100 Photographs That Changed The World

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100 Photographs that Changed the World

Anne Frank 1941

Six million Jews died in the Holocaust. For many throughout the
world, one teenage girl gave them a story and a face. She was Anne
Frank, the adolescent who, according to her diary, retained her hope
and humanity as she hid with her family in an Amsterdam attic. In
1944 the Nazis, acting on a tip, arrested the Franks; Anne and her
sister died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen only a month before the camp
was liberated. The world came to know her through her words and
through this ordinary portrait of a girl of 14. She stares with big eyes,
wearing an enigmatic expression, gazing at a future that the viewer
knows will never come.

Photographer Unknown

Dead on the Beach 1943

When LIFE ran this stark, haunting photograph of a beach in Papua

New Guinea on September 20, 1943, the magazine felt compelled to
ask in an adjacent full-page editorial, “Why print this picture, anyway,
of three American boys dead upon an alien shore?” Among the
reasons: “words are never enough . . . words do not exist to make us
see, or know, or feel what it is like, what actually happens.” But there
was more to it than that; LIFE was actually publishing in concert with
government wishes. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was convinced
that Americans had grown too complacent about the war, so he lifted
the ban on images depicting U.S. casualties. Strock’s picture and
others that followed in LIFE and elsewhere had the desired effect.
The public, shocked by combat’s grim realities, was instilled with yet
greater resolve to win the war
Biafra 1969

When the Igbos of eastern Nigeria declared themselves independent

in 1967, Nigeria blockaded their fledgling country-Biafra. In three
years of war, more than one million people died, mainly of hunger. In
famine, children who lack protein often get the disease kwashiorkor,
which causes their muscles to waste away and their bellies to
protrude. War photographer Don McCullin drew attention to the
tragedy. "I was devastated by the sight of 900 children living in one
camp in utter squalor at the point of death," he said. "I lost all interest
in photographing soldiers in action." The world community intervened
to help Biafra, and learned key lessons about dealing with massive
hunger exacerbated by war-a problem that still defies simple
Birmingham 1963

For years, Birmingham, Ala., was considered “the South’s toughest

city,” home to a large black population and a dominant class of whites
that met in frequent, open hostility. Birmingham in 1963 had become
the cause célèbre of the black civil rights movement as nonviolent
demonstrators led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. repeatedly faced
jail, dogs and high-velocity hoses in their tireless quest to topple
segregation. This picture of people being pummeled by a liquid
battering ram rallied support for the plight of the blacks.

Nagasaki 1945

Nothing like the mushroom cloud had ever been seen, not by the
general public. It was a suitably awesome image for the power
unleashed below. On August 6 the first atomic bomb killed an
estimated 80,000 people in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. There
was no quick surrender, and three days later a second bomb
exploded 500 meters above the ground in Nagasaki. The blast wind,
heat rays reaching several thousand degrees and radiation destroyed
anything even remotely nearby, killing or injuring as many as 150,000
at the time, and more later. As opposed to the very personal images
of war that had brought the pain home, the ones from Japan that
were most shocking were those from a longer perspective, showing
the enormity of what had occurred.

Breaker Boys1910
What Charles Dickens did with words for the underage toilers of
London, Lewis Hine did with photographs for the youthful laborers in
the United States. In 1908 the National Child Labor Committee was
already campaigning to put the nation’s two million young workers
back in school when the group hired Hine. The Wisconsin native
traveled to half the states, capturing images of children working in
mines, mills and on the streets. Here he has photographed “breaker
boys,” whose job was to separate coal from slate, in South Pittston,
Pa. Once again, pictures swayed the public in a way cold statistics
had not, and the country enacted laws banning child labor.
South of the DMZ 1966

Contrary to the constraints that were put upon the press in

subsequent conflicts, and even to the embedded program used in the
recent Iraqi war, correspondents and photographers in Vietnam
could, as Walter Cronkite wrote in LIFE, “accompany troops to
wherever they could hitch a ride, and there was no censorship . . .
That system—or lack of one—kept the American public well informed
of our soldiers’ problems, their setbacks and their heroism.” Reaching
Out is a quintessential example of the powerful imagery that came
out of Vietnam. “The color photographs of tormented Vietnamese
villagers and wounded American conscripts that Larry Burrows took
and LIFE published, starting in 1962, certainly fortified the outcry
against the American presence in Vietnam,” Susan Sontag wrote in
her essay “Looking at War,” in the December 9, 2002, New Yorker.
“Burrows was the first important photographer to do a whole war in
color—another gain in verisimilitude and shock.” Burrows was killed
when the helicopter he was riding in was shot down over Laos in
The Crimean War 1855

