J 11l~) wh ic:n w,~s beyond [he ch~n's J.sigm:t limits on both he X anti movil1g Range ebarrs. (3~e;.l.use o] this condujon, the: opentor waS required j 0 ilTIl1lel;)J"rdy reference the measuremem Out or COIlHul Aeilon Plan (OCAlA) for f urrher insrructions, All jJrk'lduct OQt~) manufuetured dur;11g the period when rhe measurement sy~rem exh i l"it~(1 lin unpte'du:~~hk ccndl don was ~eg,'~,ga t e-d In t() a hoi ~h Ilg 2 re a n w ~ i ti ng fi n 11. I prndLl!Ct di5pos.iriGn. Tlli~ requires aLld.i tinmd product tc~tmg to assure cornptiance ro ~pecifiCaIlQli. Besides making adJuutnt:nts to {he measurement ~y5;tcm per rhe OCA.P, special cam" variation (as indicated Ly data points beyorul its li rnrts) arc rnv stigate(j and discussed during J.ady fh.)(/f meetings with the' operarors, rechnlcians :l.flod procc~~~ engineers. Wi til t h!; die ~ h~~r te s t er, ·t.h e 'po i n I beyo:n.d
its t ICt could nul be Hacked down m an a~.~~gn~.bk CLuS.e. HQ\V~v~r, one qf I h~ Clp(lnrrnl'~ snid rl1:l~ the shcnr tester is Iticatcd ina highly c('Ingc:5tC'd .!Ue:<l within ihe procluc[ian ~dl (lms [if n::1f11.r:} an th;u someone m~l.r hav e ;\cc~de,ullHy bumpe c inti) ic causing rue OUI: of enlibrarion cendrnon, Ahboug,h nut ~\Ier)'m~e agreed wirh this 1;;)( pln • naucn, borh operators :L['Id englnecrs c1et::tdeJ to move i l 10 a better loc.i1r1l1rf which j~rlearcr rhe die hnn~1er and !'e'Cl> !~S5 traffiC This change ,,~T;.!S P,Lrt 0 f :t VLHHLi svsrem tlnH W~.5 illr~lld~ in the pro· cess of ho: hg unplemerucd,
The Out of Contro~ Action Plan t Fig,ure 5)
·'I;'h(: third ,nmpom:rH <"If the MPr is the OCl'"l.!' Fhlwcb~rr th",( i05tftlCfS whar actions .Ire to be raken when ihe Process Hehllvmr Chart ~ruJie:lIle5 s[,t=citl.J cause ~"a~iation. The actions r'com the OCAP wok ptllCC :U data pnint # 13, This nowch:trt is ,imilar [0 thllt of the Verific!'ltlon now·chart., hill here the shear te tcr is calibtared lin the specit,.·d force (15C1f1g) usmg rhe al1br:ned ~ el.~Ju stnndord. /'1 Frer che ilhc~r rester h.1i\ been calibre tet.l, the \'~~1 flcarmn t~s't needs to be performed agliMI In order [0 assure thu the LTICasU remerit p'[oc;,e ~~ has be·t:!I brougilit !.lack ineo II, predierable stare. Tim i, uIW:IYS ·required b.e Iore tcSt'lIlg 0 f the :IC· tU:!lJ pmJLlct can conrmue. If the c:Jiibu[inn f~ ih, II rnai nterinrtce techrrlcian is called for':.
The M'easl..lrement Guard,band ~Optional)
Depend] ng on rhe cllp;!bbhlY of the process, ;t. measurement (lIhlO C':JH!!di a prububle error) i~ often used La char~~CL~r. ht: the finlshed prcduct. This I.Is(.a:111y [:Lk~s place (,1.. finall)r source ins.pectH'll'l n n sampiing basis. Mejlr.ll:rem~'i'H ~ua[db'Hld!j can either be 1idded or S.Uht{!!.ClCd tu the specified ruleran c t I better gUlitilfUCC; (fHH only complia at produc t is shipped ru the ell - rorner.
To calculate a 1 probable e rro e, the fo~nlllhl 1S:
II Page 28
.lao!;; __
Summer 199911
Cell tinm:d{tYYlll {Jay;e 17 Desi:g'n ,of the Measurement Process
( Start )
Install the
GO libfatioofixture and Speciql sheer 1001
ROCEI the weight nook on the sgJ~c1ed po.sffion (po~I1iof1 3)
Sel1he nSET FORCE" dr~roy ·fD the selected mullifp[er x fI1e Clemf weight
IL f500g x 3= 150Cg)
Without tt'1e welgn1 attached, t~e "CAL"' button
Attach ·Hle we!ght to the nook and press the caJibi.ationsvvitch
Figure £) The ocs»
I P E. =.: RIJ.r! rid2 (_57}
where Rbrtr 1'<!··r hDm [he mcas uremerrr rron:5~ behavior ch.crt tlhli:. esnmute I~ wdr \,j~.ble ~r the dl11l r~ lh~pl,lr~ ~ .1'CH~OllilUlt:
JC.~l'CE: or :'['It~~ llc.~1 ~1.lbi lilY) 7Jnll d.2 I~ :.1 rm(~~5 behavior (h~II'[ crmstun t h rsed 1m ~uhtroup _~I<.~ (For rnorv i nforrns.non, Ref. .. -\(lvanceci Topics in Sta.nsrica] Proc~:;;s C~Hl. tr(II" (Krm:!ivilic, Tenn.: $.PC I?rL::'s~, 19Y5). l n OLl r exampl e:
RI:lI3r=6 l gr,3ms wd2-1 128
therefore 1 PE.. -6_ 1/1 .128~ ,67)= 3-6 giiams h), ~ p~ rricul nr product (llawrJ Of'! ~he- Jrea (~f the elie) rhe Specified Tolerance lOt die
Call malnteFlo.nce toc:hnicTO[1 for assistance
Is the·
Process predictable?
Enter data on RrOCEJSS BehoViorCharr
Perform dre shear verirlcal1onles~
\!Vt100 'file calibration light go@s out remove wei,gh~
shear ~I~ngdl ls (\50 _grurH; min. (LSL=65U). I i one w:t.n «::(.1 tll :uJd a rn c ss U r em e n r gUlltdbJIHI (}f.i 1~Tf1hahio;; Errors (P. E,). the revised Specified Tf)l.cranI;T would be:
LSL-t3 PI: =-650 +3(3.Bf=i36 1 gfams min
t'\ sample from ~ manufacrurecl lot rhar cesred bdnw rhis lower specrficarion lmur l.lfO!.dd be reiccued, r\. gLJilrdband ~)f :3 P,E would pro .... ide: :I W:t)T of llguloil.1~ [h;u WlOd product W~Hlid be accepted approximatclv 99'Yu () f the lime. \li/hetha ~J!H; decides ro use rneas.urem e n t gu.lI.rJb.lllJ!r J~peJllh on :u nUlt1htr r:.f f;Lc~ons, mdu(lmg I he ~,ta.bility ,Lnd capabi li~~ !J f t!w JU.l.11Li fln;HI ring process and wherher it' 5 CCJ~I effeerlve. Of cm,fr~~ I I r is ~ Iways b~~t ,'f) have a ptqC'C})S th,ll is bOlb ?t~dicubk Il:rlci I::ap;o,;blc; that IS, Il"ying all r b e in d iv idua I men SUr e m en ~ swell \ii.d rh ~ nth eo speci fled I-nkmncc. When ~hi·& is the C:'l8~, measurement g'u~ r,:Jb:.nd~ are unnecessary.
I\,hIlY pro<:es~ improvemeru t!fFm"ts ufien go W1c:i.:: nF thc~r mark when lntroduecd on tv the marrufucruriug ilnor bc.~~"~~~ insufficient arren rinn I~ p,]iJ to dK {Iua!!,,>, of the l1h:a·-
su tt:'m:cn·r p ro c e ss lot h a ~ been my C.iI peri
Test ence rh;1tI the ;nh of col-
iecri,ftg re] i ilib1C me as urerncm (tua, as p.Qrl of all. overallproC~% impruremcm plan, 18 oh~n t ak e n fflr ~r'lmcJ, This problem I~ f urther eompllcated With [h~ r~~h)',a! Inn d,nt rrra fly Opr:t~HH£i 1:1 ck ~VO::[! basic training in :H an d a r U I'll e ttl') logy rechruques. The fo~.r componenes t:I!: ~. Mpp describe a camp cchensive n'I!;~hucl of collecti.n~ nc cu r a t e ni1d rei i:1 bk measurern en t tl:H~l. The M,en.s.Lw::nll:m Veri Ii ea tion an d .0 CA P flowcnarts pw.,idc operatierml Jd)n~tinfl~ f('~r the a p e.r.l.HH S to. .;t~ S ur~ rh c proper use 4,f [he nH~J .• ~),J.r1;;Iim;:n I: s ~'~ tern, V crifying and eari- c:::..
I Summ'{Jr 1999
hl."llIJlJ;;: I,he mcasuremen i process uslr:i~ (I consiste: I! meshed rninirnrzes [~pcrtIlOt 8 !lei e'LIUJprnen t V;lri~! ~ILJn, Tne l~~,C of fl rneasu eemern Pr(]C~:S5 H.:luvilll' Ch~H.:Lho rontriburcs to betrer mea _ UrefiL[ln~ hy ;i\,<;i.J I ng p r )tt!S~ tnrnpering. D!'.Edw~Hl.j \VI DrmLEI~ J~mQI%tr;ncJ wirh Ius fun nel expe tlre 'leI mn~fll';d efrccts cuuscd br !;lInpcring willir I Prl!i1ICIabl proce~s, The design of rhe rneasurcrnem process p.lilfl. tor the die shea U:SI, as qu[lined above. has !~rov"n 1'[, IJc an e'llt~lIvt! lTIOnilU~Ln~ sysrern.
''i,lbeelcr, DrmaJd J. "Adl'ar.'rul TlJpiN ;11 5' fatinu{J1 PHNf'U CQ If I'T"t! , ~KnClli\'llh~, 1'~r'lll: SPC Pl'CSS, il)t)5)
Lcrrnnke r, Ml!rr (r_, ;'l'Ind;::,'s, RLd,'oIco.'I 0" I-lild, Cbt:fYI. "TIJ, ['{nn,. til ,\ rdtisf/faJ Tbir.'kill,IJ," (l{";:Hling, ;vr:ISS; il. dlsrmWt:~k}. 11)%)
W!Il::e ler, ,D,mal,,\ J, "F-I'1Jhfrlfillg Tl!· ,11,., ~,Is 1/ U m r tj t P r(l(u.J" (K nu xv i 111:, Te n n : ~PC. 1 L'89) .~
Metr,ology and Knowledge Management
by Fra'nk Voehf
Not 1'00 long ~go, b:tck tn the "rluk ~.)<'.e~ of tilt: 1/)70~," a WHC[, crmll::r W.l~ tbe f,Jnl, h: '/,no:llIp;v n~cdeJ to fl!ldl.imt(: ;n-fHJUS~; knml.ll. l!J~!~ sharmg. Ihn as the info rrnnnon needs <Ji lliL mt)Jem bu si ness orgnni7.aLinn grc OJ.' aver ffif,re dt:01':mrJirig. tormal ~ys[em:;. :lJr\d practices ...... ere needed to l!nc(}ura!;lt: fhe- transfer of nrn,vledJ::;" IJNW\!c!l indi .... ilil!;tis .Lnd dcpa rrnreut«. \1(I,'lh I he .idvcru u( ihl! knowle rJ].:l· H'. liT, II.! ti ~', n , (In ce Jig I t.t! n e : \\'01'1. 1; emil: rged :15 tilt: ccn rr;tl rC~ilI.!rr:e ["tH' cornruunicarion arid mlorrmllLl1n rernevnl, ITIfll1}' cumpanics clisc'pv ,~r:(~d ri'i,~ r makmg ind i I'Jduui klluwkJgt cnrnmo n .lHOp!1'Hy ~It~,.tly IInp ruv cd 11 r t.:= ra [a 0 mti (! fiL c i e n c)' ;111 d rl ~ c i ~ i,} n ~~Iillity, \V'II h r:oH:lbQ[li1 ive wnJs, ; r was 1m IUllger necessury lor i Ild,~-idu;J,i workers to rei oven I [he whet I nnd set; knew ' CJ 11 r;on:s I"lll' proL!e'm~ that [,,1() IJlrcady been :;.n lve d.
[-rr')\\lI'l'J~r. ill:)n:i.J.g{:m~nl C:11l ho o sr ;1, C HTI[HfI(~ b, !Hmh hnc, :][1U m;ln~ nl](:tn.~I.;"uons T1UW, nr ~OOrt wi II, compel C on the b~ sis of rhe knO\d~!~g~ th~y \:~111k,.'(!ngE, 11lH A company C;]f1'~ t~k'E ~td'illlt[ilJ<l<:: u r ;1 comn"l<.,}11 p~H'l1 n t" ; nf(mnat111'rl 1I n It:~~ t:VE rplflC mvoh,t:d ;l!::r.eI!~-nl1d 1t::H'I16 hOW-I'll dncumcnt wh~1I the!, knuw. f\l~d Jh;~'1 raise, on~ [)f rhe t,iJ,;\l!.lCst I.Jlm:";I~h~s (0 succeastu: (;~)I);\b()r",~itln. F (It" man)' ernploYI;;J:;:5 belie v e I f they share Info! mat iOI1, someone els~ is .hbie HI grab it ~ nd 1:1 h 'I he credir f(lT thetrwork. rheir contacr«, dnd ~h~Lr abiluies. S.O du: C<1~t: must be: rn~d~ i."nr KL10wh:'d~<: M",p.agcmCI1I~ rhal conrrilmrmg ro :Imf USing Ihe cn["$ I~Hd ..
lccrual capu-rl is a win-win ~iHj:Hjon fnr :ll! co n c e r!1 e J.
