Yaesu FT-7B Instruction Manual

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HF MOBILE TRANSCEIVER FT-7B GENERAL The all-solid-state FT-7B mobile transceives ‘ovides high performance on the 80 through SB), AM, or id the compact package contains many features engineered for maximum 10 meter bands. The operator may select upper or lower sideband (USB, L CW operation, convenience during mobile operation. The TUNE control provides single-knob peaking of all transceiver circuits, thus eliminating inconvenient plate and load controls. Transmitter final amplifier input power is adjustable, up toa level of 100 watts. A high performance noise blanker minimizes impulse-type noise such as that found in mobile applications. Also built-in are a 100 kHz crystal calibrator and receiver offset tuning (clarifier), For CW operation, an audio peak filter plus semi- break-in with sidetone are provided The receiver front end utilizes MOS FET and Schottky diode circuitry for maximum sensitivity and immunity from overload The FT-7B operates directly from a 13.5 VDC power source. For base station operation the FP-12 power supply may be used to provide the necessary voltage. In order to derive the maximum satisfaction from your new FT-7B, we recommend that you read this instruction manual carefully, so as to understand fully the functions of the controls and switches. The YC-7B outboard digital frequency display unit is an available option for your FT-7B, providing versatile digital readout of your operating frequency. The YC- on the dash board, steering column, or other convenient location, for maximum visibility and driving safety B may be situated CW OPERATION (1) Plug the key fine into the rear apron KEY jack. CAUTION: When using an electronic keyer, the operator should be sure that the keyer output transistor or relay is rated for the current and voltage present at the key jack. The key line is 48V at 300 pA key down current Set the MODE switch to CW Automatic semi-break-in CW is utilized in the ¥T-7B. When the key is closed, the transmitter is automatically activated, and when the key is opened, returns (the receive condition after a slight delay. The length of the delay may be varied by adjust ment of VRios (4) In the key down condition, at maximum, drive, the IC meter should read approximately "12," and it should read “0” while in the transmit mode, key up. Q 3) the transceiver (5) To ensure accurate keying, 4 sidetone monitor is built in. When the transmitter is keyed, the sidetone will be heard on the internal speaker or headphones. ‘The sidetone may be adjusted by varying VRyo: volume level (6) When the keying speed is very slow, the keying relay in the transceiver may return to receive in the middie of a letter or word. If this is the case, it may be to the advantage of the PTT switch to activate the transmitter operator 10 use the (7) An effective audio peak filter is included, for a signi Adjustment of the audio filter quency is made by varying VRaca: ‘ant reduction in signahto-noise ratio. center fre: AM OPERATION (1) Set the MODE switch to AM, and press the microphone PTT switch (2), Without modulating the transmitter, advance the DRIVE control until the meter reads “$3” on the S-meter scale, (3) Speak into the microphone in # normal voice and advance the MIC GAIN control until a slight downward deflection of the meter is observed on voice peaks, (4) Do not readjust the DRIVE control to com Pensate for the downward deflection of the meter on voice peaks, or the ratings of the final transistors will be exceeded, Adjustment of the DRIVE level deseribed in step (2) must be made with no speech input to the microphone. IMPORTANT NOTE: When using this transceiver on RTTY, please do not exceed the ratings described for AM operation. Failure destruction of the final transistors DIAL CALIBRATION G1) Set the NB/MARK switch to MARK and VEO/FIX switch to VFO position, Set the main tuning dial, to the 100 kHz position nearest the desited operating fre- quency, to observe this precaution will result in @ (3) Adjust the lever undemeath the main tuning knob for zero beat against the marker signal. On AM, adjust the S-meter reading. On CW, adjust the dial for a frequency 800 Hz. lower than the frequency. For example, set the analog display for 6999.2 kHz, then adjust for a zero beat on the marker signal, using the calibration lever. The CW frequency is shifted 800 Hz lower in fre- queney and the frequency displayed will be the Uansmit carrier fre lever for a maximum “) zero beat on transmit, queney, c an Pow i F requenca SPECIFICATIONS GENFRAL Frequency coverage: ai 3.5 ~ 4.0 Miz, 4om 7.07.5 Mie 20m 14.0 14.5 MHz, 15m 21.0 21.5 Mi loma 28.0 - 28.5 MHz ** 10mB 5 29.0 Mitz 1ome 29.0 29.5 MHz ** lom 29.5 29.9 MI ** ** 28.5 ~ 29.0 MHz crystal installed, other crystals available as options. Power requirements: 13.5 VDC £10% @ 10A transmit, 0.6 receive Dimensions: 230(W) x 80(H) x 320(D) mm including heat sink. Weight 5.5 ke, TRANSMITTER Emission: SSB, © Input power SSB, CW 100 watts DC, AM 25 watts DC Carrier suppression: Better than 50 dB below rated output. Unwanted sideband suppression: Better than $0 dB @ 1000Hz. Spurious emission: Better than 40 dB. Distortion products: Better than 31 dB. Transmitter frequency response 350. 