A British solicitor with an artistic bent, Roger Fenton took up the

paintbrush and then, after seeing photography on display at the Great
Exhibition in Hyde Park in 1851, the camera. Fenton shot landscapes
and portraits, and pictures of Queen Victoria’s children at Windsor
Castle in 1854. The next year, he was assigned by a print dealer to
cover the Crimean War, being waged by England and France against
Russia. Thus the war became the first conflict with any substantial
photographic record. Battling cholera and broken ribs, lugging his
developing lab on a horse-drawn carriage, Fenton produced 350
images. They are stately and sedate for war photography, since
neither the queen nor Fenton’s sponsors wanted to see carnage or
any evidence of a war that was progressing badly.

Cuban Missile Crisis 1962

On October 22, 1962, after accusing the U.S.S.R. of installing nuclear

missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy ordered a blockade of
the island. When the Soviet ambassador to the U.N. refused to deny
the charge, U.S. ambassador Adlai Stevenson confronted him with
these photos of missile sites taken by the high-flying spy plane, the
U-2, and the Soviets were compelled to back down. The presentation
of seemingly incontrovertible evidence would become known as an
“Adlai Stevenson moment.” Robert F. Kennedy later admitted that he
and his brother found the grainy images quite baffling, and banked on
the interpretation proffered by the CIA: “I, for one, had to take their
word for it.”

Cuban Missile Crisis 1962

This photograph. taken on November 10, 1962 (from less than 500 ft.
altitude at a speed of 713 mph). Clearly shown are Soviet-built SA-2
surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) in place at launch sites. It is claimed
that this was President Kennedy's favorite photo of the installations,
and was mounted in the oval office. He used this photo to
demonstrate the nature of the threat that the offensive weapons
provided. The pattern of dots surrounding the sites are claimed to be
camouflage nets..
Michael Dukakis, 1988 - Another Landmark Image

After Gary Hart was photographed with a model (no, not his wife) in
1988 on a boat dubbed Monkey Business, Massachusetts Governor
Michael Dukakis became the Democrat's choice to run for President
against George Bush. At a General Dynamics plant in Michigan, the
Duke wanted to show he was no softie on defense, so took a spin in
a tank. Compared with the dashing WWII pilot Bush, the little Dukakis
came off a clown, and the photo op blew up in his face.
Earthrise 1968

The late adventure photographer Galen Rowell called it “the most

influential environmental photograph ever taken.” Captured on
Christmas Eve, 1968, near the end of one of the most tumultuous
years the U.S. had ever known, the Earthrise photograph inspired
contemplation of our fragile existence and our place in the cosmos.
For years, Frank Borman and Bill Anders of the Apollo 8 mission
each thought that he was the one who took the picture. An
investigation of two rolls of film seemed to prove Borman had taken
an earlier, black-and-white frame, and the iconic color photograph,
which later graced a U.S. postage stamp and several book covers,
was by Anders.

Execution of a Viet Cong Guerrilla 1968

With North Vietnam’s Tet Offensive beginning, Nguyen Ngoc Loan,

South Vietnam’s national police chief, was doing all he could to keep
Viet Cong guerrillas from Saigon. As Loan executed a prisoner who
was said to be a Viet Cong captain, AP photographer Eddie Adams
opened the shutter. Adams won a Pulitzer Prize for a picture that, as
much as any, turned public opinion against the war. Adams felt that
many misinterpreted the scene, and when told in 1998 that the
immigrant Loan had died of cancer at his home in Burke, Va., he
said, “The guy was a hero. America should be crying. I just hate to
see him go this way, without people knowing anything about him.”

Betty Grable 1942

World War II took American boys to far-flung places and some rough
duty. For many, mail came infrequently at best, and at times it held
only a Dear John letter. The troops were desperate for some link to
home, some reminder of what they were fighting for. Betty Grable and
her million-dollar legs were the perfect balm for what ailed ’em, and
this 1942 pinup of the easygoing girl with oodles of back-home
charm, and other assets, made the war seem a little more bearable.
Sexy pinups later grew to poster size, perhaps most memorably in
the endlessly reproduced portrait of Farrah Fawcett.