Once upon CI time we put a I'i1S n on the moon, ~~ was .I L Iy, 1869, Just eigl1l years earlier, JFK had polnt'ed to the outfield I,'ke Babe Ruth, and the U, S su rnmonsd ali 01 its intellectual and industrial muscle [0 knock one out of the p~fk, Al1d what a home run it was MOr61l . han 40.0,0000 o f H-Ie countrv s best and br igh Lest 9rlgineers, SCientists. me .. troleqtsts, techmeians. and rnanaqers-unlted in the largesl sciantilrc and mdusc,.ial achievement in the hislOC)' ot mankind, Investert rheir lives and $'J50 . lilian to turn the ~ ream 1 n to reality, Then. til rea-anda-half vea rs al ter Ne.1 A rmslrorig fifst kicked up moon dust. two othsr astronauts pa rkad their IUI1~r rover I n a I our-biluo n-vaar old I aV8- flooded valley seuthoast of the Sea of Serenity. climbed into the Apolro 17 lunar module, secured the- arr latch. and blo51ed back to earth, Sac: to the taboratorias. the Iactorle s and the new opporturutias launched as a result ot the invas lment in puttin man an the moon, Today. 2.6 vaars later. iltal invest-
Page 30
Co'ntiwmifri}m pagv .{ 9 Knowledge !Management
merit in SP€lC9 is lost in space. The terrestrial side benefit's remain. but today we can no/anger put a man 011 the moen We forgot how,
-Geoff P~Hch
Ilnt.-,od uc1:,ion
Accor mg (I] Peter Drucker, the recogni;o:ed gu rtI on fill [Ii flP called krro w l edge and management, we need ro be :J r eful ~lbm.J r purring these IWO words together, r lis ad"..ic~' to ~(l t~llj about thin.g~ called "knowlcwdgc people" Ins IClLd, H i~ reasn n I ng i~ si!np'~: hoob und "_!lh!:.r S1'~ rernns ru ~:I n I [0 captme knowledge nnly r..lPHll'C Informarion, which becomes knu·~",.ledt;e 01' if snrnenne kn,L1"'·!!; \vha I In do wi th It· "i"md I h. r's herwecn UI' eHS, not in bonk:-," ,lJ11l:5 rhe kllowlc;dgl;: guru "Because n f 1 h·;lt, the knawkdw: pcnple own the: means to prf)QuctICm i<grtifl If mlf: of rh em walks flue [lie:' door ~Ild rukes knowledge wu it rhern, or tht: knowl,€dge is <nme .. huw lust, i t [~kt:s 2n Iv 30 times that pe rMlI~~ SJ"l[~1 to replnce ir." Let U~ exnmi ne n ow HUe these words elf Drucker :J.r~ :lInci rhe impli('.l" I iOl ~ fur rhc MNfnluglSl ~J I roday.
The Kuow] Ilgc M.l.mlJ,ll"l11cnt 'lJ~SO rium (KMq, Cf~lHl.:J last year lu develop rplrC~slonul and rccbrucal s t;lrL(hrJ~ in i he ernergH'Ig Knowledge M~!u.gerncnt (KM) fi~ld, hils bC~~J n to milk~ h~'ldw~y in the dU:~lve btu uiti~!ti !Ire~ of quantifying K1\I pl'OgJ'llnl HH:;C',cSSt::S- The mg~n.izatiun'~ 1'.~r~lrics T::tsk Force ls applvil1g lW(l apprcaches r~1 tnc~t~LJrCITI~rJ[, b .. lanced-scorecard ]lTH'1 complex adaptive ~j'5lLII\ mL:1 ncs, Till!\' liuvc found thut rhe I:lck Ilf accepted rcrhulllues (PI' {lll,mtif}lj!~g a sue (~5.: is f~ftell clred as the hlggest rnadhlock no Ilmpl~m<:fltil1g knn."..I~JJo;(.: 11).In~gem~rt! i" i' 11 gf:l m '!;
"It there's n n w~y to measure, tlTH.! ~'I'!u dUr! 'I know if you're dQin); henu 9£ worse, yrlu'rc :'l!W;lYS doing wor~t:;" s3id D,lqd Morey, ~C'nior l<J\lf e:!1.f:'~nec[ :H ;~HTRE Corp., who leads !he Metrics T:l.5k Force, The 4HO-membt:r, non profir pm fessional o rgnrnzarion is (lTg;'l~ nbo: " Ii'!!u five snsk Inrees-dcfinirton , t cn;mloJ!;Y (mel uding w,-,!'k flOy"l, I J hg u:t~...:s, mel ric~, ~r\ll JJfUi::t:Sll. ThL:: M~l[j~s Task !:r.H(;'e ha~ ht:l:r1 ~l:~king a f,·l!.mcwork thllL '~X~CI.!nv~~. !"uch :]~ ~I C[¢f'l, CIO, CLO nr line vice preSltkfH, ClIrL LL~t; 1'0 ju~ti fy :1 prnp!cl HIT]~J
validate i ts SIJCt:cS~_ S~id l3J Swanscrorn, I;b~;rr;nan ~J r Agl,1 is Corp. a nd the d.ri'll'ing Iurce be.h~nJ rhc KJr,{ Cnn~Ot1.iLlm~ "'Wi' en:
UL: sarCl"y 2;QW:!S Sn rha! CKOs and irs-rhetrellcht!~ I . c:llrlo~ng:~' people ,.~I'! :;pc:i!k ! hl.!ir ofreu-incompatihle Imgu;lge~."
Flashback: .~, few miles [rum Mi:;;smn Co 1- I'£Q!1I1 Houston stancls a warehouse the "izc nf:l srarliurn, whl!te shelves c lirnb :tl) fecl off [be floor under rhe cuul blue [lickcr uf exposed f1uon=~~~rlts_ There, like rhe crated relics COL18igoE!d to his[Ory in the I.l~t SCCrl~ of R:ai •. Iers uf I he Losr J'\ fit , rhe documents QI the l\l:Jolio mission wart fur c.r~rr1ill'_ Recluced to rmcrofiche. millions ot p;tgcs uf plans, ~eci In::-ntlOfI~, reporr~; notes, correspo~kdeJ1c.t:. an d H:!i! r~ suit s- bf1x e d HlJ shelved accor dlng ttl no plan wrm.tsm::ver and wuh I1p l!UII'1I11;IU'!:d sysrem for rcrrrevalcollect dusr, Though I f(J be' fTI i~~ir1g frum tlus vast srnrehousc is :1 crinenl ~o;l of rlJlfl~, It s eeru s thar 2~ ye~ r5 .~g(li, 1)0 it JJY I hnURhr. unrcrnarkn b!e ~ t t'h~: r imc , sorrrecne ~hn~""" a\\l:~y :I ~ef of kllu~pri n [S tnr t he Sll'lUHI bn<)~tt!r, rl:w '.Jtl./l rocket W1'lh erl(Hlgh th rust w SCtlJ a manned [u n ar puyload on it'; ~""~y" Apollo rnis srons completed, tl1.<.: ion was though l done 'and project direcrors verc melVlng offic .s. Attentinn turned to designiog J hlgg~r rm;::kel I ptH man on l\1,.n. Th i:! i\hr!i 1111~sinl1 W,IS never furHleQ, however, ',md rhn I LFigl<\~ r r' 'CJ;c:=t ,,'a~ IlEVU de sigTi<!~ In all the nrne ~1I1t:e, no nthe r se r (If S~Uux 0 blueprin ts h"~~ o!\'~t been I, jl,JI1d.
The Ne,ed Fol1' Knowledge 'Management
In an ;lP;t'. when intorrnurinn i~ abundnnrly a'll':!ibble t ) cvcrvone , ii i So [10 ionger crHlI.Jgh ru possess knowledge_ You have III .It::t on it 'lI1.J pnJ~t:L Lit. lr is nOI ~riOllgl1 I o nccurnulu I ~ .nowledge rn [ihraries or dat~I~:l~C~. YnLJ h ave' lH )J'pplr It by m.lKmg bcuer dccisions, cum r~Jly I.Ip~T, l~n!1~, ~ nd ;:u:!vlnc:mg: (f'lmp': nrive ~ rraregres. Buslnesses Hula)' h av ..: ample lI'ict.:l1ri\"~ for pLHhng knowledge- into nerrun.
In 311 nggrl!~SI\'cly .nmp~dtiv", k 1111' -]; edge-drwen economy. . Llprorted by Ilghtnil1".;-r:J.SI: networks and powerful Sflftw:tre ICH.Jis fo~ t:~pl uri I~~, rranstorrning, and disfnblit1I1g kl"owll![I,~t". evC"r)' l'l,l:lrket is. up rew gr;l,b~. EstablIshed leAd L:"f5 Cfl,n r<lhcr, .::::>
t n
whlk Ujl5t1Jtt:!> co me from li.i)when" 1"'-' r~tkfiLl~ whnk in{lustn~~_
They ai:s-Cl nnve :lnlFdc oppnU~.LLliq', lo'j rsr, QU1' understanding o{ knowlrdgc arid ho'Ol.' 10 Itr,IIUljc it bas gtu\I;'[l as lenders 1.L1 bus: r~f:!~~ and academia hnve bu: It on C::lC'h 0 rhers lfHights. l\ suhs.rantial body dr rL':~ell.rch ~"l1d t:lircncm;;1; ~jV~8 g~~~cLn,e~ ~m h':lW w ~LJCc.c5sfully !:nan:tg~ bin\\! l~clg<.::. For' bU~~fLeu ad\-spt~ge. Second, advancing ~l:'chi1C1lu!!"jts aru t:11,J,hling these new undersru ndifl~~ to be p~. ;nw pra'[lc(' more r~r,d/}' Lhli.n ever her'11'C in 'I very rC:J1 ~t:ln~, [~chn(1]n_gy i~ the lever r lrat tranalares knowledge ruto aCtlrHl., Aru.l wI-ii le I echflol()~y alo ne doesn't guaunr('~ fl sur cessful knowl~~lrt.; p'J:nj;l.ram, ;lb-l>c[JCC' n f n:chl'lology rn1ght gu.uan rl::c fsulure.
"· want suppnrl' tor vin-u~1 fJrg-llni.;1;Iuons, g-roups, purtncr slnps. ;tn.;l ~u~,tegk nlliariee« wjr.h rheir CI.1~ L'ml)ct~ find ·> iHHI sires are "'~mg ,reGIM to do ~hLs"
f\niulJ i\nders~n lHLD5 ~'(J perform both [best: scrviees with j I s new Lotus N(}'l'~~ b:l!!i~!d KJ:'llJwleJ~~~Spat:c environment. The~nn~pHny "!~ d er e r m i nc rl 1Q make I-.::lwwh::dgt:Sp~cE: fI compdling; place tu J:!tl n'I:TY c1H}" 11 '(hi rrl I;qbit' " it>;;r voiee mail and 1:1'U:i.H," [0. bneh irucrnal a r'lJ C 'UCFJHLI auuierrces, 511r~ GIiJ.rey. / n t1!, employees \;~:IJ usc K now l~d~t:Sp;IC~ tn enhance their con-peru k"'~ ness wun dI;:L~II~ on HldLl5- try tr!:rlch, mal,'ket opportunlnes, (I)ffipilny pro fi le ~, se rv J CC 5. and p r od ucts, r; '" re Ttl;:J]~,. tome of rhese snme bcnef ts I~" ve: been replc/uge;:,l i nto :1 ~ubsuilP~jnf! Inrer nei serKnowledge' Manage'ment and the vice f(J~ t he business world,
Inter~li1et SUluint.l, ~ lKM pro~ram o;~m ~e a
Mu~h nf rhe rnosj valuable kniJwkdge tmby ing t~~I... ,e'spt!n~iv~ and tirne-consuming .1f
is about I:Echl'lultlgy. E\H~r~' lHg~nb:Hi!Jn in not w~B irurlLtmcml::.,l In. rhis r~po,,~, Ed
the Knuwkdgr Ag.: needs to r1lkt advfiTHfI,ge T~~!1g:-CEO :md fl}[mdl':f or Zyg:l Corpm~-
of the Inrerner. TQd~y, "t·br=. I?IMflHm for de- nun, a ~('Imuhlng fiJ:m ~r~~i~.lizifig 111 busi.
h Ii' C ry i& t h e b rQw~ e r ," s [:lte d (_~~h~iI~~ .~u~J_;.tl~l~~ .;;C~.{;;m;;.h;;;;-~:U:teJ::O:l:l: ::p~<ag:;. ~;;' 3~2
Arthur D.Liult' 'finn, "If nil I}[- r
!-l::u117.jjtioLl i1i g\:v!,';[aphicaUy di sf'i! rscd, it ~ in U ;1111'3 t becomes tnt;: critical li rt k eo eH~(:lj\fe hl'QwJe;dg~ :.h'ilrin""."
Wl:'b r e c h nfllngle s h :lVC; ht::/1?~J tmrts(r,}r'i'tt/ the lowly PC In m (I In:unf'l1Lrl ft po fir:! I ~Q l. ~I(l!tD1l1, 24--bour sph~rt: uf COI11- munic a ti o n ~itJ c:c1 ~l c ~lJ I ~fl, 'The ph 'I'_~~cal ! n fr~~t ruceu r e ~tlpp(lr.ung these nc'w eapabilili~g has C vorved, b~'~om ing rObll!H, fa~t. ol.g, :'Lnd ~O;:CI;I rlt enough ro SIJPpOflt commecce and other ~~,nsitiV,"' transaccions cmHm:.
Fot companies tn~,'OIJ.llng il'l KI\.t brl~tllHhnmgh lhin],if~g
• ,lboHt how to !e'venLge the \\h:bzcro~ .~o 011 ~!;'rvL[jg new and e:.;,isrifl1!; custorner s with irresrsubtc value and currency, "Companies are QP~n!ng up thejr intraners and ':iharmg t1ht::ir info['I1i;;H,;Ofl 'nod !;:rww·l. 1;'!i1ge I1nJr~ wid~ly th~n ever before," reported GOfl'!Y or Arthur Pl.!uh:rscn. In adJdhioll, r Cost
:i!69 ~,oo :per pe rsom,
Northwest Calibration Systems Training Seminar
Calibration of Smalll Dnnensional M,easuring Tools and Gages October 2Jwm & 241-11, '~998
January 22N'D & 23Rll. 1999
May 11 5T & 22M!), 1999
Time and DaI:~-5
All classes arc fr'.)IH'I &;0011'-1 'to 4:30"M e<!it:h day (Friday til Sarul'davJ
NonhwcSil CaHbratl~n Sy,~lerl1s.1 nc Drm~t1sIQn~1 C~:libr~li":1 Leborato '¥ ~f(kl--6(h Av',mO!: "Scf!llh" Sui'l~ 1m. 5e[!nl'e, Wi', 91iiHl(ii
J'!~f)JlI~ milt]) 762·!:S ~SI~Bo;!H i79.~515 "ax ~.2(lifS) 7~2-S:1!:80
'S emin llilr CUIi"rili:ulu mI
Pnne'l'!'le5 of cijli\lrnhon or .. uiside. i~j{)c. wnddeplll ml~rorn~tcrs . clli'll iriodi!;a'I<;!~, C;lhp;c~ ~tI,gilal. di~L and ~~II1,ie~},
1It!i1Ib! Wl'1!"s j,:FigiwL dial. aDd v~li'1Iier), AnnlJWncnlSillAU ~ ~pair of ubove win bt=: ~o"'t;r~d 'Ctilibr;I1lon JlrDCedure~. coatent and pUrpi):lII wll'l be dis~~d.