2700 Hz (6 dB) Frequency stability Less than 300 Hz drift from a cold start, less than 100 Hz drift over a 30 minute period after warmup. Antenna output impedance: 50 ohms nominal Microphone input impedance $00 ohms nominal RECEIVER Sensitivity 0.25 HV for S/N 10.08. Image rejection: Better than 60dB 80 Retter than 50 dB 15 meters. 9 meters, IF rejection Better than 50 dB Selectivity 2.4 kHz (~6 dB), 4.0 kHz (. 60 dB) CW audio. peak filter: 80 Hz (6 dB). adjustable Audio output 3 watts @ 10% THD Audio output impedance: 4 ohms SEMICONDUCTORS Silicon transistors: IC actor diode: 2SAG2KA. L F4024PC I 182236 I ISCITIY 16 MC1496G t 28C373 1 MCI741 1 Zener diodes: 28C535A, 1 MCI4011BCP WZ090 1 2SCT3RSY 1 MCI4016B 1 YZ033 I ISC7T84R 1 TA?063P. 1 2SCLUOUGR 2 TAT205AP— Light emitting diode: 282099 “ uPC14308 1 GD-4-203SRD 1) 28C2395 1 28C1589 1 Schottky Diodes: 2N4427, 2 ISS16 4 MPSAI3 1 Isp2sY | rmanium diodes 28D636Q i INoO 5 1N270 4 FET 1S1007 a4 ISKIOGR 9 ISKIYY 4 Silicon Diodes: ISK4OLT 1 ISISSS 43 3SKS1-03 8 10D1 t JPLO33B 1 1ODIO 3 596 sSRSGR ACCESSORIES The following accessories are packaged along with (4) MINIATURE PHONE PLUGS beta loath Two miniature phone plugs aie included for instal lution on (1) the headphone cable, and (2) the (1) POWER CORD key lead The red and black power cord is three meters long, and if comes equipped with a -prong connector 45) PLUG ADAPTER at one end. In the cord there is a holder for the 15 amp fuse for the DC fine. The red wire should be connected to the positive side of the vehicle When the key lead or headphones already have w ‘"" phone plug installed, this adapter allows the lead to be used without modification to a miniature battery, and the black lead is connected (0 the hie negative side of the battery. DO NOT CONNECT THE POWER CABLF TO AN AC POWER SOURCE, OR PERMANENT DAMAGE. WILL RESULT. WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE CAUSED BY DIRECT APPLICATION OP AC TO THE TRANSCEIVER. (6) MOBILE MOUNTING BRACKET Universal bracket for quick mobile installation (7) EXTRA FUSE An extra 15 amp fuse for the DC lead is included (2) MICROPHONE in the event that the original fuse blows. When ‘The microphone connections are a8 follows: pin | placiny, fuses, be absolutely certain (0 use & fuse is the COMMON connection; pin 2 is the MIC lead of the proper rating. OUR WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPROPER FUSE REPLACEMENT pin 3 is the PTT (push to talk) connection: (3) COAXIAL CONNECTOR Standard M-type (ULE) coux connector FRUNT PANEL CONTROLS ® ® (1) EAR ‘This jack accommodates a 4 — 8 ohm headphone through a miniature phone jack. When the head- phone plug is inserted into this jack, the internal and external speakers are disconnected. (2) MIC A four-pin socket accommodates the mic plug for microphone and PTT (push-to-talk) input. Micro- phone impedance is 500 ohms (low impedance). (3) POWER This is the main ON/OFF switch for the trans- ceiver. (4) AF GAIN ‘The AF GAIN control varies the audio output level at the speaker and earphone jacks. Clockwise rotation increases the gain level (5) RF GAIN ‘The RF GAIN control varies the gain of the receiver IF and RF stages. Clockwise rotation increases the gain level (6) TUNING KNOB This knob controls the VFO frequency. One revolution covers approximately 16 kHz of band- spread, (8 dH dHi9da (7) CALIB When the MARK switch is activated, the 100 kHz calibrator becomes operational, and the CALIB control allows zeroing of the calibrator signal with the tuning dial calibration mark (8) DIAL The main tuning dial has numerical calibrations every 10 kHz, and marks every | kHz, The sub- dial is numerically calibrated every 100 kHz, with an additional mark every 50 kHz. (9) TUNE This control peaks all transceiver signal circuits for the frequency being used. (10) DRIVE This control is used to vary the power output from about S watts to maximum, (11) BAND The BAND switch selects the frequency band desired. Coverage of 80 through 10 meters is provided. (12) SIDEBAND SELECTOR When the MODE switch is in the SSB position, this switch selects between USB and LSB.

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