Johnson Is Sworn In 1963

Lyndon Baines Johnson takes the presidential oath of office on
November 22 as Air Force One carries his wife, Lady Bird, Jacqueline
Kennedy and several White House aides back to Washington from
Dallas. Earlier, President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated,
and the speed with which this ceremony was arranged—and the
photo released—was purposeful. Johnson and his advisers wanted to
assure a shocked nation that the government was stable, the
situation under control. Images from the Zapruder film of the
shooting, which would raise so many questions, would not be made
public for days.
Kent State 1970

When President Richard Nixon said he was sending troops to

Cambodia, the nation’s colleges erupted in protest. At Kent State
some threw rocks. The Ohio National Guard, called in to quell the
turmoil, suddenly turned and fired, killing four; two were simply
walking to class. This photo captured a pivotal moment: American
soldiers had just killed American kids. Student photographer John
Filo won the Pulitzer; the event was also memorialized in a Neil
Young song and a TV movie. The girl, Mary Ann Vecchio, turned out
not to be a Kent State student, but a 14-year-old runaway. She was
sent back to her family in Florida.
Hazel Bryant - Another Landmark Image

It was the fourth school year since segregation had been outlawed by
the Supreme Court. Things were not going well, and some
southerners accused the national press of distorting matters. This
picture, however, gave irrefutable testimony, as Elizabeth Eckford
strides through a gantlet of white students, including Hazel Bryant
(mouth open the widest), on her way to Little Rock’s Central High.

Clarence Hailey Long, 1949 - Another Landmark Image

This is C.H. Long, a 39-year-old foreman at the JA ranch in the Texas
panhandle, a place described as “320,000 acres of nothing much.”
Once a week, Long would ride into town for a store-bought shave and
a milk shake. Maybe he’d take in a movie if a western was playing.
He said things like, “If it weren’t for a good horse, a woman would be
the sweetest thing in the world.” He rolled his own smokes. When the
cowboy’s face and story appeared in LIFE in 1949, advertising exec
Leo Burnett had an inspiration. The company Philip Morris, which had
introduced Marlboro as a woman’s cigarette in 1924, was seeking a
new image for the brand, and the Marlboro Man based on Long
boosted Marlboro to the top of the worldwide cigarette market.
Lynching 1930

A mob of 10,000 whites took sledgehammers to the county jailhouse

doors to get at these two young blacks accused of raping a white girl;
the girl’s uncle saved the life of a third by proclaiming the man’s
innocence. Although this was Marion, Ind., most of the nearly 5,000
lynchings documented between Reconstruction and the late 1960s
were perpetrated in the South. (Hangings, beatings and mutilations
were called the sentence of “Judge Lynch.”) Some lynching photos
were made into postcards designed to boost white supremacy, but
the tortured bodies and grotesquely happy crowds ended up revolting
as many as they scared. Today the images remind us that we have
not come as far from barbarity as we’d like to think.
Migrant Mother 1936

This California farmworker, age 32, had just sold her tent and the
tires off her car to buy food for her seven kids. The family was living
on scavenged vegetables and wild birds. Working for the federal
government, Dorothea Lange took pictures like this one to document
how the Depression colluded with the Dust Bowl to ravage lives.
Along with the writing of her economist husband, Paul Taylor,
Lange’s work helped convince the public and the government of the
need to help field hands. Lange later said that this woman, whose
name she did not ask, “seemed to know that my pictures might help
her, and so she helped me.”

Galloping Horse 1878

Was there a moment midstride when horses had all hooves off the
ground? Leland Stanford, the railroad baron and future university
founder, bet there was—or at least that’s the story. It was 1872 when
Stanford hired noted landscape photographer Eadweard Muybridge
to figure it out. It took years, but Muybridge delivered: He rigged a
racetrack with a dozen strings that triggered 12 cameras. Muybridge
not only proved Stanford right but also set off the revolution in motion
photography that would become movies. Biographer Rebecca Solnit
summed up his life: “He is the man who split the second, as dramatic
and far-reaching an action as the splitting of the atom.”