rfl.'lilit' c~'I~ SUl:'llh .Fo£Jrgu!s!.'IQ 1111 J (8iOIJi) 77~lns:
or 'CJma i I ~o rcr~IlJ.~(lIJJ@ I' flU ml!l:r~ ~nr0rmatl:l!ln
I Pagt: 32
Summer t999 11
Cnutmud[rom fM:ge J I Knowledge Man,a'gme'nt
nt!.~:s ~}~l e rnv deve loprne n r, und ~, rnernber Df DCl'~ KtlOwl.~dg~ r..hl1r1:gf;Tllt:=f11 Adv~~(lry ij Q ard -d I sc usscs the C u ltur a I " ee ch n () 1,'!)gllc~ I, >l~hrl i nJMI';iJlLYG. ~n{1. marragernent <:b.aik 1]I~CS of smning a b:.M pfOgr~m. lu it recent koowledge management conference, II speaker pmcla lrned that k nowledge was too soft, or racir, 1'0 re.:tli y g:~t uur ;1 r'ITlU n WL.1rnJ lind another ['pt:ak e r cb i rn th~ t rnos l knowledge ~hBfi.[jp ~e:l!!r takes plQce by [hi.': office ct)free m~cbmc. These thl:'l;lrI~s [I[(C a!! wd! lind good, hur rhey V,rH1't g~t ynll V,~t)' flll In WdO!lY'5 Uti ~j ric ~~, e flV i to 1'1[1:'11.: n L
Starting, a ,Know~edge Mana,gement Program
A krww'kdgt man~F-l.~L11em progl"~m should beflin with the ~i mple notion that to succeed it must be rfIU1hi f.~c(:t,~(L Lookrng ar (lnly one or [WD ~l!;p·ect~, such M lhe coffee muchlne phenomena, cnn (~LJjcklY' lead to the ael fork _ {eating npinlon that It slmply W(:I""'[ work. Th i~ 'ryp~ llf hrnuecl th l!:lkll'lg I~,\d!\ to ~~~~l~l.usions that !]JAl stall KM initi;~rj·,·C'~; Whj' man:Lgc r:nnwledK~ 1 f ynu C~I'I'~ mCft5U'[1; It.l \'(In:;ll('s the ~~ ~lf In!!ll~l.uii'lg ir ] f ITIlll~t:Lgl!tt]~rH dOt=~rI'r value it? 0 r why would anybody ~('I to the trouble 0. t" sharing. won rhc:y know? For ;1 K1'>:i .pt()gf~m ro succeed ilnd be tucrauve '1.0 [he companf, [be KM ream will llkr:ly nnve to f(JeLls on what r believe (Q be ['h~ fom most irtrpcrtanr CGT!lP(l'-II::T1t:~ nr ~.oy l(M progr,~m: culture, man:l!l;Gll.u:m, sechnclugy, ~1]d ndmlmsrrarlve pWt:~s~, Whh~")l.H t~J--il1g ! nto cnmidf:.~~li{l1'l .1.11 fOLif clin1~n!;iop.s., k_fliJwledge mfl.llngem~EI L will nor work.
M ea sur~rn 9 iliCnDw~edge Mana.gement's Ilm,p,act
A~ parr ()f ~ts ongo-ing research p'[ogr:ml on k_nowl.edfi:1: management li~;~.!.l,es, impllemt=ntarron, ;111(1 ce,dHloiogy" The Delphi, GI:OUP zonducred 8i major liIH,,~~J in the: second qi.J:.t.rn::r of ] 9'9'S. The tcs;e~t(:h collected rhe views uf uver 515 professionals :lI.crivdy involved .. nfll rhe business ~nd techl1ology i,~~1-Ie~ uF mam;l<gi Ilg IlIl~tr~u:tlJ~ed IrtfOHl'lHILJ n. Respondents W~~L: r~prE~cn.ta~iyc of 11. cross sec tion of imilJ)strics; cOJl1p~~ny 5i zus, anel i~~of~~~ion!!l affiii.ul0rH, a~ wdl as juh levels wuhin (Jfga~ l"lii:;t;1ltions,.
Upsit.h: hen~rit~,: \'?'hen people (lsI> w~u. k('lowledge I:tHln:lgemenr cjlfl do for ~helr comp!l"n~', they ,Ut; thinking I n tcrm~ o~ bet-
. ;:2= Hi
rc r va I~I~' and f:1 srer rc:spomi verress for d'lC eustomer. 'j nn:ovflli,fjj'l wi !'hin I he GnTnp~ny should improve :15 well.
Cle:;!,tly p~(1rll: ~sso{:!:..ItC knowledge man- 11~ei::rlCIll[ w.ith revenue en han'c.e!flell r, FlO( cos, control AmL at this st:;t~e at least, eu'pj'cat (.:Ilmp!!:ridve a:':Ilcrir'JI"\ l~ nor a ITH"![jy~,[I)r.
VoJatU~ m[uku§: Req:lOndenn~ l:l~ Iht: ~ur"'I::)' w eee ;~$k,~d I:t) rc=pnn thr=ir' I rpi nion abour 'wlHch cnmparries ur indus rrics they vi{:wed as being I:h~ in Imp]l;ml:nt·jl1g I.: n0wkdg(: mnn~ig~m,em pracrices. Frnaneml service orp:anil:ariolil5 and proces~ I !'H,;THI f;i:GIIJ~ers have g:illned t he moar rccognirion [Q dare, wi~b E€chna!ogy, ph~rLT1.a;;;("'uticllb, and teiccomrnu mea tJOO~ i\rL'M :rol,lndH'lg rH..I~ rhe tOp five ~9l'1kings by inclu'~lql. The high pe~c:ert[!1,ge of "I,Jd,c~" responses indiearcs rhae rcspondcnrs see KM applied broad 1'1"
Cu~t~Y'rnl:r~ Iirsr: Wnh cusrnmcr ~~!·v.I.:~S, l'Ilarl!~rjl'lg, ,lm:l1~L.I€S i II Llu{:~ IJ L the t~Jr ft!lH pr:l5i nons h:"l~~d on su r~'q' rl1;~pnn.5t:s, there is i,iLde question rhat llf.gfin1zatlot]s' kllO\vledge efforts ;uc at the service '1 f enhancing relatica.ships wi th customers, new and f,)d. IT makes ~. ~~l~On.g showing, as garelle02p€f of much eiectron ic raw m;}t~.r~~i for knowledge (inm~g~(tH;nt- R&D iliL;l!:tI-:we~ the inl'Iov~nion. value poim.
Software abundance lntranets are now accepted as tbe b~5Idin~' plarform for knowledge- applicatie ns. The« c"O:11H~ct people in mere places on mnre systems to rnure due!.!men t s of :[,lIore IdnJ~ ~hflfl (!:\'t!.t hefo re, 8m wh.1t about those documents? Docmntflt manngemenr sofrwase has now become a re(.l~i~remt!nf. ,lml s. ~peclJlh)' :l!ppHC,).t!Q~l Icr rh e docurnenr duJJenged. We are :dl documen t chaltenged now. For further d~tI!, conrnct The Delph i Group '-l'ww.dc I ph i. g[miL~),.p:tg rclephnne: (611) 247'0 ~ 5 ~ 1.
The ~a.s.~ fou::c's m~thodfllQgie':5 '\,1/(:[<; p.1f.· tiallyi nspi red hy h.arbn >I nd Norron 's book R~I~nc~d Swn.!c<.ird (lind b}' S"~lby'~ 1111dJHllmi Assets Monito r}, which proposed SllCCCS5 merrrcs b<l!5Cd Q!'I (;jjst'~!t)~r., len~ !ling, and gfQ\V~h, as well as rradinonal fiUiLn.[ial resulrs, over the short; medium, and long rcrrn. "You'd better have :I bllliJ!,: ced: Jcor.;c:urd, bec;u.!se rou're going [0 ha Vi: [foub.k in nuenci n L:!; short· t~fm c)
Page oB3
financial numbers mit If ~ 1<.,.\1 iniriarive." s~iLl MOfI?Y·
Mu[cy sug;l:ests thal r!1.~na.gcrs vi EW rbe K.M program :1]; :I birid-;: bo.~. What goes (HI inside; the bo x is irrelevarn-j ust look !u it, w the highcr-li;;vd met.rics chllilge before and nftcr r~;I-l. jnsi..':;I.~1 KM. (>r LI~C rncrrics in~idt;· the hl~~k box-say, the :UTlLJU n l of kli owleJg'r,;; 5hm'ing, 1 f any of rhuse II1CfC,Ise, consider [,,;],1 ;]. HI!;';C;~S.
SnI'tH~ t.a, k f(1To;;e meru bcrs support uill?r,· ll,~ I ivc m errics Lased. on Compll:!x Adaptive Systems (Ci\S) dce cribed w Hidd.en. On:ler by johIil Holhmd. c.1\.::i theory clnrrns rl1~t sirnph; ('ul(~S:1I the local le .... el-Ior example. dl.:U gec:s~ ill a flock follow' Iou r simr e rules-lead w complex ~I:rtEr""cnt u[ckr. The g03J oflhe u~k fu.r~~ is to blind U! organiz:Mlmul sinrulater. r~uplc m drg: nrznriuns UPCnLlC with hwkLldown tlllr!'~~lht:y do Wh.H will be ('C\"'~I'd(:i.j_ If yflL:l r~pr!:st"rnt k1Hlwlcdge ~~ rulcs , anJ knuwledge :ih:iltHi~ as the p~s~il'lg of rule s berween ,{ge11 CS , yr~u cou lLl gr,)"" "an; (idal [lEl!Pi1..L:-.:ui(\ns" tl-nH srmulate drffezent rares nf ieaching =Inclle~lmmg, As II ccstbed, rh~ W,>;K force 1& using mf}del!n~ NCR and i\.~ilj~.
Bevond met'rics
Other t~~k fcrces have takc n uti dmilnrly 10ugh i}:ruhl~m,. The;, Task FOlic.~ /m!ks ~I' b Ifb human ,mel machine I~ngtlllt:estheir ~ nd~rlybng logk ant! how I he~ .~e'P rescm kn.owl edgE ~.nJ I! 111 II hie qucrre s. ih~ group ;Ji~lI!' lV ,,[[ow t<=cl:t'WlOgJ~5 tu plu~~ 11.1 pl:l'Y' v..'nbolJ(:I[ uou::. i i'Ucg,Il.Hlnrl. It also sl;:cin to faciLL[au' human bcing« ,'U comrnumcare \Ilidt l'! t("dl~t!.!.log)' system nn Lllt~'ir (lWn rerms. The: gruul) i~ s~e:i-iirlg: f,\ Um fled 1<.nClwledgc Language (ll KL) tiul ec uld e« traer business rules out 0'· formal langtt'lgr:s like J~!\':t or
o BOL, ~)r uut of a ~u vf n:ttmal-l:u:'I.gllllg,c sources-ducumewrs, chs.t rQ(1m~, even voice communicntl orr«. Conl:Jct the Kn..uwlr.:dt:;c lvbil:ilg~m~nt C nsoruu m Wliny, km.n r~ Telephriue: Jill) S911.() 102
The Process Task Force: :lllc:mpl$ 111 gauge the: qU:I~il;WV~ irnpacr of.KJI,.-f. The gf[)Up's_go,~1 is to crcsrc a commo n terlllJlFlh)g}' Mid hUlld mudd!; that people Gill v ork hum :IS "~I refer snce point in nnn ~:~ing there o\vn orgariiz:! uons. Aeco rell rig 10 0 rg:Hli~c r s, rhe I,M Cnr~li:;llrtilJm l~ of'Jl;'9.n~zc,rl 1.0 benefit V'1l',ncior:; .Iild u~r:,s. R,1.'Jh nJt.i Patel, g'~'J~HII" mamlg\;f .~t
h,ljitsu, said vendors J;;J 11, "get into knnw'led~~c rnsnagemenr and [:) ke a It;!d!er~.h I p [ole. The meerings ::dlrHv vendors to rnee t ltarimr.s pi ayr.r~ ~Tld user gW~lp~) so. rhey can. expound their vision 0 f the marketplace and where It'S il.e:!.ding."'Nlna Pare], Nvl [niriarive team kackr for DuPont Corporate lnfLHIltHLlion. $r:.iL!I1CC, llftets a users vsew. "The I'htC'~ t~s.k for(:e~ ,fc erirical c<1mpon'!::IHS for knowledge managemenr, lI~i we iH\TC found .. u t in (J Lit own "'·CU!;; ," she said. Perhaps the ~C5t rea nil fr.H :inY0rH; to fUlfl:
"There arc .~ lot t~f brlghr minds iii the Eonsoroum," she said,
The origin;ti Apo.llo workforce is loog since retired or seactered ttl 'lh.r= winds. The t;rC::W~1 Jrld miasio n drrccro rs no 1t1r1ger solve day .. tl,·Lla)1 npcri!.1i na] I roblems, What fhey learned: the ifl perc III or so of t:ntetl'risL ImDwledK" th,r.~ "I':I~ r 1"YIZ'e:<; [:any 1 n dud r hC:Ld 50 1~ Ima rore,,!;: r. Ev<.: 11 if 'lNt ejJ uld li~1I.I m;li d"lc Si!UJTI'I agaLo, we WO 1.1 1J.11 'r rerncm er nnw to fly j, , This, tno, . s bvried in rhe documents left ",hiliu in srcrage. The documenrs endure , HlI: [ht:·y Me ,lS dcvrnd Df ItIt!Hfl.i:I~~ and hmn:m COlHc,:U today :<IS (he web of Sronencngc. Us~le~s,
On global basis, the cost of ~ou knowl I:dgC! J~ smgg,edr,g. Technology 1£l!ll1S[C'[ broke r B'TG PLC ('.';(imates ihm producliv,! technologies wnrrh Sll5 billi.un sit ltHe rocl~ y. BT '5 rese .. ~r~h indicates dut tedll1'ul"'gy is fCJrgu[[CfI wh .11 m.r!!HI.!l:c:r~ rromoring new u.chnologies are. ren5~jgmod. or teennoio~iie~ a re simp Iy nrn i:,J~mincd :i net ~ tl1!!rger j.l r diGposiri,QIl 0 f cl1[.:rrd~e "S~CfB. I n ehese cases, the k nowiedge ehar is lost is nr.H visible: The consf::(Juenc.€ is not knpwfI but the Jmp:lt:' IS proronnd,Thc first time mullen e nrc ep ri sf: vl~;ibly hAS f.1c~d the q~:lrI r~ flabk con~et.IUEIlCe of !os.1. knowledge i,~ ih,~ problcrn known n~ "Y2K." FMg~'i:tifl~ ~b;H tnt: year 2UOO h,l~ four digtrs i~ like forgEiI,illg: hO\\l' tt' r t;l man on lh,~ moon, 1 t do sn'r seem pl:wsihle, !'·Jnm:rhdcsE, thc~~ are the fQm dlgi[~ thar rhe Gl1I'K!1 H GrUl .. q~ rn~dlc r will wmJ up ("o~ti .. g bus] ness \1I"rIt1- wide S I tt'LHion W correct. A,. I,.I'L- enter rh~ 11 .xc rmliennjum, til, fm.lL digits hllvc forever changed the role of inforeaarion se rvice:;; .11l ehe Crlre:rpri:>c,))re 1[j1111~r:H;:lIig the:
C(mti~~ued m, flUU 34
I Pa{}'e 34
e ik
Con~nm:d from Fag 33 IKnowledge Managment
course of the globlll eCOHtmly, a!1(;1 h~.V(: ere'OIled 1In l1f:l.LrE: hi fie..,.' cattgOfY (J f )lr'lg'lit.
It larv'r, of course, thar prog;ramrners rnfgot the !uHnbc( () r JiKlt~ in lbe }'e~1'. SlCir:lg~ sP~'!:~ mE'lTHJry W~ 5 cxpen sive nnd they ~1Il~ t didn't lhLl:lk about the [urureImpacr of Hsing N.I'r) d~gi.ts. No one envisioned fh~[ :.umcl:! code written in the la re 1 ~SO~ would still be in use ill the: turn of (be cem:ury, lind ta~ one b"'r~ ,~. Ir~cord nr the iocurion o+ the now e rmoe code. No one ~hcugh 1 thflr :in.)' of till> would be irnpo r tant and now the ori~j nal rtogr.~nllill'JCt~ ;],.r" gone from the scene and unavailable to give gLlid~!lcC to lh(:ir rl!rhl'~emerits abourwna t they had anne. This is srrik ing~r similar ~(! rhe Inn know'lgdgt: probli:=ms Iaced by BaH:Lld'.:;. d ients.
Today, c'lmbil'lg thmllgh linn of code fo·r rem4:Jlluion may r wn S 1.50 a hrll;:-',:vhci1 )'OU sr] IJ have. llCi;~~~ ,f) rhc source cnde. Un fortyria lel.y, source Gode is fr'l!c!~emJy Url~',1~ 11;d)J~. h mi'l!;' be 1I1·l:hi.v~d and moved off siee ro be: fo rgo tten j it c an ~li p til ro ugh the C'E:t e kl'i ;1 fN~r a mergef or L'lto:rg:lfliz;trion; or i·e C~.I1 disapp~lIr qLm~ll~' when. a workerre srgns (H is dismissed. The Gnrner Group estimates that ::1$ ITIuch us Jive percenl: of source L:ueic is rnis sing at ~ny given rime. AnJ i lre ci!'lO!C of re-
writing ~OS[ SOll!'CC r:oli~ can cost l,tt\\'Ct:=:11 $25 to f I 00 11 line.
'XI ill! rever the doll:! r arnou nt, th e aile c b:.; r to husiness ls tnt CI;lSt (If lose oppe rumiry. The irupcrarive lmpnscd r,y Y2K mny slew mvesrrnenr in new sysrems drive CtJPhn~ rcverrue 15~<!CS, n.[losmg .n·e enterprise to erosion of conlf."~·~itiv<: vrwd~el' p9~jtio:n. i:l~dlard idC:=rHl fic:s this reiation ship between I ClB t da L(i., fo rgDHe n CU1He xrs, a rid rnj~$1It d o'p·porrurury as the Pl'OC(]:SS of an eneerprise uElcon!H:i.ou.sly "hq(.dd~.1 in.~ knb\~, Iedge assets, with the same potential effecras liquid~h' in g h::u d :J s se t S-IMJ n k (~I P rc y_"
Sou rce;
Knowledge M;tn~gcm!!nt m;!,!pZirh~., CkNli:>er '998 t{) J une ! 999. P~,MJ-~hf.·r ",,~ i I.E:
Klei n, C:Ul'tC() Frcednm Gl'f,lUF,. {310) _5S9- .310r.l. or em the in rernet Rt 'i)/W W ,1m Dliil~· ~. Contact them for a fI~'C subscripnnn ~u dU8 CMr~m!;;Jy worthw h II~ ~o~nnL thh~r \.\>~hsi[e$ wo~!'h visiTing nre:
Kfl('l~u~cdge Research Group (714) 84:!- 8091 P~votal Sofrwa re (877) 748·6825 \l;'WW. pixgtllLeillTl
KnowledgcX (404}816-4807 \".r WW·. k rl,}WJ ~dgt:I'- co m
I n trn s p e ct So ['[ W:H~ (6 511) 943 - (] I!H1 0 www_.i n [~jl~pl!" r.~'I'nl ~
Sources of the Y2K Problem 1905: The HolUeriith Tabulator
(Adapn~d froruan article by Joanne Yates,,~.edge Magazine, Febeuary, 19'99)
l+ has become cot!m:m:lpb~e to. 'L~'~lCC Idie '',;'',~u ;2000 Problem (1I .• k .. !L !hl!: 'ilK I)r the Millennlurn Buill LO ~.uly C:DmIPHt.~1[ prngralTlm~rs in the: I 95th ;m~i I %flb. E:;u~ly 45-'~flh.lnln punch cards fnl' t.:IhulMil~g rl1aehLn,E~ emheddeJ tI~1:! p~~jcric~ C1f tlSlnH [wD·cliHit dates ~n em~rging tech nnlogy, Accorcli rag Ul' the pnruI~r ~,tflr}', pl(ognLrnmers allocated on ly tTW,l> , ra Lhe'r rhan four, d!gi[s [0 the ye~H In Neier to 5·f>IVC roorn 01'1 their SU-·co~umn pum!b .ciHEk
In this mi(l-c~fuur}' period, rhe assump[ion L'lul ~he fi'r~.f ,"\V,} .clj~~c~ "cl9" lie":t:'1lec! ~~~son..ah~c. Even after punch cards were replaced hy other fonln flf rht"L ~mr~g~; pfOgrH rn me rs cotlrinucu ah e prae ti ee OJ F ~~pre~efuing' yell,s ty Ihcir lnst rwo C!ig~~s only. This ste-ry, while: tUn;. is ol1l~ l');lrt of the ~u)ry. The (:LL~Wtlj of non.·diflg' only the.
trnn] two cligitr$ of a yeti r W~:; born \veil befiJr~ I;h,~ ~~cb '1niog), Lnrc 19t~1 CC:l1tLLt'Y busin e S~.~~. see king c ffi e LCI1~ Y o fte fl d poe-primed form:>; dar coll~(ting :ilnd rran smitring infrlrm'Hj,m. Slidl fl1nt'ls t,pjcaU~1 priilte<d rhc fifiH twu digi[s lH rhe yc.a.r, lcavi nl~ the !~~r digirs w be f.lled 111, thus ~Hvi ng r he cnnlpi ler :jfJ l1H~. Lime .olIlJ pen (or key) strokes. By the tum of the century, rlns rime- 5ilJving p rae rice was '(;OnLTllO!l-SO::) lTJucb tJ~nl it would HlOil be embedded in emerging \'echnniogy far cl~~~ p~p~es:;;Ltlg.
Herman Hollerirh invented file pum:bed cord labilf:.lting .s~rs,n.~I~~ fo~ i.i:se ~rI ~he Hlc.lO u.s. Census, jfltl coruinued to delldol? it over the subsequent quarter ceruurv, The fiYni he ~r8tt~d \l.'[,HJild u[[irHlucly fm:m the core of m M. H.!JUe-ri[h's elcctro-mechanicalw
Summer 1999
Page 35 .~
_:a "»"""
rubula.ror 'i(]clud~d devices W punch, scr r and ~~.lml:!t<.:: cards. By rhe early 2nth cen mry, rhe co(] 1.]1 prncTH toO It til e [,ann show n i If;; [he p how .m d Wil~ used wid, cards in stsndard sizes (r~l! iIlJ"J.}est h:lV!T1g 'IS eolumns, SUm{ of which could he r~rbGecl ~vllb ;;,re;l.~ f~)r handwrmen t".i1t~ies}.Whil~ 1111' Census cnrd s dH:[ rlflIT i'fldude ~, c1~t~ fid'~I; the Ims.i[Jc5SI~!,l$tDOl~r~ that Hnllt:tub beS{,[lo serving awu.IH.I 19115 ~("1!.mc'nJy required ~b,t~ mft:Hmi:J.lion.
Ff~'r ll:'l~m)' !cH~siJlJC:H uses pI" tabulat: ng., the 45-CfJiul:nn masimern was .limit~ng. Life in:j,'L!IJ::LLl.ce fiTm~ and f,l1i~Oclatlo[J~, for example, \,/ert:: [lSit1g two-digll' yei1fs by at least 1910, Even though the ,inis~inA two (ii.gil.s could, in Irhe(ny, h~IV03 been i 8 or ] 9, tabo laring steps were di s c.r ere and human i1!dgt;mt:('l~ sclll plny<::d ~ role. Over ~CJbS"l.!!lH,:m decades, fWcoiumn C:;U'j~ replaced ,45'·c(l~UmLl ones artd cli~crcu~ steps were occ,ui.unallv !inki6d [O~ g.;thCL
When the first computers were made ,~,vail;~bk to busme sses II;] the 19Sns, man}' hu~in e ss !:JH~r5 c h o se punched car ds over ma~m~(ict~pt= anti simply i.cllpon,ed tabularil'lg prncestes and card ,u rtfigLJration~ frmTi eartiersys cc ms. !Even '",'nl:l1 ~I::iey adopted new
hardwace .o r cudiJieJ new pro cedu res in St~fNi,Uf!., they still ~o]lQw,ed. old customs, incluc;lin:g rhe tWQ-diglt YUH. On~¥ in the leae t99{)s have we recognised the danger, ';l~ we race ~/1~ carcndar, (;ombing rbrOtlgh 111i]Unns of lines of tll;'ld'.)Cilll;1.~e[J ted C(l,rI,;;~m rl Cearil1t: disaster.
\X'hat ~:; the lesson for today's m~n~nu?
Imporli,1g e.l(ill(i[J,~ prllc,llcC,S inro new tech.rmlL)gy is OJ com men PILHj:1'n if:'! h urnnn 8.':t i v i ty , :lrlti mil)! have good or tHo! C[mst'~t:.!e!lce;; dependi ng on rhe siru :!l.i,orL.. When w'e. move ~ .... fleW .echflDJogica~ pl~!forms, howr;!,re.r, we: oughr to examine cj~d pncr~ic~s cxpJit::i,;·ly ;leU:! GII:dully bt:f~jro:: ernb€d('!:.m in flew techrrolcgy. Mceeover , :;t~ live Imrochlc~ new ~~CIUlOloWG5 in hus~ness, 'IN'. :ohould I.nke rune to documenr our fl(.ribfl~; ·trot fliltli!Q l"efucl'lce.~.o we are bett:>.;( >l!bh: ro t1"al wit~1 Ul"lCift[jcip:lH:d cO!l!~~:ql:lL::[[CCS ·;o,rhc:n rhey a r is c. By al1tf1nHitiL1g l'I. m",~~y siruauun, inst~d of first cleaning it up, \'i''= on",!'> wind up ·(.j...itn an automated rues.s.
A.nd now )'OU know rhe resr orth·~ story. F ra nk V (If;;: h I (FVac:h]@a.OI,COI!1) ..
With. PMApnl Y0!lil C'i:!ifl:
• l.eiat.u how to meet the new QS-9000 measurement uncertainty requirements.
• ' Pnn.dd'e, the measurement system tools for meeting the requirements of ISO Guide 25, ISO 10012, 150/Q5-9000, NVLAP and A2.LA.
'. SiJift· from periodic calibration to continuous calibration of you" measurement system,
~ Iktermine and control measurement uncertainty as products and calibrations are produced.
·~LeQrl-.1 how to determine and control measurement (calibration) uncertainty using check standards in your Measurement Assurance Programs,
Sign up now [or the next NaUIi1l~aiI1 p.Md,P ..... Scm.inar 11) Charlotte. North Carolina, July 19- 21, 19991 following the 1999 N,CSL Comerenc>ti .
Visit our web site [or details and regtstrauon!
T- ~?
4,200 .M,endowJark Lane SE, SuiJ~ 2 Rio Rancho, New Mex-ico 87'iLM·1050 e-rn ail address: [email protected]
rJ[: (BOO} 275·2.5H FAX; (505) 896~2525
Up a GUM tr
Maurice Cox and Pete.,. Har,is Matianal PhysiGllI /.a.bora'tory Teddin,gt,on~1W11 OLIN; ,unit,ed Kingdom' Tel +44 187,··943' 6880 "I1K +44 18"-9436458
Th~ISO Guide 1;1, the Expressio n of Unccrm'lmy in Mt:iASUf~111~lH (GUM) is :) key docurrren t used b y N~t!orlal lVIeaSLlf,.::merlt ! rl~ti ~LLce5 [I nJ im!'ll$Hial G;ali,bnmorL laborarofi<2~ as rhe b;H!.~ o~~ e\'~itl;l:ti tlg the I.H1C'E rt;;ti n ty in dice DutpLl t <l f tl measu reruenr sr~ tern ..
-rh<l! svstern I,g, Inocldlt:(J l.l~jng n fu ncrional rdll'L!O!'1'~rdp b~ ~w~cn m\;;~sured gjU~ nririe s l!; ;::;;{x,l (th~ inputs) and t.h,~ rnegUremt!nl" re~llh j (11l'L: uutput) in the forrn
y = f(x)
,tnt' {cn!l1bi ned) s ta ndard U ncertru m.j' of] :1 s rh~[:I t!V~h.(:H~d frcu!"i
, I "~ "'~' at J/ ( ,
u; Lv) = L 2: -;;--a.H'1 X".li j)
.~I 1~1 (iX, Xi
when: ~h,> ~J1J~ntide~~ iyj(jx~ He referred to as s~miriy!tJ coefficients, a.~J 1/ (-y" "oJ i 0, t.b e covariance nf -Y, and >.> IN"rth !( ('\'-., x) = l(2(X'). IlIt: v ari iln·ce 0 r »: .. The GUM recotH~1~etld~ IbM the mlcen~imr m the measurement resul,!;y is e xprcsse d as .:1 coven.g!:! interval :H s()(n~ kvel (~y)~~,~tl1y 95/11;)), The 111rdf-\l/idth of this interval is the expanded standard uncertai rrty [_~ tr) cbraincd at; the product 'Df ", (,) and :! coverage f:!.cwr k.
Fee the GUM approach to have a clear statistical [urcrpre rarion (111 terms of H[lk~ng the value of k ,to fO[m.;l~ con fidl:i1.~t! levels), two :iTI8J.,n. assumptions must hold:
• The ~dcgu~H;Y of the rormuL:t foT' 1/, (y) whicn is derived by pr.opag,ating unc e rt:l,i.n.tics ir!", fI r s t-c)~cl e r llPt)foxij'f~Hi':l ,,1, to rh c model of the measueemem .~ystcm.
• The d i s r ribu r io n of y IS known, e.g.
Gaus sian or Srude n r's t, in order to ubrain the v a lu e of k.
Sum.", GUM U~~!:~ RH: experlencing prnblerns in meeting these conditlons, i1ldtu ugh ii' is important to nmfmn thlu [hey IIpply for a g~"en apphC,~li~H'I. \K!e sha-iI illustrate how a naive usc 0 f [be ~hQ",e app~o~jyl')~.liu n Can produce mislead ilJg rC5U I ts , ·nm!. how Monte Carib simulation em previde an acceprable alre rn.,ltive.