Pigeon House and Barn 1827

As early as 1793, Frenchman Nicéphore Niépce and his brother

Claude imagined a photographic process, and over the next several
years, Nicéphore experimented with various light-sensitive
substances and cameras. In 1824 he produced a view from his
window on a metal plate covered with asphalt. That and most other
pictures fashioned by Niépce in the 1820s no longer exist, but the
fuzzy image of a pigeon house and a barn roof taken in the summer
of 1827 is a good representation of Niépce’s art. To make what he
called a “heliograph,” or sun drawing, Niépce employed an exposure
time of more than eight hours. Photography, if not yet practical, had
been invented.

How Life Begins 1965

In 1957 he began taking pictures with an endoscope, an instrument

that can see inside a body cavity, but when Lennart Nilsson
presented the rewards of his work to LIFE’s editors several years
later, they demanded that witnesses confirm that they were seeing
what they thought they were seeing. Finally convinced, they
published a cover story in 1965 that went on for 16 pages, and it
created a sensation. Then, and over the intervening years, Nilsson’s
painstakingly made pictures informed how humanity feels about . . .
well, humanity. They also were appropriated for purposes that
Nilsson never intended. Nearly as soon as the 1965 portfolio
appeared in LIFE, images from it were enlarged by right-to-life
activists and pasted to placards.
Promontory Point 1869

The ceremony begins on May 10, 1869, as an eastbound Central

Pacific locomotive and a westbound Union Pacific locomotive meet in
Promontory Point, Utah, marking the completion of the first
transcontinental railroad. The men on the cowcatchers are ready to
toast the driving of the golden spike. The work had been brutal. At
one stage, efforts to tunnel through the marble spine of a Sierra
Nevada mountain consumed an entire year, as only eight inches a
day of progress was possible. So: a fabulous accomplishment. But
this is also an early example of a photo op—the use of a picture as a
means to an end. Folks back East could see, plain as day, that a train
could take them all the way to California, where businessmen
anxiously awaited their commerce.
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire 1911

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company always kept its doors locked to

ensure that the young immigrant women stayed stooped over their
machines and didn’t steal anything. When a fire broke out on
Saturday, March 25, 1911, on the eighth floor of the New York City
factory, the locks sealed the workers’ fate. In just 30 minutes, 146
were killed. Witnesses thought the owners were tossing their best
fabric out the windows to save it, then realized workers were jumping,
sometimes after sharing a kiss (the scene can be viewed now as an
eerie precursor to the World Trade Center events of September, 11,
2001, only a mile and a half south). The Triangle disaster spurred a
national crusade for workplace safety.
Tiananmen Square 1989

A hunger strike by 3,000 students in Beijing had grown to a protest of

more than a million as the injustices of a nation cried for reform. For
seven weeks the people and the People’s Republic, in the person of
soldiers dispatched by a riven Communist Party, warily eyed each
other as the world waited. When this young man simply would not
move, standing with his meager bags before a line of tanks, a hero
was born. A second hero emerged as the tank driver refused to crush
the man, and instead drove his killing machine around him. Soon this
dream would end, and blood would fill Tiananmen. But this picture
had shown a billion Chinese that there is hope.
Flight 1903

On December 17, 1903, two bicycle mechanics from Ohio realized

one of humanity’s wildest dreams: For 12 seconds they were
possessed of true flight. Before the day ended, Orville and Wilbur
Wright would keep their wood-wire-and-cloth Flyer aloft for 59
seconds. Sober citizens knew that only birds used wings to take to
the air, so without being at the site, near Kitty Hawk, N.C., or seeing
this photo, few would have believed the Wrights’ story. Although it
had taken ages for humans to fly, once the brothers made their
breakthrough, the learning curve reached the heavens. Within 15
years of this critical moment, nearly all the elements of the modern
airplane had been imagined, if not yet developed.

First Human X-ray 1896

To know something like the back of your hand is a timeless concept,

one taken yet further by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen. While working on
a series of experiments with a Crookes tube, he noticed that a bit of
barium platinocyanide emitted a fluorescent glow. He then laid a
photographic plate behind his wife’s hand (note the wedding rings),
and made the first X-ray photo. Before that, physicians were unable
to look inside a person’s body without making an incision. Roentgen
was the recipient of the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901.

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