The N~.ticl1:'Jl1 Pby~ic~1 L[lbor:Ltorr (NPL) is i n'fob,EII, bo r·h in·hnIJS!: ;;,nd in collaboration widl a the, Nation1ll Mess U~-err)~t'lt 1 n$~itut~s and srandacds bodies, in acrivities to pl:nmme 'H,HJJnd J''1t;th,nds 0 r 'l.!ncert~i!lty evaluation. Although [he GUM is. :l far-reach,\i,g doc.l,1n.H~.rH, ~ml is sppropaiate for I:\nny appticanona, NPL"~ work includes p.escliting e::if.ensions and enharrcemerns [0 the GUM W cover SiL')JJliol1~ in whkh the sssumpcions indicated above do nell Hpply 01' are untested. Ir is also an intcntiun ID pwv ide "e;1,5y-tn - u ~C" C(1 mpu n:r-b ascd lip' I'H'D'lCbES.
Sam pli I1g ,ed~~1j,q u e s, $0 cn as Mo rHC Carlo sirnuln [I,(ili!, prov ide an ~,l ternative ~ppro:~(;h ro lIri'~nHln r~' evaluation in which ~be[iol1 of Lll'lterbli!Hi,'e~ is undertaken till TIlL' rl CQ/{y f:lrh cr du.f!. ,analytlcally. Su(h rechniques :In~ useful 'for ehe results reurrned by i~he <lFPIh:fUior1 of t.he GUM. ,IS well ss if! cireun);!;:s where the assumptions made by the: GUIVr do DDt apply .. ]0 fac., these tech n,'1ucs are OlbJc to pro vide: I1lLH:h ri~her mform.lIl"i,n.n, hi' propag:u'lnJ,l; the'ibl/liMU (.md~er rhsn 11I.11H the llncen<l~iij_tlc~) of the Inputs lI!: through the measuremeut 1110c:kljuo prov~de the dj~triburton of rhe output)" From the output, confidence intervals or G.CinfLch~iH:e rl:gions. (in the rnultiveriate else) can be p roduce d, as can other sraristical info.r.n.hl· ~i.nn< ~,
Summer 1999
geoe.ral terms, Jun the model and tbe input diatri hunnns (and not the s'l:'mltivu~' (;u·r.;fflden.!:..!: >IS required by the GUM aprro~dl) 3.1'1: nee d 'g, \X 1 en {hert:: ij> ~pp.c!;il!h!e cov~Hli1flClC, mote ('{fort 15 rel.plin!J to I?h)du<.'.~ approp.riauJy correl.ned random samples, but the basic principle is the same.
Sampj,ing tecnniques can also form the basis flH' cakulllting expanded uncerrainries l~ confi.Icnce inrervais. GiV€!1 dlCJ,. as determined 11'1 rile f1!S[ figure, the sec(l'nJ bo shows how to I':vl1.lnate the ~'.~~j,1 confidence incerV1L.i [or the messuremenr rcsulrj ,
Standard Uncertairlty Of The Output
Form N samples Xl of the measured quantities x.
Fo( k = 1 to N. evaluate Y, from Yk ~ f(x.J,
Evaluate sample standard dsvia{ion for the y •. to give uc()I.I
T'he A rat box 8iww:; bow :;amphng . eehnL(:ll1C'·S c rn be used to I;.V~!!u~'l.e die uncert~.m}',~ ,(1).
IGonf~dence Imarval Fer The Outputl Sort ~he values {y,j into non-deereaslng order.
Locate tne 2,5-l3l"1d 97,5-perc~n. 'tiles in this U~n to define the: re· quin~d confidence i nterval
The i npu t d~ t a ~)Fo'!' I~his pwce5S can be provided In :l number of ways. Orie w~~'is to ~iH1,cratc: ra nd orn sa.mrle~h·i~[roiL.L [he (p O~ sib 11' ;oi m) pro ba bi ~J t )'cll stri InnJ 0 n fa r th e i ,PUI'j; x , For example, x m:ly be de scribed hy ~i must iv arjate Gaussian dist1'i.butiorL wj~h pr~~cri~cJ mean vecror and c o var in m-e m, ' tri x. Ahern~llh-dy, ehc cornpo nenr s of x m:ay be iL't~.,e?~ ElLI enr ~ nrl e aeh foll ow· ~l gl v '~11 unlvnriare Gaussi.ui 0[' rher dlsrriluulons. TLe applicarior, 11 f [be S~ [11p!l~ng scheme co rrespends to OJ. "Monte Carlo" slmulauon (MCS). Th« ~ 'heme is not difiicult to implemenr in
I I] the USE' of MeS to validate the re~,ult~ produced h)' d'H! GUM 1fI lilly indrviduul case, the GUM results can he accept d if rhe resulting uncerrnintles :Igrce to within
Distribution of x values
11600 - --
I >- 1000 I ~
s sao·
U. I
400 -
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x Figure 1.' Sampling distribution for Input x.
Summer 1999
say, ~UIG sigfl.ific.9m !lgure~ (whicl is adequore fnr nvost purposes): If such agreernen« is not: obs,e.rll'ed d~t:f! e lrhe r a MIH:.Ike IUf been made 111 appl}ring [he GUM (e.g., in determining (he sensuivuy ccefficients) a rthc- c nditiuns for irs appllcanon do not tU'old. ~ f rhe latter applies, it would be apprepriare to regard the MCSD,~UJ'L~ as s~.i~mj.r:ic;:lIHy rnnre SOLl!1J.
Both GUM ~I'HJ MCS wo rk with d1C surne model and lnpur disrribucions. and the tju, lit)' of the re s ulj.s ohrc~i~ecl depends (lH rhat of this informacion, '[\;'Inn:o\'~r, hIes reqqirRS a \!;lolu.t= I;t) be 'pec.iflt!li lor N the nurnber of Monte Carlo trials. We have foundN= W,OOI) [0 be sari . faceoryin many (~SI:'S.
Figur s I and 2 illuserate the usc of the GUJo..'h wnd 1'.ICS Fm nin'![1ie model ,,'un one inpur ,lfld!.Hlt! Ol.npull. \,h .,j' = :? .'\, I ~hflLJgh the' distributlon of 'f cnn be CO 111pII Led. i[ will serve here as 1I simple example of the use of hlollu:: Carto merhoos when the firstorder appro:dmOltlOn ", 0') wi rh ~ d()ub~eaided cO\lerag~ interval is not a good one. E'igur I shows the ';1 mpllng d lsrribuuon for the IrlpU[ ~>: wl\lo&:111 is chosen 10 C G1H1ssiu[1 with rrte an 0.5 and 5.randlird ciceviat lon 0.2. Figure 2 shews d1C correspond
i ng sam.pling diatrlburl on fa r ]. E~l;h dis r riburion is Ll.S~d on .1 !,3I1llpiing size' of N;; J LI,nrm. \'it'e also Indicate ill -Igun' 2 the 95'% co 'Ern: re Intervals '~:V:lII.I:H \1j • (;;c<)rd-
o i:s:tri b uti on of y vahJ9S
I I -
I ~ I
1 ,_. II
I 1 I
I ~ I
, I I
I I I, - I
I 1 I I
- " I I
I I 1 In nnL.1,-
I 1800
g-1200 ~, 1000
2? u, 800
o -0.5
0 .. 5
y:; :<".2
Figure 2: Sampling distribution for output y = x2 The 95% coverage intervals evaluated according to the GUM (broken lines) and the confidence intervals using MCS (solid lines) are a/so shown.
i ng W rhe G (J M (broken Ii ncs) and the Confidence uuerval s Llsrng ;- v rcs (snJid lines) 35- dcsc dbcd i!bnve. The (u;:[ that these mte rvals J~L. appreciably diFferent rt:neL~ the nODG:1I.i5sJan behavi(H Df til!!! uu.tput y. The 0·'~h , overage uue rval evaluated ~cclJrdi(;1g m the GUM L5 denty no! rejiable bt:(;;)u~(: lt includes
i Iii Fc:,~ible (.rH:ga.tivc) values of rht: nu LpUl)',
This work forms put l'lf the current activity within th~ U[\am..inri.1!'5~lll1 Smrrs«r.,d .Modeliin.g pmjcn {) f the S~)ftw,~I,t= StJPPOrt (or Metro]' 15 , program I f the K Department of T[;ldc and Industry. (j.
Page 39' JI
55C? >
I Summer 1999
g;;g;;: ~- *
z! ;r---**
Software - A Weak Iink 'in the Measurement Chain?
_ lJill'fIe Rayner
National Physical Laboratory Teddington., ltV'" ,OLIN;, U".ited Kingdom Tel +-44 f81~943 70'40 Fax +44 '1l1-97.7 .7091
A bdief tl~~[ $oftWlITlI: is a weak hnk in the me.~~iI1:rcm>(:ru chniri, cI~¢ [0 tn.~·\:Iffi!l:len.~ I ria vestment ·i'i~ lbe m:ahermrtic:!i and sofl"w!'!Q"C used in metrology, has motivcLteci ,'~ United IKi:ngdQOl1Udnn8J pmg~'~m t'l1tlr,k;[~ 'St.:,ftw;lrc Support frJf Metrolugy' (SSrM). The prognlm IS funded h~' the: Dcpurrmenr of Tr~cleand Industry (DTI) froftt Apf"tII19~S wMarch 2f)D I, and is tTDil.nag'l;:o by the Nnrional PI1 ysiGal ubor:!ltor}, (HPL) ._ !,lie UK'~ n~·',~i(m:J/1. measurernen: M;lflrjarcb ~lIbt,ntr",ry, .~s part of the UK';,; Nariunal Systerl.l (NMS).
'fh·t 5Sftv1 :1'lrD~rI!rn aim, to spread t~$~ pt:.1c·eic,t::. For example, it will be p:rovldillg gl.l.id31KI' on uncert a.i I' 't} estlnl~t ion , devclopi ng ~n in-de prh ern.ini fig cou [S~., ~n,J mCK~j[]g the i5S1.!e of poor ~u;!l~t)' nlgOL'"llhm.s SUPl:>]icd For some rnuthemarical fU(1nl(H'~ in common sprca dsheer p::ldcage~ ancJ urh er 5o,fI!'\!vs:r'l! used. III rnerrclogy. E;;illnp.ks are known wh~~e fu:nctions nrc roo unstable or i nsu ffl cie n t'l y .~c.<t: i!:Il:':I te for usc w \ ,h f!"1'8 as IJ rernenr data.
Six Themes - Many Proj'ects
The p rcgra III ha. ~i}( themes: [he first four are techrdeal, the Hfch is to ~LH'Vcy current practice, sad <the. si;,;,tl1 is 0.;'. ~eelmol.Clgy transfer. Tbe various projects uIH.ler;J..'iI} in ea,;;'h tn.em'e are Ikw;d next.
1'HEME 1: Model~ing Techniques.
'. MeThods of Moddllt'l:@; !\(.e·:l:!HI,.["cmCOf!
• Utl(:(n~i\'ld·[!<5 and S(ali~tical Mod,ellifl!;
• Visual Modelling and Dat~ VhuJ Iis~~.ioJl
Ofl,ra Fusion
l'HE:ME:, 2';. V:dklfl tion and Testing
• Testing Spre~,dsh~e{s and Other Paek!I.gc:s used in Metwlogy
• Model. Vnlidation
Mells!,l[eml::nn System Validation
~ ValidJriQI1 nf Simulated r nstrumenrs
TflEME 3: Metrulngy S:ohWf4r~ De~'ellJlO>~llc(:nr Techntque s
• Gl!J,jdanee Oli') devdoping ~flftwNr(~ fat rne:twlogy
•. Software ceusc (incll'lthng hbr:HY, legacy and mix ed-I:! n g.u;'l<g~ is<lues)
• D-cve!0I.HH.iUIt of vn'w:lilhIHrum.enrs 'nmNlE 4: Support for Mensur ernen rand Calib ra [ion PrQcGS~t=!i:
• Au r o m ai io n of rn cas u re.rnc nt and cali b ra ti on P eo C cs :H: fi
• Forrna: ~u'l'lI::lllt:d:s For measurement ds.ta
THEME 5: Stfit'll:s. RepovH. for ellch .M~twl'ogy An:~
• Inltral and sntc rtrn report's IU:! d"1t;; state nf {he ilr'E of ~oftw;HC and rnarh.emaric s use.d in eJ1idl of 12 m~u'ology are a s
• ll'iHlal find InH~'l'"im n~ports on rn·ett'o!ogy software activiue.s \\\'udd-wide 'I':HEME:6: Gcperk TexhflG!ogy Transfer
• Snftware s,lJppmt Eur metrology dub
• \'V' e b s,i te, j 1'1 duding. generic Ji'\ V t\ wo rk
• S$ fM newslerrers
• LlIii-Hi to thE INTErSiiCT Fat'lIdhy P9.1Ttl.e csh j,p
• EUROMET and fr'i'1rI1EWO[k 5 project rno nlro ri.n~
• Advanced Marnematicaland Cornpu r:llirml1J Tools in 11,1erwiogy" Apt:lt 1999
Achieveme'nts SQIFar
An SSlM CI.l1b, W~b site and program hroenure hnve all been o;sub i:ish.;;d, ",nd have arcracred alor (If mtc'.est. Foa: c:-:amplc, (h~ Cil.lkl has $(lrt1€ 14.'1 mcmb;;rs fwrni10 organisations, i nclLldi ng 19 ilflt!::rna~j,cn'41 :!~~ociat(;s, :S~ver,d m.ectings and work~hop~ 11:'1'>;1'(: be~n hdd, [Inc! ~ .newsi~uer prnduce d,
Co r:til~ ue,d @I1~{MItIe<l a
Summer 1999 ~ ¢4
CGntim~dll'fJm page]9 S,cilftwB,f\e
as well ~.S ~ repot ts (sec 'i~t below). Varlous ~wa'f-ene:, S plIl'e,$ :Jfld prescnta dons been mndl~, and gO'.ltl lin ks formed wi lh th~: rNTE~SEC'r f1BradllY Parunerahip and witb N MIslr.ound I:h'l~ world. The prognm'l t~lsoorgani~f.::d the Aci\l'~J~c,e-d M~rhem~tiGd IlI.Hi CumpllMl'i:orud Tools for lI.1'l:,t:rolngy I! 9~'9 COf" ruence, held in Oxford in April this Yl::at, esreblisbed a FURO MET prCljl:cr on K~y COfT!puriso n St:;!r;,sncfli Development, a~,d cl,a ftni ;1 repClU on th,~ use of J[lV~. 'T'he OTI 'hils t:hoS-€1:I CCl!Uj',lcrOfS for seven cOEilpelnhdy tendered SSEM prl ~i!!u~, in 0 ne of which NAG Lt,1 hss pmdLln::d wirh NPL it report on the yesr 2{H)~} problem in metmingy.
Allin ali, we feel we hf,lY~ bad :1 good first year, afld luok forw~ rd to the comple rio!~ of the pro~rfll'll. MC)f~ ln [orrnation can be found on the SSfM web sire at http:// Tills srre ~Isl:) has reP''irt download Filcjlitlc~,~nd cl~l.~,!h (Or! bow liO jOiil the SSf[\~ Cluh.
Appendix: NP'L R.e·p,ort:s; fen the .sSfM P"oglll'am
NfL Jiepo1't elSE ]7/98 - I r!~[i.,1 Starns Report on SQftware ACl'I",'j~ies. Woddwfde by
Be,!'I;lrd HlltJcr
Nr',p0rt elSE 18/" -In.utial Report on Status of Software IHa'l Ma~herm~~iessn Each Metrology Field, by Dave Rayner-e-a synthesis of the study 0,[ 12 individual metrology areas
NPLReport crse 19/99- Model Valiclia!iolliin the Context of Metrology: A Survey, by Bemard BuJ Ie r, Mau rice Cox, Alistair Forbes, Peter Harris, and Gabriel Lord
N"LR.epolf~. elSE 21/99' - Report on Discussions with other National Measuremcnt Institutes (1998/99) on Testing Spreadsheets and Other Packages used in Metro.~ogy. by Bernard Buner, Mfl,\,llrlee Cox, and Peter I-Iani~
Nr.LR!c,o:rt CI.SE 22/99 - Survey Report on Testing Spreadsheets ana Other Packages used ili1 Me!rology. by Mau rice Cox, Marl Dainton, Pejer HiirfrS, and Brian Wldlmann io
MOlD Council ,Mlinutes Minutes of' the May 24·, '1998 Meeting
1.0 Cull to Om'er
1. I The /\ me ri can !:lOC] e [y for Ql1o..n qr (ASQ), MeIlH!r~meTn Qmlu', Division's (NiQD)reKld:",' releccnference rne:C'(in~ W1l.& held in C:CHl!.~InClion wil[h rh~ f\ll1cri~ can QuaHty Conference un Maw 24, 1'999 at 5:30 p,m. Pacif!c f)~ylight Time ..
2.0 RoU 'CaU
2. . 1 0 flrk~ rs Pt!!!! ~ III
Tom A. Pea rsen ' C haPfl1lan
LOW8:rI A.. N i ecdsrnus Secretarv
St'9ve Cook , Treasurer
Dan J. H1:irpHL StandardsCern-
rnirtse Represent,Hlve and Acting ByLaws Chair
p h i~ i p Steil'!., N<I,tio nal Di recto r
iilnd Past Chair
M ,irk Soh oan la~n .. , ......... Ohair E I ect & Vk~ Chair for Aegiom;
Sal Sci(lc~rtani . ~istorjan
2,.2 Regional Counseto es Presen t
Dr. J L M<J1dri,Q'al..... Region 6
2 .. 3 Gucst\l Pn:·s··~nt
Shirl FU rg€u. .. .. ... . ASO Stan
PI iii Pairl~ha u c! .. Tile St,mda rd
Duane Alien Divm·ion Mf3n1-
a .. 0 Appnlval o:f the Ag eru::l II
3,1 The Agenda was approved
4.0 S.ecretary's RepOin
4, J The minutes 1'11" rhe lusr Measurernenr
Quality Dlvi~jOI1'S teleconference 1"l'H:;E t·· jug hel d J::IJlUOIl'Y 28, ~ 999 W~r~: pre-
I, Gurnmt;w 1999
s eun.d for approval. The. mJl1U[C"S were approved witb no c o r r e c riorrs noted.
5.0 New Bus~ness
S.I Shirl Fu rger, \! stlrf member ur rhc American SQL;.i.eti for Qualtry presented charts n:rr>;:i(;!1tlt1g he lan:SI membersh i p nglJres :1nd trends fnr I he Div isinn. She presented tWQ gr:lphs, the fi,rst a five, ye nr trend f,lf mernb e rsnip to'9ols and the ottH:r representing 1991)/1999 membership to tnls. Sh.e also p rc s en red so rn c b,,=~ kdt)wns in terms 0 f se nior , regula r , 'sLlu~.ifli ng n n d ne w me Ln be r-sh ip alon r. with renewals, unpaids nnd rhcsc who tm e quit the DivisI011., question W,{' asked of Sbj'l as to he~h(:[ this infrlrflU-tiC.1Il Win also ·.!.!f;Lilable tOr rile SOCIety as a w h o i e. The rrtr ent W~'I ao de terrrune h ow these fig~1 r e s com p~ red -0 n,lti<'H,:!,1 mernb er s hip information. Shirl Indicated t iH she would be unable to gC[ this inf"[J dllring this meetlng, but she CC)ldd provide [h~[ nil a hltt:[ r irne TOil"! lPearso~ re que s rc d tb~1 Shirl e-rn: il a Cqpy of [he data ro him 'So diM he could gccl it ClIH to all Division rnernberg.
:i,2 Phil Stein i"clic~.HL:d that he h~J 11 metlnn to r.t:l:1lu;. 'It· !"i.(Hl:(! thH t he re had been 50m~ offline d isc uas ion on this and other Ilcm. s. I-li5 11110 ion WIlj; dHlr begmrnng j mmedm tdy and eorru n uing un a ve :H~y bas is ~J~lH til e .M~'11\ 5,1,1 r e rn en t Quallry Di visic o n.ukt; a one rhousand dollnr co ntrtbution to the Asb to n Ogk Sc;hol.HShip h![jcl, Th,· y..,,1eal;ur~nc-nt Qu~li[' Divlslon W~~ one of the cn·span· serrs for dlb~ Puo d when It wu s f~rst e nvisio ne d. ThE: Fund i.~ n o w appr o vcd by rh e American Soclery for Qualhv and is helng managed by he Ht 'I~af\ o"evei[ pmcnr and cr s h lp Di vis io o .. Then: hu be en 'I c:tndidatc r eee n r l y no minnre d rut' t hc sc:b()hn~~p. T'hc qise s rio n was asked i I we Iud <:;!,wugh 0 ffj G > r: prescrrr at lhe re leco nfer encc to approve motions, Phil Srein 1'10tl'J thal a !t'I:1juriq' of th~ vorinr, members rrt'se:nt is ~llff]r,:ICIH ro approve rnnrro ns. \'!J'i t h tin ~n, the m orion wn s s c condt:d and the rnoti on w a s ca trie d wi rh no dissenung votes.
5.3 .i.llts a rmo un ce cl that Phi] .5!"!"IO ;Hnl Woody Eick e wo u l d be iI.~jlching their
Unce rrairity Turorinl ar the fall confer~ enc e if I Toledo. }\\lnclLlg:h it is not ne c~!..SHl' s c c e r d l ng r o rhe Saduy's byl.:lws, Phil ilfll \'V'fiOUr wOIJ~d lik~ to get apprHv:,iI fl" m rhe Di·,lsinn Jen der~I i.p \:0 receive rrro n ie s ror rh If work. Phi'! Ieels rhar it is impOrfi.l.flt that W~ go on record ~~hU tile Divismn appro'ltes Its mernbe es :1I1£! offi<:er:s, wher.bcr elected He not, to receive c mpensa-
rio n in these instances. h was no re d
1 hue rh~ Divislon I.VO I.llci otJiciaiiy SPOIl~I/Jf t.b:r~t! COUI".S>r:S, and ih=tl tIl:(: D'ivi~iul'! would receive ~ pc:~c~nt~r,t of rh e pwf;c Irom rhe:1i' courses. Dan H.:u·pet made the rno rion that Phil Sr.e in ;lnJ Woody El eke cecc ivc ITIt')nlC:$ ill the ,name of tht: Div1 siun ["f'lr the courses th ar rhey reach in dF:' f'1.1me: of the Di·· vi. Ion. Nick. icodemus seconded [he rnorron.The rnorion was c,'(;ric;d with no di ssen airlg <;Q res.
5.4 Tin: Division, hs s .Imtn~' act.ivir,je!; going on ill N:nT'lS of pro,gm.m~ alld also p;Hd ip~l'[i{Jn in other H'c::1S. Riv;ht 110\V we ha .... re three conferences in which we p a rricipat e. \Vic h rvc the ~'[(~a:;urCineru Q u;~lny Cunh:rc nee In December, the ,\ n.nua! Q'IJ~j,I!Y Con fcrcnce i n j\,f:t~ arid the MeaSLifCn1\"I'l'l ~dence: C(mFt~elu:e 1.r.1 Jarm:H}'. The firs.t tWO are A.S.Q. conferences. \X/e s h o uld support ;;tmi rlltricipnre in chcm tillhiE fullest. The third one d'l C I\'f e a " IH t' ['11 e nt Sci enc ceo .. Fe. rCI1(:C if. o puunat. Phil Ste in wotlld li!,;.~ to get corHII'lUi!lg ::mtho.Tiz. t.l Hl frorn Ihe. le: ded.llip to p1il:ucip;t((!: in ib e Me3.."iU eemen t SCll;:nr':C CO'.n ferO"ri;;c .. The rca-
gun we n e ed ch ls all.qlioliZllt.ion r s
b c r a u s c we. spend a Fa u .L!1HluM or m Inl:!jI on e xpe n s e s. The nih, I' rhing rhar we p<.).nici~1~tc i,a is the B80 COlfT'l~ i"11 i nee o tl 0 i m en s io nal Me HO! ogy. ih.Jph Veare made f] 11I.1o~ion almost tw'o :Igo rha t we m ak e .1 c o n t ti bu zj on LO this Commirrce by serHling a represen turi 'Ie. I t was approved then, and Phi I Sre in w a s selected as' tlln r rept~scrvtnt lvc. PIli! is looking [iJ renew tb:tt a rprov,l:l. l n pdo t C,,-,I1VerS!! rio n on this
subje ct , j,t was n ored rh a t it wO\lld len:
good If W<:: could g.( n :Ippren[iee- onboard to begin to rake over those kmJs
CoutlrufL~d onp<lp' ·12
Summer 1999
of aU.lVJ res. It WIIS h p~J the pel'son c ou I d clfi rhnr for a )rcar or two with Nil I Srei i'1 '~, <lui srancc arid ITlernoring ami (ben assume the ro le., Dan Harper 110 red that there should e ;tfl al ternnre fnr C ven' per-son t hll [ is servi ng a~ l'I I"cprese-nt ar iv e rOf t h e Division a n d o t he: acriviries. WJth rhnt ~·~rV!l1g as cl backdrop For tilt' cl L~,~u~sjon s, a mutio fI W'l~ rnurle [II 'fliHlnllE It) llppun Pllii Stein in his lInivilies nn behalf of tht: M~ns ur e men t Sere fl ce Can f...:r~Tlce. und the I3B~ Committee on Dlrnen alonal Merrolflgy. T'he n'h1"t~nll was onded ·:\[1(1 the voung was unanimous" A second m 0- non was made lh::a it srmll be the poli cy u f t IlJ~ D i vi~l(J I'l. [0 h nvc an a] ter natc , or CI [be r bnekup , (0 r c:vl;!ryrc:presen I :.uhl'l! (If other ;tpp[ji'IH~d rlO~t in lht! Dtvisinn .. The rm dO!"l was se eo ndc d and apprcved with it 11 :ulil1lo11S vut e. There was s omc <li~I;;U~~1f"1 (is cn whether w~ should deri 1)1: e"t'ry posj riu n lh:. t ne e ds :i b ncku p or lenve it Op'CJ1 'ilt tn .. poinl. An :aeliofl uern was asslgm: l to Tum re~ItS(]1l to begin ro pUl lOge. Tile I' a Critr al Position List rh sr wo uld require backup,
.s .. S Tom Pear sun a n nounced (h;} I. l he re W3~ a pcssi bdi I r of 11 [oi or veil ruse wi rh Ihe EdUl:fl(inn BO~lfU. As .1 b-a('iq~rOlmd, we ~re bcglnnii1~ to finJ a !Ot of mt er~H in rneas ueemenr rrrer h nci s :tnd !.~dlniques. Phil S ~t!i 1'1 h~ L~gi n n i n~ ro put l!"'lgt! thur l:lropDs.1I o-n hnw '~'e III igh l bI(),jr:.h:n M~~~UrI!111!;!11r , .. ,mrk~hup!;. There is. n.nV ~U1111:: mrcrcs I nn , he P;I rt () t I hi:
Educari If) Hl)ud for sorue pttdfJ'l~;I.1s on na rinn~ 1 rr~ I nillF:- Ph ul S u~ji"l J nd W'flod~' Eic ke have a cOIH~e in uncer ta i r'rt~' .1[1(1 r rucenbili t)' thar they .1H: le~dllng be-fore vn rj uus c o nferen ces. The c our s c has ~Ol"l!: 11:" rr erne 1 y \\'C 1.1 uve e the: last n_h tee yea r~ .\rud has us ua lly been over s u bsceibed Tlli~ i s ~ g-!'[~~l ';_\PP'JfEUlli r:y to serve nUr ~omf'lIl.1nil}' wd!. TIl!: rtl.lC'~lwn is do WI.'. L~ k c en is fI rngrfl m (l i1 ·j·he i():l.d (}U l'~elVI!_", 01 J['I we tin iii rl enn 1 U Il~ Linn with the: Edm:.: .. t"innDL'velorm~·c][ :Hl"Li Promotipr1 Dt!p'LrlmCL1 t, which is ~ s·rllnfluu:[iOIl ot [he t\Sl2· '·ht:y would be the one~ Ihell ·,t·ho publish [n<: c;!oil()g. ~~ke r;:a,e of lTI:lIl.:q.!;ing tn\: JCt:litS rlf Ih~ ~ou rsc by reproducll~f!; rile fll,u~ri ~h a.nd .udn~ r h·~ ~lO{ds. The qll ~·~.t.iI..Ht j'~W il(Ll
GIO working wilJ he Education Devdormc: fi r ~rrid PrIJI'rifl ti Oil Department
add in. ah e way of ... n lue a n d Wh.H
would it cost? Dan H~ rpe r fdt that i l \\"i).~ ~lpp rop·riue rhu c Phil ilweS[i.gare and d acrde what is tile be sr op tion for the Division and for the AS(~ In gc l. Phil ~'I U b~ {::'Hhi:l'lg b.u:k. W~t.h n pWl,us:ll lit the J uly met: ring. DaD per.5unaJI)' strongly supports an}'rhlng lhe Division is wtlling to do as fu :"IS address ing these I:dl,.lc~ Il~ln~ I issues. Other di~, n~~ion cefLH:'flu.! un the need W ~x·nmme the tota I marker very (;;rn:r-lil~y in 1 igllt Q f the ticflH: i1t;10!J5 nurn be r (j; orhcr cou rses tl-la r ~r(l eing (l 'tcrcd. It W~ s br ough I OIH [b;"u ill nrde r [1) work w~lh rhe Educarion D evel opme nt and Promotion Depcrtraen l tiu.t a business pb!1 hOI d r o he Ii'rt!'~en'l cd :I I'ld as pl n of that,;t market ":H1~rlVSi5. l·om P.:al'!:on rhe n asked Phl l fur Yo business plan. Thill pl an is L.t) include co n shle rrulnn \! r (,~·'!,m i ng wi I h (n l: Fkl LlGLdr:lI'l Deve]opm ern lind PnHI1' rron Dep 1U till ent and :01. rnarke t aa:dysis. Tom IS of I he opi nion [hat if we C;1 n ream With IVilllnt con (t![C D.i:C~ (J r hearlq U:Ji.rtc:r~ Hal n in.g the Di~'i~jr:n'l wou hl ce rra Ln'}' be In ~ pos i ticm ro r each people mnre effectively-
5.6 The j'U::lif 1~~1Ir:: bmugh~ up by Dan f lnrper w do wi L1I the 111 tt'rn.HlOo::li PkLliLrr of Techrucal CfrtllmltH!:c l7(, un der I 0 v I Ii r.: h mec r'~ i 11 San rcanci:-cf.l r;inLLJitJlJH~\ju~lJ' with rhe Me a s ur !nr~l"n ~)!I:l11 t}' Dh J"b Ihl"~ InLe[Jn~ Lack •• rsr. 1-111: P 1 ~ tury J S privarelj- ~'~ ml.r::c1 wi r ~i nt.) ~ovc["flm~nt r1J n rh ulv"l v ~J. Dan hnd menno n ed At I he 1:a$1 m cc ri n~ rhat he wnuld like 1\'1. . D. [0 111;!kc :I h- 1'I00I'H:;i.d contr iburion in support or I'h~ Plt!'Llll·rr. Th is is ex rrernelv i 1:'11 ponnm JlS rn ~ ny 0 rOLl r qll :~Jj (~r standards h li urt - Jcr TC l7(j. The I\SQ I~ nl~lkj I'g :J. very arg.e cornribunou. However there _S
-aill .I lUI ur LH'II!)' tCI be !";;UH~J. A~ r:hllif"iY"m or the [Imdilrd~ Cr.mmiH~e, .olm will bt: ·wrl t~rlg l~lll!·r.s I.U caLeh .Di~'iSlOn Ch;IH fI!4ut:~[I[lg th:J1 they t"onsJJer \1 finil nc·:tl Ii; oonllli.l"itltl It) supporl. \'V'hilt ht: j~ <isking for I~ each Dq .... i5l0ri ! () -con lriiuue one doll ~r fnr (Ycry m·erl1bcr in In r::i.t .D ~v·lsjon. r r il115
The STANDARD Pa ;;1'
:== 0== " ~==:t=-='="::;;::$ 'ii£& 1&0=#1::-1
been ~lb()i,I'i i 1I ~'~(lrs srnce- r. h e Pijel1~lr}' has been held in rhe li ni ted S tares ami it will be nt I!; ;I~[ that J ollJg before it i~ hdd h ere rdg~ill. Thl~ JS .~ great 0rr(JUllflit} r'lH the MQD, ,,!I wtc' will b'ilLfI i f'1 rerriHi'l:1n~~ ;!'H~mi!l.f1 ~!"IJ pUh!i.chy. D:lfl! would IIklt l\fQD tu ~nkli: lh,!;: k:lJ, H 11(1 otht:r Division h:vs jetcommicted 'to supporr. Phi I Srdn fl1;~dt: ;I mrH~ml ~hB r [h~ Melsm"t:rn<:m Qua.liq .. Drvision make n oncri rn e con t(~ihu rion 0 f Si:< t h nusund do!j~t~ to ehe cornmi tree haidHlg the plenary on TC 176 :U San rrnnci.5co j n Sepeernber. He further motioned tlrat DiLn I Iarper Ibe ,ch ~tged wi rh f:i ~~ cling om ,~.,!,:Ili:Hy how to get Om' p r omorional matel'~~ I irrcluded j n ~he member r~.II:ketg.. The ~lwti(jll \VJ~ s~c')lulecl, In ~h~ djs eu ss io n I'JHH [ollnweti, Phil Stein indicnred that what he was cOHsid~rjng For i ncjualon was a current copy of Tile STANDARD L1,(,WS leu~1t ';~nd ow r CUrren! M.Q.D. h~ochur e with ~ i;l,bcl iJcruifyil1g ollr websi~e addregs. D.i11l Harper noted tnJ t there would be votunreer s helping with the Huffing of rhe handouts <It:ld I:h~r.r:' wl]] be ampre Oppof[l:InilY tOI j.!~~ all of o Lit" rnaterials LflCILld!=d. Torn PC:iH-!iUti "1- dicate d that one thing dnH he wquld like w s ee added m rhe p :lebct was a h~uc:r from MQD Ci:mg(aud~tl ng the TC !7(i' Commit.tee and commending OYF represenrntives to that Lommitn:e, \V~th no nathe, d iscuss i orl, the motron WilS VOH:d L,l po n .~ nd (:il.n ie d u n animous sy. [):1 n Ha~p'e,i: wil i be contactil1!,: Steve Cook ~,'i{h a ch ec k request for the COrHr.i bu~iO!1 and the address 0 f ~',dl.0m shou M ft:(;e)vt;: It,
ti 0 T lI'easUire r I S,ReiP'O Ii1
6. t S~~ve Co~.~k provid~d the treasurers rEpart. Hr h;LS [ust finishedthe one-yesr reporr f(-.I!' 1998. He wH~ affor d a copy of lh~!: W Nick Nicodemus to Sec setary. :rle wjl] also send a copy to D~\'Ij;!.yn~ Shfllrp tor Thx STANDARD newsle uer. Sreve ~UIS 11 reqkH1st :i [] to the D i.visio.t1 ,~~C() U.tltfl!"iI'L for () Uf ~~ t~lf:t baJa·nees.
1.01 EdlJJc,ation Chair's IReplon:
7. 1 T'he Educati(Hl Chair \va~ nut ,l\rau!~ a~lC' ro gi .... e a rep (J itt.
OJ) .Audii1:i:ng C:tlalir's Report
a.i The Auditing Chair was not avaB~ a bl e to give a report.
9 .. 0 EX81miniing 'Chair's Report
9. J -r~1~ EKil.fl~j[1.Jng. Chan was not Mr.~!Jnb 1 e to f.llv€ :l report.
10 .. 0 Program Cbair's Report.
un. ~ Phil Srel rt ,repflrtC(! lh:'!lL rhe 7d1 nn!"i. U.J ! Mcasurcmen t Q unlity Con f~r€nce p~anning is almosr cnrnplere. Theae,U:l'1 dH~~ 1)( the cnufcrenc e arc 13il" 14th nnd 15th or S~ptemb~1 WLI h the 13th being the ruror lal. E\r~f}' ~pe:tkt~ rh IH W(~ hud ;E rlOrO~e d has :iLp;r~cd to present except for Dan II~rp'~ r \, .. ho w II! !ry.t: b I.lSY \Vi tl'i the pic!};] f, in S:ln :Fr.11' /I.. replacement is needed for hirn. Theft: is st;~.1 worn for .suTJH: optional papers o n Wf!'dr'l~~tky. Wc iilH'e people who CUI fill !h!!m if flU r~sp{Jn~'c.s UC received [rom the c [I.U for pap'cr;,.
'11.2 Th~ L{uero ti on was asked If there will be ::I M:ax j. Urus Aw;!rd gIve.I' during rhe Ccnferenee. This aWlIn{ W::J.S del t!;g~t'e.J to q.he El-mm iui 1]£ Committee. Tom Pearson [Oak H:I actioni rem tn follow-up ",tilh Mel. Fechner of rhe E~.;'Im· in! r'll!; Comrnn: ee on thiS J'SSIl€.
TU.S Phil S[c:~n is p['ll:parlng ~ fellow sppii(;atlon for liblJg,~ Kacker of NJ.S.T. to be sub rnrn.ed nn hl!h:'lif of the Division duri rlg thl~ fellow uuminari 0 [H cycle, which en ds June 3(kh.
l' .II;) M:embelliship Chair's ReIII nrt
11. 1 T om Pearson m!:iuiUl1ed ~h3r'r M the begmn in1£,' of this mee ling that Shirl Furger had d ml['ipcd oa so me rnern b ership mfonmnio:n regarding th~: Division. Society membership has dropp.::d about 5 percent from year, H:tLl:l!l'i' to 129,lJ(m from 135,nOn membef~ .. WhLi~ this rnay 1('!Dr be nil'tistk9J~r $igi1ific:ant, this l s obviously COllC'E'rf'!;ng 'Some people. The pat!lcuilH n umbe rs thut Shirl gave us sho-ws that over ~h~: 1:~St foul' ycn rs, D ivtsion ~'11.,~ rn be'E~h!r has gro -» n :! bOUi 1.0 to J I pel:'cent f:roffi 6,135 to CJ,885 members. HnW(;;V(~I. m the 18H }'E:.lir .iii bas droPJlcd bi\ck down 6,213. Tom Pearson WI!] bcgr:t'rhJg the
Cn_n~;~iJ?F~m f~:.!.e _-if) Mee'llll1g ,MllI1utes
numbers to Di "i~i(]n membc rsrup nod we may '!'.~~H to have s.o rne dh·CLls·SJOn 011 ! his i n The S-rhNDMtD newsletter.
t L2 Steve Cuok m.~u~ iI rnuti on t hat we pr{J\'!d~ u membe rs hip survey It I rhe nLlU. i~SLle of The Sr"llld:lI·d. 1tl rhc ensuing disc us s ion, i ( ..,..,.l~ f1o,ted: [11 2! ~ Ine~11 b·~ r 5~ r ve y had ~~e~ n ~ ~crjmp I j,b I'!d J boui tWO YI:!'HS ago. U IIln,~ w!!Hk rh,e rX;II:r S~ ITIIC q~IC5tiol'~~ 'L"~ for a s ked • wv fl;"!a r s ~go Ilbe S LI r v e:, may not h~ ~c:l~\'anl. I r WM· ~lIggc5(qi th;l ~ :I subc.nm mi rr e e be formed ot() iook ~I' th.:;: resulrs [If t~le Inn !5urve')', decide wi1mr ',1J'~ W;'HH [0 kllDW and how [0 get the n ex ,- ~ u rvey p ro{l ueecl. A 110[11 er th .n.~ W~ lU~ht co nsi d <.:,' is pun] ng: h t: survey Of] t~ (;:Wd>$i'le. People seem w lie rno rc J.p' to Iii t uut u ~lUrvey on [he \'(IdbSftr. ~h~f!! mail one. I! W~l~ rno verl In fnr.:m H cornrmtrc c Iro rn rlus (·nL!l1~.i I !O Lk i e: rrn i~~ ~ he lies ~ \vay f(l gt:,y !rd'.ormill;" In fnml II u r rnernbe r:;, dcc id e whn r H is wb:u we need 1'0 Know' and th en P ,mr::c.:::J \\11 til i nnpl~memifl).l, it. The mOI:lufl W:l5 s~condcJ and with no funh c r d.i scussion 1.he morio n \\1,,1$ :LP ,. proved, An aerio n Penn was give-n to Tom Peill',;on arid N jek N icodcrnu s to fOl'~ll th.u [om rnn to:.;.
1:2.0 Chair Ellect And Vtice Chair Fa" Re 51 ions
r 2.1 TIJ~': (hllH [':lcCI <"nri VIce Chah for R~g;iDrl~ wa!; onr ave ilable (nr .H~ n:puFr,
1,3.0 N ew'!:detter lEd ito'f' rs Rep,ort 13.1 The Newderter Edam \V;I~ nul ~.Y~11·~ able fnr. hi~ report.
1·4JJ Internet. Repo,rt
~4.11 The Inrernc] l:rwir W8~ r.L'H ~\1aililhle for hLS :1.'C'pOH
1.:5.,0 HistOlri;an's Repo'rt
l~,j The !n~H\li.illl was 'r,nt ~v~.ibbh: [<If h I~ rcpu fL
17.0 Stiililu:lards Cemmlttee Repres'entat~veall1d ByLaws 'ChaIr's, Report
17.1 D~I~ 1;1.~lpcr rC'rf1n~d on ~[~lnd~Ln.h nc nvtrres. H ~ 'UlliQlliU cd rh~; i!Hl2c Live [ul y tt'lr~~" .hl new fi~c! I ~'e.Lr,. he WI II become charr 01 rh e ,\5(2 smndards corn-
• 1111 l r.<I2:.: . D:! n \\ i, i I s Ll'C C e e d ].I ~ n y ~':.Lclswonh wh(~ h.L~ becn ch~if iar 1 1
11:;;;;:; ... ;:6:=
Summer i~99i]
or 12. ycnrs.
17.2: A I' the ~"b n::h ple fi~i ry "f s ulaco m trn tI~,r:: j 0 fTC 176, wh ich i::; the one rhat h-as the )10(10 series arid ~ 00' 1 ~~nJ:"f> dcccrnenrs, there was .~ new work irem w c(l·I'tIbin'l.'! parts one ;Ir'id tWO ,)f 1IJ!1l2. This hilSp':lS~~~d nVCrW 1.1 t: I.m.ingly iii rhc I n t~ rn..J.l i o nil! ClClrHTTlIl_[t~ Ii. D an w 8.S ~Hlncd CO'.lvenur l~r w().rl!.i.n~ P,[t1IlP I to h and!e Ih~L! curnbi n arion. Wo~k o'n 1 OfJ 12 ~~H~ l has been suspe uded fUl rhe ne w wnrk Itt:m to I'!0~ ~ ~H~~ri. [J ndil:'[ I, S, O. r u lcs , ;1 GtWTilg r o nsen sus mUM be (~lH.ilJ fled [or :.tJI.nd@Hh t n pJ;I;:IJ;(ess frorn o n e ,t;Lg-= ~O ~.tHHhcr i\, [here: was 0 n cle ar S T ro ng cr-nscn ~I.J s nf the i n ~ei'r1;Llj(lmd C01nm unirr I() m.o v e ] Oil i 1. PlPt .l to tile ne~[ ~.'Hge, wm:'; on the re ... is ion W Hlell2. pan I W~~ susr~ nded. Tbi~, I1lJY be li!b~~ [0 be bn.lug!u I.! uc k , [n iii e iYle~11 ti me, the work.i~'g Br~)Llp h:ls. !J~g:UI'! ,"vork 01'1 cnmhlill.f'lg rhe l wo JoctiL'~~cnt~ I tis .:·,,jng d1[U un a pn~~~u hl!l~is wit h Spt~e iFic .Hs".!;lnIlH:rn.~ wi rh i n t h e grl~Up, th.::y are plffinni,ng on (~llluwli'!g ~hc for~· nUl o f rhc n.;\\, I. S. O. 9f1(W se w~~;.
17,] 0 n 17P2S, d\·e corn men rs \,,;a~ rc\i i c::wed ~Lnd i r i~ a s s.urne c] dcn I [ \V i rh 1 n J\pdl. if thq WeTi"' flenh wi rh, 17n;1') s houhl b ave gOIl'~ nil to licn(:' 1.'11. ::'\V! tzaLmJ '~\.rIn h ~I ,"1 r~ fr w the FB is. The Un!.t.t:J SUlLCS did hj.\I',~ s.orn e objecriuns ro POlS n~""lnR to Jr) W·:,!tl ~:~I.~bf:H,i(J.1l 1:1 hI'! r:U'Lltj!25.
1i'.4 Rcogardi ng )vi I, 1[[ rhc b~ l mL'etj~)I;iL1 March ~h~te wc rc r..:vi~lUn~ ;11 ~i.m~ a rera s . The re has llnr In!(:__')'.11 high lev!;':1 nf Tn~tH:lp.1 [Ihn 011' i Ill"r~c~ r in 1\'1 I. Howe ver, l\L Q. D. lu~ r!:.~po'15ihillt,,- fnr the H~nd;lrt;i unul i r is wirhdr;l;\\;p, Su evef)' flve yCRt'5 wt: wI.! I 11';1 V'C: tn dC81 wnh re\'!s.i n.ii; or ~! prl a I: trig LL
1 B.O Regiona~ CGUIiIIS'8~or's Rep'ons
18.1 There: were nu H!PGrr~ by rhe Reg iLl n;:,1 C (I un ~ (:!, J r s.
119.0 Past ClTrair And N,omlnat .. i ng Chai r Re'p,o,rt
19 I There W'[Eo 11 n P ~ ~·i Cha ir ,I nJ Noml" n:HiLl~~ C.h ~1 r n:putt .
CU'<5 ..
~11.2. The lim!." ,tnJ d:!le fUi: fh ... ne x r rne eriag \ViI5, II~ft Lirldd~rITlliilC~L Tlu, ne x r mc:ellng will be <ll!~illF: [he NCSL'~ ITIl:':r,· ing in J ui;'. Wile n the ri Oi'", ~ Ild 3fr;; ls deti'::flUined, rr WI] I h~ 1",1 ~~I:J on r,,) N icl, Nicodemu s for scht:duhng ill' II1'l' tdeconference wi dl. N:u;o n=tl Head ~1~I.1'M L-~'~.
2,0.3 There bci ng nO hi r d~€ L' bli~m~=~~, '1Ih:
InCel:lfl~ was :t!di", (0, Rf1spectfully submitted:
Lowell A Nicodemus Secretary Measurement Quality Division American Society for Ouelitv
MOf'lih Ch~c~.Im~ MOflaymkt
J8nu~ry HlOO $6,05:3 O() $l3,G56.{)i]
r<;bn~lIrv 19!111 sr.sie no :T.T3.9'li lit)
March 1 ~91l $11.561 O() $'/{,l.71 1 DO
Apr,'l99B SiI,:;'l) OIJ $!'j9,~55.00
NlaV 1900 $2~ .. 2B? 00 $&],707 00
Jul'l~ lOOfi m~2.IlO 1.5:9_%3 ou
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:Sei>l~mbe:f 199B ·~l4."J.M'(!U' $60,7 1 ].·O~) OCUJ!lerlS9il 5:;m,~1.0(l $60J)~2_00 i'lOlll8mb1;lI 'l1l96 ~!L9~.OO $I'H.195 00 DOCi8rtlOOr 1008 s • .31' ,957 00 $51,1131 00
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t1.DOO,DO &'50000 :1'500 00 $50000
f'riep;il1lr'l E~~~'Se~
~nu:arv 11300 Felm f!JaEV 1999, Mm1:h 1'99E'
$1 155.00
~n.R!l2..(](j $81 6F;i7. OU $lil.7·H.fJO $6,1,87400 ~~f},95) nO $6.2,D.9S.00
Steve Cook, a ytH; '."'Dlukl l~k(! more i rl form..alio:n :'!l;I()~J[
Treasurer ~oiru."]goiH Division.
-~----~~---r_",--'IiiIi"-"!-_"-"'" --, ._"", __ _" __ "iii_iiiiii'"! __ "I!!_!!!!I"". iiii_iiiii"'I_. "" - - _1_- ~ .. - I_I ~ ~ ~ 1_I!IiIiiiiiiiiII rIJ..
I Members,hip lnlorrnatlon Coupon
I Yes, 113 mill terested j 11 lea rn!'i ng rno re a be u t membership ill the Mea B lJ re m ent Qua I i ty I Divisiofl of A.SaC_
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I Maln ~l1tef®MS are:
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III arn.a mem-b-B-r-D-~ -ASOC Yes No
I Mlem bsr # Secti on I
: Mail this coupon to: Drane Counuvmen, MOD Membership Chatr. 1914 Bucbenon I
1 Avenu~. Oqdfdn, ur 844m ~
L _
,~ -
IMIIlD has 16279
nUlmbers., .• 8S of
AprU:nt 19991
~.{l7~ uc $1 200-C(J
$87,12~ oe :ps,:m:i (X) $)'9706.00
SMO no $.511000 ~500 00
Membership Report
H02f<: i~ [he current b!'ll.':;1 kdon!!i'n of ".iLli' mCIIT.j- 11whip, (as of 4/JO/99)~
RaQ'uh;ir "._, _ .. 5100
SenlQr ., , __ .. . , ._ _, .. n9
Fellow .. _ .. _ " ,_ 36
Honorary " _ ,.,.,., 1
Swdent __ . , .. _ ", 54
SustalJll'ng ,. , _ .. _ , 741.
Teta' .... ". ,., ,_ _ 6279
(lIH t{ for rhe ye~t werl::
MOl\( ·98 " " 591 [)
Juno '98 _ ,...... '" 6917
JuIV'98 _. .. . 6971
August 'sa ,_...... 5510
Sep lembe r ''98 5€i!l13
October '00 _, . . 57'8-9
." 5893 . 5923
Novem ber '9B . December '98. , ..... J1J!'ILJsrv '99 ... FeQ.Fu tI ry'S9 ,..... March '98,_
April '89 .. _ ,_, .
........... 604) ..... EJ142
'" .. 62 ~,
. 5279
OU[ rnem hershlp has n'~, lcJu.irii back up afret rile del eti 0 11:. ,and werc 11~'IWlll~' i"t!ln(Jing helcw 1<L$t Y1O'1I. M you rutgOl to ren ew , why not do it n()\i;'! \'{ie'd iHlt LO '00e you., Re_F.llL:nd
you. hie n Js. ab ourir [(w!
YLHl wilill firu.i :1 COUpWl beio',,,, rhar you
tH) _
!Summer' 1999
Measurement Quality Division Officers
Thomas A_ P'e.C!r5Qn _ Automated Technology Assoclates 11636 E.:o:po lane. 'ndianllpolis. IN 462'14 8,","il9i!: tap@aIBindy_com
Past Chairman and NominBtin.g Chair
Pllllip SU:t1 ., .. , , " ,. Philip G_ Stein Consunants, <100 Oak StrEl'!ill. Pennington, NJ 08534
[email protected]
Chair Bec,t and Vice Chair for Fle'l]lons
M<lrk Sc"'oen~ein , Owens Illinois Plastics Group. One Se~G~te 29'L·PP. TIJ~edo, OH 43666 e-mail. lMJSZ@mhs,oi,
Tressurer Steve Cook
..................... , .. Hughss Aircraft. 8707 East 29th St , Tucson. pz, 857 HJ email; ~fc;[email protected]~
Nlct Nicodemus 4958 East County Rd 1 QO onh Danville, IN 46122 email: [email protected]!
Ksrl F. Spl:::itel " , 14 Kil,lIeston Drive, Pittsford, NY 14534
Me I Fecl11"1 er . . .. . Gage Lab Co rporano n. 415 Vel R oad, H unti n Qldo'n Va:l! e'l", PA 19iQ06 Ie md;lil: rn [email protected]
Norm Elelecld NiST; Rm Bl46. Bldg. 2:20. GElltharsburg, MD 20899 e mad: belec [email protected]
Dian Countrvman 9 -4 Buchanan Ave., Ogden, UT 84401
Woody Eicke ' " 112 ,1 WhispervllootJ! Lane, Rockv;ile, MD 20B5:? e-rrtail: weicke@us_l'Iet
Pu bl ications
J. L Mi'ldrigE!~ BrighiillTl Young Uni\J'ers~ty, Department of Stattstlcs lWU. 22.2 TMCB. Provo, UT 84602
email: [" adngal@byuedu
lNewslethH Editor DelNayn, 6. Sharp
. Stlape 01 Thinqs. 296 Marlene Oriv~, San LUIs Obispo, CA 9340!;-1 0.24 e-mail; dbsharp@rnetl'
S, D. {Sal) Sacc:hitanl , .. , Gage L, b Corporation, 475 Veit l'lJoad, Huntin~d{jn Valley. PA 19006 ornail: sal@gagelab,com
Standards Com rnittee Representative
Da 11 J. H a rf)€'r ", , 822 N. IN, r._~ IJr ray Road, Suite 236, ?or U a fld. 0 A, 972lS-58SB email: d har ,0 er.hQa@woridnetau .. 1i e ~
317/271-9545 ext. 224 B j17/27l-7974 F
609/737-9144 B G09} 737-9411 F
4191 2.47-7285 E3 419/247-7147 F 4\90/ B74-27113
520/72.1-2227 H 520/794-5658 F 5201 446-7262 P
317/7.:15-2916 V 317!745~033 _
716/385- B36 H
215/355-5420 B 215/355-774.' F
301/975-4223 B 301 ! 926--3972 F
8011 6.85-7805 B
3011530-1337 H 30]1 530-8950 F
,B01/378-7357 B 801/ 378-5722 F
B05l781-0711 H 805081-07"4 f
215/355-5420 B 2151' 355-7711 1 F
5031 'M 6--, 1 380 H 503164'6-1380 F
The 'feaslJrcITH:1H QU;"Iill'}, Divi ion is on the Intcmec Thanks t-o 1'1111 Casn, WF huve :Hl internet m,tilLng lise open I.U anyone: interested In discussion of MQD reiatC"d copies. It is nor I'l~c;e~~ar}' [0 DC ~ rnem rer of ASQC o r or MQD Iv ptlnicip~LtlC. To subscribe, sn,J:ln -mail mcss-age to <I1l;ljordomo@QL);tllr}',org> with no subjcc line ando slhgle bUll), text line :<;:;Iyiflg: Sllb~C!'lb<.: qe-rnqd. Our horne p:Lgc is w",'w,metrology.osg. Chec it out!
Please notify the editor of any errors or changes so that this list can he updared.
Regional Councilors
Region l'
Jose<pi1 CalifB !1i:1, Hernagen IDI<lgr]o~tlo.. II"I~" 40 Be<) t H~I fiQ,,~d, WallOOm. MA 00 154 .' iS17)OOQ·;W66. FAX ieH] 890·3748
Region .2'
K:alri F: Speit~!, L II K~I'~.lnon DfT'ie. PIUS fcm], NY! 4534 • [7Hl) 385- tEl38
R,sgion :3
E:dUilr'dQ M. Hcidglb€lrg, C~r1er W.;I!~oe. 61 Kendall Dr" P<Jflir., NJ OS858 • ''309:166.5- '652.1, FA:!. \6091666-6736
Region 4
AIIe~ Ltlu, 11'I"IP"fllial aiLl1 1 3L Clair W, TO~Qn1'o. OrH, Car'!~all M5W 1 KJ '. 1416) S()S.loB54. FAX (4H5f ~'. E-mail. <lIe::.:: IO'IlJ@8~O_Com
.Region .5
Ralph C. V.aa~e, NiSI. B'I ,3. Met, Gaitherstil~rg, MD 20009 (30~ 1915--3502. FM [301) ~2, E-m1l11 rvea!e@nis!,gU'1
,Region 6
J. L. Madrigal. I3liql1a.m y(llif"j1:J Univ" Dept c'l S~~,bstics, BYLI, 222 TMC8, PMIQ, UT MOO2 • 001 378-7357, FAX 81]1 3'8-0'122, E-mail maclrl'9al@byu-edu
Region 7
Rgi r 0, E SChUllTli!lI::hll!lr. Coa~l QfjJ3]lly Metrolo~¥ Systems, Inc .• 35 VislOlDel Ponto, Siin Cieme[}It!_ CA 92812-3111 • (84'311192- 6321, fAJ;; 1949,] <1:92-832 \
Region B
Eric Fi,gdHn" Mal}nes!um AIUIlTl!1i I.HTI CN'!>., )42!;i S!lrVlce Road. Craveland, OhlQ 4Il.1 lt, (2161 <l'?6.-071:O, fAX ~2'619-1Hi' 19
Re,gion s
Ed VVu.dL Cummins En:glneo cc, P.O, !:lox lOO5. MOil CaiJe: 7130Q, C.ollJrnbu5, I~J 47202-m5 • (8121377.6~24. FAX (£H2) ~rn, 4007
AJtltlfMW -,J~m AGaoing. !3enCorp, V~hide Sealmg Group. 722' Engle A.d. Strite 2<lQ, Fl Wayne. ln ~OOO4 " 1:?19) <'l:J,:l,0071S. FAX
12 i 9) ~311 .. 9n.2. Vm~mall {Z4S) 553-5152
R'fJ{} ion 70
Ed,w~rd 'l;l, TmjlOf III. Tavim !"r,e-5S Prodl,jc~s Co" 362 North W€:~r ..... ood A~elliJe, 01-1 a2007 • (ellS! 531<3568. FAX [419) 531- 2912
Region 11
Raymond Pe·rhEinl. M<chelill TT! e Corp., Rt <l t~nlJ[)ch Cht~J~r., P.O B,o.>; 284u. sc mar) • (sM~2n93CiO. FM (B64) 458- QJ7B
Region 12
DQn<l~dI Ermer, Un~'Jt3rsitv 01 WIs,.cOM'rlo M-.sdisDn, 24.0 Mec.l'1aniQli Eng inO::llringl Bid,!) '1513 UI1""srsilY J\vemJl, M.,~jS(l1"! WI5.37Ofi. 1572, tBDB) 262-2557
Region 13
Niorman C,fl'('lSOri, Owens, Bror,kw,@'y Pm-;tic Cat1tsinar s, 1253 Murray Drive. ~"r'lS.'!lS Cit)!. MQ 6tl1 JQ • (8lffl 842·4.20S. FAX (8. U9) 842- 2'ifJ!i
Region 14
Chu.r;iI:: C8!rt~r, C L. Carter, Jr li Alis.o;;i:lUlS. In<;. r 21 , Gl[]fI Cove Drive, RiC"ardsM. TX /t5000 • 1'972) 234·3296 'FAX ~9n I 234<l2ee Atil)r:rJij~ -dames LI~ytl, i 50::: MQ!'Iro.e SL carl$l~d, Ntv. 88220 (505) 134·0006" FAX (5.051 8117 -rot' l-ilaydJ@Vvlpp_cfl~lsba>d_nm.!J5,
Reg/on 15
Brya n M IIle,r, Ch~n 1 pien lnternatlonet, lnc . p.o_ B{I~ , 89. COIJr1.I;;md. AI. 4581& • (205J 63]-6735, FAX ~205) !3'37-5W2
.Region 25
Mich B I'll Ross, CU&10f['ler-€yc'S, 15 Makererua $tree~ Nitlgd il, Wi<llilngta n 6tOtI, New Zear@ fi~ • Voic.e or tax Weill n IJIlQ n.16<1·) .&1) 479-Bt94. Ne'o'" York 1 m 1) 5-&1-7002, Lo",· POri (014) 1 7169 t· 7424, E-m-'lLI.
fl'!easLlrill9_ up-@ cu~tQmer-1B'Ie5 ,(;()! 11
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